This blog will be staying open for the foreseeable future #duetoBrexit and the complete certainty, #duetoBrexit, that the BBC will be pumping out relentless bias relentlessly…list it all here….
Do I get to be second it I reply to the first ? We must be told.
I hope the government hands over all the reports on the impact of Brexit on Blighty. It will be most helpful to the EU to see Blighty s hand and take full advantage in the negotiations leading , hopefully , to no deal and no payment of 50 billion sterling to that foreign organisation
We can do a one for one of Eu citizens in uk for those British people in the EU. I reckon that means deporting about a million EU citizens or giving the chance of buying residence. I’m getting fed up with the conduct of both the EU and remainers so this should not be forgotten .
[ After you, gents, but here’s a proper post … 😉 ]
When Greeks Flew Kites – Sunday 26 November 2017 BBC Radio 4 1.30pm
‘Broadcaster and acclaimed historical novelist Sarah Dunant, delves into the past to help frame the present.’ Unfortunately, this programme followed the present day concerns of FakeNews and FalseNews mentioned – again – by the BBC on The World This Weekend immediately preceeding and earlier News & Current Affairs programming on both Sunday and Saturday.
Even more unfortunately, after the opening she used for the most recent episode – a gory rape – Sarah Dunant followed with a fiction presented as fact: the Temperance Movement began in the United States in the late 19th century. She then followed up with what many people would regard as an outright lie: she claimed the Temperance Movement was started by women in the USA. I am no historian but even I know the Temperance Movement was started by men, both in the UK and the USA, and much earlier than suggested by Sarah Dunant.
Forget FalseNews and FakeNews. You do not need it when some of the so-called ‘historian’ favourites of the BBC get going on the BBC ‘with axes to grind’.
These are used more frequently now as the BBC know they can get away without even having to justify their lies because few people who know the reality complain.
The fact that the BBC and leftys in general are getting hysterical about Brexit, confirms in my mind that we are getting out not a moment too soon.
One more election cycle, and we would be locked in for good. Two things have seriously thwarted the smooth take over of the West by Marxist leftists (disguised as caring liberals). They had thought that they could destroy capitalism, using the USSR as a launch pad. That didn’t work. Eastern European countries are now so anti-Marxist, one can get beaten up if one mentions them positively in Poland or Hungary.
What is heartening is that even the slightest mention of Brexit or Trump gets the IPhone/Samsung8 bearing anti-capitalists( re: Peterson), frothing at the mouth .
@Up2, I seem to have dropped down a bit.
I bet she watched The Halelujah Trail as a kid and thought it was a documentary. Loved it myself full of great actors having a whale of a time in a comedy that wouldn’t be made made today, too full of non PC stereotypes.
Mrs Kitty, I found The Hallelujah Trail a few months ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s from 1965 but it is still very funny and it was well acted.
I would like to recommend it to anyone who is feeling a bit down or low. Wonderful theme music, lovely silly plot. Great actors alright and great scenery.
Not that its very important, but you are right. The Temperance movements in America and Britain were started by men – church leaders mainly.
This is marxist feminist, mainly marxist propaganda and appropriation. The marxists cannot abide that the foundation of Western civilisation is Christianity. To destroy Western civilisation/capitalism, the goal of marxists, they know in their gut that they have to destroy Christian faith in the West. They hate being reminded that Marxist atheist philosophy was responsible for the greatest genocides in history. But then Solzhynetsin, Dostoyevski, Jung, etal did warn us.
The last few days, I have been listening extensively to Gordon Peterson. He is bloody brilliant. He is ripping through the marxist indoctrination re-education camps, known as Humanities departments, in Western universities, like a hurricane. He is hard headed, with clear cold steel logic, which appeals to the masculine mind. He has both Sam Harris and Dawkins, on the run. Feminists eventually end up appealing to him to be kind and generous. Please please.
Thanks to the person who referred him a few days back. Many many thanks
NCBBC, yes, Communists/Marxists/Leninists/Trotskyists/Maoists/Anarchists have hi-jacked all sorts of movements or even initiated them as shelters for their real plans. That is one of the worrying aspects of the EU. We have seen how quick the EU’s rafts of leadership (including the elected national Leaders) adopt certain policies without digging into the motivations behind them. Suddenly, the ‘camel’ has not just ‘his nose’ in the ‘tent’!
Just a quick typo correction: do you mean Jordan Peterson? Yes, I am aware of his stand against the ‘ist’ madness. You can see how easy it would be – if we stayed in the EU – how we might wake up one day in 2025 and discover certain words are banned in Member State territories.
Jordan Peterson is not surprised that 90% of his audience are men – young men.
The lack of an identifiable and compelling path forward and the denialism these kids are being fed on a daily basis is undoubtedly destroying them and that is especially true of the young men.’
At this point, to my astonishment, Peterson begins to weep. He talks through his tears for the next several minutes. ‘Every time I talk about this, it breaks me up,’ he says. ‘The message I’ve been delivering is, “Find the heaviest weight you can and pick it up. And that will make you strong. You’re not who you could be. And who you could be is worthwhile.”’
They’re so starving for that message. Young men are so desperate for a pathway that they are dying for it. And it’s heart-breaking and terrible that this idea has been kept from them. It is a malevolent conspiracy or ignorance to keep that from young men. Some of the young men who come to my lectures are desperately hanging on every word because I am telling them that they are sinful, and insufficient, and deceitful and contemptible in their current form, but that they could be far more than that, and that the world NEEDS THAT. This presents an ideal that can be approached and life without that is intolerable. It’s just meaningless suffering and that’s true if you have all the cake you can eat and all the girls you can have one-night stands with.’ Peterson composes himself. The tears are patently sincere — his sincerity probably defines him more than any other quality. It is rare to come across a public figure so lacking in artifice or conscious self-presentation.
Whether he will be finally destroyed by the forces that oppose him — which is entirely possible — or continue to gather followers at the current remarkable rate is open to question. He will be publishing a new book in January 2018, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (Penguin Random House Canada) — and this may be what lodges him firmly in the popular imagination.
I have watched dozens of the videos Peterson has posted — they are addictive — and I am coming to the conclusion that I am probably watching one of the most important thinkers to emerge on the world stage for many years. Peterson is quite likely to find himself outshining the rogue Marxist Slavoj Zizek — whose concerns about free speech he shares — as the celebrity academic de nos jours.
Its manifest, that in the last three decades, governments have responded to female electoral majority by programs that favour women and girls. Girts are given preference over far more qualified young men. In TV, adverts and a whole gamut of media, men are portrayed as dumb and boorish., while the smart woman helps him. This is what is destroying men, and will destroy our civilisation, as we are overwhelmed by men who suffer no such debilitation. Our feminised state will simply not be able to withstand the brute aggression of Islamic men, supported by their women. It will surrender.
In the article, a quote from Prof Peterson with reference to his belief in Christianity” ‘I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.’
This reminded me St Paul, Ephesians 3:9
and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. 10His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms..
I believe we are witnessing some thing really profound and shattering. The world will break him eventually, as it tried to break Jesus Christ by nailing him to the cross.
Its ‘slit your throat time’ at the bBBC.
Prince Harry gets engaged to Meghan Markle. I didnt even know she was ‘mixed race’.
But on Newshite we have to endure a tortured session about this seminal moment for the Mixed Race situation in the modern age, described by Emily ‘Tottie’ Maitlis as being ‘extremely difficult’. Not for me, luv. The sourfaced, unsmiling, humourless, earnest, dour, mixed race studio guests were the most archetypal leftwing feminists you could possibly imagine. Simply dreadful.
Pass the razor blades.
Sluff, give up telly. Your life will improve at much more than the rate of £150 per annum. Convince Mrs S that she will be happier, too. Go for it!
There’s a very good chance that when the LF income falls to a level that really worries the BBC bosses that they might just take a hard look at themselves and reform. For the Beeb it’s reform or bust. Bit like the EU …..
Absoluteyly no chance of reform. If the LF drops it will simply become subsumed into general taxation. The so-called license fee will be abolished to great false cheering and the BBC will get ever increasing funding from Westminster.
Aside from mixed race issue, I would have thought it was more newsworthy to mention that most of Ms Markle’s relations have filed for bankruptcy in recent years. Harry has ‘spoken’ to his future father-in-law several times but has yet to meet him ! apparently he’s in hiding in Mexico having accrued several debts he cannot pay. I would have thought it was Jackpot time in the Markle household ! and no doubt the Palace courtiers are having an attack of the vapours at what else will come out of the woodwork.
As for the wedding being sometime in May – that’s no doubt provisionary in case old Phil falls off the perch in the meantime.
Labour and the Alt-Left would never let that happen. It would mean that as soon as Labour were in power, there would be no hint of independence of the BBC and part of C4. The public would be entitled to assume that the BBC was left-biased.
Labour and the Alt-Left really do need that veneer of BBC independence, even though they now hate the high salaries being paid to the people at the top. It would also create a doctrinal crisis for them over that very thing.
It really got up my nose..Absolutely crap. One of my daughters in law is mixed race and nobody ever says anything about it or ever even thinks about it.
This is 2017 and about time our Emily grew up. Identity politics is all the BBC has left as the cheerleader for the progressives.
We should just wish the young couple the best and have done with it.
Hardly anyone cares about race apart from the ‘anti racist’ brigade, who thus create an issue where there is none – doing the very thing they are ostensibly opposed to. It is self perpetuating as there are so many who make a good living from it.
The only genuine racists left are mostly from minority groups, as we saw in Rochdale. Of course this billion pound equalities industry will not even admit yet alone deal with this colossal problem.
The terrible irony of all this ‘celebrate diversity’ crap is it came to the fore just when genuine racism ceased to be a problem. I will only celebrate someone due to the content of their character, not because of the colour of their skin. I am sick to death of constantly hearing about race – it is like we are living in the 1930s again.
There’s no such thing as “white flight” then? People don’t wonder why Operation Trident became necessary and why it hasn’t needed to concern itself with the Chinese community, for instance?
People have just become very careful about what they say, for obvious reasons, whilst quietly moving away under some pretext.
I made a similar point to some ‘diversity’ muppet when she was banging on about more women in engineering and how its such a closed male industry blah blah blah. I told her in no uncertain terms shes just generating her own work for her so-called ‘profession’ and, by and large, the rampant sexism she sees everywhere in engineering doesn’t exist. One of my close friends is an engineer who happens to be female, however her skill at engineering is nothing to do with the reproductive organs she was born with, she’s just good at it.
In a future world where we are all truly equal, what will these 80 grand a year equality and diversity directors do with themselves?
News at 6 with the engagement taking up a good 20 minutes of broadcasting time whilst the death of 5 young males ( some of mixed race – not mentioned) in a stolen car was lucky if it took a minute to report the latest update such is the value of lives at the Beeb.
I have nothing against the happy couple but I cringe at the thought of the world of the royals joining with the world of tinsel town. The only likely entertainment will be the luvvies cat fighting in Hollywood of trying to wrangle an invite to the big day.
R4 also stated that Prince Harry was marrying an American actor! Proving once again that the English language does not work in gender neutral, but the BBC wants to force it upon us. Now if Harry was indeed marrying an Actor then that would be news and would probably trump (no pun intended) the mixed-race crap.
The only thing I thought about her is that she was quoted slagging off the Donald for his attitude to women, while not just giving Bill and Hilllary a free pass – but praising her. My thought was that she can’t be too bright if she can only parrot someone else’s words. Typical of the Hollywood acting cabal, they have the ability to speak with authority but their actual words are very shallow.
The only thing I thought about her is that she was quoted slagging off the Donald for his attitude to women, while not just giving Bill and Hilllary a free pass – but praising her. My thought was that she can’t be too bright if she can only parrot someone else’s words. Typical of the Hollywood acting cabal, they have the ability to speak with authority but their actual words are very shallow, and generally wrong on political issues.
Demon, good point. Received wisdom, still following ‘a script’ even when not working.
I was attracted to a Guardian article yesterday – an interview with Susan Sarandon. Apparently, she is a much more independent thinker than many luvvies.
Back on the subject of Newsnight, it seems that Emily has now taken over the role as the iron fist in Newsnight’s occasional velvet glove.
We have of course come to expect the BBC, through such portals as Newsnight, to stoke the dying embers of what was once a racial problem in this country vis a vis no blacks, irish or dogs etc. as it serves the purpose of the shadowy global masters who wish to destroy any unity that the population of this country may have, thereby giving them more control to manipulate the populations, assisted by more mass immigration to dilute unification across towns and villages across the country.
The BBC are simply a means of issueing propaganda to acheive this.
Emily demonstrated this with her presentation of the so called (exaggerated) problem of the Irish border and Brexit.
Mark Orban produced a sympathetic presentation of the Republic of Irelands point of view as well as the view of the EU, and Emily went on to interview and constantly talk over Sonny Wilson the DUP representative, who wants what the Republic want, that is to maintain an open border, and he tried to give reasons to how this would work (he even retorted during one of Emily’s interruptions exclaiming ‘ you are not listening to me’ But according to Maitlas (as well as the EU / Remainers etc. and any who wishes to frustrate Brexit) this can’t happen, you must have a hard border and this will impact on the movement of trade and affect the peace in the island of Ireland. So then according to Emily / the BBC / EU / Remainers / Global Masters etc. the UK must remain members of the single market and the customs union, in other words real Brexit can’t happen (or shouldn’t be allowed to happen)
The subtleness of her delivery was conspicuous in it’s abscence, the BBC are playing hard ball.
Would someone be kind enough to explain the logic of splitting quota with the EU?
Surely it’s the EU in its protectionist bubble that has to have a quota for free trade world imports.
After we leave aren’t we free to trade and set, or not set things as we please?
Australia has criticised the UK’s post-Brexit trade plans to split quotas of food imports from around the world.
EU rules allow for a certain amount of goods to be brought in from countries outside of the Union without charging full tariffs.
After Brexit, the UK and EU want to split these quotas, based on where the goods are mostly consumed.
But Australian trade minister Steven Ciobo said it would impose unacceptable restrictions on their exports.
He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “The point is that you have a choice about where you place your quota at the moment.
“Therefore, given that you could put it in the UK or you could put it into continental Europe, why would we accept a proposition that would see a decline in the quota available because of the Brexit decision?”
the EU can keep the entire quota, and we will just decide our own new quota or not.
Im pretty sure the aussies are looking forward to unrestricted access to the british market
The so called BBC are desperately trying to find a BREXIT gotcha moment, having realised no one give a fuck about a shortage of eastern european barristas, they’ve had a few goes at planes not flying and a couple of goes at queues at dover
They get ever more desperate as the clock ticks by
It was the founder of Islams birthday the other day and in Athens all those people from Islamic lands where minorities are denied the right to openly promote their faith decided that marching through the centre of the Greek Capital (A country which until 1829 had to endure 400 years of barbaric Islamic occupation) on a weekend was the thing to do. Problem was there was a huge football match on and the fans took offence: Greece: Greek football fans attack Mohammed birthday parade
For some very strange reason the bBC never reported this?
More leftwing crap from the bBC: Is it right to say people caught in a terror scare ‘panic’? The public’s response to a false alarm of a terror attack on London’s Oxford Street was widely described as “panic”……The problem with this word is that it implies not only that people are scared and running from danger, but also that they are acting irrationally, excessively and even selfishly.
Gee, bbC, I wonder what makes people across Europe panic so quickly nowadays…Do Tell
Anyone who travels through Oxford Circus station would be surprised there aren’t more “panics”.It is so overcrowded and anger is simmering below the surface all the time .There are all sorts of bad people on the tube let alone terrorists. Talk about sexual harassment ?Try being a female commuter stuffed in among all those foreign men.
There are.too many people here and as with all other services the tube can’t cope.BBC address the overcrowding as a reason for panic.No way.
I expect if you are lucky enough to have a BBC expenses account ,black cabs are the way to travel.
The next time you use the tube remember that less people are using it because of Brexit – according to TFL – which is financed by an asian son of a bus driver remainer labour Mayor – and if you’re a bus driver you can take offence if you want as I don’t care – or if you’re asian.
I used to be concerned if people didn’t like what I say here but I’m not in sorry mode any more as I say what I believe
Catch the Tube over a weekend and you find it packed to the gills with the cast of the United Nations and who the fuck takes a pram on the Tube through central London. (Clue they are not white) Then you have to get past the Romanian beggers at the entrance to Tube Stations, the black beggars who go from carriage to carriage asking for money and finally you have all the black gangsters outside tube stations waiting to stab somebody to death.
And I keep on getting told, it is English people who are intolerant.
Pounce – it’s a bloody night mare eh? And at night after 10 pm you really are taking your life in your hands . Maxi was telling me the other day that crime is at the same level in London as it was thirty years ago in the good old days. I didn’t have the heart to mention his Islamic friends trying to murder masses of people for the sake of it.
The university system is now stuffed with self-professed feminists whose sole purpose is to get paid (generally at taxpayers expense or through student fees) to carry out research into the best ways to undermine traditional English and British culture. Here is one of them receiving publicity through the BBC – there was a headlined link to this on the BBC’s homepage:
“Women are advised that apologising and using the word ‘just’ can undermine their authority – but feminist linguist Deborah Cameron has other ideas. She also reveals the communications trait that many men are guilty of“.
I find it interesting how on many occasions both men and women will enter a conversation with the expression ‘I am sorry…but..’
Sometimes it may indicate a mild disagreement but not always
They are drooling about how Prince Harry’s girl is mixed race. They will build the wedding up as absolute proof that multiculturalism works even as London burns and de facto caliphates spring up everywhere. Only an abject failure of a society would require ‘hate speech’ laws. If we all love each other so much there would be no hatred.
Like with every big event now, your first thought is of security. They would love to hit this one. And we have that forever now, thanks to the betrayal of our liberal elite.
I am listening to this psychology podcast by Jordan Peterson and he says that the hardest thing for people to deal with is betrayal; it does terrible things to your mind, making you rudderless and bitter. We have all been betrayed by the likes of the BBC. Honestly, making it a crime to question the destruction of your glorious country that your grandparents died for? Betrayal does not come much worse than that.
They crowed about how Friday night at Oxford Circus there was an over-reaction. No terror this time – just some gang violence! Hopefully it will just be a minor fight next time everyone starts running and screaming, but you never know – there could be knives, bombs or a truck. It’s so exciting going into London these days.
Exactly right .
There are acid attacks going on all over.If I heard the police being called urgently to a platform I think id run too.Trouble is overcrowding won’t let you ,so panic.
They can refer to her mixed race all they like ,but to some this light skinned woman is betraying her black roots.
I don’t care who the royals marry ,just another hanger on to be funded by the likes of me, but it really annoys me that the white part of mixed ethnicity is always subsumed and they are lumped in with black.
Still the BBC cannot help themselves and if they are not carefull it will be another total turn off.
It is an excuse for them to focus on fluff and fantasy which is what they specialise in.
What I hate about the royals is how there are so many of them. I could understand maybe the queen is good for tourism, but why should her seventh grand daughter get to live in a palace and have Police protection as well?
So we can assume that Meghan is half sinner and half saint. It’s a puzzle for me to figure out which half is the sinner and which half is the saint. I’ll write to the BBC on this one. I’m sure I can rely on them to give me the CORRECT answer.
Sluff mentions in a previous string, that “On BBC Moneybox a little while back, a resident alarmist spoke of ‘up to 100,000’ people who would miss out on Universal credit in December because of it being a 5 week month.” And the bbc made up all sorts of fake news about the ‘issue’, which was total tosh as usual. Good point Sluff!
I’ve just noticed that January has the magical five Mondays, so that helps the old pensions at the start of the year, plus the fact that the poll tax doesn’t need to be paid in February or March, so that really is good news! They’re not benefits, Mrs O’Blene and I worked all our lives, except for the time to bring up our children, so why does a tax-funded organisation like the bbc have to make it look as though we’re the guilty parties, living in a house on our own now?
It’s no wonder that almost everyone we know around here just ignores any of the bbbc ‘news’, although we did want to see Harry and Meghan more out of curiosity than anything else. Er Er Er Meeshal, with her usual blank expression, spoiled much of the interview by diving in about ‘ethnicity’. Luckily the lady next to Harry-boy got her sentences just right, much to the annoyance of Er Er Er…
Why can’t the bbc get someone who understands how to interview someone properly, without resorting to the sneer and innuendo.
Now that would be one job I would be happy for robots to take. Just programme them to ask the same questions in the same tone to every interviewee. If Beeboids tried to do that they would explode.
Scrobie, “so why does a tax-funded organisation like the bbc have to make it look as though we’re the guilty parties, living in a house on our own now?”
They are desperate to overturn Brexit. Start a divide and rule campaign over perceived affluence so that they can then say the young are disadvantaged by a decision to leave the EU made by old people.
Actually, in economic terms, you & Mrs O’blene {I liked that one 🙂 ] went through severe hardship that the young 25-35yr old housebuyer does not now face. That doesn’t matter to the fast-becoming economically illiterate BBC (“Bring back Steffie!”) – they have an agenda. It is very interesting to see the new registered Usernames popping up on BBC Blogs and HYSs. Russians, no doubt, trying to keep the UK in the EU, eh BBC?
Two stories which are not linked by al Beeb put – I posit – may be linked to both immigration and Brexit
1. Rise in scarlet fever cases
2. Rise in number of still births in hospitals
Importing disease and importing less than qualified maternity staff – as well as the number of third world mothers pumping out little mo s.
I realise that it easy to make links which in fact aren’t there.but I distrust al Beeb so much that they wouldn’t tell us even if they knew .
PS – hopefully the Irish government will fall apart this morning which can only, sadly, be good for us. I say ‘sadly ‘ because we have always been close but the evil EU got in the way.
Fedup2 – I thought the same, the amount of birth defects due to inbreeding and consanguinity amongst vibrant individuals is well documented; also many diseases which were eradicated in Britain decades ago (scarlet fever, TB etc) have reappeared here for some reason in the last few years.
There are more controls on checking the disease free status of plants coming into the UK than people.
Listening to Keir Starmer on Toady earlier, I really don’t know why Michel Barnier doesn’t recruit him as an addition to the EU’s Brexit negotiating team.
‘So who appoints the head of RT?’ asked Nick Robinson petulantly, on Toady this morning, in one of the most intellectually bankrupt displays yet from this highly paid imbecile. The obvious rejoinder from the RT head he was barracking (by no stretch of the imagination could this have been described as an interview) would have been ‘who appoints the head of the BBC?’. After all, both are political appointments, from which the patronage on which the BBC runs flows down to the tea boy.
Every single time Robinson puffed up his chest to attack RT, his criticism applied at least as well to his own organisation. Is it even remotely possible that Robinson is unaware of the irony, here? If he is, then he isn’t fit to sell the Big Issue outside Tesco, let alone call himself a journalist.
RT is owned and run by and for the Russians, yes , we get that, thank you, Robinson. We need to treat its stories with caution. The BBC, on the other hand, is owned and run by the virtue signalling Left and sees itself as the unofficial opposition to whoever is in government, from a position even further to the Left. Until and unless it starts to understand that its position of trust has been fatally undermined by its own prejudices and biases, it can expect to see ever stronger calls for its dismemberment. And the sooner that happens, the better.
Robinson must be either on some mind altering substance or too much caffeine today as his performance on Toady this day has been a true example of arrogant self believing beeboid . The RT interview was painfully aggressive and the beeboid offence about being challenged to deliver news grates for them . RT is what it is . Al beeb pretends to be something it isn’t – objective truthful and loyal to our country which it so often harms
How much is the head of RT on Nick?
Tony Hall?…Lineker the Crisp? Chris Evans?-or “chiefly yourselves”(c/o Leonard Sachs)?
When are people going to detonate on the BBC live, so we can get those grabs and pass them around.
You`d think that RT would know what to do.
“Who is in the dock”?…it OUGHT to be the BBCs daily walk to the scaffold, yet they keep getting out of that dock and sticking all invited into it as they please.
They seem to have a sociopathic lack of self awareness. They bang on and on about Russia influencing the US election, having themselves done everything humanly possible to make sure Trump was not elected.
I have to admit that was my first laugh out loud moment of the day with a rabid Robinson skilfully given the last minutes in case it went wrong – as it did .
I think I’ll be watching more RT . The rus are sorting Syria when we didn’t have the moral will to take Isis . Bet they wouldn’t have allowed a convoy to have safe passage back to the west to continue killing us in the name of their evil false god.
7:55 Low class Gotcha trick by Nick Robinson, whilst interviewing the Russia Today spokesman.
NR : “Mr XYZ said that Russia Today is an agent of Truth”
“Are you happy he said that ?”
RT : ” yes of course”
NR: ” So you are happy to have the support of Mr XYZ the leader of BNP ..the FAR RIGHT party ?”
RT : “err ?”
NR : “We’ll have to end there, we’re out if time”
(Mr XYZ = Nick Griffin, a guy hasn’t been in the news for years so why would the RT guy know who he was)
Rather enjoyed the irony of @BBCr4today trying to prove that @RTUKnews was a propaganda unit that always takes their Govt’s side. Apparently Nick Griffin once endorsed RT. I wonder which racist fascists endorse #r4today?
Hahaha! @BBCr4today: “royal wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding… Oh, and @RT_com only broadcasts in support of the Russian state… royal wedding, #royalwedding”
Robinson made a fool of himself this morning, just as he did when he rode the same broken hobbyhorse around the Mail on Sunday over the weekend. He may be securing his future (such as it is) with the BBC, but he is finishing his reputation as a journalist.
What does the fool mean by ‘equivalent’? Equally untrustworthy? Check. Equally unreliable? Check. Equally likely to be pushing an agenda in its ‘news’ reporting? Check.
In fact the one way in which I would say the two broadcasters diverge is that RT actually broadcasts views opposing the ‘narrative’. That’s something the BBC never does.
Corbyn is correct on this one.
Alongside his plans to get rid of hospital parking charges.
Let`s hammer the left with this- get off the Tory BBC and back Corbyns RT. And send the roubles to Putin to kill the rest of Boney M(a joke-Bobbys replacement would simply HAVE to be better that he was, useless gonk).
Mind you Andrew Ridgely might be the replacement in which case…
The Lefty Wright Concise Dicktionary defines “Far Right” thus:- A derogatory term devised by Marxists to demonize decent people. Said people are usually big enough to reply D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.
Blimey mate that was a quick response. Thanks for posting Kev’s video. I don’t know how to post pictures and videos yet but hopefully I will learn.
Tips for posting links/pics
: Youtube ..just click the mouse over your browsers URL address bar then click ctrl C to pick up the URL
Then in a biasedbbc window click the mouse in the post box and Ctrl-P to paste the URL into the post
Once posted the system takes a minute to convert that URL in a link preview.
– With other images it’s best to go to twitter and similary collect/paste the URL of the tweet that contains the image
(but change http://mobile … to http://www)
Thanks Lads.
Stewlefty-fine pairing, a linguistic Morecambe and Wise(Little and Large also available). A new word a day, this is going to catch on.
Kevin” Sanguinary” Wilson-Heath…..
Good old guilt by association, that classic leftist ploy. So lazy, cheap and intellectually bankrupt. If Nick Griffin says the sun rises in the morning, that does not mean the sun does not rise in the morning.
Yep the “Association fallacy” ( a form of Ad Hom)
‘RT is liked by Nick Griffin, therefore RT is evil’
I’d call it “Hitler was a vegetarian” ploy
Does that mean vegetarians are like Hitler.
or the “Stalin was an atheist” ploy
This is quite a good site
although I spot an error int he intro
He says the ‘fallacy tricks that politicians and the media use’
.. but it’s not limited to them ..a particularly big problem is NGO’s and activists using such PR tricks
Yes, valuable. Years and years ago Trades Unions provided correspondence courses which covered what is now called critical thinking. There were books like Straight and Crooked Thinking first published in 1930 and revised in 1953, by Robert H. Thouless which describes, assesses and critically analyses flaws in reasoning and argument. Thouless describes it as a practical manual, rather than a theoretical one..
( See list of contents
The idea was that working men and women could learn to argue, see through the BS from the bosses and the upper classes. And recognise that arguments had to be assembled correctly and were not appeals to feelings. That is a long way from today’s left.
Later I went on to read Plato, starting with The Republic, and the Gorgias, and the battles with the Sophists or teachers of Athenian spin doctors and politicians.
So starting off as a building worker doing union correspondence courses, I ended up with a First in mathematical logic studied science with one of the team that produced the Hiroshima bomb, and now labelled as an under educated old white racist bigot who voted for Brexit
Sadly, critical thinking in the yoonies is now taught as an exercise in disagreeing with the Government , traditional institutions and values, and knowing how to apply pretentious labels on opponents, like neo liberalism and laying the foundations for a post nationalist culture.
#1 “RT is liked by leader of old British nationalist party”
#2 “BBC’s Nick Robinson smiled as he is photo’d with head of Britain First the new British nationalist party”
Ooh poor Nick – bet he had to take some smelling salts to calm his frayed nerves. She must have just returned from Mediterranean holiday drowning migrant babies on the beach or similair.
Two people in this photo and only one of people pictured has any balls.
And its not the normally smug but now slightly nervous twat in the specs.
If he found her so distasteful maybe he should have told her to piss off. Sorry forgot – no balls.
Were I a Professor of any subject not Arts or Humanties, excepting Brian Cox, I might now be lobbying to have a new title created to separate rational academic achievement from ’15 minutes on the BBC’.
ha ha ha ha ha ha I love articles like this they make the remoaners sulking stupidity so obvious and slowly bit by bit those who were affected by project fear have the fog cleared from their glasses
Similar to the Vietnam war eh.
Like ‘
‘Hey hey, LBJ how many kids you killed today?’
‘Hey hey Treezer May how many billions you give Brussels today?’
See if you can guess who their preferred winner is… here’s a clue, just check the action word at the start of each contenders biography and spot the difference. He retired this year, so it’d be nice to give him a proper BBC send-off don’t you think?
Yes, but he is a fake refugee. He comes from Somaliland (capital Hargeisa) where, apart from a couple of days 25 years or so ago there has been no fighting whatsoever and it’s a totally peaceful self-governing former British colony yet the UK government gives, or gave, asylum to these people. Totally crazy.
It’s the same with Syria where those from, say, Latakia are given asylum but the town is completely unaffected by the recent fighting, which, thank God, Bashir Al-Assad seems to have won and despite David Cameron wanting to bomb him out of existence and allow ISIS to take over the entire country.
The Sage – thank you for that correction. In fedup2 world there would be no refugees. I would not identify anyone as a refugee. Any that are in Blighty would be deported if possible and the borders would be tough enough not to let them back in.
Our problem is the bubble gets on some kind of moral high ground which means taxpayers have to pay for it .
The bias goes on and on – the remainer guardian collumnist on The Long View reported that the father of JFK a really corrupt politician called Joe Kennedy objected to America supporting Blighty in 1939 1940 because the USA shouldn’t help Blighty as Blighty was going to lose .
In fact Kennedy was an enemy of Blighty because of his rabid support for irish republicanism . Some might say the” offing “ of his two sons was a rebalancing of account for the Kennedy family .
Now on @BBCRadio4’s The Long View is about modern vs old Russian propaganda
An expert called Dr Pravda just claimed : the Dem email hack was done well before the Pussygate tape was released.. And the emails were then immediately released at that time to counter.
I don’t think that is true
..the Dem emails were already in public view
Wasn’t the Pussygate tape released to trump them ?
Oh its Jonathan Freedland lads.
We need be detained no longer, who ELSE is going to appear on one of his dire-ramas?
Dr Pravda?…why am I not surprised…Professor Porkies? Doctor Kisskiss? Doctor Hook?
According to Stewart White on Sunday Politics (East) the Chancellor also set aside £3 billion “in case Brexit goes wrong”.
This is a complete reversal of the Chancellor’s Budget statement which reads ” “The Budget sets out actions the government will take to: ……PREPARE FOR EXITING the EU and ensure a smooth transition by setting aside an additional £3 billion for government ”
(ref: HM Treasury, Autumn Budget 2017, Section 1, published 22 November 2017 by
13 Red Button Stories. THREE pissing on Brexit, two up Harrys bottom as he fends off racism and mental illness in the one story, something about scarlet fever and it`s link to Savile or Corbyn…something like that.
Made one of the above up-BBC do it all the time so it`s my late effort to win a Fake News Award.
Putin strangled the idiot bloke from Boney M in the cause of music…who`s to say he didn`t?
Programme news: BBC2 18:55 England v Kazakhstan World Cup qualifier – which, for some reason, fails to include the information, anywhere, that it’s the ladies kicking the ball around.
Whilst on the phone the other night(Friday?) telly was turned down and I saw at least five minutes of the Wales/Kazakhstan ladies game.
Am now offering the Welsh my “paint a fan on an empty seat” service-or maybe 50,000 blow up dolls that can sit if you squash them aright.
Never seen such a sea of blue seats-beautifully painted in a midnight shade we`ll all know from the ladies nail bar…funnily enough, matches the coppers kevlar as they raid OAPs houses for their TV License checks.
How outre and outrageous, Rozzer Blue nails and matching accesories, Taser doubling as curling tongs too.
Gotta dash darlings, got a shitzu to stuff into my manbag….
Here is the final list 2017 islamophobia category winners:
NEWS MEDIA: Daily Mail
Another important post.
Personally, I see OFSTED as just the states effort to ensure that schools are halal.
They`re now meat packaging and processing stations for kids with a silent humming abbatoir at Academy HQ or County Hall for those in need of special measures.
So it`s one and the same thing-when Wilshaw was unable to go into a Trojan Horse school without security earlier this year, and when Gove got in trouble for calling in anti-terrorism for the Trojan Horse issue a few years back as Education Sec…then we can say goodnight to compulsory schooling very soon. What`s the point of going? Let parents have vouchers to pay for childminder groups that WON`T hogtie their kids for halal prayers before the slash.
The States priests pray over them to the NHS, Beckham or Cowell, Jucker or Obama/
Save yourselves with shaven headed drag queen cake bakes for charity-or joining a union and reading the Guardian at least.
When Nigel took his “brick in the wall out” for us last June-the light came in and the BBC seem to think it`s for them to play in….no.
Trumps idea of a “Fake News Award” Ceremony is a good one.
Lifetime Achievement Award to Jo Cox and Estate.
Latest half baked turtle in a half shell News Award for Nazanin-Zaghari-Ratcliffe.
Fuck the Plebs News Ignoring Award(The Kriss Donald) goes to Anne Maguire and her poor family.
Won`t call them Oscars-let`s call then Harveys shall we?
“Trumps idea of a “Fake News Award” Ceremony is a good one.”
I didn’t know what you were talking about until I went to have a look at Trump’s recent tweets.
Then I burst out laughing!:
We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me). They are all bad. Winner to receive the FAKE NEWS TROPHY!
Why is this even news? It is like saying a football was found at a football club. You don’t even have to study the religious texts; it is clear from the different dress codes for men and women that Islam treats men and women differently.
That Times article is in page 4
… with another full page on pg27
The government must stop turning a blind eye to taxpayers’ money being used to promote the idea that girls are inferior to boys. Excellent piece from @RSylvesterTimes on the need to tackle the Islamic faith schools promoting misogyny
Had an unusually long break at work on Sunday evening and, as I don’t own a TV at home, settled down in front of the one in the works canteen to see what was going on in the world. Switched on the BBC News channel to see that a lot of nasty brown people have been massacring lots of innocent, lovely brown people. This started to raise my hackles somewhat – hope this isn’t about nasty Burma and poor Rohingya Muslims. It was. Typical of the Beeb to find the only group of Muslims in the world who are actually facing some serious comeback for their unwanted depredations. They even went so far as to try and generate their own ‘Aylan Kurdi’ moment by showing two dead children on a riverbank. Switched to Sky News.
That was little better – some berk called Niall Paterson interviewing Vince Cable and the Labour Shadow Secretary for Work and Pensions, Deborah Abrahams. Apparently the nasty Tories have caused the life expectancy rate to decrease in the U.K. Turned TV off and went back to work, thankful that I refuse to give the Beeb any of my hard-earned cash.
Across the UK, authorities have issues with how people from the Sub continent use toilets. Be it shopping centres,Posts offices,universities and prisons. They have found that the simple task of actually sitting on a toilet is beyond some people and that they actually squat on the toilet resulting in broken toilets seats and shit everywhere.
I recall seeing the first ‘Portaloo’ installed on a construction site in Saudi Arabia. The results suggested that the users were not content to squat as the diagram shows, but stand…………
When the unit was put off-hire the hirer tried to steam clean the unit on site but eventually gave up and got consent to set fire to the unit on site. This is what the UK is working toward: a facet of multikulti the snowflakes would not believe.
My cousin dealt with this during his time working for British Rail. After a local building was converted to a mosque nearby, cleaning the public toilets became a nightmare. The Muslims wouldn’t use the toilet but had to crap in a certain direction on the floor. It was right behind the entrance so that when the door was opened, the excrement would be pushed into a worse mess and spread all over by the action of the door being opened over it. Difficult to clean. They wouldn’t use loo paper either.
IMO railway staff shouldn’t have had to deal with such a repulsive filthy mess. And regularly. We could do without Islam for many reasons.
I can’t recall which delightful place in the Middle East it was but a British company installed public toilets and sewerage system; which proceeded to keep getting blocked all the time.
The reason for it was found to be lots and lots of small pebbles, which the Arabs traditionally use to wipe their fundaments after taking a cr@p and they continued to utilize them when using the toilets and ignored the bog roll provided for that purpose.
A friend was guarding Egyptian soldiers during and immediately after the 6 day war. Being reasonable people, the Israelis gave their captives loo paper. They didn’t have a clue what to do with it and put it in their soup and ate it. (Honesty true).
I worked in an office where there was a ‘fantom crapper’ who deposited ( his) in an unusual part of the loo and we couldn’t work out the posture to took in order to make the deposit. The standing on the loo was probably near to it.
We never found out who it was but there was a paki temp in the office. Mysteriously when he left the deposits stopped. The cleaner was very pleased. I don’t expect Panorama will run a special on this – however far down it scapes the bottom of the barrel for stories. It would be ideal for John Sweeney though.
Wild Bill wrote: “It makes me almost wonder if Harry had been given a mission to find a mixed race woman to marry, ‘for the greater good’.”
I doubt it, the Uk as a whole is virtually colour blind , yes there will be those who subscribe to a racist mentality, but unlike the view promoted by the left, their numbers are a lot less than racist bigots found within the coloured community. Myself I was adopted by a white couple during the 70s and that was when you actually called a spade a spade.
I’m sure that this marriage , hopefully a successful one, can’t do any harm to the standing of the Royal firm by the bride not being white. At least she is definitely a woman , a very bright, vivacious and good looking one too, not a man or a transgender person. She isn’t a Muslim either. She is a bit on the old side at 36 to produce lots of little Royals but Kate and William have secured the succession. Anyway let’s wish them well.
All that’s needed now is that bonkers Blair sister in law to demand a conjugal threesome with the Woolwich wonders and a BBC singing Coke commercial is darn near already cast.
Like you I wish them well. I think over the next few years they will capture the hearts and minds of a significant proportion of the UK population. It remains to be be seen how they choose to use that influence. Will they opt for the politically correct route or the traditional British family route which has a pretty high success rate? The recent history of Royal marriages does not hold out too much promise or perhaps the outcome is already planned.
Reminds of the joke about the young Jewish boy given a mission by his father to find a wife. After bringing home various ethnics he eventually returned with what seemed to be the one. “Father, I’d like to introduce you to my new girlfriend”. Before you bring her in what’s her name said the father. “Miss Goldberg” replied the son. Great thought his father, a nice Jewish girl. “What’s her first name my son”. “Whoopi” came the reply.
I see that our ‘community’ has just received an early Christmas present – large ‘packages’ now reduce the width of the pedestrian walkways into the shopping centre by a third.
Another example of how the ‘extremists’ won’t change our lives Mrs. May?
Just listened to Jezz Swine’s verbal contortions discussing the royal engagement with Bonnie Greer and another woman-of-colour on his show.
He really is such a metrosexual; intellectually lightweight tw@t.
This part in the bBC article caught my eye: The disease has been on the rise since 2014, but experts have so far failed to find a reason for the recent increase.
More guilt by association. It seems a German pro-refugee mayor has been stabbed, and suddenly it is perfectly OK to make assumptions as to the beliefs of the likely perpetrators.
The attack has reminded Germans of the stabbing of another CDU politician, Henriette Reker, in 2015.
Ms Reker was elected mayor of Cologne in October 2015. While campaigning she had been stabbed by a man claiming to be angry over the CDU’s refugee policy.
For the first time in a federal election the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) polled strongly enough in September to enter the German parliament, winning 94 seats. It campaigns against what it calls the “Islamisation” of Germany, denouncing the CDU’s asylum policy.
There you have it. It’s all the fault of the murderous AfD, just as Nigel Farage personally ordered the killing of St Jo.
The BBC really needs to find the line to take on guilt by association as swathes of their preferred interviewees are crossing previous BBC lines in the sand.
Simply ignoring one set whilst getting excited by another rather smacks of bias.
I have to laugh at how when the shoe is on the other foot, ( which is nearly all the time) we are a fed a diet of:
He was suffering from a mental illness
He was Asian
He saw his friends suffer in …..
He saw his family killed
He wanted to become a doctor
The rest of us can blather away until the cows come home but someone at the BBC needs to show some leadership & start calling out these constant contradictions. It's not impartial or unbalanced to ask, repeatedly, why our Government regularly punts completely contradictory lines.
Seems like the BBC’s favourite guest ‘expert’ and the BBC’s favourite guest ‘talent’ have found their respective soulmate. All that is needed now is they get a room. With, say, a microphone, national broadcast facilities….
He had won the victory over himself. He pulled the “Jerry Christmas” jumper* over his head and felt the warmth that Labour would bring now and in the future, free and at no cost to anyone.
(reference to Orwell 1984)
Daily Poliics today
Owen Jones of left wing Momentum versus Richard nobody of left wing Progress scratching each others eyes out.
What a couple of girls blouses. Bitchy,bitchy,bitchy.
That prick was on LBC the otherday. What a disgrace to humanity. I can just imagine him during WW2:
Hitler is misunderstood
The British are in the wrong
We should stop shooting German planes down over London
I think Nazis in black shirts are hot
I love Kamping with the boys.
If I did join up (never in a month of bad hair days) I would join the Gordon Highlanders.
If anyone is in any doubt at all about the contempt in which the BBC holds its audiences, take a look at what it is proposing to show over the coming Christmas period (the BBC’s ‘news’ website has the details). Suffice it to say that Mrs Brown’s Boys and French and Saunders are mentioned at the top of the bill of fare.
A more nauseating array of narcissistic masturbation, self back-patting and reheated tripe I cannot imagine. What’s worse is the undeniable sense that they think it is all we are fit for. They really think we are that dim.
Al beeb is having a tax avoiders ‘ Christmas with some Irish men in drag as the high point . Naturally in accordance with al beeb embracing sharia law there isn’t any comedy but they are putting something called Saunders and French on . Apparently one of them is the former lady Lenard Henry of brummie fame.dump your licence people .
BBC: ‘Ever since Donald Trump dubbed Hillary Clinton a ‘nasty woman’ during a presidential debate, women the world over have embraced the term as a battle-cry with Nasty Woman t-shirts, perfumes and cocktails’
Really? Oh well, if you say so.
And let’s not forget that this apparent female hero Hillary Clinton dubbed Donald Trump’s voters (yes, the ordinary people disinclined to vote for her) “a basket of deplorables”
‘This spirited response chimes with a long tradition of feisty female comedians on the radio’
Just to unpack that statement, it seems if you are a female comedy practitioner on BBC radio you must be inherently anti-Trump. Ok, we’ll let that thought sink in. I’ll just mention in passing: Bill Clinton’s ‘zipper problem’, anyone?
By the way, is there any BBC programming at present not thoroughly suffused with leftist identity politics?
Enjoy the different reporting styles when foreign companies invest £1B in the UK – post Brexit vote :
BBC : Pharma deals are ‘vote of confidence’, says government –
FT : Big pharma to unveil £1bn boost for Theresa May’s Brexit future –
Note that the FT is virulently anti-Brexit and yet they manage to be slightly upbeat, and actually mention a figure. The B-BBC headline meant absolutely nothing. And, just one day later, there is no sign of any foreign investment news on the BBC webpage – taken down fast as possible.
They say that in court a good lawyer will never ask a question of a witness to which he does not already know the answer.
Does the same concept transfer to the good TV interviewer? What makes a good TV interview – a quest for truth and enlightenment on behalf of the audience or carefully towing the broadcaster’s party line?
We wonder this morning as the lanky, pale and rather bland testosterone-challenged would-be matinee idol Dan Walker chats to an NHS expert doctor about still births on the increasingly female-interest-centric BBC.
Walker’s editors have scripted for him that favourite mantra of the BBC- the european false equivalence question : “How come our UK still birth statistics are higher than european countries, such as Poland….?”
“Well, we know there are higher rates of still birth in black and ethnic communities and the figures will be higher in a more diverse society” [I may have paraphrased somewhat – I don’t carry a note book or do shorthand but, seriously, the sense behind that NHS doctor’s words stuck in the memory]
The doctor went on to fudge somewhat and Dan was hardly going to follow up having invited that particular cat out of the bag.
It is a matter of time before the imbalance arrives here. Probably the reason the police/cps only investigate crime committed by white, old, British males. Compliments of Amber Rudderless needless to say.
Come to think of it, there is a similar percentage of ‘foreign’ staff in the NHS who are predominantly found to be medically wanting and most complained of.
“Everyone has the same prejudices and negative image of Muslims and Islam,” said Moroccan-born El Alaoui Talibi, 47, the mother of seven children. ”
I would ask her to:
Define- Everyone
Define- Prejudice
Define- Negative Image
What is a “Muslim Holy Woman?”
Is it common for Muslim women to have seven or more children?
R4 play now
: prisoner mentions woman in hijab.
.. Next Lenny Henry* is mocking a prisoner for showing concern for immigration.
* (Lenny is doing a terrible Cockney accent.
– BBC inverted racism
Seems out of 10 actors 2 are white.) turns out a prisoner is aggravated hate crime cos he yanked off a woman’s hijab.
Next scene features a woman’s ex-wife
Hang on Jo Cox
And acid attacks by white supremacists being mentioned.
The female mayoral candidate Ayesha is being Trolled by right wing racists.
In his book about the death of Europe, Douglas Murray says there are so many minor inconveniences of immigration which nobody is allowed to mention.
My nephews get a mini bus to school. A cockney guy used to drive the bus and he always had a good chat with us in the morning and fussed over the dog who loved the attention. His replacement does not like dogs, possibly due to his religion, and cannot chat in the morning as his command of English is limited; he also cannot get to know the children in the same way.
What is there to ‘celebrate’ about diversity in this instance? The Beeb will tell us its us all holding hands next to a rainbow but the reality is countless minor and major irritations as we all do our best to muddle through a difficult situation. Obviously if you place people with different cultures all together it is going to be a struggle. It is hard getting on with people at the best of times, let alone when you’re forever tiptoeing through a social minefield knowing the slightest ‘intolerance’ could land you in prison.
In a serious country, a man employed and entrusted with the responsibility for driving children to their school would have to be able to communicate with them; this is no longer a serious country so I am unsurprised by this.
Times : SadMan Khan has been in office for 10 months.
In that time his staff have banned Uber for being dangerous.
….And used Uber almost as much as BlackCabs
£500 vs £800 claimed on travel expenses.
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
‘Stewart Jackson, Conservative MP for Peterborough, said: “There are bigger lessons that we have learned in Oxford and in the north-west of England and we’re learning in Peterborough.’
‘”Thankfully, Peterborough City Council and other agencies acted quickly but there are always lessons to be learned.”‘
– Article does not say how many children where attacked – 1400? 2000?
– Could the BBC send it’s £3.5bn News Service or Gary ‘£1.75m’ Liniker to the crime scene?
In that particular case it was five that came forward, all between the ages of 12 and 13. Obviously PCC didn’t learn much as their were two further cases in the city during 2014.
True, but the Roma are involved in it and have even sold their own daughters to Muzzies in Bradford and Sheffield.
Paks and Roma gypsies: all nice folk to have in your country.
– See what happened? We can’t watch the terrorists all the time, but when the terrorist does something odd we will get them, even though the chances are we missed it because we can’t watch them all the time.
– If the Government arrest 20K terrorists, this is not the known number it is the ones they have found. Same with the girls attacked – I imagine it is a lot larger.
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
Do I get to be second it I reply to the first ? We must be told.
I hope the government hands over all the reports on the impact of Brexit on Blighty. It will be most helpful to the EU to see Blighty s hand and take full advantage in the negotiations leading , hopefully , to no deal and no payment of 50 billion sterling to that foreign organisation
We can do a one for one of Eu citizens in uk for those British people in the EU. I reckon that means deporting about a million EU citizens or giving the chance of buying residence. I’m getting fed up with the conduct of both the EU and remainers so this should not be forgotten .
Emmannuels understudy for the top spot, should he break a leg.
[ After you, gents, but here’s a proper post … 😉 ]
When Greeks Flew Kites – Sunday 26 November 2017 BBC Radio 4 1.30pm
‘Broadcaster and acclaimed historical novelist Sarah Dunant, delves into the past to help frame the present.’ Unfortunately, this programme followed the present day concerns of FakeNews and FalseNews mentioned – again – by the BBC on The World This Weekend immediately preceeding and earlier News & Current Affairs programming on both Sunday and Saturday.
Even more unfortunately, after the opening she used for the most recent episode – a gory rape – Sarah Dunant followed with a fiction presented as fact: the Temperance Movement began in the United States in the late 19th century. She then followed up with what many people would regard as an outright lie: she claimed the Temperance Movement was started by women in the USA. I am no historian but even I know the Temperance Movement was started by men, both in the UK and the USA, and much earlier than suggested by Sarah Dunant.
Forget FalseNews and FakeNews. You do not need it when some of the so-called ‘historian’ favourites of the BBC get going on the BBC ‘with axes to grind’.
See how the BBC uses “history” experts to dismiss a complaint from a complaint made in 2003.
These are used more frequently now as the BBC know they can get away without even having to justify their lies because few people who know the reality complain.
The fact that the BBC and leftys in general are getting hysterical about Brexit, confirms in my mind that we are getting out not a moment too soon.
One more election cycle, and we would be locked in for good. Two things have seriously thwarted the smooth take over of the West by Marxist leftists (disguised as caring liberals). They had thought that they could destroy capitalism, using the USSR as a launch pad. That didn’t work. Eastern European countries are now so anti-Marxist, one can get beaten up if one mentions them positively in Poland or Hungary.
What is heartening is that even the slightest mention of Brexit or Trump gets the IPhone/Samsung8 bearing anti-capitalists( re: Peterson), frothing at the mouth .
@Up2, I seem to have dropped down a bit.
I bet she watched The Halelujah Trail as a kid and thought it was a documentary. Loved it myself full of great actors having a whale of a time in a comedy that wouldn’t be made made today, too full of non PC stereotypes.
Lyn, Mrs K, it’s becoming relentless from the BBC.
I’m listening to The Long View right now. All about Russian Propaganda.
I have my critical faculties settings at 11. 😉
Mrs Kitty, I found The Hallelujah Trail a few months ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s from 1965 but it is still very funny and it was well acted.
I would like to recommend it to anyone who is feeling a bit down or low. Wonderful theme music, lovely silly plot. Great actors alright and great scenery.
Not that its very important, but you are right. The Temperance movements in America and Britain were started by men – church leaders mainly.
This is marxist feminist, mainly marxist propaganda and appropriation. The marxists cannot abide that the foundation of Western civilisation is Christianity. To destroy Western civilisation/capitalism, the goal of marxists, they know in their gut that they have to destroy Christian faith in the West. They hate being reminded that Marxist atheist philosophy was responsible for the greatest genocides in history. But then Solzhynetsin, Dostoyevski, Jung, etal did warn us.
The last few days, I have been listening extensively to Gordon Peterson. He is bloody brilliant. He is ripping through the marxist indoctrination re-education camps, known as Humanities departments, in Western universities, like a hurricane. He is hard headed, with clear cold steel logic, which appeals to the masculine mind. He has both Sam Harris and Dawkins, on the run. Feminists eventually end up appealing to him to be kind and generous. Please please.
Thanks to the person who referred him a few days back. Many many thanks
NCBBC, yes, Communists/Marxists/Leninists/Trotskyists/Maoists/Anarchists have hi-jacked all sorts of movements or even initiated them as shelters for their real plans. That is one of the worrying aspects of the EU. We have seen how quick the EU’s rafts of leadership (including the elected national Leaders) adopt certain policies without digging into the motivations behind them. Suddenly, the ‘camel’ has not just ‘his nose’ in the ‘tent’!
Just a quick typo correction: do you mean Jordan Peterson? Yes, I am aware of his stand against the ‘ist’ madness. You can see how easy it would be – if we stayed in the EU – how we might wake up one day in 2025 and discover certain words are banned in Member State territories.
In Canada they have already arrived in the Orwellian state.
Prof Peterson has stated that he wont pay any fine for refusing to comply with speech codes. He is prepared to go to prison.
What next ?
Re: Jordan {Peterson
Jordan Peterson is not surprised that 90% of his audience are men – young men.
The lack of an identifiable and compelling path forward and the denialism these kids are being fed on a daily basis is undoubtedly destroying them and that is especially true of the young men.’
At this point, to my astonishment, Peterson begins to weep. He talks through his tears for the next several minutes. ‘Every time I talk about this, it breaks me up,’ he says. ‘The message I’ve been delivering is, “Find the heaviest weight you can and pick it up. And that will make you strong. You’re not who you could be. And who you could be is worthwhile.”’
They’re so starving for that message. Young men are so desperate for a pathway that they are dying for it. And it’s heart-breaking and terrible that this idea has been kept from them. It is a malevolent conspiracy or ignorance to keep that from young men. Some of the young men who come to my lectures are desperately hanging on every word because I am telling them that they are sinful, and insufficient, and deceitful and contemptible in their current form, but that they could be far more than that, and that the world NEEDS THAT. This presents an ideal that can be approached and life without that is intolerable. It’s just meaningless suffering and that’s true if you have all the cake you can eat and all the girls you can have one-night stands with.’ Peterson composes himself. The tears are patently sincere — his sincerity probably defines him more than any other quality. It is rare to come across a public figure so lacking in artifice or conscious self-presentation.
Whether he will be finally destroyed by the forces that oppose him — which is entirely possible — or continue to gather followers at the current remarkable rate is open to question. He will be publishing a new book in January 2018, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (Penguin Random House Canada) — and this may be what lodges him firmly in the popular imagination.
I have watched dozens of the videos Peterson has posted — they are addictive — and I am coming to the conclusion that I am probably watching one of the most important thinkers to emerge on the world stage for many years. Peterson is quite likely to find himself outshining the rogue Marxist Slavoj Zizek — whose concerns about free speech he shares — as the celebrity academic de nos jours.
Its manifest, that in the last three decades, governments have responded to female electoral majority by programs that favour women and girls. Girts are given preference over far more qualified young men. In TV, adverts and a whole gamut of media, men are portrayed as dumb and boorish., while the smart woman helps him. This is what is destroying men, and will destroy our civilisation, as we are overwhelmed by men who suffer no such debilitation. Our feminised state will simply not be able to withstand the brute aggression of Islamic men, supported by their women. It will surrender.
In the article, a quote from Prof Peterson with reference to his belief in Christianity” ‘I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.’
This reminded me St Paul, Ephesians 3:9
and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. 10His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms..
I believe we are witnessing some thing really profound and shattering. The world will break him eventually, as it tried to break Jesus Christ by nailing him to the cross.
Correction: Jordan Peterson.
Brilliant stuff.
Its ‘slit your throat time’ at the bBBC.
Prince Harry gets engaged to Meghan Markle. I didnt even know she was ‘mixed race’.
But on Newshite we have to endure a tortured session about this seminal moment for the Mixed Race situation in the modern age, described by Emily ‘Tottie’ Maitlis as being ‘extremely difficult’. Not for me, luv. The sourfaced, unsmiling, humourless, earnest, dour, mixed race studio guests were the most archetypal leftwing feminists you could possibly imagine. Simply dreadful.
Pass the razor blades.
Don`t we all ever wish that we had Emily and her lemon munchers problems?
Sluff, give up telly. Your life will improve at much more than the rate of £150 per annum. Convince Mrs S that she will be happier, too. Go for it!
There’s a very good chance that when the LF income falls to a level that really worries the BBC bosses that they might just take a hard look at themselves and reform. For the Beeb it’s reform or bust. Bit like the EU …..
Absoluteyly no chance of reform. If the LF drops it will simply become subsumed into general taxation. The so-called license fee will be abolished to great false cheering and the BBC will get ever increasing funding from Westminster.
Aside from mixed race issue, I would have thought it was more newsworthy to mention that most of Ms Markle’s relations have filed for bankruptcy in recent years. Harry has ‘spoken’ to his future father-in-law several times but has yet to meet him ! apparently he’s in hiding in Mexico having accrued several debts he cannot pay. I would have thought it was Jackpot time in the Markle household ! and no doubt the Palace courtiers are having an attack of the vapours at what else will come out of the woodwork.
As for the wedding being sometime in May – that’s no doubt provisionary in case old Phil falls off the perch in the meantime.
DR, don’t think so.
Labour and the Alt-Left would never let that happen. It would mean that as soon as Labour were in power, there would be no hint of independence of the BBC and part of C4. The public would be entitled to assume that the BBC was left-biased.
Labour and the Alt-Left really do need that veneer of BBC independence, even though they now hate the high salaries being paid to the people at the top. It would also create a doctrinal crisis for them over that very thing.
It really got up my nose..Absolutely crap. One of my daughters in law is mixed race and nobody ever says anything about it or ever even thinks about it.
This is 2017 and about time our Emily grew up. Identity politics is all the BBC has left as the cheerleader for the progressives.
We should just wish the young couple the best and have done with it.
Hardly anyone cares about race apart from the ‘anti racist’ brigade, who thus create an issue where there is none – doing the very thing they are ostensibly opposed to. It is self perpetuating as there are so many who make a good living from it.
The only genuine racists left are mostly from minority groups, as we saw in Rochdale. Of course this billion pound equalities industry will not even admit yet alone deal with this colossal problem.
The terrible irony of all this ‘celebrate diversity’ crap is it came to the fore just when genuine racism ceased to be a problem. I will only celebrate someone due to the content of their character, not because of the colour of their skin. I am sick to death of constantly hearing about race – it is like we are living in the 1930s again.
There’s no such thing as “white flight” then? People don’t wonder why Operation Trident became necessary and why it hasn’t needed to concern itself with the Chinese community, for instance?
People have just become very careful about what they say, for obvious reasons, whilst quietly moving away under some pretext.
I made a similar point to some ‘diversity’ muppet when she was banging on about more women in engineering and how its such a closed male industry blah blah blah. I told her in no uncertain terms shes just generating her own work for her so-called ‘profession’ and, by and large, the rampant sexism she sees everywhere in engineering doesn’t exist. One of my close friends is an engineer who happens to be female, however her skill at engineering is nothing to do with the reproductive organs she was born with, she’s just good at it.
In a future world where we are all truly equal, what will these 80 grand a year equality and diversity directors do with themselves?
News at 6 with the engagement taking up a good 20 minutes of broadcasting time whilst the death of 5 young males ( some of mixed race – not mentioned) in a stolen car was lucky if it took a minute to report the latest update such is the value of lives at the Beeb.
I have nothing against the happy couple but I cringe at the thought of the world of the royals joining with the world of tinsel town. The only likely entertainment will be the luvvies cat fighting in Hollywood of trying to wrangle an invite to the big day.
I wonder how she got those acting roles?
Those producers and directors in Hollywood must appreciate her talent.
R4 also stated that Prince Harry was marrying an American actor! Proving once again that the English language does not work in gender neutral, but the BBC wants to force it upon us. Now if Harry was indeed marrying an Actor then that would be news and would probably trump (no pun intended) the mixed-race crap.
I wonder if this black woman got any parts via Weinstein.
I think Harvey Wallbanger is a better name for him.
The only thing I thought about her is that she was quoted slagging off the Donald for his attitude to women, while not just giving Bill and Hilllary a free pass – but praising her. My thought was that she can’t be too bright if she can only parrot someone else’s words. Typical of the Hollywood acting cabal, they have the ability to speak with authority but their actual words are very shallow.
The only thing I thought about her is that she was quoted slagging off the Donald for his attitude to women, while not just giving Bill and Hilllary a free pass – but praising her. My thought was that she can’t be too bright if she can only parrot someone else’s words. Typical of the Hollywood acting cabal, they have the ability to speak with authority but their actual words are very shallow, and generally wrong on political issues.
Demon, good point. Received wisdom, still following ‘a script’ even when not working.
I was attracted to a Guardian article yesterday – an interview with Susan Sarandon. Apparently, she is a much more independent thinker than many luvvies.
Back on the subject of Newsnight, it seems that Emily has now taken over the role as the iron fist in Newsnight’s occasional velvet glove.
We have of course come to expect the BBC, through such portals as Newsnight, to stoke the dying embers of what was once a racial problem in this country vis a vis no blacks, irish or dogs etc. as it serves the purpose of the shadowy global masters who wish to destroy any unity that the population of this country may have, thereby giving them more control to manipulate the populations, assisted by more mass immigration to dilute unification across towns and villages across the country.
The BBC are simply a means of issueing propaganda to acheive this.
Emily demonstrated this with her presentation of the so called (exaggerated) problem of the Irish border and Brexit.
Mark Orban produced a sympathetic presentation of the Republic of Irelands point of view as well as the view of the EU, and Emily went on to interview and constantly talk over Sonny Wilson the DUP representative, who wants what the Republic want, that is to maintain an open border, and he tried to give reasons to how this would work (he even retorted during one of Emily’s interruptions exclaiming ‘ you are not listening to me’ But according to Maitlas (as well as the EU / Remainers etc. and any who wishes to frustrate Brexit) this can’t happen, you must have a hard border and this will impact on the movement of trade and affect the peace in the island of Ireland. So then according to Emily / the BBC / EU / Remainers / Global Masters etc. the UK must remain members of the single market and the customs union, in other words real Brexit can’t happen (or shouldn’t be allowed to happen)
The subtleness of her delivery was conspicuous in it’s abscence, the BBC are playing hard ball.
Would someone be kind enough to explain the logic of splitting quota with the EU?
Surely it’s the EU in its protectionist bubble that has to have a quota for free trade world imports.
After we leave aren’t we free to trade and set, or not set things as we please?
Australia knocks UK Brexit trade plan
Australia has criticised the UK’s post-Brexit trade plans to split quotas of food imports from around the world.
EU rules allow for a certain amount of goods to be brought in from countries outside of the Union without charging full tariffs.
After Brexit, the UK and EU want to split these quotas, based on where the goods are mostly consumed.
But Australian trade minister Steven Ciobo said it would impose unacceptable restrictions on their exports.
He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “The point is that you have a choice about where you place your quota at the moment.
“Therefore, given that you could put it in the UK or you could put it into continental Europe, why would we accept a proposition that would see a decline in the quota available because of the Brexit decision?”
the EU can keep the entire quota, and we will just decide our own new quota or not.
Im pretty sure the aussies are looking forward to unrestricted access to the british market
The so called BBC are desperately trying to find a BREXIT gotcha moment, having realised no one give a fuck about a shortage of eastern european barristas, they’ve had a few goes at planes not flying and a couple of goes at queues at dover
They get ever more desperate as the clock ticks by
It was the founder of Islams birthday the other day and in Athens all those people from Islamic lands where minorities are denied the right to openly promote their faith decided that marching through the centre of the Greek Capital (A country which until 1829 had to endure 400 years of barbaric Islamic occupation) on a weekend was the thing to do. Problem was there was a huge football match on and the fans took offence:
Greece: Greek football fans attack Mohammed birthday parade
For some very strange reason the bBC never reported this?
Even there the police still protected them though.
More leftwing crap from the bBC:
Is it right to say people caught in a terror scare ‘panic’?
The public’s response to a false alarm of a terror attack on London’s Oxford Street was widely described as “panic”……The problem with this word is that it implies not only that people are scared and running from danger, but also that they are acting irrationally, excessively and even selfishly.
Gee, bbC, I wonder what makes people across Europe panic so quickly nowadays…Do Tell
Anyone who travels through Oxford Circus station would be surprised there aren’t more “panics”.It is so overcrowded and anger is simmering below the surface all the time .There are all sorts of bad people on the tube let alone terrorists. Talk about sexual harassment ?Try being a female commuter stuffed in among all those foreign men.
There are.too many people here and as with all other services the tube can’t cope.BBC address the overcrowding as a reason for panic.No way.
I expect if you are lucky enough to have a BBC expenses account ,black cabs are the way to travel.
The next time you use the tube remember that less people are using it because of Brexit – according to TFL – which is financed by an asian son of a bus driver remainer labour Mayor – and if you’re a bus driver you can take offence if you want as I don’t care – or if you’re asian.
I used to be concerned if people didn’t like what I say here but I’m not in sorry mode any more as I say what I believe
Catch the Tube over a weekend and you find it packed to the gills with the cast of the United Nations and who the fuck takes a pram on the Tube through central London. (Clue they are not white) Then you have to get past the Romanian beggers at the entrance to Tube Stations, the black beggars who go from carriage to carriage asking for money and finally you have all the black gangsters outside tube stations waiting to stab somebody to death.
And I keep on getting told, it is English people who are intolerant.
Pounce – it’s a bloody night mare eh? And at night after 10 pm you really are taking your life in your hands . Maxi was telling me the other day that crime is at the same level in London as it was thirty years ago in the good old days. I didn’t have the heart to mention his Islamic friends trying to murder masses of people for the sake of it.
The university system is now stuffed with self-professed feminists whose sole purpose is to get paid (generally at taxpayers expense or through student fees) to carry out research into the best ways to undermine traditional English and British culture. Here is one of them receiving publicity through the BBC – there was a headlined link to this on the BBC’s homepage:
“Women are advised that apologising and using the word ‘just’ can undermine their authority – but feminist linguist Deborah Cameron has other ideas. She also reveals the communications trait that many men are guilty of“.
I find it interesting how on many occasions both men and women will enter a conversation with the expression ‘I am sorry…but..’
Sometimes it may indicate a mild disagreement but not always
They are drooling about how Prince Harry’s girl is mixed race. They will build the wedding up as absolute proof that multiculturalism works even as London burns and de facto caliphates spring up everywhere. Only an abject failure of a society would require ‘hate speech’ laws. If we all love each other so much there would be no hatred.
Like with every big event now, your first thought is of security. They would love to hit this one. And we have that forever now, thanks to the betrayal of our liberal elite.
I am listening to this psychology podcast by Jordan Peterson and he says that the hardest thing for people to deal with is betrayal; it does terrible things to your mind, making you rudderless and bitter. We have all been betrayed by the likes of the BBC. Honestly, making it a crime to question the destruction of your glorious country that your grandparents died for? Betrayal does not come much worse than that.
They crowed about how Friday night at Oxford Circus there was an over-reaction. No terror this time – just some gang violence! Hopefully it will just be a minor fight next time everyone starts running and screaming, but you never know – there could be knives, bombs or a truck. It’s so exciting going into London these days.
Exactly right .
There are acid attacks going on all over.If I heard the police being called urgently to a platform I think id run too.Trouble is overcrowding won’t let you ,so panic.
They can refer to her mixed race all they like ,but to some this light skinned woman is betraying her black roots.
I don’t care who the royals marry ,just another hanger on to be funded by the likes of me, but it really annoys me that the white part of mixed ethnicity is always subsumed and they are lumped in with black.
Still the BBC cannot help themselves and if they are not carefull it will be another total turn off.
It is an excuse for them to focus on fluff and fantasy which is what they specialise in.
What I hate about the royals is how there are so many of them. I could understand maybe the queen is good for tourism, but why should her seventh grand daughter get to live in a palace and have Police protection as well?
Totally Agree Deborah- just another pointless celebrity to feed, water and the media suck up to.
However I am concerned that the BBC is not doing its job properly
Owing to the fact that Meghan Mediocre is mixed race – Should we not be preparing for the expected “far right” lash back?
So we can assume that Meghan is half sinner and half saint. It’s a puzzle for me to figure out which half is the sinner and which half is the saint. I’ll write to the BBC on this one. I’m sure I can rely on them to give me the CORRECT answer.
Bet the queen will love having a black great grandson ….
Sluff mentions in a previous string, that “On BBC Moneybox a little while back, a resident alarmist spoke of ‘up to 100,000’ people who would miss out on Universal credit in December because of it being a 5 week month.” And the bbc made up all sorts of fake news about the ‘issue’, which was total tosh as usual. Good point Sluff!
I’ve just noticed that January has the magical five Mondays, so that helps the old pensions at the start of the year, plus the fact that the poll tax doesn’t need to be paid in February or March, so that really is good news! They’re not benefits, Mrs O’Blene and I worked all our lives, except for the time to bring up our children, so why does a tax-funded organisation like the bbc have to make it look as though we’re the guilty parties, living in a house on our own now?
It’s no wonder that almost everyone we know around here just ignores any of the bbbc ‘news’, although we did want to see Harry and Meghan more out of curiosity than anything else. Er Er Er Meeshal, with her usual blank expression, spoiled much of the interview by diving in about ‘ethnicity’. Luckily the lady next to Harry-boy got her sentences just right, much to the annoyance of Er Er Er…
Why can’t the bbc get someone who understands how to interview someone properly, without resorting to the sneer and innuendo.
Now that would be one job I would be happy for robots to take. Just programme them to ask the same questions in the same tone to every interviewee. If Beeboids tried to do that they would explode.
Of course, Beeboids don’t live in their own houses. Hypocrites.
No, they are more likely owned by their Offshore Tax Haven trust .
Scrobie, “so why does a tax-funded organisation like the bbc have to make it look as though we’re the guilty parties, living in a house on our own now?”
They are desperate to overturn Brexit. Start a divide and rule campaign over perceived affluence so that they can then say the young are disadvantaged by a decision to leave the EU made by old people.
Actually, in economic terms, you & Mrs O’blene {I liked that one 🙂 ] went through severe hardship that the young 25-35yr old housebuyer does not now face. That doesn’t matter to the fast-becoming economically illiterate BBC (“Bring back Steffie!”) – they have an agenda. It is very interesting to see the new registered Usernames popping up on BBC Blogs and HYSs. Russians, no doubt, trying to keep the UK in the EU, eh BBC?
Two stories which are not linked by al Beeb put – I posit – may be linked to both immigration and Brexit
1. Rise in scarlet fever cases
2. Rise in number of still births in hospitals
Importing disease and importing less than qualified maternity staff – as well as the number of third world mothers pumping out little mo s.
I realise that it easy to make links which in fact aren’t there.but I distrust al Beeb so much that they wouldn’t tell us even if they knew .
PS – hopefully the Irish government will fall apart this morning which can only, sadly, be good for us. I say ‘sadly ‘ because we have always been close but the evil EU got in the way.
Fedup2 – I thought the same, the amount of birth defects due to inbreeding and consanguinity amongst vibrant individuals is well documented; also many diseases which were eradicated in Britain decades ago (scarlet fever, TB etc) have reappeared here for some reason in the last few years.
There are more controls on checking the disease free status of plants coming into the UK than people.
Listening to Keir Starmer on Toady earlier, I really don’t know why Michel Barnier doesn’t recruit him as an addition to the EU’s Brexit negotiating team.
Pst! Al – he has.
There is no need to recruit kier starmer to the enemy cause – he is already on the pay roll like Kinnock soubry chooka and the luvvies .
‘So who appoints the head of RT?’ asked Nick Robinson petulantly, on Toady this morning, in one of the most intellectually bankrupt displays yet from this highly paid imbecile. The obvious rejoinder from the RT head he was barracking (by no stretch of the imagination could this have been described as an interview) would have been ‘who appoints the head of the BBC?’. After all, both are political appointments, from which the patronage on which the BBC runs flows down to the tea boy.
Every single time Robinson puffed up his chest to attack RT, his criticism applied at least as well to his own organisation. Is it even remotely possible that Robinson is unaware of the irony, here? If he is, then he isn’t fit to sell the Big Issue outside Tesco, let alone call himself a journalist.
RT is owned and run by and for the Russians, yes , we get that, thank you, Robinson. We need to treat its stories with caution. The BBC, on the other hand, is owned and run by the virtue signalling Left and sees itself as the unofficial opposition to whoever is in government, from a position even further to the Left. Until and unless it starts to understand that its position of trust has been fatally undermined by its own prejudices and biases, it can expect to see ever stronger calls for its dismemberment. And the sooner that happens, the better.
Top posts. Nick is a buffoon.
Robinson must be either on some mind altering substance or too much caffeine today as his performance on Toady this day has been a true example of arrogant self believing beeboid . The RT interview was painfully aggressive and the beeboid offence about being challenged to deliver news grates for them . RT is what it is . Al beeb pretends to be something it isn’t – objective truthful and loyal to our country which it so often harms
How much is the head of RT on Nick?
Tony Hall?…Lineker the Crisp? Chris Evans?-or “chiefly yourselves”(c/o Leonard Sachs)?
When are people going to detonate on the BBC live, so we can get those grabs and pass them around.
You`d think that RT would know what to do.
“Who is in the dock”?…it OUGHT to be the BBCs daily walk to the scaffold, yet they keep getting out of that dock and sticking all invited into it as they please.
They seem to have a sociopathic lack of self awareness. They bang on and on about Russia influencing the US election, having themselves done everything humanly possible to make sure Trump was not elected.
Not to mention the glaring example of President Jug Ears’ attempt to influence Brexit!
+10 BeebBrother.
Projection and lack of self awareness is a Beeboids characteristic.
I have to admit that was my first laugh out loud moment of the day with a rabid Robinson skilfully given the last minutes in case it went wrong – as it did .
I think I’ll be watching more RT . The rus are sorting Syria when we didn’t have the moral will to take Isis . Bet they wouldn’t have allowed a convoy to have safe passage back to the west to continue killing us in the name of their evil false god.
Excellent. Post it on the BBC website.
7:55 Low class Gotcha trick by Nick Robinson, whilst interviewing the Russia Today spokesman.
NR : “Mr XYZ said that Russia Today is an agent of Truth”
“Are you happy he said that ?”
RT : ” yes of course”
NR: ” So you are happy to have the support of Mr XYZ the leader of BNP ..the FAR RIGHT party ?”
RT : “err ?”
NR : “We’ll have to end there, we’re out if time”
(Mr XYZ = Nick Griffin, a guy hasn’t been in the news for years so why would the RT guy know who he was)
Robinson made a fool of himself this morning, just as he did when he rode the same broken hobbyhorse around the Mail on Sunday over the weekend. He may be securing his future (such as it is) with the BBC, but he is finishing his reputation as a journalist.
Speaking of Nick digging deeper, allow me to port over…
Prick going crazy. No, RT is vastly superior.
What does the fool mean by ‘equivalent’? Equally untrustworthy? Check. Equally unreliable? Check. Equally likely to be pushing an agenda in its ‘news’ reporting? Check.
In fact the one way in which I would say the two broadcasters diverge is that RT actually broadcasts views opposing the ‘narrative’. That’s something the BBC never does.
Jeremy Corbyn thinks RT are a good alternative ….

Relates to : Do you really believe that RT is the equivalent of the BBC ? {twitter – nickrobinson}
That was a genuine JC 2011 tweets
Corbyn is correct on this one.
Alongside his plans to get rid of hospital parking charges.
Let`s hammer the left with this- get off the Tory BBC and back Corbyns RT. And send the roubles to Putin to kill the rest of Boney M(a joke-Bobbys replacement would simply HAVE to be better that he was, useless gonk).
Mind you Andrew Ridgely might be the replacement in which case…
How about Cheggers?
Claire Khaw tweeted
\\ “Far Right” just means non-libtard. #r4today @RTUKnews
To be Far Right these days is to have sensible views based on undisputed truth and logic.
It is better to be Far Right than Far Wrong. #r4today //
The Lefty Wright Concise Dicktionary defines “Far Right” thus:- A derogatory term devised by Marxists to demonize decent people. Said people are usually big enough to reply D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.
Blimey mate that was a quick response. Thanks for posting Kev’s video. I don’t know how to post pictures and videos yet but hopefully I will learn.
Tips for posting links/pics
: Youtube ..just click the mouse over your browsers URL address bar then click ctrl C to pick up the URL
Then in a biasedbbc window click the mouse in the post box and Ctrl-P to paste the URL into the post
Once posted the system takes a minute to convert that URL in a link preview.
– With other images it’s best to go to twitter and similary collect/paste the URL of the tweet that contains the image
(but change http://mobile … to http://www)
Thanks Lads.
Stewlefty-fine pairing, a linguistic Morecambe and Wise(Little and Large also available). A new word a day, this is going to catch on.
Kevin” Sanguinary” Wilson-Heath…..
Thanks Stew. This time next year maybe I will have figured it out. I ain’t the brightest star in the galaxy. Computer jargon still fazes me.
One for BBC’s Nick Robinson and the Remain Lobby …
Anjem Choudary backs Remain campaign as EU protects against deportations { 22jun2016}
“Anjem Choudary, the radical cleric, has revealed he is backing the Remain campaign because the EU protects citizens against unfair deportations.”
However, he added that “it is not allowed” for Muslims to participate or vote in the referendum.
Anjem is one of a very few honest Muslims.
Good old guilt by association, that classic leftist ploy. So lazy, cheap and intellectually bankrupt. If Nick Griffin says the sun rises in the morning, that does not mean the sun does not rise in the morning.
Yep the “Association fallacy” ( a form of Ad Hom)
‘RT is liked by Nick Griffin, therefore RT is evil’
I’d call it “Hitler was a vegetarian” ploy
Does that mean vegetarians are like Hitler.
or the “Stalin was an atheist” ploy
This is quite a good site
although I spot an error int he intro
He says the ‘fallacy tricks that politicians and the media use’
.. but it’s not limited to them ..a particularly big problem is NGO’s and activists using such PR tricks
Yes, valuable. Years and years ago Trades Unions provided correspondence courses which covered what is now called critical thinking. There were books like Straight and Crooked Thinking first published in 1930 and revised in 1953, by Robert H. Thouless which describes, assesses and critically analyses flaws in reasoning and argument. Thouless describes it as a practical manual, rather than a theoretical one..
( See list of contents
The idea was that working men and women could learn to argue, see through the BS from the bosses and the upper classes. And recognise that arguments had to be assembled correctly and were not appeals to feelings. That is a long way from today’s left.
Later I went on to read Plato, starting with The Republic, and the Gorgias, and the battles with the Sophists or teachers of Athenian spin doctors and politicians.
So starting off as a building worker doing union correspondence courses, I ended up with a First in mathematical logic studied science with one of the team that produced the Hiroshima bomb, and now labelled as an under educated old white racist bigot who voted for Brexit
Sadly, critical thinking in the yoonies is now taught as an exercise in disagreeing with the Government , traditional institutions and values, and knowing how to apply pretentious labels on opponents, like neo liberalism and laying the foundations for a post nationalist culture.
#1 “RT is liked by leader of old British nationalist party”
#2 “BBC’s Nick Robinson smiled as he is photo’d with head of Britain First the new British nationalist party”
Ooh poor Nick – bet he had to take some smelling salts to calm his frayed nerves. She must have just returned from Mediterranean holiday drowning migrant babies on the beach or similair.
Two people in this photo and only one of people pictured has any balls.
And its not the normally smug but now slightly nervous twat in the specs.
If he found her so distasteful maybe he should have told her to piss off. Sorry forgot – no balls.
FakeNews spotting ?
Well first check if the radio dial says “BBC”
Stew, then get the beeboid to look in the mirror. My new dab digital wireless has a ‘fake news’ button . When I press it radio 4 comes on.
Divorce is not a strong enough word, how about Vietnam? Brexit is UK’s Vietnam as ‘no one wants to say it’s not going well’, says LSE Professor {independent 28nov2017}
“Brexit has parallels to the Vietnam War in terms of the violation of human rights and British people’s reluctance to criticise it for fear of being labelled unpatriotic, according to a professor.”
– Now it’s war – a Vietnam war! Rather than a Divorce!
Were I a Professor of any subject not Arts or Humanties, excepting Brian Cox, I might now be lobbying to have a new title created to separate rational academic achievement from ’15 minutes on the BBC’.
ha ha ha ha ha ha I love articles like this they make the remoaners sulking stupidity so obvious and slowly bit by bit those who were affected by project fear have the fog cleared from their glasses
Marky Mark
Similar to the Vietnam war eh.
Like ‘
‘Hey hey, LBJ how many kids you killed today?’
‘Hey hey Treezer May how many billions you give Brussels today?’
Its that time of year and the BBC have released their preferred list of contenders for Sports Personality of the Year 2017.
See if you can guess who their preferred winner is… here’s a clue, just check the action word at the start of each contenders biography and spot the difference. He retired this year, so it’d be nice to give him a proper BBC send-off don’t you think?
I think al beeb should rename it the “sir Mohammed Farrah Somalian refugee made good sports personality of the year award”
Then he gets a mention every year
Yes, but he is a fake refugee. He comes from Somaliland (capital Hargeisa) where, apart from a couple of days 25 years or so ago there has been no fighting whatsoever and it’s a totally peaceful self-governing former British colony yet the UK government gives, or gave, asylum to these people. Totally crazy.
It’s the same with Syria where those from, say, Latakia are given asylum but the town is completely unaffected by the recent fighting, which, thank God, Bashir Al-Assad seems to have won and despite David Cameron wanting to bomb him out of existence and allow ISIS to take over the entire country.
The Sage – thank you for that correction. In fedup2 world there would be no refugees. I would not identify anyone as a refugee. Any that are in Blighty would be deported if possible and the borders would be tough enough not to let them back in.
Our problem is the bubble gets on some kind of moral high ground which means taxpayers have to pay for it .
Typo: Please insert words – ‘with major chemical assistance’ between ‘made’ and ‘good’. Stet remainder.
Ched Evans…am I getting warm?
Shame on you. You failed to use his proper title…
‘Convicted rapist Ched Evans’ is the correct way to address him. Didn’t the BBC make this clear enough for you?
forget Mo….trending out in the odds
After the BBC report on Islington and other London areas are terrible for women { 12sep2017} … time to counter it with a social mobility report … London is great!
Conversely, some of the most deprived areas are “hotspots”, providing good education, employment opportunities and housing for their most disadvantaged residents. These include London boroughs with big deprived populations such as Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. { 28nov2017} – You might be living in a Labour nightmare such as Islington or Hackney, but your chances of getting out are good!
The bias goes on and on – the remainer guardian collumnist on The Long View reported that the father of JFK a really corrupt politician called Joe Kennedy objected to America supporting Blighty in 1939 1940 because the USA shouldn’t help Blighty as Blighty was going to lose .
In fact Kennedy was an enemy of Blighty because of his rabid support for irish republicanism . Some might say the” offing “ of his two sons was a rebalancing of account for the Kennedy family .
And harvey Oswald was a commie.
Moving swiftly on now….
Now on @BBCRadio4’s The Long View is about modern vs old Russian propaganda
An expert called Dr Pravda just claimed : the Dem email hack was done well before the Pussygate tape was released.. And the emails were then immediately released at that time to counter.
I don’t think that is true
..the Dem emails were already in public view
Wasn’t the Pussygate tape released to trump them ?
100% correct Breibart and infowars were running the emails for at least a year
Oh its Jonathan Freedland lads.
We need be detained no longer, who ELSE is going to appear on one of his dire-ramas?
Dr Pravda?…why am I not surprised…Professor Porkies? Doctor Kisskiss? Doctor Hook?
Hey SG,
“the Dem emails”……did you get that term off the Merde Bbc Pidgin site by any chance?
Otherwise known as ‘the wrong view”
Chancellor backs Brexit going wrong
According to Stewart White on Sunday Politics (East) the Chancellor also set aside £3 billion “in case Brexit goes wrong”.
This is a complete reversal of the Chancellor’s Budget statement which reads ” “The Budget sets out actions the government will take to: ……PREPARE FOR EXITING the EU and ensure a smooth transition by setting aside an additional £3 billion for government ”
(ref: HM Treasury, Autumn Budget 2017, Section 1, published 22 November 2017 by
13 Red Button Stories. THREE pissing on Brexit, two up Harrys bottom as he fends off racism and mental illness in the one story, something about scarlet fever and it`s link to Savile or Corbyn…something like that.
Made one of the above up-BBC do it all the time so it`s my late effort to win a Fake News Award.
Putin strangled the idiot bloke from Boney M in the cause of music…who`s to say he didn`t?
Programme news: BBC2 18:55 England v Kazakhstan World Cup qualifier – which, for some reason, fails to include the information, anywhere, that it’s the ladies kicking the ball around.
The only balls they are good at kicking belong to men. Katie Hopkins is both intelligent and beautiful. There, that should vex their spleens.
Whilst on the phone the other night(Friday?) telly was turned down and I saw at least five minutes of the Wales/Kazakhstan ladies game.
Am now offering the Welsh my “paint a fan on an empty seat” service-or maybe 50,000 blow up dolls that can sit if you squash them aright.
Never seen such a sea of blue seats-beautifully painted in a midnight shade we`ll all know from the ladies nail bar…funnily enough, matches the coppers kevlar as they raid OAPs houses for their TV License checks.
How outre and outrageous, Rozzer Blue nails and matching accesories, Taser doubling as curling tongs too.
Gotta dash darlings, got a shitzu to stuff into my manbag….
Which commentator is going to get the “ she ll never be a looker “ inverdale award.
Will this Ofsted revelation appear on the BBC website? Muslim children are being spoon‑fed misogyny (rachel sylvester) {thetimes 28nov2017}
“Ofsted has uncovered evidence of prejudiced teaching at Islamic schools but ministers continue to duck the problem”
. . . but we can’t talk about it . . . .
LONDON – Sunday evening, US President, Donald Trump, was named ‘Islamophobe of the Year’ at a satirical awards ceremony in West London. {aboutislam }
Here is the final list 2017 islamophobia category winners:
NEWS MEDIA: Daily Mail
Another important post.
Personally, I see OFSTED as just the states effort to ensure that schools are halal.
They`re now meat packaging and processing stations for kids with a silent humming abbatoir at Academy HQ or County Hall for those in need of special measures.
So it`s one and the same thing-when Wilshaw was unable to go into a Trojan Horse school without security earlier this year, and when Gove got in trouble for calling in anti-terrorism for the Trojan Horse issue a few years back as Education Sec…then we can say goodnight to compulsory schooling very soon. What`s the point of going? Let parents have vouchers to pay for childminder groups that WON`T hogtie their kids for halal prayers before the slash.
The States priests pray over them to the NHS, Beckham or Cowell, Jucker or Obama/
Save yourselves with shaven headed drag queen cake bakes for charity-or joining a union and reading the Guardian at least.
When Nigel took his “brick in the wall out” for us last June-the light came in and the BBC seem to think it`s for them to play in….no.
Trumps idea of a “Fake News Award” Ceremony is a good one.
Lifetime Achievement Award to Jo Cox and Estate.
Latest half baked turtle in a half shell News Award for Nazanin-Zaghari-Ratcliffe.
Fuck the Plebs News Ignoring Award(The Kriss Donald) goes to Anne Maguire and her poor family.
Won`t call them Oscars-let`s call then Harveys shall we?
“Trumps idea of a “Fake News Award” Ceremony is a good one.”
I didn’t know what you were talking about until I went to have a look at Trump’s recent tweets.
Then I burst out laughing!:
To StewGreen, IT expert: Thanks for your tip to Lefty Wright, which I faithfully followed! Could you also tell us how to do italics and bold? Ta!
Using >< symbols
Thank you Stew/Mark for your computer lessons. Please let me know regarding your tuition fees.
Why is this even news? It is like saying a football was found at a football club. You don’t even have to study the religious texts; it is clear from the different dress codes for men and women that Islam treats men and women differently.
That Times article is in page 4
… with another full page on pg27
Had an unusually long break at work on Sunday evening and, as I don’t own a TV at home, settled down in front of the one in the works canteen to see what was going on in the world. Switched on the BBC News channel to see that a lot of nasty brown people have been massacring lots of innocent, lovely brown people. This started to raise my hackles somewhat – hope this isn’t about nasty Burma and poor Rohingya Muslims. It was. Typical of the Beeb to find the only group of Muslims in the world who are actually facing some serious comeback for their unwanted depredations. They even went so far as to try and generate their own ‘Aylan Kurdi’ moment by showing two dead children on a riverbank. Switched to Sky News.
That was little better – some berk called Niall Paterson interviewing Vince Cable and the Labour Shadow Secretary for Work and Pensions, Deborah Abrahams. Apparently the nasty Tories have caused the life expectancy rate to decrease in the U.K. Turned TV off and went back to work, thankful that I refuse to give the Beeb any of my hard-earned cash.
Katty does Delhi (punctuation excluded)
‘Come again’ from the £3.5bn BBC News Service. Hidden in jokes are nuggets of truth …
Is India’s lack of toilets a cultural problem? { 16mar2012}
Only just noticed this – the toilet is in the same water where the kids are swimming .. honestly …
. . . 5 years later . . .
India is in the midst of a toilet-building frenzy, the government has set aside $20bn (£15bn) for the health initiative and aims to stop people having to defecate in the open by 2019. { 14nov2017}

Across the UK, authorities have issues with how people from the Sub continent use toilets. Be it shopping centres,Posts offices,universities and prisons. They have found that the simple task of actually sitting on a toilet is beyond some people and that they actually squat on the toilet resulting in broken toilets seats and shit everywhere.
However as this is the UK we care about how our Muslims shit:
Jail toilets face away from Mecca
I recall seeing the first ‘Portaloo’ installed on a construction site in Saudi Arabia. The results suggested that the users were not content to squat as the diagram shows, but stand…………
When the unit was put off-hire the hirer tried to steam clean the unit on site but eventually gave up and got consent to set fire to the unit on site. This is what the UK is working toward: a facet of multikulti the snowflakes would not believe.
My cousin dealt with this during his time working for British Rail. After a local building was converted to a mosque nearby, cleaning the public toilets became a nightmare. The Muslims wouldn’t use the toilet but had to crap in a certain direction on the floor. It was right behind the entrance so that when the door was opened, the excrement would be pushed into a worse mess and spread all over by the action of the door being opened over it. Difficult to clean. They wouldn’t use loo paper either.
IMO railway staff shouldn’t have had to deal with such a repulsive filthy mess. And regularly. We could do without Islam for many reasons.
I can’t recall which delightful place in the Middle East it was but a British company installed public toilets and sewerage system; which proceeded to keep getting blocked all the time.
The reason for it was found to be lots and lots of small pebbles, which the Arabs traditionally use to wipe their fundaments after taking a cr@p and they continued to utilize them when using the toilets and ignored the bog roll provided for that purpose.
A friend was guarding Egyptian soldiers during and immediately after the 6 day war. Being reasonable people, the Israelis gave their captives loo paper. They didn’t have a clue what to do with it and put it in their soup and ate it. (Honesty true).
Oy vey!
I worked in an office where there was a ‘fantom crapper’ who deposited ( his) in an unusual part of the loo and we couldn’t work out the posture to took in order to make the deposit. The standing on the loo was probably near to it.
We never found out who it was but there was a paki temp in the office. Mysteriously when he left the deposits stopped. The cleaner was very pleased. I don’t expect Panorama will run a special on this – however far down it scapes the bottom of the barrel for stories. It would be ideal for John Sweeney though.
Douglas Murray Interview on the Death of Europe {youtube}
. . .
The paradox of tolerance, first described by Karl Popper in 1945, is a decision theory paradox. The paradox states that if a society is tolerant without limit, their ability to be tolerant will eventually be seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Popper came to the seemingly paradoxical conclusion that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance. {wiki}
Prince Harry is marrying the German Chancellor ?
We must leave now, time is running out
. . .TURKEY – what have we learnt from TURKEY and Erdogan? . . .
Turkey’s Erdogan warns Europeans ‘will not walk safely on the streets’ if diplomatic row continues
But now that the party has risen, the story is getting darker. Early in his career Mr Erdogan made a telling remark he was later to regret. Democracy is like a train, he said; you get off once you have reached your destination. Now many of his party’s critics fear that Turkey’s president may be getting close to that goal.
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
It makes me almost wonder if Harry had been given a mission to find a mixed race woman to marry, ‘for the greater good’.
Wild Bill wrote:
“It makes me almost wonder if Harry had been given a mission to find a mixed race woman to marry, ‘for the greater good’.”
I doubt it, the Uk as a whole is virtually colour blind , yes there will be those who subscribe to a racist mentality, but unlike the view promoted by the left, their numbers are a lot less than racist bigots found within the coloured community. Myself I was adopted by a white couple during the 70s and that was when you actually called a spade a spade.
Wild Bill
Wait for the expected dash to find an ethnic partner. Gotta keep up with the Windsors you know.
Given dusky temptress Gemma Collins is benched following the BBC elephant trap incident, Harry clearly had to tone things down a bit.
I’m sure that this marriage , hopefully a successful one, can’t do any harm to the standing of the Royal firm by the bride not being white. At least she is definitely a woman , a very bright, vivacious and good looking one too, not a man or a transgender person. She isn’t a Muslim either. She is a bit on the old side at 36 to produce lots of little Royals but Kate and William have secured the succession. Anyway let’s wish them well.
“At least she is definitely a woman….” – Surely that depends solely upon how she wakes up feeling in the morning?
looks like harry picked himself a looker, not a bad result for a ginger
The SO called BBC says
‘A real representation of society’
Astrid and Mike say Prince Harry and Meghan represent true British society
French native Astrid and her partner of 10 years, Mike, who is Kenyan and Rwandan, live together in Birmingham.
Sara Khoo, 23, is of mixed Icelandic and Chinese heritage and Adam D’hill, 28, is Portuguese and African American
jeez it appears most of the country are bloody foreigners according to the so called BBC and oddly they know what is representative of Britain
All that’s needed now is that bonkers Blair sister in law to demand a conjugal threesome with the Woolwich wonders and a BBC singing Coke commercial is darn near already cast.
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi’s plan is evidently working.
Like you I wish them well. I think over the next few years they will capture the hearts and minds of a significant proportion of the UK population. It remains to be be seen how they choose to use that influence. Will they opt for the politically correct route or the traditional British family route which has a pretty high success rate? The recent history of Royal marriages does not hold out too much promise or perhaps the outcome is already planned.
The media will be waiting to see if the outcome is a black royal baby.
Perhaps A black Prince
Reminds of the joke about the young Jewish boy given a mission by his father to find a wife. After bringing home various ethnics he eventually returned with what seemed to be the one. “Father, I’d like to introduce you to my new girlfriend”. Before you bring her in what’s her name said the father. “Miss Goldberg” replied the son. Great thought his father, a nice Jewish girl. “What’s her first name my son”. “Whoopi” came the reply.
I see that our ‘community’ has just received an early Christmas present – large ‘packages’ now reduce the width of the pedestrian walkways into the shopping centre by a third.
Another example of how the ‘extremists’ won’t change our lives Mrs. May?
the ISIS christmas trees have arrived then eh jim
It’s not known for the ‘Rape Capital of Europe’ for nothing……………..
First broadcast on the BBC? –
What happened to the liberal Swedes?
Just listened to Jezz Swine’s verbal contortions discussing the royal engagement with Bonnie Greer and another woman-of-colour on his show.
He really is such a metrosexual; intellectually lightweight tw@t.
Scarlet fever cases hit 50-year high in England { 28nov2017}
“The disease has been on the rise since 2014, but experts have so far failed to find a reason for the recent increase.”
– uncontrolled migration or vetted and illegal entry into a country maybe?
This part in the bBC article caught my eye:
The disease has been on the rise since 2014, but experts have so far failed to find a reason for the recent increase.
I expect that goes for whooping cough to, Pounce.
There’s a lot of it about – ask any chemist, preferably someone in the shires, don’t get too close…
Never mind, I’m sure that our famous InterNational Health Service will sort it out.
More guilt by association. It seems a German pro-refugee mayor has been stabbed, and suddenly it is perfectly OK to make assumptions as to the beliefs of the likely perpetrators.
At the end of the article we have:
There you have it. It’s all the fault of the murderous AfD, just as Nigel Farage personally ordered the killing of St Jo.
The BBC really needs to find the line to take on guilt by association as swathes of their preferred interviewees are crossing previous BBC lines in the sand.
Simply ignoring one set whilst getting excited by another rather smacks of bias.
I have to laugh at how when the shoe is on the other foot, ( which is nearly all the time) we are a fed a diet of:
He was suffering from a mental illness
He was Asian
He saw his friends suffer in …..
He saw his family killed
He wanted to become a doctor
So many stabbings, so little time to compare them all .. Van Gogh worked with the Somali-born writer and politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali to produce the short film Submission (2004), which criticized the treatment of women in Islam and resulted in an outrage from the Dutch Muslim community. On 2 November 2004, Van Gogh was assassinated by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim who objected to the controversial film. {wiki}
“Bouyeri cut Van Gogh’s throat with a large knife and tried to decapitate him, after which he stabbed the knife deep into Van Gogh’s chest, reaching his spinal cord. He attached a note to the body with a smaller knife. Van Gogh died on the spot.[13] The two knives were left implanted. The note was addressed to and contained a death threat to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who went into hiding. It also threatened Western countries and Jews, and referred to ideologies of the Egyptian organization Takfir wal-Hijra.”
Seems like the BBC’s favourite guest ‘expert’ and the BBC’s favourite guest ‘talent’ have found their respective soulmate. All that is needed now is they get a room. With, say, a microphone, national broadcast facilities….
Wishing James O’Brien a Jerry Christmas from the BBC …
old post
He had won the victory over himself. He pulled the “Jerry Christmas” jumper* over his head and felt the warmth that Labour would bring now and in the future, free and at no cost to anyone.
(reference to Orwell 1984)
Daily Poliics today
Owen Jones of left wing Momentum versus Richard nobody of left wing Progress scratching each others eyes out.
What a couple of girls blouses. Bitchy,bitchy,bitchy.
That prick was on LBC the otherday. What a disgrace to humanity. I can just imagine him during WW2:
Hitler is misunderstood
The British are in the wrong
We should stop shooting German planes down over London
I think Nazis in black shirts are hot
I love Kamping with the boys.
If I did join up (never in a month of bad hair days) I would join the Gordon Highlanders.
If anyone is in any doubt at all about the contempt in which the BBC holds its audiences, take a look at what it is proposing to show over the coming Christmas period (the BBC’s ‘news’ website has the details). Suffice it to say that Mrs Brown’s Boys and French and Saunders are mentioned at the top of the bill of fare.
A more nauseating array of narcissistic masturbation, self back-patting and reheated tripe I cannot imagine. What’s worse is the undeniable sense that they think it is all we are fit for. They really think we are that dim.
Great News
Al beeb is having a tax avoiders ‘ Christmas with some Irish men in drag as the high point . Naturally in accordance with al beeb embracing sharia law there isn’t any comedy but they are putting something called Saunders and French on . Apparently one of them is the former lady Lenard Henry of brummie fame.dump your licence people .
BBC: ‘Ever since Donald Trump dubbed Hillary Clinton a ‘nasty woman’ during a presidential debate, women the world over have embraced the term as a battle-cry with Nasty Woman t-shirts, perfumes and cocktails’
Really? Oh well, if you say so.
And let’s not forget that this apparent female hero Hillary Clinton dubbed Donald Trump’s voters (yes, the ordinary people disinclined to vote for her) “a basket of deplorables”
‘This spirited response chimes with a long tradition of feisty female comedians on the radio’
Just to unpack that statement, it seems if you are a female comedy practitioner on BBC radio you must be inherently anti-Trump. Ok, we’ll let that thought sink in. I’ll just mention in passing: Bill Clinton’s ‘zipper problem’, anyone?
By the way, is there any BBC programming at present not thoroughly suffused with leftist identity politics?
They think it you repeat something often enough it makes it so – that is the whole Leftist mentality right there.
Enjoy the different reporting styles when foreign companies invest £1B in the UK – post Brexit vote :
BBC : Pharma deals are ‘vote of confidence’, says government –
FT : Big pharma to unveil £1bn boost for Theresa May’s Brexit future –
Note that the FT is virulently anti-Brexit and yet they manage to be slightly upbeat, and actually mention a figure. The B-BBC headline meant absolutely nothing. And, just one day later, there is no sign of any foreign investment news on the BBC webpage – taken down fast as possible.
Ask a silly question
They say that in court a good lawyer will never ask a question of a witness to which he does not already know the answer.
Does the same concept transfer to the good TV interviewer? What makes a good TV interview – a quest for truth and enlightenment on behalf of the audience or carefully towing the broadcaster’s party line?
We wonder this morning as the lanky, pale and rather bland testosterone-challenged would-be matinee idol Dan Walker chats to an NHS expert doctor about still births on the increasingly female-interest-centric BBC.
Walker’s editors have scripted for him that favourite mantra of the BBC- the european false equivalence question : “How come our UK still birth statistics are higher than european countries, such as Poland….?”
“Well, we know there are higher rates of still birth in black and ethnic communities and the figures will be higher in a more diverse society” [I may have paraphrased somewhat – I don’t carry a note book or do shorthand but, seriously, the sense behind that NHS doctor’s words stuck in the memory]
The doctor went on to fudge somewhat and Dan was hardly going to follow up having invited that particular cat out of the bag.
Roughly 12% of the French population in general yet 70% of the prison population. But who can I be referring to?
The Washington Post tell us:
It is a matter of time before the imbalance arrives here. Probably the reason the police/cps only investigate crime committed by white, old, British males. Compliments of Amber Rudderless needless to say.
Come to think of it, there is a similar percentage of ‘foreign’ staff in the NHS who are predominantly found to be medically wanting and most complained of.
“Everyone has the same prejudices and negative image of Muslims and Islam,” said Moroccan-born El Alaoui Talibi, 47, the mother of seven children. ”
I would ask her to:
Define- Everyone
Define- Prejudice
Define- Negative Image
What is a “Muslim Holy Woman?”
Is it common for Muslim women to have seven or more children?
R4 play now
: prisoner mentions woman in hijab.
.. Next Lenny Henry* is mocking a prisoner for showing concern for immigration.
* (Lenny is doing a terrible Cockney accent.
– BBC inverted racism
Seems out of 10 actors 2 are white.) turns out a prisoner is aggravated hate crime cos he yanked off a woman’s hijab.
Next scene features a woman’s ex-wife
Hang on Jo Cox
And acid attacks by white supremacists being mentioned.
The female mayoral candidate Ayesha is being Trolled by right wing racists.
Just the usual BBC crap.
Only the BBC would consider, or even be interested in, running such a full-on anti-Brexit story:
Odd, all his lad had to do was say he was an migrant (we are all migrants) and get free access to everything in Holland … “What really fired me up was when I went on holiday to Holland just after the Brexit vote and my five-year-old son said he would like to live there when he grows up. I said ‘you might not be able to because of Brexit’.” { 28nov2017}
In his book about the death of Europe, Douglas Murray says there are so many minor inconveniences of immigration which nobody is allowed to mention.
My nephews get a mini bus to school. A cockney guy used to drive the bus and he always had a good chat with us in the morning and fussed over the dog who loved the attention. His replacement does not like dogs, possibly due to his religion, and cannot chat in the morning as his command of English is limited; he also cannot get to know the children in the same way.
What is there to ‘celebrate’ about diversity in this instance? The Beeb will tell us its us all holding hands next to a rainbow but the reality is countless minor and major irritations as we all do our best to muddle through a difficult situation. Obviously if you place people with different cultures all together it is going to be a struggle. It is hard getting on with people at the best of times, let alone when you’re forever tiptoeing through a social minefield knowing the slightest ‘intolerance’ could land you in prison.
Give up struggling, the politicians, the EU, Juncker and celebrities know what you want.
Just accept and you will be at peace.
But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. – Orwell 1984
“cannot get to know the children in the same way.” We have evidence of how they like to get to know children.
In a serious country, a man employed and entrusted with the responsibility for driving children to their school would have to be able to communicate with them; this is no longer a serious country so I am unsurprised by this.
Times : SadMan Khan has been in office for 10 months.
In that time his staff have banned Uber for being dangerous.
….And used Uber almost as much as BlackCabs
£500 vs £800 claimed on travel expenses.
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. { aug2015}”
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Who is in charge of 7000+ pubs in London in 2017?
… wait, Sadiq Khan spoke at the Chicken Cottage Awards in 2012 …
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
If I didn’t know the source I would immediately put this down to a serious dose of Fake News –
Did they know ?
Interesting thread about Rotherham Labour
A gang of men and boys convicted of sexually abusing teenage girls in Peterborough used “sophisticated” tactics to groom their victims, detectives have said. They befriended vulnerable girls, gave them gifts, money, drugs and alcohol and used violence and intimidation to control them, subjecting them to “appalling” abuse in places such as children’s playgrounds. { 15jan2014}
‘Stewart Jackson, Conservative MP for Peterborough, said: “There are bigger lessons that we have learned in Oxford and in the north-west of England and we’re learning in Peterborough.’
‘”Thankfully, Peterborough City Council and other agencies acted quickly but there are always lessons to be learned.”‘
– Article does not say how many children where attacked – 1400? 2000?
– Could the BBC send it’s £3.5bn News Service or Gary ‘£1.75m’ Liniker to the crime scene?
In that particular case it was five that came forward, all between the ages of 12 and 13. Obviously PCC didn’t learn much as their were two further cases in the city during 2014.
men = muslim
teenager girls = peados
lessons learned = …
Could be the (equally verminous) Roma gypsies?
fried chicken shop and Hassan Abdulla dont seem like modus operandi for pikeys but i may be wrong
True, but the Roma are involved in it and have even sold their own daughters to Muzzies in Bradford and Sheffield.
Paks and Roma gypsies: all nice folk to have in your country.
Cooper_Man – I think 5 is the start not the end (as you say later) – only those that came forward. It reminds of this previous post …
Does a terror watch list exist in the UK and how is it used by police? { jun2017}
“If they (terrorist) did anything out of the ordinary – if they weren’t in their normal location, if they were acting in an odd way and it was brought to somebody’s attention, or they did something criminal – then they would be looked at doubly.”
– See what happened? We can’t watch the terrorists all the time, but when the terrorist does something odd we will get them, even though the chances are we missed it because we can’t watch them all the time.
– If the Government arrest 20K terrorists, this is not the known number it is the ones they have found. Same with the girls attacked – I imagine it is a lot larger.