The BBC quickly changed a blatantly incorrect headline which revealed their warped view of the world. Here’s the original headline:
It now reads: “Trump account retweets incendiary videos.” The reason for this is that the videos most certainly were not anti-muslim videos, and didn’t criticise Islam or muslims in any sense. According to the BBC mindset, simply showing a muslim doing something bad is ISLAMOPHOBIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beating up a disabled boy is of course not as bad as retweeting a video of it, which is the real hate crime here. Met police should arrest Trump ASAP. It’s okay for the BBC to draw attention to the videos though, because it’s only bad when Trump does it.
It’s not just the BBC.
On their Twitter feed I’ve asked them to explain how they’re anti-Muslim, so I expect to be called racist and bigot before the day is over.
Apologies to follow then?
Seen the videos . Al Beeb is going into overdrive as predicted and it’s got its news cycle to play out. It will be interesting to see the mussie response. Maybe not the best day to be in London.
Al Beeb cannot work out that President Trump is not a career politician. They are career beeboids spending their lives with career politicians. I didn’t like seeing those videos but it is necessary to be aware of events like these. Our prime minister will have a job dealing with it while she in mussie centre in the Gulf.
she will do what she does best. she obeys the msm. desperate to be accepted.
“Al Beeb is going into overdrive as predicted”
Half expecting the BBC will now privately jet their finest TV journalist the horrible NYE woman along with that horrible Muslim woman who helped her harass that white guy in that London park some weeks back over to the White House in order to have a special dispensation interview with Trump!
This news should hide the 50 billion going to the BBC friends in the EU.
The bbc appears to have leapt without thinking.
Is Beeby not concerned about A Muslim backlash?
Naturally the big story for the Beebistan is not that such acts – and way more, and way worse – are committed all over the UK, Europe and the world, but that the vids originate from Britain First. That’s the real crime in Beebland, not throwing a boy off a roof.
It does seem ironic that a foreign head of state is willing to go public like this whilst those in Europe label anyone who doesn’t like what is happening to us as ‘extreme right’ and need to be better educated. No doubt al Beeb will glory in the forth coming spike in hate crime and don’t have any view about smashing a statue of Our Lady on camera in an attempt to enrage followers of Christ like me.
Daily Politics were particularly aereated harking back over “our six year struggle with Nazism” and berated Britain First as the enemy. Britain First were irrelevant but now everyone has checked who Jayda Fransen is and realised she is being persecuted for daring to say boo to muslims.
It’s a pity that the media weasels are intent on deflecting attention from the real fascists of our time – the followers of Mohammed. Who cares about three video clips when thousands of Muslim atrocities over the past decades tell us all we need to know about islam?
I have just listened to the first 15 minutes of ‘PM’ on Radio 4 with ‘Eddie’ Mair and a selection of luminaries including the discredited Brendan Cox. It only served to remind me why I don’t listen to it much nowadays, confirming all my impressions of BBC bias. Almost nothing about the truth or otherwise of the claims in the videos, lots about Trump and Britain First. The usual BBC misdirection of the listener, addressing symptoms rather than causes (= Islam).
“A bargain at 40 pence a day” – give me a break!
Well said Charles, these videos are quite mild compared to some i’ve seen, don’t the BBC watch anything?…they should be concerned more with the Nazi way the Police have treated Jayda and others, Tommy Robinson included..harassing them and detaining them unlawfully…but there you are, the BBC reflect the govt line that moslems must be appeased at all costs, and their many infractions excused…..and who flagged up the child grooming first?…Yep, Nick Griffin, of the BNP…proved right wasn’t he, BBC, Govt ?Even went to jail….he should sue the BBC and Govt for his treatment at their hands…The real villains are not the so-called Far-right…it’s the Government and the lying, traitorous BBC and media….In fact, Griffin was asked how he saw himself….he said he was a socialist.
The way this has played out this far is sadly predictable.
But whatever the ‘truth’ (The Mirror and Piers Morgan seperately getting on high horses about fake news being… novel, it has shown one thing to be without question, and that is anything that the MSM carries, and create and bandwagon politicians of any hue immediately jump upon, is to be doubted, checked and challenged. Not perhaps what they should feel too proud about.
IF this attack was/is not as portrayed, then an ignoble BBC now has additional poor company.
IF it did happen, a bunch of sanctimonious knee jerks need to ask themselves why they were more concerned about who RT’d who rather than expressing any concern about the video content. Almost no ‘news’ I have seen has made any reference at all to what on earth was going on.
If it was white youths mistreating a young person of colour or faith in such a manner, one can be pretty sure the reactions from the establishment would be pretty different. Rather than suppression and obfuscation there would be pitchforks being sharpened and brands lit.
It has recently been raised and discussed the bizarre convolutions made, especially by the BBC, with conflations and ‘guilt’ by association.
Of course the context and reputation and history of a source can have a bearing, but it is now incredible to hear some try and claim that things should not be mentioned not because they are untrue, but simply because the blob doesn’t like the truth or the person bearing it.
The BBC still deals with all sorts of unsavoury characters. Surely this then means any report the BBC carries should be summarily dismissed. For all my loathing of the BBC’s narrative twisting news, I will at least still use it as a basis for investigation. Anything else is to serve up a tasty Ostrich rump burger.
Playing Devil’s Advocate, should the Katyn Forest Massacre have been erased simply because those who brought it to global attention were Germans, albeit ones with a dodgy propaganda history?
I say Devil’s Advocate, because that is what HMG tried to do for reasons of political expediency at a time of crisis.
Trumpy – doncha just LOVE him?
MAGA, Donald – oh, and never apologise…
I sure do. The only western leader who dares to tell and show the truth. God I wish we had someone with a tenth of his courage.
In some ways he seems to be the only one about with any moral integrity.
I’d ask Hatey-No-Hoper types
: “If Obama or Trump tweeted Black-Lives-Matter videos then would that be wrong ?
… Their supporter shot dead 5 cops in Dallas
The bBbc’s opinion of and narrative of any issue, no matter how contentious or seemingly innocuous it may be, is influenced purely by the fact that they are both dishonest and cowardly.
Now they are ‘Far Right Videos’…
Does the BBC mean that these videos were staged by the far right and didn’t really happen ? No of course it doesn’t , it means that a group has got together these videos from the net and posted them so that a wide audience can see the reality of Muslim violence. President Trump has had the courage to re tweet and so give them enormously more prominence. When you stand back and consider the MSM reaction to a host of recent events and the reaction of the public at large to the same events , you can see that these two reactions are diverging at an ever growing pace. No doubt this is why the liberal left elite and the MSM are desperate to gain control of the internet. If this divergence continues the whole liberal left one world agenda will come crashing about their ears.
You have focused on the key point in all this – control of the social media.
The reaction to Mad Merkel’s folly in 2015 unleashed a tsunami of criticism of German politicians over the social media that made their heads spin. One Green politician even thought that ironic references to the “religion of peace” on the social media should be made illlegal. No wonder Merkel was desperate to bend Zuckerberg’s ear about “hate speech” Clearly everthing has to be done by the powers that be to discredit “citizen journalists”. Eye witness accounts are unreliable – only something confabulated in the BBC newsroom, ticking all the PC boxes, can be given the imprimatur of truth. I don’t use the social media but I am glad it exists as it is a bulwark against the BBC monolith. German politicians like Maas were very quick off the mark to strengthen German law against “Volksverhetzung” over the social media, zealously targeting American owned companies who inconveniently take freedom of expression seriously. Strange that muslim atrocities all over Germany do not galvanise the German political class in the same way.
George Orwell, so idolised by the BBC that they erected a statue of him, said, ‘ that in times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act’. Well DT has told the truth and the global liberal left establishment don’t like it one little bit.
By the way the BBC’s appropriation ( to use an in phrase) of Orwell sickens me as I am certain that he would find the current BBC repugnant and wish it to be closed down.
I think that Donald Trump may inadvertently do some good with these retweets. Britain First fills a vacuum created by mainstream politicians who simply will not admit the truth about the affects of mass Muslim migration on this country. Ghettoisation, gang rapes, drug dealing, elimination of Christianity in swathes of the country, subversion of democracy, corrupt electoral practices, teaching alien culture in schools, and of course terrorism.
A bit of publicity for Britain First and putting the lens on mainstream politicians for their lies and pusillanimous behaviour will do no harm at all.
Could not have put it better myself….the Govt reaction should , with hope, be worth thousands of new members of BF…they deserve it, and those that disagree…what the hell are you doing here?
The issue according to Aunty and the rest of the MSM is that the “disgusting” President Trump re-tweeted videos supplied to him by Britain First – Not whether in fact that the videos are in fact genuine .
Maybe Jayden Francen put on a joke beard and learnt arabic to impersonate a Muslim smashing a statue of the Madonna, and I suppose it is possible that Paul Golding went on a crash diet, had his legs surgically shortened and donned a “refugee mask” after finding a suitable Tiny Tim lookalike to give a kicking to.
All these things in BBC land must be possible. They were going on about “unsubstantiated” videos. substantiated by who? – The BBC ? Oh I forgot Aunty has become somewhat of an expert on fake news today – Nobody does fake news better.
However I expect what really hurt the BBC was the clip of the lad being chucked off the building. I think this film looks like it was shot (I may be wrong) in the “Arab Spring” where loads of BBC journos flocked to Egypt to watch the new sport of gays being chucked off buildings and women journalists being “groomed”
in Taria Square. I really did not see any members of Britain First or the EDL sitting in a Directors chair – Oh yeah silly me Jayden, Paul and Tommy were out of camera.
I think one of the Apostles of Saint Brendan the Pure also had her say on The World at One. At no time as far I was aware was the obvious statement made – “well actually some of these films looked genuine” – I wonder why? Because Aunty was having too much fun re-endorsing her lefty credentials and talking to all of her favouite types of guests.
Aunty was doing what she does best – “Shooting the messenger” We had the same thing years ago with Nick Griffin when I think he mentioned rape from mainly Pakistani gangs was happening in some Northern Towns yet he was totally discredited for what turned out to be the truth.
If he had said nothing – nothing would have been done
But because he said something nothing was still done because raping white girls does not fit the lefty/multikulty narrative.
There appears to be no lengths the left wing media will not sink to to protect their narrative. And still they wonder why people vote for Trump. It is just a pity we didnt have our own “Donald” here. But expect if we did in all likelihood by now he would be behind bars.
As it appears in Britain today we can never let the truth spoil a good story.
The Today Programme
A friend of the MP Jo Cox, who was murdered by a far-right extremist, has condemned Donald Trump’s decision to retweet three inflammatory videos from the deputy leader of Britain First. The Labour MP for Batley & Spen Tracy Brabin MP said it “beggars belief”.
In other BBC news, here, in the UK, Trace’s colleague Tulip has apologised, with deep sincerity and humility, apparently. The other Labour harridans seem to have gone to ground.
If the BBC does cover this, viewers may be a bit confused as they probably did not know anything about the original incident.
Welcome to BBC ‘editorial integrity’.
Beyond the BBC or has Melanie Phillips finally taken the BBC shilling?
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If Donald Trump really did re-tweet those three Britain First videos, I am utterly appalled.
And this from a woman who wrote a book called ‘ Londonistan ‘…has she gone soft?…imbecilic?…something.
All I can think is that Melanie Phillips (who has from Jewish descent) may well be aware that Britain First may well have a few dodgy (anti semetic) characters within their ranks. Unfortunately as Tommy Robinson found with the EDL there are still a few nazis knocking around and not all of them are on the left!
However this does not de-value the impact of these videos which to me have the ring of truth about them.
There probably are some nasty anti Semitics among the so called right. Just as in the Labour Party. And there is at least one Mao loving MP on the Labour front bench. Melanie is a BBCstaner now.
Melanie Philips is Jewish – Britain First are a far right group, therefore she has been programmed by past events and current to react to this group with horror. To her Britain First are proto Nazis intent on a second holocaust, how sad she misses the bigger danger threatening her people.
She seems very upset someone (Fransen) has been charged with insulting someone not the fact that such a crime is blatantly political and that it massively restricts free speech, but that someone dare actually say something she doesn’t want to hear. The fact that Philips might also be accused of this crime seems to have escaped her.
The worst part of her piece though is her use of the specious and fallacious Russian roulette argument ‘they’re not all like that’.
Oh yeah? I have a revolver, which I place on the table in front of you. I take one live bullet and place it into a chamber and spin it – but don’t worry ‘they’re not all like that!’ Would you now take that gun point it at your own head and pull the trigger?
Everyone of course says no! So what gives you the right to put it to other peoples heads and pull the trigger?
The point is that the ones who are not like that are an irrelevance compared to the danger of the ones which are, and it is an attempt to cover up the danger that these people pose in a crass and ignorant way, playing Droit Seigneur with other peoples lives.
Philips confirms all of this in the piece when she states that the Britain First group are formed from the BNP and she later calls them Fascist which they might well be. How sad that the Fascists of the Labour party, Antifa, momentum, etc etc escape her – obviously no one has pointed them out to her.
BBC at its best…drag in Brendan Cox….As far as I know lots of BBC people and politicians retweeted about the Polish chap and accused Farage of inciting it..despite it being wrong.. No apologies flying about on that one…
Don’t think Trump actually said anything – just retweeted.. As someone early said – whether the videos are true or not is irrelevant – the crime is showing some of the issues with Islam…
Excellent points James.
More fake news as well here.
It would appear that Donald Trump retweeted the videos from Anne Coulter and would never have known of any association with Britain First, or probably who Britain First actually are.
It is therefore wholly disingenuous on the part of the media to suggest any association with Britain First – not that that will stop them.
As someone said above any publicity is good publicity.
As expected the Beeb are all over this story like an itchy rash. In their usual impeccable and impartial fashion (ahem) they have interviewed everyone they can find that despise the president. They’ve been queuing up.
I’ve just been listening to Brendan Cox (widow of Jo and former charity worker) about Trump’s tweets. Brendan was scathing. He used terms like “white supremacist” and “dividing communities” etc. The one word he didn’t use was “liar”. And I think that could be telling. If these images aren’t genuine I’m absolutely certain our state broadcaster would have made that totally clear from the start.
Something else they might have made clear when referring to Saint Brendan (just in the interests of impartiality, of course) is our former charity worker’s eye watering salary. Dear Lord he was on something like £160,000 per annum! Bleedin’ Norah! That would be enough to feed an impoverished family for a couple of decades. I donate to this particular charity and had no idea, naive twerp that I am, that executives were screwing those sort of funds out of us.
Eddie Mair might also have brought to our attention the reason Cox left Save the Children. “Inappropriate behaviour” and complaints from young women. All sounds a bit Harvey Weinsteinish, doesn’t it?
Downing Street have jumped into the fray and, as you’d expect with dithering Deirdre at the helm, have criticised The Donald for his recent missives. She really is such a spineless wimp; more Mavis Riley than Margaret Thatcher.
Wouldn’t it be great if we had someone we could actually respect as PM? Someone with courage, a sense of purpose, who didn’t quiver like an under done jelly at every snotty jouro’s question.
Someone who stood firm and held to their beliefs and to hell with the consequences.
Fat chance…
Nifty subbing, Bbc
I wonder whether Saint Brendan got to see any nice Totty at the studio?
All those short skirts and black tights can do strange things to a virtuous charity campaigner!
Corbyn adds:
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had called on the Government to condemn Mr Trump’s actions which he described as “abhorrent, dangerous and a threat to our society”.
…..”abhorrent, dangerous and a threat to our society”.
hmmm…..could his words apply elsewhere?
Britain First appeal to Donald Trump. People might not like Jayda Fransen but she faces a possible death sentence.
Crikey, she won’t last long in prison! I think we’re all aware of what the authorities did when Tommy Robinson was in nick. Stuck him on a wing with a load of Muslim nutters after his blood. Our prisons are over flowing with he “enriching” blighters.
Surely the relevant thing about these videos is are they real or staged events.
Latest news is that Streatham MP, Chuka Umunna wants Trump banned from coming to Blighty.
Ye gods, Chuka, get your own house in order before you rush to the tv studios for another virtue signalling love in. Take a walk around your own constituency, but I strongly advise you don’t do it late at night!
One area of my former home-land is known as Somali-land. An exquisite, vibrant, ethnic enclave where gangs of young men chew khat and charmingly gob the remains across the pavement. Delightful.
In this area every shop, every cafe, every house is Somalian. Chunks of Britain are a foreign country.
Not my home-land anymore!
On LBC now, Farage points out that the media is spinning
Headline : “Trumps retweets far-right”
should be : “Trump retweets his friend AnnCoulter’s popular retweet”
Farage is claiming that AnnCoulter tweeted all videos, but i can only see her retweeting one; so I guess he found the 2 other videos from the first one.
Farage criticised the retweeting and Britain First
This event will have interesting consequences.
The BBC know that the vids are real and all DT is doing is to highlight them.
St Brendan Cox has demanded that Trump shall not be allowed to come here. Is Treezer going to obey him?
Will she refuse to allow him to attend the Royal wedding?
What he and other SJWs seem to forget is that he is entitled to a British Passport due to his Mothers` birthplace being Scotland…. Also on what grounds does Brendan Cox base his anti-Trump opinion?? Bear in mind Brendan Cox used to work at Save The Children……
The topic of sexual harrassment is the only Trump related topic which Brendan Cox would be able to speak about with some authority, as he has no experience of being the Persident of the US or of having millions of people validate his position and leadership in an election…. Brendan Cox is one f the slimiest, sleaziest hypocrites of modern times….
Everytime the BBC broadcast insulting accusations and fake news item deriding Donald Trump they`re actually insulting over half the USA electorate… The damage the BBC are doing to our National interests is what concerns me… They need to be stopped but our weak willed Politicians aren`t up to the task….
Has anyone started a give DT a State visit campaign?….I would vote for it.
Poor Teresa is in bind – she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t when it comes to these videos.
James: I suspect part of the reason BBC is so virulently anti-Trump is because they hope to stop his visit (and prevent his re-election/get him impeached). There is no sense of balance at all in their reporting, no sense of fairness, let alone impartiality! If he does come here, there is going to be a mob and my guess is the BBC will do its level best to whip it up into a frenzy.
That is now the dilemma for Theresa who, lets be honest, is NOT strong and stable.
Listening to a lengthy anti-trump tirade by the NY correspondent at 10pm last night (TV1) I found that he had even managed to drag DEMOCRACY into the issue. Letting alone the reason for Trump being there IS democracy, I thought how irrational and irrelevant BBC comment has become. He was not as slick and manipulative as say Eddy Mair in his 6pm ‘interview’ with Cox on radio4, but I cannot see the hatred for Trump not snowballing into vast campaign. Last night’s coverage shows how the virtue signalling is going to reach fever pitch. Much of the MSM will follow suit.
I would support a campaign. The more important one would be to find out why government has not yet done anything about our publicly-funded broadcaster’s rabble rousing and take steps to cut that funding. If media want to go on an anti-Trump campaign that’s their business. We live in very strange times.BUT NOT WITH MY MONEY PLEASE!
Define far right – answer anything the bubble and al beeb doesn’t like .
There is to be a debate . The word ‘ban’ will be used . Britain First will be outlawed . MPs with islamic constituencies and the likes of tulip will get emotional and rant .
There will be no dissent. Realists will sit on their hands. Bercow will make a gravitas speach .
Meanwhile – when the next Manchester or London Bridge happens they’ll all be weeping. Again.
The BBC and the rest of the MSM have referred to the killer of Jo shouting Britain First, with the intention of linking the murder to the Britain First Party.
There is no evidence that he did, and one witness went to great lengths to deny the story.
Fedup2: you are right. ‘Far right’ is now simply a term of abuse, not political analysis. As a person, Trump is not my cup of tea. But he was democratically elected and he appears to have reservations about the wisdom of changing relatively homogeneous societies into multicultural ones. That is a valid point of view. It does NOT make him a fascist or a racist, nor is he ‘far right’ because of it. Whether it is wise to twitter or retweet emotional stuff in our often hysterical world is another question.
I grew up without Twitter and it seems to have been a kinder and much more rational world, so I don’t use it. What I expect of the publicly funded BBC is to provide impartial perspectives. Theirs is not to like or dislike Trump; theirs is to provide BALANCED comment. (Their top staff get paid a fortune to do that; more even than Vice Chancellors?) There always was such a thing, I remember it well. I don’t see why it can’t be done still.
There’s a piece in the guardian examining how people using blogs can be sucked into language they would not use elsewhere . I guess for some it is easy to do. I commented once in guardian column but my rightist view received such abuse that I stopped there .
Same with twitter. I m signed up with many but never comment . People are unable to say “ you are right i am wrong “ .views are seldom just exchanged .
On this blog many are of a fairly common view about al beeb . One notable exception is Maxi – who i look forward to reading but unfortunately seldom gives his own opinion but just abuses comments and context . Which is a real shame .
Was it Nick Robinson who was interviewing Ann Coulter on the Today programme today?
He seemed to be vexed about the use of “immigrant” in relation to the muslim attacker.
The BBC, however, constantly refers to Britain as being “a nation of immigrants”.
Unless you actually believe all 65 million current inhabitants were born abroad, the claim is nonsensical.
Nick was simply using a variant of the “home-grown” terrorism shtick. If the muslim perpetrator was not an “immigrant” in the strict sense of the word, we can be sure at least one of his parents or grandparents was an immigrant from a muslim country The BBC can refer to “home-grown” muslim terrorism if it wants, but everyone knowns that the seeds of muslim terrorism have been imported from abroad and allowed to flourish like somfe destructive weed. Why was this lie never challenged?
The BBC is also reporting that Sadgit Javvid minister of something or another is worried by a hate-filled organisation that “hates me and people like me”.
I am similarly worried by the hate-filled organisation he belongs to. The organisation that sees its sacred duty to murder me and people like me because we don’t believe what he believes. I don’t see him repudiating the word of god as revealed to the prophet any time some.
#LondonIsOpen … Everyone Welcome!!!!!
Everyone – every person.
I am confused! Everyone Welcome, but not the leader of the World’s largest economy! Body modesty but award from magazine that shows sexual images of women? Confused!
BBC TV1 lunchtime news lead with the Trump tweet story. To her credit, Barbara Plett-Usher (from Washington) resisted the temptation to launch into a lengthy anti-Trump tirade when fed the ‘far right’ cue by Fiona Bruce. We had some balance at last.
She did emphasise what a diplomatic LOW had been reached in relations with the UK, but the now almost compulsory denunciations of the President as a fascist or an enemy of democracy or whatever, were missing. We had some relatively objective analysis. This is good.
Meanwhile, I’m revisiting the works of Giovanni Gentile, Mussolini’s ghostwriter, to find out more about fascism, a term now so freely bandied about. Presumably those doing the bandying are familiar with his thoughts. Apparently he was inspired by Hegel. Not very ‘far right’ then?
Thank you for your comment
It’s good to hear some evidence of al beeb actually doing it’s job. If there was more of that I’d consider paying again.
Apparently some listeners to Toady were upset by letting the American tweet lady have air time. So easily we are heading into Orwell territory on censorship .
Yes angered they ran to the Radio4Listeners Facebook group making about 30 vile comments.
If you asked an alien which group is the “vile hate group” he would have said it was them.
Fedup2: I have a feeling ‘far right’ now no longer has anything to do with who was sitting where in the French assembly, or even political philosophy of any kind. It seems more like a prompt to elicit a sort of ‘Pavlovian dog’ response, where ‘far right’ equals ‘bad’ by its mere utterance. The sort of magic Merkel has been so good at; it seems to rely on reaching deep down human guilt, instantly closing down any chance of debate or even thought.
In Germany ‘Nazi’ did the trick, for obvious reasons: if you criticise Mutti’s policies, that’s what you must be. The fact that Mutti is breaking half a dozen German and international laws doesn’t even matter. (I could list them, but I won’t be a bore). Here in the UK ‘colonialism’ will fulfil the same function. Look for a lot of ‘decolonisation’ stuff, especially in universities where critical thinking now seems verboten.
The big worry for me is that, once the law can so easily be shoved aside by those who have attained virtue and are therefore beyond guilt is this: where will it stop? Wherever we see virtuous law-breaking, we need to be afraid, very afraid.
So in the MSM Trump is always guilty. You simply have to attach the latest story. QED. Hence my compliment to Plett-Usher. She managed to give us the news; for the BBC, pretty sensational stuff.
The “nazi guilt trip” has its origins well before Merkel the Mad. There were lots of Germans who had lots to be guilty about, but to bring up future generations with the feeling that they share the guilt in a real sense is ridiculous. When I was working in Germany thirty years ago, I was introduced to a young women student who was going to be working in my department. Practically the first thing she said to me was “I’m sorry you [English] must hate us for what we’ve done”. Another young German I was with on a visit to a Brutish museum was shocked by a section devoted to local military history. He could not understand why anyone would “glorify militarism” in this way. By contrast, my next door neighbour in Germany had been an SS major and still kept up contact with his old comrades at annual HIAG meetings. He seemed to have renounced Hitler and ironically was a great fan of the EU project, embracng brotherly love rather than the beastliness of the past. Who said “the EU is Germany by other means”?