Monday morning arrives and so does the latest BBC/Guardian nothing burger about the Royals using “tax havens”. Can’t wait for the BBC to cover the Guardian’s Cayman Islands tax haven. Utter garbage from the comrades to start their week of bias.
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It’s hidden away on the beeb Business page
“Report once and bury ”
vs #BbcOperationBangingOn
Orwell Corporation #1 in Narrative Control
“Who controls the news listings controls the future. Who controls the media output controls the news listings.”
At the rate Theresa is going, Trump will be retired before we are out of the EU.
Am guessing that Wilbur Ross and his enthusiasm for a quick, stand-alone Brexit is the reason why BBCNN are sniffing around for his name in those Paradise papers. Hoping to find some Kremlin link I bet.
As I say-it all leads to impeaching Trump and making us stay in the EU like a sitting duck for Islam.
Noted the South Koreans are similarly enthusiastic, so no wonder Justin Webb was fishing for soundbites and problems when he interviewed somebody in the car trade over there this morning. So bloody obvious and unsubtle-and so ridiculous as he barked loudly up all the wrong gumtrees, and failed to land a blow for Starmer.
Pathetic-but it`s on our dime isn`t it?
Poor BBC women not paid enough
Previously I mentioned women are more imaged and so earn more in image rights.
Yorkshire Post features 20 photos of Steph McGovern as she hands out Yorkshire Business Awards.
But what has Steph McGovern got to do with women?
2pm News “A Welsh government minister has been found dead a few days after sexual accusations.
…The Labour Party member …
It was only 2 minutes into the report that a voice told us he’d taken his own life.
At 3pm news the first line was the same but the ‘taken his own life’ was in the second sentence.
Maybe this shows why witch hunt style reporting is worse than proper procedure ?
It’s a tough call. Those in power need to be held to account and the press and media is possibly the only way to expose these problems and any abuses of power.
One of the reasons we have people like Diane Abbott to represent people is that she has not been asked tough questions and been allowed to rise to the without question – and should have had hard debates and questions to answer to whittle out those who are strong.
Time will tell what happen with the Welsh Minister Carl Sargeant { 07nov2017}… and how it will be used by politicians to focus on a problem with a solution. Bring the Hate Crime Hub forward?
If only he`d thought to do it with a suicide vest at a Parliamentary Labour meeting.
We`d have commemorated him then.
Plenty Semtex surely if they ask McDonnell , ricin and peroxide if Corbyns the first one that he`d have come across.
See-the “right” DOES have sense of humour. It`s as unfunny and as tasteless as the Lefts.But the BBC pay for their nasties and try to get other targets banned.
If Harman gets away with what she`s saying and writing-then clearly all “jokes” are allowed from now on.
Stew ,
Leaves labour in a bit of a stew eh?
Do they keep investigating for the sake of the alleged victims ( ted heath syndrome )
Suppress it for the sake of the families
Pressure the alleged victims to withdraw with a promise of a council seat or similar
Or does it suit every one that it’s suicide ?
When the Wesh mad man attacked the Finsbury Park Mosque annex
We were told “but it no longer has anything to do with terrorism”, today papers say its leader has been appointed to the politburo of Hamas.
“…however, there have been some errm tabloids and some errrm news that has gone out, as we are all aware that has been misinformation. Things such as Birmingham is the Jihadist capital of the England, that’s not helpful unless it’s backed up by evidence..(shrugs head as Douglas injects with …)”
“It is … it’s not actually the capital but the second capital (39) , London (117) is the capital. (for UK Jihadists)” {youtube}
. . . .
Islamist-Terrorism-preview – (pdf)
You’ve know the Radio 4 science guy Rutherford..who seems to have an autistic compulsion to tweet sneers at Trump
He tweeted the FakeNews about the fish feeding and thus got into a twitter spat with Ben Pile.
Trump: impetuous, incapable of following simple instructions, and not someone you’d trust to look after fish. {Dr Adam Rutherford @AdamRutherford}
Comment: Guardian hacks – impetuous, incapable of reporting simple facts without twisting them to an agenda, not people you’d trust to deliver news.
Comment: Guardian correction:”to make clear that Shinzo Abe ALSO emptied the contents of his container into the pond” still no mention ABE did it 1st
BBC presenter of Climate Change Weekly (Inside Science), wastes his time by going on Twitter and finds false libel against President Trump tweeted by The Guardian and, lacking a brain, like most users of Twitter, wastes even more time by re-tweeting it with his own inane comment, causing more brain-dead twits to feed the guano stream.
All of this side-tracks from the real BBC bias i.e. what the organisation puts out on its main news service:
[transcript courtesy of IsThe BBC Biased?]
Proving, yet again, that Twitter is ‘carp’ so why drown out the real BBC bias with all this guano gossip?
As usual with the BBC, it’s the subtle twisting of what actually happened to fit its own agenda. Most of the people exposed to the BBC coverage of this will be unaware that Abe went first and Trump then diplomatically followed his lead, or of the correction added later by the Guardian (because you bet your life there won’t be one from the BBC).
Yet another ‘Move on lads – job done’.
They are an absolute effing disgrace. A dry rot infesting the cultural and democratic framework of Britain and the capitalist West.
Shut the bastards down before it’s too effing late.
JimS its certainly not a waste of time
Beeboid was caught red handed propagandising
and was exposed.. and held to account
Compare that to the on-air version where the complaints process is a black hole.
What it quite easy to show is that Rutherford has some kind of autism/tourets when it comes to SJW issues he just sneers/fires from the hip without checking his facts
That carries over to his progs he makes assertions without proper evidence.
He also go another thing wrong about Trump today
Look at his pathetic grudging apology
I wonder if any BBC “journalist” in eight years ever called Obama a jerk?
I’m joking, of course not.
The “bill about mental health and guns” he mentions was in fact one of Obama’s Executive Orders. In it, he decreed that any armed forces veteran who needed help with his affairs would lose his right to own a gun. It was a typically spiteful act by Obama. It had nothing to do with “mental health”, many veterans are old or disabled, and do need help. Many veterans also own guns and enjoy shooting. Obama was merely playing to his liberal gallery, and helping to demonize all veterans as Travis Bickles in the making. As the BBC leftoid had to accept, this was so unfair that even the ACLU denounced it.
You will never hear a word of criticism of Obama on the BBC, but that Executive Order of his infuriated many good people in America, and Trump pledged to repeal it if elected, which he has. Obama signed a lot of these Executive Orders, and the joy of them is that what one President signed, the next President can repeal just as easily.
This was an easy win for Trump. He fulfilled a campaign promise, pleased his supporters, and made nasty little leftist trolls in the BBC get their panties in a knot. That’s a win win win for The Donald!
Graphics of Rutherfords apology
Him admitting to someone’s explanation that Trump was not an idiot on mental health and gun control
Just think of the money that could have been saved if Britain and the US actually welcomed in the War Criminals. You know the ones, amongst others, ones that ran the concentration camps.
I can think of a great place to create some council houses for the returnees. HMP Dartmoor. Nice and isolated with moors all around it. Moors will confuse the returnees enough to persuade them to go there voluntarily thinking we have provided a Norwegian military force to protect them.
How about they ‘assist’ with training exercises in the Brecon Beacons?
I see even the Mail is using an image of a white man’s handcuffed hands to represent Jihadis.
Before Weinstein there was the Hillary associate Weiner and him getting caught sexting a 15 year old during the campaign, not his first offence.
Yet has the BBC been reporting him starting his 21 month jail sentence ?
No-even when their comedians have a free run at all those “Weiner jokes” that are going begging by a food bank.
This would be in poor taste and insulting to the victims I`m sure.
Classy, that`s our BBC.
Isn`t he one of Chuck Schumers boys too?
Why George Orwell is returning to the BBC { 07nov2017}
The quotation is from a proposed preface to Animal Farm which was never used – “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
Jennings says they’re “an interesting and quite a challenging selection of words for a public service broadcaster”.
“It’s both Orwell talking to the political journalists of the BBC, and it’s the BBC expressing what it stands for to the general public.”
– One link to Trump ‘US cinemas to show film 1984 in protest against Donald Trump’
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
The BBC understands interprets that as their right, and the right of the Hard Left in general, to tell Brexiteers and Trump voters they are racists, ‘climate change’ sceptics ‘deniers’, critics of any aspect of Islam ‘Islamophobes’, critics of gay marriage ‘homophobes’, critics of multiculturalism ‘racists’, anyone who believes in true democracy ‘anti-democratic’….etc, etc, et ad nauseamingly numbingly cetera until they achieve their 1984/Animal Farm nirvanha or until the end of effing time, whichever comes sooner.
Bloody hell when I heard so beeb was using that quote I thought it was a joke . Are they serious? Once upon a time they were relied on to tell the objective truth – that was a long time ago and day after day al beeb shows us its current state of distortion , omission and hipocricy ( my spelling for who ever on this site injoys picking up on spilling )
It actually looks like one of those characters who spray themselves with paint and stand still in the street begging for cash . Would not he have looked better at a typewriter?
It’s an awful statue. He looks like he’s singing “I’m a little teapot”. I can’t help but feel that the BBC are having their little joke at his expense, a bit like when they called one of their “comedy” programmes “Room 101”.
Carl Sargeant, a welsh labour MP, accused by the mob of inappropriate behaviour to women has apparently taken his own life.
I have no idea what that behaviour entailed. It could be as serious as rape, else it could be little more than lewd remarks or an unwanted hand on a knee. It could fall somewhere between.
But now he is dead. Now we have a widow. Now we have fatherless children. Now we have parents who have lost a son. Now we have friends who won’t be able to say, “it’s going to be all right” to him. We have a man unable to challenge his accusers.
Is it time for feminist witch hunts and BBC mob braying to end? Even white males should be innocent until proved guilty by independent inquiries.
Yet another BBC story which seems as if written by the Labour Party
A Tory guilty suicide would not have reported in the same reverential tone.
Note the use of the word “ex-minister” as if that meant years ago ,
Instead of list title 2 days ago.
Stew ,
There is an air of that in the reporting – he ll probably get the Jo Cox sainthood process.
He ll also get the historic sex abuse waste of money and time to find him guilty / innocent .
We seem to be going through a real time of madness …507 days to go….
Depressing stuff about that Iranian lady being held hostage in Iran.
As with North Korea-the Left condemn western WORDS, but seem happy enough with Iranian and North Korean actual ACTIONS. Likenwhen Katie Hopkins said migrants were like cockroaches, but EU policy ended up snuffing them out like same.
But Katie gets hammered, the EU get off scot-free.
The Iranian ladys hubby is getting played by the Friends of Jo Cox types-the BBC are comfortable with this phone-in from last year.
He`s on Channel 4 getting felt up by Snow in most senses as I write.
1. She`s half Iranian, before she left she knew that Iran doesn`t recognise “dual nationality”…so no chance of British consular assistance.
2.Iran-like North Korea sees “International Law” as a flexible concept-Sharia far exceeds any western human rights stuff. She knew that too.
3. The Guardian, her charity and the BBC etc have all said stuff re her journalism role…if Iran choose to decide that`s a provocation to increase her sentence, then blame them-Boris would only have gone with this on-the-record stuff.
4. Iran takes hostages for fun, they get ransoms or political leverage-it`s islamic.
And the fact that the liberal media suddenly give a damn after months of saying nothing(as the Foreign Office were directed by family requests using local media until now)-all year thus far-only shows how low, how expediant and how opportunist these scum are. They want Corbyn in.
Disgusting. Where`s the comeback-it can`t be far off now, every day brings the Rage one day closer.
After Millie Dowler and Jo Cox-they`ve decided on this tactic, we need to “train them” into NOT behaving like this.
“Serious counselling” to come. People getting angry-as goes the song.
ChrisH, this story has twin appeal for the left. 1. It is an opportunity to discredit Johnson. Johnson is absolutely loathed by leftists because of what he is and represents – a devil-may-care gentleman amateur, highly intelligent and well educated, but of the right, who does not pretend to be an ‘intellectual’. The type of man that Islingtonians had hoped died out on the battlefields of the Somme.
2. It is an opportunity to appease militant Islam and dodgy middle-east governments by transferring the blame for this situation onto a British politician instead of onto the tin-pot regime that imprisoned this person.
How do two gay blokes who “married” in 2012 go from an adoption panel to take in the baby girl in Sept 2015-kill the poor child EIGHT months later in May 16-whilst having been known to have put the poor kid in hospital or surgery FOUR times in this period?
Oh-and get passes by social worker panel review before Christmas 15, then be formally registered parents for the kid two weeks before Matthew Scully-Hicks murdered her?
This story is beyond belief.
But it`s under Labour and in Wales, it doesn`t help the gay cause.
So like Harman, O`Mara and Labours tax affairs-none of this will fly for long. But we`ll not forget.
Thanks to Lord Steele, it is hard now to get babies for adoption, it is more likely older children who come up for adoption. A little baby like this was like gold dust. So how come the poor thing ended up with a gay couple? Were there no boring straight couples who would have taken her, or was this just a case of political correctness? I expect that the social workers were patting themselves on the back for having placed her with two dads. How very modern.
Sadly, I predict that the chances of any social workers being held to account for their appalling error of judgment are probably zero.
Baby P and Elsie, Arianna Grande?…all unforseen and accidental, no-one to blame.
Grenfell Towers and Hillsborough, Orgreave and Duggan though-bloody Thatcher and her ilk, deliberate targeting of the poor and vulnerable by the Fascist Right.
Complete reversing of all known truths to further serve their madness and endless agendas. Hence its BBC blessings for such evil and perverted accounts.
You are correct on all counts.
Probably none of the social workers would have dared to do anything so un-PC as criticize or question the parenting skills of two back door merchant “Dads”.
The same liberal mindset which acquiesced in the rape of thousands of indigenous female children by Third World Mohammedens and their descendants, to avoid rocking the f*****g boat.
I watched that c**t sauntering into court, suited and booted, as though he was appearing for drink driving. What kind of judge allows out on bail a man charged with murdering his adopted baby daughter? ANYBODY charged with murder or any serious offence of violence or sexual assault should be remanded into custody.
I just wish human rubbish guilty of crimes like that was put into the general prison population, instead of being on segregated wings.
We’ll not forget. You just bet we won’t.
it is almost impossible to read this story so horrific is it. Life should mean life without parole or preferably the death penalty . All those who acquiesced in this story and failed the baby deserve jail time as well.
A society that fails to protect it’s young is dying.
Do you ever wonder why al beeb has a fixationwuth the need for people or politicians to apologise ?
Sometimes it seems like a game.
The minister forecasting taxpayers money goes on holiday to Israel ( really) and keeps meeting Israeli government people off piste.
Apology demanded.
Foreign secretary says the wrong thing about some fool who goes back to her home nation ( Iran) on holiday ( really ?) and gets banged up.
Apology demanded .
And what do these apologies mean? Resignation ? Compensation ? End of career? I get fedup with the approach .
I don’t know if the Welch labour politician who topped himself apologised – or if there are demands for apologies but who cares?
“Welch labour politician” Well put. these cunts have certainly “Welched” on the white, heterosexual working man.
It’s a classic example of the coordination between politicians and activist media.
But they are juggling so many things, so often, it has become boring even for the thickest to play their part convincingly.
Of course Global tripe led with Ems going through the motions.
Media says someone should resign.
Pol trots to the box and asks when they are going to resign.
Peanut gallery chimes in.
BBC can now ‘report’ ‘calls for’ resignation’.
Pols can now trot in to Newsnight to pronounce soberly about the ‘crisis’.
BBC can then ‘report’ the BBC show covering the ‘crisis’.
Et, repetez.
The only thing that can spoil it is Ems being too thick to remember the script or J’Obsworth being duty gob and wanting to have another kick at Trump or Brexit… but that does drag Boris in, so all good.
Anyone hear Emily Thornbury’s response to Boris in the House today. Sounded like a power crazed individual at a Parent Teachers Association meeting. Absolutely no gravitas whatsoever. Lord have mercy on us if this our future ministerial quality.
Synch, I would die a happy man, if the Labour Party ever gain power with the current crew, that every time M/s Thornberry moved to the Despatch Box, the cries of ‘Resign!’ ‘Resign!’ go up from the Tory rump.
Please bear in mind that I do not approve of the normal shouts, callings, mutterings and noises off that occur in the House of Commons but in Emily’s case, I would be happy to make an exception.
I’d forgotten what an attractive woman lady nugee is at full belch. Funny to lecture boris about his mouth ( rightly ) but forgets about the white van episode ….
Can Lady Nugee and Lady Brook actually sit together in the Lords and Ladies London Pageant if they wanted too?
Muck and Brass.
But doesn`t Nugee kill cats whereas Lord Heseltine strangles dogs?
Where`s the RSPCA then?…hate crimes…Animal Rights…NOW!
BBC 6 oclock news
✅ Tearjerk emotional blackmail item about our Nicola pardoning the poor Scottish gays
– Now reporting about Orwell statue
Does that include Matthew Scully Hicks-he`s yet to start his sentence, but it`s never too early to apologise?
And what about that Copeland bloke who blew some gays up on Old Compton St-is Sturgeon sorry for that too?
She probably will turn out to be.
But not for Lockerbie or the toilet bowl that is now Scottish education.
Before was the
✅ interview with black guy @Edward_Enninful @BritishVogue’s editor
Vintage 6 o’clock al beeb news…. 25 investigations by al beeb if own staff sex harrassment, new black bloke editor of vogue gonna make it more multicultural …. Jimmy cranky apoligies to anyone for being queer in scotland, al beeb reporter throffing at the mouth about weak conservative PM, beat up Boris , a bit on EU types leaving the Internztional Health Service , gay male couple killing adopted little girl, amyle nitrate talking about the statue of G Orwell at al beeb and a beating for the Prince of Wales. All good for the anniversary of the evils of communism . Phew
Orwell Corp satirise themselves
\\ Paris climate accord: Syria ‘to sign up’, isolating US //
And there is the lunacy of the Paris accord. Sign up to the latest ‘right on’ scheme and all of your past indiscretions will be forgotten. If only Weinstein or Spacey could sign up to the Paris accord…
Reminds one of the famous Times headline that never actually appeared: Fog in Channel – Europe isolated.
Not that I ever thought it wrong., of course.
Paris: Since they were expecting the US to stump up the lion’s share of funding how is being isolated going to worry them? It’s like saying UK citizens pull out of BBC Licence scam now they will be isolated from the wonderful BBC output.
[sarc] He’s a racist I tell thee! An evil man.
Thanks Lucy, obviously the wind is racist. Bet that US Marine will get some stick ….
So let me get this right. Boris tries to interject to help some gormless individual who went back to her country who’s attitude to liberty and freedom, especially for women, is a little lax.
He makes an error which leads to said autocratic ridiculous regime increasing a custodial sentence and it’s Boris’ fault. Why do I hear no cries of how moronic the state of Iran is? How come there are no clamourings for Iran to be sanctioned for being so dictatorial and so unreasonable, no snide remarks about the backward nature of Iran.
Oh no just blame our foreign secretary. Maybe when the husband of said moron is criticising Boris and demanding apologies, he should have made some demands of his wife to not be so utterly stupid in returning to a country that has such piss poor civil liberties.
Christ, the left and the Beeb get more idiotic every day. Her imprisonment is her fault and the fault of the Iranian regime.
Couldn`t we swap her for Jihadi Jack and no end of Belmarsh buttscuttlers like Adebolajo and Choudhury?. All Muslims and all one in the umma, so I`d imagine?
Run with it Beeb…watch your flip flops though!
Why isn’t al Beebus raising the same hue and cry over the six British ex-soldiers rotting in an Indian prison, that it is over a “British-Iranian” journalist?
Oh hang on, I think I may have just answered my own question.
Latest news is they are waiting a court decision day by day
Twitter account @TheChennai6
..I wouldn’t rule out that Boris and Co are doing backroom diplomacy
..but it shouldn’t have got that far in the first place, if they are innocent.
BBC sees ‘spike’ in sexual harassment complaints
\\currently investigating 25 individuals for alleged sexual harassment.
Last year only three cases were investigated, with just one case in each of the two years before that.
(yes but of these 25 “A number of the allegations are believed to be historic”)
In a statement, the BBC said:
“Since the Harvey Weinstein revelations, we’ve been actively encouraging staff to come forward with any concerns. //
20,916 workers
and think only 25 have stepped over the line ?
1% of men would equal 100
I wonder if the ‘Paradise Papers’ will shed light on Al Gore’s investments and tax dealings?
“I wonder if the ‘Paradise Papers’ will shed light on Al Gore’s investments and tax dealings?”
If they do the BBC will never tell us.
Is the BBC’s first Brexit-positive story just a piss take ?
“In the year after the UK narrowly voted to exit…”
Can’t even get through the first line of the article without hints of sour grapes from the BBC.
Top comments so far
See how the pic they choose shows the BiasedBBC’s strange view of what Britons look like
Have you seen the new advert for teachers yet?
Al Shubtill – do you mean the advert that features a range of enriching ethnic teachers, with most of the airtime given to a lady in a hijab? The only man in it is of oriental appearance. I sense the presence of Common Purpose!
“UK wellbeing rises after Brexit vote”
HYS taking a hammering again! Get you pennyworth in now .
More good Brexit news to come despite the government dragging its feet in the fog and media mire .
T May needs to get us out now if she wants to remain in office or send for Rees-Mogg .
Yet another crock of shit from the BBC in regard of Patel, Johnson and the like-with utter lefty scum like Chris Bryant being allowed to talk all over the Tory.
That it was Sky or Channel 4 may be the case, they all blur into one big cloud of lies these days.
I think back to South Africas World Cup in 2010, when the BBCs outside broadcast stuff was nicked-but they didn`t say a word.
Likewise when luvvies bringing Shakespeare to the Calais Jungle in 2014/5-Jude Law was it?-got their phones and clothes nicked with money. But no news about it, just a few tweets and footage by bystanders. I say this because we know that the BBC will hush up all that might be done to them if it`s the right cause.
Sport, migration and social cohesion seem top priority.
Well, believe you me-they are nothing compared to our sovereignty and our country back.
And the lefty media need to know that things will surely get very ugly for them if they continue to lie, omit, provoke and slap our faces. Brexit or Death. They need to learn this soon.
Them belly full, but we hungry now-a hungry mouth is an angry man…to misquote St Bob Marley of Kingston and Trenchtown North.
Jeremy Corbyn toughish on crime
“Jeremy Corbyn hands Labour campaigns chief job to a left-wing activist convicted of election fraud ”
!Hillary, Hillary where are you? We need some tips on rigging!
Isn`t it really dangerous when such eye-wateringly biased and nasty provocations as this Momentum fraudster getting this job, are not “newsworthy”.
Why else would the BBC dampen down or ignore this story unless Kuennsberg was getting leant on, or else she`s as biased as they are?
Utterly chilling-and this goes on all the time, unmentioned.
\\Oh, the irony!
@BBCNews reports on Orwell’s idea of Newspeak
then says Homage to Catalonia was about the region’s struggle for independence. //
Yes they did
That’s nothing. On 5 Live tonight in a discussion about the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Tony Livesey said that the Bolsheviks overthrew the Tsar. However, he had already abdicated the previous February, in the October Revolution the Bolsheviks in effect mounted a coup against the Provisional Government.
It’s pretty basic stuff, but strangely none of his panel of “experts” picked him up on it. Mind you, they all sounded like leftists in mourning for the lost glories of the USSR. I wonder how the BBC picked them?
BBC told me last week that Scunthorpe is terribly polluted cos the av PM2.5 rating is 15ppm **
Today BBC quotes Delhi PM2.5 peaking at 700ppm that’s about 30 times more than WHO (25 μg/m3 24-hour mean limit)
Delhi residents panic as ‘deadly smog’ returns
** (BTW the council website says “The data in the 2017 report shows that there were NO breaches of air quality objectives for 2016 in North Lincolnshire.”)
PM 2.5 is very small for diesel output, too, Stew. More likely moisture, especially in Lincolnshire. What was the wind direction?
@UP2 it can’t be that daft that the sensors pick up moisture
and Scunthorpe is a steelworks + town surrounded by agriculture
So pollution is nothing to do with diesel.
One sensor is on a road inside the steelworks where iron + coke dust are floating around
I noticed village readings of 15+ so that would be soil agriculture
Sky can be hazy with dust during wheat cutting in the villages
Stew, cannot remember where I saw it but think it was the Beeboids also getting exercised over PM30s and PM40s plus the ‘marbles’, the tyre wear not unlike that seen on the outside of corners, opposite the apex, on motor racing circuits.
Yet it was the same BBC that, via R4, carried to me the study (was it at Leeds Uni?) that found that PM25s and smaller fell to the ground in increasing numbers across the width of the average UK pavement. (That’s a sidewalk for our American friends on here.) Those particulates are the stuff that really finds its ways into human lungs and does damage, especially to chronic asthmatics.
IIRC, the study also found that on tree-lined streets, the particulates reaching human lungs were further reduced. Maybe, instead of taxing diesel cars, Mayor Sadiq Khan should tear out all the speed bumps and plant roadside trees where there are none.
If he does that, he might get a ‘gong’ from HRH when he leaves office.
BTW, you are right to mention agriculture. Lincolnshire will be particular prone to PMs from soil. Dry, ‘dustbowl’ conditions when there is a dry period without rain and fairly flat topography for winds to carry particulates at close to ground levels will make things worse there.
I need to make some time to do more research on this whole pollution affair but not easy. Am very busy at present and the BBC is not helping. They provide more reasons to complain every day.
@Upto Bottomline It’s not right to put effort into small issues when there are much bigger ones.
Pollution does cause masses of loss of QALDs life days but the vast vast majority are in the developing world die to open fire indoor cooking, forest fires (palm oil plantations) big city super smog.
Meanwhile in the UK a do nothing approach ..will still leave cleaner air tech advances.
Plus the science of low level pollution is not proven.
In the UK air pollution is an issue that has been cynically used POLITICALLY to destabilise the gov by Sadiq
and used by subsidy hungry GreenBlob mafia to push their business interests.
It can’t be described as ‘biased’ any longer. I read various news sources then dip into the bbc and listen for, what the World considers, interesting stories and wait for the bbc spun version to pop up but increasingly it just never appears.
As I said, no longer is the bbc just simply biased – it operates in a an alternate reality.
Yes biased is too weak. They are just a propaganda outfit. That we have to pay for them is a scandal. It is not simply zero respect, I actively despise them. It is not simply that it is rotten to its core, it actively subverts our free society.
Scrap it.
We must not forget that it is also really crap at making decent shows. Netflix and the others will put an end to it soon.
Having forced myself to listen to al beeb more than I want to I conclude the same . It is not bias. It is far more than that . It does not do news other than that which supports its own view.
The enthusiasm al beeboids show for their belief is almost fanatical . I am surprised that they don’t start the Toady programme at 5am for an extra hour of poison
Direct from the Met
Woman sentenced for encouraging terrorism and disseminating terrorist material
“Farhana Begum Ahmed, 40 (05.08.1977), of Wembley pleaded guilty to one count of encouragement of terrorism and three counts of dissemination of terrorist publications.
She was sentenced on 7 November at the Old Bailey to a total of two years’ imprisonment, suspended for two years. She was also given a 10-year notification order. ”
A very light sentence. Oh, a woman. Sorry. Should have read your link more carefully.
No equality there, then.
Why’s The UK not have an Andrew Bolt ?
How is Katty Kay going to cope?
Luckily the bbc knows what is fake and what is not.
Katty has reduced Twitter to ! And ?. The destruction of language.
Katty Kay is more weather reported I think … That is Richmond in the background – promise! #rainyelectionday
BBC Parliament. Boris says blame is on Iran, Not British foreign office or his comment.
#Greenblob news from an original founder of Greenpeace
British Airways Magazine features
a photo of a Space Scientist who understands what Global Warming is about
He’s @TheRealBuzz
…. the other guy is libmob virtue signaller #BiasedBBC’s Brian Cox
And who is that in the corner raining on their parade or ‘photobombing’ them, as the yoof doth say?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Note BBC at Ten did not say Iran is wrong. This is same as Salman Rushdie. Our news bows down to totalitarian regimes. We have given them our news service.
BBC Parliament. Tom Tugenghat stating it is the Iran regime that is commiting crimes over nearly 4 decades of authoritarianism.
Must. Keep. Face. Straight
BBC news. Orwell 2 minutes. New black editor of Vogue Edward Enninful who wants diversity and starts with picture of sadiq khan and Labour party … rest of the bbc news show. I would say Orwell needs more time now, more than Vogue.
The bBC and what constitutes as obscene
The bBC has reported that its favourite Islamic scholar has been granted leave by Oxford uni after numinous rape allegations:
Tariq Ramadan: Oxford scholar takes leave after rape allegations
The prominent Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan is taking a leave of absence from Oxford University following rape and sexual misconduct allegations. He is under investigation in France over two allegations of rape. He has also been accused by four Swiss women of making sexual advances towards them while they were students in Geneva. He denies all the allegations
they close off with:
“Meanwhile, French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo said it had received death threats over an obscene cartoon depicting Mr Ramadan.”
Which is funny as when the bBC aired Jerry springer the Opera that wasn’t considered …. obscene
When Brand and Ross decided to mock Andrew Sachs over fucking his granddaughter the bBC didn’t find that obscene at the time.
They didn’t deem it obscene when they incorrectly pointed at McAlpine’, and Cliff Richard as kiddy fiddlers.
Nor when they called the terrorists behind the July 2005 as…misguided criminals.
But anything to do with Islam is deemed …Obscene , which is why Islamic child rapists are never correctly classed as…Paedophiles. (Anybody know of any report where the bBC uses that term for a follower of Islam convicted of child rape as I have never seen it) Why the founder of Islam is never labelled as the Islamic founder or even Islamic prophet, but rather the Prophet Mohammed., which is strange as Muslims venerate Moses as a prophet and he is simply called Moses. in fact a search on the bbC reveals that only Mohamed is allowed to have prophet in front of his name. Its as if the bBC finds it offensive to have anybody else classed as a prophet . So on that note here is that cartoon of Mr Ramadam the respected Islamic scholar which the bBC deems offensive
Pounce, That looks like Jeremy Corbyn.
Funny you should mention that as I have just read this:
After the first rape allegation two weeks ago, students reported that Ramadan had held a seminar in Oxford and was seen “laughing” with faculty members. In response to student requests and signatures, senior faculty members organized a meeting. The official response came from the director of the Center for Middle East Eugene Rogan, who said: “It’s not just about sexual violence. For some students it’s just another way for Europeans to gang up against a prominent Muslim intellectual. We must protect Muslim students who believe and trust in him, and protect that trust”.
Ramadan a ding dong! I’ll get me coat.
BBC home of #MoreEqualThan has a new BBC2 sitcom series

Motherland is about parent’s who stay at home to look after their kids
One R5 today the writer explained one character is kind of dumb and inadequate
bet you can’t guess which one ?
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Why Britain Joined the EU …BBC’s Yes Minister …
Looks pretty much like the respective front benches, bar one hideously glaring exception.
Yes it’s always okay to make men look stupid, adverts do it all the time.
And why is there no black face in that group?
5th bite of the cherry on the Lawson thing
OK what’s going on here ?
You’ve go the propaganda like Independent and a real devious GreenBlob dark PR organisation called Desmog blog
And DesmogBlog complains that the BBC have dropped science training for their journalists.
What is the real story here ??
Comments are open
To me it looks like an excuse to go on about the BBC apologising about Nigel Lawson
A 5th bite of the cherry
Original story appeared on DesmogBlog website
Is this really news ?
“Paddles, New Zealand PM’s ‘first cat’, dies in car crash”
The bBC of late has outdone the Daily Mail and the Sun with the crap it has tried to peddle as news:
British Vogue unveils ‘diverse’ December issue
Baldwin on playing Trump: ‘I’m channelling people’s frustration’
‘No-one should feel forced to wear a poppy’
Irish PM wears ‘shamrock poppy’ in parliament
Would Donald Trump win an election today?
None of the above are worthy to be classed as news. more on the Poppy story below.
Pounce, we need your expertise and insights.
I was interested to hear that Priti Patel has been to Entebbe this week. That rings a little bell in my memory 😉 but obviously not in the short/medium/long-term memory loss suffering BBC.
Any thoughts that you can express without prejudicing or putting at risk what might be going on?
No, but they have found a way to extend its life (the story; not the fallen feline). It seems it is possible to milk a cat:
“To anyone who has ever lost a pet, you’ll know how sad we feel.” – Jacinda Ardern ?
The bBC and its hatred of the British way of life:
Red British Poppy bad:
Red Irish Poppy good
Jut watched a thinly disguised left wing tract on the BBC Tv about our”marginalised” young. Presented by a man I have never heard of called Lamb I think . Now apart from the show being the usual pointless rubbish tract from a left wing viewpoint I was struck by the man’s accent. Sometimes he forgot that he was actually an educated middle class lad and dropped his demotic sloppy way of talking. Mostly when doing links. But when talking to the boys and girls then full on sloppy sub south London trying to be East London .
Do these people really think it is not that obvious that they are talking down to us? That to stand in Burford in Oxfordshire and sneer at everyone going about their daily lives is not just as pathetic as can be. My God what a shower they really are in the BBC. Not fit to be in charge of our money and our bandwidths. Sack the lot.
This Sarf Lunnoner speaks in crystal-sharp, beautifully rounded tones, despite his New Cross upbringing.
We aren’t all dahn wiv de Bros, innit!
That would be George lamb son of larry lamb a big old labour supporter. Old george used to have his own show on bbc six music(home of many a bitter socialist left over from the eighties and still whining) for a few years but it was so bad he ended up getting the chop. Arguing with musicians as they wouldnt play his childish games was a fav pastime of old george. Saw trailers for that bbc 3 show and it was the usual bitching and moaning about people who work hard and get on and listening to morons who want everything handed to them on a plate. In otherwards vote for jezza as he has promised everyone all they have wished for.
BBC news subconsious sef-parody reaches new heights this morning as we’re told that sheep can recognise human facial features – the celebrity profiles these sheep have been trained to appreciate…. Barack Obama and Fiona Bruce.
By the way, considering the BBC already decided for us toward the end of October that they know for sure this year has been the hottest ever, how come our Carol Kirkwood is bothering to do a daily forecast.
Others are more cautious…
It’s that time of year when the charity Shelter are given a platform on the BBC to tell us that homelessness is a growing problem and this is down to lack of affordable housing (I think they mean cheap housing) and benefits cuts. Of course the BBC dare not question anything the campaigning charity might claim. Statistics come think and fast with the headline number telling us there are a third of a million people in Britain who are homeless. Just about equal to the annual UK net inward migration number.
I also heard this morning that the increase is due to the unstable private rental market, well what a surprise, given that the Left do all they can to make it harder for private landlords, who are of course the scum of the earth.
Many private landlords refuse to let to people on unemployment benefits, because it can become impossible to get the rent and also the flats tend to get trashed.
I think Corbyn has mentioned making it illegal to refuse to rent to those on benefits!
Al beeb likes the idea of spending taxpayers cash on overseas giveaways . I have never heard criticism of the idea of the ministry of wasting our money overseas.
But such a nice idea has real life consequences with lots of more shrewd states seeing the chance for free money – £13 000 000 000- from us . Hence the situation where the actual minister of wasting our money lands up on holiday having meetings with the Israelis about giving them our cash .
Obviously sack this over promoted tokenist minister but more importantly close that department and use the money for Blighty. An idea al beeb will never air.
I presume either the Israelis have some dirt on Pitti Patel or she wants their support to become PM .
Has anyone else noticed the BBC themes of the week…
Paradise papers – find something that’s not illegal make the point repeatedly it’s not illegal and no one has done anything wrong BUT we are still going to bang on about it until it seems like they have
Next theme attack all conservatives preferably Brexiteers to make Government look weak – in a back handed way of derailing Brexit
Whilst – not mentioning the suicide of Labour member accused of rape, the allegations and suspension of Corbyn ally son of Prescott..for sexual hassament
Now if that isn’t bias I am not sure what is?
And to throw petrol on my fire – to ask Quentin Letts to remove poppy before going on HIGNFY
Talking of illegal, didn’t BBC promote that multiple wife web site without mentioning illegal. But bangs on about Paradise Papers which is legal, but to be judged immoral by others.
The BBC clearly knows what it wants, and is prepared to say so:
Some, not in Britain, may feel this is not another country’s national broadcaster’s call to make.
Why just rerun the USA vote? What about China (100%), Rwanda (99%) or Chechnya (99.5%)?
Would Donald Trump win an election today? { 08nov2017}
Or re-run the Rwanda 99% vote for the 1% minority group?
“The world has important lessons to learn from Rwanda,” gushed a European Union official. Embassy observers hailed it as the most orderly vote they had witnessed in their careers.{theguardian 03jan2016}
Or re-run the Chechnya 99.5 percent and voter turnout of 99.4 percent in 2011 {reuters 2011}?
Why not rerun China’a 100% vote the other week for the 0% minority group?
(Chinese) party delegates voted unanimously (100%) Tuesday to make “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” a guiding principle for the party. { 24oct12017}
Good to see Nick picking up the BBC comedy baton:
Comments, as ever, could be going better. I bet he wishes he could ban them all.
Meanwhile Laura is giving it her best too:
Worthy complement:
Amol should go far.
Nick clearly gunning for a hignfy residency:
His groupies just love to hear it.
George Orwell – Any indication yet of when the BBC will proceed on that policy?
Like all totalitarian regimes, 1984 is an instruction manual and not a warning.
Remain, because the EU is good
Remain, or the UK will lose influence in the EU
Remain, because all major political party leaders are backing the EU
Remain, because the Government shows why in a £9m leaflet campaign
Remain, because all the high paid actors believe it’s for the best
Remain, because 250 high paid actors will take in refugees to help out
Remain, or there will be an economic crash
Remain, or else you will lose your job
Remain, or you will see more terrorism
Remain, or there will be war
Remain, or you will see migrant children washed up on our shores
Remain, or you’re a bigot
Remain, or you’re Xenophobe
Remain, or you’re a racist.
Remain, or you’re an Islamophobic
Remain, or you’re stupid
Remain … won’t you think of the future children
Remain … because the BBC say all bad things happen because of Brexit.
You really wanted to Remain because in the year 2016 the result 48% is now greater than 52%!
I won’t go back to ‘Egypt’.
“Coming from you (Nick Robinson BBC), the irony”
Why on earth is the Orwell statue in that ‘teapot’ pose beloved of camp homosexuals? If you check out his face online you will also see he has been shown with an arch expression, almost as if he’s saying ‘ooo get her!’ Are they hoping people will think Orwell was gay? Certain things he wrote*, by modern standards, would qualify him for ‘homophobic’ status so good luck with that one, BBC!
*’So black a crime it is to love one’s country
Yet where’s the ‘pink’ that would have thought it odd of me
To write a shelf of books in praise of sodomy?’
(From the poem ‘Letter to an American Visitor’ 1943)
He was anything but gay !
This demonstrates that if a political party does represent the wishes of the people, no matter they are not the ruling party with the majority, things can change –
Its a start.
UK? – set to flounder on with its inaction.
Most strange that we’ve not heard any of these stories today on the BBC.
Why hasn’t Comrade Corbyn apologised? Because he is a Marxist hypocrite intent on bringing down the establishment and Capitalism (same aims as the BBC surprise surprise!)
Labour councils are using offshore companies to avoid paying millions of pounds in tax, The Times can reveal.
Jeremy Corbyn was accused of hypocrisy yesterday after an investigation found that two authorities controlled by his party avoided paying more than £12 million in stamp duty on the purchase of commercial properties.
On Monday Mr Corbyn hinted that the Queen should apologise if the offshore investment of £10 million of her personal wealth — as revealed in the leaked Paradise Papers — was designed to avoid tax. Yet in May Sefton council in Merseyside bought the New Strand shopping centre in Bootle via a Luxembourg-registered company for £32.5 million, saving £1.6 million in stamp duty. The council also bought insurance against the possibility that the taxman might chase it for payment.
In July Warrington council agreed to pay more than £200 million for Birchwood Park, a business centre in Cheshire, via an offshore company, saving almost £10.5 million in stamp duty. By agreeing to the purchases, the councils may also have helped the sellers to avoid capital gains tax.
In June John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, said that corporations were “morally obscene” for ducking out of obligations that “the rest of us fulfil”. Such action “corrodes the functioning of democracy”, he added.
The BBC is investigating sexual harassment accusations against 25 members of staff after a “spike” in allegations.
The surge in complaints follows weeks of headlines about sexual misconduct in the media and politics. The figure was revealed by Anne Bulford, BBC deputy director-general, as senior executives were quizzed by MPs about the corporation’s working culture.
George Riley, a Radio 5 Live presenter, was suspended last month over groping allegations, but the BBC had not previously disclosed that dozens of staff were being investigated for inappropriate sexual behaviour.
“You won’t be surprised to know we have a spike at present,” Ms Bulford told the digital, culture, media and sport committee. “We have more cases at present than we’ve seen over the last three years.”
Twenty-five people had come forward with complaints in the weeks since the Harvey Weinstein scandal, she said, compared with a more normal figure of 40 in a year. The BBC declined to provide details of the 25 sexual harassment allegations or the progress of the investigations. The corporation’s internal investigations team is led by Carol Ann Kinley-Smith, a former Metropolitan Police detective.
All the business parks you own are registered thru offshore trusts, aren’t they ?
Cos that’s the tax efficient way.
Third of commercial property deals done that way.
So Labour councils are saving ratepayers from paying stamp duty.