Marr is absolutely hopeless isn’t he? Yet another interview with a Labour grandee, Corbyn, and it is red carpet treatment all the way with little in the way of demanding and probing questions…McDonnell was given a free ride and a very smug Corbyn couldn’t have got better treatment if he’d written the script himself.
Corbyn told us he’d had a ‘brilliant manifesto‘….no comment from Marr despite the fact that Corbyn’s manifesto was big, huge, on promises, but failed completely to provide genuine costings….the IFS saying Corbyn would have to impose the biggest tax burden on this country of any peace-time era. Nor did Marr challenge him on the fact that Corbyn was obviously bribing voters, buying their votes….for someone who presents himself as the ‘ethical’ politician, different from all the rest, that deserves some comment you might think.
Corbyn told us that his approach was ‘challenging an economic consensus that impoverished so many people’. Marr’s response? ‘It clearly was’.
What? Just look at the previous paragraph where it is clear Corbyn is just the same old ‘pork barrel’ politician of old…buying votes and corrupting the democratic process for short term electoral gain….‘challenging an economic consensus that impoverished so many people’ is the very last thing he is doing…he is in fact just entrenching that system. Marr didn’t notice.
Then we had no challenge to Corbyn’s statement that he wanted a tariff free trade deal…which means no Brexit. Surely a significant issue…not for Marr who just brushed it aside without comment.
No comment about Corbyn’s support for the IRA and Muslim terrorists despite the issue being of huge significance in the election and Corbyn doing a massive opportunistic u-turn on his support for terrorists.
Similarly Marr raises the subject of the ‘socially conservative’ DUP…but makes no reference to Corbyn’s close ties to Muslim conservatives or indeed his own extreme views.
Marr is well named. It suits his style of interviewing. Marred. Maybe a new verb…to be ‘Marred’…to be let off the hook in a half-arsed interview.
Why did the all-powerful BBC refuse to tell the truth about Mr Corbyn?
Theresa May surely has only herself to blame for the Tories’ appalling performance on Thursday. Even before the polls closed it was impossible to find a Conservative MP who thought she had run a good campaign.
But there is another group of people who certainly made a contribution to the outcome and should be hanging their heads in shame this morning. I am speaking of the BBC.
Our national broadcaster accounts for about 50 per cent of news output in this country via its multiple television, radio and web outlets. It is immeasurably more influential than any other news channel or newspaper. That is why it is so important it fulfils its sacred duty to invigilate politicians without fear or favour.
In the case of Jeremy Corbyn, it failed miserably over the past few weeks…..Auntie was laughably indulgent over the past few weeks.
Today, Britain goes to the polls. And frankly, I’m shocked that no one has stood up and said, unambiguously, how profoundly dangerous it would be for the nation if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister. So let me be clear, the leader of the Labour Party is an old-fashioned international socialist who has forged links with those quite ready to use terror when they haven’t got their way: the IRA, Hizbollah, Hamas. As a result he is completely unfit to govern and Britain would be less safe with him in No 10.
Why has the BBC not made the slightest attempt to investigate that…in fact why has the BBC done the complete oppsosite and fed us the lie that Corbyn is the best man to defend us from terrorism?
Why did Corbyn do so well in the election? Having one of the most powerful and influential news broadcasters on-side might have helped. There is no doubt that the BBC corrupted annd undermined the democratic process and helped rig the election in Labour’s favour.
The Conservatives made an historically bad decision to hold a general election when they already had a majority, a slim one but a majority, and that, as they should have noted as a caution, had been won against all the odds and the punditry. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. May of course had repeatedly stated that there was no need for another general election only to change her mind in what looked a very opportunistic way. They then made a catastrophic misjudgement in hammering their core vote…the householders who want to pass on their earnings to their children to help them in the future (On top of cutting fuel allowance and the triple lock for Tory voting pensioners). May had learnt nothing from the Tory voting ‘white van man’ national insurance fiasco and subsequent u-turn. She compounded the error by back-tracking on it and changing her mind, whilst refusing to admit she’d changed her mind. Two u-turns whilst proclaiming herself in her main battle-cry to be ‘Strong and Stable’…powerfully undermining her own campaign and the founding principle for her appeal to the electorate…that only a strong and stable leader could deal with the Brexit negotiations.
The other major influence on the outcome of the election were the terrorist attacks which suddenly brought in to play a whole new narrative about police numbers, funding and security. May, having been Home Secretary and having overseen cuts to the police was all too easily put in the frame for the blame…lack of funding led to the attacks was the simplistic message…a message that was all too effective especially as it met with little scrutiny and examination from the BBC despite clear evidence that police funding was not the issue when it comes to identifying and stopping these killers….after all the police actually already knew who these people were and what they were about.
May made one final ‘error’…one that made sense, but it only made sense if the BBC were neutral and took a non-partisan view…which naturally they didn’t and perhaps the Tories should have factored in the BBC’s hatred of them. [The BBC are back to calling them the ‘nasty party’ as they seek alliance with the ‘socially conservative’ DUP’…question…are Muslim conservatives ‘nasty’ then?] May decided not to take part in any of the debates between the leaders…having seen the TV debates and listened to some on the radio you’ll know they are total nonsense and a bearpit for loud voices chanting well rehearsed soundbites and attack lines…the audience learn nothing. The BBC however decided this was a good opportunity to attack May and its presenters constantly criticised her for not appearing in the leaders’ debates telling us she was scared….here’s the BBC’s US correspondent, James Cook, giving us his two penneth worth….
I'll tell you what voters don't like. Unnecessary elections. Especially when the leaders who call them refuse to engage in the campaigns.
Now that’s a complete lie isn’t it? May was out on the stump, she appeared in many interviews and did several audience question and answers as well as one-on-one with interviewers. She in no way ‘dodged the public’ nor rigorous interviews…and of course put herself up for election, the biggest ‘interview’ of all. So just a BBC lie….but one that was spread and encouraged throughout the campaign…naturally a Labour narrative.
BBC presenters relentlessly attacked May for appearing on the One Show telling us this was a soft interview and she was ‘dodging the public’, however when Corbyn did the same interview he was applauded, not a word of criticism from his fellow travellers at the BBC.
And therein lies the real problem. The BBC.
The Power and the Inglorious Bias
The BBC is extraordinarily powerful and yet unaccountable with politicians too afraid to tackle its blatant partisan support for Labour and its extreme liberal ideology that it propagates without fear of any genuine censure and retribution. The BBC is by far the most trusted and goto source for news relying as it does on past reputation, the audience’s innate attachment to it based upon years of ‘brainswashing’ as they grew up watching its programmes and ‘bonding’ with the BBC, putting aside any qualms about bias because they love Top Gear or Poldark or David Attenborough…and of course because the BBC pumps out relentless propaganda on its own behalf telling us how fantastic, how trustworthy, how accurate, how much better quality it is when compared to other news sources…and of course only it can be trusted to deliver the news in an era of ‘post-truth alternate facts’ and ‘fake news’…which is an irony because the BBC is the biggest peddler of fake news out there and is completely untrustworthy as we will show here in an account of how the BBC corrupted British democracy and rigged an election.
The Tories lost it but with a little help from their enemies
It wasn’t all the Tories’ failure but a highly successful campaign by Corbyn, or rather his team, which completely reframed how Corbyn and his fellow disasters-just-waiting-to-happen, Abbott and McDonnell, presented themselves, their policies and ideologies. From being actual terrorist supporting, far-left, Britain-hating extremists they had a complete make-over, new suits, new hairdos and new policies that were astonishing u-turns after decades of saying the complete opposite. However they got away with it because the BBC did not challenge them at all. May was pilloried and vilified for her u-turns, McDonnell was allowed by Marr to whitewash over his avowed Marxism despite clear evidence that he was a Marxist including an incriminating video, only Andrew Neil making any attempt to seriously challenge him, Abbott waffled about a change in hairstyle and Corbyn got away with murder as he dumped his career-long love of terrorists, denied his ambition to thwart all anti-terror legislation and to claim he had always supported shoot-to-kill, actually lying in an ITV interview with Peston about a Kuenssberg interview with him in which he claimed he only opposed shoot-to-kill in the 1980’s in NI…that was a total lie…one that the BBC itself challenged at the time when the BBC Trust ruled in Corbyn’s favour that Kuenssberg had misquoted him…she hadn’t…Corbyn had lied but now that the election was ongoing the BBC suddenly forgot that Corbyn had supported shoot-to-kill, and then lied on Peston, and were presenting him as a man who could be trusted to deal with a terrorist threat…also failing to register his long, long support for such terrorists…Muslim ones as well as IRA.
Putting the record straight by bending the truth
A classic example of the BBC’s highly partisan favouring of Corbyn and the whitewashing of his past is this interview with Boris by Mishal Husain ‘putting the record straight’ as she tells it, Husain insisting that Corbyn supports shoot-to-kill and has said so many times…she makes no note that this is a massive opportunistic u-turn on terror and shoot-to-kill by Corbyn preferring instead to make this strident defence of Corbyn against all the documented facts…
Note how Husain, whilst being very unwilling to talk about Corbyn’s voting record on terror laws, and indeed stopping Boris talking about that, tried to turn the tables by cherry-picking one example when Boris opposed a terror measure…the 90 days detention. This is highly selective and unbalanced…Corbyn just about voted down every anti-terror law he could, and boasted about it, Boris votes against one and this somehow absolves Corbyn for his career long pro-terror stance? I don’t remember Boris honouring IRA murderers or calling Islamic terrorists ‘friends’ and inviting them into parliament…I do however remember Corbyn doing that. Husain just ignored all the inconvenient facts that showed Corbyn to be the terrorist’s friend.
Those who control the past control the present
Quite extraordinary how the BBC can totally ignore Corbyn’s past, his celebrated steadfast refusal to change his ideology in 30 or more years and now his astonishingly convenient and well-timed change of heart on terrorism. Extraordinary when you compare it with how they absolutely slaughtered May for her u-turns and how they now conduct a relentlessly negative and critical ‘exposé’ of the DUP’s ideology, very definitely adopting a censorious tone towards them that is utterly at odds with the indulgent, see-no-evil tone used for Corbyn….the DUP’s sins are being climate sceptics(or ‘deniers’ as the BBC maligns them), opposition to abortion and to same-sex marriage….compare that with Corbyn’s unfaltering, until now, support for terrorists, his failure to tackle anti-Semitism in his party, his desire to abolish NATO, MI5, the Police and the Army and his ruinous economic policies and you wonder who is really the major threat to Britain, world peace and stability.
The BBC lionised him and covered over his extremism in this profile and highlighted his unchanging policies as a notable part of his career…
He has refused to cave in and now has a chance to fight a general election on his own terms – making the case for a different kind of government in line with the principles he has held, more or less unchanged, since he first entered politics more than 40 years ago.
Strange now that the BBC should make little to no comment about his astonishing make-over and revision of his policies just as an election came into sight.
Greed is good
Consider this…Corbyn is all for fairness, community and an equitable spreading of wealth…and yet one of his major vote catching policies, dumping student loans, is the exact opposite of that appealing as it does to the greed in people, the individual’s self-interest at the expense of the community. Rather than take responsibility for their own further education and career advancement Corbyn presented the young with a vote-winning proposition they couldn’t refuse whatever it cost society…free university places. Greed and self-interest is now good under Corbyn…everything that he is supposedly against. No comment from the BBC?
Safe in his hands
What of that narrative that if only we had more community police officers on the beat we’d gather more intelligence and be able to identify these terrorists? Complete nonsense. These people were already on the radar, the problem was that the police could not arrest them and charge them as it was not an offence to merely think certain thoughts, not even to have an ‘ISIS’ flag in your possession as the Muslim who walked freely through Westminster with one draped around his shoulders proved. One reason of course is the lack of legislation allowing stricter laws that cracked down on ‘thoughts’, legislation so often opposed by…Jeremy Corbyn. The BBC refuses to allow the salient facts about anti-terrorism to take hold in the public narrative that we have one of the most efficient and effective counter-terror forces in the world…we make arrests every day and have stopped 18 attacks in the last few years….whatever happened to the wise old words that the BBC used to trot out….the terrorists only have to get lucky once, we have to be lucky everyday? Oh hang on…after the Manchester attack they quote this…
“We used to say that a terrorist only has to be lucky once. We have to be lucky all the time.”
Funny though how that doesn’t seem to apply here for May….the attack isn’t just a terrorist getting ‘lucky’ it’s May’s fault for cutting police budgets….despite pumping in billions more into security and intelligence and the fact that there are 23,000 people ‘of interest’ on the radar…an impossible number to monitor effectively….but remarkable that they know of them all… no?
As Sir Richard Dearlove, a former head of MI6, noted in a piece in Thursday’s Daily Telegraph that Corbyn’s response was ‘nakedly political’.
Sir Richard — who is no Tory stooge — wrote that ‘if you ask professionals in the police, they would recognise that creating 10,000 jobs for community policing won’t have the slightest effect on the problem of Islamic terrorism’.
Remarkable that the BBC has ignored the fact that Labour in 2015 were proposing to cut the police budget by a further 10% above what the Tories had already cut. Consider that the police budget has not been cut since 2015 by the Tories and yet they get criticised for the level of funding and that Labour would have cut further…how is it possible that this is not worthy of comment from the BBC?
How is it not worthy of comment that Labour’s ex-shadow home secretary and now Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, and Corbyn, have both opposed the counter-terror Prevent programme?
Foreign Policy black propaganda…The Jihadist’s narrative
Corbyn came straight out after Manchester to blame foreign policy for radicalising Muslims…this has long been a BBC narrative as well…it is an utterly false and dangerous narrative, one that is embedded in the Muslim community as a whole and which feeds the Jihadi recruit conveyor belt…it is an entirely false line of propaganda.
The other incredibly dangerous and false narrative is that these terrorists are not driven by religious ideology, that they are somehow perverting the teachings of Islam. The fact is they are not, ISIS is living history, a revolution that is televised in full technicolour as the Islamic State re-enacts what Muhammed did 1400 years ago as he blitzed the Middle East with a tiny force and established what would become Muslim dominance of the area and beyond….and they are doing it in obedience to the teachings of the Koran and its commands to ‘defend Muslims’ who are under attack…the BBC has been telling Muslims they are under attack, that the West is at war with Islam, for over a decade now. Any wonder so many British Muslims believe that? Where is the counter narrative that tells the real story?
Character assassination
The BBC’s ‘flagship’ current affairs programme, Newsnight, broadcast a profile of Corbyn, a profile put together by a left-wing supporter from the New Statesman, Stephen Bush. This turned out to be a somewhat narrow, dishonest profile, more idolization, an acclamatory tribute, that airbrushed away any controversial aspects of the Corbyn ideology and turned him into a moderate, reasoned and statesman-like politician well respected by everyone. Newsnight then balanced that with a somewhat narrow, dishonest protrayal of May…but this time far from being a glowing, positive tribute as Corbyn received we had a snide, sniping, extremely negative attack from Tory wet, Matthew Parris…a fanatical Remain supporter who hates the fact May is actually going to carry out what the voters expect…Brexit.
The BBC had from the beginning of the campaign targeted May and her slogan ‘Strong and Stable’ relentlessly mocking and deriding it and its use making people embarrassed to use it such is the power of the BBC to intimidate and police what you can and cannot say in public, people now self-censoring themselves in case they get ridiculed by the BBC. The BBC had successfully undermined the Tory’s main theme…..and they couldn’t believe their luck when May did a u-turn on care. The BBC did not do a similar attack on Corbyn despite the fact that he used his ‘For the many not the few’ slogan again and again, naturally. Nor did the BBC bother to note he had stolen the slogan not just from Blair but that the LibDems had used it in 2010. The BBC knew Corbyn was seen as disorganised, weak and incoherent economically so they set out to destroy the Tory message that they represent the only alternative providing in contrast a strong and stable government…and when have you heard a serous attack on Corbyn’s economics….consider that the IFS has said he would impose a rate of tax not seen in peacetime Britain before and you have to ask how the BBC could avoid taking him to task over this.
When May made her speech reacting to the London Bridge attack Laura Kuenssberg claimed that this was an ‘intensely political speech’ hinting that it may be just campaign rhetoric..if you listen to the speech you will hear a perfectly measured speech from the Prime Minister that would be exactly what you might expect from any PM in such a crisis…this was not campaign rhetoric but reasoned comment that laid out how the government might respond, as any member of the public would want to know. Corbyn, who made a massively political and factually wrong statement after Manchester placing the blame on foreign policy and cuts to police budgets, escaped any negative comment and cirticism from the BBC…quite possibly, not only because they support him, but because they fully back that narrative as well…so far from being impartial they were promoting two of their favourite things…the Labour Party and the narrative that terrorism is just blowback from the West’s actions in the Muslim world…thus we must make amends and open our borders to all the refugees.
Right-Wing online trickery
The BBC has targeted Social Media and blamed it for the rise of Trump and Brexit despite the fact that it is dominated by the Left. Facebook was pumping out left-leaning ‘news’ before it got caught and all the tech bosses are of the left and anti-Trump. It suits the BBC narrative however to portray Social Media as a place that ferments and promotes Right-Wing narratives and discontent, the BBC hoping to discredit what are its biggest rivals now for the attention of the young and the news agenda.
It has continued that false narrative into this election as it claims the Tories have conducted an aggressive and highly negative attack campaign online whilst on the other hand Labour have had a far less aggressive, far lower profile and far more positive campaign aimed at getting people to vote rather than using social media to attack the other side….this articel is almost all about the Tories…the Tories bad, Corbyn good…
The Conservatives seem to be targeting Facebook users in marginal constituencies with anti-Jeremy Corbyn attack adverts, designed to draw away the Labour faithful.
Labour are also using Facebook advertising, but their messages are not focused on leaders and their personalities.
The Conservatives are paying for numerous adverts that attack Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn or his close allies, particularly John McDonnell and Diane Abbott. They broadcast a broadly negative message – warning people about the perceived threats of a Corbyn-led government.
Negative political adverts are particularly widespread in the United States, where parties routinely attack the credibility of a candidate and try to alienate their natural supporters. Donald Trump’s election campaign, for example, directed anti-Clinton Facebook adverts at potential Clinton supporters, including African-Americans and young women.
Change of tone for how they describe Labour…
Labour and the Liberal Democrats have also been pushing adverts on social media, though with a different tone. Labour ads on Facebook focus on positive messages, often using the party’s election slogan: “For the many, not the few”.
Oh…and that’s it for the analysis of Labour’s use of Social Media…that’s despite the fact that Labour are using highly negative attack ads….I saw them every day on YouTube…and there’s stuff like this…an utter fabrication, faked news…
Such attack ads by Labour supporters drove the anti-Tory narrative aimed at young voters….
The post was one of many to swarm Facebook by groups in favour of Jeremy Corbyn.
An analysis of the site’s content suggests it may have cost the Tories their majority by driving young Labour supporters to the polls.
Millions used the social network to share articles praising Jeremy Corbyn and trashing the Tories and Theresa May.
These ‘posts’ are likely to have had a powerful effect on Facebook’s predominantly youthful users, who are increasingly reliant on social media as their main source of news.
Of the top 20 most popular political subjects talked about on Facebook, almost all of the discussion topics about Labour cast it in a positive light.
By contrast, six of the seven most popular topics about the Conservatives were deeply critical.
Is it not odd how the BBC could miss all that or indeed how they forget that it was the Left who dominated and originated the use of social media as a means to manipulate the vote…..the Facebook founder even helping Obama…
Army of helpers
With the help of Facebook founder Chris Hughes – who devised an innovative internet fundraising system – the campaign eventually attracted more than three million donors. They donated about $650m (£403m) – more than both presidential contenders in 2004 combined.
Mr Obama had the money for four times as many campaign offices as Mr McCain and a vast army of campaign staff and volunteers. They developed and exploited a vast database of information about potential donors and voters in every key state.
Everyone who visited the Obama website was asked to sign up to get more information. Everyone who did so was asked to contribute, or volunteer. If they did, they received several follow-up calls and messages asking for more money, or more assistance.
The 2008 Obama Presidential campaign made history. Not only was Obama the first African American to be elected president, but he was also the first presidential candidate to effectively use social media as a major campaign strategy. It’s easy to forget, given how ubiquitous social media is today, that in 2008 sending out voting reminders on Twitter and interacting with people on Facebook was a big deal.
The huge success of Barack Obama’s campaigning during his 2008 presidential campaign, when he raised over half his money online and organised huge numbers of “offline” events via the internet.
Tory use of social media is being presented by the BBC as a rather scheming, underhand and dishonest way of tricking voters and manipulating the election…the same tactics by Obama and Labour are applauded with any negative issues airbrushed out of the story. Once again a very selective and partisan narrative from the BBC.
The BBC is always ready to police our language and will often refuse to use language that it claims is too negative or that presents only the narrative of one side. Famously of course ‘Terrorism’ is one word that it is reluctant to use despite the fact that it is easily defined and clear when something is a terrorist act…the BBC though has trouble when Muslims commit terrorist acts…then it becomes conflicted as it believes, as said above, that Muslims are only reacting in response to Western aggression and therefore theirs’ is the justifiable violence of Freedom Fighters and Resisters. The BBC series, ‘The Honourable Woman’, was based upon this theme, the evil Israelis forcing Palestinians to use terrorism as they had no other weapon to combat the all powerful IDF.
The BBC though are quite happy to adopt and use the language of one side when it suits, such as the ‘Bedroom Tax’, or the ‘Dementia Tax’, when such language is used in a derogatory fashion meant to malign and demonise a Tory policy.
How different when it came to Labour’s ‘Garden Tax’…not only would the BBC not use the term but actually refused to talk about the subject at all, John Humphrys dismissing it out of hand when raised on the Today show by a Tory MP, claiming that it wasn’t in the Labour manifesto…when of course it is in there.
And also, thanks to Toobiwan for reminding me, there is ‘Hard Brexit‘and ‘Soft Brexit’, two terms that the BBC is happy to use despite the fact that such things do not exist…as May says ‘Brexit means Brexit’...the purported ‘Soft Brexit’, ie Corbyn’s favoured approach of a tariff free trade deal with all that entails, ie, free movement, is not Brexit at all and is in fact just continued memebership of the EU…in other words a lie…a lie that the BBC is happy to peddle.
Finally, at least all that I can remember off the top of my head, there’s Nick Robinson’s and Dimbleby’s demand that Corbyn get a good Press. Bias? Just a bit.
The BBC has been involved in one of the most blatant attempts to steal an election that we will witness, an astonishing corruption of the democratic process, a rigging of the election that very nearly put a terrorist sympathiser in No10. Putin must be taking notes.
Laugh at the hypocrisy of those who voted for the terrorist supporting Corbyn, the Corbyn who looks the other way when anti-Semitism rears its ugly head in his Party, the man who supports Muslim terrorism and loves Islam….his supporters are outside Downing Street complaining, ala Mishal Husain, about religious horrors of the DUP…
One organiser led chants of ‘racist, sexist, anti-gay, the DUP has got to go’. [‘away’ surely?]
There are even Muslims in amongst the protestors…lol. DUPophobia?
Over 500,000 people have signed an online petition calling on the Tories not to do a deal with Northern Ireland’s DUP.
The poll hosted by also calls on Theresa May to resign as Prime Minisiter following the General Election which resulted in a hung parliament.
“Theresa May should resign. This is a disgusting, desperate attempt to stay in power,” the petition reads.
I’m sure the person who created the petition would be quite happy for Corbyn, who got less votes than May, to form a government in coalition with say the SNP in a ‘disgusting attempt to take power’ no doubt’?
The Guardian is reporting the protest and suggests that we should forget the religion[written by an academic not a Guardianista journo]…the DUP won’t foist Protestantism upon us…hmmm…we’re essentially a Protestant country if ‘lite’….
The ultra-conservative DUP will strike a hard bargain with Theresa May’s Conservatives but won’t foist militant Protestantism on Westminster
Funny how religion is seen as an issue at all here when ‘conservative’ Muslims can take senior positions in Labour and Corbyn happily sides with Muslim terrorists and it’s not an issue…or it’s an issue we are definitely not allowed to talk about…as Boris found out when Mishal Husain told him to shut up.
The BBC are reporting approvingly anti-DUP comments from others….quite extraordinary hypocrisy from people who would never say these things about Muslims…Jon Snow and the deputy editor of the Guardian Paul Johnson….
And the BBC continues its attack in a way it never did with Corbyn…just amazing how the gloves come off when it is someone the BBC hates…and they’ve always hated Unionist groups in NI whilst loving the IRA…The BBC lists the sins of the DUP in a way it never would with the MCB or any Muslim political group….
The DUP website crashed on Friday morning after a surge of interest, and DUP was also one of the most searched terms on Google.
Basically, they are pro-union (not Europe but UK), pro-Brexit and socially conservative.
The party, which returned 10 MPs to Westminster, has garnered a bit of a reputation for its strong and controversial views.
It opposes same-sex marriage and is anti-abortion – abortion remains illegal in Northern Ireland, except in specific medical cases.
Then there’s the party’s historical links to loyalist paramilitaries.
DUP East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson, a devout climate change denier, was once Northern Ireland’s environment minister. [What the hell is a ‘devout climate change denier’?…note the use of ‘denier’ as well]
The DUP was a wholehearted supporter of Brexit and got heavily involved in the Leave campaign.
The BBC’s quota filling Muslim on the Today show, Mishal Husain, can answer that, calling them as she did a couple of months ago in relation to their Christian based ideology, ‘Backward and unpleasant’.
Coming from a Muslim who supposedly follows a religion that is unchanged from its barbaric 7th century origins, hence all the head chopping, killing of gays, killing of apostates, chopping of limbs, stoning, lashing, crucifying of those who don’t follow the teachings, that’s pretty rich….and of course had anyone said the same about Islam she’d have been outraged…and the BBC would have been outraged on her behalf.
The same Mishal Husain who told us that she was glad to get the job on the Today show because she could use it to promote the beauty of Isam and foster understanding.
Trouble is the more people know of the real Islam the less they like it.
In fact maybe the ‘Muslim’ Mishal Husain doesn’t really like the real Islam….she won’t wear the hijab and ‘She drinks alcohol and doesn’t fast at Ramadan.’
She says she has ‘has employed her knowledge of Arabic and insight into Islamic issues, during interviews with controversial clerics.’
If she has that knowledge of Islam then she knows that what IS does, what the Wahhabis and Saudis do, is based upon the real Islam…and there is only one Islam, an Islam based upon the literal word of the Koran, unchangeable and timeless, and the actions of Muhammed himself.
She therefore knows that this plea from her …“I would really like to see much more of the counterpoint from a theological perspective, with scholars taking to social media to refute the awful arguments we see put forward in those videos.”…is nonsense….how can Muslim scholars argue against the Koran?
She also says…“The emphasis on what you wear on your head or how many times you pray, on the outward things rather than what’s in your heart and the way you treat people, I find slightly misguided,”…again she must know that is wrong…wearing certain clothing and acting in particualr ways, ‘as Muslim’, indicates an adherence to that ideology, it’s an outward expression of your faith and in many cases a deliberate political statement of ‘being Muslim’. Just look at how many Muslims suddenly became more devout and began dressing in ‘Muslim’ clothing after 9/11, Osama’s call to arms to Muslims aroound the world. That’s a political statement by those Muslims saying we’re Muslim first and it also shows they condone what Bin Laden did and stood for.
Remember what David Goodhart said…..
The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.
Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.
When Trump said…“James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”..Comey dashed off to see a friend and gave him a memo he said he had written about the meetings he’d had with Trump…written from memory after the meeting….the memo that Comey said was ‘evidence’ Trump ‘ordered’ him to stop an investigation….that incredibly important revelation on the basis of which the BBC tells us Trump has ‘obstructed justice’ and may be impeached and removed from the Presidency. The ultra careful Comey has no copy of it! The man who said he specifically wrote a memo as a record because he would use it to defend himself if Trump turned on him later…and he has no copy!!??
Curiously, given that Comey was sure from the start that Trump was a liar and would need to make a record of everything that was said between them, it turns out the smoking gun memo is nowhere in existence. Comey didn’t keep copies of it. Does his ‘friend’ have one still? Questions are being asked. Not by the BBC of course, they are ignoring or downplaying most of the evidence that is in Trump’s favour and are basing their reports upon this missing memo...which they haven’t reported as missing…how on earth could Comey not have kept a copy when he felt it was of such crucial importance and of such bearing in his relationship with Trump…how could the BBC not think that was important? The sum total of the BBC’s latest indepth report?…
Mr Comey also told senators that he had leaked details of his memos about his conversations with Mr Trump to a friend, who passed them on to a reporter.
After the testimony, Mr Trump’s lawyer accused the former FBI chief of having divulged “privileged communications”.
Not only is the memo missing at present…the firm that manufactured the dodgy dossier on Trump won’t answer questions…..BBC are you there asking questions????
Seems strange that Comey wd give his memo to friend to give to NYT but not give to Congress; now says he has no copy
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) June 9, 2017
Firm behind the Russian "dossier" on Trump refuses to answer Congressional questions–Senate Judiciary Committee
Thanks to Richard Pinder for reminding me of the links Clinton, that’s Clinton not Trump, has to Russia…see video above…not to mention Saudi Arabia [along with her closest advisor….from Saudi Arabia].
Not sure what Osborne is crowing about…he spent the election stabbing May in the back and it was his austerity policies what won Labour so many votes according to Corbyn…..
The Labour leader shocked many by starting an interview with Sky News by saying: “We have been elected to…”
He continued by outlining his plans for a Labour government and admitted he was ready to form a coalition with fellow Westminster parties.
He then reiterated “it’s pretty clear” Labour won the election.
Corbyn suggested that because labour had increased its share of the vote and the Tories had dropped seats he had in essence won the election….Abbott doing the count?
On that basis the LibDems should be the governing party as their percentage increase in seats far outstrips Labours…and indeed the Scottish Conservatives must be in power in Scotland….in fact judging by the Scottish Conservative vote they should run the whole UK…hmmm….not a bad idea having Ruth Davidson in charge….come the next leadership election?
Labour didn’t campaign on Brexit going for the NHS, the economy, social justice, equality, and care issues….and opportunistically, and hilariously, anti-terrorism. Corbyn rarely mentioned Brexit unless pushed to in an interview…..Labour’s key policies? Brexit not mentioned in this list from the BBC….
Key policies
Scrap student tuition fees
Nationalisation of England’s nine water companies.
Re-introduce the 50p rate of tax on the highest earners (above £123,000)
Income tax rate 45p on £80,000 and above
More free childcare, expanding free provisions for two, three and four year olds
Guarantee triple lock for pensioner incomes
End to zero hours contracts
Hire 10,000 new police officers, 3,000 new firefighters
Moves to charge companies a levy on salaries above £330,000
Deliver rail electrification “including in Wales and the South West”.
The BBC told us this was the Labour campaign direction…
The party will be keen to move the focus of the campaign away from Brexit, and on to domestic issues, such as the NHS, which has come under intense pressure in recent months.
Labour also believes it can score big with voters who feel the economic system is “rigged” against them, with one law for super rich tax avoiders and another for ordinary working people.
After the terror attacks I think it was Kuenssberg who said May wanted to talk about Brexit but that was not the main issue now of the election, security and terrorism were…indeed the FT agrees saying…
So odd that tuning in to the Today show it’s all now about the Brexit….Brexit will now have to be reshaped due to the outcome of the election…the election that they had just told us was not about Brexit.
They packed the programme with pro-Remain people….a Tory MP who suggested we must now change our approach to the negotiations, then Labour spinner Tom Baldwin, ex-BBC Cameron PR guru Craig Oliver and someone from the Economist…all against ‘Hard Brexit’…that is all against Brexit.
May’s campaign was not about the legitimacy of Brexit but who was best to lead the negotiations….it was not a rerun of the referendum though you’d have thought it was listening to Nick Robinson.
Essentially we had Muslim terrorists altering the outcome of our election and a man who is a career long supporter of terrorism and an opponent of every piece of anti-terror legislation still managing to become the champion of British national security. How so?
Corbyn was practically given a blank sheet by the BBC, a new start, his support for terrorism, his hard-line Marxism, his ‘look-away’ attitude towards anti-Semitism in his Party, his ruinous economic policies all were somehow forgotten or downplayed. Two senior BBC journalists both came out for Corbyn, Robinson and Dimbleby, both warning their colleagues not to write anything too harsh about him. Guess they listened.
Meanwhile, Corbyn was for the most part successful in concealing his extremism, and looked cuddly and unthreatening. He also seemed, unlike Mrs May, relaxed and happy in his own skin. One might say that he has appeared genuine.
Something strange is going on in this country. The British pride themselves on their moderation and common sense. Yet millions of perfectly sane people will today vote for a half-competent extremist whose policies would impoverish this country and make it vulnerable to its enemies.
One way and another, the political centre of gravity in British life has swung appreciably to the Left.
As for the BBC, it has seemed more powerful than ever during this election, probably because of the relative decline of the printed Press. Scornful of Jeremy Corbyn during his two Labour leadership contests, Auntie has treated him indulgently as a mainstream left-of-centre politician rather than the dangerous revolutionary he really is.
We also had that Mishal Husain ‘interview’ wth Boris in which she told him to stop talking…or stop saying things she didn’t like…she actually ‘made the case’ for Corbyn telling us he was now all for ‘shoot to kill’ and was uterly opposed to terrorism…absolutely no idea that this was a highly opportunistic u-turn by Corbyn that was a complete denial of his decades old principles…Husain just wanted to shut Boris up as he made his points….
Despite misgivings in the Beeb over Husain’s lightweight performance in the debate, she was handed the prize interview at 8.10am with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Radio 4’s Today programme.
Adopting an aggressive, even menacing tone, Husain constantly cut across the increasingly exasperated Foreign Secretary with little evidence of the impartiality the BBC claims it is so proud of in its journalists. It seemed all too clear where her sympathies lay.
In an extraordinary exchange, Mr Johnson laid into Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for his consistent refusal to back counter-terrorist measures over three decades. But Husain insisted on breaking in to ‘set the record straight’, parroting exactly what Corbyn said in the aftermath of London Bridge and ignoring his previous position.
This has prompted criticism that she was acting as ‘Corbyn’s spokesperson.’
The low point came when Johnson scorned the idea Diane Abbott, as home secretary in a Labour government, would have the skills to deal with a major terrorist attack.
It was too much for Husain, 44, who jumped in with a good impression of a teacher disciplining an unruly child, saying: ‘No, no, please stop talking.’ Johnson, clearly taken aback, said: ‘But you have invited me on your show to talk.’
Any wonder that Corbyn managed to poll so high as the major news organisation provided him with a smokescreen to cover up his extremism and present him as a reasonable and moderate statesman….the BBC far outstripping the rest of the media as the trusted source of…. ‘According to a new ICM survey of over 2,000 Britons, 45 per cent trust the BBC as a reliable source for general election news, compared to only 27 per cent who trust the daily newspapers.’
Given a choice of seven different news organisations including Sky News, ITV News and Channel 4 News, 58% of respondents ranked the BBC first for balanced and unbiased reporting. Sky News was second, with 15%.
Of those polled in the UK, 62% believed the BBC to be accurate and reliable as news, and almost half of those polled found them to be unbiased.
Contrast of course how they treat Trump whose main sin seems to be that he wants to control immigration. perhaps if he supported Muslim terrorism instead of wanting to stop it the BBC would back him as they do Corbyn.
That terrorism has altered the course of the election is without doubt…curious that the BBC is now saying it was all about Brexit, especially as Labour didn’t campaign on that.
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