I sometimes wonder if 1984 is the offical rulebook used by BBC executives.
“He hated her because she was young, pretty and sexless, because he wanted to go to bed with her and could never do so, because her sweet supple waist, which seemed to ask you to encircle it with your arm, there was only the odious scarlet sash, aggressive symbol of chastity.”
Red Robbo, (ooops title already taken by someone else who had similar views!) must be wondering why hardly anyone takes him seriously in the twitter replies. The BBC is not the arbiter of what is truth.
Every time In see or hear a comment from the BBC as news or opinion my mind keeps hearing….
“Is that the truth or did you hear it on the BBC?”
When the BBC stops using Democrat sources for US “news” and becomes less sloppy with its journalism I might consider listening to them again. There again it is more likely that a box of rocks on Mars will have more lucid views on the world.
It’s yellow journalism. The numbers will have been exaggerated. Can’t they just let it go and stop digging? It’s farcical to say Russia was was titled the election.
Causation is a slippery business, but surely front and centre in an election is the character of the candidates. Clinton was in bad health, lied compulsively and was the literal embodiment of the establishment. For all the hatred they threw at Trump, I think he was a very strong candidate: the ultimate outsider; talked in a language normal people connected with, rather than talking down his nose at them (he would never call Americans deplorable); plus as a billionaire businessman who had written a book about deal making he had obvious transferable skills.
To say anything other than the character or the candidates tilted the election seems stupid to me.
BB “To say anything other than the character or the candidates tilted the election seems stupid to me.”
Quite so, especially when one considers the primary and secondary aspects of the US Presidential Election and, even more so, when you drill down to different primaries, some where the potential voters represent the opposing Party.
The MSM seem to ignore that inherent safeguard while completely overlooking the potential of hackers to mess with electronic registration and voting systems. Brains are obviously not working in N&CA at Broadcasting House.
Blinded by their Alt-Left hatred of Donald Trump the person and/or Republicanism (US style), perhaps?
None of the admittedly limited number of BBC News programmes I have listened to has mentioned or discussed yesterday’s meeting that Kenneth Clarke, Nick Clegg and Andrew Adonis had with M. Barnier. Have the BBC covered it, I wonder, or have they decided to turn a blind eye (after all, there are much more earth-shattering and important issues to cover, like Kevin Spacey). Clarke and Clegg are free to do what they want, but Adonis, as Transport ‘Tsar’, is a high level government advisor. It seems to me his position is now untenable, and should be sacked immediately.
Odd. It has been all over twitter. But admittedly not so much on the BBC. In some cases, that is just how they like it, and want people to think it should be.
I wonder if the BBC will mention our merry musketeers’ visit when next in the studio or, in Marr like courtesy, not mention it?
I suppose they’ll be back and be doing a round of EU propaganda interviews to further undermine our cause – aided and abetted by the main stream cheerleaders. Since st Clegg was dumbed by his voters perhaps the good people of Nottingham could do the same to Clarke next time so he can shuffle of fir a sleep in the peers . Adonis doesn’t count as he’s a Blair bitch .
NF has now written to Barnier to ask for a meeting.
.@MichelBarnier has met with supporter after supporter of Britain remaining in the EU. So I am also writing to him to request a meeting. pic.twitter.com/kBzoh9bxeF
Toady watch
Luvvies , journos and politicians engaging with opposite gender shock.
Al Beeb got some gay actor on for a chat to say how he gave a nosh to a producer and got is career going when he was 19. They are queuing up now, I like the historic one where the minister for boredom put his hand on Julia Hartley jams leg 15 years ago.
What the hell is going on?
She was on the pig-ugly Smithsonian Dynasty Sunday Politics and said too much fuss was being made about the whole ‘sexual harassment’ thing. It obviously didn’t phase her.
I once worked with a female senior manager who was useless at her job, but had a history of sleeping with the right people to ensure promotion. The usual description of her was: “her legs are in different time zones”. When her incompetence finally caught up with her she was given a record breaking redundancy pay-off to go quietly.
Isn’t it great ?
The president of the republic of Catalonia has gone to Belgium and may well apply for political asylum in another Eu country ! Will Spain be deemed an unsafe country ? Why didn’t he claim asylum in the first safe country he landed in – France – in accordance with that treaty every country merrily ignores – turning Blighty into a dustbin of false claims…
I’m guessing Brussels phoned them yesterday and told them to “redouble their efforts” and put another shot across the bow.
I left a comment telling the BBC to “give it a rest” and that I now use other unofficial news outlets to get the truth because the BBC is no longer trustworthy and just broadcasts fake news and biased propaganda.
However, a message came up that my post would be seen/veted by a moderator before being posted.
20 minutes later when I arrived at work I checked to see if it had been uploaded but there was no sign of it.
I see the bBC has yet another Muslim victim story on its front page: This is my country, too “This year has seen a spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes, and a new survey shows women are suffering the most – so what’s it like to be a black British Muslim woman at the moment? Not great, says Muna Ahmed.
Funny thing about that spike in Anti-Muslim hate crimes, only one Islamic person has been murdered for being a Muslim by a Non-Muslim in the Uk this year . The last I looked 35 non-Muslims have been murdered by Muslims in the same time frame. As for women suffering the most, I’m pretty sure if we add up all the incidents of rapes, assaults and grooming incidents White women are more at risk of abuse from Muslims in the Uk, than Islamic women are from funny looks.
Finally regards that spike in hate crimes:
In 2015, Britain recorded eight times as many hate crimes as the United States, which has five times as many people; that was 31 times the hate crimes reported in France and 88 times the total in Italy. The number of reported hate crimes in Britain has risen for two reasons: increased public awareness and changes in the law so that almost anything can be recorded as a hate crime. Which kind of explains how the bBCs fav reporting site ‘Tell Mama’ used abuse from seen on the internet from non Brits as Hate crimes carried out in the UK.
the bbc counters it with the oppression of muslims or a muslims are wonderful story
it states “A man mimed shooting Linda with a rifle as he crossed the road. A man spent an entire train journey staring aggressively at Sonya, his face inches from hers”
it of course should have correctly added “She claims”
now man found guilty of plotting to blow her up, decapitate her , poison her with ricin that would actually be real news
Although the identity of offenders was not clear in all cases, the vast majority were men, more than half white and 115 were believed to be from the far-right, 49 anti-Zionist and 12 Islamist.
We are a remarkably tolerant and decent people. I never see the slightest hint of any ‘hate crime’ and I get out and about a lot. I wish they could stop putting us down.
BB wrote: “We are a remarkably tolerant and decent people. I never see the slightest hint of any ‘hate crime’ and I get out and about a lot. I wish they could stop putting us down.
Good point, instead of stating that actually when it comes to the crunch, the UK has a much better record of integration that most countries in the world. The liberal media continues to spread the message that the reverse is true. and I’m a Paki looking bloke saying that
The BBC will never cease in its agenda to divide us, no matter how artificially. Like the ‘settled science’ of AGW if you repeat a lie often enough many people will start to believe it, especially if the messenger has special ‘trusted’ and ‘impartiality’ status.
It’s what the Left do, and I’m beginning to think now that the BBC isn’t just Left, it’s Hard Left.
Johnnythefish, agreed, however in my view the BBC is the propoganda arm of the all powerfull global masters community and not actually left wing or right wing come to that.
It just uses the left as useful idiots and the right as scape goats.
China Uighurs: Xinjiang ban on long beards and veils
China Uighurs: Xinjiang city of Urumqi to ban Islamic veil
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
Xinjiang city bans Islamic dress on public transport
‘All-out offensive’ in Xinjiang risks worsening grievances
China police arrest Xinjiang ‘terror gang’
China sentences 55 people in Xinjiang stadium
Imam of China’s largest mosque killed in Xinjiang
cockneyboy – good point. Yes, it’s a strange old mix especially when time and again Soros’s name keeps cropping up as being at the heart of it. However, if you look at the UN’s Agenda 21, which seems to be the catalyst designed and approved by all these one-worlders to facilitate their goal, it’s overwhelmingly authoritarian and socialist.
On page 21 of The Times today is an article about people complaining to the BBC about how they use the news to plug their own programmes. Don’t they know actual news is hate crime now?
Apropos Julia Hartley-Brewer’s kneegate. Well done her for actually remembering an incident from 15 years ago ! and how did it come to light now anyway ? who leaked it ? I’d be hard pushed to remember a hand on my shoulder, elbow, knee or anywhere else from last week, let alone the number of times I had a pair of hands on my shoulders as I worked in 2002, and by whom !!!!
The irony of seeing the awful Victoria Darbyshire droning on about this earlier was too much for me. I can’t stand her at the best of times but unless I’m much mistaken wasn’t her own sudden meteoric rise to prominence coincidentally timed with a fortuitous, adulterous, affair at the BBC?
Absolute GC.
And not forgetting Sarah Lancashire, who also had a meteoric rise in her career – coincidentally around the time she married BBC bigwig Peter Salmon in 2001.
(from her Wiki…… In the summer of 2000, Lancashire signed a two-year golden handcuffs contract with the ITV network which made her the UK’s highest paid television actress.)
I was listening to that and thought same thing – it seems the BBC is quite happy to denigrate Christianity at the drop of a hat but don’t whatever you do criticise any other religion. They also bang on about the decline in Christianity as though that is some reason to knock it – but always link it to church attendance – I am a Christian but I don’t go to church- when you look at the attitudes of the head of the CoE is it any wonder?
I can’t wait for the new Brexit programme next week…even the trailer for it has tone of negativity…Not even an attempt to keep it neutral…
James ,
I liked the way the Archbishop of cantab didn’t mention Our Lord Jesus Christ ( happy to be corrected) but when the Cardinal was interviewed he managed to slip the words ‘God’ and Jesus Christ into the interview before the head girl cut him off . Happy All Souls Day tomorrow. The other day someone asked me if it had anything to do with Halloween – I kid you not – as some say ( slipped in a bit of albeeb interview technique eh? Some say…)
they think “church” means the buildings. The cathedrals & attendance of rituals. They don’t understand that The Church as defined by it’s founders is the worldwide body of believers in Jesus. The secularised/institutional versions of Christianity may have declined but the Body of Christ is alive & well in Britain, Europe, America & all over the globe. It’s just not newsworthy. There are even underground churches in places like China & Iran. Again, not newsworthy. They can’t quantify the wind.
Lucy, you describe well the essential division that used many years ago to be described as ‘the visible Church’ and ‘the Church invisible’. A very good reason as to why Protestants no longer hunt out Catholics and Catholics no longer burn Protestants at the stake.
JA – whilst the decline in Christianity is unfortunately true, the growth in Islam is equally true but the BBC never mentions that fact. Perhaps they don’t want to alarm us comatose, knuckle-dragging morons in case we take up arms or something? Or maybe it’s a stealth thing – don’t say anything and they won’t notice what’s happening…
Would argue that the rise in Islam is related to the decline in Christianity.
A muscular Christianity with American freedom based on Jesus made South Korea a stunning example of church growth and a mass change in societal values-and all from nothing after WW2.
Here in the UK, we farmed out any Christian efforts to poor Billy Graham , and had absolutely NO answers to the likes of Frost, Lennon, Jagger or Cleese-let alone far more potent influences like Greer, Clay/Ali and the likes of Major onwards.
The Tories today are similar-no vision, no answers-in office but not in power-and left hoping that the Brownshirts and the liberal crud will be content to let them crawl off to die with their pensions.
No-John Paul 2 was the last Church leader we`d be getting for the world, Benedict was the last European prophet.
At least islam stands for something, it honours Jesus much more than most.
Gods enema, Gods dildo for a fucked up world.
Still though-He`ll have His victory using Christians-but Lord alone how He`ll do it.
Guess it`ll be via the likes of Nazir Ali, as well as fellow pilgrims like Jonathan Sacks and Leonard Cohen…may need to remove that “Christian” franchise first though from his so-called “church”.
But the Good guys n gals(sorry!) do win-I know-I`ve read the Book to the end,so I know.
Following our Mr Carney’s latest doom-mongering – 750,000 or somesuch jobs to go, building collapses, mass suicides etc etc, after Brexit – I’m all the more sure the snidey little chap is after compulsory replacement, together with a ‘commensurate’ pay off of course, so he can take up the job with the climate-change crew which surely awaits him.
Calls to ban Coca-Cola Christmas truck from Liverpool {ENGLAND}
“Calls have been made to ban the Coca-Cola truck from Liverpool this Christmas amid concerns about obesity levels in the city.”
Are these pictures a reflection of real beauty? {ARTS}
“Go to Google Images right now,” says photographer Mihaela Noroc, “and search ‘beautiful women’.”
The city where you need a license to dance seeks law change {US & CANADA}
“Dancing may be the universal language, yet it is all but banned in New York City because of a decades-old “Cabaret Law”.”
Another exciting news item is that the much-loved public hero ‘Moses’ Farah is to part company with the dubious trainer Alberto Salazar in order to ‘come back home and watch Arsenal’. Watch this space for final and positive disclosure of Salazar’s training methods, avoid comparisons with rats leaving ships and rejoice in the adulation to come on his favourite promotional medium. Suggestions that London’s premier footballers are due to take up residence in Mogadishu are apparently unfounded.
Bloody hell Mohammed-mo – those drugs must have horrible side effects to make someone want to watch Arsenal. No doubt his publicist want him to get the ‘down with the christians’ vote of approval while he sends the ‘charity’ cash off to the boys in mog .
I couldn’t care less if he supported Margate United, but the fact he ‘wants to come home’ is the burning issue. So that he can be an ever present face on sports programmes, quizzes and what next ? Strictly ? (groan)
Is there any day of the year that does NOT have some kind of bloody award ceremony? Saw some crap about teachers and mums army paint pot washers getting awards on Sunday-FFS…is EVERYBODY doing nothing but going to an wards ceremony with Bradley Walsh or Carol Vorderman. Try doing your jobs, you needy creeps…and stop the mutual days out of work to wallow in your pointlessness.
The only question I have is, where does Mr Farah plan to be domiciled for tax purposes ? That was his main reason for going to the US in the first place – to avoid being taxed in the UK.
Al Beeb are broadcasting a documentary about some called Robert sands – a terrorist in Northern Ireland who starved himself to death a long time ago. I watched it out of duty . It turns this evil creature into a saint. It does not mention the 57 souls taken during the 217 days of the various hunger protests. It seems for al Beeb – some lives are worth more that others and reminds one that Beeb bias goes back a long way.
Yes no doubt at some point in the future there will be a retrospective outcry about all those bigoted young extreme right wing fascists who had the audacity to try and defend their countries from those poor oppressed Nazis.
Fedup, they are presently doing the same thing with those poor naive, misunderstood returning Jihadis who desperately want to be accepted as part of our society. Talk of fast tracking them to the top of Council housing waiting lists. Why not give them all a million quid to make them feel special too!
Yes Fedup, I did too (think it was a joke). I had to laugh when JHB on Talk Radio said that, on hearing the news, she thought she had, somehow, mistakenly wound her clock back to April 1st rather than GMT!
Time for a return of the Sands Diet.
Bit stringent-but you become an MP and get a nice card from Jeremy Steptoe.
If you`re a bit of a wimp-try the Prescott one. Get a free knee trembler in a mortuary of your choice.
On Toady this morning.
A 100 year old gentleman who is proudly selling poppies for the Royal British Legion.
He survived three years in Auschwitz doing slave labour for the IG Farben chemical factory, and then also survived the death march out if there in early 1945. He barely mentioned the events until he was about 80.
Meanwhile….. apparently 11000 people may need counselling or other mental health support ‘because of Grenfell tower’.
Words absolutely fail me.
If only I could direct some of my taxes to him rather than to them.
Get your claim in now. Go to the top of the queue to see a doctor
The mental health response following the Grenfell Tower fire is the biggest operation of its kind in Europe, a doctor has said, with numbers affected likely to exceed 11,000.
The unprecedented need following the blaze has transformed the Central and North West London NHS Trust (CNWL) into “the largest trauma service in the UK”, according to chief psychologist Dr John Green.
More than 1,300 people have been seen by CNWL and GPs after the fire, either for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening or Grenfell-related physical health concerns.
Health professionals in London estimate that around 11,000 people in the wider Grenfell area could experience difficulties of some description, though not all will necessarily seek treatment, while the fire may also have been triggering for others across the country.
Illegal is the old term, please use “Undocumented, irregular, economic dreamers.” to stop Hate.
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime (hate crime) literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.”
– Orwell, 1984
The BBC are still droning on about Michael Fallon touching Julia Hartley Brewer’s knee 15 years ago but fail to pass comment on the fact that she said to him “If you do that again I’ll punch you in the face”.
Can the BBC confirm that it would be okay for a man to punch a woman in the face should she touch his knee?
Ten years ago I was actually sexually assaulted by an older female workmate, we were in a kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, she was behind me and suddenly grabbed my arse, I had to tell her twice to get off and pushed her away, but I just laughed it off, I should have gone for compensation.
I remember one Christmas in the early 70s when various parties were going on in the building where I worked. I’d gone back to my desk in a small office which was empty. A young lady who I had previously only known by sight suddenly came in, put her arms round me and gave me a very deep frenching (kiss, that is), then disappeared.
Sorry, not BBC but, CH4 (not much difference these days) last night “Is Britain Full?” I felt there were countless questions that were not even asked or considered.
For instance, if so many people were leaving northern cities (Liverpool, Glasgow etc.) for London then how come 600,000 whites left London 2001-2011? The 2021 census figures will be interesting!
Sad that British Intelligence can’t come up with better means of presenting their ‘freedom fighters’ in a good light.
I guess he will be given a safe welcome and all fees paid at yoony
Does this mean anyone who can use a playstation or ride a bike is a potential terrorist? Are these terrorist skills? Amber Rudd has going to be so busy with the Hate Crime Hub ….
The medical profession has become just another base for hard left activism. Their refusal to do as their employer instructs them and take payment for treatment from foreign nationals claiming ‘we are not the government’s border guards’ says it all. In other words they are open borders, internationalist and re-distributionist – straight out of the Momentum handbook on How to be a Country-Wrecking Communist Twat.
Don’t know about the long march through the institutions, doesn’t seem to have taken long at all – the Marxist bastards have infiltrated every aspect of public life.
They have been at it since the 1920s. There is a lot of very good, well researched, historical information on the subject from released MI5 (and other) files which would make a fascinating TV series. It would show just how hard the Soviet Comintern systematically worked to spy on and undermine western society for decades and was still hard at it in the 1970s.
Of course, anything that would risk exposing the huge extent of communist subversion in the UK is never going to be an easy sell at the BBC. Far better to fake-up some frothy hysteria about a non-existent ‘far Right’.
There’s about as much chance of them making a programme on that as there is about them doing a retrospective on the wars waged by the Arabs against Israel.
“There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t.”
An excellent site for Social Justice Warriors
“By 2020, the SJW Site wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.”
Re: earlier discussion about posting tweets on here.
I’m all for doing it if its relevant to exposing BBC bias and agendas. The tweets from BBC staff have been real eye-openers for me in terms of how brazenly they express their left wing, anti-Trump, anti-Brexit, pro-EU, pro-open borders, pro-Islam, pro-Labour, pro-Green, pro-AGW alarmism etc etc.
Wonder how much ‘This is terrifying.’ cost the TV Tax Payer per letter typed by BBC’s Katty Kay? No actual news in the title – just a statement of drama. Save money and just type ‘OMG!’ all the time …
So someone who may or may not be Laura Bicker, who may or may not work for the BBC ‘tweets’:
“Twitter says Russia-linked automated accounts sent 1.4 million tweets about 2016 US election or 0.74 % of all election tweets”
Assuming that ‘Twitter’ is reliable(!) then the above reads as a neutral statement of fact. Indeed it could be argued that it ‘balances’ the sensational ‘1.4 million’ with the relative insignificance ‘0.74%’ and so is to be commended! Hardly ‘bias’.
As we said in the days when we only had ‘O’s, “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.
The TwitterTroughers have out-maxed Maxicony by destroying this site with all this meaningless trivia.
There is plenty of real BBC bias out there. Read it, hear it, see it, identify it. Then report it in such a way that the rest of us poor mortals can understand what exactly you have found. That does require a bit more thought than just cutting and pasting contextless c***p from your Twitter stream.
Oh It is Laura, cos that blue tick signifies verified account
I think @GuestWho is saying 99.26% of Election tweets had nothing to do with the Russians
BTW Laura misleads cos the tweet analysis period was only 10 weeks Sep-Nov15 2016 Explain twitter Corp
Agreed johnny.
I ersonally lose track of the endless drive bys, smears and slights from paid BBC staff and their edited talking heads.
Some of us are great at noting them all, others good at complaining to “authorities” supposed to prevent it.
But I myself try to see trends…note people and what they shoose to tell us.
I`d rather go to the source, rather than get bogged down in all the details and timings. And seeing as we know that Dimbly has been primed to seek evidence that the BBC use “because of Brexit or despite Brexit”it doesn`t take too much effort for a Scruton or Rees Mogg to give specifics.
The Right needs to know what the BBC are up to, and tell them live on air before it`s edited.
This is NOT aimed at yet another Katty Kay barb-I don`t listen to her, I know what she says.
Some of us want the punctured tyre fixed-others are happy to try even as the wheel is spinning on them.
I want the bike smashed to bits-the BBC have got to go, why tell them that I`m not happy. Better to put a brick into their windows, and deal with their staff outside-thats what Momentum do isn`t it?
And that gets called “passion” when the Left does it.
Climate : cos temperature won’t go up : Air Pollution is the new Climate Change
… even tho the air is way cleaner than 40 years ago
WHO report PR is across all media
… Can you tell there is a big Climate Conference coming up ?
Looks like the Gherkin. In the mist. Could be an expat on The Peak I guess. Never too keen on MSM visualisations of pollution any more than their efforts to get power station steam as GHGs.
The Ministry of Truth – miniTrue in Newspeak – was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, three hundred meters into the air.
… from the imagination of George Orwell in 1948 to the Qatar owned (95%) building ‘The Shard’ in mar2012 …
Mark, It wouldn’t be as bad if it was only the one ugly building.
The government of Qatar also owns 1.8m sq ft, making the Middle Eastern country by far the most dominant force in London property. In contrast, Her Majesty owns just under 7.3m sq ft.
Just one of a litany of unverifiable statements in that ‘article’. Tell Mama has about the same reputation for unbiased and impartiality reporting as the ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’.
It would help if the ‘Recent Comments’ feature worked properly. Clicking on an individual post seems to take two attempts to hit the target these days.
Just to point something out Lammys statement about no black students accepted at oxbridge. Actually he said black British students, as if we look at the total number of ethnic people accepted by oxford, ( Which includes oxbridge) we arrive at a. Figure of 15% which is higher than than the national average of non whites which is around 13% and here are a few more oxford facts:
Black and BME are different
Black are half the 3% they should be
BME should be 18% cos that is the ratio for 18year olds
Saturday I posted details here.
I’ll dig out the link later
“Jews con trol the b an ks and the media” at a 10 percent chance of being perceived as toxic. On the other hand, “Many t errori s ts are radical Is la mists” registers with Perspective as 92 percent likely to be seen as toxic.
This isn’t the BBC, but Channel 4 is almost the same thing.
While we’re on the topic of sexual assaults, last night saw the return of “999, What’s Your Emergency?” It was about sex crimes in Wiltshire, “with women being targeted by predatory males”. As usual several different cases were featured. All of the offenders shown on camera were white.
The #BBC's selective reporting with negative news thrust upon people at the top of the page every morning only goes to remind all that the BBC are the unofficial voice of Remain and Brussels. #BBCBiaspic.twitter.com/bHRtRhtCT3
One wonders why the BoE and Al Beeb are continuing to talk down the British economy, its almost as if they are on a death wish. Surely It drives a lack of confidence in potential investors.
Are they being directed to do this by ‘higher powers’?
Despite this the £ jumps to 1.14 Euro . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/business-41770277
“Brexit minister says ‘basic’ EU deal likely even if trade talks fail”
“Mr Davis told a parliamentary committee that even if Britain failed to strike a formal trade deal both sides were likely to have agreements in areas such as aviation that would allow planes to fly between Britain and the EU.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/business-41770277
Imagine the effect on EU economy if British tourists ceased to head for the continent ?
Underneath LauraK’s tweet Labour activists have tweeted
“yeh what about the Tory 36” etc.
Labour supporters – take a long hard look at yourselves for appaling trolling @bbclaurak for reporting on shocking Labour rape claims story. https://t.co/y4vsXSk09P
I move that Labours “independent enquiry” into their shenanigans be held by a well-respected , political big beast who knows of these things. Step forward Lord John Prescott to save the party we love.
Where`s Tracey Temple these days?
Surely the One Show and Channel 4 News would be throwing money at “our Tracey” to spill the seed if not the beans on MPs, necrophilia and bulimia.
Very Jeremy Kyle…come on BBC!
“Is there a butter crisis in France?” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41766352
“Brexit is having a very positive effect – we have farmers who are getting a much better milk price and we also have more interest from countries inside Europe and outside Europe for fresh British milk. We are trying to supply that need.”
“He says the Chinese are interested in British milk because they see it as “pure”. They also want to know exactly which farm the product is coming from. ” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-41684652
Our farmers will do well once we are out of the EU – we should have left long ago !
bBBC London are mourning the first anniversary of the bulldozing of the Calais refugee camps.
Two asylum seekers who made it to London are featured.
One is an Iranian, good English, educated, an IT specialist who went on to win sn animation competition.
The other a Syrian who appears to have no work and is waiting forvsomevsort if refigee card. He is living in a very nice house which is apparently provided by a private family.
But in all the coverage …..not one woman!!!!
Weird. I thought the bBBC told us how many women and children there were.
But the bBBC is absolutely incapable of sny kind of analysis, instead we are just supposed to accept the unadulterated virtue-signalling.
The bBBC. To inform, educate, entertain, and brainwash.
Hold fast friends. All this Trump and Russia crap is boiling up nicely.
The BBC and CNN run into parked cars and make lots of noise. Little Evan last night seemed awful pleased, and who can blame the lefties?
They own the media-they own the politics and the law, the money and the rest of it.
And-like Gina Miller or Michel Barnier-you could be forgiven for thinking that it`s lost.
We`ll die in the EU, with Trump in supermax and Soros crowing as he brings Anjems and Muhammads from all over the place to give us an update of the Handmaids Tale. But I say no.
Like Leveson or Andrew Gilligans personal organiser-this is best in show shampoos from the liberal pink poodles. Yapping to themselves, all that howling feedback that nobody outside CNN, The Senate or saviles bouncy castle gives a damn about.
Consider this.
In Kazakhstan or some other God-forsaken ex bit of Russia likes one vast yellowcake -urine soaked ialong with a $12 million piece of yellowing Hillary funded “dossier”.
It all came out last week-so since then, we`ve had what the BBC, FBI and CNN, Wall St News choose to send us.
Trump however needed not a cent from Hillarys backers, let alone Putins roubles.
Clean as a whistle-but the DNC from Obama, Clintons down to hades are up to their brass necks in ts.
The fuse has been lit, the idiot lefty media will continue to go back to the Catherine Wheel because it`s yet to start going. But the fuse is set-the whole lot of them from 2009 will be jailbirds if Trump is slowly allowed to build his case-and he needs his brains like Bannon and Seb to do this.
Sense they`re onto it-Rush Limbaugh is anyway.
Not sure how many degrees of separation exist between Hillarys “yellowcake and dossier”-and Evan Davis musing that Trump will be impeached as a result of a couple of sprats indicted yesterday. More than six, but these oafs of the lefty media continue to poke the firecrackers with paraffin wicks and think it`s fun to play with sparklers.
This will surely blow, This IED of their creation will hopefully kill them as media and political figures. Jailtime-FAR, far bigger than Watergate if Bannon and Gorka want to go for glory.
Come on Trump-you`re near the heart of the swamp-get your melon baller out and scoop their black hearts out of political life for a generation.
Tweet away sir!
Sky reporting 2 dead near the 9/11 site in New York with the driver of the vehicle involved detained. It might be a hate crime or even terrorism. I doubt al Beeb will report it as they are too busy talking about knees being touched 15 years ago or whether someone called Prue has given the name of someone in a baking programme ( which I’ve never seen as I don’t have a tv licence) .
There really does seem to be a bit more madness in the air.
I believe that the age of terrorist attacks in the west is over. There will be no more. There will be accidents, incidents, gas explosions, electrical faults and assaults with deadly weapons. There will be no speculation about terrorism, Islam, Allah Ackibar shouts, and winesses who heard shouts, saw second shooters, and saw drivers heading directly into the crowd will be ignored.
Accusations of spreading fake news and dismissal of conspiracy theories will play their part
Terrorism is over, although we will still have the memories of Mair and Breivig, with increasing threats from the far right.
Fair comment – it’s all mental issues and domestics gone wrong. See how quickly the New York attack is moved out of public consiousness and replaced by “ mp touched me knee in 2002 shock”.
Radio4 now Future Nuclear : Beeboids let Meg Hillier Labour MP of the Public Accounts committee get away with misinformation
“we are locked into this long contract for Moorside nuclear at £92.50/MWh strike price
, but wind is getting cheaper and is already at £57”
You stupid woman
#1 That is not actually the real price for wind power, it’s just a speculative bid, which can be backed out of
The corp making it would be cross subsidising it by the other high price with contract it has.
..PART-time power Wind/Solar .. need backup like gas or magic batteries
So not comparable with
..FULL-time power Nuclear … doesn’t need backup
Having followed doings of the HoC Public Accounts Committee for several years I think there should be a test for any MPs wanting a chair there – along the lines of “how many fingers am I holding up?”
News item number one: A terrorist attack with at least six dead in New York.
New item number two: A female labour activist reveals she was raped by a senior labour party official and Jeremy Corbyn states that “speaking out about rape and sexual harassment takes enormous courage” and “there will be no tolerance in the Labour Party for sexism, harassment or abuse” yet he has nothing to say about the 1000’s of young girls drugged then raped and sodomised by Pakistani muslims.
S.S.D.D. – Just another day in our multi-cultural heaven and nothing to do with Islam.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas https://www.spiked-online.com/2025/02/23/the-bbc-is-turning-into-a-megaphone-for-hamas/
Up2snuffFeb 24, 21:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – remember my earlier post about Katya Adler? It gets worse, this BBC overmanning lark. Apparently, there…
I sometimes wonder if 1984 is the offical rulebook used by BBC executives.
“He hated her because she was young, pretty and sexless, because he wanted to go to bed with her and could never do so, because her sweet supple waist, which seemed to ask you to encircle it with your arm, there was only the odious scarlet sash, aggressive symbol of chastity.”
Many here, it seems, will miss this. But the bbc knows its audience.
And what it can get away with.
Tee hee.
The BBC twitter title is not related to the actual story but a dig at President Trump.
Spreading fake news with ‘scary orange face’?
Twitter Title: Do you have a big, orange, scary face in your life?http://bbc.in/2zhpHGk #Halloween
Story Title: “Pick-your-own pumpkins and carving competitions”
Previously reported on BBC news, to set the scene and the agenda …
Eminem’s takedown of Donald Trump: The most explosive lines {bbc.co.uk 11oct2017}
“Racism’s the only thing he’s Fantastic 4,” raps Eminem, referencing the Marvel comic book series in order to compare Trump to The Thing, because “he’s orange”.
“The New European: Halloween Edition – Hail to the Creep”
Sometimes the sum can be greater than the parts.
The BBC does like compartmentalising.
And libmob campaign against hatespeak
Here’s another:
Good use of ‘might is possibly right’ by good old ‘Sources say’ there.
Replies could be going better.
First comment is ‘Or the BBC’ to the following ‘That “news” you’re reading & sharing & liking might have been written by a bot or, even, the Kremlin …’ @bbcnickrobinson
Second comment ‘It’s fine. We have our own state controlled news to tell us the correct lies.’
Third comment ‘If a $100k FB ad spend helped Russia swing the US election, how did the Tories mess up here when they spent so much more?’
‘What is “news” Mr Robinson (of the BBC), you yourself know most of it to be propaganda. You have your views which you like to impose don’t you?’
Tx for that. Some seem unable to tap on the post to learn more.
And to think of the olden days when there were references elsewhere one had to follow up for attribution… by hand.
Be careful, it could be bots protecting themselves with counter comments?!
Red Robbo, (ooops title already taken by someone else who had similar views!) must be wondering why hardly anyone takes him seriously in the twitter replies. The BBC is not the arbiter of what is truth.
Every time In see or hear a comment from the BBC as news or opinion my mind keeps hearing….
“Is that the truth or did you hear it on the BBC?”
When the BBC stops using Democrat sources for US “news” and becomes less sloppy with its journalism I might consider listening to them again. There again it is more likely that a box of rocks on Mars will have more lucid views on the world.
It’s yellow journalism. The numbers will have been exaggerated. Can’t they just let it go and stop digging? It’s farcical to say Russia was was titled the election.
Causation is a slippery business, but surely front and centre in an election is the character of the candidates. Clinton was in bad health, lied compulsively and was the literal embodiment of the establishment. For all the hatred they threw at Trump, I think he was a very strong candidate: the ultimate outsider; talked in a language normal people connected with, rather than talking down his nose at them (he would never call Americans deplorable); plus as a billionaire businessman who had written a book about deal making he had obvious transferable skills.
To say anything other than the character or the candidates tilted the election seems stupid to me.
BB “To say anything other than the character or the candidates tilted the election seems stupid to me.”
Quite so, especially when one considers the primary and secondary aspects of the US Presidential Election and, even more so, when you drill down to different primaries, some where the potential voters represent the opposing Party.
The MSM seem to ignore that inherent safeguard while completely overlooking the potential of hackers to mess with electronic registration and voting systems. Brains are obviously not working in N&CA at Broadcasting House.
Blinded by their Alt-Left hatred of Donald Trump the person and/or Republicanism (US style), perhaps?
Or worse it might have been written by a beeboid like Nickolas Robinson
Like the No. 38 bus, news some don’t want comes in threes:
BBC not really twigging ‘trust’, or lack of, can extent to those who seem to have to claim they have it more than most.
And lo shall ye know BBCnews from what they CHOOSE to tweet
None of the admittedly limited number of BBC News programmes I have listened to has mentioned or discussed yesterday’s meeting that Kenneth Clarke, Nick Clegg and Andrew Adonis had with M. Barnier. Have the BBC covered it, I wonder, or have they decided to turn a blind eye (after all, there are much more earth-shattering and important issues to cover, like Kevin Spacey). Clarke and Clegg are free to do what they want, but Adonis, as Transport ‘Tsar’, is a high level government advisor. It seems to me his position is now untenable, and should be sacked immediately.
Odd. It has been all over twitter. But admittedly not so much on the BBC. In some cases, that is just how they like it, and want people to think it should be.
I wonder if the BBC will mention our merry musketeers’ visit when next in the studio or, in Marr like courtesy, not mention it?
I suppose they’ll be back and be doing a round of EU propaganda interviews to further undermine our cause – aided and abetted by the main stream cheerleaders. Since st Clegg was dumbed by his voters perhaps the good people of Nottingham could do the same to Clarke next time so he can shuffle of fir a sleep in the peers . Adonis doesn’t count as he’s a Blair bitch .
NF has now written to Barnier to ask for a meeting.
Toady watch
Luvvies , journos and politicians engaging with opposite gender shock.
Al Beeb got some gay actor on for a chat to say how he gave a nosh to a producer and got is career going when he was 19. They are queuing up now, I like the historic one where the minister for boredom put his hand on Julia Hartley jams leg 15 years ago.
What the hell is going on?
Man from Ministry of Love applies his trade! But I like ‘minister for boredom’. I like the title, as it assumes he still keeps coming back for more ‘Defence Secretary Michael Fallon admits to repeatedly (no number given, fill with your own imagination) touching female journalist Julia Hartley-Brewer’s knee 15 years ago’ {sun 30oct2017}
She was on the pig-ugly Smithsonian Dynasty Sunday Politics and said too much fuss was being made about the whole ‘sexual harassment’ thing. It obviously didn’t phase her.
I once recall a story about a BBC editorial hire based mostly on ‘outrageous flirting’.
On both sides.
Likely only a flutter of eyes though.
I once worked with a female senior manager who was useless at her job, but had a history of sleeping with the right people to ensure promotion. The usual description of her was: “her legs are in different time zones”. When her incompetence finally caught up with her she was given a record breaking redundancy pay-off to go quietly.
Isn’t it great ?
The president of the republic of Catalonia has gone to Belgium and may well apply for political asylum in another Eu country ! Will Spain be deemed an unsafe country ? Why didn’t he claim asylum in the first safe country he landed in – France – in accordance with that treaty every country merrily ignores – turning Blighty into a dustbin of false claims…
The BBC are in meltdown this morning with another doomsday headline.
I’m guessing Brussels phoned them yesterday and told them to “redouble their efforts” and put another shot across the bow.
I left a comment telling the BBC to “give it a rest” and that I now use other unofficial news outlets to get the truth because the BBC is no longer trustworthy and just broadcasts fake news and biased propaganda.
However, a message came up that my post would be seen/veted by a moderator before being posted.
20 minutes later when I arrived at work I checked to see if it had been uploaded but there was no sign of it.
I see the bBC has yet another Muslim victim story on its front page:
This is my country, too
“This year has seen a spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes, and a new survey shows women are suffering the most – so what’s it like to be a black British Muslim woman at the moment? Not great, says Muna Ahmed.
Funny thing about that spike in Anti-Muslim hate crimes, only one Islamic person has been murdered for being a Muslim by a Non-Muslim in the Uk this year . The last I looked 35 non-Muslims have been murdered by Muslims in the same time frame. As for women suffering the most, I’m pretty sure if we add up all the incidents of rapes, assaults and grooming incidents White women are more at risk of abuse from Muslims in the Uk, than Islamic women are from funny looks.
Finally regards that spike in hate crimes:
In 2015, Britain recorded eight times as many hate crimes as the United States, which has five times as many people; that was 31 times the hate crimes reported in France and 88 times the total in Italy. The number of reported hate crimes in Britain has risen for two reasons: increased public awareness and changes in the law so that almost anything can be recorded as a hate crime. Which kind of explains how the bBCs fav reporting site ‘Tell Mama’ used abuse from seen on the internet from non Brits as Hate crimes carried out in the UK.
everytime one appears in court on terror charges
the bbc counters it with the oppression of muslims or a muslims are wonderful story
it states “A man mimed shooting Linda with a rifle as he crossed the road. A man spent an entire train journey staring aggressively at Sonya, his face inches from hers”
it of course should have correctly added “She claims”
now man found guilty of plotting to blow her up, decapitate her , poison her with ricin that would actually be real news
Anti-Semitic attacks hit record high in UK amid warnings over rise of ‘hatred and anger’ {independent 26jul2017}
“Community Security Trust records all-time high of 767 incidents in first six months of 2017”
Although the identity of offenders was not clear in all cases, the vast majority were men, more than half white and 115 were believed to be from the far-right, 49 anti-Zionist and 12 Islamist.
CST – Antisemitic_Incidents_Report_Jan-June_2017 {pdf}
We are a remarkably tolerant and decent people. I never see the slightest hint of any ‘hate crime’ and I get out and about a lot. I wish they could stop putting us down.
BB wrote:
“We are a remarkably tolerant and decent people. I never see the slightest hint of any ‘hate crime’ and I get out and about a lot. I wish they could stop putting us down.
Good point, instead of stating that actually when it comes to the crunch, the UK has a much better record of integration that most countries in the world. The liberal media continues to spread the message that the reverse is true. and I’m a Paki looking bloke saying that
The BBC will never cease in its agenda to divide us, no matter how artificially. Like the ‘settled science’ of AGW if you repeat a lie often enough many people will start to believe it, especially if the messenger has special ‘trusted’ and ‘impartiality’ status.
It’s what the Left do, and I’m beginning to think now that the BBC isn’t just Left, it’s Hard Left.
Johnnythefish, agreed, however in my view the BBC is the propoganda arm of the all powerfull global masters community and not actually left wing or right wing come to that.
It just uses the left as useful idiots and the right as scape goats.
Tolerance … the new world leader shows what to do …
Oh, wait … BBC Search Chinese area of ‘Xinjiang ban’ …
China Uighurs: Xinjiang ban on long beards and veils
China Uighurs: Xinjiang city of Urumqi to ban Islamic veil
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
Xinjiang city bans Islamic dress on public transport
‘All-out offensive’ in Xinjiang risks worsening grievances
China police arrest Xinjiang ‘terror gang’
China sentences 55 people in Xinjiang stadium
Imam of China’s largest mosque killed in Xinjiang
cockneyboy – good point. Yes, it’s a strange old mix especially when time and again Soros’s name keeps cropping up as being at the heart of it. However, if you look at the UN’s Agenda 21, which seems to be the catalyst designed and approved by all these one-worlders to facilitate their goal, it’s overwhelmingly authoritarian and socialist.
Integration is surely what goes on in ones brain not the hue of ones hide.
On page 21 of The Times today is an article about people complaining to the BBC about how they use the news to plug their own programmes. Don’t they know actual news is hate crime now?
Al Beeb spent years moaning about banks then when they start talking about leaving for mainland Europe al bed. Sees it as bad news. The hypocracy .
Apropos Julia Hartley-Brewer’s kneegate. Well done her for actually remembering an incident from 15 years ago ! and how did it come to light now anyway ? who leaked it ? I’d be hard pushed to remember a hand on my shoulder, elbow, knee or anywhere else from last week, let alone the number of times I had a pair of hands on my shoulders as I worked in 2002, and by whom !!!!
The irony of seeing the awful Victoria Darbyshire droning on about this earlier was too much for me. I can’t stand her at the best of times but unless I’m much mistaken wasn’t her own sudden meteoric rise to prominence coincidentally timed with a fortuitous, adulterous, affair at the BBC?
Absolute GC.
And not forgetting Sarah Lancashire, who also had a meteoric rise in her career – coincidentally around the time she married BBC bigwig Peter Salmon in 2001.
(from her Wiki…… In the summer of 2000, Lancashire signed a two-year golden handcuffs contract with the ITV network which made her the UK’s highest paid television actress.)
And there was Marr groping some bird outside the pub too, but that’s alright I suppose, after all, he needs every bit of help he can get.
Yes, hmmmmmmm, I wonder if Mrs Marr gave herself a wry smile.
Fed up
I was listening to that and thought same thing – it seems the BBC is quite happy to denigrate Christianity at the drop of a hat but don’t whatever you do criticise any other religion. They also bang on about the decline in Christianity as though that is some reason to knock it – but always link it to church attendance – I am a Christian but I don’t go to church- when you look at the attitudes of the head of the CoE is it any wonder?
I can’t wait for the new Brexit programme next week…even the trailer for it has tone of negativity…Not even an attempt to keep it neutral…
James ,
I liked the way the Archbishop of cantab didn’t mention Our Lord Jesus Christ ( happy to be corrected) but when the Cardinal was interviewed he managed to slip the words ‘God’ and Jesus Christ into the interview before the head girl cut him off . Happy All Souls Day tomorrow. The other day someone asked me if it had anything to do with Halloween – I kid you not – as some say ( slipped in a bit of albeeb interview technique eh? Some say…)
Perhaps the Cardinal said “Jesus Christ” because the head girl had just flashed her threepenny bits.
they think “church” means the buildings. The cathedrals & attendance of rituals. They don’t understand that The Church as defined by it’s founders is the worldwide body of believers in Jesus. The secularised/institutional versions of Christianity may have declined but the Body of Christ is alive & well in Britain, Europe, America & all over the globe. It’s just not newsworthy. There are even underground churches in places like China & Iran. Again, not newsworthy. They can’t quantify the wind.
Lucy, you describe well the essential division that used many years ago to be described as ‘the visible Church’ and ‘the Church invisible’. A very good reason as to why Protestants no longer hunt out Catholics and Catholics no longer burn Protestants at the stake.
JA – whilst the decline in Christianity is unfortunately true, the growth in Islam is equally true but the BBC never mentions that fact. Perhaps they don’t want to alarm us comatose, knuckle-dragging morons in case we take up arms or something? Or maybe it’s a stealth thing – don’t say anything and they won’t notice what’s happening…
Would argue that the rise in Islam is related to the decline in Christianity.
A muscular Christianity with American freedom based on Jesus made South Korea a stunning example of church growth and a mass change in societal values-and all from nothing after WW2.
Here in the UK, we farmed out any Christian efforts to poor Billy Graham , and had absolutely NO answers to the likes of Frost, Lennon, Jagger or Cleese-let alone far more potent influences like Greer, Clay/Ali and the likes of Major onwards.
The Tories today are similar-no vision, no answers-in office but not in power-and left hoping that the Brownshirts and the liberal crud will be content to let them crawl off to die with their pensions.
No-John Paul 2 was the last Church leader we`d be getting for the world, Benedict was the last European prophet.
At least islam stands for something, it honours Jesus much more than most.
Gods enema, Gods dildo for a fucked up world.
Still though-He`ll have His victory using Christians-but Lord alone how He`ll do it.
Guess it`ll be via the likes of Nazir Ali, as well as fellow pilgrims like Jonathan Sacks and Leonard Cohen…may need to remove that “Christian” franchise first though from his so-called “church”.
But the Good guys n gals(sorry!) do win-I know-I`ve read the Book to the end,so I know.
Following our Mr Carney’s latest doom-mongering – 750,000 or somesuch jobs to go, building collapses, mass suicides etc etc, after Brexit – I’m all the more sure the snidey little chap is after compulsory replacement, together with a ‘commensurate’ pay off of course, so he can take up the job with the climate-change crew which surely awaits him.
Why don’t London Finances relocated to Somalia to start a finance capital there? Oh, wait … bad news coming in …
Actually, Marky, you have a good point here…
If foreign holidays are so important, then why don’t leisure companies buy a small African state, and make it a holiday paradise?
They can ban snakes and stuff, and have a freeport for booze!
Marvellous opportunity I’d have thought!
One for Grant here-who`s in?
BBC Society Items on home page 31oct2017
Calls to ban Coca-Cola Christmas truck from Liverpool {ENGLAND}
“Calls have been made to ban the Coca-Cola truck from Liverpool this Christmas amid concerns about obesity levels in the city.”
Are these pictures a reflection of real beauty? {ARTS}
“Go to Google Images right now,” says photographer Mihaela Noroc, “and search ‘beautiful women’.”
The city where you need a license to dance seeks law change {US & CANADA}
“Dancing may be the universal language, yet it is all but banned in New York City because of a decades-old “Cabaret Law”.”
– BBC what about … “Bangladesh Bans Two International Islamist Charities (Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief Worldwide) {dailycaller 24oct2017}” – using their work as a cover to radicalize vulnerable Muslim refugees
Will Liverpool be banning kebab and pizza shops then?
Ban! Tax! Ban! Tax! … “We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. {metro.co.uk aug2015}”
. . . . roll back to 2012 and Sadiq Khan said this to push more Halal Chicken . . .
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
Another exciting news item is that the much-loved public hero ‘Moses’ Farah is to part company with the dubious trainer Alberto Salazar in order to ‘come back home and watch Arsenal’. Watch this space for final and positive disclosure of Salazar’s training methods, avoid comparisons with rats leaving ships and rejoice in the adulation to come on his favourite promotional medium. Suggestions that London’s premier footballers are due to take up residence in Mogadishu are apparently unfounded.
Bloody hell Mohammed-mo – those drugs must have horrible side effects to make someone want to watch Arsenal. No doubt his publicist want him to get the ‘down with the christians’ vote of approval while he sends the ‘charity’ cash off to the boys in mog .
I couldn’t care less if he supported Margate United, but the fact he ‘wants to come home’ is the burning issue. So that he can be an ever present face on sports programmes, quizzes and what next ? Strictly ? (groan)
Shouldn’t worry. Brissles, the beloved and sainted Mo is speaking at the awards here…
More of my fees going to waste…
Is there any day of the year that does NOT have some kind of bloody award ceremony? Saw some crap about teachers and mums army paint pot washers getting awards on Sunday-FFS…is EVERYBODY doing nothing but going to an wards ceremony with Bradley Walsh or Carol Vorderman. Try doing your jobs, you needy creeps…and stop the mutual days out of work to wallow in your pointlessness.
The only question I have is, where does Mr Farah plan to be domiciled for tax purposes ? That was his main reason for going to the US in the first place – to avoid being taxed in the UK.
Al Beeb are broadcasting a documentary about some called Robert sands – a terrorist in Northern Ireland who starved himself to death a long time ago. I watched it out of duty . It turns this evil creature into a saint. It does not mention the 57 souls taken during the 217 days of the various hunger protests. It seems for al Beeb – some lives are worth more that others and reminds one that Beeb bias goes back a long way.
It won’t be long before the bBC rewrites Hitler, Stalin and OBL as victims of a huge misunderstanding by the British press
That Islam is a region of peace
And that the UK is the most racist place in the Universe.
No wait….
Yes no doubt at some point in the future there will be a retrospective outcry about all those bigoted young extreme right wing fascists who had the audacity to try and defend their countries from those poor oppressed Nazis.
Fedup, they are presently doing the same thing with those poor naive, misunderstood returning Jihadis who desperately want to be accepted as part of our society. Talk of fast tracking them to the top of Council housing waiting lists. Why not give them all a million quid to make them feel special too!
I thought it was a joke – but perhaps if the drones could be given the co ordinates it might make things easier.
Yes Fedup, I did too (think it was a joke). I had to laugh when JHB on Talk Radio said that, on hearing the news, she thought she had, somehow, mistakenly wound her clock back to April 1st rather than GMT!
“Al Beeb are broadcasting a documentary about some called Robert sands”
Didn’t The Hollies record a song about him? He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Brother.
Bobby Sands chose to die. Not one single victim of IRA violence did. But at least he hated “the Brits”.
No wonder the BBC love him so much.
Time for a return of the Sands Diet.
Bit stringent-but you become an MP and get a nice card from Jeremy Steptoe.
If you`re a bit of a wimp-try the Prescott one. Get a free knee trembler in a mortuary of your choice.
On Toady this morning.
A 100 year old gentleman who is proudly selling poppies for the Royal British Legion.
He survived three years in Auschwitz doing slave labour for the IG Farben chemical factory, and then also survived the death march out if there in early 1945. He barely mentioned the events until he was about 80.
Meanwhile….. apparently 11000 people may need counselling or other mental health support ‘because of Grenfell tower’.
Words absolutely fail me.
If only I could direct some of my taxes to him rather than to them.
Those 11000 (really that many?) are obviously after compensation.
From the Independent
Get your claim in now. Go to the top of the queue to see a doctor
The mental health response following the Grenfell Tower fire is the biggest operation of its kind in Europe, a doctor has said, with numbers affected likely to exceed 11,000.
The unprecedented need following the blaze has transformed the Central and North West London NHS Trust (CNWL) into “the largest trauma service in the UK”, according to chief psychologist Dr John Green.
More than 1,300 people have been seen by CNWL and GPs after the fire, either for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening or Grenfell-related physical health concerns.
Health professionals in London estimate that around 11,000 people in the wider Grenfell area could experience difficulties of some description, though not all will necessarily seek treatment, while the fire may also have been triggering for others across the country.
Yes, you might say the BBC have been fanning the flames, too.
11000? Is that how many illegals were hiding under the beds there?
“illegals” You mustn’t say that! They are undocumented Grenfell residents.
Illegal is the old term, please use “Undocumented, irregular, economic dreamers.” to stop Hate.
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime (hate crime) literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.”
– Orwell, 1984
The BBC are still droning on about Michael Fallon touching Julia Hartley Brewer’s knee 15 years ago but fail to pass comment on the fact that she said to him “If you do that again I’ll punch you in the face”.
Can the BBC confirm that it would be okay for a man to punch a woman in the face should she touch his knee?
Ten years ago I was actually sexually assaulted by an older female workmate, we were in a kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, she was behind me and suddenly grabbed my arse, I had to tell her twice to get off and pushed her away, but I just laughed it off, I should have gone for compensation.
She must have been very old 😉
😀 I was about 48, she was bit older.
I wish I had taken her up on it now I think back. 😀
You’re lucky she didn’t complain about you pushing her.
I remember one Christmas in the early 70s when various parties were going on in the building where I worked. I’d gone back to my desk in a small office which was empty. A young lady who I had previously only known by sight suddenly came in, put her arms round me and gave me a very deep frenching (kiss, that is), then disappeared.
I didn’t have the heart to complain.
Sorry, not BBC but, CH4 (not much difference these days) last night “Is Britain Full?” I felt there were countless questions that were not even asked or considered.
For instance, if so many people were leaving northern cities (Liverpool, Glasgow etc.) for London then how come 600,000 whites left London 2001-2011? The 2021 census figures will be interesting!
Immigration was barely mentioned 🙁
Well worth watching :
Sad that British Intelligence can’t come up with better means of presenting their ‘freedom fighters’ in a good light.
I guess he will be given a safe welcome and all fees paid at yoony
Oh well then, as long as he doesn’t “feel like” a criminal or a terrorist.
I wonder if Jimmy Saville felt like a criminal or a pervert?
Does this mean anyone who can use a playstation or ride a bike is a potential terrorist? Are these terrorist skills? Amber Rudd has going to be so busy with the Hate Crime Hub ….
Playing PlayStation and riding bikes: a British Jihadi describes “normal life” as a member of Islamic State {sky oct2017}
Bit of a contrast to the welcome meted out to our Afghan interpreters ( or Gurkas even?) – eh?
Revoke the jihadi “fighters” passports -> every .single . one .
BBC Narrative : Universities are intelligent & trustworthy
,whilst Brexiteers are thick and dodgy.
What a lovely couple.
The misdeeds of ginger beers actually being reported by the BBC? I DON’T BELIEVE IT!!
From the “97% of news is PR” dept
The Lancet launches its LancetCountdown project
Plucky people Luke Ben Pile tackle the BS emanating from it.
Ben Pile
This is the biggest @TheLancet story since Andrew Wakefield’s paper in 1998/9
See they spin out negatives to mask the positives of our progress.
The medical profession has become just another base for hard left activism. Their refusal to do as their employer instructs them and take payment for treatment from foreign nationals claiming ‘we are not the government’s border guards’ says it all. In other words they are open borders, internationalist and re-distributionist – straight out of the Momentum handbook on How to be a Country-Wrecking Communist Twat.
Don’t know about the long march through the institutions, doesn’t seem to have taken long at all – the Marxist bastards have infiltrated every aspect of public life.
They have been at it since the 1920s. There is a lot of very good, well researched, historical information on the subject from released MI5 (and other) files which would make a fascinating TV series. It would show just how hard the Soviet Comintern systematically worked to spy on and undermine western society for decades and was still hard at it in the 1970s.
Of course, anything that would risk exposing the huge extent of communist subversion in the UK is never going to be an easy sell at the BBC. Far better to fake-up some frothy hysteria about a non-existent ‘far Right’.
There’s about as much chance of them making a programme on that as there is about them doing a retrospective on the wars waged by the Arabs against Israel.
An excellent site for following ‘Twitter’
You can even get it to direct Katty Kay tweets straight to your door!
An excellent site for seeing what is on Radio 4
Not only does it give you a summary of each programme and who is in it but it also tells you when it is on!
An excellent site for finding ‘stuff’
It’s so good it became a verb!
An excellent site for considered discussion about BBC bias
No your not on it!
An excellent site whiling away a few hours
Just keep clicking the links!
An excellent site for seeing how a link-happy posters can disrupt a forum better than any troll
You got it!
And for those of you for which this rings a bell:

Don’t bother, I’m sure you have better things to do.
For one who has no time to be bothered with being bothered, that seems a whole lot of bother just engaged upon.
ITTB is an excellent complement to hear, your rite.
Though its inability to hyperlink can slow things down.
(You may need to ponder who is trolling whom).
“There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t.”
An excellent site for Social Justice Warriors
“By 2020, the SJW Site wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.”
Old {very old} IT joke: ‘Q: What goes ‘pieces of seven, pieces of seven’? -A: A parity (parroty) error’.
Re: earlier discussion about posting tweets on here.
I’m all for doing it if its relevant to exposing BBC bias and agendas. The tweets from BBC staff have been real eye-openers for me in terms of how brazenly they express their left wing, anti-Trump, anti-Brexit, pro-EU, pro-open borders, pro-Islam, pro-Labour, pro-Green, pro-AGW alarmism etc etc.
So keep ’em coming.
Wonder how much ‘This is terrifying.’ cost the TV Tax Payer per letter typed by BBC’s Katty Kay? No actual news in the title – just a statement of drama. Save money and just type ‘OMG!’ all the time …
This is terrifying. – typical Katty Kay twitter!
JtF – BBC staff on social media do write some really stupid things.
So much so, it even dawned on those higher up.
‘The guidance is based on common sense, the section on personal activity starting with the phrase: “Don’t do anything stupid”‘
Seems like most staff, perhaps older or too busy, couldn’t be bothered to read it.
Result for any less sure of their impartiality and sharing tangible examples: happiness.
Just to keep ’em coming, here is one from the Bickering Katty comment section stateside:
So someone who may or may not be Laura Bicker, who may or may not work for the BBC ‘tweets’:
“Twitter says Russia-linked automated accounts sent 1.4 million tweets about 2016 US election or 0.74 % of all election tweets”
Assuming that ‘Twitter’ is reliable(!) then the above reads as a neutral statement of fact. Indeed it could be argued that it ‘balances’ the sensational ‘1.4 million’ with the relative insignificance ‘0.74%’ and so is to be commended! Hardly ‘bias’.
As we said in the days when we only had ‘O’s, “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.
The TwitterTroughers have out-maxed Maxicony by destroying this site with all this meaningless trivia.
There is plenty of real BBC bias out there. Read it, hear it, see it, identify it. Then report it in such a way that the rest of us poor mortals can understand what exactly you have found. That does require a bit more thought than just cutting and pasting contextless c***p from your Twitter stream.
Oh It is Laura, cos that blue tick signifies verified account
I think @GuestWho is saying 99.26% of Election tweets had nothing to do with the Russians
BTW Laura misleads cos the tweet analysis period was only 10 weeks Sep-Nov15 2016
Explain twitter Corp
Jim, you may or may not ok Hun?
Agreed johnny.
I ersonally lose track of the endless drive bys, smears and slights from paid BBC staff and their edited talking heads.
Some of us are great at noting them all, others good at complaining to “authorities” supposed to prevent it.
But I myself try to see trends…note people and what they shoose to tell us.
I`d rather go to the source, rather than get bogged down in all the details and timings. And seeing as we know that Dimbly has been primed to seek evidence that the BBC use “because of Brexit or despite Brexit”it doesn`t take too much effort for a Scruton or Rees Mogg to give specifics.
The Right needs to know what the BBC are up to, and tell them live on air before it`s edited.
This is NOT aimed at yet another Katty Kay barb-I don`t listen to her, I know what she says.
Some of us want the punctured tyre fixed-others are happy to try even as the wheel is spinning on them.
I want the bike smashed to bits-the BBC have got to go, why tell them that I`m not happy. Better to put a brick into their windows, and deal with their staff outside-thats what Momentum do isn`t it?
And that gets called “passion” when the Left does it.
Climate : Real data kicks in on LA Nina
Climate : cos temperature won’t go up : Air Pollution is the new Climate Change
… even tho the air is way cleaner than 40 years ago
WHO report PR is across all media
… Can you tell there is a big Climate Conference coming up ?
Is Sky using a photo of Hong Kong ?
Looks like the Gherkin. In the mist. Could be an expat on The Peak I guess. Never too keen on MSM visualisations of pollution any more than their efforts to get power station steam as GHGs.
The Ministry of Truth – miniTrue in Newspeak – was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, three hundred meters into the air.
… from the imagination of George Orwell in 1948 to the Qatar owned (95%) building ‘The Shard’ in mar2012 …
Mark, It wouldn’t be as bad if it was only the one ugly building.
The government of Qatar also owns 1.8m sq ft, making the Middle Eastern country by far the most dominant force in London property. In contrast, Her Majesty owns just under 7.3m sq ft.
Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al-Thani, the former head of the QIA, said last year that Qatari investment into the UK to date amounted to £30bn, and that London was the preferred destination.
How much of the Saudi Empire does London own? Out of interest.
Ah Paul H has the debunk
Traditionally UK has used to Eu standard of 35ppm
The UN WHO has arbitrarily set a standard only 10ppm
Therefore places that we weren’t worried about 2 years ago are over this WHO cherry-picked limit
The poor dears feel so unsafe in the new post-Brexit nasty UK…
Yup, it’s all our fault, Tell Mama’s ‘impartial’ data collection said so.
As we approached the restaurant last time we heard police sirens – they had been called to the scene because a white man was yelling obscene Islamophobic language at two Muslim waitresses. I grabbed my two nieces and told them we’d come back later. As we walked off, Amanie looked at me and said: “Why is that man saying bad things about Muslims?”{bbc.co.uk 31oct2017}
– What was said? Are we adults or not? Islamophobic language?
Just one of a litany of unverifiable statements in that ‘article’. Tell Mama has about the same reputation for unbiased and impartiality reporting as the ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’.
Maybe some people don’t know that the spacebar or PgDown button are a quick way of scanning down the page ?
Shift-space scans upup
Also its dead simple to switch images off in your browser , so only see text.
It would help if the ‘Recent Comments’ feature worked properly. Clicking on an individual post seems to take two attempts to hit the target these days.
Brexit : news the BBC doesn’t bring you
The lurid headline aside, this is tragic. As is the headline.
There is a linked video section that requires Flash. I don’t have Flash. Some in the BBC may have missed this link too:
The BBC does however add tweet examples (suitably edited) in illuminated script, ironically.
Racism Comment : cos the BBC doesn’t bring you Rod Liddle vs David Lammy
Just to point something out Lammys statement about no black students accepted at oxbridge. Actually he said black British students, as if we look at the total number of ethnic people accepted by oxford, ( Which includes oxbridge) we arrive at a. Figure of 15% which is higher than than the national average of non whites which is around 13% and here are a few more oxford facts:
41% of our academic staff are citizens of foreign countries.
Our academic staff come from almost 100 different countries and territories.
43% of our total student body – over 9,900 students – are citizens of foreign countries, including 20% of undergraduates and 64% of graduate students.
The majority of Oxford’s UK undergraduates come from state schools. Latest figures (entry 2016) show that, of places offered to British students attending schools or colleges in the UK, more than 59% of undergraduate places went to students from the state sector.
Black and BME are different
Black are half the 3% they should be
BME should be 18% cos that is the ratio for 18year olds
Saturday I posted details here.
I’ll dig out the link later
‘I’ll dig out the link later’
A link?????!!!!!!!
" rel="nofollow ugc">https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/60252061/be-vewy-vewy-
As I said the results for unis in general are staggering
Last year BME were 29% of new entrants at degree level
link to my old comment
Not just Nick, Ken, Adonis, Hesletine, etc, then?
Can a Facebook friend request be ‘harassment’? {bbc.co.uk 31oct2017}
“A filmmaker touched off a debate in Pakistan revolving around one question – can a Facebook friend request ever be considered harassment?”
– From Pakistan who implement blasphemy in 2017 … facebook is harassment. Hate Crime?
FakeNews : You get the survey results you pay for
Reuters faking
Germany has made no secret of its desire to see its new law copied by the rest of the EU, which already has a similar code of conduct for social media giants. The EU Justice Commissioner, Vera Jourova, recently said she might be willing to legislate in the future if the voluntary code of conduct does not produce the desired results. She said, however, that the voluntary code was working “relatively” well, with Facebook removing 66.5% of the material they had been notified was “hateful” between December and May this year. Twitter removed 37.4%, and YouTube took action on 66% of the notifications from users. {shieldsociety26oct2017}
“Jews con trol the b an ks and the media” at a 10 percent chance of being perceived as toxic. On the other hand, “Many t errori s ts are radical Is la mists” registers with Perspective as 92 percent likely to be seen as toxic.
PC madness : Lewis Blacking up
Normal media report the story
BBC Sussex take you direct to the anti-petition #Impartial ?
Islamic raper : Times report accusations after 1 week ..Tarik Ramadan
And BBC ?
Sex Assaults : Where’s the BBC spreadsheet ?
Another case to add
This isn’t the BBC, but Channel 4 is almost the same thing.
While we’re on the topic of sexual assaults, last night saw the return of “999, What’s Your Emergency?” It was about sex crimes in Wiltshire, “with women being targeted by predatory males”. As usual several different cases were featured. All of the offenders shown on camera were white.
Why am I not surprised?
The BBC audience’s loss is the Ch4 audience’s… ?
See if he can do for them what he did for Operation Clarke County.
Still, Jon Snow is now in even better company.
The Katz move to C4
on Guido https://order-order.com/2017/10/31/katz-channel-4/
Brexit : BBCweb topbar of Brexit doom
One wonders why the BoE and Al Beeb are continuing to talk down the British economy, its almost as if they are on a death wish. Surely It drives a lack of confidence in potential investors.
Are they being directed to do this by ‘higher powers’?
Despite this the £ jumps to 1.14 Euro .
“Brexit minister says ‘basic’ EU deal likely even if trade talks fail”
“Mr Davis told a parliamentary committee that even if Britain failed to strike a formal trade deal both sides were likely to have agreements in areas such as aviation that would allow planes to fly between Britain and the EU.”
Imagine the effect on EU economy if British tourists ceased to head for the continent ?
Sex Assaults : Our host just tweeted about the Labour Conference hushed up rape
Underneath LauraK’s tweet Labour activists have tweeted
“yeh what about the Tory 36” etc.
So while the police are running around Twitter chasing rape threats against LabourWomen
LabourParty are covering actual rapes by Labour officials ?
I move that Labours “independent enquiry” into their shenanigans be held by a well-respected , political big beast who knows of these things. Step forward Lord John Prescott to save the party we love.
Where`s Tracey Temple these days?
Surely the One Show and Channel 4 News would be throwing money at “our Tracey” to spill the seed if not the beans on MPs, necrophilia and bulimia.
Very Jeremy Kyle…come on BBC!
“Is there a butter crisis in France?”
“Brexit is having a very positive effect – we have farmers who are getting a much better milk price and we also have more interest from countries inside Europe and outside Europe for fresh British milk. We are trying to supply that need.”
“He says the Chinese are interested in British milk because they see it as “pure”. They also want to know exactly which farm the product is coming from. ”
Our farmers will do well once we are out of the EU – we should have left long ago !
Check out present butter prices in New Zealand….. !
The milk smuggling through Hong Kong continues apace…..
bBBC London are mourning the first anniversary of the bulldozing of the Calais refugee camps.
Two asylum seekers who made it to London are featured.
One is an Iranian, good English, educated, an IT specialist who went on to win sn animation competition.
The other a Syrian who appears to have no work and is waiting forvsomevsort if refigee card. He is living in a very nice house which is apparently provided by a private family.
But in all the coverage …..not one woman!!!!
Weird. I thought the bBBC told us how many women and children there were.
But the bBBC is absolutely incapable of sny kind of analysis, instead we are just supposed to accept the unadulterated virtue-signalling.
The bBBC. To inform, educate, entertain, and brainwash.
Hint : they were doing PR for the Child refugee HoC debate on Thursday
Orwell Unis : The Sussex University Free speech story
Hold fast friends. All this Trump and Russia crap is boiling up nicely.
The BBC and CNN run into parked cars and make lots of noise. Little Evan last night seemed awful pleased, and who can blame the lefties?
They own the media-they own the politics and the law, the money and the rest of it.
And-like Gina Miller or Michel Barnier-you could be forgiven for thinking that it`s lost.
We`ll die in the EU, with Trump in supermax and Soros crowing as he brings Anjems and Muhammads from all over the place to give us an update of the Handmaids Tale. But I say no.
Like Leveson or Andrew Gilligans personal organiser-this is best in show shampoos from the liberal pink poodles. Yapping to themselves, all that howling feedback that nobody outside CNN, The Senate or saviles bouncy castle gives a damn about.
Consider this.
In Kazakhstan or some other God-forsaken ex bit of Russia likes one vast yellowcake -urine soaked ialong with a $12 million piece of yellowing Hillary funded “dossier”.
It all came out last week-so since then, we`ve had what the BBC, FBI and CNN, Wall St News choose to send us.
Trump however needed not a cent from Hillarys backers, let alone Putins roubles.
Clean as a whistle-but the DNC from Obama, Clintons down to hades are up to their brass necks in ts.
The fuse has been lit, the idiot lefty media will continue to go back to the Catherine Wheel because it`s yet to start going. But the fuse is set-the whole lot of them from 2009 will be jailbirds if Trump is slowly allowed to build his case-and he needs his brains like Bannon and Seb to do this.
Sense they`re onto it-Rush Limbaugh is anyway.
Not sure how many degrees of separation exist between Hillarys “yellowcake and dossier”-and Evan Davis musing that Trump will be impeached as a result of a couple of sprats indicted yesterday. More than six, but these oafs of the lefty media continue to poke the firecrackers with paraffin wicks and think it`s fun to play with sparklers.
This will surely blow, This IED of their creation will hopefully kill them as media and political figures. Jailtime-FAR, far bigger than Watergate if Bannon and Gorka want to go for glory.
Come on Trump-you`re near the heart of the swamp-get your melon baller out and scoop their black hearts out of political life for a generation.
Tweet away sir!
Sky reporting 2 dead near the 9/11 site in New York with the driver of the vehicle involved detained. It might be a hate crime or even terrorism. I doubt al Beeb will report it as they are too busy talking about knees being touched 15 years ago or whether someone called Prue has given the name of someone in a baking programme ( which I’ve never seen as I don’t have a tv licence) .
There really does seem to be a bit more madness in the air.
I believe that the age of terrorist attacks in the west is over. There will be no more. There will be accidents, incidents, gas explosions, electrical faults and assaults with deadly weapons. There will be no speculation about terrorism, Islam, Allah Ackibar shouts, and winesses who heard shouts, saw second shooters, and saw drivers heading directly into the crowd will be ignored.
Accusations of spreading fake news and dismissal of conspiracy theories will play their part
Terrorism is over, although we will still have the memories of Mair and Breivig, with increasing threats from the far right.
2 dead near the 9/11 site in New York with the driver of the vehicle involved detained. Just a fight between two truck drivers. Move on
Fair comment – it’s all mental issues and domestics gone wrong. See how quickly the New York attack is moved out of public consiousness and replaced by “ mp touched me knee in 2002 shock”.
Radio4 now Future Nuclear : Beeboids let Meg Hillier Labour MP of the Public Accounts committee get away with misinformation
“we are locked into this long contract for Moorside nuclear at £92.50/MWh strike price
, but wind is getting cheaper and is already at £57”
You stupid woman
#1 That is not actually the real price for wind power, it’s just a speculative bid, which can be backed out of
The corp making it would be cross subsidising it by the other high price with contract it has.
..PART-time power Wind/Solar .. need backup like gas or magic batteries
So not comparable with
..FULL-time power Nuclear … doesn’t need backup
Having followed doings of the HoC Public Accounts Committee for several years I think there should be a test for any MPs wanting a chair there – along the lines of “how many fingers am I holding up?”
It’s pitiful
BBC doesn’t seem to be giving this devastating fire the same level of outraged attention as Grenfell.
News item number one: A terrorist attack with at least six dead in New York.
New item number two: A female labour activist reveals she was raped by a senior labour party official and Jeremy Corbyn states that “speaking out about rape and sexual harassment takes enormous courage” and “there will be no tolerance in the Labour Party for sexism, harassment or abuse” yet he has nothing to say about the 1000’s of young girls drugged then raped and sodomised by Pakistani muslims.
S.S.D.D. – Just another day in our multi-cultural heaven and nothing to do with Islam.