Monday morning arrives and so does the latest BBC/Guardian nothing burger about the Royals using “tax havens”. Can’t wait for the BBC to cover the Guardian’s Cayman Islands tax haven. Utter garbage from the comrades to start their week of bias.
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A BREXIT story – not sure if it’s been here before…….
If only we had journalists who could connect things in the real world to words from people’s mouths? £3.5bn BBC News Service …
BBC Home Page with Jerry Christmas (not the actual santa)
Is the Christmas season starting earlier than ever? { 07nov2017}
For the BBC (paid under threat of prison by it’s customers) even a jumper is a political opportunity!
“We’re not sure what Corbyn makes of having a Christmas jumper made in his honour. ”
Quote from the above link!
Notice how at the end of that piece those weasels said: His jumper was made in his HONOUR!
Is Sarah Sands going to resign?
Are there growing calls for her to go?
Is she likely to be the TODAY Editor with the shortest ever time in post?
Did the TODAY Programme break BBC Charter rules?
Will Matthew Price be sacked for his on-air gaffe?
Should Matthew Price apologise for his lack of an apology during today’s TODAY Programme?
Is the Government going to call the Director General to account?
Will OFCOM fine the BBC?
Could the BBC’s Licence Fee be reduced in the light of their obvious political campaigning?
Where is the Director General of the BBC, Lord Hall? He hasn’t been seen to be doing his job for sometime. There are are growing questions over his competence in that post.
Will the Prime Minister seek an explanation from Lord Hall for the BBC’s obvious and blatant and continual ‘anti-Brexit’ campaigning?
The suicide of a Labour member means Labour become untouchable, or cannot be looked at too closely. It is a sad event regardless. But this is what happens when death is becomes a political device to stop any inspection or investigation of others, wait until they finish mourning. Are you insensitive? No morals? Think of his children? Let’s cool off? That was in the past now!
“I ask you to turn away from the spectacle of the last 7 months.” {youtube – Bill Clinton – @3:49}
Note that the BBC have given up on men on Society for today … …
‘Thousands living for longer with advanced cancer’ (picture of woman)
Straight from student life to prison officer (picture of three women)
How fear puts girls off PE (picture of girl)
Every reader needs to watch this video interview with Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov made over 30 years ago, in which he describes the process the Soviet Union used to destabilise the West.
In it you will hear all the terms which you hear today, and it is truly chilling to listen to.
What is called “political correctness” is actually “Cultural Marxism” as formulated by the Frankfurt School. It was designed to destabilize Western society, and to replace it with something more akin to Marxism, without the need for a violent revolution.
So far, it seems to be working remarkably well.
They are are gradually adding the violence as they progress though are they not?
If anything, I think the Antifa types are harming the Cause. They make people sit up and take notice. Cultural Marxism works best when it seeps into society like a virus, killing it slowly from within.
Watch this lecture by Bezmenov and he answers your question as well as quite a few others too. How could this man have known what would happen today way back then if it wasn’t true what he was saying?
The BirdGirl item on BBC West Inside Out was an engineered SJW piece mostly about the trolling she gets for her activism.
It featured a happy Muslim birdwatching kids camp
“The boys gather for outdoor prayer”
…so that’s sexism isn’t it ?
The hate tweets the BBC put up on screen , basically said Mo was a “mass murderer and a rapist”
They were from an account which stillexists so Twitter doesn’t consider him so offensive
The guy has changed his account to private
Video on this link
I actually had a butchers at her twitter feed, she has a penchant for promoting snowflake issues, that are targeted at a much older audience, the age you can open a twitter account ( with parent consent is 13) bird girl is now 15
What as if her snowflake parents are tweeting by proxy ?
It’s a big much for it to be a one way flow where the account tweets out grown up SJWism but grown up rebuttal is not allowed.
Trump in China: Chinese citizens describe America in one phrase { 08nov2017}
No mention of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Thought or freedom to criticise …
** China refuse to divulge figures on its use of the death penalty – which means the figure could be millions!
We in the UK have fallen behind. Perhaps we ought to aim for, say, 20 really deserving cases per year for child murderers and jihadists. That may sound frivolous, but I’ve always been in favour of the death penalty for the most wicked and unforgivable crimes, though doubt I shall see its return in my lifetime.
Some of the cases are easy – bradey hindley etc, but most of the others are not. What do you do with the killers of Jamie Bulger who were only children themselves ?
The other issue is that our justice system isn’t very reliable and consistently gets things wrong. You can give people back their freedom, but until we learn how to resurrect the executed it’s pretty final !
Worse than that though, I am already beginning to see the Fascists call for the deaths of those who offend their delicate sensibilities. One such case involved some poor white woman wound up by ethnics and then filmed when she reacted they filmed it, and called it’waycist’ and vile.
The comments, and there were more than one were calling for the poor woman to be executed.
How are you going to stop the Fascist left once the death penalty is on the statute book from extending it to political cases? You think they would not be wanting the so called killers of St Stephen Lawrence to face the rope?
Are you happy with that? It might be a nice pipe dream, but it’s best kept that way.
If you murder someone then in my opinion your punishment should be the loss of your own life.
That would be whether it was a “political case” (?) of murder or not.
Murder is the ultimate breach of the peace in our society and it should merit the ultimate penalty for those who choose to commit it.
The terrible conclusion I’ve come to recently is that the victims of the murderer – family who lost the family member, have to pay taxes which pay for the criminal to live. This is sick indeed.
The Palestinians used anti-Semitic themes to degrade UK Prime Minister May for supporting Israel and defending the Balfour Declaration. The Palestinian Fatah party, headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas, posted a cartoon on its official Facebook page depicting British Prime Minister Theresa May with a pig’s snout and carrying a Star of David.
I wonder what would happen if the depiction were one of allah or mohammed………..
The only sensible response should be for the British government to immediately stop all aid to the “Palestinian Authority”.
We know this won’t happen, but it should. The PA is only kept going by the foreign dole it receives. If it had to stand on its own two feet, and actually run an economy, as opposed to an endless campign for the “1967 Borders”, then the PA might find it’s very hard to run a state, and it helps if you recognise and have friendly relations with your economically and militarily powerful neighbour.
Leeds : 2 guilty of perverting justice with £500 jury bribes in Cash4crash trial
names : Shahrear Islam-Miah and Abdilahi Ahmed
Oct 9th Dramaqueen Lily not wrong
Hmmm, let me guess – she’s fed up of the BBC’s right wing bias? (Which to the Lefties and their Luvvies generally means they are not giving unconditional, idolatrous coverage of the Corbyn junta-in-waiting.)
But who knows, as Allen and her ilk never give examples nor can be bothered to set up their own Biased BBC website.
Yesterday Lord Hall spike to Parliament committee
The distraction headline : ‘We could cut male stars salaries”
The Hidden headline : ‘ no we won’t say what people are paid thru independent production companies’
Was that ‘ artwork ‘ produced during the Dirty Protests at Long Kesh?
There’s a programme idea for Yentob, help to prove his value – advisor Gerry Adams, written by Ronan Bennett, directed by Jeremy Corbyn, funded by the bBbc, you and me. Imagine?
They haven’t gone away you know, look at the marks they’ve left on society. We’ll not forget you Charlie Sands!
I’ve often wondered why Norman Smith’s frenetic performances are confined to the News at One – could it be perhaps that even the BBC recognise frightening the children in the evening might be counter productive? I include, of course, students within the group.
Norman Smith’s delivery was analysed by Clive James in the 60s. Every fourth word, no matter what, is heavily (in his case, loudly) stressed to give the impression he’s saying something important. When in fact he sounds as though he’s just escaped from the local secure facility.
(Grenfell) Advance a new pro-EU political party will contest 18 Kensington Council seats
It was founded by Simon Kelner and another PR person.
Orwell said
Importance of the random: keep brushing up against people, books, experiences we don’t yet know what to do with. Agnostic. Beanstalk advisory. {twitter Kush Katakia @kushkatakia}
– not a good stance to take at the moment ‘keep brushing up against people’!
Applies to BBC as well as Politics … Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one’s own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase — some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno, or other lump of verbal refuse — into the dustbin where it belongs.
Did you know about the LibDem rape coverup ?
I heard a lot about Fallon, but not LibDem thing
BTW how come Weinstein and Carl Sargeant look the same.
Stout double chin etc ?
Anti Brext attacks from all sides ………………..
The closer to the target the more the flak.
Anti Brexit, dark forces at work .
Remember, we voted out !
“One in 25 people homeless in England’s worst hit areas”
No mention of the ‘Elephant in the room ‘. Is anyone closing our borders ?
But almost none of the homeless are immigrants, cos they seem to magically get accommodation.
1 Use the money wasted on Foreign Aid to house our own people .
2 Deport all illegals.
3 Start charging health tourists.
4 Cut bureaucracy and red tape .
5 Spend the TV Licence money on the NHS – float Al Beeb as a charity.
libmob praising NYT’s Steven Erlanger’s sneering at ‘failed Britain’
\\ London bureau chief of The New York Times has left Britain, implying that he is depressed by this dreadful country. The UK is now so small-minded and introverted, Steven Erlanger suggested in an article last weekend, that it is irrelevant. Sources have told him this island is undergoing a full-blown identity crisis and is engaged in a “controlled suicide”. He doesn’t seem to want to be here any more; it’s too demoralising. Britain could soon be dead.//
\\“fantastical socialist”, as Erlanger calls Jeremy Corbyn.//
Considering he’s lived here twice for a total of nine years, his insight into our country and its national character would have benefited from him venturing beyond west London at some point during all that time; good riddance.
Stew, well spotted. I listened to that last night and James Coomarasamy’s woeful performance in charge of TWT. I assume Erlanger has moved back to the USA to save it from President Trump?
Attenborough believes magic windfarm/solar will save the world.
Yet in the real world diesel saves the day.
Something interesting happening on BBC w/s re the Simon Stevens speech about £350m per week for the NHS.
In the usual way of things Brexit support appears to be about 2:1 versus Leave, often it is 3:1.
Today there are a lot of Remainers in there posting & voting away, many more than is usually the case.
Has anyone heard anything ‘being arranged’? Any folk on here with powerful PCs and computer savvy to check if it is being orchestrated?
UN is organising flights from Libya back home for refugees.
10,000 going
..which still leaves 1 million in Libya
BBC has no mention of deaths in Najran by Yemen Missile strike .. odd … 4 civilians injured after Houthi projectiles hit Najran{ 08nov2017}
“RIYADH: Four civilians, including a child, were injured on Tuesday afternoon in Najran by military projectiles launched from Yemeni territory by Houthi militias.”
A missile that reached Saudi soil !
They did report the one they shot down a few days ago.
What happens when a totalitarian regime wants to change …. “We will not spend the next 30 years of our lives dealing with destructive ideas. We will destroy them today. Saudi Arabia was not like this before 1979. We want to go back to what we were, the moderate Islam that is open to all religions. We want to live a normal life.” { 07nov2017}
– ‘We will destroy them today’! How do you stop being totalitarian? You destroy the things that are totalitarian!
Much deserved
4:30pm R4Media Show, Amol is presenting
#1 Paradise Papers ..why ?
#2 A group of female journalists have set up The Second Source in response to the problem of sexual harassment in the media industry. Ros Urwin is a co-founder and also a senior feature writer at The Evening Standard.
#3 IMPRESS is the UK’s official press regulator and Jonathan Heawood is its chief
8pm R4 Moral Maze
Is morality moving forward as we expose : sexual abuse, tax avoidance etc ?
The excellent news that Sky news might close will be good for the taxpayer . With so many journos on the market their pay can be cut and tax money save right?
Once I would have been unhappy about this, but these days Sky News is very much like the BBC. Murdoch will do anything for a nickel, I am sure he dropped Fox from the UK so as to smooth the passage of this takeover. He’s not to be trusted.
Well aware Mr Murdock is mr Murdock . He won’t close it in real life but anything which concentrates the minds of MSM and make them feel mortal like the rest of us is a good thing . Maybe he’ll sell it to the Arabs or the Russians.,
Beebology Scientology what’s the difference ?
When you to try to leave one, they turn up with a film crew and threaten to expose you ..I think it’s the same with Scientology.
8:45 pm R4
\\ Martin Padfield was a Scientologist for 28 years, after meeting a member of the group when he was just 19 years old.
He joined the elite corps at the heart of Scientology, as his whole life became dominated by the teachings and strictures of the movement.
But after he married, he started to question the way he and his new family were treated. He began to doubt the organisation’s integrity, and embarked on a journey that forced him to confront the reality that his whole identity was defined by Scientology//
He joined the elite corps at the heart of Scientology, as his whole life became dominated by the teachings and strictures of the movement.
Substitute ‘Islam’ for ‘Scientology’, BBC, then throw in a heavy dose of imperialism and terrorism and you have enough material to keep Louis Theroux going till he dies.
If he ever attempted a real investigation into islam his career would certainly die, closely followed his own violent demise.
Which is why he won’t.
Conclusion? Violence, intimidation and death threats really work. A billion muslims can’t be wrong!*
*And if you say they are, they’ll kill you.
4pm R4 Discussion about Marxism just starting in the sociology prog.
Tap, tap, tap
I see Priti Patel has arrived back. Bit rude of her to be going to see the PM before venturing to Salford for her trial by our thought masters. Hey Ho, that’s democracy for you.
BBC have ordered her sacking.
BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said “some kind of development” was expected today and Ms Patel’s sacking seemed “almost inevitable now”.
Doomsberg tweeted today ‘…if May doesn’t sack her now it’s an ongoing sore that smacks of weakness’.
In what way, please, is this NOT sh*t-stirring of the first order?
Yeh, depressing week as the MSM (bBBC leading the way) go into overdrive with ‘trial by libmob’. Ridiculous waste-of-space tax accusations, and attempt to bring down BoJo and Priti – coincidence that they are both cabinet Brexiteers! Watch out David Davis.
I’m royally sick of this sloppy journalism citing social media, the lazy twats – not bBBC but these days it’s a mirror image:
– who cares what some nobody on social media thinks it sounds like??
– another actor accused of rape – on Facebook??
When will this end? Where are the spokespeople to tell the world the correct procedure if you think a crime has been committed?
Anyway, interesting to see that the creepy cartoonist Rolf isn’t giving up…
In some ways I respect him for fighting back and making the justice dept do their job properly. Respect may be too strong a word…acknowledge with interest?
There is always the latent potential for mal- or mis- feasance when vibrant individuals attain political office.
It is indicative into what a midden our country has degenerated, that this person was actually being touted as conceivably a future leader of the Tories and as such possibly a prime minister (WTF?).
Siemens is to cut 6,000 of its 27,000-strong workforce. The plant in Hull is exempt, probably due to Green subsidies from the Tory government.
This year, the morons at Siemens have even purchased the Spanish wind and renewable energy group, Gamesa. Management problems at Gamesa emerged in April when Ignacio Martín, chief executive, abruptly indicated he would not be staying on once the deal was complete. Siemens embarrassment over its inability to retain senior management was exacerbated by two profit warnings this year. Siemens shares have fallen 46 per cent.
Nothing negative about the Siemens wind energy scam has ever appeared on BBC Look North (Hull). To comply with the BBC’s politically correct agenda, shy management at Siemens, roll out a dim female engineer, to talk environmentalist crap.
meanwhile in america
Are we allowed to cook curries, burritos, paella, sauerkraut, moussaka, ratatouille, hummus at home? Otherwise I’m stuffed (or not as the case may be)
London bubble – I’ve never heard of Carluccio or his books or chain of restaurants
I do fear that we have slipped into an odd place here in the UK.
Last night I watched as the BBC and Labour kept asking Boris Johnson to apologise or quit the Foreign Office because of his remarks regarding Zaghari-Ratcliffe.
This is OK, if they want to do that.
What I didn’t head from the BBC or Labour was how Iran was wrong, how a totalitarian regime such as Iran should not be allowed to get away with this, how many other people are being held under these circumstances or how foreign aid will be stopped if this behaviour keeps going.
This might sharpen the mind ….
“… I think that’s a contemptible statement and I think everyone who applauded it should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Do you think, really, it’s a waste of time and money to defending free expression from suicide murderers? If you do, can you think a better cause it can go on?” {youtube –
Christopher Hitchens – BBC Question Time}
One year on the pain is a delight to watch as it hits these smug idiots
Can I “Trump” this KatieH?
Wow, the BBC seem to like the new Paddington movie! Get rid of that reporter…
They did manage to slide in a comment about a drama being made about Jeremy Thorpe though…
The bbc has at least covered it; sort of.
But littered with blow off excuses.
It’s like Labour has learned from CECUO, and the bbc like totally respects that.
Meanwhile, a Panorama doorstepper Halos out of a C130 over Priti Patel’s jet lag retreat.
Fair dues to al beeb – they have reported the anniversary of the Enniskillin terrorist attack 30 years to the day without spin and with an unusual amount of dignity .
It would be good if al beeb remembers this savagery the next time they go after former soldiers over some politically motivated allegations from long ago .
Declaration – i am Catholic and support the British military – particularly in the run up to the 99th anniversary of the armistice .
Apparently al beeb has used a helicopter to film the Secretary of State for the department of overseas giving taxpayers money away – getting into a car and going toward London to see the PM.
Now i remember seeing the live coverage of a helicopter filming a police team wandering into sir cliff richards home to search for evidence of historic sexual offence – at the time I thought “what the hell” and showed that al beeb simply has too much taxpayers money. How can either be justified . ?
“al beeb simply has too much taxpayers money. ”
Use their money to fund the NHS.
Their prima donnas are paid far too much.
“We want our Brexit cash boost – NHS boss”
Evidently a remoaner ?
He should have spent his money wisely – the Health Service is swamped by bureaucracy and over paid Trusts .
NHS boss is more than a remoaner. He’s Labour through and through. Ex Labour councillor for Brixton and Health adviser for Frank Dobson and Alan Milburn when they were Health Secretaries. Then became health adviser for Tony Blair himself. No surprise he wants to embarrass the government. Strange the BBC doesn’t mention Simon Stevens partisan ideology, but that’s typical of the broadcaster, introducing someone as an expert, witness, specialist, independent commentator, etc., without informing us they share the same politics as the BBC Newsroom. Blue Labour leader David Cameron, showing his legendary outstanding judgement actually gave the job of CEO of NHS England to this Labour apparatchik.
Guardian and Labour-alongside the BBC-witholding tax details as leaked to them-and no response from The Treasury?
Some NHS Trustie on a fortune wants more money for his mates and some sex change counselling for returning IS fighters?
Both of these unelected quango management suggestion boxes DARE to tell an(albeit crap) elected government how to spend, what they need to do?
Piss off lefty liberal and unelected gobshites on the make.
When we finally get a REAL government, you`ll rue the days you insulted and mocked those who`ve long indulged your greed and malice.
BBc 18:00 and they are back on the housing crisis yet again. So shortage of housing & an influx of migrants = apparently nothing. No connection what so ever. Just another couple of sob sob stories, my heart bleeds for them. About 10 years ago we were homeless and on the verge of living in a car, The local authority were completely useless and gave us a form which asked which country we were coming from. It was only because a friend of ours was kind enough to put us up for free for a few weeks until we could sort something out we didn’t end up sleeping in my car. Sorry in my view the housing shortage, low wages and high house prices have a major cause -immigration. Oh here we go North West are running a carbon copy story sob sob story with someone from Sudan and another one from Angola (who is a British citizen we are informed) . Woman from Shelter blames benefit cuts, bedroom tax blah blah everything but.
Funnily enough those Shelter offices are not used in the evening-but remain lit and empty.
Bit of straw down, some Stella in the fridge?
Come on lefties, stop squauking on Esther Rantzens endless puffathon that is BBC “News” and let`s see action.
“Toy sellers bet on Christmas as sales dip”
More Guff !
This is both “despite” and “because of” Brexit-one and the same time like Heisenberg, like light being both a wave AND a particle. It just is. OK?
Now can I get Roger “Mellie” Harrabins job as top science guy?
Is Britain ready for a Bill Nye tribute act?
Great Viz character there, ChrisH. Far too un-PC for Harrabin. Do you recall another Viz favourite much more apposite. ‘Roger Irrelevant’.
“Black Bob-Faithful Border Bin Liner” was always a favourite by the side of OUR student lav!
Can`t see current politcal events without thinking of the Pathetic Sharks too!
Most Beeboids are versions of either Student Grant or Millie Tant.
Remind me of the Modern Parents, Malcolm and Cressida.
Can’t think of who Abbott and Thornberry could bring to mind, in a political sense. Don’t want to imagine them sexually. Oh lordy!!
Whenever I’m feeling down I have a look through Roger’s Profanosaurus – cheers me up every time.
“A former BBC TV senior producer” suspended from Labour Party
The thin Prescott
His dad WILL be proud.
Does Tracey Temple have a daughter working anywhere within a disability scooter ride of Whitehall I wonder?
I believe it’s customary to cover your head when entering certain Temples. Out of respect for other members?
The apple evidently doesn’t fall far from the Prescott tree.
Labour-Kuensberg anticipates gloating at Patel

BTW you could put all those words into ONE 280 character tweet
So LK putting it in 4 is pure drama
And who here among us used to think that Laura was NOT worth her squillions, her full time security detail and a Skype link direct from outside her Kensington Montessori school as she picks up her kid?
Whatever we pay her-it`s not enough!
Pay-per word?…think they`re coming in at £150 per word!
It matters to me not a jot whom P Patel meets when she’s “on holiday”.
Surely she can simply say to anyone with whom she meets in her own time: “I’m happy to listen to what you have to say, but I regard this as an informal meeting and I won’t be able to make any binding commitments in the absence of my officials.”
IMO this is much more about Al Beeb gunning for Patel because (a) she’s a Leaver; (b) she’s someone who dares to paddle her own canoe and visit the Israelis without the mandatory troop of FO Common Purpose functionaries in tow; and (c) it weakens a Conservative government.
It is appalling rubbish from Kuenesberg . We all know Patel’s real crime was going to Israel. Underneath all the posturing and bluster from the Guardian etc ( just try and read it and weep ) you just know what is at the root of all this.
No point in spelling it out is there? I expect in university bars they will be going apeshit over this . How dare she visit the Golan Heights? How dare she talk to an Israeli. .
Now if only she had gone to Gaza and talked to Hamas that would have been Ok . Friends of someone influential are they not.?
One Show : Newham 19 tenants in one house paying £4K rent/month
Prog tries to obscure ID of the tenants
..but seems obvious they are foreigners although this is not mentioned
Will Ma May FINALLY give J R-M a seat in Cabinet?
It appears there is now a vacancy, Al.
CanI be the first to rule myself out of the running? Might be worth putting a bet on me to change my mind tomorrow at Paddy Ryanair though.
Hoping for the Everton job, so I can “do a Souey” on them.
Being a United fan-it`s what is wanted,
No way will she have JRM in her cabinet .Too much of a threat. She just doesn’t have the guts to appoint a true conservative to a position of power. We will end up with another Damian Green type.
I sincerely hope Priti Patel puts the boot in from outside cabinet.
I think it will need to be a Leaver, even if it isn’t J R-M.
To the taxman – ‘If they want me to guess how much I’m going to earn next year, they can guess who sent it in.’
Happy birthday, Sir Ken Dodd!
Comic genius !
Grant – (literally) LOL!
DB – You sure thats not a picture of Anne Soudbry?
I always thought Anne could make use of a decent tickling stick!
Love Ken Dodd, cracks me up every time.
Lucy – I truly believe that the Doddy and his Diddy Men could make a better job of Brexit than Theresa currently is.
Another true piece of real actual science from expert Roger (irrelevant) Harrabin.
Despite Brexit..
It is thought that after demolishing His masterpiece that He called Earth, from next Monday morning God will commence work on the construction of a New World. He now believes that creating the Naked Ape was a mistake on His part and has vowed not to make the same mistake twice.
Jeremy Bowlegs reporting from Hell.
Our thoughts are with…..and lessons will be learnt…. has the earth made way for a hyper space bypass by any chance ( for those who don’t recognise it that line came from a time long long ago when radio 4 had comedy on it).
There is a big parallel between BBC & Scientology
when you try to leave they forever pester you
In beebs case they send Capita to harass you about the licence.
On BBCnews, the usual whinge about nhs underfunding.
Featuring a lady who had multiple sclerosis and was notvgetting the treatment the bbc think she deserves.
The irony and/or fact that she had an American accent seemed to be totally lost on the reporter.
Meanwhile the bbc now seem to be deciding who should be in the cabinet.
Or not.
Priti Patel is out. For visiting Israel, apparently.
Trebles all round as the backslapping continues…..
What a joke. We needn’t bother with elections in future, just get the beeb to pick our leaders. What do they think they have achieved by this other than undermining our democracy. They make me sick, the lot of them.
I hate their selective outrage. Harman makes a vile Holocaust joke and there is silence. Imagine if a prominent Tory had committed such an offence: we would have endless ‘news’ about how deeply offended Jewish groups are, all demanding the person resign; the Beeb would lead bulletins with the outrage and would not rest until heads rolled.
Their virtue signalling about homelessness is infuriating. My friend’s dad works on a building site in London and he says everyone apart from four people are Polish. Of course it is the poor English men who would otherwise be doing labouring work like this. There must be so many homeless men who would have jobs and houses were it not for open borders.
I hate how the BBC causes a problem but also wants virtue points for caring about the issue, without of course ever connecting any dots as that would be ‘hate crime.’ Just like their concern over more children calling Childline and feeling suicidal. If it were not for the enrichers from their favourite religion abusing school children Childline would have far fewer callers.
Al beeb seems to be developing the new brexit narrative that Britain isn’t reliable anymore and people outside uk don’t understand brexit .
This is pretty clever because they can say it but not prove it . Lansdale – a level 1 beeboid used it on the world tonight .
Personally I like the idea we aren’t reliable anymore .,maybe we ll stop getting involved in stuff from which we do not benefits- afghan – Iraq – Syria . If we need to kill people who are a direct threat to Blighty – fine – but otherwise leave them to it. It’s our young men who suffer as a result of Blair or Cameron playing the war game .
Al beeb interviewed some shit of a Dutch Mep who talked as though they had a say in how we negotiate or not with their Eu . The longer this goes on the clearer it becomes that we have little in common. I guess it’s a mindset which comes with being invaded twice in a century and have the like of us and the yanks having to save them. A folk memory .
Hi Fedup2, the unspoken assumption behind that BBC narrative, is that the BBC are reliable and are hence in the best position to make claims of others being unreliable. This we know to be evidently untrue.