The BBC interprets an ‘anti-Brexit’ tract in the way its author intended, as anti-Brexit, but fails to reveal that the author is trying to deceive the public and that he voted Remain whereas the Sunday Times looks at the logic of his words and reports the truth behind them recognisnig this ‘resignation’ is just another part of the privileged elites’ Remain campaign to over-turn Brexit, the vote of the people, which ratchets up a gear.
The BBC is corrupt. Lord Hall Hall is corrupt. We know he was bitter and angry that the BBC’s coverage of the referendum was not pro-EU enough for him….he must be very pleased with the coverage of Brexit since then as it blatantly pushes a pro-EU narrative and broadcasts every news item about Brexit in a negative light.
This morning we have one of the most dishonest and misleading lines to have come out of the BBC yet, and that is saying something given the utterly deceptive way they have reported Brexit so far.
Switching on R4 this morning and we get the news that the board of the Social Mobility Commission has resigned en masse. Why? The BBC told us that it was #duetoBrexit….the government could not bring social justice to the country because it was too busy dealing with Brexit. I gave the BBC the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe they just didn’t have enough time to give us all the facts, lol, and that in their web report we’d get the full story…how wrong, of course, I was. Here’s the latest ‘big lie’ from the BBC:
All four members of the board of the government’s Social Mobility Commission have stood down in protest at the lack of progress towards a “fairer Britain”.
Ex-Labour minister Alan Milburn, who chairs the commission, said he had “little hope” the current government could make the “necessary” progress.
In his resignation letter to Theresa May, first reported by the Observer, Mr Milburn said ministers were preoccupied with Brexit….”It is understandably focused on Brexit and does not seem to have the necessary bandwidth to ensure that the rhetoric of healing social division is matched with the reality,” he added.
The BBC in fact actually twists the meaning so that it is against Brexit when any reading of his words would show the failure of logic in his position, he is in fact, ironically, supporting Brexit even as he tries to damn it…Brexit fails the poorest, so stop Brexit…and yet, he tells us, Brexit was their vote against the system that failed them…how can any BBC analysis miss that massive contradiction?:
Mr Milburn told the Observer: “The worst position in politics is to set out a proposition that you’re going to heal social divisions and then do nothing about it….
“In America for 30 years real average earnings have remained flat. Now here the Chancellor is predicting that will last for 20 years.
“That has a consequence for people, but a political consequence as well. It means more anger, more resentment and creates a breeding ground for populism.”
Trouble is Milburn’s meaning was the exact opposite. The Sunday Times frontpage headline is:
‘May betrays families that vote for Brexit’
In a stunning rebuke for May, Alan Milburn, the commission’s chairman, accused ministers of abandoning the voters who backed Backed Brexit and of doing “nothing” to remove the grievances that had led to the referendum.
The complete opposite of what the BBC, and Milburn himself, wants you to believe and what they tell you in their report.
In fact Milburn’s own logic is illogical…. he says the government is concentrating too much on Brexit, a vote he suggests was a result of the less well off in society making their voices heard, thus social mobility and social justice suffer, and yet he implies Brexit should be abandoned. On the one hand he recognises that Brexit is the answer and then he says it is the problem.
So we dump Brexit, which those less well off have voted for, and we implement a top down patrician hand-outs scheme that the elites can use to create yet more dependency culture and maintain their tight grip and control over the masses?
Milburn was due to be replaced on the commission soon anyway…did he decide to jump ship and do as much damage as he could on the way down?
Hmmmm…..let’s see who we are talking about…
Alan Milburn is set to launch an organisation to oppose Brexit directly.
Alan Milburn, the former Labour health minister and government social mobility tsar, is at the helm of a new group funded in part by Sir Richard Branson to fight Britain’s exit from the European Union.
The aim is to bring together disparate pro-European groups behind an explicit campaign to reverse the referendum decision to leave, probably only after the government has revealed the content of its exit terms and the UK economy has reacted.
So, as we noted, before, it is rich, privileged white men who are trying to derail Brexit so that they can once again trample all over the plebs.
Milburn himself in his resignation letter recognises this…and yet his resignation is meant to serve to buttress the elites’ power an control over society…
‘The growing sense that we have become an “us and them” society is deeply corrosive of our cohesion as a nation.’
And the BBC is there to help push the message that in fact reinforces that ‘them and us’ society….with the liberal elite in charge looking down contemptuously at the white, working class who dared to vote Leave, thought he BBC has recently been pushing the message that Labour voters all support Remain and are looking to Corbyn to act on their behalf. The ruthless Remain campaign to block Brexit is one of the most powerful examples of the ‘them and us’ society that there is….a highly privileged elite trying to maintian their advantages, privilege and power. The highly paid presenters and officials of the BBC aiding and abetting in the betrayal.
And the other three suspects?
Besides Baroness Shephard, the other commissioners who have resigned include Paul Gregg, professor of economic and social policy at the Bath University, and David Johnston, chief executive of the Social Mobility Foundation.
Shepherd voted Remain and is an ally of ardent pro-EU John Major, the other two, given their employment are quite probably also Remain voters though I see no proof of this….probability is high.
This is a suicide mission by the commission board sacrificing themselves for the EU. However…you can be sure they have some nice little earners to go to…so not so much of a sacrifice…and Milburn was at the end of his term in office anyway.
All true, and underlying it all is the central prejudice of the Remainers: the belief that normal people couldn’t possibly have well-founded objections to the EU. They must just be ‘lashing out’, ‘having a tantrum’ or some other elitist phrase used to explain why what the public *really* wants is more power and money for incompetent snobs like Milburn.
Can anyone honestly say they even knew the “Social Mobility Commission” existed? I didn’t, and I suspect 99% of the population didn’t either.
All these “Foundations” and “Commissions” do is provide well paid public sector jobs to the middle class lefties who get on them. They do sweet FA for the white working class, and it is typical of the pathetic May government that she thinks setting up a left wing circle jerk will do anything to solve any so-called problem.
The white working class voted for Brexit because they were sick at seeing cheap foreign workers coming over here, and taking jobs they cannot afford to do, because they are prepared to live in conditions no British person would accept. For many white working class Britons, the “minimum wage” has become the “maximum wage”, because there is an endless supply of East Europeans who are happy to work for £7.29 an hour. For them, it’s good money, most of which they send back home, whilst they live four to a room. No British person with a family to support can compete with that. The jobs may as well be in Eastern Europe for all the benefit they bring British people.
The trade unions used to understand this, before they were taken over by Momentum style leftists. If you have an endless supply of minimum wage labour, there is no incentive for employers to improve terms and conditions, there is always another immigrant prepared to work for the minimum wage. That is why Brexit and control of immigration is so important to the white working class, and it is why middle class, comfortably off lefties, in well paid public sector jobs, just cannot get their thick heads round it.
The EU does not help British working people, it suppresses their wages and terms on an endless wave of cheap foreign labour. It is as simple as that.
“Alan Milburn, the former Labour health minister”
Milburn was the worst Secretary of State for Health I can remember. Clarke made it up as he went along, Lansley was away with the fairies, while Burnham presided over the Stafford scandal, but Milburn was in a class of his own. He wouldn’t listen to anyone who didn’t give him unqualified support and his only management technique was fear. I was at an area meeting of NHS managers when his resignation was announced. Everyone smiled and nobody had a good word to say about him. There was no logical explanation for Cameron giving him a job – except Cameron’s obsession with New Labour policies.
” if the referendum goes wrong ”
Nick Robinson asking Norman Tebbit during the campaign .