Monday morning arrives and so does the latest BBC/Guardian nothing burger about the Royals using “tax havens”. Can’t wait for the BBC to cover the Guardian’s Cayman Islands tax haven. Utter garbage from the comrades to start their week of bias.
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I like the labour idea of due process – you tell some one that there are allegations against them and suspend them but you don’t tell them who is making allegations and what they are – it’s a bit French Revolution . The suspect tops himself but every one afterward says it’s ok because it’s due process. No it isn’t.
Those who made the allegations must be named and the detail of the allegations declared. If it amounts to indecent assault the police should investigate – even is the suspect topped himself.
I like the labour idea of due process – you tell some one that there are allegations against them and suspend them but you don’t tell them who is making allegations and what they are – it’s a bit French Revolution . The suspect tops himself but every one afterward says it’s ok because it’s due process. No it isn’t.
Those who made the allegations must be named and the detail of the allegations declared. If it amounts to indecent assault the police should investigate – even is the suspect topped himself.
Perhaps Jezza will set the wheels in motion.
Due process was ALWAYS invoked by Stalin, as well as largely adhered to by Hitler. If the paperwork had been passed ,and the statutory processes were gone through;then the bullet or piano wire was “appropriately sanctioned”.
And they were big on inspecting alll this too.
BBC Licenses…Shami and Labours Jews…Jean Charles De Menezes?…all the same thing to them, processes followed, resistance factored and judgement and sentence carried out.
Trouble is now that -now Trump and Farage have inadvertedly shown us where the evil lies in politics,media presenting and quasi-judicial and academic set ups?-none of us need ever believe a word of theirs again in the Legacy Press and Mummers Media.
Judge Roy Moore for example-if the BBC report it and the Washington Post originated it-well let`s get Hillary locked up first shall we and then we`ll check again. Until then-it`s a fishing trip, and a wrecking ball at anybody who backs Trump or Brexit. Until I see otherwise as would have been likely in , say 1990-then I`m not buying a word of their “allegations” and “controversies”.
Who believes a word of any of their stories any more? Only teachers and council officers.
Sky news. Saudi Prince… “We need moderate Islam so people can live longer..” … and there you go.
Bet the wahabis love him
One lefty website officially declared FakeNews purveyor
Guido tells how Skwawkbox complained to the regulator IPSO when the Sun called it FakeNews
..IPSO has found that claim is true
So how often have you heard the bBC report that the UK is a nasty place to live if you are not white.

How often have you heard the bBC report on how this has got worse since Brexit.
How often have you heard the bBC report on a racist hate crime
How many have heard of this RACIST hate attack in London were 12 people attacked a Polish immigrant who is now fighting for his life:
Police hunt 12 people after Polish man left fighting for life and with fractured skull in Oxford Circus Tube attack
Police are hunting for up to a dozen men and women after a Polish man was left with a fractured skull in a vicious attack on a Tube station platform. The victim is fighting for his life in hospital and has bleeding and swelling on the brain more than two days on from the Sunday morning attack at busy central London Underground station Oxford Circus. He was one of two men who were attacked by a group of between eight to 12 people on the southbound Bakerloo line platform at around 11.15am on Sunday. The other man is recovering at home.
and here are the people the Police are looking for:
So on that note anybody heard of this nasty racist attack on a white immigrant on the Tube from the beeb.
Pounce –
When a polish bloke was attacked
( killed ?) in Harlow Essex thepoliticians queued up to be on the high ground- lord god the constabulary imported polish coppers to ‘reassure ‘ the ‘community’ . Even the polish ambo got a show…….
So where is every one on this ? Who is blaming Brexit ? Does it make any difference that the perps are of a certain heritage whereas the Harlow thing turned out to be white yobs and booze but no Brexit connection – proved at trial? . Sucks
I thought that was also a black who punched and caused the death of the Pole in Harlow for racially abusing him?
whereas the Harlow thing turned out to be white yobs and booze
The guy who killed the Pole in Harlow wasn’t white. He claims he attacked the Pole after he made a racist remark to him.
Pounce –
Sorry I must have swallowed al beeb disinformation – the bastards are still able to get through my defences sometimes with their mind games .
Yep Pounce this story doesn’t show up on
So moved to check Twitter @BBCLondonNews and the sory is not there either
What is a series of tweets of news stores where NON-white people are victims
– Croydon Halloween murder: Two guilty of killing student
– Kurdish asylum seeker mob beating verdict (more on this later)
– Walthamstow acid attack: Over £10,000 raised for victim
– Two teenagers have been charged with murdering a 17-year-old boy who was stabbed to death in a park
– A prisoner accused of murdering a fellow inmate : Muslim victim
– (Black guy) eaving a City job to become a snail farmer in Londo
– ** The Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick has told MPs that all 25 teenagers murdered in London this year were black or Asian. **
(inc adults there were 114 murders)
– A mother-of-four has been jailed for her part in a fake £7m heist staged at Heathrow Airport
(photo 2 Asians)
Oh dear God that poor man!
“a city in the Middle East. ”
I turned the BBC TV News on this morning and I thought I had slept in some trashy Pakistani back water hotel. I’m convinced that the BBC Elites are giving news reading-trials to every Mammood, aslam, and Preeta who has just popped-in fresh off the channel ferry!
I’ve given up counting how many new Asain faces there are on BBC TV these days.
I had heard that London was a busy place, but why is everybody running everwhere?
Really wish the Tories would rise from their deathbed and fight back. Heard James Mates on ITV new refer to the “disgraced” Priti Patel.
As if she was Savile or Stonehouse, Driberg or Shipman. Even in all these cases, they certainly didn`t use that word until a few weeks after.
How does he get away with that-is no one in the Tory party bothered about these continual drive by nasties, forever getting popped at by lefty hacks in the telly?
As for Vaz and Jacqui, Harman and Bercow ? Well, I`ve yet to hear the word “disgraced” attached to all that THEY`VE been up to…but funnily enough, they`re all immune as media-licensed and approved lefties. Utterly disgusting.
I can think of a few adjectives for the Tories, weak,pathetic,embarassing,cowardly. How is that for starters.
The world is laughing at them. Even the Murdoch family are saying publicly how afraid the Tories are of Labour , this when Murdoch could bring a long awaited, much needed right wing Fox news to our screens.
Who is stopping Murdoch, the Tories. Unbelievably stupid,thick, frightened Tories..
Karen Bradley, the traitorous Queen of Cowards.
We have to remember that May is a remainer, it is her goal to keep the UK within the EU. However she knows if she openily does so, the Government will face many court cases. The best way is to discredit the Tory party so much that it forces another election. That way the next party can push for another vote and hey presto, May gets a job for life at the EU and the Brits get fucked over.
Quite right Pounce, it certainly looks that way.
I keep hearing on the BBC News that Penny Mordaunt has been made Secretary of State for International Development in order to balance the Brexit vote in the cabinet. Like hell!
There are 25 cabinet ministers 18 of which are Remainers.
Balance my bottom.
But don’t you dare touch it!
Heard some BBC dolly telling me this morning that May “will now be under increasing scrutiny” in the light of her political troubles after Patel.
She spoke in the passive, a dispassionate observer and chronicler of what others less worthy that her and her crew , might do.
I HATE this liberal media continual effort at passively describing what happens by chance-as opposed to what their editors and our money actively wish to create and see made real.
Orwell pointed this trick out years ago-well remember Alexander Haig in America pulling this passive language stunt in the 80s.
That the BBC continue to use it only shows how shameless and impervious to criticism thay have now become. They need a slap.
So how many times have you heard how Laura Plummer, from Hull, was picked up by the Egyptian Police when she went to visit her (Husband/Lover/friend) and was found to be carrying prescription drugs. I’ve heard she may get 25 years in jail, that she could even get the death penalty, that the drugs she were carrying are legal in the Uk .

Briton held in Egypt over drugs made ‘honest mistake’
The above is from 4 days ago and the photo the bBC airs is this one of the loving couple. (Who apparently is already married and living with that wife)
Well here is something the bBC didn;t mention about Miss Plumber who has been banged up for over a month regards her so called (Husband/Lover/friend)
Hull woman in Egypt jail ‘abandoned’ by her boyfriend
A Hull woman facing “the death penalty” in Egypt for bringing painkillers into the country for her boyfriend has been “abandoned”. Laura Plummer, 33, has already spent over a month in a prison in Hurghada, where she was arrested at the airport for carrying 300 Tramadol pills.
So much for better or worse
Yep the story has been on BBC Look North & ITV Calendar last 4 nights
He’s always referred to as her husband or partner
The BBC webpage does say
I don’t know if that is a later stealth edit.
At the extreme possibility it does seem like it;s a naive Shirley Valentine thing and he’s exploiting her.
On the other hand in a mad police state, you might well not risk showing up at the jail where your partner is being held, for fear of the police arresting you and beating you up.
He’s had his fun, no point getting in trouble for the sake of a kaffir, you can always find another.
9pm News “Gordon Brown has suggested that UK could still stay in the EU if the voters are offered a game changing deal”
apologies for the tweet but it’s the best way that the story is facilitate by BBC’s chief traitor herself
Labour Kuensberg
So now it should be clear. Our politicians are not going to deliver Brexit. They will come up with a game changer, and we will vote again with massive media indoctrination in favour of accepting the EU. This is why the BBC and the rest of the media are continuing with the referendum debate. UKIP has disappeared, other patriotic organizations will be branded a Nazis/racists/extremists, May and her successors are Remainers, and gradually we will move away from the US – cos Trump grabs pussies and is a racist – towards a multiculty Islam oriented EU.
I’m afraid that the GE result gave the Remainiacs and the EU free license to do as they pleased. The result allowed them to claim that the will of the people argument following the referendum was at the very least challegable and even void. The EU was mightily encouraged by the result and knew that if it made life difficult there was no chance of the UK walking away without a deal. It would have been a very different picture if the Tories had been returned with large majority on a Leave mandate. I’m afraid that the British people had given themselves the opportunity to Leave the EU but then didn’t carry through on it. We have only ourselves to blame.
But,as we`ve long seen in public life-the elite have merely been smoked out and teased from under their damp stones by our provocative decision to vote to leave their Project last year.
London and the Scottish Dependency obviously are their own planets-and we`d have won as much as 60-40 had they not voted as they did, with their Sin Fein plants from Brussels via Dublin
Real Britain only made the mistake of not forming around the notion of sovereignty and the democratic ballot being the foundation stone of all that was to follow , once Cameron flounced off as he did. The British are slow to rouse, and Mays coronation prevented a fire sale of the deadwood. We had no say in that-like the expenses scandals , we took our feet off the pedals and rather trusted these oafs to get us out of the mess they`d created.
We were asked for our opinion, we only politely told them “we wanted out” . And after Cologne, Nice, Bataclans, Brussels….and now with Germany, Spain and Catalonia, Visegrad migration, Malta and Italy(let alone Greece and the Euro catastrophe swirling around the continent)-weren`t we right to do so?
With the EU Army, the ending of Article 50 and the likes of Serbia and Turkey going into the EU likely as not?-we got out just in time.
And no elite and Europhile boss class is going to lock us into the burning building, now we`ve found the exit.
We`ve avoided a civil war, but who among us has not seen the clean nailed fops and fruits that dare to thwart us as we`ve worked under and beside them.
They are NOT Ceausescus goons or Polish miners..if they broke a nail, they`d limp away. Who doesn`t fancy their chances against the BBC if they continue to mock and insult us?
At last someone is talking about the ‘EU army’. There is a meeting in Brussels on Monday and it looks like the MoD is going to sign up to joint defence decision making with the EU. There has been no discussion or vote in Parliament, and little or no publicity. It affects all our military forces and we won’t be able to properly make our own decisions.
Listen to the first 11 mins of Nigel Farage’s show tonight on LBC where David Banks from Veterans for Britain explains.
To be honest, I would, base it on the old regimental system and have units based on their geographical location., thus having an esprit de corps system in place. Naturally technical units (As in UK Corps) would be mixed. The armed forces would require a language, I would go for English for all officers. In having a European army, we could reduce costs by using the same kit (or 3 at the most) current within European we have at least 6 different tanks, different rifles, different uniforms, however that said, each country will have to surrender their armed forces to Strasbourg, thus denying politics to get in the way of deployments. It would take time to implement but within 20 years, a half decent military force would be in place, within 40, it would be a world beater.
The above may not be palatable to many (And I voted leave), but I am simply seeing this from a military point of view.
“but I am simply seeing this from a military point of view.”
Yes with the Brits holding the line while all the rest do a runner.
As always.
What happened to NATO ?
Yes, that’s what I was wondering. If you were going to rationalise it would make more sense to ralionalise within NATO.
Von der Leyen, the previous German defense minister claimed recently that 11 different tanks were used by EU countries. Of course, this is just German politicians pursuing the greater EU integration shtick with the added benefit of the German arms industry providing all the tanks.
Ever since Trump was elected, his insistence that European countries pay their NATO dues has been interpreted by German politicians as Trump wants to leave NATO and leave Europe defensless. This was just grist to the European army mill. Another German media mantra is that Trump’s America now does not share “European values” and is a similar threat as Putin’s Russia which also does not share “European values”, whatever they might be. Do Eastern Europeans really think Trump’s America is any threat to them when they have an expansionist Russia to deal with? The prospect of liberating themselves from the British brake on integration, seems to have unleashed a bout of megalomania from the Eurocrats. They really do think with the European superstate thay will equal a declining USA, check Russian ambitions and prevent Chinese dominstion.
With the older members that may be true:
Canada,Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain.
However the newer Eastern European members haven’t forgotten the press of the Soviet jackboot, which is why they have no problem spending money on defence. Trump has simply told the rest that they have to share the defence burden, which until now only the UK and US have bothered with.
The message appears to be getting through with everybody bar the UK increasing their defence spending. Here our MPs concerned about keeping their John Lewis perks, have no problem milking our military in which to fund the sick,lame and lazy who naturally only care about their benefits which keeps them happy and will vote for anybody who promises them an easy time.
Read more: Jilted John – Jilted John Lyrics | MetroLyrics
With the older members that may be true:
Canada,Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain.
However the newer Eastern European members haven’t forgotten the press of the Soviet jackboot, which is why they have no problem spending money on defence. Trump has simply told the rest that they have to share the defence burden, which until now only the UK and US have bothered with.
The message appears to be getting through with everybody bar the UK increasing their defence spending. Here our MPs concerned about keeping their John Lewis perks, have no problem milking our military in which to fund the sick,lame and lazy who naturally only care about their benefits which keeps them happy and will vote for anybody who promises them an easy time.
Am surprised Pounce.
I noted the Dutch peacekeeping forces in Bosnia, seen the German army doing impressions of the former third reich, and seen how our army here is now a bob a job brigade for Bush, Clinton, Cameron and Blair in recent history.
Need to defend these borders, not allow any EU committee to pass the dope around the trannies and tattoo poodles when we need Islam gone from here and the current EU occupation of our culture burned out of public life this side of the channel.
RT is now previewing the Alex Salmond show
(It’ll be on 3 X on a Thursday)
Salmond would sell his mother for right price
Man without a soul.
How come it was OK for Salmond to do his unfunny act at the Edinburgh Festival, and the lefties at the BBC and Guardian rather liked it?
Is it because -like Galloway-it allows RT to outflank the BBC on its left, and so may well need banning. Isn`t it the monopoly for the BBC to mould and groom the univeristy agitators, not upstart new kids on the block like RT?
Bet Uber have taken plenty BBC limo accounts away-and the BBCs entitled elites don`t like anything but privileged cartels like themselves.
Interesting. I was just doing a search on Bing when this came up in the sidebar. Do we have another Twit (er) trying to play SJW kiddie tricks? Or am I paranoid about Microsoft?

Yep same here Bing on Chrome in UK
Remember the Big Brexit Racist attack #2 ?
The Croydon pub mob attack on the Kurdish asylum seeker Reker Ahmed
The verdict is in
3 of 6 found “not guilty”
\\Reker Ahmed, 17, also suffered facial fractures when he was attacked in Croydon, south London, on 31 March.
George Walder, 23, Lliam Neylon, 19, and Kurt Killick, 18, all of Croydon, were each convicted of two counts of violent disorder..
Mr Ahmed was left with “life changing injuries” after being subjected to two attacks over 16 minutes.
Before the fight Mr Ahmed and his friends Hamo Mustafa and Dilshad Mohammed had been chatting (sic BBC English) a group in The Goat pub on Broom Road.//
Seems No one was found guilty of racism
Earlier 2 people had been charged with “racially aggravated grievous bodily harm”
but that was dropped against an older guy, leaving only one teenager charged with it.
Either it was dropped or he was found NG
“Completely outnumbered, Mr Ahmed was stamped on his head and his body. ..This was no fight.”
Afterwards \\ he could not remember “anything” and was without his necklaces and gold watch.//
“There are some things we will never know about this case, one of those is how this started.
… Mr Ahmed had been attacked twice.
.. the defendant’s account simply doesn’t add up.”
What about German broadcasters ?
Could you just tell us what German State TV says about BREXIT then?
\\ utterly appalling “report” on Newsnight by Harrabin
about the changes Trump is making to the Climate agenda in the US.
It is totally partisan – could have been scripted by Greenpeace.
A cameo by John Holdren talking of “climate deniers” being appointed by Trump made it unwatchable.
The spirit of 28-gate is alive and kicking at the Beeb. // mikeh
\\Wark continuing the paranoid BBC criticism of RT – what are they afraid of?//
Martin Kelner blogpost complaining about how the BBC treats it’s low down staff
The BBC should hold it’s head in it’s hands as clearly to them “British Black lives Don’t Matter”.. They continue to place the Weinstien story from the USA above reports (only in the local sections) of the unrelated murder of two (one in London a mass stabing and one in Leeds, a shooting) young Black British Citizens. The once “alleged” suspects have been found, in both instance, of cold blooded murder of a Black British Citizen.Why do the BBC fail to report this story (s) as a headline ?
Because it spoils the BBC narrative ( the official lie) that white people kill black people in racist attacks and so black people are deserving of special consideration and treatment at the expense of white people. The BBC calculate everything so as to maximise the impact of their narrative .
Consumer confidence low before Christmas? Brexit fear caused by the Al Beeb and it’s propagand, a self fulfilling prophecy. The business world should call them out.
Good Chukka on Breakfast…doing his best to implement project fear again…..why do these politicians not have a clue about planning and negotiation? If the Remoaners just accepted we are leaving then they would have the end sight they keep claiming we don’t have…how we get there is the planning and negotiation….
did anyone else notice Chukka got more time to talk without interruption than Tory Peter Bone…or was it me? Could it be he was saying all the things the BBC likes to hear and Bone wasn’t
Chukka is simply the perfect shade for the BBCs Benetton Test Card of the Ethnic Raj.
Gary Younge is a Channel 4 face fit for radio.
Wrong shade on the BBC Dulux range I fear, Younge might scare the children.
Certainly bothers me, as a thick privileged and unprepared blowhard.
But Chukka-Beyonce gorgeous, great voice, knows Streatham and a corporate shill and lawyer. The BBCs right shade and kind of coffee creme perfection.
Our Obama remember one day?
Silly old fool Lord Kerr on the radio this morning, saying nothing, but making mischief.
Did he by chance find the perfect broadcast outlet to make it with?
I heard this too.
It was a classic case of one of the biased BBC’s favourite tactics.
Bring someone on as an ‘expert’.
Then interview them gently and at length (because after all, they are ‘expert’)
Of course the ‘expert’ just happens to support the narrative. In today’s case, a Remoaner.
Choose from Lord Mandelson, Vicky Pryce, Lord Kerr and keep a lookout for all the others.
Strangely, the bBBC seem unable to interview Brexit supporting experts with quite the same regularity, and certainly not with the same level of fawning gentility.
An expert gives figures and references to back up any facts they`re given-or being asked to speak about.
An opinion can certainly be asked for of an expert-but they are speaking in a personal capacity, beyond their educational range and are mere vox pops for self-regarding clever people, who`ve never had to think of anything but their own self entitlement.
Experts do NOT give opinions, it destroys their professional grounding, and are untrained to speak outside their remit.
Therefore-when there are no facts or sources, no independence references to check stated-well, that`s just one man , one vote like in the referendum. They have no extra influence or expertise if it`s only their personal opinion.
Now you can work out what percentage of talking heads on the media are actually talking as experts( most give guarded conclusion and are NEVER certain in any field that brings them into disrepute at the end of their questioning). And which are mere bloviators of the liberal songbook, but with a track record of compliance and progressive conformity.
My guess would be 5% experts…even less on Today-but up to 70% for “In Our Time”
first name Wayne ?
or is it Joe?
Men. What are they like?
Why don’t all the top BBC payers put their money into a big pot and divide it all up? Simple!
Or BBC presenters, like Jo Whiley, can hold pieces of paper and smile like Michelle Obama did …
#BBCtrending: Five facts about #BringBackOurGirls { may2014} The top BBC journalists have reviewed the hashtag and the findings are in …
1. When did it start? – 23rd April, 2014
2. How many times has it been used on Twitter? – 3.3million
3. Where is it being used? – Top Countries Nigeria 27%, UK, USA
4. Who is using it? – 56% Women, 44% Men
5. Most shared tweet? – 57,000 Retweets
Oh, and the missing, most important one for the actual 276 girls … not asked by the BBC …
6. Did #bringbackourgirls actually bring back the 276 girls? (the most important question)
How about #EqualLifeSpan day ?
where you hold up a card with your Gran and Grandad’s lifespan
to highlight the difference
A BBC female staffer will collect more pension than her equal male, cos she will live longer.
Or #EqualDeathAtWork day
Bloody HATE that woman.
Only got to Glastonbury because John Peel died.
An utter fake, reminds me of Peter Powell after a day in the dressing up box.
#EqualPayDayAt40K – now that would scare them all!
BBC Woman’s Hour is FakeNews
What’s equal pay NOT about ?
It’s not about : man vs woman
It should be about Person X does the same job as person Y and should get the same wage
As soon as you start splitting society into men vs women you are being sexist just like BBC Woman’s Hour
But this RADIO prog wastes resource in making this lying graphic
Today is also in “Islamophobia Awareness Month”, “Mens Health Awareness Month”-and I`d imagine it`s still in Movemeber, Stoptober, Young Mental Health Month and Black History Month if you`ve not put your clock forward.
If anyone can tell me any day that has NOT been dragooned by the idiot posturing Left to “raise awareness” of whatever cause that`ll give them a leg up(leg over these days)-let me know…must be ONE day not colonised by the lefty graspers?
Interesting video seems to debunk the gender pay gap
Like waking up next to Kevin Spacey
That’s just about the right simile for how our morning news from the BBC feels these days.
Our initial waking from slumber is blissfully unaware of the uninvited alien presence. That first innocent feeling, that’s our fond youthful memory of auntie BBC which once upon a time used to be so familiar and reassuring.
Now the sudden jump scare. That’s right – Doctor Who is a woman, English females are playing the Aussies for the Ashes, the BBC’s supposed serious economic commentators are celebrating the entirely imaginary and fictitious “Gender Pay Gap Day” and for some inexplicable reason the non-advert carrying BBC are bigging up those tiresome overblown department store Xmas shopping ads in which everyone featured has to be a West Indian.
Then there dawns the regretful sickening sinking feeling that somewhere along the line we have been well and truly duped. And now we have to face the day.
The BBC have said nothing positive about Brexit since the referendum.
But neither has the Conservative party.
The anti Brexit campaign continues because the Tories, like Labour and the BBC, know that we are staying in and a new referendum will be called when they consider that the time is ripe. We are heading for an extended EU including parts of North Africa and the Middle East, which is why our laws etc are being re-designed for our new members. May turned out to be Remain Plan B. Watch out for Boris to replace her and function as Remain Plan C. It will be easier for them now. UKIP has disappeared and the vitriol poured over patriotic parties will turn out to be a build up to their classification as extremist organizations to be banned.
This country basically has
6 “Guilty White people” parties
..that’s why all including the Tories are left wing , indulging in virtue signalling, rather than real policies that work.
Mad green policies are a prime example
GWF, that would be a bit strange, the BBC campaigning for Bojo to replace Theresa May as PM. Currently, they are busy – belatedly – trying to get him sacked, not promoted!
There`s more of us than there is of them GWF. And we`ve seen them at close quarters, usually been pushed around by them or sidelined soon after too.
Only the democratic process with a vote on the end has prevented civil war and revolution. The law depends on the majority being honoured, the minority being taken into account so they`re not alienated.
Today the minority broadcast, make laws, decide who`s entitled to live here and they despise the majorty who fund them, the native English working class whose country this is.
We`re at the very limits of elasticity, and Brexit, Trump and Islam, crime and migration-as well as BBC portrayals and their Occupy Cultural Guardianistas-now make it clear who`s with us and who`s out to shaft us.
Never forget. This weekend`s as good a time to do this as any.
BBC seems to be fully behind a counterintuitive report (‘part of an EU project’ – Oh, oh!) suggesting that Britain is much ‘greener’ than anyone thought – yippee! – in fact, only a mere 0.1% is what they call ‘continuous urban fabric’ (i.e totally concreted over), although more than 5% is (the much less concerning – oh yes!) ‘discontinuous urban fabric’ (parks? football pitches? back gardens?) But the thrust of this item seems to be that on the whole, things are much better than your average dumb Brit would have thought in regards to urban sprawl, and in fact, you’d hardly know the human race has been here at all. Idly wondering what fires their slightly unexpected enthusiasm on this issue. Preparing the ground for a claim that we can start ‘expanding our infrastructure’ by paving over a few of our less remarkable counties, perhaps, in order to accommodate a dynamically expanding population of happy incomers?
Always ask which NGO PR dept prepared the material that the BBC/MSM are cutting and pasting from.
So called “news” is mostly PR.
It’s correct that only about 8% of Britain is fully developed with some other bits in more rural areas. It has to be remembered 1. that some of our major cities (London, for example) are among the greenest in the world, and, 2. that elsewhere in Britain, some (much?) of the land is at variously increasing degrees to the horizontal and not really suitable or favourable to development other than new some new sheep or goat tracks.
However, this is still a highly populated country and people have a selfish habit of wanting to move around from time to time. It means that many of these green areas are affected by roads, railway lines and aircraft, not forgetting noisy trucks delivering stuff to our increasing population.
Some of it is unsuitable for development, as you say, and relatively few people want to picnic on the bleaker parts of the Pennines.
It’s obvious what they’re getting at. And I suppose the fact that certain more recent arrivals are hardly ever seen in the greener areas, or some of the greener parts of our cities, means that these areas are expendable anyway.
Dover – agree
I will be putting in a complaint about the daily BBC ‘Brexit’ programme – it is so weighted to one side it would sink if it were a ship..
Just heard Polly Toynbee AGAIN- does she have a place on the board at the BBC? She seems to be on at least once a week and banging on about how dumb us Brexiteers are…although I have my doubts about her intelligence when in one breath she states that the future is bleak with Brexit and then in the next says she is not in the job of making predictions…
I must stop working from home….
James, assume that you are referring to toady. The bbbc always get their money’s worth out of this unreconstructed communist rent a gob. What disappoints is that fraser nelson was the foil and failed to score as the goalie slept and mostly agreed with her bitching rhetoric. WTF. This is why we are losing the pr war. If you appear on these shamelessly biased outlets, at least counter the fucking narrative – it’s not as though there is lack of quality ammunition for christs sake.
Probably wasting my time commenting at the fag end of a long thread, but today’s must-read hobby horse story on the BBC website is:
This might come sooner than later … “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
1963 … “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!”
Beeb reporting a female ex-Olympian cyclist is suing UK Sport and British Cycling for sex discrimination, unfair dismissal bla bla bla. Last evening I caught the Yesterday channel broadcasting a programme on WW1 and a piece about an Irish soldier called William McFadzean. He was awarded the VC for giving his life to save his fellow men after a box of grenades fell into his trench. He realised pins had fallen out so smothered himself on top of the case knowing full well he would be killed in the subsequent explosion. One hundred years on he is still remembered in his home country and accorded respect.
When I have to listen to the so called victims in this country, backed up continuously by our MSM, I ask myself what kind of society we have become. People like William McFadzean are real victims of the injustices of this world, not someone who feels offended or victimised just because they can see a few pieces of silver at the end of it. Sorry to go off topic a bit, just had to get it off my chest.
Daily Mail reports that Gary Lineker is named in Paradise Papers as using an offshore company to buy his home in Barbados to avoid stamp duty. Should be a big story on the BBC.
PS. Amusingly BBC website has a headline ” UK millionaires using offshore tax avoidance schemes “, but no mention of Gary. Must be an oversight.
His name was mentioned on the Radio : could have been in the paper review though
that is the only BBC webpage where is is mentioned
…. screenshot of Sun FP
In June they buried his name in another tax scandal story
“Islam is no weirder than Christianity. Both are just Judaism with the jokes taken out.”: Radio 4’s star comedian Jeremy Hardy.
Where to even begin with this supposed witticism? Firstly, let’s be clear, it’s is not just some random throwaway one-liner among the many, this is trumpeted by the BBC as one of two gags forming the very frontispiece of Jeremy’s humour in promotion of his upcoming new show. I hear it’s quite hard to get comedy projects commissioned so the Corporation must reckon Mr Hardy pretty highly and to pick that line they must think it to be a real belter. Deconstruction is a rather lefty post-modernist trick but let’s go with it since it seems appropriate here. “Islam” is the first word. Gosh how edgy, how controversial, what a brave chap. But no. Of course not, this was never going to be a joke about the faith ironically (not comedically, obviously) known in the west as the religion of peace. And our Jeremy is quite honest about that. Within the joke itself he tells us Islam has no jokes – so do we call this a meta joke? A joke that tells us it’s not a joke, maybe? The BBC comedian is correct of course, Islam has no jokes and we have that from the very horse’s mouth behind the beard of the Iranian Ayatollah himself. How about Christianity – why’s that in there then? For false equivalence, I guess. Christianity has lots of funny guys. The Jews gave us Woody Allen the Gentiles reply with Dave Allen and more recently Father Ted. I don’t see any Papal Excommunications issuing from the Vatican. So don’t pretend Jesus freaks can’t see the funny side. That Monty Python movie The Life of Brian… does Jeremy think that was a documentary? Did it not make him laugh? By the way, what exactly does Hardy imagine to be so universally reliably side-splitting about Judaism anyway? Remember the fiasco of The Day the Clown Cried, Jerry Lewis’s infamous Holocaust movie. Seems no one was laughing at that. Too soon ? – I hear that’s what the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo wondered as they were gunned down. Mind you, on the BBC airwaves just the other day our Harriet Harman unprompted did attempt to revive an old holocaust joke on Andrew Neil’s show. I hear it went down like a pork pie at a Bar mitzvah. Don’t think she’ll have to go into hiding though.
Islam is no weirder than Christianity. Both are just Judaism with the jokes taken out.
Hmmm, lets’ see….
Female genital mutilation
Gender based abortions
Gender segregation
Massive gender inequality
Arranged marriages
Honour killings
Oppressive clothing for women of the faith
Over 50% of the faith in Britain believe homosexuality should be outlawed
Oppressive religious law
Semi-militaristic, religious hate schools
Rioting and murder the automatic reaction to any criticism of your prophet
Religious cleansing in the countries of the faith
Major continuing human rights abuses in countries of the faith
Almost total lack of democracy in countries of the faith
Predisposition to barbaric acts of mass terrorism
Yes, I’m sure in Jeremiah Hardy’s fevered and perverted mind, Christianity ticks all those boxes.
Don’t worry, the list you gave is Moderate Islam!
I think it’s moderate, hard to tell as no one will define the start and end points.
Great call out AISI , thanks for the listing johnny-did you have a successsful brother who was goalie for the Viz Victorious legendary team we were brought up on?
Be grateful-Hardy has given us an open goal that reveals all the other issues.
1. His lazy blackface parody of what Jews are for is despicable. His history is wrong on nearly all levels, but-like satan/shaitan/shittin itself-there is a grain of truth in a furball and fat bolus of lies.
2. Islam was an arab and nationalist response to Jews and Christian not taking the bait. There are Jewish roots(deep in places too) in both Christianity and the follow up tribute act to Judeao-Christianity that is Islam. It`s a second-hand derivative mock up of a religion-but successful, and therefore has got to be dealt with as was Nazism and Communism.
3. Jews and Christians both have humilty and fallability as core texts( not that Popes etc don`t exclude this)-Islam is a triumphalist faith that needs to see blood and treasure as the reward from their one god, allah. Jews don`t even evangelise-Christians are only asked to point starving people (like they used to be) to the buffet table-but don`t forget who provides the food and at what cost. That`s what the Cross means( not that churches or Christians all agree-“broad church” remember?).
4. So am glad that Hardys cheap shot has backfired-to be fair to him, we saw the Today crew last week unable to ask either the head of the Catholics and recent head of the Anglicans ANYTHING that showed understanding of the Reformation. So he`s only a symptom of lazy liberal and over indulged poly dollies and yoonibins.
5. Christians gave up when Billy Graham came over, when Enoch and Mary W died-and when Monty Python or Father Ted were not taken on, but in a way that showed how prophetic and powerful their critiques were.
We`ll not get those chances again-when you lose Methodist like David Frost to the nasty pop cultures of the sixties…well either your Christ is a weak and daffy fop( and I KNOW that He isn`t )-or YOU (as is agents and badge-holding frachise dealers) are ineffective, effete parodies and fuckups in more danger of hell that those you scorn like Gervais or Dawkins(who at least ASK the right questions that we`re supposed to answer-1 Peter 3.15).
Peter says we`re to be gentle and respectful in modern versions-think we`re past this now though.
……johnny-did you have a successsful brother who was goalie for the Viz Victorious legendary team we were brought up on?
Chris, I seem to remember Viz and its hilariously un-PC characters and letters page gaining ascendance sometime around the 80s, coinciding with the sad diminution of my own footballing skills (never in nets though).
I acquired the nickname for reasons which I could not possibly divulge (and, hastening to add, having no connection to smell or physical appearance).
The thing i have noticed about all these haters of Christianity is how they always pull out the bible in which to say it is the same as the Koran. Yet what they fail to mention, is 90% of the British population havent read the bible and they don’t punish others who are less pious as written in the Christian codex.
In contrast all Muslims are taught to read the Koran and the vast majority do carry out what is written in it.
The Koran is the length of the Christian New Testament(roughly).
Jews and Muslims did codify their work and revelations from their gods-but Semitic culture was very oral, so learning them by heart was valued and a sign of real scholarship and status. Muslims call those who learn the Koran by heart “hafiz”, they even get the right to wear a fancy hat too!
Our culture is Greek based and visual, Latin was also more reliant on seeing Gods actions, not listening to His words.
We give out little red covered Gideons New testaments in schools, many get put straight in the charity shops, the bin-or used for drug paper, seeing as the paper is rizla thin in a crisis.
Good luck with finding a Koran in a charity shop-and a lot of kids are still learning it by heart, and will be upon us all soon.
The Koran is easier to learn-repetitive and hackneyed cliches, but it has a music and poetry of its own
We`ve got Paul Flowers, Aled Jones and Dianne Louise Jordan.
MarkyMark, chrisH, Pounce
I have no experience of synagogues or mosques but every christian church or chapel I have been into seems to be a giant fund raising operation.
Foodbank…recycling place for batteries…after school creche or a place where naughty kids from social services get to hang around outside and terrorise passers by.
Endless cake, slimming worlds and messy church for the troubled and vulnerable. None of that Jesus stuff round here
BBC is possibly heading towards totalitarian though, but via the Social Justice route …
“Let’s remember of course. You (the presenter) work for an unfree media (Al Jazeera) and an unfree state (Qatar). I however am a British man … I am a free person, a free European in a free society.” – Douglas Murray @24:33…
“Douglas Murray – Charlie Hebdo on Al Jazeera”
BBC is possibly heading towards totalitarian though, but via the Social Justice route …
“Let’s remember of course. You (the presenter) work for an unfree media (Al Jazeera) and an unfree state (Qatar). I however am a British man … I am a free person, a free European in a free society.” – Douglas Murray @24:33
“Douglas Murray – Charlie Hebdo on Al Jazeera”
** with correct video link
Ah -the Far Right-so says our Al Jaz buddy on this clip above.
Thanks for reminding us MarkyMark. Note that the Muslim apologist who talks over Murray “says we should not be pointing fingers”-as he`s physically and literally DOING this!
Priceless telly.
This is timely, seeing as Channel 4 and ITV were BOTH onto this “alt right in America and undercover here too”-three hours of telly last night!
Noted the “British Far Left” never get the “fish eye in the handbag” treatment with hot mics, to show the need to surrepticiously get footage for editing in their hall of mirrors!
Why so?
Only one reason.
No media hack COULD go undercover in any Far Left meetings-because they ARE that group in their day jobs,so why any need to pretend you`re not?
You`d be well known to them anyway, maybe even co-workers.
Couldn`t help notice that “Hope Not Hate” leading lights were…er…”consultants” to the making of the programme. Clearly the Deep State need this making for free nowadays, they seem to be in some trouble.
Radio Gaga-Lord Haw Hall and Lard whore-haha…hard to keep track with the grotesque “Der Starmer” caricatures on national telly.
We`ll be needing tanks to take the media out first-do they run on diesel, and are they liable to a congestion charge?…just asking….
A reminder where some of Hope not Hate’s funds come from
Link to Unbound Philanthropy
UK grants
2017 Grants
British Future £160,000.00 27/02/2017 24 London
Chancellor Masters & Scholars of the University of Oxford £55,000.00 12/07/2017 36 Oxford
Citizens UK £180,000.00 27/02/2017 24 London
Counterpoints Arts £180,000.00 27/02/2017 24 London
Global Dialogue £300,000.00 12/07/2017 24 London
HOPE not hate Charitable Trust £120,000.00 12/07/2017 12 London
Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association £40,000.00 12/07/2017 24 London
JustRight Scotland LLP £100,000.00 12/07/2017 24 Glasgow
Migrants Resource Centre £100,000.00 12/07/2017 24 London
Refugee Action £100,000.00 12/07/2017 24 London
Social Finance Ltd £100,000.00 12/07/2017 12 London
The Aziz Foundation £50,000.00 12/07/2017 24 London Greater London
The Bell Educational Trust Limited £135,000.00 27/02/2017 24 Cambridge
The Public Law Project £100,000.00 12/07/2017 24 London
And the BBC £3.5bn News service can fire up it’s journalists to link HopeNotHate (via Unbound Philanthropy) back to the Paradise or Panama papers or Juncker’s 1% Tax Haven called Luxembourg?
Good point MM.
Thought that Desert Island Discs would be featuring Roger SCRUTON today.
At least-the nations last true intellectual conservative, prophetic and polymath-the REAL heir to Vaughan Williams, Elgar, Burke and Sakharov, Sowell and Hayek-FINALLY the BBC would ask HIM about his Desert Island Discs.
But no-some self styled lapsed catholic nomark from the scouse badlands and now makes a good living out of Hillsborough and Social Justice Activism called Phil SCRATON.
Recko we need a feew campaigns here
1. Get Roger onto Desert Island Discs-sure he`s no Maxwell or Batmanghedghli, but he might have something to say about music…
2. Get Currys gone for their advert on “getting a big telly is what Christmas is all about”. Utterly appalling-if it`s not about Jesus then fuck off Currys!
3. Get Harman out-continue to contrast how the BBC have dealt with Gove and Weinstein…Boris and Sirte/Libya…with how they`ve left Harman say eveil crap on the Holocaust-and NOT mention her “Pakistani” joke that she was due to tell us before Neil crassly let her get way with it. Come on people-learn from the left, THEIR terror tactics are working, why are WE not using the same?
Spacey didn`t back Brexit, won`t have backed Trump-so let him dangle, and pull on his legs, but not so much as he`d get a boner eh?
Now where`s that Now Show script?….
My Guardian and Aldi campaigns are going… anti Semitism covers both of these.
Curously, chrisH, the Tesco multi-cultural festive ad starts by showing an oven ready turkey in the oven with bacon rashers on it!
Trigger Warning, it’s going to get somewhat un-PC here…
The BBC – always looking to tickle our funny bones – have lined up a celebration of international [they mean foreign] stand-up comedy.
“Hosted by the brilliant Daliso Chaponda (Britain’s Got Talent) [Apparently Britain hasn’t got so much talent otherwise the BBC wouldn’t need to be promoting this lot] and presenting a selection of the hottest global [They mean foreign] comedy talent including: Luisa Omielan (presenter of Comic Relief 2017 and author of What Would Beyonce Do?), Yuriko Kotani (BBC Radio New Comedy Award winner from Japan) [Hope his routine goes well – you know the traditional Japanese response to failure is hari kiri – could put a whole new meaning to dying on stage], Radu Isac (Romania’s comedian’s comedian) [I do hope he hasn’t stolen all his gags], Sindhu Vee (Indian BBC Comedy Award finalist from India)[‘Indian!’ as that character from Goodness Gracious Me used to cry], Njambi McGrath (BBC New Comedy Award finalist from Kenya) [Rory McGrath in blackface?] and Orlando Baxter (African American Montreaux Comedy Festival finalist) [Stanley Baxter in blackface – he was a master of comedic impersonation. Is there a separate African American Montreaux Comedy Festival or a separate African American category, or what? I can be bothered to check. Why should we care?]”.
It’s the politicians who now write all the best sketches … “We see honourable members using their heads to harm others”@1:38
“Fight Break out in South African Parliament Between EFF and Security (Video)”
Amateur propaganda show : Woman’s Hour more Obama worship
Jenni “Today marks the year since the Obama’s left the White House, so we have the Obama’s official photographer here”
#1 Today marks a year since the election #not a year since the #obamas left office
#2 Unbalance never had George Bushes official photographer on
#3 IT’s Radio worst medium for talking about Photographs ..useless, cos we want to see the photos
18 members of the Question Time audience got to speak last night, of which only 7 could be described as White British (and one of those spoke with a London patois accent) meaning 61% who spoke (many forceably and rude) did not represent the majority of the UK, just like the BBC…
If this allied with the disgustingly over PC Christmas adverts that are polluting our TV screens right now doesn’t red pill a few casual viewers, then they’re lost causes. Its coming to something when the Daily Mail has to moderate a seemingly innocuous article about a Christmas TV advert (John Lewis) leaving only sanitised “isn’t it great” ones to stand, I swear these fuckers are purposely trying to wind us up whilst keeping the pressure value firmly screwed tight
I’ve been thinking about this a lot of late. The bBC quite rightly insists on having its output mirror society. However what we find is due to the zealous nature they promote this , we now have more non-whites on the telly than the UK average. For example, the latest John Lewis advert which has all the paedophiles at the bBC wanking themselves silly is a black boy. Yet black boys only represent 1% of the population , out of 16 people in the advert 6 are white, 1 is Asian and the Hang on, the very people demanding better representation of the ethnics on the telly appear to have got their way and the John Lewis advert has nothing to do with the Christmas spirit other than fostering onto the ungrateful generation that you receives a load of stuff for nothing.
There is a TV ad’ doing the rounds now for rheumatism awareness where a WHITE prisoner is being released from prison and being given words of advise from a BLACK prison officer and then goes on to a scene in a job centre where the ex prisoner is being seen to by a HIJAB wearing staff member. So who produces and passes such blatant rubbish. The demographics here are so way out to reality.
Despite all the BBC’s pushing and promoting some years back – I wonder what the heck happened to that manufactured alternative ‘Kwanza’, eh ?
“Jerry Christmas” to all the posters on! “Jerry bells, Jerry bells, Jerry all the way! Oh what fun …”
He had won the victory over himself. He pulled the “Jerry Christmas” jumper* over his head and felt the warmth that Labour would bring now and in the future, free and at no cost to anyone.
(reference to Orwell 1984)
In light of how Mrs May has published the date we leave the EU, any chance we can have a date for the new board?
11:30 R4 presenter open the show with “If you are worried about if this prog will be half an hour of wish washy leftyness
… It probably will be”
..See they already know they are super biased
O Jeremy Corbyn….O Germany Calling…..same thing….Brownshirts, Der Starmer…
Why was Jeremy Vine in Coventry the other day ?
Cos the BBC hired Coventry Cathedral for the #Gillards local radio awards, and he presented.
There was a BBCdiversity of people there : Amol, Amol & Amol
Any Pidgin representatives?
Steven Seagal don enter di Hollywood sex wahala
Twitter don pause to confam accounts
Dem go wipe Spacey comot from new film
How Donald Trump still dey tweet for China?
“No try us”- Donald Trump dey warn N Korea!
Actress say ‘Gossip Girl’ star Ed Westwick rape am
Saudi Arabia don nab dozens of prince for corruption
What a parable.
From the Blitz-to providing a backdrop for empty awards with self-regarding media millionaires on sustrans beanos like Vine.
What the hell are Solent doing there? Thought there was a couple of churchy dry ice back drops and laser shows going in old brick piles like …, oh Salisbury…Winchester…that kind of theme park that Christians used to go to.
So Gordon Brown got half an hour or so uninterrupted to plug his cheridee book? How long before its all over Book of the Week or even dramatised by the BBC-Brown nosing scum aren`t they?
Noted no capping piece by KUennsberg about what “this says about the Labour Party, who`s in and who`s out”-“what Brown is trying to convey here is…” crap.
Only the Tories get that headstone hatchet piece to leave us all with by way of “the last word”.
Or is Kuennsberg dropping the kids off at nannies whilst the men talk of big things?
But I digress.
Have a listen. Very revealing how a former name like Humphrys is now reduced to titbits, gossip, lefty trivia, washing line bitchings and Womans Realm type tittle tattle.
Even when Brown repeatedly tells him that all this is supposed to be about POLICY differences.
Humphrys could not handle that-but how can you separate policy from personality you eejit?
They`re one and the same thing are they not-or are you psychologically autistic or flawed?
Here`s Mandelson, here`s Blair-shouId I continue to read out what Campbell said about you below stairs?
Astonishing how reduced the BBC are now these days.
Suppose it keeps them all away from Brexit or The Euro Crisis-funny that, seeing that Brexit is all they NORMALLY talk about to sow division?
Still though-if you care to see how the BBCs ritual disembowelling in public is going, from Brian Walden and Thatcher(even Jimmy Young FFS) -down now to Montague and Rowan Williams…and now Humphrys with Gordon Brown…you could do worse that listen to how Brown emerges as everything that the BBC is not. A flawed cretin in part-but a serious man and highly intelligent in comparison to nearly anybody in political or media life only a few years later.
Complaint going in soon. Todays exploration of Brexit was without doubt an example of contortionism if it was supposed to be balanced. And why does Chris Mason talk to the audience like they are 2 years old?
I predict BBC reply
“We know best. We were right. You were wrong.”
Barnabas Aid finally obtained figures proving that the UN has only recommended tiny token numbers of Syrian Christians, Yazidis and other minorities for resettlement in the UK. The overwhelming majority of refugees recommended by the UN have been Sunni Muslims
This gross neglect of peaceful Christians and other minorities has been long discussed, but without any steps being taken to remedy the injustice. Instead, the UK and other Western nations have turned their backs on the most needy groups, who are not only victims of war, but have been persecuted at the hands of jihadists.
The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, declared that “politically correct officials were institutionally biased against Christian refugees” in the UK; in the U.S., of the 10,801 Syrian refugees who came to the US under Obama in 2016, only 56 were Christian.
Trump once promised that the US would prioritize Christian refugees, but to date, there has been no follow-up.
Most disturbing about the UK was that “ UK officials tried to prevent the release of this information” about its discrimination against Christian refugees, but “Barnabas Aid submitted a freedom of Information request to the UK Home Office” and discovered the ugly truth.
Christians have been abandoned, not only by Western governments but also by the largest Christian organizations globally, which have remained strangely silent. Even the Pope promised to take in Christian refugees in Italy, but then took only Muslims instead; he even called Muslim migrants “warriors of hope”.
Vice President Pence recently offered some hope in a speech when he announced that President Trump had ordered the State Department to stop funding UN relief efforts and “support directly persecuted communities through USAID.” Results are now awaited.
We’re now at the stage where everyone holds off commenting, expecting a new thread at any moment and condemning their comments to the purgatory of an old, unread thread. Never mind. I shall carry on regardless and sound off against this story on the BBC website, as the BBC appear to think no “expert” or “editor” commentary is necessary.
Call me old-fashioned, but isn’t it up to the party who thinks they’re due something to quantify the amount, not the party being asked for the funds?
Indeed – you show me yours and I’ll show you mine.
Yes, a new thread would be nice.
Just noticed this on a BBC Facebook page thread about Brexit (of which there are many, if somewhat uniform in topic, guest, view, etc):
The Today Programme Hi guys*, please do avoid using profanities in your response as they contravene our rules and your comments will be deleted. Thanks!
*If only it been ‘guys and gals…. woo-oo-ooo…’.
Interestingly most of the profanities seem to be from those unable to get a coherent argument together and not those in favour of Brexit, referendum results being honoured.
Even more interesting is the BBC is quite tolerant of those who do seem to skirt BBC ‘rules’ if the BBC agrees with them. Propaganda backed by censorship on Facebook as well as HYS?
Very BBC.
Roland, “the purgatory of an old, unread thread”; my compliments to you on a wonderful word picture there, if I may.
This should be the response
Huge enthusiasm on the News at One for the probable – I’m sorry, I’ll read that again – possible cancellation of EU withdrawal following architect of Article 50 Lord Kerr’s wise words. Coming hard on the heels of fiscal wizard Lord Broon’s pronouncements on the probable – I’m sorry, I’ll read that again – possible re-run of the referendum, anyone would think our major broadcaster and source of all things balanced and fair could be accused of potential bias.
Who among us would have the temerity to suggest such a thing?
Calm down now!
Form a queue, please!
OT, LBC is having a melt down over the date to leave the EU. Talk about sore fucking loosers
Comment of the day on FB (so far), with far reaching consequences if the necessary groups get wound up:
BBC Radio 4
The management at Twitter have switched off their verification system because of a torrent of complaints.
Should a white supremacist get a blue tick?
Russell Clark It’s a white tick….. not a blue one….
Blue?, white? – ticks? Eeeeek! The spectre of Lyme’s Disease?
Er, sorry: I misspelt and, maybe, misdiagnosed.
I meant Lime Grove Disease.
An endless rash of subtle hints that demean Brexit voters, state that the whole process is too disruptive and impossible and now, that the Government is too much in dissarray to know what it is doing and that Brexit should consequently be cancelled.
Possible outcomes:
The rash can turn into thread-like lesions throughout the plebiscite, these may become tumourous.
The cancer of the end of democracy or, just maybe in rare cases, a change of Remainer minds into reluctant or confirmed Brexiteers on seeing what unconstrained pressure of the (previously) tumour-inducing hints and assertions of ‘independent commentators’ can do to the vital organs of a free, democratic, nation.
Treatments range from:
Excision of tumour sites ranging from small individual Mardellusi up to the larger and usually singular Lordhallum, with, if necessary, various levels of chemo-therapy with a cocktail of small doses of restrictions and budget reductions or in serious cases, full scale cell core business restructuring with operation trimming chemistry.
Radiation of extreme daylight on all areas of business and the personnel involved and possible mass redundancies.
Radiation may also include exposure to judicial inquiry and a strengthened level of OFCOM. That latter may be required in small doses at regular – annual/biennial/triennial intervals after initial recovery from surgery and/or chemo-therapy in order to prevent possible re-occurrences of Lime Grove disease.
Best of Hitchens on Islam {youtube} … talking with Tariq Ramadan.
BBC Search for ‘Tariq Ramadan’ … the BBC likes Tariq as he is a smooth talker. Anjem Choudary parallels?
Tariq Ramadan: Oxford scholar takes leave after rape allegations { 07nov2017}
“Meanwhile, French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo said it had received death threats over an obscene cartoon depicting Mr Ramadan.”
BBC Faith And Ethics Section on homepage ….10nov2017
Teenager makes digital history by calling for hijabi emoji
– ‘being left out …it can benefit everyone … ‘ .. not a religious problem? No mention of countries where you die for not wearing one. All the other religions now must be added? Where is the Voodoo one?
Erasing the past: Should some statues be removed?
– BBC use question mark to say what they way. No mention of Orwell here, which is odd!
‘1,760 days in solitary confinement enriched my mind’
– being held is an ‘enriching’ experience in Lebanon for 5 years. Lebanon (Muslim) kidnapping is a tourist attraction.
WHEN ARE WE LEAVING THIS ACCURSED EU and wtf is up with our judicary
“Wtf is up with our judiciary?”
Blair happened.
– when reporting on the news becomes the news. That’s when your country has a problem.