Diageo Corp women’s median pay is 10% higher than males.
The cause the high paid London office is mostly female whereas men work elsewhere in the country.
The hardest goodbye: Why I left my kids {bbc.co.uk 15nov2017}
Nazifa is pregnant – she and Lateef already have two young children and live in a migrant camp in Greece.
The Afghan couple want their baby to be born in Germany but they only have enough money for one person to travel.
So they decide that Nazifa must leave her family behind and go alone.
“Do European Countries have the right to close the borders to refugees?” @4:20
– Watch this video – the refugees are using smugglers costing €3500.
– Where is the money from?
– Why Germany?
– On what grounds are they asking for asylum in Germany?
– When she gets asylum as a pregnant women she will ask for here family to join her at cost to Germany?
– Who has told her how to play the system?
Zimbabwe has been a God-forsaken country for years now so I am pretty reluctant to draw any parallels with the UK, even when they are drawn from the clear opposites of Zimbabwe’s corruption and poverty and our own relative openness, democracy and wealth, but here goes, from a Zimbabwean exile, as reported by Al Beeb –
“She said that any Zimbabwean under the age of 37 had only known President Mugabe’s rule and ironically it has been younger party members that have been supporting him.
That stunts the imagination.”
I blame our Leftoid schools and universities and their concentration on the odious, murdering, seemingly right-wing Hitler whilst ignoring the equally odious and greater murderer Stalin.
My sons A Level history course a few years back stopped dead on the Nazi Soviet Pact.
They returned to Stalin only when he`d won-and missed out his collusion and carve up of the East, as well as his catastrophic sleepwalking tactics, refusal to see the signs or even read Mein Kampf.
Or had he banned himself from reading it and forgotten to shoot his staff who`d told him?
Lessons presumably had been learned and now time to move on I`m guessing. Very Soviet.
“It matters not if 90% of the Russian people perish so long as 10% bring about a world revolution.”
It was he who set up the Cheka.
There is an excellent (sub-titled) film called “The Chekist” about the continuous executions carried out by the Bolshevik Cheka. It is very realistic and therefore pretty gruesome.
Got to recommend a World Service Documentary on “Illiberal Democracies” that was recently on-on iPlayer anyway.
A masterclass in lefty whining about Viktor Orban and what might the EU do to prevent him hoovering up again in next years election.
Apparently, he`s only allowing one view out from his controlled media. He`s underminng their youth with higher education and Guardian type poppets losing jobs in their “quality broadsheets”. And he`d rather not have George Soros run his countries migration policy, university and EU funded quangos, as well as the Roma Rights campaigns on the Romanian border regions.
Hate crime.
Oh-and no Muslims either, seeing as they`re Merkels and Macrons and not theirs,
How many levels of irony, pots, kettles and shades of black, how much lack of self awareness and hypocrisy geiger counters do you want? Brilliant primer in lefty terrors that cheers us up no end.
Do listen.
And she`s doing Poland next time-they too need EU “re-education” to better implement the “received wisdoms of -er–“Liberal Democracy”.
Bad Poland.
Didn`t a few Poles and solidarity types do big march on Saturday then?…democracy seems pretty healthy there. But , as in Hungary-it`s the wrong kind. Populist and mandated by free elections.
Oh dear-so Soros will fund the US State Trump haters to meddle in Hungarian elections I`m sure. But that isn`t what the Russians are accused of doing?
Er, can we further shut RT up then?
What is £145.50 in roubles-and who do I send it to?
BBC reporting on four school boys raping a school girl. No personal information given, e.g. whether the boys were “Asian” and what religion, if any, they were from.
Why does this sound like either a) a Muslim gang raping a non-Muslim kuffar or b) a “me-me” atheist group of boys in a sexualised culture (perhaps they have been influenced by the BBC newsbeat or BBC three channels that goes on and on about all forms of sex).
But of course, as no details are given by the BBC nor presumably the judicial system – such an in depth analysis of what is going on, and what it tells us about a changing English society, remains unexamined. In my view anonymised details should be given in such cases to help us work out what is going on in our society. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-42000275
Since they are all below the age of 16 anonymity is granted
The Express article back in January says theat 5 school boys were arrested in Workington
So seems charges were dropped against 1
There is a quote in newspapers
\\ Commenting on Tweets sent to a media outlet, the judge said:
“There has been a suggestion that the case involves migrants. But that is not the case.” //
Well that’s daft cos you wouldn’t have any immigrants at school cos they are generally older than 14
but they might well be part of a “migrant or traveller community” or whatever. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/750493/four-teenage-boys-arrested-rape-teenage-girl-workington-cumbria http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-38529605
BBC 6 o’clock News
Leading in with this statement
‘Robert Mugabe is the last of a generation of African politicians whom fought for freedom from the old colonial powers in this place Britain. That role assured him a place in the country’s history.’
I get the Impression they were trying to say whatever problems the country has now, it was much worse then…
Mugabe is also just one in a growing list of African ‘politicians’ who have siphoned off staggering sums into Liechtenstein and similar venues while bankrupting their countries through their ‘political’ expertise.
Who remembers that Nkrumah, the first African president of Ghana, having left what was then still our Empire with all due ceremony, bought himself a solid gold double bed from Harrods as one of his first presidential actions. Of course, others have since made this selfless gesture seem almost penny-pinching.
I SO love it when the BBC reveal their bias almost without realising it.
I switched on the bBBC news channel for the weather forecast.
The headline on the Tickertape was, in terms, ‘ EU concerned about apparent overthrow in Zimbabwe’.
Now whilst I am always delighted to see a Marxist tyrant who has destroyed his country’s economy come to the end, the question here is…..why does the biased BBC choose to prioritise the views of an unelected bureaucracy on the matter?
Well, except of course for the fact that they delight in and support that same bureaucracy!
“UK government funds Matthew Herbert’s Brexit Big Band”
“A musician who wants to tour Europe to heal the “huge divisions” caused by Brexit has been given a grant by the UK Department for International Trade.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41996872
“12 artists sharing £181,944 grant”
Is this a waste of our money? IMHO those ‘artists’ should get a real job.
“Zimbabweans in London: ‘Today a comma not a full stop”
Roughly translated this equates to “There isn’t a hope in Hell that any of us so-called ‘exiles’ are going to leave the cushy number we’ve now got in the UK to return to the sh1t-hole we made of most of Africa”!
They’ll be even more “migrants” (i.e. unwanted Third Worlders) attempting to force their way into Europe and Britain, as more of these elderly African dictators are: deposed; die off or get killed.
Then civil wars break out in the countries formerly under their sway and those who are able flee.
Say what you like but it would seem that by whatever means, and I don’t much care how, Saddam and Gaddafi kept some semblance of order in the Mid East but they had to be removed, with the predictable results. The 9/11 hijackers were Saudis so we bombed Iraq. Makes no sense to me especially given the consequences which are now evident throughout the Western world.
A treat in store next Monday: ‘Labour – The Summer that Changed Everything’.
I wasn’t aware that it had changed anything of any significance, but I’m sure that someone described as ‘film maker’ David Modell will put me straight.
Then again, it’s on BBC2 so the corporation will expect the same audience as the Guardian. More money well spent.
Racist thuggery isn’t new, but this docco focuses almost entirely on that. Intelligent “Alt Right” thinking is new and sweeping the western world, but gets a single brief mention (Trump, Freedom Party, AfD) in a transparent attempt to conflate it with racist thuggery.
Well worth a listen – if your BP can stand it – for the perspective that it reveals.
Today’s talk is that Brexit is a #TwitterRevolution caused by Russian media tricks
..I just found that the person and organisation first accused of facilitating #TwitterRevolution
..was none other than Nazanin and BBC Media Action in the 2009 Iranian uprising
See this Guardian June 2016 screenshot
Article : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/25/iran-holds-web-designer-in-solitary-confinement
That’s hysterical all that talk of Russia Tweets in the US & UK in 2016
..Yet it seems that the BBC actually tried to organise a Twitter revolution in Iran in 2009
Not to say that helping democracy in Iran is a bad thing.
I thought that interference in the internal affairs of other countries was standard political practice among all the major governments of the world. Surprise Surprise. We all live in glass houses now so it’s rather silly to throw stones.
Thought we oldies weren`t able to read Twitter or needed grandkids to work the Facebook. So how come we won Brexit with the Russians sending us subliminal propaganda with the Steradent free vouchers?
Methinks the Fake News Emporium is stuck in the sand again, revving wildly and going nowhere.
Thank goodness Donald is heading home-they reall are deranged without him aren`t they?
News is a ball of wool-and they`re tangled up something fierce.
Did I read somewhere that now we`re leaving the EU the nation is happier than ever?
Maybe so-but sense that nobody but public sector spongiform gets their news from the BBC anymore.
That’s right. The nation is happier then ever since the referendum and to add further to that happiness the BBC has announced it is to make a 2 hour documentary in celebration of this joyous event. It will be an extravaganza featuring all the country’s top celebrities with comments and laughter from members of the public. The final half hour will be given over to a video called “Nigel Farage’s Greatest Hits” featuring the great man himself. I do hope you find time to watch!
Funny you say that Lefty.
I`m thinking of a Brexit Order medal…B.O.
Those shy quite heroes of Brexit who won it for us by their helpful interventions and calm considered building of that necesssary consensus.
To be awarded at Waterloo Station on 30th March at the Julies Pantry sausage roll cabinet.
International Awards Nominees-
a) Barak Obama(USA)
b) Sir Robert Geldof( Cabbage Patch, Clontarf,Ireland)
Lifetime Achievement Awards
a) Anna Soubriquet( Nutts)
b) The Lord and Lady Kinnock of Bedwetty with their Little Price Stephen of Hamlet.
Early Days-but Eddie Izzard is a (high heeled) shoe-in for something.
Have been enjoying the BBC4 repeats of 1984 Top Of The Pops, but I learn there will be no edition tomorrow night because of an appearance by Gary Glitter.
Fair enough you might say, but this annoys me for two reasons, a good episode is consigned to the bin because of the despicable actions of one man, who’s appearance could be simply edited out. But the thing that annoys me the most are the double standards in that in earlier episodes The Special AKA made a number of appearances with ‘Free Nelson Mandella’ featuring a lead singer later convicted of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a 15 year old girl and assaulting another.
I do hope this wasn’t because the BBC didn’t want to miss an opportunity to remind us of their poster boy terrorist Mandella?
Come on Geoff…time to make up a pervs CD for the holidays.
Gary Glitter, Jonathan King , Rolf and all those young bucks of the 60s who made the nation gay for a season.
“Rock and Roll Christmas” on endless loop-tends to bring them into the shop, and I find I can get plenty publicity when the PCSO pops by…nice chap, pretty heels too.
Glitter Bacofoil spacesuit-and now that classic matching tin foiil pirates hat so the Russians don`t get you to vote again.
By God, it`s Gadd!
To avoid upsetting his victims and their relatives.
I think we can compartmentalise book or paintings by perverts
..but to be suddenly be confronted by the smiling face of your rapist in your own home would be upsetting.
The Stan Campbell case is different cos it didn’t get to full sexual assault. The first one got away quickly, the second one got her clothes ripped and then got away .. he went to mental hospital rather than prison. link
Anyone notice how reluctant the bBBC politburo is to criticise comrade Mugabe in Zimbabwe?
Yet it’s another economic triumph of socialism.
I mean, how many countries have had to abandon their own currency?
In 2015 the Zimbabwean dollar became extinct. Years of hyperinflation led to a worthless currency with people taking wheelbarrows full of banknotes to the shop just to buy a loaf of bread. So they decided to use the USD and grant legal tender status to the Pound, Aus Dollar, USD, Euro etc.
And what did we hear on the BBC about that aspect of Mugabe’s record in office? Not a word.
The BBC has supported Mugabe ever since his election to power. You have to remember the history of Rhodesia leading up to its independence and the end of white government assisted by Britains labour loons.
Harold Wilson forced Ian Smith into his UDI unilateral declaration of independence and Wilson made sure the UN declared sanction against them as a result.
Such opposition to Labour was never going to be tolerated by the BBC so naturally they naively proceeded on my enemies enemy is my friend basis.
During the BLiar years when every other country recognised the terror in the country Labour refused to allow White Zimbabwean dispossessed farmers to claim asylum in the UK – unlike every other nationality because Labour HATES white people.
It should therefore come as no surprise that like every other left in Left Wing Denial, when their schemes come to nought they simply drop them as if its nothing to do with them and let someone else clean up the mess while they get one with wrecking something else !
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Diageo Corp women’s median pay is 10% higher than males.
The cause the high paid London office is mostly female whereas men work elsewhere in the country.
The hardest goodbye: Why I left my kids {bbc.co.uk 15nov2017}
Nazifa is pregnant – she and Lateef already have two young children and live in a migrant camp in Greece.
The Afghan couple want their baby to be born in Germany but they only have enough money for one person to travel.
So they decide that Nazifa must leave her family behind and go alone.
“Do European Countries have the right to close the borders to refugees?” @4:20
– Watch this video – the refugees are using smugglers costing €3500.
– Where is the money from?
– Why Germany?
– On what grounds are they asking for asylum in Germany?
– When she gets asylum as a pregnant women she will ask for here family to join her at cost to Germany?
– Who has told her how to play the system?
Zimbabwe has been a God-forsaken country for years now so I am pretty reluctant to draw any parallels with the UK, even when they are drawn from the clear opposites of Zimbabwe’s corruption and poverty and our own relative openness, democracy and wealth, but here goes, from a Zimbabwean exile, as reported by Al Beeb –
“She said that any Zimbabwean under the age of 37 had only known President Mugabe’s rule and ironically it has been younger party members that have been supporting him.
That stunts the imagination.”
I blame our Leftoid schools and universities and their concentration on the odious, murdering, seemingly right-wing Hitler whilst ignoring the equally odious and greater murderer Stalin.
My sons A Level history course a few years back stopped dead on the Nazi Soviet Pact.
They returned to Stalin only when he`d won-and missed out his collusion and carve up of the East, as well as his catastrophic sleepwalking tactics, refusal to see the signs or even read Mein Kampf.
Or had he banned himself from reading it and forgotten to shoot his staff who`d told him?
Lessons presumably had been learned and now time to move on I`m guessing. Very Soviet.
Lenin was equally murderous:
“It matters not if 90% of the Russian people perish so long as 10% bring about a world revolution.”
It was he who set up the Cheka.
There is an excellent (sub-titled) film called “The Chekist” about the continuous executions carried out by the Bolshevik Cheka. It is very realistic and therefore pretty gruesome.
Got to recommend a World Service Documentary on “Illiberal Democracies” that was recently on-on iPlayer anyway.
A masterclass in lefty whining about Viktor Orban and what might the EU do to prevent him hoovering up again in next years election.
Apparently, he`s only allowing one view out from his controlled media. He`s underminng their youth with higher education and Guardian type poppets losing jobs in their “quality broadsheets”. And he`d rather not have George Soros run his countries migration policy, university and EU funded quangos, as well as the Roma Rights campaigns on the Romanian border regions.
Hate crime.
Oh-and no Muslims either, seeing as they`re Merkels and Macrons and not theirs,
How many levels of irony, pots, kettles and shades of black, how much lack of self awareness and hypocrisy geiger counters do you want? Brilliant primer in lefty terrors that cheers us up no end.
Do listen.
And she`s doing Poland next time-they too need EU “re-education” to better implement the “received wisdoms of -er–“Liberal Democracy”.
Bad Poland.
Didn`t a few Poles and solidarity types do big march on Saturday then?…democracy seems pretty healthy there. But , as in Hungary-it`s the wrong kind. Populist and mandated by free elections.
Oh dear-so Soros will fund the US State Trump haters to meddle in Hungarian elections I`m sure. But that isn`t what the Russians are accused of doing?
Er, can we further shut RT up then?
What is £145.50 in roubles-and who do I send it to?
BBC reporting on four school boys raping a school girl. No personal information given, e.g. whether the boys were “Asian” and what religion, if any, they were from.
Why does this sound like either a) a Muslim gang raping a non-Muslim kuffar or b) a “me-me” atheist group of boys in a sexualised culture (perhaps they have been influenced by the BBC newsbeat or BBC three channels that goes on and on about all forms of sex).
But of course, as no details are given by the BBC nor presumably the judicial system – such an in depth analysis of what is going on, and what it tells us about a changing English society, remains unexamined. In my view anonymised details should be given in such cases to help us work out what is going on in our society.
Since they are all below the age of 16 anonymity is granted
The Express article back in January says theat 5 school boys were arrested in Workington
So seems charges were dropped against 1
There is a quote in newspapers
\\ Commenting on Tweets sent to a media outlet, the judge said:
“There has been a suggestion that the case involves migrants. But that is not the case.” //
Well that’s daft cos you wouldn’t have any immigrants at school cos they are generally older than 14
but they might well be part of a “migrant or traveller community” or whatever.
BBC 6 o’clock News
Leading in with this statement
‘Robert Mugabe is the last of a generation of African politicians whom fought for freedom from the old colonial powers in this place Britain. That role assured him a place in the country’s history.’
I get the Impression they were trying to say whatever problems the country has now, it was much worse then…
Mugabe is also just one in a growing list of African ‘politicians’ who have siphoned off staggering sums into Liechtenstein and similar venues while bankrupting their countries through their ‘political’ expertise.
Who remembers that Nkrumah, the first African president of Ghana, having left what was then still our Empire with all due ceremony, bought himself a solid gold double bed from Harrods as one of his first presidential actions. Of course, others have since made this selfless gesture seem almost penny-pinching.
I SO love it when the BBC reveal their bias almost without realising it.
I switched on the bBBC news channel for the weather forecast.
The headline on the Tickertape was, in terms, ‘ EU concerned about apparent overthrow in Zimbabwe’.
Now whilst I am always delighted to see a Marxist tyrant who has destroyed his country’s economy come to the end, the question here is…..why does the biased BBC choose to prioritise the views of an unelected bureaucracy on the matter?
Well, except of course for the fact that they delight in and support that same bureaucracy!
“UK government funds Matthew Herbert’s Brexit Big Band”
“A musician who wants to tour Europe to heal the “huge divisions” caused by Brexit has been given a grant by the UK Department for International Trade.”
“12 artists sharing £181,944 grant”
Is this a waste of our money? IMHO those ‘artists’ should get a real job.
“Zimbabweans in London: ‘Today a comma not a full stop”
Will this mean more asylum seekers? We are full up now.
Is Parliament listening ? Do our MPs look at this site ?…………………
“Zimbabweans in London: ‘Today a comma not a full stop”
Roughly translated this equates to “There isn’t a hope in Hell that any of us so-called ‘exiles’ are going to leave the cushy number we’ve now got in the UK to return to the sh1t-hole we made of most of Africa”!
Richard D
Perhaps the UK government could provide–er – an “incentive”?
They’ll be even more “migrants” (i.e. unwanted Third Worlders) attempting to force their way into Europe and Britain, as more of these elderly African dictators are: deposed; die off or get killed.
Then civil wars break out in the countries formerly under their sway and those who are able flee.
Al Shubtill
But, but, what about this promise?………………………
Say what you like but it would seem that by whatever means, and I don’t much care how, Saddam and Gaddafi kept some semblance of order in the Mid East but they had to be removed, with the predictable results. The 9/11 hijackers were Saudis so we bombed Iraq. Makes no sense to me especially given the consequences which are now evident throughout the Western world.
A treat in store next Monday: ‘Labour – The Summer that Changed Everything’.
I wasn’t aware that it had changed anything of any significance, but I’m sure that someone described as ‘film maker’ David Modell will put me straight.
Then again, it’s on BBC2 so the corporation will expect the same audience as the Guardian. More money well spent.
Certainly, their pets at Grenfell Towers got an upgrade. Apart from that-what else happened?
BBC wishful thinking.
Yesterday’s BBC R4 File on Four: “What’s new about the Far Right?”
Racist thuggery isn’t new, but this docco focuses almost entirely on that. Intelligent “Alt Right” thinking is new and sweeping the western world, but gets a single brief mention (Trump, Freedom Party, AfD) in a transparent attempt to conflate it with racist thuggery.
Well worth a listen – if your BP can stand it – for the perspective that it reveals.
Today’s talk is that Brexit is a #TwitterRevolution caused by Russian media tricks

..I just found that the person and organisation first accused of facilitating #TwitterRevolution
..was none other than Nazanin and BBC Media Action in the 2009 Iranian uprising
See this Guardian June 2016 screenshot
Article : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/25/iran-holds-web-designer-in-solitary-confinement
That’s hysterical all that talk of Russia Tweets in the US & UK in 2016
..Yet it seems that the BBC actually tried to organise a Twitter revolution in Iran in 2009
Not to say that helping democracy in Iran is a bad thing.
I thought that interference in the internal affairs of other countries was standard political practice among all the major governments of the world. Surprise Surprise. We all live in glass houses now so it’s rather silly to throw stones.
Thought we oldies weren`t able to read Twitter or needed grandkids to work the Facebook. So how come we won Brexit with the Russians sending us subliminal propaganda with the Steradent free vouchers?
Methinks the Fake News Emporium is stuck in the sand again, revving wildly and going nowhere.
Thank goodness Donald is heading home-they reall are deranged without him aren`t they?
News is a ball of wool-and they`re tangled up something fierce.
Did I read somewhere that now we`re leaving the EU the nation is happier than ever?
Maybe so-but sense that nobody but public sector spongiform gets their news from the BBC anymore.
That’s right. The nation is happier then ever since the referendum and to add further to that happiness the BBC has announced it is to make a 2 hour documentary in celebration of this joyous event. It will be an extravaganza featuring all the country’s top celebrities with comments and laughter from members of the public. The final half hour will be given over to a video called “Nigel Farage’s Greatest Hits” featuring the great man himself. I do hope you find time to watch!
Funny you say that Lefty.
I`m thinking of a Brexit Order medal…B.O.
Those shy quite heroes of Brexit who won it for us by their helpful interventions and calm considered building of that necesssary consensus.
To be awarded at Waterloo Station on 30th March at the Julies Pantry sausage roll cabinet.
International Awards Nominees-
a) Barak Obama(USA)
b) Sir Robert Geldof( Cabbage Patch, Clontarf,Ireland)
Lifetime Achievement Awards
a) Anna Soubriquet( Nutts)
b) The Lord and Lady Kinnock of Bedwetty with their Little Price Stephen of Hamlet.
Early Days-but Eddie Izzard is a (high heeled) shoe-in for something.
Have been enjoying the BBC4 repeats of 1984 Top Of The Pops, but I learn there will be no edition tomorrow night because of an appearance by Gary Glitter.
Fair enough you might say, but this annoys me for two reasons, a good episode is consigned to the bin because of the despicable actions of one man, who’s appearance could be simply edited out. But the thing that annoys me the most are the double standards in that in earlier episodes The Special AKA made a number of appearances with ‘Free Nelson Mandella’ featuring a lead singer later convicted of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a 15 year old girl and assaulting another.
I do hope this wasn’t because the BBC didn’t want to miss an opportunity to remind us of their poster boy terrorist Mandella?
Edit for some reason the link is broke, just highlight it and paste it the address bar.
Come on Geoff…time to make up a pervs CD for the holidays.
Gary Glitter, Jonathan King , Rolf and all those young bucks of the 60s who made the nation gay for a season.
“Rock and Roll Christmas” on endless loop-tends to bring them into the shop, and I find I can get plenty publicity when the PCSO pops by…nice chap, pretty heels too.
Glitter Bacofoil spacesuit-and now that classic matching tin foiil pirates hat so the Russians don`t get you to vote again.
By God, it`s Gadd!
Pervs On-45 they really twist your mind
Bethany Hughs on BBC4 now is talking about how Ancient Greeks said desire can be so intense people can’t control themselves.
Why should Gary Glitter’s appearance be edited out?
Precisely, but I’m guessing possibly he gets paid royalties ?
To avoid upsetting his victims and their relatives.
I think we can compartmentalise book or paintings by perverts
..but to be suddenly be confronted by the smiling face of your rapist in your own home would be upsetting.
The Stan Campbell case is different cos it didn’t get to full sexual assault. The first one got away quickly, the second one got her clothes ripped and then got away .. he went to mental hospital rather than prison.
Anyone notice how reluctant the bBBC politburo is to criticise comrade Mugabe in Zimbabwe?
Yet it’s another economic triumph of socialism.
I mean, how many countries have had to abandon their own currency?
In 2015 the Zimbabwean dollar became extinct. Years of hyperinflation led to a worthless currency with people taking wheelbarrows full of banknotes to the shop just to buy a loaf of bread. So they decided to use the USD and grant legal tender status to the Pound, Aus Dollar, USD, Euro etc.
And what did we hear on the BBC about that aspect of Mugabe’s record in office? Not a word.
Whitey baity crap.
File under Castro.
The BBC has supported Mugabe ever since his election to power. You have to remember the history of Rhodesia leading up to its independence and the end of white government assisted by Britains labour loons.
Harold Wilson forced Ian Smith into his UDI unilateral declaration of independence and Wilson made sure the UN declared sanction against them as a result.
Such opposition to Labour was never going to be tolerated by the BBC so naturally they naively proceeded on my enemies enemy is my friend basis.
During the BLiar years when every other country recognised the terror in the country Labour refused to allow White Zimbabwean dispossessed farmers to claim asylum in the UK – unlike every other nationality because Labour HATES white people.
It should therefore come as no surprise that like every other left in Left Wing Denial, when their schemes come to nought they simply drop them as if its nothing to do with them and let someone else clean up the mess while they get one with wrecking something else !