I don’t understand why Pritti Patel had to resign for talking to one side of the Middle East conflict without informing her party leadership. If that is a reason, why hasn’t Corblimey resigned yet after all he talked to Hamas and Hezbollah without his party leadership’s say-so – even calling both of these evil, criminal bunches of murderers his “friends”?
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
This bloke deserves a timeline all to himself.
Include Bercow as well.
Utter filth, how they`re allowed to do golden shower dream sequences all over Labour Lefty public life is a scandal.
Until such scum are put away, we`ll not be really detoxified will we?
“I don’t understand why Pritti Patel had to resign ”
Because some Arab or a Rainbow reporter for the BBC had found out that Pritti had been seen within 1 yard of a Jewish National! And the BBC ain’t go to let that go without doing something about it!
Credit where credit’s due, BBC 4 documentary series on the Vietnam War is outstanding. Loads of quality interviews with participants from all sides, contributing good factual stuff, supported by film and images of the day.
I read somewhere that it had been put together by HBO, which probably says it all, but it is very informative non-the-less.
Agreed-would recomment Gulag too as truthful and just the thing that the BBC would never do these days. Why not a punchy account of how we ended up from Ataturk to Bataclan(two years old today, any mention ontne BBC or Bono?)?
I believe the BBC were co-partners in HBO’s ‘Rome’ series, but thankfully never seemed to put their progressive oar in and totally mess it up. Unfortunately the production cost so much money that they wrapped the whole thing up in a condensed second season. It was completely a-historical fiction-wise but good entertaining TV nevertheless.
Over the years though I’ve found HBO lean too much towards the salacious in their shows – ie tits and gory violence, but they still make thoughtful adult TV, unlike the Beeb’s third division marxist crap (Dr Who?) to indoctrinate the kids.
Question of the day/ week / month appeared on my Twitter timeline this morning.
Why does a trading alliance require its own army?
Pesco, which UK is also in agreement with, is due to be agreed today although you wouldn’t know it from our own controlled media. No mention of cost, what our contribution will be or why we should be signing up when we’re leaving EU. Oh no, nothing informative like that.
Does anyone on here have any idea or thoughts on which Tory politicians the bbc will be trying to get sacked this week?
I think Damian Green will be ok because he is a remainer.
Gove is a target because he answered that he didn’t know exactly what the woman in Iran was doing there, you know the one that I mean, she appears to be getting lumps in her breasts, Boris’s fault no doubt.
Boris is still top of the list, Gove didn’t help himself (he could always have said something along the lines of “this isn’t my brief, I don’t know the specifics”) and is fast rising to next most wanted.
I notice the woman in Iran is now receiving the sainted approach whereby she’s mentioned by first name only now. Not a good sign imo, independent non-biased reporting is lost at that point.
Shouldn’t the Conservative Party have some sort of Rapid Response Team, to go into action every time the far-left bbc, guradian, Labour Party etc target someone? If they have such a team, then they’re not very good at it.
Of course they should! In the old days, this was called something like the Instant Rebuttal Unit, but more recently it has been allowed to wither on the vine.
The Tories went into the last election with no Director of Communications, and it is only within the last couple of months that this role has been filled.
The sooner this guy gets up to speed the better. The Tory party communications are simply dire.
So you are saying the Tories are bad at rebutting hit-job propaganda
… Yet they have a new director of communications an who’s an Ex-Beeboid
.. Wow it’s like he’s deliberately not doing a good job !
If I looked at the profiles of all the current Tory MPs I doubt there’d be more than 10 that I’d consider worth voting for. They’ve been told they are all ‘nasty’, most are remainers and are virtually indistinguishable from a lib-dem. I’m afraid I couldn’t really give a toss about them until the majority rediscover the meaning of conservative (economic or social – either one will do for now!).
I’ll know the Tories have turned a corner when they stop playing nice with the BBC.
There are so many unanswered questions about Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe. Just read on the Beeb website that hubby is asking that she gets diplomatic status but surely, as an Iranian expert (why the Beeb employed her in the first place) she knows that they do not recognise dual nationality so in their eyes she is Iranian. To agree otherwise opens up a can of worms for them.
Then there is the undeniable fact they at one time she DID facilitate the training of journalists in Iran – a Guardian article in 2014 said so, must be true then (Beeb logic). She was questioned in 2014 about this but came back to the UK before being charged. Then, it is stated, she went back on holiday despite knowing she was wanted. Inevitably she is arrested and charged with the 2014 accusation (even in Iran there is no such charge as wilfully and with malicious aforethought being on holiday), you know – the one that the Guardian agreed that she did do.
Then we have the charge that what Boris said might lead to doubling the sentence. Really? She was found guilty (under their laws) of a crime. BJ saying something doesn’t make her MORE guilty and hence due a more severe sentence.
So, if the logic employed by the libtards is correct, we could have the situation where some Johnny Foreigner in this country does something naughty, pops back to the country from whence he came, then a couple of years later returns for a “holiday” and can’t be arrested because there would be letters to the Guardian and outraged BBC commentators! But, but, but – he’s on HOLIDAY!
Excellent popeye-we need a “story behind the story” section to map out the genesis and current feed status on these stories that the BBC choose to dole out to us like gruel laced with arsenic…and lace too of course.
Question EVERYTHING. Things are rarely what they seem, especially where the media are concerned.
All we want is the truth but the truth is too inconvenient for too many people.
There are also unanswered questions about what Priti Patel was up to in Israel ‘on a (working?) holiday’.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised in the least whether she was enquiring through unofficial channels whether the Israelis were holding any Iranian prisoners in their jails.
It could be the Alt-Left mob that the BBC appear to be joining and are screaming with so loudly in their desire to overturn Brexit may have instead scuppered the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. If such a scenario has occurred to little old me, creative that I may be, then it is just possible some folk in our Government (or maybe even the F&CO!?) may also have been exploring similar channels to see what could be made to work.
Not only that, we do know that – unlike north Korea – the Iranians have missiles capable of hitting targets as far away as Israel. If the current Sunni-Shia proxy war hots up, there are other good reasons why some unofficial chatting with Israel might be highly desirable and very valuable.
Seems like the BBC are dumbing down News & Entertainment but perhaps that’s because they have already dumbed themselves down inside W1A.
Popeye no not mentioned in 2014 Guardian
2016 Guardia
According to Amnesty, Iranian authorities have hinted that her arrest is connected to the imprisonment in 2014 of several employees of an Iranian technology news website. They were given lengthy prison terms for participating in a BBC journalism training course.
Until she was arrested 8th May 2016 no one of her name was mentioned on Twitter
So I’m guess she was using another name
There are less than a dozen tweets mentioning a Nazanin
but 3 Iranians have the forename
There is an BBC Journalist account nazaninmotamedi
“Broadcast Journalist, BBC World Service, Persian TV.”
Who could be her cos it seems to have a very similar photo and it stopped tweeting after she was arrested , and only started tweeting again recently
A person of that name is hardly visible to Google
This Iran matter is very odd. Something not quite right about the whole thing. Dual citizenship which Iran does not recognise so to them she is Iranian.
She must have known the risks of going. Iran does not play by any rules except it’s own -remember how it humiliated our sailors – so trouble is always on the horizon.
Why attempt to blame our people when the blame is squarely with the Iranians?
BBC has an agenda here.
If you’re in one of the countries where you have dual citizenship, that country often doesn’t care about the rules of the other. I’d suspect that’s part of it.
She decided to go back to Iran, knowing precisely what such a regime as that is capable of, has run afoul of the authorities there (to whom she still remains a citizen of their country) and now expects the our government to rescue her.
This is a predicament which is entirely of her own making and perhaps her husband and his family rather than criticising the FO, could maybe look a little closer to home as to where blame should be cast.
I believe that there is a lot more to this story than has come out thus far.
It has erupted just as harassment sexual exploitation accusations arise in LuvvieLand and the entertainment sector, Simon Stevens makes a speech about £350m p.w. for the NHS, Priti Patel (keen Brexiteer) had a holiday in Israel, Michael Fallon (political bruiser and Remainer, but claiming to be reconciled to Brexit) had resigned, a crucial trigger point in Brexit negotiations was about to be reached and some important, leaked papers have not …. well, … revealed very much that we didn’t know about the tax affairs of the rich & wealthy and there is a Budget due in mid-month.
Nothing had been said about Patel’s visit until now, two months later.
Nothing had been said by the BBC about Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe for some time.
The £350m p.w. 1. had been proven to be correct by the BBC among others way back in the spring, and, 2. is now, as a 2014 figure, out of date. The ONS has released the data for UK to EU contributions for 2015. Not a peep from the BBC on that.
The BBC told us last year that the Mossack Fonseca papers were so numerous that a team of journalists were still working their way through them. They get some new papers from a different firm in a different jurisdiction and we instantly get, despite the vast quantity of documents, HM Queen Elizabeth II’s papers surprisingly on top of the heap.
It is peculiar, some of that all happening now.
And kept happening by the BBC. Normally, they have an attention span limited to about three days. Instead, Bojo (Brexiteer), Priti Patel (Brexiteer) and, now, Gove (Brexiteer) are kept in front of us for nearly a fortnight.
Well Jacob R-M obviously needs shooting down in flames. After all, as the most lucid, honest, polite, statesmanlike and erudite MP currently allowed occasional air time, he deserves to have some detritus fanned in his direction. Then there’s Penny Mordaunt, surely some sort of misbehaviour involving swimsuits and Michael Fabricant is only waiting to be discovered and unveiled to an ever more eager BBC/Guardian/Momentum audience?
Recently moved to Lichfield. Was by the cathedral a couple of days ago and saw Fabricant going on what looked like a speed walk exercise. He had dark glasses on, despite the grey day, but was still unmistakable with that awful hair.
Agenda Broadcasting Corp
Just happened to use this image for tonight’s 8:30pm R4 prog
Authenticity : “These days when we talk about politicians we are more likely to discuss whether they are authentic …”
#BbcAgendas #BorisMustFall
Woman’s Hour continues to come from Planet Libland with its alternative reality.
Presenter Jane Garvey opened by claiming Star Trek had first on screen mixed race kiss in 1968
.. That’s wrong by miles cos beaten by 1959 UK, 1960 US
Now she’s fishing for race problems under Trump
Guest delivered
Then she was horrified “92% of Charity trustee board are white and highly educated”
Jesus : of course top management boards reflect the race demographic from birth year of 70 year ago. Of course management higher educated. More male ? Similar reasons
COP23 propaganda
First news did “world CO2 to rise by 2%
.. That’s due to China using more coal
.. Due to rainfall patterns changing and making less water available
.. EU and US didn’t reduce there CO2 by as much as expected”
I’m guessing that that means US reduced the most..
Then in prog
\\We talk to Dr Laura Stachel about why she invented a solar-powered midwifery suitcase and winning an award at the UN Climate Change conference.//
“What if Jesus was alive and was a trans woman?”
– play in Brazil being discussed on Radio4 now.
What on earth drives this agenda?
It’s a worldwide phenomenon.
Art should challenge convention, and no-one should suffer for their sexuality but this all goes far too far doesn’t it?
It seems connected to left-wing politics – a means to challenge the old order. Like much PC stuff, I don’t think it is fundamentally about the stated issues, it’s war by other means
– a means to bring down the old order…
When she tries the same stunt stuff on Muhammad, THEN we can say that she`s being equally brave and fearless in her assertions.
Until then-merely milking the church for ideas.
PS-she needs to look at the Old Testament , Jesus and Paul too…only a fool thinks that G-D is not a God of anger as well as love.
Where`s her play on the Satanic Verses?-don`t even need to involve Muhammad, just call his teddy bear that to wimp out dearie.
If we had the BBC in 1600 “What if the Pope was a trans woman?”
What on earth drives this agenda?
It’s a worldwide Protestant phenomenon.
It seems connected to politics – a means to challenge the old order, it’s war by other means – a means to bring down the old Catholic order…
But the difference with today is that the liberal elite are attacking an old order that is obviously superior to the new order of regressive self destruction, even though most of us are not devout Christians.
The Protestant churches are also regularly attacked by these low-lifes, and any attack on Jesus is intended to insult the whole of Christendom. It’s disgusting. She’s a coward for not attacking Mohammed in the same way and a bully for attacking Christians whom she knows will not fight back, or if they did she would be supported by all the other bullies on the left like the BBC.
I’m an atheist but believe that Christians should be given the same level of protection for their beliefs as Muslims are.
The progressive left is busy preparing it’s own destruction. It will come be patient. The wheel always turns in the end.
Look at the Polish march the other day. This is the new Europe coming.
Woke up to a trailer from Agenda Broadcasting Corp
“Tuesday morning 9am former Labour Minister Douglas Alexander presents a prog on Britain being divided”
Em country is not really divided : most say “Get in with Brexit'”
There a few zealots who disagree.
This is real ancien regime stuff. Of course we are divided. That is the way of things when the old regime has gone too far and outlived it’s utility. Much like the BBC.
In the year of the 500th anniversary of Luther this is the example to all of us.
Douglas Alexander asks how we can overcome the forces that divide us. Ten possible answers.
(1) Arrest all Remain supporters as traitors. A policy that was successful in 1939.
(2) Segregate the different forces that divide us.
(3) Toleration by the loser.
(4) Toleration of the majority by the minority.
(5) Deportation of people like Douglas Alexander.
(6) All Liberals could convert to Islam, and then change sex.
(7) The Archbishop of Canterbury could impose inclusively on the Church of England, by insisting that the Government force all Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Catholics to go to his Churches.
(8) Abolish all but one political party.
(9) Abolish Democracy.
(10) Kill everybody in the World, except yourself.
Agenda ??
Tuesday R4 8pm Do they have a prog about Islam and Islamic Terrorist threat ?
“What’s New about the New Far Right?
File on 4 – The head of counter terrorism has warned the extreme right wing pose a growing threat in the UK.
.. meets the former soldier who intervened after a far right extremist tried to behead a Sikh man (hmm not heard if that ..schizo nutter ?)
and challenges the Austrian leader of a group called Generation Identity which launched in the UK only last month. Members unfurled a banner over Westminster bridge in London which declared “Defend London, Stop Islamisation.”
Experts say there is now growing cross border co-operation between far right groups in Europe, the UK and America.
Jewish communities are also worried about the rise in the far right and growing anti-Semitic attacks. ”
Presenter is Adrian Goldberg normally a good bloke, but if course has Jewish name and ethnic Indian wife. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09dysx6
Mr Goldberg should be a lot more worried about the left and their muslim storm-troopers who are much more likely to attack him or his wife than the modern far-right.
Predictably the BBC is all over Welby’s comments on transgender children.
At a rally, Trump told supporters that the media’s interests are not their interests. He is spot on. Robert Winston said that this is an issue which affects one in 20,000 people. It is of no interest or concern to 99.9% of people, yet they report on it as if it were crucial. One can give countless similar examples, such as their vile troughing over the BBC ‘gender pay gap.’
Issues which massively concern 99.9% of people, such as crime or immigration, are of course never discussed by our perfidious media.
They are so desperate for another SJW crusade so they get that addictive glow of feeling virtuous. Yet here they are probably actively doing wrong. Nietzsche said humans prefer a certain nothing to an uncertain something. We love order, security and safety. Worrying what gender you are is a problem you do not want to have. They promote ‘gender fluidity’ as some sort of aspirational lifestyle choice, when in reality it can have the most devestating psychological effects – the risk of suicide is multiplied several times for those who do transition.
Kids are impressionable and attention seeking. Many will think they have hit the jackpot if they say they identify with the other gender, when in fact it can cause untold damage.
That 0.6% seems an overestimate I bet it’s an over- estimate
In a school of 1,000 kids that means there should be 6 transexuals
In a univ of 10,000 that means there’d be 60
If the BBC has 30,000 workers they should have 180 working there
..hat last bit I can believe
Jeremy Vine was wetting himself over the advice to provide ‘safe spaces’ in Church of England schools. The CofE spokesman told us how important it was to outlaw bullying in schools.
Isn’t childhood the period where children learn to be adults?
I learnt about the joys of running and jumping. I also learned about the consequences of hitting gravel playgrounds hard. It makes me wary about driving my car into things and people as I know how frail human flesh is.
I learnt about bullying and how to deal with it. It didn’t come as a shock to me when I encountered my first bastard boss.
The tree that bends in the wind becomes strong; the tree that is shielded breaks when the shield is removed.
The BBC have ample dressing up boxes and costumes, just for things like Children In Need and Pudsey Bull.
Come along now kids…follow Uncle Jimmy into the basement where we can measure you up for “Top Of the Form” remakes, one day hence.
Parents-do NOT let the BBC into your school, there is bound to be one hell of a lot of crap coming soon about what BBC blokes have been doing to their girlies since The Last of the Summer Wine was devised.
Start with Norman Wisdom….and come up to Russell Brand via Jimmy Page and Sir Mick and you`ll get a narrative arc that ought to sink the buggers.
No wonder the BBC seem keen to pay them more now all of a sudden…coo ee Chris Evans?…Moylesy?….
Real and/or alleged?…let us know eh Beeb?
No doubt it DOES make them seem “more grown up”-up in mummys heels does have that effect when you`re a little girl, less so when you`re meant to be a professional who may need to run to catch a criminal. But that`s no longer what the police do is it?
Imagine the weeks off if you break a nail or chip an extension?
What DO Islamic State make of all this?…will they bugger or bypass these Kevlar Queens?
Anyone in the local council queried what the cost of a dozen or more pairs of size 12 trannie heels might be? And what’s the market for such used shoes?
Ath a lowley P Thee I have to thplash out thikthty thikth poundth and thikthty thikth penthe a pair. I would like to know why Commanderth and Chief Inthpectorth get theirth free of charge ath part of their thalary. Thith ith blatant dithcrimination and needth thtamping on thtraight away. Dithgratheful!
“Anyone in the local council queried what the cost of a dozen or more pairs of size 12 trannie heels might be? ”
If said police force (think its in Canada) intend using said shoes for all future recruits then I’m sure they will have paid for themselves by the time the 1 millionth cop walks the beat! Well, it would be a waste to throw them away.
It is impossible to outlaw bullying as the term is so subjective and within a group, especially of children, there will always be a struggle to establish a pecking order. Of course egregious acts must be stamped out, but there can never be a world in which no child ever mocks another for some weakness or difference. It is human nature. Plus if some kid turns up for a non uniform day in fancy dress, as a boy did at my school, how is it humanly possible not to take the p*ss out of him?
The worst bullies are, of course, the Left – saying anyone who disagrees with them has a mental illness or is actually a criminal should they dare oppose some of their patently absurd dogma. The solution is to develop grit and coping strategies, as bullying is an immutable fact of life.
Beeb Bro
Oh that they could only stop the ebb and flow of the oceans. The lefties need to lighten up and get a life. They would then be much happier individuals and so would everybody else.
Let’s not forget the sinister hand of Justine Greening (Sec. State for Education, God help us!) is behind a great deal of the push for LBTQABC and ‘Trans’ education for children (even at an extremely young age) or lends her and the government’s wholehearted support for this wicked agenda. It is child abuse.
“Isn’t childhood the period where children learn to be adults?”
I remember our PT teacher making myself and a lad in my class to stop fighting – so he arranged a 3 round boxing match between us both in the school gym during diner break! I won by a good punch on his chin!
Well, my dad did box for his regiment in the RAF and won many a fight!
I’m sure we both shook hands when he got up from the coconut mat!
These Transgender ,drag queen policies are pushed by trendies who have no idea what makes young children tick.Probably childless.
Give them a dressing up box and they will wear anything in it .No one stops their boys wearing mums shoes or hair bands /tiaras.They have no concept of gender or prejudice at the age of 2 or 3.
One of my sons had a toy fold up push chair that he pushed his dolls and teddies around in and insisted on taking it everywhere . He is now a well adjusted adult.
If I had children now , I seriously think I would be looking to home school them.
President Trump has offered to mediate in South China Sea spat! He said, “I am a very good mediator”!! And in case that wasn’t enough, he added, “And arbitrator”!!!
I don’t watch the BBC, but my guess is that they went straight into auto-sneer, not because self-praise is no praise, but because they regard him as an ignoramus who had probably never heard of the South China Sea until this month.
Let me help to set the record straight on this issue. I have to admit first that I myself managed not to have heard of Donald J. Trump (didn’t watch The Apprentice) until about early 2016, when the Republican primaries were already underway, and so missed his June 2015 presidential campaign announcement completely. However, I did get round to listening to it fairly recently and was surprised, nay, impressed, when he spoke out against the militarisation of the South China Sea (yes, we know you heard him, “Chyna”). Did any other Republican candidate mention the South China Sea in their campaign announcement?
And for all Obama’s “pivoting” towards Asia, the US navy, as the leaders of the countries facing off against China would have noticed, was not particularly visible during his Administration. For example, “freedom of navigation” exercises were conducted just once per quarter (this info is thanks to journalists who still do their homework instead of spending their waking and sleeping hours trying to trip Trump up). In other words, Obama’s deeds did not match his talk.
So was there any change when the new boy on the block turned up? You betcha! The US Navy has become decidedly more proactive under Trump, and four freedom of navigation exercises have been held in the past five months alone. You could almost hear a collective sigh of relief from the ASEAN leaders involved, and this includes Vietnam, which is not too happy with China.
To sum up, isn’t it ironic that a communist country such as Vietnam would much prefer to see a US battleship rather than a Chinese warship come steaming by …
BBC Fake News. pt 94.
Why do they say that Trump tweeted that he called Kim(North Korea hero of the left) “small and fat”. He did no such thing-indeed he said that he would NOT call him short and fat. So he didn`t-did he now?
Can`t the BBC tell the truth about even the simplest things? A Xeno Paradox c/o the Leading Zen Master of the Western World. And the BBC fell right into it, psyched and found out lying again.
Fuck off Michael Sandel…Trump is a Titan.
Fake News exposed in less that 140 characters as per usual.
How the bBC lies about the Libyan Migrant crisis
The bBC like a lot of media outlets only presents the issue of migrants crossing the med as a humanitarian issue which can only be solved by accepting even more Africans into Europe. Here is their current propaganda news item: “It was about 11.30 and we were 30 miles from Libya, so in international waters. After seeing a racing inflatable boat with migrants on board, Sea-Watch 3 launched two rescue boats – I was inside one of these. “It was a dramatic situation and after crossing the sea for a few hundred metres I already heard the desperate screams coming from everywhere. The screams felt even more deafening in the silence of the sea. “The people on the water swam with all their strength to stay afloat, and one of the most troubled ones was fortunately very close to us. He could hardly keep his head out of the water. “When I took this picture I heard his breathing interrupted by the water that was going into his mouth. The sounds of that breath are still in my head. “As a human being I always hope not to attend dramatic scenes, but as a photojournalist I cannot avoid to be a witness of what I see, even if it goes very badly. “It was a strong emotional moment but fortunately after a while our rescue raft approached him, now almost drowned, and the crew of Sea-Watch 3, with no small effort, was able to pull him out of the sea.” Oh my god, what a poor fellow, thank god, that boat came along in which to save his life Yes thats him in the water there.
There is no conspiracy, but this an EU fairy that explains how borders work …
EU Propaganda Cartoon for Children, “Fairy brings refugees to EU”
“I really do need you” – Recipent
“Thank you. And long live Europe.” – Refugee
“Europe protects its borders (by opening them up). Europe welcomes refugees (without consent of the European people). What about you? (are you good tor evil?)” – fairy
Production “Europe without borders” @ 1:31
– Which is it ‘Europe protects its borders’ or ‘Europe without borders’?
Looks like a swimming pool or a mill pond to me. Seriously I believe nothing the BBC show or say particularly if it about migrants, Islam, racism , Tories or Trump. They will lie to us through their teeth if they think it will suit their agenda. I suspect that they believe they are ‘doing good ‘ and so to them the end justifies the means. Why are we forced to pay for this increasingly blatant leftist propaganda is beyond me. The BBC has done more damage to this country than any other institution in the past forty years.
There is an old joke in which the Lone Ranger finds his camp to be surrounded by hostile Indians. He turns to Tonto and says, “It looks like we are doomed Tonto”. To which Tonto replies, “What you mean we white man?”
I felt a bit like that last night as I bounced through the radio channels, pausing to hear an item about Americanisms creeping into English-English on Up All Night . Our ‘diverse’ host made frequent use of ‘we’, in between his glottal stops, mangled RP vowels and missing word endings. For me American-English is far closer to the language of my heritage than that. “What do you mean by we black man?”
When I hear Dutch people speaking English, or even the French girls who work on the Channel ferries, I think: “Their English is far better than what you hear in many an English high street” (and I mean the speech of the native population).
How many degrees of separation between Gordon Brown and Rowan Atkinson as they both look today? Was Vince Cable more prophetic than we thought when he noted the transformation?
because he`s right, judging by the Cenotaph snaps.
And the Independent banged on about Dyson wanting the freedom to fire workers.
As opposed to the endless minutes that REALLY mattered.
But the Independent is anything but.
Desperate, and no-one buys it.
Sackur , one of the most odious of Beeboids, gets more and more frustrated. I thought he was going to blow a blood vessel. JRM swats him away like a fly.
oh no ! all that trade, all those containers full of manufactured goods we have forgot how to make
and Britain is stuck behind a chain link fence, and as usual it’s a Getty image..
Getty Images, Inc. is an American stock photo agency-
Couldn’t they find an EU based agency to use ?
”The head of the German chambers of commerce, Martin Wansleben, told a newspaper the car industry alone would face annual tariffs of more than €2bn if trade between the UK and the EU falls under World Trade Organisation rules.”
So our government would pocket 2 billion a year ? whats not to like !
But is it even true, isn’t the 10% tariff on cars the maximum under WTO rules?
I thought the party buying the goods had the upper hand , and shouldn’t the Germans be lobbying the EU heads and not Threasa May?
”The head of the German chambers of commerce, Martin Wansleben, told a newspaper the car industry alone would face annual tariffs of more than €2bn if trade between the UK and the EU falls under World Trade Organisation rules.”
If the EU plays silly buggers over a trade deal who is going to buy a German, French or Italian car?
Last year we bought a million more cars than we produced. Without a trade deal British car plants will have to ramp up production and the South Koreans and Chinese can take up the slack. If I was a director of any of the EU car companies I’d be getting very worried about the EU’s obsession with punishing us for leaving.
Car show rooms must love selling cars to BBC/Guardian employees.
A wimpy, wuss of a guy, wearing a portable windfarm on his head to power his mobile phone enters the forecourt, “I am from the BBC, and I want to buy a car, please.”
The salesman, a racist, idiot, ignorant, misogynist, as you will find outside the BBC, says, “Great. Give me £40,000.”
“Ere, well, obviously, I would like to see the car before I buy it.”
“No, you don’t. You say we should pay whatever Brussels demands before we see what we are buying. So, hand me £40K else you will be seen as mindless hypocrites.”
‘Why religion should always have its place on the BBC’
By father Neil McNicholas
Who used to work on Radio Cumbria Sunday religion show
\\ However, at some point, political correctness began to raise its head and pressure began to be applied on the producer of the programme to make it more multi-faith in character. It didn’t seem to occur to the “powers that be” that no one was expecting (and therefore listening for) non-Christian religious programming on a Sunday morning!
It was a classic case of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”, but the interfering BBC bosses were determined to and they effectively destroyed the character of the programme much to listeners’ dismay.
In due course, the team itself drifted away disillusioned and frustrated by the “take it or leave” restrictions under which they now had to work – which was probably exactly what the station manager was hoping for.
I do have to say that perhaps the Today programme may not be the most logical place for an injection of religion, but that’s not to say it shouldn’t be scheduled somewhere.
… I know only too well from my own experience as a parish priest that political correctness all too often holds sway. We wouldn’t get away with saying a half of what sometimes needs to be said, and the fear of offending people (even when you have no intention of doing so) means that you end up delivering an ineffective homily/sermon, the dilemma being a wish not to turn people off. I suspect the Today guest speakers find themselves confronted by precisely that concern and as a result opt for a talk that may then come across as wishy-washy, or even “deeply boring” as Humphrys claims.//
The Church needs to get out of the BBC.
The REAL Christians are out here-or marching in Poland.
It`s only pathetic efforts to get into the green room that keeps them going to the BBC. As Jesus said-noe so blind as those who will not see.
Get out of the broadcasting game Church-it`s husk dried hospital radio for the zombies.
Jonathan Sacks speaks for us all. No Christian worth their salt bothers with the BBC any more. They`re all at the Salisbury Review or Cranmer. local press maybe.
Lennie Henry is from round these parts in the Midlands. Why then is he taking off a Yorkshire accent in some play about guitar riffs, as advertied on Radio 4. Cultural appropriation I`d have thought. Blackface in reverse-does the BBC know of any northern actors who could genuinely play a dad who likes heavy metal? Who do I sue?
I have advised Bob that a much more effective way for him to make his point would be to follow the example of Bhuddists and practise self immolation . I’m sure that if he took the petrol along almost any member of the public passing by would donate the match.
The BBC uses its most dispassionate tone to describe how 300 Moroccans went on the rampage in Brussels TO CELEBRATE their (real) country qualifying for the World Cup Finals: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-41961801
Rather gives the lie to the assertion that if we treat Muslims well they will behave themselves: http://bit.ly/2hw9aqI
Why aren`t our nations boycotting Russia next year? Thought we were all to shun them for meddling in elections and things?
Can`t send Lineker and his pothead pixies en masse over there can we?
Poor Conchita Wurst deserves better. No-boycott all football until 2022, when those nice Qutar chaps get a turn.
Maths teacher suspended after saying “well done girls” to group including transgender pupil who identifies as a boy
Is it #Translunacy or is there more to it ?
British Christian maths teacher suspended not just for accidentally “misgendering” trans pupil (he apologised), but for using pupil's chosen name rather than their chosen pronouns. Enforcement of the “compelled speech” @jordanbpeterson has warned against? https://t.co/X1WxixnRYO
There are other reasons for having organizations like the spies. When the party gathers children into groups like the spies they are creating a network of miniature thought police. Once they have been taught to believe the party knows all they are no longer loyal to anyone but them. Children will willingly denounce their family members to the thought police. That is the ultimate horror to have your own children betray you.
Maybe if he goes to school wearing a tiara and a tutu, he might get his job back.
Well done church-leave this kid out to dry, whilst wishing Wonderwoman costumes for tomorrows saps in schools.
Conformity is what they are after. If you wear the tutu and say sorry and then make sure you assign everyone’s chosen (on that day, hour, minute) pronoun you get to keep your job. Or just go in and call everyone idiot – equality for all! You’re all idiots! Freedom of speech!
As Mr Mckay the prison warden in Porridge once said, “I don’t discriminate Fletcher, I treat you all with equal contempt.” Wonderful casting and script writing.
I saw this fella, chaperoned by a lady from the Christian Legal Centre, when I was flicking through the channels this morning. He was on This Morning With Phil and Holly, which when I realised who it was, I decided to watch.
Horribly self-righteous crap. The bBbc has it’s mindset missionaries all over ITV, none more sanctimonious than the possible post-op Phil.
Joshua Sutcliffe, the teacher, appeared a bit mad around the eyes, full of born again enthusiasm, although he was straightforward enough even if he sort of gave the impression that his sexuality wasn’t and despite the barely concealed contempt and aggression that his views and beliefs, and they are only his views and beliefs, were met with by the smug autocuties.
We learned nothing. Until that is Philip Schofield turned to address the camera after the interview and said, and I paraphrase, ‘Let’s get back into 2017 and move on from these medieval views’.
What a twat. Can you imagine him saying that to any follower of any religion other than Christianity. He wouldn’t dare, and what a puerile, smartarsed, sneering comment to make. Ffs wise up.
I left the tv on, and was in and out of the room, waiting for the phone-in comments to get aired. The still seething pair of tits, and Philip, soon came back to the topic as thankfully Twatter had been set alight by this subject and lots of viewers had been in touch.
Four comments were read out, three were in support of the teacher. Ha.
If Mr Schofield had the balls to say that to a committed Muslim he would by now be getting the Salman Rushdie treatment. He knows that Christians have already thrown in the towel so he can afford to be insulting.
WasnT little Schofield Gordon the Gophers wrist sock-or vice versa?
And didn`t he “star” in Joseph and His Multiculti Dream catcher?
So-guilty of cross dressing in Jewish garb, this is retrospective hate crime and cultural appropriation is it not?
Hang the warlock!
Libby Purves is getting stick for saying you can’t judge Spacey without the contexts
.. That society forced him to stay in the closet therefore his sex life was likely to be furtive and seen as sleazy.
How can anyone ever trust the media again after their disgraceful behaviour with Trump and Brexit? As if his victory were not enough, he has continued to pummel them – exposing time and time again how corrupt and dishonest they are. It has been glorious. Seeing bad people get their comeuppance never gets boring!
And it’s not even like they have apologised and vowed to be more honest henceforth. If anything they are getting worse. They will become increasingly irrelevant and neutered as the internet age progresses. God bless Trump for that, the knight slaying the dragon!
Acknowledging her life was under threat during the time she was investigating Savile and BBC elites, MacKean said her conscience left her no option but to pursue the truth and expose the culture of pedophila. The mother of two children believed it was her duty.
Liz MacKean is the second high profile BBC journalist to die in suspicious circumstances after attempting to expose the truth about the pedophile ring operating in the upper reaches of the establishment. Jill Dando, former Crimewatch host, also tried to alert her bosses to the pedophile ring at the BBC, warning that “big name” stars were implicated. {libertytoday aug2017}
On Toady this morning between 7 and 8 am we had a classic case of biased BBC unceasing left wing narrative.
First we had the prioritisation of Justin Welby’s gender fluidity policies for primary schools.
Given that the incidence of transgender is about 1 in 20,000 the prioritisation cannot be based on any sensible notion of importance.
Next we had Thought for the Day, a thinly veiled CND speech.
Then at about 0755 we briefly had a business for and against Brexit discussion. The Brexiteer was well mannered and articulate. But guess what? Just as he was allowed a belated second reply, he was interrupted mid flow with a case of ‘sorry we must leave it there, and now over to the weather forecast’.
Toady angers me so much that I have had to stop listening – it seethes and sizzles with a hard left agenda.
I suggest finding a good podcast instead. Jordan B Peterson’s podcast about the psychological significance of Bible stories is absolutely brilliant. It’s so refreshing to hear someone giving you fascinating ideas to think about rather than telling you over and over what you are supposed to think.
Beeb Brother – totally agree. Now I was brought up as an atheist but was still aware that the Bible is at the core of western civilisation. Unfortunately I struggled to make sense of it in my younger days with its 16th century language, in that I just could not ‘get’ the narrative or the message. That series is excellent – much longer than all his YouTube classroom videos admittedly, and he often goes off on tangents, but on the whole you couldn’t wish for a more engaging and enlightening set of lectures. And I reckon the series might be food for thought for a lot of practicing Christians too.
Any SJW stuff on TV tonight
#1 Panorama ..who’s ruling off the student loan system ?
“Acting on a tip-off, Panorama approached Imran Saeed Sheikh, an agent and fraudster who runs a chain of barber shops in east London.
Mr Sheikh said that for a £200 fee he could place one of Panorama’s undercover students on to a two-year Higher National Diploma (HND) business course, at one London college, so they could receive student loans.”
For the BBC somebody who betrays their Country is a Brexit voter not somebody who works on behalf of a foreign Leftist government. The latter is idealistic whereas the former is the scum of the Earth. This is what is called a “moral inversion”.
I dream of the day when black, unfunny race hustling Brummies can get out of doing a job, and get vastly paid for wearing a dreadlock hat and sleeping in hotel beds well out of sight of the family.
No social justice for the local Geordies then-what we need is a knight of the realm going all northern on us…Yorkshire one minute, Geordie the next.
Ricky Gervais finished off thie unfunny thesp, I preferred ANY of the Black and White Minstrels. Charlie Williams or Aidan J Harvey to the congenitally useless Henry.
Katanga my arse!
Panorama : really exposing fraud ..all seem foreign born fraudsters
Good on them for reporting it.
But how long have they been sitting on this info.
“Oh yes these immigrants are all highly educated”
… Jesus how many them have fraudulant degrees and student loans they’ve got no intention of paying back.
At least we now know where the BBC get all their journalists and current affairs youth hacks from.
Steve Wright University does issue its own “stiff`kits”.
Brexitological Sciences not available, but Brussels Proctology a spesh…
I hope the BBC will provide a suitable Islamic explanation for the Iranian earthquake. Moslem scholars warned about it back in 2010
‘The temporary Friday Prayer leader of Tehran, Kazem Sedighi, said today that “women who don’t have a suitable appearance” (meaning women who do not fully observe the obligatory Islamic hijab) attract young men and lead to the spreading of adultery in the Iranian society which — according to the cleric — increases the risk of earthquakes.
Hojatoleslam Sedighi, who was speaking about the probability of an earthquake in Tehran, said that sinning less reduces the likelihood of earthquakes.’
Why does th BBC and most of our politicians support this crackpot religion?
I am appalled, I tell you, truly appalled by this story and photograph.
How dare anyone assert either that women wearing jeans is the cause of the earthquake OR that the picture of jeans shown implies a woman.
In these feminist and gender fluid times, I expect the wimmins and LGBT communities to be in a state of total outrage.
So where are they silent?
If he`d said it was linked to “climate change”-surely he`d be a professor already at the UEA.
And no we know why so many Muslims prefer to rip the jeans off women…Gaia and Harrabin WILL be pleased at their exuberant pro-active(and indeed countercultural) take on this problem.
That legendary Islamic science or what?
Don`t forget that “cliff edge either” Tom!
Let alone that Brexit divorce bill-as opposed to a ramson demand.
AND “Hard Brexit”…like a “hard or soft” pregnancy or circumcision I think!
Every year for the last few years, the BBC on Radio 4 have been stating that CO2 levels are increasing. Today they say CO2 levels for 2017 (despite the fact there are nearly seven weeks to go to the end of 2017 when a climate conference is not happening – ouch – tongue pushing to hard on cheek again) are going to be at record levels. Does that mean we set the new record yesterday?
Or it is a guesstimate and we have to wait until 1 January 2018 to find out? Policy made and agreed on guesstimates? Wouldn’t be the first time.
Do we have an apology from the BBC so-called ‘environment’ department as well as from its Editor and its two correspondents for this mis-reporting of important data on which taxation and many and various policies are based? No. Why haven’t the BBC corrected themselves and apologised in previous years when they said CO2 levels were increasing but apparently flat-lined?
What is usually Censored is that the evidence is that only a maximum of 4 percent of the 400ppm of CO2 could be man-made. That’s 16ppm for Volcanic and Man-made CO2.
Ice core data shows that there is a 800 year lag for natural CO2 level increase. The Medieval Warm period peaked 800 years ago, so that proves that most of the increase (84ppm) was natural CO2 from the deep Ocean which has a 275 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a period of 800 years. The upper Ocean has a 50 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a seven year period.
“Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, (1997) by Tom Segalstad” shows up the scientific fraud in the Carbon Cycle for man-made CO2.
The morons of the consensus outside of Atmospheric Physics, Astronomy, Weatheraction and Mensa, do not understand Henrys law.
Richard, if I recall correctly different gases expand and contract at different rates, and vary their temperature as they do so, let alone vary their mixing, according to variation in temperature – the critical component for ‘Warmistas’. The increase in temperature within a biosphere.
I’m a sort of Warmista – I believe what my thermometer says – but I want to know from McGrath, Harrabin et al, “Why is the globe not warming up? You say the CO2 is increasing, and methane too, but the thermometer is resolutely stuck close to business as usual! I think we should be warming globally, irrespective of CO2 & meathane increases, but it appears we are not. What is happening?”
No questions asked by the BBC Science & Environment Department.
Think of Nitrogen as the main greenhouse gas, and trace gasses having trace effects on temperature, with only variations in air pressure relevant in any changes in temperature independent of solar irradiance and cloud albedo.
That’s the Unified Theory of Climate of Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, proven by predictions matching evidence for Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and a fall in the Earths average surface temperature of 16 Kelvin in the last 50 million years, which correlates with a drop in the atmospheric pressure of almost one bar, or in other words a halving of the Earths atmospheric pressure at the surface due to half of the mass of the Earths atmosphere being lost.
So therefore, its a proven fact, that an American President must have a high IQ, if he goes against the crowd and simply says that the carbon dioxide theory of warming is a hoax.
Richard, we may need a separate Thread for this, I recognise your expertise here but as I understand it (while struggling to recall schoolday physics), all gases must be capable of global warming (some perhaps more than others) AND, MORE IMPORTANTLY, global cooling.
Do I not recall correctly that as gases rub against each other they create friction?
Friction = heat. Heat = expansion. Expansion may = warming. Expansion, via small areas, may also = cooling. Expansion over time = Contraction. Expansion + Contraction = more friction. Contraction + Expansion = more friction.
Add in solar effects, day/night, seasonal, etc., and – if I have that right (please correct any errors) you can see why our biosphere has warmed and cooled, cooled and warmed, over a span of time, including that with humankind present and active in all sorts of ways.
Do I have that right?
Harrabin & Co should be enquiring why global temperature is not following CO2, methane and nitrogen outputs (along with other gases that they have not considered) from growing human and growing natural activity.
I have a theory. Do they? Or do they instead blindly accept the growing CO2 output is a disaster and it is all the fault of motor cars and aeroplanes with ordinary holidaymakers, but not BBC employees, aboard.
So libmob demand that minister Pritti should be sacked cos she
– made special measures to speak to a JEWISH government
Yet libmob now demand that minister Boris should be sacked UNLESS he
– makes special measures to speak to a MUSLIM government
Doesn`t Corbyn have better than average links with Iran? £20,000 as I recall to talk on Memri TV or whatever Iran uses to film its stonings and executions.
At the very least, he`d surely be a hostage for us as we got Ms Ratcliffe home. The likes of Heath and Benn used to vaguely offer this service to Saddam… so why not The Dear Leader?
The One-k Show is in the top 3 of BBC SJW shows
Now jailbird Andy Kershaw is emotionally blackmailing us about Amey corp chopping down overgrown trees on Sheffield’s roads sides.
Previously I had sympathy with the protesters, but now ..”chop ’em all down”. I say.
After all isn’t putting them in the council incinerator supposed to be the magic green alternative to fossil fuels ?
The new saplings should in 10 years time be taking up more CO2 than present trees.
Didn`t his ex get a court order out on Peels bagman-as he ranted round the Isle of Man.
Did he pay his taxes there, coming to think of it?
How come Kershaw is allowed to broadcast to deal with his demons-but poor Gary Glitter gets no BBC berth to continue his “journey”?
Maybe if Gazza effected a northern twang, he too could get back into the BBCs good graces.
HMG has stored up an excellent constitutional crisis by giving a vote to review the Brexit agreement . I think al Beeb is leaving the decision to stew . If the House of Commons doesn’t show itself up that sure as shit the retirement home which pays £300 a day will do so. Meanwhile all al Beeb cares about is some woman who voluntarily went to Iran and won’t be coming back as soon as she planned. Where is proportion in this ?
Lefty – yes when all else fails it falls back on the “aunty” folk memory of listen with mother, blue peter, doctor who, jimll fix it and other jems- when it’s actually vomiting up lefty British self hate.
Any way – to a bit of light relief – Simon Jenkins – a rich aging guardian remainer must be worried about losing his column/ income
He has written that as a keen follower of history we should forget rememberence Sunday – and more or less – and wins by Blighty in its history. His counter to the adage about ‘repeating mistakes if we forget history ‘ is that 11.11 is distorted anyway.
I m not quite sure whether mr Jenkins is just taking the piss or sincere in his view. I fear the latter. Luckily British people are wiser and more caring about their country and its past than that smug wealthy guardian shit. Lest we forget- I never will – or stop being grateful for so much pain and sacrifice.
Shame BBC’s Newsnight never publicly apologised for saying that the temp would rise by 4 degrees by 2030 because of manmade climate change. This is complete and absolute drivel that even the BBC board and the Met Office complained about.
Still haven’t seen this on any B BC news site. Bush groping a minor, Geldof returning an irrelevant certificate are of BBC importance.
The introduction of an EU Army today isn’t.
The best Climate Models correlate with the Hale magnetic Solar Cycle, length of the Solar cycle, or Sun Spot numbers. So she could be talking about that, because it correlates with a 22 year Global Warming Peak.
Climate Models using the Arrhenius formula only work up to 1997, but out of 100 different scientific papers, only correlate with the fraudulent Hockey Stick paper of Michael Mann.
So that would mean that intelligent people know that man-made Climate Change is proven to be a Hoax.
I’m watching Yesterday channel titled “First Britons” an old Horizon prog
Prog description:
“Hear how recent archaeological discoveries have painted a different picture of the first native Britons
… a hardy, sophisticated people who withstood CENTURIES OF CLIMATE CHANGE.” http://www.radiotimes.com/tv-programme/e/dq24wk/horizon–s51-e15-first-britons/
I wonder if the BBC will update that story, now the irate sign placer has been identified?
”Hassan Shabbir left a note complaining that an ambulance blocked his driveway
The note read: ‘You may be saving lives, but don’t park your van in a stupid place’
A 42-year-old man was rushed to hospital with ‘internal bleeding’ but later died
Mr Shabbir said his behaviour was appalling” and he is ‘disgusted with himself’ ”
At least he admits to his appalling behaviour, unlike the BBC…
Al beeb bigging up the tragedy that is the eye ranian earth quake . Boris will be sending taxpayers cash in the morning to save his career and buy Paula Radcliffe’s sister out of choky for winter vale/ allahtime/ or Christmas as some dying brexiters call it.
“Parliament to get binding vote on final Brexit deal” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41975277
Have they mixed up the ‘lowest’ and ‘highest rated’?
Remoaners are taking a hammering again.
tomoFeb 22, 12:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I saw video of the meeting where DJT warned her …. Her legal costs should comer out of her income…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 22, 12:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I never did trust direct debits. The only thing going out of my account regularly was my rent on a…
Fedup2Feb 22, 11:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 From our own correspondent – Sandra cantal ? Delivering a pure anti Trump piece about DOGE defunding the liberal science…
Fedup2Feb 22, 11:41 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bring back bee lady bring back meesh – or maybe not …. When I hear ‘today ‘( rare ) yoy…
Fedup2Feb 22, 11:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 6 hours after the lefty governor of Maine threatened Presidenr Trump with legal action over make / female sports -…
Fedup2Feb 22, 11:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I understand there was yet another knife attack in Germany yesterday (send in tick box idris ) – I wonder…
Fedup2Feb 22, 10:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 X reports that Pam Bondi US AG has the Epstein list on her desk – I think the 47 administration…
MarkyMarkFeb 22, 10:46 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES. “Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 22, 10:37 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://twitter.com/GenderReceipts/status/1893037148057620771
Lucy PevenseyFeb 22, 10:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://twitter.com/spikedonline/status/1893043016375402918
First time first ?
Well done! “… there are two things. One you recognise what is happening. Two, are you prepared to do anything about it. “ – Margaret Thatcher
I don’t understand why Pritti Patel had to resign for talking to one side of the Middle East conflict without informing her party leadership. If that is a reason, why hasn’t Corblimey resigned yet after all he talked to Hamas and Hezbollah without his party leadership’s say-so – even calling both of these evil, criminal bunches of murderers his “friends”?
Its all about the narrative, innit?
Its all about the narrative, innit?
Narrative = storytelling
Storytelling = fiction
Not all witch hunts are equal …
“Keith Vaz has been appointed to a parliamentary committee preparing a new law to tackle corruption and money laundering. {dailymail nov2016} The Leicester East MP is currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police … ”
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
This bloke deserves a timeline all to himself.
Include Bercow as well.
Utter filth, how they`re allowed to do golden shower dream sequences all over Labour Lefty public life is a scandal.
Until such scum are put away, we`ll not be really detoxified will we?
Pritti Patel spoke to the wrong side.
“I don’t understand why Pritti Patel had to resign ”
Because some Arab or a Rainbow reporter for the BBC had found out that Pritti had been seen within 1 yard of a Jewish National! And the BBC ain’t go to let that go without doing something about it!
Someone at the BBC is clearly Anti-Semitic!
And in the Foreign Office.
Credit where credit’s due, BBC 4 documentary series on the Vietnam War is outstanding. Loads of quality interviews with participants from all sides, contributing good factual stuff, supported by film and images of the day.
I read somewhere that it had been put together by HBO, which probably says it all, but it is very informative non-the-less.
Agreed-would recomment Gulag too as truthful and just the thing that the BBC would never do these days. Why not a punchy account of how we ended up from Ataturk to Bataclan(two years old today, any mention ontne BBC or Bono?)?
I believe the BBC were co-partners in HBO’s ‘Rome’ series, but thankfully never seemed to put their progressive oar in and totally mess it up. Unfortunately the production cost so much money that they wrapped the whole thing up in a condensed second season. It was completely a-historical fiction-wise but good entertaining TV nevertheless.
Over the years though I’ve found HBO lean too much towards the salacious in their shows – ie tits and gory violence, but they still make thoughtful adult TV, unlike the Beeb’s third division marxist crap (Dr Who?) to indoctrinate the kids.
Question of the day/ week / month appeared on my Twitter timeline this morning.
Why does a trading alliance require its own army?
Pesco, which UK is also in agreement with, is due to be agreed today although you wouldn’t know it from our own controlled media. No mention of cost, what our contribution will be or why we should be signing up when we’re leaving EU. Oh no, nothing informative like that.
Brexit?? Pah!
Does anyone on here have any idea or thoughts on which Tory politicians the bbc will be trying to get sacked this week?
I think Damian Green will be ok because he is a remainer.
Gove is a target because he answered that he didn’t know exactly what the woman in Iran was doing there, you know the one that I mean, she appears to be getting lumps in her breasts, Boris’s fault no doubt.
Boris is still top of the list, Gove didn’t help himself (he could always have said something along the lines of “this isn’t my brief, I don’t know the specifics”) and is fast rising to next most wanted.
I notice the woman in Iran is now receiving the sainted approach whereby she’s mentioned by first name only now. Not a good sign imo, independent non-biased reporting is lost at that point.
Shouldn’t the Conservative Party have some sort of Rapid Response Team, to go into action every time the far-left bbc, guradian, Labour Party etc target someone? If they have such a team, then they’re not very good at it.
Of course they should! In the old days, this was called something like the Instant Rebuttal Unit, but more recently it has been allowed to wither on the vine.
The Tories went into the last election with no Director of Communications, and it is only within the last couple of months that this role has been filled.
The sooner this guy gets up to speed the better. The Tory party communications are simply dire.
So you are saying the Tories are bad at rebutting hit-job propaganda
… Yet they have a new director of communications an who’s an Ex-Beeboid
.. Wow it’s like he’s deliberately not doing a good job !
If I looked at the profiles of all the current Tory MPs I doubt there’d be more than 10 that I’d consider worth voting for. They’ve been told they are all ‘nasty’, most are remainers and are virtually indistinguishable from a lib-dem. I’m afraid I couldn’t really give a toss about them until the majority rediscover the meaning of conservative (economic or social – either one will do for now!).
I’ll know the Tories have turned a corner when they stop playing nice with the BBC.
There are so many unanswered questions about Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe. Just read on the Beeb website that hubby is asking that she gets diplomatic status but surely, as an Iranian expert (why the Beeb employed her in the first place) she knows that they do not recognise dual nationality so in their eyes she is Iranian. To agree otherwise opens up a can of worms for them.
Then there is the undeniable fact they at one time she DID facilitate the training of journalists in Iran – a Guardian article in 2014 said so, must be true then (Beeb logic). She was questioned in 2014 about this but came back to the UK before being charged. Then, it is stated, she went back on holiday despite knowing she was wanted. Inevitably she is arrested and charged with the 2014 accusation (even in Iran there is no such charge as wilfully and with malicious aforethought being on holiday), you know – the one that the Guardian agreed that she did do.
Then we have the charge that what Boris said might lead to doubling the sentence. Really? She was found guilty (under their laws) of a crime. BJ saying something doesn’t make her MORE guilty and hence due a more severe sentence.
So, if the logic employed by the libtards is correct, we could have the situation where some Johnny Foreigner in this country does something naughty, pops back to the country from whence he came, then a couple of years later returns for a “holiday” and can’t be arrested because there would be letters to the Guardian and outraged BBC commentators! But, but, but – he’s on HOLIDAY!
Excellent popeye-we need a “story behind the story” section to map out the genesis and current feed status on these stories that the BBC choose to dole out to us like gruel laced with arsenic…and lace too of course.
Question EVERYTHING. Things are rarely what they seem, especially where the media are concerned.
All we want is the truth but the truth is too inconvenient for too many people.
There are also unanswered questions about what Priti Patel was up to in Israel ‘on a (working?) holiday’.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised in the least whether she was enquiring through unofficial channels whether the Israelis were holding any Iranian prisoners in their jails.
It could be the Alt-Left mob that the BBC appear to be joining and are screaming with so loudly in their desire to overturn Brexit may have instead scuppered the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. If such a scenario has occurred to little old me, creative that I may be, then it is just possible some folk in our Government (or maybe even the F&CO!?) may also have been exploring similar channels to see what could be made to work.
Not only that, we do know that – unlike north Korea – the Iranians have missiles capable of hitting targets as far away as Israel. If the current Sunni-Shia proxy war hots up, there are other good reasons why some unofficial chatting with Israel might be highly desirable and very valuable.
Seems like the BBC are dumbing down News & Entertainment but perhaps that’s because they have already dumbed themselves down inside W1A.
More Lime Grove disease!
Popeye no not mentioned in 2014 Guardian
2016 Guardia
Until she was arrested 8th May 2016 no one of her name was mentioned on Twitter
So I’m guess she was using another name
There are less than a dozen tweets mentioning a Nazanin
but 3 Iranians have the forename
There is an BBC Journalist account nazaninmotamedi
“Broadcast Journalist, BBC World Service, Persian TV.”
Who could be her cos it seems to have a very similar photo and it stopped tweeting after she was arrested , and only started tweeting again recently
A person of that name is hardly visible to Google
This Iran matter is very odd. Something not quite right about the whole thing. Dual citizenship which Iran does not recognise so to them she is Iranian.
She must have known the risks of going. Iran does not play by any rules except it’s own -remember how it humiliated our sailors – so trouble is always on the horizon.
Why attempt to blame our people when the blame is squarely with the Iranians?
BBC has an agenda here.
If you’re in one of the countries where you have dual citizenship, that country often doesn’t care about the rules of the other. I’d suspect that’s part of it.
A year or so ago, the Guardian printed this…
She doesn’t seem like any “normal” website developer!
DS – Doesn’t the blame rest with her?
She decided to go back to Iran, knowing precisely what such a regime as that is capable of, has run afoul of the authorities there (to whom she still remains a citizen of their country) and now expects the our government to rescue her.
This is a predicament which is entirely of her own making and perhaps her husband and his family rather than criticising the FO, could maybe look a little closer to home as to where blame should be cast.
I believe that there is a lot more to this story than has come out thus far.
A pretext for war with Iran maybe? Time will tell.
Dave, it is very odd.
It has erupted just as harassment sexual exploitation accusations arise in LuvvieLand and the entertainment sector, Simon Stevens makes a speech about £350m p.w. for the NHS, Priti Patel (keen Brexiteer) had a holiday in Israel, Michael Fallon (political bruiser and Remainer, but claiming to be reconciled to Brexit) had resigned, a crucial trigger point in Brexit negotiations was about to be reached and some important, leaked papers have not …. well, … revealed very much that we didn’t know about the tax affairs of the rich & wealthy and there is a Budget due in mid-month.
Nothing had been said about Patel’s visit until now, two months later.
Nothing had been said by the BBC about Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe for some time.
The £350m p.w. 1. had been proven to be correct by the BBC among others way back in the spring, and, 2. is now, as a 2014 figure, out of date. The ONS has released the data for UK to EU contributions for 2015. Not a peep from the BBC on that.
The BBC told us last year that the Mossack Fonseca papers were so numerous that a team of journalists were still working their way through them. They get some new papers from a different firm in a different jurisdiction and we instantly get, despite the vast quantity of documents, HM Queen Elizabeth II’s papers surprisingly on top of the heap.
It is peculiar, some of that all happening now.
And kept happening by the BBC. Normally, they have an attention span limited to about three days. Instead, Bojo (Brexiteer), Priti Patel (Brexiteer) and, now, Gove (Brexiteer) are kept in front of us for nearly a fortnight.
Well Jacob R-M obviously needs shooting down in flames. After all, as the most lucid, honest, polite, statesmanlike and erudite MP currently allowed occasional air time, he deserves to have some detritus fanned in his direction. Then there’s Penny Mordaunt, surely some sort of misbehaviour involving swimsuits and Michael Fabricant is only waiting to be discovered and unveiled to an ever more eager BBC/Guardian/Momentum audience?
Recently moved to Lichfield. Was by the cathedral a couple of days ago and saw Fabricant going on what looked like a speed walk exercise. He had dark glasses on, despite the grey day, but was still unmistakable with that awful hair.
Agenda Broadcasting Corp

Just happened to use this image for tonight’s 8:30pm R4 prog
Authenticity : “These days when we talk about politicians we are more likely to discuss whether they are authentic …”
#BbcAgendas #BorisMustFall
I’m sure this pic deserves captioning?
“Somebody just touched my elbow! #MeToo”
Now I know the difference from my elbow!
A first time for everything.
Aa anna SOUBReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
“I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any more, and get your filthy maulers off my bike you foreign c–t!
Woman’s Hour continues to come from Planet Libland with its alternative reality.
Presenter Jane Garvey opened by claiming Star Trek had first on screen mixed race kiss in 1968
.. That’s wrong by miles cos beaten by 1959 UK, 1960 US
Now she’s fishing for race problems under Trump
Guest delivered
Then she was horrified “92% of Charity trustee board are white and highly educated”
Jesus : of course top management boards reflect the race demographic from birth year of 70 year ago. Of course management higher educated. More male ? Similar reasons
COP23 propaganda
First news did “world CO2 to rise by 2%
.. That’s due to China using more coal
.. Due to rainfall patterns changing and making less water available
.. EU and US didn’t reduce there CO2 by as much as expected”
I’m guessing that that means US reduced the most..
Then in prog
\\We talk to Dr Laura Stachel about why she invented a solar-powered midwifery suitcase and winning an award at the UN Climate Change conference.//
Almost 90% of the country is white, so 92% isnt far out.
Equality in action in the real world! Or …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
Radio four switched on 07.50. The announcer said ‘What if Jesus Christ were alive today in the form of a trans-woman?’
Radio four switched off 07.50.03.
I look forward to similar speculation about the Prophet Muhammed PBUH but somehow doubt it will be forthcoming.
Mike Yardley wrote on his FB
Yes the play is a kind if trolling
The play is 2 years old and has been shown in the UK a few times
When she tries the same stunt stuff on Muhammad, THEN we can say that she`s being equally brave and fearless in her assertions.
Until then-merely milking the church for ideas.
PS-she needs to look at the Old Testament , Jesus and Paul too…only a fool thinks that G-D is not a God of anger as well as love.
Where`s her play on the Satanic Verses?-don`t even need to involve Muhammad, just call his teddy bear that to wimp out dearie.
How about this Christian woman being thrown out of a Christian church by Muslims?
We should see it for what it is. A conscious attempt to destroy our nation, and the enemy is already well established inside the city walls.
If we had the BBC in 1600 “What if the Pope was a trans woman?”
What on earth drives this agenda?
It’s a worldwide Protestant phenomenon.
It seems connected to politics – a means to challenge the old order, it’s war by other means – a means to bring down the old Catholic order…
But the difference with today is that the liberal elite are attacking an old order that is obviously superior to the new order of regressive self destruction, even though most of us are not devout Christians.
“It’s a worldwide Protestant phenomenon”
Excuse me? Not all Protestants are like that! If indeed they were Protestants?
The Protestant churches are also regularly attacked by these low-lifes, and any attack on Jesus is intended to insult the whole of Christendom. It’s disgusting. She’s a coward for not attacking Mohammed in the same way and a bully for attacking Christians whom she knows will not fight back, or if they did she would be supported by all the other bullies on the left like the BBC.
I’m an atheist but believe that Christians should be given the same level of protection for their beliefs as Muslims are.
The progressive left is busy preparing it’s own destruction. It will come be patient. The wheel always turns in the end.
Look at the Polish march the other day. This is the new Europe coming.
Woke up to a trailer from Agenda Broadcasting Corp
“Tuesday morning 9am former Labour Minister Douglas Alexander presents a prog on Britain being divided”
Em country is not really divided : most say “Get in with Brexit'”
There a few zealots who disagree.
This is real ancien regime stuff. Of course we are divided. That is the way of things when the old regime has gone too far and outlived it’s utility. Much like the BBC.
In the year of the 500th anniversary of Luther this is the example to all of us.
Douglas Alexander asks how we can overcome the forces that divide us. Ten possible answers.
(1) Arrest all Remain supporters as traitors. A policy that was successful in 1939.
(2) Segregate the different forces that divide us.
(3) Toleration by the loser.
(4) Toleration of the majority by the minority.
(5) Deportation of people like Douglas Alexander.
(6) All Liberals could convert to Islam, and then change sex.
(7) The Archbishop of Canterbury could impose inclusively on the Church of England, by insisting that the Government force all Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Catholics to go to his Churches.
(8) Abolish all but one political party.
(9) Abolish Democracy.
(10) Kill everybody in the World, except yourself.
Agenda ??
Tuesday R4 8pm Do they have a prog about Islam and Islamic Terrorist threat ?
“What’s New about the New Far Right?
File on 4 – The head of counter terrorism has warned the extreme right wing pose a growing threat in the UK.
.. meets the former soldier who intervened after a far right extremist tried to behead a Sikh man (hmm not heard if that ..schizo nutter ?)
and challenges the Austrian leader of a group called Generation Identity which launched in the UK only last month. Members unfurled a banner over Westminster bridge in London which declared “Defend London, Stop Islamisation.”
Experts say there is now growing cross border co-operation between far right groups in Europe, the UK and America.
Jewish communities are also worried about the rise in the far right and growing anti-Semitic attacks. ”
Presenter is Adrian Goldberg normally a good bloke, but if course has Jewish name and ethnic Indian wife.
Mr Goldberg should be a lot more worried about the left and their muslim storm-troopers who are much more likely to attack him or his wife than the modern far-right.
Today Mark Rowley, UK’s top counterterrorism officer, will tell @socofeduk ‘Mainstream media help ISIS push its message.’ #SoEConf2017
In thetimes
Predictably the BBC is all over Welby’s comments on transgender children.
At a rally, Trump told supporters that the media’s interests are not their interests. He is spot on. Robert Winston said that this is an issue which affects one in 20,000 people. It is of no interest or concern to 99.9% of people, yet they report on it as if it were crucial. One can give countless similar examples, such as their vile troughing over the BBC ‘gender pay gap.’
Issues which massively concern 99.9% of people, such as crime or immigration, are of course never discussed by our perfidious media.
They are so desperate for another SJW crusade so they get that addictive glow of feeling virtuous. Yet here they are probably actively doing wrong. Nietzsche said humans prefer a certain nothing to an uncertain something. We love order, security and safety. Worrying what gender you are is a problem you do not want to have. They promote ‘gender fluidity’ as some sort of aspirational lifestyle choice, when in reality it can have the most devestating psychological effects – the risk of suicide is multiplied several times for those who do transition.
Kids are impressionable and attention seeking. Many will think they have hit the jackpot if they say they identify with the other gender, when in fact it can cause untold damage.
0.6% Adults – 1.4 million identified as transgender in the USA. Do you turn the country on it’s head for 0.6% of the population? There are only 15 million Mormon’s in the world – shouldn’t we all convert to make the world a better and safer place for Mormons?
How-Many-Adults-Identify-as-Transgender-in-the-United-States {pdf – jun2016 }
That 0.6% seems an overestimate I bet it’s an over- estimate
In a school of 1,000 kids that means there should be 6 transexuals
In a univ of 10,000 that means there’d be 60
If the BBC has 30,000 workers they should have 180 working there
..hat last bit I can believe
Jeremy Vine was wetting himself over the advice to provide ‘safe spaces’ in Church of England schools. The CofE spokesman told us how important it was to outlaw bullying in schools.
Isn’t childhood the period where children learn to be adults?
I learnt about the joys of running and jumping. I also learned about the consequences of hitting gravel playgrounds hard. It makes me wary about driving my car into things and people as I know how frail human flesh is.
I learnt about bullying and how to deal with it. It didn’t come as a shock to me when I encountered my first bastard boss.
The tree that bends in the wind becomes strong; the tree that is shielded breaks when the shield is removed.
The BBC have ample dressing up boxes and costumes, just for things like Children In Need and Pudsey Bull.
Come along now kids…follow Uncle Jimmy into the basement where we can measure you up for “Top Of the Form” remakes, one day hence.
Parents-do NOT let the BBC into your school, there is bound to be one hell of a lot of crap coming soon about what BBC blokes have been doing to their girlies since The Last of the Summer Wine was devised.
Start with Norman Wisdom….and come up to Russell Brand via Jimmy Page and Sir Mick and you`ll get a narrative arc that ought to sink the buggers.
No wonder the BBC seem keen to pay them more now all of a sudden…coo ee Chris Evans?…Moylesy?….
Real and/or alleged?…let us know eh Beeb?
The time for growing up never appears, when everyone wants to behave like children …

No doubt it DOES make them seem “more grown up”-up in mummys heels does have that effect when you`re a little girl, less so when you`re meant to be a professional who may need to run to catch a criminal. But that`s no longer what the police do is it?
Imagine the weeks off if you break a nail or chip an extension?
What DO Islamic State make of all this?…will they bugger or bypass these Kevlar Queens?
They look as though they are all off to the now compulsory buggery class. Where’s the dark destroyer when you need him?
Anyone in the local council queried what the cost of a dozen or more pairs of size 12 trannie heels might be? And what’s the market for such used shoes?
Ath a lowley P Thee I have to thplash out thikthty thikth poundth and thikthty thikth penthe a pair. I would like to know why Commanderth and Chief Inthpectorth get theirth free of charge ath part of their thalary. Thith ith blatant dithcrimination and needth thtamping on thtraight away. Dithgratheful!
“Anyone in the local council queried what the cost of a dozen or more pairs of size 12 trannie heels might be? ”
If said police force (think its in Canada) intend using said shoes for all future recruits then I’m sure they will have paid for themselves by the time the 1 millionth cop walks the beat! Well, it would be a waste to throw them away.
It is impossible to outlaw bullying as the term is so subjective and within a group, especially of children, there will always be a struggle to establish a pecking order. Of course egregious acts must be stamped out, but there can never be a world in which no child ever mocks another for some weakness or difference. It is human nature. Plus if some kid turns up for a non uniform day in fancy dress, as a boy did at my school, how is it humanly possible not to take the p*ss out of him?
The worst bullies are, of course, the Left – saying anyone who disagrees with them has a mental illness or is actually a criminal should they dare oppose some of their patently absurd dogma. The solution is to develop grit and coping strategies, as bullying is an immutable fact of life.
Beeb Bro
Oh that they could only stop the ebb and flow of the oceans. The lefties need to lighten up and get a life. They would then be much happier individuals and so would everybody else.
The more she bends the more she bears as the old saying goes.
Let’s not forget the sinister hand of Justine Greening (Sec. State for Education, God help us!) is behind a great deal of the push for LBTQABC and ‘Trans’ education for children (even at an extremely young age) or lends her and the government’s wholehearted support for this wicked agenda. It is child abuse.
“Isn’t childhood the period where children learn to be adults?”
I remember our PT teacher making myself and a lad in my class to stop fighting – so he arranged a 3 round boxing match between us both in the school gym during diner break! I won by a good punch on his chin!
Well, my dad did box for his regiment in the RAF and won many a fight!
I’m sure we both shook hands when he got up from the coconut mat!
These Transgender ,drag queen policies are pushed by trendies who have no idea what makes young children tick.Probably childless.
Give them a dressing up box and they will wear anything in it .No one stops their boys wearing mums shoes or hair bands /tiaras.They have no concept of gender or prejudice at the age of 2 or 3.
One of my sons had a toy fold up push chair that he pushed his dolls and teddies around in and insisted on taking it everywhere . He is now a well adjusted adult.
If I had children now , I seriously think I would be looking to home school them.
President Trump has offered to mediate in South China Sea spat! He said, “I am a very good mediator”!! And in case that wasn’t enough, he added, “And arbitrator”!!!
I don’t watch the BBC, but my guess is that they went straight into auto-sneer, not because self-praise is no praise, but because they regard him as an ignoramus who had probably never heard of the South China Sea until this month.
Let me help to set the record straight on this issue. I have to admit first that I myself managed not to have heard of Donald J. Trump (didn’t watch The Apprentice) until about early 2016, when the Republican primaries were already underway, and so missed his June 2015 presidential campaign announcement completely. However, I did get round to listening to it fairly recently and was surprised, nay, impressed, when he spoke out against the militarisation of the South China Sea (yes, we know you heard him, “Chyna”). Did any other Republican candidate mention the South China Sea in their campaign announcement?
And for all Obama’s “pivoting” towards Asia, the US navy, as the leaders of the countries facing off against China would have noticed, was not particularly visible during his Administration. For example, “freedom of navigation” exercises were conducted just once per quarter (this info is thanks to journalists who still do their homework instead of spending their waking and sleeping hours trying to trip Trump up). In other words, Obama’s deeds did not match his talk.
So was there any change when the new boy on the block turned up? You betcha! The US Navy has become decidedly more proactive under Trump, and four freedom of navigation exercises have been held in the past five months alone. You could almost hear a collective sigh of relief from the ASEAN leaders involved, and this includes Vietnam, which is not too happy with China.
To sum up, isn’t it ironic that a communist country such as Vietnam would much prefer to see a US battleship rather than a Chinese warship come steaming by …
One country wants to absorb other countries. The other wants to trade with peaceful nations that have good governance.
BBC Fake News. pt 94.
Why do they say that Trump tweeted that he called Kim(North Korea hero of the left) “small and fat”. He did no such thing-indeed he said that he would NOT call him short and fat. So he didn`t-did he now?
Can`t the BBC tell the truth about even the simplest things? A Xeno Paradox c/o the Leading Zen Master of the Western World. And the BBC fell right into it, psyched and found out lying again.
Fuck off Michael Sandel…Trump is a Titan.
Fake News exposed in less that 140 characters as per usual.
Trump is a very funny man. Watch some of his top funny moments during the election debates – they never fail to make me smile.
How the bBC lies about the Libyan Migrant crisis


The bBC like a lot of media outlets only presents the issue of migrants crossing the med as a humanitarian issue which can only be solved by accepting even more Africans into Europe. Here is their current propaganda news item:
“It was about 11.30 and we were 30 miles from Libya, so in international waters. After seeing a racing inflatable boat with migrants on board, Sea-Watch 3 launched two rescue boats – I was inside one of these. “It was a dramatic situation and after crossing the sea for a few hundred metres I already heard the desperate screams coming from everywhere. The screams felt even more deafening in the silence of the sea. “The people on the water swam with all their strength to stay afloat, and one of the most troubled ones was fortunately very close to us. He could hardly keep his head out of the water. “When I took this picture I heard his breathing interrupted by the water that was going into his mouth. The sounds of that breath are still in my head. “As a human being I always hope not to attend dramatic scenes, but as a photojournalist I cannot avoid to be a witness of what I see, even if it goes very badly. “It was a strong emotional moment but fortunately after a while our rescue raft approached him, now almost drowned, and the crew of Sea-Watch 3, with no small effort, was able to pull him out of the sea.”
Oh my god, what a poor fellow, thank god, that boat came along in which to save his life
Yes thats him in the water there.
so far out to sea: (In international waters apparently) I suppose they could wave to their friends in Libya to let them know they have been picked up.
I wonder why the bBC, headlines its article Picture power?
There is no conspiracy, but this an EU fairy that explains how borders work …
EU Propaganda Cartoon for Children, “Fairy brings refugees to EU”
“I really do need you” – Recipent
“Thank you. And long live Europe.” – Refugee
“Europe protects its borders (by opening them up). Europe welcomes refugees (without consent of the European people). What about you? (are you good tor evil?)” – fairy
Production “Europe without borders” @ 1:31
– Which is it ‘Europe protects its borders’ or ‘Europe without borders’?
And I thought Captain Europe was funny.
That is funny … Captain Europe (Captain America Parody) {youtube}
It is.
Not so sure about the ‘no crimes to report’ in Sweden, unless that is even cleverer than all the others combined, which it may be.
Probably goes down very well in Poland and Hungary.
I’m trying to see how many stars there are on the fairy’s t/shirt?
I hope they deleted the UK star?
Looks like a swimming pool or a mill pond to me. Seriously I believe nothing the BBC show or say particularly if it about migrants, Islam, racism , Tories or Trump. They will lie to us through their teeth if they think it will suit their agenda. I suspect that they believe they are ‘doing good ‘ and so to them the end justifies the means. Why are we forced to pay for this increasingly blatant leftist propaganda is beyond me. The BBC has done more damage to this country than any other institution in the past forty years.
Be interesting where the outrage bus, especially the one the BBC picked up on, ventures next in light of this:
There is an old joke in which the Lone Ranger finds his camp to be surrounded by hostile Indians. He turns to Tonto and says, “It looks like we are doomed Tonto”. To which Tonto replies, “What you mean we white man?”
I felt a bit like that last night as I bounced through the radio channels, pausing to hear an item about Americanisms creeping into English-English on Up All Night . Our ‘diverse’ host made frequent use of ‘we’, in between his glottal stops, mangled RP vowels and missing word endings. For me American-English is far closer to the language of my heritage than that. “What do you mean by we black man?”
IN many rural towns in the US the standard of spoken English puts this country to shame.
Ah, but what’s the standard of spoken Urdu, Punjabi, Polish, Romanian, Arabic and Somali?
I bet we can run rings round them there ……. Innit?
When I hear Dutch people speaking English, or even the French girls who work on the Channel ferries, I think: “Their English is far better than what you hear in many an English high street” (and I mean the speech of the native population).
How many degrees of separation between Gordon Brown and Rowan Atkinson as they both look today? Was Vince Cable more prophetic than we thought when he noted the transformation?
because he`s right, judging by the Cenotaph snaps.
BBC had exclusive, but James Dyson’s
Brexit comments on yesterday’s Marr show weren’t selected for operation banging-on
And the Independent banged on about Dyson wanting the freedom to fire workers.
As opposed to the endless minutes that REALLY mattered.
But the Independent is anything but.
Desperate, and no-one buys it.
Interview by Stephen Sakhur BBC Hard Talk of JR-M is worth a watch. Shows how much he worries lefties it seems to me.
@5:26 “The greatest fault of this is the Iranian Government. For unfairly and unjustly detaining somebody, preventing them from seeing her own children, child and family. And doing this on the bogus pretext of spying. We have to look where the real fault is.” – Jacob Rees-Mogg
Sackur , one of the most odious of Beeboids, gets more and more frustrated. I thought he was going to blow a blood vessel. JRM swats him away like a fly.
EU business leaders press Theresa May for Brexit deal

oh no ! all that trade, all those containers full of manufactured goods we have forgot how to make
and Britain is stuck behind a chain link fence, and as usual it’s a Getty image..
Getty Images, Inc. is an American stock photo agency-
Couldn’t they find an EU based agency to use ?
”The head of the German chambers of commerce, Martin Wansleben, told a newspaper the car industry alone would face annual tariffs of more than €2bn if trade between the UK and the EU falls under World Trade Organisation rules.”
So our government would pocket 2 billion a year ? whats not to like !
But is it even true, isn’t the 10% tariff on cars the maximum under WTO rules?
I thought the party buying the goods had the upper hand , and shouldn’t the Germans be lobbying the EU heads and not Threasa May?
”The head of the German chambers of commerce, Martin Wansleben, told a newspaper the car industry alone would face annual tariffs of more than €2bn if trade between the UK and the EU falls under World Trade Organisation rules.”
If the EU plays silly buggers over a trade deal who is going to buy a German, French or Italian car?
Last year we bought a million more cars than we produced. Without a trade deal British car plants will have to ramp up production and the South Koreans and Chinese can take up the slack. If I was a director of any of the EU car companies I’d be getting very worried about the EU’s obsession with punishing us for leaving.
Another Brexit story you’ll never see on the BBC.
Car show rooms must love selling cars to BBC/Guardian employees.
A wimpy, wuss of a guy, wearing a portable windfarm on his head to power his mobile phone enters the forecourt, “I am from the BBC, and I want to buy a car, please.”
The salesman, a racist, idiot, ignorant, misogynist, as you will find outside the BBC, says, “Great. Give me £40,000.”
“Ere, well, obviously, I would like to see the car before I buy it.”
“No, you don’t. You say we should pay whatever Brussels demands before we see what we are buying. So, hand me £40K else you will be seen as mindless hypocrites.”
That’s why the scales are tilted to people signing up to green laws & products
… cos the libmob are gullible.
‘Why religion should always have its place on the BBC’
By father Neil McNicholas
Who used to work on Radio Cumbria Sunday religion show
\\ However, at some point, political correctness began to raise its head and pressure began to be applied on the producer of the programme to make it more multi-faith in character. It didn’t seem to occur to the “powers that be” that no one was expecting (and therefore listening for) non-Christian religious programming on a Sunday morning!
It was a classic case of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”, but the interfering BBC bosses were determined to and they effectively destroyed the character of the programme much to listeners’ dismay.
In due course, the team itself drifted away disillusioned and frustrated by the “take it or leave” restrictions under which they now had to work – which was probably exactly what the station manager was hoping for.
I do have to say that perhaps the Today programme may not be the most logical place for an injection of religion, but that’s not to say it shouldn’t be scheduled somewhere.
… I know only too well from my own experience as a parish priest that political correctness all too often holds sway. We wouldn’t get away with saying a half of what sometimes needs to be said, and the fear of offending people (even when you have no intention of doing so) means that you end up delivering an ineffective homily/sermon, the dilemma being a wish not to turn people off. I suspect the Today guest speakers find themselves confronted by precisely that concern and as a result opt for a talk that may then come across as wishy-washy, or even “deeply boring” as Humphrys claims.//
The Church needs to get out of the BBC.
The REAL Christians are out here-or marching in Poland.
It`s only pathetic efforts to get into the green room that keeps them going to the BBC. As Jesus said-noe so blind as those who will not see.
Get out of the broadcasting game Church-it`s husk dried hospital radio for the zombies.
Jonathan Sacks speaks for us all. No Christian worth their salt bothers with the BBC any more. They`re all at the Salisbury Review or Cranmer. local press maybe.
Lennie Henry is from round these parts in the Midlands. Why then is he taking off a Yorkshire accent in some play about guitar riffs, as advertied on Radio 4. Cultural appropriation I`d have thought. Blackface in reverse-does the BBC know of any northern actors who could genuinely play a dad who likes heavy metal? Who do I sue?
But Alicia the BBC denies that we mongrel English , even those from God’s Own Counry like me, have a culture , so how can anyone appropriate it !
Hand back your knighthood, Bob, and we’ll call it quits.
Leave us your house, too, and we will use it to house refugees and asylum-seekers.
You would like that.
BBC shortened news: Man is given an award that means nothing to him. Returns award.
I have advised Bob that a much more effective way for him to make his point would be to follow the example of Bhuddists and practise self immolation . I’m sure that if he took the petrol along almost any member of the public passing by would donate the match.
Good point, why not take the award to Bangladesh and live their for 6 months? With the award in every shot and then return with his findings.
Bob has a problem with women doesnt he?
There are times, Dt, when he looks so scruffy that it might be appropriate for him to bark “Woof!”
His knighthood is only an honorary one. It irritates me to hear him called Sir Bob.
BBC view of the world … In Beijing, he (Trump) stood next to President Xi Jinping without a single word of criticism. {bbc.co.uk 12nov2017}
Speech by President Trump with criticism of China … “It (trade) is a one sided and unfair one. But I don’t blame China. Who can blame a country for taking advantage of another country for the benefit of it’s citizens. ” @0:14 {dailymail 09nov2017}
– Did the BBC reporters watch the speech?
Is BBC reporting this ?
“Staff at Cherie Blair’s old chambers complain of sexual harassment”
Human rights lawyers
“A Matrix Chambers barrister was accused of allegedly sexually assaulting a woman in the lift while on the way to a child sexual abuse inquiry. ”
Ans Not on website
The BBC uses its most dispassionate tone to describe how 300 Moroccans went on the rampage in Brussels TO CELEBRATE their (real) country qualifying for the World Cup Finals: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-41961801
Rather gives the lie to the assertion that if we treat Muslims well they will behave themselves: http://bit.ly/2hw9aqI
Why aren`t our nations boycotting Russia next year? Thought we were all to shun them for meddling in elections and things?
Can`t send Lineker and his pothead pixies en masse over there can we?
Poor Conchita Wurst deserves better. No-boycott all football until 2022, when those nice Qutar chaps get a turn.
Maths teacher suspended after saying “well done girls” to group including transgender pupil who identifies as a boy
Is it #Translunacy or is there more to it ?
Welcome to 1984 ala 2017 ….
British Christian maths teacher suspended not just for accidentally “misgendering” trans pupil (he apologised), but for using pupil’s chosen name rather than their chosen pronouns. Enforcement of the “compelled speech” @jordanbpeterson has warned against?
There are other reasons for having organizations like the spies. When the party gathers children into groups like the spies they are creating a network of miniature thought police. Once they have been taught to believe the party knows all they are no longer loyal to anyone but them. Children will willingly denounce their family members to the thought police. That is the ultimate horror to have your own children betray you.
– George Owell’s 1984
Maybe if he goes to school wearing a tiara and a tutu, he might get his job back.
Well done church-leave this kid out to dry, whilst wishing Wonderwoman costumes for tomorrows saps in schools.
Conformity is what they are after. If you wear the tutu and say sorry and then make sure you assign everyone’s chosen (on that day, hour, minute) pronoun you get to keep your job. Or just go in and call everyone idiot – equality for all! You’re all idiots! Freedom of speech!
As Mr Mckay the prison warden in Porridge once said, “I don’t discriminate Fletcher, I treat you all with equal contempt.” Wonderful casting and script writing.
I would rather have a First than a tutu.
Sorry to you, too, Bishop Desmond.
I’ll get me coat …
This is what happens when shirtlifters are allowed to attain positions of power.
I saw this fella, chaperoned by a lady from the Christian Legal Centre, when I was flicking through the channels this morning. He was on This Morning With Phil and Holly, which when I realised who it was, I decided to watch.
Horribly self-righteous crap. The bBbc has it’s mindset missionaries all over ITV, none more sanctimonious than the possible post-op Phil.
Joshua Sutcliffe, the teacher, appeared a bit mad around the eyes, full of born again enthusiasm, although he was straightforward enough even if he sort of gave the impression that his sexuality wasn’t and despite the barely concealed contempt and aggression that his views and beliefs, and they are only his views and beliefs, were met with by the smug autocuties.
We learned nothing. Until that is Philip Schofield turned to address the camera after the interview and said, and I paraphrase, ‘Let’s get back into 2017 and move on from these medieval views’.
What a twat. Can you imagine him saying that to any follower of any religion other than Christianity. He wouldn’t dare, and what a puerile, smartarsed, sneering comment to make. Ffs wise up.
I left the tv on, and was in and out of the room, waiting for the phone-in comments to get aired. The still seething pair of tits, and Philip, soon came back to the topic as thankfully Twatter had been set alight by this subject and lots of viewers had been in touch.
Four comments were read out, three were in support of the teacher. Ha.
If Mr Schofield had the balls to say that to a committed Muslim he would by now be getting the Salman Rushdie treatment. He knows that Christians have already thrown in the towel so he can afford to be insulting.
WasnT little Schofield Gordon the Gophers wrist sock-or vice versa?
And didn`t he “star” in Joseph and His Multiculti Dream catcher?
So-guilty of cross dressing in Jewish garb, this is retrospective hate crime and cultural appropriation is it not?
Hang the warlock!
“Daily Politics” today with Jo coburn, Frank Field and Nicky Morgan. Relentless anti-Boris and Gove. Nicky was the worst. What a repulsive creature.
Agreed, why don’t her and Soubry p*** off to the LibDumbs?
They’d be much happier, as indeed would the rest of us.
Grant, she is a wannabe-PM. 😉
God help us !
Grant, Good enough reason to drive people to pray!
Who do you trust – the atheists and christians or your fellow religious friends? Pakistan: After death threats from Muslims, government minister requests non-Muslim security detail {hihadwatch 13nov2017}
‘Geldof returns Dublin honour in protest over Aung San Suu Kyi’
Full of his own self importance, does anyone regard this as newsworthy?
Who is this woman Roberta Geldof that you mentioned. Is she a porn star or something.?
Libby Purves is getting stick for saying you can’t judge Spacey without the contexts
.. That society forced him to stay in the closet therefore his sex life was likely to be furtive and seen as sleazy.
Big nationalist march in Poland
Is the far right or Nazi label justified ?
How many were Nazis, had racist banners, or covered their faces ?
How can anyone ever trust the media again after their disgraceful behaviour with Trump and Brexit? As if his victory were not enough, he has continued to pummel them – exposing time and time again how corrupt and dishonest they are. It has been glorious. Seeing bad people get their comeuppance never gets boring!
And it’s not even like they have apologised and vowed to be more honest henceforth. If anything they are getting worse. They will become increasingly irrelevant and neutered as the internet age progresses. God bless Trump for that, the knight slaying the dragon!
The standards for reporting were set at the BBC … what can you get away with?
The BBC, who blocked her groundbreaking investigation from airing and spent the next few years attempting to destroy her reputation, are reporting that she died of “complications from a stroke.”
Acknowledging her life was under threat during the time she was investigating Savile and BBC elites, MacKean said her conscience left her no option but to pursue the truth and expose the culture of pedophila. The mother of two children believed it was her duty.
Liz MacKean is the second high profile BBC journalist to die in suspicious circumstances after attempting to expose the truth about the pedophile ring operating in the upper reaches of the establishment. Jill Dando, former Crimewatch host, also tried to alert her bosses to the pedophile ring at the BBC, warning that “big name” stars were implicated. {libertytoday aug2017}
On Toady this morning between 7 and 8 am we had a classic case of biased BBC unceasing left wing narrative.
First we had the prioritisation of Justin Welby’s gender fluidity policies for primary schools.
Given that the incidence of transgender is about 1 in 20,000 the prioritisation cannot be based on any sensible notion of importance.
Next we had Thought for the Day, a thinly veiled CND speech.
Then at about 0755 we briefly had a business for and against Brexit discussion. The Brexiteer was well mannered and articulate. But guess what? Just as he was allowed a belated second reply, he was interrupted mid flow with a case of ‘sorry we must leave it there, and now over to the weather forecast’.
So, as usual, absolutely no agenda whatsoever.
Never thought of that … the first person to speak is guaranteed time to speak and possibly eating into the second speakers time.
Toady angers me so much that I have had to stop listening – it seethes and sizzles with a hard left agenda.
I suggest finding a good podcast instead. Jordan B Peterson’s podcast about the psychological significance of Bible stories is absolutely brilliant. It’s so refreshing to hear someone giving you fascinating ideas to think about rather than telling you over and over what you are supposed to think.
Beeb Brother – totally agree. Now I was brought up as an atheist but was still aware that the Bible is at the core of western civilisation. Unfortunately I struggled to make sense of it in my younger days with its 16th century language, in that I just could not ‘get’ the narrative or the message. That series is excellent – much longer than all his YouTube classroom videos admittedly, and he often goes off on tangents, but on the whole you couldn’t wish for a more engaging and enlightening set of lectures. And I reckon the series might be food for thought for a lot of practicing Christians too.
I know this has probably been posted.
If it is genuine. This is hate speech in the vilest form. Yet, he will not be banned from Twitter.
We are governed by spineless Human Garbage
Any SJW stuff on TV tonight
#1 Panorama ..who’s ruling off the student loan system ?
“Acting on a tip-off, Panorama approached Imran Saeed Sheikh, an agent and fraudster who runs a chain of barber shops in east London.
Mr Sheikh said that for a £200 fee he could place one of Panorama’s undercover students on to a two-year Higher National Diploma (HND) business course, at one London college, so they could receive student loans.”
BBC 2 9pm drama about mixed race marriage
Sikh mediabubble man Sanghera
ITV 9pm load of weird celebs travel America discussing marijuana legalisation
C4 11:05pm 22 Pansexual woman
C4 8pm Grenfell AGAIN
BBC 4 7:30pm Martin Luther King in Newcastle
Who reports ?
Lenny Henry of course
BBC 4 9pm Guy Burgess communist spy
Followed by 150 mins of Kim Philby communist spy
For the BBC somebody who betrays their Country is a Brexit voter not somebody who works on behalf of a foreign Leftist government. The latter is idealistic whereas the former is the scum of the Earth. This is what is called a “moral inversion”.
10 out of 10 for observation sir.
I dream of the day when black, unfunny race hustling Brummies can get out of doing a job, and get vastly paid for wearing a dreadlock hat and sleeping in hotel beds well out of sight of the family.
No social justice for the local Geordies then-what we need is a knight of the realm going all northern on us…Yorkshire one minute, Geordie the next.
Ricky Gervais finished off thie unfunny thesp, I preferred ANY of the Black and White Minstrels. Charlie Williams or Aidan J Harvey to the congenitally useless Henry.
Katanga my arse!
Panorama : really exposing fraud ..all seem foreign born fraudsters
Good on them for reporting it.
But how long have they been sitting on this info.
“Oh yes these immigrants are all highly educated”
… Jesus how many them have fraudulant degrees and student loans they’ve got no intention of paying back.
At least we now know where the BBC get all their journalists and current affairs youth hacks from.
Steve Wright University does issue its own “stiff`kits”.
Brexitological Sciences not available, but Brussels Proctology a spesh…
I hope the BBC will provide a suitable Islamic explanation for the Iranian earthquake. Moslem scholars warned about it back in 2010
‘The temporary Friday Prayer leader of Tehran, Kazem Sedighi, said today that “women who don’t have a suitable appearance” (meaning women who do not fully observe the obligatory Islamic hijab) attract young men and lead to the spreading of adultery in the Iranian society which — according to the cleric — increases the risk of earthquakes.
Hojatoleslam Sedighi, who was speaking about the probability of an earthquake in Tehran, said that sinning less reduces the likelihood of earthquakes.’
Why does th BBC and most of our politicians support this crackpot religion?
Wearing jeans also causes earthquakes. We must urge the Emir of London to ban jeans.
I am appalled, I tell you, truly appalled by this story and photograph.
How dare anyone assert either that women wearing jeans is the cause of the earthquake OR that the picture of jeans shown implies a woman.
In these feminist and gender fluid times, I expect the wimmins and LGBT communities to be in a state of total outrage.
So where are they silent?
“Rape happens because young people eat noodles. And this mentality cannot be fought with any of the weapons.” @1:08 {youtube – 30may2015}
“Earthquake occurs due to women wearing jeans’, says Iran Cleric” 30May2015
It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “Did the Earth move for you?”, doesn’t it
Mr Cleric, Git yor ‘and off your cock! Looks like a left hander.
If he`d said it was linked to “climate change”-surely he`d be a professor already at the UEA.
And no we know why so many Muslims prefer to rip the jeans off women…Gaia and Harrabin WILL be pleased at their exuberant pro-active(and indeed countercultural) take on this problem.
That legendary Islamic science or what?
BBC R4 Today about 5.15pm.
Sly leftist Eddie Mair asks the Brexit correspondent what “no deal” means.
Correspondent explains that it would mean the UK “crashes out of the EU without a deal”.
Crashes out? Or simply “leaves”?
They never refer to the EU itself – which has more to lose in terms of trade – “crashing out without a deal”.
Don`t forget that “cliff edge either” Tom!
Let alone that Brexit divorce bill-as opposed to a ramson demand.
AND “Hard Brexit”…like a “hard or soft” pregnancy or circumcision I think!
Every year for the last few years, the BBC on Radio 4 have been stating that CO2 levels are increasing. Today they say CO2 levels for 2017 (despite the fact there are nearly seven weeks to go to the end of 2017 when a climate conference is not happening – ouch – tongue pushing to hard on cheek again) are going to be at record levels. Does that mean we set the new record yesterday?
Or it is a guesstimate and we have to wait until 1 January 2018 to find out? Policy made and agreed on guesstimates? Wouldn’t be the first time.
Even more remarkably, the BBC are now trying to claim that there have been no increases in CO2 levels since 2012. This, despite their statements in previous years that there were. It is implied here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36130346 ; but stated clearly here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-37729033 . According to the BBC a new record was set in 2016.
Do we have an apology from the BBC so-called ‘environment’ department as well as from its Editor and its two correspondents for this mis-reporting of important data on which taxation and many and various policies are based? No. Why haven’t the BBC corrected themselves and apologised in previous years when they said CO2 levels were increasing but apparently flat-lined?
I wonder why!
What is usually Censored is that the evidence is that only a maximum of 4 percent of the 400ppm of CO2 could be man-made. That’s 16ppm for Volcanic and Man-made CO2.
Ice core data shows that there is a 800 year lag for natural CO2 level increase. The Medieval Warm period peaked 800 years ago, so that proves that most of the increase (84ppm) was natural CO2 from the deep Ocean which has a 275 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a period of 800 years. The upper Ocean has a 50 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a seven year period.
“Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, (1997) by Tom Segalstad” shows up the scientific fraud in the Carbon Cycle for man-made CO2.
The morons of the consensus outside of Atmospheric Physics, Astronomy, Weatheraction and Mensa, do not understand Henrys law.
Richard, if I recall correctly different gases expand and contract at different rates, and vary their temperature as they do so, let alone vary their mixing, according to variation in temperature – the critical component for ‘Warmistas’. The increase in temperature within a biosphere.
I’m a sort of Warmista – I believe what my thermometer says – but I want to know from McGrath, Harrabin et al, “Why is the globe not warming up? You say the CO2 is increasing, and methane too, but the thermometer is resolutely stuck close to business as usual! I think we should be warming globally, irrespective of CO2 & meathane increases, but it appears we are not. What is happening?”
No questions asked by the BBC Science & Environment Department.
I wonder why?
Think of Nitrogen as the main greenhouse gas, and trace gasses having trace effects on temperature, with only variations in air pressure relevant in any changes in temperature independent of solar irradiance and cloud albedo.
That’s the Unified Theory of Climate of Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, proven by predictions matching evidence for Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and a fall in the Earths average surface temperature of 16 Kelvin in the last 50 million years, which correlates with a drop in the atmospheric pressure of almost one bar, or in other words a halving of the Earths atmospheric pressure at the surface due to half of the mass of the Earths atmosphere being lost.
So therefore, its a proven fact, that an American President must have a high IQ, if he goes against the crowd and simply says that the carbon dioxide theory of warming is a hoax.
Richard, we may need a separate Thread for this, I recognise your expertise here but as I understand it (while struggling to recall schoolday physics), all gases must be capable of global warming (some perhaps more than others) AND, MORE IMPORTANTLY, global cooling.
Do I not recall correctly that as gases rub against each other they create friction?
Friction = heat. Heat = expansion. Expansion may = warming. Expansion, via small areas, may also = cooling. Expansion over time = Contraction. Expansion + Contraction = more friction. Contraction + Expansion = more friction.
Add in solar effects, day/night, seasonal, etc., and – if I have that right (please correct any errors) you can see why our biosphere has warmed and cooled, cooled and warmed, over a span of time, including that with humankind present and active in all sorts of ways.
Do I have that right?
Harrabin & Co should be enquiring why global temperature is not following CO2, methane and nitrogen outputs (along with other gases that they have not considered) from growing human and growing natural activity.
I have a theory. Do they? Or do they instead blindly accept the growing CO2 output is a disaster and it is all the fault of motor cars and aeroplanes with ordinary holidaymakers, but not BBC employees, aboard.
I wonder. 🙂
So libmob demand that minister Pritti should be sacked cos she
– made special measures to speak to a JEWISH government
Yet libmob now demand that minister Boris should be sacked UNLESS he
– makes special measures to speak to a MUSLIM government
Doesn`t Corbyn have better than average links with Iran? £20,000 as I recall to talk on Memri TV or whatever Iran uses to film its stonings and executions.
At the very least, he`d surely be a hostage for us as we got Ms Ratcliffe home. The likes of Heath and Benn used to vaguely offer this service to Saddam… so why not The Dear Leader?
The One-k Show is in the top 3 of BBC SJW shows
Now jailbird Andy Kershaw is emotionally blackmailing us about Amey corp chopping down overgrown trees on Sheffield’s roads sides.
Previously I had sympathy with the protesters, but now ..”chop ’em all down”. I say.
After all isn’t putting them in the council incinerator supposed to be the magic green alternative to fossil fuels ?
The new saplings should in 10 years time be taking up more CO2 than present trees.
Eh up the BBC have put a whole new propaganda page for the activists
Didn`t his ex get a court order out on Peels bagman-as he ranted round the Isle of Man.
Did he pay his taxes there, coming to think of it?
How come Kershaw is allowed to broadcast to deal with his demons-but poor Gary Glitter gets no BBC berth to continue his “journey”?
Maybe if Gazza effected a northern twang, he too could get back into the BBCs good graces.
HMG has stored up an excellent constitutional crisis by giving a vote to review the Brexit agreement . I think al Beeb is leaving the decision to stew . If the House of Commons doesn’t show itself up that sure as shit the retirement home which pays £300 a day will do so. Meanwhile all al Beeb cares about is some woman who voluntarily went to Iran and won’t be coming back as soon as she planned. Where is proportion in this ?
All al Beeb cares about is it’s own survival. A very lucrative gravy train indeed sir.
F**k al Beebus and all Remain c***s!
I’ve had enough of the lot of them.
Lefty – yes when all else fails it falls back on the “aunty” folk memory of listen with mother, blue peter, doctor who, jimll fix it and other jems- when it’s actually vomiting up lefty British self hate.
Any way – to a bit of light relief – Simon Jenkins – a rich aging guardian remainer must be worried about losing his column/ income
He has written that as a keen follower of history we should forget rememberence Sunday – and more or less – and wins by Blighty in its history. His counter to the adage about ‘repeating mistakes if we forget history ‘ is that 11.11 is distorted anyway.
I m not quite sure whether mr Jenkins is just taking the piss or sincere in his view. I fear the latter. Luckily British people are wiser and more caring about their country and its past than that smug wealthy guardian shit. Lest we forget- I never will – or stop being grateful for so much pain and sacrifice.
At the end of the day – The Devil will always look after his own.
Complaint upheld about BBC journo drama queening ion supposed massive Florida sea level rise

Paul Homewood has the story
Paul’s report from the time
Miami Beach Turning Into Modern Day Atlantis–Fake News BBC
MARCH 27, 2017
Recent Drama queening from NIck Bryant
The time when America stopped being great
That’s great to see Stew.
Shame BBC’s Newsnight never publicly apologised for saying that the temp would rise by 4 degrees by 2030 because of manmade climate change. This is complete and absolute drivel that even the BBC board and the Met Office complained about.
Still haven’t seen this on any B BC news site. Bush groping a minor, Geldof returning an irrelevant certificate are of BBC importance.
The introduction of an EU Army today isn’t.
Clegg is a liar.
And about Sci-Activist on RToday “BBC Allow Joanna Haigh To Misinform The Public”
Joanna Haigh works for foundation founded by green hedgefund king Jeremy Grantham
She claimed climate model prediction run close to reality
..no flippin way
The best Climate Models correlate with the Hale magnetic Solar Cycle, length of the Solar cycle, or Sun Spot numbers. So she could be talking about that, because it correlates with a 22 year Global Warming Peak.
Climate Models using the Arrhenius formula only work up to 1997, but out of 100 different scientific papers, only correlate with the fraudulent Hockey Stick paper of Michael Mann.
So that would mean that intelligent people know that man-made Climate Change is proven to be a Hoax.
I’m watching Yesterday channel titled “First Britons” an old Horizon prog
Prog description:
“Hear how recent archaeological discoveries have painted a different picture of the first native Britons
… a hardy, sophisticated people who withstood CENTURIES OF CLIMATE CHANGE.”
I wonder if the BBC will update that story, now the irate sign placer has been identified?
”Hassan Shabbir left a note complaining that an ambulance blocked his driveway
The note read: ‘You may be saving lives, but don’t park your van in a stupid place’
A 42-year-old man was rushed to hospital with ‘internal bleeding’ but later died
Mr Shabbir said his behaviour was appalling” and he is ‘disgusted with himself’ ”
At least he admits to his appalling behaviour, unlike the BBC…
Is he the guy with an ear that looks like Donald Trump ?
World tonight watch
Al beeb bigging up the tragedy that is the eye ranian earth quake . Boris will be sending taxpayers cash in the morning to save his career and buy Paula Radcliffe’s sister out of choky for winter vale/ allahtime/ or Christmas as some dying brexiters call it.
“Parliament to get binding vote on final Brexit deal”
Have they mixed up the ‘lowest’ and ‘highest rated’?
Remoaners are taking a hammering again.