Apparently, according to the BBC, Nichola Sturgeon is very worried that some parts of the UK might be treated differently in any Brexit deal. No, no BBC, she’s cock-a-hoop…she couldn’t wait to demand that Scotland be given special status when she heard that NI was to be ‘aligned’ with the EU. Just the usual hopeless ‘analysis’ from the BBC which doesn’t want you to know that May’s stitch-up was ‘Brexit means FA’. You can tell the extent to which Leave voters have been betrayed by the BBC’s, and Remainders’, delighted reaction to the deal…from constantly insisting a hopelessly weak and out of her depth May is about to be ejected from office they now tell us that ‘a lot of people think Theresa May has done a pretty good job today’…oh, and maybe we should stop seeing the EU as the enemy, it is after all seeking to help Brexit succeed and is facilitating this breakthrough…lol…the EU has done everything it can to obstruct Brexit and to make it impossible to succeed…and May has folded at their every demand….Emma Barnett wanted to know if Bertie Ahern was ‘concerned at what May will have compromised on to get the DUP on-board’!!! Not at all concerned at what May has humiliatingly compromised on to get the EU to allow Britain to leave…well, leave is not quite the term is it? Note the Irish say ‘no deal means the UK stays in the EU’ not WTO rules and a buccaneering Britain…just a slave state paying through the nose for the ‘privilege’ of staying under the EU jackboot.
The BBC’s narrative is completely false and misleading…the EU is not out to help and May has totally undermined Britain’s position and has given away every advantage we had….agreeing in the end to that infamous ‘soft Brexit’…ie no Brexit.
Spot any more BBC bo**ocks….list it here….
Blast !
Rowlocks (Cockney rhyming slang) – Too late on parade, Sir.
I was taught to drive by a geezer from Putney and from him I picked up a load of the old cockney . For bollocks I would say Jackson’s as in Jackson pollocks . In CR slang you only say half of the statement for example, having a look is butchers as in butches hook, wife is trouble as in trouble and strife, having a curry is ruby as in ruby Murray. Walking up the stairs becomes Apple as in Apple and pears
I’m pretty sure there are many ways to quote CRS , but that was the way I was taught . Only problem now is, CRS slang is being replaced by the new east londerswith that pathetic fake Jamaican patois Which is so in vogue.
It’s bleedin’ taters today mate 😉
Wot abaht Donald Duck or is it Friar Tuck? Sorry. Why do I always have to go and lower the tone of the debate? Me muvver always used to make me go and sit on the Naughty Stair for fings like this.
Treason and Treachery.
This nation of Great Britain, if it is to continue to exist, needs a new political party.
We the British people have been betrayed.
Ive got an idea for one
1 we aim for total world domination
2 death to America
3 everyone not a member must die or pay an extra tax
4 death to America
5 women not allowed to have any position in the party but may be members ( see rule 3)
5 death to america (see rule 3)
any other ideas?
Ring The Grand Mufti. He always comes up with the right answers. Plus he always supports his own people.
I have been saying this everywhere since yesterday when it became obvious. And I don’t mean one bunch of this Tory Party (Johnson, Leadsom, Gove ) replacing Treezer, Hammond et al.
“Bitcoin: ‘I’m part of a crazy wave”
I can see this all ending in tears. Get your money out now.
someone was on this morning stuck £40k in now worth £300k
tried to take £40k out … nope nothing up the swaney
still sticking another £40k in elsewhere
the £300k has obvious warped him tiny greedy little mind
The idea that Bitcoin can make many people richer merely by existing
… without making anyone else poorer in the long run
Seems a bit rum to me. …………… Like a #PyramidScam
Has Al Beeb covered this yet ?
“Ex-BBC boss Yentob faces ‘five-year ban’ over Kids Company ruin”
I am waiting for that arrogant Batman woman to be jailed.
The infamous Japanese attack on Pearl harbour was carried out on Dec 7th 1941. Here is a news article the bBC posted on the evening of the 5th of Dec 2017:
Apparently those who killed themselves and thousands of others by crashing explosive laden planes into ships were heroes. I wonder when the bBC will start promoting that view about ISIS suicide bombers. You know they want to.
‘Kamikaze… pilot who survived…’
This a joke, right? Have BBC Asia resurrected the Goon Show?
Spike Milligan was born in India.
I wonder if he’s going to a Reunion meeting anytime soon?
Wherever they can the BBC do love to feature “Remainers”
does that make him an Indian?
I think the current American term is ‘a dreamer’
Strangely enough, yes. Because his father was born in what is now the Irish Republic, and he was born in India, when Spike tried to get a British passport they wouldn’t give him one. I think he settled for being Irish. He did make the point that no-one had told him in 1940 that he wasn’t British.
This country is mad in almost every way.
Why did they wear seat belts and a crash helmet ? Hat tip, Mike F. Colwyn Bay.
they werent aiming and women and kids and unarmed people though give them that
the japanese had plenty of others doing that job
Yes. But that’s another sad story.
Did you hear the one about the Jewish suicide pilot who crashed into his brother’s scrapyard?
(Copyright B. Manning)
You fucking Anti Semite. Got any more like that?
Negotiations =
The EU says jump! and Tweezer says how high?
Its pretty obvious now………………….
Re Jump how high: Treeza Quisling Chamberlain does more than jump how high? It is more like tell me how high and I’ll double it without you asking for extra brownie points.
She will never be able to jump high enough. That’s why she should debate with her feet. Sharpish!
Nah, you mean the EU says, “Sink!”, and The Appeaser says, “How low?”
Whilst the pro EU media in the UK is promoting the view that Bexit is going ahead.
Here is how the rest of the world are reporting this:
velcom tu ze EU Mrs May zis vil ve your new orifice after your next general erection
apaloogiz to Hello Hello ™
What’s it like living in GB ?
………… Great Betrayal
Why British Muslims care about Jerusalem{} …. first interview and lady says she has no idea what is going on! Ha!
BBC with its £3.5bn biased and mono-focused reporting lens.
How about
Why British Jews care about Jerusalem
Why British Christians care about Jerusalem
How about the ridiculous Santa Style story that lays claim to Jerusalem as an Islamic Holy site
the islamo pandering continues unabated
When the next atrocity due BBC we know its just a matter of time and it seems overdue to me
Yesterday a BBC reporter completely misrepresented the Islamic fairy story over the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. He stated that was where “Muslims believe it was where Mohammed ascended to Heaven.”. Nothing at all about him dreaming of travelling to Jerusalem on a flying horse where he met Moses and Jesus on the Temple Mount. Who in their right mind would believe a fantasy like that except some primitive retard with a gullible mind?
Those little ironies
Irony is a much over used term. But consider this morning the BBC reports on the so-called British-Iranian woman charged with trying to overthrow the Tehran government. And what informed opinion does the BBC invite for our education? Why none other than the obnoxious Tulip Saddiq – you know, the Channel 4 pregnant producer threatening Labour MP, niece of the political prisoner-holding Bangladeshi Prime Minister. Tulip is, by the way, openly trying to overthrow our Foreign Secretary and by extension our current government. Come to think of it the BBC is to all intents and purposes trying to do the same.
Has the website Been unwell?
I seem to have been the nocturnal thoughts of the likes of maxi so feel deprived. I was suspecting we had been spiked by the al Beeb ‘wet’ department which is the SS element of the TV licencing regiment.
Toady watch
The general demeanour of the Toady presenters is one of ‘light heartedness’ Which worries me greatly on the Brexit front. Gove has mouthed off unnecessarily again saying Brexit can be changed at the election – does he really think we are that fucking thick? Any thing can be changed. We can vote to leave and come back in and go out again and go to war against the EU if we voted for it. Where the hell is the Conservative party as I can’t see it. Where is the Labour Party because all I can see is a bunch of multicultural communists .
Do you ever wonder why you never hear of so called refugees trying to get into mighty mother Russia ?
dont sling out those small change euros and cents left over from your holidays, you will be able to spend them in the shops very soon
Yep looked like a hack to me
There was a post from Pounce December 9, 2017 at 2:39 am
Then next one was gb123 December 9, 2017 at 3:47 pm
That’s 13 hours we were locked out
Normally even screwed websites can be recovered from the backups within an hour.
I assume that there is a proper plan against hacks ?
Any longer and I would have started posting on the Facebook page.
Was most concerned stew – no mention on the twitter account or on sister sites like ‘ is the bbc biased’ . Contingency plan please for the next mass attack by the tv licencing ( North Korean battalion ).
I get emails from President Trumps people – lots of stuff on there which doesn’t make the main stream – I didn’t know they are trying prototypes of the defensive wall. I was hoping we would need one or two post Brexit for Northern Ireland and the independent Scotland they want so much so we can stop sending out money North.
Fed up with lefty tax funded jocks wingding about the English. Plenty of Scottish accents in London these days.
The trouble with voting is that we have nobody to realistically vote for.
Liblabcon all want to remain.
The cabinet is 15-5 in favour of remain. PM, Chancellor and Home sec, 3 most important in government, all remainers.
I voted UKIP but they have been emasculated. I will vote for them again but somehow, people still vote for liblabcon no matter what they do to us.
Gove says we can vote against our eu capitulations at the next election (2022? when it should be all done with the eu) but we already voted to leave and they are changing the ‘leave’ to be leave in name only and nothing like what we wanted.
Obviously, democracy means nothing to our politicians.
Voting is meaningless now as they do what they want and disregard the actual voters.
We really need our Churchill now but I fear we have nobody to vote for. Mogg? Farage?
I’ll still vote UKIP but I have no faith in any of them.
I agree that there is no true representation . My local MP is IDS who is close to my views than most. I have to vote conservative as the local socialist borough is pushing labour voters into conservative territory.
Mogg will never see power because he is surrounded by careerist red tories who have been bred on a 1960s liberal diet . Farage will always be frozen out by the stablishment but I think he needs to speak more clearly than just the wireless or twitter.
– I , only other hand , am unfashionably right wing – probably in what msm would describe as an extreme way because I care for my country and don’t want it to be turned into a multicultural hell. I believe in a smaller state and less taxes and a national identity which the state broadcaster does not represent .
If EU guest workers want to go home because they don’t feel comfortable in Blighty any more then can I recommend Stansted or Luton. We ll be going into recession sooner or later so their jobs will be drying up anyway.
It’s sad that brexiteer MPs have fallen on their swords under the threat of an election and a Corbin government but few will sacrifice their seat and careers for their beliefs. Or they can go off and do railway documentary programmes on al Beeb.
Their jobs may dry up but unfortunately their bennies won’t, out of work or in!
Don’t forget Mr May. Teezer goes home each evening and has a chat with a very,very strong Remainer, her husband.
I thought she was married to Arthur Askey, formerly with the BBC. Hello Playmates
Very good GWF,
I bet he has been a busy bee,busy bee.
I have to agree with your observation. I am furious with this sell out but how can I change it?
Wait 4 years and punish the Tories. I’d love to but punish them with what – by voting Corbyn to really destroy the country.
From being a wonderful example of democracy, the referendum has revealed that there is no such thing in this country. Just a bunch of self serving, grubby guttersnipes who regard their employers (i.e. the British people) as subjects to ignore and treat with contempt.
I’m done with them and the mainstream media.
Russia has taken plenty of “refugees” from former Soviet Republics, that’s why 20% of the population of Moscow is Islamic.
One interviewee says ‘It’s very important for muslims to have freedom of worship in Jerusalem’. Ironic given that islam denies that same right to other religions in many muslim countries, or at best treats them like second class citizens.
Good point Vlad. I’m surprised they didn’t get a comment from the Bishop of Riyadh.
No Jews were allowed anywhere near the Wall prior 67′, and if Abbas has his way never would be in a future Pally state.
What about when they all leave here for a day or two to worship in Jerusalem we could build a wall, Israel style.
Yes vlad not much of a drinking tour of the haj
Our Breakfast Naga may not be the brightest button in the box. Don’t look to her for deep thinking. However, there’s value in listening carefully to the things she says off-the-cuff since it does often give clear insights into BBC office culture. Take for example the phrasing of this snippet of conversation – Naga is on the red sofa chatting on the subject of EU negotiations with a self-declared Remainer : “It sounds as though you’ve had to accept, as we all have, that we are leaving the EU”. Yes, I guess it came as a severe blow to BBC employees – but they are indeed acting as though they are going to live with it. Perhaps we should be concerned the Remainer BBC are apparently going so quietly.
Doreen’s new Christmas video!
You can see where John Lewis got the idea from ……..
I’ve been locked out this site all day for some unknown reason. I researched the message presented i.e. “Error establishing a database connection” only to conclude it was a problem with the host rather than the visitor. Heave a sigh of relief!
Anyway, point I had intended making early this morning was that, the BBC reporting of Treezers ‘success’ in Europe was low key and virtually no criticism of it even by the BBC’s favourite Remoaners. Why should this be I ask myself. Simples: as one commentator asserted, we are heading for a very ‘light’ Brexit. That explains the BBC’s rather upbeat approach. This heralds the arrival of ‘Long-Grass’ and a diminution in any attempt to defend the UK’s aspirations as a country outside the EU. Put simply, ‘a proper Brexit ain’t gonna happen’.
I now have simple rule of thumb if the BBC is anti it must be good and vice-versa
Yoo iz the dogs bollox Bwana.
I did mention yesterday that Laura Keonisenberg had given Treezer a favourable end of term report. BBC will probably order her fellow cabinet members not to move against her. Maybe they ordered Gove and Ledsom to come up with the bright idea that one day the deal can be voted on.
G – yes, from what I can tell it’s all been a bit of a waste of time, and we will be handing over an extra £50 bn to add insult to injury. Theresa May must have been humming that old Status Quo song – whatever you want, whatever you like ..the smiling faces of the EU gauleiters in the news summed it all up.
As time goes on the commitments to ‘really’ leave will be watered down or quietly dropped.
Maybe Corbyn & McDonnell should have a go converting us into Venezuela , if nothing else we wouldn’t be a target for migrants anymore, and a lot of them would bugger off to other welfare states in the EU.
It may,
If Corbyn and his Marxist gangsters gain power they will throw the borders open to any third worlders who wants to come. We will have tsunami of third worlders. No matter how incompetent May is, and no matter how big a mess she has made of Brexit , she is much less of a danger to this country than Corbyn is. Corbyn et al must be kept out of power and if they do get into No10 we should take a tip from their supporters and mount a sustained campaign of civil disobedience until we are shut of them. I refuse to accept them as the rightful government of my country no matter how many daft snowflakes voted for them.
These are the daft snowflakes who were on the telly the other day complaining about their student debt when they graduate. I saw some on Sky rather than Al Beeb iirc, who said that when they were applying for Yooni, at age 18, they weren’t aware that they had to repay those enormous loans, and with interest! These dumb clucks have the vote, ffs, and can influence the way the country spends my money and the Corbynutta wants to give the vote to 16 year olds as well!
Dt – wouldn’t that force things to a confrontation here though, whilst we’ve still got the numbers to do something about it; electorally or by other methods?
DT – well, yes of course you are right a Corbyn government would likely be the pits – but I’m also sure it would be of limited duration. I never thought Labour would have a chance at governing the country with him in charge, but given the way the Tories have utterly and consistently failed to do anything right recently – the prospect is becoming alarmingly real.
I expect most people voted Tory for reasons such as :
limiting /stopping immigration (it got worse)
finances /national debt/borrowing (not getting much better is it?)
tough on crime (nope)
keeping us safe from terrorists (we’re inviting them back in with a free council house)
upholding family or traditional social values (gay marriage celebrated, transgender alphabet soup )
and keeping faith with Brexit (they sabotaged it)
Labour will be an utter disaster, let me be clear. But the Tories stopped doing ‘tory’ things quite a while ago. Apart from UKIP (a rump of a party now) and tiny fringe parties – there is no major political movement that isn’t devoted to socialism hard or soft, mass population replacement and a toxic postmodern world view. Ultimately we’re screwed with all of the LibLabCon mob.
A Corbyn government would never leave. Corbyn wouldn’t last more than a few days but would be relaced “due to ill health” by a Momentum nominee. There woulld be no more elections as one country only needs one party!
IANL – I expect even now our quislingesque excuse for a “Prime Minister” is probably discussing with the Belgium dipso how she can frame her next “Victory” over the EU by opening our borders to an even greater degree, but calling it something that gives the impression that there are now more border controls.
I was thinking something like a “semi permeable variable friction self regulating frontier” or SERF for short.
I expect we will have Gove on Toady again telling us how hard a “job” it was for Theresa to gain Belgium Uncle Drunkers approval . I suppose just for us she had to lie back and think of Belgium.
It has been quite hard quelling my nausea seeing the pictures of this useless woman beaming radiantly at Junker like she is the cat who has just had the cream. When in reality what she has done is sell us all further down the river and paid even more for the privilege. She is a bit like a really crap prostitute who sleeps with her clients then pays them for the privilege and wonders why she has no money – God you could not make this up!
I suspect she is pleased because she thinks she has got away with pulling a fast one. I expect Boris Johnson and co like Gove will let her get away with it caring more about their careers than the country.
Only time will tell – but if things go as she plans at some point there will be a reckoning and it is likely to be messy for all of us. Since our “leaders” do not seem able or willing to look after our interests then the time is getting very close when we will have to do it ourselves.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Boris Johnson meets Iranian counterpart{ 09dec2017}
“The Foreign Office would not confirm the names or number of other people being held in Iran, saying their families had asked for their cases to be kept out of the public domain.”
BBC Word Search: Muslim x 0; Islam x 0; Religion x 0; law x 0; freedom x 0; tolerant x 0; Iran x 30;
– Why hide the numbers of people held in Iran? Should that matter?
Toady watch 2
I had a chuckle when the yesterday in the house of wasted air with the arch bish of somewhere – Welby – lecturing a;l on sundry about social movement – or mobility – or whatever their cloak for non white heteros to be positively discriminated for .
Anyway – after a private school welby went to Eton then Trinity college on the Cam and is about as ruling class as you’ll ever find – talking about ‘ pissing on others’-strawberries’ as I believe the rather picturesque term goes. Hypocrite .
I thought I’d share a typical BBC response from another complaint I have sent them concerning their bias in reporting news events. I sent them a list of examples which they never ever provide explanations for their bias. All I ever get is bland, blanket meaningless statements straight from some pro former database.
If I didn’t laugh at them I’d cry.
Dear ******,
Thanks for getting in touch about BBC News.
Impartiality is a core value of the BBC, and as with all our news coverage, we apply this principle when reporting on any politician, political party or news story with political significance. We are of course free from any political influence or agenda.
When reporting on a political news story, we aim to analyse and scrutinise the facts so our audience can make up their own minds, and explore arguments put forward from across the political spectrum. BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover. We report on actions taken and policy platforms outlined by all the main parties, and then reflect voices both supportive and critical.
A key part of the role of our political correspondents and editors is to offer analysis on any given story, using their experience and knowledge. This isn’t indicative of bias. Similarly, when an interviewer or reporter challenges a contributor, they aren’t expressing a personal viewpoint, but simply fulfilling their responsibility to scrutinise a claim that is being put forward.
There may be times when there is a consensus view on a politician or a policy, which may be apparent in our news coverage; this doesn’t mean that we’re agreeing with it, but simply that we’re reflecting the reality of what’s happening. We also wouldn’t ban a minority viewpoint, as we have a duty to create a platform where as wide a range of voices as possible can be heard.
We appreciate that politics is an issue on which our audience have diverging views, which inevitably means that there will be some politicians or views featured in our news coverage that some of our audience will find unpalatable. We’re sorry if you feel that any aspect of our news coverage has displayed political bias, but hope the above explains the approach we take when reporting on political stories, and assures you of our commitment to impartiality.
Thanks again for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints Team
Not one reference to the the litany of examples I sent them, just bland statements. What’s the point. I won’t stop but I do wonder why I bother sometimes. I think we should start complaining about their responses, I wonder if they have a pro -former for tha? I’ll give it a go.
Now send a complaint about the bland statements and how you think they should not be bland to get a bland response. That would be funny.
I had the exact same reply to my complaint to the moderators on the now-extinct, BBC Religion message board some 13 yrs ago!
and this is the response I received from MP about my same list of examples showing clear bias.
Dear *****
Thank you for your email and this is obviously something which you have noted extensively with BBC reporting to your frustration. I think the most powerful recourse, therefore, as a licence holder is to complain directly to the BBC, as you have done, to make your case known directly.
If yourself and others are of a similar view, it is incumbent on the BBC to take this into consideration. It is not always helpful (and can even look rather self –serving) for a politician to get involved.
However, I do appreciate your feedback and thank you for taking the time to contact me.
Kind regards
Damian Hinds
So i will now go back to my MP with the BBC pro forma response,and so it goes on. I’ll just keep hitting my head against the wall. Not one of my examples has been addressed, no reasoning, no way forward. It’s the normal run of the mill. I’ve retired from work, I’ve got time on my hands, so I’ll continue to fight them(BBC) until one day change may occur,I won’t hold my breath with such a laid back approach to anti Tory BBC bias from Tory MP’s themselves.
The Tories really are the most pathetic,complacent, jobsworths you can possibly imagine.
Tory Damian Collins MP,however, Chair of Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee does not reply to my emails.
Damian Collins MP supports the BBC, and hates Brexit. A real patriot-not. What a nice bloke!
The trick is to provide just one simple question – not multiple questions which it sounds like you did.
With just one clear question they cannot obfuscate so easily.
If you want a cheer up can I recommend – unusually – the Gueardian ! It’s got a hugely entertaining piece about reasons by EU citizens are leaving Blighty. Best laugh of the day so far – even with the spurs. ( spoiler alert)
5 – 1 up
do they having a matching article describing why all these people are deserting their home nations, is it because their home nation is full of bigots?
Kaiser – have a look it’s priceless – remainers – multicultural liberals sobbing about poor thick brexiters and how the British won’t do the jobs when the guest workers have left. As usual the lefties can’t see that the free market will source stuff people want or need to buy .
And now for a quick summary of those in-depth tough Brexit negoatiations.
“Give us £50 bn and acceed to all our demands and in return we will agree to talk to you some more”
“OK, it’s a deal”
Often the BBC seems a parody of itself. There was the most nauseating passage on the One Show yesterday when every culture, creed and gender explained why they loved Christmas. A Muslim chap even said he popped over to the church to cuddle or something like that. They should put cr*p like this on to help aspiring bulimics.
Just saw a BBC trailer for David Attenborough’s latest Blue Planet series. Oh dear, I see the focus is now on Eco Political issues rather than the wildlife. Does the BBC currently make any programme that doesn’t lecture and hector us from some lefty viewpoint? Personally, I do always try to do my bit for the environment, Sir David. Whenever the Green Party put a leaflet through my door I toss it straight into the waste paper recycling bin.
Couldn’t agree more. It pisses me off because wildlife programs used to be my prime reason for reaching for the On Switch. In addition to your observation we now have to put up with a load of very distracting camera trickery and spooky background music. It has become nothing more than a technological showcase. I no longer watch.
Try muting the sound; that removes half the annoyance!
Does the BBC employ high schoolers to write and research their backgrounders?
Capital cities: How are they chosen and what do they represent?
‘All eyes are on Jerusalem, which US President Donald Trump has officially recognised as Israel’s capital despite warnings not to do so from within and beyond the Arab world.’ So does this piece explain Jerusalem as capital or the reasons for Trump’s decision? It does not.
1. A means of control, and a symbol of unity suggests most capitals are built in the centre of countries. In fact that is the exception. One doesn’t have to look far for non-central capitals — London isn’t in the centre of Britain. It isn’t even in the centre of England. Also France, Canada, Russia, China, United States — the list goes on. Jerusalem is arguably at the (geographic) centre but wouldn’t be if Israel had received Transjordan as specified in the Mandate. Amman is also not in the centre.
2. Political compromise, really only applies to ‘new’ states without an obvious site. The theory does seem to apply better to Canberra (at least that is what we learnt in school). Although I haven’t visited Canberra for decades I don’t remember the summer temperatures being markedly cooler than Sydney or Melbourne. Whoever wrote this for the BBC clearly has never visited, either. A quick meteorological check confirmed my memory. Summer temperatures in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne are quite similar but in winter the capital is much, much colder. Jerusalem was never in doubt to be Israel’s capital the moment it became possible to move it there. Climate-wise Jerusalem is not however the best choice.
3. Complicated history. Not that Israel has a simple history but with the exception of the Jews no other group made Jerusalem their capital. In the 19 years of Jordanian occupation they never made any moves to bring their capital from Amman.
4. The whims of strongmen? Hmm. How far back in the 5,000 year history do you want to go? According to the Bible, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites and established it as the capital of the united kingdom of Israel in the Bronze Age.
Yet the thousands of years connection of Jews with Jerusalem (Zionism comes from Zion a synonym for Jerusalem) is ignored, despite the introduction. BTW the Muslim claim is that Mohammed flew there on a winged horse with the face of a woman to pray at a mosque that wouldn’t be built for a hundred years and then rise bodily into heaven.
This ridiculous truimphalist talk that May reached a last minute deal “paving the way” for more talksjust incenses me. There was no hard bartering, no tough talk. It was nothing more than cowardly compliance and the Beeb’s reporting of it, like it had nothing to do with them and their agenda is discussing.
It is the beeb and the media that normalised the ridiculous brexit bill. It was their endless “you can’t get away with not paying it” that made people believe it was a genuine thing.
Leavers fought so hard to get their point across against a tidal wave of negative nonsense for then May and Hammond to effectively overturn the people’s decision.
What a spineless, gutless bunch of disgusting cowards that have the temerity to consider calling themselves servants of democracy.
It wasn’t negotiation, it was capitulation.
These people should be hanged for treason
Totally agree -Payne , but we must not forget that our spineless PM is just part of the same mutually supportive elitist bubble . The politicians need the press and the press need the politicians. Unfortunately all of these mutually advantaged parties live their lives so distanced from the rest of us that they probably see us more like an experiment in a petri dish under a microscope rather than fellow human beings who s lives are directly impacted upon by the woeful decisions they make on our behalf.
If you drop the “experiment” on the floor never mind just start another one – no worries.
Bloody ell starting to sound like some sort of socialist these days!
I hear you. We are utterly powerless, forced to accept their piss poor performance and treasonous selling out – all gift wrapped by the beeb and their lefty chums.
Thank god for Trump and the US for still making politics exciting because UK politics have revealed themselves to be utterly disconnected from the people and hence not really worthy of review.
Payne by name
All you need is a horse, a length of rope and a a cap gun. Iv’e seen it done in Clint Eastwood films.
Loose Ends on R4 is of course on about how to get more black actors on the screen
..Masses of Virtue Signalling as usual.
But at the same time Radio Zimbabwe is having discussion on how to get more white actors on the TV screens. Not.
Get a load of Leadsom and Gove. Buy the deal now, we can vote to change it later.
Sod off Leadsom and Gove. You are revealing yourselves as a pair of remainers clinging on to Treezer’s deal but setting yourselves as the post May champions of a new Brexit deal. It won’t wash.
This time, do not trust the tories and make it clear that they are finished.
Life moves in mysterious ways does it not. During the E.U. Referendum Campaign Mrs Leadsom was a strong Brexiteer along with Peter Bone and Tim Loughton and I had hoped for her to win the leadership election, which I still think she was cheated out of on a bogus claim. So what happened. Does she know things we don’t? Obviously the last General election drastically changed the picture but I doubt that a Government lead by Mr Corbyn would ensure we get a hard Brexit or any Brexit at all.
As Pat says:
Island – not just swindled but manipulated.
If I was being very cynical about our tough “Boudica” like PM. – “Some people might say” that Theresa is deliberately negotiating a “deal” so ridiculous and so humiliating that there would be pressures from all parties to have another referendum where we would get our opportunity to reject Theresas “deal”.
Of course seeing that it is “impossible” to get a good “leave ” deal out of our mainstream politicians – I suspect we would then be given an “opportunity ” to not pay the £50 billion and like the prodigal son return to the loving embrace of Carl, Guy and Michel our patient and long suffering Euro daddies.
Of course I may also be talking out of my conspiracy theory arse. But isnt it depressing that we are governed by a PM and political party that seems to find it impossible to play a straight bat when handed a straight request from the electorate.
Just a thought.
Oak, there was a post by a learned name here – it may well have been you – on the potential result of the GE. It was exactly what Theresa May wanted, and the ‘deal’ is exactly her plan all along.! Who cares what the BBBC make of it, they’re only small pundits, paid thousands to spurt their under-manager’s beliefs, but here we are! Labour haven’t a clue how to react; their ineptitude knows no bounds, and they fumble with Diane Abbott’s calculator to make even less sense than she does.
My answer to the waverers and the lefty press would of course be the same as Mr Partridge’s in ‘Hi de Hi’…
‘Sod orfff’.
We can always go back on ‘the deal’ when it suits us! I’ll enjoy seeing a ‘deal’ being sealed, when the EU’s accounts for the last several years have been published and verified. Until then – cue Mr Partridge again!
Scrob – You would have thought that over the years if we have learned anything from our protracted Euro fiasco it is that you cannot undertake an serious negotiation with those who do not want to negotiate.
All deals with this bunch of greedy self satisfied crooks are just what you expect them to be a chimera – A deal in name only where after shaking hands with them you are left with a stale smell in the air and counting your fingers.
From day 1 it was obvious that this is how it would turn out – any sort of “big deal” being a big sell out as the EU are incapable of making an sort of worthwhile compromises – It is why they are in such a bloody financial mess.
I am sure everyone in Government also know this and this whole procedure has been an exercise in political vanity and dishonesty where nothing of worthwhile has been achieved except for showing Theresa May up as the totally detached and inept leader we all know she is.
BBC Priorities #MoreThanEqual
“There are around three million Muslims in the UK, many of whom feel that they are now being demonised.”
There are 20+ million people labelled “right wing” by the BBC, bet many of them “feel that they are now being demonised.” by the BBC
Perhaps the Bum Boy Corporation would be happier if the 20 million moved abroad. The Broadcasters wouldn’t stand a fucking chance would they. It would serve ’em bloody well right too.
And who said the yanks don’t understand irony? Nice one.
It is possible Katty Kay just had a moment…
Guest Who
The man’s gotta drain the swamp or die.
Spin vs truth
I spot on Twitter masses of campaigning from Labourites targetting BBC/MSM for not mentioning Corbyn just won the Sean McBride Peace Prize
I check and find it #FakeNews due to deception by omission of context
#1 Corbyn was NOT the unique winner, there were 3 awards this year
#2 Cos last time they said won the “Gandhi Peace Prize” and it turned out NOT to be the big Indian PRIZE one, but actually the “Gandhi Peace AWARD from a fringe Gandhi org in London
#3 It’s NOT news since the results were released on 6/9/2017
#4 The BBC has never reported previous winners of the award
#5 There is a difference between old IRA and the Provisionals, but Sean McBride was the old IRA chief of Staff
I seem to recall that their one time pin-up girl Aung San Suu Kyi also won a peace prize.
That went well for them, didn’t it?
Let’s see if it goes the same way as Mugabe Ambassador of Goodwill 2017 (for 2 days).
John Pilger doesn’t hold back:
“The BBC is and has long been the most refined propaganda service in the world.”
“BBC’s record of suppression… during the Irish wars 48 major BBC progrs banned/doctored/delayed”
Late last night I switched on the World Service where it was “Business Matters” talking about the great “deal” TM has done. They said something along the lines, lets test it on what the public think, so they ask EU university students!!!! They have no complaints (why would they) though one young lady very astutely put it, why did we bother with Brexit when we are just going to end up with the same,…..exactly my thoughts, Leave in all but name. TM “Brexit means Remain”
Then onto some German journalist, who was complaining that house prices in Frankfurt where going up on the fear that City bankers would all start moving to the Fatherland, phew he thinks that now wont happen. Also added that given that we will probably end up with a totally bad deal it might be a good idea to have another referendum about staying in.
Then the news and TM’s deal wasnt even news any more, guess they want to move on asap so we dont see TM is just doing a Dave. But the public saw through Dave and they wont buy this crock of **** either. If the Tories dont get rid of her and bring in a Brexiteer they are toast.
PS Good to see the site back up and running 🙂
no we wont buy this crock of shit and the tories will find out the price of treason
CNN Issues Correction over Friday’s Trump WikiLeaks Email Story
Will they fire anyone ?
Too true, Kaiser!
What I cannot understand is why all the Blairites are still whimpering around in the background while his scrawny tortoise head still appears from his ugly wife’s carapace and permeates the liberal-leftie press. The bbbc loves to present his phonetic inabilties as gospel truth, but sadly they are lost on me as I never actually listen to him, and neither does the majority of decent citizens near – and far – from me.
D’you reckon that the weedlings from both parties are trying to do another David Owen and try and ‘break the mould’? I do. There are so many political spongers out there who understand how to make a generous tax-paid living being an ‘mp’, and getting paid huge amounts for the non-job.
As sure as eggs is eggs, there are loads of the old lefties, sitting around with their lattes and cheap Prosecco, planning for a New Jerusalem…
(Bad choice of words there Scrobs, try Rotherham – er no, perhaps Mid Staffs – er, bugger it – try anywhere, but with lots of immigrants and stuff…).
We really knew all along, didn’t we, that a Remainer who appoints a Remainer cabinet and leaves the odd (apparent?) Brexiteer floating in glorious isolation in the ‘Brexit Department’, cannot possibly produce a Brexit. Oh yes, there may be the odd Leaver here or there, a Priti perhaps, or a Boris? Possibly, but then, those either get picked off by the media, or they knuckle under.
A cynic might even say that, in such a scenario, the ‘Brexit Department’ was EXPLICITLY DESIGNED TO FAIL! Give them enough rope and they’ll hang themselves? Thereby proving conclusively that it can’t be done. The only scientific reality is: Remain. We’ve heard of scientific materialism and all that.
Once upon a time I would have thought such cynicism misplaced; Politics is the art of the possible after all. Then I watched the black magic of Merkel, a Christian Democrat on the outside, but something quite different on the inside. An opportunist with a project. Not a Christian Democrat project, to be sure. Some say she was secretary for AgitProp in the FDJ, the ‘Free German Youth’ in the GDR, and that a leopard doesn’t change its spots. Or was her project simply her own power? And look what she has achieved…
Are we now seeing yet another opportunist with a project? A project that turns out not to be the project the little people were persuaded to think it was. And will we again find the electoral mechanics are such that it’s hard to get rid of her?
Yet again because the State broadcaster/s will make sure thereof?
Spinwatch : Times reports the woman shouting “white idiot” at a man, but strangely doesn’t make that the focus, not even mentioning the phrase until well into the story
Rather it makes it about the man “a senior Conservative councillor apologised”
The Daily Mail did focus on the racism angle.
one that trump didnt tweet
she not only killed brexit but the tory party too. i mean, the choice is now between the Blairite EU party led by Gordon Brown with female genitals or the Socialist EU party. A globalist trecherous lying EU mole who believes in a one world order and belittles all citizens by occupying number 10 and hijacking the ref. Even worse all tory fake brexiteers who are now supporting this mozzarella cheese which they are calling brexit but which it ain’t even if they call it so until everyone gets blue in the face.
BBC where diversity means employing the entire family
10am on R4 the guest told presenter Aasmah Mir “I was in a prog produced by your sister” *
Then a few weeks ago Louise Cooper the 5Live Wake Up to Money presenter mentioned “my mother made a programme about XYZ”
* Mir is married to Piara Powar, the executive director of Football Against Racism in Europe
11:30am FooC long item about how it’s terrible to Latin American’s have hijacked the word “American” when by rights it should refer to all from the continent.
Tosh ..cos what is the Spanish word for US residents ?
…”Gringo”, which is slightly derogatory, but sill used on TV news etc.
And there is massive slippage to apply it to all white foreign people.
most of the south american countries already have a name , “lawless broken shit holes”
You haven’t been : Chile/Uruguay and parts of Brazil and Columbia are OK .
Venezuela is the basket case. Corruption is a problem in most of the others eg Argentina, Northern Brazil etc.
Do you mean the white majority parts of Brazil?
Yes, amounts to the same thing.
There are great black people in Brazil like my friend Cobra, and the mayor of Curitiba etc.
In Latin America most money is stolen by white people in high level corruption.
However in boroughs which are mostly black there can turn out to be a lot of street crime.
indigenous often suffer a great deal of injustice from government systems and the fact that Spanish/Portuguese is their second language.
My latest complaint to the BBC … I know it will be a boilerplate response, but good to record here …
I would like to complain about the language you use throughout the BBC and that you use weasel words so as not to offend people but end up masking the real world.
Political language which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (No-Deal) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)”
I will provide three examples to help you and you can tell me if by changing the words the public would have a better grasp of the World they live in.
Grooming is used when really it is the sadistic raping of children. I would suggest a stronger definition because when I look up grooming I find ‘brush and clean the coat of (a horse, dog, or other animal).’
Divorce when used with Brexit discussions. If you find someone on a programme using this term ask them what they mean, who are the actors in this divorce. In reality it is a list of demands from the EU. Use the word demands and ask to see the list as well. If they keep using divorce then ask them this David Starkey quote ‘ Serious question: How would you expect a polygamist with 28 wives to treat the first wife who wanted a divorce? #brexit {twitter David Starkey}’.
No Deal when explaining Brexit. There are two options at the moment as I see it, your £3.5bn News Service might know better but for me it’s either special agreement for EU Trade plus WTO Trade or just WTO Trade. So when you say ‘no deal’ you mean the position of WTO trade. See how the language now goes from disaster of getting nothing to falling back to WTO Trade which many countries operate under already (not so scary).
I hope this helps and if you want more examples I would be willing to provide them at cost, it does take time to write these emails and I would hope as the BBC non-biased and non-political source of British News you would already be ensuring the words you use describe the events in the World and are not used to shut people’s minds from rigorous thought.
‘If liberty..
MarkyMark, that is an excellent post with points very well made. You must keep us informed of the inane reply you get, if you get one at all.
“I will provide three examples…
“Grooming is used when really it is the sadistic raping of children. I would suggest a stronger definition because when I look up grooming I find ‘brush and clean the coat of (a horse, dog, or other animal).’ ”
When you look up “grooming” you will also find; “prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.”. It’s a perfectly valid and accurate description of how some sexual (and other) predators operate.
“Divorce when used with Brexit discussions… In reality it is a list of demands from the EU… Use the word demands…”
I agree, describing Brexit as a “divorce” is misleading on it’s own; but then so is describing negotiations as a “list of demands from the EU” (equally prevalent on the BBC). However, there has to be some short-hand; otherwise debates will never get past pointless, ‘this is what it says in the dictionary’ type arguments.
“No Deal when explaining Brexit… So when you say ‘no deal’ you mean the position of WTO trade.”
Erm, “No Deal” means no trade deal with the rest of the EU.
So you’ve written a complaint to the BBC that they are describing the possibility of no deal with the EU as; “No Deal”?
Truly outstanding, Marky.
The talks would be longer but have more meaning. These were my examples and feel free to add better examples. I suppose I’m trying to say it leads to lazy thinking and has a hidden motive to stop thinking.
equally prevalent on the BBC … provide examples on any of the above and I will concede my points. But for me the hammering no deal is wrong … it is EU + WTO or WTO. Better half a loaf than none?
“The talks would be longer but have more meaning.”
Is the Iceberg going to hit the Titanic; or is the Titanic going to hit the Iceberg? Let’s discuss that for a couple of hours before deciding whether to turn the wheel left or right.
“equally prevalent on the BBC…provide examples on any of the above…”
“Brexit: EU demands ‘serious UK response’ on citizens’ rights”
“…while a couple of EU countries are keen to move forward, the majority demand ‘more progress on the financial settlement first’.”
“…Brexit Secretary David Davis said the UK had a ‘duty to our taxpayers’ to ‘rigorously’ examine the EU’s demands.”
“Mr Davis claims it’s natural that the UK would want to “interrogate rigorously” any demand placed on its taxpayers.”
“Mr Davis defended the “rigorous” line-by-line examination of the EU’s demands… in response to the ‘unspecified but undoubtedly large’ sum demanded by Brussels.”
“James Dyson… said it was ‘quite outrageous’ for the EU to demand ‘billions and billions’.”
“Ireland demands border promise before Brexit trade talks”
“…there will be pockets of disgruntlement amongst those in the UK who view the government as caving in to EU demands…”
Seeing as you have replied to my post in the spirit of reasonable debate, I apologise for my snarky; “Truly outstanding”, remark.
maxincony ….. How come we `owe` the EU 45 Billion???? They have not sign off thier accounts for the last fourteen years….
How does it feel to be the answer to the question that nobody ever bothered to ask??
I like the dramatic Titanic reference. I should been more precise and asked where demand is used in headlines. To save time people will scan stories …. Not reading content but absorbing a title and a few images. Would be interesting for the BBC to review how people absorb BBC news on tv and online.
So I was hoping for alternatives to divorce in titles rather than in the article’s body of text.
Omission is the other option. The Iran hostage pages scan to find the root cause … Would you know a certain authoritarian religion was involved?
maxincony – this is a good talk on why we need to make sure we understand the words we are using …
“The migration crisis through which Europe is going at the moment, has been made infinitely worse, at absolutely every step of the way by our inability to understand the importance of free speech. Absolutely every step of that journey. It’s my belief, that when the speech goes wrong, the ideas go wrong, and when the ideas go wrong the politics goes wrong. And our politics has gone so very wrong in recent years because the speech has gone wrong, because the ideas has gone wrong. let me give you a couple of examples …” – Douglas Murray, DANGEROUS WORDS 250 in Stockholm October 1st, 2016
{youtube – Douglas Murray: The Dishonesty About Immigration}
maxincony – looking at the titles ….
“Brexit: EU demands ‘serious UK response’ on citizens’ rights” {29apr2017}
(not the divorce bill here)
“No ‘magical solutions’ for Theresa May’s Brexit talks” {17oct2017}
“‘Divorce bill’ row frustrates Brexit talks” {31aug2017}
“Brexit: Gove ‘wouldn’t block’ PM over EU divorce bill” {12nov2017}
“Ireland demands border promise before Brexit trade talks” {17nov2017}
“Brussels ‘unusually optimistic’ ahead of May visit” {04dec2017}
I also note that on many occasions the BBC have used the title “so called Brexit Bill”. I ask you to consider when news agencies or anyone adds the words ‘so called’ or quote a word that you consider they are using a term they are uncomfortable in using themselves – so they should try and determine the best word. Demand rather than divorce? The “Titanic” was not sunk – it was the Titanic for example.
jeez your early maxi have you wet the bed
now fuck off back to sleep at your desk
If you want to see your future reply, look up on this board a couple of days ago to the reply given to another excellent complaint letter.
As you would expect, the issues were not answered and the reply was a bland form letter filled with the usual rubbish.
You will get no serious answer from the bbbc, just patronising flannel (but you knew that already)
Hard to decide if it is for real, but this post and the thread it inspires is excellent value (if perhaps not for poor saps uniquely funding it all).
She went on to say
If you ever find a BBC staffer gets stroppy with you ..She attached the BBC Values Guide to the job ad
It contains useful stuff to quote back at them.
Mail article on Grenfell : council bought entire block of posh flats, but 80 households refuse to move in
Of 208 households 42 have moved, 82 have accepted but are yet to move,
So now 100+ are in hotels etc
Those refusing to move say I won’t accept anything 5 miles away, so I’ll stay in this 4 star hotel and walk to work.
That sounds unreasonable to me
They should at least be moved into the flats on temporary basis, instead of hotel
cos funding their taxis will work out cheaper.
I wonder if Labour NGO’s are deliberately encouraging
Suspicion is that all those landlords who illegally sublet , are standing by to claim massive compensation
I hope Socialist Labour MPs with multiple houses are helping out? I think he has 5 houses to date.
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
One of his flats was just round the corner from his family home. Apparently it was his base for washing machine sales. Really nice for the taxpayer .
The mail article starts with-
”100 plus households remain in emergency accommodation, mostly hostels”
Then, later gives an example of one of the ‘hostels’:
An Italian, Antonio Roncolato, told BBC2’s Newsnight recently that he preferred to stay with his 26-year-old son Chris in the four-star Copthorne Hotel in Kensington
Yeh so what ?.. the magic money tree pays for all that , not you the taxpayer.
What we will never be told by the MSM
How many flats were sublet?
Will the council tenants who sublet get compensation despite not living there and breaking the law ?
Why do migrants and asylum seekers get public subsidised housing in the centre of London where few indigenous Brits could afford a flat?
If people came to the U.K. from thousands of mikes away why will they not move a few miles. Why would indigenous Brits not be allowed to take this attitude ?
Sky news just now
‘Here we are with Sammy in Rotherham
..80+% of grooming gang offenders were Asian
but “100% of lone sexual groomers are White ” **
Here I with Nazir Afzal ..”Yes we know this is the far right’s big recruiting tool” ‘
… Hmm what the heck was that report about ?
** That 100% figure seems “too wow to be true” cos I frequently see court news about both Asian and black guy lone grooming.
Ah Mail just reported it’s a Quilliam study
“The study – likely to provoke controversy – is written by two British Pakistanis”
The Sky item must have put “white lone groomers” in , cos SkyNews are scared of being labelled racist
Sky just posted
already it’s got 20 replies saying “stop tarring all ASIANS use another word
Just heard that on Sky.
I’m none the wiser what the report’s conclusions were.
But whatever they are, it’s something that we should be taking about. What?
This mindless crud is supposed to inform the public?
Is Sky slyly suggesting that the 100% white participation in single-perpetrator child rape is racially determined while the 84% participation of muslims in family child rape means that it can’t have anything exclusively to do with islam because other groups are involved. It’s evil whitey again! QED
Hi StewGreen, how many of them are Muslims? Many Muslims are non-Asian (e.g. African, Arabian etc).
Enfield police twitter shows 13 youths missing in the last month, 7 in the last 2 weeks (1 white boy)
Times on leftybullies StopFundingHate : Online venom of campaigners against hatred
“Lobby group’s followers are spreading bitterness of their own”
Full text available with open comments
They claim to have vast support ‘look we have 84K’ Twitter followers
..well the followers are not supporters cos their typical tweet is liked by less than 100 people
I recommend parody account StopFundingHats
The BBC will probably pickup the “dying polar bear” emotional blackmail story
But some polar bears can get weak and die from other things than climate change, even when you young.
the expert explains
And there’s me thinking that polar bears live forever.
Am I correct in thinking that there are more polar bears now than ever?
Cartoon news summary on the week:
(A day or two later than usual, I’ve been moving house!)
Going back to Alan’s opening comments. (A bit late I know). If Sturgeon is worried that some parts of the UK will be treated differently from other parts, does that mean she will now be calling for the abolition of the Scottish Parliament and the Barnett Formula so England will be treated the same as Scotland? No, I didn’t think so! Guess what – she’s lying. Again.
Marr in full remoaner mide as usual. Paper headlines say Brexit is unravelling he tells us. May faces huge problems.
Now we have Gina Millers wisdom .
Marr in full remoaner mode as usual. Paper headlines say Brexit is unravelling he tells us. May faces huge problems.
Now we have Gina Millers wisdom .
Classic bias. Two newspaper reviewers taking a fairly independent balanced view.
Plus Gina Miller.
And the bBBC PR will read ‘we reject accusations of bias. Only one of the panel was a Remainer’
This is about MSM reporting about Trump:
It could equally apply to BBC reporting, guest selection, vox pops, edits, interview questions, comedy ad libs, drama plots… about anything.
quoted tweet
‘BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover. ‘
Quote in a BBC email addressed to me, see earlier post or full email.
They never take a position by an overloaded number of guests to say what they think and a presenter to ensure their message gets coverage and steers debate towards supporting their agenda.
Given the proof of an emerging United States of Europe, PESCO the new EU Army, the unaudited accounts, the open and obvoius empire power push from Germany, the immoral bullying behaviour from the EU demonstrating their obvious dislike towards this country, the Remainers must, repeat must, be taking bribes from the EU. They have to corrupt.
Noboby can surely be stupid enough to give away their country so cheaply. It will eventually come out. Remainer politicians are criminals.
When it eventually comes out, and I think it will, I want these Remainer politicians who took bribes not just imprisoned. I want them hung. It would be such a serious offence. I want them to know this consequence now, only then, they might think twice then about their EU support against this country.
They first “take a position” by choosing whether
: to AVOID covering a story
: or selecting it for #OperationBangingOn
I confess I have had fantasies of future Nuremberg-type trials of the likes of Blair, May and that Gina Miller creature. There HAS to be a penalty for selling out your nation and your people.
I’m sure if that were to happen the Germans this time would do all they could via the ECJ to secure a “Not Guilty” verdict. What a difference a war makes.
England – brexit started to unravel as soon as the Tories appointed a remainer as PM with a cabinet still full of remain Ministers. I dont quite know what people expected. Its not rocket science.
I’ve been thinking what to do. Voting Tory is to vote for a gutless party who will sell out to the EU. Not voting Tory lets Corbyn in.
I am not buying the Tories are the lesser evils argument. This current Government could get worse.
But these are volatile times.
In France Macron had no party to start with an ended up defeating all rivals. Trump did not have a party which supported him.
Come the hour cometh the man. Who knows what is on the cards?
I will vote for a party I believe in and no longer calculate which of the treacherous elites deserve my vote
Macron ? Some kind of independent maverick?? for fucks sake..
He just gave the old Party a new name, he is the establishment to the core
I was not defending Macron, just pointing out how volatile politics is. Of course Macron is establishment but he just appeared and replaced the other front runners.
G.W.F – You are probably right. It would have to be a party that “comes from nowhere” Because just like the way UKIP (and brexit) appears to have been undermined by the establishment and the MSM – given enough time these traitorous bastards will leave no stone unturned to undermine (by fair means or foul) anything that threatens their current domination.
Whoever it is – I expect they will have to be more from the Tommy Robinson type background rather than the JRM. Purely because (and I do respect JRM to quite a high degree) I think to truly get the trust of many of those whos lives are directly impacted by out of control migration – That leader would have to experienced much of the same tribulations him/herself.
Thanks to the likes of B liar, Ca moron and Sharia . People have probably had enough of the smooth talking patrician type/ class and probably these days associate their cool assured well spoken confidence with lies and deceit.
I know I do – which is a pity. As no-one in their right mind wants political and physical turmoil – But I am afraid that it looks as if that may well be the only answer left to us.
Blink and you missed it but one of the Marr newspaper reviewers said, reference Jerusalem, what we know, that previous US presidents have said they would move the embassy, so all Trump has done is to do what they only said.
Quickly brushed off, of course.