Priti Patel resigns: What went wrong?
Erm….according to The Sun an FCO official contacted the BBC and grassed on her…because?…The FCO was jealously guarding its territory, the FCO doesn’t like Jews and has always been Arabist, and the official was probably a Remainer…so why not grass up a Leave politician who is talking nicely to the Jews to the BBC which they might have grounds for considering to be broadly sympathetic with the FCO’s views?
Anyway…another open thread to grass the BBC’s bias to the world….
A car ploughs into students in France again. Anyone would think the car is to blame judging on the bbc headline. Must be a demonically possessed car or either those blasted Amish or Methodists again.
Great start to Friday … when is this going to get better?
. . . here is an old post from jul2016 to remind us this terrible news titles is not new ….
I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’. {twitter –
@TarekFatah 24jul2016}
Surely Mark this could not be the same organisation that is leading the fight against all of this “fake news” they keep on warning us about.?
I am quite shocked.
The kids have been told that buzzfeed knows how to spot fake news … Buzzfeed on avoiding Fake News – Fiona Rutherford, news reporter at BuzzFeed on avoiding Fake News. {bbc newsround feb2017}
Moving into the 21st century, The Today prog have been including the occasional online news source in their round ups of the newspaper news headlines each morning. Except that… the only digital source they seem to regularly refer to is not Guido or Breitbart. It is Huff Post. Quelle sur flippin prise.
One quick and simple way to avoid fake news is to avoid Buzzfeed.
Can’t find the original news on the BBC’s website.
Police say the man is known for previous minor offences, notably drugs-related.
Unconfirmed reports say he suffered from major psychological problems.
French car ‘attack’ hurts students near Toulouse { 10nov2017 @ 17:05}
Did any of these “psychological problems” include a belief that a 7th Century murderer, rapist and paedophile flew to Jerusalem on a winged horse by any chance?
You are not allowed to ask what he believes or reads. Only that he think’s he’s a lone radicalised wolf and needs to scream at the sky – no wait, that’s not madness that’s protesting … or is it the start of madness? Pack of people scream at sky for no reason at all – that is sanity?
I noticed the actor James Woods tweeted that he was “literally weeping” with laughter, after seeing the footage of “snowflake werewolves” (copyright Mark Steyn) in New York. Sadly, I suspect Kim Jong-un and the Iranians probably were, too.
Yes, they are making us look like a bunch of children.
‘Safer than London!’ North Korea opens door to Russian tourists
{reuters 24aug2017}
It appears the french are learning how to report these Friday incidents from the bBC. Watch words used , Asian, and has psychiatric disorder.
France: Car driven into Chinese students
Also strange is it happened just outside Toulouse, where 5 years ago a Muslim went on the rampage killing 5 people (including 3 jewish children) and last week his brother was sent down for terrorism.
‘Voices in me ‘ed, Guv, innit’.
And they not only report this shite, they believe it.
(sorry, hit report not reply – finger trouble)
but they don’t report this shi-ite.
(again apologies, couldn’t resist, someone dob me in for a thought crime)
The BBC constantly plays the Victim-Aggressor game (as do many other outlets like CNN, ABC in Australia). Why is it so widespread, asked Fox & Friends yesterday? Dr Jordan Peterson replied:
funny enough the bBC reported his jailing (Edit it was 7 people not 5) a week ago|:
Brother of French jihadist killer Mohamed Merah jailed
I wonder if today is linked to that court case?
This one barely rated anywhere initially bar more reliable social media.
I’d like to think the reason is the powers that be reckon if they don’t mention anything long enough the self-detonators will feel the coverage isn’t worth the grief and stop, which has to be worth collateral so long as it is no one they know.
But it’s more likely they have zero clue how to wish it away.
muslims have been killing people for 1400 years. For nearly all that time there was no mass media, so I don’t think that not reporting their killings is going to have any effect on their behaviour. muslims kill because that’s what their cult tells them they must, must, must do. If they want to be guaranteed a special place in the muslim heaven; which they’re too brainwashed to realise is actually hell.
The BBC chooses to mention the ethnicity of the victims, but not that of the alleged perpetrator. Why the double standards? As it we didn’t know.
Meanwhile, more respectable news outlets tell it the way it is:
“D’origine asiatique, il pourrait souffrir de troubles psychologiques, ce dernier point étant encore à confirmer.” – Le Figaro.
Don’t panic. The Beeb have a handle on it already. NTDWI, it’s drugs – probably:
“Police say the man is known for previous minor offences, notably drugs-related.”
So he took drugs. He probably drank too. What the far-left bbc won’t tell you is that all his sins will be forgiven if he kills infidels and particularly if he dies in doing so.
It’s OK, the BBC is basically anti-left. According to ‘research’.
‘ FCO official contacted the BBC and grassed on her…because?’
They knew exactly what would happen.
Quite how James Lansdale gets lauded by every colleague for picking up a call that was inevitably going to be made to the BBC is one of life’s enduring mysteries.
And in complement, another gem from the mighty ITTB:
He was probably “tipped” by some fellow Old Etonian.
Worth it for the highest rated comments on other BBC issues al… as well.
GW – I hadn’t seen, took a look and ended up spending a jolly half hour. Many thanks indeed, highly recommended : – D
Reference Toulouse car attack and several previous similar ‘incidents’.
I’m reminded of an old joke.
A boy gets a spider and asks it to jump. It does so.
The boy pulls one of the spider’s legs off. He asks it to jump again. It does so, a little less nimbly.
The boy repeats the process until the spider has only one leg. It makes an attempt to jump into the air, but with only one leg, can only move a little.
The boy pulls the last leg off.
Jump he says. The spider does not move. Jump! He repeats. Again, the spider does not move.
There, says the boy. This proves that when you remove all of a spider’s legs, it goes deaf !
Have you noticed how many Europeans with very bad driving skills tend to have mental health problems?
But apparently these bad drivers have absolutely nothing else in common. At least nothing that the bBBC want to tell us about.
People with mental health problems never used to go around deliberately driving into people. What’s different? Is it Climate Change? Or nasty diesel fumes? Perhaps food additives? Even austerity?
Nope, can’t think of anything else.
Sluff, good one. It put me in mind of this:
“If you point at the moon with a finger, the idiot looks at the finger and sees the finger not the moon.”
Mao Tse Tung.
Al beebus always wants you to see the finger when it points at the moon.
Sluff, a question for the BBC must then be: are the French traffic authorities very delinquent in who they allow to have driving licences and be out on the roads of France?
If it was happening here, the BBC would be all over it.
What idiot at twitter decided to treble the amount of characters we have from 140 to 280? Morons. {twitter – NOT Diane Abbott MP – @hackneyabbatt}
They should have reduced it to zero.
Or for Katty Kay at least one twitter character – ‘!’ or ‘?’. BBC journalism at it’s best – paid under threat of prison to pay the wages of Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker who has homes on Caribbean Islands which the UK tax payer helped restore.
And he avoided Stamp Duty.
BBC R4 news just now – they are at it again.
The EU’s position is always presented strongly as if it were a matter of law: “These issues must be resolved within the next 2 weeks.”
But the UK’s position is always presented weakly: “David Davis insisted…”
It’s a negotiation. And the EU need the UK more than we need them.
Give them 1 British Legion poppy and tell them that’s payment in full and that they can go forth and multipy ( or any other phrase involving sex and travel).
Al Beeb trying to show a bit of balance on the Brexit but then letvthemselves down by continuously citing the half whit who drafted article 50 who says that its service can be reversed. Well I don’t know where he got that from because it’s not mentioned in the article and I think it’s more like guilt on his part that he didn’t draft 50 well enough to cover the issue of a nation state wanting to leave those venal rats.
May wants to enact the date of actual Brexit but any government which takes over once she has gone – in the next year – can easily withdraw it so its meaningless.
Then the EU gives a two week ulimatum to resolve the money issue. I think we should call their bluff and just say – prove the money you want or not a penny.
“Then the EU gives a two week ulimatum to resolve the money issue.”
I’ve been wondering – what did we do with all the Reich Marks that we captured when we occupied Germany in 1945?
If we have to pay the EU a fine to be released from servitude it should be in an appropriate currency.
I just hope the government makes the right judgement about this but I have my doubts. It’s a shame JRM isn’t involved because I think he’d make a horrible negotiator – which is what’s needed. .
Floating 53 billion around to desensitise the public to it is one of those mind game tactics to accept a lesser mammoth sum when it is floated – like 40 billion.
Both sides need to be transparent about how they come to the sums we give to the EU. Otherwise this government is likely to lose what support it still has.
Unless there’s a story which has been left out Ms Patel was clearly not fit for office doing what she did. Declaration – I am a right winger – the type the guardian would probably call extreme because I love Blighty and hate what our rulers have done to it.
In the London Borough where I endure the local paper is carrying a story that because officially one in 4 residents dies not speak English the government cohesion unit is going to give the local labour council one million pounds taxpayers money . I kid you not.
Walk away from this EU bargaining bazzaar. It works in the souks of the Arab world, and it will work with the EU.
We can but dream Fedup2.
Heck-even a bit of balanced comedy on the Now Show.
Not actually very funny-but at least there were some pops at the BBCs Panorama re tax offshore and Labours guilt.
Usual efforts to set up Brexit, but no laughs, so transparent.
Still-better than we now have a right to expect.
Maybe they`re getting inspected for bias.
An update on by previous post. The half wit who drafted article 50 is Lord Kerr – a career diplomatic- and a self confessed remainer . He has just had the love in on channel four with that self important shit gyro Murphy where he floated the idea of withdrawing the a50 letter . There was no discussion of democracy and his condescending attitude to out voters deserved a slap .,
Is his first name Juan?
Or Wayne?
And prove it by reference to audited accounts. What, your accounts haven’t been accepted by even your internal auditers for how long?
UKIP MEP Nigel Farage, whose own expenses claims have come under scrutiny in the past (BBC investigate this? What did they find?), said Mr Juncker’s use of a private plane over a commercial option was “outrageous”. { aug2017}
– EU is not that transparent, took campaigners 2 years to find out this information
Glad to see the demise of TV advertising continues as John Lewis fall in line with lefty requirements. That’s another company that doesn’t target my ethnic group. I’ll add them to my boycott list including Ikea, DFS, Vodafone, Kellogs, Ford, and Lloyds bank….to name but a few.
Yes – and email John Lewis and tell them you are boycotting – and why. I have.
Add Tesco to that list.
Add any company that sells Halal products.
Woefully off-topic, so my apologies, but I have to agree and add that this is a problem if you buy mass market bread. Both Warburtons and Kingsmill are now Halal certified.
Meanwhile, on the ‘effnik advertising’ front, I was listening to Classic FM on my way back home today and noted the preponderance of young black male voices in the adverts. It seems the ad agencies have decided to go full-on. BBC Radio 4 had a short story from one this afternoon, too. It was rubbish.
How the hell can a loaf of bread be Halal? Do they say a prayer when they slice it?
I have to say, I have absolutely no idea but I still don’t want to buy it. If anyone is going to be reciting magic spells over my food it will be me.
No pork products in vicinity. Animal discrimination.
I think they hold the wheat upside down by the stalk before cutting through it just above the head. Must take a while to do a whole field.
A picture in a way of humankind when inventing their religion instead of accepting what is there and the One who created and revealed it – all upside down.
They found out few BAME individuals listened to radio 4 so tried to make it more ‘diverse.’ So what if different groups are attracted to different stations? I thought diversity was our strength?
I love radio 4 because of how intellectual, eccentric and quintessentially English it is. Why dumb it down? They just alienate their current audience and few ethnics are going to start listening to radio 4 just because some black kid has a story on there. The PC virus infects everything.
Are they making any efforts to get more white people to listen to the Asian network? Thought not. Diversity is a one way street.
Wait though . All Tesco lorries in their Hinckley RDC have large poppies in the centre of their vehicles .
I boycott Sainsburys.
At the time of the latest Royal wedding, William and Kate, they were selling a range of products for street parties or bbqs, table cloths, napkins, the usual. Bunting as well, with as you would imagine, the Union flag featuring strongly.
This happened in a NI store. A member of staff with Irish nationalist/ republican sympathies, definitely not the majority view in the town in which the store is located, was offended by the flag and the sale of these products, complained, and the products were duly removed from the shelves. No questions asked, no reasoning required.
Never be in it again, they don’t need my money.
Oh and Argos have just relocated their store to inside Sainsburys so fuck them too.
Sainsbury’s is, and always was, a Labour supporting company. The easy facility with which they overcharge and pick their customers’ pockets (metaphorically speaking of course, m’lud) is pure ZaNuLabour.
At least the Co-Op is open with its communism.
Oh, and Argos is now owned by Sainsbury’s which is why they are in store. Personally speaking, shopping in Argos always reminded me of trying to shop in Poland or East Germany in the 1960s, so it seems somehow fitting that they are now one.
I suppose the Labour connection and that party’s leaderships not-well-enough-known terrorist sympathies could explain the willingness to appease in this case, but doesn’t excuse it, if this decision was made at a high level.
More likely to be a store manager, possibly from another area of the UK, scared of causing offense, frightened of any consequences and hoodwinked into believing that the pretend politics of the chancer / victim actually mattered. Complete and utter lack of balls.
Mentioning that store gives me the opportunity once again on here, to remember the late, great, Alan Coren. Well, it is Armistice Day and Remembrance is all the go..
One of his mini-diatribes (maybe epilogues – actually ‘interlogues’ would be an even better word) included this gem:
“I’m not sure about the purpose of Sainsburys, except that it helps to keep the riff-raff out of Waitrose.”
He was a genuinely funny man, wasn’t he?
Whoever is responsible for commissioning comedy (I should probably say ‘attempted comedy’) on BBC radio should go back and listen to Coren, to get some experience of the real thing. Reading his contributions to Punch wouldn’t hurt, either.
Tesco’s Christmas ad shows a turkey drapes with bacon. Just shows how sensitive their marketing people are to political correctness.
I think the Tesco ad is funny and sweet. I detest Islam, and I’ll just leave it to the jihadists to fret about Muslims being corrupted by a Christian festival. I think it’s good.
A mulled wine or six beckons. So in parting, in other news…
‘Anyone prepared to entertain us with a suggestion or two ?’
Wonder how the great man would respond to a request to have it signed off ‘To the country I used to feel like was mine… all mine’
Totally had me at ‘ It dodges questions..’
Shocked I tell you; shocked!
“The programme is on great form with a stable TV audience..”
More than can be said for the presenters and most guests.
Still, numerically stable where Katz got it down to. Maybe a ‘vibrant’ Amol can get it even lower?
Speaking of the unfathomably sought Mr. Mumsnet:
No Danny Cohen spiral for him.
The Egypt drug mule is the focus for Radio Humberside & Look North & ITV Calendar
with a BBC TV reporter on the scene in Cairo
and the local MP on air yet again.
Had the 10 girls like her been raped 10 times in the UK
the BBC wouldn’t got their TV cameras up from London
Coming up on Look North
.. “The Lincolnshire eco-homes that cost only £1 a day to heat & light”
The scam only heat a house half a year so that’s £2/day
and these houses basically cost £350K where homes cost £100K
They have £150K of insulation and stuff you are simply uploading the costs and CO2 output into the construction phase.
“Solar panels power electric radiators”…that’s daft ..converting heat to heat.
The entire report wasn’t even 2 mins
but it was a complete advert for someone’s green salesmen mates
6:40 pm BBC Look North did 2 minute advert for eco-homes (Terraced houses too far out of Lincoln to walk in from)
presenter Paul Murphy is struck and sent out 3 tweets ..1 photo and 1 videos
“Brexit bill: Barnier gives UK two weeks to clarify key issues”
A classical example of the “tail wagging the dog”. We hold all the top cards, without our money the EU is a busted flush.
HYS – EU is taking a hammering again.
taffman, that balance of comments “HYS – EU is taking a hammering again” is very interesting. Earlier in the week, before, during and after the Simon Stevens speech asking (demanding?) the £350m pw ‘promised’ to the NHS on the Leave Campaign bus, the balance was very much the other way. A rarity, in my experience, for a BBC EU-related Blog or HYS.
If future EU articles on the BBC web-site follow the more usual trend (ie. pro-Brexit 2:1 or 3:1), it would seem to confirm that there was an orchestrated presence on this specific one: . Orchestrated or the BBC w/s was deliberately attacked as part of the attempt to overturn the EU Referendum vote.
More enrichment in Notting Hill.
People told to stay indoors, armed cops running around.
Nothing to do with Islam or terrorism. Those things are over. Just criminal gangs, lawbreakers. We don’t do Islamic terror no more. No mention on the BBC cos they can’t find an anti Brexit angle.
Wonder if we could crowd source a campaign to get Pudsey charged with some sexual assault kind of thing?
Nothing we can prove-but enough to get the old lech perv off our screens in the coming week.Already sick of the mention of this creep.
Should have been buried with Wogan-and even Savile kept away from him.
No one ever seems to tell us how and why he`s permanently got a bandage over his left eye.
Bet some poor woman DNA could be found under it, were the police to look into it.
Got to be more juicy gossip from the Pudsey Case than there was over old Ted Heath.
This was inevitable.
Othello played by a woman, representing the Moor as a jealous lesbian
See they’re doing a Scouse ‘Paint Your Wagon’ as well.
A mutton-chopped Sonia channels Lee Marvin with a comrade rousing version of ‘Mornin’ Star’?
Paul O’Grady portrays with gusto Eastwood as he belts out ‘Red Fever’? Derek Hatton guest stars as Rotten Luck Willie with a heart rending ‘They Called the Black Mariah’?
The woman playing Othello also played Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet?
This gender stuff is all very confusing, you’d need a full-time job to keep up with it. Funded probably.
Shakespeare would be furious. Othello is a military leader, a quintessentially male character. He wrote so many strong female characters – there is no need to do this. Just more of this pathological compulsion to ‘celebrate diversity.’
So we will have a woman murder her partner then kill herself in a jealous rage. What a great stride forward for feminism.
“French car ‘attack’ hurts students near Toulouse”
Ban ‘French cars’!
RT News reports “The driver is believed to be of “Asian origin”………….
Top class info from Labour-Kuenssberg or LaboursConBorg
\\Newest member of govt, Victoria Atkins, called President Trump a ‘buffoon and a wazzock’ //
Beeby seeks to extract even more funding from the public.
The BBC wants to launch a paid-for iPlayer full of classic shows
“The place you go for your complete experience with the BBC.”
“Speaking to Parliament’s Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee on Tuesday (November 7), the BBC’s director general Tony Hall revealed that with more and more people shifting to streaming platforms, he wants to launch the BBC’s very own paid-for on-demand service.”
“We are looking at ways… to allow people to access the back catalogue [in a way] that costs something because you pay for that access,” Hall said (via Radio Times).
A bit of a cheek really. We have already paid for it. Back catalogue costs the BBC nothing at all.
Another angle to this is the rights offered to performers, writers and others involved. You can be pretty sure that most of them wouldn’t receive a penny from the earnings, especially if their contracts were negotiated years in the past.
I’d suggest Hall be offered a choice. He can charge and lose the licence fee or he can keep the licence fee and not be allowed to charge. And I bet I know which he’d choose!
= “BBC set to become subscription service”
Now what happened to there last project to sell people a subscription to old content ?
A quick diversion into theology here, folks.
There’s been a bit of discussion about Judaism, Christianity and Islam and the point that they are all coming from the same roots. Also some to and fro about the foundation texts i.e. Jewish Bible, Christian Bible and Koran. All three are meant to be the inspired word of the Almighty God. However unlike the others, the Koran is believed by Muslims to be the actual words of Allah as spoken in Arabic. Bible just means ‘Book’.
Koran means ‘Recitation’. The first word of the Koran is ‘recite.’ This recitation could be performed by a robot. It allows for no freedom of thought or divergence of action.
Koran equals recitation.
Islam equals submission.
Do you see the deep roots of the problems we are heaping up for ourselves?
“Do you see the deep roots of the problems we are heaping up for ourselves?”
Sure do Boy!
How come?
Well, the heart of Christianity is a cosmic love story, but love is totally absent in the Koran. Indeed, in the Islamic ninety-nine “beautiful names of God,” love is not one of them. Yet God is love, we are told in 1 John 4:8.
The Independent news website has published an article arguing that Brexit supporters should think twice about wearing a poppy as they have effectively ‘betrayed’ war heroes by voting to leave the European Union (EU).
So there, we have been told – Remainers trying to claim patriotism again.
ti, Interesting. That also appeared as a comment in here:
Wasn’t me – obvious point though.
ti, LOL! If it had been that would have put you in the maxincony league but about twelve divisions above our friend maxi.
Eh? What was the comment by the way (couldn’t find it on the link).
No, this is much more Maxi’s style.
ti, the theme of the newspaper was repeated in one of the comments. Good luck searching – the BBC’s search engine is quite useless. It was a precis of the Indie article which, incidentally, was plastered over Internet news. Interesting, that.
It often used to occur on Steffie Flander’s, Nick Robinson’s and Robert Peston’s Blogs in the good old days. A national newspaper, usually the Guardian, would have a line of attack on the Tories and one of the posters would comment along Labour Party lines echoing the newspaper’s content. Occasionally, it would almost go up word for word from a headline.
Most frequently done by those of one side of the political spectrum. Not an original thought often among them, sadly. Feel free to accuse me of bias as I mostly sit in the middle or on the other side or wobble around left and right according to what’s up for debate. 🙂
It’s the ishoos, innit!
I am sure the BBC has repeatedly made it clear that old surviving WWII veterans, now all over 90 years of age, overwhelmingly voted for Brexit, because they also fought against a previous German attempt to unite Europe.
But I haven’t heard anything about surviving members of Oswald Mosley’s Union of Fascists, and if they are upset about Britain leaving a German dominated Europe that is still more white than the Commonwealth, despite her Chancellors politically correct efforts.
After the war Oswald Mosley became committed to the cause of a united Europe. I think he saw it as a bulwark against communism, plus he wasn’t allowed to go on about the Jews any more. So yes, Mosleyites probably would support Britain staying in the EU, not that you would ever hear it on the BBC.
Richard and RiC, it’s deja vu for me all over again as I was remembering – yesterday and today – how, on the morning of 23 June 2016, I woke up feeling I had to vote Leave to save Germany. I still have a lurking feeling that the EU may end up destroying Germany.
I wouldn’t want that to happen.
Germany, I fear, may not be in good hands. The EU is definitely not in good hands.
The bBBC’s print arm gets some… lol
Quote \\ The Guardian’s digital editor Ian Prior has been suspended pending an investigation into sexual harassment claims.
There are allegations against at least two other male journalists. //
BBC pulls Christmas drama “Ordeal by Innocence”* amid Ed Westwick rape allegations
*ironic title of this Agatha Christie drama
“BBC pulls Ed Westwick drama off Christmas schedule AND removes him from White Gold filming”
PS Louis CK a Mexican-American comedian comedian movie actor has admitted to 5 counts of sexual allegations
\\ Four of the accusers told the New York Times he masturbated during interactions with them and a fifth said he had asked to do so.
The allegations led to the release of his new movie being scrapped.
I Love You Daddy – a comedy about an ageing film director who has a reputation for getting embroiled with young women – was due to have been released in the US on 17 November.
(he wasn’t the star)//
What’s this masturbating at people caper? Is this a new thing? I mean it’s not exactly a spectator sport is it?
I don’t understand how, and it seems to be quite prevalent amongst this Hollywood crowd, this turns anyone on. Maybe it’s something to do with the performance aspect of it, the mind boggles.
I know it’s not directly biased Bbc, but they’re w&£%ers too so there’s the connection.
If the programme has already been made (as it undoubtedly will have been) then why not screen it regardless of what the cast may have got up to in real life?
You have been found guilty of the crime of common sense. Please report to your local commissar for re-education.
Its all part of the air brushing of history. For instance, I’m very curious if folks watching terrestrial TV/Sky will ever be shown again Spacey’s tour de force in American Beauty.
If you have low pressure get hold of today’s Times . Now I don’t buy newspapers but sat in the dentists reading a demolition of this country by one of their journalists because of Brexit. I don’t know what mr murdocks’ Attitude to Brexit is but this article just charts the decline of Britain and its further decline after we exit.
The chap who wrote it is more depressed than me – totally wrong or course – and I wonder if he might exit the stage. Certainly no loss. You can always get another journo or politician .
R4 tonight around 650 . I should have buttoned it but so awful was it it held my attention. A hate filled diatribe against President Trump. Inane and revealing only of the poverty of thought of the participants and the show’s director .
So this is the new normality of R4? How about we just abolish the BBC and put the money towards something useful and needed. Makes sense to me .
I heard it Dave. Appalling but unsurprising. The ‘Now’ show. They consider it to be comedy.
Didn’t listen. Didn’t miss it.
In the usual way of things I would have done. Was a ‘must listen’ for me until about two to three years ago although they had blotted their copybook imv on occasion before that.
I went to see Sir Kenneth Branagh’s ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ last night. Very enjoyable. At the beginning of the movie there is a sequence in 1934 Jerusalem during the British / League of Nations mandate for Palestine. The policeman in the scene was a black guy with an English accent. Anybody know if this would have been a likely occurrence, or whether it is just a shoehorning of PC diversity rules into a movie, overriding historical accuracy?
The inclusion of a “vibrant” individual in such a luvvy fest reeks of PC.
I suppose it could be possible but knowing the general Arab view of blacks and the time period: unlikely.
Aren’t there a couple of diverse characters Brnagh has put in amongst the passengers too?
Yes one of the main suspects is a black guy. Again, probably unlikely in the situation in 1934, but at least there was a bit of back story to make it somewhat credible. The casting of the cop seemed to jar a bit more as it seemed such obvious tokenism.
The Palestine Police was a paramilitary force recruited in Britain. The idea that it would have had a black member in the 1930s is absurd. In Africa many of the local police forces had black constables with British officers commanding them, but that would not have been the case in Palestine.
I find this rewriting of history really painful. The most stupid example had to be when the BBC gave William the Conqueror a black assistant in a programme earlier this year. Can someone remind them the Empire Windrush docked in 1948, not 1066?
BBC has dropped its Boxing Day Agatha Christie drama ‘Ordeal By Innocence’ because star Ed Westwick was accused of rape.
I’m surprised they didn’t retain it for al Beeb wales as a special.
On a different subject – Breitbart London has a podcast with Lord Tebbit – my former dearly loved MP – where he speaks with approval for Priti Patel. I guess it was done a day or too before her execution .
Will it reach the Rotherham 1400 victim number? Plus Rochdale, plus Oxford …. we will see. Wait for the stars writing books ‘my ordeal’ and ‘what happened’. Did it involve pouring petrol over victims and it going on night after night? Will they create a movie called ‘1 victim’ and hide how news organisations or police ignored fathers begging for help. We will see.
Fear not, Lucy…
Imagine the number of lawyers faffing about if they’d opened up about Savile!
Record sales plummettng, performers on the rocks (as usual), ‘managers’ running around like blue-arsed flies (closed hopefully), and kids not getting their dose of crap music.
Funny how the bbbc did absolutely nothing back then, but this is a tax-funded show, so the gummint of the day would have shown a blind eye.
Chickens – home – roost.
Only four and a half years more tax-funding, they’ll be gone by then!
JaRMo on Hardtalk
I listened to this a couple of days ago on the World Service and marvelled at the restraint shown by JRM in the face of the shouty (and long) interruptions by the ghastly and arrogant Sackur. In the latter half of the programme, it seemed that JRM was not allowed to complete a single sentence, with Sackur deliberately interrupting him in full flow developing an argument or putting his own point of view.
Thanks for posting this video.
Mogg won’t succeed because he’s unflappable and talks common sense.
Dover Sentry
Jacob Rees-Mogg for Prime Minister.
Worth a bet ? I would .
@ Taffman.
Over 70% of Tory MPs are Remainers. Mogg is the last on their list.
We as voters don’t count.
Think we`re past runners and riders.
The will of the British people will be carried out. Or else a slew of scummy traitors and placemen for Juncker or Savile will get carried out instead. FFS-Wat Tyler? Cromwell?…what`s the point of studying this stuff, if we won`t learn from it?
Their choice. And in some ways I hope they choose the wrong one, a little vengeance might clear the blood.
I know a lot of ex Labour voters who support Rees-Mogg.
But what do Tory voters think of their MPs ?
Where is Essexman when we need him?
Rees-Mogg is a political breath of fresh air, but the way he speaks would alienate the most tolerant world leaders.
Boris would be my bet way and above Mogg.
Worth a read very funny
I would say that in Science class, Donald has been excellent, but must work harder. He has learnt that the scientists censored by the left-wing teachers, know best, particularly in meteorology. We have unfortunately failed to teach that Science is properly pursued by getting the basic facts correct, first. The Science Department has promised Donald, that in future we will be more alert to the presence of environmental activists with arts and humanities qualifications, pretending to be scientific experts. Where would scientific endeavour end up if pupils insisted on thinking that the debate was over and not questioning the conclusions of the fake experts named below.
(1) Experts: Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and most Meteorologists.
(2) Fake Experts: Environmentalists, Administrators and most Journalists.
Head Boy Donald Trump’s grasp of Science leaves a great deal to be desired. For instance, this is all he had to say about uranium:
“Uranium? Do you know what uranium is? You can do all sorts of things with uranium, including some bad things.”
Even more disturbingly, he only had one sentence on climate change: “It’s a load of hot air.”
And the Biology master in particular was incensed to find out that the precious koi fish in the school pond were all dead as a result of over-feeding. A review of CCTV footage established beyond all reasonable doubt that the koi killer was none other than The Donald himself, who, instead of patiently spooning out the fish food, had simply poured the contents of the box straight into the pond. It is no wonder the Science staff are in favour of having him impeached, I mean, expelled, or at least suspended.
However, Trump does have one strong staff supporter on his side, the History master, who happens to be a former Army officer, and who has taught Trump since his first year. He is impressed with Trump’s insights and would especially like to recommend the essay he wrote on North Korea long before he attained his exalted position as Head Boy. I have permission to reproduce it below:
Enjoy viewing, I mean, reading, young Trump’s 1999 essay!
Young? He was 52/53 in 1999.
Head Boy Donald Trump’s grasp of Science leaves a great deal to be desired.
Sufficient to know any hypothesis needs to be tested against real world evidence.
And sufficient to smell a rat when asked to approve a ‘climate accord’ which allows two of the world’s top 3 CO2 emitters to continue increasing their emissions whilst the USA has drastically reduced theirs.
Anna soubry on comedy show the last leg. Spreading her message.
I hope they had a well stocked bar in the green room.
Note that Kelvin Hopkins is under the cosh.
One of the seven Leave Labour MPs-and one whose expenses were in direct contrast to that other Labour MP in Luton(Moran was it?).
Funny that.
The world tonight watch
If you want a bit of late night comedy on al beeb – yes comedy is very rare – try the world tonight .
Tonight they reported on a bunch of so called refugees who were doing and saying anything to get into Australia . The beeboid accepted their version and launched a pretty insulting attack on the Australian high commissioner who stood his ground and didn’t verbally attack the bitch interviewer – shah or similar .
I don’t understand why non socialists bother doing interviews with al beeb . Let albeeb just vomit up its bias and let people hear it for the lies it is.
Heard it. The Aussie was brilliant as he turned the implied racism of his government onto the interviewer by saying that she was suggesting that the citizens of Papua New Guinea were racists. She then of course lost it and closed the interview.
Mentioned this morning about Humphrys trivial and fatuous approach to interviewing Gordon Brown.
Personality and emotings apparently trump policy and the “big issues”. Humphrys would once have been a serious interviewer-but look at how banal and silly he is now.
Why do we listen to him?
And if anybody doubts how debauched the BBC is now-here is Rees Mogg getting railroaded and ambushed by Emma Barnett. Utter personality trivia and sheer nonsense from a typical BBC clown.
Would love to see what feeds Emma Barnett is getting from her fixers as she`s rambling off. Incoherent drive-bys continuously.
Emma hammered.
So it`s obviously a BBC tactic. To remove policies from debate and twaddle on about runners and riders at Paddy Power.
Listen into the interview at 15 minutes-BBC bias called out by JRM. 21 minutes too etc.
And THIS is political discourse via the BBC in 2017?
And don`t miss Jacob Rees Mogg take Stephen Sackur apart on “Hardtalk”.
A masterclass-but where on earth does the BBC dig up these idiot liberals who cant listen to an answer?
It`s as if Emma Barnetts dog-eared Radio 5 script went straight to Sackurs satchel with highlighter pens on “abortion”…”leadership” and “how does this look in Brussels”?
I had never heard of Emma Barnet but this piece revealed more about her than about JRM: primarily that she’s disingenuous, mouthy and not half as clever as she thinks she is. Far too accustomed to being amongst people who either agree with her or are cowed by her gobbiness.
Time and again she tries to bowl JRM a googly, but he always hits it back with interest, at which point she panics and starts gabbling over the top of him.
At one point she takes JRM to task – in quite ludicrous terms – for daring to criticise Mark Carney, as if the Governor of the Bank of England should be above criticism.
Towards the end of the interview, you can almost hear the twinkle in the great man’s eye as – every time she says “BBC” – he says “you mean the Brexit Bashing Corporation?” which palpably winds her up.
He is a national treasure.
I greatly admire JRM for his politeness, courtesy to all (including political opponents), intellect and unflappability, and don’t disagree with any supportive comments made by others here. My only slight wobble in Barnett’s interview was when JRM said his use of the long flocci… word in a Commons speech was entirely spontaneous and was used because it fitted the subject. I feel there might have been some forethought, even if the notion was floated a long time ago.
But, but… she’s an idiot.
Every question calmly answered.
Every crass interruption politely navigated.
Every BBC pathetic, repeated talking point skilfully disarmed.
He is voted for. She is, currently, in place by a unique, compelled, system in perpetuity.
I wonder how she would handle an interview with this BBC critic:
The silly, vicious bint says…. sounds like… seems to be she is utterly desperate and nuts.
And gets more and more abusive and contradictory as she is pwnd again and again.
Nice edit of selected vox pops at the end over a music bed once he has no further right of reply.
Classic BBC, in all incarnations that acronym now gets used.
Emma and Mishal seemingly vying to see who can discredit the bbc fastest.
The most inept hit women in media?
Especially when unable to cope with their ‘facts’ and interpretations can be countered.
It’s alllllll in the edit.
I can always tell the ones who have been on the white marching powder. Montague sounds the same whereas Martha always sounds of the herbal variety.
Looks as though we are not alone in our irritation
Looks as though we are not alone in our irritation.
Almost 90% of UK population is white.
How interesting.
In your post “The Jewish Lobby” you claim Priti Patel didn’t have secret meetings with the Israeli government because the FCO knew what she was doing.
Three days later, and now you are claiming she did have secret meetings but the FCO “grassed on her”.
Because; “the FCO doesn’t like Jews”…
You’re a clown Alan.
What motivates you?
Will you support these links ?………………………….
Every little helps! Tell your chums .
I don’t think max engages in discussion – just pops his or her venom on Alan- either on nights or after the pub or both. I really wish s/he would come up with something to constructively aregue about instead of 6th form shouting. ‘ you’re a clown Alan’ ritual abuse..
Very interesting that Maxincony – or more likely his paid BBC researchers* – monitor the posts on here in such detail.
Interesting also that they very rarely find anything to argue with.
*Alternatively he could be THE paid BBC researcher given the job of tracking Biased BBC.
Nobody really knows what happened .But clearly a lot of leaking /briefing went on. The meetings cannot really have been. ” in secret ” because no one would know and there would no leaks.
Anyone who witnessed the BBC buzzing Priti Patels car with helicopter all the way from the airport must realise they were over the moon with glee at their scalp. It reminded me of the Cliff Richard debacle .
I don’t pay a telly tax on fear of imprisonment to have it wasted in this over the top partisan way.BBC should jettison the 24 hour opinion programme and start making proper documentaries like Panorama of old.
But really I would like it closed down or at the very least put out to subscription .To think they complain about Murdochs media monopoly.The BBC don’t do irony……
You have to end with a personal attack.
You have been doing too much fisting, bad for the rectum and it makes you unpleasant.
Whichever way the wind blows Maxi. They have short attention spans.
The real tragedy is that they think they want to change the status quo but they won’t try to develop a persuasive argument or listen to the opposite case. So apart from a few like you and me who are interested in hearing what the other side thinks, any challenge to their world view is driven away by abuse. All they end up doing is telling each other what they want to hear while covering their eyes and ears against any challenge. So sad, really, people wasting their lives just grumbling about the world.
What an excellent summary of the BBC, concise and perceptive. Well done.
Gets better in the comments.
Careful if joining those getting personal about Iain though.
So apart from a few like you and me who are interested in hearing what the other side thinks, any challenge to their world view is driven away by abuse. All they end up doing is telling each other what they want to hear while covering their eyes and ears against any challenge.
With a sense of irony like that, you could be writing some real comedy for the BBC.
And what a coincidence both you and Maxi-boy managed 12 ‘likes’.
I’m in the US now and been watching some of the stuff on Fox looking back on when Trump got elected and how the rest of the media reacted. It’s in no way “news” and it’s definitely not objective but it sure as heck is funny as hell to watch.
My cartoon on the week’s news
Lucky sod. I wish we could see it as an antidote to the BBC.
The BBC loathe all things British and as we know work constantly to undermine it.
Remembrance Day/Poppy Day is no different and here the BBC are trying to “put it back in a box”(my words).
Perish the thought that a little 3yr old walking down the street would ask their mother or father what the little red flowers are.
It’s lost on them that the tatty programme where they’ve stuck a poppy on a Cookie Monster puppet was a BBC programme.
What an odious organisation.
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”
Sinniberg – The BBC is full of vaccious borg type droids who will follow whatever the hive thought of the day is and as long as the cheque is in the bank everything is sunny.. At the management levels I suspect there are much darker things going on. This organisation consists of ants led by serpents.
What we are witnessing is a two pronged attack on another important cultural observance which links our past with our present and reminds people that the freedoms we all enjoy today were gifted to us by the sacrifice of the lives and health of our armed forces (including the Commonwealth). Hence the current drive of the left (especially the BBC) to weaken the meaning and importance of the poppy by both scorning those who think it is important to observe it in a dignified fashion, and simultaneously trying to diminish its importance by thinking its OK to use it for the grossly commercial or the frivolous.
It is also OK to use it as a fashion accessory for those who appear to not actually want to be British and work against us – such as Nick Clegg and Gina Millar. Who could say they are disloyal if they wear a poppy on their saville row suit or designer knitwear? For these particular clowns maybe a yellow pansy would be more suitable.
I suppose once these morons have totally de-valued the poppy we will no longer have to suffer watching them flaunt it like a cheap piece of fashion jewelry. But by that time we will have little sense of shared history, which means a less co-cohesive, weaker society. And of course less able to resist attacks upon our unity. I wonder who would want to do that?
So you just carry on all you beeboids and lefties – and one day when your wives all have to walk around in a veil, all your “artistic ” directors have been chucked off high buildings and the sound of Big Ben is replaced b the muezzin – you can all relax with the thought of a job well done.
Strangely enough, that alleged subverter of British traditional culture the BBC is telling me this afternoon that ‘the Nation’ fell silent at 11 this morning. I guess that ‘the Nation’ excludes me and most of the people who happened to be around me at the time. Normally on this day I’d have arranged to be at home with my own quiet reflections on the day’s theme (those reflections, along with whether or not I’m wearing a poppy and how much I put in the Poppyscotland tin are for me to know and you to find out – I commend to you Matthew 6:5-6) I assume you are aware that the poppy appeal here in Scotland is somewhat different from that in England, with the four-petal leafless poppy replacing the two-petal-with-leaf model of the Haig Fund.
Anyway, this year I was due to start a shift on a charity stall at 11am, so I was able to do a little discreet mass observation. I was in the Partick district of Glasgow – neither the smartest not the roughest district of the city, not the most secular nor the most sectarian. As I walked along Dumbarton Road as the clock ticked towards 11 I noted a fair number of poppies, some the standard papert model, some crocheted, some ceramic. They were, however, in the minority. At 11, nothing happened. There was no signal. Poppy wearers and non-wearers alike continued going about their business in this busy sub-central shopping street.
It seems to me that as far as Glasgow is concerned, the BBC is bigging-up and reinforcing the cultural tradition rather than diminishing it.
Welcome to B-BBC, WWotWoods. I attended a low key event at a local war memorial in s-E England. It was deeply moving.
Because it was on Saturday, the usual school children were not present en-masse but some did attend a long with a teen or two and some older young adults. Mostly, the people attending were at the old end of the age spectrum. There were some veterans attending but only three or four from currently serving military.
The war memorial was not flagged or covered in poppies as it would normally be and there was no PA. The whole thing was much less formal although there were Clergy there to lead prayers and it was attended by the local Mayor.
It was deeply moving unlike some of the bigger, more organised weekday and Cenotaph Sunday events have been.
Strangely enough, that alleged subverter of British traditional culture the BBC is telling me this afternoon that ‘the Nation’ fell silent at 11 this morning. I guess that ‘the Nation’ excludes me and most of the people who happened to be around me at the time. Normally on this day I’d have arranged to be at home with my own quiet reflections on the day’s theme (those reflections, along with whether or not I’m wearing a poppy and how much I put in the Poppyscotland tin are for me to know and you to find out – I commend to you Matthew 6:5-6) I assume you are aware that the poppy appeal here in Scotland is somewhat different from that in England, with the four-petal leafless poppy replacing the two-petal-with-leaf model of the Haig Fund.
Anyway, this year I was due to start a shift on a charity stall at 11am, so I was able to do a little discreet mass observation. I was in the Partick district of Glasgow – neither the smartest not the roughest district of the city, not the most secular nor the most sectarian. As I walked along Dumbarton Road as the clock ticked towards 11 I noted a fair number of poppies, some the standard papert model, some crocheted, some ceramic. They were, however, in the minority. At 11, nothing happened. There was no signal. Poppy wearers and non-wearers alike continued going about their business in this busy sub-central shopping street.
It seems to me that as far as Glasgow is concerned, the BBC is bigging-up and reinforcing the cultural tradition rather than diminishing it.
WWW The point I was trying to make was not that the BBC were not covering remembrance – it was more the quality/dignity of how they do it.
I take your point regarding false shows of piety etc and personally I do not judge anyone as to whether they are wearing a poppy or not as it is a personal decision. However I do think that a certain degree of respect for the poppies symbolism should be associated with the poppy and what it stands for. And the seemingly trivialising of it (in some cases) into some sort of seasonal media fashion accessory diminishes the meaning behind it. In addition was televising a TV show with a cooky monster character sporting a poppy really respectful – Personally I dont think so.
As I am writing this I am looking at a death penny on my mantelpiece of a distant relative who fell in in the great war. It is not a particularly cheerful ornament and I expect it was all his mother had to remind herself of her fallen son. It represents tears, sacrifice and much pain. I keep it on the mantelpiece to remind myself that the freedoms we now enjoy were hard won and should be jealously guarded. On the penny it says he died for freedom and honour – Maybe something these days which as a society we do not seem to value so much. And if you dont value something it is always far more easily lost.
It represents tears, sacrifice and much pain. I keep it on the mantelpiece to remind myself that the freedoms we now enjoy were hard won and should be jealously guarded.
Freedoms that the BBC undermines at almost every opportunity, a prime example being their shameless and never-ending support for the oligarchs and plutocrats of the EU who trash democracies whenever they have the temerity to vote against the EU’s undemocratic, corrupt ‘project’.
The Christmas ads are pretty rubbish this year, aren’t they. Can’t really be arsed to see any more, except Poundland might be a good bet, or Bumhole Butchers from Steeple Bumstead – lamb chops at three quid…
Looks very much like we’ll all revert to the written word on good sites like this soon, and just ignore ‘broadcasters’, who only have themselves to blame for such awful progs and – unfortunately – an obsession with the pseudo-culture, ‘diversideee’…
Having restarted a book-reading frenzy recently, it’s enlightening to become involved in a good written plot, rather than take the lazy option, and hear some twonk on the bbc shrilling about something or other.
Scrobie, very good point.
I listened to the hilarious TODAY interview with Jim ‘Leading Question’ Naughtie talking at Edward St Aubyn. Think I got the name right but the TOADY running order always seems to go missing on a Saturday. I wonder why? Can’t get the staff these days! Mind you, being able to read the Running Order may not have helped me much. It is usually full of gaps and ‘spell-checkers’ and ‘predictive text’ are running rife at W1A these days with comical results.
Anyway, back to Jim.
I seriously do wonder why his interviewees remain in the studio with him for an interview. Think if I had been EStA, I might have been inclined to take in one of those polystyrene heads that are wig and/or hat stands and after the first question that told me what my answer should be, I would have lifted it up and placed it on the desk in front of Naughtie and then walked out, leaving Jim to carry on his usual pompous, patronising and self-aggrandising way.
In the wake of the Gilligan Affair, we were faithfully promised by the BBC that inadequate, incompetent, under-performing BBC staff would be subject to re-training or asked to leave the BBC. In the case of James Naughtie, it never happened.
I wonder why?
Toady watch
Pompous Robinson interviews academic about the Lebanon war al Beeb has decided is about to happen. Big question what should President Trump or Blighty do about it ? Why ask? Hopefully nothing at all. Not our business and anything which weakens the evil Iran is a good thing but it’s none of our business whatever albeeb sky and c4 want.
That other pompous beeboid Simpson delivered a homily about how the wonderful ANC has just turned into another corrupt African country busily ruining itself . What a surprise. Suppose his got a place with servants out there.
Al Beeb is still going for the sexual harassment ‘ assault thing – I wonder where it stops ? Destruction of films with sex fiend stars in them? Removal of oscars , strange times. As a chap I always thought that women were bred with techniques to rebuff the male tendency to want to shag them. If you suck up to men because they have money, power, stardom or are piss poor politicians that your bed and you lie in it.
Unless some men have their balls cut off they are going to try to jump women – particularly the sort of self absorbed ego maniacs on the list I’ve descibed above. Women need to learn this and adapt their approach if they are that stupid. At least some of these characters are getting what they deserve. Same goes for queers but I don’t know much about them .
Fedup, great fun the sequence from 7.30am on.
Prior to that, much more serious: Karthi opened with womens’ cricket from Australia. I found myself wondering whether womens’ sport can survive the current feverish bout of Womens’ Lib. Is it not exploitative?
It allows men to ogle women. They have to run around, often made to wear specialist clothing, sometimes it is skimpy clothing, getting hot and sweaty while men pay to watch! It also allows other men (and women) to make money out of all this activity. Eeeeeeeeek! Shhriieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
I love it when they talk about wimmins sport as though it’s up there. Sad old Beeb gave up on sports a long time ago and just get hand me downs now – or populise sports so that sky can buy it and make profit on al beebs sad efforts.
Damn I misse the Anthony Blair love in – I suppose he is as messianic and self regarding as ever. I always remembered the Blair was a lawyer so was always self serving and boy did many suffer because of what he did.
Villiers floated the idea of using the overseas tax give away to fund the Eu bribe. Excellent idea – one evil being used for another . All those African politicians will miss there top of the rand armoured 4×4 courtesy of Blighty taxpayers.
Armistice day – I’m off to the field of Rembrance – I hope there aren’t to many doing fucking selfies again.
Quite a car crash interview on Toady this morning.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein really lived up to her name. She had set up a nice cosy interview with a global warming lady professor, so they could guffaw together about the previous clip with a US sceptic.
But she was useless. Tongue tied, hesistant, moments of pregnant pauses. Pathetic scrambled comments. Had she lost her list of questions? A hospital radio volunteer would have done better.
And to think she is due a massive pay rise because of pay equality.
Sometimes the reason people have lower pay is because they are no good at what they do!
As I am sure you know and agree with, In the real world outside the BBC and the public sector, if people aren’t good at what they do , they get sacked.
Sluff, that was awful. Our Mishal was really not well-briefed on that. I think she should resign.
Will she? I wonder?
Will her colleagues cover it endlessly for the next week?
Will she be called in by the DG?
Will she be photographed smiling while phoning for a taxi?
Will her photo be all over the BBC web-site?
I wonder!
I appear to have missed the TOADY Programme’s interview with one Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. I heard someone start wittering about Saturday Live and that, to me, is always a good reason to hit the off switch.
I then forgot to switch the radio back on.
Oh dear!
I wonder if Brexit was mentioned?
Ha I did the same – is that Saturday dead programme one with a queer vicar and a Muslim woman? Not for me.
Not sure, Fedup, about sexuality or religion of presenters, not something that would bother me – especially the latter – unless they ‘over-evangelised’.
Unlike many on here, I liked John Peel (pretensions and all!) and his programme Home Truths. That was a time when BBC R4 listening was truly worthwhile.
Here’s something that maxi and WWotW may care to discuss: I enjoyed the contribution of ordinary people on Home Truths together with its witty, very natural and clever presentation by John Peel.
In contrast, Saturday Live is celebrity oriented, when there is plenty of that already on the BBC – eg.: Loose Ends, and it is the usual suspects, a tired old bunch that must rotate around TV and Radio studios in a constant traipsing of the past. The presentation on Saturday Live is, I find, a little dead and deadly.
Think the BBC are a bit stuck there. They couldn’t find someone of the stature of Peel to keep Home Truths going. To be fair, it would have been a long, hard search. There may now be some candidates although my brain has just gone dead right now as far as who I might nominate. The public, however, wanted it retained. It was a prime piece, an excellent example of true public broadcasting.
‘The Management’ insisted – as is the way with the BBC – that their wishes would prevail and Home Truths would be killed. Its replacement, in my view, is a turkey and a dead one at that. Hence, in this household, the Off switch usually prevails, even during the trails.
BBC radio 4 still using divorce bill and not demand bill.
Marky ,
That’s an extremely good point and not one I’d realised. I try to keep the defence up against al Beeb propaganda but that one is absorbed without much thought – ‘demand’ is an outer word ‘divorce’ is a remainer word. Clever
Fedup2 – if you have time watch this video, it talks about letting a group control the language which confuses what we are talking about. If you talk in their language then they have almost won. By using ‘divorce’ we add emotion and agree that is a wrong decision – who wants a married couple to split up? Are you evil?
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
Thanks Marky ,
I’ve always been interested in propaganda as a subject and the construction of group think .
“Divorce “ is used through out the main stream -.i checked and it’s in the G newspaper headline today. Mr Farage should say this as a lot of people would instantly recognise what’s going on.
“When the speech goes wrong, the ideas go wrong, and when the ideas go wrong the politics goes wrong. ” -Douglas Murray
BBC editorial integrity means they have space and time only for some things but not others.
Apparently. Emma would approve.
Thanks to last night’s Mastermind I now know that ‘naga’ means snake in Hindi.
Not the BBC but might have well been.
I was channel hopping mid morning Thursday and came across This Morning with Eamonn and Ruth .What caught my attention ,they were interviewing a Muslim man about his website aiming to support men who want more than one wife. It was all treated very jokey by Eamonn except the guy ,well dressed and suited was deadly serious and stated its only a religious ceremony.Ruth said yes because bigamy is illegal in this country.
But they allowed him to put forward the Islamic reasons for Polygomy without mentioning Islam though Eamonn referred to mulims , without question or challenging him about his sexism ,let alone sharia marriages being binding in Islam
To say I was gobsmacked is an understatement.
Ruth asked if his own wife agreed and he said they don’t really talk much about it but she would be OK with it.All the old bull about men will have affairs anyway so may as well make it official and keep it inthe family..At the very least he should have been challenged about the sexist nature of this.Can wives have more than one husband ? I think not.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing .Such a serious subject that’s only going to get worse treated likea reality show.This is how these things get normalised.
I actually think the BBC would never have gone near this.
Don’t forget Islam is still Lefty Top Trump – including in the BBC’s own pack of cards.
Watching BBC News Watch – hilarious…apparently the BBC have a screen to see what they consider in the public all that crap about non illegal tax minimisation was in our interest and following Priti Patel’s car by helicopter was too..
Funny how the chap being interviewed didn’t seem to be able to express what their journalist screen was..
But has anyone ever seen the BBC actually agree with anyone who puts in a viewpoint that different from theirs .. this programme is a waste of time
On a completely different note – I think he did admit what I have been thinking…These private documents were stolen from a company Appleby? and distributed – so in effect the BBC are conspirators in a criminal action by releasing stolen personal details of private individuals who actually haven’t done anything wrong…Lawsuit? They argue it’s in the public interest..not sure how I see Mrs Browns boys account’s are in my interest..
HOWEVER.. you try getting any information under FOIA from BBC….now that is in the public interest! has a bbc section that makes interesting reading on questions about the bbc, especially in the area of bbc selection guidelines.
It would be interesting to hear such as Emma Bartlett interviewed on why it is the bbc is one the largest organisations in the world with power that is exempted from being held to account by those compelled by law to uniquely fund her ideological biases.
One other excellent BBC technique to ensure the narrative flows totally smoothly, is to ‘interview’ themselves:
Guessing ‘So, James, how does it feel to be the BBC mouthpiece most trusted to do the FCO’s bidding?’ will likely come after the accolades.
Just the first page makes interesting reading of what is refused and delayed.
So too are those few eventually ‘answered’:
The killer question to put to BBC supporters is to ask them why the BBC is funded by universal taxation of anyone who wishes to watch any TV programme in the UK. Mostly they have no answer. Occasionally they make the ludicrous claim that the BBC is like the NHS , an essential piece of the fabric of the nation which everyone must pay for by taxation. The correct response is to ask them if they are seriously comparing Strictly with a life and death operation or ongoing cancer treatment and then to follow up with the comment that they are trivialising the care given by the NHS by the comparison they are making with the BBC. Usually they give up at that point.
Just for the record I do think that universal health care is an essential element of a civilised society. But I am far from certain that the NHS is the best way to provide it.
DT, seeing as the BBC are such avid supporters of the NHS they should have no problem with the TV tax becoming a NHS supplement delivering up over £3.5 billion additional income per year with the BBC going full on subscription. Can’t see many disagreeing with that. NHS + extra money, BBC having to work for their money – simples.
The Israeli website i24 puts on a very amusing but disturbing slant to the latest sexual abuse stories.
I write about it on this website because can you imagine if Laura Kuenssberg was asking a minister a question
and got this kind of reply as what happened on a couple of TV stations in Lebanon and Egypt!
In the ” Spin Off” programme on i24 the Arabic reporter is showing us how in an interview with a Lebanese government
minister a lady reporter asks him about Prime Minister Haariri staying in the Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh.
The minister then says to the reporter” Would you like to come to the Ritz Carlton with me?”
But the other example in Cairo takes the biscuit. The lady reporter is asking an Islamic lawyer about how women
dress on the streets of Cairo. He said if they are wearing jeans, they should be RAPED!! And that’s a lawyer.
Mind you on the Londonistan programme it would not surprise me if Liz Rateef got the same kind of responses
in some if not many parts of London.
I think we should remind ourselves, on a daily basis, that it’s OK to be white.
Old goat – you are wrong.
He’s wrong to be right.
(Er, is that from a pop song? If so, how prescient! Aah, some intense activity from a few of the little grey cellls and a search engine – h/t to Nick Lowe in his punk era. Not exactly a line from Cruel to be Kind [1979] but almost.)
Cenotaph. BBC coverage absolute minimum – sandwiched between a weather report and the latest on Brexit. Junior reporter (I assume) described tomorrow’s commemorations as ‘celebrations’. Altogether disgusting. Sky News had good coverage apart from a running caption describing the two minutes’ silence as ‘A moment’s silence.’ But had to leave the room when some bimbo started interviewing a 99-year-old veteran alone the lines of ‘How did you feel when your arm blew off?’
Maybe they could stick a red nose on the cenotaph or put that teddy bear thing they use on top of it – or top gear doing donuts around it -oh sorry – they’ve done that one .
What about – guess the unknown soldier – do not get me wrong – I am not taking the pee out of armistice day and never would . But I get the feeling that albeeb is so out of touch with the root feeling of British people about the sacrifice and loss that it cannot represent the likes of me. Sad