— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) November 30, 2017
.@RaheemKassam on ???? schooling the BBC on how to do their job over #TrumpTweets.
"Every day we hear a story about President Trump's tweets, but we don't hear stories about real problems due to radical Islam." #MustWatch
— Leave.EU (@LeaveEUOfficial) November 30, 2017
If you want to hear a BBC presenter completely overwhelmed by inconvenient facts and totally non-plussed listen to Sebastian Gorka [once a deputy assistant to US President Donald Trump in 2017] on World at One [around 30 mins]as he talks about Trump, the Tweets and islam in Europe…and hear the response from the tame expert brought on to counter him….‘yes they may be facts but…facts can be anything…’ but who in the end couldn’t help but follow the logic of Gorka.
As usual Gorka nailed the Beeboidess, who admitted she didn’t know the facts (nuff said). The next interviewee started to accuse Gorka of cherrypicking facts. Switch off at that point.
Gorka presents the Beeboidess with facts, and the “progressive” Left hates facts and reality, because they give the lie to their feel-good fantasies.
Resentment mixed with ignorance is the hallmark of the Left, and Gorka knows how to expose both of those.
Excellent clip of Raheem Kassam there. Presenter totally out of her depth. So desperately trying to make a case that someone might have social media as their ” only source of news” I guess that doesn’t apply to the bBBC when that might be someone’s only source of (FAKE) news!
Raheem raises some very valid points there, definately worth a watch.
RE: throwing gays off buildings…[bBBC PRESENTER] ; ” we covered that story, I remember doing it”
Well there goes their previous assertion that the videos were staged!
Oh and I totally agree Sad dick Khan certainly does not speak for the people of Britain!
Jihadis are not the problem- they are merely messengers for what is coming.
Muslim population in Britain is doubling every ten years. In forty years, it will have increased 16 times. That is without further immigration and family re-unification. Assuming current Muslim population a minimum 3 million, in forty years Muslim numbers will be 48 million.
Muslims will be a majority, and Sharia will be declared quite legally via parliament. Christians and non-Muslims will be persecuted just as they are in majority Muslim countries.
Has the PM, the House of Commons, CoE, BBC etc , have any policy to forestall this catastrophe? Time is short. Say round 10 years to do something, or we might as well give Britain to Islam now, and avoid a likely civil war.
Pres Trump has raided the alarm not just for the UK, but Europe as a whole.
“Shooting the messenger” is a standard response of those who can’t face facts.
Absolutely bang on.
As usual, the MSM and particularly the far-left bbc attack the messenger while ignoring the message. On LBC this morning, apologist for islam, Nick Ferrari said that President Trump’s tweet had endangered the lives of Americans around the world. Fortunately, the man he was speaking to was able to reply that the people who may endanger the lives of Americans are the indigenous population of those countries; implying they are only likely to be in danger in muslim countries; before the conversation was terminated.
There is a vast amount of information about muslim violence; if people in the far-left bbc, LBC and the rest don’t want to know the history of islam they at least should be fully informed about the so called religion of peace and the behaviour of its followers from what they have been doing over the past, say, twenty years. But the likes of the far-left bbc, LBC and the rest are wilfully ignorant of what’s in store for us if we don’t reverse the islamisation of our country. I just wonder what it will take for them to acknowledge reality rather than the fantasy world which they collectively inhabit.
I have been saying this for 40 years. More recently on LGF since 9/11. 9/11 should have been a wake up call for the West. The magnitude of the attack was on the scale of Pearl Harbour. Many Muslims in America were packing their bags, expecting a White House statement of their expulsion. But that moment passed, and as a consequence, Muslim now realise that they can do anything, and get away with it. One can see how emboldened they are with the behaviour of Khan. He has virtually banned Pres Trump from Britain. Muslims already feel that they rule Britain and the West.
We have a decade to do something, or its curtains for Britain and Europe – both will be Islamic. Freedom might come if America, Russia, in alliance with Eastern Europe, mount a full scale invasion, win, then ban Islam from the West.
Very sadly NCBBC I agree- we have at the very best 10 yrs to rid ourselves of all Muslims that are not prepared to accept our way of life and our Laws-As Norway are doing in deporting all Muslims men women and children that cause problems of have the slightest association with terrorism of any kind-their Military Commander recently was reported as saying that Europe has to wipe out Islam from its borders or suffer complete subjugation and enslavement. As I have said before we are at war, however unfortunately those that supposedly rule us do not recognise what is starring them in the face every day, they would rather encourage us all to watch rubbish, low intelligent programmes, wallow and faun over the forthcoming Royal wedding never mind the cost to the country and which is really of little consequence to the us all. When has this New Prime Minister ever come to the speak to the nation on TV and tell us where we are with Bexit ? Never so far-just giving little bites of news from her or through the PM’s office-just enough to assuage any repluse-keep them dangling is the motto.
Not being a twatterer I wouldnt have got the Don’s tweet
but thanks to the fuss kicked up, I have NOW and SEEN the videos I wonder if the perpetually offended realise they are getting the message out for him, and that they have probably just tripled Britain Firsts following
Good. I dont see why Britons should object to a party that puts Britons first.
Probably made Britain First go worldwide.
Just looked at the BBC website. No news about Pres Trump. Nothing..
Why do I get the feeling that an order has gone out from no 10 to BBC – cool it.
The order went out from the seat of power; not No 10 but the Momentum HQ.
Worth reposting PJW video
“You’ve got outrage for tweets, but where was your outrage when … and …and ”
“YOU snowflakes are amplifying Britain First by silencing everyone else (on immigration matters)”
“If you’re angrier over a few retweets
than 411 injured and dead victims of Islamic terror in the UK this year alone,
you need to take a long look in the mirror.”
But our friends at SnowFlakeTube have switched on the censorship
..”This video can’t be played here” (in embedded mode)
over on YT it comes marked as
“In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing and suggested videos,
because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”
Note the way that it comes up as a blank screen with no ads or suggested videos on the right.
PJW says : Homeland Security deem antifa ‘domestic terrorists (Strange BBC Trending have never reported this)
#1 “Mock Outrage” is the key phrase to me
‘OMG someone tweeted 3 , old factually true videos, one with an incorrect title. OMG, OMG, OMG’
#2 Misrepresentation … “These videos are racist, hate filled” they are not, they are real events, but lacking context
#3 Motive : To everyone including senile grandmas it’s clear the media outrage is just a part of “Trump must fall” campaign
#4 New Segregation : Labelling an entire group of people with derogatory words, and saying they have second class attributes eg “knuckle draggers ” is what Hate not Hope/LibMob do
..and if you look that is exactly the same as the racism they claim to be against.
Rough guys looking for a fight, would have joined the BNP years ago..these days they join Antifa
Original tweet
You always feel that when the bBC traitorously attacks Trump that it is hiding something – big.
The elephant in the room, the nothing to see here, the virtue signalling.
What is it the bBC is hiding from us?
I really thought The President did us a great favour doing what he did. I hope he does it again. As for the reaction to it – predictable and without value . Great for the bubble but not real life
We didn’t need Trump’s Tweet to tell us how Muslim Extremists operate, hell, they not only do no try to hide their behaviour but actively and openly boast about it and put splash it all over the internet for all to see.
When it comes to the hypocritical faux-outrage of the bBBC and the rest of the MSM and their blatantly pro-Leftist biased reporting demonising anything and anybody they can conveniently hang the label Right Wing on I cannot help bringing to mind an incident a short while ago in the US when an elderly male was driven into and killed at a demonstration.
The story was that a peaceful Antifascist group were quietly and peacefully (as they always are described as doing by the bBBC and the MSM) against nasty vicious Fascist racist thugs when a vicious attack was made on them by a Right Wing activist hooligan driving madly into the crowd resulting in the slaughtering of an innocent elderly male.
Unfortunately for the bBBC and the rest of the Leftist MSM there was a video of the full incident which was put uncut on the web. The full incident went as follows.
The car was videoed driving down the road in a perfectly normal manner at a fairly slow speed which was demonstrated by it going not much faster than a cyclist it overtook riding leisurely along the road in the same direction. Shortly after it had passed the cyclist, and a little further down the road travelling at the same slow speed, a youth could be seen stepping into the road behind the car waving something with the appearance of a baseball bat, or something of similar proportions. At that point the car sped up with the known end result.
From what has been experienced both here and in Europe over the last few years for a vehicle to be driven intentionally and at speed into a crowd the result, more often than not, leads to far more than a single death. In fact it hardly seems credible that somebody driving into a crown with the deliberate intent to kill and maim would only succeed in killing one solitary person and only leaving a few others with none life threatening injuries.
What make me even more suspicious about the ‘official’ bBBC and MSM version is that once the original hysterical anti-Trump, anti-Racist, Anti-Right Wing faux-outrage quickly subsided very little has been mentioned about the incident. Although the driver was, quite normally and correctly, arrested at the time there was no mention of him having been charged with any offence and no report of any proceedings and trial being made.
That deafening silence would certainly make me suspect that the original version was nothing more than the manipulation of the unfortunate, accidental death of an elderly man caused by a driver panicking in fear after apparently being threatened by a hooligan in a crowd of protesters with a baseball bat and reacting by trying to get away. But, of course, that does not fit in with the current anti-Trump (how dare he not lose to Billary Clinton as demanded by the bBBC and the MSM) propaganda being pushed at us for 24 hours every single day on the News Channels of the bBBC and the rest of the Left Leaning MSM Channels.
No wonder they hate the internet when they have no control over it and cannot make it slavishly follow their own propaganda version of events.