A man drives truck about 20 blocks distance along bike path, hitting as many people as he can. BBC broke their normal pattern – I would have expected ‘truck kills cyclists’ – but they are still way off the mark –
The suspect in the New York terror attack has been shot twice but is in police custody and not dead, at least not yet. He was heard shouting "Allahu Akhbar" during incident by a number of witnesses, hence why it’s being called a terror attack.
It’s just more evidence of the Guardian influence, this time the crossword. Central in asian is ‘i’, right? And I stands for Islamic. QED as that arrogant arsehole in ‘The Remains of the Day’ would have put it.
Correcting Sopel
“London, Barcelona, Berlin, Nice, Paris and now New York. Fabulous cities now having this dreadful thing in common: #VehicleAttack BY ISLAMISTS”
and probably normal Muslims failed to speak up and prevent the attacks, cos of Islamic cultural practices like “don’t question the big man”, “stay with Muslims we are better than the rest”
and partially caused by MSM shouting about “hate crime, hate crime, don’t investigate Muslims that’s racist..keep looking at the far right they are the dangerous ones”
A Muslim teaching assistant, Suriyah Bi, 25, was dismissed after complaining about a teacher showing video of the 9/11 attacks. The teacher was discussing with a secondary class, Simon Armitage’s poem Out of the Blue, which was written for the fifth anniversary of 9/11 . The poem is part of the AQA GCSE syllabus
Bi was head girl at Saltley School, which was implicated in the Trojan Horse affair and, according to the school, was offended by the footage because she was a Muslim.
There are arguments about what children should be shown, but should a Muslim be allowed to challenge the showing of a video of a Muslim atrocity because it offends her?
The Guardian also keeps quoting Bi as saying the Trojan Horse scandal did not occur, and “The letter was later discredited as a fake.”
Unlike the government report from Peter Clarke which found (according to the BBC): the schools were offering “grossly intolerant” messages.
He said the social media messages included “explicit homophobia; highly offensive comments about British service personnel; a stated ambition to increase segregation in the school; disparagement of strands of Islam; scepticism about the truth of reports of the murder of Lee Rigby and the Boston bombings; and a constant undercurrent of anti-western, anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiment”.
I thought you were going to say she was offended because the teacher had said ” OK Bi, tits out for the boys”. Now that Would be offensive. Showing a historical video hardly cuts the mustard as offensive material. Well it never used to.
Number 7
Correct, they are London-centric.
They have forgotten the majority of the people of Great Britain, as they did with the Great ‘Referendum for freedom’.
Just look how they waste our money ……………..
Who pays for Amy-does that come out of the 0.7%, or is she an additional burden for us to carry?
She`s a director you know!
Oh-and how much is it?….need I ask?
Note too that Kay Burley is using the “Jeremy says” Twitter notion and interrupts…how very lefty!
Taxpayer Alliance bloke is good-bet we`ll not be seeing him again anytime soon.
On the World Service they are talking about how Russia influenced the US election, how a foreign entity should not be allowed to do so.
Throughout the run up to the election that foreign entity the BBC World Service was constantly spewing out hysterical anti Trump stuff, on a different level entirely to a few ads on Facebook. Their hypocrisy is astonishing.
I remember one fake story they ran with was racist Trump supporters spray painting abuse on a black church. I wonder if that was in any way intended to influence people.
Wouldn`t you have thought by now that the idiot Left would have actually FOUND or INTERVIEWED at least ONE person who would admit to having voted for Trump due to some advert that was sourced in Russia and that was found to be untrue.
This crap has been going on for a year now-and I`ve yet to see or hear anything that lets me think that one person was influenced to vote one way or another.
Until the BBCNN can find one-they can piss off.
Radio 4 says it may take some time yto establish the motive of the New York attacker. He could be mentally ill, what a shocker.
Honestly, how stupid do they think they are? This is why Trump won – he isn’t the only person who will talk honestly about the biggest problem of our age.
Strange how other news sources have quite a detailed list such as the name, photo, video, comments from neighbours etc. I use this one as it is a summary and has sources as well. Odd how the BBC don’t seem to have Google.
Even now – knowing what a collective bunch of tosspots these bedwetting liberals are – I am still amazed that not one of these unworldly morons is willing to give President Trump any credit for being one of the few Western democratic leaders (apart from Orban) who is making any sort of serious effort in trying to protect his people and not to import war into his country from the Middle East. They seem to live in some sort of “Harry Potter” world where the magic of candles and “lurv” is all you need to protect us from the next attack.
with all these Jihadis coming “home” I suggest everyone buys shares in candles, teddies and flowers. After “our” Syrian returnees have decorated and fitted out their new council houses they should be ready to get back to work at around Ramadam 2018. Since terrorism only seems to be a part time profession maybe if they have kids they should be able to get family credit as well.
Actually hang on I forgot! We actually dont need to worry about Islamic attacks anymore since Theresa has said ” Enough is enough” and more importantly Saint Brendan the Virtuous held his great Fools and snowflake tea party – I am sure they are all quaking in their boots. – Thatl show em!
Remember kids We all have far more in common with each other than things that divide us. !
They ought to base Katty Kay in Oklahoma or Idaho instead of one of the most expensive cities in the US. But that would mean having to talk to real Americans instead of cocktails at the latest “presser”.
It’s all one big jolly for them: fly around the world going to parties and sucking up to people who agree with you. It’s all one big virtue-signalling circle jerk. They hate Trump because he calls them out for being the lazy, dishonest shower they really are.
I’m going to take half of Chloe’s candy tonight & give it to some kid who sat at home. It’s never to early to teach her about socialism. pic.twitter.com/3ie9C0jv2G
An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.
After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little …
The second Test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F. The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for anyone else. All failed to their great surprise and the professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder to succeed the greater the reward but when a government takes all the reward away; no one will try or succeed. Socialism Grade Averaging {snopes}
Your little piece beautifully illustrates the utter stupidity of the Marxist slogan “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Of course in the end nobody will bother with using their ability when the thicko who only possesses need gets the same rewards for being thick. Let’s all be thick and indolent. Makes life so much easier all round even as we sink into the abyss. What total bilge!
Isn’t it fascinating how all of the elements are there yet our BBC still can’t quite join the dots.
We hear about an Uzbek who drove for Uberistan (or vice versa) who has been in the country seven years – why? Are we not about to make millions unemployed with driverless cars?
The BBC guest security expert tells us live on air that terror attacks “spike around Ramadan” – yet still despite this little bit of off-the-cuff heresy none of the obvious glaring concusions will be drawn.
By the way, just me or are others a little put out by the BBC on-line head line shouting about “Five Argentine friends killed”
The BBC here reduces the death count of at least eight and implies the greater importance of foreign visitors over locals.
It can’t help their campaign on mental illness pretending all these terrorists are just mentally unstable. Who is going to employ someone who confesses to depression if according to the Beeb’s narrative that makes them potential mass murderers?
Beeb Bro
Well the BBC always likes to decide for the rest of us who shall be classed as evil and who is a nutter. I like to decide for myself and I think both can be pretty dangerous.
morning all,
just caught a snipped on Radio4 this morning as they advertised their forthcoming program ‘explaining ‘ Brexit; “After 17 months its still no clearer and we will be explaining those complex issues, but we’ll also keeping it light-hearted and having a laugh along the way, you know as you often laugh while you cry”.
Other news just unearthed by Franky includes producer who founded The Great British Bake Off, Richard McKerrow, has claimed the show is “radically anti-Brexit”. This is because, he suggests, it challenges Britain’s innate racist instincts.
What with the next ram a dam starting on May16, why am I feeling under threat.
Now David Davies tells us with a straight face: ‘…he expects the EU to get a more favourable deal than us’ and that ‘We wanted to meet on Tuesday but they couldn’t make it, so we said what about Wednesday but now it’s to be Friday – but that’s OK, we’ll still keep working…..’
Really Dave? You don’t think you’re getting a comprehensive, belittling and deeply insulting run-around? You don’t think giving priority to total traitorous wankers like Clegg, Clarke and Adonis is a calculated wind-up? We are being shafted folks.
And to add spice, an item on a burgeoning market for British milk and dairy products, currently exporting to the middle-east but with huge potential in China – who prefer to make one simple, straightforward deal with one country rather than 27 (which ought to ring a few bells) and although starting on a positive BBC-ish note, soon reverted to type when it was pointed out that the dairy industry ‘relied heavily on immigrant workers from eastern Europe’.
Most modern dairy farms – the ones that can service orders from China for example, are almost entirely automated and require minimum staff – usually the farmer and his immediate family – but let’s not lose a chance to end on a negative, eh Beeb? Even when it’s a downright lie.
I’m in an area surrounded by many, many farms where a lot of them are solely milk producers. I don’t know the exact figure but, over the last 20 years, many of those have had to give up due the too low price being paid for their produce by the retailers. The few that carry on are struggling and I can assure you that not one has ever employed immigrant workers! So, I think it’s garbage to suggest that the dairy industry relies heavily on immigrant workers.
I think it’s good news if these producers have the possibility to sell for a decent price outside the EU.
I currently pay £1 for a 4 pint bottle at the supermarket…that can’t be right 🙁
I would like to know what impact palm oil is having on dairy farmers. Since it’s used widely (very very difficult to avoid now) as a dairy substitute in so many products.
BBC Title does not reflect the reported story … New York truck attack: Five Argentine friends killed {bbc.co.uk 01nov2017}
‘The suspect reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest”) as he left the truck. Officials said it was a terror attack – the deadliest in the city since the 11 September attacks.’
– So why not use terror attack in the title BBC? ‘Officials said it was a terror attack’
Forum language : crap piece in the Times lifted from Quartz : a Buzzword like site that ratttles against Trump all day.
Narrative : “Alt-right” use devious language, which alludes to Orwell
#1 It’s Quartz being devious cos they use the boo word “Alt-right” when they simply mean Trump supporters.
#2 Yes all groups develop shorthand .. big deal.
#3 “Wrongthink” a word used by Trump supporters to describe the day their ideas are forbidden by libmob.. So what ?
It seems Quartz is conspiracy theorist.
I thought the ramifications of the Winestine phenomenon has reached new depths of depravity when I turned on the Today programme, R4 to hear Humpreys proclaim that “Lord Hague has developed a real passion for elephants”. “Christ Allmighty”, I thought “the House of Horniness has been indulging in groping, rape, child buggery etc. and now even bestiality is in play”. It turns out that the mighty lord has only developed a passion for “elephant conservation”.
But wasn’t Trump’s state visit denounced on the grounds that the presence of this groper and denigrator of women would defile Our Sacred Mother of Parliaments, the Abode of the Great and the Very, Very Good.Trump’s alleged activities pale into insignificance when compared to the goings on in the House of Whores and Whoremongers. What tiresome hypocrites these people are.
‘Tiresome’ is the word. The BBC should be all over these idiots exposing them for what they are. But alas they seem all to be in the same club.
BBC Society …
These beauty queens gave out feminist facts instead of their body sizes “Women can walk out naked if they want to. Naked. It’s a personal decision. If I walk out in a bathing suit I am just as decent as a woman who walks out in an evening dress.”
It’s safe to say that this politicised take on the beauty pageant has switched up the game.
The city where you will never get caught short
This company gives non-smokers paid leave for ‘lost cigarette breaks’
Ha ha ha.
Its egg on face day at the bBBC.
1. A Toady interview about the Trangender issue, with go-to peer Lord Winston and another Prof.
Transgender issues affect about 1 in 20,000. According to the learned profs.
And, most occur at puberty when, in terms, the brain is undergoing reassignment, and there is a lot of danger allowing irreversible decisions to be concluded during that period.
In other words, its pretty much a non issue, just made into an issue by the LGBT and general right-on leftmob ‘community’
2. In the aftermath of the New York attack, Toady interviews a former NYPD chief. Yes, he says, higher level vetting and immigration control is absolutely right. In other words, the Donald is clearly on the right lines.
The editors must have been spluttering into their croissants and lattes.
Hate needs more effort Hate crime drastically under-reported – South Wales Police {bbc.co.uk 01nov2017}
“Hate crime is still drastically under-reported, South Wales Police has said. … Home Office report said the biggest rise was in disability and transgender hate crimes, but said the increase was mainly due to better crime recording.”
– Look at page 4 of ‘Hate Crime, England and Wales, 2016/17’ and all data was going up before Brexit. Could it be more to do with a cohesive society not being created?
It is now way beyond tiresome . The excuses, the censorship, the sympathy. We are at war – it’s not a case of low profile policing for a kids’ party. The requirements for a jihad attack are being a follower of Islam and yet on the high street we have jihad drop-in centres ie: mosques.
Hate to say it again but during WW1 and 2 – ALL Germans were confined. There were no, ‘German Religious and Cultural Centres’ in every town.
The LOUD,DEMANDING Labour verses the QUIET, SUBMISSIVE Conservatives.
We can overcome this impasse! Let’s Move Forward! “Enough for the Many, Enough for the Few”.
It seems to me that Labour have lost (democratically@40%) but act as though they have won and the Conservatives have won (democratically@42.4%) but are waiting to lose, rather than take power and getting on with it.
So I suggest rather than this continuing this tiring political, we take this problem further a field. Venezuela is praised by some Labour Members as a socialist dream, along with Cuba, South Africa and China. So we do a ‘wealth transfer’ of people.
All members of Labour Party with families (483,000 Labour Members March2017) can transfer to one of the countries that signs up for this great experiment. In response, people from the socialist countries who no longer want the socialist dream, because they are living it, can come to the UK – trying to keep it one for one as close as possible – same skill would be great but this won’t be completely possible.
Why holiday in a socialist country – when you can live there!
Katz move : Times say Channel4 staff are angry at the hiring in an external, saying he doesn’t know C4 culture.
Katz has moved from Guardian to Newsnight to C4
That doesn’t look like the media is very diverse.
Wonder if Amol-not-rite will move into the Newsnight post ?
Be careful StewGreen, this will be to record what parents say and record it for all to see. What if they are wrong and end up writing fake news themselves?
More good Brexit News ?
“UK manufacturing growth was stronger in October, says PMI survey”
Nice graph just after “Brexit”. But they add the usual ‘sting in the tail’…………………………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41831945
“He added that the PMI data “should not lull anyone into a false sense of security, as the Brexit negotiations are still causing some jitters amongst clients”.
If you look at the BBC graph (IHS Markit, Bloomberg) the values were dropping prior to Brexit anyway.
Brexit was the reset button that got us out of the downward trend.
“A MUSLIM EXTREMIST jailed for life after being convicted of the murder of soldier Lee Rigby is looked up to by fellow prisoners, a High Court judge has been told. Michael Adebolajo was “charismatic” and intelligence suggested that he had helped convert other inmates to ISLAM, Mr Justice Langstaff heard. Detail of the influence Adebolajo wielded in jail has emerged after he took legal action against the Ministry of Justice.”
– So the UK prisons are now producing the next generation of Hate Preachers for Islam.
– Paid for by the UK Tax Payer – would Choudary be happier in a Sharia country like Iran?
– Could we swap an Iranian Christian prisoner for a British Islamic prisoner?
North Korea nuclear test: ‘Tunnel collapse’ may provide clues {bbc.co.uk 03sep2017}
“North Korea has hailed its sixth “perfect success” of a nuclear test. The seismic readings indicate it is bigger than any other it has conducted, but the apparent collapse of a tunnel at the nuclear test site could provide valuable information, nuclear defence analyst Catherine Dill writes.”
By coincidence, I searched the BBC News website this morning, since it occurred to me I hadn’t heard the loss of life mentioned in any new bulletin. I wondered what possible motive the BBC had for keeping silent, and I could only suppose in their warped minds they felt that to broadcast it might have helped to justify, in some way, Trump’s current (and to my mind correct) firm stance on that terror regime.
– Could not find this meeting on any of the BBC UK News sections on the BBC site – had to use the search feature. Not even on the following BBC Brexit section !?!?!?!?!
“Fake News : comes from NUJ” say NUJ via Guido
“Yesterday we published a statement condemning a decision to strip-search media workers at the Prime Minister’s Office in Downing Street.
We now accept that this was incorrect.”
Russia Facebook thing is a Cherry Pick Fallacy also
: Every political soundbite is an advert .. You can’t JUST COUNT tweets that Russia sends
also Adverts have both quantity and quality and direction
You can’t assume that Russias Tweets were all benefitting Trump, some benefitted Hillary
by Quality I mean that 1 killer ad can be worth 100,000 normal ones
A killer message might be – “Stew seems like a nice guy, but he kicked a puppy”
or “Hillary seems dirty, but the FBI have found her clean”
– Also PERSPECTIVE is importand ..see how this CNN guy says 150million tweets is a lot
,but one person might easily see 1,500 such messages per day so in a hundred days he sees 150K
so 150 million is only what 1000 people see over 100 days
– You also have to count all side not just cherry pick pro Russia
: I’m guessing Amol’s BBC poured into America 500 times more pro Hillary messages than RT did pro Trump.
Oxbridge/BBC bubbleworld
#Metrobubble #GroupThink #IdontKnowAnyBrexitVoters
So wife is
Diane Coyle : The Enlightened Economist. Professor of Economics, University of Manchester.
Founder of Enlightenment Economics London
Some family news – the Prof is heading to Cambridge, Very proud of my brilliant wife https://t.co/1gKCtpQ5la
The BBC seemed rather pleased that their American shill only thought of the New York truck attacks as “lone wolf”…”quickly and badly prepared and planned”.(BBC Breakfast 8.50 this morning)
Can only hope that the eight people killed and those traumatised or injured now have that consolation.
The deaths will not be used to judge Muslims. Only the political left see deaths as being suitable for an agenda or else best not mentioned.
Utter scum…maybe if we bagged and binned them in a Jo Cox “Tomb To the Unremarkables” landfill site, that could help the BBC in future.
Oh-and let`s not make a fuss. Poor chap is in hospital , so keep it down out there eh?
Let`s hope Obamacare covers him, poor lamb, he`s a victim too-Uzbek Dreamer Lives Matter too remember?
Stew – next time important EU officials “entertain” a posse of “remain” supporters from the UK – Perhaps they should spend some of the money we give them on a decent pair of curtains or use a weaker bulb!
BBC obviously like this paparazzi photo so much they have turned it into a T shirt. Maybe its a “declaration of intent” of how the BBC would like our relationship with the EU to be. Needless to say, we would be the ones on our knees!
‘The interregnum must be short; last time there was a gap we got the McAlpine mess’
Yes. Totally because no one was minding the gap. Nothing to do with ideological derangement.
I liked this on a preceding post: “A cruel analysis might read “Newspaper bloke who failed to arrest decline in Newsnight’s core audience despite a budget of c£6m pa gets top creative job at C4.”
The world is in shock that the Monteque is to quit albeebs favourite propaganda outlet . It seems to be something to do with fiscal differences between presenters .
She is to be replaced by the voice of the Beehive – ms m Carney of Suffolk .
A beeboid spokesperson said “ she was cheaper than a Muzzie”.
I’m pleased to report that in accordance with al beeb s diversity strategy Ms Kearney attended a non state school like the rest of the presenters .
Yes, this Toady Watch notion deserves a permanent thread all to itself.
When this site started , it may have been a mere thread-today it`s a whole coat of many colours-all but white anyway. My instinct is to see how long they can run their traps before we get…Trump, (despite or due to) Brexit and His Popeness, the Chief Negotiating Helmsman for the European Union(Peace Be Upon It).
Bullshit bingo-“solidarity” “cohesion” “appropriate” “social justice” to name but a few.
I myself fell deep joy when two of the Toady Baubies get conflated-so imagine my happiness to hear that the BBC would be talking to Hillsborough activists (1-96) who were showing support to the Grenfell 1200…at least-and rising!
Whether that was pouring booze onto their backs as they flee the enquiry venue or crushing them for tickets to see John Bishop is another matter…they were helping and the stories dovetail into BBC world…
Justice 4 Monty-the Lady Brook of the Marches#
Chris , the saints who forced their way into a football match and the 1200 occupants of a council block have much in common – the demand for / justice/ money , lawyers on a gravy train, the use of a sad incident for political ends , the need to blame and punish a person / organisation .
They get mad ideas about new laws of Tort to get more taxpayers money . Al beeb and other liberals – to use that feminist word – nurtures – such sense of victimhood and entitlement .
I have noticed a definite change of policy in the way the BBC reports terrorist acts perpetrated by Muslims in order to distance them from the violent nature of their religion.
Everything now is reported as being connected in one way or another with the (So Called) Islamic State, which as the BBC and other left wing outlets have been lying has nothing to do with Islam.
Hence the latest Jihadist Terror attack in New York was inspired of ISIS and therefore, according to the BBC, has nothing to do with Islam.
In other words the BBC is denying reality and alleging that Salafist Islam is not Islam at all despite it being the religion of most of the Middle East, and especially followed by the Islamic clerics at Mecca.
Now either you accept that these people are perhaps extreme, and iconoclastic in their beliefs, or you accept the view that the BBC knows more about Islam than people who have studied it all their lives and live and breath it !
If you’re a muzzie duck your nut when one of your number commits mass murder in the name of your false profit ( my spelling )
Get on the council list for a big house for all the baby mo s. Scream discrimination if you don’t get one – or get a friend in the housing dept to fix it .
Why haven’t the BBC reported on this which has featured in all the papers?
Home Office plan to give jihadis council houses and support part of ‘overdue’ strategy to combat terrorism
Plans lambasted by right-wing commentators but analysts say comprehensive strategy urgently needed to deal with jihadis who cannot be jailed.
Cannot be jailed? Of course they can be jailed, but the spineless appeaser doesn’t have the guts to change the law to make sure they are, preferring instead to give them preferential treatment.
I expect that the reason the BBC has not reported this, is because even they know this is wrong, and they don’t want to make the bias so obvious even the average Joe notices it. Plus of course the reaction from reasonable people who the Independent calls ‘far right’.
Thoughtful – I was vaguely hoping this story was going to be outed as ‘fake news’. But given that :
The Home Office would not confirm details of Operation Constrain but said a review of national counter-terror strategy was ongoing.
I’ll take that mealy mouthed reply as a confirmation. Sadly it now appears we are actually at the Swedish level idiocy when it comes to appeasement and a horribly feminised society.
Bloody hell, how far has a nation lost its dignity over the span of the last 50 years or so, and the decline is still crazily accelerating. It’s not a case of lions led by donkeys anymore, rather sheep led by mercenary snakes.
Tory/Labour/Lib dems they are all political cowards who are desperately trying to keep a lid on things by appeasing these bastards as they know that none of them have the stomach to do what needs to be done. They are probably shit scared that the ex jihadis will organise something akin to the provos in the 1970s an 1980s – or worse.
The longer the Government waits the more dangerous these problems will become. Would a radicalised Jihadi really respect a race that lies down before him? – I think the answer to that one is in the Koran. To maintain their privilege our cowardly politicians far prefer displaying a pretense of power rather than doing something practical to deal with the problem head on . I suppose they will just hope that things will blow up on someone elses watch. Unfortunately as the last war showed us sometimes you have to fight for peace.
I suspect that at some point every one in this country will be aware of the full beneficence of the religion of peace. Unfortunately by that time the demographics will be such that for our culture to survive even partially intact civil war would probably be inevitable (as according to the Koran the only other option is abject surrender) I truly hope with all my heart that this does not happen but the later the politicians leave things before trying to tackle these problems the more likely civil conflict is.
I suspect they will still be trying to blow smoke up our arses about integration until the bitter end. Unfortunately a population only integrates if there is a need or a desire to. Up until know they have not felt the need because our Government wants us to change instead!
As Churchill said “storm clouds gathering over Europe” But the liberal media can see only sunshine.
As for the BBC – who wants to talk about returning rapists and murderers to our streets – when there are far more important things to talk about such as Julia Hartly Brewers knee.
Whilst out and about today at work I had the opportunity to pop into a medieval church in darkest Devon. I sat down for a minute or two and my eyes were drawn to the plaque on the wall commemorating those from this particular parish who gave their lives for England and Empire in the Great War. I felt both sad and humbled at the same time.
I wonder what they would be thinking now if they could see our well fed, craven politicians trying to simultaneously sell off our country to the EU whilst also surrendering our culture to Islam.
I thought that shabby little trio of Qusilings – Clarke, the boy Clegg and that twat Adonis were the absolute picture of sanctimony and insincerity when they went off to prostrate themselves at the feet of Barnier. All resplendent in their morning suits with poppies on display.
Despite these patrician, hypocrites trying to reduce the poppy to little more than a fashion accessory. It is amazing that when you see normal people wearing it – it still sends a powerful message which reminds me that we still have a country and culture that is worth fighting for – England just needs to wake up!
The next couple of decades are probably the last in which the poppy will have any significance. Within a generation or two, at best, the people who had ancestors fighting in WW1 and WW2 will be marginalised. The ancestors of those who will form the majority were elsewhere and certainly not fighting for the British Empire. The memories handed down in families will be entirely different. For them, WW1 will have as much cultural significance as the war between Japan and Russia last century has for us today. Even today, the usual suspects are pushing to erase our past by removing statues, renaming streets, rewriting history, etc. aping ISIS who try to destroy all evidence of a pre-Islamic past.
ID – If the liberals and the BBC carry on like this, there will be a whole new generation of Brits who will probably find it necessary to fight for their freedom.
The stupid thing is – is that it is all so bloody obvious.
What you say is very depressing . It will be a kind of folk memory contaminated by Hollywood lies about American involvement in the wars
I’ve been watching the HBO series on Vietnam and cannot believe how stupid the yanks were. One of the few good things Wilson did was keep us out whatever evoking damage the yanks did to us.
Sometimes I just wonder if I am going mad. But generally when speaking to many people of my age (mid 50s )or older they all pretty much think the same way as we do.
It only seems to be the youngsters who think everything in the garden of unrestricted immigration is rosy. But touching on what ID mentioned above and even taking out the equation the unbridled optimism of youth, the fact that the left have been busy airbrushing out much of our past means that every year there is less and less for them to learn from.
I know that nothing stays the same and people often say that things were better than now – but the rapidity of the cultural changes in Blighty caused by a variety of mass immigration is a true shock to our system. ( sorry about long sentence) .
Our memory is being damaged by this and thank god we were given at least a slight chance through brexit to stop the rot .
The problem is that once these groups achieve critical voting mass – like the Islamic enemy – our chances of saving Blighty diminish .
You are right nothing stays the same . But our history and shared values have slowly evolved and run like a connecting spine through our history lending a sense of continuity and identity.
Whilst we have always had immigration. On the whole, those who have wanted to come here have generally wanted to integrate, and have come in small enough numbers to make this possible and have therefore absorbed some sense of shared identity from us – skin colour is immaterial.
However as you point out we now have a demographic timebomb ticking and as these communities hailing from Pakistan/middle east and North Africa an do not appear to wish to integrate and generally appear to look down on us kaffirs – then the slow process of integration will be stillborn.
This on its own would be bad enough but we have a Government and media which do not want to tell us the truth. As well as trying to change history they now appear to be trying to change logic and common sense
I see that the man who did so much to destroy the British car industry, Communist Derek “Red Robbo” Robinson has died at the age of 90. I don’t think I’ve heard of any street parties organised by the Tories or UKIP happening – you know, like the ones the Left held when Margaret Thatcher died.
I remember that creature doing his best to destroy the British car industry – which he did . I will not write what I think about such hero’s os socialism – corbyn and McDonald will probably ask for a minutes silence in that ridiculous joke of a parliament .
More importantly – does any of these shanigans in parliament do anything to benefit this country one bit.
I bet there is not one mp who will say close all the bars as much of this nonsense seems booze fuels if the excel sheet is anything like honest. There is no shortage of people who want to be politicians.
I’m waiting for al Beeb to break ranks and name names
—— oh by the way Fallon has just resigned from Defence for touching a knee years ago…
Saw his obit in the Telegraph, he was largely a victim of BL amalgamations and a useful idiot for the unions who made him a lightning rod and scapegoat-he wasn`t the brightest lad.
Out of his depth, a communist dolting family and hung out to dry by the EEC and Edwardes.
So I feel rather sorry for him now.
That said, I`ll be spitting feathers once more by the time the Last Word crowd on Radio 4 are through with him-they love a useful totemic idiot with flat vowels and a flat cap.
Would rather have ten Red Robbos than a pink Burgon or Shami.
I`d guess that the Metro launch in 1980 finished the car industry, rather than the Red Robbot.
They’ll have to put a girl at defence – I reckon that one who wastes 13 billion taxpayers cash on foreigners would be up for it ( not intended to have a double entende missis)
If anyone is twitter enabled the Julia Hartley jam stream is a hoot at the moment )it is a distraction from mad mass murdering Muslim monsters)
Guido has the letter
“In the past I have fallen below the high standards that we require of the Armed Forces”
..must be a more serious offence yet to surface
LBC implies the party whips keep a dirty dossier on each MP so they can blackmail them into line. Julia Hartley Brewer Twitter feed
She’s on SkyNews in a mo
Quite possibly the worst Defence Secretary since John Nott-Geoff Hoon and Bob Ainsworth don`t count because we knew they were shit before they entered public life.
Fallon has reduced our forces to bob-a job punchbags for Shiner and Provo lawyers, his failure to back Alexander Blackman alone means he ought to have gone years ago.
Typical Cameronian tribute to the glory days of John Major.
Only when they`re dead-martyrs smell of rosewater and sandalwood as they blow up according to tradition.
Not their left hands though-they wipe their arses with that when theres no ISIL paper.
Never sniff a Muslims left hand-and certainly never a finger from same place. Just in case you planned to.
Let’s have a look at our Parliaments recent performance.
Handling of Brexit not up to scratch, some would say treasonous.
Sleazy goings on, nothing new.
Not keeping us safe from radical elements with a total lack of interest in turning the tide.
Expenses fiasco a while back.
I am starting to think is it fit for purpose and maybe time to do things differently.
I am no Royalist but am a firm Monarchist and maybe it’s time for our Queen to turn the clock back and put her armed forces in charge for a while to sort things out. Would certainly put the fear of God into our wonderful state broadcaster. Sorry if it sounds a bit alarmist but something needs to happen before it’s too bloody late.
Trump wants to end chain migration and bring in extreme vetting – no doubt whatsoever our ever superior and all knowing ‘experts’ will be as dismissive as ever but hey that’s Americas first NY attack since 9/11.
Remind me – what’s the number for London?
“Sir Michael Fallon resigns, saying his conduct ‘fell short” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41838682
Jacob Rees-Mogg, nows your chance – “up and at them” and fill the vacancy .
Get in the cabinet, strengthen our armed forces and sort out the Biased Al Beeb.
Absolute madness and a sign of the ludicrous times in which we live.
Touching a knee for God’s sake. The lady in question sorted it at the time and takes no offence today.
Why the hell has he resigned?
Unless it’s a cunning ploy. By setting the bar so low, perhaps a few on the Labour side will have to either resign or be shown as the total hypocrites they are.
Academic Lefties shouting BBC biased towards Right
TRICK : cherrypick counting thinktanks as a metric. That’s FakeNews cos need to count ALL non-Tory voices
#Narrative : “despite its undoubted commitment to impartiality, BBC news programming has shifted its centre of gravity to the right.”
#Justification : Claim BBC air more Right wing Thinktanks than Left “2015, when the Conservative Party was in government, right-leaning think tanks outnumbered left-leaning think tanks by around two to one.
#Reminds-me-of : “BBC airs stats from Tories than from Labour”
… which actually meant Tories actually gave NUMBERS , libmob just spoke of vague dreams
#Fallacy : Counting the number of thinktanks is a cherrypicking
what counts is the total minutes of Tory voices vs Labour.
#Why air Right think tanks ? Mrs May stops MPs opening their mouths on TV, so to get a Tory voice the BBC gets the thinktanks on
BBC gets Libmob voices from : Libmob MPs, celebs, other journos
… Result to me Non-left voices only account for 5% of BBC political minutes.
This is utter twaddle. The only accurate, detailed acounting of BBC bias has been done by David Keighley’s organisation and the results are incontrovertible – so much so that as Keighley revealed on Conservative Woman recently – the BBC had to draft in a Soros glove puppet to attack them!
Look at the BBC cherry tree
basically the only BLUE bunch is the ThinkTanks
The RED bunches are all over the place : libmob : MPs, celebs, other journos, NGO mates
..the biased report focuses on the blue cherries.
Saying the BBC fruit is BLUE by only counting ThinkTanks
& ignoring 1000s of RED cherries aired by BBC
JohnCFeb 25, 02:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Remember this ? – from the ‘Centre for European Reform’ to try and interfere with the Brexit vote just one…
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
“Man jailed for unprovoked attack on pensioner”
Thankfully, due to it being a young black man attacking an elderly white man it’s not a racist attack.
A man drives truck about 20 blocks distance along bike path, hitting as many people as he can. BBC broke their normal pattern – I would have expected ‘truck kills cyclists’ – but they are still way off the mark –
BBC : New York attack: Eight killed by man driving truck – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-41825577
CNN : Truck attack in Manhattan kills 8; mayor calls it act of terror – http://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/31/us/new-york-shots-fired/index.html
Julian Assange
Looks like NYPD need to spend some time on the range…
Does Julian think the CIA has been giving muslim terrorists HGV training?
How dare you say Guardian WWF are dramaqueening
quoted tweet
I wonder if the Grauniad have noticed this?
Published by their favourite climate disaster rag, Nature.
Jon Sopel is tweeting pure lunacy now. #VehicleAttack
The BBC news referred to the attacker being of Central Asian descent. Mhuh.
Bloody Mongols!
……….Shouting that he was looking for Ali’s Snackbar. Too predictable BBC.
It’s just more evidence of the Guardian influence, this time the crossword. Central in asian is ‘i’, right? And I stands for Islamic. QED as that arrogant arsehole in ‘The Remains of the Day’ would have put it.
Correcting Sopel
“London, Barcelona, Berlin, Nice, Paris and now New York. Fabulous cities now having this dreadful thing in common: #VehicleAttack BY ISLAMISTS”
and probably normal Muslims failed to speak up and prevent the attacks, cos of Islamic cultural practices like “don’t question the big man”, “stay with Muslims we are better than the rest”
and partially caused by MSM shouting about “hate crime, hate crime, don’t investigate Muslims that’s racist..keep looking at the far right they are the dangerous ones”
Whilst the BBC are trying to trivialise the Labour rape allegations there is something else for them to ignore.
The unredacted Tory spreadsheet has been released in the US.
Elmer Fudd’s in the frame. Oh dear, how sad, never mind!
A Muslim teaching assistant, Suriyah Bi, 25, was dismissed after complaining about a teacher showing video of the 9/11 attacks. The teacher was discussing with a secondary class, Simon Armitage’s poem Out of the Blue, which was written for the fifth anniversary of 9/11 . The poem is part of the AQA GCSE syllabus
Bi was head girl at Saltley School, which was implicated in the Trojan Horse affair and, according to the school, was offended by the footage because she was a Muslim.
There are arguments about what children should be shown, but should a Muslim be allowed to challenge the showing of a video of a Muslim atrocity because it offends her?
The Guardian also keeps quoting Bi as saying the Trojan Horse scandal did not occur, and “The letter was later discredited as a fake.”
Unlike the government report from Peter Clarke which found (according to the BBC): the schools were offering “grossly intolerant” messages.
He said the social media messages included “explicit homophobia; highly offensive comments about British service personnel; a stated ambition to increase segregation in the school; disparagement of strands of Islam; scepticism about the truth of reports of the murder of Lee Rigby and the Boston bombings; and a constant undercurrent of anti-western, anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiment”.
I thought you were going to say she was offended because the teacher had said ” OK Bi, tits out for the boys”. Now that Would be offensive. Showing a historical video hardly cuts the mustard as offensive material. Well it never used to.
Whittingdale on the unredacted list of MPs…
What a surprise!
“New York attack: Eight killed by man driving truck”
I would think the people of the USA will agree that POTUS Mr Trump was correct with his travel ban ?
“Is Trump’s immigration order legal?”
When will the PM and the Home Secretary of the UK start looking after our own people ?
Shwmae taffman.
I think you have to define what the clowns in Westminster define as ‘our own people’.
At times I wonder?
PS. The Home Secretary is on the ‘misbehaviour’ speadsheet, last on the list.
Number 7
Correct, they are London-centric.
They have forgotten the majority of the people of Great Britain, as they did with the Great ‘Referendum for freedom’.
Just look how they waste our money ……………..
‘Ethiopian Spice Girls’ given £5m in British foreign aid despite previous outcry {telegraph dec2016}
. . .
Helping to strengthen democracy and improve the way the economy and public finances are managed by the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) to support both economic development and poverty reduction {gov.uk}
Who pays for Amy-does that come out of the 0.7%, or is she an additional burden for us to carry?
She`s a director you know!
Oh-and how much is it?….need I ask?
Note too that Kay Burley is using the “Jeremy says” Twitter notion and interrupts…how very lefty!
Taxpayer Alliance bloke is good-bet we`ll not be seeing him again anytime soon.
On the World Service they are talking about how Russia influenced the US election, how a foreign entity should not be allowed to do so.
Throughout the run up to the election that foreign entity the BBC World Service was constantly spewing out hysterical anti Trump stuff, on a different level entirely to a few ads on Facebook. Their hypocrisy is astonishing.
I remember one fake story they ran with was racist Trump supporters spray painting abuse on a black church. I wonder if that was in any way intended to influence people.
Wouldn`t you have thought by now that the idiot Left would have actually FOUND or INTERVIEWED at least ONE person who would admit to having voted for Trump due to some advert that was sourced in Russia and that was found to be untrue.
This crap has been going on for a year now-and I`ve yet to see or hear anything that lets me think that one person was influenced to vote one way or another.
Until the BBCNN can find one-they can piss off.
Radio 4 says it may take some time yto establish the motive of the New York attacker. He could be mentally ill, what a shocker.
Honestly, how stupid do they think they are? This is why Trump won – he isn’t the only person who will talk honestly about the biggest problem of our age.
Strange how other news sources have quite a detailed list such as the name, photo, video, comments from neighbours etc. I use this one as it is a summary and has sources as well. Odd how the BBC don’t seem to have Google.
Interesting to note that the profile of a lovely chap and no previous of any consequence mirrors almost all the attackers this year. http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/10/31/quick-facts-about-new-york-terror-suspect-sayfullo-saipov
Even now – knowing what a collective bunch of tosspots these bedwetting liberals are – I am still amazed that not one of these unworldly morons is willing to give President Trump any credit for being one of the few Western democratic leaders (apart from Orban) who is making any sort of serious effort in trying to protect his people and not to import war into his country from the Middle East. They seem to live in some sort of “Harry Potter” world where the magic of candles and “lurv” is all you need to protect us from the next attack.
with all these Jihadis coming “home” I suggest everyone buys shares in candles, teddies and flowers. After “our” Syrian returnees have decorated and fitted out their new council houses they should be ready to get back to work at around Ramadam 2018. Since terrorism only seems to be a part time profession maybe if they have kids they should be able to get family credit as well.
Actually hang on I forgot! We actually dont need to worry about Islamic attacks anymore since Theresa has said ” Enough is enough” and more importantly Saint Brendan the Virtuous held his great Fools and snowflake tea party – I am sure they are all quaking in their boots. – Thatl show em!
Remember kids We all have far more in common with each other than things that divide us. !
Katty Kay excels again in analysis.
On her favourite, indeed almost sole, subject.
Which as an American News editor takes some special focus.
They ought to base Katty Kay in Oklahoma or Idaho instead of one of the most expensive cities in the US. But that would mean having to talk to real Americans instead of cocktails at the latest “presser”.
It’s all one big jolly for them: fly around the world going to parties and sucking up to people who agree with you. It’s all one big virtue-signalling circle jerk. They hate Trump because he calls them out for being the lazy, dishonest shower they really are.
How much did BBC Katty Kay’s Question Mark cost the BBC TV License/Tax Payer under threat of prison?
? {twitter – BBC Katty Kay}
quoted tweet
An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.
After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little …
The second Test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F. The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for anyone else. All failed to their great surprise and the professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder to succeed the greater the reward but when a government takes all the reward away; no one will try or succeed.
Socialism Grade Averaging {snopes}
Your little piece beautifully illustrates the utter stupidity of the Marxist slogan “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Of course in the end nobody will bother with using their ability when the thicko who only possesses need gets the same rewards for being thick. Let’s all be thick and indolent. Makes life so much easier all round even as we sink into the abyss. What total bilge!
Should have explained if better in the tweet …. “I’m going to take half of Chloe’s candy tonight & give it to some kid who sat at home. It’s never to early to teach her about socialism.”
Kid stays at home and Government delivers sweets to her door.
Kid goes around 10 houses and gets 10% of the sweets taken off her.
Kid goes around 100 houses and gets 60% of the sweets taken off her.
And the sneering tweet I spotted Beebliods retweeting
sneering Trump Jr is a dumb stuffed toy compared to his father
Isn’t it fascinating how all of the elements are there yet our BBC still can’t quite join the dots.
We hear about an Uzbek who drove for Uberistan (or vice versa) who has been in the country seven years – why? Are we not about to make millions unemployed with driverless cars?
The BBC guest security expert tells us live on air that terror attacks “spike around Ramadan” – yet still despite this little bit of off-the-cuff heresy none of the obvious glaring concusions will be drawn.
By the way, just me or are others a little put out by the BBC on-line head line shouting about “Five Argentine friends killed”
The BBC here reduces the death count of at least eight and implies the greater importance of foreign visitors over locals.
It can’t help their campaign on mental illness pretending all these terrorists are just mentally unstable. Who is going to employ someone who confesses to depression if according to the Beeb’s narrative that makes them potential mass murderers?
Beeb Bro
Well the BBC always likes to decide for the rest of us who shall be classed as evil and who is a nutter. I like to decide for myself and I think both can be pretty dangerous.
morning all,
just caught a snipped on Radio4 this morning as they advertised their forthcoming program ‘explaining ‘ Brexit; “After 17 months its still no clearer and we will be explaining those complex issues, but we’ll also keeping it light-hearted and having a laugh along the way, you know as you often laugh while you cry”.
Other news just unearthed by Franky includes producer who founded The Great British Bake Off, Richard McKerrow, has claimed the show is “radically anti-Brexit”. This is because, he suggests, it challenges Britain’s innate racist instincts.
What with the next ram a dam starting on May16, why am I feeling under threat.
I mentioned that on Saturday I think
but Google is not capturing the pages fully recently so I can’t give you a link.
ah found it manually
Now David Davies tells us with a straight face: ‘…he expects the EU to get a more favourable deal than us’ and that ‘We wanted to meet on Tuesday but they couldn’t make it, so we said what about Wednesday but now it’s to be Friday – but that’s OK, we’ll still keep working…..’
Really Dave? You don’t think you’re getting a comprehensive, belittling and deeply insulting run-around? You don’t think giving priority to total traitorous wankers like Clegg, Clarke and Adonis is a calculated wind-up? We are being shafted folks.
And to add spice, an item on a burgeoning market for British milk and dairy products, currently exporting to the middle-east but with huge potential in China – who prefer to make one simple, straightforward deal with one country rather than 27 (which ought to ring a few bells) and although starting on a positive BBC-ish note, soon reverted to type when it was pointed out that the dairy industry ‘relied heavily on immigrant workers from eastern Europe’.
Most modern dairy farms – the ones that can service orders from China for example, are almost entirely automated and require minimum staff – usually the farmer and his immediate family – but let’s not lose a chance to end on a negative, eh Beeb? Even when it’s a downright lie.
I’m in an area surrounded by many, many farms where a lot of them are solely milk producers. I don’t know the exact figure but, over the last 20 years, many of those have had to give up due the too low price being paid for their produce by the retailers. The few that carry on are struggling and I can assure you that not one has ever employed immigrant workers! So, I think it’s garbage to suggest that the dairy industry relies heavily on immigrant workers.
I think it’s good news if these producers have the possibility to sell for a decent price outside the EU.
I currently pay £1 for a 4 pint bottle at the supermarket…that can’t be right 🙁
I would like to know what impact palm oil is having on dairy farmers. Since it’s used widely (very very difficult to avoid now) as a dairy substitute in so many products.
BBC Title does not reflect the reported story … New York truck attack: Five Argentine friends killed {bbc.co.uk 01nov2017}
‘The suspect reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest”) as he left the truck. Officials said it was a terror attack – the deadliest in the city since the 11 September attacks.’
– So why not use terror attack in the title BBC? ‘Officials said it was a terror attack’
Katty Kay is using her BBC political twitter feed to promote her book – is this 100% BBC approved thought?
“Anchor for BBC World News America in Washington | Author of The Confidence Code and Womenomics with @ClaireShipman”
Forum language : crap piece in the Times lifted from Quartz : a Buzzword like site that ratttles against Trump all day.
Narrative : “Alt-right” use devious language, which alludes to Orwell
#1 It’s Quartz being devious cos they use the boo word “Alt-right” when they simply mean Trump supporters.
#2 Yes all groups develop shorthand .. big deal.
#3 “Wrongthink” a word used by Trump supporters to describe the day their ideas are forbidden by libmob.. So what ?
It seems Quartz is conspiracy theorist.
Farage is on R2 .
vs Jonathon Friedland if Guardian, who is now calling Trump wrongheaded.
I thought the ramifications of the Winestine phenomenon has reached new depths of depravity when I turned on the Today programme, R4 to hear Humpreys proclaim that “Lord Hague has developed a real passion for elephants”. “Christ Allmighty”, I thought “the House of Horniness has been indulging in groping, rape, child buggery etc. and now even bestiality is in play”. It turns out that the mighty lord has only developed a passion for “elephant conservation”.
But wasn’t Trump’s state visit denounced on the grounds that the presence of this groper and denigrator of women would defile Our Sacred Mother of Parliaments, the Abode of the Great and the Very, Very Good.Trump’s alleged activities pale into insignificance when compared to the goings on in the House of Whores and Whoremongers. What tiresome hypocrites these people are.
‘Tiresome’ is the word. The BBC should be all over these idiots exposing them for what they are. But alas they seem all to be in the same club.
BBC Society …
These beauty queens gave out feminist facts instead of their body sizes
“Women can walk out naked if they want to. Naked. It’s a personal decision. If I walk out in a bathing suit I am just as decent as a woman who walks out in an evening dress.”
It’s safe to say that this politicised take on the beauty pageant has switched up the game.
The city where you will never get caught short
This company gives non-smokers paid leave for ‘lost cigarette breaks’
BREAKING NEWS – Prayers aren’t working. #PrayForNYC {twitter – katie hopkins}
Ha ha ha.
Its egg on face day at the bBBC.
1. A Toady interview about the Trangender issue, with go-to peer Lord Winston and another Prof.
Transgender issues affect about 1 in 20,000. According to the learned profs.
And, most occur at puberty when, in terms, the brain is undergoing reassignment, and there is a lot of danger allowing irreversible decisions to be concluded during that period.
In other words, its pretty much a non issue, just made into an issue by the LGBT and general right-on leftmob ‘community’
2. In the aftermath of the New York attack, Toady interviews a former NYPD chief. Yes, he says, higher level vetting and immigration control is absolutely right. In other words, the Donald is clearly on the right lines.
The editors must have been spluttering into their croissants and lattes.
It often takes a while but truth does come to the fore eventually and in this and so much more the actions speak so much louder than bbc lies.
Hate needs more effort Hate crime drastically under-reported – South Wales Police {bbc.co.uk 01nov2017}
“Hate crime is still drastically under-reported, South Wales Police has said. … Home Office report said the biggest rise was in disability and transgender hate crimes, but said the increase was mainly due to better crime recording.”
Actual links to a report – BBC are getting better? Hate Crime, England and Wales, 2016/17 {pdf}
– Look at page 4 of ‘Hate Crime, England and Wales, 2016/17’ and all data was going up before Brexit. Could it be more to do with a cohesive society not being created?
Draw Cartoon – deaths, boycotts, protests from the Muslim World.
Rape girls in ripped jeans – nothing from the Muslim World.
Egyptian lawyer says it’s a national duty to rape girls who wear revealing clothing like ripped jeans {independent 01nov2017}
“‘I say that when a girl walks about like that, it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national duty to rape her,’ says Nabih al-Wahsh”
Be a real shame if he forgot to close the barrack gates and found himself sharing a lift with Kevin.
We won’t likely be having historical groping charges being brought on any prominent Mohammedan men will we?
It is now way beyond tiresome . The excuses, the censorship, the sympathy. We are at war – it’s not a case of low profile policing for a kids’ party. The requirements for a jihad attack are being a follower of Islam and yet on the high street we have jihad drop-in centres ie: mosques.
Hate to say it again but during WW1 and 2 – ALL Germans were confined. There were no, ‘German Religious and Cultural Centres’ in every town.
The LOUD,DEMANDING Labour verses the QUIET, SUBMISSIVE Conservatives.
We can overcome this impasse! Let’s Move Forward! “Enough for the Many, Enough for the Few”.
It seems to me that Labour have lost (democratically@40%) but act as though they have won and the Conservatives have won (democratically@42.4%) but are waiting to lose, rather than take power and getting on with it.
So I suggest rather than this continuing this tiring political, we take this problem further a field. Venezuela is praised by some Labour Members as a socialist dream, along with Cuba, South Africa and China. So we do a ‘wealth transfer’ of people.
All members of Labour Party with families (483,000 Labour Members March2017) can transfer to one of the countries that signs up for this great experiment. In response, people from the socialist countries who no longer want the socialist dream, because they are living it, can come to the UK – trying to keep it one for one as close as possible – same skill would be great but this won’t be completely possible.
Why holiday in a socialist country – when you can live there!
old post
Something to keep handy for when the bbc refers to ‘sources’. Especially Nick ‘high horse’ Robinson when in full integrity mode.
The bbc almost exclusively now use correspondents from the country in question so why John Sopel / Katy Kay?
Katz move : Times say Channel4 staff are angry at the hiring in an external, saying he doesn’t know C4 culture.
Katz has moved from Guardian to Newsnight to C4
That doesn’t look like the media is very diverse.
Wonder if Amol-not-rite will move into the Newsnight post ?
On Fake News : Italian Gov has launched school programme, encouraging kids to write blogs about fake-news.
..So we are pioneers here.
Be careful StewGreen, this will be to record what parents say and record it for all to see. What if they are wrong and end up writing fake news themselves?
More good Brexit News ?
“UK manufacturing growth was stronger in October, says PMI survey”
Nice graph just after “Brexit”. But they add the usual ‘sting in the tail’………………………….
“He added that the PMI data “should not lull anyone into a false sense of security, as the Brexit negotiations are still causing some jitters amongst clients”.
If you look at the BBC graph (IHS Markit, Bloomberg) the values were dropping prior to Brexit anyway.
Brexit was the reset button that got us out of the downward trend.
UK manufacturing growth was stronger in October, says PMI survey {bbc.co.uk 01nov2017}
“British manufacturers reported stronger growth in October, driven by higher domestic demand and export orders.”
I’m not sure if BBC is reporting this:
“A MUSLIM EXTREMIST jailed for life after being convicted of the murder of soldier Lee Rigby is looked up to by fellow prisoners, a High Court judge has been told. Michael Adebolajo was “charismatic” and intelligence suggested that he had helped convert other inmates to ISLAM, Mr Justice Langstaff heard. Detail of the influence Adebolajo wielded in jail has emerged after he took legal action against the Ministry of Justice.”
What to do with these dedicated hate preachers … can’t deny them their human rights to talk about their god … Anjem Choudary moved to specialist new ‘jihadi jail’ unit for extremists – “Britain’s most notorious Islamist hate preacher (Anjem Choudary) has been transferred to a specialist secure unit amid fears (Is he? Isn’t he? Fears? )he is radicalising fellow inmates.” {telegraph 23jul2017}
– So the UK prisons are now producing the next generation of Hate Preachers for Islam.
– Paid for by the UK Tax Payer – would Choudary be happier in a Sharia country like Iran?
– Could we swap an Iranian Christian prisoner for a British Islamic prisoner?
News BBC doesn’t report : Did nuclear tunnel collapse ?
Could only find this using BBC Search ‘north korea tunnel’ …
North Korea nuclear test: ‘Tunnel collapse’ may provide clues {bbc.co.uk 03sep2017}
“North Korea has hailed its sixth “perfect success” of a nuclear test. The seismic readings indicate it is bigger than any other it has conducted, but the apparent collapse of a tunnel at the nuclear test site could provide valuable information, nuclear defence analyst Catherine Dill writes.”
BBC not reporting on any deaths in North Korea Tunnel collapse … At least 200 people killed after tunnel collapses at North Korean nuclear test site, claims Japanese media {telegraph 31oct2017}
By coincidence, I searched the BBC News website this morning, since it occurred to me I hadn’t heard the loss of life mentioned in any new bulletin. I wondered what possible motive the BBC had for keeping silent, and I could only suppose in their warped minds they felt that to broadcast it might have helped to justify, in some way, Trump’s current (and to my mind correct) firm stance on that terror regime.
Or the BBC are waiting for Kim to tell them what to say?
Brexit: Nick Clegg, Ken Clarke and Lord Adonis visit Barnier {bbc.co.uk 30oct2017}
“A cross-party trio of pro-EU politicians jokingly branded themselves “the rebels” …..”
– Could not find this meeting on any of the BBC UK News sections on the BBC site – had to use the search feature. Not even on the following BBC Brexit section !?!?!?!?!
Are you sure that’s not a picture of David Walliams?
Fakenews : “Look over there at Facebook” says Amol
“Fake News : comes from NUJ” say NUJ
via Guido
“Yesterday we published a statement condemning a decision to strip-search media workers at the Prime Minister’s Office in Downing Street.
We now accept that this was incorrect.”
Russia Facebook thing is a Cherry Pick Fallacy also

: Every political soundbite is an advert .. You can’t JUST COUNT tweets that Russia sends
also Adverts have both quantity and quality and direction
You can’t assume that Russias Tweets were all benefitting Trump, some benefitted Hillary
by Quality I mean that 1 killer ad can be worth 100,000 normal ones
A killer message might be – “Stew seems like a nice guy, but he kicked a puppy”
or “Hillary seems dirty, but the FBI have found her clean”
– Also PERSPECTIVE is importand ..see how this CNN guy says 150million tweets is a lot
,but one person might easily see 1,500 such messages per day so in a hundred days he sees 150K
so 150 million is only what 1000 people see over 100 days
– You also have to count all side not just cherry pick pro Russia
: I’m guessing Amol’s BBC poured into America 500 times more pro Hillary messages than RT did pro Trump.
Oxbridge/BBC bubbleworld
#Metrobubble #GroupThink #IdontKnowAnyBrexitVoters
So wife is
Diane Coyle : The Enlightened Economist. Professor of Economics, University of Manchester.
Founder of Enlightenment Economics London
The BBC seemed rather pleased that their American shill only thought of the New York truck attacks as “lone wolf”…”quickly and badly prepared and planned”.(BBC Breakfast 8.50 this morning)
Can only hope that the eight people killed and those traumatised or injured now have that consolation.
The deaths will not be used to judge Muslims. Only the political left see deaths as being suitable for an agenda or else best not mentioned.
Utter scum…maybe if we bagged and binned them in a Jo Cox “Tomb To the Unremarkables” landfill site, that could help the BBC in future.
Oh-and let`s not make a fuss. Poor chap is in hospital , so keep it down out there eh?
Let`s hope Obamacare covers him, poor lamb, he`s a victim too-Uzbek Dreamer Lives Matter too remember?
The bBC and its homosexual bias: (you’ll have to look twice)
Big ears will be so pleased.
I looked twice and still didn’t get it … help!
Me either, unless lug-resolution is the key.
Still, on past evidence relevant expertise could arrive around 2am.
See the shadow on his t-shirt – went to the twitter to find it … “And the explanation of the shadow on the guy on the rights shirt!!”
Stew – next time important EU officials “entertain” a posse of “remain” supporters from the UK – Perhaps they should spend some of the money we give them on a decent pair of curtains or use a weaker bulb!
BBC obviously like this paparazzi photo so much they have turned it into a T shirt. Maybe its a “declaration of intent” of how the BBC would like our relationship with the EU to be. Needless to say, we would be the ones on our knees!
In other news…
It’s like reading a telephone directory.
‘The interregnum must be short; last time there was a gap we got the McAlpine mess’
Yes. Totally because no one was minding the gap. Nothing to do with ideological derangement.
I liked this on a preceding post: “A cruel analysis might read “Newspaper bloke who failed to arrest decline in Newsnight’s core audience despite a budget of c£6m pa gets top creative job at C4.”
Market rate rewards for failure.
‘Conclusion: It takes the BBC nearly five months to work out if a review is finished or not…..’
If ever.
At least they were not on two sides of the hall. Yet.
‘Alan Yentob.. now considering making voluntary disqualification undertakings, which avoid court action’
More time to lurk at the back of studios?
By sheer coincidence, the Graun now spends most of its efforts pleading for money.
The world is in shock that the Monteque is to quit albeebs favourite propaganda outlet . It seems to be something to do with fiscal differences between presenters .
She is to be replaced by the voice of the Beehive – ms m Carney of Suffolk .
A beeboid spokesperson said “ she was cheaper than a Muzzie”.
I’m pleased to report that in accordance with al beeb s diversity strategy Ms Kearney attended a non state school like the rest of the presenters .
Fedup2 moved quickly to squash rumours that he had been shortlisted for this prestigious role .
Our thoughts are with all those affected .
Yes, this Toady Watch notion deserves a permanent thread all to itself.
When this site started , it may have been a mere thread-today it`s a whole coat of many colours-all but white anyway. My instinct is to see how long they can run their traps before we get…Trump, (despite or due to) Brexit and His Popeness, the Chief Negotiating Helmsman for the European Union(Peace Be Upon It).
Bullshit bingo-“solidarity” “cohesion” “appropriate” “social justice” to name but a few.
I myself fell deep joy when two of the Toady Baubies get conflated-so imagine my happiness to hear that the BBC would be talking to Hillsborough activists (1-96) who were showing support to the Grenfell 1200…at least-and rising!
Whether that was pouring booze onto their backs as they flee the enquiry venue or crushing them for tickets to see John Bishop is another matter…they were helping and the stories dovetail into BBC world…
Justice 4 Monty-the Lady Brook of the Marches#
Chris , the saints who forced their way into a football match and the 1200 occupants of a council block have much in common – the demand for / justice/ money , lawyers on a gravy train, the use of a sad incident for political ends , the need to blame and punish a person / organisation .
They get mad ideas about new laws of Tort to get more taxpayers money . Al beeb and other liberals – to use that feminist word – nurtures – such sense of victimhood and entitlement .
Headline is misleading cos not quitting BBC
“Montague .. will swap roles with another Radio 4 presenter, the World at One’s Martha Kearney.”
I have noticed a definite change of policy in the way the BBC reports terrorist acts perpetrated by Muslims in order to distance them from the violent nature of their religion.
Everything now is reported as being connected in one way or another with the (So Called) Islamic State, which as the BBC and other left wing outlets have been lying has nothing to do with Islam.
Hence the latest Jihadist Terror attack in New York was inspired of ISIS and therefore, according to the BBC, has nothing to do with Islam.
In other words the BBC is denying reality and alleging that Salafist Islam is not Islam at all despite it being the religion of most of the Middle East, and especially followed by the Islamic clerics at Mecca.
Now either you accept that these people are perhaps extreme, and iconoclastic in their beliefs, or you accept the view that the BBC knows more about Islam than people who have studied it all their lives and live and breath it !
Don’t forget
Report those hatecrimes against Islam
If you’re a muzzie duck your nut when one of your number commits mass murder in the name of your false profit ( my spelling )
Get on the council list for a big house for all the baby mo s. Scream discrimination if you don’t get one – or get a friend in the housing dept to fix it .
Why haven’t the BBC reported on this which has featured in all the papers?
Home Office plan to give jihadis council houses and support part of ‘overdue’ strategy to combat terrorism
Plans lambasted by right-wing commentators but analysts say comprehensive strategy urgently needed to deal with jihadis who cannot be jailed.
Cannot be jailed? Of course they can be jailed, but the spineless appeaser doesn’t have the guts to change the law to make sure they are, preferring instead to give them preferential treatment.
I expect that the reason the BBC has not reported this, is because even they know this is wrong, and they don’t want to make the bias so obvious even the average Joe notices it. Plus of course the reaction from reasonable people who the Independent calls ‘far right’.
Thoughtful – I was vaguely hoping this story was going to be outed as ‘fake news’. But given that :
The Home Office would not confirm details of Operation Constrain but said a review of national counter-terror strategy was ongoing.
I’ll take that mealy mouthed reply as a confirmation. Sadly it now appears we are actually at the Swedish level idiocy when it comes to appeasement and a horribly feminised society.
Bloody hell, how far has a nation lost its dignity over the span of the last 50 years or so, and the decline is still crazily accelerating. It’s not a case of lions led by donkeys anymore, rather sheep led by mercenary snakes.
Tory/Labour/Lib dems they are all political cowards who are desperately trying to keep a lid on things by appeasing these bastards as they know that none of them have the stomach to do what needs to be done. They are probably shit scared that the ex jihadis will organise something akin to the provos in the 1970s an 1980s – or worse.
The longer the Government waits the more dangerous these problems will become. Would a radicalised Jihadi really respect a race that lies down before him? – I think the answer to that one is in the Koran. To maintain their privilege our cowardly politicians far prefer displaying a pretense of power rather than doing something practical to deal with the problem head on . I suppose they will just hope that things will blow up on someone elses watch. Unfortunately as the last war showed us sometimes you have to fight for peace.
I suspect that at some point every one in this country will be aware of the full beneficence of the religion of peace. Unfortunately by that time the demographics will be such that for our culture to survive even partially intact civil war would probably be inevitable (as according to the Koran the only other option is abject surrender) I truly hope with all my heart that this does not happen but the later the politicians leave things before trying to tackle these problems the more likely civil conflict is.
I suspect they will still be trying to blow smoke up our arses about integration until the bitter end. Unfortunately a population only integrates if there is a need or a desire to. Up until know they have not felt the need because our Government wants us to change instead!
As Churchill said “storm clouds gathering over Europe” But the liberal media can see only sunshine.
As for the BBC – who wants to talk about returning rapists and murderers to our streets – when there are far more important things to talk about such as Julia Hartly Brewers knee.
Whilst out and about today at work I had the opportunity to pop into a medieval church in darkest Devon. I sat down for a minute or two and my eyes were drawn to the plaque on the wall commemorating those from this particular parish who gave their lives for England and Empire in the Great War. I felt both sad and humbled at the same time.
I wonder what they would be thinking now if they could see our well fed, craven politicians trying to simultaneously sell off our country to the EU whilst also surrendering our culture to Islam.
I thought that shabby little trio of Qusilings – Clarke, the boy Clegg and that twat Adonis were the absolute picture of sanctimony and insincerity when they went off to prostrate themselves at the feet of Barnier. All resplendent in their morning suits with poppies on display.
Despite these patrician, hypocrites trying to reduce the poppy to little more than a fashion accessory. It is amazing that when you see normal people wearing it – it still sends a powerful message which reminds me that we still have a country and culture that is worth fighting for – England just needs to wake up!
The next couple of decades are probably the last in which the poppy will have any significance. Within a generation or two, at best, the people who had ancestors fighting in WW1 and WW2 will be marginalised. The ancestors of those who will form the majority were elsewhere and certainly not fighting for the British Empire. The memories handed down in families will be entirely different. For them, WW1 will have as much cultural significance as the war between Japan and Russia last century has for us today. Even today, the usual suspects are pushing to erase our past by removing statues, renaming streets, rewriting history, etc. aping ISIS who try to destroy all evidence of a pre-Islamic past.
ID – If the liberals and the BBC carry on like this, there will be a whole new generation of Brits who will probably find it necessary to fight for their freedom.
The stupid thing is – is that it is all so bloody obvious.
What you say is very depressing . It will be a kind of folk memory contaminated by Hollywood lies about American involvement in the wars
I’ve been watching the HBO series on Vietnam and cannot believe how stupid the yanks were. One of the few good things Wilson did was keep us out whatever evoking damage the yanks did to us.
Sometimes I just wonder if I am going mad. But generally when speaking to many people of my age (mid 50s )or older they all pretty much think the same way as we do.
It only seems to be the youngsters who think everything in the garden of unrestricted immigration is rosy. But touching on what ID mentioned above and even taking out the equation the unbridled optimism of youth, the fact that the left have been busy airbrushing out much of our past means that every year there is less and less for them to learn from.
I know that nothing stays the same and people often say that things were better than now – but the rapidity of the cultural changes in Blighty caused by a variety of mass immigration is a true shock to our system. ( sorry about long sentence) .
Our memory is being damaged by this and thank god we were given at least a slight chance through brexit to stop the rot .
The problem is that once these groups achieve critical voting mass – like the Islamic enemy – our chances of saving Blighty diminish .
You are right nothing stays the same . But our history and shared values have slowly evolved and run like a connecting spine through our history lending a sense of continuity and identity.
Whilst we have always had immigration. On the whole, those who have wanted to come here have generally wanted to integrate, and have come in small enough numbers to make this possible and have therefore absorbed some sense of shared identity from us – skin colour is immaterial.
However as you point out we now have a demographic timebomb ticking and as these communities hailing from Pakistan/middle east and North Africa an do not appear to wish to integrate and generally appear to look down on us kaffirs – then the slow process of integration will be stillborn.
This on its own would be bad enough but we have a Government and media which do not want to tell us the truth. As well as trying to change history they now appear to be trying to change logic and common sense
See below
Truly we seem to be moving into Orwellian times.
I see that the man who did so much to destroy the British car industry, Communist Derek “Red Robbo” Robinson has died at the age of 90. I don’t think I’ve heard of any street parties organised by the Tories or UKIP happening – you know, like the ones the Left held when Margaret Thatcher died.
I remember that creature doing his best to destroy the British car industry – which he did . I will not write what I think about such hero’s os socialism – corbyn and McDonald will probably ask for a minutes silence in that ridiculous joke of a parliament .
More importantly – does any of these shanigans in parliament do anything to benefit this country one bit.
I bet there is not one mp who will say close all the bars as much of this nonsense seems booze fuels if the excel sheet is anything like honest. There is no shortage of people who want to be politicians.
I’m waiting for al Beeb to break ranks and name names
—— oh by the way Fallon has just resigned from Defence for touching a knee years ago…
Saw his obit in the Telegraph, he was largely a victim of BL amalgamations and a useful idiot for the unions who made him a lightning rod and scapegoat-he wasn`t the brightest lad.
Out of his depth, a communist dolting family and hung out to dry by the EEC and Edwardes.
So I feel rather sorry for him now.
That said, I`ll be spitting feathers once more by the time the Last Word crowd on Radio 4 are through with him-they love a useful totemic idiot with flat vowels and a flat cap.
Would rather have ten Red Robbos than a pink Burgon or Shami.
I`d guess that the Metro launch in 1980 finished the car industry, rather than the Red Robbot.
Don’t forget the Allegro and Maestro!
Michael Fallon has resigned as Defence Secretary,
admitting his behaviour in the past may have ‘fallen short’
..Seems in the past he must have something worse than just put his hand on JHB’s knee
Its certainly a very nice knee in a schoolmarmish sort of way – But is it really a knee to fall on ones sword (if you pardon the expression)
They’ll have to put a girl at defence – I reckon that one who wastes 13 billion taxpayers cash on foreigners would be up for it ( not intended to have a double entende missis)
If anyone is twitter enabled the Julia Hartley jam stream is a hoot at the moment )it is a distraction from mad mass murdering Muslim monsters)
Why not someone like Rory Stewart? I like the cut of his jib.
Guido has the letter
“In the past I have fallen below the high standards that we require of the Armed Forces”
..must be a more serious offence yet to surface
LBC implies the party whips keep a dirty dossier on each MP so they can blackmail them into line.
Julia Hartley Brewer Twitter feed
She’s on SkyNews in a mo
Quite possibly the worst Defence Secretary since John Nott-Geoff Hoon and Bob Ainsworth don`t count because we knew they were shit before they entered public life.
Fallon has reduced our forces to bob-a job punchbags for Shiner and Provo lawyers, his failure to back Alexander Blackman alone means he ought to have gone years ago.
Typical Cameronian tribute to the glory days of John Major.
How much defending did he actually do? He certainly betrayed us over Brexit (campaigning for Remain)
Muslims are so wonderful they even smell better than everyone else.
Only when they`re dead-martyrs smell of rosewater and sandalwood as they blow up according to tradition.
Not their left hands though-they wipe their arses with that when theres no ISIL paper.
Never sniff a Muslims left hand-and certainly never a finger from same place. Just in case you planned to.
I thought it was only dogs that go around sniffing each other. Obviously not. Very peculiar.
Tip : If you spot some one making a logical fallacy
..you can tweet them a link to the relevant one
List : https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/
Let’s have a look at our Parliaments recent performance.
Handling of Brexit not up to scratch, some would say treasonous.
Sleazy goings on, nothing new.
Not keeping us safe from radical elements with a total lack of interest in turning the tide.
Expenses fiasco a while back.
I am starting to think is it fit for purpose and maybe time to do things differently.
I am no Royalist but am a firm Monarchist and maybe it’s time for our Queen to turn the clock back and put her armed forces in charge for a while to sort things out. Would certainly put the fear of God into our wonderful state broadcaster. Sorry if it sounds a bit alarmist but something needs to happen before it’s too bloody late.
Trump wants to end chain migration and bring in extreme vetting – no doubt whatsoever our ever superior and all knowing ‘experts’ will be as dismissive as ever but hey that’s Americas first NY attack since 9/11.
Remind me – what’s the number for London?
“Sir Michael Fallon resigns, saying his conduct ‘fell short”
Jacob Rees-Mogg, nows your chance – “up and at them” and fill the vacancy .
Get in the cabinet, strengthen our armed forces and sort out the Biased Al Beeb.
Meanwhile, Keith Vaz…?
I’ve already bought the popcorn.
“Sir Michael Fallon resigns, saying his conduct ‘fell short”
Jacob Rees-Mogg, nows your chance – “up and at them” and fill the vacancy .
Absolute madness and a sign of the ludicrous times in which we live.
Touching a knee for God’s sake. The lady in question sorted it at the time and takes no offence today.
Why the hell has he resigned?
Unless it’s a cunning ploy. By setting the bar so low, perhaps a few on the Labour side will have to either resign or be shown as the total hypocrites they are.
JRM cannot do it, he’s a leaver.
He will not be allowed into the cabinet.
Academic Lefties shouting BBC biased towards Right
TRICK : cherrypick counting thinktanks as a metric. That’s FakeNews cos need to count ALL non-Tory voices
#Narrative : “despite its undoubted commitment to impartiality, BBC news programming has shifted its centre of gravity to the right.”
#Justification : Claim BBC air more Right wing Thinktanks than Left “2015, when the Conservative Party was in government, right-leaning think tanks outnumbered left-leaning think tanks by around two to one.
#Reminds-me-of : “BBC airs stats from Tories than from Labour”
… which actually meant Tories actually gave NUMBERS , libmob just spoke of vague dreams
#Fallacy : Counting the number of thinktanks is a cherrypicking
what counts is the total minutes of Tory voices vs Labour.
#Why air Right think tanks ? Mrs May stops MPs opening their mouths on TV, so to get a Tory voice the BBC gets the thinktanks on
BBC gets Libmob voices from : Libmob MPs, celebs, other journos
… Result to me Non-left voices only account for 5% of BBC political minutes.
This is utter twaddle. The only accurate, detailed acounting of BBC bias has been done by David Keighley’s organisation and the results are incontrovertible – so much so that as Keighley revealed on Conservative Woman recently – the BBC had to draft in a Soros glove puppet to attack them!
Look at the BBC cherry tree
basically the only BLUE bunch is the ThinkTanks
The RED bunches are all over the place : libmob : MPs, celebs, other journos, NGO mates
..the biased report focuses on the blue cherries.

Saying the BBC fruit is BLUE by only counting ThinkTanks
& ignoring 1000s of RED cherries aired by BBC
I wish to report that on July 12th 1989 I was fondled by Lady Thatcher.
I have no complaints.