The sorry truth is that the virus of anti-Semitism has infected the British Muslim community
It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It’s our dirty little secret. You could call it the banality of Muslim anti-Semitism.
Mehdi Hasan
The BBC seems quite happy to try and keep a lid on any idea that a Muslim might have anti-Semitic ideas, especially one in the Labour Party and a big fan of Corbyn.
Nasreen Khan has resigned from the Labour Party and the BBC has tucked the story away on the Leeds local page just as you had to go to the London page to find this….Emma Dent Coad MP (Labour) apologises over ‘racist blog post’.
However remember the highly publicised fury at Kevin Myers who made a hash of trying to praise what he said was Jewish peoples’ characteristic of striving hard to be successful and he was crucified for it…and sacked.
And if you say…well Khan’s only trying to be a councillor think what the BBC did to UKIP councillor Rozanne Duncan in the run up to the Brexit referendum…they concocted a hatchet job programme about UKIP and months before it was due to go on air [timed to run as near as possible to the referendum] they leaked out that a UKIP councillor had made outrageously racist remarks, she hadn’t, but that didn’t stop the BBC allowing her to be absolutely monstered by the usual suspects for months on end and labelled a racist.
One rule for Corbyn’s fanclub, another for white males working for right-leaning papers.
That story about Nasreem’s FB comments was in yesterday’s Times
Labour council candidate called herself “an ordinary British Muslim”
and said children “brainwashed” “into thinking the bad guy was Hitler”
It said that by coincidence her name Nasreem Shah is also abbreviated to “Naz Shah”
This BBC story has NOT been retweeted by a mass of Beeboids
BBC LooK North Leeds did retweet it
..and journo from @jewishnewsuk also retweeted it.
Dozens of Beeboids and media luvvies retweeted Emm Barnett’s hit gotcha piece against Kevin Myers
Emma Barnetts last tweet is one celebrating HnH NON-victory in the libel courts against Farage
Her previous tweets are about the danger of Brexit
and one praising the “Rescue refugees” charity
Why would BBC Leeds play down this Labour Muslim being racist story ?
well cos they are busy with today’s other stories like
– the Labour Muslim Lord Mayor woman going on trial for corruption and resigning
– 3 Muslim men have been jailed following inquiry into historical sex abuse in Rotherham.
“Sajid Ali, 38, Zaheer Iqbal, 40, and Riaz Makhmood, 39, were convicted of a total of 15 counts of indecent assault on a teenage girl”
– 1 white guy child rapist Steven Fraser jailed for 9 years for Sheffield abuse
So that’s what 1400 years of inbreeding looks like.
Labours endemic and metastasing anti-Semitism is the gift that keeps on giving. No church can now get away with reflexly backing the Stalinist, Jew baiting Corbyn and his sinister mates(all male too, so sexist as well).
First mention of this to the church members and they run like rabbits. There is NO defence for Corbyns Labour Party in 21st Century Britain, as far as any Christian is concerned.
When one does pop up, go for the “Jesus The Jew” angle-watch them squirm, blush and reveal their own hatred of Jews, exasperation with Israel for not rolling over for Hamas. That way lies hell-someone always needs to tell them too.
The Labour Party is free of antisemitism Baroness Chakrabarti proved it.
@GolfCharlie said
\\ The BBC investigates its own impartiality
Will the BBC ask Baroness Chakrabarti to be an independent overseer to the process?
She is an expert on impartiality and how to avoid it. //
“…think what the BBC did to UKIP councillor Rozanne Duncan… they leaked out that a UKIP councillor had made outrageously racist remarks, she hadn’t…”
Rozanne Duncan,
“The only people I do have a problem with are negros. I really do have a problem with people with negoid features… A friend of mine said; ‘what would you do if I invited you to a dinner and I put you next to [a negro]?’ I said I wouldn’t be there. As simple as that. I wouldn’t be there.”
Nothing racist about that is there? She just doesn’t like negros. She just wouldn’t sit next to a negro at dinner. Not racist at all…
If anybody needed any further evidence that you are a clown, Alan; this proves it beyond all reasonable doubt.
Hello Max.
You seem to have left out (by accident I assume), the rest of this lady’s comments, whereby she said that she knew her prejudice made no sense, and that it was her problem, not theirs. I know this, because I bothered to watch the programme.
The lady in question was not a professional politician, nor was she well educated. She realised that her prejudice made no sense. If she had been media savvy, she would have kept it to herself, but she made the mistake of being honest.
Now, how do you explain the educated, left wing Labour MP Emma Dent Coad calling a black man “ghetto boy” for daring to be a Conservative? Her actions seem to me to be motivated by hatred towards a black man who does not fit her racial stereotype, but maybe you have a better explanation?
Anyway, have a nice day, and good luck in your never ending search for right wing bias on the BBC. I am looking forward to your findings with great interest.