Lessons learned?


Labour believes education should
be free, and we will restore this
principle. No one should be put off
educating themselves for lack of
money or through fear of debt.
There is a real fear that students
are being priced out of university
Labour will reintroduce maintenance
grants for university students, and we
will abolish university tuition fees.
University tuition is free in many
northern European countries, and
under a Labour government it will
be free here too.



From the BBC…

Labour’s plan sends a strong political signal to young voters.

It’s a direct appeal to younger voters – with surveys suggesting that students are more likely to vote Labour.

Facebook and grime artists didn’t swing the vote Corbyn’s way…his great big shining lie about tuition fees did as he conned the young voters with promises of pot loads of cash.  He bought their vote and then screwed them.

Clegg paid a huge price….will Corbyn?  Not if the BBC have anything go do with it…so far there has been absolutely no BBC backlash, no inquisition into Corbyn’s betrayal and u-turn, no interrogation, no holding feet to the fire…just an amiable chat with Marr…and remarkably a similarly amiable chat about McDonnell’s claim that politicians murdered the Grenfell victims….no serious challenge to his claim…after all murder is a legal term not a useful political term as it is used by McDonnell to stir up anger and, he hopes, riotous ‘days of rage’.

Now Labour is claiming that its statements about tuition fees were mere ambitions…a nice to have.  Not true.  Its manifesto made clear this was something that would happen under Labour…and the BBC certainly thought so as it indicates these were Labour pledges and promises.

Where is the BBC ‘day of rage’?  If this had been May she would have been torn to shreds by now…but Corbyn?  The BBC aren’t interested.  May was vilified for her u-turn on social care during the election….and, considering what happened to Clegg, Corbyn makes a huge, huge u-turn on a crucial issue and yet…nothing from the BBC, nothing serious.

Corbyn has utterly betrayed the young voters who trusted him and voted for him……the BBC seems entirely uninterested in them now…how different from before the election when the ‘youth’ vote was being urged to get out there and participate by the BBC….knowing of course that they would be likely to vote for Corbyn.

From the BBC pre-election:

tuition fee protest

Labour is promising to scrap the system of university tuition fees


Labour tuition fees promise: Students this year ‘would not pay’

Labour says it will bring forward its pledge to scrap tuition fees to include students starting university in England this autumn if it wins the election.

The party also says students part-way through their courses would not have to pay for the remaining years.


General election 2017: All or nothing for Labour on tuition fees

Scrapping tuition fees in England is the biggest and most expensive proposal in Labour’s £25bn worth of pledges for education.

Instead of fees rising to £9,250 per year in the autumn, Jeremy Corbyn is proposing a complete handbrake turn in saying that university tuition should not cost students anything.

This is Labour going for an all-or-nothing approach – asserting free education as a fundamental principle – and creating the starkest choice in university policy for two decades.

It’s a direct appeal to younger voters – with surveys suggesting that students are more likely to vote Labour.

It makes the pitch that no-one should be deterred from university because of the cost or fear of debt.




The loveable Leftie Luvvie


Jeremy Corbyn said that he was bringing us a new politics, nicer, more polite, friendlier.  What we have got is in fact an outpouring of hate, abuse and threats, not to mention a rise in anti-Semitism.  The Left always uses the language of emotion and humanity to wrap up its appeal to the masses in offering us equality, fairness and justice for all.  The reality is that these fine words are just that, words.  Actions speak louder than words and when you look at what happens on the ground, from the earliest days of Socialism to now, it is more than apparent that the Left are quite prepared to sacrifice ‘The People’ in order to impose their dogma….which of course is good for those people…as time will tell they insist.

The BBC similarly wraps itself up in fine words about impartiality, honesty and accuracy combined with a liberal world view that it tries to impose upon us.  It cannot say the all too many things it would like to say on its own account, things that are slanderous, hateful, unpleasant, toxic, dangerous or poisonous.  It has developed several tricks to get around this such as bringing in people to vioce their ‘point of view’ thus distancing the BBC from their words, or using small, less well known websites to break stories that the upright, respected and august BBC could not touch…until someone else breaks them and then the BBC can report the ‘furore’ created afterwards….such was the way with Byline and John Whittingdale during Charter negotiations and Buzzfeed and the Trump very ‘dodgy dossier’.

Newsnight has introduced its own ‘points of view’ which seems to be used for expressing poisonous and highly questionable views with a ‘firewall’ between them and the BBC…despite the fact we know these are the BBC’s views…such as the attack on May or perhaps this piece of racist hate mongering…


Points of view appear on the website and on several other programmes…this morning we had one R4 giving us a lurid hatchet job on Trump….how unexpected from the sad old BBC…

“You can’t call him crazy, because it isn’t fair to crazy people”, writes Adam Gopnik.

“You can’t compare him to a four-year-old because four-year-old children are not in fact tyrannical or egotistical”.

Six months into Donald Trump’s presidency, Adam Gopnik searches – almost in vain – for a descriptive category to fit.

Trump is a new evil, new and frightening.  He’s crazy and childish, mad like King George, Nixon at his worst.  He’s a treasonous collaborator with dictatorial regimes, he’s a catastrophe for liberal and democratic values, a disaster.  He feeds off irrational resentment and tribal hatreds.

‘Irrational resentment and tribal hatreds’?  Seems it is the liberal lefties who have the monopoly on that…#duetotrump  #duetobrexit.

The BBC spreading bile, division and hatred without getting its hands dirty.



Mind the pay gap


Have to laugh if this is true…the oh so politically correct BBC that lectures everyone else on equality, fairness and diversity is itself once again caught out…after having been ageist, sexist and racist before….from the Telegraph:

The BBC will this week publish the salaries of its highest earners, which, according to insiders, will reveal a stark gender pay gap.

The list of the top-paid stars will have “astounding omissions” that will expose the fact that women are not being paid as much as men in the same jobs, sources claim.

They warn the revelations will be “very embarrassing” for the corporation.

Government sources say Karen Bradley, the Culture Secretary, is preparing to challenge the BBC, as she “cares deeply” about pay disparity.

Two Tory select committee chairmen has also expressed concern over what the list would reveal and vowed to take BBC bosses to task over disparities.

Somewhat concerned that the government is willing to go to war over this but not the BBC’s blatant anti-Brexit black propaganda that it pumps out with a flagrant and shameless disregard as to its duty to be impartial and balanced.



Love conquers all


Whatever next, May and Corbyn? or Shameless Milne and Julian Assange’s lawyer?

I know we’ve heard a lot about Labour getting into bed with the SNP but….

Kezia Dugdale in relationship with SNP MSP Jenny Gilruth


Amused to see that whilst Guido is under attack from Hacked Off for printing the story about Shameless the BBC report about Dugdale is dressed up as being a report about reporting news that isn’t news….so getting the story out there anyway…much as they did with the Trump ‘dodgy dossier’ though then using a proxy fallguy, Buzzfeed, to dish the dirt and take the flak for doing so.

In a joint statement, Ms Dugdale and Ms Gilruth asked for their privacy to be respected and said they did not consider their new relationship to be “news”.

The statement said: “We don’t consider this to be ‘news’ – but we appreciate others might and we want to go about our daily lives normally.

“We would like to thank our friends, family and colleagues for their kindness over the past few months and for their love and support.

“We’d politely ask that our privacy is respected because while we are both politicians, we are also human beings – in a new relationship, which we cherish.”

The BBC reports it anyway.

Wonder if they’ve got good legs?








Two Israeli policemen have been killed and a third wounded in a shooting attack near a sacred site in Jerusalem.

They were shot by three Israeli Arabs close to the compound known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary).

Police chased the attackers into the site and shot them dead.

There has been a wave of stabbings, shootings and car-rammings of Israelis predominantly by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs since late 2015.


Heard the one about the Israeli Arab who shot the Israeli policeman….just a little domestic between locals you know.

‘Israeli Arab’…in other words a Palestinian Israeli citizen...why won’ the BBC call the killers ‘Palestinian-Israeli’?



Urban Bungle


Craig at Is the BBC biased? [lol] points out this sceptical Tweet by Mark Urban concerning the Blair Bluff…Mark Urban clearly hasn’t got the corporate memo about keeping up the anti-Brexit barrage of lies, misinformation and scaremongering….on the carpet Monday morning…..


In fact there is evidence of the opposite [and we already know Merkel has said freedom of movement is sacrosanct] as Merkel doubles up on her love of the EU…

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told voters on Saturday that Britain’s decision to leave the European Union and France’s election of President Emmanuel Macron had changed her view on the bloc, adding it was worth fighting for a stronger Europe.

Many people in the past had taken the EU and its advantages for granted — such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom to travel, said Merkel who grew up in communist East Germany.

“You don’t have all this in many parts of the world. And that’s why it is worth fighting for this Europe,” Merkel said.

“That’s why one of our election placards is saying: If Europe is stronger, then Germany will be stronger. This is directly related.”

Maybe she is ignoring reality…a stronger Germany is the last thing other EU countries might want…and the BBC also seems to ignore reality as it doesn’t seem to make much if anything of this…

Eurozone faces doom no matter how hard France and Germany try to save it, warns top investment bank

The eurozone is likely to break up no matter how hard France and Germany try to save it, one of the world’s biggest investment banks is warning.

A senior employee at Bank of America Merrill Lynch says the single currency bloc has been gradually falling apart ever since it was formed almost 20 years ago.

Although several countries including Greece and Portugal received emergency bailouts during the financial crisis, richer countries like Germany have failed to redistribute wealth on a permanent basis to poorer countries in the eurozone.


Shame the BBC mainstream is still pushing out the Blair lie….Listening in the car the news bulletin headlined with the news that Blair said the EU would compromise on freedom of movement.  Now that’s just a lie.

Trust the BBC?  Never!  The BBC is one of those sources that you have to double check and cross-reference with at least one other news or information source…and usually you would be right to do so.

Speaking of  the BBC’s barrage of lies, misinformation and scaremongering…remember fanatical Remainer James Chapman and the ruckus he created with his claims about the ECJ and Euratom which all came from an interview the BBC set up between him and a Times [anti-Brexit] journalist which they ran with for days as proof of how complex, impossible, dangerous and disastrous Brexit would be?

Listening to R4 yesterday [buried at 07:20] and apparently it was all a mistake….no panic, no problem, people won’t being dying in the streets of cancer because we can’t get certain medicines #duetobrexit…turns out Euratom has nothing to do with this and that the only slight problem might be that the medicine will have to be checked through customs….so all the sacremongering about Euratom, death and Brexit was all a huge lie.  One the BBC [and of course Osborne in the Standard] ran with for days as headline news…only now after it has squeezed all it can out of the black propaganda does it admit it was all a lie.





Anti-social media

French election: Is online far right a threat to democracy?

The French far right may be tiny on the institutional stage – the National Front (FN) has only two MPs – but on online platforms it is a giant.

Often collectively called the “fachosphère” (from “fascist”), websites denouncing mass immigration and Islam have seen spectacular growth in France over the past 10 years.

The most popular among them dwarf the sites of the current presidential candidates in terms of page views.

Many see the fachosphère as a threat to democracy. One commentator has called it “chilling” and another a “weapon of mass indoctrination”.


The BBC has long made it its business to warn us of the rise of the political Right, not being shy with the allusions to Nazis, concentration camps and  ethnic cleansing, happily associating even the somewhat benign and middleclass UKIP as fascist and the anti-Islam extremism EDL as Far-Right extremists.  But the BBC doesn’t limit itself to scaremongering about the Boys from Brazil, it also tackles the supposed right-wing inspired tidal wave of racist abuse and hate that spread across the UK #duetobrexit that turned Britain into a nastier and more racist place…or so the BBC keeps telling us….just as well we had a referendum…now we know where all the fascists who voted for Leave are…and they can be dealt with when the EU is back in charge.  Then of course there is the social media, the BBC also makes it its job to police that, not just for hate crimes but for any sign of what it deems fake news…the BBC itself deciding what is fake or not..no mirrors at the BBC.

So a fairly comprehensive attempt by the BBC to dominate the news and information and to police our thoughts and to shape them so that we only think approved thoughts and should we happen to be exposed to any toxic, mind-polluting right-wing fake news or hate we will recognise it for what it is and get straight onto Twitter to alert the keyboard warriors so that it can be dealt with and suppressed.

Strangely it is only right-wing news and social media sites that attract the BBC’s critical attention, left-wing sites seem to be either left alone or indeed actually promoted by the BBC.  Very few times will you see the BBC say anything negative about a left-wing site.

Look how it promoted the hard-left fake news site Skwawkbox giving it a prominence without qualifying that with a health warning about its content… and The Canary…a Corbyn supporting online site that sprang up recently only for the BBC to start hyping it and giving it plenty of exposure and promotion [even had it on Question Time]…curiously introducing it as a counter to the right-wing redtops….like the Mirror?  Why is the BBC celebrating a supposed counter to the Right-wing press?  Not sure why the BBC insists the Right have a dominance in the Press when there’s the Guardian, the Independent, the Newstatesman, the Economist, the Financial Times, the Mirror, the Times itself all too often [a big supporter of Remain] and the BBC itself as the biggest, massively dominant news provider of all of them…especially as the papers are losing readers and influence.

Then we have Left-wing violence, intimidation, abuse and hate…..heard about that?  Not so likely if you use the BBC to get your news.  Sure they have started to cover it…but only after a huge fuss was made in the papers and by MPs themselves.  The BBC exaggerates racist abuse and falsely atributes it to Brexit but practically ignores the massive and orchestrated violence and harassment that is coming from the left…and all too often from Corbyn’s supporters…where is the BBC analysis telling us that Corbyn has given them ‘licence’ to act in this way?  The same goes for anti-Semitism…the BBC was very reluctant to expose the rise of that old nasty in the Labour Party.

Just why is the BBC so unwilling to make the same effort to counter genuine violence, hate, abuse and fake news from the Left as it puts into attacking anyone on the Right whom it decides is guilty of such behaviour?

We hear that one of the BBC’s own, Laura Kuenssberg had to have a bodyguard after receiving so much abuse and threats from Left-wingers…hear about that from the BBC?  No.  And still they look the other way when the Left run riot.

Charles Moore in the Spectator notes that the BBC would hound the Right if it had been Tory abuse of Kuenssberg…

However, the bit the Tories haven’t said in public but keep complaining about in private is that the BBC never reported that Kuenssberg was so badly threatened online by Corbyn supporters that she was given personal protection. They feel that this subdued her capacity to cover the contest clearly. They suspect that if Theresa May had possessed fans as thuggish as Mr Corbyn’s, the BBC would have made a meal of it. I do not know the details of this story, and the BBC won’t comment on security questions, but I have had it informally confirmed from within the BBC.

Yesterday I heard a discussion on R4 about how Facebook may have won it  [lol] for Corbyn…not a mention of the vast, vast amounts of fake news, much of it highly abusive and slanderous, that came out of these left-wing sites…which is a shame as the BBC concluded that perhaps these sites are the future of ‘news’ and the biggest influence on election results.

The Mail points out the BBC’s tardiness in mentioning the torrent of abuse and vicious attacks coming from the Left…

For weeks, this paper has documented vicious attacks and smears – including death threats, vandalism and anti-Semitic abuse – directed by Corbynites agaisnt Tories and Labour moderates alike.

Yet before Mrs May announced an inquiry, the BBC barely mentioned this terifying development in olitics – just as during the election it drew a veil over the Labour leadership’s link to terrorist groups.

Indeed, the Corporation kept virtually silent until Labour’s chairman, in a clear attempt to divert attention, accused Right-wingers of abusing candidates online.  Then suddenly the story was leading its news. [Yep…noticed that]

Truly, the BBC has never been more partisan.  Be sure of this:  if its relentless bias helps Mr Corbyn’s thugs triumph against freedom and democracy, their first move will be seizing control of the airwaves [lol…vote Corbyn!!!]


The Mail is spot on….what is happening is an attempt to smash demcoracy and replace it with threats, intimidation and bullying…so Zimbabwean, so SNP.

The BBC supports terrorists, rioters, Left-wing ‘Brownshirt’ street thugs and of course the corrupt tyranny of the undemocratic EU.

The BBC truly is the’enemy of the people’.

Speaking of which…funny how all those who hate the Grenfell inquiry chairman, Mr Martin Moore-Bick, because he is white or not a criminal lawyer get the BBC’s sympathy and support but anyone who criticised the judges ruling on Article 50 was an enemy of Justice dangerously undermining respect for the Law.







Brexit of Mass Destruction

Image result for tony blair liar



What did Chilcott say about Blair?  He wasn’t being entirely honest with people, not being ‘straight with the nation’.  Seems things and people haven’t changed as Blair tells one of the biggest lies of his career and the BBC, knowing it is a whopper, gives him headline space and the top spot on the Today show.  Go figure.

Blair, according to the BBC headline, and note there are no quote marks to qualify his statement, says the EU is prepared to dump freedom of movement…

Tony Blair says EU could be flexible over movement

The BBC knows, everyone knows, that is not going to happen, freedom of movement is a core principle of the EU project designed as it is to smash the nation states and national loyalties in order to create a servile population of ‘EU citizens’ subservient to and beholden to the unelected grandees of the EU superstate regime.

Blair even admit this as he says the principle of freedom of movement will actually remain…what he has on offer is a tinkering around the edges, maybe some give on what benefits migrants might have or the right to move if you have a job or not…and yet aren’t these conditions already in place?  So a huge bit of hype that the EU is going to dump fredom of movement but drill down ever so slightly and you find it’s complete nonsense, a headline grabbing bit of trickery…and the BBC gives him the headline and prominence he wanted knowing that it will sow the seeds of doubt about Brexit regardless of the truth.  Blatantly a spoiler designed to confuse and muddy the waters.  If the EU is clever it will play along offering up ‘hope’ of such a deal knowing it will never happen…Trust the EU? About as much as I trust T. Blair [or indeed David Davis who seems to be all too willing to ‘compromise’ with the EU…ie be a doormat]…the EU that makes people vote again and again until the ‘right’ result is reached, the EU that changes the rules of the game if they don’t suit and that if a treaty is voted out will just rename the treaty and introduce it under some other legislation.

You might ask then why the huge fanfare for his claims, why does the BBC give him so much airtime and the huge prominence to his words when they are meaningless piffle?  Where is the scorn his claims deserve?

Nick Robinson interviewed him on the primetime spot of 08:10 asking if he was an optimist or delusional but generally seemed to go through the motions asking obvious questions and telling Blair that Merkel and Co had said freedom of movement was non-negotiable and yet there was a lack of real fire, no spirited, tough, uncompromising questions that would have nailed Blair’s blather for the lie it was….not instantly challenging him on the point that actually gave the lie to his claim when he said the principle of freedom of movement remained and not objecting at all to Blair’s refusal to tell us who he had spoken to and what exactly had been said.  What we got from Blair was hot air, ‘he said, she said…trust me, would I lie to you?

Blair has been given top billing for one of the hugest lies of the Brexit debate and yet no serious inquisition from the BBC, the same BBC that relentlessly chased after the Leave campaign for the £350m statement on the side of the bus and still keep up the attack on that…but Blair telling a massive lie?  Not bothered anywhere near as much.

The BBC will give this a gentle probing but that is it, they know that the game is to get out there the message that Brexit is going to be a disaster and that all bad publicity is good publicity however it comes packaged and to ‘interview’ Blair in a pretence of challenging him actually gives him a huge platform to peddle the Remain campaign’s propaganda as he did this morning running through all the usual scare stories.

I would say let’s have Andrew Neil put Blair on the rack but judging by his last performance I’d have my doubts as he shut Farage down and insisted the debate on Brexit is over which it clearly isn’t as the Remain camp continue to fight on and are committed to making the process ‘hellish’…..