Nicky Campbell thinks it would be great if Christmas were to be more secular because then all other religions could join in and ‘celebrate’ it too. Perfect illustration of BBC mindset…surrender your own culture to accomodate those who have absolutely no intention of compromising their own culture to fit in with British and western society.
BBC Bias, or stupidity, list it all here……..
This would be an act of surrender, or perhaps a suicide note.
No wonder Douglas Murray has called his book The Strange Death of Europe.
The “progressives” don’t want good things for Muslims as much as they want bad things for Western society. Muslims are just a convenient tool with which to balkanise and dismantle Western culture.
Just listen to the Archbishop of Canterbury and one can quickly appreciate his ‘extreme’ or so it seems intention that we should accommodate all religions into our Christian celebration of Christmas-Islam is not a religion but rather an ideology compeltely alien to the Christian world still absolutely in flexible-still managing its faith, shall we say, as of 14hundred years ago. We appear to be fast asleep as to what is gradually clouding over us day by day bit by bit and encouraged by the disciples of social media such as the BBC et al. As one well known writer commeneted this morning on the radion, ‘the world is in a terrible mess’.
The Christians are thick. They need to celebrate ths start of Advent with a day off on Dec 6th-then should then work through until Christmas Eve and refuse to bale the state out in hospital and foodbanks etc, refuse to shop or join in, close cathedrals etc. And then have a twelve day piss up until the 6th January, with gospel teaching and only for believers.
When the church stops propping up the media, sport, charity and the NHS/schools -then we`ll see what a Godless life looks like-and will begin to educate the dim do-gooders who think that their job is to feed the BBC and its addicted cohorts.
It is not-it is to back Brexit, Trump and tell the climate change snowflakes fo F- off and find Jesus whilst they still can.
The Christians are weak.
Turn the other cheek etc.
If Christians had followed this losing philosophy, Christianity would have been extinct centuries ago as it so richly deserved to be.
The way to get attention in this world is to start killing people.
As the lefties have shown.
The West will not be preserved by Christians.
It will be preserved by identifying and neutralising its enemies, which as the saying goes, ain’t rocket science.
And don’t forget, throughout Advent (and Lent) we can take our minds off our hunger by going round murdering people (even more than at other times of the year).
Don’t be such a kill joy – we can have a right old piss up watching the Haj and all those great Islam al beeb comedy shows – ah wait…
I’m sure if other misguided faiths can be converted to Christianity they can be as happy/miserable at Christmas like the rest of us.
Why do the under-managers in the Peoples Palace in Langham Street think that ordering Campbell to spout such rubbish is interesting?
Personally, I don’t give a Tom Tit about anything he says, and nobody I know does either!
If he really wants to get into the thick of it, and start looking right into his navel, why can’t he just bugger off and live in Syria or Yemen for a few years and leave the rest of us in peace? That would solve his problem.
The BBC alumni Xmas party may be a sober affair.
Paul could always bring Keith Vaz as his plus one.
With Vaz, it would have to be a plus three. Those rent boys don’t pay for themselves you know.
Please don’t call them rent boys – they are rent people . He probably can’t find the receipts for the services
Another rogue car, this time in Melbourne. What a relief to read “there’s no evidence it was terror-related”. That’s put my mind at rest.
Twitter is already lamenting the lack of festive diversity bollards.
What next? Will it be our fault if we get shot-for failing to wear bullet proof vests?
“Build bridges not walls”
then build walls on bridges
We build the bridges and they of Islam cross them-who is gidding who? What a sadnees at this special time of year that nothing good and uplifting can come out of the mouth of BBC, not one patriotic sentance to cheer us and they and rest appear to be utterly perplexed at the build up of agression that is coming down the road from us all.
Blow up the f*****g bridges!
Yes Roland. I note the the bBBC are reporting this as a “crash” so as to give the impression that it was an accident.
Another one of those horrible ‘cars’ going around attacking people!
“Australian police have arrested two people after a CAR drove into a crowd in Melbourne.
The car “collided with a number of pedestrians” on Flinders Street, a busy junction in the centre of the city, said Victoria Police.
However, it goes on to say;
“Images from the scene show a number of people lying on the ground close to a large white vehicle.”
So was it a car or was it a large white vehicle?
Just heard witnesses reporting that the driver made no attempt to slow down and actually “sped up on purpose”
So no evidence of it being terror related then!
Interestingly, “In September, a 15-year-old boy dressed in black combat gear was seen driving erratically down nearby Swanston Street.
After a confrontation with police he was subdued with a Taser outside Flinders Street Station. Police later said it was not a terrorist incident.“
Dressed in black combat gear (remarkably similar to ISIS attire) driving erratically but NOT terror related?
How ****ing thick do the “authorities think we all are!
They aren’t aiming their misinformation at us , if you are on this site you have rumbled them, no their targets are the millions who are still credulous enough to believe all the guff put out by the MSM and , crucially, not to ever wonder about what they are not being told or allowed to see. The main function of the MSM is to carefully vet what the general public can and cannot be told . They work hand in glove with the global liberal left elite. The degree of control they exert over every means of mass communication apart from the net is absolute. But the freedom of speech opportunity provided by the net is a real threat to their control which is why they are dreaming up the fake news theme so they have a plausible reason to gain control of it.
Yes DT, and then when those who are enlightened try to spread the word via sites like this one, the idiots in power try to suppress us as though we are the problem and label the truth as “fake news”. But all the while it is the so called main stream news that is perpetuating the lies, myths and propaganda
BBC House Journal with minimal ABC rating discusses fringe social media site, ironically.
“The man who deliberately drove a car into a crowd in Melbourne is a drug user with mental health issues but no known terrorism links, police say.”
Nearly a full set for the bbbc!
‘Not terror related’ is newspeak for ‘definitely terror related.’
How stupid do they think we are? When do you ever mount a pavement by accident, or do so just to give pedestrians a friendly bump?
The BEEB can lie as much as they like but other sources exist see aussie paper and make your own mind up
Witness Chris Gath said he saw 60 to 100 people crossing the intersection when a car travelling at up to 70km/h headed for the crowd.
see the pics of the perps and decide for yourself hipster or m…
This is the new style of reporting. Reject terrorism from the first report. Ignore witnesses. Then let the story die.
What strikes me about the bBBC is since when do they need so called evidence to imply anything other than when it happens to be a possible terror attack?
They don’t refrain from slagging off president Trump without their so called evidence.
Some say they are anti Trump and anti Brexit but there is no “evidence” that either are a bad thing.
Taking bets. What is it about dark beards and tans?
Well Deegee, I would put my wages on it that they are not so called “far right extremists”
But of course it will be their fault. (Sarcasm)
Are these pictures c/o the BBC? I’m guessing not!
That’ll be the Norwegian Methodists again, funnily enough no pictures or overhead videos of the two men involved on the Beeb, and the headline claims the car did it. Foot slip or double mental health issues?????
The Sun
Not terrorism? Would it be racist to suggest Muslims are inherently bad drivers?
The more it’s denied the more people will smell the rat. I really hope that more people are becoming aware of what al Beeb is doing.
BBc 22:00 “…An Australian citizen, of Afghanistan origin..”
😀 “Flying gas mains” ?
Look it up.
Any Aussies out there that would like to comment?
This is not like the ‘Diggers’ that I knew not to react, or have they gone soft like the Brits ?
I always mocked when they spoke of ‘micro aggressions’ but that little animation they have between programmes on BBC1 really grinds my gears – the one of an Asian man playing with his daughter? He looks just like one of the men convicted of raping white girls in Rochdale. It’s a shame he could not have been so playful and loving with other people’s daughters. It’s almost as if the multicultural utopia the Beeb pretends exists is total fantasy.
BB I beg to differ..
It’s DEFINITELY as if the multicultural utopia the Beeb pretends exists is total fantasy.
The beeb exist in a total fantasy bubble world.
BB. more evidence that being white we are now on the road to minority status. I wonder if tv advertising in Riyadh show white couples (that’s WHITE not mixed race) leaving church then having Christmas lunch with their WHITE family. No, thought not. But I rather suspect we are not the only ones who find this animation beyond the pale (!)
Indeed I share your dislike for that disgusting piece of garbage-multiculuralism propaganda so easily falls from the BBC-M P as called was and still is a purpose framed invention to surpress so called Racisism across the European society by those who wanted to use the mass powers of immigration for their own ends of being able to instigate control of the western workforce-I fear nay encourage the backlash that might well come up and bite those evil “…s..ds.
Their website reports on a US news presenter leaving as she was paid less than her male counterparts.
Are they comparing like with like? Was she doing exactly the same hours, with the same level of expertise, experience and responsibility as her male counterparts?
Did she have an ulterior motive? There could be countless other genuine reasons she wanted to leave. If you screw up it is much better to act as if you had to leave for noble moral reasons rather than your own incompetence.
Of course the BBC asks none of these crucial questions. This is why they are losing hearts and minds. There is no fire or passion here: just lazy, half-hearted virtue signalling. Unlike the ‘weaponised autism’ right wing sources often use.
Disgusting how they got rid of Green. They had him for lying, but he should never have needed to lie. So what if he was watching porn at work? Next to breathing thinking about sex is probably the most natural thing for a man. As for the finger wagging about him doing it at work, who on earth does not skive whenever they can at work? Did not a BBC staffer get caught watching porn?
Once again they create the news rather than report it, like the totalitarian leftoids they are.
The MSM won’t vilify those who prey on young vulnerable white girls en masse, but will persecute a middle aged white male for harmlessly looking at consenting adults engaging in what comes naturally.
keith vaz sssshhhh
“This picture of a woman throwing a stone at Israeli forces in Beit Sahour became iconic. Her identity remained a mystery, until now.”
BBC really getting into the spirit of Christmas again.
Terrorist attack on Melbourne’s Main Street .
See how long it takes for al beeb to report it and then take it off the public news.
The beeb are reporting it as a “crash”
Jim secures his place on Newsnight for 2018 by careful use of the F-word.
He has just confirmed what i suspected about most Remainers. They knew nothing about the EU and voted based on ignorance – certainly true of most of my Remain friends – yet us Brexiteers are the stupid ones. I read just about everything I could on the EU and nothing leads to his conclusion…
“Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce” – does that definition sound familiar if you just change Nationalism to State (EU)…? Ask the Polish.
But one of two many uniques is the BBC indulgence of Mr. O’Brien.
If he leaves his politics at the door, Franny is easily fooled.
JA, quite right. It is not just a simile or similarity with fascism. The EU is nationalism but in a increasingly pan-European, Imperial grouping of nation member States.
Someone posted on an EU BBC HYS Thread, a challenge in reply to an assertion of another poster ‘Name a similarity between Nazis and the EU, then’.
I pitched in with suggestions of ‘Flag, Anthem and building impressive HQs’ or somesuch. It is inescapable fact that the goal of the founders of the EEC/EC/EU was increasing harmonisation which is a hearer-friendly way of saying fascistic control over increasing areas of individual member States’ lives and that of their citizens, or, in our case: subjects.
We need to be out. We need to be away.
It is not going to end well if everything continues as is. The Poles are no fools. They see the EU for what it was and is. They knew all about it before they joined.
But they like the money. In the end, that is what will count.
The Poles are only it for the money, RD. They made that clear on BBC R4. Wish I had a recording of that contribution. Think it was from the British-educated Pole who became Polish Foreign Minister for a while around 2010/11/12.
I wouldn’t be surprised if, when they become contributors or before if the cash shrinks too much, that they engineer a reason to leave. And do.
“My ignorance of the EU prior to the referendum is a source of serious shame.” is it any clearer and was this prior to him voting or after? He does not add any balance to this argument her. A group of fully aligned countries is one thing – a political entity forcing everyone to join under duress and force is another.
A complaint that can’t be made about the EU is that it isn’t open about its aims, it’s all there, written down and available via the internet.
However it isn’t written in plain English and they use ten pages of A4 when they could use a sentence so nobody bothers to read it, so nobody does, including politicians and ‘world-class’ journalists.
The other problem with the EU is that it is full of damn foreigners who insist in babbling away in foreign languages, probably more now than we have letters in the alphabet. So who cares who the prime minister is of Hertzifelemogradvia, wherever that is, or that they have just been appointed EU President of Intersectional Diversification and Nominative Pluralism?
It’s so much easier to top n’tail a PA or Reuters story in English or get a freeby flight to the US and the Yanks, unlike the EuroDagos, don’t get upset if you write ‘knocking copy’.
Be interesting to see how May chooses to speak to Poland today. Is she going to be Guy Verhofstads puppet-in which case, she can forget anything but insurrection and hatred? Or is she going to side with the Poles, who we will be needing to do any real trade deals with our Visegrad chums, our Three Seas Allies on March 30th 2019.
Guy Verhofstad is simply David Mellor with a pentagram-truly the slimiest, most evil spunkjunk in European political life.
Just looking at the BBC website.
There seems to have been some sort of car crash in Melbourne.
Other news sources seem to be pretty sure this was deliberate act, trying to kill innocent people, and probably not unrelated to the Religion of Peace.
However the BBC news is so well respected that I am sure it is just an unfortunate accident.
Yes Sluff, typical BBC Filtered news. ITV and SKY both have lead story of Melbourne incident with live news conference and 15 minutes coverage. BBC offering is all attack the Tories with 15 minutes on Green, the NHS, the papers (about Green again). They are running scared whenever a Terrorist incident occurs (except of course when a guy drove at a Mosque and then there was nearly a week of headline news). They are scared of reporting anything that is anti Muslim
I don’t think they are “scared” of reporting anything anti Islam they are deliberately not reporting it.
I am certain the perpetrators will be found to have mental issues.
I would argue that anyone who kills has mental issues, but that’s not the point, it is their motivation that should be questioned.
Makes me wonder if the powers that be think this is some grand plan to demotivate the terrorists. Just labelling them as mental cases until they get really p1ssed off does not seem like it is a good idea.
I don’t think it’s fear either. Quite the opposite. I think it’s aggression in the respect that they are complicit with the spread of Islam now.
Sorry, disagree. They deliberately downplay any Muslim terrorist incident for fear of it playing into the anti-Islam agenda. The also deliberately big up any incident that is anti-Islamic and that is why they reported the incident where somebody drove into a mosque with such prolificacy. It was BBC News lead story for days
Should be plenty of work for psychiatrists then in Islamic countries, where there appears to be an epidemic of mental illness !
“The BBC can help us to understand the world better”
Drive certain messages home, as it were?
It is so easy to confuse the road for the pavement.
So true BB ! he’s from Afghanistan, so clearly not sure what a ‘pavement’ looks like.
Meanwhile, in Northampton:
Mental illness ?
Lucky it wasn’t a car full of muzzies on a birminghamistan underpass – we’d never hear the end of it.
The BBC arch feminists must have raised a glass when Damien Green resigned last night, getting the rape trial failures off the headlines.
But just to remind readers, here are a few comments from today’s Telegraph.
‘The law is clear on disclosure. So why are the police not following it’?
‘Target culture puts justice in jeopardy’.
‘The insistence, led by the CPS, that the focus should exclusively be higher conviction rates’
‘It was bound to send a message to police that conviction, not justice, was the priority’.
In other words, feminist Alison Saunders, the DPP, was so keen to prosecute men of rape she forgot to consider whether they were actually guilty.
That’s what you get with LeftMob. Issues, agendas, and narrative. Not the truth.
In another context, we might even call it fake news. As they do.
Just hope they replace him with a brexiter . – unlikely eh?
Article in RT about acid attacks in the UK, MPs comments reported.
I cannot discover this in TWMTB.
However I did discover this in AlBeeb :-
“4 Jan 2018
Acid Attack: My Story
…In 2012 Naomi Oni was attacked with sulphuric acid after being stalked through…
London by someone disguised in a niqab. Since 2012 acid attacks have doubled… in the UK.
Now two acid attacks are carried out in the UK every single day, with 450…
BBC Three”
It it me, and my failing memory, or are these acid attacks just another example of how we have been enriched by the Indian sub-continent?
“someone disguised in a niqab”
Would it not, therefore, be common sense to ban the niqab?
What’s common sense got to do with it?
Jihad (if this is the case ‘Melbourne crash’) is not just a religious choice it’s a career move- use Linkedin …
Thousands view jihadist material on Linkedin {thetimes 13dec2017}
Lectures by Mizanur Rahman, who was jailed with Anjem Choudary, the hate preacher, last year for supporting Islamic State, and texts by Omar Bakri Muhammad, a cleric who was banned from Britain in 2005, have been shared on its Slideshare platform.
Jiadists Linkedin?
It’s a good thing they aren’t “right wing extremists”. That might have tarnished the Linkedin reputation and required a purge.
LBC since 9:30am has been doing “immigrations effect on housing shortage”
They started with a Migrationwatch interview
Just listen to this far-right hate preacher … I think she should be locked up for what she said in 2015 … worse than Anjem Choudary (who sided with the Remain Campaign just like this women) …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Such hate speech from a World Leader … what is her excuse?
It’s a shame that a great country like Australia was poisoned with the same ‘do goodery’ that the fools who destroyed Blighty had. I don’t think the enemy make up as bigger part of the Aussie population as Blighty so it might not be too late to control them. Shamefully for us we are already being taken over with al Beeb speeding the process up
The Aussies won’t take as much cr@p as we do either, unfortunately the government managed to take most of their guns away; the same as our own did.
\\ BBC may have to be careful promoting religion if it strays onto some of the socialist aspects
– wouldn’t want to upset @CCHQPress (Conservative Press Office)//
Get that : More religion on BBC = more opportunities for pushing socialism.
\\ Perhaps @NickyAACampbell on @bbc5live could talk about Christmas
being about “the birth of the Son of God”
with a little less disdain? #probablynot //
Ooh let’s not talk about Christmas we might “offend” the unbelievers. (Sarcasm).
The context is that it took that reminder from a listener for Campbell to mention it’s about the Son of God.
..the listener then thanked him.
One day someone will stand up and say “enough is enough” and then actually DO something about it.
I think his name is Donald Trump but they are trying to keep him out of our [allegedly] free country.
I do not think he should come. Make his disdain for us clear to the world. Sometimes people need a shock .
‘Car hits people . . . Motive unknown.’
We must be wary of cars driving themselves at people for no known reason.
How are these not ‘alternative facts’ which they sneered at Trump about? We all know what the headline should really be.
“Another Muslim attack as global jihad continues apace.”
Thank God we have the noble BBC to lead the fight against fake news.
Excuse me, BBC – but everyone else is fully aware whodunnit…
Except YOU, it would appear.
Some interesting and true comments attached to that report.
#Melbourne police say driver who crashed into crowd is 32yo Australian citizen of Afghan descent.
They say he was being treated for mental illness.
No evidence this is linked to terrorism. @WPTV
The simple answer to this ongoing problem is for islam to be classified as a mental illness, since the evidence in support is overwhelming. Job done.
“history of mental health issues”
I believe that, anyone who believes anything in the Koran is seriously mentally ill.
Best to transfer them all to a special facility where they have the resources to treat the condition.
It’s called Pakistan.
They only think he’s got mental issues because he started harping on about some bloke on a flying horse, apparently. I mean how ridiculous!
Then each report says this “- Second man arrested near scene had knives in bag ”
That’s a bit strange.
“It is now believed he had no links to the incident,
however he is still assisting police with enquiries,” they said.
BTW strange pin writing from Reuters
: tweeted it was a mental patient and then their news article doesn’t say that
: and article says “a car drove at”
Reuters seem to have first tweeted and then taken 15 mins to re-edit their news story
which now does mention mentaL
I wonder if we’ll get a headline from the bbc such as: ‘Knife stabs some people in a bus queue in London.’
Full BBC headline might read: Homeless refugee knife stabs group of transgender persons with mental illness issues, forced to wait in food-bank queue while waiting for heartlessly delayed bus due to savage Tory cuts.
A knife was said by police to have been party to a fracas or rumpus in a metropolitan lined assembly of person or persons unknown, so it was alleged today by one of the Lord Mayors staff-the BBC can reveal.
Beltane-yours was excellent, but maybe a bit too damning-and mine is raw and open to more word moulding I`m sure.
Who needs Mornington Crescent? These new media rules are much more opaque that Humphs used to be.
When interviewed the knife asserted that he believed in being blunt, to which John Humphreys (or whoever) asked: ‘Well, what is the point?’
The knife immediately responded sharply by saying that he seemed to have spent his life on the edge of success, only for him to drop his guard and lose his grip.
Ah yes, the knives. They were probably just on their way home from a long hard shift at the local halal abattoir and got a bit tired behind the wheel…..
Mad people cannot be terrorists? So terrorists cannot be mad people right ?
I was having a discussion with someone yesterday evening and the “not all Muslims are terrorists” argument came up. What I would say to that is maybe not all Muslims are terrorists, but it certainly appears lately that most terrorists are Muslims!
They at least conceded that Islam was outdated and that it needed the so called “mainstream” or “moderate” Muslims to be the ones to stand up and admit this and to condemn the violence.
Their own conclusions seemed to be that the poor Muslims are actually scared to do this for fear of retribution. Says a lot about the so called “religion of peace”
Its not a ‘religion’, its a cult.
I view it as another system of totalitarian government, which masks itself as a religion.
Once again I stress that I am not in anyway linked with the Spectator but I must draw your attention to a piece in the magazine about the large scale corruption of Arch Beeboid Alan Yentob during his long tenure as chairman of Kids Company. Despite him being caught up in the scandal and pretty much certain to be disqualified from being a director of a company in future , he continues to hold a prominent position at the corporation and be paid well over 200k pa. Of course he has been at the BBC for nearly 50 years and has a massive pension and is a buddy of Lord Hall. All of which, as usual with the cess pit of the liberal left, insulates him against criminal charges . Contrast how the BBC treats Yentob , who has been investigated and found guilty by the authorities of offences which could for ordinary folks result in a prison sentence , and Green who lied about some aspects of watching some completely legal porn when at work. Chalk and cheese. The BBC stinks to high heavens of corruption. That Yentob is still on the pay roll is grotesque.
Here’s the link, but it’s a very short article
“the Insolvency Service has reportedly offered Yentob a deal.
He has apparently been asked to accept by 20 December a five-year ban from holding any company directorships.
… some might … getting off lightly ..”
‘surely the same standard should apply to Yentob’s public sector commitments.’
The only reason for Yentob remaining on the payroll is that they are currently working down the list of those suspected of abusing their positions. Presently dealing with those classified under H, it is believed that the S section might take some time – with posthumous charges likely. Accusations applying to Y are projected for early 2022.
That must be why he hates being called Botney.
One of our ‘shared values’ in the West used to freedom of thought and speech, particularly in academia. Back in November the BBC belatedly and no doubt reluctantly reported on the inquisition of Lindsay Shepheard at Wilfred Laurier University in Canada, she being accused of crimes against the ‘transgender community’. [Canada university under fire for gender pronoun debate]
Well the university appointed an independent lawyer to investigate the complaint. He has now found that no students had made any compaint against Miss Shepherd, in other words her three inquisitors lied, (‘we can’t say how many because of confidentiallity’).
This must surely be one of the most important ‘free speech’ stories world-wide this year but in the world of the BBC it has just disappeared. Bias By Not Reporting.
The article you linked to states that Professor Jordan Peterson ‘refuses to use gender pronouns other than he or she’. This is untrue. Prof Peterson has refused to be legally compelled to use words other than he or she, which was proposed in Canadian law. It is the compulsion he has complained about, not the words themselves.
The BBC article concentrates on ‘gender pronouns’ which is not the real issue. The real story is that Western universities have been taken over by people who in other times might have been called ‘fascists’. In this paricular case the professors objected to a teaching assistant exposing students to an alternate viewpoint, albeit as part of a structured debate, before those students had had a year of ‘conditioning’ to teach them the ‘one true truth’.
So the BBC mis-reported the original story and has ignored the follow-up.
A perfect illustration of this unaccountable, publicly funded and devious bBC operation is the replacement of James Harding
by Ms Unsworth.
Harding, of course , was in charge when the bBC in tandem with HM Police conducted the helicopter dawn raid on Sir Clif Richards property for which in turn he is suing them, with the hearings due.
This devious move to remove Harding from the firing line ahead of the trial as opposed to holding him in position ready to be fired without compensation when Sir Cliff’s position is upheld.
Sums these people up
I hope Sir Cliff wins huge damages even if the taxpayer has to pay them.
G’day mates, how d’you go
Victoria Derbyshire is most anxious to pass on – what one might term the “news” – that Australian Police have been very quick to diagnose that their deliberately dodgy driver who happens to be an Australian citizen of Afghan descent has, lo and behold, a history of drug use and mental illness.
and his co driver had a bag full on knives and was filming it maybe they just wanted a couple of hundred quid from one of those funny video clip shows
These rapid issuances by Police across the western world of suspected perpetrators’ drug and mental health histories…. are they to become a regular thing now?
Surely the Police are pre-empting the forthcoming legal process? Won’t potential juries be influenced by such early disclosure of mental capacity?
Do Police now have extensive drug and mental health records on our populations readily available at their finger tips? That’s handy, isn’t it?
Al, the problem is, that if a real mental health problem exists and is used as a defence, the perp is dealt with more sympathetically. Probably gets out earlier so he can have another go.
Ah well maybe they can now say that followers of a certain ideology are all mentally ill and have them all sectioned for the good of the majority.
I posted this on the Midweek thread, but it now appears on YouTube instead of Face-ache so it’s easier to watch.
Doreen on top form here!
She’ll never be on the BBC.
“Pound shop Thatcher who’ll never quite match ‘er”
Bloody brilliant.
The sad thing is you are right, she never will be on the bbbc but should be if they were purely bringing us the news and items of national interest.
Thank you Lobster.
Consider this your gift to us all for Christmas. Been quite a fan of Doreen-but simply didn`t know that she was as capable as THIS.
Not far off making me cry at times, brought Vaughan Williams to mind as well as Elgar, Kipling, Blake and Orwell. It`s THAT good.
Yes, I`ll give the Queen a listen ,but only for the bible verse from Isaiah. THIS is the new Queen of my heart, Doreen has joined the great with this tremendous poem for 2017.
Lobster – superb! Thanks for posting that here.
Lobster should realize that posting something which clearly states the saying ‘Live and Let Live’ could be highly offensive to those of the Islamic faith.
Has anybody noticed the steady flow of anti-Christmas stories the BBC is running? Along the lines of – Does Britain Celebrate Christmas too Much, Why I Don’t Like Christmas, Sensory Overload – How Trauma Can Make Christmas Overewhelming, Why I’m Dreading Christmas, Coming Home for Christmas is Confusing Students etc etc
The bBBC eroding our beliefs and traditions so that we will be more accepting of alternative beliefs and traditions.
#BecauseOfChristmas campaign in full swing.
Melbourne car ramming: nothing to do with heavily-bearded men.
Strange how Breitbart can provide pix of suspects within minutes, whereas the world’s most subsidised can only manage to show a picture of… a car.
beeb now saying its not terror because man had no KNOWN terror links
those aussie police work really quickly dont they, I presume they have already studied his computer and internet history , friends etc etc
so there you have it , if weve not identified you as a terror threat before the event its not terror
In the D/Mail today…….
Eid, Diwali & Passover get BBC primetime slots.
“Storylines about Ramadan and Passover are llikely to be written into BBC dramas under plans to devote more airtime to non-Christian faiths. The corporation yesterday unveiled a shake-up of its religious coverage, following concerns it no longer reflects modern Britain. In future, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu festivals are to be marked in primetime programmes, including The One Show and Chris Evans Radio 2 breakfast show……..”
I give up.
Have they given the percentages for each religion?
“He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself.
He(BRISSLES) lovedBig Brother.(BBC)”One thing is certain Brissels, there will not be any satire of any religions other than Christianity and possibly Judaism. Islam and its crazy and horrific beliefs and practises will be treated with kid gloves. The BBC will turn this approach into a recruiting drive for Islam. In the Times today the postings under this story are about 90% hostile to the news and many of them are demanding that the LF be scrapped. If we had a Tory government , instead of the social democrat one that we have, they could use this furore to inflict great damage on the BBC . But as things are the PM probably approves of it . Just another step down the road of the state sponsored Islamification of what was once our homeland.
It’s already happening. For example in EastEnders earlier this week the Pub landlord questioned whether having a small model of the Christmas Nativity Scene wouldn’t be offensive to some of the clients given that Britain is now a multi-faith society. Then they lost the Jesus figure and replaced it with a blue martian.
Fk them if they are offended. If they don’t want to accept our traditions they are welcome to move elsewhere.
Dystopian, they won’t because they won’t have it so easy .
We are all doomed….
That spread the wealth philosophy doesn’t seem to have extended to the BBC coverage of the recently ended Jewish festival of Hanukkah. Perhaps the BBC finds the nationalist elements of the story offensive or maybe it’s the historical rather than mythological proof of Jews living in the land of Israel before any Arabs arrived? Or perhaps it’s that the BBC doesn’t really give a damn?
Hanukkah 2017 at the BBC: More light than heat
Five Minutes for Israel monitored the entire(!) BBC output on Hanukkah (talk about brass balls) and discovered that it is mostly a few minutes smaller regional networks rather than national (Channel Islands, Scots Gaelic, Manchester) or a comparative religion discussion (Religions are all the same).
On the positive side, the festival is portrayed as fun time for kids with pretty candles, games and donuts. it was rather like discussing Christmas through puff pieces of Santa Claus and ginger bread while ignoring Jesus.
Here’s betting that the Passover (not the Hebrew name Pessach?) drama will be penned by an ‘as-a-Jew’ from Jewish Voice for Peace or Corbyn’s ‘we are not antisemitic despite all appearances’ Labour party, either attacking Israel’s occupation of Canaanite land or set in a socialist, trade union family in the 1930s.
Checking the main BBC news pages all references to the story of Christmas Terror plots, “Swedes” being arrested at airports, Suicide bombers brother being jailed for planning a bombing campaign in Britain … have entirely vanished from the English News Section, the UK News Section and the News Homepage of the BBC website.
RE: Green.
The problem with politics by character assassination is that we all have skeletons in our closets; we are fallen creatures. Liberal ‘outrage’ is so selective which I hate. Imagine if Boris Johnson had made Harman’s joke about the Holocaust? He would have been forced out by now. Harman was let off though, as is anyone on their side.
How about some actual policies to make people’s lives better? They have totally failed in that regard which is why they have to resort to name-calling and throwing mud. They are the pits.
BBC does IDF
It won’t end well …. “We hear how the IDF looks to steward their young conscripts – and what happens when this attempt at a national project meets areas of national division, inequality and controversy.”
Supposing you are very stupid and actually believe that the Melbourne Muslim driver had mental issues as the Aussie police claim, surely, as this is the God knows how many, Muslim perpetrator of acts of car violence , you ought to be campaigning for all Mad Muslims to be prevented from driving, You Know It Makes Sense.
For those possessed of more than half a brain, it is tragically comic that a public official in any developed Western country can actually spew forth the tripe that the Melbourne police spokesman did. This mental issues lie is so long past it’s sell by date that if it were a food product anyone selling it should be charged with attempted man slaughter. The liberal left Globalists can fool some of the people all of the time BUT that some is getting smaller and smaller, sooner or later the whole world will realise that the purveyors of fake news are not the populists, nor the alternative news sources, but the governments of the western world and their tame lap dogs in the media.
Why is there no outbreak of this mental illness in Japan?
Beeb, you’d have a hard time finding a carrier of mental illness in Japan because of strict migratory rules; and for extra protection why do you think they walk around wearing masks ?????
Beebistan move straight into cover-up damage-limitation mode: ‘Melbourne attack, ‘not terror related”.
But read the small print and that’s not quite what the police are saying: he had “no known terrorism links”.
In other words he wasn’t a paid up member of ISIS. But does that mean it’s not terror related? Course not. All muslims have been instructed to kill infidels, so any muslim, anytime anywhere, can ram into a crowd and it’s obviously an act of jihadi terrorism.
Obvious to anyone with half a brain, though not to the evil beeb, enemy of the UK, enemy of the West, enemy of Christianity, apologist for Islamic murder.
First headline on R4 news straight away mention Australia suspect has a history of mental issues.
Australian speaker states he would like to “reiterate” that there is no evidence of a terrorist connection.
However, they are working with anti terror squad to “make sure” the link won’t be there! WTF!
Item 2 was a reminder with regard to the upcoming trial of the evil white man who allegedly killed a Muslim with his van
Just days ago a group with mental illnesses were arrested in Sheffield.
Ideologues like the Beeb only get away with it when they have a monopoly. Now everyone has the internet their dangerous lies are laughably unbelievable.
HMG has published the brexit impact assessments ( very seasonal ) it is one of those cases where the bigger al beeb slags it off the better for Blighty it will be .
No impact assessments should have been admitted too in the first place as it’s like giving the evil EU several big open goals ( no doubt some remainer will give the real ones away) .
I hope May fucks off the EU by backing Poland today but can’t see it
But how long do we have before they are controlling the internet?
Move along nothing to see here.
So this man can’t be classed as a terrorist as he wasn’t known to the Police,
It is in ‘BBC quotes’. Single ones.
People need to wake up and withdraw bBBC funding en mass. If we all did it their ivory towers would come crashing down.
Withdrawing funding is no longer enough after all the crimes they’ve committed against this once great nation: string ’em up.
23 million people buy a licence.
So let’s take the lying beeb, lying media, and lying politicians at their word for the sake of argument.
It’s not islam, it’s mental problems that cause all these muslims to murder infidels.
The question then arises: what is it about that ‘great faith’ that drives so many of its members mad, and a particular form of madness involving guns, knives, trucks and explosives, a uniquely muslim form of madness that doesn’t seem to afflict followers of other faiths?
All very baffling isn’t it?
So let’s say they have mental issues.
Still what is their motivation for ramming a car into innocent people with the deliberate intent to kill?
Mental or not let’s look at why they are doing it.
Could it be some sort of belief in some sort of ideology that offers them a reward such as numerous virgins in some kind of eternal heaven…..
They do indeed have a mental issue. It’s called islam.
Right Islam. I slam my car into Christmas shoppers.
most likely mental cause his mum married her cousin
A good point that deserves further discussion.
In a world where the ‘understanding of motivations’ is the pinnacle of worthiness, why stop at the disease rather than what causes it or how near exclusively manifested?
Outside the fog of war, the taking of innocent civilian life, especially on a random basis, has to be the result of mental impairment.
Hence the only logical immediate step is to look further around the incident.
And any news medium failing to do so ain’t doing no journalism, bruv.
Totally agree Guest Who. Why arent the BBC, who self proclaim as holding people to on our behalf, demanding answers to these questions? Better than closing down debate and labelling those who ask as racists and bigots.
Seems Australian TV does play its part too in reaching audiences of reduced capacity:
Wham! Pow! WTF! Boom!
“No, Ahmed, that is not what ‘A’ stands for…”
Hi Guest Who – the BBC have already been doing this for a while in some of their video features. Two I recall – one was of Arsene Wenger in bed and throwing his alarm clock at the wall because of something or other. The other was of some Muslim victimhood story of non-Muslim soldiers attacking a village and taking away the husband leaving the hijabi clad woman and all her children in tears. The husband was presented as some peaceful martyr. I think that was a Nigerian story but they run similar Muslim victimhood stories (cartoonised) from Myanmaar and elsewhere. In fact the BBC have a whole armoury of propaganda tools they use (stock photos or videos of crying babies and the like).
They have to get it in the very first paragraph and flash the headline ‘not terror related’
There is an invitation to send comments..
Aren’t our governments supposed to serve and protect us?
When can we terminate their employment for breach of contract?
I think you’ll find we serve the state . Duck your nut but is you break it’s liberal rules you’ll be crushed- notice I said rules not laws. Hence legal political group can closed off from social media at a blink of an eye.
The thought occurs to me: we are told the driver has a history of mental health issues.
I wonder what those issues are? Did he, for example, attack innocent infidels before? In which case we have a bit of a circular argument (or circular excuse): 1) he attacks people therefore he has mental issues. 2) He attacks more people, but that’s because he has mental issues, not terrorism…
(Later Edit) I’ve just checked on Fox: The driver was known to Victorian Police due to “historical assault matters”. My theory might not be too far off the mark.
I guess care in the community is not working then.
I have just noted the BBC have created a story about the person involved in the Finsbury Park attack. I expect this to take centre stage on the BBC website for a little while as it presents Muslims as victims and a white man as a terrorist:
Distraction technique.
They can also justify Jihad as long as they are persecuted.
Yes it is a bizarre GENUINE coincidence that they are able to get the NEW Melbourne attack and 6 month old Finsbury Mosque attack into the same 5 min bulletin.
But today really is the plea stage of the January 22nd trial.
\\ 48-year-old man from Wales pleaded NOT guilty on Thursday to terrorism-related murder
and attempted murder//
Well if you go in a bender and drive to London and drive into a crowd… That doesn’t seem like terrorism.
For it not be murder ..he’d have to show it was a spur of the moment thing and not preplanned.
Even then he’d get years for manslaughter.
I thought the guy died from a heart attack. Hadn’t he already collapsed in the road?
That was definitely reported for a couple of days but was quickly forgotten.
He ought to claim mental health issues.
Its a total wankfest on biased BBC today.
1. Damien Green is sacked.
2. Melbourne attack not terror related
3. Lots of incidents in maternity wards (evil Tories underfunding NHS)
4. Latest Brexit doom and gloom report.
5. BBC report says 1 in 10 young people have homelessness periods, sleeping on friends’ sofas for ‘up to a month’.
It’s a good job I am told the BBC news is trusted and impartial, otherwise I might have accidentally concluded they had a left wing agenda to undermine the government.
They don’t seem to have reported that the investigation of Keith Rentboy/coke ( alleged) Vaz has been suspended after a YEAR because of illness . That fella really gives politicians a great reputation eh?
This picture on my Twitter feed seems appropriate today.

I would imagine that anyone who is suicidal would normally be assessed as having a mental illness, but I wouldn’t apply that logic to this type situation where there is a clear ideological motivation.
A few days ago the BBC news and particularly the Today programme was full of the Lammy Report, which told us that 41% of convicted criminals are BAME. Well, facts are facts, but what were Lammy’s solutions? Well one of them was to ensure that the racial mix of the judiciary matches the rest of the population. Now, I can’t say that I am particularly fussed about the ethnicity of the judge should I have the misfortune to end up in court, but I would be concerned that he should be impartial and competent and suitably experienced, but this is ridiculous.
BAME criminals would still end up before white judges and vice versa, and it would require a 41% of judges to be non-white to ensure that BAME accused ended up before BAME judges if that was what was intended. Any preference on the basis of ethnicity rather than qualifications and experience would be detrimental to the rest of society, and it takes years for judges to gain the experience required. Consequently, if anybody really does think this is needed, it would be easier to deport a few BAME people until the proportion in the general population matches the percentage in the judiciary.
Is that what Lammy intended? I suspect not.
I think Lammy would create some white only crimes in order to put away more of us.enochs “whip hand” made flesh
It would surely be more efficient if every white male had to do a spell in prison of say three months . This would be a form of national service . I calculate if every white male aged 21 had to do this short period of national service the ratio of the prison population would be equalised. We could call those who did it Lammy Boys, a bit like the Bevin Boys who were called up during the war to work in the mines. It might also shake up a few of the snowflakes which would be a bonus
If 41% of the judiciary were black, then the chance of a black person getting a black judge would be 41%. I sense a presumption it would be 100%. Not something the brilliant journalists at The bBBC seem to have tumbled.
Only if defendants are earmarked by race and then judges assigned accordingly would a black defendent get a black judge.
Does Lammy want this? Do we want this ?
Equal treatment under the law? Or positive discrimination?
Would white defendents get a white judge? Or would that be racist?
BBC Suggestions on how to handle Brexit : Avoid Brexit altogether
How to perfect your Brexit chat this Christmas {21dec2017}
. . . .
Don’t talk about BREXIT and it never happened! Don’t have a difference of opinion. Let it simmer like the whole EU project … until it’s too late.
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
Avoid Brexit eh Beeb?
And Trump?
And Jesus?
And the Greens role in Grenfell Towers?
And the EUs role in same?
And that Islam has no claim on Jerusalem at all?
And the role of the BBC in getting Zaghari-Ratcliffe arrested?
And the weaponising of the police, trains, schools and hospitals to bring down an elected government?
And Clintons piss dossier, Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation?
And the fact that the left threaten women far more than the right in areas like arts, cinema, law, politics?
And the Left liberal continual, ongoing anti-Semitism?
BBC pay rates?
This could go on for hours -there ought to be a lot of slient TV dinners this holiday if we stay quiet over what the BBC would like us to omit.
I find that to go over the top is very effective . Just announce you want to spend all the money saved on the armed forces and invade France and head for Berlin. You either get a stunned silence and have to leave quickly or laughter.
Snowflakes do cry though .
“Finland: Muslim migrant rapes his girlfriend and then burns her alive.”
The ever-so-feminist beebistan aren’t running this story. Hey, white trash, who cares? Not the evil beeb, that’s for sure. Anyway she had it coming, turned down the offer of sex with a peaceful muslim, bitch.
P.s. In case you think Jihadatch are making it up: According to the court’s statement, Ramin Azimi repeatedly “first raped the girl in a nightclub in Ulvila. The he transported her to the town of Kokemäki by car, moved her to a wooden house, doused her in gasoline and burned her alive.”
Catalonia election: Muslim woman on a political mission
…. and what does she want? …
According to UCIDE, there are 82,000 children from Muslim families in state education in Catalonia with no Islamic instruction available.
– The problem is Islam. The solution is more Islam.
So she wants to be elected not to work for the whole community just Muslims – that’s how I read her outpouring. That’s democratic…without realising it she shows herself to be exactly what she accuses the other 94% of the population to be – prejudice and racist. I find it odd though (I shouldn’t) that the BBC think this warrants a main page in the European News section with everything else that is going on…anyone would think they are pro Islam….
Just his culture mate , can’t apply our standards to other cultures. Sadly this perverted logic is applied by many on the left to excuse the crimes of Muslims.
Yeah, tying your ex to a chair and burning her alive is just a slight cultural misunderstanding according to lefties.
Dt You forgot to mention the crimes of the lefties. When did we ever hear an apology for the behaviour of Stalin, Mao et al?