Just lie back and think of the EU Anna…and don’t worry the BBC’s working on the fix……May out, Corbyn in and Britain’s problems will be over….coz we won’t be ‘Britain’ anymore…..just a region of the EU being milked of its riches to pay for the failed states that only joined to get the freebies…and of course keeping the unelected Eurocrats in the style to which they have become accustomed….and no doubt richly deserve.
If anyone should spot, in the unlikely event that it should occur, any BBC bias propagandising on behalf of the EU superstate please note it here…..tick tock tick tock….Brexit is coming and they’re getting a little bit frantic…..the rules will go out the window and all effort and resources will be targeted at stopping it impartiality be damned….they think themselves untouchable or that Corbyn will ride to the rescue…he might but there will be a price to pay….CBC…..having said that it’s pretty much there already.
Note the bias here….
No…..Me first…..sorry Fred had to do it.
@Fred You’re not even second
@Fred – nor even third. You have my condolences for the tragic condition you now find yourself in.
Midweek Open Thread By Alan | November 15, 2017 | BBC bias
Last Comment …
“The BBC has supported Mugabe ever since his election to power. You have to remember the history of Rhodesia leading up to its independence and the end of white government assisted by Britains labour loons.
Harold Wilson forced Ian Smith into his UDI unilateral declaration of independence and Wilson made sure the UN declared sanction against them as a result.
Such opposition to Labour was never going to be tolerated by the BBC so naturally they naively proceeded on my enemies enemy is my friend basis.
During the BLiar years when every other country recognised the terror in the country Labour refused to allow White Zimbabwean dispossessed farmers to claim asylum in the UK – unlike every other nationality because Labour HATES white people.
It should therefore come as no surprise that like every other left in Left Wing Denial, when their schemes come to nought they simply drop them as if its nothing to do with them and let someone else clean up the mess while they get one with wrecking something else !”
– Thoughtful November 16, 2017 at 11:42 am
The thing is, having sold its soul to Satan, it made perfect sense for Labour not to allow white Zimbabweans to claim political asylum. What are the chances of white Zimbabweans voting Labour? Close to nil I’d think. All the other refugees and asylum seekers form a reliable voting bloc for Labour, once those postal votes are sorted out.
When you realise that mass third world immigration is a way for leftist parties to import new voters, it all begins to make sense. Leftists care nothing for the country, its indigenous people of its proud past, all they care about is getting the votes of their third word incomers. That is why a leftist such as Ms Dent Coad thought nothing of launching a foul racist diatribe against a black man who had the temerity to be a Conservative. As far as she was concerned, he was a traitor, so the normal rules do not apply.
Third world immigration = votes for left wing parties. It’s a simple as that.
“Third world immigration = votes for left wing parties. It’s a simple as that.”
So why do the Conservatives not recognise this and prevent it?
Because they are stupid, spineless fellow travellers?
Because, when given the resources of the Home Office, and a government promise to cut immigration to less that 100,000 per year, they spectacularly fail, year after year after year?
Because they are useless.
Because Theresa May.
If Fred wanted to be first then he should be recognised as first. Its a question of emotions and how we feel. Moreover with Diane Abbottmath the number three can be swopped for one.
Stop bitchin… ooh, said the wrong thing.
Just watched part 2 of Rick Stein’s ‘Road to Mexico’, a prog about travel and food.
But the BBC had to spoil it by having USA orange grower saying how he couldn’t pick his crop without Mexican immigrants, and Rick said Cornwall couldn’t manage without European immigrants.
Aren’t Cornwall always moaning about high unemployment?
The bloody BBC have got to ruin every prog with their biased politics.
Who`s going to gather the pasty harvest now?
Fake blogs and tweets to the Food Programme and Tom(Uriner) Heap.
Oh the humanity.
Rick Stein is a complete CNUT!!! He also said that Grimsby (where I live) could manage without any fishing fleet or fcuking fish!!! He is a complete twat and I can honestly say that my eldest lad Jake is a far better seafood chef than him….. When he was still at College he won the UK National Seafoood Championship after coming second the year before…..
Also Rick Stein employs mostly migrant labor and has lived mainly in Australia for the last few years….. Everything the BBC puts out these days has an `a-gender` now….. and I expect it to get worse as we get closer to March 2019….. The damage they`re doing to our national interests doesn`t seem to matter to them as they constantly attempt to deride the president of the USA and those who voted for him, they seem to forget that he is in fact the son of a British mother…. Let`s not forget that Churchill was also born to parents of both nations too….. I no longer believe anything the BBC say…
There are too many celebrity chefs on the airwaves IMO. All advising us to cook over-spiced “cheeky-little” food. All on a mission to save us from our “bland” British palate. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
There should only be one TV chef, Keith Floyd, and as he has gone to the other world we should have none. Apart from repeats of Mr Floyd. Totally agree with your ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
The USA orange (tangerine) grower was supposedly a former lawyer and so should have realised it’s only illegal immigrants that the Donald wants to ban. So I assume he was only using illegal labour.
Rick Stein could have pointed that out but didn’t.
He was actually crying when he kept repeating “it’s just dumb” when referring to the proposed control of illegal immigration. Rick Stein could also have pointed out that we have an MP, Anna Soubry who, along with her mother and daughter also cried their eyes out the morning after the Brexit vote and he thinks she’s pathetic as well.
In fact I claim all places from here to one million. Tee hee!
Fred-a glory hunting hog!
The Leicester City of bloggers.
Children! Children! Please. I have a headache.
Stubby Fred, what you have to do is a spot of slipstreamlingering, behind one of Lobbie’s claws or Brissles’ bristles (and I did spell that correctly!) or Deborahanother’s others, then at the very first moment (similar to a last one but different) you swing out, with the foot still on the gas and get a first post (similar to a first place but different) but remember, something witty helps. Don’t just post ‘Me first!’ or even ‘Me, first?’ or ‘Yippee!’.
We like a bit of class.
[Oowwww! Done the same cheek again. Youch. Gonna hurt all the way through lunch now.] 🙁
Actually I am first because I consider this post to be position ally fluid. You can call it a “trans” post if you like.
If none of you like it tough. I demand that Alan moves my post to first position (call it positional re-assignment) . If this is not done I consider that it infringes my human rights and therefore I will not hesitate to take the required legal action.
Oak, LOL x 5! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Turned on BBC4 to watch Simon Armitage on the trail of Odysseus through the Greek Islands. It was OK, a bit underwhelming given the raw material. Or perhaps I was just seething while trying to relax and enjoy it, after catching two trailers for forthcoming programmes.
One began with a Carol Ann Duffy “poem” bleating about cathedrals and mosques. The voiceover then STATED that ours was “a divided country” and that our nation was “a work in progress”. Wh-a-at? This kind of insidious assumption and politicising is just sickeningly typical of the BBC. Says who? Why say it?
But even worse, another glorious trailer for a prog on BBC2 on Monday night: Labour – The Summer that Changed Everything. Voiceover stirring (in all senses) for the excitement that Corbyn’s crowd “won”, images of Momentum style young activists.
Will any other party get the same breathless puff? Will they heck. Will the BBC report that Labour’s young snowflakes have not a coherent argument between them? Not holding my breath.
BBC is completely out of control now. No wonder more and more sane and rational people step away from the remote and go and do something less biased instead.
Link to Mondays TV prog honouring Saint Corbyn
Prepare to be amazed and dazzled by the powerful televisual revelation which defines a 55 seat deficit as a ‘narrow loss’. We certainly live in interesting times, do we not?
The bias has never been more brazen and shameless. Their only bias, as Prick Robinson says, is “against understanding.”
That’s just it. It leaves rational, clear-thinking people with a sense that reason and logic – even good and evil – have been turned on their head.
It’s almost as if it were designed to unsettle the more intelligent and traditionalist.
Stella “One began with a Carol Ann Duffy “poem” bleating about cathedrals and mosques. The voiceover then STATED that ours was “a divided country” and that our nation was “a work in progress”. Wh-a-at? This kind of insidious assumption and politicising is just sickeningly typical of the BBC. Says who? Why say it?”
It appears now to be getting beyond relentless. When will the mass of listeners get fed up with it & quit?
I wonder ….
U2S, Purely anecdotal evidence, but many once faithful BBC listeners and viewers tell me they have indeed switched off. Thinking (knowing) that the BBC puts out rabidly left-wing rubbish is a more and more mainstream view.
The difficulty is that too many people let the news and views wash over them, and end up with a soggy impression of what they are told, without questioning it. Whereas we are forensic about the language the BBC uses, and the casual assertions.
It does seem as if the constantly repeated trailers (now even more annoying than ads on commercial channels, because at least there is a clear reason for those) with their repeated drops of BBC poison and division are being used as a kind of subliminal tool. Or have they sent me crazy already??
People using the off switch isn’t going to be in the news…. I certainly turn stuff off now which I used to let go – any political stuff except stuff with Brillo in it. Never watch a whole al Beeb news.
As for radio – where do I stop? There is no comedy – news quiz, Westminster hour, now show , even from our correspondent is infested with the al Beeb doctrine . I’ve never been fond of ‘celebrities’ but instead “talent’ – which is rare these days.
Taking all of that into account I’m glad I don’t won’t pat their licence tax.
The BBC/Guardian axis depends very much on providing a soggy impression of what they churn out. Like so many pseudo intellectuals – the climate change lobby epitomises the group-think – they believe that the majority of their audience is insufficiently bright to effectively analyse and will simply absorb without, as you say, questioning the information.
Essentially they write and produce to please themselves, basking in one another’s assumed reflected glory.
Oh yes. I have long thought that the BBC blob were more concerned about what their friends and neighbours in West London would say at the next dinner party than they were about broadcasting unpalatable truths. Or even covering certain issues in case the “wrong” picture started to emerge.
Funny that reporters are saying today about the Old Vic/Spacey scandal that the trouble was hidden for so long because there was a culture that made speaking out against the grain very difficult. Hey, BBC, can you see any parallels here – any at all?
Within a brief passage of time such as the Spacey/Weinstein etc etc etc scenarios might well become defined as savilling, savillation and to saville. Outside of the BBC of course, and after suitable amendment of the Gill statue. I wonder if Reith knew? I wonder if Reith…..?
Saw some woman called Varah( a good name amongst the luvvies) outside the Old Vic reading a script about Kevin Spacey and how sorry she was for paying him those eleven years where he did his thing with all manner of youthful boys.
He should not have been allowed to go before he had shown the staff how to emote and say sorry to camera-for the Old Vic, she was shit.
More acting lessons please Ms Varah. What a woodentop!
It’s all getting rather surreal now. Ok, even more surreal.
There is BBC Media Editor Amol, like an adenoidal East East End cut price Bob Hoskins in tie and braces, podcasting across Twitter and Facebook ‘what is pretty clear’ (to him, based mainly on ‘belief’) about reds under the bed and how awful it is to try and sway other countries.
And he is getting a tsunami of mostly polite factual correction, counter view and apparent actual news to him back, which he and the BBC are dealing with by the time honoured BBC tactic of ignoring it and telling their BS yet again, often enough, using a £4bpa propaganda machine.
So far, so normal, if still venal.
But the weird part is the BBC Kool Aid Chorus line who, despite being handed facts and links, also simply ignore it all and churn out mantras about pet boogey topics to rousing ‘Amens’ from the cheap seats.
And if cornered, ‘bot!’ seems now the new ‘racist!’, as pod people channel their linguistically lean Katty Kay ‘debating’ points.
Same with the ongoing Persian saga, with new, earlier context emerging, and more positive signs from the FoSec and hapless husband working together to get the woman released.
Yet all the BBC and its groupies seem capable of is yet more ‘Fire Boris’ pitchfork editorial and firebrand Twitter mob chorus in support, seemingly totally oblivious to anything other than their nasty, narrow focuses.
The BBC and its audience really do deserve each other, but it beats me why the rest of the country has to pay for it, in financial and other costly ways.
That all said, Mrs. May and her Merry Men do little to inspire much confidence in grasping the basic principles of negotiation across the board:
Due to political correctness the UK refuses to stand up to 3rd rate nations. Because of the likes of the child rapists at the bBC we are force fed a diet of nasty British, poor Islamic terrorists who don’t want to kill us all.
Me, I’d tell the Iranians to keep this woman, she only came to the uk in 2007 , still keeps her Iranian passport. Maybe yhat will send the message to all these dual citzenships folks that they shouldn’t return to their motherlands hoping a British passport will keep them safe,
There should, as Enoch Powell believed, be no such thing as “dual nationality”, it creates the potential for dual allegiance.
Isn’t that just paying ransom money to terrorists?
Amol’s Russia video on the R4 Facebook page
Tx for that.
And when he says ‘do we have the technology to deal with this?’ I wonder what, and who, he has in mind?
Oh, and now the BBC nighttime teething squad have a new line of attack: Water-gate.
Katty Kay may even run to a four letter word ‘report’ on this ‘report’ once she has done her roots.
r/The_Donald reply…
Top Kek. We really do have the best memes don’t we?
McDonnell was audibly drying out on the TOADY Prog with Mishal at 8.10am and I felt for the poor bloke. The cruel Beeboids should have noticed and slid a cup of water in his direction. It would have given Mishal a chance to get an edge in, wordways.
Quick link back to last open thread
Wake up !
We haven’t heard from you for some time. Where are you ?
My suspicions have been confirmed. Why provide a news service when you believe that nothing ‘offensive’ should ever be discussed? It is like a footballer saying he refuses to kick footballs. Just shut the whole news organisation down – there are plenty of alternatives available. They could give all their spare money to Muslim charities or other pet issues they profess to care so much about.
Taff – I’m the night watch waiting for our maxi to do his “ hey Alan – you’re just a …….( fill in insult according to taste)…come on maxi we re waiting for your views on the pro Brexit al Beeb bias…..
He must be asleep ?
Thanks taff –
I’m disappointed not to engage our friend – although she /he ignores people making comments and only addresses Alan. Any way I’m of too the land of noo noo so maybe next time maxi
Might Maxi and Alan be one and the same person? I`ve got a dreadlock wig and could blag some weed-and would be delighted to bring Maxi and Alan up on stage in the middle of “Brexodus-Movement of Jah pimple”. Here to help, mi Babble On n t`ing!
“Social housing: Ministers move debt to boost building”
“Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said “big thinking” was required to remedy the “many faults” in the market.”
Yes Mr Javid, how about controlling immigration ?
Some information on Amol Rajan:
Suggests he is culturally a Hindu, but since the age of 15 an atheist. How does this compare to BBC’s overall pro-Islam, anti-Hindu stance?
He went to a comprehensive school. Read English at Cambridge. In 2013, aged 29, he became the “first non-white editor of a national newspaper” when his Independent appointment was announced (although that claim is disputed) …
He seems to be an extremely ambitious individual in terms of progressing his own personal career – including using identity politics (affirmative action – diversity quotas?) – such as making the claim of being the first non-white blah blah blah …
Broadcasting – he is obviously being groomed for the Humph seat on Toady for when Humph goes off to do the HRH naughtie role of wandering around being inclusive and muticult.
Australia has just voted ‘Yes’ to gay marriage in a postal survey. The NYC Empire State building lit up in rainbow colours as a celebration. Can I assume BBC headquarters has been similarly illuminated?
The vote was 62% ‘Yes’ to 38% ‘No’. However, there was a 73.9% ‘Hell, no!’ from a large ethnically enriched district of my city, Sydney. It includes the strongly Islamic suburb of Auburn. I fear some left-liberal heads may explode at the realisation that their favourite groups aren’t best pals.
Our media, celebrities and politicians have pushed this cause relentlessly, and are now orgasmic. ( I think the only one to put the alternative view noticeably was a pilot who created ‘Vote no!’ in sky-writing over Sydney.)
The celebs didn’t have it all their own way, however. The CEO of Qantas airways, Alan Joyce, came out in favour of ‘marriage equality’. An opponent shoved a lemon meringue pie in his face at a public meeting. Every TV news station showed a spluttering Joyce wiping lemon curd from his glasses and spitting out egg white.
From Australia to Zimbabwe in the one news bulleting last night.
An A-Z that is rarely seen.
The BBC seem delighted to see that Comrade Bob has signed up to the Gay Marriage agander-and that a crisis of poor parking has suddenly hit Queensland. Might Twitter that into the BBC, I`m sure they`ll fall for it.
Think the idiot lids need on the media need to get a stamp album and see where these countries are-one long charity white water rafting for them these days.
Gay marriage meets Islam Helana?
Could I marry a few people using polygamy-and have a couple of both sexes and none to balance my whims and needs?
Would that bring together Muslims and gays I ask myself? You`re ten hours ahead over there-let me know how it works out,and I`ll shout ot from Regents Park Mosque tommorw instead of that prayer guff they`re fond of. No…my pleasure, don`t mention it!
“Providing creative solutions to big problems since 1987″…
A female colleague made a really snide comment yesterday.
“I don’t like paying for anything. That’s what men are for.”
Women may be judged on their looks, but they judge men on how much they earn. It explains the problem of millions of men just checking out of society to play computer games et cetera; as well as the high suicide rate amongst men. They know that if they do not have money, attractive women will not be interested in them; they might as well have no penis. This is a massive, growing problem about which ‘equalities’ professionals are silent, preferring instead to discuss gender pronouns and imagined ‘phobias.’
I note how many feminists who whine publicly about the ‘pay gap’ are married to high-earning men. Don’t they feel oppressed having all that extra money coming into their joint bank accounts? Why not marry a road sweeper, would that not be the ultimate sign of female empowerment – to proudly say you earn ten times what your husband earns? And why don’t the female superheroes rescue these sad and isolated men? Buy them dinner and fancy man bags, sweep them off their feet like a female Dr Who?
Of course none of that will ever happen, which shows what dishonest garbage modern feminism is.
“I don’t like paying for anything. That’s what men are for.” Sounds like a wind-up to me!
Perhaps your colleagues know more about you than you realise and are having a joke on you? It sounds like the sort of workplace banter that would be banned at the BBC!
@Max how cruel you ‘Victim Blamer’
as Libmob would say.
Poor @BeebBrother probably needs to take a few paid days off cos if the stress from the atmosphere of intimidation.
Then when sackeded he can sue for constructive dismissal due to sexism.
Ha, maybe! She is a right bitch, though. I am sure she meant it.
Imagine saying she should be disciplined or fired for saying something that annoyed me. I guess I was a bit offended by what she said, but I would never question her right to say it. This transgender activist has been trying to get another woman fired because she has a different opinion to her. Insanity!
I do hope Beeb it was just you feeling grumpy yesterday. I went to a concert last night and when asked for the tickets replied, ‘I have my husband to carry heavy things like tickets’ (it was an A4 size piece of paper). It was a joke, hope your colleague’s remark was too.
But I agree about Left wing feminists, champagne socialists, who want equality for everybody else as long as it doesn’t affect their lives.
One wouldn’t, as a rule, mock BBC breakfast presenter Charlie Stayt for telling us a 500-year-old painting of Christ sold in New York for a record $450m was painted by Leonardo DiCaprio – easy slip of the tongue, right?
But it is hard to be well disposed toward these over-paid celebrity-obsessed BBC bods when they are the front behind which the corporation serves up a daily agenda-led diet of Brexit doom and gloom.
This morning it is Mrs Balls Yvette Cooper (“Britain must not give in to false promise of Leave campaign” April 2016) presented by the BBC and our Charlie as though she were some neutral dispassionate technocrat : “cross-party group of MPs”
Brexit could represent a real Renaissance for Britain – if only the Remainers and their mouthpiece the BBC would shut up and get over their defeat.
Exactly. I felt a real surge of patriotism the morning we won. So exciting! We are the masters of our fate, the captains of our soul! The evil empire has been defeated! They could create such enthusiasm and positivity if they wanted to.
Imagine if they decided to use all their power to bully the EU like they bully us. We must have so much power in the negotiations. How much stronger could we be with our national broadcaster sneering at the EU, mocking them as pathetic orphans asking for a bit more money? They could do one hell of a propaghanda job for us had they not turned to the dark side.
AISI, Stayt should not worry too much; I think I heard Ritula Shah describe Robert Mugabe as the world’s longest serving Head of State on R4 last night.
How is Corbyn’s admiration for Chavez and his disastrous socialist experiment with Venuzuela not news?
This goes direct to the most fundamental interest of the British people: their ability to work and buy stuff in a viable economy. And Corbyn’s obvious intent to do a Venuzuela should be the biggest news story on a 24/7 loop.
But from the BBC…..crickets.
Don’t they realize that they and their children will suffer too? What is it stupidity, blindness?
How many times does it have to not work for them to realise it is a bad idea?
Venezuela defaulted on the interest payments on their debt earlier this week, but it’d be hard to tell from the output of the world’s most envied news broadcaster.
Imagine if they had, in the studio, a person well placed to comment on Socialism, economics and said country?
Just imagine.
What, the BBC did not report on Venezuela going bust? Impossible!
And they are always so keen to cover Corbyn, surely they would like to remind us exactly what he said about Venezuela and socialism instead of leaving it to a helpful Conservative Party video:
“There is a different and a better way of doing things. It’s called socialism, and it’s something that Venezuela has made a big step towards.”
Now compare what Corbyn said with what President Trump said back in September during his address to the UN:
In case you don’t wish to view the video, this is the killer sentence: “The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented.”
Trump has absolutely trumpled Corbyn on this one!
“Don’t tell me black cover models don’t sell – editors have the power to change cultural perceptions”
Nosheen Iqbal
Containing large photograph of Naomi Campbell. Consisting of a purported critique of Alexandra Shulman.
Summary for busy people.
Muzzie criticises Jew for insufficient publicity for black people in the grand crusade to air brush white people from history. Men first.
“Change cultural perceptions” = more propaganda please.
I wonder how much longer the 1922 editor will be portrayed on the “facts are sacred” page. Best to replace him with Mrs Mugabe.
It appears that our government is prepared to pay 450 million ( a debt apparently ) to get Nazarin Ratcliffe back.
Clearly there is far more to this story now than we ever realized.
Spy ?
Toady Watch
The shadow chancellor – you know – the one who wants to abolish mi5 and 6 and threw a little red book in the commons – him – had a nice chat with meeshallll the work experience ethnic girl –
I suppose someone in al beeb talks to a friend in labour hq and fixs the interview to be as soft as possible . Mcdonald has been on a course to try to sound nicer . The old mcdonald will turn up if they get power – god help us
Those refugees fleeing for their lives here… The ones that pop back annual hols?
That could work out pricey at £450M a pop if various regimes look at cause and effect.
I await the smart comments about ‘money trees’ and May suddenly being able to find the cash……as per DUP deal. Not a bad deal though is it?….£90 million for each year she is sentenced to…and saves the Iranians the trouble of keeping her. We owe the money to the Iranians apparently…maybe we should give it, on behalf of the apologetic Iranians, to the Americans instead…as compensation for their embassy and the year the staff spent as hostages?
Always amazes me when the talking heads demand we put diplomatic pressure on Iran, this will solve it they say…..a regime that took the US embassy and continues to snub its nose at the world as it secretly develops nuclear weapons and which armed and supported the Taliban and AQ in Iraq and Afghanistan? Yep….they’ll take a lot of notice of Boris trotting over there……only if they think it is in their interest, and they will decide that.
Paying a ransome to terrorists.
Let her stay there. Who in their right mind would want to go to that shit hole?
Jerry Owen
A spy? Now come on, get real man. We all know that a real spy always enters the target country wearing a cloak and holding a dagger or goes in disguised as an Ugly Sister or a Muslim.
Just think how many new knees and hips £450 million could buy for us old and stupid white people. This would enable us to walk to our polling booths for years to come and vote for the interests of OUR country.
Socialist Beeb cheerleading the demand for more building and borrowing
Social housing: Ministers move debt to boost building
Strange that the article doesn’t (as always) want to address the demand side of the equation, particularly interesting as Migration Watch has just come out with a solid report showing “90% of additional households in England have been headed by someone born abroad”. 90%!!!!!!!
Chukka Ummoommo, that towering intellect of the Labour party, always says “I am not going to blame immigrants” when asked about the impact of uncontrolled mass immigration on demand for housing.
Turning what is essentially a matter of arithmetic into a moral issue is simply obfuscation. Chukka is not bright enough to have thought of this as a rhetorical tactic so, like the Hackney Hippo whose grasp of numbers is rudimentary, he probably does not understand what net annual immigration of 300,000 means.
Big number + big number = big number. If you cut immigration you still have “big number” so Chukka arithmetic tells you cutting immigration won’t have any effect at all.
No one ever includes the capital cost of providing housing for immigrants in the cost/benefit analysis.
nobody ever seems to want to answer some simple questions either
what is the maximum number of people the uk can actually hold?
when we get to that maximum what are we going to do then?
I’ve just thought of one answer to the lefties who claim that immigration, legal or illegal, has absolutely no effect on housing, schooling or the NHS. If there is no effect on any of these vital functions, then surely all new houses can only be given to British Nationals, all hospital beds and doctors’ appointments should only be given to British nationals and all new school places should only be given to the children of British nationals.
If there is no effect on any of these by immigration then the needs of the immigrants are being dealt with by other means, clearly.
Toady watch 2
5 minutes at the end of this shabby nonsense talking about replacing Gladstone with John snow in some educational establishment in scouse land
The students probably think they are voting for the character out of that Game of Moans thing on Sky .
They got that top left John snow on to glory in his glory and our Justin just had a quality luvvy luv inn- astonishing
They’ll be campaigning about banning the display of instruments of torture like the crucifix next
499 days to brexit .
I bet they loved that – a quick history lesson, thus avoiding the hate facts of the present reality, then a virtue-signalling wank fest. Why can’t liberals do something useful with their time, like pick up litter, drive buses – anything REAL and useful? Tearing down a statue just creates more work and hassle and will never change history.
Snow at least revealed how “connected” he is. Grandfather was WWI general, father is/was a bishop.
No doubt all his offspring are infesting the medja or have become “special advisers” somewhere.
The US and their fair share of nonsense –
Good comment in Guido I thought?
“We must remember that whilst many people do come on sites like Guido,other Polictical sites etc, the vast majority do not. They are the mostly decent people who believe they are up to date with News, because they believe what they hear on the Radio, see on TV etc. entitled as News. We only know the real level of deciet going on because we talk to each other and learn from each other or at the very least see comments that make us think. When you draw someones attention to even one discrepency it makes them think. Problem is many don’t really talk to each other about these things.”
While exposed to the less than attractive features of Roger Harrabin on Breakfast, I realised what an immense debt the man owes to the absurdity of ‘climate change’ – the new world religio-science which by definition and if ever made effective and viable can only result in severely penalising the poorest.
Without this band-waggon to provide fame and fortune, what possible role in life might he have aspired to?
Can fly tip ANYTHING into climate change.
One big lime green con of a suggestion box.
Should be treading the boards this season as everybodys Baron Hardup.
Personally, I rather like it
Latest news saying the “lost” British explorer found and seeking rescue.
Could you lay odds on his first interview being along these lines…………..” i, I was so deeply in thought , in the woods, thinking about the damage of Brexit that I wandered off ……confused and traumatized…………..
“What will I do when Uncle Juncker is no longer taking my money with menaces and letting me have a pittance back for my travels on condition I tell everyone how wonderful the EU is…oh, woe…”
If the thought of all that extra dosh in your bank account is too daunting for you to handle just push some my way. I’m sure I’ll put it to good use and it will free you from the stress of it all. We both win.xx
Do you think Soubrys a better boozer than Juncker?
Pure English phlegm as opposed to the clueless phlegmish hologram?
I`d watch it on It`s a Knock Out if they`d bring that back….Stuart hall is available I`m thinking!
I see the bBbc are labelling the shenanigans in Zimbabwe as the ‘Zimbabwe Crisis’.
If I can muster any real interest I might delve deeper, but I wonder in what way the situation in this country is any more critical than usual. I also can’t help but notice the concerned tone being used in reporting matters in a country usually reported about with a shrug of resignation and without the contempt it deserves, especially when dealing with the issues of the murder of whites and the obvious corruption in politics. Are we supposed to have some sort of sympathy for Robert Mugabe?
Plenty of real crises bBbc, perhaps without so many opportunities for hypothetical supposition, such as Yemen and Myanmar which could be more honestly reported without attempting to sensationalise a situation which is at the minute a constitutional matter in a pariah state.
But it IS a crisis-if you`re the BBC that is.
Don`t forget the lefty drop down menu that makes mountains out of phrases like “lone wolf” “mental issues” etc. And-of course “alleged” and “so called”( as in Islamic State/Daesh etc). So when the Zimbabwe army tell the BBC that “this is NOT a coup…repeat NOT a coup”?
then the BBCs heads are utterly scrambled.
Dare we say other?…do we say it is? What`s a coup as opposed to revolution, or a Spring, an incident or an exuberant gathering of veterans for example?
Hence the BBCs repeated meltdowns and verbiage that clearly says it`s not what it looks like-but it looks like a coup, as we remember Pinochet and Jack Straw.
As always-it`s all about the BBC and its perpetual narrative, Harare is just the backdrop and theatre of dreams for them. Fake News and nobbled commentary that fails to fit what the BBC are sure it all is. Collars and cuffs don`t match-sound and vision in contention.
The BBC are confused-as they were with Trumps tweet where he said that Kim was NOT short and fat, but the BBC said that he`d said that…utter confusuion, blame the Russkis. The BBC used to do journalism once.
My Coup-ca-choo…one of Alvins best.
And Alvin compared to Elvis 68 is very much what the BBC now is to real news.
Enjoy the laughter and untied shoelaces and Brian Rix farces as they scramble to the whirlybirds…a joke I tells ya!
A queasy ride again for the BBC flagships that are only pedalos. Their sea sickness comes when they`re unbalanced and unhinged-what they see on the horizon does not match what they`re feeling in their water.
I`d have said “in their guts” if they had any.
It will be the Chinese who decide the Zimbabwe outcome. They virtually own Africa.
BBC world service shared a video on its FB page
‘Climate change caused Irma damage’
It’s OK cos we are only quoting somebody ..kindof
New story has the video
Their old FB in Sept
Bottom line : Would there have been similar hurricanes in the Caribbean in pre-industrial age ?
Was Donald Trump responsible for their damage?
Amazingly, because I always expect censorship, the answer to that question is answered tomorrow at 7pm on Channel 4.
If you read the TV listings it says “Historical documents reveal that no Hurricane has been as deadly as the Great Hurricane of 1780, which killed almost 28,000 people in the Caribbean.
This is evidence that Channel 4 is not subject to the same level of Censorship training as the BBC.
Rob seems beside himself. Boom!
Bet he gets two Twitter ticks. Boom boom!
Oops, correction, seems not.
He’s therefore in good company, apparently.
One might ask why the trusted and transparent BBC is running a story about de-verifying accounts based mostly on singular non-shared ideological direction.
But that most likely would be at best an exempted question or banning.
The BBC don’t do irony well.
Word Search: Islam x 0; Muslim x 0; far-left x0; Far-right accounts lose Twitter verified tick {bbc.co.uk 16nov2017}
‘The new guidelines say verified status can be lost if a person breaks Twitter’s rules or “promotes hate” on the basis of “race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease”.
It said behaviour both on and off Twitter would be taken into account.
Mr Kessler suggested Twitter had changed its rules to “censor” his views, while Mr Robinson said Twitter now classed the truth as “hate speech”.’
– Is “promotes hate” also called “promotes debate”?
– Surely if the badge is taken away they have to give reasons or is this just a blasphemy law?
– How can the offender stop offending if they aren’t told what the offence is?
You might think it strange that a 20,000 strong, £4Bpa, supposedly professional news medium might itself first wonder and maybe even ask why just ‘far right’, when other extremism flavours are available, rather than simply taking a twitter press release and passing it off as news.
But then you might recall this is the bbc, so not strange at all.
Just ‘unique’.
21 minutes ago … on the BBC £3.5bn home page? NO!
On the BBC £3.5bn main news section? NO!
On the BBC £3.5bn England section? NO!
You have to dig into the region section and then into ‘Leeds & West Yorkshire’ to find that Labour candidate Nasreen Khan dropped ‘for anti-Semitism’ {bbc.co.uk 16nov2017@12:00}
‘The BBC has contacted Ms Khan for comment. Labour said it “condemns all anti-Semitism in the strongest possible terms”.’
I mentioned her here yesterday
See how she has the same name
“Naz Shah” abbreviated from Nasarin
My previous comment
I noticed that, it’s hard to search for people and articles when the name keeps changing .. Naz or Naz Sha or Nasreen Khan or Nasreen “Naz” Khan or Nasreem or Nasarin?
BBC: ‘The party removed Ms Khan after investigating claims reported on the Jewish News website about comments it said she posted on Facebook in 2012.’
Dropped? While the BBC might wish to imply that Labour have stepped up to the plate and taken action, that’s not what Guido is reporting;
Guido: ‘Nasreen Khan resigned from the Labour Party last night ahead of a meeting to probe her anti-Semitic social media posts. Bradford Labour sources tell Guido she tendered her resignation a few hours before the showdown, allowing the party to get away without kicking her off the shortlist or imposing any sanctions. Members are asking why she wasn’t kicked out…
21 minutes is a long time in bbc Labour crisis management.
Who knows what vital story editorial integrity may have clearly identified as priority?
No doubt accurate mythical female warrior kit is a tricky thing to pin down. Femen clearly now prefers the saggy udders head turner. As did Glenda on bbc 2 back in the day.
Maybe Grayson and Mary Beard could team up and investigate the warrior class of Planet Loon?
‘Gaga, There’s More to The Burqa Than A Stage Prop {mideastposts 07sep2013}
“Finally, the most important thing that Gaga can do is talk to Muslim women who wear a hijab (headscarf), burqa or niqab. Although the mainstream media has painted a picture of oppression and helplessness, we are intelligent, strong, secure and very capable of speaking for ourselves.
It’s my hope that the singer will take the feelings and opinions of many Muslim women to heart and respond in a way that allows for meaningful dialogue and alliance.”
So which libmob people have been exposed today for old racist/sexist tweets ?
Editor of Gay Times etc.
Josh Rivers’ old tweets have surfaced, which have been called transphobic, sexist and anti-Semitic.
More Here
Couldn`t there be some kind of amnesty where old tweets and blogs can get handed into a police (or BBC local) station? And the perps rechipped and reset to factory?
And then we could draw a line under it all and move on.
Over to you Harvey, Gary, Ted…and then they might shut up about Hillsborough and Grenfell Towers, Orgreave and Lee Harvey Oswald.
I mean Harman defended pervs back in the 70s…so should we give them all a 50 year holiday to round it up?
chrisH, that’s a brilliant idea. Old Twits as well. Could retire a few Beeboids and luvvies that way.
(Sir) Bob, for example?
If you turn all your bathroom taps full on eventually you will have leaks coming through the ceiling.
What do you do?
Put pans down to collect the water, increasing the number of pans as the water flow increases to try and control the water pouring down
Turn the taps off.
We are seeing people on the tv telling us that we must build more and more houses to solve the ‘housing crisis’
Debates about building on green sites and the like.
Nobody yet has ever mentioned the unwanted, not voted for, mass immigration.
Why not?
Turn the taps off, don’t cover this green and pleasant land in houses and infrastructure.
These people coming on the tv and spouting off about building more and more, I thought they were supposed to have at least some basic intelligence.
Turn the taps off, don’t cover this green and pleasant land in houses and infrastructure.
Didn’t the BBC report last week that almost none of our land is other than green & pleasant?
More good news for the Government: EU migrants still pouring into the UK “record” highs.
I say, ‘good news’ because it is obvious that the Government had no intention whatever to reduce the numbers to the, “tens of thousands”.
if HMG does cave in and pay the EU bribe we need to get the cash back from EU nationals staying in the UK. The British people should not be punished by the EU and it’s own politicians for seeing the light and pulling out .
499 to go ( I’m gonna put the count down on all my posts from now – hoping and wishing ). Wanna see soubry and Clegg when we take that yellow star back from their meaningless flag.
Correction – it’s actually 498 days but 348 days until the end of negotiations on 31st Oct which the EU laid down .
Even if this false log jam of the bribe ( in al beeb language – divorce bill) is overcome then how can movement of trade, labour and services be resolved in that time ? And it’s pantomime season coming up…
G, aah but, so but, what about but, no but?
That premier news organisation, that gets everything totally & scrupulously correct all the time (maxincony, where are you?) has been telling me at regular intervals from summer 2016 onward that EU workers have been leaving the UK in droves since the result of the EU Referendum was known.
Even Kamal Ahmed and Simon Jack were puzzled, yesterday, at the economic news that revealed that unemployment and the rate of employment had both fallen. Neither, it seems, had realised that, again, the UK workforce had expanded substantially.
Beeb website stating that all the Grenfell Towers bodies have been identified. All apparently “hideously white” according to accompanying pictures, so that’s alright then
Radio4 had to trot out Lord Peter Hain (yes, ANOTHER Socialist ‘Lord’) on Zimbabwe last night. (Were I a socialist, I should be embarrassed to be ‘your Lordship’ – a mightier than thou egalitarian!) He personifies all that is wrong with the naïve Left:
He was elated when Mugabe took over. Thrilled! Then, what A SURPRISE!!! Things went bad. There were no hints, of course: not the bayoneting of nuns, the murder of civilians, the lust for power, etc. None of these things were clues of what was to come. It took the Matabele massacre to cause one sleepy Hainian eyelid to pop open slightly.
After all, Mugabe was a Christian Marxist! He had said so himself, innit? Good enough, what? All decent chaps, those Bolsheviks. After all, they say they are, so they must be! And chucking Whitey out, why that was another big plus. The other Hainian eyelid only popped open when what was left of whitey got chucked off the land and the breadbasket turned into a basket case.
But Hain is a BBC favourite, wheeled out on every possible occasion, to bless us with his wisdom. Is he saying anything about the RACIST Zuma taking South Africa the same way as Zimbabwe? Well, with two sleepy socialist eyelids now open, he HAS spotted some money-laundering. But the targets are essentially British companies and British based banks. Musn’t say anything about Zuma of ‘Kill the Boer, kill the farmer’ singing fame. Or the brutal murder and torture of thousands of farmers since ’94. Or the massive corruption going on in SA – the ‘State captutre’?
Could these not be teensy-weensy clues? A tiny little hint of another breadbasket in danger of becoming a basket case? Two little eyelids popping wide open at the thought that Zimbabwe might hold a lesson? Naw, after all another great freedom fighter will take over in Zim. One E Managagwa, also of Zanu PF. Proving democracy works.
And as for SA, we’ve done ‘No scrum with a racist bum’ and dropped flour bombs onto rugby fields. Surely that’s enough? And isn’t SA full of freedom fighters? Busy liberating and liberating. Malema on the bonnet of his Mercedes proclaiming: ‘Kill the whites, but not yet!’ What lovely chaps they are. No hate speech there. Nothing for anyone in ermine to worry about.
Radio4 had to trot out Lord Peter Hain (yes, ANOTHER Socialist ‘Lord’) on Zimbabwe last night. (Were I a socialist, I should be embarrassed to be ‘your Lordship’ – a mightier than thou egalitarian!) He personifies all that is wrong with the naïve Left:
He was elated when Mugabe took over. Thrilled! Then, what A SURPRISE!!! Things went bad. There were no hints, of course: not the bayoneting of nuns, the murder of civilians, the lust for power, etc. None of these things were clues of what was to come. It took the Matabele massacre to cause one sleepy Hainian eyelid to pop open slightly.
After all, Mugabe was a Christian Marxist! He had said so himself, innit? Good enough, what? All decent chaps, those Bolsheviks. After all, they say they are, so they must be! And chucking Whitey out, why that was another big plus. The other Hainian eyelid only popped open when what was left of whitey got chucked off the land and the breadbasket turned into a basket case.
But Hain is a BBC favourite, wheeled out on every possible occasion, to bless us with his wisdom. Is he saying anything about the RACIST Zuma taking South Africa the same way as Zimbabwe? Well, with two sleepy socialist eyelids now open, he HAS spotted some money-laundering. But the targets are essentially British companies and British based banks. Musn’t say anything about Zuma of ‘Kill the Boer, kill the farmer’ singing fame. Or the brutal murder and torture of thousands of farmers since ’94. Or the massive corruption going on in SA – the ‘State captutre’?
Could these not be teensy-weensy clues? A tiny little hint of another breadbasket in danger of becoming a basket case? Two little eyelids popping wide open at the thought that Zimbabwe might hold a lesson? Naw, after all another great freedom fighter will take over in Zim. One E Managagwa, also of Zanu PF. Proving democracy works.
And as for SA, we’ve done ‘No scrum with a racist bum’ and dropped flour bombs onto rugby fields. Surely that’s enough? And isn’t SA full of freedom fighters? Busy liberating and liberating. Malema on the bonnet of his Mercedes proclaiming: ‘Kill the whites, but not yet!’ What lovely chaps they are. No hate speech there. Nothing for anyone in ermine to worry about.
Ah yes. The exalted Peter Hain. There was a time when I actually thought that he was one of the good guys. However since the onset of my “insanity” I have begun to think. Apparently, according to Saint Pete, it was quite legitimate for a black man to want to rid HIS country of whites but it is now totally unacceptable for a white man to want to rid HIS country of blacks. I can’t help but see this as racism on his part and I’m wondering now if maybe it is not me that is insane after all but that Mr Hain is a self hating white man who could benefit from a trip to the local psychiatrist.
Wasn’t it Hain, who once said that Western civilization hadn’t produced anything of value?
I don’t know but in my opinion that charge could certainly be leveled at him. That is unless preventing a cricket match is considered something of value.
Five-year-old Qais lost a friend in the Grenfell Tower fire. Now he and others affected by the blaze are being offered holidays in Cornwall to recuperate. {bbc.co.uk – facebook – 16nov2017}
Where DOES the North begin? The North/South divide is under scrutiny again … interesting .. where does the Muslim and non-Muslim divide begin … on the road to Mecca?
It is inevitable that the BBC will cover this as the smirking left wing press already has.
Tommy Robinson has lost his ‘blue tick’ on Twitter which has apparently been withdrawn from people the left wing hate propaganda site consider ‘right wing’.
This is how the BBC currently view the blue tick:
What they won’t tell you is that the Saudi Prince Alwaleed currently under arrest for suspected fraud has a massive stake in Twitter (as well as Murdochs News Corp) and those investments come with the caveat that Islam is promoted and criticism is not allowed.
So it appears that Twitter is acting in compliance with its owners, because as Tommy Robinson pointed out, that they have removed his blue tick, yet have not removed it from known Muslim terrorists.
Quelle Surprise !
\\ So basically the blue tick is to verify that you hold the approved opinions – ?//
Twitter laughing stock, cos people will be able to point at Lib/left who have tweeted antisemitism/racism yet still have white tick
Now TWO TIER free speech
– lib/left get white tick protecting them from impersonation
– none-lib nationalists denied similar protection
Earlier I was watching a BBC News person talking about the “housing crisis” & the reasons for it, all the while I’m silently shouting “why not mention immigration?”
I have just now come across a quote from Bertrand Russell who, not surprisingly, puts it more elequently
“thought is not free if all the arguments on one side of a controversy are perpetually presented as attractively as possible, while the arguments on the other side can only be discovered by diligent search.”
NISA…I think there is a chorus singing along with you…It is amazing that it isn’t raised as the underlying issue..
Link to tweet of that Bertrand Russell quote
Perv watch
#1 Derbyshire cricketer Shiv Thakor convicted
His defence for flashing at 2 women is he wouldn’t have done it because he’s sexually satisfied by his 16 year old girlfriend. Not sure admitting you’re a borderline paedophile is much of a defenceDerbyshire cricketer
#2 Dr Mohammed Ilsan 9 month suspension over sexual conversions with 2 vulnerable patients in Wakefield
“Ibtihaj Muhammad holds a Barbie doll in her likeness”
The doll has light blue eyes, but Ibtihaj doesn’t.
Saudi say they want moderate Islam.
Turkey says moderate Islam does not exist.
Saudi (Islam Sunni) are fighting Iran (Islam Shia) in Yemen (56% Sunni Muslim and Shia muslim 44%).
The above does not link Islam with Peace when looking at the Majority Muslim Countries.
– We need to stop using the term Religion of Peace, even in irony. Can Hindus now claim the title ‘Religion of Peace’?
These figures are based on what? Hindus have killed 2,050? What about all the Axis troops killed during the Second World War by Hindu soldiers. And I’m pretty sure that Catholic soldiers in the First and Second World Wars must have killed quite a few Axis troops, as well. Just referring to this to show that the figures aren’t exactly kosher. And why no mention of Protestants?
And even though I hae me doots about Islam being the religion of peace, 600 million seems a bit on the high side. The figures couldn’t have come from a pro-Hindu, anti-Moslem source, could they?
BBC Press Office @bbcpress “Even with our eyes closed, it’s good to know the public trusts BBC News more than the Sun.” {twitter @bbcpress 16nov2017}
* BBC 57%
* Itv 11%
* Sun 0.3%
* Sky 5%
Public perceptions of the impartiality and trustworthiness of the BBC – November 2017 {bbc.co.uk 02nov2017}
Isn’t that somewhat of a loaded question? “Most likely to turn to” is bound to be the BBC given is ubiquity and the print media being varied & to be paid for (payment for the BBC being made just so you have a use for the screen in the parlour)
I see what you are saying – ONE source you trust the most – but surely to have a good idea of what is being said and to compare you would go to multiple sources.
Are the statistics broken down by by political allegiance? Interesting that 6% said NONE!
I have an idea that graphic may be the BBC being the devious BBC again in that the figure for themselves comes from Cardiff University Journalistic studies, which works hand in hand with them. The other figures are taken from another survey altogther. I am saying this because it has been flagged up before when they tried this stunt.
Also, the question is carefully worded:
Of all the news sources (TV broadcaster, radio, newspaper, magazine or website), which ONE source
are you most likely to turn to for news you trust the most?
People will obviously go to their newspaper of choice, ie the one they regularly read, thus the broadsheets, which have low readership levels, will get very low marks. 75% of people in the UK get their news from the BBC, so they will turn to the BBC for news, giving the BBC high levels.
Thats about the same proportions as market share, expenditure, and number of journalists !
Boris Becker £50m in debt bankrupt says he no longer feels German and will continue to live in London Link
How’s that fit with immigrants only make a country richer meme ?
Not news so BBC will report it Hospital sent sexist letter