Following the posts on this site and the news on Al Beeb this evening, I have come to the conclusion that in the interest of this nation and its indigenous people, May has to Go and Rees-Mogg should replace her.
Taffman, unfortunately the BBC have already created the narrative – thanks to Gavin Williamson MP and his promotion – to attack Jacob Rees-Mogg should he be immediately promoted to a senior Ministerial position.
Yes cue media propaganda putting anyone down that speaks with a well educated, cut glass accent as being ‘unfashionable’ , ‘upper class’ or even to be lampooned.
Yes cue media propaganda putting anyone down that speaks with a well educated, cut glass accent as being ‘unfashionable’ , ‘upper class’ or even to be lampooned.
Heaven forbid we should have anybody intelligent running the country, regardless of their colour, faith or background.
Not only that which you rightly highlight – the BBC are forgetting all those in the past who had meteoric rises in politics: Gavin Williamson has ‘never spoken at the Despatch Box’. Eh, what? Since when was that a vitally important criteria?
In recent times, with massive Cabinets and frequent re-shuffles beloved of modern PMs and Party Leaders, is it not possible for an MP to go from after their Maiden Speech to junior to a Ministry without uttering a word in the House? It is, at present, in the Labour Party!
I thought it a bit strange that the BBC sought to attack Gavin Williamson (Remainer) in that way. Yes, I realise he’s a Tory and the BBC hate the Tories at present but then I thought that they might have a longer game in view and use that specious argument against Williamson, so that should J R-M be offered a Ministry they can immediately attack his inexperience.
Russians interfering and undermining our Government in our politics?
The BBC’s print arm, The Guardian, is already on the case.
It started pro-active Rees-Mogg bashing some time back. A lady resembling a bewigged Botox experiment gone wrong, name of Suzanne Moore, wrote a piece entitled Jacob Rees-Mogg isn’t old-fashioned, he’s a thoroughly modern bigot which is essentially a long fact-free Lefty sneer at his views.
His positions opposing abortion and same-sex marriage are described as “appalling bigotry” and “anti-women”.
This is just a smokescreen, of course.
He is a free thinker, who commits the crime of having “values”. He refuses to play the Leftist media’s identity politics game, which is all they have, so he must be ridiculed, and then destroyed.
The bBBC are excelling themselves this week.
Why do people still think the Earth is flat?
Examples taken from a conference in the us, mostly a bunch of fruitcakes. No mention of Islamic scholars who believe this, but why do I get the feeling that this article is to help excuse their beliefs?
Dealing with my postnatal depression
Oh dear, where to start with this one. Three white straight males with postnatal depression….yes, let’s pave the way for pregnant people and anyone being able to give birth…its not biological, after all! These men are having a mental wobble as a result of realising the enormity of becoming a parent. A very common feeling. Not to be confused with a chemical imbalance resulting in postnatal depression. However, they’re an easy target for emasculation.
‘Some’ might call me a straight white male and I’ve got post-natal depression too!
When you’ve got two thirty-ish nephews that go to bed at midnight and breakfast at 1 p.m. it’s pretty depressing. I imagine that they spend so long in bed because it is boring waiting to inherit my pennies. Either that or the stress of thinking all day with their amazing ‘know-it-all’ brains that have worked out that ‘society’ needs to adapt to them!
The bBBC loves to insult Presdent Trump, but there is little coverage of his current trip to Asia, bar some idiocy over feeding fish.
Could it be that they love him and it’s been really successful?
Their worst nightmare is his presidency being a success. They only get away with their nonsense because they make it almost impossible for anyone to oppose their bonkers beliefs. Imagine if we had had a vote on open borders and multiculturalism? How many would have been in favour, 2%?
He will win the next election by a landslide. I think he will run for a second term as he seems to be enjoying himself, unlike the MSM who continue
Five Live discusses May’s comments on Russia, and how they are ‘undermining free countries.’
The BBC would know all about undermining free countries, seeing as they are against democracy and free speech. Of course they know better than us, so dictating how we must behave is a noble thing in their eyes.
I am on the 5.10 train and I notice everyone on my carriage is male. I guess the women are too busy being oppressed in a bed paid for by these horrible men, off to do gruelling and dangerous work in the cold for twelve hours. God I would hate to work in construction. As the feminists sit in warm offices condemning men, they should think of who built their offices and provide countless other unglamorous but essential services to enhance their lives. I am still yet to see a woman collect my bin bags, a staggering example of inequality which the equalities industry is silent about.
Agreed Beebro.
My hours are irregular, but I do note that I`m one of the few women up and about at 5a.m or so when I start on earlies.
Get a few cleaners about who are female, but all the lorries, early car starts, de-icings etc feature blokes.
Not a sexist point-but 9/11 showed countless blokes going willingly to die in the most dangerous and doomed circumstances, but blokes somehow are willing to do this.
No harm in being honest is there, unless you`re a media freak who`s paid to turn common sense upside down?
Bins are getting taken as I write-never see women doing THIS ground breaking, glass ceiling kind of job do we?
I`m happy to clean the glass ceiling, don`t want to have to pick up the glass or tend the injured below though why break it, it`s not a problem to 95% of humanity is it?-why would I want or need to hurt them, just so I can get on in some job where my kids are strangers and my mum can`t get to see me?
Beeb Bro.
What you say is not rocket science but I know for sure that my dear old mum RIP would agree with every word. Anyone want to call her a cunt? Make my day.
The BBC and Sky can big up theses disasters and human tragedies as much as they like ,but I detect a distinct lack of interest from we the people.
Heard it all before and it gives people like Geldof the opportunity to grandstand yet again .What a pathetic figure he is.
I really don’t care. Its not my problem .Any money raised gets sidetracked to Charity CEOs and the usual subjects and UK ends up with another demand to take more refugees. The concern among ordinary people is waning .
Theresa May on Russia (or could there be a certain Licence Funded culprit closer to home?) “It is seeking to weaponise information. Deploying its state-run media organisations to plant fake stories and photo-shopped images in an attempt to sow discord in the West and undermine our institutions”
Looks like the BEEB are writing her speeches now. Its like the new cold war with fake news being the double agents. The masters of fake news, our wonderful state broadcaster doesn’t do irony.
“Show me the bodies” is the appropriate response to a dramatic claim.
.. so where are these photoshopped photos the Russians have put ou.
We here are able to show the BBC “bodies” everyday their tweets etc. eg yesterday I posted the BBC’s own ajudication on its dramaqueening Miami sea level rise.
According to the papers this was the world changing tweet..from a Russian not account.
Except it wasn’t world changing
Its perfectly reasonable for someone to be on the phone whilst someone else deals with casualties.
“It is seeking to weaponise information. Deploying its state-run media organisations to plant fake stories and photo-shopped images in an attempt to sow discord in the West and undermine our institutions”
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-BBC, Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
So many imponderables. Why is there always a shock new report out today? How come a Single Market needs a flag and an anthem? Why do the nightly London ethnic gang stabbings and shootings only show up in the TV news traffic reports?
The BBC are keen to promote one Carol Ann Duffy (apparently a poetess?)
She agonises lyrical on – what else, but – Britishness
Britannia her theme: ‘I am your memory, your dialects…’ she quotes
We begin to warm a little to her patriotic notes
‘your cathedrals, your mosques…’ discordant, incongruous
They’re at it again, attempting to con us
It amazes me how anyone whose job title is ‘ Poet ‘ makes a living.
It reminds me of the Billy Connolly story of dinner at a stately home where when asked what his career in the future will be young Hugo/ Teddy / Jeremy of the house replies ‘Tobogganist!!’.
Poetess used to be a word. As did actress, comedienne, songstress, etc. There is a ‘Free Dictionary’ online that describes the term as derogatory. Damn all ‘free’ about that mindset.
I met her dad once at the Edinburgh Festival. He had just had his face burned in a fire; it only become apparent after a few minutes who his daughter was. I thought he was lying but he knew a lot about her poems. A lovely, dignified man.
A surreal experience. I have always had a bit of a soft spot for her since then.
BB, it’s just her poetry – I feel I’ve been bludgeoned after listening to her recite her poems. Perhaps she is one of those who should not read their own work. It can be the case. Writers likewise.
For some reason HMG put some one onto the 0810 interview with Robinson . It’s always painful listening to an al Beeb journo with a huge ego talking at a politician – the “ how would you vote on Brexit now ?” Question is deployed for no reason but to entertain the beeboid .
I don’t understand why al Beeb doesn’t get someone with the opposition view instead of a luv in with coonsberg strutting her overpaid stuff.
Al beebs attitude to deny the referendum vote continues to polarise and divide people of one view or the other. I think they are doing real damage – which is their objective . I muse some times on how much Brexit has been caused by al Beeb. The years of suppression of talking about immigration by slapping ‘racist’ on it has built up a resentment which exploded the first time people were allowed to express their view. I smile at that one- particularly as an ethnic minority white English Londoner.
Their behaviour with Trump caused so many to vote for him just because they hate the liberal elite so much. There is a fantastic clip of someone watching the MSM reaction as it became clear on election night that Trump had won; he is laughing hysterically throughout.
Fed Up – I thought exactly the same thing about that question. It’s the default when interviewing anyone who voted to remain but is now working to leave – a pointless and to me some what aggressive ” interview” which seems to be the norm now at the BBC unless interviewing the likes of Sadiq Khan or Mr Corbyn et al
Anyone noticed that the BBC hasn’t publicised any of the European MEPs that are speaking in our favour….? Strange that…
Some on here have already commented on the strange whiff that comes from a coalescing of various incidents and accidents, hints and allegations that appear to be aimed at de-stabilising the Conservative Party, the Government and the UK’s Brexit progress.
Daisy Goodwin, a possible Remain voter, has waited until now to complain about being groped at No.10 Downing Street by an official over sixteen months ago.
I have heard only one short comment from the BBC that this incident took place during the Cameron government: in all other news programmes I’ve listened to, they have omitted that fact. It’s as though they actually want to damage the current government. Surely that can’t be so?
Martin, Oh, you spotted that? Good. I hope four million other listeners did, too.
Meanwhile, in other news Project Fear continues apace. We are told that food will rot in lorries as they queue for admission at UK ports. Actually, much of our food arrives by cargo flight but don’t let that mere technicality bother you, BBC. And according to Mishal Hussein’s interviewee this a.m. on TODAY goes Down Your Way in green wellies, 60%, yes, sixty per cent of UK grown fruit & veg is left to rot because it doesn’t meet supermarket & EU requirements.
I guess what the BBC are worried about are supplies of Brie, wine and champagne. Probably another symptom of Lime’s Grove’s Disease. Don’t worry guys, Brie is best enjoyed a little soft, champers and ‘reds’ should be drunk close to room temp and the white wine can go in the ‘frige for later.
The rest of us?
I suspect we may see a boom in farm gate shops selling fruit & veg and a big return to Pick Your Own businesses. Some supermarkets are already making plans for that & one or two (?) have already started stocking misshapen and poor coloured fruit & veg as an anti-waste and environmental benefit measure anyway.
BBC’s “Jerry Christmas” Propaganda falls into the BBC memory hole.
Reference CAS-4648073-VGS5J5
Thank you for contacting the BBC.
I understand you feel an image used on the BBC Three Web page displayed bias in favour of the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn.
Naturally we regret when any member of our audience is unhappy with any part of what we do. Impartiality is a core value of the BBC, and one reason why we believe our news coverage is trusted and respected around the world. We apply this principle to our reporting of all issues. BBC News never takes a position on anything that we cover, but we always aim to reflect a broad range of voices on any given subject. The BBC is of course independent of any political or commercial interests, and our news agenda would never be influenced by any outside organisation.
The article in question is intended in a light hearted way and the item regarding the Jeremy Corbyn Christmas jumper is intended to reflect the premise of the article that Christmas marketing is increasingly pervasive and intense and should not be understood as an endorsement of Mr Corbyn or his policies. The BBC does not take a position on anything we report on. We appreciate you feel the article displays a bias in favour of Mr Corbyn and Labour so we have passed your comments to the teams responsible for the BBC Three website as well as BBC Management via our audience feedback report to ensure your concerns are seen by the right people quickly.
For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes (we have passed your comments to the teams). When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.
– Orwell , 1984
A failed politician _ Douglas Alexander – who lost his seat to the SNP – presented a propaganda piece on al Beeb today looking at separations in society and worked on the basis that we must all connect with each other even if we are different. Typical socialist thinking. We must do what they decide is the thing to do. Literally group think.
The whole thing based on a false premise but as al Beeb loves social engineering their multicultural society it is par for the course.
A quick wiki on this former socialist mp shows that he is getting by working for Bono, A consultant for a law firm and visiting at Harvard . Must be waiting for a peerage because the comrades wouldn’t let him in again.
Disclaimer – I couldn’t listen to the whole programme because my blood pressure has rising too much.
” we must all connect with each other even if we are different”. The ‘so-knowledgeable’ Alexander clearly has not taken into consideration the islamic handbook in which, page after page, contains the warning to its cult followers not to associate with the kafir. How can you claim any authoritative academic credibility in any publication if you leave out or completely ignore a fundamental flaw in the assertion.
G –
I guess he missed that in the detail – i was busy washing my car at the same time as the suicide bomber who lives next door- such a nice quiet young man. What a joke that programme was.
BBC News appears to be reluctant to report the UK inflation figures released at 09:30. Now 09:37, nothing on website. The News Channel 09:30 news summary did not pick it up & then it was back to the diet of Darbyshire stories of welfare state inadequacies. Must be because the annual rate is no higher then last month.
PS Now Breaking – “Inflation remains at 5 year high”
The BBC appointed Prime Minister delivers her weekly attack on Trump.
Treezer accuse Putin of meddling in elections. I assume she is blaming Putin for Hillary’s defeat by Trump.
It appears once again that Treezer is distancing the UK from our main ally and, as I suspect, is trying to move the UK closer to her EU.
Her comments are in stark contrast to those of US President Donald Trump, who last week said he believed President Putin’s denial of intervening in the 2016 presidential election’.
I wish Putin would meddle with the gutless Tory MPs and persuade them to elect a conservative PM
What I find amusing is the BBC’s inability to lie consistently. One supposed aim of Putin’s fake news is to “undermine Nato”, yet the EU and Germany have just proclaimed the European Defence Union whose raison d’etre is to “reduce the EU’s” dependence on the USA for defence”. Who is trying to undermine NATO? Putin or the EU or both?
Can’t they just accept defeat and stop digging? It went from being Putin and Trump being secret lovers to perhaps a few Russians posted on Facebook once.
GWF…ah but did she really say it or did her words benefit from BBC editorial revision in the sake of clarity or some BS like that…They took Gove’s words from Marr , cut and pasted to fit their narrative and not in context 🙂
That said, I think May has got it wrong with Trump…..have you noticed the BBC haven’t had much to say about his tour because it’s going quite well…in fact, some say ( to use BBC rhetoric) he has already done more than Obama ever did…
Agree, not her words exactly, but there is overwhelming discussion from Trump’s enemies in the US MSM on how Russia faked the election result, and it is natural to connect that with Treezer jumping on the bandwagon. Add to that her continuous sniping at Trump over his reference to pussy, proposed ban on immigration from unstable countries, his attitude to climate change, the Paris scam, dealing with terror, and you get the picture that Treezer is an opponent of Trump.
Meanwhile Trump is visiting many countries and seems to be making friends. When is Treezer going to have him here?
I hope he snubs her when he does his European tour.
There is such a supply and demand problem for the Left. They see everything in terms of ‘oppressors’ when in reality the vast majority of people are decent.
Another ‘news’ story is about someone being ‘racist’ by referring to a black gentleman as a ‘token ghetto boy.’ Not exactly a lynch mob, is it? The real racism is when liberals are offended on the behalf of protected groups, as if they were incapable of thinking for themselves. The refusal to ever ask awkward questions of a certain peaceful community – in stark contrast to how white people are interrogated – has always struck me as extremely racist.
BeebBrother it was a lefty MP Emma Dent Coad who called a black Tory “a ghetto boy” and she did it twice
April 2010 & Aug 2011
The context was that she was venting insults against him on her blog
So #FamousLeftyTolerance
was pretty bad.
A delight to miss out on all news thus far today.
In fact, there has been no news now since Trump went on holiday to Asia.
There have been reheats, retreads and recyclings-but nothing new, nothing that doesn`t aim to get Trump impeached or Brexit overturned. That is all that they talk of now all the time.
Like a new Leveson phase, where they howl in an echo chamber and squint at each other in darkened mirrors . gurning -and they act as if this is all news and exciting to the rest of us.
My supervisor is a remoaner. All I said to her at handover was ” last week we were about to go over a cliff edge-and last night Radio 4 said that we are now about to “crash out”.
So which one is it?…will we die in a James Dean collision on leaving the E.U?
Or will we go off a cliff edge a la doomed lovers like at Beachy Head?
OR-and this is my personal favourite-will we go over from Bognor Pier in our best Wonder Woman costume with crepe paper Chitty Chitty contraptions as we English like to do?
And swim, float and cause chaos, make waves and big splashes for the gaiety of the nation? AND-call out to our New Europe chums in their knitted cozzies…come on in, nothing to fear , the water`s lovely!
Didnt Churchill tell De Gaulle that we British would always prefer the open sea to Europe?
Oh Scottish Calvin-you could have said all this in a couple of sketches!
To confirm suspicions voiced hereabouts that the BBC were itching to run with headlines howling about rising inflation figures, our anemic-looking Sean Farrington (who can’t seem to dress himself was furiously teeing up a pre-prepared script first thing over the rising cost of living. Well, as much as this latest BBC house eunuch could be imagined to be furious about anything. Blimey is there any news these days that doesn’t have to fit some dumbo narrative? I do worry about these BBC male presenters. Do they have thorough and regular health checks? Can you imagine one of that shower being asked, for instance, for a sperm sample? If half a dozen of them clubbed together they might just about muster one.
Is this a Greenpeace Tweet ?
Drama queening Narrative ‘Oh my God ! CO2 could go up 2% in the next 4 years
..look it’s from these dark power station towers’
PR emphasis used
: extremely large “2%”
: dark sky towers (the BBC has only recently stopped using backlit steam cooling towers)
: “scientists say” fallacy
Colossal failure to realise there are of course 2 stats for CO2
#1 The measured stat which climbs annually gradually as if driven by a constant factor
#2 A calculated-stat of man-made CO2, which is a ropey guesstimate
ie They claim this has been static, then 2% rise coming over 4 years
The fact that R4 only quote one makes them look like amateurs
… The main thing is it is just propaganda exercise cos there is no connection with any Radio4 Prog
If 2% is such a big number would the BBC’s female presenters be happy if management said that they’d close the pay gap with male presenters at the rate of 2% per year?
I turned the digital wireless into R4 and caught the end of what I really thought was a broadcast by the Green Party – it turns out it was “costing the world” or similar – all about capturing carbon footprints in s sustained eco friendly was or some other doo doo .
I am proud to be a climate denier but wish I was in the pay of the evil oil industry as I wouldn’t mind a few shillings .,
Strange thing that mate. When I was a kid my Dad couldn’t get a sound out of our “Wireless” without the wires. Now that it really is a “Wireless” it’s called a Radio. I think they done that just to wind my Dad up.
R.I.P. Dad. You knew more than these dopes will ever learn but they don’t know it——Yet!
The dimwit brought up the “where is the £350 million for the nhs” saying Brexit was all lies and the remoaners told none.
Somebody show her what was actually written on the bus.
Oh, and someone tell her we are actually still in the eu.
She’s supposed to be intelligent.
“top counter-terrorism officers in the UK — Mark Rowley and Cressida Dick — are pressuring the media to curb reports about the Islamic State and jihad attacks, putting the onus on the media for spreading Islamic State “propaganda” and terrifying the public. This attempt to create a false utopia and project to the public an illusion of safety is a detriment to Britons.
Sanitizing the truth about the Islamic State and jihad terror only adds to the risk. It will leave UK families without ample knowledge of jihad activity, threat levels, and how to assess those levels to protect themselves and their children. These so-called “top counterterrorism officers” are in effect requesting a partial cover-up of Islamic State activity and jihad terror. In so doing, they presume to think for the public and hope to silence potentially warranted public outcries, and avoid public accountability. In effect, they’re hiding their potential failures, while aiding and abetting jihadi activity, even if unwittingly.
Britain is in crisis and headed for disaster. The European Union’s counter-terrorism coordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, has already “singled out the UK as having more radicalised Muslims than any other country in Europe.” Britain has also “lost” 56,000 Muslim migrants due for deportation, including over 700 ex-cons. M15 revealed that up to 23,000 jihadis are living in Britain, not 3,000, as previously thought.”
“…however, there have been some errm tabloids and some errrm news that has gone out, as we are all aware that has been misinformation. Things such as Birmingham is the Jihadist capital of the England, that’s not helpful unless it’s backed up by evidence..(shrugs head as Douglas injects with …)”
If M15 know that 23,000 jihadis are living in Britain it shouldn’t be too hard for our security forces to round ’em up and chuck ’em out. Unless of course M15 and our security forces ARE the jihadis, then it becomes a problem.
WATCH | "We should have a proper, thought-out 'No Deal' stance. Anyone going into a negotiation would have that in their armoury."
Frank Field blasts government for lack of dedication to Brexit, calls for a Brexit Cabinet to be in constant session "like Churchill's War Cabinet".
– But you can only go to Mecca if you are a Muslim. I would have to let Imam Adam (the toy) travel without me to actually see Mecca and tell me afterwards how it went or convert to Islam!
I caught this joyful news today on the BBC news – I expect Wimmins hour will also be celbrating this obviously important step in the emancipation of muslim females.
I wonder whether Mattel are producing accessories for Hijab Barbie . Maybe a rope to restrain the doll and plastic “stones” to pelt the doll with it case it gets caught committing adultery with action man in the toy box.
Oh I forget a properly demure and modest Hijab Barbie would not be seen dead in the same toy box as action man unescorted.
In fact in my opinion an unescorted and improperly dressed barbie deserves everything she gets!
R4……any chance to get somebody to knock Boris about the Iranian they have a daily check list of people and issues to criticise? Apparently everyone’s opinion is valid, except those with whom they don’t agree ..balance is not a word in the BBC dictionary
You would think the Labour party and its sponsor the bBC might send some white coated gentlemen to extract Ms Dent Coad
to a Victorian rehabilitation clinic where she might be put on a cycle to treat her hysteria.
This one is proving a slow burner but promising on the popcorn charts.
Clive Lewis has weighed in to try and redirect from his travails too, and seems mainly to have added napalm to the Roman candle.
It has also resulted in the unsurprising admission that tweets may not be tweeted by the tweeter whose Twitter it is.
Thing is, with some this appears a nifty get-out clause, whilst sadly for others not apparently a consideration by defence lawyers to avoid potentially fatal incarceration.
S.t – that line about “ghetto” sounded a bit red wine generated to me. She might have been touching up male members with soubry in one of the 30 taxpayer subsidised bars in their work place….
Promo for tonight’s R4 prog on the FarRight threat
"Hip, young, good looking" No, not the casting call for a boy band, but the requirements for the leader of a new Far Right group in Britain. Hear more as we explore "what's new about the New Far Right" tonight at 8 @BBCRadio4@BBCFileon4
As the BBC mention the far-right, they forget that they keep promoting the far-left …
“For all his flaws, Castro’s support for Angola played a crucial role in bringing an end to Apartheid in South Africa and he will be remembered both as an internationalist and a champion of social justice.” – Corbyn
“Thanks Hugo Chavez for showing that the poor matter and wealth can be shared. He made massive contributions to Venezuela & a very wide world” – Corbyn
“He said his ‘core values’ (interesting to know what they are) had not changed during the 34 years (thats a lot of time to be an MP) as an MP and cited his campaigning against discrimination in South Africa and fighting ‘unfairness’.” Corbyn, april2017
‘We explore’ is the new BBC ‘analysis’, and has as much credibility, especially as they still attempt to push their impartiality mantra like shit uphill.
I have caught the BBC being hypocritical … condemning A for not allowing B, then exactly a month later condemning A for allowing B. What feckers. More later.
The guy on 5Live now Nihal Arthanayake I think is his name is without doubt the worst broadcaster I’ve ever heard. With his insipid voice and monotone delivery he is barely even hospital radio standard. I just can’t listen to the man.
I wondered if others felt the same and if so might care to speculate as to how someone so far short of the required standard could have got the job….
The execrable Ordure Odooba (of Strictly fame) is one of the worst DJ’s I’ve ever heard, hospital radio standard at best, and they put him in for Steve Wright a few weeks back.
It was painful listening to him and he was on last week, all week I think.
Embarrassing. I discovered Oreo Orluba before Strictly, first on Newsround which persuaded me to tell my kids not to watch it, and then as a sports reporter on bBbc Breakfast, prior to him being terrible covering the Olympics.
Remember mentioning to my wife how bad he was, seems I was wrong?
\\ @daily_politics and @Roger_Scruton
A ‘technical fault’ prevents a Brexiteer from speaking – so enabling the Brussels Broadcasting Club from even mentioning Economists for Free Trade – or publicising their presentation this morning.
Surprise surprise.//
Their report says ran Brexit’ brings £135bn/yr worth of gains.
Is not post-natal depression primarily a physiological and hormonal thing? My mum said the hormonal imbalance after she had me was overwhelming.
Once again the Left is trying to alter reality to fit their ideology, taking a medical phenomenon anchored in biology and applying it lazily to those for whom such a sudden hormonal imbalance is a biological impossibility. One must despair as a scientist to have these ideologues muddying waters like this.
Why would you want to have equality of post natal depression anyway? They keep inventing new forms of oppression; they mentioned ‘biphobic bullying’ yesterday. Surely most kids are so poorly educated they would not even understand what that means?
Beeb, I think they are confusing it with sleep depravation because the little bastards wont go to sleep! Is there no limit to the crap these people churn out.
I believe the correct medical terminology has been agreed, and this increasingly prevalent condition amongst younger males is now recognised as BGB syndrome.
Big effin Girl’s Blouse.
If this is a thing is 13 years after the birth too long for this to develop? How much would the DLA owe me in back-pay?
Naturally, we are all ‘islamophobic’ and that’s the reason we see all the terror quietly stalking us and those that see islam as a ‘religion of peace’ don’t.
“Let’s be clear: Muslims are neither good nor bad. We’re just human Farah Elahi”
“Farah Elahi is a research and policy analyst for Runnymede, an independent race equality thinktank”
The policy of the Runnymede Trust is “a multi- ethnic Britain”.
So it is not astonishing to discover Farah has no idea whatsoever.
“The main difficulty is that Islamophobia is so poorly understood.” Farah states.
That is because there is not such ****ing thing as Islamophobia, it’s 100% bollox believed in by idiots, fools and Muslims. Nobody, nobody, has an irrational fear of Muslims.
Everybody, who is not an idiot or fool, should have a fear of Muslims. Many Muslims should have the same fear of Muslims. 1500 years of the nastiest record in history and they are still trying to improve on it.
What Farah is suffering from, she(?) claims, is “anti-Muslim racism” More 100% bollox, Muslims are not a race, although they play the race card whenever it is useful.
There is more, in the same vein, but no seriatim analysis is required.
Since you’re here . . . No chance.
No comments, naturally.
I an white, and very proud of it. The UK has millions currently dwelling here we do not need, do not want.
If the UK needed immigrants we would have invited the Japanese. The “immigrants” who have “enriched” us are
from the bottom of the barrel, they need to go.
TWLLV is not the only one begging for money today.
“But it wouldn’t be the same. We wouldn’t be able to trust it.
Most people ignore my messages. But I hope you’ll think about how useful it is to have unlimited access to reliable, neutral information. Please help keep Wikipedia online and growing.
Thank you. — Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia Founder”
TS – I could only stomach about half of this partially digested vomit on R4 this morning without hitting the off switch with force.
Normal special pleading on behalf of our “most victimised religious group” within the UK and normal repetitive exaggerations and distortions -ISLAMAPHOBIA, ISLAMAPHOBIA , BULLSHIT BLAH BLAH BLAH – But music to the ears of frustrated zealot control freaks such as the DPPs Alison Saunders and Amber Rudd. And probably also music also to the head nodding, right on, well off, bearded Islington prigs who want feel guilty and flagellate themselves for all of these sins white society is inflicting on these poor downtrodden minorities and then flagellate us too to in some weird sado/masochistic release of pent up psycho sexual energy (whatever that is)
“This is not about Islam, this is not about the mosque he attends, there are hundreds of thousands of law abiding Muslims in New York City, who are adversely affected by things like this. It is probably a good time to say that we have seen in the aftermath of incidents like these, bias incidents, hate crimes, assaults… and anybody behind those will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”.
Nope, the BBC has buried the news under World Latin news, with the title “Venezuela in selective default”.
No worries, the BBC quotes the head of the Venezuelan commission, Vice-President Tareck El Aissami, as blaming the “sanctions imposed by the United States for Venezuela’s difficulties in making the payments”.
So, nothing to do with Chavez’s nationalisation program that moved money into the pockets of himself, his family and his friends?
That gives him, potentially, seven years to bang some heads together. I don’t mean literally, he’s too much of a gent for that but, just maybe, we can look forward to some degree of sanity being restored to the Western World which at present has lost it’s way.
At least Lenny, according to Premier Inns, can guarantee me a good night’s sleep. I very rarely have a bad one but I’ve never had a verbal guarantee before so perhaps I’ll call his bluff. Can I rely on the European Court of Justice to defend me if they are lying as I have a white skin and I voted for Brexit?
Hi, I didn’t have the patience to watch it, with its irritating background music and lack of clear presentation. With only 164 views I suspect this is not going to go viral. If there is any substance to it I suggest someone redo it.
I like videos such as those posted by Pat Condell and Paul Joseph Watson – the latter giving up after youtube demonetarised his account.
Listening to a live debate in parliament re leaving the EU.
Its nice to see the remoaner MPs squealing as they are dragged out of their EU comfort zone desperate to stop the EXIT Day.
I often hear about the pre Referendum disinformation that was put about by both sides I am reminded by the ‘one-sided’ £9 Million leaflet sent to all houses in the UK by Mr Cameron . I repeat, one-sided leaflet. Not forgetting the one-sided propaganda machine that continues its abhorrence of leaving the EU ie, Al Beeb.
Before building starts they run an awareness campaign in the village. This is because the barriers to people changing their sanitation habits are often cultural – not just because the facilities have not been available.
– £20billion is the cost of leaving the EU! (at the moment)
The 6 o’clock news that followed was equally as bad Al. They are completely out of control now and the more they push it the worse they get. Even the inflation figures on the website didn’t escape with the frase “despite the increase in food costs “. Negativity is found in everything they discuss, report or print.
BRISSLESFeb 22, 19:30 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Growing up at the seaside I have a lifelong love of seagulls. Yes they are complete terrorists – they attack…
Up2snuffFeb 22, 19:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir, the gull’s droppings make a mess of resident’s cars. I was sitting in the lounge, with the driveway behind…
Fedup2Feb 22, 19:06 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Look – all because an Algerian Muslim shouts allah ackbar before knifing someone to death and injuring others in France…
ZephirFeb 22, 19:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hang your head in shame, bbc Spring: “Yale scientists who risked careers to publish bombshell Covid vaccine study issue message…
Fedup2Feb 22, 18:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I understood that once upon a time there were nuclear missiles based in Ukraine – but after the fall of…
ZephirFeb 22, 18:48 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I misread there for a moment, but the mental picture was wonderful for a brief moment: “Gulls dropping annoyed residents”
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 18:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “It’s Time to Scrap the Asylum System”
Following the posts on this site and the news on Al Beeb this evening, I have come to the conclusion that in the interest of this nation and its indigenous people, May has to Go and Rees-Mogg should replace her.
Taffman, unfortunately the BBC have already created the narrative – thanks to Gavin Williamson MP and his promotion – to attack Jacob Rees-Mogg should he be immediately promoted to a senior Ministerial position.
Yes cue media propaganda putting anyone down that speaks with a well educated, cut glass accent as being ‘unfashionable’ , ‘upper class’ or even to be lampooned.
Over to you Your Majesty.
Yes cue media propaganda putting anyone down that speaks with a well educated, cut glass accent as being ‘unfashionable’ , ‘upper class’ or even to be lampooned.
Heaven forbid we should have anybody intelligent running the country, regardless of their colour, faith or background.
Not only that which you rightly highlight – the BBC are forgetting all those in the past who had meteoric rises in politics: Gavin Williamson has ‘never spoken at the Despatch Box’. Eh, what? Since when was that a vitally important criteria?
In recent times, with massive Cabinets and frequent re-shuffles beloved of modern PMs and Party Leaders, is it not possible for an MP to go from after their Maiden Speech to junior to a Ministry without uttering a word in the House? It is, at present, in the Labour Party!
I thought it a bit strange that the BBC sought to attack Gavin Williamson (Remainer) in that way. Yes, I realise he’s a Tory and the BBC hate the Tories at present but then I thought that they might have a longer game in view and use that specious argument against Williamson, so that should J R-M be offered a Ministry they can immediately attack his inexperience.
Russians interfering and undermining our Government in our politics?
Who needs ’em when you’ve got the BBC?
The BBC’s print arm, The Guardian, is already on the case.
It started pro-active Rees-Mogg bashing some time back. A lady resembling a bewigged Botox experiment gone wrong, name of Suzanne Moore, wrote a piece entitled Jacob Rees-Mogg isn’t old-fashioned, he’s a thoroughly modern bigot which is essentially a long fact-free Lefty sneer at his views.
His positions opposing abortion and same-sex marriage are described as “appalling bigotry” and “anti-women”.
This is just a smokescreen, of course.
He is a free thinker, who commits the crime of having “values”. He refuses to play the Leftist media’s identity politics game, which is all they have, so he must be ridiculed, and then destroyed.
The bBBC are excelling themselves this week.
Why do people still think the Earth is flat?
Examples taken from a conference in the us, mostly a bunch of fruitcakes. No mention of Islamic scholars who believe this, but why do I get the feeling that this article is to help excuse their beliefs?
Meet the Nigerian rapper who loves dressing modestly
No thanks! Not relevant to me. Spend our money more responsibly please.
Dealing with my postnatal depression
Oh dear, where to start with this one. Three white straight males with postnatal depression….yes, let’s pave the way for pregnant people and anyone being able to give birth…its not biological, after all! These men are having a mental wobble as a result of realising the enormity of becoming a parent. A very common feeling. Not to be confused with a chemical imbalance resulting in postnatal depression. However, they’re an easy target for emasculation.
‘Some’ might call me a straight white male and I’ve got post-natal depression too!
When you’ve got two thirty-ish nephews that go to bed at midnight and breakfast at 1 p.m. it’s pretty depressing. I imagine that they spend so long in bed because it is boring waiting to inherit my pennies. Either that or the stress of thinking all day with their amazing ‘know-it-all’ brains that have worked out that ‘society’ needs to adapt to them!
The bBBC loves to insult Presdent Trump, but there is little coverage of his current trip to Asia, bar some idiocy over feeding fish.
Could it be that they love him and it’s been really successful?
Their worst nightmare is his presidency being a success. They only get away with their nonsense because they make it almost impossible for anyone to oppose their bonkers beliefs. Imagine if we had had a vote on open borders and multiculturalism? How many would have been in favour, 2%?
He will win the next election by a landslide. I think he will run for a second term as he seems to be enjoying himself, unlike the MSM who continue
Five Live discusses May’s comments on Russia, and how they are ‘undermining free countries.’
The BBC would know all about undermining free countries, seeing as they are against democracy and free speech. Of course they know better than us, so dictating how we must behave is a noble thing in their eyes.
I am on the 5.10 train and I notice everyone on my carriage is male. I guess the women are too busy being oppressed in a bed paid for by these horrible men, off to do gruelling and dangerous work in the cold for twelve hours. God I would hate to work in construction. As the feminists sit in warm offices condemning men, they should think of who built their offices and provide countless other unglamorous but essential services to enhance their lives. I am still yet to see a woman collect my bin bags, a staggering example of inequality which the equalities industry is silent about.
Beeb, at least ifvthe carriage was all male you would have got a bit of peace and quiet…. yes I know … is it a hate crime? Am I a mysoginist ? Yawn
Agreed Beebro.
My hours are irregular, but I do note that I`m one of the few women up and about at 5a.m or so when I start on earlies.
Get a few cleaners about who are female, but all the lorries, early car starts, de-icings etc feature blokes.
Not a sexist point-but 9/11 showed countless blokes going willingly to die in the most dangerous and doomed circumstances, but blokes somehow are willing to do this.
No harm in being honest is there, unless you`re a media freak who`s paid to turn common sense upside down?
Bins are getting taken as I write-never see women doing THIS ground breaking, glass ceiling kind of job do we?
I`m happy to clean the glass ceiling, don`t want to have to pick up the glass or tend the injured below though why break it, it`s not a problem to 95% of humanity is it?-why would I want or need to hurt them, just so I can get on in some job where my kids are strangers and my mum can`t get to see me?
Beeb Bro.
What you say is not rocket science but I know for sure that my dear old mum RIP would agree with every word. Anyone want to call her a cunt? Make my day.
The BBC and Sky can big up theses disasters and human tragedies as much as they like ,but I detect a distinct lack of interest from we the people.
Heard it all before and it gives people like Geldof the opportunity to grandstand yet again .What a pathetic figure he is.
I really don’t care. Its not my problem .Any money raised gets sidetracked to Charity CEOs and the usual subjects and UK ends up with another demand to take more refugees. The concern among ordinary people is waning .
Yes. Although, thank goodness, I havn’t yet experienced this I can imagine it’s a bit like a nagging spouse. They eventually get tuned out.
I wonder if BBC Trending will pick up a Labour MP really using Twitter to top effect:
Clive Lewis gets around the tweet’s are my own opinion in his own way “Tweets sometimes from staff” (is that Russian Staff?)
@UKLabour MP for Norwich South.Once had a crack at the Kobayashi Maru test.For casework enquiries contact Tweets sometimes from staff {twitter @labourlewis}
I know others hereabouts will pick up on this :
Theresa May on Russia (or could there be a certain Licence Funded culprit closer to home?) “It is seeking to weaponise information. Deploying its state-run media organisations to plant fake stories and photo-shopped images in an attempt to sow discord in the West and undermine our institutions”
Looks like the BEEB are writing her speeches now. Its like the new cold war with fake news being the double agents. The masters of fake news, our wonderful state broadcaster doesn’t do irony.
“Show me the bodies” is the appropriate response to a dramatic claim.
.. so where are these photoshopped photos the Russians have put ou.
We here are able to show the BBC “bodies” everyday their tweets etc. eg yesterday I posted the BBC’s own ajudication on its dramaqueening Miami sea level rise.
Here’s a webpage making claims, but it’s not much really
Someone claiming BBC used photoshopped image
According to the papers this was the world changing tweet..from a Russian not account.

Except it wasn’t world changing
Its perfectly reasonable for someone to be on the phone whilst someone else deals with casualties.
“It is seeking to weaponise information. Deploying its state-run media organisations to plant fake stories and photo-shopped images in an attempt to sow discord in the West and undermine our institutions”
Isn’t that the BBC’s Mission Statement?
Yes, the BBC news … like swapping video with still images … Truthful? Impartial?
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-BBC, Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help as per BBC report) drags the pregnant women and baby to the floor, by force.
{old post}
So many imponderables. Why is there always a shock new report out today? How come a Single Market needs a flag and an anthem? Why do the nightly London ethnic gang stabbings and shootings only show up in the TV news traffic reports?
The BBC are keen to promote one Carol Ann Duffy (apparently a poetess?)
She agonises lyrical on – what else, but – Britishness
Britannia her theme: ‘I am your memory, your dialects…’ she quotes
We begin to warm a little to her patriotic notes
‘your cathedrals, your mosques…’ discordant, incongruous
They’re at it again, attempting to con us
AISI, Poet Laureate, no less.
Radio OFF switch for me usually. Fortunately I missed that bit if it was on the TOADY Programme.
‘AISI, Poet Laureate, no less.’
Me or her?
It amazes me how anyone whose job title is ‘ Poet ‘ makes a living.
It reminds me of the Billy Connolly story of dinner at a stately home where when asked what his career in the future will be young Hugo/ Teddy / Jeremy of the house replies ‘Tobogganist!!’.
Poetess used to be a word. As did actress, comedienne, songstress, etc. There is a ‘Free Dictionary’ online that describes the term as derogatory. Damn all ‘free’ about that mindset.
LOL x 3!
You, AISI, Poet Laureate unrecognised, DSO and bar, buy your own drink at the other sort of bar.
Her, Poet Laureate and a case of whine, unfortunately all the time and not just once a year.
And we are forced to share it with her …..
I met her dad once at the Edinburgh Festival. He had just had his face burned in a fire; it only become apparent after a few minutes who his daughter was. I thought he was lying but he knew a lot about her poems. A lovely, dignified man.
A surreal experience. I have always had a bit of a soft spot for her since then.
BB, it’s just her poetry – I feel I’ve been bludgeoned after listening to her recite her poems. Perhaps she is one of those who should not read their own work. It can be the case. Writers likewise.
Tired toady watch
For some reason HMG put some one onto the 0810 interview with Robinson . It’s always painful listening to an al Beeb journo with a huge ego talking at a politician – the “ how would you vote on Brexit now ?” Question is deployed for no reason but to entertain the beeboid .
I don’t understand why al Beeb doesn’t get someone with the opposition view instead of a luv in with coonsberg strutting her overpaid stuff.
Al beebs attitude to deny the referendum vote continues to polarise and divide people of one view or the other. I think they are doing real damage – which is their objective . I muse some times on how much Brexit has been caused by al Beeb. The years of suppression of talking about immigration by slapping ‘racist’ on it has built up a resentment which exploded the first time people were allowed to express their view. I smile at that one- particularly as an ethnic minority white English Londoner.
Their behaviour with Trump caused so many to vote for him just because they hate the liberal elite so much. There is a fantastic clip of someone watching the MSM reaction as it became clear on election night that Trump had won; he is laughing hysterically throughout.
Fed Up – I thought exactly the same thing about that question. It’s the default when interviewing anyone who voted to remain but is now working to leave – a pointless and to me some what aggressive ” interview” which seems to be the norm now at the BBC unless interviewing the likes of Sadiq Khan or Mr Corbyn et al
Anyone noticed that the BBC hasn’t publicised any of the European MEPs that are speaking in our favour….? Strange that…
Some on here have already commented on the strange whiff that comes from a coalescing of various incidents and accidents, hints and allegations that appear to be aimed at de-stabilising the Conservative Party, the Government and the UK’s Brexit progress.
Daisy Goodwin, a possible Remain voter, has waited until now to complain about being groped at No.10 Downing Street by an official over sixteen months ago.
I wonder …..
I have heard only one short comment from the BBC that this incident took place during the Cameron government: in all other news programmes I’ve listened to, they have omitted that fact. It’s as though they actually want to damage the current government. Surely that can’t be so?
Martin, Oh, you spotted that? Good. I hope four million other listeners did, too.
Meanwhile, in other news Project Fear continues apace. We are told that food will rot in lorries as they queue for admission at UK ports. Actually, much of our food arrives by cargo flight but don’t let that mere technicality bother you, BBC. And according to Mishal Hussein’s interviewee this a.m. on TODAY goes Down Your Way in green wellies, 60%, yes, sixty per cent of UK grown fruit & veg is left to rot because it doesn’t meet supermarket & EU requirements.
I guess what the BBC are worried about are supplies of Brie, wine and champagne. Probably another symptom of Lime’s Grove’s Disease. Don’t worry guys, Brie is best enjoyed a little soft, champers and ‘reds’ should be drunk close to room temp and the white wine can go in the ‘frige for later.
The rest of us?
I suspect we may see a boom in farm gate shops selling fruit & veg and a big return to Pick Your Own businesses. Some supermarkets are already making plans for that & one or two (?) have already started stocking misshapen and poor coloured fruit & veg as an anti-waste and environmental benefit measure anyway.
BBC’s “Jerry Christmas” Propaganda falls into the BBC memory hole.
Reference CAS-4648073-VGS5J5
Thank you for contacting the BBC.
I understand you feel an image used on the BBC Three Web page displayed bias in favour of the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn.
Naturally we regret when any member of our audience is unhappy with any part of what we do. Impartiality is a core value of the BBC, and one reason why we believe our news coverage is trusted and respected around the world. We apply this principle to our reporting of all issues. BBC News never takes a position on anything that we cover, but we always aim to reflect a broad range of voices on any given subject. The BBC is of course independent of any political or commercial interests, and our news agenda would never be influenced by any outside organisation.
The article in question is intended in a light hearted way and the item regarding the Jeremy Corbyn Christmas jumper is intended to reflect the premise of the article that Christmas marketing is increasingly pervasive and intense and should not be understood as an endorsement of Mr Corbyn or his policies. The BBC does not take a position on anything we report on. We appreciate you feel the article displays a bias in favour of Mr Corbyn and Labour so we have passed your comments to the teams responsible for the BBC Three website as well as BBC Management via our audience feedback report to ensure your concerns are seen by the right people quickly.
For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes (we have passed your comments to the teams). When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.
– Orwell , 1984
“Impartiality is a core value of the BBC, and one reason why we believe our news coverage is trusted and respected around the world.”
So the BBC does comedy after all!
A failed politician _ Douglas Alexander – who lost his seat to the SNP – presented a propaganda piece on al Beeb today looking at separations in society and worked on the basis that we must all connect with each other even if we are different. Typical socialist thinking. We must do what they decide is the thing to do. Literally group think.
The whole thing based on a false premise but as al Beeb loves social engineering their multicultural society it is par for the course.
A quick wiki on this former socialist mp shows that he is getting by working for Bono, A consultant for a law firm and visiting at Harvard . Must be waiting for a peerage because the comrades wouldn’t let him in again.
Disclaimer – I couldn’t listen to the whole programme because my blood pressure has rising too much.
” we must all connect with each other even if we are different”. The ‘so-knowledgeable’ Alexander clearly has not taken into consideration the islamic handbook in which, page after page, contains the warning to its cult followers not to associate with the kafir. How can you claim any authoritative academic credibility in any publication if you leave out or completely ignore a fundamental flaw in the assertion.
G –
I guess he missed that in the detail – i was busy washing my car at the same time as the suicide bomber who lives next door- such a nice quiet young man. What a joke that programme was.
5 Live phone in is about bailiffs
Phone them about the time the TV Licence people sent bailiffs round
Yeah I thought that. It’s all worth it to know Lineker has a second home in Barbados. I would feel terrible thinking he only had one home.
BBC News appears to be reluctant to report the UK inflation figures released at 09:30. Now 09:37, nothing on website. The News Channel 09:30 news summary did not pick it up & then it was back to the diet of Darbyshire stories of welfare state inadequacies. Must be because the annual rate is no higher then last month.
PS Now Breaking – “Inflation remains at 5 year high”
They have to rejig their pre-prepared packages cos they were full of doom
10am local R news had the story of “unexpected fall”
The BBC appointed Prime Minister delivers her weekly attack on Trump.
Treezer accuse Putin of meddling in elections. I assume she is blaming Putin for Hillary’s defeat by Trump.
It appears once again that Treezer is distancing the UK from our main ally and, as I suspect, is trying to move the UK closer to her EU.
Her comments are in stark contrast to those of US President Donald Trump, who last week said he believed President Putin’s denial of intervening in the 2016 presidential election’.
I wish Putin would meddle with the gutless Tory MPs and persuade them to elect a conservative PM
What I find amusing is the BBC’s inability to lie consistently. One supposed aim of Putin’s fake news is to “undermine Nato”, yet the EU and Germany have just proclaimed the European Defence Union whose raison d’etre is to “reduce the EU’s” dependence on the USA for defence”. Who is trying to undermine NATO? Putin or the EU or both?
Can’t they just accept defeat and stop digging? It went from being Putin and Trump being secret lovers to perhaps a few Russians posted on Facebook once.
My preferences for outside influences welcome in the UK…
1) USA
2) Russia
3) Israel
Theresa Mays….
1) EU
2) Islam
2) Communist China
I’d rather just have British “influences” in the U.K.
GWF…ah but did she really say it or did her words benefit from BBC editorial revision in the sake of clarity or some BS like that…They took Gove’s words from Marr , cut and pasted to fit their narrative and not in context 🙂
That said, I think May has got it wrong with Trump…..have you noticed the BBC haven’t had much to say about his tour because it’s going quite well…in fact, some say ( to use BBC rhetoric) he has already done more than Obama ever did…
Agree, not her words exactly, but there is overwhelming discussion from Trump’s enemies in the US MSM on how Russia faked the election result, and it is natural to connect that with Treezer jumping on the bandwagon. Add to that her continuous sniping at Trump over his reference to pussy, proposed ban on immigration from unstable countries, his attitude to climate change, the Paris scam, dealing with terror, and you get the picture that Treezer is an opponent of Trump.
Meanwhile Trump is visiting many countries and seems to be making friends. When is Treezer going to have him here?
I hope he snubs her when he does his European tour.
The bBC really does scrape the bottom of the barrel:
There is such a supply and demand problem for the Left. They see everything in terms of ‘oppressors’ when in reality the vast majority of people are decent.
Another ‘news’ story is about someone being ‘racist’ by referring to a black gentleman as a ‘token ghetto boy.’ Not exactly a lynch mob, is it? The real racism is when liberals are offended on the behalf of protected groups, as if they were incapable of thinking for themselves. The refusal to ever ask awkward questions of a certain peaceful community – in stark contrast to how white people are interrogated – has always struck me as extremely racist.
BeebBrother it was a lefty MP Emma Dent Coad who called a black Tory “a ghetto boy” and she did it twice
April 2010 & Aug 2011
The context was that she was venting insults against him on her blog
So #FamousLeftyTolerance
was pretty bad.
Ta Pounce. Another cause to get rid of.
Boycott Lenny Henry!
I have been for years.
A delight to miss out on all news thus far today.
In fact, there has been no news now since Trump went on holiday to Asia.
There have been reheats, retreads and recyclings-but nothing new, nothing that doesn`t aim to get Trump impeached or Brexit overturned. That is all that they talk of now all the time.
Like a new Leveson phase, where they howl in an echo chamber and squint at each other in darkened mirrors . gurning -and they act as if this is all news and exciting to the rest of us.
My supervisor is a remoaner. All I said to her at handover was ” last week we were about to go over a cliff edge-and last night Radio 4 said that we are now about to “crash out”.
So which one is it?…will we die in a James Dean collision on leaving the E.U?
Or will we go off a cliff edge a la doomed lovers like at Beachy Head?
OR-and this is my personal favourite-will we go over from Bognor Pier in our best Wonder Woman costume with crepe paper Chitty Chitty contraptions as we English like to do?
And swim, float and cause chaos, make waves and big splashes for the gaiety of the nation? AND-call out to our New Europe chums in their knitted cozzies…come on in, nothing to fear , the water`s lovely!
Didnt Churchill tell De Gaulle that we British would always prefer the open sea to Europe?
Oh Scottish Calvin-you could have said all this in a couple of sketches!
To confirm suspicions voiced hereabouts that the BBC were itching to run with headlines howling about rising inflation figures, our anemic-looking Sean Farrington (who can’t seem to dress himself was furiously teeing up a pre-prepared script first thing over the rising cost of living. Well, as much as this latest BBC house eunuch could be imagined to be furious about anything. Blimey is there any news these days that doesn’t have to fit some dumbo narrative? I do worry about these BBC male presenters. Do they have thorough and regular health checks? Can you imagine one of that shower being asked, for instance, for a sperm sample? If half a dozen of them clubbed together they might just about muster one.
Why do people still think the Earth is flat? { 14nov2017}
– I think the BBC are now attacking the American people, rather than its leader
– How many people believe the Earth is Flat and are they all in America?
– What about Hindus?
– 2 billion people believe someone split the moon in two? But look in the sky, does the moon look broken when a full moon?
The World Turtle (also referred to as the Cosmic Turtle, the World-bearing Turtle, or the Divine Turtle) is a mytheme of a giant turtle (or tortoise) supporting or containing the world. The mytheme, which is similar to that of the World Elephant and World Serpent, occurs in Hindu mythology, Chinese mythology and the mythologies of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. The “World-Tortoise” mytheme was discussed comparatively by Edward Burnett Tylor (1878:341). {wiki}
– This is not balance reporting. It is a single hit piece in my opinion.
Is this a Greenpeace Tweet ?
Drama queening Narrative ‘Oh my God ! CO2 could go up 2% in the next 4 years
..look it’s from these dark power station towers’
PR emphasis used
: extremely large “2%”
: dark sky towers (the BBC has only recently stopped using backlit steam cooling towers)
: “scientists say” fallacy
Colossal failure to realise there are of course 2 stats for CO2
#1 The measured stat which climbs annually gradually as if driven by a constant factor
#2 A calculated-stat of man-made CO2, which is a ropey guesstimate
ie They claim this has been static, then 2% rise coming over 4 years
The fact that R4 only quote one makes them look like amateurs
… The main thing is it is just propaganda exercise cos there is no connection with any Radio4 Prog
That is definitely a big increase in the BBC font size for the characters ‘2%’! I waiting for Katty Kay’s response of ‘Wow…’!
On Facebook the BBC News recently changed its page header to, well, the same, only BIGGER.
They know impact, they do.
More CO2? Excellent! Bring it on! It won’t stop the earth cooling, but it might help it in its greening up. Everything thrives when there’s more CO2.
Old Goat
Spot on Goaty. Without co2 we couldn’t make a decent beer. Cheers.
If 2% is such a big number would the BBC’s female presenters be happy if management said that they’d close the pay gap with male presenters at the rate of 2% per year?
Context : “before 2014 CO2 used to rise at 3%/year”
I turned the digital wireless into R4 and caught the end of what I really thought was a broadcast by the Green Party – it turns out it was “costing the world” or similar – all about capturing carbon footprints in s sustained eco friendly was or some other doo doo .
I am proud to be a climate denier but wish I was in the pay of the evil oil industry as I wouldn’t mind a few shillings .,
Strange thing that mate. When I was a kid my Dad couldn’t get a sound out of our “Wireless” without the wires. Now that it really is a “Wireless” it’s called a Radio. I think they done that just to wind my Dad up.
R.I.P. Dad. You knew more than these dopes will ever learn but they don’t know it——Yet!
Daily Politics. The guest today is the NHS GP Clare Gerada. The don’t come any more lefty Labour anti Brexit than her.
The dimwit brought up the “where is the £350 million for the nhs” saying Brexit was all lies and the remoaners told none.
Somebody show her what was actually written on the bus.
Oh, and someone tell her we are actually still in the eu.
She’s supposed to be intelligent.
“top counter-terrorism officers in the UK — Mark Rowley and Cressida Dick — are pressuring the media to curb reports about the Islamic State and jihad attacks, putting the onus on the media for spreading Islamic State “propaganda” and terrifying the public. This attempt to create a false utopia and project to the public an illusion of safety is a detriment to Britons.
Sanitizing the truth about the Islamic State and jihad terror only adds to the risk. It will leave UK families without ample knowledge of jihad activity, threat levels, and how to assess those levels to protect themselves and their children. These so-called “top counterterrorism officers” are in effect requesting a partial cover-up of Islamic State activity and jihad terror. In so doing, they presume to think for the public and hope to silence potentially warranted public outcries, and avoid public accountability. In effect, they’re hiding their potential failures, while aiding and abetting jihadi activity, even if unwittingly.
Britain is in crisis and headed for disaster. The European Union’s counter-terrorism coordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, has already “singled out the UK as having more radicalised Muslims than any other country in Europe.” Britain has also “lost” 56,000 Muslim migrants due for deportation, including over 700 ex-cons. M15 revealed that up to 23,000 jihadis are living in Britain, not 3,000, as previously thought.”
“…however, there have been some errm tabloids and some errrm news that has gone out, as we are all aware that has been misinformation. Things such as Birmingham is the Jihadist capital of the England, that’s not helpful unless it’s backed up by evidence..(shrugs head as Douglas injects with …)”
“It is … it’s not actually the capital but the second capital (39) , London (117) is the capital. (for UK Jihadists)”
Islamist-Terrorism-preview – (pdf)
If M15 know that 23,000 jihadis are living in Britain it shouldn’t be too hard for our security forces to round ’em up and chuck ’em out. Unless of course M15 and our security forces ARE the jihadis, then it becomes a problem.
Pass the info to the SAS and tell them to take the gloves off. Then watch the voluntary emigration (repatriation?) numbers jump to record levels.
Frank – really one of the very few who speak sense -bet the comrades have him on the deselection list and a seat in the ermin gulag next door
Dear @Mattel – respectfully, does the Shero doll have her labia and clitorus intact?

{twitter – Kate Hopkins – 14nov2017}
. . . ‘Shero doll’ reminds me of . . . ‘The Adventures of Imam Adam’
“New Arrival, The Adventures of Imam Adam takes you on all his adventures to Mecca to perform Hajj?. Available online & in-store #siraj #hajj” {twitter 08jul2017}
– But you can only go to Mecca if you are a Muslim. I would have to let Imam Adam (the toy) travel without me to actually see Mecca and tell me afterwards how it went or convert to Islam!
I have my suspicions about the one I was given for my Hajj to Alderan.
Risks adding image….
Perhaps Matel had this ‘role model’ in mind?
I caught this joyful news today on the BBC news – I expect Wimmins hour will also be celbrating this obviously important step in the emancipation of muslim females.
I wonder whether Mattel are producing accessories for Hijab Barbie . Maybe a rope to restrain the doll and plastic “stones” to pelt the doll with it case it gets caught committing adultery with action man in the toy box.
Oh I forget a properly demure and modest Hijab Barbie would not be seen dead in the same toy box as action man unescorted.
In fact in my opinion an unescorted and improperly dressed barbie deserves everything she gets!
Pardon my ignorance but is that a photo of a dog poop inspector?
R4……any chance to get somebody to knock Boris about the Iranian they have a daily check list of people and issues to criticise? Apparently everyone’s opinion is valid, except those with whom they don’t agree ..balance is not a word in the BBC dictionary
BBC Woodstein Bernward James Landale did delve a bit, but frankly his efforts at best seem to be confusing, and now he has gone quiet. As you do.
‘How diplomatic protection is not the same as diplomatic protection’ – what does this mean?
Does seem… Odd.
Maybe it’s like a Sir Humphrey? Nod and a wink?
Or maybe a cock up?
Either way not really in keeping with the clarity being demanded of Bojo by the BBC.
And if in error, they appear less prompt in correcting it.
Given the story, a lapse only explainable by the BBC being unaccountable in perpetuity.
You would think the Labour party and its sponsor the bBC might send some white coated gentlemen to extract Ms Dent Coad
to a Victorian rehabilitation clinic where she might be put on a cycle to treat her hysteria.
This one is proving a slow burner but promising on the popcorn charts.
Clive Lewis has weighed in to try and redirect from his travails too, and seems mainly to have added napalm to the Roman candle.
It has also resulted in the unsurprising admission that tweets may not be tweeted by the tweeter whose Twitter it is.
Thing is, with some this appears a nifty get-out clause, whilst sadly for others not apparently a consideration by defence lawyers to avoid potentially fatal incarceration.
S.t – that line about “ghetto” sounded a bit red wine generated to me. She might have been touching up male members with soubry in one of the 30 taxpayer subsidised bars in their work place….
Promo for tonight’s R4 prog on the FarRight threat
As the BBC mention the far-right, they forget that they keep promoting the far-left …
“For all his flaws, Castro’s support for Angola played a crucial role in bringing an end to Apartheid in South Africa and he will be remembered both as an internationalist and a champion of social justice.” – Corbyn
“Thanks Hugo Chavez for showing that the poor matter and wealth can be shared. He made massive contributions to Venezuela & a very wide world” – Corbyn
“He said his ‘core values’ (interesting to know what they are) had not changed during the 34 years (thats a lot of time to be an MP) as an MP and cited his campaigning against discrimination in South Africa and fighting ‘unfairness’.” Corbyn, april2017
‘We explore’ is the new BBC ‘analysis’, and has as much credibility, especially as they still attempt to push their impartiality mantra like shit uphill.
I have caught the BBC being hypocritical … condemning A for not allowing B, then exactly a month later condemning A for allowing B. What feckers. More later.
The motive? It can only be, taunting the indigenous Brits.
The guy on 5Live now Nihal Arthanayake I think is his name is without doubt the worst broadcaster I’ve ever heard. With his insipid voice and monotone delivery he is barely even hospital radio standard. I just can’t listen to the man.
I wondered if others felt the same and if so might care to speculate as to how someone so far short of the required standard could have got the job….
Is that Nihal of ‘not helpful’ fame?
He’s funny.
The execrable Ordure Odooba (of Strictly fame) is one of the worst DJ’s I’ve ever heard, hospital radio standard at best, and they put him in for Steve Wright a few weeks back.
It was painful listening to him and he was on last week, all week I think.
Embarrassing. I discovered Oreo Orluba before Strictly, first on Newsround which persuaded me to tell my kids not to watch it, and then as a sports reporter on bBbc Breakfast, prior to him being terrible covering the Olympics.
Remember mentioning to my wife how bad he was, seems I was wrong?
Nihal in May vs Hindu guy
Only the BBC – and I mean ONLY the BBC …

(if the image doesnt work it shows 3 men under the title : Dealing with my postnatal depression
No man is that gender fluid!
Sorry it happens, but now reassured my efforts to add imagery are not alone in requiring perseverance.
Just post the tweet
that’s the easiest way of getting the pic here
\\ @daily_politics and @Roger_Scruton
A ‘technical fault’ prevents a Brexiteer from speaking – so enabling the Brussels Broadcasting Club from even mentioning Economists for Free Trade – or publicising their presentation this morning.
Surprise surprise.//
Their report says ran Brexit’ brings £135bn/yr worth of gains.
The BBC ‘I can’t hear you; you’re breaking up…” Nelson Touch with the old mic jacks is getting a bit tired.
Typo : Their report says CLEAN Brexit brings £135bn/yr worth of gains
Beeb website: post-natal depression for men.
Is not post-natal depression primarily a physiological and hormonal thing? My mum said the hormonal imbalance after she had me was overwhelming.
Once again the Left is trying to alter reality to fit their ideology, taking a medical phenomenon anchored in biology and applying it lazily to those for whom such a sudden hormonal imbalance is a biological impossibility. One must despair as a scientist to have these ideologues muddying waters like this.
Why would you want to have equality of post natal depression anyway? They keep inventing new forms of oppression; they mentioned ‘biphobic bullying’ yesterday. Surely most kids are so poorly educated they would not even understand what that means?
Beeb, I think they are confusing it with sleep depravation because the little bastards wont go to sleep! Is there no limit to the crap these people churn out.
I believe the correct medical terminology has been agreed, and this increasingly prevalent condition amongst younger males is now recognised as BGB syndrome.
Big effin Girl’s Blouse.
If this is a thing is 13 years after the birth too long for this to develop? How much would the DLA owe me in back-pay?
Heard on the islamic BBC?
The warnings are increasingly coming thick and fast now but the Islamic cheerleader Treezer, pays no attention.
Naturally, we are all ‘islamophobic’ and that’s the reason we see all the terror quietly stalking us and those that see islam as a ‘religion of peace’ don’t.
Meanwhile, on that subject and in a university near you –
“Let’s be clear: Muslims are neither good nor bad. We’re just human Farah Elahi”
“Farah Elahi is a research and policy analyst for Runnymede, an independent race equality thinktank”
The policy of the Runnymede Trust is “a multi- ethnic Britain”.
So it is not astonishing to discover Farah has no idea whatsoever.
“The main difficulty is that Islamophobia is so poorly understood.” Farah states.
That is because there is not such ****ing thing as Islamophobia, it’s 100% bollox believed in by idiots, fools and Muslims. Nobody, nobody, has an irrational fear of Muslims.
Everybody, who is not an idiot or fool, should have a fear of Muslims. Many Muslims should have the same fear of Muslims. 1500 years of the nastiest record in history and they are still trying to improve on it.
What Farah is suffering from, she(?) claims, is “anti-Muslim racism” More 100% bollox, Muslims are not a race, although they play the race card whenever it is useful.
There is more, in the same vein, but no seriatim analysis is required.
Since you’re here . . . No chance.
No comments, naturally.
I an white, and very proud of it. The UK has millions currently dwelling here we do not need, do not want.
If the UK needed immigrants we would have invited the Japanese. The “immigrants” who have “enriched” us are
from the bottom of the barrel, they need to go.
TWLLV is not the only one begging for money today.
“But it wouldn’t be the same. We wouldn’t be able to trust it.
Most people ignore my messages. But I hope you’ll think about how useful it is to have unlimited access to reliable, neutral information. Please help keep Wikipedia online and growing.
Thank you. — Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia Founder”
“reliable, neutral information” !
TS – I could only stomach about half of this partially digested vomit on R4 this morning without hitting the off switch with force.
Normal special pleading on behalf of our “most victimised religious group” within the UK and normal repetitive exaggerations and distortions -ISLAMAPHOBIA, ISLAMAPHOBIA , BULLSHIT BLAH BLAH BLAH – But music to the ears of frustrated zealot control freaks such as the DPPs Alison Saunders and Amber Rudd. And probably also music also to the head nodding, right on, well off, bearded Islington prigs who want feel guilty and flagellate themselves for all of these sins white society is inflicting on these poor downtrodden minorities and then flagellate us too to in some weird sado/masochistic release of pent up psycho sexual energy (whatever that is)
NY Deputy Police Commissioner John Miller said after the attack (October 31/8 dead/12 injured): {gatestoneinstitute – 07nov2017}
On October 31, Sayfullo Saipov, a Muslim immigrant from Uzbekistan, shouted, “Allahu Akbar!” (“Allah is the greatest!”) as he rammed his rented truck into 20 people in downtown Manhattan, killing eight and wounding twelve more.
. . .
“This is not about Islam, this is not about the mosque he attends, there are hundreds of thousands of law abiding Muslims in New York City, who are adversely affected by things like this. It is probably a good time to say that we have seen in the aftermath of incidents like these, bias incidents, hate crimes, assaults… and anybody behind those will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”.
The facts are that the Venezuelan government has been declared in ‘default’ having failed to meet its payments.
Surely front-page news for the BBC that has lauded Venezuela as a left wing success?
Nope, the BBC has buried the news under World Latin news, with the title “Venezuela in selective default”.
No worries, the BBC quotes the head of the Venezuelan commission, Vice-President Tareck El Aissami, as blaming the “sanctions imposed by the United States for Venezuela’s difficulties in making the payments”.
So, nothing to do with Chavez’s nationalisation program that moved money into the pockets of himself, his family and his friends?
Venezuela crisis is Trump’s fault, says Ken Livingsone.
The standard left response to socialist failures is that it is the fault of US capitalists
Trump’s fault! What a guy, he’s only been in office since the end of January.
That gives him, potentially, seven years to bang some heads together. I don’t mean literally, he’s too much of a gent for that but, just maybe, we can look forward to some degree of sanity being restored to the Western World which at present has lost it’s way.
Lenny Henry ‘Yorking-up’
He can’t do a Yorkshire accent in the Radio4 trailer
So that’s cultural appropriation.
Same as Dick Van Dyke.
At least Lenny, according to Premier Inns, can guarantee me a good night’s sleep. I very rarely have a bad one but I’ve never had a verbal guarantee before so perhaps I’ll call his bluff. Can I rely on the European Court of Justice to defend me if they are lying as I have a white skin and I voted for Brexit?
All cultures are equal, but if you want to keep your book on the sale shelf you better choose the right culture ….
But not for long. Culturally sensitive observers, in their outrage, attacked the book, the author and the magazine. Portraying a white girl as a savior who stands by a Muslim girl — that’s racism. Kirkus Review reacted as courageous publishers do in these times, when “civil courage” wells up everywhere. Cowed, they pulled the positive review and took away the book’s star. {gatesofvienna 13nov2017}
UN powering its giant GREEN conference with gigantic diesel generators
I thought it was ripped jeans and noodles that caused disaster … seems it’s build quality … Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has vowed to “find the culprits” responsible for buildings collapsing in a 7.3-magnitude earthquake on Sunday.
“He (President Hassan Rouhani) suggested that government-built buildings had collapsed while privately-built ones remained standing.”
. . . . remember this little story . . .
Egyptian journalist gloats over Hurricane Irma, calls it “sign from Allah,” quotes Qur’an {sep2017}
This video just came up on a Google
Hi, I didn’t have the patience to watch it, with its irritating background music and lack of clear presentation. With only 164 views I suspect this is not going to go viral. If there is any substance to it I suggest someone redo it.
I like videos such as those posted by Pat Condell and Paul Joseph Watson – the latter giving up after youtube demonetarised his account.
PJW still going strong
Listening to a live debate in parliament re leaving the EU.
Its nice to see the remoaner MPs squealing as they are dragged out of their EU comfort zone desperate to stop the EXIT Day.
I often hear about the pre Referendum disinformation that was put about by both sides I am reminded by the ‘one-sided’ £9 Million leaflet sent to all houses in the UK by Mr Cameron . I repeat, one-sided leaflet. Not forgetting the one-sided propaganda machine that continues its abhorrence of leaving the EU ie, Al Beeb.
“Why the Government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK”……….
Jacob Rees-Mogg now’s your chance “up and at em”!
I will implement what you decide. {23jun2016}
I quit! {24jun2016}
I still think this is really vague. #Brexit #MondayMotivation {twitter – GuyVerhoftwat – parody}
“Once a generation decision”!
India is in the midst of a toilet-building frenzy, the government has set aside $20bn (£15bn) for the health initiative and aims to stop people having to defecate in the open by 2019. { 14bnov2017}
Before building starts they run an awareness campaign in the village. This is because the barriers to people changing their sanitation habits are often cultural – not just because the facilities have not been available.
– £20billion is the cost of leaving the EU! (at the moment)
I lasted all of 15 minutes of PM this evening, it’s bias just seems to get ever more pronounced as Brexit draws nearer.
The 6 o’clock news that followed was equally as bad Al. They are completely out of control now and the more they push it the worse they get. Even the inflation figures on the website didn’t escape with the frase “despite the increase in food costs “. Negativity is found in everything they discuss, report or print.