This blog will be staying open for the foreseeable future #duetoBrexit and the complete certainty, #duetoBrexit, that the BBC will be pumping out relentless bias relentlessly…list it all here….
I see tiny Tim Farron has been explaining how being a Christian is incompatible with being a modern politician because if you are a committed Christian you must oppose some key societal values of modern Britain e.g. Abortion . All credit to Farron who resigned because he could not deny his faith and compromise, and so was constantly questioned and indeed hounded by the MSM . But what of the Muslim politicians who seem to be untroubled by the wide range of conflicting values between Islam and modern liberal society , e.g. Gay rights, feminism, apostates , terrorists , Halal slaughter, etc etc etc. They never ever get questioned about the incompatibility of their religious views with those of our modern society. Why not ? Surely even a Lib Dem , immigrant loving MP like Farron can see that there is a massive and evil disparity between the way he and his fellow Christians are treated and the way Muslim public figures are treated. This toleration of the beliefs and practises of Islam is steadily destroying our liberal society. How much longer will the likes of Farron take to wake up to the clear and present danger that Islam represents.
The Rochdale case quickly came to epitomise the wider phenomenon of localised
grooming in the eyes of many people: {Child sexual exploitation and the response to localised grooming – 05jun2013}
a) it involved a large network of suspected abusers and also a large number of
potential victims;
b) the victims were generally (though not invariably) vulnerable girls aged 12–16, a
disproportionate number of whom were looked after by local authorities;
c) victims were passed around from one abuser to another, in some cases being taken
to other towns and cities to be raped and sexually assaulted;
d) the abusers were Asian or British Asian and the victims were White;
e) the victims were not always taken as seriously as they should have been by the
police and prosecutors, who were often unfamiliar with the phenomenon of sexual
exploitation of children; and
f) prosecution was hampered by prosecutors’ assessment that these victims would
lack credibility in court.
“Newspaper articles reported that fifty-six men had been interviewed by police regarding an investigation in to the sexual abuse of forty-seven girls aged between 12 and 16.1”
“An officer is heard yawning as he questions the girl”
Officers on the Rochdale division were under pressure at the time to hit ‘volume crime’ targets like bringing down the number of burglaries and were overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the grooming problem they had uncovered.
Sheer lack of resource, and also the fact that their bosses seemed reluctant to grasp the nettle for fear of being branded racist, contributed to delays in the investigation.
It took police 11 months to compile a file of evidence for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) – after interviewing the young victim from the takeaway on four separate occasions.
On one of those interviews a police officer can be heard yawning while repeatedly asking why she had put herself in such a vulnerable position.
The kangaroo must not have had his throat cut whilst a muslim utters gibberish over his death throes. Lucky old kangaroo.
Still, the fact that Khan gets special treatment just goes to prove that muslims are special people. Even living in a clearing in the jungle, they have to be a special case.
Something strange ..maybe a hack or rogue Twitter employee.
both the BF account and Jayda Twitter accounts both tweeted ..describing their own tweets as “far right propaganda”
Why do that ?
Oh yeah, good spot Stew! Why would they label themselves?
I’m not a Twitterati so cannot be sure about their language styles and tropes. But Martha Kearney was SO obvious on WatO. I am used to Martha’s tones and inflections and there was an obvious contrast, especially when compared to the BBC’s treatment of complaints from Burmese Muslims, ‘taqiyya’ notwithstanding. Her voice even dropped a couple of notes, at least, if not half an octave. I don’t know whether that is significant sign. Maybe some retired police on here can advise, Pounce or Emmanuel Goldstein from their military experience, perhaps? A sign of more Gullibles Travels?
I think we must all be cautious about taking stuff at face value from all media. The BBC, the more they point the finger at others, are proving themselves to be increasingly highly suspect.
Interesting moment on PM. Eddie – I think – mentions that they had not qualified as political party (can’t remember whether it was ‘forms not in on time’ or the ‘pending prosecutions’, think it was the former) at which point I got the impression that that was the BBC’s reason (more like excuse) for labelling them any which way but certainly ‘Far Right’ and ‘Extremist’.
They’d go well with Momentum and some of the other groups backing Corbyn, then. You know, the ones the BBC almost never, ever label as Hard Left or Far Left or extremists.
Am a bit surprised about Ann Coulter picking up and passing this on. Thought she might be more savvy than that. That was not mentioned on WatO but must have been known about in the BBC Newsroom at the time.
Very, very sneaky!
BBC, yes, I mean you.
An update on Norman EWTT Smith (see my post below): he used almost exactly the same script on PM as on WatO but he had edited out the lie by re-arranging the words, 1984-style.
“Am a bit surprised about Ann Coulter picking up and passing this on. Thought she might be more savvy than that.”
Why? The only question is are the videos true or fake?
We know muslim violence is real. Do these videos capture some of it or not? The fact that they may have passed through the hands of Britain First at some stage is immaterial.
The only interesting thing is that President Trump has now made videos of muslim violence mainstream. We know they are out there, but the MSM would prefer you to believe the fairy tale that islam is a “religion of peace”.
RiC, hopefully you will pick up on my other posts made more recently which show the problems this whole affair are already causing and may well cause in future. I would have thought it was obvious.
We do have a problem with militant Islam. Ann Coulter knows that. I vaguely knew of her but have watched several videos of her, in the last couple of years, thanks to links put up by posters on here. My impressions? She has a massive brain and uses it! She is well informed. She is also very brave. I would have thought that she might have checked – especially in this present ‘climate’ – exactly who Britain First are.
Did she know that President Trump followed her? Probably but perhaps not. If she did know and even more so if her tweets have been re-tweeted by Donald Trump, she should be savvy enough to know that some responsibility goes with what you put before the President and may be re-tweeted. In a White House context, prison sentences along with ruined careers, have rested on similar ill-considered actions of the past.
It doesn’t matter how accurate the videos are. The libbies and lefties will always distort the content to suit their agendas.
Do we really need ‘made videos of muslim violence mainstream’ ?
I think not, especially in the UK after the events of 2017. Do we need a reminder of those events adding pressure to our society? Again, I think not.
Moving on: seems quotation marks can represent a “hate” crime in Sweden.
Are we any closer to the final version of, ‘Newspeak’?
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotton.”
– statue erected outside BBC (you know who………)
That Bus again !!
BBC1 at 1.00 pm today was again showing that bus, and claiming that the Leave campaign was “misleading” the public with its figure of £350 Million a week to the EU. Well, it was. According to the latest figure from the ONS, on 28th October, the TRUE FIGURE IS HIGHER at £363 MILLION a week. Strange the BBC didn’t want to mention that.
WatO @ approx 1.03/1.04pm on BBC R4 has its Assistant Political Editor, Norman Smith, caught lying to the nation. Talking about Boris Johnson’s comments about the ongoing negotiations and a fresh statement from Michel Barnier, Norman said @ 3minutes 17seconds approximately into the broadcast “Remain supporters, however, have reminded voters of Leave Campaigners’ suggestion during the Referendum that Brexit would ensure an extra £350 million pounds per week for the NHS.” You know it was nothing of the sort, Norman. That is a barefaced lie. It is actually written on the side of that famous bus. Time now for you to catch one to the local Job Centre!
Will Norman Smith resign?
No? Really?
Remember Michael Fallon, Damian Green, Boris Johnson, eh BBC, from about three to four weeks ago?
You wanted their heads on the block, BBC. Now it is time for your Norman Smith to step up to receive a P45.
Meanwhile in other news, the BBC is rightly cautious about some videos put up by some nasty political group. They do not exercise quite the same caution over other news feeds, whether from Burma, ‘refugees in Europe’, especially photos of ‘children’, Syria & chemical weapons and – going further back in time – Himalayan Yeti. Yes, they are now deemed to have been FakeNews or FalseNews, the specimens in western museums are deemed to be fakes.
And there was the BBC, not Yeti as cautious as they are now with political videos and tweets, allowing us to think the Yeti specimens were real. As validated, if I recall correctly, by one David Attenborough.
“The EU’s Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier has provoked fury with a speech in Berlin where he implied that Brexit Britain is somehow ducking the fight with radical Islamic terrorism.”
GOD I love Trump – he loves kicking up a sh*tstorm. The BBC are typically talking about how ‘offensive’ his tweets are, doing incredible investigative journalism by asking prominent Muslims and leftists to ‘condemn’ his remarks. Childish ad hominem attacks are thrown around like confetti: ‘Far Right’; ‘inflammatory.’ They say the video he tweeted ‘claims to show’ a Muslim being violent, as if it were absolutely impossible that anyone from that peaceful creed might ever be aggressive. What compulsive liars these liberal vermin are.
They never address the actual issues when Trump blasphemes against their progressive religion; they just shoot the messenger. Obviously to actually question whether it is a good idea to open the door to anyone and everyone from the world’s worst hell holes to flood in is thought crime. You would not leave your front door open in the middle of the night as obviously bad people could get in.
I have no sympathy. Anyone who takes a call from this unwashed cretinous oaf can expect a foul mouthed tirade. It’s very much his USP, for people who like that sort of thing.
As you look along this whole thread, your blood begins to boll.
The bias was discrete and not all pervasive, not endlessly corroding in the past.
But these days it is beyond belief.
For me, the Tories are now the Lefts kevlar, their sandbags.
Just shock absorbers for the elite, as the Lefts pastel shaded brownshirts get to work tunneling under the nations foundations just like Hamas do to Israel.
Ummuma is (for the first time) correct-this government really don`t know what they`re doing headless chickens who fear the mob-namely us.
So if the Tories won`t fight for a hard and cauterising Brexit, then we will happily do so on the streets.
The Tories only delay the civil war if they continue to use Labours syntax like “divorce bill” or “cliff edge” crap. We didn`t vote for that.
They`re either knowing like Paterson or Mogg-or doing Labours work like Soubry and Clarke.
We can fight the Left, but it`s hard to wade through the Tory plodge as they`re presenting at the mo.
If the REAL Tories don`t do their solemn duty-then they`ll be responsible for the end of any efforts to use a Parliament or a democratic process.
There are still more of us than them, most of us still have the energy to take them on before we`re lost or old.
Of course nobody adversely affected by immigration has the right to be offended – that would be ‘hate crime.’ Trump is literally Hitler for mentioning elephants in the room.
If you’re finding this all a bit hard to follow, relax:
If a white grade-school teacher pretends to be black, that’s totally racist and you should denounce him as such immediately;
But if a white professor pretends to be Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color” and you point it out, then you’re the racist.
Got that? It’s easy when you know how:
If a Victoria’s Secret model wears lingerie “inspired by indigenous African cultures”, that’s cultural appropriation;
But if a white Harvard professor takes up valuable space in an authentic tribal cookbook, that’s not cultural appropriation …er, because the authentic tribal recipes she submitted turned out to come from the Duke of Windsor’s favorite restaurant.
“When the left patrol identity politics so ruthlessly they demand that even Elizabeth Warren’s claim to be Cherokee must be taken seriously, it becomes necessary for the sake of societal sanity to laugh at her, again and again. In doing so, Donald Trump is performing a valuable service to the republic.”
The so called Brexit settlement ain’t worth the paper it’s written on. We WILL be leaving the EU without the free trade deal mooted by all and sundry and fall back onto WTO rules. The reasoning is simple – the EU pygmies can never let the EU be subservient or to give ground in case it encourages further dissent. Also, they have become accustomed to putting the mighty GB well and truly back in its box and have had an authority over us that could never have been achieved even had we lost one of the many historical wars we have fought against them. They are conditioned by their self righteous arrogance in the supremacy of the EU project to dictate terms, never to acquiesce – to demand, never to offer. Their version of an agreement is full submission – plus shedloads of punishment money, which, it will soon become clear, buys us absolutely nothing! Meanwhile, the screws will keep turning until someone grows a pair and walks.
The BBC is acutely obsessed with diversity and positive discrimination EXCEPT in one area.
And that area is LONDON. We indigenous Londoners are down to at the most now 35% of
the population. For under 16 I would say it is as low as 20%. The reason is obvious the ethnic
community particularly the Muslim’s are having three times as many children as the
indigenous population.
So when the Londonistan programme is presented and reported by a majority of ethnic staff, one
could ask where is the positive discrimination here? Most of the topics are about how Londoners
are badly treated by the Metropolitan Police or the “bosses” of the National Health or
the “bosses” of London Transport. The word bosses is always said in a derogatory way. Of course the
word that should be used are the administrators.
But I wont blame Riz Lateef or Assad Ahmed for that. It’s just the Trotskyist, Fifth Colomnist editors,
sub editors and researchers that write their scripts.. BBC if positive discrimination is so central to your
policy. Where is it with the minority indigenous population in London?
And our treacherous leadership isn’t finished with London yet. It seems too many white men have gardens in London.
The Emir wants to put a stop to that. I saw the Evening Standard on the train tonight.
Thousands of homes will be built on small sites across London, including gardens and end-of-terrace plots, under Sadiq Khan’s plans to get a grip on the housing crisis.”
The Mayor’s long-awaited London Plan states that almost 25,000 homes should be built every year on smaller plots adjacent to existing residential and commercial buildings.
However, critics immediately branded the plan a “land grab” for every inch of garden in the capital — and claimed the Mayor had “declared war on the suburbs”.
For the first time, town halls will be given a numerical target for how many homes to build on small sites every year, ranging from 488 in Kensington & Chelsea to 3,850 in Newham.
This will put pressure on councils such as Tory-run Bromley and Hillingdon, which have traditionally dragged their heels. Mr Khan has ripped up planning rules in an effort to encourage homebuilders to develop sites at higher densities.
He said: “With London’s population expected to increase by 70,000 every year, reaching 10.8 million in 2041, it’s vital we properly plan for growth with new affordable homes in every area.
“I am using all of the powers at my disposal in my first draft London Plan to tackle the housing crisis head-on, removing ineffective constraints on homebuilders so that we can make the most of precious land in the capital to build more homes in areas with the best transport links.”
Here’s something the BBC have neglected to mention:
The American Spectator has named Donald Trump as its ‘Man of the Year’ citing the following quote from by Congressman Edward Stuyvesant Bragg of Wisconsin introducing Grover Cleveland at the convention:
“They love him, gentlemen, and they respect him, not only for himself, but for his character, for his integrity and judgment and iron will; but they love him most for the enemies he has made.”
“1. He doesn’t have to raise his voice to make his points.
2. He is determined.
3. He relies on the merits of the issue.
4. He has confidence in himself and the American people to do the right thing.
5. He doesn’t ride the fence.
6. He holds his ground.
7.He is energetic.
8. He is tireless, has a great work ethic…like us he is a workaholic — even when golfing.
9. He doesn’t start fights but he will definitely finish them.
And number ten? This will be the one that launches liberals into the stratosphere:
10. He’s the type of person you want to vote twice for.
A report on the £468000 salary of the Vice Chancellor in charge of the University of Bath is reported by…………
Fiona Bruce, on a BBC salary of between £350000 and £400000, and in charge of….errrr…..nothing.
At least the vice chancellor gets her money in exchange for providing people with an education; and those who pay do so of their own volition.
The likes of Bruce get their money through threatening to send to prison poor and vulnerable people, a rapidly decreasing number of whom would waste their time watching BBC ‘news.’
Being one of that rare breed …….. a woman who actually reads the sports section, and for those that don’t read (or despise) the Daily Mail, here’s an interesting snippet from today’s edition…..
“Gary Lineker, who is earning around £20,000 for hosting the World Cup draw in Moscow despite being such a ferocious critic of FIFA, was also hypocritical enough this week to personally bar the Daily Mail and The Sun from his BT Sport Champions League press conference, despite having earned considerable sums for writing ghosted columns for both their newspaper groups”…
Such an odious man. Is there anyone in this country who actually likes him ?
Is it me or has the average intelligence of an MP declined? R4 Robert Halfon(?) “if we have public spending pressures at home and we suddenly say we have ‘wads of money, loads of money’ to give the the EU, the public will be outraged they will ‘go bananas’ they want that money spent at home” Aside from the use of wads, loads of, bananas – he seemed to not realise that in the long term we will have more money…he did sound like he was 12.
Is it me but has the BBC promoted a day whereby the payment ‘ according to their sources’ has varied between 35bn and 55bn? Do you think ‘their sources’ is – anyone with a mouth at the BBC?
And while I am ranting – How would Chuka Ummuna know what those people who voted to leave will feel about paying money -as he said in a BBC interview
Delicious irony 2.
The BBC appears to be painting as an extremist………Donald Trump, for tweeting a video of….errr…….an Islamic fanatic throwing someone off the top of a building!
GWF Re: feminists
“you are so ignorant” say the ignorant. They really are like machines that cannot compute when faced with a reality that is outside their programming. They click immediately into rage mode.
The end of that clip is alarming. NO MEN allowed on the march!! Were they really chanting GET HIM OUT! GET HIM OUT! GET HIM OUT? Why don’t they just carry signs reading “WE HATE MEN” It seems to be what they are really about.
BBC apologises for last weeks alarmism about Universal Credit
\\ up to 100,000 claimants would go without over Christmas //
BBC Desperate to undermine the Government at every turn, they start to come unstuck. I saw Lewis's 'apology', which was more like, "whoops I've been found out"! via @MailOnline
Who knew that all George W Bush`s ex retreads would now be seen as wise old grandees by the BBC?
Maybe they need reminding what the BBC used to say about THAT windsock for Pappy?
But it`s politics-so Bush turns out to be the new Lyndon B Johnson to them.
“”Donald Trump wrong to share far-right videos – PM””
“”The Muslim Council for Britain had called on the UK government to “distance” itself from the comments.
“This is the clearest endorsement yet from the US president of the far-right and their vile anti-Muslim propaganda,” a spokeswoman said.””
“”In the past, he’s attacked London Mayor Sadiq Khan, saying he mishandled a militant attack just hours after it occurred. He misattributed a rise in crime in England and Wales to the “spread of radical Islamic terror”. Now, he has retweeted a series of unverified videos posted by a far-right British nationalist group.””
Unverified….by who MCB?
They looked real enough to me.
Not that you let me see them.
But you`re fake news as DJT has well labelled you.
So we go elsewhere for our news.
Hope Jyda Fransen has a REAL film of what Channel 4 were doing as they interviewed her earlier. Seemed very fishy to me. Tommy Robinson and Milo always do their own films-hope Britan First will do the same. Very dangerous to let the “Fact Based Media”(c/o Kylie Morris 29.11.17) do the edits-we KNOW waht they`re now doing.
Theresa May “wrong” to think that she has any authority to pay the EU a penny that is as yet unearned, and belongs to my grandkids.
May is a cheeky sod to say Trump is wrong on this day of all. He is right-she is badly, badly wrong.
I voted to LEAVE the EU, there was no “divorce” about it-we voted to walk out of the Big Brother madhouse ,and May(and her acolytes) will get scorched and terminally if they refuse to do what they were elected to do. They got in because they alone would hold a referndum-and they alone pledged to carry on with our will to leave the EU without any tacked on excuses to pay for the Kinnocks pension etc.
This will be a tactic-as in “so called Islamic State”. Funny that-Islamic State is a reality, but is only “so-called”. Whereas the Brexit ranson is described as something akin to a REAL divorce-when none of them believe in that oppresive concept any more!
Take reality, invert, pervert and serve inside out and upside down…that the BBC call it news.
Every time I randomly pass by on BBC Parliament? It`s always a Scottish accent, usually SNP, often Labour or Liberal I`m thinking.
Not only that, buts if its going to be English it`ll be Yvette Cooper or Hillary Benn in some “Grand Inquisitor” mode holding forth on the usual.
Are the Tories even checking any more?
No surprise as well that most on screens around them are fat. Labour wimmin with exotic piercings and cliched northern accents.
Statistically, this has got to be significant. It`s a fiddle I`m sure.
Anyone for some economic and related statistics on that successful socialist Nirvana down in Venezuela? I mean we really should know what the UK would look like if the CorbynMcdonnellMomentum trots got into power.
So. How is it going? Must be wonderful.
Trump is such a hero, sticking it to them cry bully liberals. When was the last time someone stood up for our values rather than sucked up to the invaders who treat us with such contempt?
Apparently his Tweets could create anti Muslim sentiment. Stop shooting the messenger. No other group creates so many problems wherever they go. He could never incite anti Sikh sentiment as people know they are lovely people.
It is fantastic he is forcing the liberal elite to even talk about these issues. It should not be ‘Far Right’ – it should be of massive concern to the media but they are such traitorous cowards and prefer to ignore it so they have an easy life.
Ive posted here a few times about the gigantic liabilities for public sector pensions.
We now get a clue as to those values. The EU divorce bill is scheduled to rocket from around £20 bn to maybe £50 bn. Why? Because of future contributions to the pension liabilities of EU workers.
Private sector workers getting a few percent of salary as a pension contribution should be spitting blood and campaigning to stop having to pay for other people’s pensions.
Isn’t it galling to read so often “Mr X, retired civil servant, 58”, or “Mrs Y, retired librarian, 57”, when you are like me (73) still working because we have to! ( I have read both those examples recently and have a “young” retired couple as neighbours, both having worked for the council and each with this year’s model car)
Even more galling is to hear that some stankhovite worker (55) of the state has been made redundant due to rationalisation and has received a redendancy payment of £90,000. After a suitable period of time, it is discoverd that he was indispensable after all and has been reemployed performing his original “role’.
As Lineker is safely out of the way in Moscow licking the arse of the FIFA he apparently hates i’ve decided to watch MotD tonight for the midweek match highlights. I’ve set a reminder on one of the non-premium 900 channels so that that I can also avoid that other gobshite Nolan on bBbc NI
While waiting I came across Newshite and a piece about the Irish customs border/ Brexit. They really are hilarious.
The reporter gave several heads the opportunity to spout, all from the Republic, and the one who supposedly wasn’t, representing a business with a plant in Northern Ireland, was himself, from the Republic of Ireland. Balanced? No chance.
Back to the studio where Gollum is joined by a playmate with the look of someone enjoying the smell of his own fart, a few minutes speculation as fact bollox, and then, Gollum pipes up with, straight face, straight to camera.
‘We hear lots from the British government on this subject but what of that of the Irish. Let’s speak to Pontius O’Pilot, the Irish Agriculture Minister’. I paraphrase slightly.
Where do you begin? They’re just so blatant. In the Northern Ireland that I live in, Baby Doc Paisley was far more representative of public opinion in his comments today than the bBbc bandits, and their speeddial slackjaws from the South, will ever be. I, and thousands like me, in the part of NI that supported Brexit, the more densely populated, productive, traditionally industrial areas, have no cultural, social or historical connection or empathy with the Republic of Ireland whatsoever. The bBbc really do not understand the situation here at all, their narrative is dangerously false.
My family are from Claudy Co.Derry and I can honestly state that the prospect of reunification with the Republic and having both the EU and also the interference of Religious dogma dictating thier daily lives isn`t an attractive prospect… N.Ireland does quite well out of being part of the U.K. Unlike the Republic, it`s not subject to EU bail outs… Also I cannot imagine all those Sinn Fein terrorist sympathisers and convicted murderers giving up the power they have in Storemont…. Nobody in my family wants to be part of the EU.. The only reason the province voted to stay in the EU is becouse of Sinn Feins Catholic voters as usual making a point of voting for the opposite to the Protestants who were hampered by the three main Protestant political parties being unable to form a cohesive group, Sinn Fein however are just about the only Catholic party and this is why the vote went the EUs way….. If the BBC wated to really talk to genuine Irish voters from all sides then they should go to Strabane and set up a filming crew in the car park at ASDA where al the people who live over the border do all thier shopping as the prices in the Republic supermarkets are approx. 35% higher… Also the illegal tobacco and booze trade which the Republicans control in County Derry relies on the current border rules for funds as well…. I`m glad I live in Lincolnshire….. the EU will end up creating chaos in Ireland if they get the chance…. You might want to start thinking about moving to England mate….. Imagine a marching season that goes on for 365 days a year and a possible return to civil disorder on par with the troubles….
Remember this ?
“The Prime Minister has tried to move away from an emphasis on her initial message that “no deal is better than a bad deal” – but when pushed she continues to defend that stance.”
Fold. See my post below.
You might disagree, the ball is back in their court. Seeing Barnier’s rant today + Drunkers previous rants.
The Agincourt (including the Welsh archer assistance) salute is appropriate.
Rhif Saith (Number 7).
Clegg was always an anti-democratic euro tw@.
Leopards never change their spots.
Neither do ‘queen’ leopards. Why is his wife a regular guest on ‘the nation’s favourite’?
I would like to add an additional comment to the furore on the MSM (especially the BBC) and some on here, taking offence, at our government’s ‘apparent’ offer of £50Bn – £100Bn in order to unblock ‘negotiations’ of a trade deal.
What seems to have missed are the strings attached – ‘let’s get on with the trade talks’ – ‘ nothing is agreed until it is all agreed c. Barnier’.
The EU demands are liable for ‘agreed’ payments into the future 40yrs. Accordingly said ‘divorce payments’ are due over a similar period. 1+Bn/yr over 40yrs(£40bn depreciated by inflation) instead of 10Bn+ over 40yrs, at present demands from the EU @£10bn/yr (£400bn).
As a poker player and (retired) negotiator, I think that the government has just called CALL.
i hope HMG has been taking note of someone who has tried in vain to negotiate with the new nazis. Yanis Varoufakis recently said they are trying to lay a trap for the UK. There is no way we can have a proper trade deal with the EU, they are impossible to bargain with. They are not like business men who can thrash out a trade that is beneficial to both sides. These people are hardcore socialists that are only interested in their own doctrines.
The fact that the term no deal has been mentioned by members of HMG does suggest that it is possible we will walk away. We will be infinitely better off with no deal and once we have called their bluff the EU will fragment further and ultimately implode. Hardcore socialism always goes bankrupt.
to quote Yanis this is on his own site:
Mr Varoufakis has been extremely critical of the EU’s democratic processes ever since his own experience of negotiating with the bloc over the terms of his country’s bailout deal in 2015.
And the former Greek finance minister told EUobserver: “The only thing that those in power fear is a movement threatening their jobs and that is what we intend to do.”
In its manifesto, Diem25 accuses the “powers of Europe”, including the EU Commission, of “speaking in democracy’s name but only to deny, exorcise and suppress it in practice”.
It says the bloc’s “nightmare” bureaucracy “seeks to co-opt, evade, corrupt, mystify, usurp and manipulate democracy in order to break its energy and arrest its possibilities”.
The group, which is in favour of a federal Europe, concludes: “We believe that the European Union is disintegrating. Europeans are losing their faith in the possibility of European solutions to European problems.”
Mr Varoufakis has repeatedly warned British negotiators that they have walked into a “trap” over Brexit, and has said his experience of the EU is that it is impossible to negotiate with.
I’ve wondered for a while if the Government is playing a very shrewd game of exposing just how unreasonable the EU is so they can sell a no-deal agreement to the widest possible audience.
Then I look at Theresa May and think – no. She’s just too weak and wants to be liked.
Which brings to mind Frances Urquart’s devastating comment (magnificent in the film) on the weak Prime Minister Collingridge, that “His deepest need was that people should like him. An admirable trait, that, in a spaniel or a whore — not, I think, in a Prime Minister”.
The Best news of the day is Donald Trump telling Theresa May to mind her own business re his tweets. A thoroughly deserved rebuke.
I feel a bit sorry for Trump. He really tried to have a good relationship with her and the UK. What the hell does Theresa May think she is doing? At this time of Brexit negotiations what does she decide to do? Virtue signal where it is not needed or wanted and in doing so insult our greatest friend on the international field at the moment!
That woman is a walking disaster. I can never forgive her for waiting eight months before kicking article 50 off, generously allowing heaps of time for opposition to gather, plan and organise. (Which they did in a big way surprise, surprise.)
Now she is wandering off track in such a manner to indicate she has truly lost the plot. Whose hand is at the tiller I’ve been wondering. Now I’m thinking the answer to that question is something like “Tiller… what tiller?”
Yasser – Maybe she actually died (due to a poisoned umbrella attack) just after she “won” the Primeministership. And what we are seeing is a one of these new interactive sex dolls with Theresa May Mask.
She has been programmed by Rudd and Hammond to come out with media and public friendly soundbites such as
“Enough is enough”
“Strong and stable leadership”
“brexit means brexit”
“The public want honest from their politicians – not showy gimmicks”
“It was wrong for the president to have done this”
“Ooooh its sooo big!”
“Youre the best!”
Sorry about the last two I think I got the two instruction books mixed up!
West English Police Forces are arresting too many BAME children according to the BBC. These police forces have to explain or reform (the link takes about a while to load & find the article):
In 2011 16 % of the population of Bristol was non white, 6 years later that figure can only be bigger say 19%. Which is exactly the figure give for blame children arrested in Avon and Somerset.
In Swindon 16% of the population was deemed as non white in 2011, with an arrest rate of 14% that figure is below the number of blame people in the city.
In both cases the cities picked are the largest in a very rural area. So in reality the numbers arrested mirror the blame population.
The bBC and fake news: Mulan: Disney casts Chinese actress Liu Yifei in lead role Disney has picked Chinese actor Liu Yifei to play Mulan in an upcoming film, following accusations against Hollywood of ‘whitewashing’….Recent films accused of whitewashing include the Hollywood remake of Japanese anime Ghost in the Shell, which had Scarlett Johansson in the main role which was originally Japanese, and Chinese epic The Great Wall which starred Matt Damon as its lead character.
I can never get over how the bBC can claim whitewashing when it comes to non-white leads, when on the otherside of the coin it activity promotes non-whites playing traditional white roles as only a good thing:
Anyway to any bBC Child molesters reading this:
Scarlett Johansson played a f-ing robot, the film was crap and you would have been better off watching the original lost in space.
Matt Damon played a European searching for the secret of gunpowder in the far east.
For the past 8 or so hours the BBC have been headlining as their lead story on their Children’s CBBC channel: Donald Trump retweets anti-Muslim videos US President Donald Trump has used his Twitter account to share three anti-Muslim videos from a group with extreme opinions.
An interesting moment on Toady earlier when Geoffrey Wansell, as was part of a discussion about Evil Bellfield’s “confession”, referred to him by his Muslim name; Sarah Makesyouspew then (very) quickly mentioned that this c**t had “converted to Islam in prison”.
That is the first time I’ve heard that confirmed on the MSM, having only heard TR speak about it when Delingpole interviewed him. Why don’t al Beebus look into the reasons so many criminals do the same as Bellfield when in prison?
He raped and murdered white European women and girls. Let’s have a think about which group in our prison system would be more than happy to welcome such a person into their ranks. Maybe a group whose founder did much the same, so that it’s not really a crime at all?
Serious faces on the sofa. So you know it’s a serious story. Yes Trump has tweeted some videos. It may effect his state visit blah blah blah. Yes BBc sloths get in a tizz wiz with Trump, How will it effect the state visit? Elsewhere the wheel of news spins around and after the story of food being flung out it’s back to sugar in food again. Kelloggs are cutting sugar in some of their products and the representative faces a Spanish inquisition . Don’t care I put sugar on my cereal anyway. Different day same old biased crap on the BBc
On Toady, Prick Robinson is childishly scoring points against Ann Coulter by saying the individual in the video was born in the Netherlands so was not technically a recent migrant. Surely that makes it worse? He was born and raised there and still has such hatred. One could perhaps expect a recent migrant would need time to adapt, but surely someone born there should not behave thus? They can quibble over minor details but the big issue is there for all to see: why on earth let in people who hate you?
As Coulter says, a video is a video. It does not matter who shared it. The Left is at war with reality. If Nick Griffin points at a tree and says it is a tree, the tree does not cease to exist just because you have labelled it ‘Far Right.’
They are losing control of the narrative. Nobody believes them anymore. Always their first instinct is their tired tricks of name calling, guilt by association and attacking the messenger. If a picture paints a thousand words, a video paints a million. Trump is bypassing the media via social media and setting the agenda. They should have been more decent during the election cycle for he will continue to give them hell.
Boris has tweeted that Britain First has no place in our society. Well at least we know where we stand. Sharia law, child “grooming”, terrorism, all part and parcel as London’s Mayor put it. I’m so looking forward to our first public stoning.
I absolutely effing give up at the pathetic bunch that are leading us into the abyss.
I can’t imagine why a man who has been serially unfaithful to his wife and has even fathered a child with one of his mistresses feels he is in any place to pontificate about morality. 50 years ago (or less) he would have had to resign. Now he gets up on his hind legs and wags the finger at us.
after Robinson ripped into an American interviewed about her support for tweeting the videos he had a love in with Lady Nugee and used the word ‘we’ when chatting with her . As I type al Beeb 0900 news rebroadcast a very reasonable comment by the American lady saying countries cannot handle large numbers of migrants – I’d call them illegals but I suppose that’s a hate crime now.
Msm is suppressing discussion about Islamic poison in the same way it suppressed discussion about immigration. It will not have a happy ending.
Yes, and its autistic screeching about ‘fake news’ isn’t fooling anyone (well, except a few Guardian readers). The MSM in general, and the BBC in particular, are losing the war. The cat isn’t so much out of the bag as clawing at the public’s leg. Few people are unaware of how much this country has been damaged by the wanton destruction of our culture and no amount of refusing to discuss it is going to dull people’s awareness and anger.
In Alinsky’s rules for radicals, used to brutal effect by the Left, it says take the enemy outside their comfort zone.
The MSM are so far out of their comfort zone with Trump. Not only does he refuse the Faustian pact of going along with their nonsense in return for their support, he is using alternative modes of communicating.
Plus he is forever just trolling for the comedy value and they seem only able to take him seriously at all times. His tweet the other day about the Fake News Trophy had me in hysterics. His use of humour is fantastic – he is the cool rebel against the staid, nannying MSM. Who does not love the cheeky rebel who makes you laugh and plays by his own rules?
As Milo says, nobody can resist the truth wrapped up in a good joke.
the beeb seem to have a huge difficulty finding any pro trump supporter. There are over 60 million who voted for him in the election yet they cant seem to find one. They have no problem finding republicans living here who hate him but come across more like butt hurt hillary supporters when they speak.
Believe me Lucy, there isn’t the MSM lefty version of Scots around here. Raising taxes and alcohol duty will be two of the most spectacular own goals from the poison dwarf.
Special privilege … even the jungle has to comply …. I’m a Celebrity (Halal Approved), Get Me Out of Here!
“I’m A Celeb’s Amir Khan has special halal meals prepared for him during jungle stint to keep his diet in line with Muslim faith… but he’s allowed to chow down on creepy crawlies”
– Ethnic minority – tick
– Religious minority – tick
– Londoner of Islamic faith – tick
– Being a good decision maker and being able to run a large city (5th Largest Economy) – not mentioned
– Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith? I might be wrong – but could not find a sentence saying ‘Vote for me because I believe in Allah’.
Up2snuffDec 23, 16:53 Start the Christmas Week 23rd December 2024 TOADY Watch #1 – yet another new recruit BBC? The BBC are spending your Licence Fee like water. Yet another…
diggDec 23, 16:08 Start the Christmas Week 23rd December 2024 The biggest tool in the lefty toolbox is the ability to twist everything they touch with a Marxist supporting lie…
JohnCDec 23, 15:54 Start the Christmas Week 23rd December 2024 UK economy had zero growth between July and September Poor BBC BAME girl not happy about it. [img][/img] Are…
Rob in CheshireDec 23, 15:19 Start the Christmas Week 23rd December 2024 TTK would give Lord Alli his suits and glasses back before he would accept any offer of help from Farage.…
I see tiny Tim Farron has been explaining how being a Christian is incompatible with being a modern politician because if you are a committed Christian you must oppose some key societal values of modern Britain e.g. Abortion . All credit to Farron who resigned because he could not deny his faith and compromise, and so was constantly questioned and indeed hounded by the MSM . But what of the Muslim politicians who seem to be untroubled by the wide range of conflicting values between Islam and modern liberal society , e.g. Gay rights, feminism, apostates , terrorists , Halal slaughter, etc etc etc. They never ever get questioned about the incompatibility of their religious views with those of our modern society. Why not ? Surely even a Lib Dem , immigrant loving MP like Farron can see that there is a massive and evil disparity between the way he and his fellow Christians are treated and the way Muslim public figures are treated. This toleration of the beliefs and practises of Islam is steadily destroying our liberal society. How much longer will the likes of Farron take to wake up to the clear and present danger that Islam represents.
All religions are equal …
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
– Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith?
“London chose me as their mayor”
56.8% of a 45.3% turnout.
Less decisive than Brexit (51.9% of a 71.8% turnout).
The Rochdale case quickly came to epitomise the wider phenomenon of localised
grooming in the eyes of many people: {Child sexual exploitation and the response to localised grooming – 05jun2013}
a) it involved a large network of suspected abusers and also a large number of
potential victims;
b) the victims were generally (though not invariably) vulnerable girls aged 12–16, a
disproportionate number of whom were looked after by local authorities;
c) victims were passed around from one abuser to another, in some cases being taken
to other towns and cities to be raped and sexually assaulted;
d) the abusers were Asian or British Asian and the victims were White;
e) the victims were not always taken as seriously as they should have been by the
police and prosecutors, who were often unfamiliar with the phenomenon of sexual
exploitation of children; and
f) prosecution was hampered by prosecutors’ assessment that these victims would
lack credibility in court.
“Newspaper articles reported that fifty-six men had been interviewed by police regarding an investigation in to the sexual abuse of forty-seven girls aged between 12 and 16.1”
LINK manchester evening news
“An officer is heard yawning as he questions the girl”
Officers on the Rochdale division were under pressure at the time to hit ‘volume crime’ targets like bringing down the number of burglaries and were overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the grooming problem they had uncovered.
Sheer lack of resource, and also the fact that their bosses seemed reluctant to grasp the nettle for fear of being branded racist, contributed to delays in the investigation.
It took police 11 months to compile a file of evidence for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) – after interviewing the young victim from the takeaway on four separate occasions.
On one of those interviews a police officer can be heard yawning while repeatedly asking why she had put herself in such a vulnerable position.
When a local teenager was caught smashing up a glass chiller at the Balti House takeaway in Heywood in August 2008, police dismissed it as a simple act of vandalism. {manchestereveningnews 03jun2017}
“She was being shared around paedophiles across the north of England.”
– shared! Groomed! 3 Girls!
. . .
Brass Eye Episode 07 – Paedogeddon! (Special) – starring Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker.
Special Privilege for Amir Khan in the jungle … Why I’m A Celebrity’s Amir Khan gets ‘separate’ meals provided for him in jungle camp – and it’s for a very good reason {manchestereveningnews 28nov2017}
“The boxer is provided with Halal options when his campmates win bushtucker trials so he doesn’t compromise his Muslim faith”
. . . he doesn’t compromise his Muslim faith . . .
“I’m a Muslim, my religion teaches me not to hurt people (Khan is a boxer) or upset people, and to be a good person. Obviously I go into the boxing ring it’s my job to hit someone, so that doesn’t rally matter. I know I’ve got God on my side … ” – Amir Iqbal Khan {nov2014}
The kangaroo must not have had his throat cut whilst a muslim utters gibberish over his death throes. Lucky old kangaroo.
Still, the fact that Khan gets special treatment just goes to prove that muslims are special people. Even living in a clearing in the jungle, they have to be a special case.
Katty is shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Brendan Cox doing his PR games
Pre-Weinstein … New charity scandal as Save The Children executive quits after women’s complaints of ‘inappropriate behaviour’ {dailymail 01nov2015}
“Chief strategist Brendan Cox denied the allegations but quit in September”
Something strange ..maybe a hack or rogue Twitter employee.
both the BF account and Jayda Twitter accounts both tweeted ..describing their own tweets as “far right propaganda”
Why do that ?
Oh yeah, good spot Stew! Why would they label themselves?
I’m not a Twitterati so cannot be sure about their language styles and tropes. But Martha Kearney was SO obvious on WatO. I am used to Martha’s tones and inflections and there was an obvious contrast, especially when compared to the BBC’s treatment of complaints from Burmese Muslims, ‘taqiyya’ notwithstanding. Her voice even dropped a couple of notes, at least, if not half an octave. I don’t know whether that is significant sign. Maybe some retired police on here can advise, Pounce or Emmanuel Goldstein from their military experience, perhaps? A sign of more Gullibles Travels?
I think we must all be cautious about taking stuff at face value from all media. The BBC, the more they point the finger at others, are proving themselves to be increasingly highly suspect.
Except it was retweeted from Anne Coulter not Britain First.
Thoughtful, you might want to read Stew’s post again ….. 😉
How come Katty (OMG/wtf) can’t say “Trump retweets violent attack by a Muslim” – BBC have confirmed it as authentic.
3pm news “Ultra nationalist group”
Was the wording CHOSEN by BBC to describe Britain First.
Interesting moment on PM. Eddie – I think – mentions that they had not qualified as political party (can’t remember whether it was ‘forms not in on time’ or the ‘pending prosecutions’, think it was the former) at which point I got the impression that that was the BBC’s reason (more like excuse) for labelling them any which way but certainly ‘Far Right’ and ‘Extremist’.
They’d go well with Momentum and some of the other groups backing Corbyn, then. You know, the ones the BBC almost never, ever label as Hard Left or Far Left or extremists.
Am a bit surprised about Ann Coulter picking up and passing this on. Thought she might be more savvy than that. That was not mentioned on WatO but must have been known about in the BBC Newsroom at the time.
Very, very sneaky!
BBC, yes, I mean you.
An update on Norman EWTT Smith (see my post below): he used almost exactly the same script on PM as on WatO but he had edited out the lie by re-arranging the words, 1984-style.
More sneaky!
Sneaky BBC.
“Am a bit surprised about Ann Coulter picking up and passing this on. Thought she might be more savvy than that.”
Why? The only question is are the videos true or fake?
We know muslim violence is real. Do these videos capture some of it or not? The fact that they may have passed through the hands of Britain First at some stage is immaterial.
The only interesting thing is that President Trump has now made videos of muslim violence mainstream. We know they are out there, but the MSM would prefer you to believe the fairy tale that islam is a “religion of peace”.
RiC, hopefully you will pick up on my other posts made more recently which show the problems this whole affair are already causing and may well cause in future. I would have thought it was obvious.
We do have a problem with militant Islam. Ann Coulter knows that. I vaguely knew of her but have watched several videos of her, in the last couple of years, thanks to links put up by posters on here. My impressions? She has a massive brain and uses it! She is well informed. She is also very brave. I would have thought that she might have checked – especially in this present ‘climate’ – exactly who Britain First are.
Did she know that President Trump followed her? Probably but perhaps not. If she did know and even more so if her tweets have been re-tweeted by Donald Trump, she should be savvy enough to know that some responsibility goes with what you put before the President and may be re-tweeted. In a White House context, prison sentences along with ruined careers, have rested on similar ill-considered actions of the past.
It doesn’t matter how accurate the videos are. The libbies and lefties will always distort the content to suit their agendas.
Do we really need ‘made videos of muslim violence mainstream’ ?
I think not, especially in the UK after the events of 2017. Do we need a reminder of those events adding pressure to our society? Again, I think not.
Moving on: seems quotation marks can represent a “hate” crime in Sweden.
Are we any closer to the final version of, ‘Newspeak’?
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotton.”
– statue erected outside BBC (you know who………)
“Hate” is defined broadly to include violent extremism, “hateful expressions”, jokes, internet trolling and even the use of certain quotation marks. For instance, in the report, placing the word “refugees” in quotation marks, as well as “unaccompanied children,” is supposedly an expression of “hate”. (Many, if not most, migrants classified as “unaccompanied children” have turned out to be grown men). {gatestoneinstitute 29nov2017}
What? You mean something like “British” [sic] “Broadcasting” [sic] Corporation [sick]?
Back in a sec’, there’s just been a knock at the door …
[R.I.P. Mustapha, a ++ ungood “Crimethinker”]
That Bus again !!
BBC1 at 1.00 pm today was again showing that bus, and claiming that the Leave campaign was “misleading” the public with its figure of £350 Million a week to the EU. Well, it was. According to the latest figure from the ONS, on 28th October, the TRUE FIGURE IS HIGHER at £363 MILLION a week. Strange the BBC didn’t want to mention that.
BBC has sorted this already … 350 (before rebate) … 276 (after rebate) … so 350 a correct value!
Reality Check: Are we giving £350m a week to Brussels? { 22apr2016}
The claim: “We are giving £20bn a year or £350m a week to Brussels.”
Reality Check verdict: We are not giving £20bn a year or £350m a week to Brussels – Britain pays £276m a week to the EU budget because of the rebate.
BL, actually it was calculated – correctly at the time – by the BBC as £361m per week here:
The additional £2m pw will probably be the finalised figure from ONS, perhaps due to FX differences. The ONS are now at work on the 2015 figure.
Oh dear – what an inaccurate week for the BBC.
WatO @ approx 1.03/1.04pm on BBC R4 has its Assistant Political Editor, Norman Smith, caught lying to the nation. Talking about Boris Johnson’s comments about the ongoing negotiations and a fresh statement from Michel Barnier, Norman said @ 3minutes 17seconds approximately into the broadcast “Remain supporters, however, have reminded voters of Leave Campaigners’ suggestion during the Referendum that Brexit would ensure an extra £350 million pounds per week for the NHS.” You know it was nothing of the sort, Norman. That is a barefaced lie. It is actually written on the side of that famous bus. Time now for you to catch one to the local Job Centre!
Will Norman Smith resign?
No? Really?
Remember Michael Fallon, Damian Green, Boris Johnson, eh BBC, from about three to four weeks ago?
You wanted their heads on the block, BBC. Now it is time for your Norman Smith to step up to receive a P45.
Meanwhile in other news, the BBC is rightly cautious about some videos put up by some nasty political group. They do not exercise quite the same caution over other news feeds, whether from Burma, ‘refugees in Europe’, especially photos of ‘children’, Syria & chemical weapons and – going further back in time – Himalayan Yeti. Yes, they are now deemed to have been FakeNews or FalseNews, the specimens in western museums are deemed to be fakes.
And there was the BBC, not Yeti as cautious as they are now with political videos and tweets, allowing us to think the Yeti specimens were real. As validated, if I recall correctly, by one David Attenborough.
I wonder what happened to him?
“The EU’s Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier has provoked fury with a speech in Berlin where he implied that Brexit Britain is somehow ducking the fight with radical Islamic terrorism.”
Oh dear. Are they furious enough to withdraw the ransom payment?
GOD I love Trump – he loves kicking up a sh*tstorm. The BBC are typically talking about how ‘offensive’ his tweets are, doing incredible investigative journalism by asking prominent Muslims and leftists to ‘condemn’ his remarks. Childish ad hominem attacks are thrown around like confetti: ‘Far Right’; ‘inflammatory.’ They say the video he tweeted ‘claims to show’ a Muslim being violent, as if it were absolutely impossible that anyone from that peaceful creed might ever be aggressive. What compulsive liars these liberal vermin are.
They never address the actual issues when Trump blasphemes against their progressive religion; they just shoot the messenger. Obviously to actually question whether it is a good idea to open the door to anyone and everyone from the world’s worst hell holes to flood in is thought crime. You would not leave your front door open in the middle of the night as obviously bad people could get in.
Times : How hatey is the anti-hate Geldof ?
I have no sympathy. Anyone who takes a call from this unwashed cretinous oaf can expect a foul mouthed tirade. It’s very much his USP, for people who like that sort of thing.
Personally, I’d tell him to fock off.
From Dec 16 iPlayer features 30 day re-issues of selected past shows.
… including Three Girls.
It’s still CHRISTmas despite The BBC.
Well worth a watch
Its that new kinder politics
As you look along this whole thread, your blood begins to boll.
The bias was discrete and not all pervasive, not endlessly corroding in the past.
But these days it is beyond belief.
For me, the Tories are now the Lefts kevlar, their sandbags.
Just shock absorbers for the elite, as the Lefts pastel shaded brownshirts get to work tunneling under the nations foundations just like Hamas do to Israel.
Ummuma is (for the first time) correct-this government really don`t know what they`re doing headless chickens who fear the mob-namely us.
So if the Tories won`t fight for a hard and cauterising Brexit, then we will happily do so on the streets.
The Tories only delay the civil war if they continue to use Labours syntax like “divorce bill” or “cliff edge” crap. We didn`t vote for that.
They`re either knowing like Paterson or Mogg-or doing Labours work like Soubry and Clarke.
We can fight the Left, but it`s hard to wade through the Tory plodge as they`re presenting at the mo.
If the REAL Tories don`t do their solemn duty-then they`ll be responsible for the end of any efforts to use a Parliament or a democratic process.
There are still more of us than them, most of us still have the energy to take them on before we`re lost or old.
Of course nobody adversely affected by immigration has the right to be offended – that would be ‘hate crime.’ Trump is literally Hitler for mentioning elephants in the room.
If you’re finding this all a bit hard to follow, relax:
If a white grade-school teacher pretends to be black, that’s totally racist and you should denounce him as such immediately;
But if a white professor pretends to be Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color” and you point it out, then you’re the racist.
Got that? It’s easy when you know how:
If a Victoria’s Secret model wears lingerie “inspired by indigenous African cultures”, that’s cultural appropriation;
But if a white Harvard professor takes up valuable space in an authentic tribal cookbook, that’s not cultural appropriation …er, because the authentic tribal recipes she submitted turned out to come from the Duke of Windsor’s favorite restaurant.
Washington’s Redskin {steynonline 29nov2017}
“When the left patrol identity politics so ruthlessly they demand that even Elizabeth Warren’s claim to be Cherokee must be taken seriously, it becomes necessary for the sake of societal sanity to laugh at her, again and again. In doing so, Donald Trump is performing a valuable service to the republic.”
The so called Brexit settlement ain’t worth the paper it’s written on. We WILL be leaving the EU without the free trade deal mooted by all and sundry and fall back onto WTO rules. The reasoning is simple – the EU pygmies can never let the EU be subservient or to give ground in case it encourages further dissent. Also, they have become accustomed to putting the mighty GB well and truly back in its box and have had an authority over us that could never have been achieved even had we lost one of the many historical wars we have fought against them. They are conditioned by their self righteous arrogance in the supremacy of the EU project to dictate terms, never to acquiesce – to demand, never to offer. Their version of an agreement is full submission – plus shedloads of punishment money, which, it will soon become clear, buys us absolutely nothing! Meanwhile, the screws will keep turning until someone grows a pair and walks.
The BBC is acutely obsessed with diversity and positive discrimination EXCEPT in one area.
And that area is LONDON. We indigenous Londoners are down to at the most now 35% of
the population. For under 16 I would say it is as low as 20%. The reason is obvious the ethnic
community particularly the Muslim’s are having three times as many children as the
indigenous population.
So when the Londonistan programme is presented and reported by a majority of ethnic staff, one
could ask where is the positive discrimination here? Most of the topics are about how Londoners
are badly treated by the Metropolitan Police or the “bosses” of the National Health or
the “bosses” of London Transport. The word bosses is always said in a derogatory way. Of course the
word that should be used are the administrators.
But I wont blame Riz Lateef or Assad Ahmed for that. It’s just the Trotskyist, Fifth Colomnist editors,
sub editors and researchers that write their scripts.. BBC if positive discrimination is so central to your
policy. Where is it with the minority indigenous population in London?
And our treacherous leadership isn’t finished with London yet. It seems too many white men have gardens in London.
The Emir wants to put a stop to that. I saw the Evening Standard on the train tonight.
Thousands of homes will be built on small sites across London, including gardens and end-of-terrace plots, under Sadiq Khan’s plans to get a grip on the housing crisis.”
The Mayor’s long-awaited London Plan states that almost 25,000 homes should be built every year on smaller plots adjacent to existing residential and commercial buildings.
However, critics immediately branded the plan a “land grab” for every inch of garden in the capital — and claimed the Mayor had “declared war on the suburbs”.
For the first time, town halls will be given a numerical target for how many homes to build on small sites every year, ranging from 488 in Kensington & Chelsea to 3,850 in Newham.
This will put pressure on councils such as Tory-run Bromley and Hillingdon, which have traditionally dragged their heels. Mr Khan has ripped up planning rules in an effort to encourage homebuilders to develop sites at higher densities.
He said: “With London’s population expected to increase by 70,000 every year, reaching 10.8 million in 2041, it’s vital we properly plan for growth with new affordable homes in every area.
“I am using all of the powers at my disposal in my first draft London Plan to tackle the housing crisis head-on, removing ineffective constraints on homebuilders so that we can make the most of precious land in the capital to build more homes in areas with the best transport links.”
Here’s something the BBC have neglected to mention:
The American Spectator has named Donald Trump as its ‘Man of the Year’ citing the following quote from by Congressman Edward Stuyvesant Bragg of Wisconsin introducing Grover Cleveland at the convention:
“They love him, gentlemen, and they respect him, not only for himself, but for his character, for his integrity and judgment and iron will; but they love him most for the enemies he has made.”
“1. He doesn’t have to raise his voice to make his points.
2. He is determined.
3. He relies on the merits of the issue.
4. He has confidence in himself and the American people to do the right thing.
5. He doesn’t ride the fence.
6. He holds his ground.
7.He is energetic.
8. He is tireless, has a great work ethic…like us he is a workaholic — even when golfing.
9. He doesn’t start fights but he will definitely finish them.
And number ten? This will be the one that launches liberals into the stratosphere:
10. He’s the type of person you want to vote twice for.
Oh, the irony. The delicious, wonderful irony.
A report on the £468000 salary of the Vice Chancellor in charge of the University of Bath is reported by…………
Fiona Bruce, on a BBC salary of between £350000 and £400000, and in charge of….errrr…..nothing.
You really, really cannot make it up.
At least the vice chancellor gets her money in exchange for providing people with an education; and those who pay do so of their own volition.
The likes of Bruce get their money through threatening to send to prison poor and vulnerable people, a rapidly decreasing number of whom would waste their time watching BBC ‘news.’
“Robbing the poor to pay the rich”, yes that’s the Telly poll tax for you .
How about it maxicony ? Anything to post about that statement ?
Being one of that rare breed …….. a woman who actually reads the sports section, and for those that don’t read (or despise) the Daily Mail, here’s an interesting snippet from today’s edition…..
“Gary Lineker, who is earning around £20,000 for hosting the World Cup draw in Moscow despite being such a ferocious critic of FIFA, was also hypocritical enough this week to personally bar the Daily Mail and The Sun from his BT Sport Champions League press conference, despite having earned considerable sums for writing ghosted columns for both their newspaper groups”…
Such an odious man. Is there anyone in this country who actually likes him ?
Is it me or has the average intelligence of an MP declined? R4 Robert Halfon(?) “if we have public spending pressures at home and we suddenly say we have ‘wads of money, loads of money’ to give the the EU, the public will be outraged they will ‘go bananas’ they want that money spent at home” Aside from the use of wads, loads of, bananas – he seemed to not realise that in the long term we will have more money…he did sound like he was 12.
Is it me but has the BBC promoted a day whereby the payment ‘ according to their sources’ has varied between 35bn and 55bn? Do you think ‘their sources’ is – anyone with a mouth at the BBC?
And while I am ranting – How would Chuka Ummuna know what those people who voted to leave will feel about paying money -as he said in a BBC interview
Delicious irony 2.
The BBC appears to be painting as an extremist………Donald Trump, for tweeting a video of….errr…….an Islamic fanatic throwing someone off the top of a building!
Feminists cannot criticize Islam. We are doomed.
GWF Re: feminists
“you are so ignorant” say the ignorant. They really are like machines that cannot compute when faced with a reality that is outside their programming. They click immediately into rage mode.
The end of that clip is alarming. NO MEN allowed on the march!! Were they really chanting GET HIM OUT! GET HIM OUT! GET HIM OUT? Why don’t they just carry signs reading “WE HATE MEN” It seems to be what they are really about.
Dumb broads, they don’t deserve any “rights” 😉
… more gullibles travel down a street with their placards ….. at least, they have that freedom.
Er, I hope it wasn’t a male policeman who signed the permission for the march – the sisters would not be pleased.
BBC apologises for last weeks alarmism about Universal Credit
\\ up to 100,000 claimants would go without over Christmas //
“up to 100,000 claimants would go without over Christmas”
It’s still CHRISTmas despite the BBC
Al Beeb and its fake news again.
BBC beyond 100 days. showing speech writers … reason to fill 10 minutes of Obama … is this the speech writer who wrote the mocking of Trump?
Who knew that all George W Bush`s ex retreads would now be seen as wise old grandees by the BBC?
Maybe they need reminding what the BBC used to say about THAT windsock for Pappy?
But it`s politics-so Bush turns out to be the new Lyndon B Johnson to them.
BBC Online News:
“”Donald Trump wrong to share far-right videos – PM””
“”The Muslim Council for Britain had called on the UK government to “distance” itself from the comments.
“This is the clearest endorsement yet from the US president of the far-right and their vile anti-Muslim propaganda,” a spokeswoman said.””
“”In the past, he’s attacked London Mayor Sadiq Khan, saying he mishandled a militant attack just hours after it occurred. He misattributed a rise in crime in England and Wales to the “spread of radical Islamic terror”. Now, he has retweeted a series of unverified videos posted by a far-right British nationalist group.””
The BBC of course has no opposing view. The only view is their own alt-Left view of the world.
Unverified….by who MCB?
They looked real enough to me.
Not that you let me see them.
But you`re fake news as DJT has well labelled you.
So we go elsewhere for our news.
Hope Jyda Fransen has a REAL film of what Channel 4 were doing as they interviewed her earlier. Seemed very fishy to me. Tommy Robinson and Milo always do their own films-hope Britan First will do the same. Very dangerous to let the “Fact Based Media”(c/o Kylie Morris 29.11.17) do the edits-we KNOW waht they`re now doing.
Theresa May “wrong” to think that she has any authority to pay the EU a penny that is as yet unearned, and belongs to my grandkids.
May is a cheeky sod to say Trump is wrong on this day of all. He is right-she is badly, badly wrong.
I voted to LEAVE the EU, there was no “divorce” about it-we voted to walk out of the Big Brother madhouse ,and May(and her acolytes) will get scorched and terminally if they refuse to do what they were elected to do. They got in because they alone would hold a referndum-and they alone pledged to carry on with our will to leave the EU without any tacked on excuses to pay for the Kinnocks pension etc.
BBC News “Brexit Divorce Bill” – they really need to stop using the word divorce, it is a demand.
Divorce – the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
Marriage – the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship .
This will be a tactic-as in “so called Islamic State”. Funny that-Islamic State is a reality, but is only “so-called”. Whereas the Brexit ranson is described as something akin to a REAL divorce-when none of them believe in that oppresive concept any more!
Take reality, invert, pervert and serve inside out and upside down…that the BBC call it news.
BBC Parliament… immigration …. Scotland relies on immigration for population growth …. can’t be bothered to do it themselves.
Joanna Cherry. Snp.
Every time I randomly pass by on BBC Parliament? It`s always a Scottish accent, usually SNP, often Labour or Liberal I`m thinking.
Not only that, buts if its going to be English it`ll be Yvette Cooper or Hillary Benn in some “Grand Inquisitor” mode holding forth on the usual.
Are the Tories even checking any more?
No surprise as well that most on screens around them are fat. Labour wimmin with exotic piercings and cliched northern accents.
Statistically, this has got to be significant. It`s a fiddle I`m sure.
Scotland-“population growth”?
Will they be wanting a council estate on the summit of Ben Nevis?
The crown & joy of Scotland is her wide-open spaces.
Anyone for some economic and related statistics on that successful socialist Nirvana down in Venezuela? I mean we really should know what the UK would look like if the CorbynMcdonnellMomentum trots got into power.
So. How is it going? Must be wonderful.
Mmmmm. Not so good.
Surely data for an impartial state broadcaster to use in interviews. LOL.
The petition to leave the eu now with no deal has reached over 60,000 signatures.
I don’t know how to do it but I’m sure one of you out there can put up a link.
I’ve signed it.
Following StewGreens instructions this is what came out.Hope it works. Iv’e just signed by the way.
Trump is such a hero, sticking it to them cry bully liberals. When was the last time someone stood up for our values rather than sucked up to the invaders who treat us with such contempt?
Apparently his Tweets could create anti Muslim sentiment. Stop shooting the messenger. No other group creates so many problems wherever they go. He could never incite anti Sikh sentiment as people know they are lovely people.
It is fantastic he is forcing the liberal elite to even talk about these issues. It should not be ‘Far Right’ – it should be of massive concern to the media but they are such traitorous cowards and prefer to ignore it so they have an easy life.
Ive posted here a few times about the gigantic liabilities for public sector pensions.
We now get a clue as to those values. The EU divorce bill is scheduled to rocket from around £20 bn to maybe £50 bn. Why? Because of future contributions to the pension liabilities of EU workers.
Private sector workers getting a few percent of salary as a pension contribution should be spitting blood and campaigning to stop having to pay for other people’s pensions.
Isn’t it galling to read so often “Mr X, retired civil servant, 58”, or “Mrs Y, retired librarian, 57”, when you are like me (73) still working because we have to! ( I have read both those examples recently and have a “young” retired couple as neighbours, both having worked for the council and each with this year’s model car)
Even more galling is to hear that some stankhovite worker (55) of the state has been made redundant due to rationalisation and has received a redendancy payment of £90,000. After a suitable period of time, it is discoverd that he was indispensable after all and has been reemployed performing his original “role’.
As Lineker is safely out of the way in Moscow licking the arse of the FIFA he apparently hates i’ve decided to watch MotD tonight for the midweek match highlights. I’ve set a reminder on one of the non-premium 900 channels so that that I can also avoid that other gobshite Nolan on bBbc NI
While waiting I came across Newshite and a piece about the Irish customs border/ Brexit. They really are hilarious.
The reporter gave several heads the opportunity to spout, all from the Republic, and the one who supposedly wasn’t, representing a business with a plant in Northern Ireland, was himself, from the Republic of Ireland. Balanced? No chance.
Back to the studio where Gollum is joined by a playmate with the look of someone enjoying the smell of his own fart, a few minutes speculation as fact bollox, and then, Gollum pipes up with, straight face, straight to camera.
‘We hear lots from the British government on this subject but what of that of the Irish. Let’s speak to Pontius O’Pilot, the Irish Agriculture Minister’. I paraphrase slightly.
Where do you begin? They’re just so blatant. In the Northern Ireland that I live in, Baby Doc Paisley was far more representative of public opinion in his comments today than the bBbc bandits, and their speeddial slackjaws from the South, will ever be. I, and thousands like me, in the part of NI that supported Brexit, the more densely populated, productive, traditionally industrial areas, have no cultural, social or historical connection or empathy with the Republic of Ireland whatsoever. The bBbc really do not understand the situation here at all, their narrative is dangerously false.
MotD? Just show us the goals and shut up!
Solid post.
“Pontius O’Pilot” – I may have to borrow that one.
My family are from Claudy Co.Derry and I can honestly state that the prospect of reunification with the Republic and having both the EU and also the interference of Religious dogma dictating thier daily lives isn`t an attractive prospect… N.Ireland does quite well out of being part of the U.K. Unlike the Republic, it`s not subject to EU bail outs… Also I cannot imagine all those Sinn Fein terrorist sympathisers and convicted murderers giving up the power they have in Storemont…. Nobody in my family wants to be part of the EU.. The only reason the province voted to stay in the EU is becouse of Sinn Feins Catholic voters as usual making a point of voting for the opposite to the Protestants who were hampered by the three main Protestant political parties being unable to form a cohesive group, Sinn Fein however are just about the only Catholic party and this is why the vote went the EUs way….. If the BBC wated to really talk to genuine Irish voters from all sides then they should go to Strabane and set up a filming crew in the car park at ASDA where al the people who live over the border do all thier shopping as the prices in the Republic supermarkets are approx. 35% higher… Also the illegal tobacco and booze trade which the Republicans control in County Derry relies on the current border rules for funds as well…. I`m glad I live in Lincolnshire….. the EU will end up creating chaos in Ireland if they get the chance…. You might want to start thinking about moving to England mate….. Imagine a marching season that goes on for 365 days a year and a possible return to civil disorder on par with the troubles….
Remember this ?
“The Prime Minister has tried to move away from an emphasis on her initial message that “no deal is better than a bad deal” – but when pushed she continues to defend that stance.”
Shwmae taffman – Read between the lines, not what you hear on the MSM.
Shwmae rhif saith.
Time to walk away or better still, ‘cut and run’.
Fold. See my post below.
You might disagree, the ball is back in their court. Seeing Barnier’s rant today + Drunkers previous rants.
The Agincourt (including the Welsh archer assistance) salute is appropriate.
Rhif Saith (Number 7).
Same salute when ordering two pints of Beer.
Where does this man stand now ?………………………
“Nick Clegg: Abolishing tuition fees is ‘wrong choice now”
And …………………………………….
The EU Army ? Mr Clegg said this was a “dangerous fantasy that is simply not true”.
Is Mr Clegg a “man of straw”?
Clegg was always an anti-democratic euro tw@.
Leopards never change their spots.
Neither do ‘queen’ leopards. Why is his wife a regular guest on ‘the nation’s favourite’?
I would like to add an additional comment to the furore on the MSM (especially the BBC) and some on here, taking offence, at our government’s ‘apparent’ offer of £50Bn – £100Bn in order to unblock ‘negotiations’ of a trade deal.
What seems to have missed are the strings attached – ‘let’s get on with the trade talks’ – ‘ nothing is agreed until it is all agreed c. Barnier’.
The EU demands are liable for ‘agreed’ payments into the future 40yrs. Accordingly said ‘divorce payments’ are due over a similar period. 1+Bn/yr over 40yrs(£40bn depreciated by inflation) instead of 10Bn+ over 40yrs, at present demands from the EU @£10bn/yr (£400bn).
As a poker player and (retired) negotiator, I think that the government has just called CALL.
Number 7
I hope you are ‘playing your cards right’ ?
CALL or walk away. That’s the way I read it.
i hope HMG has been taking note of someone who has tried in vain to negotiate with the new nazis. Yanis Varoufakis recently said they are trying to lay a trap for the UK. There is no way we can have a proper trade deal with the EU, they are impossible to bargain with. They are not like business men who can thrash out a trade that is beneficial to both sides. These people are hardcore socialists that are only interested in their own doctrines.
The fact that the term no deal has been mentioned by members of HMG does suggest that it is possible we will walk away. We will be infinitely better off with no deal and once we have called their bluff the EU will fragment further and ultimately implode. Hardcore socialism always goes bankrupt.
to quote Yanis this is on his own site:
Mr Varoufakis has been extremely critical of the EU’s democratic processes ever since his own experience of negotiating with the bloc over the terms of his country’s bailout deal in 2015.
And the former Greek finance minister told EUobserver: “The only thing that those in power fear is a movement threatening their jobs and that is what we intend to do.”
In its manifesto, Diem25 accuses the “powers of Europe”, including the EU Commission, of “speaking in democracy’s name but only to deny, exorcise and suppress it in practice”.
It says the bloc’s “nightmare” bureaucracy “seeks to co-opt, evade, corrupt, mystify, usurp and manipulate democracy in order to break its energy and arrest its possibilities”.
The group, which is in favour of a federal Europe, concludes: “We believe that the European Union is disintegrating. Europeans are losing their faith in the possibility of European solutions to European problems.”
Mr Varoufakis has repeatedly warned British negotiators that they have walked into a “trap” over Brexit, and has said his experience of the EU is that it is impossible to negotiate with.
hence the ENDLESS dragging out of our supposed leaving
walk away now
leave EU nationals to the whims of the EU
let EIRE build a wall if IT wants to
stop paying them money NOW
I’ve wondered for a while if the Government is playing a very shrewd game of exposing just how unreasonable the EU is so they can sell a no-deal agreement to the widest possible audience.
Then I look at Theresa May and think – no. She’s just too weak and wants to be liked.
Which brings to mind Frances Urquart’s devastating comment (magnificent in the film) on the weak Prime Minister Collingridge, that “His deepest need was that people should like him. An admirable trait, that, in a spaniel or a whore — not, I think, in a Prime Minister”.
The Best news of the day is Donald Trump telling Theresa May to mind her own business re his tweets. A thoroughly deserved rebuke.
I feel a bit sorry for Trump. He really tried to have a good relationship with her and the UK. What the hell does Theresa May think she is doing? At this time of Brexit negotiations what does she decide to do? Virtue signal where it is not needed or wanted and in doing so insult our greatest friend on the international field at the moment!
That woman is a walking disaster. I can never forgive her for waiting eight months before kicking article 50 off, generously allowing heaps of time for opposition to gather, plan and organise. (Which they did in a big way surprise, surprise.)
Now she is wandering off track in such a manner to indicate she has truly lost the plot. Whose hand is at the tiller I’ve been wondering. Now I’m thinking the answer to that question is something like “Tiller… what tiller?”
Yasser – Maybe she actually died (due to a poisoned umbrella attack) just after she “won” the Primeministership. And what we are seeing is a one of these new interactive sex dolls with Theresa May Mask.
She has been programmed by Rudd and Hammond to come out with media and public friendly soundbites such as
“Enough is enough”
“Strong and stable leadership”
“brexit means brexit”
“The public want honest from their politicians – not showy gimmicks”
“It was wrong for the president to have done this”
“Ooooh its sooo big!”
“Youre the best!”
Sorry about the last two I think I got the two instruction books mixed up!
West English Police Forces are arresting too many BAME children according to the BBC. These police forces have to explain or reform (the link takes about a while to load & find the article):
In 2011 16 % of the population of Bristol was non white, 6 years later that figure can only be bigger say 19%. Which is exactly the figure give for blame children arrested in Avon and Somerset.
In Swindon 16% of the population was deemed as non white in 2011, with an arrest rate of 14% that figure is below the number of blame people in the city.
In both cases the cities picked are the largest in a very rural area. So in reality the numbers arrested mirror the blame population.
The bBC and fake news:
Mulan: Disney casts Chinese actress Liu Yifei in lead role
Disney has picked Chinese actor Liu Yifei to play Mulan in an upcoming film, following accusations against Hollywood of ‘whitewashing’….Recent films accused of whitewashing include the Hollywood remake of Japanese anime Ghost in the Shell, which had Scarlett Johansson in the main role which was originally Japanese, and Chinese epic The Great Wall which starred Matt Damon as its lead character.
I can never get over how the bBC can claim whitewashing when it comes to non-white leads, when on the otherside of the coin it activity promotes non-whites playing traditional white roles as only a good thing:
Anyway to any bBC Child molesters reading this:
Scarlett Johansson played a f-ing robot, the film was crap and you would have been better off watching the original lost in space.
Matt Damon played a European searching for the secret of gunpowder in the far east.
The bBC, playing identity politics as always
For the past 8 or so hours the BBC have been headlining as their lead story on their Children’s CBBC channel:
Donald Trump retweets anti-Muslim videos US President Donald Trump has used his Twitter account to share three anti-Muslim videos from a group with extreme opinions.
Got to make certain the political indoctrination starts young, haven’t they?
Newsround always was completely biased in the past I’ve made several complaints about it’s reporting.
An interesting moment on Toady earlier when Geoffrey Wansell, as was part of a discussion about Evil Bellfield’s “confession”, referred to him by his Muslim name; Sarah Makesyouspew then (very) quickly mentioned that this c**t had “converted to Islam in prison”.
That is the first time I’ve heard that confirmed on the MSM, having only heard TR speak about it when Delingpole interviewed him. Why don’t al Beebus look into the reasons so many criminals do the same as Bellfield when in prison?
He raped and murdered white European women and girls. Let’s have a think about which group in our prison system would be more than happy to welcome such a person into their ranks. Maybe a group whose founder did much the same, so that it’s not really a crime at all?
Hmm. Still thinking…
Let me know if the BBC ever works it out.
Serious faces on the sofa. So you know it’s a serious story. Yes Trump has tweeted some videos. It may effect his state visit blah blah blah. Yes BBc sloths get in a tizz wiz with Trump, How will it effect the state visit? Elsewhere the wheel of news spins around and after the story of food being flung out it’s back to sugar in food again. Kelloggs are cutting sugar in some of their products and the representative faces a Spanish inquisition . Don’t care I put sugar on my cereal anyway. Different day same old biased crap on the BBc
On Toady, Prick Robinson is childishly scoring points against Ann Coulter by saying the individual in the video was born in the Netherlands so was not technically a recent migrant. Surely that makes it worse? He was born and raised there and still has such hatred. One could perhaps expect a recent migrant would need time to adapt, but surely someone born there should not behave thus? They can quibble over minor details but the big issue is there for all to see: why on earth let in people who hate you?
As Coulter says, a video is a video. It does not matter who shared it. The Left is at war with reality. If Nick Griffin points at a tree and says it is a tree, the tree does not cease to exist just because you have labelled it ‘Far Right.’
They are losing control of the narrative. Nobody believes them anymore. Always their first instinct is their tired tricks of name calling, guilt by association and attacking the messenger. If a picture paints a thousand words, a video paints a million. Trump is bypassing the media via social media and setting the agenda. They should have been more decent during the election cycle for he will continue to give them hell.
Boris has tweeted that Britain First has no place in our society. Well at least we know where we stand. Sharia law, child “grooming”, terrorism, all part and parcel as London’s Mayor put it. I’m so looking forward to our first public stoning.
I absolutely effing give up at the pathetic bunch that are leading us into the abyss.
I can’t imagine why a man who has been serially unfaithful to his wife and has even fathered a child with one of his mistresses feels he is in any place to pontificate about morality. 50 years ago (or less) he would have had to resign. Now he gets up on his hind legs and wags the finger at us.
A little less from this oaf, please.
Perhaps Britain First should change it’s name to Britain Last. I’m sure that would increase it’s support substantially.
A good idea, but I believe that the BBC has the copyright on “Britain Last”. That’s the impression I get, at any rate.
after Robinson ripped into an American interviewed about her support for tweeting the videos he had a love in with Lady Nugee and used the word ‘we’ when chatting with her . As I type al Beeb 0900 news rebroadcast a very reasonable comment by the American lady saying countries cannot handle large numbers of migrants – I’d call them illegals but I suppose that’s a hate crime now.
Msm is suppressing discussion about Islamic poison in the same way it suppressed discussion about immigration. It will not have a happy ending.
Yes, and its autistic screeching about ‘fake news’ isn’t fooling anyone (well, except a few Guardian readers). The MSM in general, and the BBC in particular, are losing the war. The cat isn’t so much out of the bag as clawing at the public’s leg. Few people are unaware of how much this country has been damaged by the wanton destruction of our culture and no amount of refusing to discuss it is going to dull people’s awareness and anger.
Spot on. They can’t accuse people of crying wolf when the wolf is clearly running rampant.
In Alinsky’s rules for radicals, used to brutal effect by the Left, it says take the enemy outside their comfort zone.
The MSM are so far out of their comfort zone with Trump. Not only does he refuse the Faustian pact of going along with their nonsense in return for their support, he is using alternative modes of communicating.
Plus he is forever just trolling for the comedy value and they seem only able to take him seriously at all times. His tweet the other day about the Fake News Trophy had me in hysterics. His use of humour is fantastic – he is the cool rebel against the staid, nannying MSM. Who does not love the cheeky rebel who makes you laugh and plays by his own rules?
As Milo says, nobody can resist the truth wrapped up in a good joke.
Which side do you think our national broadcaster will support when the Crackers run out of tolerance?
On bbc radio Newcastle this morning they had a Liberal and a Trump supporter on discussing the tweets.
Guess what!
Both of them were against Trump.
Very fair and unbiased.
I think Donald is brilliant.
As for the tweets, the truth needs putting out there and not be hidden such as in the Rotherham’s.
bBBC ‘news’ home page condemns POTUS and his re-tweets. They say (Trumps) ‘Anti-muslim re-tweets fit a pattern’
Radical Islam, Manchester Arena, Westminster Bridge, Lee Rigby, Borough market, Rotherham, Nice, Tunisia, Paris, Sweden……no pattern here folks…move along now, please.
the beeb seem to have a huge difficulty finding any pro trump supporter. There are over 60 million who voted for him in the election yet they cant seem to find one. They have no problem finding republicans living here who hate him but come across more like butt hurt hillary supporters when they speak.
Good morning,
I don’t mean this in a Krankie sort of way but….
I still like Scotland DESPITE the BBC
Believe me Lucy, there isn’t the MSM lefty version of Scots around here. Raising taxes and alcohol duty will be two of the most spectacular own goals from the poison dwarf.
Special privilege … even the jungle has to comply ….
I’m a Celebrity (Halal Approved), Get Me Out of Here!
“I’m A Celeb’s Amir Khan has special halal meals prepared for him during jungle stint to keep his diet in line with Muslim faith… but he’s allowed to chow down on creepy crawlies”
I’m a London Mayor (Koran Blessed), Get Me Out of Here!
“Sadiq Khan Elected in London, Becoming Its First Muslim Mayor”
Wouldn’t this program be more aptly entitled “I’m a Has Been Get Me In There”?
Or …”Nobody is interested in me anymore, some pocket money and free board and lodgings.”
I think perhaps Mr Khan may have been helped to victory, at least a teeny weeny bit, by the Muslim voter.
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
– Ethnic minority – tick
– Religious minority – tick
– Londoner of Islamic faith – tick
– Being a good decision maker and being able to run a large city (5th Largest Economy) – not mentioned
– Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith? I might be wrong – but could not find a sentence saying ‘Vote for me because I believe in Allah’.