Whilst the BBC is still holding back on reporting that Corbyn is ‘more dangerous than a hard Brexit’ to the economy they have this important piece of news…..
Prime minister’s convoy goes wrong way at roundabout
The prime minister is filmed by a passer-by taking an alternative route to work as she leaves her Berkshire home.
The Metropolitan Police said they will often close roads for people under their protection as it helps officers get to their locations safely.
Nice that they broadcast a film that pretty much gives away where the PM lives in her own home.
I noticed this. As somebody who has driven in convoy all over the world, the object of the lesson is to stay together (within spacing). I am also a C-IED instructor and the message I try to pass across regards convoy movements is:
Do not allow yourself to be channelled, especially at choke points (yes the above is an oxymoron) The roundabout was/is a choke point and if they had stuck to the normal parameters of the highway code, then they would have not only all bunched together (Target) but run the risk of being broken up by other roadusers. Then there was the next junction just feet away which would have broken up the convoy even more.. In this day of age of V-IED, roadside bombs, suicide idiots and idiots packing anti-tank weapons, your best defence is to keep moving . By crossing the roundabout as quick as possible the PMs convoy reduces the risk to the PM and inconveniences the road user the least . Yet the message the bbC promotes is :
1) Why has the PM got a police escort?
2) The Tories, don’t abide to the laws of the land.
At a stroke the bBC continues to alienate the PM from the Masses, in which to ensure that a loss of faith is imprinted in the masses, thus allowing Labour to get in by the backdoor, cancel brexit and start building their liberal Utopia where the white citizens of the UK are made to pay for everything that is wrong in the world.
The bBC, the biggest bunch of traitors the UK has ever seen. paid for by you.
Superbly, put, Pounce.
Pounce –
I won’t pay for al beeb . I just can’t on conscience . This sort of reporting strengthens my view. I give the tax to charity instead – dementia UK – which I promote .
The police must be able to ignore any traffic sign it wants . The security of key targets of Isis and others must be protected .
If I was Stella Creasy I’d be worried.
Normally a Labour gob fiat out lying would get a courteous pass, but as Nick seems to have dug a hole, the others may need to throw her into it so the wheels on the bus can keep going round and round.
This reminds me of the ‘shock and awe’ bombing whereby we gave Iraq three days warning we were going to bomb them.
Only a liberal self loathing ideology would give the enemy your plans, it’s a guilt thing!
Somehow I expect that as I walk into town there won’t be a commotion and I will stop on the pavement ( sidewalk ) and use the Green Cross Code . I will be saying excuse me as I make my way into the newsagents .
When I drive later on I will be abiding by the Highway Code and Road Traffic Acts , in particular regard to traffic lights and roundabouts .
If I was the Prime Minister of course there would be a difference .
Well the Beeb is reporting that “UK banks could handle ‘disorderly Brexit’ ”
Remember that this is coming from Remainiac Carney, so this is quite something, but of course when the Beeb gets to grip with it in its “analysis” its not good news at all!!!!
Dont remember either seeing a report by the Beeb about WTO chief Roberto Azevedo commets that “‘No EU-UK deal? It is not the end of the world’ . I wonder why,….seems increasingly in the UK’s interest to go for quick clean Brexit.
“about WTO chief Roberto Azevedo commets that “‘No EU-UK deal? It is not the end of the world’ ”
Remember how the UK population were calling on “the mountains to fall on us” at midnight. 2000 AD.
I take no notice of all the scare-mongering!
The prime minister is filmed by a passer-by taking an alternative route to work as she leaves her Berkshire home.
The Metropolitan Police said they will often close roads for people under their protection as it helps officers get to their locations safely.
This is the kind of insidious reporting that the BBC excels at. Drip, drip, drip. It’s bleedin obvious given the terrorist threat in the UK that protection of senior figures in government is paramount.
Anyone who thinks the BBC doesn’t have an agenda should read ‘1984’.
Which has got me thinking: why is there never any modern day reference on the BBC to ‘Animal Farm’, given what a ground breaking satire it was at the time?
So. Just as Treezer and Co. pull another genius move out of the Brexit hat to screw the pooch again, another of Jezza’s Shad cab of all the vipers joins the sisterhood.
We welcome Tulip Siddiq to a growing and impressive roster of certifiably insane Labour governesses in waiting.
I’d be impressed, but this is my family’s future.