Apparently, according to the BBC, Nichola Sturgeon is very worried that some parts of the UK might be treated differently in any Brexit deal. No, no BBC, she’s cock-a-hoop…she couldn’t wait to demand that Scotland be given special status when she heard that NI was to be ‘aligned’ with the EU. Just the usual hopeless ‘analysis’ from the BBC which doesn’t want you to know that May’s stitch-up was ‘Brexit means FA’. You can tell the extent to which Leave voters have been betrayed by the BBC’s, and Remainders’, delighted reaction to the deal…from constantly insisting a hopelessly weak and out of her depth May is about to be ejected from office they now tell us that ‘a lot of people think Theresa May has done a pretty good job today’…oh, and maybe we should stop seeing the EU as the enemy, it is after all seeking to help Brexit succeed and is facilitating this breakthrough…lol…the EU has done everything it can to obstruct Brexit and to make it impossible to succeed…and May has folded at their every demand….Emma Barnett wanted to know if Bertie Ahern was ‘concerned at what May will have compromised on to get the DUP on-board’!!! Not at all concerned at what May has humiliatingly compromised on to get the EU to allow Britain to leave…well, leave is not quite the term is it? Note the Irish say ‘no deal means the UK stays in the EU’ not WTO rules and a buccaneering Britain…just a slave state paying through the nose for the ‘privilege’ of staying under the EU jackboot.
The BBC’s narrative is completely false and misleading…the EU is not out to help and May has totally undermined Britain’s position and has given away every advantage we had….agreeing in the end to that infamous ‘soft Brexit’…ie no Brexit.
Spot any more BBC bo**ocks….list it here….
Off from work thank’s to global warming in my area ……………………………….
This once Great nation of Britain has been abandoned to PC Snowflakes, abandoned to the EU and abandoned to grooming gangs. What the heck has the Home Office and Al Beeb been doing all this time?
Lessons to be learned ?
Taffman: Try living just off the Heads of the Valleys where we can’t move for real Snowflakes.
The BBC comprises around 19,999 Remainers, including Marr, O’Brien, etc, and one journalist who on occasion stays objective…
So, in BBC terms, ‘views are split’.
Perhaps Andrew Neil posts on this site. You never know ?
Has Al Beeb covered the latest Quilliam Foundation Report yet ?
Not seen it, no BBC tweets about it etc.
and why should it copyNpaste stuff/agenda from NGOs ?
The R4 religion prog covered
– ISIS digital strategy
– \\ What’s being billed as the first ever Muslim panto begins a six day tour of Britain.//
Maajid Nawaz (Quilliam founder) on his LBC show is covering the issue
..He’s not going with the distraction of talking about white guys but has criticised Rotherham Council and Police.
‘If race words are used, then it is a hate crime against white people’
Report is not out till next week
Caller : ” these people are criminals NOT Muslims”
Maajid : “How come in 2016 when in the Pakistani Parliment a female MP tried to make a bill saying the age of consent should be responded
other MPs responded by saying she was blasphemous, cos the prophet married Aisha at 9 or 11 years old” ? cannot say Pakistani culture is NOT linked to Islam”
The caller angrily refused to accept this…saying “I have no idea how old Aisha was”
MN added “We cannot deny that religion is one of the elements”
When you check the story of the Pakistan parliament story, it’s more complex than Maajid said.
The problem in Pakistan is 3% of girls are married under 15, but the parliament law is 16, so the woman wanted it raised to 18
and the opposing MP’s did call blasphemy
but it is wrong to suggest they were arguing for marriage at 9 , I guess they wanted to keep it to be decided by the groom with a liberal/corrupt interpretation of the age 16 rule.
R4 BH about 9:35am They bring on a guy who used to recruit jihadis @manwarali
Wow for once talking about the problem instead of #DontMentionIslam
BBC news … they need a Hitchens to bring debate. Everyone agreed …. nothing about Salman Rushdie …. hostage swap …. Islam itself. Religion of peace trophy is now up for grabs …
Shock horror! 13:00 news. It’s snowing! Yep snowing in December. We even have two “reporters” stood in the snow in different locations, I assume to illustrate it’s snowing.
It’s to spruik global warming when up to you knees ins the white stuff.
From a BBC perspective this really is an incredible event. After at least three decades of pushing the Global Warming agenda it just isn’t possible for Beeboids to really believe that it can snow in the UK. The fact that it is also freezing at night is doing untold harm to the attitude of millions of people who they had brainwashed into believing in their agenda because it raises doubts . After all if it’s so bloody cold can global warming as serous as the BBC has been telling us? It’s even worse than the impact of terrorist attacks on the nice and cosy Muslim narrative. In that case the BBC blame mental issues or some such nonsense and get everyone to enjoy a candlelit sing song, but they can’t find anyone to blame or any good excuses for the ice and snow everyone can see and feel.
A bit of kindly support from the BBC for the slime bags who sold out Brexit and now seek to restore popularity with the spurious claim that May’s deal is not really binding
Sod off David Davies with the rest of your Quislings in the Cabinet.
Dear PM May,
There’s something that has been puzzling many of us for some time, and that is – are you really a conservative? Or just a fake one, the way the BBC is fake news?
Perhaps you would just like to take a bit of time to answer the following 3 questions:
– Are you strong on borders?
– Are you tough on crime?
– Are you strengthening the military?
If you have no idea what I am talking about, may I recommend this great Conservatism 101 lesson:
I have noticed one thing about Trump, he may stress America first, and he may most times be addressing his own supporters, but no matter how domestic his speech gets, there are many things he says that are universal, and which can be applauded by non-Yanks as well. After all, who is going to argue that the first duty of any government is to look after its own citizens first? What on earth is wrong with, “America is a sovereign country. We don’t listen to other countries telling us how we should be running our immigration, thank you very much”?
Ironically, it is the internationalists/globalists who actually sound isolationist, because they are only conversing within their own elitist bubble, and hardly anything they say is likely to resonate outside.
PM May, this man was formerly a member of the very liberal Democratic Party, and what’s more, he was not just a paid-up member, he was a mega-donor! But he has transformed himself into a true conservative, and he’s matching this outlook in both word and deed.
PM May, why can’t you do the same? For shame!
Well said. It was amusing how the Donald was hardly into the speech before calling the likes of CNN, NBC, MSNBC the ‘Fake News Media’. He certainly knows how to handle rallies. My only gripe is with the person right in front of the president who kept holding up the tall banner.
I liked his comment about only cutting deals with individual countries. He said that with trading groups, you have to accept the bad countries along with the good. That would suggest that the EU member states will never get a bespoke trade deal. All the more reason for the UK to sever all links with the EU.
Exactly, that is another reason the Elite and MSM hate him. He is right, and the people know it. So they do not report it.
Let’s hope that he doesn’t take the lies peddled by the BBC et al too seriously. Also let’s hope he is a big enough man to forgive the rebukes he has suffered from the British PM and the elite. The West needs him to turn round the disasterous damage that fifty years of the ‘ liberal’ elite’s ‘ leadership’ has done to our civilisation. They have undermined the self confidence of our civilisation and it needs someone as the powerful as the POTUS to begin to turn this round. Hopefully he will be followed in seven years time by someone in the same mould and after twelve or sixteen years we might be finally be free from th tentacles of the liberal elite and the sickness of liberalism. Without his leadership there is no chance of this happening.
I am sure the President is well aware of BBC bias, as evidenced, for example, by his calling Jon Sopel (or the BBC) ‘another beauty’. Anyway, I don’t doubt that Sebastian Gorka and Steve Bannon keep Trump informed about everything that John Kelly might decide to try to keep from him.
Right on mate!
Just been reading in the regional news section of the BBC website that between now and New Year’s Eve security marshals will be guarding taxi ranks in my city in a bid to ‘stem anti-social behaviour.’
As virtually all of the taxis are run by individuals of a certain ideology, you have to ask the question – why do they get protection from us but our children don’t get protection from them?
Many of us like music and enjoy listening to an orchestra. But I cannot see why a preference for various ways of engaging in sexual fulfillment is relevant?
BBC heading
‘LGBT orchestra holds first rehearsal in Exeter
An orchestra launched to bring together lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in rural areas has had its first rehearsal.’
I don’t care if they are a bunch of wankers as long as they can knock out a tune.
Old story dated Oct 2016
Gays are a special marketing group so OK
However they only got as far as having a second rehearsal in February 2017
Since then nothing on their own Facebook/Twitter @orchestraplus
there’s only 15 of them in the photos.
No special progs for gingers and not much coverage of our festivals eg1, eg2
.. even though in most areas of the country we outnumber blacks, and gays
Wake up GWF – Isnt it obvious – Their skills at blowing a horn are second to none! boom boom!
But you are right Lots of composers and artists “batted for the other side” so what? except this all plays into the BBC agenda that some minority groups are more equal than the rest of us – same with the “religion of peace”
Its all part of the BBC strategy of trying to make us all out as racist, homophobic, disabledophobic (just made that one up) etc etc. I did not mention “Islamophobia” as I do not believe there is such thing and in addition there is plenty of evidence in Mohammads little black book to believe that we should be more than a little cautious when dealing with some very strict adherents of this particular religion.
This hardly reflects the spirit of diversity does it? Does it mean that a hairy arsed Hetero will be rejected should he apply for the post of Lead Violin even if he is on a par with Yehudi Menuhin? I think we can be pretty sure that in all the successful orchestras of the world there are people of all sexual persuasions, even the odd sheep shagger but they keep it to themselves and concentrate their energies on delighting us all with beautiful music, just as it should be.
I consider this to be unlawful and in contravention of the Sexual Discrimination act.
Like this country’s “first Muslim cricket team” that the BBC was promoting the other day.
Bet you’re all watching Jamillah and Aladdin on CBBeebies right now
..The racist BBC have chosen a WHITE woman to do the sign language bit
… That’s the only white skin you see in the entire prog, in dozens of characters
Brainwash them young.
Surely God doesn’t approve of this shit.
In other news:
‘…offers Fran Unsworth, Mr Harding’s long-serving/suffering No 2; languid Kamal Ahmed, currently BBC Economics Editor; Nick Robinson, self-effacing Today presenter; and Jessica Cecil, fixer for successive Director-Generals,’
Give the BBC is pretty much the setting for ‘The Importance of being Ahmed’, the others best resign themselves now. He is also well qualified to follow Jimbo, being one who knows all about fact-checking. And how to not bother.
Let me synopsis the synopsis; it’s a joke; a bad one.
Moving on…
Nice to see the BBC propping up Russian propagandists; what would Donald Trump say, if, say, someone passed it on?
Largesse, BBC style.
I doubt the pervasive Amol the Merrier was one of the other two.
Still, BBC diversity does seem to be kicking in at senior level, if with a very narrow section of the BAME community.
Christmas time.
Epidemic of crime.
Though our world falls apart we pretend we are blind.
With bollards at the markets
Now eternally;
A joy to celebrate all this diversity!
Libmob think they own Radio4
Furious today about Desert Island Discs
Last week when TimMartin was on they tweeted furiously ‘how dare Radio4 air a purple-nog* !’
and calmed themselves by saying next week it’s Kelsey Grammer actor in the title role of US sitcom Frasier
Then of course in the prog he proudly admitted voting for Trump
* The word “far right” is thrown around by bigoted lefties in the same way that N*gnog was thrown around by prejudiced grandmas in the 70’s.
Purpe-nog could be away to describe people judged cos they have purple political skin
I have been conditioned, on good evidence, to assume that film/Hollywood types will be solid, brain-dead, Democrat never-Trumpers, so it is heartening to hear that some adults remain in that particular industry! Perhaps I shall listen to that edition of DID after all.
There was always that “ democrats are republicans who haven’t been mugged yet “
Thing sometimes really does apply. Very sad .
Bloody love Frazier
The prog mention 1 of 3 great tragedies
Grammer’s sister Karen was murdered in 1975 by 2 black serial killers (and 2 accomplices ) Michael Corbett & Freddie Glenn
“The murdering duo committed their final and most publicized killing on July 1, 1975. Glenn, Corbett, and two other men decided to rob the Red Lobster restaurant on South Academy Boulevard. They left without any money, but on their way out they grabbed Karen Grammer, an 18-year-old who worked there and was waiting for her boyfriend to get off work, because they feared she could identify them. After robbing a convenience store, the men took Grammer to the apartment they shared, where they raped her repeatedly.”
Later she died of stab wounds
“Police did not know who the girl was for about a week until Kelsey Grammer Aged 20 arrived and positively identify her.”
“Glenn was convicted for all three murders and was sentenced to die via the gas chamber. However, in 1978, the Colorado Supreme Court overturned the death penalty ”
Prog didn’t mention
#1 Age 13 his father was murdered by an “insane man”
#3 Later in 1980 both of his half brothers died in a scuba accident.
KY “You used to talk about entering politics”
“Well politics is too nasty now”
KY “How do think Trump is doing ?”
“Well… I think he’s doing what he said he would do,
yeh he’s a bit of a loud mouth and he does shake things up.
He promised a few things, and I though maybe he will/won’t get that done
but DT just won !, on a world where no one thought he would
so there’s just anger, people are filled with anger ..”
KY : “Hollywood is very left leaning , your’e a self declared republican, do you feel the opprobrium?”
.. Target on yer back … I’m respected , but probably reviled in some back channels
KY “your faith ?”
More important to me than ever , sustained me thru hardtimes, lost it when Karen died, found it again, there’s no problem which doesn’t have a God solution”
As I say when libmobbers realised he’s a purplenog their twitter timelines spouted disdain

I collected some
Kelsey is a big republican supporter and was at the inaugaration of dubya in 2001. He was in a tv series a few years back called Boss where he played a ruthless mayor of chicago suffering from dementia. He was brilliant in it. Sadly it only ran for two seasons but it was the best thing hes ever done
I didn’t know these things about Kelsey Grammer, and he certainly has my sympathy and respect now.
I used to enjoy “Frasier” back in the day, despite the mangled “Mancunian” accents of Daphne and her relatives, but I have never seen “Boss”. Given the standards of vice and corruption in Chicago’s Democrat machine politics, I cannot see how a mayor with dementia could do worse than evil slime like Rahm Emmanuel.
The tedious dateline London
On the so called news channel . It’s a good job no one watches this dross – it was on in the background –
A New York Jewish liberal journo
A UK Jewish liberal journo
A French girly liberal journo
An Arab girly liberal journo
All in agreement . Trump Jerusalem brexit . Do discuss -.just smug abuse with some smug beeboid lightweight .
I’m surprised Sky had the guts to report this. Should be headline news and it would be if the perpetrators were white…
Have Al Beeb covered it yet ? “The channel with latest breaking and developing news stories”.
How how long will they take to cover the story ?
Will they cover it ?
Tricky one. I think they are waiting for just the right moment to go with this, but editorial integrity at the BBC means they do not always have time for everything.
Be interesting if they do sneak a quikie out to get the twat off their backs, unless he’s a ringer for the BBC building up their store of non-coverage form the friendly side of of Mishal’s tally.
I’m wondering is the local loony council where I live is going to ban snow men because of racism and sexism . Ideal article for Toady in the morning . Spose sharia bans it too…..
I suppose a snow man would be a statue, which might be forbidden. Try this
I’ve just finished reading a book called Behind the Pyramid written by a bloke called Mustapha Krapp. The story was shit.
What’s the difference between a snowman and a snow woman? Two snowballs. Boom! Boom! My kids told me that one 60+ years ago.
Humbug .
The correct riposte is “Bah Humbug” It IS nearly Christmas you know.
cough IRA cough
Cough Hamas cough
@Taffman : The Quilliam report doesn’t come out until during the week.
Current newspaper articles are pre-report
Yes, will they cover it ?
“A shot across their bows”
Alex – pity the stats weren’t around a while ago as al beebs ‘ line about organised Asian paedo gangs is that it’s the same across all communities – very much not the case as anyone sane would know .
Death penalty
Death penalty. Yes, for the gang rape of children (a ‘gang’ being 2 or more men).
I don’t suppose this will be a popular suggestion though.
The island
I know the death penalty is unpopular but one day the idea of locking someone up for a very very long time will be seen as evil. And it would save on prison space to top a whole series of serious crimes .
I don’t know. From what I’ve seen of kids video games I reckon the youngsters might find it quite an entertaining event if it was staged on the village green. Especially if it included a burger bar.
We’ve had a lovely pre Christmas smattering of soft fluffy snow here this afternoon.
I’ve been busy trying to make a gender non specific, culturally diverse, snow person.
It’s bloody tricky being politically correct these days.
No hat, no scarf and certainly no pipe!
Took me ages to find a safe place to stick the carrot…
Make sure to emphasize the rear exit er, sorry entrance and sign post it as Santa’s Grotto. How bloody sick is this?
I’m guessing your snow person may have a fluid identity …
I suggest using cocoa powder in the snow to make the snow person more inclusive . Maybe al beeb will do a special with Nigella .
Global warming my arse.
Nick Robinson and Rob Burley may need to get a room:
Apologies if I am repeating this.
“Demonstrators have chanted antisemitic slogans during a protest outside the American embassy in London.
Thousands of activists gathered at the embassy amid cries of “death to Israel, death to America” following the announcement that the United States would recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
One chant relating to a battle in which Jews were massacred was filmed by pro-Israel supporters watching the rally on Friday evening.
“Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud” translated to English means “Jews, remember Khaybar the army of Muhammad is returning”.
The chant is an Arabic battle cry which refers to the battle of Khaybar in the year 628, in which Jews were massacred and expelled from a town of the same name in what is now Saudi Arabia.”
Can’t find anything on the BBC website about this.
Isn’t that a hate crime, or am I okay to wander around Manchester shouting “Death to Muslims” ?
Bill, enough is enough. The English Brexiteers must be stopped from hurting Jews. Send out the Rainbow Police!
@Bill I can’t authenticate this video
like it could be recoreded at a different place time but no one is contradicting
– Another one
– Ah convincing wrireup from
I see all the Socialist Worker placards, they are always in there stirring the shit.
ha ha ha
I presume amber ruderless will react by proscribing britain first
Wild Bill
Scarcely an hour or two between attacks on Trump from the state broadcaster.
Tantrums mean that nuclear war is close
Of course it is unstable Trump quarreling with that unstable Nork.
I seem to remember the Norks describing Obama as a monkey with a red bum, which indicates that tantrums in North Korea were around before Trump became President.
As the importance of 100% accuracy is very great for the BBC, it’s a shame that there appear to be some possible errors here:
BBC in meltdown again tonight on the 10 o’clock news about Grenfell
Look at the notice behind the guy they are interviewing.
AFAIK there is an editorial guideline warning about the trick of putting political slogans behind or in screenshot with the interviewee
they know but they dont care anymore. they havent cared since the morning after the fire as they politicised it with the help of the local labour mp and momentum in their bid to bring down the government after labour lost again
that bloke has been on the beeb and sky this morning whining about the community. They are running out of people to roll in front of the cameras as people are starting to recognise the troublemakers. It was a fire let fire experts investigate it and keep the momentum and labour retards out of it
BTW I see how Max Clifford openly wrote how he said about covering up stars sexual indescretions.
.. acting first as a fixer who bought girls off.
– And then setting up future situations where the high powered could gratify themselves safely.
That’s similar to being a pimp.
Despite Brexit .
“Mr Williamson said it was a “massive vote of confidence, supporting thousands of British jobs and injecting billions into our economy”.
We should crash out of the EU and watch the German car industry and all the other exporters to Great Britain break ranks and scramble to trade with us independently. Most of Europe is controlled by Germany and France .
The nation is brought to a standstill by ‘under thirty something’ ‘snowflakes’ who have never seen a real snowfall before .
“UK snow: Power and travel disruption across country”
Mark Mark – you and others may appreciate this. The peroxide poet has achieved peak Katty:
Today’s email:
“You need to renew your TV Licence today.
You may not realise, but your TV Licence expired on 30 November 2017.
This means you’re not covered to watch or record live TV programmes on any channel or device, or download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer.”
OMG! How will I ever survive!
Lucy Pevensey
Cease any communication with them.
“Some say” in that TV Poll Tax Goons are going to homes and pretending to be ‘market researchers’. Armed with clipboards and asking questions such as what TV channels, programmes, and adverts they watch etc tricking people to fall into a ‘trap’ while waving some sort of trinket of a reward such as a box of chocolates .
Tucker on the FBI
May has the approval of the BBC (Brexit Bashing Corporation)
No mention of Brexit on their website.
Had May walked away, the BBC would have had something else to say.
Dover Sentry
I am more certain than ever that the BBC appointed her.
5Live 23:35-24:00 : Yassmin Abdel-Magied self declared as “Austalia’s most hated Muslim”
has fled and come to live in London,
Stephen Nolan is giving her a platform for victimhood
“26. Sudanese born, Australian bred. Mechanical engineer turned writer. TV host”
Timeline –
She likes to say In 2015, honoured as Young Australian of the Year
(actually it was only the Queensland level)
– hired for TV , they admitted it was cos she is Muslim
– Got sent by Oz gov to tour Muslim countries ..and came back saying Sharia is great and Islam is the most feminist
– Selected as a member of the Federal ANZAC Centenary Commemoration Youth Working Group
..then used Anzac Day to tweet a sneer… since deleted and apologised for it:
Got on another panel, cos she’s a Muslim
Said more dumb things
Dear Mrs May,
You seem to be having a problem with language. Let me help you.
go away from.
“she left London on June 6”
synonyms: depart from, go away from, go from, withdraw from, retire from, take oneself off from, exit from, take one’s leave of, pull out of, quit, be gone from, decamp from, disappear from, abandon, vacate, absent oneself from, evacuate; say one’s farewells/goodbyes, make off, clear out, make oneself scarce, check out; abscond from, run away from, flee (from), fly from, bolt from, go AWOL, take French leave, escape (from); informal: push off, shove off, cut, cut and run, do a bunk, do a disappearing act, split, vamoose, scoot, clear off, take off, make tracks, up sticks, pack one’s bags, flit; informalsling one’s hook
“I left the hotel”
set off, head, make, begin one’s journey, set sail
“the next morning we left for Leicester”
Britain has voted to LEAVE The European Union.
“Britain has voted to LEAVE The European Union.” Insert: ‘and all that that entails’. Personally I would prefer, ‘sever’ rather than ‘leave’.
I wouldn’t mind if we could get PM Netanyahu to negotiate our Brexit terms.
TEL AVIV – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed European “hypocrisy” and “double standards,” saying EU leaders were quick to condemn President Donald Trump for his recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital but remained silent in the face of retaliatory rocket attacks into Israel from Gaza.
The prime minister made his remarks ahead of a two-day trip to Paris and Brussels.
“I ascribe great importance to Europe. While I respect Europe, I am not prepared to accept a double standard from it,” he said. “I hear voices from there condemning President Trump’s historic statement but I have not heard condemnations of the rockets fired at Israel or the terrible incitement against it.”
“I am not prepared to accept this hypocrisy, and as usual at this important forum, I will present Israel’s truth without fear and with head held high,” Netanyahu added.
This is what our ancestors suffered and endured to create a Europe free from German domination.
Let us not forget this.
Lets hope we dont have another war.
I mean, think of the insurance claims!
The litigation!
The grievances!
The demands for re-housing.
The health and safety implications!
The EU directives!
The Human Rights Act!
The equality implications!
We’d be over-run and destroyed faster than you could say “the meeting with legal is at 10.30”
Not forgetting PTSD treatment and any other dreamed -up victimhood………………
Not being funny, but PTSD is a real thing, and it’s horrible.
Doesn’t stop people ‘claiming’ they’ve got it I suppose, the real victims usually suffer in silence.
That’s why they hate us and will never forgive us.
Britain is the only country in the EU which actually won World War II. All the others were defeated, either by the Axis, or later by the allies, apart from the ones such as Sweden and Ireland, which were neutral, and are now rather ashamed of the fact.
The only country in the EU which fought World War II from the first day to the last, and emerged victorious, was Britain. And the rest of them really hate us for it. As long as they could bleed us for £12 billion a year in tribute they could put up with us, but now we are leaving we can see what they really think of us.
We liberated the Continent, and since joining the EEC in 1973 we have paid in half a trillion pounds. You might think we are owed at least a “thank you”, but it turns out WE owe THEM another £38 billion! I’m not feeling the love.
Actually Rob you may have something .Its a bit like the kid at school who got bullied becomes a bully himself.
I suppose in some ways it makes them feel all powerful. I suppose this would explain particularly why the likes of Barnier (being a cheese eating surrender monkey) – got together with Jean Claude Drunker to summon Sharia to have her head pushed down the toilet just after Jean Claude had a crap. I expect she was also “de-bagged” and forced to use her bare buttocks to toast muffins over an open fire for the caddish pair as well.
No wonder she pretty much agreed to everything. Or is she just untrustworthy and incompetent?
It always strikes me how different we are (at least the indigenous British) to our cousins across the Channel. I say this from personally having known a few of ’em quite well. It isn’t so much your average Pierre or Hans who actually hates us, but amongst the politicians and bureaucrats you get a sense that they’ve kept us in the EU grudgingly. They would love us to leave (and fail) but they need our money even more, a bit like our own masochistic Remainers.
I don’t think you could fight as many wars as we have on the Continent, and pretend it hasn’t left a lot of bitterness – that could somehow be eradicated by 40 odd years of being part of some cosy gravy-train club for (largely) socialist leaning politicians.
We had English Common Law, limits on the monarch’s powers from 1688, were quick off the mark with the Industrial Revolution, and got rich from trading and Empire, people prospered – even if we weren’t always so saintly at times. We did get round to stopping slavery quite early I think.
Abroad – well you have the 30 years war, Louis 14th, French Revolution, then Napoleon, then the Kaiser, then Hitler stomping all over the shop killing all and sundry. They haven’t figured out how to let people live their own lives without a ton of bureaucratic hassle and graft. Entrepreneurship isn’t their strong point, mostly – despite it being a distinctly foreign word! And I also suspect they hate the fact that their youngsters must learn some English in order to have a chance at a job.
The bBC and how it peddles anti-semtism: and hatred of the British
The Scots who fought in the battle for Jerusalem
At noon on 11 December 1917, British commander General Allenby marched in to Jerusalem after overthrowing the Ottoman Empire and becoming the first Christian to control the Holy City in 730 years. Thousands of Scottish soldiers played a key role in the push across the territory then known as Palestine towards the city, which is held holy by three major religions.
Having secured it, Allenby approached the Jaffa Gate outside Jerusalem and dismounted from his horse. He and his senior officers entered on foot out of respect. It is said that many wept for joy and priests embraced but Allenby was aloof and unmoved.
Ok the story is about how the British (with the Arabs which the bBC leaves out) kicked the Turks out of the Levent. The bBC then posts a picture about how the British laid railway lines , tell me out of all the photos the bBC could post why did they post this one in an article about Jerusalem:

Does it remind you of another infamous photo?

Subtle or what?
The bBC, the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK.
Their website reports on waitresses being hassled by customers.
Well, I have applied for service jobs like that in the past but been turned down because I am a man. Not the same issue but a clear example of rampant anti-male sexism which the ‘equality’ industry ignores. Also I am sure good waitresses know how to flirt to receive a bigger tip.
I do wonder where all this harassment stuff is going; obviously the likes of Weinstein are despicable but men flirting with women is kind of important for the survival of the species. It feels like we are in a spin off from 1984 all about the Junior Anti Sex League.
Easy mistake to make.
Deep joy.
Toady this morning is …..wait for it……a Grenfell Tower special! You know you want it really.
Hidden away in the virtue-signalling, hard luck stories is the little gem that KandC council (who are having problems recruiting a new Finace Director- ha ha) has had to set aside £235 million to house 208 families. In round numbers that’s £1.15 million each. Nice if you can get it, especially at normal council rents.
Needless to say, displaced residents know their rights and are demanding the exact same rooms, dimensions etc. as they had in the tower whilst at the same time whingeing that they are still living in hotels. No criticism of them, however slight, is of course permitted, despite the sure knowledge that many fraudulent claims were made. A lifetime of victimhood beckons.
And all at the taxpayers expense of course. Yes, neither the council nor the government is paying for all this , we readers are. But then, this is fast becoming a beacon issue for LeftMob, so it’s money no object.
Now I’m going for a lie down in a darkened room.
And of course somewhere in the mix, are people who are genuinely traumatised and genuinely put out and have lost everything, but maybe don’t make quite so much noise.
Was there 208 separate flats in the Grenfell block to house these 208 families.
If they were parents plus a couple of kids, were 800 plus living there.
Have we got the actual numbers of people officially living there and is there any figure for the actual number including sub letting and so on.
Or is it all being hidden.
The gem was that they demand more involvement in the plethora of “Inquiries” that are taking place. Call a spade a spade in my book and they should admit, they want a Kangaroo Court and a re-opening of Newgate Hill for hanging.
I suspect none of the 2017 victims of muslim attacks in the UK have received anything like £1m in compensation.
I dont know what the figures will be but like you im sure it will be peanuts, anyone know what a wheel chair bound Mancunian with no legs will get, What did Lee Rigbys family get
Over the weekend I witnessed the lamest political interview I have ever witnessed.
Daily Politics former Labour leader John Smith’s daughter interviewing Emily Thornberry.
Not once did she come back on any answers Thornberry gave, not interrogative.Allowed full answers without interruption.
A complete diametric contrast to the interview she had with James Brokenshire just a few minutes earlier, interrogative and constantly interrupting.
Get rid of the openly biased incompetent Smith now.
Without Brillo the programme has gone downhill.
Yesterday there was a firebomb attack by 21 “young people” on the synagogue in Gothenburg. Unfortunately only 3 arrests were made. So how was it reported?
NY Times : Three Arrested After Firebomb Attack on Swedish Synagogue :
CNN : Swedish police question suspects after synagogue attack :
Washington Post : 3 people arrested in firebomb attack on Swedish synagogue :
BBC – Europe : Nothing : : NOTHING, not a mention.
In general the BBC are pro-Islam and anti – “all other religions”. They consistently portray Muslims as a victimhood group and all others as Islamophobic. On the Popes recent trip to Asia the BBC covered it everyday on their website – and every report was “why doesn’t the Pope talk about the Rohingya Muslims” then “finally the Pope says the R word”. The BBC were only interested in the Pope’s visit in relation to what he had to say or didn’t say about these Muslims. The BBC were not interested in reporting on the plight, persecution and local genocide of Christians in the region, which was only mentioned in passing in one or two of the reports.
The BBC are either no longer putting up the draft running order for the TODAY Programme or are taking it down very quickly after each day’s programme has finished.
I wonder why?
If you want to know what’s happening in South Africa, what with the vital ANC Congress coming up, tune in to ‘Letter from SA’ at 9.45am on Radio4 every morning this week.
This morning there was nothing about the Congress. Nothing about the massive Government corruption. Nothing about the decline of a State. Nothing about the many criminal charges against the President. Nothing about the Gupta family and their ‘capture’ of the State. Nothing about the campaign of murder and torture against white farmers and their labourers. Nothing about the collapse of the national airline, electricity provider etc under the weight of corruption and mismanagement. Nothing about the ANC for that matter.
Instead we heard the gentle voice of a black poet, assuring us of the ‘sameness’ and ‘personhood’ of everyone. In the context he chose, one couldn’t argue with that. But when you heard about how not much had changed in Cape Town in 20 years, you kinda knew what was coming. I am not familiar with tomorrow’s presenter, but it seems he’s white and contributes to the Guardian a lot. Should be interesting. I wonder if we are going to find R4 impartial on SA this week? Any bets?
The BBC believe if the pump of good news then they can change the World … it does not work like that.
Venezuela’s Cash Is Now Worth Less Than Currency in ‘World of Warcraft’
“Venezuela’s real world currency – the bolivar – is worth less than fake gold in Azeroth, the mythical setting of World of Warcraft.”
BBC are not covering this story …
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
Theresa May seems to want a UK made up of UK and EU – a dual state? ….
In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain statement—”There’s one law for everybody and that’s all there is to be said”—still stands out like a diamond in a dunghill. It stands out precisely because it is said simply, and because its essential grandeur is intelligible to everybody. Its principles ought to be just as intelligible and accessible to those who don’t yet speak English, in just the same way as the great Lord Mansfield once ruled that, wherever someone might have been born, and whatever he had been through, he could not be subject to slavery once he had set foot on English soil.
To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury { feb2008}
. . . .
Relates to:UK citizens look set to become second class citizens in their own country due to Theresa May’s Brexit deal, according to leading barrister. {order-order}
”There’s one law for everybody and that’s all there is to be said”
except for EU citizens and Sharia courts
If the DWP cannot (or will not) tackle benefit fraud by EU citizens living in the UK we already have a two tier legal scheme never mind about the muzzies and their preferential treatment.
Enjoy …. #ENDSARS: Nigerians dey do I-no-gree on top police palava { pidgin 11dec2017}
“Di #ENDSARS campaign wey don catch fire for Nigeria social media don enter another level as people dey plan to do I-no-gree protest for plenty cities for di country.”
. . .
“Another tori wey BBC Pidgin gather be say another campaign, #SupportSARS – wey we dey hear say police stand gidigba for dia back – don dey start.”
Oh yes, I forgot to say about tomorrow’s contributor to the R4 series on South Africa this week that he is currently writing a book on ‘The Global Sexuality Frontier’.
I thought this would help, since non of you has accepted my earlier bet -well, explicitly- so far. I know what it is: you’re struggling to link the idea of R4 and the concept of ‘impartiality’? I’m sure this time it will be different, cos it’s Christmas. Goodwill to all men.
OK, then here’s my bet: we’re gonna hear all about how the white man built up the nation with the help of black toil to 1st world standards. How much better the latter was off economically than in the rest of Africa, even under the unjust Apartheid system. How the original inhabitants were neither white nor black, but the San people. And how the bringers of peace and prosperity, the ANC, have run the country into the ground.
If I win, I owe you a tenner. If I lose, you owe me a tenner. Place your bets now.
“As Brexit Moves On, Poland Risks Becoming EU’s Real Rogue State”
“It’s up to Poles to show the sick Europe of today the path back to health, to fundamental values, to true freedom and to the strengthening of our civilization based on Christianity”
“Poland’s refusal to take in mainly Muslim refugees was referred last week to the European Court of Justice along with Hungary and the Czech Republic.” – Bloomberg
Not much about this on al bibeera. Wouldn’t want to give our own peasants ideas, would we?
BBC should dig up this old report …. Greenland’s issue with the European Union was the Common Fisheries Policy – allowing European trawlers to fish in Greenlandic waters. In the subsequent negotiations Greenlanders agreed to give the EU limited fishing quotas in exchange for funding – a deal that took three years to hammer out.
In 1982 – by almost exactly the same margin as the UK vote – Greenland chose to leave the EU, then the EEC. In one stroke the union lost approximately half its territory.
Learning Greenland’s lessons for Brexit {02sep2016}
vlad, Poland are lucky the EU haven’t got their army yet because you can bet it would be used to put them down, much like Catalonia was.
A German dominated army invading Poland? Now where have I heard that before …….
Radio 5 going a bit crazy about Blue Planet and the plastics thing.

Strange for an organisation that is not supposed to campaign.
Here is how it lines up on their Facebook page today
For sake of space I had to crop out the pictures.
Stew, you are a bit of an enviro expert. Am I correct in thinking that sea dumping of waste is forbidden by EU laws (passed in the late 1990s or early 00s, if my memory is correct) that all 28 States but the coastal member States especially, abide by?
If I’m correct, it IS VERY STRANGE that that has not been mentioned in my hearing on R4 AT ANY TIME in regard to this subject of plastic in the oceans. I do not recall any mention of it on the BBC web-site either.
I wonder why!
That I don’t actually know if EU law cos, litter wouldn’t need an EU law cos it’s so dumb.
Waste is a bit of a broad term, but all organised countries are going to be opposed to allowing litter in the sea, cos it just comes back at you to clean up on the beach.
Sewage close to the beach can rich contaminating the bits people swim in.
Industrial waste like letting an oil rig fall in the sea isn’t a big deal, once you’ve removed liquids and stuff that are not inert.
Bits of mining/demolition waste might be pretty inert at unused coastal spots.
Whereas liquid coming out of factories would need to be banned or preprocessed into inert state.
Countrie swhich allow dumping of litter in the sea say India, probably have laws against it , but its just being ignored.
Stew, no, I think there was specific legislation passed within the EU. We have to comply with EU waste laws. It was routine until that point for UK waste to be dumped in the North Sea and, if I recall correctly, even not far off the mouth of the Thames Estuary.
We (households) now pay a surcharge for landfill waste above a certain level and recycling is now UK wide. Some Local Authorities have different treatments for the same sort of waste. In north London, for example, LB Enfield would not deal with polystyrene plastics at recycling sites, despite requests from residents, so it would go in general waste whereas LB Barnet accepted it if taken to their recycling sites.
Much LA waste disposal is now done under third party contracts and depending on contractor if the recycled waste is too contaminated with the wrong stuff, the CT-payer is penalised via the LA. Wrong stuff that goes in general waste goes to landfill, for which the LA is charged. Above a certain level there is another surcharge and the EU may possibly have a say in that.
A lot of our recycled waste, I gather – paper is a good example – goes by CO2 and NoX belching ship, as far as India or China where it is reprocessed and sent back as raw material or in some cases, products. However, like any ‘market’ a saturation point can be reached and I remember some years ago, China either refused any more plastic bottle or paper waste.
Only politicians and civil servants could come up with crazy schemes like that. I also suspect that all sorts of the people who should be regulating this on our behalf, like Ron Kerslake at the top when Head of the Civil Service and all the way down to LA level, are doing a lousy job (some, not all) and stuff gets dumped at sea or in landfill anyway.
For a geographically small country, especially when devolution is taken into account, why we cannot have better nationwide set-ups defies belief.
See Matt Ridley’s debunk
He doesn’t mention the BBC claim about plastic degradation. Nor the polyamide fishing line which, IIRC, is a very different plastic. Thought he might have debunked those.
Found this blog article recently about the plastics-in-ocean outrage :
One answer as to why they are always nagging us (in the West) about this waste is that instead of taxing people who earn loads and own loads, it is much easier to put a charge on poor people as they eat to stay alive. (The UK obesity problem tends to march in step with, among other things, tax increases on road fuels and the oil price rocketing to $130+ pb. Funny thing, that.)
That said, I see no reason why paper/card/papier mache cannot be used for much food packaging in the place of plastic. Obviously not for meat but for nature’s direct produce, which often comes with its own intermediate packaging, then why not? Why cellophane cannot be recycled I know not because, IIRC, is it not a cellulose-based product just like paper? I think there is a lack of will among our elected leaders and our un-elected Civil Servants to get off their backsides and set common standards across the UK whether manufacturers like it or not. The past standard excuse was that it had to be agreed across the EU. Not any more from March 2021. Go do it, guys.
They (Govt) mauled the car industry and then failed to police that properly. We should sue our Government over that.
I suspect, too, that what has happened is that when market forces dictate that there is a world surplus of, say, fleece material made from plastic bottles, that the next year’s cargo loads get tipped over the side of the ship rather than clog up space festering (& degrading – much quicker in sunlight than the BBC claim) on land so that more profitable loads can be carried and the price of recycled materials kept higher than need be.
Then there is the stupidity of government in letting experts create false scares about, for example, the necessity to drink at least one litre of water a day and the cleanliness of tap water. Add to that the fact that the bulk of the population seem to have enough money but are so lazy that they constantly buy bottled water rather than refill their bottle from the cold tap. Some of it is done, I suspect, merely to boost a market and the eventual tax take at Treasury.
Five-a-day? What good has that done the general population? None at all. It has just made them fat. Is the population any healthier from all that fruit and vegetables. No. Definitely not. Oh, it has boosted supermarket sales, helped maintain farm gate prices, given hauliers an excuse to generate CO2 & NoX and er, yes, generate yet more taxes for the Treasury.
A leading proponent of the conspiracy theory that the 9/11 terror attack was faked by Jews has gained a prominent role as a Grenfell Tower volunteer. Tahra Ahmed has claimed that the tower victims were “burnt alive in a Jewish sacrifice”. Attending a town hall protest two days after the fire, she told reporters there that the fire was a “holocaust”. She has previously described Hitler’s massacre of Jews as the “holohoax”
All quiet from Mogg.
He did seem happy with he leader’s deal and has since not used his Twitter account.
Good article here from Conservative Woman
From the article
‘to the majority of Brits who voted for freedom. I write this with Jacob Rees-Mogg in mind. I am told he has said he can live with the deal.
If this is the case, it is immensely disappointing that we do not have even one politician who is capable of standing by his principles, standing up to his party or, like Churchill in the wilderness years, prepared to defend democracy and the truth whatever the risk to his political career.
So I would put it to you, Jacob: can you really live with yourself? Would not making your way to the cross-benches be the more honourable alternative? Or are you are no different from the rest when push comes to shove?’
Yes it’s disappointing.
I think that JRM mistakenly believes most of his parliamentary colleagues are as ‘honourable’ as himself. Therefore, if he is fed a pro-Brexit explanation for ambiguous wording he is willing to accept it at face value, rather than assume he is being lied to.
What about the ECJ Jacob, your “reddest of red lines”?
New York police responding to reports of an explosion in Manhattan
Explosion reported at Port Authority Bus Station; train service suspended
4min ago
NY police responding to reports of an explosion near bus station
New York City officials confirm there has been an explosion near 42nd street and 8th Avenue near the Port Authority Bus Terminal, according to local media reports.
Lucy ,
No worries it will only be someone with ‘issues’ calling out alli s snack bar as usual. Was/ wasn’t on the radar . Had/hadn’t just got back from a holiday in Syria ….