Craig’s List?



One for the number crunching skills and meticulous record keeping of Craig at Is the BBC biased?

Charles Moore on Any Questions got remoaner hackles up [audience heavily Remoaner, pro-BBC?  Judging by the extremely hostile response to Moore might suggest so] and Dimbleby on the defensive as he suggested the BBC coverage was biased and negative towards Brexit…the BBC more often than not adding ‘despite Brexit’ to any good news stories [that’s if they publish or broadcast that good news and don’t just bury it] portraying Brexit as a bad thing…..

“The answer should not really be blamed I think on those who wish to leave but on those who wish to remain.

“They’re throwing every possible obstacle in the way. 

“Whether it’s a legal case, whether it’s mucking around in the House of Lords, whether it’s the quite extraordinary behaviour of your own dear corporation Jonathan, in the way they report this. It’s absolutely true.

“Have you noticed that whenever there’s a business story on the BBC, they say ‘the profits of this company have gone up, despite Brexit’.

Dimbleby responds….

Mr Dimbleby tried to go on the attack and said “all views were held” on the BBC.

He said: “Just a matter of fact. Of course, you’re on this programme and very good to have you on the programme, that’s the nature of the BBC, all views are held.

“But it would be quite interesting for you to produce, you may be able to, chapter and verse for the number of times in which a BBC business reporter or other has said the words that you attributed to the BBC.”

Moore slips in the knife…

“I think the accusatory answer from Jonathan confirms the point I’m making about where he stands on all this.”

Which I think I fair enough…I was listening to the spat and Dimbleby was most put out…they can dish it out but don’t like being caught out.  They’ll say Farage had blood on his hands over the death of a Polish man when that was, even at the time, a blatant lie, but won’t apologise or admit they were wrong to slander him like that.  Hope Farage sues them for every penny.

The thing is, as we all know, Moore was 100% correct, the BBC, and so many of their carefully selected guests, frequently add ‘despite Brexit’ to economic stories….naturally no one I suspect has been logging every instance…maybe Craig has been noting a few down but in the meantime here’s some Dimbleby can’t deny…

Obama: Special relationship remains despite Brexit

UK construction rises despite Brexit vote

Siemens promises UK investment despite Brexit warning

Of course that particular form of words is not the only one used to suggest good economic news has arrived even as the ‘disastrous’ Brexit takes effect…and even then the BBC still levers in the phrase…

GSK: UK still ‘attractive’ post Brexit as it invests £275m

GlaxoSmithKline is to invest £275m to expand its UK manufacturing sites, saying the country remains “an attractive location” despite Brexit.


and of course we have the bad news stories that are ‘due to Brexit’.

“Brexit has had a stronger effect now. Export expectations in the chemicals sector have fallen significantly due to Britain.”


The UK and US have reached a deal to develop a special relationship for science.

An agreement between the two countries aims to make it easier for researchers to travel, collaborate and share facilities.

US science bodies are said to be “eager” to take advantage of research opportunities lost because of Brexit.


Something Amis



The BBC has a little trick it likes to pull….invite in one of its luvvy friends from the Arts to discuss their work, but it’s all an excuse, a ruse, concocted to fill the airwaves with their views on whatever issue of the day the BBC wants an ‘independent’ and erudite celebrity voice to rubbish.  George Bush during the Iraq War was a long term victim of this as a steady stream of writers, artists and musicians were invited onto the BBC to talk about their work but for some reason were always asked what they think of George Bush and the war.  Naturally to man these lefties railed against him and denounced him for all they were worth much to the delight no doubt of whomever was pulling their strings at the BBC.

You may have noticed a similar ploy with Brexit….a steady flow of distraught Remainder luvvies mouthing their despair at the unwashed masses having had their say….the deplorable idiots!

Today it was the turn of Martin Amis [08:25] who hates Trump and Brexit equally.  Apparently Brexit is suicidal people wishing for some utopian golden age, a rural idyll of warm beer, village greens and church bells or somesuch nostalgic nonsense…except that Brexit is the complete opposite of this as it seeks to go global and not be confined by the EU straitjacket rather swashing Britain’s buckle as it once again sets out for riches, adventure and a glorious heyday around the globe.  This of course is Martin Amis who lives in New York [not in the EU then?], who admits he has never used social media and doesn’t want to live in the modern age…hypocrite?

Amis thinks Brexit is a foolish attempt to keep Britain vibrant and relevant in the world [again….showing how his put down about ‘nostaligic’ Brexiteers is rubbish and contradictory] and that we should just accept we are a nation in decline and fade away gracefully…presumably to become some sort of museum of historical interest for foreigners to come and visit..again the hypocrisy of that as he wants us to remain forever stuck in the past and not seek to improve and better our world whilst complaining that is exactly what Brexit is.

Who the hell cares what Amis and his kind think about Brexit?…it’s a BBC deceit and indulgence that is intended to manipulate the listener and sway their views…the thinking being that they will be influenced by the likes of Amis because he is famous.   I’d like to think all listeners are quite able to make up their own minds without the help of Amis and Co…but the BBC obviously thinks less of you and you’re intelligence.



Zero News Con Trick


For months the BBC has been telling us that British consumers have been suffering a spending squeeze due to high inflation and low wages #duetobrexit.  Unfortunately for the BBC reality keeps on  mugging them as consumers defy the BBC’s ‘truth’ and keep on spending…however the BBC, whilst keen to promote the idea that Brexit has caused an alleged spending slowdown, isn’t so keen to make the reality widely known.

Today we hear that the deficit is down significantly and that retail sales have outperformed expectations by a wide margin.  But you’d be hard pushed to know that if you relied on the BBC for the information.  There’s nothing on the frontpage and nothing on the UK page…you have to go to the specialised Business page to find out these significant stories.  Extraordinary no?  Almost as if the BBC was hiding the good news ‘#despitebrexit’.  5 Live certainly wasn’t trumpeting the good news today as it usually does with bad news #duetobrexit.  Bad news is discussed at length and leads the news bulletins all day.

Even when they do report on the stories they short change us.  The forecast for retail sales was a growth of 0.2%, the actual growth was 1%…but the BBC don’t bother to mention this improved performance.

On the deficit we get the truth…the improvement was due to a rise in VAT receipts [er…due to consumer spending] but this is strangely tagged on the end…

Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said the improvement in August’s deficit reflected government spending cuts, rather than a strong economy.

Clearly not true.

They do tell us that ‘It was the 52nd month in a row that sales have risen.’  which makes you wonder why the BBC keeps telling us consumers are hit hard by the wage/inflation squeeze.



Mo or Less

Image result for muhammad

Breitbart tells us that Muhammad, in all its spelling variations, is the most popular name in Britain right now, which should give pause for thought about the future.

Muhammad is the top name for baby boys in the English regions of London and the West Midlands in 2016, and was the top scoring across the whole of England and Wales in the year when slight variations in spelling are taken into account.

The ONS has decided not to let us know that fact and the BBC is ignoring it completely not even mentioning ‘Muhammad’ in its report.…a report in which they are more concerned about mocking ‘Nigel’, Farage of course, and suggesting that perhaps the Far Right racist nazi fascist bogeyman Enoch Powell’s name is becoming more popular, just about……subtly linking it to Brexit…because as we know all Leave voters are nazi little englanders…..

One political name has undergone something of a revival in recent years, with 26 children beginning their journey in life last year as Enoch – up from none two decades earlier.

It is not known how many – if any – named their offspring after controversial “rivers of blood” MP Enoch Powell, however.

Curiously no mention that Muhammad has pushed ‘William’ out of the top 10….you might have thought the BBC would have noted that as Prince What’shisname, not Harry, the other one, is called William and commented on the lessening popularity of a name associated with such a high profile personage.

Curious absolutely no mention that ‘Muhammad’ has taken over.

Odd that so many people should name their children after a mass murdering slaver and war lord who has imposed upon the world an ideology that the likes of Churchill thought of as dedicated to spreading hatred and war and yet nobody says #Muhammadmustfall….no one questions the spread of the temples dedicated to this man and his ideology.  No one in the Southern States in the US thinks they should have another civil war and revive slavery and yet the statues of long dead civil war generals must be removed….in contrast how is it that a whole infrastructure dedicated to the glorification and worship of a 1400 year old ideology that is far from dead, one that is intent on subjugating the world, and whose worshippers seek to live their lives guided by Muhammad’s words and actions, is beyond criticism?




Brexit Uber Alles



If I can put it to you, for someone like myself, it was in 1933, the year of my birth, that Hitler was democratically elected in Germany. He unleashed the most horrendous war. This country played a unique role in securing his defeat.

”So Germany lost the war. We’ve just handed them the opportunity to win the peace. I find that quite unacceptable.“   Michael Heseltine


The BBC has  been feting and glorifying Merkel in the last few days, no doubt in the certainty that she will be re-elected so a bit of sycophancy won’t go amiss from people who want access.

Apparently the German people all love her for her immigration policy which, also apparently, reflects their own views and values.  Naturally this was said with a tone of deep approval from the BBC.

No sign of any real critical thinking from the BBC.  Merkel makes a completely unilateral decision [was the German government asked let alone the rest of Europe?] to fling open the borders of Europe and invite in millions of Muslims.  This ties in with another question….is she the most successful agent that the Russians have ever had?  Merkel was raised in East Germany and was an enthusiastic Young Communist at the same time coincidentaly that Putin, a KGB officer, was stationed near her and quite possibly met her in the course of her duties as a party organiser.  No thoughts on that from the BBC of course.

One side to Putin’s decision to intervene in Syria was that he saw the mass immigration of millions of Muslims into Europe as a weapon…any coincidence that Merkel then actually smashes Europe’s borders and invites in overhelming numbers of people with radically different culture, beliefs and values to Europeans?  Short term we have a massive increase in crime and disruption, long term we have culture wars and the destabilisation and breakdown of society.  What’s not to like from Russia’s perspective?  An irony perhaps that we keep hearing how concerned the Germans are about Russian interference in the German elections….perhaps there is a reason we haven’t actually seen any…as their preferred candidate is the more than probable winner! If it ain’t broke….. Odd how the BBC doesn’t run with this conspiracy theory when it is more than ready to run with a similar one about Trump on less evidence.

Heseltine is wrong about Brexit…Brexit or no Brexit Germany is in charge in Europe….with Putin pulling the strings?


Related image

Just why is there so much bullshit…er…meaningless speech on the BBC these days?


The BBC have had to alter the way they report Boris’ article…previously every bulletin said he claimed that Brexit woud save us £350 million…now they have had to actually tell us what he really said…that we would take back control of, roughly, £350 million.  A completely different meaning to his words.  Were the people who drew up the original reports unable to understand what he said or did they understand and decide to alter it to make it sound as if he was lying?  Either way whoever drafted those reports is unfit for the job.

Interesting to hear the BBC’s Chris Cook ‘explain’ the issue.  Several times over the last couple of days his expertise was called upon to run us through things…and yet all we got was a run down of the mechanics of events with no analysis or conclusions about who was right….could that be because Cook knew Boris was in the right and the BBC et al in the wrong?  Unusual for the BBC not to treat us to their valued judgement on events as in Cook’s latest piece in which he has decided that May is not serious at all about ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’….the BBC once again interfering in the negotiations by spreading negative partisan speculation as fact in support of the EU.  When you consider that that stance of being ready to accept a ‘no deal’ is major bargaining chip in the negotiations you then recognise the betrayal that Cook’s attempt to undermine Brexit is with his purely speculative and highly damaging verdict.

The BBC moved on from the actual figures to trying to nail their man….Boris.  Naturally when arch-Remainer Phillip Hammond tried to hijack Brexit when May was on holiday the BBC did not attack his statement or question his motives, nor did they then go on to try and discredit him with utterly false innuendos and inane smears.  The BBC cheered and applauded Hammond as he proposed we ‘transition’ out of the EU, or rather stay in the EU, and they didn’t suggest this was a machiavellian ploy by Hammond to dethrone May.

On Monday Humphrys began a piece by comparing Boris to ‘the most devious politician in French history’ and suggested that Boris’ article in the Telegraph was mere ‘petulance’.  Apparently it was all a devious ploy to keep the Brexit voters on his side as he attempts to go for the Tory leadership and was also meant to insulate him if [when] Brexit goes wrong.  [No need for that as the fault would purely be with the Remainers who oppose and undermine Brexit at every chance].

Paradoxically they finished the hatchet job with the thought that it was ‘strange times when the foreign secretary is criticised for making comments on the biggest foreign policy issue of our time’…and yet the BBC continues to slate Boris at every turn….today was no better as the Today show dragged in two Remainers [08:50] to tell us what they thought of Boris….Craig Oliver and Margaret Heffernan…both ex BBC and, as said, both Remainers.  No guesses for the line they took.

Apparently Boris is guilty of blustering optimism as he speaks nonsense devoid of reality….Boris, they told us ‘had lost touch with reality.’  Boris, they said, was lying.  Presumably recorded after a few bottles at the wine bar the night before as clearly the stuff of drunken, loose lipped prejudice slipping out…no?

Heffernan it seems is the one who has lost touch with reality as any glance down her Twitter feed will show….competition…bad…..wages low…such a mystery [er no…due to immigration…usual supply and demand distorted by open border and unlimited supply of cheap labour]…..and let’s talk gender fluidity…no such thing as boys and girls…and of course a Clinton supporter… wonder the BBC likes her….



‘The Ugly Mood in Our Country Post-Brexit’


‘a frenzied race hate attack triggered by the Brexit vote’


Do we need a special inquiry into the BBC’s handling of Brexit?  It has consistently attacked every aspect of the process, promoting every utterance from Brussels as if they were the only viable and sensible options whilst ridiculing and denouncing everything that comes from the British side.  Not only that but a more sinister aspect of BBC reporting is apparent whereby it has been demonising and dehumanising Leave voters and politicians associated with the Leave side [just look  how it has been treating Boris in the last couple of days…with lies and smears] claiming they are racists and linking them to the Far Right and Nazis…and to murders.

The BBC fabricated an astonishing claim that the death of a Polish man in Harlow was the result of a racist attack that was inspired by Brexit.  This was a complete lie and even in the immediate aftermath of the death there was no evidence that this was in any way motivated by race.  That didn’t stop the BBC concocting a massive lie that was intended to bolster its narrative that Brexit had made Britain a ‘more racist and nastier place’…..or rather that white, British people are savage racists at heart…all of them.

Even more outrageous, and all the more ironic considering the BBC has been recently telling us how politicians are facing ever more abuse and attacks, they set Nigel Farage up as the man to blame for the death broadcasting a claim that he ‘had blood on his hands’….

‘But I mean, Nigel Farage, I mean, thank you for that, because you are part of this death, and you’ve got blood on your hands, thanks to you, thanks for all your decision, wherever you are, er . . . yeah, it’s your call.’

Nigel Farage says he may well refuse to pay the licence fee…hmmm…hardly a suitably hardline response to the BBC putting his life on the line…..Farage and his family having had death threats since Brexit…the BBC isn’t interested in those though…..they do like to keep up the ‘amusing’ abuse though…this report from the US was illustrated with a picture of Nigel Farage on the frontpage leader even though he had absolutely nothing to do with the story….just another attempt in the BBC drive to portray Farage as a machiavellian schemer who won the Brexit vote by tricking and manipulating us….Nigel – the robot that could tell you how to vote.   The BBC desperate to make us think the vote was ‘stolen’….they pull the same tricks with Trump’s win.

It turns out that the Polish man who died was in fact extremely drunk and it was he, not the youth who punched him, who made racist comments and became aggressive first.  The death was not murder but judged as manslaughter.  This was not a hate crime [on the part of the youth] but just one of those late night fracas that have tragic ends.

The BBC’s narrative has been sickeningly racist, anti-white, anti-British and has been deliberately shaped to malign Brexit as driven by the Far Right and paint all Leave voters as racist little englanders who want to chase immigrants out of the country.  Just watch the Newsnight video below in which Brexit is held to blame for making Britain a much more ugly and nastier place…apparently…..


News Watch has been following this in great detail…

BBC’s Harlow ‘Brexit race hate’ claims debunked

News-watch formally submitted detailed complaints to the BBC’s Complaints Unit. With total predictability, they were dismissed.

Meanwhile, the deluge of anti-Brexit BBC reporting has continued, including the angle that race-hate was involved in the vote. And how did the BBC report Friday’s sentencing hearing? With a headline that this was not a race hate murder connected to Brexit? That Daniel Sandford had been wrong to afford such prominence to that possibility? That the (English) killer had been provoked by racist chants by a drunken Polish man 25 years his senior? And that the Farage blood-on-hands quote had now been shown to be preposterous?

Of course not. Tucked away in the BBC’s regional website Essex pages is a short 280-word report that makes no mention of last year’s intemperate sensationalism by the corporation, and notes only towards the end the key point that the racism involved did not emanate from the killer.

Brendan O’Neil in Spiked also comments and notes that the reporting was part of a concerted effort to undermine Brexit…

A killing in Harlow: the shame of Remainers

We must confront the elite’s lies about the killing of Arek Jozwik.

It’s the great shame of Remainers. Yes, there was ‘rampant hatred’ in Britain in the weeks after the Brexit vote. But it wasn’t in places like Harlow. It didn’t come from ordinary Brexiteers. It was in political circles and media circles, where the contempt for Brexit speedily morphed into contempt for the lower orders that voted for it. Into denunciations of entire towns and classes. Into bile about the ‘low-information voters’ who had wrecked the elite’s pristine Britain. Into a fact-lite conviction that the rabble were in the grip of violent hatred. It wasn’t evidence but prejudice that made them turn on Harlow and by extension the rest of working-class Britain. The demonisation of Harlow was the truly hateful thing back then, and it was also the pinnacle of ‘post-truth’: that is, it was based on a lie. In raging against the alleged hatred of the Harlow hordes and others, elite Remainers revealed their own hatreds, their classist fear of democracy, their low political outlook that meant they were even willing to exploit the death of a migrant to attack the lives and beliefs of the less well-off.

RIP, Mr Jozwik. Britons are deeply sorry you were killed in our country where you made your home, and that our political and media elite used your death to propagate untruths.

HighFalutin Nonsense


Marr had his usual talking shop with the usual suspects.  We were told this was to be a programme investigating identity politics and how this has led to so much conflict around the world….ie the enforced ‘joy’ of multiculturalism  and diversity that has brought nothing but trouble…and curry and corner shops ‘open all hours’.  Except that wasn’t what we got.  What we got was just some luvvies sat around making grandiose, pretentious, arty farty claims about their work and how important it all was.  Oh there was a bit about immigration…..a self-described immigrant, a theatre director, who has produced a play about Enoch Powell, informed us that the ‘prejudiced’ Enoch was totally wrong and that his ‘rivers of blood ‘ speech has caused all the problems we now have [not that we have any problems of course]…

‘What Shadows’ is a play that tells the story of Enoch Powell’s famous ‘rivers of blood’ speech from 1968, and its impact on the country decades later. The play’s director Roxana Silbert says the play shows how prejudice can be found across the political spectrum.

This was pretty much accepted as documented fact by Marr depsite it obviously being a prejudiced and very partial take on Powell…and a wrong one at that.

Marr did venture a surprising claim, in carefully guarded language…that perhaps Enoch was right….if we look at how Muslims are in conflict with our society.

Hope he’s got his tin hat on…if only for the brick bats from his own side.