This blog will be staying open for the foreseeable future #duetoBrexit and the complete certainty, #duetoBrexit, that the BBC will be pumping out relentless bias relentlessly…list it all here….
Jailed black troll story is buried away
in local news.
Media decline to show his photo and use photo of white MP instead
27 Nov
Man guilty of harassing Tory MP he called a child abuser
Matthew Offord is MP for Hendon
A man has been convicted of harassing a Tory MP by accusing him of being a child abuser and a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Hendon MP Matthew Offord was left fearing for his personal safety when the allegations came at around the time of the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, a court heard.
Kingsley Ezeugo, 48, from Edgware, north-west London, was found guilty of harassing Mr Offord by sending him a series of emails and turning up at his constituency office in north-west London, as well as the town hall.
He claimed the MP worked with the likes of Jimmy Savile to cover up child abuse, and was in cahoots with the Ku Klux Klan.
Ezeugo was sentenced to 10 weeks’ imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, and made subject to a restraining order. link
News : trial of John Tomlin
‘White man’s acid attack on 2 Muslim girls’
Is over and the attack was found to be random with no race/hate angle.
…despite previous news stories.
R4..Royal historian makes comment implying that Brexit is negative and gets put down for it!!!!! It’s the Eddie Mair show but not sure who put her down….was it him??? It’s a first…
This morning I had a bet with Mrs F…………………..the bet was, “how many minutes (or seconds) it would be before the sofa monkeys (or their counterparts) on Breaksfast would take to mention, “despite or due to Brexit” after I switched on the TV. I said 35 seconds, the missus, 2m30s. Well for a change I lost…….because it was actually 2m50s….but my excuse for losing was that for the first 2m they were discussing the volcano in Bali and I was really waiting for the eruption was due to Brexit but it never came…it came a few seconds later when some specialist was talking about the price of a Christmas dinner going up. It has gone up 50p due Brexit and the pound falling. However, what they fail to mention is that a few years back the exchange rate against the euro was nearly 1 for 1 (1.02 approx.) and then we were still well and truly in this awful club, but that rate never affected anything of course. Short memories and news by omission again!
When the eruption actually happens Brexit will be blamed for a lack of international response and all that gas and dust thrown up will have no affect on non existent global warming- also caused by Brexit – or not.
I’m guess al Beeb won’t be showing The Great Escape this or next year .
PS – if you really want to see sick fu—-kegs see the selfies taken at Auschwitz- which feature in mail online. Wherever these people are from – they have the vote …
James ,
Not a 5 news fan but caught that – I don’t think he liked her much and I saw it coming when she linked a royal wedding to Brexit . Maybe even the fella who runs that programme realises what an anti Brexit onslaught is being run whether one looks.
I think whether we like it or not the EUbrexit argument is not going away in our generation . The moment we leave the campaign to rejoin will start – our only hope is the end of the EU.
BBC1 6pm News – Mark Easton gives a breathless report on the resignation of Dame Prof Glynis Breakwell, Vice chancellor of the University of Bath. He gives her salary (£468,000) AND she has a “marvelous house” AND an “interest free car loan”. WOW! And, he says, all paid for by students racking up debt. Well done Mark having the brass neck to ignore the fact that the salary is mere chickenfeed for BBC auto cue readers. And how poor are many who pay the BBC salaries, Mark?
I loved the way the bBBC news webshite seems to insinuate that said Vice Chancellor is somehow being magnanimous in leaving.
In fact she will get a year’s full salary without working, from what I read.
Only in public sector la la land. The Beeb would no doubt approve.
Spectator is saying there is ‘agreement’ that the sum we will pay to the EU is between €45 000 000 000 and €55 000 000 000. A clear victory.
I write the noughts because it is, for small brainers like Fedup2, difficult to conceive what 55 billion actually is. I repeat the perspective that the International NHS costs about £120 000 000 000 a year to run. The ideal Christmas Gift .
today ladies and gentlemen – and fluids _ Toady had a story about former terrorists in Cyprus taking legal action against the British government about their fight against us to get independence. A dedicated firm of lawyers is shifting through freshly released papers showing the actions of the British Army in 1 9 6 5 when all this went on and its ‘fight for justice ‘ ( or cash to you and me ).
They are using techniques used by a bent law firm which went after soldiers fighting terrorism in our recent foreign wars – if you remember – falsifying statements and touting for business in order to get British taxpayers cash.
Obviously no challenge from al Beeb and a prejudiced approach that the military is in the wrong as usual.
It was wonderful to see the, unconventionally attractive, sister of Saint Jo of Cox on Look North last night promoting something or other, which is after a fashion related somehow to her sister’s murder.
I was worried, as I’d not seen her featured on al Beebus for at least a fortnight.
I understand Saint Jo’s widower was on ITV this morning promoting the same whatever but unfortunately work intruded and prevented my enjoying that too.
Saint Jo – she died, so that others could build careers.
Matt Frei is the main chap for channel 4 news when snowy is away counting the fairies. Mr Frei was born in Germany and his German father bought the family to Blighty where they settled. (. Source – wiki ) Frei went to a private school, oxford , then worked for al Beeb.
This explains his constant anti British attitude . He is a foreigner looking in at we leavers as though we are some kind of misbehaving child. C4 sent him to Dublin today to report on the fall of the Irish government which, sadly , never happened. But now he is painting Ireland as being able to block a deal for us to leave . Good luck to them . My nationalist hackles start to rise when I hear this .
Frei’s attempt to stir up yet more anti Brexit hysteria by reporting from Dublin didn’t work . The interviewees were rither unconvincing ot in one case didn’t stick to the anti British script. However it says a lot about the traitorous attitude of C4 news that they even attempted this stunt.
Take the scenario –
A ‘government’ of Remainers who pretend to be Brexiteers. “Brexit means Brexit!”
The government and the EU contrive a totally bad deal, during which time they drag out the negotiations up to the next election. The government go to the people for a vote……
The people of Great Britain are left with Hobson’s choice, the present government of appeasers or Mr Corbyn?
Meanwhile the propaganda continues …………………
“I gave up my job to fight Brexit”
Time for a swift exit ?
Time for a new PM ?
How about it Mr Rees-Mogg ?
It seems the treacherous May has capitulated to every single EU demand, including an acceptance of paying them an eye watering 100 million Euros.
She has apparently caved into every single demand the EU have made of her in a desperate bid. Far from a stance of no deal is better than a bad deal she has taken then view that any deal even a bad one is better than no deal.
Not really surprised Tful. I said as soon as May was elected leader it was obvious that she has no real interest in delivering us from the EU and solely wanted the job so she could claim to have been PM. The best we could have hoped for under her woeful “leadership” is a fudge which costs us a lot of money but fundamentally will change nothing.
As Home Sec she dragged the Tory Party to the left and in effect is a fully paid up member of the liberal elite. She will do nothing to harm her class. And is willing to suppress free speech (hence the appointment of control freak Rudd) if it helps to give the impression that she is still in control. She is a dull machine minder who s heart was never in the job and obviously would feel happier in a Hijab walking ten paces behind Junker than sitting opposite him in any negotiation.
Thought the figure was 50 b but even so it’s mind boggling, in return for what? They better start telling us, for once! I hope it’s spread over many years and that in return we get a good trade deal that the EU can’t wriggle out of. We will never know whether we could have got this for much less by not losing our nerve. Strong and stable?
We cannot get a good trade deal. We will get nothing for the money. Please Ireland – torpedo it- we did loan you 29 billion courtesy of Wonga (. Other loan sharks are available ) when you were bust…
Interesting indeed. Seems to tally with projections showing Brexit hitting poorer ‘Leave’ areas much harder than wealthier ‘Remain’ ones.
Clearly this is approaching crunch time for the massed ranks of the bodysnatched remain lobby. So heavily committed to overturning the leave vote are they that they just cannot see the dangers ahead for them and the country.
I will not personally accept that my vote is to be set aside. I hope there will be millions of us . It will be a betrayal of all I have been bought up to believe is the basis of English freedom .
If it is set aside then millions of us can also set aside our duty of loyalty to the monarch and to the will of parliament.
In effect we will be forced to rebel whatever the consequences.
As in 1642 our course is clear. Although this time it is because parliament is trying to set aside our will and deny us the sovereignty we hold by right .In 1642 it was the KIng . Ironic if now it is parliament.
Our parliament gave us the referendum. It must carry out the result. it has no choice and it is about time this was clearly said and the BBC/C4 told to face reaity and stop misleading and trying to subvert our will.
It really is difficult to see where this is going . May is obviously out of her depth and over promoted. But there is no alternative . An election followed by a Corbyn working majority will end brexit and take us into the sunny uplands of socialism .
The likes of JRM have to make a stand at some time or shut up .
Time Priti does her act. She knows the weakness from inside the tent and could piss on it from the outside.
JRM is too nice.
His time will be after a couple of elections.
Brexit blackmail payment reportedly agreed to. N Korea fires a missile. Mutti set-up shows a crack. What does BBC 6pm TV news lead with? I think it may have been the Rohinja Muslims. What does ITV lead with? Harry and Markle (Groan). Switched off both due to extreme topic fatigue.
Brexit payment about £50m ? Interesting. Who’s not looking strong and stable here?
N Korea missile: There will be words. Many, many words. Perhap’s a good thing??
Mutti: Her agriculture minister no longer playing ball. Don’t worry, she has vays und meanz…
BBC or ITV news anyone?
Footnote on Mutti: if any interest, see my previous post on how the German elite cleverly set all this up. Mutti -posing as a Christian Democrat, but actually a socialist, possibly a previous secretary in the FDJ (Communist Youth League) in the former GDR – only got one third of the recent vote; SPD (socialist) got one fifth. Clever elite consensus got Steinmeier (SPD) appointed as Federal President. And guess who plays a major role in the appointment of the Federal Chancellor if there is an election deadlock, (and there certainly is)? Darn, you’ve guessed, haven’t you?
Debunking the False Narrative that the BBC is biased TOWARDS Tories
The @BBC has been long time supporters of left wing ideology. BBC staff have often gone on to work for the Labour party and vice versa. 25 years a journalist at the BBC Robin Aitkens book 'Can you trust the BBC?' speaks volumes.
No deal is better than a bad deal. This is a bad deal.
Not included is the 13 billion pounds of our money lodged in the Eurpean Central Bank which they have said will be paid back slowly over 50 years.
I think Junker/Barnier is taking the Michael out of us. They are laughing at you Mrs May and therefore us. If true, this is an abuse of taxpayers money.
Let’s pay for the EU winelake while reducing our Police and Army budget.
If Mrs May cannot justify each thousand pounds then I honestly believe prison should be recommended. She could even share a cell with Blair.
why is it always a round billion why not 45.5 billion
and i presume this excludes the time waiting for article 50 and the two years of article 50 and the two years of transition
(you had two years notice of changes when article 50 was invoked what exactly is the new two years for)
it looks to me like shes ramped up the cost so high they can all say its not worth/we cant afford to LEAVE
Sharia May you suck you deserve electoral obliteration
No mention of this today on BBAC (British Broadcasting Anti Conservatives). I wonder why….could it be that they have been infiltrated by Momentum
November 28 2017, 12:01am, The Times
Samantha Jury-Dada, of Southwark, south London, and Carl Austin-Behan, a former lord mayor of Manchester, have been deselected as Labour councillors in favour of hard-left Momentum supporters
Samantha Jury-Dada, of Southwark, south London, and Carl Austin-Behan, a former lord mayor of Manchester, have been deselected as Labour councillors in favour of hard-left Momentum supporters
Jeremy Corbyn’s left-wing supporters have been accused of carrying out an “aggressive purge” of centrist councillors to put up their own candidates in local elections next year.
Councillors across the country have been deselected in a vote of local members or have faced pressure not to contest their seats in May in favour of candidates more closely aligned to the cause of the Labour leader and the Momentum campaign that supports him.
Tensions in one London borough have become so bad that centrist organisers called for the regional party to take over the selection process. Tim Gallagher, a councillor from Haringey, north London, who decided to step down last week, said that he and colleagues were written off as “zombie Blairites”.
The divisions were laid bare as a US bank warned that a Corbyn government would threaten the UK asset market more than Brexit would. Graham Secker, chief European equity strategist at Morgan Stanley, was said to have told clients: “We could see the biggest shake-up in the political backdrop since the 70s. This is much more scary from an equity perspective than Brexit.”
In Haringey about ten Labour councillors are understood to have decided to stand down or to have lost the contest for their seat to a left-wing candidate. Mr Gallagher resigned after he was not automatically reselected.
He described the selection process as “poisonous” in a statement on Twitter. The local party had become “inflamed with division, distrust, and what at times feels like real hatred”, he said. He conceded that all sides deserved some blame but added: “Nothing excuses the aggressive purge that has taken place of all councillors not deemed to fit a flat-pack ideological mould.”
Alan Strickland, another Haringey councillor, announced he was stepping down after failing to be automatically reselected. In an open letter published online, he said “narrow factionalism” had dominated the selection process and he was not confident his candidacy would be received with an open mind.
Lorna Reith, the chief whip of the Labour group on the council, was also deselected for a Momentum candidate. Joe Goldberg, cabinet member for economic development, said earlier this month that he would not stand again.
Matt Pound, national organiser for Labour First, a centrist pressure group, said there had been “an orchestrated purge of hardworking Labour councillors” and called for the regional party to take over the selection process. He added: “Instances of deselections on purely factional grounds occurring around the country are totally counterproductive and should be called out and resisted by local members.”
The dispute in Haringey centred on a local development scheme, backed by many party councillors but which faced opposition from the left. A Momentum source said it was “unsurprising there is a desire among local members in Haringey to get some new faces on to the council”.
Rule changes passed by Labour last year mean that councillors, who used to have to face an open contest to recontest their seat, must now do so only if they lose a vote to reselect them automatically. Incumbent Labour councillors have tended in the past to be reselected to fight their seat. Internal party critics claim that deselections are beginning to happen more often on ideological and factional grounds.
In the south London borough of Southwark, Samantha Jury-Dada, a councillor who is linked to the Blairite pressure group Progress, has been blocked from standing again in favour of a male Momentum activist. Her deselection in July prompted anger among Labour members who wrote an open letter to the party’s national executive demanding an inquiry. They complained that Ms Jury-Dada, a “young LGBT woman of colour, was deselected in favour of a white man who doesn’t live in the ward”. She said on Twitter that she had been the victim of “factional swipes” that had left her “devastated”.
The Labour MP Neil Coyle, who was present at the deselection meeting, said: “Faraday ward is 60 per cent BME [black and ethnic minority] and yet has no BME candidate fighting for Labour after the deselection.”
In Manchester Carl Austin-Behan, the first openly gay lord mayor of the city, is one of two Labour councillors not selected to stand again for their seats. Local members backed three other candidates for a shortlist, on which a Momentum activist, Ben Clay, is said to be the frontrunner.
Judith Blake, leader of Leeds council, is understood to be facing an open selection battle against left-wing candidates later this week after she was not automatically reselected.
Critics of Momentum, which grew out of Mr Corbyn’s 2015 party leadership campaign, have likened the organisation to Militant, the group used by the far left to infiltrate Labour in the 1980s, and have deemed it a “party within the party”.
Momentum’s supporters say that it is a mass movement campaigning organisation that complements the Labour Party and point to its backing, which includes 31,000 members and 200,000 supporters.
Momentum said: “We think it’s fantastic that hundreds of thousands of people new to politics have felt so inspired that they’ve joined the Labour Party . . . We should trust local members to be the best judge of who should represent their community.” Labour said that its members chose candidates by processes in its rulebook. It would not comment on individual selections.
Also, no mention on this story too….I wonder why again (nothing to do with the BBC Muslim love in at all!!)
From today’s Times:
It’s OK to beat your wife, says Islamic school book
Library books which urge women to be submissive to their husbands and never refuse sex are among a dossier of misogynistic material inspectors have found in Islamic schools.
Ofsted has compiled a file of the worst examples of discrimination and sexism its inspectors encountered. The material includes excerpts from library books and children’s marked work which sanction domestic violence.
Among the worst examples was a book discovered in a school library entitled, “Women who deserve to go to hell” which said that it was wrong for wives to show “ingratitude to their husband” or “have tall ambitions”.
Ofsted said the material it collected was out of step with mainstream Muslim thinking and came from maintained schools as well as independent faith schools and unregistered schools.
Amanda Spielman, the chief inspector, has made clear her determination to ensure that children at religious schools get a solid education that prepares them for life in modern Britain. Last month in court she successfully defended a decision to place the Al Hijrah Islamic school in Birmingham into special measures for segregating boys and girls from the age of nine.
One school Ofsted visited encouraged children to read a text that contrasted the “noble women of the East” with the “internally torn woman of the West” who attracts men and leaves her home to hang around aimlessly in cinemas and cafés.
Other library books insisted that in a Muslim marriage “the wife is not allowed to refuse sex to her husband” or “leave the house where she lives without his permission” while boys and girls were taught that “the man by way of correction can also beat her”. Work marked by teachers stated that women had a responsibility “only to bear children and bring them up as Muslims”.
Ofsted insiders said the books and writings made for “uncomfortable reading”. They are concerned not only that religious schools are using inappropriate materials, but that well- intentioned mainstream schools are permitting extreme forms of Islam in the belief they are being inclusive.
Ofsted took issue in particular with primary schools which allowed girls as young as four to wear the hijab. It said there was “growing concern” about the trend. In mainstream Muslim teaching the hijab is commonly for females after they reach the age of puberty
It is understood the material in the dossier may be used in t
raining for inspectors.
Dame Louise Casey, who published a report for the government on integration a year ago, told The Times there should be a moratorium on opening new faith schools until the problems were addressed. “Some schools are teaching a segregated way of life and misogyny and the government isn’t taking enough of a stand. The public expects them to do that. The DFE turns a blind eye and hopes that Ofsted will deal with the problem. It’s all in the ‘too difficult’ box,” she said.
“Dame Louise Casey, who published a report for the government on integration a year ago, told The Times there should be a moratorium on opening new faith schools until the problems were addressed.”
But wouldn’t that hold up the flow of Saudi money coming into the country solely for the purpose of islamification?
Probably why Treezer has gone post haste to Saudi to apologise for the OFSTED inspectors.
May tried to lose the last election so that labour would deny us Brexit.
Attacking the old and a vote on fox hunting yet she still managed not to lose and had to go through the game of getting the DUP on board.
The plan now is to get such a terrible Brexit deal that there will be a leadership challenge and a general election where May will hope that labour wins and cancels Brexit.
May has capitulated on every demand from the eu and got nothing at all back from them.
We should give them no money.
If they want an Irish border, they can build one.
The eu workers already know they can stay here.
This is not us leaving the eu, it’s a betrayal.
They’ve split up the anti eu parties like ukip and the spin offs so we have nobody to vote for. Labour and liberals will stay in and the conservatives will fiddle it and lie, eventually destroying Brexit.
Democracy is dead in the UK.
And the bbc gives us blanket coverage of some royal who got engaged.
Hope at last, Jacob Rees Mogg now favourite to be next Conservative Leader
personally i cannot see Tweezer lasting till 2019, so if JRM takes over before real independence is achieved then perhaps quite a few tweaks will be made to ensure a real Brexit.
God i hope so.
EGoat – JRM probably one of the last deep thinkers in the Tory party – The rest seem to have more of an eye on their political careers than actually believing in anything.
R4 covered this yesterday -
Basically he is saying that it sets a dangerous precedent not to release full information on Government reports about the effects of leaving the EU.
Actually I think he is right. Here is a man who still believes in democracy. Most of us who voted to leave the EU did so because we were worried about lack of democracy and lack of immigration controls. We all knew that there would be some negative economic consequences.
What of course has to be remembered that all of these “reports” would have been drafted by civil servants and pro EU organisations such as the CBI who have been plainly against us leaving the EU from day 1.
Unfortunately instead of immediately acting on the result of the referendum result, immediately triggering Article 50 and announcing we would be going straight to WTO rules. As a sop to the left in the Con party and especially the BBC they tried to kid us that we could have an uncomplicated negotiation and a seamless withdrawal from an organisation that has been using us as a cash cow for the past four decades. Also by allowing for a protracted negotiation period we also gave the remain side extra time to organise.
Its a bit like giving three year olds the keys to a sweety shop and expecting them to show restraint – It aint gonna happen cos they will be vewy cwoss if we say – NO MORE SWEETS!
The EU doesnt want any other members leaving so of course the are going to make life difficult for us. Whilst I agree that realasing these documents may well make life more difficult for David Davis – Isnt this what it is all about ie the primacy of our own institutions over Brussels and democracy.
I am afraid the Tories have made a rod for their own (and our) backs on this. Leaving the EU should have always been the priority not appeasing those (in the minority) who lost.
And now all we have is a mess
For Remain it has all worked out rather well – Dont you think!
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
Democracy only works if you follow the wisdom else it turns into bureaucracy.
“The DPRK is the Juche-oriented socialist state which embodies the idea and leadership of Comrade Kim II Sung, the founder of the Republic and the father of socialist Korea.”
… Socialist, “a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” …
Manny G:
While so much of your post is true, I take issue with one part.
We do have someone to vote for, just as long as its not the LIB LAB CON grouping that has for decades betrayed the indiginous brits.
UKIP are there in many places, but anyone else will do, to get the message over, we’ve had a gutful of the same old same old liblabcon shitfest.
Something has to change, and the added problem is that the young voters have never seen the Labour party in action either, and think old man steptoe can give free stuff forever.
That aside, its solved if enough vote for ‘anyone-but-Liblabcon’.
It might get messy and untidy, but has to be possible.
I vote UKIP but it’s sad to see that only about 5% agree.
How on earth can people keep voting for liblabcon?
Are we Brits so stupid?
As for the far left bbbc, I wish somebody would appear on someplace like the daily politics and call them out with lots of facts about their bias. Like the almost double number of remoaners on QT during the run up to the referendum.
There is so much evidence against the bbbc yet nobody wants to mention it.
I would.
Finally, did you see the Owen Jones show, sorry, the daily politics, yesterday. He certainly got a huge amount of airtime, more than anyone else on there that I can remember. Uninterrupted of course, that’s only for those from the right.
An article in today’s Guardian pleads for a more realistic less hyperbolic line in Climate Reporting.
Pity the BBC didn’t get the memo
An example of them 2 weeks ago
Retweeted bymany many alarmists , and 6 BBC accounts
You know that NUJ rule
– That you only report on ‘Far Right marches’ if there is trouble
– And obscure the arrests of Antifa ?
Fake News: German Media Falsely Proclaims Arrest of Identitarians When It Was Far-Left Extremists Who Were Arrested – Breitbart via @BreitbartNews
“Construction bodies warn of Brexit ‘cliff edge’ skills gap”
“With the country facing a shortage of skilled workers and the most acute housing crisis in living memory, the government needs to provide certainty to existing EU workers in the UK and enable construction SMEs to attract more home-grown talent into the industry.”
” the most acute housing crisis in living memory”? Too many people coming into the country. Simples
There!, that wasn’t a racist comment was it?
Taff, (am I able to use the expression without causing any offence?)
“Construction bodies”. Well, here’s a thought: since all the houses planned will be for ‘foreigners’ (I’ve been warned about using this word before), what about throwing out to tender the construction of the planned houses to the Polish, Bulgarians, Romanians, Iraqi’s, Afgans etc. Seems only fair that if the houses are for them et al., they should come to the country and build the things. The “skills gap” would not exist……………
Unless you watched the BBC’S Londonistan programme you wouldn’t know that only
ethnic kids go to school in the capitol. I know that there is only possibly no
more than 20% of the capitols children who are from i the indigenous population.
But surely once every few months, when the programme is covering a topic
on schools they can show one of them .
Today programme at its best this morning with the paper review. Humph informs us that the Telegraph is a Brexit paper. Fair enough but previous to that he started the review with the Guardian but didn’t proclaim that to be Anti Brexit. The inference being that the Guardian is truthful and to be trusted but the Telegraph of course has an agenda.
A good point. They should also state if people are far left. Also are they left or right of Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn who after 34 years took Islington to the bottom of the 2017 best place for women league.
And they allow Jonathan Portes on to spout about skills shortages without declaring his Leftoid credentials. Portes, you will recall, was the author of Blair’s ‘15,000 EE immigrants pa’ back in 2004. Humpty didn’t mention this whilst allowing Portentious to pontificate about ‘statistics’ and ‘projections’ proving immigrants pay for us Brits. The Tory nonentity tried to point out that unless an immigrant earned more than £25k, itself a gross underestimate, they contributed 2/5ths of 5/8ths of sweet f a net.
You know we are all desperate to find evidence of al Beeb right wing bias ? Well I might have found one …. it’s a bit more than subjective but I reckon it qualifies. Today is PMQ day. Yesterday the sum of 50 000 000 000 was being mentioned as the cost of getting away from the EU. I would expect a British PM of any gender or party to stand up today and take questions. Instead she is off for a few days in the sun batting for Blighty.
Al Beeb is not making anything out of this- I don’t understand why not. I would put her conduct as cowardice . Maybe there is the normal behind the scenes stuff they claim is always going on but it doesn’t look good for Mrs May – definitely no Maggie.
I’ve not been commenting on here for a while because I’m not watched much on the BBc . Recently I’ve completely stopped watching the BBc news due to their full out propaganda campaign about concerning Myanmar. But back to the breakfast wheel of news as it turns and lands back on “food waste” for the umpteenth time complete with a video clip of food being thrown away.
BBC showing minimal coverage on the Brexit bill. They are so anti British, so pro European. Get rid.
Will Parliament reject the Divorce Bill? Will Labour oppose and go for a no deal? Not a hope.
I expect the lies to come out of the BBC/ politicians about the cliff edge of a No Deal without evidence.
The public deserve much more information on a No Deal outcome. From what I’ve read it seems like a good deal for Britain. I’ve heard lots of lies from Labour poiticians/Owen Jones about food prices and airports.
The BBC reports that Lake Victoria is shrinking. In 1964 I went swimming in Lake Victoria near Kisumu. Ignoring the council bus that was being washed in the lake shallows I swam out to what I thought was a tethered raft offshore, about 200 metres. I was surprised to find that the ‘raft’ was the top of a concrete construction with the word ‘Toilet’ painted thereon. It indicated to me that the water-level in the lake had risen somewhat since the construction had taken place. Large lakes do in fact rise and fall, as has the Aral sea in Central Asia.
The gentleman complaining about over-fishing should perhaps write to the British Government questioning the free supply of mosquito nets (anti- malarial ones) that have been so effective in clearing most of Lake Mweru of fish between Zambia and the DRCongo
Chuka Umunna, on TODAY (6-9am BBC R4), claimed that the UK’s current net EU Budget contribution (2016) was down to £8bn. I think he misspoke (a euphemism for being very economical with the truth ie. worse than Boris Johnson) but am uncertain from memory and a dig around the Commission’s own web-site appears to come up with a €16bn figure.
I remember the Daily Express made a wild front-page claim about the UK contribution recently but I tend to take their offerings with a pinch of salt. I haven’t tried checking the ONS w/s yet but they tend to work on finalised figures and, if I recall correctly, are still working on 2015.
Anyone got any ideas about the correct 2016 UK net contribution to the EU Budget?
Thanks Peter for that. Unfortunately there appears to be an error in the text in contrast to the bar chart! It states the gross contribution was £12bn. The rebates total £8bn+. That makes the gross £20bn+ and the net £12bn, not £8bn.
Semantics? Don’t think so. Gross and net and rebate definitions are pretty clear cut.
Any info on that?
There’s another reason why £8bn is unlikely to be the UK current year contribution to the EU Budget (there are always post-adjustments) and that is the Commission’s Budget is meant to be increasing over the 2014-2020 period. Initially the Commission wanted a 5% increase but David Cameron argued that down to, I think, a 3.5% or 3% increase. Our net contribution should be increasing, not decreasing, as claimed by Chuka Umunna.
Kaiser, that’s the Bob Lyddon * paper that got the Express all excited. It does include match funding together with some other estimations*, that’s why I did not take it as a specific transactional contribution figure ie. what we actually hand over in monthly payments (net contribution) either as cash or a direct tax payment (VAT, Customs duties, etc) and the amount that is ring-fenced under our obligations (rebate) to be spent as the EU directs, which HM Treasury retain and use.
(* Lyddon has an impressive track record and having checked his background after the D.E. front page publication, I am inclined to believe him. He is, however, a Brexiteer. I was after a more neutral figure, preferably from the Commission itself, to possibly challenge Umunna with.)
Kaiser, you are right because we are taxed to the gross figure. The EU rebate never comes back into taxpayer pockets. This is a fact that is overlooked by many pro-EU politicians and voters, along with the BBC.
Well, we have not got a BBC Economics Editor who is an economist, we have not got a BBC Business Editor who is a businessman and we haven’t got a BBC Politics Editor who is a … er, well a …
The EU budget/finances are obscured from what I can see having looked at 4 different reports from ‘experts’….so all figures are guesstimates however if you take a quick look at 2014 figures the net top payers were Ger (net 17.7bn) Fr (7.6bn) UK (7bn) Italy (5.2bn) Although the 2014 figure was the lowest we have ever paid and will in fact rise again…
however if you look at the 2014 ratio of amount taken out as a proportion of paid in – Germany 40% UK 50% Italy 65% Fr 68%…So no matter how you look at it we are one of the top 3 largest contributers…no wonder the Germans are worried..
But if anyone is in doubt about what the money is really for….’Political goals’ notice, not economic or social.
‘We need a budget to achieve our aims. The budget for us is therefore not an accounting tool, but a means to achieve our political goals.’
Jean-Claude Juncker
President of the European Commission
At the conference ‘EU budget focused on results’,
Brussels, 22 September 2015
JA, you have us at 7bn for 2014. The Treasury/ONS figure is about £8.4bn.
It should also be remembered that 2014 or 2015 was the year that the EU asked for extra due to the success of British prostitution and illegal drug use. Dave & GO were outraged on our behalf and set out to negotiate the figure (£3.5bn? or was it £5bn?) down. I don’t know whether they ever fully succeeded. GO claimed he had got a £1bn reduction but the BBC have been very quiet about all of that for the past two and a half years.
I am getting increasingly irked over the BBC’s coverage of Yemen, and its virtual whitewashing of Iran’s role in the war there – and indeed Iran’s destabilising role throughout the Middle East over decades. In a long piece on the Today programme this morning with Frank Gardiner and Rosemary Hollis, there was hardly a mention of Iran’s destabilisation of the country, and that only late in the piece when Gardiner’s conscience eventually compelled him to make a brief sideways reference to it. I don’t recall Humphreys making any mention of Iran. In my opinion Iran (or more accurately, the more radical Revolutionary Guards who might already be the de facto government) is the great threat. It’s encirclement policy has meant that Iraq and Syria are already client states, Lebanon is likely to become one, Gaza might soon by controlled by them, and they have significant presence in Eritrea, Somalia and Qatar. It is Iran we have to fear, and it’s high time the BBC properly covered its policies and threats.
Likewise, selected “news” only about Myanmar. In the BBC’s distorted view, it can only be the muslims that are the victims. A classic example of the MSM cartel and UN being all joined together in their joint misreporting. Doesn’t wash with me.
I wonder if any of our great leaders ever stop to think why everybody hates the muslamicks and wants them gone.
The local populations that is, not the politicians.
Everywhere they go they start serious trouble with death and the other things they are well known for enriching the locals.
There are enough places for them to go and concentrate on killing each other which they seem happy enough to do without coming to civilised countries.
Occupational pensions are deferred wages and the money for them should be set aside by the employer during the time the employee is working for them. In other words Clegg and Mandelson’s pensions should be ‘in the bank’.
To suggest that there is a ‘pensions liability’ implies that the EU is either bankrupt ot rife with ‘creative accounting’.
Let’s spend some of your licence money sending mr G. Linaker to Moscow where he is seated in the Kremlin hotel getting ready for the World Cup draw on Friday. I wonder how many beeboids went on the jolly? Guess they’ve never heard of Skype.
Someone please say it’s not being paid for by British licence taxes …… ( I won’t have one ).
News at 10 last night included an item on disabled toilets, concluding with a demographic map of the UK showing high incidence of suitable toilet facilities – at around £14k a time – in yellow, and low incidence, in blue. Why blue? Surely red is the automatic colour of choice to indicate a shortfall, inadequacy, lack of facility, dangerous levels of amenity and so on?
I simply can’t think why the BBC would choose to use blue. Any suggestions?
Colour experts claim, Beltane, that blue and yellow – especially when used together – are excellent warnings of danger. Black and yellow perform a similar function. Red, on the other hand, is a warm, advancing, some might say ‘progressive’ 😉 colour. Blue on its own is a cold colour, receding when used with other colours in pictures.
If you miss him on R4 at 2:15pm in the drama, you can catch him at 11pm
“A white boy from West Virginia is forced to join the Klu Klux Klan by his father,
but when his black friends find out, they play a cruel trick on him.”
But today they are not just using Lenny for #BbcOperationBownface
11am : Social Entrepreneur Zia Haider Rahman explores the powerful impact the use and abuse of metaphor
There’s something strange about the R4 4pm show
They have one of our friends on from the Cardiff journalism school ..the ones that produce the dodgy reports
, yet the prog is lacking a topic title
Prof. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Director of Research Development and Environment, School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University.
Books mentioned :
Disasters and the Media’ (Peter Lang, 2012).
Foster, R. ‘Mapping European Empire
She’s tweeting about “Daversity” the idea that departments have more bosses called “Dave” than BME women etc.
They have the women’s wheelchair tennis streaming on the BBC sport website. Peak SJW?
They are making a real effort to cover more women’s football and other sports. I’m sorry but you cannot polish a turd, and the massive culture and history of men’s football plays a huge part in its appeal – women’s football can never have that. Nobody wants to hear about it.
Who cares about enjoyment, though, when ‘diversity’ is at stake? Humans need food, sleep, water and diversity.
Brillo as forensic as ever slicing up some no one Tory politician called Lord Callanan who looked as if he’d been awake all night worrying about being fried on live teli – he is by the way a former MEP and now the rep for brexit in the house of wasted air.
He says we are going to pay for Eastern Europe development but they are not poor so we can’t use the 13 000 000 000 overseas aid budget .
Do you ever wonder who these people think they are representing . Blighty won’t even pay for elderly care ( social care – a sanitised term ) yet willing to spunk – as it were – vast sums to the enemy .
Just got a news flash from BBC news, saying Trump has retweeted ‘inflammatory anti Muslim videos.’
Such a nannying, finger-wagging tone. One must never be inflammatory! So uncool, which is a big part of why the left is starting to loss.
By trying to attack Trump, they only bring to more people’s attention his message. Just like when he deliberately misrepresented scenes of Arabs celebrating on 9/11, so that people would discuss the day in order to prove him wrong but in doing so bring to everyone’s attention the big issue they would rather ignore.
Once again Trump plays the media masterfully. They just can’t handle him!
Totally agree Beeb. A hell of a lot of people I talk to on Brexit, Trump etc., have or are seeing the light. It really is only the London centric brigade that are propping up the bad feeling towards both subjects. Perhaps we could borrow President Trump for a couple of weeks to do our negotiating on Brexit. I suspect we would see a somewhat different attitude from our friends on the other side of the channel.
You want someone with backbone; who tells it like it is; who cares about the people, talking as one of them in language they understand unlike politicians who see themselves as above us; who knows how to get a good deal; who wants to get jobs and keep people safe.
All else is superfluous nonsense. I don’t care about his thoughts on gay marriage; offensive things he may have said; whether he is liked by someone nasty; whether he is ‘infammatory.’ Get us a job, unite us and keep us safe.
Must say I do like Morrissey’s new song lyrics. Do you think he is referencing the bBBC?
Spent the Day in Bed
Spent the day in bed
Very happy I did, yes
I spent the day in bed
As the workers stay enslaved
I spent the day in bed
I’m not my type, but
I love my bed
And I recommend that you
Stop watching the news
Because the news contrives to frighten you
To make you feel small and alone
To make you feel that your mind isn’t your own
I spent the day in bed
It’s a consolation
When all my dreams
Are perfectly legal
In sheets for which I paid
I am now laid
And I recommend to all of my friends that they
Stop watching the news
Because the news contrives to frighten you
To make you feel small and alone
To make you feel that your mind isn’t your own
Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time,…
Twitterati decide having burlesque dancers at tech awards is beyong politically correct.
Some even returned awards.
To me the irony is that next week the same people will probably be at a gay pride thingy where men are dressed as burlesque dancers etc. And that’ll be apparently OK.
Manchester : UKDEA Digital Entrepreneur Awards
Apology over 'sexist' awards ceremony featuring burlesque dancers and Love Island host
Direction of travel … is easy to see … “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980 (80 million Muslim people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas in 2017).
Anti-sex league? I think the Angel that destroyed Sodom might be lurking at the gate.
You fellas can ogle other men all you like. And women who were once men. And men who were once women. And children. As long as you don’t openly suggest real women are attractive you have nothing to fear. Simples.
Ths Manchester bombing did not count as a ‘hate incident’ as British values are not a protected group, and obviously feelings are more important than lives.
If someone read an online post written in New Zealand which they construed as being sexist – however unreasonably – then that constitutes a hate crime.
Isn’t it illegal now for a man to reject the advances of homosexual men or men that think they are women?
Certainly as a man I know that I am required to cross the road if I see a woman coming towards me and if she has her hair covered it’s best to head off in a different direction in case I cause offence.
You guys really need to quit your ridiculous assertions that the Question Time audience is rigged.
Last weeks episode was cut short due to someone having a complex asthma attack
– The newspaper article tells me they Sioux Blair Jordan had been allocated front row seats, but switched to second row.
– It then tells me that the person’s job is LABOUR PARTY activist.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
MoreEqual Than
this amnesty stuff seems to stretch a long way
As I posted higher up the thread: not a serious country.
Jailed black troll story is buried away
in local news.
Media decline to show his photo and use photo of white MP instead
Are the Chennai six
.. getting as much BBC coverage as the Tehran ONE ?
R4 book prog going on about “White Privilege”
.. Nish Kumaar is guest
His chosen book
Why I’m No Longer Speaking To White People About Race
Prog before that was :
I Was Billie Holliday’s Replacement
Prog before that was :
Emeli Sande the Zambian/English singer
If all progs feature non-whites then this is BBCinvertedRacism
Nish chose the book
: Why I’m No Longer Speaking To White People About Race
I’m glad, his voice is really effin irritating.
News : trial of John Tomlin
‘White man’s acid attack on 2 Muslim girls’
Is over and the attack was found to be random with no race/hate angle.
…despite previous news stories.
Libmob wave their pitchforks and shout “victim blamer” at 92 year old Angela Lansbury
R4..Royal historian makes comment implying that Brexit is negative and gets put down for it!!!!! It’s the Eddie Mair show but not sure who put her down….was it him??? It’s a first…
This morning I had a bet with Mrs F…………………..the bet was, “how many minutes (or seconds) it would be before the sofa monkeys (or their counterparts) on Breaksfast would take to mention, “despite or due to Brexit” after I switched on the TV. I said 35 seconds, the missus, 2m30s. Well for a change I lost…….because it was actually 2m50s….but my excuse for losing was that for the first 2m they were discussing the volcano in Bali and I was really waiting for the eruption was due to Brexit but it never came…it came a few seconds later when some specialist was talking about the price of a Christmas dinner going up. It has gone up 50p due Brexit and the pound falling. However, what they fail to mention is that a few years back the exchange rate against the euro was nearly 1 for 1 (1.02 approx.) and then we were still well and truly in this awful club, but that rate never affected anything of course. Short memories and news by omission again!
When the eruption actually happens Brexit will be blamed for a lack of international response and all that gas and dust thrown up will have no affect on non existent global warming- also caused by Brexit – or not.
I’m guess al Beeb won’t be showing The Great Escape this or next year .
PS – if you really want to see sick fu—-kegs see the selfies taken at Auschwitz- which feature in mail online. Wherever these people are from – they have the vote …
James ,
Not a 5 news fan but caught that – I don’t think he liked her much and I saw it coming when she linked a royal wedding to Brexit . Maybe even the fella who runs that programme realises what an anti Brexit onslaught is being run whether one looks.
I think whether we like it or not the EUbrexit argument is not going away in our generation . The moment we leave the campaign to rejoin will start – our only hope is the end of the EU.
BBC1 6pm News – Mark Easton gives a breathless report on the resignation of Dame Prof Glynis Breakwell, Vice chancellor of the University of Bath. He gives her salary (£468,000) AND she has a “marvelous house” AND an “interest free car loan”. WOW! And, he says, all paid for by students racking up debt. Well done Mark having the brass neck to ignore the fact that the salary is mere chickenfeed for BBC auto cue readers. And how poor are many who pay the BBC salaries, Mark?
I loved the way the bBBC news webshite seems to insinuate that said Vice Chancellor is somehow being magnanimous in leaving.
In fact she will get a year’s full salary without working, from what I read.
Only in public sector la la land. The Beeb would no doubt approve.
But does £468 000 make her happy? ……. you bet it does .
Spectator is saying there is ‘agreement’ that the sum we will pay to the EU is between €45 000 000 000 and €55 000 000 000. A clear victory.
I write the noughts because it is, for small brainers like Fedup2, difficult to conceive what 55 billion actually is. I repeat the perspective that the International NHS costs about £120 000 000 000 a year to run. The ideal Christmas Gift .
Good game, good game….
today ladies and gentlemen – and fluids _ Toady had a story about former terrorists in Cyprus taking legal action against the British government about their fight against us to get independence. A dedicated firm of lawyers is shifting through freshly released papers showing the actions of the British Army in 1 9 6 5 when all this went on and its ‘fight for justice ‘ ( or cash to you and me ).
They are using techniques used by a bent law firm which went after soldiers fighting terrorism in our recent foreign wars – if you remember – falsifying statements and touting for business in order to get British taxpayers cash.
Obviously no challenge from al Beeb and a prejudiced approach that the military is in the wrong as usual.
It was wonderful to see the, unconventionally attractive, sister of Saint Jo of Cox on Look North last night promoting something or other, which is after a fashion related somehow to her sister’s murder.
I was worried, as I’d not seen her featured on al Beebus for at least a fortnight.
I understand Saint Jo’s widower was on ITV this morning promoting the same whatever but unfortunately work intruded and prevented my enjoying that too.
Saint Jo – she died, so that others could build careers.
Matt Frei is the main chap for channel 4 news when snowy is away counting the fairies. Mr Frei was born in Germany and his German father bought the family to Blighty where they settled. (. Source – wiki ) Frei went to a private school, oxford , then worked for al Beeb.
This explains his constant anti British attitude . He is a foreigner looking in at we leavers as though we are some kind of misbehaving child. C4 sent him to Dublin today to report on the fall of the Irish government which, sadly , never happened. But now he is painting Ireland as being able to block a deal for us to leave . Good luck to them . My nationalist hackles start to rise when I hear this .
C4 is publicly funded.
Frei’s attempt to stir up yet more anti Brexit hysteria by reporting from Dublin didn’t work . The interviewees were rither unconvincing ot in one case didn’t stick to the anti British script. However it says a lot about the traitorous attitude of C4 news that they even attempted this stunt.
It was obviously propaganda and smelt like it. A mistake by C4 in my opinion. What price the impartial RT now?
Meanwhile a C4 veteran may have just upset the public sector media/Labour Xmas party mood.
Take the scenario –
A ‘government’ of Remainers who pretend to be Brexiteers. “Brexit means Brexit!”
The government and the EU contrive a totally bad deal, during which time they drag out the negotiations up to the next election. The government go to the people for a vote……
The people of Great Britain are left with Hobson’s choice, the present government of appeasers or Mr Corbyn?
Meanwhile the propaganda continues …………………
“I gave up my job to fight Brexit”
Time for a swift exit ?
Time for a new PM ?
How about it Mr Rees-Mogg ?
He makes Mad Al seem like Brad Pitt, so a really top coup to the BBC cause.
It seems the treacherous May has capitulated to every single EU demand, including an acceptance of paying them an eye watering 100 million Euros.
She has apparently caved into every single demand the EU have made of her in a desperate bid. Far from a stance of no deal is better than a bad deal she has taken then view that any deal even a bad one is better than no deal.
Not really surprised Tful. I said as soon as May was elected leader it was obvious that she has no real interest in delivering us from the EU and solely wanted the job so she could claim to have been PM. The best we could have hoped for under her woeful “leadership” is a fudge which costs us a lot of money but fundamentally will change nothing.
As Home Sec she dragged the Tory Party to the left and in effect is a fully paid up member of the liberal elite. She will do nothing to harm her class. And is willing to suppress free speech (hence the appointment of control freak Rudd) if it helps to give the impression that she is still in control. She is a dull machine minder who s heart was never in the job and obviously would feel happier in a Hijab walking ten paces behind Junker than sitting opposite him in any negotiation.
Thought the figure was 50 b but even so it’s mind boggling, in return for what? They better start telling us, for once! I hope it’s spread over many years and that in return we get a good trade deal that the EU can’t wriggle out of. We will never know whether we could have got this for much less by not losing our nerve. Strong and stable?
We cannot get a good trade deal. We will get nothing for the money. Please Ireland – torpedo it- we did loan you 29 billion courtesy of Wonga (. Other loan sharks are available ) when you were bust…
BBC freelancer muses online.
Clearly this is approaching crunch time for the massed ranks of the bodysnatched remain lobby. So heavily committed to overturning the leave vote are they that they just cannot see the dangers ahead for them and the country.
I will not personally accept that my vote is to be set aside. I hope there will be millions of us . It will be a betrayal of all I have been bought up to believe is the basis of English freedom .
If it is set aside then millions of us can also set aside our duty of loyalty to the monarch and to the will of parliament.
In effect we will be forced to rebel whatever the consequences.
As in 1642 our course is clear. Although this time it is because parliament is trying to set aside our will and deny us the sovereignty we hold by right .In 1642 it was the KIng . Ironic if now it is parliament.
Our parliament gave us the referendum. It must carry out the result. it has no choice and it is about time this was clearly said and the BBC/C4 told to face reaity and stop misleading and trying to subvert our will.
It really is difficult to see where this is going . May is obviously out of her depth and over promoted. But there is no alternative . An election followed by a Corbyn working majority will end brexit and take us into the sunny uplands of socialism .
The likes of JRM have to make a stand at some time or shut up .
Time Priti does her act. She knows the weakness from inside the tent and could piss on it from the outside.
JRM is too nice.
His time will be after a couple of elections.
If Corbyn (i.e. Momentum) wins there won’t be another election in the foreseeable future.
Brexit blackmail payment reportedly agreed to. N Korea fires a missile. Mutti set-up shows a crack. What does BBC 6pm TV news lead with? I think it may have been the Rohinja Muslims. What does ITV lead with? Harry and Markle (Groan). Switched off both due to extreme topic fatigue.
Brexit payment about £50m ? Interesting. Who’s not looking strong and stable here?
N Korea missile: There will be words. Many, many words. Perhap’s a good thing??
Mutti: Her agriculture minister no longer playing ball. Don’t worry, she has vays und meanz…
BBC or ITV news anyone?
Footnote on Mutti: if any interest, see my previous post on how the German elite cleverly set all this up. Mutti -posing as a Christian Democrat, but actually a socialist, possibly a previous secretary in the FDJ (Communist Youth League) in the former GDR – only got one third of the recent vote; SPD (socialist) got one fifth. Clever elite consensus got Steinmeier (SPD) appointed as Federal President. And guess who plays a major role in the appointment of the Federal Chancellor if there is an election deadlock, (and there certainly is)? Darn, you’ve guessed, haven’t you?
Debunking the False Narrative that the BBC is biased TOWARDS Tories
Saw this today
Telegraph: “The Telegraph understands that the final figure, which is deliberately being left open to interpretation, will be between €45bn and €55bn, depending on how each side calculates the output from an agreed methodology” #Brexit $GbpUsd $Gbp …
No deal is better than a bad deal. This is a bad deal.
Not included is the 13 billion pounds of our money lodged in the Eurpean Central Bank which they have said will be paid back slowly over 50 years.
I think Junker/Barnier is taking the Michael out of us. They are laughing at you Mrs May and therefore us. If true, this is an abuse of taxpayers money.
Let’s pay for the EU winelake while reducing our Police and Army budget.
If Mrs May cannot justify each thousand pounds then I honestly believe prison should be recommended. She could even share a cell with Blair.
why is it always a round billion why not 45.5 billion
and i presume this excludes the time waiting for article 50 and the two years of article 50 and the two years of transition
(you had two years notice of changes when article 50 was invoked what exactly is the new two years for)
it looks to me like shes ramped up the cost so high they can all say its not worth/we cant afford to LEAVE
Sharia May you suck you deserve electoral obliteration
No mention of this today on BBAC (British Broadcasting Anti Conservatives). I wonder why….could it be that they have been infiltrated by Momentum
November 28 2017, 12:01am, The Times
Samantha Jury-Dada, of Southwark, south London, and Carl Austin-Behan, a former lord mayor of Manchester, have been deselected as Labour councillors in favour of hard-left Momentum supporters
Samantha Jury-Dada, of Southwark, south London, and Carl Austin-Behan, a former lord mayor of Manchester, have been deselected as Labour councillors in favour of hard-left Momentum supporters
Jeremy Corbyn’s left-wing supporters have been accused of carrying out an “aggressive purge” of centrist councillors to put up their own candidates in local elections next year.
Councillors across the country have been deselected in a vote of local members or have faced pressure not to contest their seats in May in favour of candidates more closely aligned to the cause of the Labour leader and the Momentum campaign that supports him.
Tensions in one London borough have become so bad that centrist organisers called for the regional party to take over the selection process. Tim Gallagher, a councillor from Haringey, north London, who decided to step down last week, said that he and colleagues were written off as “zombie Blairites”.
The divisions were laid bare as a US bank warned that a Corbyn government would threaten the UK asset market more than Brexit would. Graham Secker, chief European equity strategist at Morgan Stanley, was said to have told clients: “We could see the biggest shake-up in the political backdrop since the 70s. This is much more scary from an equity perspective than Brexit.”
In Haringey about ten Labour councillors are understood to have decided to stand down or to have lost the contest for their seat to a left-wing candidate. Mr Gallagher resigned after he was not automatically reselected.
He described the selection process as “poisonous” in a statement on Twitter. The local party had become “inflamed with division, distrust, and what at times feels like real hatred”, he said. He conceded that all sides deserved some blame but added: “Nothing excuses the aggressive purge that has taken place of all councillors not deemed to fit a flat-pack ideological mould.”
Alan Strickland, another Haringey councillor, announced he was stepping down after failing to be automatically reselected. In an open letter published online, he said “narrow factionalism” had dominated the selection process and he was not confident his candidacy would be received with an open mind.
Lorna Reith, the chief whip of the Labour group on the council, was also deselected for a Momentum candidate. Joe Goldberg, cabinet member for economic development, said earlier this month that he would not stand again.
Matt Pound, national organiser for Labour First, a centrist pressure group, said there had been “an orchestrated purge of hardworking Labour councillors” and called for the regional party to take over the selection process. He added: “Instances of deselections on purely factional grounds occurring around the country are totally counterproductive and should be called out and resisted by local members.”
The dispute in Haringey centred on a local development scheme, backed by many party councillors but which faced opposition from the left. A Momentum source said it was “unsurprising there is a desire among local members in Haringey to get some new faces on to the council”.
Rule changes passed by Labour last year mean that councillors, who used to have to face an open contest to recontest their seat, must now do so only if they lose a vote to reselect them automatically. Incumbent Labour councillors have tended in the past to be reselected to fight their seat. Internal party critics claim that deselections are beginning to happen more often on ideological and factional grounds.
In the south London borough of Southwark, Samantha Jury-Dada, a councillor who is linked to the Blairite pressure group Progress, has been blocked from standing again in favour of a male Momentum activist. Her deselection in July prompted anger among Labour members who wrote an open letter to the party’s national executive demanding an inquiry. They complained that Ms Jury-Dada, a “young LGBT woman of colour, was deselected in favour of a white man who doesn’t live in the ward”. She said on Twitter that she had been the victim of “factional swipes” that had left her “devastated”.
The Labour MP Neil Coyle, who was present at the deselection meeting, said: “Faraday ward is 60 per cent BME [black and ethnic minority] and yet has no BME candidate fighting for Labour after the deselection.”
In Manchester Carl Austin-Behan, the first openly gay lord mayor of the city, is one of two Labour councillors not selected to stand again for their seats. Local members backed three other candidates for a shortlist, on which a Momentum activist, Ben Clay, is said to be the frontrunner.
Judith Blake, leader of Leeds council, is understood to be facing an open selection battle against left-wing candidates later this week after she was not automatically reselected.
Critics of Momentum, which grew out of Mr Corbyn’s 2015 party leadership campaign, have likened the organisation to Militant, the group used by the far left to infiltrate Labour in the 1980s, and have deemed it a “party within the party”.
Momentum’s supporters say that it is a mass movement campaigning organisation that complements the Labour Party and point to its backing, which includes 31,000 members and 200,000 supporters.
Momentum said: “We think it’s fantastic that hundreds of thousands of people new to politics have felt so inspired that they’ve joined the Labour Party . . . We should trust local members to be the best judge of who should represent their community.” Labour said that its members chose candidates by processes in its rulebook. It would not comment on individual selections.
It was there, but not selected for #BbcOperationBangingOn
The prog also included a disturbing vid on Momentum Kids
BTW I saw a few times today on Twitter
Lefty/libs mocking Harry for being Ginger
..don’t they realise that’s racism ?
Also, no mention on this story too….I wonder why again (nothing to do with the BBC Muslim love in at all!!)
From today’s Times:
It’s OK to beat your wife, says Islamic school book
Library books which urge women to be submissive to their husbands and never refuse sex are among a dossier of misogynistic material inspectors have found in Islamic schools.
Ofsted has compiled a file of the worst examples of discrimination and sexism its inspectors encountered. The material includes excerpts from library books and children’s marked work which sanction domestic violence.
Among the worst examples was a book discovered in a school library entitled, “Women who deserve to go to hell” which said that it was wrong for wives to show “ingratitude to their husband” or “have tall ambitions”.
Ofsted said the material it collected was out of step with mainstream Muslim thinking and came from maintained schools as well as independent faith schools and unregistered schools.
Amanda Spielman, the chief inspector, has made clear her determination to ensure that children at religious schools get a solid education that prepares them for life in modern Britain. Last month in court she successfully defended a decision to place the Al Hijrah Islamic school in Birmingham into special measures for segregating boys and girls from the age of nine.
One school Ofsted visited encouraged children to read a text that contrasted the “noble women of the East” with the “internally torn woman of the West” who attracts men and leaves her home to hang around aimlessly in cinemas and cafés.
Other library books insisted that in a Muslim marriage “the wife is not allowed to refuse sex to her husband” or “leave the house where she lives without his permission” while boys and girls were taught that “the man by way of correction can also beat her”. Work marked by teachers stated that women had a responsibility “only to bear children and bring them up as Muslims”.
Ofsted insiders said the books and writings made for “uncomfortable reading”. They are concerned not only that religious schools are using inappropriate materials, but that well- intentioned mainstream schools are permitting extreme forms of Islam in the belief they are being inclusive.
Ofsted took issue in particular with primary schools which allowed girls as young as four to wear the hijab. It said there was “growing concern” about the trend. In mainstream Muslim teaching the hijab is commonly for females after they reach the age of puberty
It is understood the material in the dossier may be used in t
raining for inspectors.
Dame Louise Casey, who published a report for the government on integration a year ago, told The Times there should be a moratorium on opening new faith schools until the problems were addressed. “Some schools are teaching a segregated way of life and misogyny and the government isn’t taking enough of a stand. The public expects them to do that. The DFE turns a blind eye and hopes that Ofsted will deal with the problem. It’s all in the ‘too difficult’ box,” she said.
“Dame Louise Casey, who published a report for the government on integration a year ago, told The Times there should be a moratorium on opening new faith schools until the problems were addressed.”
But wouldn’t that hold up the flow of Saudi money coming into the country solely for the purpose of islamification?
Probably why Treezer has gone post haste to Saudi to apologise for the OFSTED inspectors.
May tried to lose the last election so that labour would deny us Brexit.
Attacking the old and a vote on fox hunting yet she still managed not to lose and had to go through the game of getting the DUP on board.
The plan now is to get such a terrible Brexit deal that there will be a leadership challenge and a general election where May will hope that labour wins and cancels Brexit.
May has capitulated on every demand from the eu and got nothing at all back from them.
We should give them no money.
If they want an Irish border, they can build one.
The eu workers already know they can stay here.
This is not us leaving the eu, it’s a betrayal.
They’ve split up the anti eu parties like ukip and the spin offs so we have nobody to vote for. Labour and liberals will stay in and the conservatives will fiddle it and lie, eventually destroying Brexit.
Democracy is dead in the UK.
And the bbc gives us blanket coverage of some royal who got engaged.
Hope at last, Jacob Rees Mogg now favourite to be next Conservative Leader
personally i cannot see Tweezer lasting till 2019, so if JRM takes over before real independence is achieved then perhaps quite a few tweaks will be made to ensure a real Brexit.
God i hope so.
EGoat – JRM probably one of the last deep thinkers in the Tory party – The rest seem to have more of an eye on their political careers than actually believing in anything.
R4 covered this yesterday -
Basically he is saying that it sets a dangerous precedent not to release full information on Government reports about the effects of leaving the EU.
Actually I think he is right. Here is a man who still believes in democracy. Most of us who voted to leave the EU did so because we were worried about lack of democracy and lack of immigration controls. We all knew that there would be some negative economic consequences.
What of course has to be remembered that all of these “reports” would have been drafted by civil servants and pro EU organisations such as the CBI who have been plainly against us leaving the EU from day 1.
Unfortunately instead of immediately acting on the result of the referendum result, immediately triggering Article 50 and announcing we would be going straight to WTO rules. As a sop to the left in the Con party and especially the BBC they tried to kid us that we could have an uncomplicated negotiation and a seamless withdrawal from an organisation that has been using us as a cash cow for the past four decades. Also by allowing for a protracted negotiation period we also gave the remain side extra time to organise.
Its a bit like giving three year olds the keys to a sweety shop and expecting them to show restraint – It aint gonna happen cos they will be vewy cwoss if we say – NO MORE SWEETS!
The EU doesnt want any other members leaving so of course the are going to make life difficult for us. Whilst I agree that realasing these documents may well make life more difficult for David Davis – Isnt this what it is all about ie the primacy of our own institutions over Brussels and democracy.
I am afraid the Tories have made a rod for their own (and our) backs on this. Leaving the EU should have always been the priority not appeasing those (in the minority) who lost.
And now all we have is a mess
For Remain it has all worked out rather well – Dont you think!
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
Democracy only works if you follow the wisdom else it turns into bureaucracy.
“Democracy”? a very thin veneer on the system which if scraped even lightly reveals nothing beneath.
Not perfect, but you do have choices ….
“The DPRK is the Juche-oriented socialist state which embodies the idea and leadership of Comrade Kim II Sung, the founder of the Republic and the father of socialist Korea.”
… Socialist, “a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” …
Hoeryong concentration camp (or Haengyong concentration camp) is a prison camp in North Korea. The official name is Kwalliso (penal labour colony) No. 22. The camp is a maximum security area, completely isolated from the outside world.[1]:105–107 Prisoners and their families are held in lifelong detention. Extreme human rights violations including routine torture, forced labor and human medical experiments have been attested to by defectors previously employed at the camp {wiki}
Manny G:
While so much of your post is true, I take issue with one part.
We do have someone to vote for, just as long as its not the LIB LAB CON grouping that has for decades betrayed the indiginous brits.
UKIP are there in many places, but anyone else will do, to get the message over, we’ve had a gutful of the same old same old liblabcon shitfest.
Something has to change, and the added problem is that the young voters have never seen the Labour party in action either, and think old man steptoe can give free stuff forever.
That aside, its solved if enough vote for ‘anyone-but-Liblabcon’.
It might get messy and untidy, but has to be possible.
I vote UKIP but it’s sad to see that only about 5% agree.
How on earth can people keep voting for liblabcon?
Are we Brits so stupid?
As for the far left bbbc, I wish somebody would appear on someplace like the daily politics and call them out with lots of facts about their bias. Like the almost double number of remoaners on QT during the run up to the referendum.
There is so much evidence against the bbbc yet nobody wants to mention it.
I would.
Finally, did you see the Owen Jones show, sorry, the daily politics, yesterday. He certainly got a huge amount of airtime, more than anyone else on there that I can remember. Uninterrupted of course, that’s only for those from the right.
An article in today’s Guardian pleads for a more realistic less hyperbolic line in Climate Reporting.
Pity the BBC didn’t get the memo
An example of them 2 weeks ago
Retweeted bymany many alarmists , and 6 BBC accounts
You know that NUJ rule
– That you only report on ‘Far Right marches’ if there is trouble
– And obscure the arrests of Antifa ?
“Construction bodies warn of Brexit ‘cliff edge’ skills gap”
“With the country facing a shortage of skilled workers and the most acute housing crisis in living memory, the government needs to provide certainty to existing EU workers in the UK and enable construction SMEs to attract more home-grown talent into the industry.”
” the most acute housing crisis in living memory”? Too many people coming into the country. Simples
There!, that wasn’t a racist comment was it?
Of course it was. Pointing out any downside of immigration = racist.
Constantly banging on about the colour of the Queen’s grandson’s fiancée = not racist.
“Oh, yes it is!”
Taff, (am I able to use the expression without causing any offence?)
“Construction bodies”. Well, here’s a thought: since all the houses planned will be for ‘foreigners’ (I’ve been warned about using this word before), what about throwing out to tender the construction of the planned houses to the Polish, Bulgarians, Romanians, Iraqi’s, Afgans etc. Seems only fair that if the houses are for them et al., they should come to the country and build the things. The “skills gap” would not exist……………
Unless you watched the BBC’S Londonistan programme you wouldn’t know that only
ethnic kids go to school in the capitol. I know that there is only possibly no
more than 20% of the capitols children who are from i the indigenous population.
But surely once every few months, when the programme is covering a topic
on schools they can show one of them .
Today programme at its best this morning with the paper review. Humph informs us that the Telegraph is a Brexit paper. Fair enough but previous to that he started the review with the Guardian but didn’t proclaim that to be Anti Brexit. The inference being that the Guardian is truthful and to be trusted but the Telegraph of course has an agenda.
A good point. They should also state if people are far left. Also are they left or right of Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn who after 34 years took Islington to the bottom of the 2017 best place for women league.
Another cracker from the loquacious BBC
North AmTrump corresponbimbo:And they allow Jonathan Portes on to spout about skills shortages without declaring his Leftoid credentials. Portes, you will recall, was the author of Blair’s ‘15,000 EE immigrants pa’ back in 2004. Humpty didn’t mention this whilst allowing Portentious to pontificate about ‘statistics’ and ‘projections’ proving immigrants pay for us Brits. The Tory nonentity tried to point out that unless an immigrant earned more than £25k, itself a gross underestimate, they contributed 2/5ths of 5/8ths of sweet f a net.
“My dressing room at the Kremlin is like Donald Trump’s lift. ? ”
BBC non biased Twitter 100% BBC approved content from £1.75m BBC presenter finds link between Trump and Russians ….
Please note that his wages are forced from the people under threat of prison.
The BBC is very keen on drawing conclusions from associations.
Something to do with DNA. Apparently.
TOADY watch 30th nov
You know we are all desperate to find evidence of al Beeb right wing bias ? Well I might have found one …. it’s a bit more than subjective but I reckon it qualifies. Today is PMQ day. Yesterday the sum of 50 000 000 000 was being mentioned as the cost of getting away from the EU. I would expect a British PM of any gender or party to stand up today and take questions. Instead she is off for a few days in the sun batting for Blighty.
Al Beeb is not making anything out of this- I don’t understand why not. I would put her conduct as cowardice . Maybe there is the normal behind the scenes stuff they claim is always going on but it doesn’t look good for Mrs May – definitely no Maggie.
I’ve not been commenting on here for a while because I’m not watched much on the BBc . Recently I’ve completely stopped watching the BBc news due to their full out propaganda campaign about concerning Myanmar. But back to the breakfast wheel of news as it turns and lands back on “food waste” for the umpteenth time complete with a video clip of food being thrown away.
BBC showing minimal coverage on the Brexit bill. They are so anti British, so pro European. Get rid.
Will Parliament reject the Divorce Bill? Will Labour oppose and go for a no deal? Not a hope.
I expect the lies to come out of the BBC/ politicians about the cliff edge of a No Deal without evidence.
The public deserve much more information on a No Deal outcome. From what I’ve read it seems like a good deal for Britain. I’ve heard lots of lies from Labour poiticians/Owen Jones about food prices and airports.
The BBC reports that Lake Victoria is shrinking. In 1964 I went swimming in Lake Victoria near Kisumu. Ignoring the council bus that was being washed in the lake shallows I swam out to what I thought was a tethered raft offshore, about 200 metres. I was surprised to find that the ‘raft’ was the top of a concrete construction with the word ‘Toilet’ painted thereon. It indicated to me that the water-level in the lake had risen somewhat since the construction had taken place. Large lakes do in fact rise and fall, as has the Aral sea in Central Asia.
The gentleman complaining about over-fishing should perhaps write to the British Government questioning the free supply of mosquito nets (anti- malarial ones) that have been so effective in clearing most of Lake Mweru of fish between Zambia and the DRCongo
david, are you saying the locals have used some typical African ingenuity with the donated anti-mosquito nets to become more efficient fisherman?
That makes me smile!
Further investigation might have shown that the toilet was fully functioning. Under water installation improves hygiene.
Gosh, I thought you were going to say the raft turned out to be a crocodile.
Looks like I’m in accuracy mode for this week.
Chuka Umunna, on TODAY (6-9am BBC R4), claimed that the UK’s current net EU Budget contribution (2016) was down to £8bn. I think he misspoke (a euphemism for being very economical with the truth ie. worse than Boris Johnson) but am uncertain from memory and a dig around the Commission’s own web-site appears to come up with a €16bn figure.
I remember the Daily Express made a wild front-page claim about the UK contribution recently but I tend to take their offerings with a pinch of salt. I haven’t tried checking the ONS w/s yet but they tend to work on finalised figures and, if I recall correctly, are still working on 2015.
Anyone got any ideas about the correct 2016 UK net contribution to the EU Budget?
Thanks Peter for that. Unfortunately there appears to be an error in the text in contrast to the bar chart! It states the gross contribution was £12bn. The rebates total £8bn+. That makes the gross £20bn+ and the net £12bn, not £8bn.
Semantics? Don’t think so. Gross and net and rebate definitions are pretty clear cut.
Any info on that?
There’s another reason why £8bn is unlikely to be the UK current year contribution to the EU Budget (there are always post-adjustments) and that is the Commission’s Budget is meant to be increasing over the 2014-2020 period. Initially the Commission wanted a 5% increase but David Cameron argued that down to, I think, a 3.5% or 3% increase. Our net contribution should be increasing, not decreasing, as claimed by Chuka Umunna.
this doesnt even mention match funding of vanity projects that no one actually wants
Kaiser, that’s the Bob Lyddon * paper that got the Express all excited. It does include match funding together with some other estimations*, that’s why I did not take it as a specific transactional contribution figure ie. what we actually hand over in monthly payments (net contribution) either as cash or a direct tax payment (VAT, Customs duties, etc) and the amount that is ring-fenced under our obligations (rebate) to be spent as the EU directs, which HM Treasury retain and use.
(* Lyddon has an impressive track record and having checked his background after the D.E. front page publication, I am inclined to believe him. He is, however, a Brexiteer. I was after a more neutral figure, preferably from the Commission itself, to possibly challenge Umunna with.)
if the government and the EU say its £12bn, Im pretty sure its costing us a damned sight more than that
Kaiser, you are right because we are taxed to the gross figure. The EU rebate never comes back into taxpayer pockets. This is a fact that is overlooked by many pro-EU politicians and voters, along with the BBC.
Well, we have not got a BBC Economics Editor who is an economist, we have not got a BBC Business Editor who is a businessman and we haven’t got a BBC Politics Editor who is a … er, well a …
… oh, wait … ummhhh.
The EU budget/finances are obscured from what I can see having looked at 4 different reports from ‘experts’….so all figures are guesstimates however if you take a quick look at 2014 figures the net top payers were Ger (net 17.7bn) Fr (7.6bn) UK (7bn) Italy (5.2bn) Although the 2014 figure was the lowest we have ever paid and will in fact rise again…
however if you look at the 2014 ratio of amount taken out as a proportion of paid in – Germany 40% UK 50% Italy 65% Fr 68%…So no matter how you look at it we are one of the top 3 largest contributers…no wonder the Germans are worried..
But if anyone is in doubt about what the money is really for….’Political goals’ notice, not economic or social.
‘We need a budget to achieve our aims. The budget for us is therefore not an accounting tool, but a means to achieve our political goals.’
Jean-Claude Juncker
President of the European Commission
At the conference ‘EU budget focused on results’,
Brussels, 22 September 2015
JA, you have us at 7bn for 2014. The Treasury/ONS figure is about £8.4bn.
It should also be remembered that 2014 or 2015 was the year that the EU asked for extra due to the success of British prostitution and illegal drug use. Dave & GO were outraged on our behalf and set out to negotiate the figure (£3.5bn? or was it £5bn?) down. I don’t know whether they ever fully succeeded. GO claimed he had got a £1bn reduction but the BBC have been very quiet about all of that for the past two and a half years.
I wonder why?
I am getting increasingly irked over the BBC’s coverage of Yemen, and its virtual whitewashing of Iran’s role in the war there – and indeed Iran’s destabilising role throughout the Middle East over decades. In a long piece on the Today programme this morning with Frank Gardiner and Rosemary Hollis, there was hardly a mention of Iran’s destabilisation of the country, and that only late in the piece when Gardiner’s conscience eventually compelled him to make a brief sideways reference to it. I don’t recall Humphreys making any mention of Iran. In my opinion Iran (or more accurately, the more radical Revolutionary Guards who might already be the de facto government) is the great threat. It’s encirclement policy has meant that Iraq and Syria are already client states, Lebanon is likely to become one, Gaza might soon by controlled by them, and they have significant presence in Eritrea, Somalia and Qatar. It is Iran we have to fear, and it’s high time the BBC properly covered its policies and threats.
Iran is enough of a problem for the Saudi Crown Prince to compare them to Hitler.
It must take some considerable effort for Beeby to ignore the situation
I hear that Treezers off to Saudi to take further instructions from her islamic masters.
I wonder if anyone has ever seriously considered the ‘sit-back-and-let-them-take-each-other-out’ approach.
(Iran V Saudi)
I consider and wish for it daily
Any similarity to the emotions experienced when watching a football match between Manchester United and Chelsea is purely coincidental.
Likewise, selected “news” only about Myanmar. In the BBC’s distorted view, it can only be the muslims that are the victims. A classic example of the MSM cartel and UN being all joined together in their joint misreporting. Doesn’t wash with me.
I wonder if any of our great leaders ever stop to think why everybody hates the muslamicks and wants them gone.
The local populations that is, not the politicians.
Everywhere they go they start serious trouble with death and the other things they are well known for enriching the locals.
There are enough places for them to go and concentrate on killing each other which they seem happy enough to do without coming to civilised countries.
If the media (any media) use the term Divorce Bill they need to explain the parties involved. Who are the parents, who are the kids, what is the relationship – monogamy or polygamy? Is the UK the women and gets all the assets and kids? The UK has offered a larger potential “divorce bill” to the EU – which could be worth up to 50bn euros (£44bn), the BBC understands. { 29nov2017}
– Note that there is no actual list of items yet to draw a conclusion. Pensions are mentioned so the Kinnocks will be happy.
Occupational pensions are deferred wages and the money for them should be set aside by the employer during the time the employee is working for them. In other words Clegg and Mandelson’s pensions should be ‘in the bank’.
To suggest that there is a ‘pensions liability’ implies that the EU is either bankrupt ot rife with ‘creative accounting’.
Let’s spend some of your licence money sending mr G. Linaker to Moscow where he is seated in the Kremlin hotel getting ready for the World Cup draw on Friday. I wonder how many beeboids went on the jolly? Guess they’ve never heard of Skype.
Someone please say it’s not being paid for by British licence taxes …… ( I won’t have one ).
It’s a FIFA gig and they selected Gary Lineker and Russian sports journalist Maria Komandnaya were chosen to do the draw.
(Komandnaya has worked for Fox Sports for more than a decade as one of Russia’s best known sports journalists.)
Stew , thank you for the correction – still wonder how many beeboids are there. Send for the Myrie.
News at 10 last night included an item on disabled toilets, concluding with a demographic map of the UK showing high incidence of suitable toilet facilities – at around £14k a time – in yellow, and low incidence, in blue. Why blue? Surely red is the automatic colour of choice to indicate a shortfall, inadequacy, lack of facility, dangerous levels of amenity and so on?
I simply can’t think why the BBC would choose to use blue. Any suggestions?
Colour experts claim, Beltane, that blue and yellow – especially when used together – are excellent warnings of danger. Black and yellow perform a similar function. Red, on the other hand, is a warm, advancing, some might say ‘progressive’ 😉 colour. Blue on its own is a cold colour, receding when used with other colours in pictures.
I think the bbbc should supply full toilet facilities for the 72 (I think that’s the latest number) genders.
Practice what they preach.
If you miss him on R4 at 2:15pm in the drama, you can catch him at 11pm
“A white boy from West Virginia is forced to join the Klu Klux Klan by his father,
but when his black friends find out, they play a cruel trick on him.”
But today they are not just using Lenny for #BbcOperationBownface
11am : Social Entrepreneur Zia Haider Rahman explores the powerful impact the use and abuse of metaphor
There’s something strange about the R4 4pm show
They have one of our friends on from the Cardiff journalism school ..the ones that produce the dodgy reports
, yet the prog is lacking a topic title
She’s tweeting about “Daversity” the idea that departments have more bosses called “Dave” than BME women etc.
They have the women’s wheelchair tennis streaming on the BBC sport website. Peak SJW?
They are making a real effort to cover more women’s football and other sports. I’m sorry but you cannot polish a turd, and the massive culture and history of men’s football plays a huge part in its appeal – women’s football can never have that. Nobody wants to hear about it.
Who cares about enjoyment, though, when ‘diversity’ is at stake? Humans need food, sleep, water and diversity.
The cracks are appearing … They left Islam and now tour the US to talk about it { 29nov2017}
‘While Muhammad criticises Islam – “When people talk about how feminist (the Prophet) Muhammad was, they should be ridiculed, they should be laughed at” – he praises parts of it.’
Brillo as forensic as ever slicing up some no one Tory politician called Lord Callanan who looked as if he’d been awake all night worrying about being fried on live teli – he is by the way a former MEP and now the rep for brexit in the house of wasted air.
He says we are going to pay for Eastern Europe development but they are not poor so we can’t use the 13 000 000 000 overseas aid budget .
Do you ever wonder who these people think they are representing . Blighty won’t even pay for elderly care ( social care – a sanitised term ) yet willing to spunk – as it were – vast sums to the enemy .
Not so Independent as we would like to believe …
. . . .
Saudi investor buys significant stake in the Independent {theguardian 29jul2017}
. . . .
“It’s now universally accepted that the press is parti pris (a preconceived view; a bias).” {youtube} – Christopher Hitchens circa1993
“Yes, it is true that Conrad Black once threatened to buy the Spectator, of London, because he objected to an article I had written in it. And I laughed for quite a long time, until he did buy the Spector. ” {Christopher Hitchens – youtube – @0:39}
Just got a news flash from BBC news, saying Trump has retweeted ‘inflammatory anti Muslim videos.’
Such a nannying, finger-wagging tone. One must never be inflammatory! So uncool, which is a big part of why the left is starting to loss.
By trying to attack Trump, they only bring to more people’s attention his message. Just like when he deliberately misrepresented scenes of Arabs celebrating on 9/11, so that people would discuss the day in order to prove him wrong but in doing so bring to everyone’s attention the big issue they would rather ignore.
Once again Trump plays the media masterfully. They just can’t handle him!
Totally agree Beeb. A hell of a lot of people I talk to on Brexit, Trump etc., have or are seeing the light. It really is only the London centric brigade that are propping up the bad feeling towards both subjects. Perhaps we could borrow President Trump for a couple of weeks to do our negotiating on Brexit. I suspect we would see a somewhat different attitude from our friends on the other side of the channel.
You want someone with backbone; who tells it like it is; who cares about the people, talking as one of them in language they understand unlike politicians who see themselves as above us; who knows how to get a good deal; who wants to get jobs and keep people safe.
All else is superfluous nonsense. I don’t care about his thoughts on gay marriage; offensive things he may have said; whether he is liked by someone nasty; whether he is ‘infammatory.’ Get us a job, unite us and keep us safe.
Must say I do like Morrissey’s new song lyrics. Do you think he is referencing the bBBC?
Spent the Day in Bed
Spent the day in bed
Very happy I did, yes
I spent the day in bed
As the workers stay enslaved
I spent the day in bed
I’m not my type, but
I love my bed
And I recommend that you
Stop watching the news
Because the news contrives to frighten you
To make you feel small and alone
To make you feel that your mind isn’t your own
I spent the day in bed
It’s a consolation
When all my dreams
Are perfectly legal
In sheets for which I paid
I am now laid
And I recommend to all of my friends that they
Stop watching the news
Because the news contrives to frighten you
To make you feel small and alone
To make you feel that your mind isn’t your own
Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time,…
What’s inflammatory is BBC staff using the term “denier” on air and in print to denigrate people who don’t conform to the Climate-Alarmism Cult.
bBBC ‘News’ is now saying there is a “huge amount of controversy” over Trump’s re-tweets. More Fake news/ non-stories from our TV-tax.
most noticeably the bbc provides neither links to the videos so we can judge for ourselves or a HYS as they damn well know what they would get back
Twitterati decide having burlesque dancers at tech awards is beyong politically correct.
Some even returned awards.
To me the irony is that next week the same people will probably be at a gay pride thingy where men are dressed as burlesque dancers etc. And that’ll be apparently OK.
Manchester : UKDEA Digital Entrepreneur Awards
Direction of travel … is easy to see … “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980 (80 million Muslim people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas in 2017).
relates to : Apology over ‘sexist’ awards ceremony featuring burlesque dancers and Love Island host {manchestereveningnews 27nov2017}
Orwell’s Junior Anti-Sex League is nearly here if not already.
Anti-sex league? I think the Angel that destroyed Sodom might be lurking at the gate.
You fellas can ogle other men all you like. And women who were once men. And men who were once women. And children. As long as you don’t openly suggest real women are attractive you have nothing to fear. Simples.
Not all Hate is Equal Hate … Not all hate incidents will amount to criminal offences, but those that do become hate crimes. The Association of Chief Police Officers and the CPS have agreed a common definition of hate crime: “Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.” {cps}
Ths Manchester bombing did not count as a ‘hate incident’ as British values are not a protected group, and obviously feelings are more important than lives.
If someone read an online post written in New Zealand which they construed as being sexist – however unreasonably – then that constitutes a hate crime.
The Koran is a hate crime
Isn’t it illegal now for a man to reject the advances of homosexual men or men that think they are women?
Certainly as a man I know that I am required to cross the road if I see a woman coming towards me and if she has her hair covered it’s best to head off in a different direction in case I cause offence.
You guys really need to quit your ridiculous assertions that the Question Time audience is rigged.
Last weeks episode was cut short due to someone having a complex asthma attack
– The newspaper article tells me they Sioux Blair Jordan had been allocated front row seats, but switched to second row.
– It then tells me that the person’s job is LABOUR PARTY activist.
Sioux Blair Jordan shouldn’t worry, the ‘gas chambers’ are already fully occupied with the 190,000 Labour-approved abortions each year.
Fortunately this is balanced by the 196,000 Labour-approved births to foreign-born ‘pregnant persons’.