Tonight an exclusive report about how Gramscians are corrupting our institutions .
No sorry it will be the usual
Brexit is bad
More money neede for the NHS
Something ,even if they have to dredge through the archives , about racism
Top people of something warning us that we should do something ( ie some elitists want more money )
Heard on the BBC yesterday by a Remainer (don’t know who it was) ” If Britain is not expected to pay for leaving the EEC then everyone would leave.” !!!!!!! Did not hear it repeated but whoever it was probably regretted it and I am sure will NOT be invited to comment again.
Page 3 of The Times today is all about an enterprising Azad Chaiwala who has set up a polygamous matchmaking website for Muslims which has over 100,000 users.
The noble Beeb always rally to the feminist cause: sexual harrassment, ‘unequal pay’ and sexism in sport being just a few of the countless causes they have championed.
At the heart of romantic love is exclusivity; the marriage vows expressly mention the exclusion of all others. Anyone who has experienced sexual jealousy will avow that it is the most terrible, terrible thing. What could be more utterly degrading to women than to be a second or third wife?
Surely the feminist sisters at the Beeb will be all over this? Can’t we expect one of their trademark SJW campaigns to have the website shut down immediately?
Alas, the silence from the BBC is deafening. What vile hypocrites they are. I’m sure the new female Dr Who would struggle to do her job if she had to ask permission from a man before slaying any baddies.
If one muslim guy has four wives, does it follow that three muslim guys are going to be without a wife? Maybe that is why they are so keen on infidel girls.
I’m more concerned at the number of offspring conceived by four wives and the amount of child benefit being paid. Like rabbits (literally) it doesn’t take long for 4 wives to produce say 4 kids each – 16 per household; 20 households in a street = 320 kids in one street (possibly less probably more). The maths are staggering – whole Islamic towns created in less than a generation. Does no-one see this ???? and how it can affect the demographics of this country ?
Sometimes, in public I see young children, English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish. I look at them & I think ‘you poor kids, what will your world be like when you are grown up? What is this generation leaving behind for you? What horrors will you have to face? It’s stomach-churning. How the white boys are being demoralised. And the little girls! What will happen to them? Legalised sex-slavery? Forced baby-machines? The future looks bleak. I am not without hope that the tide can be turned but it’s an uphill struggle we face.
Lucy Pevensey
Removes sexual desire, same effect as castration, no surgery, works for one year at a time.
Works on cats, dogs and ferrets. As for the future?
If it were available in tablet form could be deposited in food outlets selling special kinds of slaughtered meat products.
Think of the alternative.
“The future looks bleak. I am not without hope that the tide can be turned but it’s an uphill struggle we face.”
It sure does Lucy!
Of late, I have had to do all my travels by taxi and I have noticed that when the driver is a Muslim he/they always seems to have a kinda smirky smile on their face as if “he knows” what Britain will be like many decades ahead! Thinking to himself: look at all these white males and females – tipping me, little knowing that all their tips are going towards my new house in Pakistan, Bradford, even while the new benefits my wives/and adult daoghters receive will pay off my 3rd car in 2 years time.
You are not alone. When I see innocent little children happily playing, I too wonder what will become of them in the islamic future our politicians have decreed. I dread to think what will happen to them, or what will be left of Britain. Perhaps the best we can hope for is some sort of partition. It happened in India, it may well come to that here.
In 50 years, I hope and believe that they are living in Canada, Switzerland, down under etc – even parts of the far East. We only need some country to recognise that there are 10m of us who’d love to live somewhere decent and are willing to work hard, contribute, spend our money and not demand to change the country’s laws and culture! “Our” Britain will become a national equivalent of, at best, Swindon; or, at worst, Jaywick.
The Government had better get that right before starting building their ‘Affordable Homes’ – I guess 16 bed homes is not within their contemplation yet. But there, they’ve got all the numbers wrong to date with regard to immigration.
Perhaps they can design their ‘Affordable Homes’ on the basis that one can quickly be converted into two or more to satisfy the polygamists amongst us?
G… I agree. Affordable Homes are another contentious issue. Affordable homes for whom ? that’s the question. I’ve read nothing where property developers or Buy to Let investors (China ??) will be unable to make a killing on these potential homes. With that and more and more migrants haunting the auction rooms, the situation we are currently in is one that will never change. Like pouring money into the NHS doesn’t make an iota of difference, building a few thousand houses is like putting a sticking plaster on a broken leg. Every housing estate being thrown up means another week’s wait at the local GP surgery. Further, it doesn’t matter what time of the day you go out in the car (unless its 3 am), the roads are increasingly clogged up, – who wants to go anywhere now, particularly Bank Holidays. A day at the seaside ? forget it.
Even if the drawbridge was pulled up tomorrow with not another soul allowed in, this country is vastly overpopulated for the current infrastructure. If its racist to say that had we not opened the doors at the beginning of the Millennium to the world and his (her) wife, our daily life and transport would be so much better, then so be it .
Brissles – The end game to this project of mass immigration, from the fifties onwards, is that Britain’s (and Europe’s) majority population becomes a huge racial mishmash. There will eventually be no majority homogenous population in Britain who are ethnically British who stand together and will be able to stop what will happen, they haven’t woken up here yet (still voting for the same Lib-Lab-Con-etc) and by the time they do it shall be too late anyway; far, far beyond resolution via the ballot box.
The population of the country (countries) will be divided along numerous racial and religious lines and so in continual hostility amongst itself; distracted by bread and circuses like sportsball; pornography and trinkets from Amazon – so as to be more easily controlled by an incredibly wealthy elite, powerfully protected from the majority beneath them.
That’s why we have some of the strictest gun laws in the world, which give the state a monopoly on the use of armed force and why there is this unceasing attempt in America by their elite to try to restrict gun ownership there.
The Founding Fathers knew what they were about, in giving the citizens of the U.S. the “Right” to defend themselves from government tyranny by dint of arms; if necessary.
No point blaming politicians, claiming that they are “protected”. Every government we’ve had for some considerable time has been elected by apathetic voters who’ve either voted for parties they don’t particularly like out of habit, out of peer pressure (rosette on donkey syndrome), out of a totally hypocritical desire to appear “nice”, or they haven’t voted at all. Democracy can be a powerful force, but not if people take it for granted as a system that “just works”, without any intelligent input from the electorate. It needs to be used.
If people had made some attempt to break the complacency of the main parties by voting for minor parties occasionally, we might have a government now that comes closer to what people want. UKIP and Farage gave us a Brexit vote with no more than one MP – and he was largely irrelevant.
I’ve actually voted BNP in the past – now there’s a confession – not because I wanted them in government because that was never on the cards – but because I believed that the existing parties needed to understand that anything was possible, no matter how abhorrent it might have appeared to them. The almost complete suppression of news of the Football Lads Alliance march confirms where their fears lie. Avoiding alcohol, flags and chants was a master-stroke and displayed a degree of self control that I wouldn’t have believed possible.
We’ve got exactly what we voted for and I don’t believe for one second that a rag bag of ill disciplined macho jerks with guns would make a difference. Probably end up killing each other. A military takeover, however, might stand a chance but I can’t see it happening.
The government needs to fear the election of an “extreme right wing” (as it would view it) party before it will listen, then self interest would prevail and work in our favour. Unfortunately it will probably take an atrocity on a scale we haven’t experienced before to make this happen.
Where did I “claim” ‘”politicians”‘ were protected?
Do you really believe a group of people, the members of which can be voted out every four years (or less) are part of the elite?
No way! The people who really run things and seek to shape the future, aren’t given power in temporary increments by the likes of us; they’ve ruthlessly attained the power they’ve got and would be equally ruthless in keeping it.
Yes, the likes of Blair/Drunky etc are merely the more public manifestation of a seamless exercise of power decade after decade. They are important to be sure but they also realise that they are ultimately expendable.
The real power will be held by faceless and nameless people who may well be sitting next to you on the train commuting to their London etc office.
This final scene from “A Very British Coup” rather exemplifies the point (ignore the “left”/”right” paradigm of this fine drama, that’s only to make us believe there’s a choice).
Wild cards are occasionally thrown up of course, Hitler comes to mind……
Al Shubtill “The people who really run things and seek to shape the future, aren’t given power in temporary increments by the likes of us; they’ve ruthlessly attained the power they’ve got and would be equally ruthless in keeping it.”
Oh dear. In that case, why do you come here? If that’s really what we’re up against, this blog is virtually pointless and Brexit, for example, will be stopped dead in its tracks any time now.
Brissels, I think we were able to cope with the immigration as it was until the 1997 Government when the odious Blaire deliberately opened the doors to what he thought to be prospective Labour voters who would ensure a Labour administration for years to come. That was initially a likely scenario, but did he have any idea regarding the cultural upheaval it would cause and the real danger of a medieval regime being forced on this country when the Muslim population is in the majority?
Do you think that this is the cause of the propensity of Muslim to rape girls? If one Muslim chap has four wives then about three don’t have a wife , so how do they satisfy their urges? Seems a very bad idea to me.
It’s a common phenomenon in tribal societies. The Rape of the Sabine Women is a classic example from Livy. The women were not actually raped in the Muslim way. The neighbouring Sabines very sensibly had refused to let their women marry Romans as they feared the Romans would outbreed them and so eventually be able to dominate them. The Sabine Women were captured at a feast the Romans organised for that purpose. Livy says the Sabine women were not forced to marry but offered various rights and inducements. Of course the usual tribal logic is that women who are no longer virgins or thought not to be virgins are no longer marriageable and so worthless. Under these circumstances the Sabine women probably had no choice but to remain with the Romans as their wives. What an enrichment Islamic culture has been for Britain! Its customs are more barbaric than those of the Romans in the time of Romulus and Remus.
Where polygamy is illegal, we advise you still have a ceremony in which your families and the religious community recognise the relationship as a marriage, even though it may not be legally registered. Such a ceremony as a nikah in your local mosque.
It is also important to be aware that when a marriage is not registered there would be no legal ties between the man and woman. {}
– ‘Where polygamy is illegal,’ – just do it anyway!
Feel a lot more optimistic about things than my friends above seem to do.
The Saudi bit in the Guardian yesterday may well be “taqiyya”, but if their Crown Prince Salman honestly thinks that a moderate Islam is required, then he could well ensure this-his nation is Keeper of the Two Mosques, and has caused most of the worldwide terrors.
Trump surely put him straight a few months back at the OIS.
1. Your oil is going-and we can frack our own.
2. Your public sector can no longer be afforded to keep thick privileged princes on the dole or playing gameboy on the arab street much longer.
3. You used to have a “moderate and cultural” role in your Muslim model, albeit well before the Ottomans. God knows we hear of little else from the Science Museums and Melvyn Bragg.
Now you can act-or we will fund a reformed Iran or Turkey to snuff you out.
Of couse, none of this ever makes the BBC-but glad of our ladies Bible study where such things can crop up.
If we kill the IS teenage Cancer Trusties over in Raqqa, etc than this would send the right message to the liberals here. And scare the MCB as well.
This rot in out country has been indulged too long.
Beeb Brother, I suspect a campaign for legal polygamy will be a big issue in years to come. I’m sure the Beeb will be in the forefront of the issue, as usual.
‘Conspiracy’ is simply defined in the UK as, ‘……if one person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, either:
(a) will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more……..
(b) ……….
he is guilty of conspiracy……’
Surely our true and honest public spirited BBC should refer the matter to the police? Oh, sorry, hang on, they’re fully committed in the relentless search for ‘hate speech’………….
Meanwhile we turn a blind eye to Muslim bigamy despite bigamy being a criminal offence . No doubt these wives are busy claiming benefits for their children too.
I try my best to be on topic, and squeeze in a BBC reference somehow, but I am afraid I couldn’t think of a biased BBC angle for this:
Good News #1: Hillary Clinton has launched her latest book, “What Happened”, and it has straightaway rocketed to the top of Amazon’s bestseller chart! Remember, she won the popular vote, so sales of up to 65 million are expected! Ignore the ridiculous rumour that 3 million were dead at the time of voting!
Good News #2: The Trump playbook is doing so badly that it is on sale now! Half-price special offer for Lab/LibDems/SNP/Wet Tory members only! Just 10 pounds plus 3.95 p&p. Grab a copy!*
*Note: The Trump playbook was written with winners in mind. It therefore comes with a warning label on the back: “Will backfire on lefty/liberal losers”.
The BBC is suddenly backing Russell Brand again, putting his words on a pedestal, even though he’s clearly just regurgitating the usual student union hyperbolic drivel for attention.
And what does he blame for this? Open borders to non-integrating migrants putting strain on our services and our jobs, diminishing our culture and leaving us open to increased terror attacks? Nope, just populism, Trump, Brexit, and pretty much everything that are the RESULTS of the problems rather than the problems themselves, all of which have been caused by selfish bureaucrats and spineless politicians who don’t care or know about how the rest of us live.
The Young Ones was over 30 years ago and was parodying the likes of Brand before he could even speak.
ALM, this wretched populism is getting everywhere.
I am actually looking forward to the day when Russell Brand becomes much less popular than he is and he can go off and sort out his personal demons quietly without imposing himself on the BBC and the public at large. I wish him well for that.
Brand deserves a fatwa for dressing up as Bin Laden after 9/11.
Who`s going to tell the Danish imams or the local mosque that he mocked their prophet(piss be upon him).
It`s a public duty…and at least he`d get some kind of mention in an obituary, which surely leaves his legacy. Might even a school of learing or a library like Blair or Bush if he dies early!
This “obituary good if you top yourself now” ought to be offered by way of a comfort letter to Prescott, Campbell, Hoon, Byers and all the other new labour crud, whilst matron or the madhouse staff still can communicate.
Got BBC IPlayer on your TV ?
BBC doesn’t care about it not working after only 5 years.
IPlayer’s Peter Lasko was just on R4 You and Yours shrugging his shoulders..’So it’s just like a your old browser is not compatible now’
…its certain Samsung models that have this problem.
Many models stopped worked in the last year, but a new change on Oct 17 stops more
This ‘progress’ has been going on for many years now.
Given their love of fruit-based IT products and that brand being so keen on removing backwards-compatibility it can’t be long before iPlayer only works on iPhone 14. (Isn’t it funny how the branding is so similar?)
In such a febrile political atmosphere, is there any slim chance that those tasked with ensuring the Universal Credit system works – having perhaps a different political approach to that of the government – might deliberately delay payments? And might the BBC investigate the possibility? Only asking.
When I worked at the anti Poll tax campaign, I well remember sending out giros to friends who were on my newsletter lists in my job with the local DHSS.
You can bet that the left will purposefully cause maximum damage to screw up the UC payments, and will be telling the media where the money shots are to be found for every news bulletin. The likes of Serwotka of old would not miss their chance to bring the Tories down-and the idiot Tories cluelessly blunder on as if it`s a cricket match or something.
All the brains are in pushing for a hard Brexit now.
Apparently the BBC have taken themselves to task for not challenging ‘climate sceptic’ Lord Lawson’s spurious claim that ‘….world temperatures have shown a slight drop.’ The Met Office confirm that this statement is incorrect and that temperatures have, in fact, risen.
The BBC might have added: Depending on those figures which are preferred, interpreted or given credence, but somehow overlooked the obvious opportunity to provide a truly balanced view.
No rather propagandists have come back for a second bite of the cherry and created a propaganda event.
Cos shortly after his R4 Today Lawson corrected himself.
“If anything temperatures are falling now” he’d first said. One day later he said the makers of that particular data set have said that it doesn’t show temperature is falling.
There is irony
however now that La Nina seems certain it does seem likely that soon global temperatures for each month should be lower than they were under last years El Nino.
The long term trend over 20 years should show a rise, but at a rate so small that its close to measurement error of the instruments/calculations.
And is not in proportion to atmospheric CO2.
Yes indeed, I have the fall in temperature, as would be expected from an El Nino. The Hiatus, Pause or Peak, Hale magnetic cycle is from 1997 to 2019. The one before that was a Global warming period, and according to Solar Astronomers, the next one is a Global cooling period. From past correlations, the decline is estimated to be 1.2 Kelvin, towards a mini-ice age, but lags mean that the cooling is not due to be noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest.
How does Lord Nigel Lawson get mentioned as a “non-expert”-but a Christine Legarde or a Lord Nichola Stern get left alone to blow smoke rings crap about global warmie stuff?
Lawson has put his own money into all this and will know a lot more about climate change that a World Bank robber, or a vague economist.
Some experts opinions are clearly what the BBC like-whereas others seem to make them sad.
BBC distraction ‘Here sheeple here’s new of an MP sending a letter asking for info already on uni websites’
– Actual real news hidden in local section
“Automatic weapon fired in Bradford street”
NEWS | Gun used in Thornton shooting incident was an automatic weapon
Use of a nail gun needs approval now I expect.
Nail extensions do not go well with triggers being used-not even the Princess Sparkles lacquer with extra glitter on a clear base.
“However, no UK laws stop unregistered religious ceremonies taking place.”
“The woman has the choice. She can walk away from the ‘marriage’ at any point.”
– So it’s not really a marriage is it? “She can walk away from the ‘marriage’ at any point”
– Using the word ‘wife’ rather than ‘play thing’ is misleading.
– Word illegal missing from the article … BBC are advocating this illegal practice? One step away from enforcement once enough people do it… direction of travel is clear.
Yes we’d rather the police spent time nailing perps of internet child porn rather than chasing so called internet hate-crime.
But the rule is a Dramaqueen headline must be supported by stats/evidence. Yet the West Midlands Police chief quoted in the Guardian doesn’t five us the stats , he just pleads for resources.
Journalists should have dug up the stats/evidence.
"UK hosts less than 0.1% of the world’s child sexual abuse images." Serious nations should impose embargo on nations with high rates.
My father says that TV did say 400 cases/month
A google of news articles still finds no proper number.
The reports do quote police saying that they do think a significant number are not an actual danger to children and just need proper counselling
I don’t see how 400/month across a whole country is an overwhelming number, police forces would have the resources for the handful in their area. And it is arguable that rather that going to full trial, the authorities should suspend the prosecution is the perp completes the proper psychiatry programme.
Well after seeing the Ch4 woman who dressed up as a Muslim, and how she attended a matchmaking session, I’m surprised that any Muslim bloke gets a wife at all with how the young man involved responded as to what he wanted from a wife. White men would get laughed at, and be told ‘in your dreams mate’ if they came out with that garbage.
Brissles, I couldn’t bring myself to watch that. It was obvious it was going to be a piece from the Islamic State of Propaganda. I wanted to keep my dinner down.
There was actually something worth watching on BBC4 last night. A repeat of All Aboard! The Country Bus.
A bus tour through The Yorkshire Dales. There is no dialogue so little chance for Beeby to squeeze in propaganda.
Just lovely Yorkshire countryside.
Bus is speeding away but little do the passengers know that their driver is the one outside in blue and he’s not trying to get on the bus he’s jumping ship as his benefits have been cancelled
Your post has just reminded me. Country Bus. A song written and sung by the most talented songwriter Britain has ever produced, the late great Jake Thackray. R.I.P Give him a listen sometime. If you’re not familiar with his work prepare to be amazed at the sheer brilliance of his music. every track is a masterpiece of understated wit.
Definitely very politically incorrect,and such a clever way with words that any working class person can relate to.
You girls missed a trick there.
Gravy browning on the face and a boxers prosthetic hooked nose like an Egyptian weather poppet seems to be what Channel 4 thinks a Muslima looks like.
If that`s not racist, what is.
Husband thinks it`s a right turn off,said something cruel about folds around the belly ring before he turned over.
But did get a lot of licks and kissings from the dog.
It would appear that the background of the writer of the BBC series ‘Gunpowder’ is even worse than reported here.
It’s worth a read, and as the author asks at the end would he have been even considered as a writer if he came from a background of right wing terrorism ?
It would appear that the background of the writer of the BBC series ‘Gunpowder’ is even worse than reported here.
It’s worth a read, and as the author asks at the end would he have been even considered as a writer if he came from a background of right wing terrorism ?
Perhaps they’ve put him on a de-radicalisation programme and he’s now one of the normal(?). But then, perhaps not.
We must look forward to a similar programme written by Anjem Choudary in due course.
Deradicalisation needs to be applied to Lefties every bit as much as it`s mentioned for Muslims.
They were the first radicals-and much more ingrained in their idiocy.
– An over stretched police force waiting for 200-300 jihadist terrorists to re-integrate into society in the UK.
– If the police/judiciary efforts go into terrorism, then fewer police/judges to protect the society it was order to protect.
I hate all the fluffy non-stories they run with, like being the only woman on a plane or a wrestler saving a woman. There are countless other websites which cover such inanities, and they do it much better than the Beeb. THEY ARE NOT NEWS!
They always moan about the Police service or whatever not being fit for purpose. Well they cost us a fortune but have downed tools and refuse to do any proper journalism anymore. It is like having to pay for a meal in a restuatenf and getting served a turd on a plate.
. . . 2017 timemachine to 1984 . . . Hate Crime or Thought Crime . . .
‘You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,’ he said almost sadly. ‘Even when you write it you’re still thinking in Oldspeak. I’ve read some of those pieces that you write in The Times occasionally. They’re good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
Winston did know that, of course. He smiled, sympathetically he hoped, not trusting himself to speak. Syme bit off another fragment of the dark-coloured bread, chewed it briefly, and went on:
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
One has currency, the other does not. One can stop big brands from displaying icons on snacks. One can make a country bend down on one knee and ban a book of fiction. One can stop the whole of the media system to display a cartoon. One can stop you thinking. Once can stop you talking. One asks for something simple …
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
Because the Organisation of Islamic States pushed for it to become a category or word worthy of censure in a co-ordinated UN summit , held in Durban in 2001 as I recall.
Details a bit blurred from memory-but think Melanie Phillips and Douglas Murray are on record as saying similar.
I’ve recently started reading Nineteen Eighty-Four (to my shame for the first time) and got up to that bit yesterday.
It is scarily appropriate. In fact there is something scarily apt on every page.
Is it time for a military coup yet?
TheIsland- I read it before as a piece of fiction. It is only recently that I realised that Orwell was writing a timeless classic to warn us of giving away independence. It is as though I am reading it for the first time to, so don’t worry about not reading it before. When you tie it into what is happening regards the BBC and the World it’s a very important book.
Completed in 1943, Orwell found that no publisher would print the book, due to its criticism of the USSR, an important ally of Britain in the War.[11] Once published, the book was banned in the USSR and other communist countries.[12] In 2002, the novel was banned in the schools of the United Arab Emirates, because it contained text or images that goes against Islamic values, most notably the occurrence of an anthropomorphic, talking pig.[13] The book is still banned in North Korea, and censored in Vietnam.
If you like ‘1984’ may I also suggest ‘The History Man’ by Malcolm Bradbury. It’s not very well known nowadays but it’s quite relevant to today’s society. It’s about a radical 1970s university academic who bullies and humiliates anyone who doesn’t agree with his left wing politics. Bradbury sets out to show how such people got into academia and took it over. Here is a clip from the BBC TV adaptation.
Bradburys book is brilliant.
Noted that Laurie Taylor used to flatter himself that Malcolm based the Kirk character upon himself.
Turned out to be crap-but that tells you what Laurie Taylors thinking is.
Funnily enough, his privileged and clueless son was on The Moral Maze tonight, and bemoaning the lack of opportunities for the lower orders in the working clarses.
Seemed not to think on how HE`s managed to get on, being the low-grade spawn of a cliche ridden old bore who`ll have to be carried out of the BBC in a wicca coffin.
And he thinks he was Kirk.
‘Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
Notice how although the English vocabulary has more words than other modern languages and thousands of adverbs to choose from, we are now fed “super”. Super rich, super poor, super cool, super big, super poor. People cannot be incredibly wealthy, staggeringly beautiful – just super rich and super beautiful. Not greatly excited, or awaiting an event with anticipation; just super excited.
On the other hand it is easy to spot group think. Those in the group mimic each others choice of words. By the same token, unless you use those approved words, you are outside the group and ostracised.
BBC morning headline.
“50% of women have experienced sexual abuse at work ”
What’s wrong with that headline ?
Its the fallacy of comparing apples and oranges.
In their sample they’ll have women who worked 40 years and others who have only one year.
The yeses from older women will be much more.
#2 Race/gender activists fallacy; instead of treating people as individuals they immediately act sexist by dividing data by sex . Because I am a small pretty man I’ve been abused by women and men, whereas some ugly big strong woman may not have been abused at all.
#3 Any survey that asks you to self define in “feelings” is not proper stats anyway.
Something along them lines. Has a lot to do with women been (usually) smaller thus don’t suffer as much as taller men when blood starts to pool due to gravity . Its also why Douglas Bader could perform higher G moves than his bipedal squadron mates.
SG, I do believe they are trying to build up momentum in this old sexist truck, and then drive it at Trump, who after all is the goto man for sexism in the workplace. Or was that the democrat president?
“Hitchens asks you to consider the treatment of Kathleen Willey, a friend of the President (Bill Clinton) whose husband had died unexpectedly. She went to the Oval Office to ask for a job and was rewarded by ‘the guiding by the presidential mitt of her own hand on to his (Clintons) distended penis’. When she spoke out, everyone believed her, although many wished she’d held her tongue.” {theguardian – Christopher Hitchens – may1999}
Oh yes, but if they had anything concrete they would have already used it.
They had to reach back 12 years for that tape which was just sleazi-ish but not law breaking.
On a daily basis the bBC knocks out numerous articles with which they try to counter the negative stories about Islam. Stories I should add all carried out by the hand of Muslims. Not only that, but they don’t bother their arse in reporting exactly how f-ing intolerant the followers of Islam are.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for intolerant Islam. Paid for by you
Anyway, as I was saying. If you rely on the bbc you’ll be completely unaware of the massive breaking stories in the US ie: Clinton, Holder, Mueller, Podesta, Obama, collusion, corruption, criminality and treason but hey, it’s the bbc. They’re still plugging the two failed, bitter Senators slagging off Trump. And that’s news because?
And the old Goebbels thing does work – even heard some AI Professor on ‘Hard Talk’ referring to Russian hacking of the US election. Talk about Artificial Intelligence – sheesh! as they say stateside.
Republican committees investigate Clinton and Obama { 24oct2017}
‘”This new investigation is a massive diversion to distract from the lack of Republican oversight of the Trump administration and the national security threat that Russia poses,” said Elijah Cummings and John Conyers in a statement.’
‘Mrs Clinton said in an interview with cable network C-SPAN on Monday that the Uranium One allegations are “baloney”.’
Dead right gaxvil.
The BBC chose to spout off about some Republicans who don`t like Trumps manner or manners.
Neither of who will be standing for re-election seeing as they`re going to lose big.
But the BBC now likes them.
Meanwhile Trump now knows that all that golden shower wickedness of last October was nothing but a Democratic funded hit piece of scurrilous lies suing the FBI and some British spy called Christopher Steel. But the BBC seem unconcerned, choosing not to give us a Hillary quote as she plugged her book.
Fake news?…this political class do nothing else any more.
Still-like to think there`s a slow fuse on this one.
Where is Ted Malloch , DJT?
You need some fighters over here to scorch the BBC and Channel 4 sir.
Christine Lagard on Climate ?
“Toasted, roasted and grilled”: IMF chief on future without climate action.
… “Is it real news ? or is it dramaqueening ?”
FFS look at the Guardian graphic.
Lagarde already has some kind of fraud conviction.
The bbc has now completely transitioned to become an unfunny, ‘Sunday Sport’. They are keen on getting us to eat insects at the moment but telling us insect numbers are declining. The bbc just don’t know what inanity to flog most:-
Driver-less, Tesla cars ploughing over a flooded/desertified, cooked/frozen planet while we sit in the back seat chomping down our locust meat Big Mac ?
Global warming, plastics in the sea. WHY is everyone having a go at us – the consumer ?? Target the bloody Manufacturers of plastic wrapping, that’s where the rot starts. We only consume what’s offered to us, and we’re stuffed if there’s no alternative. I’m sick of no-news days when the media then pushes their climate and pollution agendas. I wish someone would interview me in the street, I’d say “don’t blame us, we do our bit by recycling, have a go at the manufacturers who make the stuff’.
400 Skeptical Climate papers released this year so far. Strange these not mentioned by the “so-called” BBC and their WWF/Greenp*ss puppet Harrabin or useful idiot Attenborough.
FFS Lagarde is pictured in the Times at the investment conference in Riyadh
The story is about the Saudi Neomi new $500bn city plan
Solar wind smart Green city
IMHO Buying new green stuff uses more Earth resources it is not green. $500bn !
Cressida Dick just on Fox News. Good travel ad for London and it’s all ” fantastic ” and when asked how she’ll tackle terror – she failed to mention vetting, prosecution or deportation – funny that? No mention of the UK’s massive bacon hate incidents though.
She’s there to talk with US anti terror people so maybe she’ll come back with an idea for us to build walls and retreat behind them.
The problem with wall building is that the enemy is already within. Now if we were to chuck them out and then build a wall that would be something I could support.
Dear BBC, anyone can make history! That is now Clinton’s claim to success – just being around and making a noise?
Hillary Clinton ‘did make history’ { 12sep2017}
Hillary Clinton’s long-time adviser Philippe Reines has been discussing her new book about her 2016 election failure.
12 September 2017 : Katty Kay Presenter, BBC World News
Perhaps this post is for a thread that appeared a few days ago but thinking about the reaction to the BBC Drama series , Gunpowder. The aim of the corporation was to clearly show Protestant England as the villain of the piece and the oppressors of the Catholics. The inclusion of the torture scenes was designed to shock and make viewers feel that the English were particularly cruel . Of course there was no attempt to contextualise and provide a balanced view that this torture was exceptional, that the Catholics had within living memory burnt hundreds of English protestants at the stake and that the Spanish Inquisition was far and away the biggest user of torture in Europe. No these facts were conveniently overlooked to deny the viewer perspective.
Also one thing that I think everyone can agree on , and in particular the BBC , is that use of this torture and similar tortures has no place in modern society. How strange then that the BBC daily champions the cause of Islam where use of similar tortures for not being a Muslim occur on a daily basis in the 21st century. Can the BBC explain their stance?
The bbc as with all cult members have surrendered their free thought for the security of group think.
To question them on anything outside mantra-speak would be utterly pointless.
A good summary of what’s happening with the Rohingya. Unlike other media, I can click on the highlighted words or terms to see the source of Gatestone’s news. Probably why I, for one certainly rely on Gatestone and don’t trust other media outlets, mainly the BBC.
“We aspired to intelligence. We didn’t belittle it, it didn’t make us feel inferior. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.“ {youtube – The Newsroom}
Good old Aaron sorkin at his best . You can hear Jed Bartlett saying it too. Enough of experts , old people voting for young people’s futures, thick people voting for things clever people ( like Clegg) don’t like .
Completely different subject
Strange how al beeb handles the Chinese communist assembly – so respectful to a foreign government . If you listen to criticism of President Trump you might think he is answerable to uk as opposed to America- a foreign nation
When I go to bed thinking of the BBC and Climate Change, I wake up with the teenage memory of the last episode of the Ascent of Man, were Dr Jacob Bronowski warns me about turning science into a political authority, and if that happens, it will be the end of western civilisation.
The first time the nightmare returned was after watching the President of the Royal Society, Paul Nurse, a Geneticist, use his authority to talk about Atmospheric Physics with Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Richard Lindzen.
R4 8pm Moral Maze topic
Universities and elites
“at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Four-fifths of the students accepted between 2010 and 2015 were the offspring of barristers, doctors and chief executives – and the numbers are edging upwards. More offers were made to pupils in the London commuter-belt than in the whole of northern England. “
Stand by for some utter tosh ……………….
“Why are businesses taking a stand on political debates?”
“Without immigration, we’d be selling potato sacks.”
“With uncontrolled immigration” – you can lose your children at pop concerts or be attacked whilst having a latte. I guess we have choices at the moment.
So, for balance, shouldn’t that be “Speaking to Emma Barnett on the PROEURO BBC Radio 5 Live”?
BBC bias noted- “Rees-Mogg also took aim at the BBC for presenting an unbalanced view of Britain’s prospects outside the EU. “The BBC always wants to blame things on Brexit. I’m not saying this is a conspiracy, I’m saying it is a fact of life,” he said.”
Wild Bill
Could Al Beeb be plugging his book?
“The 42-year-old’s latest book – Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions – is released this month, and sees him discussing his own addictions, namely drugs, alcohol, sex and fame. “
Mr Brand may look like a tramp and sound like Frank Spencer but I reckon he is an Establishment tool who has the ear of many younger people which puts him in a strong position to tell them what to think and say and the poor sods have no idea they are being conned. As a teenager I would probably have been easy prey for twerps like him so I can quite see how they get brainwashed to think and act against their own interests.
The impression I get of Mr Brand is that he’s one of those people who isn’t funny enough to be a comedian, isn’t clever enough to be a politician, isn’t learned enough to be a philosopher, isn’t talented enough to be an actor/singer/dancer, isn’t good looking enough to be a model but somehow has been able to combine elements of all those things into a marketable whole. A 21st century dilettante. You have to admire him for his sheer ability to keep on with the same old sixth-form persona into his forties!
It’s great how she starts mimicking his grandiose way of speaking: “Were you privy to her words.”
All cultures are equal? Who would not want their daughter to bring home a man with his level of education and elocution? Rather that than some rapper who makes songs about stamping on people’s face. Of course the Beeb tries to push the latter on us.
Go Mogg! What a nasty sounding woman, obviously out of her depth.
One thing I have noticed in several interviews is that Mr Rees-Mogg doesn’t seem to say he would not serve in the cabinet. I don’t think he has said ‘I will not serve in the cabinet’ but several times has said ‘it’s not going to happen’. I wonder if that’s so that in future he can still serve? I don’t think he will be disloyal to Mrs May – because I think he is a man of honour – but he has not ruled out the possibility of a cabinet post if offered it, nor of standing for leader should Mrs May step down.
The hate is just dripping off of her as the Moggster hit a very big nerve. Barnett started out at LBC and she was obviously auditioning for the beeb with her labour Love on display every time
Thanks for the video Pounce.
So evidently it is not society that radicalises these people, but their parents and the preachers in the mosques. Well, who’d have thought it!
We open up our country and welcome them whilst they see us as the enemy.
The CEO of Walsall NHS Trust is ‘moving on’. He has made, ” considerable progress” while CEO.
The hospital is in not just ‘special’ measures but extreme measures. Having lost numerous services, constant waiting times fines, and a Maternity Unit condemned by the CQC and fined £88,000 for H&S breaches.
Assuredly it is worse than when he arrived but he’s been coining around £350,000 (you know, we have to pay top money to get the best people) to make his “considerable progress”. I guess he’ll survive somehow? There are Food-Banks.
My favourite for a while –
Fats Domino tribute
‘In 2005 George Bush paid a personal visit to Fats Domino to replace his community medal which was lost in the floods and looting’
The BBC have actually reported on the Clinton team funding the dirty dossier!
Maybe the memory hole is just too full at the moment. It’s great how Trump sets the agenda for the day with his Tweets around midday. I like to picture him on the toilet laughing to himself as he unleashes hell, correcting media distortions and forcing issues into the open our cowardly leaders like to ignore. He is fantastic, a genuine change, unlike that phony crap we were promised from the likes of Blair and Obama.
Yes a mention that the Supreme Court has kicked out the Hawaiian obstruction to the original “Muslim” travel ban would be too much of a stretch for the BBC
U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Remaining Trump Travel Ban Case
The U.S. Supreme Court dismissed its remaining case over President Donald Trump’s travel ban, dropping out of the fight for the time being while lower courts scrutinize the latest version of the policy.
Beeb Bro.
My mind runs riot again.Your picture of the P.O.T.U.S. sitting on the bog unleashing hell. I suppose we all do that from time to time. Sorry about that. Viva Trump!!
Do you follow him on Twitter? It helps get me through hard days – I know that on my lunch hour I will be treated to a flurry of fantastic Tweets. He talks like a cool person you would want to go down the pub with. None of the anodyne, evasive, soulless nonsense we get from professional politicians.
A man on my train was speaking in a foreign language on the phone. He finishes his conversation and an English woman who does not know him from Adam sparks up a conversation with him about his family.
Why can’t the BBC report on heart- warming incidents like these, which not outnumber the ‘hate incidents’ by millions? They defame the nation when they suggest we are swarming with hate-filled bigots.
R4 Now Guy from charity Target Oxbridge which tutors ONLY blacks to get into Oxbridge
7 years ago 26 got in
latest year 54
said only 1.5% of blacks get 3 x A’s
You obviously have a colossal advantage applying if you are black and have the grades. They seem to gloss over the crucial fact that certain communities do not have an overly positive attitude towards schoolwork. There is nothing more frustrating as a teacher when a child has no motivation and actually basks in the high status of having no respect for teachers.
We all remember that classic Snoop Dogg track, “Guns, bitches, weed and Oxbridge.”
You obviously have a colossal advantage applying if you are black and have the grades. They seem to gloss over the crucial fact that certain communities do not have an overly positive attitude towards schoolwork. There is nothing more frustrating as a teacher when a child has no motivation and actually basks in the high status of having no respect for teachers.
We all remember that classic Snoop Dogg track, “Guns, bitches, weed and Oxbridge.”
‘Some say’ that ‘boys of colour’ suffer at school because their culture/genes lead them to be boisterous, which is seen as ‘badly behaved’ by the ‘hideously white’ teachers that haven’t had the ‘training’, (surely not?).
Around here we have a few bushy-haired hybrids. Walking along the main road to the shops I saw a group of ‘white’ children on the other side with one of these hybrids. Suddenly he shot across the road, I thought in persuit of a small ball. But then he raced back, straight through a line of cars driving at a nominal 30 mph and closely spaced. I don’t think the driver of the middle car even realised what had happened before he regained the pavement. Moments later he made a return journey but this time jumped over the three-foot wall to the playing field. Well its three-foot on the road side but ten-foot on the field side!
After a minute or two the other kids called out, “If you are still there we are going to ____”. Darwin in action? Unfortunately the local girls seem to be banging out these hybrids at quite a rate. Perhaps if they survive they might become the new explorers and entrepreneurs.
A bit late but can’t see where it is covered above, aoplogies.
Today the bBBC is confronted with the news that the economy has grown by more than expected.
This really does not fit the remoan narrative.
So trust the bBBC to max out the bad news spin on this. As per the news at 1 pm.
Doom. Interest rates may have to rise.
Gloom. Construction industry in the doldrums.
Doom. Service sector growth much lower than the boom years.
Only in bBBC la la land is it necessary to reinterprate good news as bad.
Anyone would think they had an agenda. Oh, wait……………
Just watching a bit of Autumnwatch.
There is a new presenter. You’ll never guess. It’s a female. And she’s black!! Who would have thought?
And Chris Packham has recently revealed his Asperger’s. So the bBBC is also ticking the disability box.
If only they could find a wheelchair- using shepherd. And maybe Eddie Izzard as a special guest. Then they would have the full set.
Stiil it was great to see Gillian going on about her beaver. Ooh, missus.
Labour racism mentioned
‘I as black woman spoke at Conservative conference, then my Labour friends said I’d betrayed them’
ie ‘Labour says BAME **owe** them’
\\She chose the Conservative conference of 2010 to make a platform speech which attacked well-meaning liberals for ruining the education chances of many from low-income and ethnic minority backgrounds. Revealing herself to be a supporter of the new Conservative-led government, she felt ostracised by the state education system and has struggled for years to found her own free school.
Having established the Michaela Community School in north London, she is able to put her radical ideas into practice there, leading some to dub it the ‘Strictest school in Britain’.//
They complain there are not enough black people at Trump rallies but often that is because lunatic leftists threaten to beat them up if they attend. It is harder to come out as Conservative than it is to come out as gay.
Gosh, what has gone wrong with the BBC? Fifteen miniutes this evening on Radio 4 with an interview with that excellent woman Katharine Birbalsingh. Maybe those in charge think that a quarter of an hour’s sense makes up for months & months of leftish bombast. Everything is even now!
There is no mention on the BBC about the goings on in Golders Green where a proposal to build an enormous Mosque in the middle of a Jewish area has brought fury from the residents there.
There is no mention that the council has been deleting peoples objections to the planning application (illegal) on the grounds they are ‘inappropriate’ or contain ‘hate speech’. Barnet council which is responsible happens to be the centre left wing Conservatives, and in response a petition of over 5000 signatures has been obtained.
As if this wasn’t enough a few self destructive Jews in the media (Even Jews have problems with liberals who lie in the media) have called them ‘Islamofauxbik’ and ‘bigotted’.
Only when the area has been successfully cleansed of all Jews will the Jewish Chronicle be happy, depriving itself of sales and killing itself in the process. liberalism is the real dead end.
On Tuesday, the Times of Israel reported that opponents of plans to turn Golders Green Hippodrome into an Islamic centre “showered derision on the Jewish press” at a recent “town hall” meeting, after community media outlets published a string of articles denouncing objections to the mosque as “racist” and “Islamophobic”.
“There is nothing fascist about wanting to stand up for the amenities of your area,” argued keynote speaker at the event, Gavin Boby, who described the proposed mosque in Golders Green as “the biggest threat to the sense of home for Jews since Cable Street”.
Pronouncing the Quran to be “more anti-Semitic than [Adolf Hitler’s] Mein Kampf”, the self-described “mosque-buster” told audience members: “If the Jewish population are driven out of Golders Green they probably won’t come back when we make this area safe for them. I don’t care if this is called fascist, people need to know the truth.”
In Belgium and France they found that by having the army guard kiddies’ nurseries the Islamists found it more difficult to butcher Jewish French and Belgian children. I guess it just involves people adapting to a society which sees no problem in building a Mosque in a Jewish area.
Go on guess how many uni students come from BME?
Clue “these groups making up just 18 per cent of the 15-year-old population in the 2011 census in England.”
Surprise “BME students were 29 per cent of all entrants to full-time first degrees in 2015-16”
by official report.
That’s why LibMob talk about blacks …Indian/Chinese must be way overrepresented
It’s moronic. How can it possibly be the fault of white racism if Indians do better than whites? The ‘race audit’ had proved what nonsense the idea of society being racist is, because white boys perform worse than almost any group.
This idea that negative outcomes are never the fault of the culture is ridiculous. It robs people of their agency. Lammy will be telling kids in his constituency that the problem is a racist society, so maybe they won’t get their heads down at school as it is not their fault and the odds are stacked against them anyway. This refusal to take any responsibility is so toxic. We never see Chinese kids getting stabbed in gang violence; they have an excellent work ethic, which is key to children achieving.
Honestly, what more could we possibly to do help minorities? We already openly discriminate against the indigenous population.
I was thinking of going to see The Death Of Stalin, a ‘comedy’ directed by BBC favourite Armando Iannucci.
Just before I booked I checked the trailer. Lots of ‘effing’ and faecal references but no jokes. Possibly there will be some in the 107 minutes it runs for or, more likely, the ‘effs’ and ‘esses’ are the jokes – certainly that is what passes for comedy on Mock The Week etc.
Ah well, just need to wait for the next foreign, (not USA), film.
Trust the left to make a few cheap jokes at their former hero.
Been dead now for 64 years now. long enough time to get the Monty Python, Remoaners and Hillary shills together for a laugh.
Won`t be funny-they`re all too old and liberal to still have a sense of humour.
Be on Channel 4 or BBC 2 within the year, hopefully it will bomb.
Wonder if Harvey`s involved in any way?
S`pose it`ll be the Ukraine famine next.
But not the death of Tony Benn and his mooching dynasty. Some things must not be mocked.
There has already been an excellent black comedy about the U.S.S.R. under Stalin.
“The Red Monarch” with the late Colin Blakely as Stalin and David Suchet as Beria and a host of other good British actors. I haven’t seen it repeated but if it is ever on it is well worth a look.
JohnCFeb 25, 02:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Remember this ? – from the ‘Centre for European Reform’ to try and interfere with the Brexit vote just one…
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Where’s Lobbie?
Tonight an exclusive report about how Gramscians are corrupting our institutions .
No sorry it will be the usual
Brexit is bad
More money neede for the NHS
Something ,even if they have to dredge through the archives , about racism
Top people of something warning us that we should do something ( ie some elitists want more money )
Heard on the BBC yesterday by a Remainer (don’t know who it was) ” If Britain is not expected to pay for leaving the EEC then everyone would leave.” !!!!!!! Did not hear it repeated but whoever it was probably regretted it and I am sure will NOT be invited to comment again.
Page 3 of The Times today is all about an enterprising Azad Chaiwala who has set up a polygamous matchmaking website for Muslims which has over 100,000 users.
The noble Beeb always rally to the feminist cause: sexual harrassment, ‘unequal pay’ and sexism in sport being just a few of the countless causes they have championed.
At the heart of romantic love is exclusivity; the marriage vows expressly mention the exclusion of all others. Anyone who has experienced sexual jealousy will avow that it is the most terrible, terrible thing. What could be more utterly degrading to women than to be a second or third wife?
Surely the feminist sisters at the Beeb will be all over this? Can’t we expect one of their trademark SJW campaigns to have the website shut down immediately?
Alas, the silence from the BBC is deafening. What vile hypocrites they are. I’m sure the new female Dr Who would struggle to do her job if she had to ask permission from a man before slaying any baddies.
If one muslim guy has four wives, does it follow that three muslim guys are going to be without a wife? Maybe that is why they are so keen on infidel girls.
I’m more concerned at the number of offspring conceived by four wives and the amount of child benefit being paid. Like rabbits (literally) it doesn’t take long for 4 wives to produce say 4 kids each – 16 per household; 20 households in a street = 320 kids in one street (possibly less probably more). The maths are staggering – whole Islamic towns created in less than a generation. Does no-one see this ???? and how it can affect the demographics of this country ?
Sometimes, in public I see young children, English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish. I look at them & I think ‘you poor kids, what will your world be like when you are grown up? What is this generation leaving behind for you? What horrors will you have to face? It’s stomach-churning. How the white boys are being demoralised. And the little girls! What will happen to them? Legalised sex-slavery? Forced baby-machines? The future looks bleak. I am not without hope that the tide can be turned but it’s an uphill struggle we face.
Lucy Pevensey
Removes sexual desire, same effect as castration, no surgery, works for one year at a time.
Works on cats, dogs and ferrets. As for the future?
If it were available in tablet form could be deposited in food outlets selling special kinds of slaughtered meat products.
Think of the alternative.
“The future looks bleak. I am not without hope that the tide can be turned but it’s an uphill struggle we face.”
It sure does Lucy!
Of late, I have had to do all my travels by taxi and I have noticed that when the driver is a Muslim he/they always seems to have a kinda smirky smile on their face as if “he knows” what Britain will be like many decades ahead! Thinking to himself: look at all these white males and females – tipping me, little knowing that all their tips are going towards my new house in Pakistan, Bradford, even while the new benefits my wives/and adult daoghters receive will pay off my 3rd car in 2 years time.
Their solution to the problem is to make it illegal for anyone to discuss the problem. Brilliant!
You are not alone. When I see innocent little children happily playing, I too wonder what will become of them in the islamic future our politicians have decreed. I dread to think what will happen to them, or what will be left of Britain. Perhaps the best we can hope for is some sort of partition. It happened in India, it may well come to that here.
In 50 years, I hope and believe that they are living in Canada, Switzerland, down under etc – even parts of the far East. We only need some country to recognise that there are 10m of us who’d love to live somewhere decent and are willing to work hard, contribute, spend our money and not demand to change the country’s laws and culture! “Our” Britain will become a national equivalent of, at best, Swindon; or, at worst, Jaywick.
The Government had better get that right before starting building their ‘Affordable Homes’ – I guess 16 bed homes is not within their contemplation yet. But there, they’ve got all the numbers wrong to date with regard to immigration.
Perhaps they can design their ‘Affordable Homes’ on the basis that one can quickly be converted into two or more to satisfy the polygamists amongst us?
G… I agree. Affordable Homes are another contentious issue. Affordable homes for whom ? that’s the question. I’ve read nothing where property developers or Buy to Let investors (China ??) will be unable to make a killing on these potential homes. With that and more and more migrants haunting the auction rooms, the situation we are currently in is one that will never change. Like pouring money into the NHS doesn’t make an iota of difference, building a few thousand houses is like putting a sticking plaster on a broken leg. Every housing estate being thrown up means another week’s wait at the local GP surgery. Further, it doesn’t matter what time of the day you go out in the car (unless its 3 am), the roads are increasingly clogged up, – who wants to go anywhere now, particularly Bank Holidays. A day at the seaside ? forget it.
Even if the drawbridge was pulled up tomorrow with not another soul allowed in, this country is vastly overpopulated for the current infrastructure. If its racist to say that had we not opened the doors at the beginning of the Millennium to the world and his (her) wife, our daily life and transport would be so much better, then so be it .
Brissles – The end game to this project of mass immigration, from the fifties onwards, is that Britain’s (and Europe’s) majority population becomes a huge racial mishmash. There will eventually be no majority homogenous population in Britain who are ethnically British who stand together and will be able to stop what will happen, they haven’t woken up here yet (still voting for the same Lib-Lab-Con-etc) and by the time they do it shall be too late anyway; far, far beyond resolution via the ballot box.
The population of the country (countries) will be divided along numerous racial and religious lines and so in continual hostility amongst itself; distracted by bread and circuses like sportsball; pornography and trinkets from Amazon – so as to be more easily controlled by an incredibly wealthy elite, powerfully protected from the majority beneath them.
“powerfully protected from the majority beneath them.”
I’m very happy that they think so.
That’s why we have some of the strictest gun laws in the world, which give the state a monopoly on the use of armed force and why there is this unceasing attempt in America by their elite to try to restrict gun ownership there.
The Founding Fathers knew what they were about, in giving the citizens of the U.S. the “Right” to defend themselves from government tyranny by dint of arms; if necessary.
No point blaming politicians, claiming that they are “protected”. Every government we’ve had for some considerable time has been elected by apathetic voters who’ve either voted for parties they don’t particularly like out of habit, out of peer pressure (rosette on donkey syndrome), out of a totally hypocritical desire to appear “nice”, or they haven’t voted at all. Democracy can be a powerful force, but not if people take it for granted as a system that “just works”, without any intelligent input from the electorate. It needs to be used.
If people had made some attempt to break the complacency of the main parties by voting for minor parties occasionally, we might have a government now that comes closer to what people want. UKIP and Farage gave us a Brexit vote with no more than one MP – and he was largely irrelevant.
I’ve actually voted BNP in the past – now there’s a confession – not because I wanted them in government because that was never on the cards – but because I believed that the existing parties needed to understand that anything was possible, no matter how abhorrent it might have appeared to them. The almost complete suppression of news of the Football Lads Alliance march confirms where their fears lie. Avoiding alcohol, flags and chants was a master-stroke and displayed a degree of self control that I wouldn’t have believed possible.
We’ve got exactly what we voted for and I don’t believe for one second that a rag bag of ill disciplined macho jerks with guns would make a difference. Probably end up killing each other. A military takeover, however, might stand a chance but I can’t see it happening.
The government needs to fear the election of an “extreme right wing” (as it would view it) party before it will listen, then self interest would prevail and work in our favour. Unfortunately it will probably take an atrocity on a scale we haven’t experienced before to make this happen.
Where did I “claim” ‘”politicians”‘ were protected?
Do you really believe a group of people, the members of which can be voted out every four years (or less) are part of the elite?
No way! The people who really run things and seek to shape the future, aren’t given power in temporary increments by the likes of us; they’ve ruthlessly attained the power they’ve got and would be equally ruthless in keeping it.
Yes, the likes of Blair/Drunky etc are merely the more public manifestation of a seamless exercise of power decade after decade. They are important to be sure but they also realise that they are ultimately expendable.
The real power will be held by faceless and nameless people who may well be sitting next to you on the train commuting to their London etc office.
This final scene from “A Very British Coup” rather exemplifies the point (ignore the “left”/”right” paradigm of this fine drama, that’s only to make us believe there’s a choice).
Wild cards are occasionally thrown up of course, Hitler comes to mind……
Clare: you should know by now that you can’t argue against people on this site who believe in cabals, but are not prepared to name them.
Al Shubtill “The people who really run things and seek to shape the future, aren’t given power in temporary increments by the likes of us; they’ve ruthlessly attained the power they’ve got and would be equally ruthless in keeping it.”
Oh dear. In that case, why do you come here? If that’s really what we’re up against, this blog is virtually pointless and Brexit, for example, will be stopped dead in its tracks any time now.
Brissels, I think we were able to cope with the immigration as it was until the 1997 Government when the odious Blaire deliberately opened the doors to what he thought to be prospective Labour voters who would ensure a Labour administration for years to come. That was initially a likely scenario, but did he have any idea regarding the cultural upheaval it would cause and the real danger of a medieval regime being forced on this country when the Muslim population is in the majority?
Do you think that this is the cause of the propensity of Muslim to rape girls? If one Muslim chap has four wives then about three don’t have a wife , so how do they satisfy their urges? Seems a very bad idea to me.
It’s a common phenomenon in tribal societies. The Rape of the Sabine Women is a classic example from Livy. The women were not actually raped in the Muslim way. The neighbouring Sabines very sensibly had refused to let their women marry Romans as they feared the Romans would outbreed them and so eventually be able to dominate them. The Sabine Women were captured at a feast the Romans organised for that purpose. Livy says the Sabine women were not forced to marry but offered various rights and inducements. Of course the usual tribal logic is that women who are no longer virgins or thought not to be virgins are no longer marriageable and so worthless. Under these circumstances the Sabine women probably had no choice but to remain with the Romans as their wives. What an enrichment Islamic culture has been for Britain! Its customs are more barbaric than those of the Romans in the time of Romulus and Remus.
Polygamy is illegal in the UK. They are promoting and promoting criminal activities.
Hate Crime?
Police to close down this website called that promotes criminals … or paint your nails and let them dry.
Where polygamy is illegal, we advise you still have a ceremony in which your families and the religious community recognise the relationship as a marriage, even though it may not be legally registered. Such a ceremony as a nikah in your local mosque.
It is also important to be aware that when a marriage is not registered there would be no legal ties between the man and woman. {}
– ‘Where polygamy is illegal,’ – just do it anyway!
“I suspect a campaign for legal polygamy will be a big issue in years to come”
Don’t agree!
Now If 3 gay men got together to campaign for polygamy…….
Oh, sorry its already happened – but in a more deviant way – its called polyamourus.
The UK next!
Feel a lot more optimistic about things than my friends above seem to do.
The Saudi bit in the Guardian yesterday may well be “taqiyya”, but if their Crown Prince Salman honestly thinks that a moderate Islam is required, then he could well ensure this-his nation is Keeper of the Two Mosques, and has caused most of the worldwide terrors.
Trump surely put him straight a few months back at the OIS.
1. Your oil is going-and we can frack our own.
2. Your public sector can no longer be afforded to keep thick privileged princes on the dole or playing gameboy on the arab street much longer.
3. You used to have a “moderate and cultural” role in your Muslim model, albeit well before the Ottomans. God knows we hear of little else from the Science Museums and Melvyn Bragg.
Now you can act-or we will fund a reformed Iran or Turkey to snuff you out.
Of couse, none of this ever makes the BBC-but glad of our ladies Bible study where such things can crop up.
If we kill the IS teenage Cancer Trusties over in Raqqa, etc than this would send the right message to the liberals here. And scare the MCB as well.
This rot in out country has been indulged too long.
– ‘Where polygamy is illegal,’ – just do it anyway!
Well rape is illegal and they just do that anyway. They also have a fancy name for that too- “grooming”
– ‘Where polygamy is illegal,’ – just do it anyway!
Well rape is illegal and they just do that anyway. They also have a fancy name for that too- “grooming”
Beeb Brother, I suspect a campaign for legal polygamy will be a big issue in years to come. I’m sure the Beeb will be in the forefront of the issue, as usual.
‘Conspiracy’ is simply defined in the UK as, ‘……if one person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, either:
(a) will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more……..
(b) ……….
he is guilty of conspiracy……’
Surely our true and honest public spirited BBC should refer the matter to the police? Oh, sorry, hang on, they’re fully committed in the relentless search for ‘hate speech’………….
Meanwhile we turn a blind eye to Muslim bigamy despite bigamy being a criminal offence . No doubt these wives are busy claiming benefits for their children too.
I try my best to be on topic, and squeeze in a BBC reference somehow, but I am afraid I couldn’t think of a biased BBC angle for this:
Good News #1: Hillary Clinton has launched her latest book, “What Happened”, and it has straightaway rocketed to the top of Amazon’s bestseller chart! Remember, she won the popular vote, so sales of up to 65 million are expected! Ignore the ridiculous rumour that 3 million were dead at the time of voting!
Good News #2: The Trump playbook is doing so badly that it is on sale now! Half-price special offer for Lab/LibDems/SNP/Wet Tory members only! Just 10 pounds plus 3.95 p&p. Grab a copy!*
*Note: The Trump playbook was written with winners in mind. It therefore comes with a warning label on the back: “Will backfire on lefty/liberal losers”.
– BOOM! Oh dear, too late was it?
No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton {amazon} … would be funny if it was placed next to Clinton’s “What Happened Next?” book in top 10!

The BBC is suddenly backing Russell Brand again, putting his words on a pedestal, even though he’s clearly just regurgitating the usual student union hyperbolic drivel for attention.
‘Society is Collapsing’
And what does he blame for this? Open borders to non-integrating migrants putting strain on our services and our jobs, diminishing our culture and leaving us open to increased terror attacks? Nope, just populism, Trump, Brexit, and pretty much everything that are the RESULTS of the problems rather than the problems themselves, all of which have been caused by selfish bureaucrats and spineless politicians who don’t care or know about how the rest of us live.
The Young Ones was over 30 years ago and was parodying the likes of Brand before he could even speak.
ALM, this wretched populism is getting everywhere.
I am actually looking forward to the day when Russell Brand becomes much less popular than he is and he can go off and sort out his personal demons quietly without imposing himself on the BBC and the public at large. I wish him well for that.
Brand deserves a fatwa for dressing up as Bin Laden after 9/11.
Who`s going to tell the Danish imams or the local mosque that he mocked their prophet(piss be upon him).
It`s a public duty…and at least he`d get some kind of mention in an obituary, which surely leaves his legacy. Might even a school of learing or a library like Blair or Bush if he dies early!
This “obituary good if you top yourself now” ought to be offered by way of a comfort letter to Prescott, Campbell, Hoon, Byers and all the other new labour crud, whilst matron or the madhouse staff still can communicate.
Got BBC IPlayer on your TV ?
BBC doesn’t care about it not working after only 5 years.
IPlayer’s Peter Lasko was just on R4 You and Yours shrugging his shoulders..’So it’s just like a your old browser is not compatible now’
…its certain Samsung models that have this problem.
Many models stopped worked in the last year, but a new change on Oct 17 stops more
This ‘progress’ has been going on for many years now.
Given their love of fruit-based IT products and that brand being so keen on removing backwards-compatibility it can’t be long before iPlayer only works on iPhone 14. (Isn’t it funny how the branding is so similar?)
Years of promoting the fruit-based IT company has certainly paid-off for one beeboid!
Fruit-based IT company hires ex-BBC and Channel 4 executive Jay Hunt
Mmm that one be an interesting one in court, the bbbc trying to prove you were watching bbc I player on a device that it no longer works on.
In such a febrile political atmosphere, is there any slim chance that those tasked with ensuring the Universal Credit system works – having perhaps a different political approach to that of the government – might deliberately delay payments? And might the BBC investigate the possibility? Only asking.
Beltane, we need a Judge-led Inquiry into our Civil Service. There are increasing questions to be answered. Yours is a very good one.
Absolutely Up2 – now, let’s find a few impartial judges……
When I worked at the anti Poll tax campaign, I well remember sending out giros to friends who were on my newsletter lists in my job with the local DHSS.
You can bet that the left will purposefully cause maximum damage to screw up the UC payments, and will be telling the media where the money shots are to be found for every news bulletin. The likes of Serwotka of old would not miss their chance to bring the Tories down-and the idiot Tories cluelessly blunder on as if it`s a cricket match or something.
All the brains are in pushing for a hard Brexit now.
Doubtless the clock-watching pen-pushers responsible for the UC fiasco will be sacked forthwith, with loss of index-linked government pension.
: – /
Apparently the BBC have taken themselves to task for not challenging ‘climate sceptic’ Lord Lawson’s spurious claim that ‘….world temperatures have shown a slight drop.’ The Met Office confirm that this statement is incorrect and that temperatures have, in fact, risen.
The BBC might have added: Depending on those figures which are preferred, interpreted or given credence, but somehow overlooked the obvious opportunity to provide a truly balanced view.
No rather propagandists have come back for a second bite of the cherry and created a propaganda event.
Cos shortly after his R4 Today Lawson corrected himself.
“If anything temperatures are falling now” he’d first said. One day later he said the makers of that particular data set have said that it doesn’t show temperature is falling.
There is irony
however now that La Nina seems certain it does seem likely that soon global temperatures for each month should be lower than they were under last years El Nino.
The long term trend over 20 years should show a rise, but at a rate so small that its close to measurement error of the instruments/calculations.
And is not in proportion to atmospheric CO2.
Yes indeed, I have the fall in temperature, as would be expected from an El Nino. The Hiatus, Pause or Peak, Hale magnetic cycle is from 1997 to 2019. The one before that was a Global warming period, and according to Solar Astronomers, the next one is a Global cooling period. From past correlations, the decline is estimated to be 1.2 Kelvin, towards a mini-ice age, but lags mean that the cooling is not due to be noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest.
I’m with the late George Carlin on this one.” The planet’s fine, it’s the people that are fucked.”
@Beltane As ever Paul Homewood has done the debunk of that BBC propaganda piece
How does Lord Nigel Lawson get mentioned as a “non-expert”-but a Christine Legarde or a Lord Nichola Stern get left alone to blow smoke rings crap about global warmie stuff?
Lawson has put his own money into all this and will know a lot more about climate change that a World Bank robber, or a vague economist.
Some experts opinions are clearly what the BBC like-whereas others seem to make them sad.
BBC distraction ‘Here sheeple here’s new of an MP sending a letter asking for info already on uni websites’
– Actual real news hidden in local section
“Automatic weapon fired in Bradford street”
Wot a gun in Bradford? That bastion of multicultural perfection?
Automatic weapon FFS
Probably can’t count, he is a cop you know – could be shotgun pellets – then they would leave plenty more holes!
The Bradford coppers better get their high-heels on pronto and get to work.
Use of a nail gun needs approval now I expect.
Nail extensions do not go well with triggers being used-not even the Princess Sparkles lacquer with extra glitter on a clear base.
We need gun control now!
Oh bugger, I forgot, we already do – and people still get hold of guns!
Sunderland businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’ { 25oct2017}
“However, no UK laws stop unregistered religious ceremonies taking place.”
“The woman has the choice. She can walk away from the ‘marriage’ at any point.”
– So it’s not really a marriage is it? “She can walk away from the ‘marriage’ at any point”
– Using the word ‘wife’ rather than ‘play thing’ is misleading.
– Word illegal missing from the article … BBC are advocating this illegal practice? One step away from enforcement once enough people do it… direction of travel is clear.
Imagine setting up a gay dating website in Saudi Arabia. I somehow doubt it would be allowed to grow to 100,000 members.
His honour Mr Mogarbi will teach them how to…
Beeb Bro.
100,000 members. Would it be men only then? No fun there.
Yes we’d rather the police spent time nailing perps of internet child porn rather than chasing so called internet hate-crime.
But the rule is a Dramaqueen headline must be supported by stats/evidence. Yet the West Midlands Police chief quoted in the Guardian doesn’t five us the stats , he just pleads for resources.
Journalists should have dug up the stats/evidence.
‘by a horrifying number {guardian 25oct2017}‘ = 0?
Such a drama title ‘horrifying number’!
My father says that TV did say 400 cases/month
A google of news articles still finds no proper number.
The reports do quote police saying that they do think a significant number are not an actual danger to children and just need proper counselling
I don’t see how 400/month across a whole country is an overwhelming number, police forces would have the resources for the handful in their area. And it is arguable that rather that going to full trial, the authorities should suspend the prosecution is the perp completes the proper psychiatry programme.
Well after seeing the Ch4 woman who dressed up as a Muslim, and how she attended a matchmaking session, I’m surprised that any Muslim bloke gets a wife at all with how the young man involved responded as to what he wanted from a wife. White men would get laughed at, and be told ‘in your dreams mate’ if they came out with that garbage.
Brissles, I couldn’t bring myself to watch that. It was obvious it was going to be a piece from the Islamic State of Propaganda. I wanted to keep my dinner down.
There was actually something worth watching on BBC4 last night. A repeat of All Aboard! The Country Bus.
A bus tour through The Yorkshire Dales. There is no dialogue so little chance for Beeby to squeeze in propaganda.
Just lovely Yorkshire countryside.
Not this one?
Could be this one, although probably a London bus, like the one the Emir’s dad used to drive
Ready to replace deisel engines
And tourists wonder why they don’t have white lines in Pakistan!
Bus is speeding away but little do the passengers know that their driver is the one outside in blue and he’s not trying to get on the bus he’s jumping ship as his benefits have been cancelled
We would have no need to worry if every housing estate had raffles to buy one of these!:
I drive one of those in my waking fantasies!
Your post has just reminded me. Country Bus. A song written and sung by the most talented songwriter Britain has ever produced, the late great Jake Thackray. R.I.P Give him a listen sometime. If you’re not familiar with his work prepare to be amazed at the sheer brilliance of his music. every track is a masterpiece of understated wit.
Definitely very politically incorrect,and such a clever way with words that any working class person can relate to.
Thank you Lefty, I’ll check him out.
You girls missed a trick there.
Gravy browning on the face and a boxers prosthetic hooked nose like an Egyptian weather poppet seems to be what Channel 4 thinks a Muslima looks like.
If that`s not racist, what is.
Husband thinks it`s a right turn off,said something cruel about folds around the belly ring before he turned over.
But did get a lot of licks and kissings from the dog.
It would appear that the background of the writer of the BBC series ‘Gunpowder’ is even worse than reported here.
It’s worth a read, and as the author asks at the end would he have been even considered as a writer if he came from a background of right wing terrorism ?
Almost certainly not.
It would appear that the background of the writer of the BBC series ‘Gunpowder’ is even worse than reported here.
It’s worth a read, and as the author asks at the end would he have been even considered as a writer if he came from a background of right wing terrorism ?
Almost certainly not.
Perhaps they’ve put him on a de-radicalisation programme and he’s now one of the normal(?). But then, perhaps not.
We must look forward to a similar programme written by Anjem Choudary in due course.
Deradicalisation needs to be applied to Lefties every bit as much as it`s mentioned for Muslims.
They were the first radicals-and much more ingrained in their idiocy.
The workload of the anti-terrorism justice system has risen ten-fold in the past five years, ministry figures show, with a sharp increase since 2014, when followers of the Islamic State group specifically called for attacks targeting the French. {reuters 24oct2017}
– An over stretched police force waiting for 200-300 jihadist terrorists to re-integrate into society in the UK.
– If the police/judiciary efforts go into terrorism, then fewer police/judges to protect the society it was order to protect.
I hate all the fluffy non-stories they run with, like being the only woman on a plane or a wrestler saving a woman. There are countless other websites which cover such inanities, and they do it much better than the Beeb. THEY ARE NOT NEWS!
They always moan about the Police service or whatever not being fit for purpose. Well they cost us a fortune but have downed tools and refuse to do any proper journalism anymore. It is like having to pay for a meal in a restuatenf and getting served a turd on a plate.
Go to prison if you don’t eat your turd. Enjoy!
Beeb Bro.
Do you think the Antifa mob would discriminate between a pork sausage and a turd. If so could it be construed as Turdism?
Always ask :
“Is it news ? or is it dramaqueening ?”
Respect Words: Ethical Journalism Against Hate Speech” is a collaborative project that has been undertaken by media organizations in eight European countries – Austria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain. Supported by the Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union, it seeks, according to its website, to help journalists, in this era of growing “Islamophobia,” to “rethink” the way they address “issues related to migratory processes, ethnic and religious minorities.” It sounds benign enough: “rethink.” But do not kid yourself: when these EU-funded activists call for “rethinking,” what they are really doing is endorsing self-censorship. {gatestoneinstitute 25oct2017}
. . . 2017 timemachine to 1984 . . . Hate Crime or Thought Crime . . .
‘You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,’ he said almost sadly. ‘Even when you write it you’re still thinking in Oldspeak. I’ve read some of those pieces that you write in The Times occasionally. They’re good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
Winston did know that, of course. He smiled, sympathetically he hoped, not trusting himself to speak. Syme bit off another fragment of the dark-coloured bread, chewed it briefly, and went on:
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
– 1984, Orwell
Why is Islamophobia a word but not Westernvaluesphobia?
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”
One has currency, the other does not. One can stop big brands from displaying icons on snacks. One can make a country bend down on one knee and ban a book of fiction. One can stop the whole of the media system to display a cartoon. One can stop you thinking. Once can stop you talking. One asks for something simple …
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
Because the Organisation of Islamic States pushed for it to become a category or word worthy of censure in a co-ordinated UN summit , held in Durban in 2001 as I recall.
Details a bit blurred from memory-but think Melanie Phillips and Douglas Murray are on record as saying similar.
I’ve recently started reading Nineteen Eighty-Four (to my shame for the first time) and got up to that bit yesterday.
It is scarily appropriate. In fact there is something scarily apt on every page.
Is it time for a military coup yet?
Beeb = doubleplusungood.
TheIsland- I read it before as a piece of fiction. It is only recently that I realised that Orwell was writing a timeless classic to warn us of giving away independence. It is as though I am reading it for the first time to, so don’t worry about not reading it before. When you tie it into what is happening regards the BBC and the World it’s a very important book.
If there is to be a protest outside the BBC on 5th Nov. then it should be with people giving away free copies of Orwell’s 1984 and leaving them scattered all around for people to see and be reminded … Orwell Matters … “Seeing Things as They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings: George Orwell {amazon}“.
Hasn’t there been a COBRA meeting yet to discuss banning 1984?
Banned? Amber Rudd has taking a liking to it … Home Secretary announces new national online hate crime hub … It is expected to be operational before the end of the year. (2017) {} …
List of books banned by governments {wiki}
Completed in 1943, Orwell found that no publisher would print the book, due to its criticism of the USSR, an important ally of Britain in the War.[11] Once published, the book was banned in the USSR and other communist countries.[12] In 2002, the novel was banned in the schools of the United Arab Emirates, because it contained text or images that goes against Islamic values, most notably the occurrence of an anthropomorphic, talking pig.[13] The book is still banned in North Korea, and censored in Vietnam.
I’ve read it twice in my life, it’s over ripe for a film remake… but surprise surprise !
If you like ‘1984’ may I also suggest ‘The History Man’ by Malcolm Bradbury. It’s not very well known nowadays but it’s quite relevant to today’s society. It’s about a radical 1970s university academic who bullies and humiliates anyone who doesn’t agree with his left wing politics. Bradbury sets out to show how such people got into academia and took it over. Here is a clip from the BBC TV adaptation.
Bradburys book is brilliant.
Noted that Laurie Taylor used to flatter himself that Malcolm based the Kirk character upon himself.
Turned out to be crap-but that tells you what Laurie Taylors thinking is.
Funnily enough, his privileged and clueless son was on The Moral Maze tonight, and bemoaning the lack of opportunities for the lower orders in the working clarses.
Seemed not to think on how HE`s managed to get on, being the low-grade spawn of a cliche ridden old bore who`ll have to be carried out of the BBC in a wicca coffin.
And he thinks he was Kirk.
‘Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
Notice how although the English vocabulary has more words than other modern languages and thousands of adverbs to choose from, we are now fed “super”. Super rich, super poor, super cool, super big, super poor. People cannot be incredibly wealthy, staggeringly beautiful – just super rich and super beautiful. Not greatly excited, or awaiting an event with anticipation; just super excited.
On the other hand it is easy to spot group think. Those in the group mimic each others choice of words. By the same token, unless you use those approved words, you are outside the group and ostracised.
BBC morning headline.
“50% of women have experienced sexual abuse at work ”
What’s wrong with that headline ?
Its the fallacy of comparing apples and oranges.
In their sample they’ll have women who worked 40 years and others who have only one year.
The yeses from older women will be much more.
#2 Race/gender activists fallacy; instead of treating people as individuals they immediately act sexist by dividing data by sex . Because I am a small pretty man I’ve been abused by women and men, whereas some ugly big strong woman may not have been abused at all.
#3 Any survey that asks you to self define in “feelings” is not proper stats anyway.
#4 That BBC report is part of the BBCprojectWeinstein
Its part of narrative building propaganda. Not news.
Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova; born 6 March 1937) is a retired Russian cosmonaut, engineer, and politician. She is the first woman to have flown in space, having been selected from more than 400 applicants and five finalists to pilot Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963. She completed 48 orbits of the Earth in her three days in space.
– 1963 Women in Space. 2017 Women cannot confront man in office. Are we going backwards?
There actually was a good reason to use women instead of men for going into space. It turns out that they can endure G forces a lot better.
Didn’t know that. Pain threshold higher?
Something along them lines. Has a lot to do with women been (usually) smaller thus don’t suffer as much as taller men when blood starts to pool due to gravity . Its also why Douglas Bader could perform higher G moves than his bipedal squadron mates.
Well this report says it depends on age, height and weight, not sex.
I thought the timeline was:
1961 – First man in space
2012 – First man in women’s ‘rest rooms’!
Is that anything to do with wearing G strings more than us fellas ? I put my wife’s on once bits all over the place not a pretty sight.
Oooh nithe ducky! You are awful,but I like you.
Ugh !
SG, I do believe they are trying to build up momentum in this old sexist truck, and then drive it at Trump, who after all is the goto man for sexism in the workplace. Or was that the democrat president?
“Hitchens asks you to consider the treatment of Kathleen Willey, a friend of the President (Bill Clinton) whose husband had died unexpectedly. She went to the Oval Office to ask for a job and was rewarded by ‘the guiding by the presidential mitt of her own hand on to his (Clintons) distended penis’. When she spoke out, everyone believed her, although many wished she’d held her tongue.” {theguardian – Christopher Hitchens – may1999}
Oh yes, but if they had anything concrete they would have already used it.
They had to reach back 12 years for that tape which was just sleazi-ish but not law breaking.
That was addressed to Frankly
A few stories the bBC doesn’t want non-muslims in the UK to become aware of:
Sweden: Seven bombings in twelve days rocks country
Ireland: Heroes welcome given to son of Muslim brotherhood royalty released by Egypt
Canada: Intolerant racist Muslim Student plays the victim card on getting caught out.
UK: Muslim students protest at having to share prayer room.
India: Mosque boycotts Muslim man after he allows his daughter to marry Christian
Indonesia :Muslim group makes Protestants cancel celebration
On a daily basis the bBC knocks out numerous articles with which they try to counter the negative stories about Islam. Stories I should add all carried out by the hand of Muslims. Not only that, but they don’t bother their arse in reporting exactly how f-ing intolerant the followers of Islam are.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for intolerant Islam. Paid for by you
German anti fascist / pro Islam protest on Sunday. The Germans don’t do comedy we know but it seems they don’t do irony either.
Anyway, as I was saying. If you rely on the bbc you’ll be completely unaware of the massive breaking stories in the US ie: Clinton, Holder, Mueller, Podesta, Obama, collusion, corruption, criminality and treason but hey, it’s the bbc. They’re still plugging the two failed, bitter Senators slagging off Trump. And that’s news because?
And the old Goebbels thing does work – even heard some AI Professor on ‘Hard Talk’ referring to Russian hacking of the US election. Talk about Artificial Intelligence – sheesh! as they say stateside.
Republican committees investigate Clinton and Obama { 24oct2017}
‘”This new investigation is a massive diversion to distract from the lack of Republican oversight of the Trump administration and the national security threat that Russia poses,” said Elijah Cummings and John Conyers in a statement.’
‘Mrs Clinton said in an interview with cable network C-SPAN on Monday that the Uranium One allegations are “baloney”.’
– Baloney story is not priority for BBC
Dead right gaxvil.
The BBC chose to spout off about some Republicans who don`t like Trumps manner or manners.
Neither of who will be standing for re-election seeing as they`re going to lose big.
But the BBC now likes them.
Meanwhile Trump now knows that all that golden shower wickedness of last October was nothing but a Democratic funded hit piece of scurrilous lies suing the FBI and some British spy called Christopher Steel. But the BBC seem unconcerned, choosing not to give us a Hillary quote as she plugged her book.
Fake news?…this political class do nothing else any more.
Still-like to think there`s a slow fuse on this one.
Where is Ted Malloch , DJT?
You need some fighters over here to scorch the BBC and Channel 4 sir.
Christine Lagard on Climate ?
“Toasted, roasted and grilled”: IMF chief on future without climate action.
… “Is it real news ? or is it dramaqueening ?”
FFS look at the Guardian graphic.
Lagarde already has some kind of fraud conviction.
The bbc has now completely transitioned to become an unfunny, ‘Sunday Sport’. They are keen on getting us to eat insects at the moment but telling us insect numbers are declining. The bbc just don’t know what inanity to flog most:-
Driver-less, Tesla cars ploughing over a flooded/desertified, cooked/frozen planet while we sit in the back seat chomping down our locust meat Big Mac ?
Global warming, plastics in the sea. WHY is everyone having a go at us – the consumer ?? Target the bloody Manufacturers of plastic wrapping, that’s where the rot starts. We only consume what’s offered to us, and we’re stuffed if there’s no alternative. I’m sick of no-news days when the media then pushes their climate and pollution agendas. I wish someone would interview me in the street, I’d say “don’t blame us, we do our bit by recycling, have a go at the manufacturers who make the stuff’.
400 Skeptical Climate papers released this year so far. Strange these not mentioned by the “so-called” BBC and their WWF/Greenp*ss puppet Harrabin or useful idiot Attenborough.
FFS Lagarde is pictured in the Times at the investment conference in Riyadh
The story is about the Saudi Neomi new $500bn city plan
Solar wind smart Green city
IMHO Buying new green stuff uses more Earth resources it is not green. $500bn !
Cressida Dick just on Fox News. Good travel ad for London and it’s all ” fantastic ” and when asked how she’ll tackle terror – she failed to mention vetting, prosecution or deportation – funny that? No mention of the UK’s massive bacon hate incidents though.
She’s there to talk with US anti terror people so maybe she’ll come back with an idea for us to build walls and retreat behind them.
The problem with wall building is that the enemy is already within. Now if we were to chuck them out and then build a wall that would be something I could support.
DT, True. I was thinking palisaded hill forts as in days of old.
Dear BBC, anyone can make history! That is now Clinton’s claim to success – just being around and making a noise?
Hillary Clinton ‘did make history’ { 12sep2017}
Hillary Clinton’s long-time adviser Philippe Reines has been discussing her new book about her 2016 election failure.
12 September 2017 : Katty Kay Presenter, BBC World News
Perhaps this post is for a thread that appeared a few days ago but thinking about the reaction to the BBC Drama series , Gunpowder. The aim of the corporation was to clearly show Protestant England as the villain of the piece and the oppressors of the Catholics. The inclusion of the torture scenes was designed to shock and make viewers feel that the English were particularly cruel . Of course there was no attempt to contextualise and provide a balanced view that this torture was exceptional, that the Catholics had within living memory burnt hundreds of English protestants at the stake and that the Spanish Inquisition was far and away the biggest user of torture in Europe. No these facts were conveniently overlooked to deny the viewer perspective.
Also one thing that I think everyone can agree on , and in particular the BBC , is that use of this torture and similar tortures has no place in modern society. How strange then that the BBC daily champions the cause of Islam where use of similar tortures for not being a Muslim occur on a daily basis in the 21st century. Can the BBC explain their stance?
The bbc as with all cult members have surrendered their free thought for the security of group think.
To question them on anything outside mantra-speak would be utterly pointless.
Compared to the BBC Lord Haw Haw was a complete tyro as a traitor.
A good summary of what’s happening with the Rohingya. Unlike other media, I can click on the highlighted words or terms to see the source of Gatestone’s news. Probably why I, for one certainly rely on Gatestone and don’t trust other media outlets, mainly the BBC.
“We aspired to intelligence. We didn’t belittle it, it didn’t make us feel inferior. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.“ {youtube – The Newsroom}
Good old Aaron sorkin at his best . You can hear Jed Bartlett saying it too. Enough of experts , old people voting for young people’s futures, thick people voting for things clever people ( like Clegg) don’t like .
Completely different subject
Strange how al beeb handles the Chinese communist assembly – so respectful to a foreign government . If you listen to criticism of President Trump you might think he is answerable to uk as opposed to America- a foreign nation
When I go to bed thinking of the BBC and Climate Change, I wake up with the teenage memory of the last episode of the Ascent of Man, were Dr Jacob Bronowski warns me about turning science into a political authority, and if that happens, it will be the end of western civilisation.
The first time the nightmare returned was after watching the President of the Royal Society, Paul Nurse, a Geneticist, use his authority to talk about Atmospheric Physics with Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Richard Lindzen.
4:30pm Local papers, Facebook changes ..Snapchat
Amol supplies a platform for his old Newspaper the-i to advertise itself and the changes
He should not be doing this interview.
No wonder the bBC is all for transgender people. It excuses the mores of Islam.
R4 8pm Moral Maze topic
Universities and elites
“at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Four-fifths of the students accepted between 2010 and 2015 were the offspring of barristers, doctors and chief executives – and the numbers are edging upwards. More offers were made to pupils in the London commuter-belt than in the whole of northern England. “
Stand by for some utter tosh ……………….
“Why are businesses taking a stand on political debates?”
“Without immigration, we’d be selling potato sacks.”
“With uncontrolled immigration” – you can lose your children at pop concerts or be attacked whilst having a latte. I guess we have choices at the moment.
“Without immigration, we’d be selling potato sacks.”{ 25oct2017}
With immigration the fashion industry still sells potato sacks ….
Yet again despite Brexit !………………
“Growth figures raise chances of rate rise”
Conservative backbench MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has described the governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, as an “enemy of Brexit”.
Would Carney be wise to raise the interest rate ?
Any economists on this site ?
“The Eurosceptic MP,”
“Speaking to Emma Barnett on BBC Radio 5 Live”
So, for balance, shouldn’t that be “Speaking to Emma Barnett on the PROEURO BBC Radio 5 Live”?
BBC bias noted- “Rees-Mogg also took aim at the BBC for presenting an unbalanced view of Britain’s prospects outside the EU. “The BBC always wants to blame things on Brexit. I’m not saying this is a conspiracy, I’m saying it is a fact of life,” he said.”
“Society is collapsing”.
Does anyone take this ‘man’ seriously ?
Don’t even give him the oxygen of publicity,
Wild Bill
Could Al Beeb be plugging his book?
“The 42-year-old’s latest book – Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions – is released this month, and sees him discussing his own addictions, namely drugs, alcohol, sex and fame. “
Seems the BBC are willing to help the needy in the World. By filling food banks? No, the BBC give paid for interviews to… Russell Brand living ‘hand to mouth’ after giving away too much of fortune {dailystar 08oct2017} … 17 days later … “Society is collapsing” – Russell Brand { 25oct2017}
BBC Search for ‘Russell Brand’ … you have paid for this man who now lives ”hand to mouth’.
.. Earlier in Russell Brand’s Socialist Life ….
Not a prole in sight! ‘Anti-capitalist’ Russell Brand plans pool and cinema for the £3.3million thatched cottage he’s bought in Tory heartland {dailymail 07apr2016}
Mr Brand may look like a tramp and sound like Frank Spencer but I reckon he is an Establishment tool who has the ear of many younger people which puts him in a strong position to tell them what to think and say and the poor sods have no idea they are being conned. As a teenager I would probably have been easy prey for twerps like him so I can quite see how they get brainwashed to think and act against their own interests.
The impression I get of Mr Brand is that he’s one of those people who isn’t funny enough to be a comedian, isn’t clever enough to be a politician, isn’t learned enough to be a philosopher, isn’t talented enough to be an actor/singer/dancer, isn’t good looking enough to be a model but somehow has been able to combine elements of all those things into a marketable whole. A 21st century dilettante. You have to admire him for his sheer ability to keep on with the same old sixth-form persona into his forties!
The impression I get of Mr Brand is that he is not bright enough to be an amoeba but just bright enough to be a grade A lefty cunt.
Has he ever done a real day of work in his life ?
No commercials bbc there plugging Brand’s book.
No commercials bbc there plugging Brand’s book.
“Like” if you think Jacob Rees-Mogg should be our Prime Minister .
She is out of his league .
I find the woman May, weak and pathetic, but spectre of Prime Minister Corbyn worries me more.
I think it’s best to get Brexit done and dusted then the Mogginator can be our next PM.
If May goes there could be another election.
I never expected much of May but she is truly a sheep in sheep’s clothing.
I was referring to the female interviewer.
It’s great how she starts mimicking his grandiose way of speaking: “Were you privy to her words.”
All cultures are equal? Who would not want their daughter to bring home a man with his level of education and elocution? Rather that than some rapper who makes songs about stamping on people’s face. Of course the Beeb tries to push the latter on us.
Go Mogg! What a nasty sounding woman, obviously out of her depth.
One thing I have noticed in several interviews is that Mr Rees-Mogg doesn’t seem to say he would not serve in the cabinet. I don’t think he has said ‘I will not serve in the cabinet’ but several times has said ‘it’s not going to happen’. I wonder if that’s so that in future he can still serve? I don’t think he will be disloyal to Mrs May – because I think he is a man of honour – but he has not ruled out the possibility of a cabinet post if offered it, nor of standing for leader should Mrs May step down.
The hate is just dripping off of her as the Moggster hit a very big nerve. Barnett started out at LBC and she was obviously auditioning for the beeb with her labour Love on display every time
“BBC 5 live listeners I’m sure will react in their droves”
Could that be n assumption that the listeners are all lefty twits like the interviewer?
so DD now says there will be a vote on the brexit deal in parliament
anyone know what this really means?
is it
take it and leave or just leave
leave it and stay
I feel treachery heading our way
Leave = Remain
Remain = Remain;
48% is greater than 52%;
Yes = No;
No = No;
No Deal = Deal;
Deal = Deal;
Out = In;
In = In;
‘I feel treachery heading our way’
There will be plenty of that, thick lying Labour will ensure that.
Open your eyes:
Thanks for the video Pounce.
So evidently it is not society that radicalises these people, but their parents and the preachers in the mosques. Well, who’d have thought it!
We open up our country and welcome them whilst they see us as the enemy.
The CEO of Walsall NHS Trust is ‘moving on’. He has made, ” considerable progress” while CEO.
The hospital is in not just ‘special’ measures but extreme measures. Having lost numerous services, constant waiting times fines, and a Maternity Unit condemned by the CQC and fined £88,000 for H&S breaches.
Assuredly it is worse than when he arrived but he’s been coining around £350,000 (you know, we have to pay top money to get the best people) to make his “considerable progress”. I guess he’ll survive somehow? There are Food-Banks.
My favourite for a while –
Fats Domino tribute
‘In 2005 George Bush paid a personal visit to Fats Domino to replace his community medal which was lost in the floods and looting’
The BBC have actually reported on the Clinton team funding the dirty dossier!
Maybe the memory hole is just too full at the moment. It’s great how Trump sets the agenda for the day with his Tweets around midday. I like to picture him on the toilet laughing to himself as he unleashes hell, correcting media distortions and forcing issues into the open our cowardly leaders like to ignore. He is fantastic, a genuine change, unlike that phony crap we were promised from the likes of Blair and Obama.
I suppose one out of around ten anti Dem stories isn’t bad. Pretty amazing really – for the bbc.
Yes a mention that the Supreme Court has kicked out the Hawaiian obstruction to the original “Muslim” travel ban would be too much of a stretch for the BBC
U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Remaining Trump Travel Ban Case
The U.S. Supreme Court dismissed its remaining case over President Donald Trump’s travel ban, dropping out of the fight for the time being while lower courts scrutinize the latest version of the policy.
Beeb Bro.
My mind runs riot again.Your picture of the P.O.T.U.S. sitting on the bog unleashing hell. I suppose we all do that from time to time. Sorry about that. Viva Trump!!
Do you follow him on Twitter? It helps get me through hard days – I know that on my lunch hour I will be treated to a flurry of fantastic Tweets. He talks like a cool person you would want to go down the pub with. None of the anodyne, evasive, soulless nonsense we get from professional politicians.
Beeb Bro.
Yes I do read his comments on Twitter. It helps to balance the shit that spews from the squawk box in my sitting room.
A man on my train was speaking in a foreign language on the phone. He finishes his conversation and an English woman who does not know him from Adam sparks up a conversation with him about his family.
Why can’t the BBC report on heart- warming incidents like these, which not outnumber the ‘hate incidents’ by millions? They defame the nation when they suggest we are swarming with hate-filled bigots.
R4 Now Guy from charity Target Oxbridge which tutors ONLY blacks to get into Oxbridge
7 years ago 26 got in
latest year 54
said only 1.5% of blacks get 3 x A’s
You obviously have a colossal advantage applying if you are black and have the grades. They seem to gloss over the crucial fact that certain communities do not have an overly positive attitude towards schoolwork. There is nothing more frustrating as a teacher when a child has no motivation and actually basks in the high status of having no respect for teachers.
We all remember that classic Snoop Dogg track, “Guns, bitches, weed and Oxbridge.”
You obviously have a colossal advantage applying if you are black and have the grades. They seem to gloss over the crucial fact that certain communities do not have an overly positive attitude towards schoolwork. There is nothing more frustrating as a teacher when a child has no motivation and actually basks in the high status of having no respect for teachers.
We all remember that classic Snoop Dogg track, “Guns, bitches, weed and Oxbridge.”
‘Some say’ that ‘boys of colour’ suffer at school because their culture/genes lead them to be boisterous, which is seen as ‘badly behaved’ by the ‘hideously white’ teachers that haven’t had the ‘training’, (surely not?).
Around here we have a few bushy-haired hybrids. Walking along the main road to the shops I saw a group of ‘white’ children on the other side with one of these hybrids. Suddenly he shot across the road, I thought in persuit of a small ball. But then he raced back, straight through a line of cars driving at a nominal 30 mph and closely spaced. I don’t think the driver of the middle car even realised what had happened before he regained the pavement. Moments later he made a return journey but this time jumped over the three-foot wall to the playing field. Well its three-foot on the road side but ten-foot on the field side!
After a minute or two the other kids called out, “If you are still there we are going to ____”. Darwin in action? Unfortunately the local girls seem to be banging out these hybrids at quite a rate. Perhaps if they survive they might become the new explorers and entrepreneurs.
Palestinian Media Watch
Lucy Pevensey
So the anti Jewish bias is not restricted to the BBC. I focus more on You Tube than the BBC for news and commentary and this disturbs me.
A bit late but can’t see where it is covered above, aoplogies.
Today the bBBC is confronted with the news that the economy has grown by more than expected.
This really does not fit the remoan narrative.
So trust the bBBC to max out the bad news spin on this. As per the news at 1 pm.
Doom. Interest rates may have to rise.
Gloom. Construction industry in the doldrums.
Doom. Service sector growth much lower than the boom years.
Only in bBBC la la land is it necessary to reinterprate good news as bad.
Anyone would think they had an agenda. Oh, wait……………
Yes. It’s called treason.
Just watching a bit of Autumnwatch.
There is a new presenter. You’ll never guess. It’s a female. And she’s black!! Who would have thought?
And Chris Packham has recently revealed his Asperger’s. So the bBBC is also ticking the disability box.
If only they could find a wheelchair- using shepherd. And maybe Eddie Izzard as a special guest. Then they would have the full set.
Stiil it was great to see Gillian going on about her beaver. Ooh, missus.
Ooh no missus. Don’t mock the afflicted.
Labour racism mentioned
‘I as black woman spoke at Conservative conference, then my Labour friends said I’d betrayed them’
ie ‘Labour says BAME **owe** them’
\\She chose the Conservative conference of 2010 to make a platform speech which attacked well-meaning liberals for ruining the education chances of many from low-income and ethnic minority backgrounds. Revealing herself to be a supporter of the new Conservative-led government, she felt ostracised by the state education system and has struggled for years to found her own free school.
Having established the Michaela Community School in north London, she is able to put her radical ideas into practice there, leading some to dub it the ‘Strictest school in Britain’.//
They complain there are not enough black people at Trump rallies but often that is because lunatic leftists threaten to beat them up if they attend. It is harder to come out as Conservative than it is to come out as gay.
Gosh, what has gone wrong with the BBC? Fifteen miniutes this evening on Radio 4 with an interview with that excellent woman Katharine Birbalsingh. Maybe those in charge think that a quarter of an hour’s sense makes up for months & months of leftish bombast. Everything is even now!
I can’t comment. No, really, I just don’t know what to say.
Bloody disgusting!
There is no mention on the BBC about the goings on in Golders Green where a proposal to build an enormous Mosque in the middle of a Jewish area has brought fury from the residents there.
There is no mention that the council has been deleting peoples objections to the planning application (illegal) on the grounds they are ‘inappropriate’ or contain ‘hate speech’. Barnet council which is responsible happens to be the centre left wing Conservatives, and in response a petition of over 5000 signatures has been obtained.
As if this wasn’t enough a few self destructive Jews in the media (Even Jews have problems with liberals who lie in the media) have called them ‘Islamofauxbik’ and ‘bigotted’.
Only when the area has been successfully cleansed of all Jews will the Jewish Chronicle be happy, depriving itself of sales and killing itself in the process. liberalism is the real dead end.
On Tuesday, the Times of Israel reported that opponents of plans to turn Golders Green Hippodrome into an Islamic centre “showered derision on the Jewish press” at a recent “town hall” meeting, after community media outlets published a string of articles denouncing objections to the mosque as “racist” and “Islamophobic”.
“There is nothing fascist about wanting to stand up for the amenities of your area,” argued keynote speaker at the event, Gavin Boby, who described the proposed mosque in Golders Green as “the biggest threat to the sense of home for Jews since Cable Street”.
Pronouncing the Quran to be “more anti-Semitic than [Adolf Hitler’s] Mein Kampf”, the self-described “mosque-buster” told audience members: “If the Jewish population are driven out of Golders Green they probably won’t come back when we make this area safe for them. I don’t care if this is called fascist, people need to know the truth.”
It might work out.
In Belgium and France they found that by having the army guard kiddies’ nurseries the Islamists found it more difficult to butcher Jewish French and Belgian children. I guess it just involves people adapting to a society which sees no problem in building a Mosque in a Jewish area.
Go on guess how many uni students come from BME?
Clue “these groups making up just 18 per cent of the 15-year-old population in the 2011 census in England.”
Surprise “BME students were 29 per cent of all entrants to full-time first degrees in 2015-16”
by official report.
That’s why LibMob talk about blacks …Indian/Chinese must be way overrepresented
It’s moronic. How can it possibly be the fault of white racism if Indians do better than whites? The ‘race audit’ had proved what nonsense the idea of society being racist is, because white boys perform worse than almost any group.
This idea that negative outcomes are never the fault of the culture is ridiculous. It robs people of their agency. Lammy will be telling kids in his constituency that the problem is a racist society, so maybe they won’t get their heads down at school as it is not their fault and the odds are stacked against them anyway. This refusal to take any responsibility is so toxic. We never see Chinese kids getting stabbed in gang violence; they have an excellent work ethic, which is key to children achieving.
Honestly, what more could we possibly to do help minorities? We already openly discriminate against the indigenous population.
I was thinking of going to see The Death Of Stalin, a ‘comedy’ directed by BBC favourite Armando Iannucci.
Just before I booked I checked the trailer. Lots of ‘effing’ and faecal references but no jokes. Possibly there will be some in the 107 minutes it runs for or, more likely, the ‘effs’ and ‘esses’ are the jokes – certainly that is what passes for comedy on Mock The Week etc.
Ah well, just need to wait for the next foreign, (not USA), film.
Trust the left to make a few cheap jokes at their former hero.
Been dead now for 64 years now. long enough time to get the Monty Python, Remoaners and Hillary shills together for a laugh.
Won`t be funny-they`re all too old and liberal to still have a sense of humour.
Be on Channel 4 or BBC 2 within the year, hopefully it will bomb.
Wonder if Harvey`s involved in any way?
S`pose it`ll be the Ukraine famine next.
But not the death of Tony Benn and his mooching dynasty. Some things must not be mocked.
There has already been an excellent black comedy about the U.S.S.R. under Stalin.
“The Red Monarch” with the late Colin Blakely as Stalin and David Suchet as Beria and a host of other good British actors. I haven’t seen it repeated but if it is ever on it is well worth a look.