If You Are Married to a Trump Supporter, Divorce Them {harpersbazaar 11nov2017}
“The unfortunate truth about being in a relationship with someone who supports Donald Trump.”
. . . . . . .
And if anyone says that this demeans that sanctity of marriage, well, just remind them the President they love is on wife number three.
. . . . . . . I have a different story . . . . . .
I know a retired married couple that voted differently on 23jun2017. One for Leave and one for Remain. It’s amazing that after so many years of marriage that the next morning one of them turned into a racist, xenophobe who hates everyone in Europe. Amazing what 24 hours does! They are still married.
500 days? Too soon for a Katty Kay bitchfest to start? Give her another half an hour every night, look how popular and relevant her recent one has proved to be. Is it still on?
Apologies if this has been remarked upon elsewhere but I made the unfortunate mistake of tuning in to a couple of minutes of Newsnight last night which was the end of a love-in – sorry, ‘interview’ – between Gollum and yet another Trump-basher from the Clinton School of Projectile Bile-Spewing.
Gollum sat there in rapt admiration, virtually tongue-tied save for the occasional gush of grinning accordance, climaxing in sniggering agreement that Trump will most likely be impeached within the year.
Fewer and fewer people are listening to them, let alone believing them. Take some solace in that. For the next generation who are raised on the internet the MSM will be for them like black and white tv is for us. That is a glorious thing.
Beeb Bro.
What you say is true but how many of the next generation will seek out websites like this and how many are so conditioned by the MSM that they may never recover their true selves until it is too late?
For myself, at 77 years of age I can say that even in my twenties I had an inkling that something wasn’t quite right with what came over the airways but I didn’t know what it was. However, I confess I was completely swept up in the 1960s with the Beatles in their early days which, even today seems amazing even though I never bought their records. Also I was aware that there must have been some very powerful people that allowed their influence to turn the world upside down and give them the necessary publicity. These things do not happen by accident. To this day George Harrison is still my favorite Beatle and his recording of Devil’s Radio speaks volumes about the influence of contemporary media. Then came the drugs era and that’s when the doubts began to set in. I had four kids,all boys and I didn’t want them to go down that road. Thankfully they all stuck with beer and never gave their Mum and me any bother. I considered myself a left wing Socialist and vehemently anti war. I remained with those beliefs until “Hey Presto” the Blessed Tony Blair was crowned (with my help) Prime Minister of the UK. Nice one I thought, this will rid the country of the those evil Tory warmongers forever. Well, Oh dear,oh dear oh poxy fucking dear how wrong could I have been. The rest is history as they say. So-Thanks Tone you woke me from my slumber and set me on the path to enlightenment.
So the actual inflation rate is 3 per cent against the Bank of England predicting higher rate. So the Bank of England doesn’t know what is really going on in the economy. Carney loses his independence by backing the remain camp and presumably won’t be fired until we are out of the EU – if the current government maintains office.
Still seems strange what a miserable situation we seem to be in – low interest rates, low inflation , high employment , comparatively low fuel costs but we are all doomed in the soubry version of the world. Even if May went there is no one in the cabinet clean enough to take the top job – which is why they’ll do their damndest to undermine JRM.
It should be remembered that Blair didn’t hold a government post before becoming PM – he was Shadow home sec.
Facing the threat of a court battle, Mr Farage has now agreed to withdraw his claims against Hope Not Hate
\\Mr Farage said: “Yes, well of course he would know more about extremists than me, Mr Cox.
He backs organisations like Hope Not Hate, who masquerade as being lovely and peaceful, but actually pursue violent and undemocratic means.”//
HnH had launched an appeal asking the public to help fund a legal case. It said 16,000 people have since donated to the fund.
Facing the threat of a court battle, Mr Farage has now agreed to withdraw his claims.
In a statement filed to the court, he reportedly said:
“Having now considered the position further I am happy to acknowledge that
Hope Not Hate does not tolerate or pursue violent or undemocratic behaviour.”
Well we’ve seen photos and videos which seem to be HnH people
Ah Farage’s tweet says HnH have paid his costs
His change is that he said it’s not the group that is violent but their individual members who have behaved violently and sought to intimidate,
Nigel Farage 10 minutes ago
Parliament has just repealed the illegitimate piece of legislation that took us into the EU all those years ago.
Progress, but there is more to be done.
Monday AM.
What greeted me on BBBC was a bright, shiny, new tabula rasa to expose the beebollox, a “Monday Open Thread”. No “Start the Week Thread” for us.
I was hoping that recent comments had had some effect and that this morning, 2017-11-14, I would be greeted by a “Tuesday Open Thread”. But no.
Has some change to the site taken place?
I am unable to put blank lines where I want. They frequently appear despite my wishes. I usually compose the post in MS Notepad and edit after pasting here. Any solutions or suggestions?
Thanks, I will try WordPad.
But I typed this directly into the BBBC box on screen in four consecutive lines and the displayed version has a blank line between WordPad and But!
Perhaps some contributes here are, like me, limited users of social media.
But it is the life for the young.
I know the BBC belongs to the mid 20th century, but they could evolve and this is the future.
Goodness! I had to switch off in disgust at the one-sided programne ‘exploring’ the far right this evening on Radio 4. Naively I was expecting a rational …..no I wasn’t!… I listened to see if it measured up to the standard BBC left bias, & I wasn’t disappointed.
I am just an ordinary Conservative, I have no tolerance of racism (we cannot help our births), yet I sympathise with the fear of many in Europe about an unwanted cultural shift away from our classical Judeo/Chistian heritage that forms our philosophy, art & our institutions. There is a desperate need for a non-violent non-racist right of centre movement to legitimately voice the concerns of unlimited Islamic immigration. Unfortunately this moderate viewpoint is seen as ‘far Right’. What nonsense. This subject needs to be confronted, the ridiculous bias of the BBC only encourages people to join unpleasant violent organisations because basically there is nowhere else to go.
Wasn`t it utterly hopeless Cranbrooke? Their chosen favourite obsessional topic of all time. And they managed to mess it up, rant incoherently and wave ex coppers tunics at us to show that this is a real threat to our law and order lads.
Jo Cox, Thomas Mair and all the usual pantomine dames wheeled out to boo at.
But what a pointless phoned in piece of crap.
NO reasons why, no history of how and no mention either of migration, the EU or Islam as contributing factors to dig into.
None of this was unexpected. To anybody but the idiot left and the BBC anyway.
It`s just wrong to be right was all that Mr Goldberg seemed to have in his little satchel.
His dad was run out of Germany he says-but the Far Left National Socialists in Germany had zip to do with it. Just as Corbyns beloved Labour Party seem not to be any threat to his dads race eh? Not even today.
Utterly useless.
Great post, CP. Yes, we need firm moderate explanation of this unwanted culture shift. The BBC should be doing it under their Inform, Educate & Entertain brief.
Mohamed Farah has been knighted! He is absolute proof that multiculturalism works. Just show that picture of him being knighted over and over and all our problems will be solved.
“The negative perception of Muslims. An underlying, unfounded mistrust. A misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam.
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer.(was the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism?) In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together.
As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall.” Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) speech {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
But we have conflicting data …83% Muslims proud to be British verses 1% Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
Mr Sessions, the US attorney general, said Mr Trump is “bold and direct” in expressing his views but promised his decisions would be based on facts alone.
“He attempted to play down the row by denying he had been “improperly influenced” by the US president and admitting such behaviour would be “wrong”.
It followed the revelation that Mr Sessions is considering appointing a special counsel to look at topics linked to Mrs Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate who lost to Mr Trump.
They include allegations of corruption against her charitable foundation and the Russian sale of a company with access to US uranium when she was secretary of state.”
nazir afzal Verified account
I’ve always avoided use of term “islamaphobia” – it’s not fear of religion – we should welcome criticism of ideas & beliefs.
It is anti Muslim hatred that I am concerned about – that’s very real & has to be combatted.
I dunno
Aren’t many lefties Toryphobic ?
And willing to show anti-Tory hatred.. and actual violence in certain circumstances
Islamaphobia– Anti Muslim? I’m pretty sure that the BBC believes they are one and the same thing. At least that’s what they want both of their viewers to believe. Most females I know suffer from Musophobia. Tough.
Not sure where that term came from, but has and equivalent of “well done steak”. Sick terms of phrase used to cover the true words “sadistic rape of a minor”.
Clive Myrie reporting for the BBC from Yemen makes an odd editorial statement. He claims the conflict in this arab country “shames the world”. I beg to differ. It may shame the Yemenis who are fighting this civil war. It may shame the Saudis and the Iranians who are backing their respective co-religionists in the fighting. I fail to see how it shames the world. Myrie is mixing a factual news report with the kind of sentimental pressure-guilt wording typical of a charity appeal for aid. Please don’t do both at the same time BBC. You devalue your news in this way.
Saudia Arabia (Muslim) fighting Iran (Muslim) – Majority Muslim Countries with money to spend on their people and Gods. Religion of peace? Why are they fighting? They share the same beliefs?
Ah well, you see it all depends on what you mean by ‘share’. Sunni muslims, the only true, pure and honourable muslims, are defiled by the fact that shia (what were once called shi’ite but changed for some obscure reason), anyway, sunni are defiled by the very existence on the same planet as shia and are required to eradicate same, along, obviously, with kuffar of all shapes, colour and sizes.
Alternatively, if you transpose shia and sunni, the same balanced and honourable view applies.
Hope that clarifies things.
“A procession of Shia Muslims marched down Wilmslow road in Rusholme, south Manchester on Saturday, slapping their bare chests in a ritual of self-flagellation to mark the religious festival of Ashura. Manchester’s Shia Muslims joined other devotees across the world in punishing themselves, in some cases, even drawing blood. Ashura falls on the tenth day of the month of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. The festival marks the death of Imam Hussein who died in the Battle of Karbala in the seventh century.”
“Brexit no-deal could stop Aston Martin production”
“Aston Martin has said it may have to halt production if the UK fails to strike a Brexit deal with the EU.”
“Mr Hawes added that the UK motor industry’s integration into European supply chains could make it harder to benefit from any free trade agreement with non-EU countries after Brexit.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41983342
Operative words “could” & “may”. Simples.
Note to Aston Martin, we are leaving, make contingency plans.
On the other hand from Wales we have this …………
“Aston Martin announces £500m UK-Japan deal” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-41093121
Who needs the Russians when we have Al Beeb.
taffman, would that be the Aston Martin that went bust? Had to be bailed by acquisition by Ford Motor Co? Then changed hands again and again and with declining sales of its expensive to buy, expensive to run cars, is owned by various international investors?
Morning All ! – What ever happened to Rhodesia ?
“Soldiers are reported to have taken over the headquarters of Zimbabwe’s national broadcaster, ZBC, amid a growing political crisis.”
It became Zimbabwe of course . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world
Fascinating watching heute-Journal on ZDF tonight.
Much handwringing about 850,000 homeless in the Muttiland. How could that have happened?
455,000 are “anerkannte Flüchtlinge” refugees reckoned to be bona fide by the German government.
“Wir schaffen das” my arse. This is an incredible number of enrichers who have not even been housed yet, let alone integrated into German society.
On a personal level, I also heard today that the successful high-tech niche company I worked for 30 years ago in Germany has had to be downsized and the building complex in which I had my office is now a refugee home.
I just had to laugh out loud.
Radio 4 reports that Russia swung Brexit via Twitter! Of course there were no lies or disinformation whatsoever from the Remain side.
Just when you think they can’t get any worse, they do.
Great piece on World Service about Muslim woman in a wheelchair who does stand-up comedy. Her actual comedy did not seem good, but what does the content of your character matter when you have so many victim points? Producers must have had an orgasm when they found her.
There has been an incident up my road and there are several Police cars. I politely ask the officer if I can go in the shop and he says that’s fine; another officer smiles and nods.
Why did I have such a positive interaction with the Police? Is it my ‘white privilege’ or the fact that I am respectful and wearing a suit, thus clearly on my way to work? If I were on the streets at midnight in tracksuit bottoms and ran away from Police when they looked at me, I imagine our interaction would not have been so positive.
Of course the BBC promote the ‘racism’ narrative, thus helping to incite recent riots. If you just get a job and obey the law you will have good relations with the Police. No doubt the Beeb would consider such an opinion ‘Far Right.’
Hope you then fell over poleaxed and went screaming into the cameraphone of a conveniently placed accomplice.
Harry Hill may not pay for it-but the BBC sure would.
Of course the BBC has a reporter in Sydney to talk about their vote on gay marriage. Why can’t he just pop to Lewisham and tell us about the gang problems there? That would be far more useful than holidaying to the other side of the world to virtue signal about an issue which everyone agreed about decades ago.
I now believe Hillary Clinton has visited every media outlet and stadium so everyone is complicit in her version of events. Not one called her out on the bad things … not on BBC Website, Graham Norton chat show or the Marr Show. Now they, and those who watched are all complicity in what she believes happened. We are all now part of the lie – and because we didn’t raise any serious issues we agree with everything she said.
“This matter (releasing man fluids over a young intern in the White House and other sexual advances on other ladies) is between me and the two people I love most. My wife and our daughter and our God.” Bill Clinton – @2:39
I hope everyone here today spares a thought for that poor, hurt, little Tory retiring flower “Sour faced Anne” Apparently the Telegraph have been “bullying her” her calling her a mutineer. Personally I can think of lots of better things to call her than a mutineer.
Her complaints are about as convincing as hearing this constant media obsession with “Islamaphobia”.
No kids its not “Islamaphobia” its called a reaction -when many of our own population have been assaulted and murdered by followers of a certain religion. The reason why so many of these people got away with that they did is that the authorities were afraid to deal/report these crimes in case they were seen as racist. And not only that with the “Islamaphobia Awareness Month” these same authorities seem to be attempting to make the ground even more conducive for people to get away with the same sort of crimes, providing of course the miscreants are followers of the “religion of peace”
Years of unadulterated Islam in Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. One religion from one book narrated from one Arab man. All at war with each other through Yemen or the term ‘moderate Islam’. Religion of peace is not the picture here.
Dipsophobia…is THAT a new category now?
Must we wait for January for the Sobriety Month, or is that Drunkaware?
Anna Sorbet-hope my snowflake nieces can see what they`ll end up like when they head for the fridge at Christmas, will have to get a pic of her.
The BBC told me on the news this morning that grannies in Glasgow are piling haribo into the kids, feeding them fried mars bars and then smoking in their faces until mum or bloke show up.
Glasgow Uni apparently.
We`ve had great fun with this one all day, hope you too think that it could only be Glasgow-and only some lefty Sturgeon Lobotomy Faculty that would come up with this. AND the Radio 4 news goons then tell the nation.
Priceless-well £290 for me and dopey dependent daughter who gives me her kids for three days/two evenings a week.
Ta Beeb-great comedy, good old Glasgow eh?
Leave won the EU Referendum by 55%, 60%, maybe 65%, because the Russians influenced, interfered or even disrupted the process! No more demands for a re-run for a more decisive result.
Many young people would have voted Leave had they not been threatened by the Chancellor of the then Exchequer, George Osborne, now in the pay of a Russian. Young people would not have been so keen to vote Remain had they not been on Twitter & Facebook, deceived by Moscow into divisiveness into voting Remain.
Grace Mugabe is maybe not getting her hands on the rule of Zimbabwe. Maybe because the BBC are relying on and reciting Tweets and Facebook news which as we know, all comes from the Russians or is interfered with by them.
Bad News from the BBC via Radio 4:
The BBC’s memory loss problems are becoming ever more apparent. They have forgotten The Wonderful Mr Churchill. (Mind you, so have Google and my ISP also deemed I should be protected from and could not access the one site I did find.) I’m fairly certain that that was the title – I was not able to check – for a BBC 2 series many years ago about John Churchill. No, not the Duke of Marlborough but a man born in the Victorian era who became an expert armourer and forensic scientist in the field of guns and rifles.
West Midlands Police – if the TODAY interview is anything to go by – have obviously never heard of Mr Churchill either. He would have been able to solve the use of vintage guns for crime and assisted in the arrest and conviction of Paul Edmunds. He knew, decades ago, all and more that West Midlands Police have apparently only just learned. Memory is a wonderful thing.
Thanks, miker. I wasn’t sure I had remembered the programme title correctly but at least I had remembered the other John Churchill. He was a clever man. The TV series was fascinating and informative and educative as well as entertaining.
If only the BBC were like that today!
If they were, I could conceivably elect to receive a free TV Licence when I become eligible some years ahead and if I have any savings left by then that I could spare to spend on a suitable digital TV. OK, BBC, you have a few years to get your act together. Get to work on reforming yourselves now, please.
This is not about Russians, it is about not voting at all.
If the people are easily swayed then they cannot be trusted to vote correctly. If we cannot vote the same way as 250 celebrities who live in make believe land most of their lives pretending to be other people, then who can we trust?
See you…and raise to the power of 10. Then I got banned, often.
The principal Leftoid claque also posted on a site called Mustardland, named after the bilious yellow which Al Beeb’s website used. Most were sucking at the State’s teat one way or another, the usual mix of unreformed Commie nutters, teachers, uni lecturers, local government officials, all overpaid and on fat pension terms, and the rest mainly long-term benefit recipients, always wanting more. They are still there, full of Leftoid crap and anti-English bile. The few who posted who had non-State jobs and who posted sense invariably got blackballed, just like on Al Beeb.
I think BBC was hacked by Momentum or Russia or Clinton last week … they swapped an image of a normal Christmas Jumper with a “Jerry Christmas” one on the BBC homepage … very cunning.
Sarah Montague,* and – I assume – the BBC really want indigenous Britons who graduate with IT & computing degrees to remain unemployed. They want instead many more than the extra 1000 ‘tech sector’ work permits granted by our Government today for foreigners, in order to keep the Chancellor of Exhequer’s Benefits bill instead as high as possible and lots of our young people out of work.
Good old BBC!
Who needs the Russians running down the UK from outside when the BBC will do it for you right here, right now?
Right at the end of TODAY today, BBC R4 8.58am – a wonderful little dig at the BBC and others by Sue Cameron. The BBC and the TODAY presenters will be oblivious, probably, but I enjoyed it. Well done Sue!
Worth listening to it on Radio iPlayer if you missed it.
Dear Allan – since The Toady Programme is such a representation of al Beeb and it’s constant poison perhaps we should have a separate section….?
At least beeboids have got something else to talk crap about with Rhodesia going down the toilet even further – makes a change from people whining about being touched up or Iranians staying home longer than they wish.
@Pcar Farage is head and shoulders above most politicians.
I wonder if that camerawork is official EU or UKIP group ?
cos the look on that German MEPs face when Farage finishes by pointing out tax for EU parliament is capped at 16%
Unemployment figures just out, down. Inflation steady. Currency stable over the last year. Come on remoaners, time is running out for your next doom laden prediction.
If this hasnt been shared on BiasedBBC yet, here it is …
A photograph of a migrant taken just moments after he was rescued from the Mediterranean Sea has won a National Portrait Gallery award.
Spanish freelance photographer and journalist Cesar Dezfuli was named winner of the £15,000 Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize for his shot of Amadou Sumaila, who was rescued 20 miles off the Libyan coast.
As you can see he is just the sort of person you can’t wait to have living in a house in your street.
Unemployment drops by a further 59,000, but the BBC finds a different way to report this good economic news:
“UK workforce sees biggest fall in two years”
The better the economy, the more vindicated are Trump and Brexit. The worse the chances to lock us down into Soros and IPCC global governance and media hectorings for more migration, more Corbyn and BBC.
It`ll be populism or pink fascism as a choice.
Hence the doctoring of all economic and crime figures, demographic trends to paint the free market economy as wrong and ineffective-compared to say Venezuela and North Korea.
Ibtihaj Muhammad reveals first Barbie with a hijab
“The doll has been released to honour the American fencer, who became the first US woman to wear the Islamic headscarf while competing at the Olympics.”
. . . let’s have some perspective on this Hijab please . . .what happens in Majority Countries . . .
. . . how to get the Koran into your home, in the name of Diversity . . .
Muslim Mom Introduces Hijab Barbie. It Can Recite The Quran {dailywire 05sep2017}
‘Launched earlier this year in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and the UAE, the Jenna doll recites four short and easy verses from the Quran that will enable the child to memorize them within days. It does not include Quran (2:244) — “Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things.”‘
R4 prog just on at 10:55am
Can you spot any agenda being pushed at you ?
That’s right the number of glasses wearers appearing on Radio4, far outnumbers their ratio in the general population.
Moral Maze on Radio 4 is about “defining gender” tonight at 8pm
\\ The traditional view of gender is in rapid retreat.
The first moral consideration must surely be the wellbeing of people whose transitions can often be accompanied by complex mental health problems and a painful battle against the judgements of their families and society.
Next is how far society needs to change to accommodate those individuals.
Some women, for example, are uncomfortable with trans-women accessing ‘women only’ spaces such as lavatories and changing rooms. Whose rights take precedence?
There is no one type of trans person. Many are binary, identifying as either male or female, others are non-binary and might self-describe as agender, gender fluid, bi-gender, a demi-girl or a demi-boy.
For others, multiple complex gender labels serve only to reinforce the insecurities of children and teenagers, at a time when it is normal for them to feel confusion about all sorts of things, including their sexuality. // http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09dz416
So for the 0.5% of the population (i made that figure up), the other 99.5% should be confused about what they are and who they should become?
. . .
“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
Alice in Wonderland.
Many are failures, losers, spineless, and whatever gender they adopt will still be failures.
There is a very good moral argument in favour of letting them put up with it.
That’s the problem with cultural Marxism: it has the last finishing first. Some people and cultures are simply not as good as others – there is no ‘oppression’ involved.
At my university there was a paid ‘women’s officer’ – obese, bitter, thick and generally unemployable. Yet she ran classes on how men should treat women! She is the last person in the universe you would take tips from on how to do anything, yet alone how to act around women. Professional victims like her are everywhere. There are a cancer eating away at free speech, fun, laughter, freedom and common sense.
Can only hope that they`ve got Melanie Phillips on then. She wrote a decent warning of a book on this subject in 1999.
Is that allowed on the BBC any more-or must they all be saddled and handicapped if they know things the others don`t want to know?
Carlisle library-bet it`s long gone.
If its the usual male clots like Fraser and Taylor, then I`ll pass.
Interesting graph from Migration Watch, it clearly demonstrates where we’re heading (and fast). Foreign born under 40’s outnumber British born under 40’s and I don’t take any solace from the fact that UK born under 25s are increasing because the majority won’t consider themselves British, eh Mohammed?
We’re clearly in trouble…
Age profile of Foreign Born and UK Born adult populations in the England (percentage)
No surprise there then….it’s what anyone except a labour MP could have told you would happen…our only hope is that a high percentage are Polish…!
Wait until Germany and Sweden do the same calculations as their change won’t be Polish…And I am guessing that the change in Saudi, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, etc don’t look the same…and it’s not racism but the impact on culture that concerns me..
Today programme R4 was extremely orgasmic about the won Australian referendum on gay marriage.
Strangely, no worries that Putin had manipulated the voters to get a yes vote and so undermine Australian society.
Has the BBC web-site been hacked? Comments on various Blogs & HYSs are currently disabled with a ‘brown’ message stating ‘Sorry, there was a problem. Please refresh your browser and try again.’
Maybe the Russians really are trying to show the BBC what proper disruption is, throwing ‘brown’ stuff at the BBC?
Yes, Stew, back working OK now but that was very strange. Annoying too, as I had just hit ‘Post’ on a well-thought out carefully crafted post within the character limit on one Thread. Lost.
So the the bBC has been caught out using a fake Zanu PF twitter site as the source of its news from Zimbabwe. However what hasn’t been mentioned is that the bBC has had no problem been a cheer leader for the despotic Mugabe and balanced any bad news story about his dictatorship by blaming whites for the reason Zimbabwe reverted to the Stone age. Here is an example of that bBC bias:
Robert Mugabe – revolutionary hero, or the man who wrecked Zimbabwe? https://t.co/ngCxOWNtkv
If you follow the link to the bBC story you are presented with this time line:
So according to the bBC Mugabe spent from 1964 to 1980 in Jail. Actually he didn’t he was jailed from Dec 63 to Sept 65 and then from Aug 66 to Nov 74. where he relocated to Mozambique and joined a terrorist outfit . Funny how the bBC kind of left that salient bit of information out. He only returned to Rhodesia in Jan 1980.
Neither do they mention how Mugabe turned on the people who supported his rise to the power by wiping out the Gukurahundi people (30,000 deaths) by the use of his North Korean trained Fifth Brigade in 1984 In contrast the Rhodesian bush war between 1964-1979 saw 10,000 terrorists ,8,000 civilians and around 1,800 security forces killed.
The bbC, peddling more fake news than Russia , paid for by you.
“So according to the bBC Mugabe spent from 1964 to 1980 in Jail”
No not really, its obvious that it’s a list of events rather than a timeline.
It’s full of gaps,
eg nothing about him between age 20-40
But I note even the long text doesn’t mention Mozambique.
And it’s not a new webpage , though updated it existed in 2013
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
Rather gloss over 2008 don`t they?
Never seen an opponent in an election so badly beaten in full view of the worlds cameras.
Still-got a shoo in job now at the WHO that may still be going.
Or maybe Scotlands manager ?
Where`s Grant when you need him?
I blame Lord Carrington myself, it`s all bound to be Thatchers fault.
As I understand it, the Russians forced stupid people in the UK to vote for Brexit.
The evidence for this is that some of the twitter accounts that were re tweeting Brexit supporting info, were in Russia. But surely tweets pass through all sorts of countries servers before being ignored by those who use Twitter?
The second point made, is that the retweeting stopped the day after the vote. But wouldn’t you expect tweets about voting to stop after the election?
Finally, the BBC reliably inform me that it was only old age pensioners, who are racist, uneducated and unintelligent, who supported Brexit. Surely not the sort of people you’d expect to be hovering their unagile fingers over a smart phone, ready to reply to a tweet.
I would like to know if any of the tweets from the Russian servers supported Remain, that would help me understand what was happening.
45K Tweets
Of which 39K were posted AFTER the ref
– Yes MANY of the so called Russian-bot Tweets supported Remain
#1 Dingaling : science reports which have a media pre-release are fishy. It’s always best to wait for full release
#2 Context Is important.
The Times describes the accounts as previously pro Putin then dormant then sending out 45K tweets on the * day of the vote and day after * ie”June 24th”
Do you get that ?
Specifically it says “posted 39,000 tweets on June 24, before dropping off almost entirely.”
#3 Impact in reality ?… But of the 6K posted in vote day , how much did they influence ?
Wouldn’t there have been millions of other tweets that day ?
Did any humans see those tweets, did it change their vote ? Bet most bot tweets are just read by other bots
” Most of the tweets seen by this newspaper encouraged Brexit,… A number were pro Remain”
The Times the quotes different research from City Uni
‘13.5K accounts sent 65K about the refn’
* “About” is not the same as “brainwashing”
Then back to the original Swansea research
“156K accounts tracked’
” The Swansea dataset includes legitimate accounts such as the Russian embassy ”
Hang on if you include all similar accounts of Russian embassies and employees that must run into thousands.
419 accounts tweet 3478 times 78% AFTER Brexit that’s 2713 tweets. So 765 tweets swung #Brexit away from the Remain bombardment of a £9 mil state controlled leaflet, TV, most politicians & journos, corporate Britain, Luvvies United, EU funded academics etc that’s believable not! https://t.co/JYa9nC8qVQ
Jealous of our exposing how R4 is biased to Lib/Left they try to build a fake-narrative that it’s biased towards Rightwing agenda just cos occasionally SJW values are challenged.
Libmob claim such is confrontational and evil.
Nope confrontation helps get to the truth.
Banning opinions doesn’t.
#r4today – 'a programme powered by confrontation', not to mention spurious 'balance'. Its getting more annoying with John Humphrys the prime offender https://t.co/JwDdrXcPeQ
My son was taken on such a trip in Y7, I think. I was not happy about it, but he would have been mortified if I’d refused, and the RE teacher presented the schedule as this: Morning – visit Catholic Church, then, visit Mosque. When they got back, lo and behold, they hadn’t visited the Catholic Church. I don’t believe they ever had any intention, and it was put in to make the day seem more like visiting ‘places of worship’. My son told me that the girls had to go in a separate place in the mosque, wear clothes which covered their arms and legs and weren’t tight, and cover their heads. I would have been livid if I’d had a girl in that visit – was still pretty disgusted to hear that they had to do all that.
Labour council candidate and “an ordinary British Muslim” says children “brainwashed” “into thinking the bad guy was Hitler”
Says she is another person also named “Naz Shah”
Nasreem, 37.
tomoJan 22, 15:39 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Perhaps Reform might have an NHS policy that only official “NHS” flags can be flown on NHS premises? The veritable…
wwfcJan 22, 15:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aXLOodN4K4&ab_channel=TheUnitedSpot
tomoJan 22, 15:24 Midweek 22nd January 2025 That is pretty accurate… But let’s not forget that beyond being a Democrat campaign contrivance BLM is also a proven…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 15:21 Midweek 22nd January 2025 British Residence flies the iconic rainbow flag to celebrate Pride Month EnglishEspañol de América Latina The rainbow flag will fly…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 15:19 Midweek 22nd January 2025 andyjsnape – F1 to be replaced with walking? [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3hpncbN2JlfrjJM6XjisRXHDU-AUFfDc88w&s[/img]
andyjsnapeJan 22, 15:16 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Hello MarkyMark Doesn’t sound very green does it bbc! They preach that us plebs should walk or take the bike,…
Lucy PevenseyJan 22, 15:16 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Trump State Department enacts “One Flag Policy” – every U.S. outpost in the world must fly the USA flag, NO…
tomoJan 22, 15:09 Midweek 22nd January 2025 erm… we have to purge the parasites – stop the haemorrhagic drain of public funds to an absolute shower of…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 15:01 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Hamilton has first test in Ferrari F1 car at Fiorano” https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/articles/cj482551gl9o Driving round in a circle to end climate change…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 14:50 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Healey added: “I also wanted President Putin to hear this message: we see you, we know what you’re doing and…
How to make marriage political …. If you are still subscribed to Harper’s Bazaar after this, divorce them. {twitter 11nov2017}
. . . this refers to . . .
If You Are Married to a Trump Supporter, Divorce Them {harpersbazaar 11nov2017}
“The unfortunate truth about being in a relationship with someone who supports Donald Trump.”
. . . . . . .
And if anyone says that this demeans that sanctity of marriage, well, just remind them the President they love is on wife number three.
. . . . . . . I have a different story . . . . . .
I know a retired married couple that voted differently on 23jun2017. One for Leave and one for Remain. It’s amazing that after so many years of marriage that the next morning one of them turned into a racist, xenophobe who hates everyone in Europe. Amazing what 24 hours does! They are still married.
“Thrilled to be awarded citizen of the year by @GQMagazine. I’d #TakeAKnee to Colin’s shrivelled member.” – KatieHopkins
‘Colleen’, surely?
Cue visit from the Thought Police…
Nothing to do with al beeb bias but it’s 500 days to brexit .
Roll on. Glad someones keeping count. Thanks.
Fedup – If Theresa gets her way it will actually be 500 days before the “illusion” of brexit
500 days? Too soon for a Katty Kay bitchfest to start? Give her another half an hour every night, look how popular and relevant her recent one has proved to be. Is it still on?
Apologies if this has been remarked upon elsewhere but I made the unfortunate mistake of tuning in to a couple of minutes of Newsnight last night which was the end of a love-in – sorry, ‘interview’ – between Gollum and yet another Trump-basher from the Clinton School of Projectile Bile-Spewing.
Gollum sat there in rapt admiration, virtually tongue-tied save for the occasional gush of grinning accordance, climaxing in sniggering agreement that Trump will most likely be impeached within the year.
Sickening, putrid, shameless bias.
Surely they cannot continue to get away with it.
But then again…..
Fewer and fewer people are listening to them, let alone believing them. Take some solace in that. For the next generation who are raised on the internet the MSM will be for them like black and white tv is for us. That is a glorious thing.
Beeb Bro.
What you say is true but how many of the next generation will seek out websites like this and how many are so conditioned by the MSM that they may never recover their true selves until it is too late?
For myself, at 77 years of age I can say that even in my twenties I had an inkling that something wasn’t quite right with what came over the airways but I didn’t know what it was. However, I confess I was completely swept up in the 1960s with the Beatles in their early days which, even today seems amazing even though I never bought their records. Also I was aware that there must have been some very powerful people that allowed their influence to turn the world upside down and give them the necessary publicity. These things do not happen by accident. To this day George Harrison is still my favorite Beatle and his recording of Devil’s Radio speaks volumes about the influence of contemporary media. Then came the drugs era and that’s when the doubts began to set in. I had four kids,all boys and I didn’t want them to go down that road. Thankfully they all stuck with beer and never gave their Mum and me any bother. I considered myself a left wing Socialist and vehemently anti war. I remained with those beliefs until “Hey Presto” the Blessed Tony Blair was crowned (with my help) Prime Minister of the UK. Nice one I thought, this will rid the country of the those evil Tory warmongers forever. Well, Oh dear,oh dear oh poxy fucking dear how wrong could I have been. The rest is history as they say. So-Thanks Tone you woke me from my slumber and set me on the path to enlightenment.
Katz from a sinking ship.
So the actual inflation rate is 3 per cent against the Bank of England predicting higher rate. So the Bank of England doesn’t know what is really going on in the economy. Carney loses his independence by backing the remain camp and presumably won’t be fired until we are out of the EU – if the current government maintains office.
Still seems strange what a miserable situation we seem to be in – low interest rates, low inflation , high employment , comparatively low fuel costs but we are all doomed in the soubry version of the world. Even if May went there is no one in the cabinet clean enough to take the top job – which is why they’ll do their damndest to undermine JRM.
It should be remembered that Blair didn’t hold a government post before becoming PM – he was Shadow home sec.
Facing the threat of a court battle, Mr Farage has now agreed to withdraw his claims against Hope Not Hate
\\Mr Farage said: “Yes, well of course he would know more about extremists than me, Mr Cox.
He backs organisations like Hope Not Hate, who masquerade as being lovely and peaceful, but actually pursue violent and undemocratic means.”//
HnH had launched an appeal asking the public to help fund a legal case. It said 16,000 people have since donated to the fund.
Facing the threat of a court battle, Mr Farage has now agreed to withdraw his claims.
In a statement filed to the court, he reportedly said:
“Having now considered the position further I am happy to acknowledge that
Hope Not Hate does not tolerate or pursue violent or undemocratic behaviour.”
Well we’ve seen photos and videos which seem to be HnH people
Ah Farage’s tweet says HnH have paid his costs
His change is that he said it’s not the group that is violent but their individual members who have behaved violently and sought to intimidate,
Nigel Farage 10 minutes ago
Parliament has just repealed the illegitimate piece of legislation that took us into the EU all those years ago.
Progress, but there is more to be done.
Monday AM.
What greeted me on BBBC was a bright, shiny, new tabula rasa to expose the beebollox, a “Monday Open Thread”. No “Start the Week Thread” for us.
I was hoping that recent comments had had some effect and that this morning, 2017-11-14, I would be greeted by a “Tuesday Open Thread”. But no.
Has some change to the site taken place?
I am unable to put blank lines where I want. They frequently appear despite my wishes. I usually compose the post in MS Notepad and edit after pasting here. Any solutions or suggestions?
Try Wordpad
i’ve always had problems with Notepad extra spaces when transferring into Yahoo mail
… I’ve not seen any changes here.
Thanks, I will try WordPad.
But I typed this directly into the BBBC box on screen in four consecutive lines and the displayed version has a blank line between WordPad and But!
Which disappeared when I clicked “Post Comment”! So it is the BBBC software.
Yes that is a thing here; the preview window puts in extra lines that don’t appear in the final post
Perhaps some contributes here are, like me, limited users of social media.
But it is the life for the young.
I know the BBC belongs to the mid 20th century, but they could evolve and this is the future.
Goodness! I had to switch off in disgust at the one-sided programne ‘exploring’ the far right this evening on Radio 4. Naively I was expecting a rational …..no I wasn’t!… I listened to see if it measured up to the standard BBC left bias, & I wasn’t disappointed.
I am just an ordinary Conservative, I have no tolerance of racism (we cannot help our births), yet I sympathise with the fear of many in Europe about an unwanted cultural shift away from our classical Judeo/Chistian heritage that forms our philosophy, art & our institutions. There is a desperate need for a non-violent non-racist right of centre movement to legitimately voice the concerns of unlimited Islamic immigration. Unfortunately this moderate viewpoint is seen as ‘far Right’. What nonsense. This subject needs to be confronted, the ridiculous bias of the BBC only encourages people to join unpleasant violent organisations because basically there is nowhere else to go.
Wasn`t it utterly hopeless Cranbrooke? Their chosen favourite obsessional topic of all time. And they managed to mess it up, rant incoherently and wave ex coppers tunics at us to show that this is a real threat to our law and order lads.
Jo Cox, Thomas Mair and all the usual pantomine dames wheeled out to boo at.
But what a pointless phoned in piece of crap.
NO reasons why, no history of how and no mention either of migration, the EU or Islam as contributing factors to dig into.
None of this was unexpected. To anybody but the idiot left and the BBC anyway.
It`s just wrong to be right was all that Mr Goldberg seemed to have in his little satchel.
His dad was run out of Germany he says-but the Far Left National Socialists in Germany had zip to do with it. Just as Corbyns beloved Labour Party seem not to be any threat to his dads race eh? Not even today.
Utterly useless.
Great post, CP. Yes, we need firm moderate explanation of this unwanted culture shift. The BBC should be doing it under their Inform, Educate & Entertain brief.
Mohamed Farah has been knighted! He is absolute proof that multiculturalism works. Just show that picture of him being knighted over and over and all our problems will be solved.
“The negative perception of Muslims. An underlying, unfounded mistrust. A misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam.
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer.(was the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism?) In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together.
As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall.”
Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) speech {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
But we have conflicting data …83% Muslims proud to be British verses 1% Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
Mr Sessions, the US attorney general, said Mr Trump is “bold and direct” in expressing his views but promised his decisions would be based on facts alone.
“He attempted to play down the row by denying he had been “improperly influenced” by the US president and admitting such behaviour would be “wrong”.
It followed the revelation that Mr Sessions is considering appointing a special counsel to look at topics linked to Mrs Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate who lost to Mr Trump.
They include allegations of corruption against her charitable foundation and the Russian sale of a company with access to US uranium when she was secretary of state.”
About bloody time! Go, Jeff, go!!
Peter Grimes
There’s a job to be done Mr Sessions. Do it!
nazir afzal Verified account
I’ve always avoided use of term “islamaphobia” – it’s not fear of religion – we should welcome criticism of ideas & beliefs.
It is anti Muslim hatred that I am concerned about – that’s very real & has to be combatted.
I dunno
Aren’t many lefties Toryphobic ?
And willing to show anti-Tory hatred.. and actual violence in certain circumstances
Islamaphobia– Anti Muslim? I’m pretty sure that the BBC believes they are one and the same thing. At least that’s what they want both of their viewers to believe. Most females I know suffer from Musophobia. Tough.
Not verified but scary if true … “So it appears Pak men have been abusing white girls in Rotherham for over 40 years and not the last 15 years as first thought. This cutting is from the Rotherham Advertiser newspaper in 1975 {order-order}
click to see image … “very well used sexually” … “he paid her £2…”
That made me feel very sad. Just really sorry for that girl, no hope at all.
‘Very well used sexually’. What an awful expression.
Not sure where that term came from, but has and equivalent of “well done steak”. Sick terms of phrase used to cover the true words “sadistic rape of a minor”.
Clive Myrie reporting for the BBC from Yemen makes an odd editorial statement. He claims the conflict in this arab country “shames the world”. I beg to differ. It may shame the Yemenis who are fighting this civil war. It may shame the Saudis and the Iranians who are backing their respective co-religionists in the fighting. I fail to see how it shames the world. Myrie is mixing a factual news report with the kind of sentimental pressure-guilt wording typical of a charity appeal for aid. Please don’t do both at the same time BBC. You devalue your news in this way.
Saudia Arabia (Muslim) fighting Iran (Muslim) – Majority Muslim Countries with money to spend on their people and Gods. Religion of peace? Why are they fighting? They share the same beliefs?
Ah well, you see it all depends on what you mean by ‘share’. Sunni muslims, the only true, pure and honourable muslims, are defiled by the fact that shia (what were once called shi’ite but changed for some obscure reason), anyway, sunni are defiled by the very existence on the same planet as shia and are required to eradicate same, along, obviously, with kuffar of all shapes, colour and sizes.
Alternatively, if you transpose shia and sunni, the same balanced and honourable view applies.
Hope that clarifies things.
And we are in the middle of this mess thinking that freedom of thought, trade and reason will prevail.
Shia Muslims commemorate Ashura with self-flagellation rituals in UK (Manchester, out on the street) {rt.com 01oct2017}
“A procession of Shia Muslims marched down Wilmslow road in Rusholme, south Manchester on Saturday, slapping their bare chests in a ritual of self-flagellation to mark the religious festival of Ashura. Manchester’s Shia Muslims joined other devotees across the world in punishing themselves, in some cases, even drawing blood. Ashura falls on the tenth day of the month of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. The festival marks the death of Imam Hussein who died in the Battle of Karbala in the seventh century.”
Youth workers say poor youngsters see a world they can never be part of. The smart shops and cafes of Upper Street, Islington’s main shopping thoroughfare, are not for them. {reuters sep2015}
Islington … ah yes, the same MP for 34 years!
It’s good (& hilarious) to see someone still has a sense of humour despite the current aggressive race-baiting climate.
It would appear that Mutti will NOT ALLOW Treeser to address other heads of state.
She should stop shaving her ‘tache and change her hairstyle if she thinks that is acceptable behaviour.
As an aside – a reminder.
‘What the Germans think of us’.
“Brexit no-deal could stop Aston Martin production”
“Aston Martin has said it may have to halt production if the UK fails to strike a Brexit deal with the EU.”
“Mr Hawes added that the UK motor industry’s integration into European supply chains could make it harder to benefit from any free trade agreement with non-EU countries after Brexit.”
Operative words “could” & “may”. Simples.
Note to Aston Martin, we are leaving, make contingency plans.
On the other hand from Wales we have this …………
“Aston Martin announces £500m UK-Japan deal”
Who needs the Russians when we have Al Beeb.
taffman, would that be the Aston Martin that went bust? Had to be bailed by acquisition by Ford Motor Co? Then changed hands again and again and with declining sales of its expensive to buy, expensive to run cars, is owned by various international investors?
Damn, I was going to buy a new Aston next year too.
Morning All ! – What ever happened to Rhodesia ?
“Soldiers are reported to have taken over the headquarters of Zimbabwe’s national broadcaster, ZBC, amid a growing political crisis.”
It became Zimbabwe of course .
Fascinating watching heute-Journal on ZDF tonight.
Much handwringing about 850,000 homeless in the Muttiland. How could that have happened?
455,000 are “anerkannte Flüchtlinge” refugees reckoned to be bona fide by the German government.
“Wir schaffen das” my arse. This is an incredible number of enrichers who have not even been housed yet, let alone integrated into German society.
On a personal level, I also heard today that the successful high-tech niche company I worked for 30 years ago in Germany has had to be downsized and the building complex in which I had my office is now a refugee home.
I just had to laugh out loud.
Radio 4 reports that Russia swung Brexit via Twitter! Of course there were no lies or disinformation whatsoever from the Remain side.
Just when you think they can’t get any worse, they do.
Great piece on World Service about Muslim woman in a wheelchair who does stand-up comedy. Her actual comedy did not seem good, but what does the content of your character matter when you have so many victim points? Producers must have had an orgasm when they found her.
Is she a lesbian too?
How does she do standup in a wheelchair?
There has been an incident up my road and there are several Police cars. I politely ask the officer if I can go in the shop and he says that’s fine; another officer smiles and nods.
Why did I have such a positive interaction with the Police? Is it my ‘white privilege’ or the fact that I am respectful and wearing a suit, thus clearly on my way to work? If I were on the streets at midnight in tracksuit bottoms and ran away from Police when they looked at me, I imagine our interaction would not have been so positive.
Of course the BBC promote the ‘racism’ narrative, thus helping to incite recent riots. If you just get a job and obey the law you will have good relations with the Police. No doubt the Beeb would consider such an opinion ‘Far Right.’
Hope you then fell over poleaxed and went screaming into the cameraphone of a conveniently placed accomplice.
Harry Hill may not pay for it-but the BBC sure would.
Of course the BBC has a reporter in Sydney to talk about their vote on gay marriage. Why can’t he just pop to Lewisham and tell us about the gang problems there? That would be far more useful than holidaying to the other side of the world to virtue signal about an issue which everyone agreed about decades ago.
Wow the Beeb has a report on the murky world of Clinton economics, blink and you’ll miss it
Justice Dept weighs inquiry into Clintons and Uranium One
I now believe Hillary Clinton has visited every media outlet and stadium so everyone is complicit in her version of events. Not one called her out on the bad things … not on BBC Website, Graham Norton chat show or the Marr Show. Now they, and those who watched are all complicity in what she believes happened. We are all now part of the lie – and because we didn’t raise any serious issues we agree with everything she said.
“This matter (releasing man fluids over a young intern in the White House and other sexual advances on other ladies) is between me and the two people I love most. My wife and our daughter and our God.” Bill Clinton – @2:39
Not one person raised this issue ….
(‘No one left to lie to {amazon}‘)
I hope everyone here today spares a thought for that poor, hurt, little Tory retiring flower “Sour faced Anne” Apparently the Telegraph have been “bullying her” her calling her a mutineer. Personally I can think of lots of better things to call her than a mutineer.
Her complaints are about as convincing as hearing this constant media obsession with “Islamaphobia”.
No kids its not “Islamaphobia” its called a reaction -when many of our own population have been assaulted and murdered by followers of a certain religion. The reason why so many of these people got away with that they did is that the authorities were afraid to deal/report these crimes in case they were seen as racist. And not only that with the “Islamaphobia Awareness Month” these same authorities seem to be attempting to make the ground even more conducive for people to get away with the same sort of crimes, providing of course the miscreants are followers of the “religion of peace”
Years of unadulterated Islam in Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. One religion from one book narrated from one Arab man. All at war with each other through Yemen or the term ‘moderate Islam’. Religion of peace is not the picture here.
Engineering-phobia accounts for why less than 16% of engineers are women
Dipsophobia…is THAT a new category now?
Must we wait for January for the Sobriety Month, or is that Drunkaware?
Anna Sorbet-hope my snowflake nieces can see what they`ll end up like when they head for the fridge at Christmas, will have to get a pic of her.
The BBC told me on the news this morning that grannies in Glasgow are piling haribo into the kids, feeding them fried mars bars and then smoking in their faces until mum or bloke show up.
Glasgow Uni apparently.
We`ve had great fun with this one all day, hope you too think that it could only be Glasgow-and only some lefty Sturgeon Lobotomy Faculty that would come up with this. AND the Radio 4 news goons then tell the nation.
Priceless-well £290 for me and dopey dependent daughter who gives me her kids for three days/two evenings a week.
Ta Beeb-great comedy, good old Glasgow eh?
Good news from the BBC this morning via Radio 4:
Leave won the EU Referendum by 55%, 60%, maybe 65%, because the Russians influenced, interfered or even disrupted the process! No more demands for a re-run for a more decisive result.
Many young people would have voted Leave had they not been threatened by the Chancellor of the then Exchequer, George Osborne, now in the pay of a Russian. Young people would not have been so keen to vote Remain had they not been on Twitter & Facebook, deceived by Moscow into divisiveness into voting Remain.
Grace Mugabe is maybe not getting her hands on the rule of Zimbabwe. Maybe because the BBC are relying on and reciting Tweets and Facebook news which as we know, all comes from the Russians or is interfered with by them.
Bad News from the BBC via Radio 4:
The BBC’s memory loss problems are becoming ever more apparent. They have forgotten The Wonderful Mr Churchill. (Mind you, so have Google and my ISP also deemed I should be protected from and could not access the one site I did find.) I’m fairly certain that that was the title – I was not able to check – for a BBC 2 series many years ago about John Churchill. No, not the Duke of Marlborough but a man born in the Victorian era who became an expert armourer and forensic scientist in the field of guns and rifles.
West Midlands Police – if the TODAY interview is anything to go by – have obviously never heard of Mr Churchill either. He would have been able to solve the use of vintage guns for crime and assisted in the arrest and conviction of Paul Edmunds. He knew, decades ago, all and more that West Midlands Police have apparently only just learned. Memory is a wonderful thing.
Might it have been The Other Mr Churchill, based on a book by Macdonald Hastings?
Thanks, miker. I wasn’t sure I had remembered the programme title correctly but at least I had remembered the other John Churchill. He was a clever man. The TV series was fascinating and informative and educative as well as entertaining.
If only the BBC were like that today!
If they were, I could conceivably elect to receive a free TV Licence when I become eligible some years ahead and if I have any savings left by then that I could spare to spend on a suitable digital TV. OK, BBC, you have a few years to get your act together. Get to work on reforming yourselves now, please.
This is not about Russians, it is about not voting at all.
If the people are easily swayed then they cannot be trusted to vote correctly. If we cannot vote the same way as 250 celebrities who live in make believe land most of their lives pretending to be other people, then who can we trust?
BBC bias getting thrashed in the open comments
I said
“Who remembers when BBC used to be for everyone ?
Instead of shoving libsupremacist agenda in your face all the time”
They said
See you…and raise to the power of 10. Then I got banned, often.
The principal Leftoid claque also posted on a site called Mustardland, named after the bilious yellow which Al Beeb’s website used. Most were sucking at the State’s teat one way or another, the usual mix of unreformed Commie nutters, teachers, uni lecturers, local government officials, all overpaid and on fat pension terms, and the rest mainly long-term benefit recipients, always wanting more. They are still there, full of Leftoid crap and anti-English bile. The few who posted who had non-State jobs and who posted sense invariably got blackballed, just like on Al Beeb.
Take a look for a laugh.
I think BBC was hacked by Momentum or Russia or Clinton last week … they swapped an image of a normal Christmas Jumper with a “Jerry Christmas” one on the BBC homepage … very cunning.
Sarah Montague,* and – I assume – the BBC really want indigenous Britons who graduate with IT & computing degrees to remain unemployed. They want instead many more than the extra 1000 ‘tech sector’ work permits granted by our Government today for foreigners, in order to keep the Chancellor of Exhequer’s Benefits bill instead as high as possible and lots of our young people out of work.
Good old BBC!
Who needs the Russians running down the UK from outside when the BBC will do it for you right here, right now?
* TODAY Programme segment @ 8.35am approx on R4
Right at the end of TODAY today, BBC R4 8.58am – a wonderful little dig at the BBC and others by Sue Cameron. The BBC and the TODAY presenters will be oblivious, probably, but I enjoyed it. Well done Sue!
Worth listening to it on Radio iPlayer if you missed it.
“I’ll tell you what happened in the war
Everyone got behind Churchill, instead of briefing against him”
R4 Now prog is supposed to be artists in Bristol
But from the start is about race problems & multiculturalism… #agenda
I turned off about 1 minute in – it was noisy and I guessed that there might be an agenda, Stew.
I like art in quietness.
Quietude in art and for art. 🙂
Toady watch
Dear Allan – since The Toady Programme is such a representation of al Beeb and it’s constant poison perhaps we should have a separate section….?
At least beeboids have got something else to talk crap about with Rhodesia going down the toilet even further – makes a change from people whining about being touched up or Iranians staying home longer than they wish.
‘Iranians staying home longer than they wish’. Nice.
Before I crash out .
Forget the Russians, Nigel Farage has his finger on the pulse – Has this appeared on Al Beeb yet ?………………………..
Thanks for that Taff, brightened up my morning no end. You cant help but admire this guys staying power.
@Pcar Farage is head and shoulders above most politicians.
I wonder if that camerawork is official EU or UKIP group ?
cos the look on that German MEPs face when Farage finishes by pointing out tax for EU parliament is capped at 16%
Unemployment figures just out, down. Inflation steady. Currency stable over the last year. Come on remoaners, time is running out for your next doom laden prediction.
UK employment falls to 32 million {bbc.co.uk 15nov2017}
“But while the number of people in work fell, the number of jobless fell by 59,000 in the same period, Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows.”
– Employment and Unemployment are down, so title could have included both facts. Also, which sectors are these job losses in?
Envy of the world.
Clearly, 20,000 staff and £4B are not enough
Maybe the BBC after using a parody account to report on they should take their own advice … BBC News is covering itself in glory with its coverage of events in Zimbabwe this morning, quoting a Zanu PF parody account as a genuine source. {order-order 15nov2017}.
. . . BBC on how to spot fake news . . . but fail to spot parody . . . .
Buzzfeed on avoiding Fake News – Fiona Rutherford, news reporter at BuzzFeed on avoiding Fake News. {bbc newsround feb2017}
I think I’ll use this one myself.
‘But who’s going to make coffee for the unemployed?’.
If this hasnt been shared on BiasedBBC yet, here it is …
A photograph of a migrant taken just moments after he was rescued from the Mediterranean Sea has won a National Portrait Gallery award.
Spanish freelance photographer and journalist Cesar Dezfuli was named winner of the £15,000 Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize for his shot of Amadou Sumaila, who was rescued 20 miles off the Libyan coast.
As you can see he is just the sort of person you can’t wait to have living in a house in your street.
Is that the coast line of Libya in the background? What happened to ‘think of the children’?
Here’s his website with a lot more information:
They do not look happy to be saved. http://www.cesardezfuli.com/passengers
Is he a doctor or an engineer?
Maybe he has a doctorate in engineering?
He doesnt look very wet
Unemployment drops by a further 59,000, but the BBC finds a different way to report this good economic news:
“UK workforce sees biggest fall in two years”
The better the economy, the more vindicated are Trump and Brexit. The worse the chances to lock us down into Soros and IPCC global governance and media hectorings for more migration, more Corbyn and BBC.
It`ll be populism or pink fascism as a choice.
Hence the doctoring of all economic and crime figures, demographic trends to paint the free market economy as wrong and ineffective-compared to say Venezuela and North Korea.
Ibtihaj Muhammad reveals first Barbie with a hijab
“The doll has been released to honour the American fencer, who became the first US woman to wear the Islamic headscarf while competing at the Olympics.”
. . . let’s have some perspective on this Hijab please . . .what happens in Majority Countries . . .
Saudi police ‘stopped’ fire rescue (stopped 15 schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress) {bbc.co.uk mar 2002}
“The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time. Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail.”
. . . how to get the Koran into your home, in the name of Diversity . . .
Muslim Mom Introduces Hijab Barbie. It Can Recite The Quran {dailywire 05sep2017}
‘Launched earlier this year in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and the UAE, the Jenna doll recites four short and easy verses from the Quran that will enable the child to memorize them within days. It does not include Quran (2:244) — “Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things.”‘
Does headbag Barbie come with a tiny genital mutilation kit?
They could make a set of four together-
Acid attack Barbie plus 3 other dolls representing the “wives” Barbie will share her “husband” with.
Is there a Yazidi Barbie to be al-Ken’s sex slave?
headbag barbie is 9 so mohamken can stop messing with the miniature goat
R4 prog just on at 10:55am
Can you spot any agenda being pushed at you ?
That’s right the number of glasses wearers appearing on Radio4, far outnumbers their ratio in the general population.
BBC Representation … “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
does being a specky four eyes count as disabled, if not why not
I would love a free mobility car
Thought you were after a “mobility cat”.
Had one to offer you, but my glasses are now unsteamed.
Specsavers not all they`re cracked up to be.
Moral Maze on Radio 4 is about “defining gender” tonight at 8pm
\\ The traditional view of gender is in rapid retreat.
The first moral consideration must surely be the wellbeing of people whose transitions can often be accompanied by complex mental health problems and a painful battle against the judgements of their families and society.
Next is how far society needs to change to accommodate those individuals.
Some women, for example, are uncomfortable with trans-women accessing ‘women only’ spaces such as lavatories and changing rooms. Whose rights take precedence?
There is no one type of trans person. Many are binary, identifying as either male or female, others are non-binary and might self-describe as agender, gender fluid, bi-gender, a demi-girl or a demi-boy.
For others, multiple complex gender labels serve only to reinforce the insecurities of children and teenagers, at a time when it is normal for them to feel confusion about all sorts of things, including their sexuality. //
So for the 0.5% of the population (i made that figure up), the other 99.5% should be confused about what they are and who they should become?
. . .
“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
Alice in Wonderland.
. . .
BBC Moral Maze: Defining Gender {bbc.co.uk 15nov2017}
. . .
“minority extremist” – someone in a minority group who feels the majority should bend to their own culture or views using violence if necessary.
Many are failures, losers, spineless, and whatever gender they adopt will still be failures.
There is a very good moral argument in favour of letting them put up with it.
That’s the problem with cultural Marxism: it has the last finishing first. Some people and cultures are simply not as good as others – there is no ‘oppression’ involved.
At my university there was a paid ‘women’s officer’ – obese, bitter, thick and generally unemployable. Yet she ran classes on how men should treat women! She is the last person in the universe you would take tips from on how to do anything, yet alone how to act around women. Professional victims like her are everywhere. There are a cancer eating away at free speech, fun, laughter, freedom and common sense.
Can only hope that they`ve got Melanie Phillips on then. She wrote a decent warning of a book on this subject in 1999.
Is that allowed on the BBC any more-or must they all be saddled and handicapped if they know things the others don`t want to know?
Carlisle library-bet it`s long gone.
If its the usual male clots like Fraser and Taylor, then I`ll pass.
Something the BBC won’t be reporting..
Interesting graph from Migration Watch, it clearly demonstrates where we’re heading (and fast). Foreign born under 40’s outnumber British born under 40’s and I don’t take any solace from the fact that UK born under 25s are increasing because the majority won’t consider themselves British, eh Mohammed?
We’re clearly in trouble…
Age profile of Foreign Born and UK Born adult populations in the England (percentage)
No surprise there then….it’s what anyone except a labour MP could have told you would happen…our only hope is that a high percentage are Polish…!
Wait until Germany and Sweden do the same calculations as their change won’t be Polish…And I am guessing that the change in Saudi, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, etc don’t look the same…and it’s not racism but the impact on culture that concerns me..
One culture is tolerant. One culture is intolerant. Which will win?
Need to see the numbers for this graph, as to me it looks as though it is 50/50 foreign born to UK born adults. Is this true??
Today programme R4 was extremely orgasmic about the won Australian referendum on gay marriage.
Strangely, no worries that Putin had manipulated the voters to get a yes vote and so undermine Australian society.
Nicely noted ID
Surely a second referendum is called for.
Come on BBC.
Has the BBC web-site been hacked? Comments on various Blogs & HYSs are currently disabled with a ‘brown’ message stating ‘Sorry, there was a problem. Please refresh your browser and try again.’
Maybe the Russians really are trying to show the BBC what proper disruption is, throwing ‘brown’ stuff at the BBC?
Disagree, comments seem to be working
They’ve been new posts it the last few minutes.
Yes, Stew, back working OK now but that was very strange. Annoying too, as I had just hit ‘Post’ on a well-thought out carefully crafted post within the character limit on one Thread. Lost.
Gorn and lorsst …..
So the the bBC has been caught out using a fake Zanu PF twitter site as the source of its news from Zimbabwe. However what hasn’t been mentioned is that the bBC has had no problem been a cheer leader for the despotic Mugabe and balanced any bad news story about his dictatorship by blaming whites for the reason Zimbabwe reverted to the Stone age. Here is an example of that bBC bias:
If you follow the link to the bBC story you are presented with this time line:
So according to the bBC Mugabe spent from 1964 to 1980 in Jail. Actually he didn’t he was jailed from Dec 63 to Sept 65 and then from Aug 66 to Nov 74. where he relocated to Mozambique and joined a terrorist outfit . Funny how the bBC kind of left that salient bit of information out. He only returned to Rhodesia in Jan 1980.
Neither do they mention how Mugabe turned on the people who supported his rise to the power by wiping out the Gukurahundi people (30,000 deaths) by the use of his North Korean trained Fifth Brigade in 1984 In contrast the Rhodesian bush war between 1964-1979 saw 10,000 terrorists ,8,000 civilians and around 1,800 security forces killed.
The bbC, peddling more fake news than Russia , paid for by you.
“So according to the bBC Mugabe spent from 1964 to 1980 in Jail”
No not really, its obvious that it’s a list of events rather than a timeline.
It’s full of gaps,
eg nothing about him between age 20-40
But I note even the long text doesn’t mention Mozambique.
And it’s not a new webpage , though updated it existed in 2013
Stew wrote:
“No not really, its obvious that it’s a list of events rather than a timeline.”
Look at the top of the photo the bBC quotes:
Robert Mugabe – Timeline.
Pounce don’t be pedantic you know what I mean.
Yes I did read it said timeline at the top
But it is a list of events rather than a FULL timeline.
No offence taken.
Thanks for that update ….
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
Rather gloss over 2008 don`t they?
Never seen an opponent in an election so badly beaten in full view of the worlds cameras.
Still-got a shoo in job now at the WHO that may still be going.
Or maybe Scotlands manager ?
Where`s Grant when you need him?
I blame Lord Carrington myself, it`s all bound to be Thatchers fault.
As the Government realise that a new problem is about to occur, the BBC peddle the problem as a solution for women ….
Men with more than one wife will get extra benefits under new rules {dailymail 24jan2016}
“Under universal credit, polygamous marriages will not be recognised”
. . . then the BBC promote polygamy (illegal in UK) . . .
Sunderland businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’ {bbc.co.uk 23oct2017}
Bloody Mormons are taking over.
Mind you, might get another bloke or two to keep me.
Oh….hubbys just explained it now.
Be nice if the BBC would tell me this stuff.
As I understand it, the Russians forced stupid people in the UK to vote for Brexit.
The evidence for this is that some of the twitter accounts that were re tweeting Brexit supporting info, were in Russia. But surely tweets pass through all sorts of countries servers before being ignored by those who use Twitter?
The second point made, is that the retweeting stopped the day after the vote. But wouldn’t you expect tweets about voting to stop after the election?
Finally, the BBC reliably inform me that it was only old age pensioners, who are racist, uneducated and unintelligent, who supported Brexit. Surely not the sort of people you’d expect to be hovering their unagile fingers over a smart phone, ready to reply to a tweet.
I would like to know if any of the tweets from the Russian servers supported Remain, that would help me understand what was happening.
45K Tweets
Of which 39K were posted AFTER the ref
– Yes MANY of the so called Russian-bot Tweets supported Remain
#1 Dingaling : science reports which have a media pre-release are fishy. It’s always best to wait for full release
#2 Context Is important.
The Times describes the accounts as previously pro Putin then dormant then sending out 45K tweets on the * day of the vote and day after * ie”June 24th”
Do you get that ?
Specifically it says “posted 39,000 tweets on June 24, before dropping off almost entirely.”
#3 Impact in reality ?… But of the 6K posted in vote day , how much did they influence ?
Wouldn’t there have been millions of other tweets that day ?
Did any humans see those tweets, did it change their vote ? Bet most bot tweets are just read by other bots
” Most of the tweets seen by this newspaper encouraged Brexit,… A number were pro Remain”
Propaganda … try these …
In BBC land it’s “Jerry Christmas”
In the UK it’s “Happy Greggs-mas”
In China it’s “Happy Xi Jinping-mas” …
Believers urged to replace religious artefacts in their homes with posters of Communist Party leader if they want to benefit from poverty-relief efforts
This is the future MM.
The Times the quotes different research from City Uni
‘13.5K accounts sent 65K about the refn’
* “About” is not the same as “brainwashing”
Then back to the original Swansea research
“156K accounts tracked’
” The Swansea dataset includes legitimate accounts such as the Russian embassy ”
Hang on if you include all similar accounts of Russian embassies and employees that must run into thousands.
Similar but different story in the Guardian
Then Steven Wolfe calls it out.
Why you don’t just accept such news stories at face value.
Jealous of our exposing how R4 is biased to Lib/Left they try to build a fake-narrative that it’s biased towards Rightwing agenda just cos occasionally SJW values are challenged.
Libmob claim such is confrontational and evil.
Nope confrontation helps get to the truth.
Banning opinions doesn’t.
“The executive committee of a local Labour Party has resigned en masse in support of a women’s officer who was allegedly subjected to months of harassment by transgender rights campaigners.”
Virtual school trips to mosques instead of real.
Why is it Mosques that are being pushed? Why not Buddhism which is a smaller minority?
My son was taken on such a trip in Y7, I think. I was not happy about it, but he would have been mortified if I’d refused, and the RE teacher presented the schedule as this: Morning – visit Catholic Church, then, visit Mosque. When they got back, lo and behold, they hadn’t visited the Catholic Church. I don’t believe they ever had any intention, and it was put in to make the day seem more like visiting ‘places of worship’. My son told me that the girls had to go in a separate place in the mosque, wear clothes which covered their arms and legs and weren’t tight, and cover their heads. I would have been livid if I’d had a girl in that visit – was still pretty disgusted to hear that they had to do all that.
Even when it’s in front of the politician’s eyes they can’t see it … Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque {youtube}.
Labour council candidate and “an ordinary British Muslim” says children “brainwashed” “into thinking the bad guy was Hitler”
Says she is another person also named “Naz Shah”
Nasreem, 37.