When Brexiteers made a study..lib mob contest with Ad Hominem ..”who paid for that ?”
…Doesn’t matter who paid for a study, it’s the evidence that counts.
Yes they may be Emperor Corbyn’s suit makers
…. all evidence should never be just accepted
… it be should be challenged and tested
..Doesn’t matter by who , the small boy can speak up if he finds fault.
Following from the Defence Secretary resigning for touching a knee i have considered my position as an armchair critic of al beeb and announce that I touched a knee of someone once .
Although the person in question hasn’t complained I think it only right that I make way for another Fedup so that I can spend more time insulting the tv licence inspector.
I will obviously accept the traditional peerage when the dust has settled .
I don’t believe Fallon jumped from Theresa’s Train because he touched a woman’s knee.
There is obviously a lot more stuff to emerge about him, that would be better if it was just embarrassing to him personally and not him and the government; which it would if he were to remain part of the cabinet.
The Russia nonsense reminds me of when I used to get in trouble at school: the first lie is the most important. I remember getting in trouble for sending a rude text message to a teacher; I’d got her number because we were going on a geography field trip.
“It was not even my phone!”
Then they find out it actually was your phone, so then you have to say it was your phone but your phone got stolen at a party, which must have been someone from the school . . . and so on, weaving a tangled web.
Their first lie was weak and they have had to run with it. In the process they have damaged trust in the media irrevocably. And of course the BBC has been front and centre of the whole sorry affair.
Should the House of Commons be a womens only work place? The BBC is at the forefront of having
mostly women newsreaders, editors, reporters. I honestly believe that even Gary Lineker’s days are
numbered as the presenter for Match of the Day. At one time I thought it may be a retired ethnic player.
Then more like,just a women. It’s now possible that the BBC is looking for a double wammy.
Yes it is possible that before long other than seeing the odd ethnic male being interviewed by
a women in the street we wont see any more men on BBC TV. Could the House of Commons follow
this trend? It would stop any more “kneegate” relvelations. BUT wait I was just wondering do you
think we may start to hear about men touching other men’s knees or heaven forbid women touching
up their “sisters” in the House of Commons?
BBC interview with Hollywood movie star Jodie Foster
We get a fascinating example of what we are supposed to accept from our luvvies
On the famous Mr Weinstein she has nothing to say – she didn’t know him and apparently heard nothing of note about him at any time during her career.
She adds zero of substance to our understanding of a subject one would assume her speciality – the inside knowledge of the culture of female actors vis a vis male movie moguls.
End of subject – you might think!
However, does she wind herself up to wax lyrical for the BBC on the wider themes of sexism and abuse in the wider world and everyday workplace. I doubt she has much experience of the everyday or the wider world.
But hey, who cares. She says all the politically correct right on stuff.
Jodie Foster. Isn’t she famous for being a lesbian? She’s been an actress since early childhood so as you suggest doesn’t have the real world experience to lecture about the ‘workplace’. Heard nothing at all of the Weinstein goings on during her 50 years as an American actress? mmmm.
Why do they have eight subsidised bars at Parliament? Who not only gets drunk at work but gets their employers to help pay for the booze?
For normal people getting drunk at work would mean instant dismissal and for good reason. It’s yet another example of how politicians see themselves as a class apart from those they supposedly serve, above the rules we have to obey.
Beeb – that’s my point too. But as a matter of self interest ( and survival ) I bet not one mp or peer of any persuasion will say anything about their subsidised drinking places. I’ve been to some and it was a true revelation . You can see why so many of these characters become institutionalised and want to stay there for life . In their taxpaid bubble.
I think al Beeb will avoid the drink issue too because they live in the same subsidised world – subsidised by decent tax payers .
Halve their salaries; get rid of the bars; ban second jobs; reduce their excessive holidays.
They will argue that this would mean fewer ‘talented’ people would be MPs, but integrity is more important. How many decent people can you think of who would bite your hand off for the chance to earn 40k along with a flat in London? In Gulliver’s Travels there is a rule in one of the kingdoms that nobody really clever is allowed high office, for then their potential to do Ill would be immeasurable. Just look at Blair.
Why can’t half the MPs be chosen via a lottery like jury service? That really would be of the people, by the people and for the people.
As I see it / GW
Send me your email and I will send you my collection of “gym toned Hattie flaunts her taut parts “ ( I’ve been looking at the Mail on line again).
Rather liking the dreaded twitter responses to all these virtue signalling female pols attaching comments or images from their pasts that put their latest leaps onto the flouncewagon into proper context.
And that for gelded BBC ‘sources who say’ political editors’ gushing admiration or sudden lack of space, depending on who and why.
Goes beyond parody when Sofa Louise signs off with a po-face from an interview with IDS, after he had the temerity to mention the BBC in the current witch-hunt. After all, the said august organisation only presided over the longest, dirtiest, sleaziest and disgusting series of serious sex assaults and scandals over a 20 year period. Nothing to see here, pass down the dressing rooms, please.
Better watch out who gets to sit beside Owen Jones on QT tonight…..
5 Live phone-in Sexual allegations
\\On #5LiveYourCall we are asking – has the dam broken on the Old Boys’ Club
Sir Michael Fallon’s gone. He said his behaviour had “fallen short” after allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour.
We’ve just heard Scottish Conservative leader, Ruth Davidson say “the dam has broken” on the Old Boys’ Club.
Is she right? Is the culture of your workplace changing?//
(BBC operation KeepUpThePressure
: when Trump/Tories/Brexit are in trouble bang on and on
..when it’s Labour/Remain are in trouble, run with another issue ..gay footballers, trans children etc.)
Facebook link : click the date/time to open it up
Meanwhile on Radio4
: Picasso’s Guernica
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the events behind and impact of Picasso’s iconic work.
I spot “Shadow blocking” in the FB comments there
Stephenson Andy ..made a comment about Rotherham
..it’s got 10 likes , yet it doesn’t show up in either “top Comments” or “Top Comments unfiltered” nor even when ordering by Most Recent
Same for my own comment about BBC bias
See who they favour
“documentary about Winnie Mandela.. why history habitually silences strong female leaders.”
film honours her
“reporter Abby Hollick speaks to Lizzie about her wish for a more satisfying sex life.”
” Donald Trump called his opponent Hillary Clinton, “such a nasty woman”. Some now see that phrase as a badge of honour and it was the catalyst for Hannah Jewell’s new book 100 Nasty women of history”
“Ah yeh but yeh …Stompie was murdered by somone else to cover up something”
..So why didn’t you include in the film the famous speech where Winnie says ‘we will beat them with out necklaces’ ?
“well I left that out of the film, because of …blah blah bah”
\\Stompie was found murdered after Winnie kidnapped him.
She was found guilty on the kidnapping charge in a court of law. //
Winnie told her bodyguards to hold down a pregnant woman, then Winnie jumped on her belly to attempt to make her abort because she fancied her boyfriend. The child was born severely disabled. Winnie tortured Stompie and instructed her bodyguards to kill him – a 12-year old homeless child. That is just the beginning – there is far more – Google is your friend.
NHS attended to 9,000 FGM cases in England last year. FGM is illegal in Britain,but so far not one successful prosecution.
Treezer to get tough on sex allegations in Westminster
BBC report
‘Following a range of recent allegations, including claims of a lack of support for those making complaints, Mrs May has written to party leaders calling for the “serious, swift, cross-party response this issue demands”.
The PM said a “common, transparent independent grievance procedure” for all those who work in Parliament was needed and that it “cannot be right” for policies to vary between parties.
A dedicated support team should be available to all staff, she said, and it should recommend all criminal allegations be reported to the police.
Being bored today – beyond Toady – there was a 15 minute about prayer … 1 minute on Christianity/Catholicism – the Angelus – remember it well – then 7 minutes trying to make Islam human – a bit on Buddhism – and then 4 minutes on the similarity of the two religions and the poison of Islam and it’s false profit.
The al Beeb mouthpiece didn’t mention anything about driving over Argentinians and killing them in New York as part of their religion and a deafening silence from muzzles thereafter.
In fact it was a recruiting programme for the false profit in accordance with al Beeb editorial guidelines
I am glad I am not alone- R4…I was beginning to think I was in an Islamic country run by women – but that’s never going to happen? Then a bit on which is the best country to be a refugee and how we are not spending enough on English language lessons….my head is in my hands
What has happened to that Labour woman who said she was raped? Or is a Labour rape not as bad as a Tory hand on knee? You would think so listening to the BBC..
Narrative of R4 today – all men are power hungry sex attackers all women are lovely and even the woman in positions of power are sweet hearts who never use their power – even good old Hillary C.
In view of current issues I think al Beeb should show solidarity with the many wimmin victims and ban the interaction of men and women in a similar way to Islam where the women stay and home on their backs pumping out little mo s and the chaps go out to drug, abduct and gang rape underage British girls – particularly their favourites – those from a ‘chaotic lifestyle ‘ ( always liked that one ) .
So programmes such as the dancing competition and multi gender quiz competitions should be banned for fear of knee touching – wanted or not.
I presume that the former minister of defence is now to be arrested and interviewed by the nail painted rainbow squad on an allegation of historic sexual assault similarly to some former bbc employees.
Would it be possible for Facebook or Twitter to show an example of the ‘Russian Advertisement’ that caused the interference in the American Election so we could judge it’s validity?
As stated in part before. Around 10 000 girls tortured by FGM no prosecutions media silent.
over 100 000 white girls raped by Pakistani Muslims – media playing it down as much as possible with Russian Roulette argument – they’re not all like that.
Middle aged white man touches the leg of a journalist 15 years ago and the media are all over it supporting his being forced to resign !
And they wonder why we hold them in such contempt.
But the BBC can mention gun control without any facts to back it up …
“Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio also suggested New York’s strict gun control laws had ensured that high-powered weapons could not get into the hands of terrorists.” – Suggested is not proof.
The BBC does end with the victims, rather than the rise of Islamophobia which is new …
“The men – all aged 48 or 49 – were named as Hernán Diego Mendoza, Diego Enrique Angelini, Alejandro Damián Pagnucco, Ariel Erlij and Hernán Ferrucci. Belgian officials said Anne-Laure Decadt, a 31-year-old from Staden in Flanders, was also killed. Three Belgians were wounded. Two other victims, both Americans, have been identified as Darren Drake, 32, and Nicholas Cleves, 23.”
– BBC Article Word Search: islamophobia x 0; Muslim x 0; allah x 0; Islamic x 2; terror x 6;
BBC deplatforms non-libmob views : so here via Twitter
Quentin Letts: We had the Piety Olympics down at ‘Sexminster’
..”MPs strained to outdo one another in the purity of their thoughts and in their devotion to chastity
.. More training! More HR wallahs”
\\ Labour frontbencher Valerie Vaz gave us a homily about ‘appropriate safeguarding policies’ and not using naughty words based on people’s private bits.
… Of her brother Keith (Lab, Leicester E), there was no sign.// http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5033547/QUENTIN-LETTS-vortex-anguish-gripping-Parliament.html
Brexit : Russia Conspiracies
“Britain’s election watchdog has begun an inquiry into whether Russia interfered in the Brexit referendum campaign”
See again Twitter helps us find BiasedBBC narratives before they gain big traction
Stupid Brexit/Trump voters must have been hoodwinked by Putin and just too thick to see the error of their ways.
This from today’s “Times” Why we can’t admit being wrong about politics
Jenni Russell: research suggests trying to persuade Brexit or Trump supporters to switch isn’t going to work
What is it with these idiots. Putin himself could have knocked on my door at 4 o’clock in the morning and it wouldn’t have changed my mind either way. And by the way, I checked under my bed last night and definitely no sign of any Reds.
Precisely. Within the Westminster Creche bubble, everything hinges to their pea brains on associations, affiliations, slights and allegiances that all ebb and flow with the tide of media obsession set by way too many other children employed in too many cubicle gardens with not enough to justify their pathetic little career existences.
It is the actual words, and deeds of protagonists on a factual basis that matter. If it makes sense and substantiated I’ll support it. If it doesn’t, I will not.
Potentially skewed bot comments on Facebook pale into insignificance in comparison to a £4Bpa propaganda machine spewing out misinformation and censoring anything that spoils their narrative.
Wheeling out Clegg, Adonis, Heseltine and Clarke every day on Today or News, or live from Brussels, really is not swaying my feelings on unaccountable entities one jot.
Especially when served up by proven bottom feeders like Robinson, O’Brien, etc.
Yes,well I have to confess that I did phone Vlad to ask his permission before I cast my vote for Brexit. You know what he said? “Nyet now piss off and stop wasting my time”
How the BBC focus on the children … not the crime or the criminals … ‘My kids don’t see this side of me’ {bbc.co.uk 01nov2017}
‘A drug dealing father is challenged on why he chooses to carry a gun on the streets.
Gun crime was up 27% in England and Wales in the past year. In London, it has increased by 42%.
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick, says tackling violence is her “priority”.’
– If the person is too ashamed to say what they do – deal drugs – then it must be wrong so stop doing it.
Organisations get infiltrated eg New Humanist
It’s supposed to be a magazine/org about rationalism
but thru entryism its become a hotbed of Climate alarmism + Corbynism etc
"It does seem that what the BBC considers “neutrality” is in fact an automatic deference to power." https://t.co/cJx8aUTAUn
From the cult of denialism to ocean acidification – here’s our pick of the newhumanist.org.uk archive this month.
Support our journalism and get articles like these delivered to your door once a quarter: subscribe to New Humanist for £27 a year. Have a look at our Autumn 2017 issue for more details.
Unreasonable doubt
Climate change, AIDS, GM foods – all have their detractors. But when does disbelief become dogma? Keith Kahn-Harris explores the cult of denialism
The death of the sun
Bad news: we’ve only got a few billion years before the sun dies. Should humanity survive that long, is there any chance of escape, asks Tosin Thompson?
What’s the Worst that Could Happen?
Simon Singh reviews Greg Craven’s 2009 book, which aims to take a rational look at climate change.
Bad news: we’ve only got a few billion years before the sun dies. …
“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
Strictly speaking, Adams was wrong. We live on the surface of a fireball near an even bigger one on which we depend.
“Whatever you do, on no account go anywhere near that switch. Which switch? That one. No, NOOO keep back don’t even touch iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! “
In its reporting of the small rise in interest rates the BBC website tells us at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41846330 that there are 45 million savers* in Britain, and yet the tone of all its reporting is that interest rate rises are a bad, bad thing (due to Brexit etc. etc.).
* Not that I believe this figure of 45 million savers, when we’re constantly being told that no-one saves and that everyone is on zero hours contracts and using food banks. There isn’t even any logic or consistency to the propaganda.
I totally agree with your synopsis. These bBC snippets caught my eye: “The Bank estimates that almost two million mortgage holders have not experienced an interest rate rise since taking out a mortgage.”
The MPC also said that the decision to leave the European Union is having a “noticeable impact” on the economic outlook.
The bBC promotes this huge image of doom and gloom yet their very own graphic on the matter:
Came across this via Sky news. Thought some of the comments quite amusing..
A 240-tonne replica of a German U-boat is being moved to a French harbour ahead of filming for a major new Second World War drama series.
The plot for Das Boot will pick up where the critically acclaimed movie of the same name ended and will focus on both a fictional German U-boat crew and the French resistance trying to disrupt their activities.
Here are some of the reply’s
I hope they make sure that they use some black actors this time, the last DAS Boot had an all white cast, such racism must be stamped out. How about Idris Elba for the Captain?
ReplyReplies (30)2421
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Bill3 hours ago
Bill3 hours ago
The Submarine could be painted like a rainbow and renamed “The Fruits of the Sea!”
Bill3 hours ago
@ErnieZ Have you not yet realised that the Leftist Socialistas are re-writing history anyway? The officers mess in the submarine pen, is going to be renamed “The Rainbow Club” and run by an SS officer played by Paris Barclay (Gay black man). Music provided by The Communards.
Bill3 hours ago
@Anonymous Indeed, I think some people have not quite grasped the concept of irony. I have just cast the late Sammy Davis Junior as Rudolf Hess. Black and Jewish!
The new PC version of Das Boot shows men willing to launch Missiles in which to strike the enemy in the rear.
Meanwhile in Scotland where there is mass opposition in Hollyrod to having red hot seamen in Naval bases:
Why doesn’t al Beeb have a queer channel ? It’s got an asian radio thing, Welch and Scottish television. It might be the only source of humour on al Beeb. – personal declaration – I am not currently of the queer persuasion – and I have only just found out what teabagging is. I really thought it was using the same tea bag for two cups of tea but al Beeb helpfully put me straight – as it were …
As a hideously white man once said:-
‘Are you all sitty comftybold two-square on your botty? Then I’ll begin.’
Who is on QT tonight with Dimblebore…3 remoaners and one Brexiter as usual?
On a similar note, ‘Just’ Webb (BBBC) compared a ‘debate’ at the Cheltenham Literary Festival this year about Brexit with 3 remainiacs including the truly awful Anna Soubry woman.
Douglas Murray (author of the must read ‘The Strange Death of Europe’) arrived late (he did not have a helicopter which Hellery Clinton had available) and was verbally abused when he was not there to defend himself.
Come on dyke – soubry can be good value. She cried on the day of the Brexit vote – I never laughed so much and if she’s been on the sauce before the show again she’ll come out with something to make us laugh. Wonder why she hasn’t joined the Lib Dem yet? He must be lonely .
I sometimes wonder if the constant and never ending obstinance from the EU is part of some clever Theresa May scheme, so that she can suddenly lose her shit, reveal to the world that she does possess some emotion and hold a press conference where she proclaims that she has had enough of our endless accommodations and genuflecting towards the EU but her ultimate responsibility is to the British people and she literally cannot stomach any more seeing us be given the run around.
We’ve tried to meet them more than halfway, we’ve tried to hold our tongue but no more, enough is enough. I wanted to believe in the EU dream but I’ve been red pilled and I now totally see why the majority of the British people voted the way they did. We can’t negotiate with this nest of corporate sponsored vipers and will be leaving the EU with a No deal and reverting to WTO rules until they can act like adults.
Fake News or let’s call this one Not News….
“Britain’s election watchdog has begun an inquiry into whether President Obama interfered in the Brexit referendum campaign”
I think the swing may have occurred as late as the last two or three weeks from ‘Obama’s weekend’ coupled to Dave’s and George’s wild predictions and threats and Major & Blair touring Ulster and saying, in effect, “OK, boyos. Get your guns, bullets & bombs ready. You can have a possible comeback.”
Me me me me etc. In other words you’re not a proper feisty fem if you haven’t got at least a knee touch to tell.
Is there no separation of seriousness in the news between the I woke up with Kevin Spicey in bed next to me and the dishonourable gentleman for South Codpiece-on-the-Tory-Wolds touched my knee?
PMQs 2017 : How is a member supposed to find out if an honourable lady is up for it these days – put down a written question?
Instead of being objective and impartial BBC has turned into a left wing ideologically driven organisation, who instead of building bridges within our society drives wedges between us for the benefit of some political elite. Disgrace!
Be interesting if there are any ‘moddings’ and how long it stays open.
They’ll probably do that “ I thought the black chap,was the cleaner “ routine which black politicians roll out whenever they are wanting to be on top of their previous moral high ground .
21 kids
since 87% of population is white, you’d expect 18 to be white
– 1 black kid ie 5%, so overrepresentive
– 1 headscarf, seems BME
– 1 North East Asian girl on the right
So overall no more white than the general population
but then it’s Liverpool not London.
No matter what your opinion of it’s worth, how crass of this article, highlighted by Guest Who, to lump One Love Manchester in with Broadchurch and Strictly, to suggest it’s aim was as entertainment alone and to judge its value in ratings.
I hope that there is no need for any more similar programmes, British or not, although there will be, if only to allow the bBbc a chance to attempt to justify their worth and to showcase their talents rather than to highlight the real issues at hand.
The mentality of these people just baffles me.
On the daily politics Laura kuenssberg said that the cabinet is balanced on Brexit.
This is about (remainer) Williamson, the new defence minister.
There’s me thinking that the cabinet is 80:20 in favour of remain.
With these sex pests in Westminster taking up lots of time sorting their problems out, the lords caught jumping out of taxis to clock in for their £300 daily handout being found out, the politicians spending their time getting pissed in the taxpayer subsidised bars and grabbing the nearest women and the time they take fiddling their expenses (isn’t it as much now as it was a few years ago) I wonder that they have time to actually do any of the business they were elected to do. That’s not including all their second and more jobs and all the backhanders and abuse of their position that goes on.
That they are creating the problems they are spending all this time discussing seems to escape them. Discussing these things when Parliament is open that is (they seem to have a lot of holidays or are they like teachers who spend every waking moment doing marking)
If they behaved themselves they would probably get 6 months more work done every year.
Still, they make the rules so they will make them to suit themselves.
There is an upside to this – as far as I am concerned – it diminishes their collective value even more than the expenses corruption. I hope this one runs and runs . I think the whole thing needs a serious sort out . It’s crushed by false tradition, conventions , too many career politicians and a fundamental dismissal of what ordinary taxpayers think and believe – as the Brexit vote showed despite the propaganda thrown at people.
My fear , though, is that labour will be better at suppressing their sins than others and that corbyn is still sending his fan club out campaigning in preparation for a general election if he can drag the government down.
And next…reciting Mein Koranf in Arabic? It’s not for private schools either but via councils. Sometimes you just feel like giving up. If only there was another planet to go to. Planet Sanity.
A warning coming from the EU to the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists
“Catalonia crisis: Sacked ministers held by Madrid court” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41850094
It could be UK Citizens next if we don’t get out of the EU soon ?
Taff- I think we ll be hearing from maxi tonight as s/he it is on nights again. I’ve worked out the roster…
Thanks for the comment from the DG. Was he looking at a 1975 copy of the Radio Times featuring Jim ll fix it or Paint with Rolf? He sure as shit is disconnected from his own output. Maybe he thinks al Beeb did Game of Thrones or other quality HBO stuff which hasn’t got the smell of multicultural box ticking all over it .
“EU nurses ‘turning their backs on UK”
“The decline in EU nurses and midwives wanting to work in the UK since the referendum is continuing, figures show.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-41838426
Start recruiting from the British Commonwealth, only this time issue work visas. At the same time start training our own nurses .
We need a ‘Common sense’ political party to run our country, now more than ever !
But they aren’t are they? It’s simply that now that we made the English speaking test a little bit harder, they can’t be arsed to mumble through with their broken grasp of our language. Which considering these people will be handing our treatment and interacting with doctors and patients alike, seems entirely sensible.
The only English a lot of these characters know is “ I’m the agency nurse tonight” and then go to sleep as they are working ‘/ billing 26 hour days to send the cash home to mamma.
A story floated to day about how our best in the world international health service is being defrauded of an estimated one billion a year – at least . This story – which apparently comes from the nhs fraud department has sunk without trace on Albeeb as they all wank themselves stupid over Julia hartly brewers knees. We all know which is the more important story.
R4 Inside Science @AdamRutherford interviews @hugh_montgomery on @BBCRadio4 about @TheLancet @LancetCountdown 2017 report on #climatechange + health
Interviewing Peter Cox
“The so called hiatus….
In fact over last years hottest evah”
Perspective bias by not mentioning El Nino
Peter Cox “Only getting hotter where people are”
… Product of concreting & Urban Heat Island UHI effect ? + increasing population +observation bias, cooling the past
AR “Are there any positives ? Say of warmer winters?”
PC “I don’t know we weren’t looking at things like that.
We were only looking at mumble”
???? nutter !
So Adam you Remain impartial and calm about Trump ?
Well that is interesting. More falling apart in the Trump incompetent clown parade shitshow. https://t.co/IZUjPs2ORc
link to prog ..blurb
AR talks to researchers on a major global study that aimed to quantify how climate change has already damaged the health of millions. Hugh Montgomery is the co-chair of the Lancet Countdown report and says that climate change is the largest single threat to global health.
Climate scientist Peter Cox talks about his stark findings on the increase in vulnerable people exposed to heat waves between now and the turn of the century.
+ anecdotes and concerns from listeners following our item last week on the catastrophic decline in flying insects in the last quarter century
(Dodgy research)
“AR talks to researchers on a major global study that aimed to quantify how climate change has already damaged the health of millions. Hugh Montgomery is the co-chair of the Lancet Countdown report and says that climate change is the largest single threat to global health.
Climate scientist Peter Cox talks about his stark findings on the increase in vulnerable people exposed to heat waves between now and the turn of the century.”
If I recall correctly we have had three or four major heatwave summers in some part of the globe since the turn of the century, ie. the last sixteen years. In the last one, in Europe I recall there were some deaths directly attributable to the heat and less – a handful – in the UK, often related to water and poor choice of behaviour by those affected rather than directly by the heat. If you drink loads of beer and jump in a river or in the sea immediately afterward then, irrespective of whether there is a heatwave, your life – and health – is likely to be threatened.
The likely result of any heatwave on vulnerable people is less deaths from getting cold. Vulnerable people, especially the elderly, usually see their death rates decline in warmer conditions and weather unless they are subjected to intolerable heat and/or no shade and/or dehydration. In fact, an elderly person may tolerate heat that a youngster would find stifling. I speak from personal experience as well as exposure to some mortality rates, courtesy of the BBC Radio, back in the days when they covered such things.
These days they seem to be only interested in attacking the Conservative Party, Theresa May and her EU negotiating colleagues, together with Brexit itself. Oh, and President Trump.
The more likely threat to vulnerable people is the cold. Adam Rutherford could be better employed considering the elderly and the homeless in the light of predictions of a very cold winter to come in the UK. (Please bear in mind that one of those predictions came from the Daily Express and needs to be set against their forecasting record.)
So no anti Brexit bias in the BBC as Dimbleby tried to claim in last weeks QT yet by my estimations there is one Leaver (soft leaver) on the panel tonight in the form of Dan Hannan and four remainers (not including David Dimbleby). Not really representative of the UK but as it’s in Kilmarnock, they’ll probably say it reflects Scotland.
Talking about this, I’d love to know what the viewing figures are like when QT goes to Scotland. I for one certainly can’t be arsed to watch.
BBC has shown that it is a force for social change, not a news service … if it is a social justice enterprise then it should become a charity or NGO and seek funding without threat of prison via the TV Tax.
Who could argue with that? The bbc openly admit they are agenda setters – fair enough but why do they have a right to exist when they do their damnedest to revile this country and support it’s enemies?
Why do the BBC think they are the centre of everyone’s universe?
Come dancing. I have never watched it. Not interested.
Broadchurch? Never even heard of it let alone watched it.
What am I paying for? A load of rubbish I don’t want. If they axe those programs & a dozen others tomorrow I wouldn’t even notice.
Marky – does that mean they are going to sack black people since they are so over represented ? As well as queer types. ? I wonder is a disabled black queer person is a separate category or would it count as sacking three people.
For my shame – I once had to teach grown ups about this diversity nonsense . I still wake up at night screaming my shame. The future will look back at the group thing which claims that particular groups have to be positively selected to represent their type ( if you get me ) is so stupid as to be a joke. People and individuals and not representative of a group – as queer people would, I guess , say about Mr Spacey.
How does a millionaire justify spouting equality to the rest of us? Surely they must know they live in a fantasy world. Do they really want to be equal with ME? No! They must have the brain of a f—–g rocking horse if they do.
A call to all BBC and Labour Top Earners such as Chris Evans and Gary Lineker who are in the Labour Party, we are going to implement the socialist Labour dream today to Feed ALL Children, forever!
You will give all your savings, wages, clothing, cars, house keys, furniture, pets, future earnings, pensions and food to Jeremy Corbyn, he will then divide them all up and give everyone, what he thinks is an equal share.
To begin this momentous moment in history the top leaders and BBC presenters might drop their offerings into the Socialist Pot Of Glory Today – ready to be shared equally!
Jeremy Corbyn – Salary £125K* + expenses + gifts from companies
Chris Evans – £2.2million** + expenses + + CarFest + gifts from companies
Sadiq Khan – £143K + expenses + gifts from companies
Gary Lineker – £1.7million** + expenses + BT Sport + Crisps + gifts from companies
Keith Vaz – £75K *+ expenses + 5 houses (1 house is used for MP duties, so tax payer is paying for it) + expenses + gifts from companies
Diane Abbott – £75K* + expenses + BBC TV appearances + gifts from companies
I never noticed white heterosexual males mentioned in that BBC 2020 wish list. Good thing I’m not one to take offence. Anyone feel like calling Inspector Knacker? Don’t. You’ll be the one wearing the bracelets.
‘”The Problem With Men”, a debate featuring 16 blokes and 4 women perched on stools. It surely must have been under gestation during the editorship of Ian Katz’
Who has gone to a… better slurry… I’ll leave that spell correct for ‘salary’.
BBC propaganda exposed. Britain is not racist. But that is not what the BBC are saying.
Excellent video. Never heard of this chap before, but I share his anger at the bucket full of maggots that is the national broadcaster
I see the BBC are making their own contribution to the rehabilitation of the prison population.
Yes, Vicky Pryce has been on again (bBBC news channel 7.10pm), this time talking about the interest rate increase.
“Good to see you” chirps the anchorman at the end.
Vicky Pryce the go economist for a negative comment on Brexit so she was on the Jeremy Vine show about 12:35pm
…was was wife of Jail bird Chris Huhne and then girlfriend of ex-con Denis Mcshane when she came out of prison herself.
Stew. I often drive past the speed camera which ended Huhnes political career for the time being. I am expecting them to put up a blue plaque for him, his criminal wife and the judge who I recall did time as well over a speeding ticket. Excellent judgement all round methinks.
No Surprise that Dimbers was surprised at the idea BBC does “despite Brexit” stories
… Lack of self-awareness is a BBC characteristic
..they are too busy at Hampstead dinner parties to watch or listen to any of their own output.
Some bloke called jacques peretti was given Two programmes on al Beeb about capitalism and how it will end in tears. I think if mr corbyn was watching it he’d been reach for his favourite lubricant and a box of tissues.
Apparently financial inequality leads to a breakdown in society and we all need to be equal.
Now – personal declaration – I am not rich or a member of the super rich . I have never collected state benefits – but for the life of me I don’t know how al Beeb can justify a socialist view of the world – without a contrary view – under their ‘balance ‘ claim.
I haven’t looked up who this presenter is but I suspect he is affiliated to the Labour Party or worse.
His end line was that there will be riots in the streets . I wonder if the instruments of state repression ( once known as the police ) would be able to deal with these predicted riots or whether they’d be too busy waiting for their nails to dry.
“Financial inequality leads to to a breakdown in society” eh? Then that prick had better start distributing some of his wealth among the rest of us,preferably starting with me.
Am I right or wrong in thinking that this country was more united when we had an Empire whilst at the same time the financial inequality was at it most extreme? I don’t know the answer but I can remember that people at all levels were quite ready to talk up this country and not talk it down. To my mind the people who are forever griping about this issue are the ones largely to blame for the breakdown and cohesion of our nation. We all need to be equal? One only has to have eyes to see that we are not equal we never have been equal and we never will be. Unless you believe in fairy tales.
Lefty – it’s the old comprehensive school mantra of bringing everyone down to the same shitty level . I like the line the Socialists used in the last election about the “ need for the better off to pay a bit more tax” emphasis on the word “ bit” . They still use this line as it sounds quite human.
The reality as we know will be considerably different. Capital gains tax at punitive levels, bye bye isa, higher fuel duty, insurance tax, booze and fags, more overseas spending, higher income tax rates and thresholds , higher NICs , higher borrowing even lower pound for starters
It’s Mother Nature who has determined that we can never be “equal” Socialists can bash their dicks against the pebble dash until Kingdom Come and all that will happen is that they will have bashed dicks.
Politics is the art of the possible – not the impossible. A brain surgeon will never accept the same salary as a shithouse cleaner. Why should he/she? Unfortunate but it’s a fact.
Let me help you there FU2.
He’s worse than a Labour MP. A columnist for the Guardian and Huffington Post. His net worth is £41M, so all that phraseology about them and us implied he was on the same side as you and me, but alas no, he’s one of the super rich.
Ha – ha I haven’t done the wiki yet but I could smell a certain smugness which wealthy al beeboids give off when lecturing licensing payers to ‘embrace ‘ ( a favourite al Beeb word ) – difference – immigrants, change. Multicultural values or whatever poison they are spitting out.
JohnCFeb 25, 02:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Remember this ? – from the ‘Centre for European Reform’ to try and interfere with the Brexit vote just one…
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
When Brexiteers made a study..lib mob contest with Ad Hominem ..”who paid for that ?”
…Doesn’t matter who paid for a study, it’s the evidence that counts.
And yet who in their right mind trusts ‘academic’ research conducted by academics working in the pseudo-sciences?
By and large they do snake oil salesman a disservice. Fortunately, most people now seem to understand this.
Yes they may be Emperor Corbyn’s suit makers
…. all evidence should never be just accepted
… it be should be challenged and tested
..Doesn’t matter by who , the small boy can speak up if he finds fault.
Following from the Defence Secretary resigning for touching a knee i have considered my position as an armchair critic of al beeb and announce that I touched a knee of someone once .
Although the person in question hasn’t complained I think it only right that I make way for another Fedup so that I can spend more time insulting the tv licence inspector.
I will obviously accept the traditional peerage when the dust has settled .
I don’t believe Fallon jumped from Theresa’s Train because he touched a woman’s knee.
There is obviously a lot more stuff to emerge about him, that would be better if it was just embarrassing to him personally and not him and the government; which it would if he were to remain part of the cabinet.
‘Open Democracy is funded in large part by George Soros !
I think you’re getting mixed up with Open Hypocricy.
Hypocricy? I thought that didn’t Iook right. I really must start going to evening classes to learn how to spell.
The Russia nonsense reminds me of when I used to get in trouble at school: the first lie is the most important. I remember getting in trouble for sending a rude text message to a teacher; I’d got her number because we were going on a geography field trip.
“It was not even my phone!”
Then they find out it actually was your phone, so then you have to say it was your phone but your phone got stolen at a party, which must have been someone from the school . . . and so on, weaving a tangled web.
Their first lie was weak and they have had to run with it. In the process they have damaged trust in the media irrevocably. And of course the BBC has been front and centre of the whole sorry affair.
Should the House of Commons be a womens only work place? The BBC is at the forefront of having
mostly women newsreaders, editors, reporters. I honestly believe that even Gary Lineker’s days are
numbered as the presenter for Match of the Day. At one time I thought it may be a retired ethnic player.
Then more like,just a women. It’s now possible that the BBC is looking for a double wammy.
Yes it is possible that before long other than seeing the odd ethnic male being interviewed by
a women in the street we wont see any more men on BBC TV. Could the House of Commons follow
this trend? It would stop any more “kneegate” relvelations. BUT wait I was just wondering do you
think we may start to hear about men touching other men’s knees or heaven forbid women touching
up their “sisters” in the House of Commons?
BBC interview with Hollywood movie star Jodie Foster
We get a fascinating example of what we are supposed to accept from our luvvies
On the famous Mr Weinstein she has nothing to say – she didn’t know him and apparently heard nothing of note about him at any time during her career.
She adds zero of substance to our understanding of a subject one would assume her speciality – the inside knowledge of the culture of female actors vis a vis male movie moguls.
End of subject – you might think!
However, does she wind herself up to wax lyrical for the BBC on the wider themes of sexism and abuse in the wider world and everyday workplace. I doubt she has much experience of the everyday or the wider world.
But hey, who cares. She says all the politically correct right on stuff.
Jodie Foster. Isn’t she famous for being a lesbian? She’s been an actress since early childhood so as you suggest doesn’t have the real world experience to lecture about the ‘workplace’. Heard nothing at all of the Weinstein goings on during her 50 years as an American actress? mmmm.
Don’t worry about this bonkers liberal media frenzy over Westminster sex pests.
Don’t worry – the solution is obvious. More Harriet Harmans and Diane Abbotts.
Why do they have eight subsidised bars at Parliament? Who not only gets drunk at work but gets their employers to help pay for the booze?
For normal people getting drunk at work would mean instant dismissal and for good reason. It’s yet another example of how politicians see themselves as a class apart from those they supposedly serve, above the rules we have to obey.
Beeb – that’s my point too. But as a matter of self interest ( and survival ) I bet not one mp or peer of any persuasion will say anything about their subsidised drinking places. I’ve been to some and it was a true revelation . You can see why so many of these characters become institutionalised and want to stay there for life . In their taxpaid bubble.
I think al Beeb will avoid the drink issue too because they live in the same subsidised world – subsidised by decent tax payers .
Halve their salaries; get rid of the bars; ban second jobs; reduce their excessive holidays.
They will argue that this would mean fewer ‘talented’ people would be MPs, but integrity is more important. How many decent people can you think of who would bite your hand off for the chance to earn 40k along with a flat in London? In Gulliver’s Travels there is a rule in one of the kingdoms that nobody really clever is allowed high office, for then their potential to do Ill would be immeasurable. Just look at Blair.
Why can’t half the MPs be chosen via a lottery like jury service? That really would be of the people, by the people and for the people.
Beeb Bro.
Spot on again.
Just Googled for sexy pictures of Harriet Harman. There aren’t any
As I see it / GW
Send me your email and I will send you my collection of “gym toned Hattie flaunts her taut parts “ ( I’ve been looking at the Mail on line again).
Tempting as that may sound…. I have just eaten.
Rather liking the dreaded twitter responses to all these virtue signalling female pols attaching comments or images from their pasts that put their latest leaps onto the flouncewagon into proper context.
And that for gelded BBC ‘sources who say’ political editors’ gushing admiration or sudden lack of space, depending on who and why.
Poor sod. If a woman would likely have got a pay rise.
Goes beyond parody when Sofa Louise signs off with a po-face from an interview with IDS, after he had the temerity to mention the BBC in the current witch-hunt. After all, the said august organisation only presided over the longest, dirtiest, sleaziest and disgusting series of serious sex assaults and scandals over a 20 year period. Nothing to see here, pass down the dressing rooms, please.
Better watch out who gets to sit beside Owen Jones on QT tonight…..
5 Live phone-in Sexual allegations
\\On #5LiveYourCall we are asking – has the dam broken on the Old Boys’ Club
Sir Michael Fallon’s gone. He said his behaviour had “fallen short” after allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour.
We’ve just heard Scottish Conservative leader, Ruth Davidson say “the dam has broken” on the Old Boys’ Club.
Is she right? Is the culture of your workplace changing?//
(BBC operation KeepUpThePressure
: when Trump/Tories/Brexit are in trouble bang on and on
..when it’s Labour/Remain are in trouble, run with another issue ..gay footballers, trans children etc.)
Facebook link : click the date/time to open it up
Meanwhile on Radio4
: Picasso’s Guernica
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the events behind and impact of Picasso’s iconic work.
I spot “Shadow blocking” in the FB comments there
Stephenson Andy ..made a comment about Rotherham
..it’s got 10 likes , yet it doesn’t show up in either “top Comments” or “Top Comments unfiltered” nor even when ordering by Most Recent
Same for my own comment about BBC bias
See who they favour
“documentary about Winnie Mandela.. why history habitually silences strong female leaders.”
film honours her
“reporter Abby Hollick speaks to Lizzie about her wish for a more satisfying sex life.”
” Donald Trump called his opponent Hillary Clinton, “such a nasty woman”. Some now see that phrase as a badge of honour and it was the catalyst for Hannah Jewell’s new book 100 Nasty women of history”
Should it not be titled ” Winnie, football and the art of necklacing ” ? I hope Stompie Moeketsie will be remembered.
Some victims are Less Equal Than Others
These people do not do shame …. “In 1986 Winnie Mandela, then-wife of the imprisoned Nelson Mandela, stated “With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country” which was widely seen as an implicit endorsement of necklacing,[7] which at the time caused the ANC to distance itself from her…” {wiki}
Silly me.I thought she meant everyone would get a pearl necklace. Nudge,nudge. Know what I mean?
“Ah yeh but yeh …Stompie was murdered by somone else to cover up something”
..So why didn’t you include in the film the famous speech where Winnie says ‘we will beat them with out necklaces’ ?
“well I left that out of the film, because of …blah blah bah”
\\Stompie was found murdered after Winnie kidnapped him.
She was found guilty on the kidnapping charge in a court of law. //
Winnie told her bodyguards to hold down a pregnant woman, then Winnie jumped on her belly to attempt to make her abort because she fancied her boyfriend. The child was born severely disabled. Winnie tortured Stompie and instructed her bodyguards to kill him – a 12-year old homeless child. That is just the beginning – there is far more – Google is your friend.
NHS attended to 9,000 FGM cases in England last year. FGM is illegal in Britain,but so far not one successful prosecution.
Treezer to get tough on sex allegations in Westminster
BBC report
‘Following a range of recent allegations, including claims of a lack of support for those making complaints, Mrs May has written to party leaders calling for the “serious, swift, cross-party response this issue demands”.
The PM said a “common, transparent independent grievance procedure” for all those who work in Parliament was needed and that it “cannot be right” for policies to vary between parties.
A dedicated support team should be available to all staff, she said, and it should recommend all criminal allegations be reported to the police.
Being bored today – beyond Toady – there was a 15 minute about prayer … 1 minute on Christianity/Catholicism – the Angelus – remember it well – then 7 minutes trying to make Islam human – a bit on Buddhism – and then 4 minutes on the similarity of the two religions and the poison of Islam and it’s false profit.
The al Beeb mouthpiece didn’t mention anything about driving over Argentinians and killing them in New York as part of their religion and a deafening silence from muzzles thereafter.
In fact it was a recruiting programme for the false profit in accordance with al Beeb editorial guidelines
I am glad I am not alone- R4…I was beginning to think I was in an Islamic country run by women – but that’s never going to happen? Then a bit on which is the best country to be a refugee and how we are not spending enough on English language lessons….my head is in my hands
What has happened to that Labour woman who said she was raped? Or is a Labour rape not as bad as a Tory hand on knee? You would think so listening to the BBC..
Narrative of R4 today – all men are power hungry sex attackers all women are lovely and even the woman in positions of power are sweet hearts who never use their power – even good old Hillary C.
In view of current issues I think al Beeb should show solidarity with the many wimmin victims and ban the interaction of men and women in a similar way to Islam where the women stay and home on their backs pumping out little mo s and the chaps go out to drug, abduct and gang rape underage British girls – particularly their favourites – those from a ‘chaotic lifestyle ‘ ( always liked that one ) .
So programmes such as the dancing competition and multi gender quiz competitions should be banned for fear of knee touching – wanted or not.
I presume that the former minister of defence is now to be arrested and interviewed by the nail painted rainbow squad on an allegation of historic sexual assault similarly to some former bbc employees.
Would it be possible for Facebook or Twitter to show an example of the ‘Russian Advertisement’ that caused the interference in the American Election so we could judge it’s validity?
I had some propaganda through my door which looked biased and could have been from the EU ..

Israel Angle : Melanie Phillips complains
“BBC Today’s disgraceful Balfour travesty”
another post from her
As stated in part before. Around 10 000 girls tortured by FGM no prosecutions media silent.
over 100 000 white girls raped by Pakistani Muslims – media playing it down as much as possible with Russian Roulette argument – they’re not all like that.
Middle aged white man touches the leg of a journalist 15 years ago and the media are all over it supporting his being forced to resign !
And they wonder why we hold them in such contempt.
BBC cannot use the word terrorist, they just can’t … New York truck attack suspect ‘spent a year planning’ {bbc.co.uk 02nov2017}
“The main suspect in the New York truck rampage that killed eight people on Tuesday has told investigators he began planning the attack a year ago.”
But the BBC can mention gun control without any facts to back it up …
“Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio also suggested New York’s strict gun control laws had ensured that high-powered weapons could not get into the hands of terrorists.”
– Suggested is not proof.
The BBC does end with the victims, rather than the rise of Islamophobia which is new …
“The men – all aged 48 or 49 – were named as Hernán Diego Mendoza, Diego Enrique Angelini, Alejandro Damián Pagnucco, Ariel Erlij and Hernán Ferrucci. Belgian officials said Anne-Laure Decadt, a 31-year-old from Staden in Flanders, was also killed. Three Belgians were wounded. Two other victims, both Americans, have been identified as Darren Drake, 32, and Nicholas Cleves, 23.”
– BBC Article Word Search: islamophobia x 0; Muslim x 0; allah x 0; Islamic x 2; terror x 6;
BBC deplatforms non-libmob views : so here via Twitter
Quentin Letts: We had the Piety Olympics down at ‘Sexminster’
..”MPs strained to outdo one another in the purity of their thoughts and in their devotion to chastity
.. More training! More HR wallahs”
\\ Labour frontbencher Valerie Vaz gave us a homily about ‘appropriate safeguarding policies’ and not using naughty words based on people’s private bits.
… Of her brother Keith (Lab, Leicester E), there was no sign.//
mean while jezza showing his true colours
Brexit : Russia Conspiracies
“Britain’s election watchdog has begun an inquiry into whether Russia interfered in the Brexit referendum campaign”
See again Twitter helps us find BiasedBBC narratives before they gain big traction
Stupid Brexit/Trump voters must have been hoodwinked by Putin and just too thick to see the error of their ways.
This from today’s “Times”
Why we can’t admit being wrong about politics
Jenni Russell: research suggests trying to persuade Brexit or Trump supporters to switch isn’t going to work
I don’t mind admitting it, Jenni and NISA.
I was wrong about politics in 1975. I think I voted Remain in the EU Joining(!) Referendum, changing my mind at the last minute.
Put that right in June 2016.
I won’t go back to Egypt!
What is it with these idiots. Putin himself could have knocked on my door at 4 o’clock in the morning and it wouldn’t have changed my mind either way. And by the way, I checked under my bed last night and definitely no sign of any Reds.
Precisely. Within the Westminster Creche bubble, everything hinges to their pea brains on associations, affiliations, slights and allegiances that all ebb and flow with the tide of media obsession set by way too many other children employed in too many cubicle gardens with not enough to justify their pathetic little career existences.
It is the actual words, and deeds of protagonists on a factual basis that matter. If it makes sense and substantiated I’ll support it. If it doesn’t, I will not.
Potentially skewed bot comments on Facebook pale into insignificance in comparison to a £4Bpa propaganda machine spewing out misinformation and censoring anything that spoils their narrative.
Wheeling out Clegg, Adonis, Heseltine and Clarke every day on Today or News, or live from Brussels, really is not swaying my feelings on unaccountable entities one jot.
Especially when served up by proven bottom feeders like Robinson, O’Brien, etc.
Yes,well I have to confess that I did phone Vlad to ask his permission before I cast my vote for Brexit. You know what he said? “Nyet now piss off and stop wasting my time”
Manchester attack: Extradition bid for Salman Abedi’s brother
BBC to commence Operation banging on about Labour abuse ?
..no don’t think so
How the BBC focus on the children … not the crime or the criminals … ‘My kids don’t see this side of me’ {bbc.co.uk 01nov2017}
‘A drug dealing father is challenged on why he chooses to carry a gun on the streets.
Gun crime was up 27% in England and Wales in the past year. In London, it has increased by 42%.
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick, says tackling violence is her “priority”.’
– If the person is too ashamed to say what they do – deal drugs – then it must be wrong so stop doing it.
Organisations get infiltrated eg New Humanist
It’s supposed to be a magazine/org about rationalism
but thru entryism its become a hotbed of Climate alarmism + Corbynism etc
They just sent me this newsletter
I didn’t put all the links in
Bad news: we’ve only got a few billion years before the sun dies. …
“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
Strictly speaking, Adams was wrong. We live on the surface of a fireball near an even bigger one on which we depend.
“Whatever you do, on no account go anywhere near that switch. Which switch? That one. No, NOOO keep back don’t even touch iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! “
BBC Society 02nov2017 …
The US state that bans sparklers but allows guns
– Both scare the Government, but one stops the Government from taking away you liberties forever
Would you return a tenner if you knew who’d dropped it?
Beauty contestants reveal violence stats not body facts
In its reporting of the small rise in interest rates the BBC website tells us at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41846330 that there are 45 million savers* in Britain, and yet the tone of all its reporting is that interest rate rises are a bad, bad thing (due to Brexit etc. etc.).
* Not that I believe this figure of 45 million savers, when we’re constantly being told that no-one saves and that everyone is on zero hours contracts and using food banks. There isn’t even any logic or consistency to the propaganda.
I totally agree with your synopsis. These bBC snippets caught my eye:
“The Bank estimates that almost two million mortgage holders have not experienced an interest rate rise since taking out a mortgage.”
The MPC also said that the decision to leave the European Union is having a “noticeable impact” on the economic outlook.
The bBC promotes this huge image of doom and gloom yet their very own graphic on the matter:
Tells a much different story.
Beeboids understand nothing about economics, banking or finance. They are morons.
Currently (on social media at least, the horror), they have economics being explained by five year olds.
This is bad news for Paul Mason, who was surely hoping the Katz move would see him back in the fold.
However his grasp of the topic has now been shown to be embarrassing. More embarrassing.
Came across this via Sky news. Thought some of the comments quite amusing..
A 240-tonne replica of a German U-boat is being moved to a French harbour ahead of filming for a major new Second World War drama series.
The plot for Das Boot will pick up where the critically acclaimed movie of the same name ended and will focus on both a fictional German U-boat crew and the French resistance trying to disrupt their activities.
Here are some of the reply’s
I hope they make sure that they use some black actors this time, the last DAS Boot had an all white cast, such racism must be stamped out. How about Idris Elba for the Captain?
ReplyReplies (30)2421
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Bill3 hours ago
Bill3 hours ago
The Submarine could be painted like a rainbow and renamed “The Fruits of the Sea!”
Bill3 hours ago
@ErnieZ Have you not yet realised that the Leftist Socialistas are re-writing history anyway? The officers mess in the submarine pen, is going to be renamed “The Rainbow Club” and run by an SS officer played by Paris Barclay (Gay black man). Music provided by The Communards.
Bill3 hours ago
@Anonymous Indeed, I think some people have not quite grasped the concept of irony. I have just cast the late Sammy Davis Junior as Rudolf Hess. Black and Jewish!
The new PC version of Das Boot shows men willing to launch Missiles in which to strike the enemy in the rear.
Meanwhile in Scotland where there is mass opposition in Hollyrod to having red hot seamen in Naval bases:
I wonder if they are the great grandsons of the old Skinback Fusiliers? Grandaddy would not be proud.
Why doesn’t al Beeb have a queer channel ? It’s got an asian radio thing, Welch and Scottish television. It might be the only source of humour on al Beeb. – personal declaration – I am not currently of the queer persuasion – and I have only just found out what teabagging is. I really thought it was using the same tea bag for two cups of tea but al Beeb helpfully put me straight – as it were …
Lenny Henry as Admiral Donuts?
Interest rates rise. To my mind the Bbc have been pushing for this for some time. I wonder if we will get a wave of stories about repossessions.
BBC, does this even make sense? When dem ask am if im go talk sorry, Sir Michael say: “Time don reach for all of us to look eye for wetin we do before-before, things go always dey wey you go regret, wey you go wish say you for do another way.” {bbc.co.uk – pidgin – nov2017}
It am all bollox.
As a hideously white man once said:-
‘Are you all sitty comftybold two-square on your botty? Then I’ll begin.’
Who is on QT tonight with Dimblebore…3 remoaners and one Brexiter as usual?
On a similar note, ‘Just’ Webb (BBBC) compared a ‘debate’ at the Cheltenham Literary Festival this year about Brexit with 3 remainiacs including the truly awful Anna Soubry woman.
Douglas Murray (author of the must read ‘The Strange Death of Europe’) arrived late (he did not have a helicopter which Hellery Clinton had available) and was verbally abused when he was not there to defend himself.
Come on dyke – soubry can be good value. She cried on the day of the Brexit vote – I never laughed so much and if she’s been on the sauce before the show again she’ll come out with something to make us laugh. Wonder why she hasn’t joined the Lib Dem yet? He must be lonely .
Awesome. They even ‘quote’ what a person says in twat.
And here it is for the BBC via https://lingojam.com/English-PNGPidgin: “Awesome. They even ‘quote’ what wanpela person says in twat”
Frankly disappointing. Mon.
Can you write that again slowly please.
Just a thought – Corbyn, the bbc dreamboat, as PM ? Would we be bombarded with positive, pro UK, pro government stories?
I sometimes wonder if the constant and never ending obstinance from the EU is part of some clever Theresa May scheme, so that she can suddenly lose her shit, reveal to the world that she does possess some emotion and hold a press conference where she proclaims that she has had enough of our endless accommodations and genuflecting towards the EU but her ultimate responsibility is to the British people and she literally cannot stomach any more seeing us be given the run around.
We’ve tried to meet them more than halfway, we’ve tried to hold our tongue but no more, enough is enough. I wanted to believe in the EU dream but I’ve been red pilled and I now totally see why the majority of the British people voted the way they did. We can’t negotiate with this nest of corporate sponsored vipers and will be leaving the EU with a No deal and reverting to WTO rules until they can act like adults.
Payne, I sometimes wonder if unicorns are real 😉
Sharia’s May says “enough is enough” again lol
“Enough is Enough is Enough!” – surely she needs to extend this slogan!
Nah – just cut to a video of tumbleweed.
But they are. I’m watching one right now sitting at thebottom of my garden eating a yogurt. Time for another beer.
Fake News or let’s call this one Not News….
“Britain’s election watchdog has begun an inquiry into whether President Obama interfered in the Brexit referendum campaign”
Yes, he did.
AISI, he may have helped win it for Leave!
I think the swing may have occurred as late as the last two or three weeks from ‘Obama’s weekend’ coupled to Dave’s and George’s wild predictions and threats and Major & Blair touring Ulster and saying, in effect, “OK, boyos. Get your guns, bullets & bombs ready. You can have a possible comeback.”
This so called ‘abuse’ stuff
The hash tag Me Too just about sums it up
Me me me me etc. In other words you’re not a proper feisty fem if you haven’t got at least a knee touch to tell.
Is there no separation of seriousness in the news between the I woke up with Kevin Spicey in bed next to me and the dishonourable gentleman for South Codpiece-on-the-Tory-Wolds touched my knee?
PMQs 2017 : How is a member supposed to find out if an honourable lady is up for it these days – put down a written question?
Honourable ladies must closely examine prospective members 😉
Beeb website reporting DG Lord Hall doing a speech later. Getting battered on HYS.
This one?:
Could be going better, true:
13. Posted by shellscript
Instead of being objective and impartial BBC has turned into a left wing ideologically driven organisation, who instead of building bridges within our society drives wedges between us for the benefit of some political elite. Disgrace!
Be interesting if there are any ‘moddings’ and how long it stays open.
Liverpool: Ruscoe Lecture
Hideously white !
Yes hideously white, because they are the people who can be trained to hate white people
They’ll probably do that “ I thought the black chap,was the cleaner “ routine which black politicians roll out whenever they are wanting to be on top of their previous moral high ground .
21 kids
since 87% of population is white, you’d expect 18 to be white
– 1 black kid ie 5%, so overrepresentive
– 1 headscarf, seems BME
– 1 North East Asian girl on the right
So overall no more white than the general population
but then it’s Liverpool not London.
No matter what your opinion of it’s worth, how crass of this article, highlighted by Guest Who, to lump One Love Manchester in with Broadchurch and Strictly, to suggest it’s aim was as entertainment alone and to judge its value in ratings.
I hope that there is no need for any more similar programmes, British or not, although there will be, if only to allow the bBbc a chance to attempt to justify their worth and to showcase their talents rather than to highlight the real issues at hand.
The mentality of these people just baffles me.
On the daily politics Laura kuenssberg said that the cabinet is balanced on Brexit.
This is about (remainer) Williamson, the new defence minister.
There’s me thinking that the cabinet is 80:20 in favour of remain.
With these sex pests in Westminster taking up lots of time sorting their problems out, the lords caught jumping out of taxis to clock in for their £300 daily handout being found out, the politicians spending their time getting pissed in the taxpayer subsidised bars and grabbing the nearest women and the time they take fiddling their expenses (isn’t it as much now as it was a few years ago) I wonder that they have time to actually do any of the business they were elected to do. That’s not including all their second and more jobs and all the backhanders and abuse of their position that goes on.
That they are creating the problems they are spending all this time discussing seems to escape them. Discussing these things when Parliament is open that is (they seem to have a lot of holidays or are they like teachers who spend every waking moment doing marking)
If they behaved themselves they would probably get 6 months more work done every year.
Still, they make the rules so they will make them to suit themselves.
Squad! Take aim! Fire!— Problem solved.
There is an upside to this – as far as I am concerned – it diminishes their collective value even more than the expenses corruption. I hope this one runs and runs . I think the whole thing needs a serious sort out . It’s crushed by false tradition, conventions , too many career politicians and a fundamental dismissal of what ordinary taxpayers think and believe – as the Brexit vote showed despite the propaganda thrown at people.
My fear , though, is that labour will be better at suppressing their sins than others and that corbyn is still sending his fan club out campaigning in preparation for a general election if he can drag the government down.
Zeek ! Foreign government pays to have Arabic classes forced into English classrooms.
And next…reciting Mein Koranf in Arabic? It’s not for private schools either but via councils. Sometimes you just feel like giving up. If only there was another planet to go to. Planet Sanity.
A warning coming from the EU to the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists
“Catalonia crisis: Sacked ministers held by Madrid court”
It could be UK Citizens next if we don’t get out of the EU soon ?
“BBC director general Tony Hall warns of threat to British TV”
“We have to face the reality that the British content we value and rely upon is under serious threat.”
What “British content”?
They are starting to squeal. End the telly tax and call them a charity. The viewers that want it financed can donate.
Maxincony sign up here ………………………..
Taff- I think we ll be hearing from maxi tonight as s/he it is on nights again. I’ve worked out the roster…
Thanks for the comment from the DG. Was he looking at a 1975 copy of the Radio Times featuring Jim ll fix it or Paint with Rolf? He sure as shit is disconnected from his own output. Maybe he thinks al Beeb did Game of Thrones or other quality HBO stuff which hasn’t got the smell of multicultural box ticking all over it .
He appears to follow the same shift as me ?
Is it just me or is the EU getting a wee bit nasty?
They’ve probably always been nasty. We just didn’t notice.
I had the sarcasm switched on.
I guessed as much. I felt sure that Katie Hopkins wasn’t the only lady in Britain who understands irony.
“EU nurses ‘turning their backs on UK”
“The decline in EU nurses and midwives wanting to work in the UK since the referendum is continuing, figures show.”
Start recruiting from the British Commonwealth, only this time issue work visas. At the same time start training our own nurses .
We need a ‘Common sense’ political party to run our country, now more than ever !
Spot on.
But they aren’t are they? It’s simply that now that we made the English speaking test a little bit harder, they can’t be arsed to mumble through with their broken grasp of our language. Which considering these people will be handing our treatment and interacting with doctors and patients alike, seems entirely sensible.
The only English a lot of these characters know is “ I’m the agency nurse tonight” and then go to sleep as they are working ‘/ billing 26 hour days to send the cash home to mamma.
A story floated to day about how our best in the world international health service is being defrauded of an estimated one billion a year – at least . This story – which apparently comes from the nhs fraud department has sunk without trace on Albeeb as they all wank themselves stupid over Julia hartly brewers knees. We all know which is the more important story.
R4 Inside Science @AdamRutherford interviews @hugh_montgomery on @BBCRadio4 about @TheLancet @LancetCountdown 2017 report on #climatechange + health
Interviewing Peter Cox
“The so called hiatus….
In fact over last years hottest evah”
Perspective bias by not mentioning El Nino
Peter Cox “Only getting hotter where people are”
… Product of concreting & Urban Heat Island UHI effect ? + increasing population +observation bias, cooling the past
AR “Are there any positives ? Say of warmer winters?”
PC “I don’t know we weren’t looking at things like that.
We were only looking at mumble”
???? nutter !
So Adam you Remain impartial and calm about Trump ?
link to prog ..blurb
AR talks to researchers on a major global study that aimed to quantify how climate change has already damaged the health of millions. Hugh Montgomery is the co-chair of the Lancet Countdown report and says that climate change is the largest single threat to global health.
Climate scientist Peter Cox talks about his stark findings on the increase in vulnerable people exposed to heat waves between now and the turn of the century.
+ anecdotes and concerns from listeners following our item last week on the catastrophic decline in flying insects in the last quarter century
(Dodgy research)
“AR talks to researchers on a major global study that aimed to quantify how climate change has already damaged the health of millions. Hugh Montgomery is the co-chair of the Lancet Countdown report and says that climate change is the largest single threat to global health.
Climate scientist Peter Cox talks about his stark findings on the increase in vulnerable people exposed to heat waves between now and the turn of the century.”
If I recall correctly we have had three or four major heatwave summers in some part of the globe since the turn of the century, ie. the last sixteen years. In the last one, in Europe I recall there were some deaths directly attributable to the heat and less – a handful – in the UK, often related to water and poor choice of behaviour by those affected rather than directly by the heat. If you drink loads of beer and jump in a river or in the sea immediately afterward then, irrespective of whether there is a heatwave, your life – and health – is likely to be threatened.
The likely result of any heatwave on vulnerable people is less deaths from getting cold. Vulnerable people, especially the elderly, usually see their death rates decline in warmer conditions and weather unless they are subjected to intolerable heat and/or no shade and/or dehydration. In fact, an elderly person may tolerate heat that a youngster would find stifling. I speak from personal experience as well as exposure to some mortality rates, courtesy of the BBC Radio, back in the days when they covered such things.
These days they seem to be only interested in attacking the Conservative Party, Theresa May and her EU negotiating colleagues, together with Brexit itself. Oh, and President Trump.
The more likely threat to vulnerable people is the cold. Adam Rutherford could be better employed considering the elderly and the homeless in the light of predictions of a very cold winter to come in the UK. (Please bear in mind that one of those predictions came from the Daily Express and needs to be set against their forecasting record.)
Good post.
So no anti Brexit bias in the BBC as Dimbleby tried to claim in last weeks QT yet by my estimations there is one Leaver (soft leaver) on the panel tonight in the form of Dan Hannan and four remainers (not including David Dimbleby). Not really representative of the UK but as it’s in Kilmarnock, they’ll probably say it reflects Scotland.
Talking about this, I’d love to know what the viewing figures are like when QT goes to Scotland. I for one certainly can’t be arsed to watch.
Payne ,
Who cares about the content or viewing figures as long as it pays for the dimbley family private school fees eh?
Trans are #MoreEqualThan
What just happened? I blinked and suddenly, refocusing, it was all trans and that nonsense
This mob are always good for a laugh:
‘Content essential to UK citizenship’?
BBC has shown that it is a force for social change, not a news service … if it is a social justice enterprise then it should become a charity or NGO and seek funding without threat of prison via the TV Tax.
Forget the Climate and Trump, the BBC now have concerns that some TV programmes cannot be made and might need more money from a TV Tax that is paid with the threat of prison … Favourite British TV shows like Strictly Come Dancing and Broadchurch could be under threat due to a funding shortfall, the BBC is warning. {bbc.co.uk 02nov2017}
…. and to top it all off your TV Tax Money is being used as a social experiment ….
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}””
Who could argue with that? The bbc openly admit they are agenda setters – fair enough but why do they have a right to exist when they do their damnedest to revile this country and support it’s enemies?
Why do the BBC think they are the centre of everyone’s universe?
Come dancing. I have never watched it. Not interested.
Broadchurch? Never even heard of it let alone watched it.
What am I paying for? A load of rubbish I don’t want. If they axe those programs & a dozen others tomorrow I wouldn’t even notice.
Marky – does that mean they are going to sack black people since they are so over represented ? As well as queer types. ? I wonder is a disabled black queer person is a separate category or would it count as sacking three people.
For my shame – I once had to teach grown ups about this diversity nonsense . I still wake up at night screaming my shame. The future will look back at the group thing which claims that particular groups have to be positively selected to represent their type ( if you get me ) is so stupid as to be a joke. People and individuals and not representative of a group – as queer people would, I guess , say about Mr Spacey.
The mind Ot the beeboid is a mystery .
We talk about equality, but no one is really interested in it. Weird!
How does a millionaire justify spouting equality to the rest of us? Surely they must know they live in a fantasy world. Do they really want to be equal with ME? No! They must have the brain of a f—–g rocking horse if they do.
A call to all BBC and Labour Top Earners such as Chris Evans and Gary Lineker who are in the Labour Party, we are going to implement the socialist Labour dream today to Feed ALL Children, forever!
You will give all your savings, wages, clothing, cars, house keys, furniture, pets, future earnings, pensions and food to Jeremy Corbyn, he will then divide them all up and give everyone, what he thinks is an equal share.
To begin this momentous moment in history the top leaders and BBC presenters might drop their offerings into the Socialist Pot Of Glory Today – ready to be shared equally!
Jeremy Corbyn – Salary £125K* + expenses + gifts from companies
Chris Evans – £2.2million** + expenses + + CarFest + gifts from companies
Sadiq Khan – £143K + expenses + gifts from companies
Gary Lineker – £1.7million** + expenses + BT Sport + Crisps + gifts from companies
Keith Vaz – £75K *+ expenses + 5 houses (1 house is used for MP duties, so tax payer is paying for it) + expenses + gifts from companies
Diane Abbott – £75K* + expenses + BBC TV appearances + gifts from companies
I never noticed white heterosexual males mentioned in that BBC 2020 wish list. Good thing I’m not one to take offence. Anyone feel like calling Inspector Knacker? Don’t. You’ll be the one wearing the bracelets.
Children in Need replaced with BBC in Need?
30,000 let me see, a military battalion could be anything between 300/800 troops. Taking the upper figure, that’s over 37 battalions no doubt trained in the middle east compliments of our islamic contingent………………..
BBC 3 gives us the next ‘big thing’ – the mince pie croissant.
Or the broken Eccles Cake, as we called them pre-Nadiya
Looks like a cows arsehole. Stand clear!!
OT, but the BBC often cite these guys as also ‘trusted and impartial’.
There seems to be a pincer movement by the desperate media at the moment.
On the entertainment side online catch-ups are in danger of ruining Strictly with rubbish folk actually want to pay to watch voluntarily.
Meanwhile BBC filtered and censored news is being threatened by stuff you can make your own mind up upon, mostly for free.
One can see how this may concern people used to be handed hundreds of thousands of pounds by their mates to spout BS.
I’ll drink to that.
‘”The Problem With Men”, a debate featuring 16 blokes and 4 women perched on stools. It surely must have been under gestation during the editorship of Ian Katz’
Who has gone to a… better slurry… I’ll leave that spell correct for ‘salary’.
BBC propaganda exposed. Britain is not racist. But that is not what the BBC are saying.
Excellent video. Never heard of this chap before, but I share his anger at the bucket full of maggots that is the national broadcaster
I see the BBC are making their own contribution to the rehabilitation of the prison population.
Yes, Vicky Pryce has been on again (bBBC news channel 7.10pm), this time talking about the interest rate increase.
“Good to see you” chirps the anchorman at the end.
Vicky Pryce the go economist for a negative comment on Brexit so she was on the Jeremy Vine show about 12:35pm
…was was wife of Jail bird Chris Huhne and then girlfriend of ex-con Denis Mcshane when she came out of prison herself.
Stew. I often drive past the speed camera which ended Huhnes political career for the time being. I am expecting them to put up a blue plaque for him, his criminal wife and the judge who I recall did time as well over a speeding ticket. Excellent judgement all round methinks.
9pm BBC2 Exodus: Our Journey about Syrian refugee Hassan Akkad getting to Britain etc.
(it’s a continuation of a doco from last year)
In certain quarters, probably deemed ‘not helpful’:
Guess who
Thank you for posting this. I saw that guido had done a job for JRM and couldn’t work out how to post it – despite Brexit.
No Surprise that Dimbers was surprised at the idea BBC does “despite Brexit” stories
… Lack of self-awareness is a BBC characteristic
..they are too busy at Hampstead dinner parties to watch or listen to any of their own output.
Some bloke called jacques peretti was given Two programmes on al Beeb about capitalism and how it will end in tears. I think if mr corbyn was watching it he’d been reach for his favourite lubricant and a box of tissues.
Apparently financial inequality leads to a breakdown in society and we all need to be equal.
Now – personal declaration – I am not rich or a member of the super rich . I have never collected state benefits – but for the life of me I don’t know how al Beeb can justify a socialist view of the world – without a contrary view – under their ‘balance ‘ claim.
I haven’t looked up who this presenter is but I suspect he is affiliated to the Labour Party or worse.
His end line was that there will be riots in the streets . I wonder if the instruments of state repression ( once known as the police ) would be able to deal with these predicted riots or whether they’d be too busy waiting for their nails to dry.
“Financial inequality leads to to a breakdown in society” eh? Then that prick had better start distributing some of his wealth among the rest of us,preferably starting with me.
Am I right or wrong in thinking that this country was more united when we had an Empire whilst at the same time the financial inequality was at it most extreme? I don’t know the answer but I can remember that people at all levels were quite ready to talk up this country and not talk it down. To my mind the people who are forever griping about this issue are the ones largely to blame for the breakdown and cohesion of our nation. We all need to be equal? One only has to have eyes to see that we are not equal we never have been equal and we never will be. Unless you believe in fairy tales.
Lefty – it’s the old comprehensive school mantra of bringing everyone down to the same shitty level . I like the line the Socialists used in the last election about the “ need for the better off to pay a bit more tax” emphasis on the word “ bit” . They still use this line as it sounds quite human.
The reality as we know will be considerably different. Capital gains tax at punitive levels, bye bye isa, higher fuel duty, insurance tax, booze and fags, more overseas spending, higher income tax rates and thresholds , higher NICs , higher borrowing even lower pound for starters
It’s Mother Nature who has determined that we can never be “equal” Socialists can bash their dicks against the pebble dash until Kingdom Come and all that will happen is that they will have bashed dicks.
Politics is the art of the possible – not the impossible. A brain surgeon will never accept the same salary as a shithouse cleaner. Why should he/she? Unfortunate but it’s a fact.
Let me help you there FU2.
He’s worse than a Labour MP. A columnist for the Guardian and Huffington Post. His net worth is £41M, so all that phraseology about them and us implied he was on the same side as you and me, but alas no, he’s one of the super rich.
Ha – ha I haven’t done the wiki yet but I could smell a certain smugness which wealthy al beeboids give off when lecturing licensing payers to ‘embrace ‘ ( a favourite al Beeb word ) – difference – immigrants, change. Multicultural values or whatever poison they are spitting out.
Will keep an eye out for this character..