Anti-white, anti-British, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Tory, anti-open discussion and closed borders, anti-Trump, anti-Hindu, anti-Israel, anti-the right leaning press, anti-anyone who has any thought that does not conform to the BBC’s world view.
Just what is the problem with the BBC?
One symbol of that problem might be the fact that the BBC rushed out to employ James O’Brien, a man who doesn’t let the facts stand in the way of his bigotry and prejudices, a man who on closing in on someone who has views he holds in disdain treats them with contempt, demonisings them in short order…however get someone on whom he likes or is afraid to challenge due to colour or religion, even if he wanted to, and he shrivels up into a sad little husk….brave to tackle those he knows will get him lots of brownee points from his mates on the left but too afraid to criticise those whom he knows will have a social media army waiting to tear him apart if he should say a word out of line.
Douglas Murray in the Spectator examines O’Brien’s latest incompetence and bigotry….remind me again why the BBC employs him?…..
James O’Brien spreading ‘fake news’ via the BBC is a must-watch
The row about ‘fake news’ and the ‘crooked media’ appears to be ongoing. And every time the BBC and other mainstream media mention it they present themselves solely as the victims of such phenomena. So let us turn to just one edition of the BBC’s Newsnight.
On Wednesday of this week the programme was presented by James O’Brien. Now in the first place Mr O’Brien is a strange choice to present this programme. Not just because his awkward, cut-out, Lego man gait makes it obvious why he has made his career in radio, but because he is the sort of hyper-partisan figure who, if they came from the opposite political side, would never be hired by the BBC.
But back to Wednesday’s Newsnight. Just after a ‘Viewsnight’ slot given to Tariq Ramadan – dauphin of the Muslim Brotherhood – it was back to the studio for a discussion about President Trump with two guests down the line from Washington.
Here is how O’Brien introduced them: ‘Anne Gearan from the Washington Post and Asra Nomani who has written for outlets such as Breitbart and The Hill.’ To say that the way in which O’Brien introduced the latter was acidic is to understate matters. Even on the Cathy Newman scale of ‘ostentatiously introducing someone as though they are a bad smell’ O’Brien excelled. ‘Here’ – he was clearly saying – ‘is a really reputable woman. And here, by comparison is a lowly, nuts-oid blogger lady who we can all interrupt and laugh at.’
Unfortunately for O’Brien, Nomani used her opening moments to politely correct the BBC’s introduction of her. An introduction that had indeed been fake and crooked. For as Nomani informed O’Brien, she is not just some broad who has ‘written for outlets such as Breitbart [lemony face] and The Hill [expectorate]’. On the contrary, as she had to waste her opening moments explaining, not only has she never ‘written for Breitbart’, the more pertinent fact about her life is that she spent fifteen years at the Wall Street Journal.
So why did Newsnight’s James O’Brien – in a discussion about ‘fake news’ – spread false information about Nomani before he had even begun his first question? Why did it not concern him that any fair-minded viewer might easily come away with the impression that O’Brien knew nothing about his guest and that he or someone else from the Newsnight team had simply spent the period before transmission lazily searching Google for the most hostile intro they could put together? Might precisely this type of media ‘bias’ be one of the things that fuels the perception that the mainstream media are intent on bringing down everyone and everything associated not just with Trump but with any of the arguments he makes?
[Murray explains a lot more about Nomani’s background and then goes on…]
As I say – James O’Brien doesn’t know any of this, or doesn’t care about any of this. He saw a woman he felt he could belittle and diminish as though she were calling in to one of his daytime phone-in shows. O’Brien and Newsnight don’t need to ask why people are losing trust in mainstream media. Programmes like theirs on Wednesday night – and their treatment of one guest in particular – are the reason.
Trouble is how many people actually know the BBC is lying to them nearly all the time? Guido has recently been listing the left-wing activists that the BBC has brought on as just normal concerned citizens on various subjects….but how many people realise that the BBC has been a willing ‘trojan horse’ for Corbyn providing a platform for his activists to spread their propaganda? The BBC has a long history of doing this but then again when it has two senior journalists openly shilling for Corbyn and telling their fellow colleagues not to print negative stories about him then what can we expect? This of course applies not just to Corbyn but to Brexit as well when the BBC presents critics of Brexit as independent and impartial commentators when we know they are hardcore Remain campaigners…such as James Chapman….or even, remarkably George Osborne himself…never mind Ken Clarke, Patten and Heseltine who all seem to have new careers on the BBC. And it goes without saying the same applies to Islam when known Islamists are constant ‘community spokesmen’ on the BBC and Tariq Ramadan, whose grandfather set up the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, is called a moderate, reforming Muslim…indeed as Murray points out he was on Newsnight last night. Ramadan is an islamist…about time the BBC recognised him for what he is instead of giving credibility and authority to everything he says. Then again they wouldn’t care…..if he was white he’d be a ‘Nazi’ but luckily for him he is not white…the BBC will always look the other way.