Monday morning arrives and so does the latest BBC/Guardian nothing burger about the Royals using “tax havens”. Can’t wait for the BBC to cover the Guardian’s Cayman Islands tax haven. Utter garbage from the comrades to start their week of bias.
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World to night update
Al beeb runs a story about French farmers topping themselves . A sign of denial . It’s not our business as we are leaving the EU . Al beeb won’t let it go.
The appeaser has almost finished the job
Trump made a speech
In Seoul, addressing the South Korean parliament largely about North Korea – see / hear it HERE
The BBC ignores it and puts
on the front page.
so the BBC’s priorities don’t stretch to diffusing an existential crisis that threatens potentially hundreds of thousands of lives on the Korean peninsula via conventional war, Japans cities within proven range of NorK missiles and potentially some bits of the US west coast (targeting tech permitting) – but Kathy effing Griffin gets a shout out ?
I am simply beyond disgusted.
If we could send all 21.000 staff on a 1 year sabbatical (paid) to North Korea – I’d buy a TV license (OK, I lie – I’d buy a pile of TV licenses)
I guess we should not mock the mentally ill
But the BBC provides a platform for them to expose themselves
Hope Kathy Griffin sues Stephen Sackur for forcing her clear mental health battles to be publicised like this.
Poor fantasist is not funny-just a deranged attention-addicted anorexic in the making.
Americas effort to give us their Pete Doherty or Alistair Campbell.
But without the laughter.
bBBC Radio Merseyside has been given the Freedom of the City of Liverpool for their diligent reporting of every Scouse whinge and daily mentions of Hillsborough. All paid for by us, of course.
Confidential BBC audience research leaked
Before BBC programmed viewers they were normal people

but after the BBC programming they were like sheep who loved Obama
But did you see the bit where they showed the sheep a picture of President Trump? It turned round and sprayed the pic with sh**. The power of BBC psychological training eh?
Can the sheep recognise a tv licence tax Gestapo ? I can
Ofcom upheld 2 bias claims against Fox before it removed itself from UK Sky
#1 Tucker on the Manchester bomb
#2 Hannity on Trump travel ban
‘Failed to provide alternative viewpoints’
So Ofcom is fine with BBC/MSM routinely only giving the libmob line
but cos Fox in viewpoint items only played clips of libmob whilst non-lib mob were in the studio
they argue the libmob couldn’t answer back
full judgement
All links are in the form of tweets
Tucker and Hannity are two shows I used to regularly watch via Sky platform.There is nothing wrong with those programmes ,only that they are digging into the criminality of Obama and Clintons time in office and support Trump.They are not offensive in any way.
What a cheek that Offcom passed judgement on this two programmes ,surely outside their Re MIT.
I hope Murdoch goes along with his threat to close Sky News.It is even wore than BBC in its Brexit bias.
It does no harm to point out, yet again, that Ofcom is stuffed full of ex-BBC staff, mostly from a senior level. I was astonished when the Conservative government made that highly biased organisation the overseer of the BBC, which confirmed that the party’s leadership had taken leave of their senses.
This tweet encapsulates so much that is rotten about the bbc:
Looking at the comments, many have noticed.
I think it was meant to be a swipe at the Leave campaign and stirring up more controversy.Kick the government while its down. But it came out like he now supports leaving to get the cash.
Where does it say on that bus we will spend that £350 million on the NHS?
It doesn’t.
It does if you’re wearing Remainer glasses (available now from Specsavers).
In fairness the bus doesn’t say it but there are posters saying 350 for the nhs. The problem is that it was never government policy. There are a few in the cabinet who might have supported it but I’m afraid nhs types after more and more and more money are on dodgy ground. Personally I would cut money to the nhs and make them dump some non productive jobs and make trusts more competitive. [ declaration – I fucking hate the nhs because it killed my dad and let down my mum at the end of her life – so I am a little prejudiced against the self serving fucking empire )
Google’s new King’s Cross HQ
Why if you want to be clean/green would you put another mass of employees right in the centre of London ?
King’s Cross
That’s GMG territory
Both Goolags that imprison peoples minds
…and turn them into haters
Its only we plebs who have to abide by the stupid emissions code.Everyone else gets a free pass including council leaders. Once they the wealthy have forced us off the roads and house prices push us further into the suburbs ,they will have the inner areas for themselves.They can afford to pay any price to have their gas guzzlers and houses.
See how that works. Never really believed in serfdom but I see it in action every day now.High immigration just means free loaders will be more than happy to stay on the hamster wheel and less likely for a revolution or revolt. Conservatives ? a lost breed.
Londoner born and bred but now seriously looking at options to move as far away as possible from the disaster and extortion that is London.
It’s always a pity to read of someone in your situation, having to leave your home town because of the endless failures of disgraceful politicians.
Elder Daught lived in London for years, but has at last returned to another village near here (T.Wells area), and now commutes. There’s an audible sigh of relaxation which permeates every train coming South after Tonbridge…
I retired three years ago, haven’t been back to London since, and have vowed never to return. I suppose ghettos like Oldham used to have normal English citizens too, but they must be long gone.
The choices one has to make because the noisy, shouty end of society, like crooked MPs, bent counciloors and especially the vitriolic BBC who promote that obnoxious pseudo-culture ‘diversity’, are often tinged with sadness, so Deborah, it has to be heading for tinctures in some of the best pubs and villages in Kent for a better life!
Get out while you can – you know it makes sense!
“We want our Brexit cash boost – NHS boss”
Note to Al Beeb and Simon Stevens ; We have not left yet.
Save money by cutting wholesale immigration and start charging health tourists – Simples !
Over to you Home Secretary………………
Hi Taffman, there is a socialist dogma that the BBC continues to push – that the British taxpayer has to keep pumping ever increasing money into the NHS. The BBC is always demanding more taxpayers money for schools, for universities, for the police, for the NHS, for welfare, for refugees, for immigrants, for overseas aid, et cetera.
There is no analysis by the BBC of the need to live within ones means or how the welfare state has grown beyond all means to pay for it and certainly beyond a size it was ever intended to be by its founders. Any savings Britain might have in pulling out of the EU has to go into paying off the enormous national debt in order to reduce the interest payable on it.
Taffman, the BBBC don’t do proper analysis, they just shriek and shrill with the supposed ‘experts’ bunging in their four-pennorth, or in Diane Abbott’s case, three yo yos, and expect the tv tax-payers to believe them.
They’re fast becoming a joke these days, especially among my group of chums, who agree that the BBC is now a busted flush, and not worth even considering as even a local small-town broadcaster, let alone a credible organisation!
They’ll be gone by the next GE, it’ll be a vote-winner!
How can one analyse fact: roughly half a million more people in the UK year on year on year. Simple.
Unfortunately, all the begging bowls are bottomless and some of them should be buried in the ground . It was, is and always will be impossible to fill them. Somebody has to say “Thus far and no further” but where is our strongman?
BBC in full flight again….Naga talking to IDS….the Govt in chaos was her push……but she had nothing to say when IDS just knocked back her questions calmly and clearly….Now R4 – “Govt in crisis…..Chaos” reading from all the anti govt papers…..bias
Now just given Labour voice to “we are ready to take over …”
I really don’t understand why the Govt doesn’t stomp on the BBC
‘Chaos’ is the Labour mantra they now use at every opportunity.
Just a coincidence the BBC has also started using it. Not.
Close ’em down.
Woman footballer Eni Aluko is shocked and disappointed that none of her England teammates have been in touch or supported her after her ‘bullying experience.’
It is almost as if she derailed a highly successful team just to make a quick buck. Honestly – imagine if you were working wonders under Sir Alex Ferguson and someone accused him of bullying because he once spoke in a Jamaican accent and mentioned Ebola. I bet he was absolutely terrifying. So now they have some useless Scouse woman in charge and are losing, whereas their last match with Sampson was a record breaking 6-0 victory. I am not surprised none of her team mates talk to her – I would not have anything to do with someone who had ruined things like she has.
Wonder how long before not talking to someone is declared a crime?
Unless it is ‘inappropriate’, which is a crime too.
Or something.
Guest Who
This could be on the cards. The woman who sells the Beeg Eeeeshoo in my neighborhood stands near a sign saying the police have zero intolerance towards racism. Not buying a copy earns unpleasant scowls which could b the basis for a charge of racism.. I have taken to crossing the road some distance away, just to avoid arrest for not buying her paper
GWF, I have no need of The Big Issue but even if I did, this time of year I would rather give the £ coins to the Poppy Appeal.
I will never understand why we need to import Big Issue sellers. Maybe it’s because these people have votes.
This self proclaimed feeling of being ostracised is supposedly a form of bullying that needs only to be perceived by the ‘victim’, and is already a disciplinary matter, possibly leading to sacking, in the Northern Ireland Civil Service so I am sure that government employees in England can be treated or dealt with in the same way.
Similarly if someone feels that colleagues are being intrusive, maybe by them being engaged in what others believe to be harmless water cooler chat, their perception of this as workplace bullying has to be disproven rather than proved.
There is also guidance that states that workplace rules must be adhered to between colleagues when outside the office, for instance, in a pub after work.
So what happens. Purely professional relationships, no comraderie, low morale, high turnover of staff resulting in poor service, lack of communication resulting in less transfer of knowledge and discontented ‘customers’, as, for example, benefit claimants have to be referred to as.
What also happens though is that people simply stop talking to each other, no ideas are exchanged and the government and unions together create a compliant and docile workforce of robots.
I can’t wait for the nonsense to become a day-to-day feature. That will be when the law continually trips over itself (and Codes of Practice) and then it will be all screwed up, totally. Long overdue in my opinion.
Following the delightful Eni’s success in ridding her ex-team mates of their best manager to date, surely she has to be a leading contender for Sportswoman of the Year? She certainly ticks every box in the BBC book.
I don’t now about that, is she a lesbian?
Possibly not Rob, but with the right financial inducement I’m sure she might well consider it.
Therein lies a truth methinks.
John is in the news again. Think what he can do with 280 characters.
Not really sure that Mr Simpson is worthy of a poppy but he’d probably crow about the amount of death he has seen as though he has a monopoly on it. Might be tax delectable if he got a receipt. Tip John- do it on gift aid as the charity gets tax relief.
I wonder why he needs to share that view on a public forum – if he thinks he and his type can turn this country back to that of before Brexit he is dreaming.
Bit like Paddy Pantsdown, he’s the only one who ever saw active service.
And he can shoot his bolt in 8 seconds – allegedly
Seems LBC pond scum editor and guest BBC presenter is revealing stuff again:
Please sign everyone.
so far 10,314 signatures
I am reminded that “O’Brien” was the name of the secret policeman who tortured Winston Smith in “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. How could Orwell possibly have known?
What do the BBC want for Christmas? A Labour Government lead by Santa or Jeremy Corbyn? Why not just show a picture of Santa?
After the undoubted sales success of the ‘Jerry Christmas’ jumper, surely some enterprising potter will launch the Jerry Jug – based on the Toby but much bigger. I know I’d be happy to keep one under my bed, and keep it topped up too.
Then you would have a Red under your bed. Not really advisable.
And who says ‘Society’ isn’t becoming feminised?
It’s only the males who are becoming feminised. The work of our Trojan Horse continues unabated.
The BBC is in rampant mood this morning. The Government is about to collapse it is hinted and if not, it’s becoming possible . Tom Watson is asked if the Nonce Finder General and his Marxist boss are ready for Downing Street and to take over EU negotiations. Of course they are! Not queried by Nick Robinson . The EU governments are incredulous at how weak Theresa May is and are preparing for her fall. All confirmed by the BBC Europe ( read pro EU) Editor. She tells us we have three weeks to come up with more dosh for this Germanic protection racket or else trade deal talks are off until March at least. No discussion of the merits or otherwise of being blackmailed and the case for standing up to it , it’s just assumed the EU must be correct.
England ,
If they agree the 53billion euromarks or similar they really must justify it to the electorate. The likes of JRM will rip them apart if they do that. I wonder if it’s just another game being played with we punters wearing foggles.
506 days to go on my computer which means less than a year on the EU as they want an agreement completed by end October 2018bfor ratification by the Reich and its satellite states. I really want to call their bluff. I know it’s a high stakes issue ( not a game ) but I think they have more to lose than us as huge numbers of people in Blighty work for the state and they sell more stuff to us than we to them – apart from foreign cars made in Blighty. In other words as I sure JRM would say – eff em.
England….Agree and now the BBC have taken a different tack…it’s got to be the best person for the job not a Brexiteer to replace Priti…..funny how the earlier stuff was on getting women into board rooms – didn’t mention the best person for the job – just had to be a woman….The BBC uses which argument suits their prejudice.
R4 had IDS and he is actually very good – despite their incessant attack on the Government and TM….
It’s depressing..and nothing much about all the stuff going on in the Labour party…
head in hands again
Just fold the department for giving money away overseas into the FO and then redefine overseas aid as Royal Navy ships and Royal Marines .
Interesting. As RT’d by Norm:
Clearly to show the whole cynical cluster FUBAR being engaged upon by a despotic regime, ably supported by the Iranians.
Iran reveal they are entirely Evil, not bothered about innocence and should not be listened to – would be a different version of this tale of tragedy. But let’s back Iran and give them legitimacy for their actions.
This is Salman Rushdie all over again – embolden the enemy and their beliefs – see where it goes …
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty {independent 21feb2016}
“The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989”
I am afraid that any British person who travels to Iran is visiting an enemy state where they are liable to imprisonment on trumped up spying charges at any time. The British government should simply declare Iran off limits to any British passport holder, you cannot have civilized relations with a despotism like this.
Treezer is eagerly awaiting a phone call from her BBC bosses informing her who should replace Priti Patel.
Priti Patel is harassed out of her job & no one is crying “racism”. The left certainly pick & choose where to apply their lofty principles don’t they? I see Patel was born in London to a Ugandan Indian migrant family. And she’s been harassed for talking to Jews.
There’s a real world , and then there’s this artificial world created by libmob PR/media people
… with some bits based on the real world
But their artificial world is Orwellian where black means white.
: Building some big and inefficient = green
: Equality = Inequality with victims being given privilege
: Popular = opposite if democratic
‘The popularist didn’t deserve to win the election, someone less popular is more deserving’
etc etc.
Yes Lucy, and Jewish writers are not too welcome in Treezer’s land. eg. Pamela Geller, not allowed in.
That was one of Mrs May’s more despicable actions as Home Secretary. She was absolutely useless in that job, why did anyone ever think she would do a better job as Prime Minister?
At the moment, for good or ill it’s Trezza or Jezza. I’m sure crunch time is a-comin’ so where are we going to waste our vote when it arrives. Unless a Conservative strongman appears I will probably opt to stick with nurse for fear of something worse so I don’t think it serves our cause very well to help the Socialists in their quest to demonize and rubbish Mrs May. I think the Left feel that they have found their strongman in St. Jezza. They may well be right but that doesn’t help us.
meanwhile jezza continues to meet with terrorists and terrorist sympathisers and the BBC dont even notice
The BBC notice alright but they approve of it! They also know that sensible people would be horrified to learn of the extent of Corbyn’s treachery so they keep stum whilst preparing and moulding public opinion so that when the truth comes out it won’t provoke such hostility amongst the general public. I have no doubt that the BBC is preparing the ground on a range of issues to ready the public for the new communist era which they hope that Corbyn and his gang of Marxists will usher in.
After Corbyn became Labour Leader it felt as though the corporation had their doubts about whether this was a good thing , primarily this was about if such an overt hard left politician could ever win an election. In effect their concern was , did Corbyn’s leadership lock the left out of power for years to come ? The GE result has allayed that concern and now the BBC is backing Corbyn to the hilt. I have no doubt that he has promised them unlimited funds to bombard us with leftist propaganda after his election. Getting rid of the Corbynistas will be tough and take years, even if they leave democratic institutions in place to enable free and fair elections , which they may well not do. The BBC will work long and hard to ensure that the British people are duped into believing they live in a socialist paradise, no lie will too great or too small to ensure this. We are living in the last days of a free country.
BBC backing Labour all the way to Christmas …
p.s. I’ve logged a complaint about this free political advertisement. For what it is worth.
Case number CAS-4648073-VGS5J5
DT. It never ceases to amaze me that I can agree totally with all your comments every time you post but, I have to admit that your thought process and presentation must be sharper than mine!
I don’t often post here because I don’t really feel the need. You’ve said it all for me 🙂
BBC tweets are a good way of pinning BBC bad behaviour down, although I can understand why @JimS and BBC staff not wanting us to pay too much attention to them.
This Rutherford tweet thing proves something
He’s supposed to be R4’s Mr Science, yet he had to apologise twice in one day for tweeting Fakenews about Trump.
He’s previously owned up to an error to me which was close to his own field of genetics and it’s not like I follow his every tweet.
So that doesn’t signal a rigorous scientific mind to me.
Other Beeboids have done similar got caught tweeting Fakenews about Trump (the ones that spring to mind are the Fake Putin conference photo, and the one where they claimed his translation earpiece was not with the Italian minister)
We can spot similar things an almost daily basis.
Seems to me that there is a problem with BBC internal culture, that it allows partisanship to rule over care for truth.
You can pay as much attention to ‘BBC’ tweets as you like, there is a place for it and it’s called Twitter.
What I object to is that this site, which is supposed to be about ‘BBC Bias’, you know the stuff that some people pay £145 p.a. for, the stuff that fills the TV, radio and internet channels, the stuff that is covered by ‘the charter’, the stuff that is ‘regulated’ by Ofcom, is being ‘spammed’ out by twitter guano. Maxicony must be jealous at what a good job you guys are doing!
Screen after screen is being filled with what I presume the poster thinks are ‘slam dunk’, ‘gotcha!’ moments that look to us ordinary mortals as:
What is the poster trying to say? Is it “Wolf!”? Where is the context, the facts, the analysis?
Follow one of these links and the chances are that one is none the wiser. Is there a wolf? Perhaps there is, but it is in a zoo or a forest, so what? More likely it is just a shred of fur, a flash of an eye. When one is looking for wolves one sees them everywhere apparently.
Are BBC presenters biased? Of course they are, aren’t we all?
Does it matter? No, as long as it doesn’t stray into their charter-bound, regulated output, that then is the time to hunt them down.
You ok Hun?
@JimS I’ve read your point. I’m not going to have a discussion cos I’ve explained it all before.
Charter breaches come from BBC management perpetuating an internal BiasedBBC culture .. Among other things due to the kind of people they recruit.
Looking at the tweets exposed that culture.
Additionally now the BBC uses Twitter as a broadcast tool, not subject to Ofcom rules.
Herrrrrrrrre’s Katty…..
A few actual words for once. Not sure they make much more sense.
Is it really THAT difficult to follow a link? You can ignore posted tweets if you choose.
BBC Staff tweet. It can be an insight to how they think & what affiliations they have.
Beeby has it’s own official Twitter output. It’s all relevant IMO.
Tweets by BBCBreaking
And many more.
I have pointed out previously that Twitter is one of the only platforms where you can tell Auntie what you really think. They have too much control over HYS. It’s a freedom (for now) that might be sorely missed some day soon if the hate-speech warriors get it all regulated the way they want.
I don’t do Facebook because it’s not for me. If you don’t like Tweets don’t look at them.
I think I see your problem, Jim. When I click on the links it doesn’t say “Wol” anywhere. Perhaps your browser is set to the wrong language?
The print version of al Beeb – the G – is claiming that the poor black lawyer who was the subject of racial discrimination when the gaffa tried to be nice by cracking a few ditties is now being spurned by fellow girl team mates.
Presumably these are the ones who want to play for Blighty instead of jumping on the diversity gravy train of radio and tv interviews, magazines, y factor, have got lefty news, wimmins hours – I have to stop.
She will pursue the class 1 victimhood by putting in a claim for this that and the other and get the indisclosed pay off after the FA has ruined her promising career.
I write this as I am incognito at the moment ( its related to incommunicado but the smell check won’t Hadley it )
Give her Linker’s job – she ticks more BBC boxes than him !
Give her Linker’s job – she ticks more BBC boxes than him !
It would appear the other girls in the team , maybe dont agree with her
the FA have made a right cock up with this though , every time shes not picked it will be suggested its racism
despite the fact she cant even get in the chelsea first 11 at the moment
Day 1: BBC reveal statue of Orwell hidden in smokers corner and given 2 minutes news coverage.
Day 2: BBC show picture of Christmas Jumper with Jeremy Corbyn (Labour) saying ‘Jerry Christmas’
When George Orwell resigned from the BBC in 1943, he informed his superiors that he could no longer bear “wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no results”.
Such was Orwell’s disdain for public institutions, that the corporation would later become the inspiration for the Ministry of Truth, the public propaganda arm described within the pages of 1984. {telegraph 07nov2017}
I put it to you that Greenpeace type people have infiltrated the BBC and use its resources for making political campaigning propaganda rather than use the resources of the well financed multinational eco charity itself
Last week 5Live had an item about large amount of plastic found floating in the Caribbean
They’ve used licence payer funds to make a twitter video*, yet it looks like a Greenpeace Hollywood piece rather than a proper news piece
and now it’s just been put out by the general BBC Twitter account.
* Remember 5-Live is a RADIO station so why’s it spending time making Holywood style videos ?
(For a start the hurricanes may have played a part in plastic reaching the sea )
and that’s not the only one . There are similar ones across 5 Live Twitter timeline at rate of 1 per/month
Caribbean? Plenty of Storms recently? Was this there last year? Did a container get breached? Simple clean up operation. Exact location?
Here is a picture of workers pouring litter to make a point …
Sanitation staff litter garbage on streets to protest delayed salaries {hindustantimes 27mar2015}
relates to : A huge mass of plastic bottles, cutlery and polystyrene plates has been found floating in the Caribbean. Via @BBC5Live. {twitter BBC5}
Clearly that’s a fake picture because there is always a tesco bag
Stew, perhaps that’s the laid-back-cannabis-infused-multicultural way of doing the washing up?
Stew – if they bring in a 10p return scheme next year we ll be millionaires!
Should BBC Radio stations be renamed to account for the AGENDA they push ?
: Radio F-Orwell …….. and …….. BBC SJW Service
..I say that cos I have just listened to the dizzy art students prog “Hope Floats” A BBC World Service RADIO prog in the Tomorrow’s World strand
As ever they have made a VIDEO to promote the RADIO show
It gives you an idea of how dizzy they are.
The show waxes lyrical about hippies building floating cities ..and cities which will float in the atmosphere of Planet Venus.
A no point do they mention that today’s cruise ships are like floating cities and that some pensioners live on them year round.
prog link :
…. and to top it all off your TV Tax Money, paid under threat of prison, is being used as a social experiment ….
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
… and 100% left-wing.
I’ve just made the connection between ‘A huge mass of plastic bottles, cutlery and polystyrene plates has been found floating in the Caribbean. ‘ and ‘Would you live in a floating city? The latest Tomorrow’s World podcast looks at cities of the future’.
Obviously if we throw all our rubbish into the sea it will create floating cities for our future children?
floating city?
floating rubbish!
Add then together and you get ‘future cities’!
I see that the Beeb are yet to put a HYS section on the Priti Patel resignation article. Wonder why?
Harmless or misguided …. Ecosexuals Believe Having Sex with the Earth Could Save It {vice 02nov2016}
Morgan and Weiss both say that they also see sex as a potentially powerful tool for motivating people to make the environment a priority. As Weiss put it: “If you’re running from floods, you won’t have any time for sex.”
Why aren’t there more wimmin and ethnic minority people in government ? Discuss.
I thought the shadow difd lady extinguished +herself with a mixture of – i ll do anything for a job Jeremy and class contempt. I looked her up and she was one of the very few who nominated him. Backed the right sorry left horse there. Diane will be getting worried with younger versions coming along.
+ I really meant ‘ extinguished ‘
Al Beeb headlines an EUSSR projection which predicts UK growth severely lacking that of the EU itself.
Guido points to a more realistic assessment by the IMF, no lover of the UK, which puts us at the same projected growth as the former (real) Nazi state.
Al Beeb and the EUSSR just in time with their latest fear propaganda as our boys fly into Brussels for Brexit talks!
Aunty, why will nobody play with me:
Maybe Alistair could ponder more deeply why that may be?
The BBC imply in their article that her England team mates are either racist or that they are too willing to put up with racism.
That’s how easy it is to spin the story.
The BBC spin-maestros – treating the thinking public with contempt – stealing from their pockets, then pulling their trousers down and buggering them for good measure.
So other possibilities not considered? Very BBC.
The era of being held to account for staying silent about something you do not agree with cannot be far off.
I have to say that’s one of Alistair McGowan’s best impressions yet.
He’s too difficult to see to carry off Diane.
Let’s think: she gets a popular manager sacked over a couple of jokes, she pockets £80,000, a team which won 6-0 in his last game lost 1-0 under the new manager, and she wonders why the other girls in the team don’t want to talk to her?
Leftists, SJWs and grievance mongers really do live in bizarro world.
She’s been blackballed 😉
Aluko’s ex-friends or players are scared that if they say the wrong thing then they will be taken to court – even if it’s a joke!
A dig at President Trump plus a promotion of an anti-Trump lady who cannot decide if they are right or wrong? Strong and Stable! But they know that when they mention Trump they get promoted to front page BBC!
Kathy Griffin: ‘Not sorry’ for Trump photo { 08nov2017}
US comedian, Kathy Griffin, who posed in a photo with a prop meant to resemble the severed head of President Donald Trump has told BBC Hardtalk’s Stephen Sackur she is “not sorry” and “takes back 1,000%” the apology she made in the immediate aftermath.
Griffin continues to receive death threats and her comedy gigs in the US have been cancelled.
She is currently on an international tour playing to audiences in Australia and Europe.
She takes back her apology?
And hard talking Steve doesn’t Lol?
Maybe the BBC should get in Diane Abbott on that 1,000% too?
Bet she’s knocking ’em dead in Woollararahra and Malaga
Having lost a lot of contracts, she has embarked on a so called 12 venue World tour (Europe only including Iceland) which started yesterday. Hence the support by the bBC in which to help one of their leftwing haters. However she is nothing more than a one trick pony and I’ll put money on the table people will be leaving early.
Could she not try touring around Taliban & ISIS-occupied territories where beheading is common practice?
She is mentally ill.
He had won the victory over himself. He pulled the “Jerry Christmas” jumper* over his head and felt the warmth that Labour would bring now and in the future, free and at no cost to no one.
(reference to Orwell 1984)
* RRP £35. Jumper possibly made in Bangladesh by 7 year old children. All profits go to Labour future projects in Paradise Islands. Jeremy will decide how the proceeds are split. For the Many, Not the Few.
Finally, in a strange, and very 2017 turn of events, this festive season brings you the chance to own a Jeremy Corbyn Christmas jumper. #Corbznotjust One of the limited run of 250 jumpers can be yours for £35, with 50% of the price tag going to charity. The Labour Party leader isn’t the first politician to come in contact with the legendary Christmas jumper. { 07nov2017}
Further evidence, (if evidence were required), that the UK legal system is rapidly becoming distorted in favour of, “immigrants”.
The real news is at the bottom of the page ..
Child migrants to have priority in the NHS: High Court judge rules young who arrive unaccompanied must be put at the head of the queue{dailymail 09nov2017}
… skip to bottom of article …
“Last year 3,290 unaccompanied children claimed asylum in Britain, 754 of them from Afghanistan. More than six out of 10 claimed to be 16 or 17 – the age group believed to include a high proportion of older people falsely saying they are aged under 18.
Only seven in 100 unaccompanied asylum seeker children were thought to be aged under 14.”
Perhaps the day of the vigilante is to hand. Who could blame them when the UK legal system is not fit for purpose. Great shame.
“Patel makes a ‘fulsome apology’ and ‘offers resignation'” – Laura Kuenssberg
. . .
“Fulsome” means insincere. She meant to say “full”. – Stig Abell @StigAbell
Laura K is like a deranged she-vulture baying for blood. Drain the BBC Swamp.
She should take tips of Katty Kay and just use ‘!’ and ‘?’ symbols …
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
– Orwell, 1984
BBC accused of refusing to investigate historic Chris Evans sexual harassment allegations {independent 04nov2017}
‘The woman in the email claims Evans “exposed himself to me daily” and would “walk in naked following his morning ritual of taking a bath… and sometimes touch himself.” She also reportedly alleges, “On one occasion, he grabbed my breasts.”’
“The Independent has contacted Evans’ representatives but had not received a response at the time of publication. “
What is it about this bloody woman that the BBC loves so much?
I am fed up reading about her false claims. Let’s hope she pays back the £80,000 the FA lavished on her.
Who is she trying to get the sack this week? Someone male and with a pale skin no doubt?
As the Orwell theme continues … and so it should ….
Murray holds out only one faint glimmer of hope. Throughout this history the great majority of ordinary Europeans, Brits in particular, were at every stage opposed to continuing high levels of immigration. They had to be deceived, repressed, and ignored in order for the policy to prevail as it did. They, in turn, have come to distrust and rebel against their deceivers; hence “populism.” As a further twist, their rulers have come to despise and even hate them as a recalcitrant obstacle to their own dreams of utopia and status. This class resentment downwards has been evident in Britain since the Brexit referendum in the open and bitter attacks by Remainers on both the poorer and less educated voters and on the idea of democracy itself. It’s repellent, but it’s also an unwilling tribute to the power of ordinary people in a democracy. As 1984 predicted,
“If there is hope,” wrote Winston, “it lies in the proles.” {claremont 19oct2017}
THE DREAM AND THE NIGHTMARE -Review of ‘The Strange Death of Europe’
I can’t see where there is any glimmer of hope in what Murray writes, he just comments on the vitriol with which the canaille who dared not to vote the way they were expected and supposed to by the elite, were then attacked by them.
The above was a book review of his book.
I think there is a change, but it’s a desperate change. But you are right – it’s the same conversation wrapped in different words. Odd that Orwell has been revealed this week – though the BBC don’t seem to want to talk about him. And in news the BBC does not want to talk about Freedom of thought …
Saudi purge demonstrates ruthlessness of crown prince (Prince Mohammed bin Salman) { 09nov2017}
“So far, the clerics have accepted the curbs on their power and in September acceded to the lifting of the ban on women driving, which they always resisted. But how will they react when cinemas and other Western-style forms of entertainment are introduced as planned?”
Its sadly so true that our nation’s future hangs by a thread. If Corbyn is elected then even that thread will be cut. His Marxist anti British government will allow millions more third worlders into the country. It will give these people the vote. It will lower the voting age to 16. The immigrants will out breed the indigenous population by nearly three to one. All this will make it very difficult to ever elect a centre right Government again no matter how disasterous a dose of communism proves to be. Even the idiotic snowflakes may come to realise they have ruined their own lives and everybody elses . But it will be too late. It is very difficult to find anything at all to be optimistic about. I really do feel that our only hope is that there is a strong upsurge in the east of Europe and that this changes the equation opposite European attitudes to Islam. Left to ourselves we will be an Islamic republic sometime this century.
Dt – When has a “centre right” government in the U.K. ever done anything to stop immigration or do anything to reverse or even mitigate the effects?
The position the British are in is way beyond remedy by the election of such a party, were one to even exist, the current predicted one is: minority status in 50 years time and demographic doom after 120.
How can our salvation lie in eastern Europe? And why should it?
The eastern europeans have no loyalty to us or our nation. I agree that they will protect their countries (if they can) from Third World invasion but why would they feel the urge to protect ours?
If anything they will view western european countries simply as areas to which the blacks and browns can be hurried onto, away from them, particularly when many of them will be well aware quite how feeble western governments are in relation to immigrants. This can be seen in what the Hungarians did when they sent Frau Merkel’s “refugees” onward to their invitress in Deutschland.
A centre right Government i.e. Well to the right of the current one, would at least slow down our descent into the Islamic hell we are lurching towards right now, and we need time to save ourselves. My point about Eastern Europeans is that they can change the current UK political outlook by making resistance to Islamification respectable and viable. It is currently widely regarded in the UK as being neither of these and until that attitude is changed we will not even begin to address the problem. My view is that this change may come from the east, it will never come from within the UK until it is too late.
The BBC notice alright but they approve of it! They also know that sensible people would be horrified to learn of the extent of Corbyn’s treachery so they keep stum whilst preparing and moulding public opinion so that when the truth comes out it won’t provoke such hostility amongst the general public. I have no doubt that the BBC is preparing the ground on a range of issues to ready the public for the new communist era which they hope that Corbyn and his gang of Marxists will usher in.
After Corbyn became Labour Leader it felt as though the corporation had their doubts about whether this was a good thing , primarily this was about if such an overt hard left politician could ever win an election. In effect their concern was , did Corbyn’s leadership lock the left out of power for years to come ? The GE result has allayed that concern and now the BBC is backing Corbyn to the hilt. I have no doubt that he has promised them unlimited funds to bombard us with leftist propaganda after his election. Getting rid of the Corbynistas will be tough and take years, even if they leave democratic institutions in place to enable free and fair elections , which they may well not do. The BBC will work long and hard to ensure that the British people are duped into believing they live in a socialist paradise, no lie will too great or too small to ensure this. We are living in the last days of a free country.
Not sure how this post migrated here from further up the page. But they let anyone or anything in these days.
Penny Mordaunt replaces Priti Patel
Glamour and show biz, but at least she is a remainer. Phoooore, yeeer, know what I mean
News said she’s a Brexiteer
But she’s a strong supporter of overseas aid.
Oops. I meant to type Brexiteer. Feeling stupid now
Beauty and the Brains then.
I’ve gotta take the bait on this one. I certainly wouldn’t mind her coming round and roasting my Christmas chestnuts for me.
So i suppose we’ll have to choose now between a Priti and a Penny. (pun intended). The Lab/Lib gang don’t stand a chance do they with their bunch of old scrubbers.
Lefty – who said you had to choose!
It is interesting how the left on R4 news today (God why do I listen to it) manipulate the narrative.
Apparently Penny (phwoor) was given the job because Prittis replacement (phwoor again) had to be a pro brexit MP to maintain the “balance” in the cabinet.
If I wanted to cut a tree down I would not employ one tree hugging hippy and one Tree Surgeon -I would employ 2 or 3 Tree Surgeons who actually want to do the bloody job!
MPs – Why dont you do your BLOODY job and enact what your electorate voted for – Its not difficult!
Anne the sour faced one said brexit was stalling? Probably is you traitorous harridan , mainly because you and your fellow globalist stooges care more about maintaining your personal fortune and class dominance rather than protecting your culture and society!
Sorry I forgot its not “your” culture is it? You are British in name and title only.
Right got that off my chest – am now going to lie down and listen to some whale music its either that or killing some kittens (which is what most of us “extreme right wingers have as our main hobby”)
Do you feel better now? Strangely enough so do I. It must be contagious. Thanks.
I agree with you. As soon as the result of the referendum was known all the remoaners in the cabinet should have been purged and replaced by brexiteers to ensure that the will of the public was seen to be honoured.
Lord Hall local, radio hero
“BBC boss Tony Hall has cancelled £10million budget cuts for local radio stations
The Sun · 13 hours ago’
So that’s £20K/week
Spread over 40 stations.
So £500 each/week
Or £70/day
Not a big deal
I no longer watch or listen to the BBC. I abandoned it’s left-wing bias about three years ago.
I occasionally scan their Online News to remind myself of the bias.
But I still have to pay the Telly-Tax. What a crazy set of circumstances. It would never be permitted in the USA.
I now turn to youtube for my news. I can also follow Fox News there. But how long will that last?
Same here, Dover!
If I’m right in that we’re both near Dover, a once proud place, then we pay for all the dross that KCC chuck around while they ignore the lorryloads of illegals crashing up the M20.
I get my news here, from solid souls, while the Kent Mesenger is a silly faded old joke, and local TV news is just pathetic, as is most of the local radio…
Never mind though, I’ve already made my mind up before I hear crap from the BBBC or the stupid local press, which was anti-Brexit.
Never mind the Boris Johnson’s statement … Saudi Arabia tells citizens to leave Lebanon at once { 09nov2017}
“Saudi Arabia has told its citizens in Lebanon to leave the country immediately.”
“Many Lebanese fear that their country is becoming embroiled in a wider conflict between Saudi Arabia, a major Sunni power, and Shia-led Iran, its biggest regional rival.”
The BBC are already preparing the ‘ lets take more refugee programmes’ . Gary Lineacker is ready to accuse us of being racist if we don’t take at least a million. All the luvvies are queuing up to get in on the act. Corbyn is proposing that the Country sends all , yes all , of its life boats to act as taxis. The RNLI is accused of racism for seeking to retain a small number in the UK and of valuing white people more than brown ones. The BBC is secretly auditioning young people to be the face of the refugees.
BBC Global Warming agenda
11:30pm Radio4
“The man who predicted deforestation and harmful human induced climate change 200 years ago. When Alexander von Humboldt explored the South American rain forests he realised that nature was a ‘web of life’ and witnessed how human activities were catastrophically damaging the landscape”
When the Brits took over Cyprus, the first thing they did was cull all the wild goats and stop them roaming the hills in which to protect the forests.(That was in 1879)
Goatism was rampant then, as well…
Old Goat
I think it was done to deprive the natives of sexual pleasures. Quite a high Muslim population in Cyprus at the time I understand.
The bbC, and how it covers up the excesses of rail unions:
Aslef train drivers accept Southern rail deal
Drivers from the Aslef union have accepted a deal with Southern rail, bringing to an end an 18-month dispute.
Members voted by 79.1% to accept the resolution which includes a five-year pay increase worth 28.5%. The dispute over safety came after Southern introduced driver-only operated (DOO), or driver-controlled operated (DCO) trains. The Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union, which is locked in the same row, described it as a “shoddy deal”
Whilst the bBC is happy to refer to the above as a shoddy deal Here is what they aren’t telling you:
The deal would take a driver’s base salary from £49,001 to £62,721 for the existing 35-hour, four-day week.
Now I wonder how many more strikes are going to hit the public regards getting such a fantastic deal. Its as if the unions are hell bent on causing a winter of discontent in which to get Labour in and thus keep the UK in the EU.
The mockery of a massive pay hike improving safety, as claimed, seems to have passed BBC trending by.
Immigration staff “worse than useless” say judge
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed {dailymail}
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
He really can’t think why it took so long for the muslim judge’s incompetence to be revealed? Pull the other one.
‘hard to see’ – bit of a lose term to throw around!
Interesting that his views would appear to be the BBC’s too. Impartially, of course:
Oh maker of BBC Ariel statue was a perv as well
Either the new Dr Who is a Pink Floyd fan or the bBC loves to send subliminal messages:
Wearing trousers – TICK.
Wearing male Braces – TICK
Wearing Rainbow – TICK
Dr. Who style coat – TICK
Women – TICK
Dressed like man – TICK
Comfortable shoes – TICK
Has girlfriend – TBC
Think of all the great-crested newts being crushed under that ridiculous old police telephone box!
Why does the BBC keep trying to recreate a rather cheesy children’s prog from way back and call it important again?
As usual, they need to have kid’s themes to keep the kids happy for when they emigrate from CBeebies…
I haven’t a clue who the girl is, so maybe I’m biased, or just bored to tears as I write this!
The BBC and helicopters. Made in heaven.
Classic report on 6 o’clock news with the massive shock revelation that only 0.1% of Great Britain’s land mass is covered by man made materials.
So loads and loads of space for more immigrants.
But all immigrants basically think they have a right to live in central London
So that somehow loads of them end up living in Kensington in Grenfell Tower.
And note how Sadiq’s mates keep granting planning permission for tall tall buildings which means thousands of people end up commuting to plots where only dozens used to work
.. and next moment Sadiq is moaning about the traffic congestion and pollution.
“But all immigrants basically think they have a right to live in central London”
Hyde Park, Green Park, St James’s Park, Regents Park, Primrose Hill, Hampstead Heath, Golders Hill Park. Gladstone Park; the list is endless.
Loads and loads of space, and all inside the M25.
Mind you, SG, I think the idea of them communting to work is stretching the imagination a bit.
Not BBC bias but C4 leading with another ‘humanitarian crisis’ in Syria.
Not too sure of the makeup of this one, but as I’ve become so desensitised to this lefty shite, I simply don’t care. Assad might or might not be a bad guy, but if BBC/c4/sky are against you, you’re probably alright by me.
Daily anti Trump broadcast from the state media has a few digs at Trump’s viist to China.
My word, Trump is getting about, meting leaders of other countries, doing deals.
So when is he coming to the UK?
I do hope he snubs Treezer, the Speaker and the MPs who spoke against his proposed visit.
On 4pm news the BBC said “It was unclear how Trump had managed to tweet, cos Twitter is banned in China”
FFS is BBCNews that naive on tech ?
Do they really think US dimplomatic traffic goes thru the normal Chinese internet ?
Of course they have their own communication channels to get to the internet thru an outside country.
Anyone could use their cellphone to call up a foreign number which has been set up as an internet gateway.
..and that’s not the only way.
They`re obsessed by Trump aren`t they? With all roads leading to staying in the E.U or the railway sidings at Westerbork.
Trump Deragement Syndrome-do their kids get a Blue Badge is they can claim this disease?
So is the media shoving any SJW stuff in your face tonight ?
7:30pm ITV prog Changed to sexual harassment ( was billed Doco about acid attacks)
10:45pm BBC1 Remainer Time
9pm BBC2 Exodus part 2 about refugees travelling all the way across Europe to here
9pm C4 Doco : Sneering at Trump Part 1 of 4
10pm C4 Doco how intimidating black reporter Gary Younge finds America : Angry and White
11pm BBC4 1917 Countdown to the Russian revolution trasition to communist state
“Similarities with Comrade Corbyn-truth doesn’t matter,seizing power is everything. We’ve been warned!”
No he does not lack guts…quite a chubby chap isn`t he?
And so inarticulate. If you can`t even argue with some contrarian in a suit like Robert Spencer -then you`re really as thick and ahistorical as your accusers say. Being black seems not to even give Younge an advantage in this argument, they really need to be able to argue and not shout down. Hopeless white-baiting , paid for by us. FFS Thatcher-why did you EVER let Channel 4 set out to do this kind of thing?