People can say what they like on stage, but what annoys me is that when comics talk about religion, the writing is often lazy and not very intelligent. Worst of all, it’s not very funny.
Tez Ilyas
Well yes….shame he doesn’t actually listen to his own advice… on about the good Muslim Tez Ilyas.
Tez Ilyas, an Asian Muslim comic that the BBC has groomed and radicalised….what he used to look like…
What he looks like now…
His comedy is left-wing and from the point of view of an Asian Muslim with a chip on his shoulder about Empire and the injustices of Muslims being under suspicion for some reason he can’t fathom…it’s so unfair. You might get the impression this is just him regurgitating what is said at the dinner table at home in the ‘community’. He tells us benefits are ‘reparations’ [for empire] and that Lancashire is ‘Allah’s own country’. His show is based upon converting the infidel to Islam…a mock conversion attempt…but not really mock is it? He moans…
Ilyas wonders why he has been made to feel like an outsider in the country he’s called home from day one
Hmmm….maybe because that is what your own community has told you, Islam having ‘apartheid’ tendencies and because members of your community have been bombing, stabbing, running down non-Muslims in order to ensure ‘Islam will reign supreme’…as Muhammed instructed….and oddly enough the non-Muslims don’t like it.
Which brings us onto why we have a post on him.
He appeared on The Now Show to launch an attack on Poppy Day telling us he would not wear the Poppy because it had been hijacked by the Far-Right. I might suggest he won’t wear a Poppy one, because he might get his head kicked in if he walked down his own road…..
Pakistani Christian ‘is knocked out and left with a broken nose by a gang of “Muslims” in Derbyshire who attacked him for displaying a cross and poppies on his car’
And two I just don’t believe he would ever wear one anyway listening to his attitude to Britain and that big chip on his shoulder.
But let’s think about his claimed reasoning…he won’t wear a Poppy because the Far-Right have hijacked it for their own cause…..well OK…..he also tells us ISIS etc aren’t real Muslims and they have hijacked his religion….do I need to go on?
Logically therefore he must also refuse to be a Muslim anymore…Poppies hijacked…not wear Poppy…Islam hijacked…not be a Muslim….yes? No. Don’t be silly…..instead he looks like he is becoming evermore devout and openly religious and vocally ‘Muslim’.
He tells us Farage and Katie Hopkins can shove their Poppies up their nationalist arses and that millions of Muslims fought for Britain against Fascist Nazi scum….linking Farage to that….presumably he also includes all those Brexit voters in there as well…he is of course against Brexit.
Er….in reality those Muslims threatened to fight for those Nazi Scum if they didn’t get a promise from the British of their own Muslim nation….let’s remember that as Muslims scream and shout about Balfour… maybe he should shove Islam up his nationalist arse? Let’s also remember he’s only Muslim because the Arabs conquered and colonised India and forcibly converted so many Indians to Islam….so if he wants to talk about imperialism and violence let him start with that. Tez Ilyas….a man who grovels on his knee five times a day to an Arab god in the direction of Mecca….the Arab centre of Empire….and he whinges about the British Empire! Shouldn’t the brainwashed Tez break free from his subjugation by this Arab religion and return to his real roots….Hinduism or Buddhism if he is so opposed to Imperialism?
The real shame is that the BBC thinks it is lovely and diverse to nurture and support this man’s anti-British extremism, and perhaps worse that the audience were cheering as he ‘spat’ on the Poppy.
I hate how at every possible opportunity they have to shove their politics down our throats. We can’t even have a laugh without being lectured.
Why on Earth might someone have negative sentiments towards Muslims? It is a riddle wrapped inside an enigma.
The now show, news quiz – time for the off button….
Before that was a programme called money box which featured an item on how HMG is directing publicly funded organisations like al Beeb to reduce the number of people on false self employed status thus paying less national insurance and tax. The presenter , who is a bit of a lefty ( beeboid) declared a personal interest as a self employed person…. I have never heard a declaration of self interest in an item on al Beeb .
My self declaration . I am not self employed . I pay taxes and have never claimed social.
The BBC just love to parade these non entities in front of us as proof that their favourite minorities can laugh at themselves and therefore it naturally follows that in reality that they really have integrated and it is just us suspicious, racist whiteys who associate their culture with never ending violence and misogyny.
It is also virtue signalling proof how right on and diverse their programming is.
I suspect the only people who would find this twat funny are the chattering quislings from Islington and similair who hate this country almost as much as they hate their own skin colour. But then again they are the only people who deserve to be entertained any way.
As for my opinion – He is obviously a deep thinking individual and is more than happy to exercise the freedom that was given to him by people from the UK and the Empire that died in the world wars. Yet another lefty with little concscience and a huge sense of entitlement and always ready to bite the many dead hands that now feed him.
When he starts cracking acidic jokes about Allah and Mohammed then I might just start to believe he is a comedian. But in reality he is nothing more than just another right on joker.
Did somebody say Muslims & Nazis?
Careful now, a fellow in Austria got six months for posting this sort of picture. The truth is no defence.
Surely not
Surely not recently?
Repost of my Friday thread comment
Halfway through they had an ethnic-Muslim comedian on who was trying to score points against everything right-wing
by telling a story of a tweet that mentioned poppies, EDL, Farage and sticking a dig at Katie Hopkins.
That’s bizarre I thought there cant be many tweets that mention them together
…and so tracked down that tweet
… It dates from 2015 !
It’s called the NOW Show
ie jokes about today’s news
Not still milking 2015 stories.
** Now Show : Lib agenda by any joke possible **
When on Twitter I pointed that out to him
he quickly engaged but then ran away
That’s pretty usual with libmob, cos everything they say just gives me an opportunity to point out their logic errors, hypocrisy etc.
If you look at that thread you can see see cynically cuts off the 2015 tweet of the football fan guy
Tez then put his reply to me on a different thread.
I’d like to think that Radio 4 are going to get tens of thousands of complaints about this odious so called comedian, and about the Now Show which I seem to remember used to be funny once, was it? Sadly, the pro izlamic brainwashing that the populace is being subjected to seems to be having the desired effect.
Don`t think anybody listens any more Des!
I put on a Best of Barry Cryer CD or Benny Hill tape when I`m washing up on Friday evenings now-even when you hear it over and over, it is STILL funnier than anything the Student Left offer us on Fridays any more.
So he thinks Poppy day has been expropriated by the “far-right”
Wonder what he thinks about the way Americans traditionally show allegiance at the start of sporting events
by standing up for the national anthem
…and the way that has been hijacked by political “black lives” protesters who kneel down instead ?
I bet that is OK by him ?
I’d never heard of this fellow before now. As a Lancastrian (I mean, a proper one) I say he has a damned cheek.
Funny (and typical) that the Daily Mail story about the Pakistani Christian states that he is from Derbyshire.
Littleover is actually in Derby so why not just say that and save headline space?
The answer is obvious – Derbyshire sounds rural and typically English whilst Derby is just a shit city in a region of other shit cities. Saying that he is from “Derbyshire” pricks up the ears and adds weight to a story which is most likely a load of bullshit.
By the way – Derby is not a part of Derbyshire. Derby is a unitary authority. Therefore the Pakistani Christian cannot be from Derbyshire.
Just saying.
Edward, are you ok hun?
Pakistani Christian ‘beaten by gang of Muslims’ for having poppies on his car
Pakistani Christian ‘knocked out by Muslim men as he’s attacked for displaying poppies and cross on his car’
Pakistani Christian ‘Beaten for Car Poppy Display’ Warns ‘More and More Muslim Violence Is Coming Into Britain’
BEATEN OVER POPPIES Christian Pakistani delivery driver ‘battered by a group of men for having two poppies and a cross on his car’
Pakistani Christian ‘attacked by Muslim gang’ for putting Remembrance poppies on his car
I’m not denying the story, I’m questioning the claim. I know Littleover very well and doubt that his story is true. And the Metro story is the one I would recommend because it quite clearly states the victim is from Derby – not Derbyshire.
It is a pet hate of mine when minority comics have to talk about their race. The best comedy is about shared experiences and this attitude obviously avoids that approach.
We should celebrate the many things we have in common rather than dwell on the few things which divide us.
Is there a funny comedian on the BBC these days of any race ? No,because the things that most of us find funny in a satirical sense are not allowed to be aired in public. The thought police will be after you.
As for the One Show,I applaud people who sit through it ,but I find it a pretentious piece of garbage to be avoided at all costs.
Even V D has the occasional redeeming article.
Why would anyone listen to this excruciatingly pretentious, puerile tosh. Every Radio 4 “comedy” is little more than a politically correct lecture, only enjoyed by those who love to share their right on credentials. The audience don’t laugh, they hoot, squeal and shriek their approval. The jokes (if that’s what they are) aren’t remotely amusing.
Do you remember Dave Allen? Morcambe and Wise? The Two Ronnies? These were comedians. I didn’t listen to them feeling I was being lectured by someone I wanted to punch in the face. I laughed!
All these modern BBC “comedians” seem to emerge from a left wing cloning factory. Jeremy, Sandi, Marcus…all of ’em posh, public school ponces who are desperately (pretending) to kick back at their privileged parentage.
The oh so predictable objects of their ire range from Brexit, Farage, Tories to Trump. Not necessarily in that order, but any permutation of those four staples are repeated week after tedious week. I’ve had more fun at a funeral.
These posers like to pretend that they’re “edgy” but they’re not. The Alt left is the now the establishment, funded by a parasitic BBC and fed to a gullible public.
Wear your poppy with pride, and if it upsets some Muzzie or pc lefty…
You are absolutely right.
Particularly tedious and unfunny are the BBC “multicultural” comedies. They are the same old predictable stereotypes spouting the usual clicees and platitudes as diaog in all the tired old situations. The message is laid on with a trowel. It not surprising they are not funny as their prime purpose is didactic not hilarious comedy. In a “light-hearted way”, the BBC hope to show the masses the silliness of their racist, white supremacist attitudes. Hanging on the walls of Victorian homes you would find embroided samplers with various pious exhortations, the BBC output serves more or less the same purpose.
A recent BBC fad is to have some completely unknown stand-up or “alternative” comedian gush their wisdom on say, QT. There is also a movement from politics to so-called comedy. Ayesha Hazarka, who once held the exalted positions of special adviser to Harriet Harman and Milliband, now styles herself as a “standup comedian” and seems to be a Sky favorite. Even though she had complete access to two of the biggest clowns and farceurs in politics, she seems unable to evoke the same gales of laughter as her former employers.
I wonder if those who regard the red poppy as symbolic of warmongering and racism know the origin of using it as a symbol of remembrance? Farmers and gardeners will usually be aware that the common red field poppy only grows on disturbed ground unless planted as a crop. The battlefields of WWI were totally churned up by shelling, and the ground was also full of body parts. When peace came, the poppies covered the ground, red field poppies (not sure of the exact species – anybody know?) not white poppies which would be opium poppies (papaver somniferum). So wearing white poppies for peace is nonsense for more than one reason.
Not true that white poppies are opium poppies.
They come in many colours inc red.
I know opium poppies come in colours other than white. I had some deep rose pink ones in the garden which were lovely. Icelandic poppies can be white. The point is that the ones that emerged on the battlefields of WW1 were red and where poppies are white, they are often opium poppies.
I predict that the church fainthearts-being too mean to buy two poppies-but afraid to upset the “conchies” and the “warmongers” too-will now start to wear gaily shaded pink ones by way of “balance”.
Not that anybody outside a military family or private school will care enough by then.
This is how the bBC will soon be reporting:
I assume that’s a parody, certainly highly amusing!
IT is, but the fact remains that is exactly what is happening with the snowflakes out there.
World at One in emotional meltdown today with its lead item today. A lying, tory scum member of parliament was alleged by a copper to have had porn on his computer 7 years ago and also to once have touched the knee of a lady.
I know! Pass the smelling salts.
How can we live in a world of such horror?
What the hell would Mark Mardell make of an organization that hid a child rapist whilst providing him with countless victims? An organization that sacked 2 journalists who were making inquiries into this paedophile rapist. An organization that still today employs the people who fired the journalists, referring to them as traitors?
Ah yes, I guess he’d quite happily work for that organisation, collect his pay check from it and collect his pension from it without batting an eyelid.
Bastards one and all. Shut it down now.
Quite. And how much are the BBC reporting on the allegations against Labour ? Reminds me of the expenses scandal. Anyone who relied on the BBC would think the Tories were worse than Labour. In fact it was the other way round. The BBC, world leaders in Fake News.
Of course, Islam hates poppies.
Had we not dealt with the Germans in both World Wars, there`d be an Ottoman Empire getting a backbone from Hitlers rampages through what would remain of Europa.
A Caliphate would have been established some time back , and there`d no longer be any Jews. No Israel either. Win-win for the Far Left and for Islam.
And as I told my church ladies this morning-they beld red on the battlefields , not whitewash or bleach-so f*** the white feather poppy brigade.
Unless the Taliban can sell poppies back to us as heroin, they`ll HATE us wearing our poppies-am knitting another one this year, even got one as a scrunchie for my wrist or hair. Never forget-we`d be speaking German or Arabic now had those lads not died for us all.
Our kids need to learn this.
So this fellow has an agenda . Fair enough .
Then he uses the memory of his forebears , who didn’t know of his agenda , who fought bravely for totally different reasons , to further his selfish agenda .
Only on the BBC .
A bit of googling
400 000 Muslims fought in WW1 and 62 060 died .
233 000 Muslims fought for the Free French Army in WW2 and 52 % were killed .
Half a million Indain Muslims fought in WW2 .
For this fellow Tense Sayless to use their sacrifice to further his BBC career is in such poor taste but now expected from that organisation .*
*Who probably know their own casualties since its incorporation but don’t know how other trades , jobs , professions etc fared throughout .
As a separate note , for every 1 Indian who fought for the Japanese via the Congress , 67 fought for the Allies .
OK, so what joys are we to be subjected to this week on the ‘comedy’ half hour slot at 6.30pm, Radio 4?
Tonight, The Unbelievable Truth, I quite like this programme despite the obligation to fit the word ‘penis’ in wherever possible. Mondays are usually OK.
Tomorrow, things start to distort, Ed Reardon’s Week. This mocks a fellow with a fairly logical anti political correctness point of view. I find it clichéd now, yawn.
Wednesday, now things get unfunny. That nasty little creep Andy Hamilton. That means the off button.
Thursday, I couldn’t believe they’d put this on again! The thoroughly unpleasant & unfunny Alexei Sayle trotting out his unwanted marxism, crikey is he a dead-beat voice from the Pre-Cambrian Era! Looks like my off button will come in handy again.
Friday, well we all know now, The Now Show. ….Chuck radio out of window.
Who plans this left wing drivel? Who is demented enough to classify it as comedy.
PS I try hard to work out which is the more intolerable, The Now Show or The News Quiz.