Another Remain lemon goes Kamikazi for the cause as Lord Adonis, the unelected peer who owes his position to political patronage and privilege, resigns in order to, em, further democracy, complaining that May has no popular mandate [other than a clear referendum vote on an historic turn out] to carry on with Brexit and he, as an unelected peer, will do everything he can to thwart that democratic vote in the interest of, em, democracy. Whoever next? Lord Hall Hall?
Would the BBC survive a ‘French Revolution’ as the pro-EU ‘elite’ tell the voters they can’t have their cake but the voters decide they will have it, and eat it? Should the ‘elite’ manage to use the system to block Brexit I can imagine it would be a short-lived, Pyrrhic victory. Enjoy it whilst you can Lord Hall Hall…and perhaps get one of those nice new blue passports.
Anyway, for now the BBC continues as normal, so spot any bias….name and shame here…..
I am first??!! Unbelievable! Alan, you may like to correct a typo — you have an extra “e” in “Weekened”!
Quick — send in your entries — the 2017 King of Fake News Trophy is up for grabs now!:
Breitbart link:
Submit your entry here:
You may also find this link helpful:
Give the American MSM a break — at least they don’t get their dough from a television licence tax — VOTE BBC FOR THE 2017 KING OF FAKE NEWS AWARD!!
I just submitted my entry. I said the BBC deserved a special international award for sneering, suggesting they look at Ewan Davis’s interview with Sebastian Gorka.
“The President sort of says something, then others have to come around with a bucket and a shovel to clear up.”
I know Rightangle, being ‘first’ is like that feeling of being the first to tread in fresh snow – a sense of pathetic achievement !
Brissles, at least she/he did a proper post to go with it …. 😉
Your turn again soon.
Oh Snuffy, I’m touched that you remembered I was complete rubbish at being first.
HNY to you toooooo !
I too remember the day when Brissles was first in the queue. Indeed-hard to picture her without that national anthem and flag flying as she smiles coyly before a cheering crowd on top of the podium.
I know there`ll be no drug cheating with our new champion Right Angle-but do wonder if there`s some insider information going on, given that many of us old stagers have long coveted this award.
Yet somebody NOT on the Paddy Power approved ” Euro candidates list” seems to have won.
Has this contest been hacked?-Russians was it?
Can we have a rerun anyway Alan?
Or at the very least, can I head an enquiry …before exonerating everybody who hates Trump and Brexit?…sign NOW!
Blimey I clearly made an impact with being so shocked at being ‘first’ that I had bugger all to say ! I am duly humbled. And as for the flag flying, well Chris you must have been the one at the back cheering me on when I played Brittania in a local amdram production !!
What about the “feelings” of those of us who desire to be the 1st poster but have not been allowed to, because of outdated and old fashioned patriarchal forms of standard numerical ordering – (ie 1st come 1st served). This not only blunts creativity it also hurts feelings and this must stop NOW!
Unless Alan replaces the current system of ordering/organising this blog with either a system of randomly reordering all posts or creates a separate blog for all of us so we can all be 1st I may consider withdrawing from this blog entirely.
Where is the inclusiveness here – I demand post re-assignment change and an apology NOW!
Eh ????
Sorry Brissles – I did not really understand my post either. I can only think it was related to me reading the Guardian yesterday for approximately 2 minutes! Call it a mild infection of snowflakeitus.!
Strangely there is no ‘reply’ under your post Oaky, but glad I am not alone in not knowing what you were on about ! I did laugh though !
Brissles, old thing, I think you were so overcome at the time of being first that all other thoughts must have disappeared. I was holding the door open for you on the new Thread in 2018 but was too late. Many and profuse apologies! Have another go later in the week.
Well, RA, either Alan has done it to tempt maxincony in here for a pre-New Year misplaced grumble or it’s a typo of a different sort. The extra ‘e’ is correct.
The second one of the four, however, should be an ‘a’ and refers to i) the B-BBC Founders & Staff after a jolly good Christmas, ii) the contributors after same, or, iii) both.
Happy New Year everyone. 🙂
“Lord Adonis quits government role with Brexit attack”
\\The government’s infrastructure adviser has announced he is quitting his role, describing Brexit as a “populist and nationalist spasm”. //
If the British public vote democratically for a Labour Government would that be a “populist and nationalist spasm”?
It appears the democracy is ok if the plebs vote the ‘correct’ way. The man’s a fool.
Wasn’t he behind the Hs2 project? IMHO a total waste of money.
I’m never going to vote for Adonis again.
Oh, oops …
Brexit is a “populist and nationalist spasm”. Translation: popular and patriotic response.
To be clear I have no time for Frankie Boyle. Tonight he really showed me just what he is made of and just what a bullying foul mouthed wannabe thug he is.
On President Trump. A long segment of continual abuse culminating in a vile reference which i just cannot repeat to the President’s dead brother. And to a chorus of sycophantic guests and a simpering audience that looked too scared or probably to stupid to understand just how offensive this man Boyle is. That nobody seemed to question how our national broadcaster can transmit this is beyond me.
I have a suggestion .Send a tape to the President and get this man Boyle aired on US TV stations in the heartland of the USA. Give him and the BBc the platform they crave and then just wait.
Special relationship? In your dreams. Trade deals? Not the front or the back of the queue but not even in the queue . Let the good people of the USA see just how we really think of them and their President. Not us but our intellectual and media/political class and our wasters in the cities and universities.
Then hope the President recalls his ambassador and cancels any trip until hell freezes over. The US should have done with us and about time.
As for the BBC if they can transmit this then there is no point in any complaint or oversight or governor or anything. Just stop it’s money and sell it for scrap.
Yes Frankie Boyle is repulsive, but not much different from the vast majority of foul-mouthed lefty ‘comedians’ that al beebistan gives a platform to. They act as proxy mouthpieces for the beeb’s own biased and repulsive views, while allowing it to say, wasn’t me guv, it were ‘im.
I thought we had got rid of Boyle from our screens years ago because he was so offensive, but it would appear he is like Jonathan Ross. If people fit the BBC agenda they will just have a temporary ‘ban’ before being gradually reintroduced. But if you are David Bellamy, for example, a ban is for life.
I can’t ever recall him being offensive about the RoP or its adherents though.
No comedian will touch the Religion of War and Paedophilia with a barge pole, though it’s ripe for mockery in so many ways. They’re frit. Cowards to a man. And woman.
They know that if they do, the best that can happen to them is that their career is over. The worst is that they are killed.
Violence, and the threat of violence, works. It has been at the heart of the islam cult for 1400 years, and they will never change. Happy New Year everyone!
But they ( the ‘comedians’ ) are on the same despicable wave length as the R-O-P.
Course not-not when there`s Katie Prices` disabled mixed-race son to use as comedy material. Brave heart our Frankie.
If I were that Hull woman in an Egyptian jail, I d get Boyle sent over there to defend his “Tramadol Nights” series-may well be that she sublimated the message and took him literally. And I`d much rather he was in a Cairo khazi of a jail that Ms Plummer.!
Seemingly oblivious of the self-parody, yesterday the front page of the BBC website sported a headline: “UK stock markets close at a record high”. Underneath was a link to another report “Was 2017 a bad year for capitalism?”
The latter, a disgracefully biased article by Simon Jack, concluded that it was, based on failure to maintain living standards, poor productivity, and declining levels of home ownership. Only a fleeting mention of record low levels of unemployment before going on to endorse Jeremy Corbyn’s “crisis of legitimacy”. No mention of the role of huge levels of inward migration in depressing wages, removing incentives to increased productivity and putting pressure on the housing market. No recognition of the role of a booming stock market in maintaining living standards for millions of people. No mention of the brilliant successes of Corbyn’s alternative model in raising living standards. Venezuela? Cuba? North Korea?
In maintaining the lie that they “do not offer opinions” in their news service, the BBC are contemptuously arrogant of those they are supposing to serve.
We used to rather like ‘Signome’ Jack, as a cheeky chappie, probably out of his depth in the brain department, but better than some of his older mates.
Now he’s just one of them, and spouting the lefty tripe so beloved by junior managers in a bloated and out-dated organisation.
It’s so much easier just to ignore the ‘huge intellectual’ properties of bbbc autocue-readers, and concentrate on sifting through the headlines of any other online rag (except the Guardian), and getting the real gist of the day’s by finishing with Fox News!
I don’t know if Twitter or some other phone thing does this, but there again, I don’t bother to listen anyway!
In the spirit of inter-religious goodwill and reciprocity, I propose the introduction of a reverse Jizya tax on our muslim brothers.
Think about it: muslims cost this country huge amounts of money for the surveillance of hundreds (or thousands?) of potential terrorists; airport security; the construction of ugly concrete bollards everywhere; prison costs for the disproportionate number of muslims in jail; and the disproportionate welfare benefits they receive.
Wouldn’t it be fair if they made a contribution to all these costs?
I’m sure they’d be happy to show their loyalty to King and Country and chip in.
In exchange, they would receive the same ‘protection’ Christians receive in the Middle East.
The Beeb writes a long, drooling article about Liverpool’s Rhian Brewster suffering racial abuse.
I note the five incidents occurred in Spain, Russia and Eastern Europe. The corollary is that racism is not a problem in British football, what a triumph that is. Plus 25% of footballers BAME, even more in the Premier League!
Such a supply and demand problem for leftists like the Beeb. They are obsessed with racism, feminism and ‘oppressors’ when in reality the vast majority are decent people who rub along fine with anyone. Of course there will always be a few idiots – that’s just life. It’s impossible to eradicate those tiny numbers of offenders; surely we have done everything humanly possible to ‘kick it out’ and all these campaigning groups are just a waste of money? Why would being called names a few times a year bother you if you were a multi millionaire footballer?
I don’t want to hear all about ‘hate crime’ and racism all the time. It is an indictment on the nation – I refuse to accept we are all so horrible.
Anti-racist groups use two contradictory arguments. The first is that racists have no support and the vast majority support a multicultural society. The second is that racism is increasing exponentially. Argument one is used to make anyone who disagrees with unlimited immigration appear to be a racist bigot. Argument two is used by anti-racist campaigners to justify their continued existence.
EW – the groups who never want “racism” to end are ethnic minorities themselves – too big a stick with which to beat whites, to ever let go of it.
Maybe that young man should’ve been around in the ’70’s when black players had bananas thrown on the pitch at them and monkey chants every time they touched the ball.
I support West Bromwich Albion, who famously had three black players in the team in the late ’70’s, the late, great Laurie Cunningham, (gone too soon), Cyrille Regis and Brendon Batson. They were racially abused at every ground we played at, and as for Liverpool being holier than thou, well I remember their fans monkey chanting at our “Three Degrees”.We loved them and were abused for it by fans from other clubs but they also made it OK for many black kids I was at school with to support a football team.
They changed the face of football in this country in many ways, other black players such as John Barnes, Ian Wright etc say that they made them want to become professional footballers.
So, as a Baggie, I find racist chanting at football abhorrent, sadly some fans haven’t moved on, but our three didn’t go running to the papers, they showed how good they were where it mattered, on the pitch.
If anyone is interested in their stories, Laurie Cunningham’s is sad, he was killed in a car crash far too young, then there are various books on the subject ” Samba on the Smethwick End” is especially good.
I just wish we had them in our current side!!!
Also, I would just like to wish everyone here a very Happy New Year and that 2018 brings you all luck and happiness.
“Brexit infecting government, says Lord Adonis.”
Or perhaps “Government infecting Brexit”?
Or “Lord Adonis infecting government and Brexit?”
Not knowing much about the unelectable “Lord” Adonis i decided to do a quick Wiki on him.
Apparently his mother “left the family when he was three and she has had no communication with him since”
sounds a sensible women.
R4 Lord Adonis…..what a pious self important dullard. Apparently we are all idiots except him.. and the other Remoaners
Brexiteers didn’t know why they were voting or what for – and all Remoaners did eh…
Now he is on Breakfast – BBC love him and making weak attempt to questions his claims Now he says Government is sacking all Remoaners….he claims the Govt trying to silence him…ho ho ho.. really.
I really can’t stand this man….he thinks he is intelligent but is actually a vacuous windbag – “the country will take the mature and wise decision to stay in the EU”… he is adding completely random phrases and linking to Brexit …. Look forward to an Adonis fest…..can barefy eat my breakfast
A properly run news organisation (which the BBC isn’t, of course) would be asking all sorts of awkward questions about Andrew Adonis, not least how this nonentity rose to the position he holds. Who promoted him? Why? By what right does he exert any more influence over this country than anyone else? There is murk here and it needs clearing. Instead of taking Adonis at his hugely over-inflated face value, it should be finding out the truth about this man and exposing him, and what he represents about power and patronage, to the public gaze.
GC..You are right. I have just looked at Lord (how he got that title is bloody marvelous) Adonis. The only elected seat I can find is a councillor! Of course he went to Oxford and is an academic..he seems to have skipped from one place to anther until he found one that suited him..and Blair gave him title..
Here are some quotes about him from 2005 article..”His weakness is that I am not sure how much he is grounded in a lot of delivery.”….”In 1996 Mr Adonis wrote that as prime minister Mr Blair should appoint himself education secretary as well. Mr Blair did almost the next best thing, appointing Mr Adonis to the policy unit”..He’s a mini-Mandelson, a Blair hatchetman.
Well I would say that the British people deserve to know he is somebody who has never been elected into Government but given all of his positions by sucking up to the elite with Mr Blair as his initial ‘patron’
The business about his only elected office being a single term on a local council is a matter of record but I am sure that a great deal more could be found. I am not suggesting any illegal activities – there was darkness, patronage and sleaze enough at the very heart of ZaNu Labour and that is what people need to know about. They also need an explanation as to how this vampire, who should have been defenestrated along with Bliar, Brown and the rest of their gang of Common Purpose undead, managed to keep power under Cameron’s faux Tories.
Sadly, the BBC is wholly owned and run by the same breed, so until they are replaced, any such investigations wold have to be done by an independent press. Sadly, we no longer have one of those, either.
The referendum and the election of Donald Trump have brought all these people out from under the rocks where they have been quietly shaping policy for years, and they don’t like the light.
“R4 Lord Adonis…..what a pious self important dullard. ….Brexiteers didn’t know why they were voting or what for – and all Remoaners did eh…”
So he must have known what he was voting for (i.e. plans were afoot for a Euro Army, Air force and Navy). So why didn’t he inform the remoaners about this?. No doubt vast numbers of voters would have voted the other way if they had known about these devious ambitions.
“Brexiteers didn’t know why they were voting or what for”. Its an often repeated statement used by Remoaners. Just refer them to the biased booklet published by H M Government that was posted through every letterbox in the land. The people have voted and the will of the people must be carried out!
Click to access why-the-government-believes-that-voting-to-remain-in-the-european-union-is-the-best-decision-for-the-uk.pdf
Stick that in your pipe Mr Adonis and smoke it.
And remember Mr Clegg’s so called ‘fantasy’ Euro Army ……………
Nigel should have been the one awarded a knighthood .
This post isn’t directly about the BBC but it is about the highly dangerous diluded state of the liberal left. In the Times this morning there is an article about Britain still being a good place to live. The author makes some good points but also some dangerous ones. For instance she claims that there are no parts of our cities in which it isn’t safe to walk after dark. I think that you have to be in a state of deep denial to believe this or perhaps the author was just whistling in the dark in order to keep up the spirits of other libtards , who must realise with each passing year that their crazy and highly dangerous social engineering experiment of multiculturalism has failed and left our country in the worst position it has been in throughout our history. Our way of life is under determined assault by internal forces.
Of course if you listened to the BBC et al you might believe this official lie that it’s all OK , but in the real world we know that this is just the opposite of the truth. The BBC and the rest of the MSM will keep on pumping out ever larger doses of propaganda to try and keep us under sedation. Their commentary will become ever more one of distortion and suppression . Fake news is already a key part of their output but it will become their core purpose, to stop the people realising that they are being led towards an Islamic future. Articles like the one in the Times today are just small examples of the way in which the liberal left are pretending all is well with the mess that they have created.
In the early 1980s I lived in Balham, a seedy part of London then with a large immigrant population, both Asian and Carribbean. Walking home at night meant walking through large gangs who took up the whole pavement and me being kerb crawled all the way home from the station The local GP advised me to move to a safer part of London,
And it certainly hasn’t improved since then! In fact I would say that the majority of South and East London’s streets are now unsafe for a woman after dark. The only people who think otherwise are those who never venture outside their privileged enclaves.
“The only people who think otherwise are those who never venture outside their privileged enclaves.”
….and those who think “Eastenders” is real!
G ,
As a professional east ender ( born and bred) I look at the faces of the out of towners coming to London and seeing a similar look of fear and disgust and wondering what country they are in
Apparently the new lord leftenant in a black bloke from Nottingham -cant remember seeing the job advert.
Fedup2 – that’s called “Paris Syndrome”, named after the disillusionment which groups of Chinese tourists experienced, who visited that city and discovered it didn’t resemble the one their travel agents had led them to expect.
It is also used to describe the effect on people of returning to areas they once lived in or had visited many years before, which have been become increasingly “vibrant” during the intervening period of enrichment.
Paris Syndrome – a good one to use and then explain to people what it means when they ask about it.
Mmm, diversity – doncha love it?
I don’t think that there have ever been cities in this country, which didn’t have parts of them which it would have been unwise to walk through after dark. In London in the 18th and 19th centuries “gentlemen” would sometimes pay for a minder to walk behind them if they were venturing into less salubrious areas.
The problem today is those areas are growing and reflect an ethnic element to the victims and perpetrators of crime in them, which to recognize as such is multiculturally blasphemous; so therefore ignored.
Britain underwent a ‘golden era’ in the 20th century where, with a few exceptions, people were largely safe unless they were idiots. The loss of that sense of safety is not entirely due to immigration, of course, but in certain towns and cities there can be no question that it is. You are absolutely right suggesting that this change in society is unremarked on and ignored by the Left wing media. We all know why. It is because they helped bring it about.
News : The government is giving broadcasters including Channel 4 and ITV an extra £60m (from TV licence pot) to compete with BBC children’s programmes.
The money is to be spent over three years and will be used to encourage more home-grown programmes.
A Labour MP is associated with ‘Save Our Kids TV’ says
2002 spending on Kids’ TV £192m by Public Service Broadcasters
2013 £98m
Hmm : Maybe BBC monopoly has smashed the market
So ITV,4 & 5 stopped spending on children’s content ?
So now they have to be given free money as a market correction.
In TV land most progs are childish anyway.
I once caught an episode of Horrible Histories – pure indoctrination. So more of the same, I imagine.
Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane
Football later, and lanky lightweight would-be matinee idol Dan Walker’s summary of the forthcoming running order tells us all we need to know…. that the BBC has strayed irretrievably off side.
Ok, I’ll say this right at the kick off : it doesn’t quite sit right that the Big Sam Allardyce interview is with some BBC bird. Come with me whilst I imagine a sub-David Attenborough wildlife documentary where we glance out across the wide veldt to glimpse by the waterhole the buck water buffalo and his companion brightly coloured feathered passenger perched on his back, picking ticks.
Waking from this twisty somewhat fevered train of thought, we know these days there’s no longer any male natural preserve, no reservation, nowhere they don’t feel the dire need to turn into a petting zoo. Que sera.
What really irks is the self-important we-know-best, self-appointed, public service, all pervasive public sector tosh – you know you’re about to get mugged by modern milksop liberalism when instead of finding the jockstraps ashtrays and oranges you hear junk statistics littered about the changing rooms. “x hundred number of footballers have sought counselling… one-in-four of us has/will suffer some mental difficulty and footballers are certainly not divided from that” [speak for yourself, son, they say one-in-four of us are Chinese]
By the way, we have to thank the gloriously potty Stuart Hall for the opening quote. A BBC hero of the past – and don’t let’s forget it. And don’t let them forget it. You see, just because they’re on the telly, that don’t mean they always know what’s best for us.
I’ve heard a variation on the opening quote: “Looks like Tarzan, acts like Jane and smells like Cheetah”.
I wonder if the bBBC will report this as per Fox News;
{Says Douthat: “This is also a press failure, a case where the media is not adequately reporting an important success because it does not fit into the narrative of Trumpian disaster in which our journalistic entities are all invested.”}
New Year’s Honours list. FFS. abolish the honours system.
The problem Grant IMO is that the people who deserve some sort of recognition for excellence are dwarfed by those who get gongs for turning up for work. Augmented to this is the outdated concept that the public sector deserve awards in lieu of lower pay than the private sector, which we all know is now a totally discredited and inaccurate proposition.
Twenty five Knights Bachelor were awarded. Only one is for the private sector, (for services to the bus industry), though at a stretch you could put Barry Gibb and Ringo Starr in that category. The rest seem to be for services at the cost of the taxpayer.
I breathed a sigh of relief that Beckham hadn’t received a gong.
They will.
Not in my lifetime please God.
Hopefully not in his either Brissles.
Not strictly bBBC. And yet……sometimes the bias is what they do NOT report.
For instance.
I note in the financial pages of the newspapers today that
a. Unemployment fell in 2017, against the expectations of all major economic forecasters.
b. The ONS has had to revise its forecasts upwards towards year end
c. The stock market is at an all time high.
Presumably this is all ‘because of Brexit’.
Or perhaps, Global Warming (aka, “despite” innit)?……………
Surfing Youtube I came across this vid of Douglas Murray and the response to his ‘Britain needs less islam’ by some idiot apologists for the Religion of War. (Daily Politics)
What I found interesting were the comments beneath. Unanimously in favour of Douglas and against the treacherous cowardly appeasers and apologists. (Unanimous as far as I could see, I didn’t read every one of the 2,000 + comments.)
So there we have it: the beeb splitting hairs and agonising over whether Douglas was islamophobic / hate speech, whereas the overwhelming majority of sensible people backing him against the idiot beeb.
Huge mismatch between the beeb view of the important issues and the general public’s.
How reassuring. Wake up beebistan, your time is up.
Yawn yawn. The lad defending Douglas Murray ended up exactly where the BBC wanted him – defending the Government’s strategy of dealing with the far far far right.
iPM “Listeners’ experiences”
“I was invited to a dinner event by a leading IT firm to find I was the only woman and only person of colour there”
.. is that so weird ?
#1 a lot of women would have not accepted the invitation.
#2 women often choose not to work in IT
#3 OK in 30 people maybe you’d expect 3 , but having only 1 will happen some time.
And what if her dinner was only 10 people.
I went to a BAME awards ceremony but ….equality!
Honours 9% are BME
lower than the general population
But of the average age group that get honours wouldn’t BME be more like 5% ?
The bBC airs a clip of a Muslim crying out for his mother:
And here is the reason the bBC picked this man:
I am sorry but how exactly is this the British Governments fault? Did I miss something? it’s another WTF moment
Britain used to rule Burma, but left 70 years ago. Ergo, everything which has happened there ever since is our fault, and nothing to do with the natives.
slight correction everything that goes wrong is our fault, anything that goes right is all down to their magnificence
‘Real crime is forgetting meat-free Monday, driving diesels and watching Mrs Brown’s Boys,
so no wonder Plod are having to ignore shoplifting’:
@gilescoren on modern world crime
Ask anyone under 35 what are the worst crimes that anyone can commit and they are going to say “sexism, racism, homophone, transphobia, bullying
.. Eating sugar, not using a reusable bag”
Now, that’s funny…oh…wait a mo’…is that a hate crime? 🙁
Wait a Mo . . Brilliant …. what would Mo say?
Butcher the butcher? 🙂 🙁
“what would Mo say?”
What would dear Ms BBC Nye herself say?
Wait a Mo . . Brilliant …. what would Mo say?
Pounce, Brilliant!
Well I can’t see how he can be accused of hate crime without some acknowledgement that there’s a definitive link between those who don’t eat bacon and terrorism..ah yes those bloody veggies and vegans, so dangerous!
This is the time of year for reflection so I though it appropriate for me to properly analyse my dislike of the BBC and my reasons for being on sites such as this.
I think there were two main incidents which made me “woke”. The first goes back some twenty years when Radio 4 was my default station both at my morning ablutions (“Today” programme) and while driving. There were some wonderful programmes that only an organisation funded like the BBC could do – I particularly remember a half hour item on the semi-colon, fascinating – but even I in my naiveté began to recognise a certain slant. The crunch came when I was driving along listening to “You and Yours”. The background was when a small company advertised for a telephone receptionist/ salesperson/ customer liaison. A Nigerian woman applied for the job and was turned down due to poor English, telephone manner and computer illiteracy. She inevitably complained to a Virtue Signaller who appeared on the programme. This small businessman, she averred, was a racist. What he should have done was to employ the (local) women as well as the Nigerian, but the former on a six-month contract during which time she was to teach the latter how to do the job. This was not challenged in the least by the interviewer, particularly why the proprietor should take a massive cut in profits (his wages!) so that a SJW could feel better in herself, nor as to the rights of the (white) woman who actually got the job, nor as to why private business should undertake the expense of training immigrants. Reader, I shouted at the radio.
The other occasion, and final straw, was the “Sunday” programme three or four years ago. I was listening on the way to my golf club when I caught an item about what people thought of the devil. Fine, I thought, it IS a religious programme. It started with a Vox Pop to the question “what do you think of when you think of the devil?”. The very first answer? – “Thatcher”. I refuse to believe that this had a place in a religious programme and was included solely to give the Islington luvvies a chortle over their muesli. I complained to the BBC for the first time in my life and people on here will not be surprised to hear that the answer was very much less than satisfactory. I did not pursue it but my listening to Radio 4 went from hours to minutes per week and has been like that ever since. It also encouraged me to find sites like this where my eyes were opened to the massive bias throughout the MSM, but particularly the publicly-funded BBC.
Talking of my golf club, Jim Davidson is a member. Now there’s a man who is very funny, does a tremendous amount of work for charity, particularly the armed forces, and was very popular performer with the public. Then the liberals took over commissioning and he disappeared as being too “provocative”. Yet I hear (and I certainly didn’t watch it) Frankie Boyle has just had a programme on TV which was rude, crude, divisive and extremely partisan – but of course, it was from the “right” direction so perfectly acceptable to the Beeb.
Wishing you all a happy New Year and keep up the good work
I hate to break it to you, but the fact that you play golf means that the BBC thinks you are a middle class, Home Counties, white privileged racist. They want nothing to do with you (beyond receiving your £145 tribute, that is).
If, on top of that, they found out that you actually knew Jim Davidson, they would probably pass your details on to Isis.
Likewise on the Happy New Year.i used to pay the tv tax but al beeb doesn’t represent me any more so no taxation .
Al beeb will never understand what the effect when a black or woman or disabled try on the ‘victim’ tag using a state agency to crush the owner.
I found a way of dealing with them ages ago . HR needs to be fireproof . Taped .
Thank you for your comment .a reflection indeed
Is BBC reporting this in news or only online ?
This follows the May atrocity when Egyptian terrorists( hard to put it down to IS, seeing as Al Sisi won`t give them an inch in Egypt, unlike most other Muslim countries) wiped out a busload of( let me guess) Christian pilgrims were on their way to a Holy site at Pentecost,Ascension or similar.Who will ever forget Pope Francis and Justin Welbys denunciation of this Islamic act of barbarism on helpless Orthodox Christians( who hardly exist, due to similar atrocities throughout their lives)? Come ON…you must remember it…
Hope Trump has an anti-fake news award-for stories that SHOULD have been reported and given some analysis-but were buried or smothered on sight.
BBC salaries in August comes to mind, as well as the suicide in The Hague of the Croat “war criminal”…boy, that smelled fishy! Can always tell when it pops up like a Mayfly and is killed within a few hours…
At this time of year, please remember this poor man in your prayers, they haven’t even left him with the shirt on his back…
The bare cheek of this beeboids, is astonishing.
what old jug ears seems not to appreciate is that he constantly advocates the spending of tax payers money , whilst constantly trying to make sure as little as possible is his
Kaiser – that’s why he fits in at al Beebus so well.
Well yes, but posing in the raw to make your point? Sorry boy but you are a — I was going to write cunt– but cunts have an extremely important role in the survival of the human species. Do YOU sunshine? I have serious doubts.
Why pair these 2 stories ?
To hide something ?
“This year after 3-Girls & AppleTreeYard* the BBC Action line received 127,000 calls”
* Drama about posh white prof being raped by an old white colleague.
Other progs like the Archers have individual tallies in the report, so why not 3-Girls ?
BBC obscuring the news.
Not reporting it. FOI ?
No breakdown of actual figures. Yentob gets praise ….
Yentob’s profile of the Egyptian author and activist Nawal El Saadawi, who survived female genital mutilation, …
… no mention of conviction rate of 0 in the UK.
Talking of FGM … and lefties like Yentob
Oh dear trouble [again] in Shiite paradise. BBC delivers a rather sanitised headline. They seem to be onside with the government this time.
Better coverage from The Mail
Yes, I got that impression, too. The BBC is clearly advancing the cause of the pro-government counter-demonstrators.
Their website has a vomit-inducing story about a Swedish man married to a Ghanaian woman and how people keep sharing the photo because utopia has arrived etc . . .
Well this is final and absolute proof that multiculturalism works. The parents of the girls killed in Manchester can forget their eternal pain because somewhere in Europe a white man has married a black woman.
Yes but do they say if she is a Christian as 70% of Ghanaians are. This is the problem people are confusing colour with religion – she probably wasn’t a “refugee” either..I don’t know and stand to be corrected…as they say one swallow doesn’t make a spring…..
Beebo…… not only in Europe, but on everyone of our adverts as well !
R4 Comedy Dead Ringers
Opening sketch sneers at May & Mogg
Then sketch : Trump is so stupid he just pushed nuclear button”
I used the Off button
BBC = Libland Broadcasting Corporation
Their worst nightmare will be a successful Trump presidency. Their open borders, anything goes nonsense is clearly suicidal but they bully us into not being able to have an alternative. Their sneering at Trump masks their terror that he will prove them all wrong in spectacular fashion. Reading his book The Art of The Deal reveals a savvy, tough, persistent and hands-on man who always manages to win. The story of how he got the land for Trump Tower shows how he is anything but the idiot lunatic the liberal elite would have us believe.
He has already achieved a lot even with so much against him. As he tweeted the other day, you have not seen anything yet! The first part of a new job is always the hardest part, especially when you are president!
A good indicator of any society is who you can laugh and who you can`t.
Given the floaters of Labour like Nugee, Abbott, Corbyn etc…given the likes of Lucas, Chakrabhati, Geldof, Allen…given the pay for Mrs Browns Boys and the Paradise Papers slush funds…wouldn`t you have thought there`d be a joke in it all?
And what of the EU…Hillary and Bill…icebreakers with BBC staff on getting iced in by the very glaciers they say have disappeared? This stuff writes itself?
Yet-like with Islam, we`re talking protected species here.
The Soviet bloc used to be clear in this-who joked and who`d be checking. We`re here already, when you can`t laugh at those who presume to rule you. And now we know the BBC won`t do it-it`s time to remove them from our life support funding.
Let Soros and the EU pay for it-it`s a traitors island, needs towing outside British waters like the new pirate pedalo it now is.
So, this ‘Adonis story’ has got the second most space on the BBC News website today (I’m sure it’s slowly increasing in size as the day goes by), after the New Year’s honours non story. Seemingly there isn’t much news (or the BBC hasn’t found any) worthy of writing about at the moment. The front page is just clickbait. full of tittle tattle with no substance. Very reminiscent of Hello! and OK! magazines, although they don’t claim to be world class news organisations! Now remind me, what is my licence fee being spent on?
After his LBC outing it seems as though the BBC has backed yet another winner… as it hurtles off the cliff.
There’s an old adage that says “you can judge a society by how it treats its poor.”…or something like that.
From what I’ve witnessed on the Beeb lately it’s just as well we’re not judged by our “comedians”.
It was interesting yesterday because they had a number of prog’s on about Morcambe and Wise. Eric and Ernie were truly funny, their quality attested by the fact they’re still enjoyed over thirty years since Eric’s untimely death.
They weren’t progressive, they weren’t political, but unlike today’s crop, they were funny! You could sit there laughing with your granddaughter and your grandmother and not be screwed up with embarrassment. Good luck trying to do that with the deeply unpleasant Frankie Boyle!
Back in my day we had people like Benny Hill and Dick Emery. There had been Arthur Haynes and Frankie Howerd. My particular favourite was the brilliant Irish raconteur, Dave Allen. I loved his relaxed style, the way he could mock the absurdities of life, gradually building to a crescendo.
I heard from someone, who will have to remain nameless, that Frankie Boyle was the new Dave Allen. Honestly, what in the name of God could they have been talking about? This revolting creature is so foul I wouldn’t allow him into my house, and yet, due to the bloody licence extortion I’m paying to have him foist upon an unsuspecting public.
Dave was subtle, clever and suave. This brute is an uncouth monosyllabic lout and as subtle as a battering ram.
Boyle might go down a storm with that mob from Momentum, but as for being the new Dave Allen…
Give me the original any day!
Not for the first time while perusing this wonderful website have i felt what Margot in “The Good Life” seemed to feel at times “Jerry, why is everybody laughing.” Now, I have certainly heard of all of the great comedians of yesteryear that you mention, (you missed Ronnie Baker by the way) but could you please enlighten me as to who or what is the “Frankie Boyle”? Perhaps I should watch more TV eh? Not on your Nelly. A walk in the hills is the antidote to all that bollocks. Where’s me boots!
Like Brexit and Trump-comedy is another acid test. Indeed the arts per se.
Do those who practice, pontificate actually LIKE those who pay their wages? Do they acually RELATE to those who are not as privileged, as “educated”(sic) or as “talented”?
Or do they serve their commissioners, their caste and treat their listeners with communal, approved contempt-referenced by their equally privileged and “oh-so-clever” fellow-bubblers?
Eric and Ernie, Les and Bob -even Jim or Bernard-seem to have to have actually KNOWN real people for fun, got ideas from their base and still were prepared to visit and acknowledge those roots.
Even Benny and Kenneth, Frankie and other oddbods never gave me the impression that they scorned those who paid their wages-shy maybe, nasty in posthumous diaries and what have you…but not Oxbridge ponces, preaching to their own Red Wedge choir.
Cooper was mean and a violent drunk so it turns out. But he WAS a comedian-he was funny.
Compare and contrast with all we`re getting served up today.
BBC is running a story today about Millenials (aka snowflakes?) and how they will inherit more than any previous generation- but not until they are around 60.
On Toady this morning there was an interview with a 25 year old female who seemed to be complaining that she could not afford to buy any designer handbags! This comment attracted no response whatever.
The BBC. Always with its finger on the pulse of ordinary people.
….and the millenials/snowflakes will probably eventually stand to inherit big-time from parents who started off with little or nothing, and managed their money/savings/investments carefully over many years to amass something worth leaving to their kids.
Unfortunately, too many of the millenials/snowflakes will not read anything in the previous sentence (beyond the first dozen or so words) which ‘computes’ in their ‘spend like there’s no tomorrow’ bubble.
I don’t have children, so all of my hard earned, is now spent on ……………… me !!!! with a bit left over for care home fees if ever needed. I see friends of mine continually giving hand outs to their adult kids – whats THAT all about ! my parents never owned their own home so there was no inheritance for me, in fact I even paid for my own meagre but bags of fun wedding. We had to find our own way and make do, words that ‘this lot’ are unable to fathom, though they always find the cash for an upgraded phone !
Sounds to me like we must have been bought up on the same Council Estate, under the same conditions. However I have to admit that my Grandchildren come in mighty handy when my mobile phone or my computer becomes just too much for my brain to manage.
I spent a month or so, recently, in the U.S., and I’ve been hearing echoes of the claims from there, on the BBC , that no economic advances/employment level gains/ stock market gains/ diminution in immigration (much of which is illegal) levels, etc., etc., in the past year, can be attributed to President Trump – but rather that it was all down to former President Obama’s actions and legacy.
Hmm…… by the same logic, surely the liberal sycophants advancing this proposition must therefore support he view that any award to an American President of the Nobel Peace Prize, must surely have gone to former President Bush, given that it was awarded within the first few weeks of Mr Obama entering the White House, and certainly could not, in that tiny space of time, have been attributable to any ‘global good works’ by Mr Obama…..
Nah – didn’t think they would agree to that….hypocrites.
richard – your mentioning the Nobel Prize reminded me of a poem, “Open Letter to the Secretary of the Swedish Academy” by Robert Rehder.
Listened again to the al beeb correspondents look ahead -naughtie pronouncing on President Trump using the Sopel , Katy , Christian approach . Poll says trump has 35% approval against 75 forvobama at same time – same survey . So might say ( an al beeb term) that it’s because of the shit msm has thrown at him.
I do not understand how narghtie can claim any authority over American politics but al beeb pays him with taxpayers money .
A number of reports from two days ago show that a very recent Rasmussen Poll showed 46% approval for Mr Trump after one year in office, and almost exactly the same level of approval for Mr Obama in the same poll at the end of his first year.
You may be advised by the Liberal left in the USA that Rasmussen polling shows a ‘Conservative bias’… without acknowledging any ‘Liberal bias’ from any other polling organisation, of course. However, it was admitted, even by CNN, that Rasmussen polling was one of the most accurate of polls in the 2016 US election.
You pays your money and you picks your poll, I guess. And we know full well which poll results the BBC will pick in these circumstances.
Richard D
If the economy means results then a bullish stock market, increasing employment , relatively low oil price and taxes being reduced should do it for President Trump however much the liberals bitch .
Naughtie said that the White House is chaotic – he should know sitting in Scotland – and that an insider will spill the beans . As if any one other that self important dicks like naughtie would give a damn . Mr Trump is not a career politician but is being judged as one by the bubble
Fedup, Naughtie sounded really strange – seemed to be struggling to form sentences. Not him at all.
He’s way over-promoted (at the BBC) and overblown (in his own estimation) and should have been let go years back.
Al beeb has got themselves another fire in a block ( in Manchester ) so time for another Grenfell shit fest. Seasons Greetings .
For any one who missed it Maxi put on a show for us in the early hours – wish s/he could find a like minded friend to share views and beliefs- down the mosque
Is it full of illegals hoping for an amnesty, citizenship and a posh Kensington pad?
Oh no. Does this mean we will have to endure more Grenfell type songs from the celebrities ?
Yes G , thoughts are with them. Having to listen to one of those Gallagher characters or having the Salford albeeb turn up for the breakfast teli
FE2 – Dont you mean your thoughts and PRAYERS are with them – thoughts are not enough!
Cant wait for the song – Maybe national treasure, refugee sheltering pop stars Sir Bob and Lilly Allen could put together a duet to raise funds and of course raise awareness for all these Doctors and Engineers that now have to leave their rubbish in a different stairwell .
Maybe we could also have a new band thinking along the lines of the “Ginger Brothers” Maybe Ed Sheeran rapping with the now “on it” and socially relavent “Good Prince Hal” about lack of social justice etc.
I got it they could call it “Justice for Grenfell” Init!
I have to give a wry smile when hearing the term “our thoughts and prayers”, er REALLY ? in reality nobody gives a second ‘thought’ after first seeing a tragedy unfold, and as for ‘prayers’, if everyone said prayers then how come Church of England attendance is at an all time low. Perhaps they refer to Islam – seeing as how its the second largest religion in the UK – soon to be the largest. Then it will be “our thoughts and Friday prayers”.
Cultural appropriation. We Christians need to take on those lazy liberal lefties who pimp off the Christian culture and vernacular.
Whilst despising us and insulting us.
Reckon we need a Jesus Rsistance Army to take on those who only pop by a church when there`s tealight and a Jon Snow outside it.
Let them use mosques for the backdrops-after all THAT is where the crimes will be sourced, likely as not.
Maybe the start of something-or maybe his florid fat tongue was at the pop over the holidays.
IN any event, there is no excuse to subsidise his airbag existance. Man has said and done nothing with his life. At least Keith Chegwin played with Racey. Not much to crow of-but knocks Naughties into a cocked biscuit barrel.
Hope the council have learned from Grenfell and had the emergency exit signs written in different African languages instead of English.
Cassandra – I think those green signs above the doors are to show you where you dump the rubbish.
Is that the green sign that shows a running person ? thought that showed the way out to escape the police !
BBC’s Radio 2’s Good Morning Sunday gets new hosts “Kate Bottley and Jason Mohammed will present a revamped and refreshed Good Morning Sunday show on BBC Radio 2 from 6-9am, from Sunday 4th February”
“Jason is a proud Welshman and Muslim and in 2009, S4C followed Jason as he made his first Umrah, or pilgrimage, to Mecca.”
All par for the BBC course, never listened to the lesbian, won’t be listening to this pish
In an ideal world there would not be a BBC Licence fee. Perhaps a compromise might be made whereby Moslems and activists in the LBGK movement paid a much larger fee than the rest of us.
An ideal world? Your not one of those wooly minded Socialists are you. I suffered from that disease for many years you know. A course of the Tony Bliar Anticommie treatment cured me. After a few years of the Bliar treatment I was normal. It’s amazing stuff and I wholeheartedly recommend it. It works by the injection of large amounts of the Commie virus into ones brain and eventually the body reacts and builds tremendous resistance against the disease.
In an ideal world there would be no licence fee and the BBC would respond to market forces and hopefully go under.
Tee he
Funnily enough I thank working for a far left metropolitan council, a few Peter Hitchens articles and the Rocco Buttiglioni story of November 2004(as Mandelson got an EU job, Rocco was rejected for being a Catholic)-this confluence of lefty nastiness in action got me out of the Lefts maw.
But ever ready to go back in to report and cause trouble if I can. Utterly DESPISE them-like a reformed smoker who hates those who have no excuse to keep on doing so.
Those few lefties who back Brexit are exempt though.
Did the all inclusive Mecca allow his fellow BBC travellers to visit with him? Happy Christian Hajj! Eternal Buddhist Eid! 2018 we see a non discrimination HALAL slaughter houses?
Should my mo Mohammed be doing “Friday” ?
Gonna be busy doing the footy as well . They’ll after get that amol nitrate to cover it . And we called it al beeb for a joke for Fs sake
Is the queer girl a looker ?
Africa trying to separate church and state? Or just totalitarian ….
Tanzanian authorities have threatened to shut down churches which mix religion and politics after a cleric criticised President John Magufuli.
References were made earlier regarding Frankie Boyle. As I didn’t view his performance I can only assume from the comments made that he was berating Donald/the USA and American politics. Strange really, as one of his “chums”, Dara O’Briain, another BBC regular, informed us seven years ago that making jokes about, as an example, Islam is untouchable as he knows/knew little about the ideology and his audiences even less!
Yet it would seem that the BBC viewing public, according to O’Briain’s logic, must be well up to speed with all things Americana and understand all Boyle’s ascertions.
Anyway, the cowardly O’Briain, from seven years ago:
Of course a virtue signalling atheist from the posh part of Dublins elite-not funny enough for Ireland, but therefore a fixture on our publicly funded atheist channel. Of course-he`d “not know anything or very little” about Islam.
And if that`s your rationale for not taking the piss in ignorance -then fair enough.
So why then do they all take the piss out of Christianity or Judaism? They know no more about either of those faiths than they do about Muslims. But they leave Islam alone-but shaft OUR native faiths that leave them free to mock as they do. Far prefer Perry Graysons honest reason for not ripping Islam-because he fears he`d get his throat cut if he did. Gutless-but honest at least.
Al beeb is prominently carrying a story about one Erica Garner , 27, has died . She was American – a prominent civil rights activist and big in the ‘black lives matter ‘ industry .
Police have not been blamed for her death yet – which apparently happened after an asthma attack .
I’m scratching to think what relevance this has got to a British audience .
“I’m scratching to think what relevance this has got to a British audience .” In a word ……………….
Propaganda .
Quite Taff – if enough blacks don’t die in custody in Blighty al Beeb goes looking for somewhere else – the states.
I never thought I’d write this again, but 10 out of 10 for a very funny BBC comedy programme – A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong. The script was very funny, the acting was spot on and there wasn’t a trace of virtue signalling. For anyone who didn’t bother watching because it was the BBC the repeat is on New Years Day – BBC1 at 1.15. A BBC programme with qualities from the old days.
Al Beeb have not done ‘comedy’ since Pontius was a pilot.
And that was a long time ago.
RJ – I think it clashed with the 6th half hour of a repeat of Dads Army from circa 1975 . I’m really surprised that such a brexit supporting programme is still on. right wing bias ? I’m sure some kraut must be offended by its’ content .
Actually I caught the second half of that A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong was not a patch on old comedy
My mum laughed a lot cos she thinks people falling over is funny, she laughs at it on Harry Hill
I thought this comedy was strained and over-milked
..I decided not to bother checking the first half on iPlayer.
That is because the ‘Cornely Polytechnic Amateur Dramatic Society’ is an independent group of Thespians – responsible for “The play that goes wrong”, “Peter Pan Goes Wrong” (shown last XMa/ New Year in a much modified form on BBC), “The Comedy of a bank robbery”.
They have a good line, but there are only so many ways in which stage machinery can go wrong and people forget their lines. I felt this offering was a bit too laboured (But then I have seen TPTGR and PPGR several times on stage).
I haven’t yet seen the Christamas Carol goes wrong yet. I’ve recorded it. But I have seen The Play that goes wrong and the Peter Pan goes wrong on stage and thoroughly enjoyed them. Looking forward to this, but the fact that a funny programme is on the BBC is purely a co-incidence, as Arthurp says it is not a BBC creation but an independent one.
Not seen it yet, but Peter Pan goes wrong last year was genuinely hilarious. My sister thought it was not quite as funny but still very good.
The bBBC’s ‘celebrity’ Mastermind this evening was won by one of its own staff – Anita Anand. She continued with her feminist Any Answers propaganda by her choice of specialist subject – Emmeline Pankhurst.
Anita wrote a book associated with that subject
Anita’s book is about the Indian suffragette who worked with Emmeline Pankhurst
Multicultural Anita has written 3 book ALL have INDIAN themes
She plugs her books on the BBC , but don’t you ADVERTISE yours !
That is funny – hypocrisy – doing what the BBC does best…… the policy that only BBC luvvies can go on to promote their stuff shown in full flight
With the advent of satellite t.v., Free View, Netflix, etc, the viewing figures for Al Beeb must have dropped drastically.
Has Al Beeb published this drop?
Is their end nigh?
Their individual progs did come top in the Christmas ratings
– All the kind of quality shows, that would never get made in the commercial world … NOT
No, actually they were all celebrity pop dross like Strictly
Note how low those figures really are
Almost 90% of the UK population were not watching those progs
Of those I only watched Strictly and the Queen. But surely as BBC and ITV were sharing the same broadcast of the Queen’s message that total should be combined. That gives the Queen 7.8 million and easily beats Mrs Brown’s Boys into second. Well done ma’am.
When Morcambe and Wise got 28 million I suppose you could justify the tv tax, but now? The shows getting 6 million are better suited to a commercial channel catering for the lowest common denominator. And should be subject to subscription viewing .
On the World Service just now there was News Hour with Lyse Doucet and a report on the UK New Years honours and the politics of it. Fine, I sat their waiting for them to mention “Sir” Nick Clegg, surely the most contentious of the political knighthoods this year, but no, for once the Beeb didnt mention Cleggy, just some other politicians I’d never heard of! You could tell the reporter was desperate to avoid the C word.
The report even mentioned that some Leave campaigners had been given gongs, who the hell they were I’ve no idea as no names were mentioned, maybe they thought Nigel had been Knighted and not Clegg – if only.
While the FNC(Fake News Complex) were seeking out young black smilers who say “awesome passion” every fifteen seconds-who got gongs from a Queen who surely can`t be arsed to check who`s getting this crap?…I was expecting some mention of a “controversy” in said gong gifts. They said there was controversy-surely to God, it could only be arch traitor serial lying loser Clegg. Lied about tuition fees, lies about Cyril Smith and Clement Freud as it suits-and , of course that EU Army he said would never happen…and so we all know it is coming.
Controversial-you betcha!
But no-ex PIE abetter Jack Dromey, Harmans women-only candidate for a Birmigham safe seat-accuses May of using awards to patch up her Brexit fondling Tories.
As if Graham Brady(grammar schools, Brexit and principled bloke) doesn`t deserve some recognition, but Marc Almonds tone-deaf tootlings do.
Mad world…but the boss class in Medialand think THEIR version of events corresponds to truth. Hence their current derangement.
Hope Clegg gets that vacant “WHO Goodwill Ambassador” job that Mugabe was given-seemed to bring about his sordid end, might work with Euroslime like Compo Clegg.
Tell me again-when did people like Jack Dromey and John Prescott go up our urinary tracts and render our brains into pink mush?
FFS : Radio5 Live now, they have a new documentary about a fire in a block of flats
… Some place called Grenfell …
Never heard of it, you’d think they’d have done more publicity about
… Maybe some poor innocent got harmed
.. And I bet it was “all them nasty Tories fault”
“He met many of the victims and local residents and followed them as they tried to rebuild their lives. This is their story”
Anything on Al Beeb about this yet ?…………………..
“Fifth man arrested over alleged Christmas terror plot”
Perhaps they need a ‘heads up’ call ? Over to you maxincontinent ………………..
“Rape gangs have been part of the West for centuries” says Met Polices’s Cressida Dick
Tweet vid
Cartoon for the end of the year.
I think doing one of these each week was the first new year’s resolution I’ve ever kept and looking at the past year I think my writing, talking and drawing have all improved, which was what I set out to achieve.
Now you just need to work on your punchlines, or at least explain what they mean, they are far too clever for this little bear.
F-off #BiasedBBC 6.05am and already they are pouring out THEIR AGENDAS
#1 Radio4 : Climate Doom : Voice of doom ‘At the start of 2017 great storms surged right across the planet, the power of nature… blah blah …the jury is still out on whether thus is man’s fault, but it’s difficult not to believe ….’
.. Its the start of a religion prog ..they tone down but 10 mins later “2017 has been a year of Great Chaos across the world in the political world as well”
#2 Radio5 : Grenfell : they playing the same documentary they just played at 10pm last night
#3 Radio Humberside are banging on about Grenfell now *
#4 Now Radio Lincolnshire are banging on about the CPR campaign, a worthy cause but like their Walk a Million campaign … over done.*
* OK #3, and #4 were just small items not full progs.
Al Beeb ‘s published arm – the guardian – is carrying a story that the French state broadcaster has had to stop the production of a drama about the Batalan Slaughter ( by Muslim terrorists ) because the victims’ families where not consulted and the nature of it – as well as timing.
Now I am sure that some production company has been funded by al Beeb for a Grenfell drama -with every minority actor under the sun -being prepared for broadcast s Christmas 2018. They’ll claim it’s fiction to get round the inquiry but we ll all know it for the propaganda opportunity.
New Year’s Eve fun – do your own casting…
Just heard on the radio news (Radio 3) that the Department of Work and Pensions has developed algorithms to catch benefit fraudsters. As the BBC so helpfully explained, many benefit cheats making multiple applications tend to use similar phrases which can now be traced. I am sure all cheats will be grateful to the BBC for tipping them off about this.
Not unlike when they told the Argentinians during the Falklands conflict, that they hadn’t set their bomb fuses correctly.
Will the algorithm spot the multiple wife applicants of our RoPer friends?
Nick Robinson is to BBC PR what Lord Donut is to #FBPE credibility.
And who has been leading the “hatred, anger and intolerance ” ? Step forward, the BBC !
At least he admitted the BBC disagrees with some people – now all they have to do is list who they disagree with. Well 17.4m Brexiteers for a start…white men (preferably outside London), anyone not LGBTQ, anyone born in the UK, anyone not a refugee, any Christian…
The mere fact he says the ‘BBC’ disagrees shows there is a culture of bias, as an organisation cannot disagree with anyone only its employees can…
Sorry tried to delete the above post..ran out of time….Just read his article and he doesn’t actually say the BBC will start listening :-).. thought that was too good to be true… re above just ignore the final paragraph and the first sentence….we know who the “BBC” disagree with!
His article was as you would expect a pompous piece of wind that really said nothing …..and I do not expect the BBC to act as he has suggested we all should…funny he managed to avoid the word terrorism or Islam…”just a man who tried blow up…”
Maybe he should add being honest and open in debating issues rather than just listening
Mishal Husain ponders if a robot could do her job…
The Fail got a BOGOF on BBC presenters?
I wonder who got paid what between Nick, Mishal and the one with the talent?
It’s such a shame that Hussain is such an anti-semite, she isn’t bad looking except for the evil eyes.
I dunno. The eyes must be at least a 36 cup.
Have to reply with this old ‘joke’…
“The 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Parks, asked her class, “Which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?”
No one answered until little Mary stood up and said, “You should not be asking sixth graders a question like that! I’m going to tell my parents, and they will go and tell the principal, who will then fire you!”
Mrs. Parks ignored her and asked the question again, “Which body part increases to 10 times its size when stimulated?”
Little Mary’s mouth fell open. Then she said to those around her, “Boy, is she going to get in big trouble!”
The teacher continued to ignore her and said to the class, “Anybody?”
Finally, Billy stood up, looked around nervously, and said, “The body part that increases 10 times its size when stimulated is the pupil of the eye.”
Mrs. Parks said, “Very good, Billy,” then turned to Mary and continued. “As for you, young lady, I have three things to say:
One, you have a dirty mind. Two, you didn’t read your homework And three, one day you are going to be very, very disappointed.”
(Hat and coat applied for…).
Nice one. NICE ONE! I’ve not heard that one before. Logged for future use. Thank you and a Happy New Year.
Mishal-abot :
“Look a Brexiteer !
excommunicate, excommunicate
Farage, UKIP, Delingpole, Lawson must not be aired !
excommunicate ! excommunicate ! excommunicate !”
”Mishal Husain’s pay packet of £200,000 to £249,999 a year”
I hope the robot is not too lazy to get out of bed for a meer 4 to 5 grand a week..