This erudite article is worth your attention

“When it comes to inaccurate, hopelessly biased “reporting” on immigration, Americans are spoiled for choice. Advocacy journalism is now more the rule than the exception and so rebutting and correcting the deluge of crooked immigration “reporting” is something of a Sisyphean task. Consuming a steady diet of mainstream media immigration “reporting” is akin to relocating to a toxic waste dump — after a while, you barely even notice the stench.

But every so often, I stumble across an immigration piece or segment so odious, so egregious, so hopelessly partisan in nature and execution that I can hardly digest it without retching. Sometimes, dear readers, journalists distinguish themselves with something so foul that they deserve to be named and shamed. This nine-minute, 16-second propaganda piece on the origins and impact of the sanctuary city movement in San Francisco, broadcast on the BBC “Witness” program on February 10, is just such a creature.

Midweek Open Thread


Sadiq Khan [The man who made being ‘Mooslim’ an election issue in the Mayoral election] claims the SNP are racist..

“In that respect there’s no difference between those who try to divide us on the basis of whether we’re English or Scottish, and those who try to divide us on the basis of our background, race or religion.

“Now of course I’m not saying that nationalists are somehow racist or bigoted – but now, more than ever – what we don’t need is more division and separation.”

The SNP’s whole independence campaign is in essence one based upon an anti-English narrative…it can hardly be one of political independence as they wish to tie themselves ever closer to the EU, thus it can only be an anti-English stance that drives them…a belief backed up so often by their rhetoric.  In contrast UKIP is purely about politics and sovereignty but that doesn’t stop the BBC defaming them as racists and Nazis…whilst totally ignoring the claim that the SNP is racist, in fact the BBC so often cheerleading for the independence movement…because of course that lessens the unity and power of Britain and allows the EU to pick off the smaller nation states like Scotland.

Now the BBC is interested…why?  Because a Muslim has piped up and a black, female feminist who backed Khan has fled Twitter in fear for her life because of the abuse she got.  As with Khan, who identifies strongly as Mooslim, she identifies as black, and proud to be British…and yet shouts about nationalism and the horrors of identity politics….She’s a student…“I’m studying to be a critical race theorist”.

Emma Barnett helpfully exposed [52 mins] what we always knew about the BBC and its view of ‘Nationalism’…she defined it thus…

By definition, historically, nationalism is always about there being an us and there being the ‘other’…an Untermenschen.

Yep, she really did equate nationalism with the very worst aspect of the Nazi ideology…..she wriggled as her interviewee, an SNP politician, told her that was outrageous…and he’s right of course….Barnett lied and said she wasn’t saying that about Scotland…but of course that’s precisely what she was saying.

Still, nice to have down in black and white what the BBC’s definition of nationalism is.

The mid-week open thread is all yours…..

Canadian Liberals not quite as daft as BBC journalists


Do you remember this, the outrage, the cries of anti-Muslim racism, the warnings that we are heading back to the 1930’s…surely you do?

Canada’s Syrian refugee plan limited to women, children and families

Unaccompanied men not included because of ongoing security concerns

The federal government’s much-anticipated Syrian refugee plan will limit those accepted into Canada to women, children and families only, CBC News has learned.

Sources tell CBC News that to deal with some ongoing concerns around security, unaccompanied men seeking asylum will not be part of the program.

I don’t remember it, never heard about it in fact….not a whimper of outraged liberal angst from the BBC…and yet Trump puts a temporary halt of immigration from 7 countries due to security concerns, countries targeted by Obama, and all hell breaks loose….the BBC constantly insinuating this is a ‘Muslim ban’ by always, always adding ‘Muslim majority countries’ to their reports when Islam had nothing to do with the choice.

Even anti-Trump liberals are starting to object to the Media’s portrayal of Trump…

Is there not something faintly ridiculous about the media’s sudden re-imagining of itself as the last bastion and redoubt of democracy in a time of advancing darkness? Absolutely.

Trump’s demonization of the media is a cynical political ploy. But this only raises the question of why this anti-media position should be politically advantageous? Why is journalism one of the least trusted professions among Americans, vying with Congress, prostitutes, and used car salesmen for the bottom of the rankings? Absolutely no self-reflection from the media has followed the election of Trump, only an orgy of self-righteousness and blame-shifting…the media often interprets his comments literally so that they seem untrue and fantastical, even when reading them in context shows that what Trump means is something much less outrageous, or at least different.

And here’s an article [from Jan. 2016] on the problems we’re going to have as, what is basically an ‘army’ from Muslim countries, has been allowed to enter Europe…

Europe’s Man Problem

Migrants to Europe skew heavily male—and that’s dangerous.

According to official counts, a disproportionate number of these migrants are young, unmarried, unaccompanied males. In fact, the sex ratios among migrants are so one-sided—we’re talking worse than those in China, in some cases—that they could radically change the gender balance in European countries in certain age cohorts.  Years of research has shown that male-dominated societies are less stable, because they are more susceptible to higher levels of violence, insurgence and mistreatment of women.  66.26 percent of adult migrants registered through Italy and Greece over the past year were male, according to the International Organization of Migration.According to Swedish government statistics, as of the end of November, 71 percent of all applicants for asylum to Sweden in 2015 were male. 

Fear of terrorism might not be the only reason to be leery of highly abnormal sex ratios among the young adult population. As my co-author Andrea Den Boer and I argued in our book, societies with extremely skewed sex ratios are more unstable even without jihadi ideologues in their midst. Numerous empirical studies have shown that sex ratios correlate significantly with violence and property crime—the higher the sex ratio, the worse the crime rate. Our research also found a link between sex ratios and the emergence of both violent criminal gangs and anti-government movements.

While the humanitarian needs of the refugees streaming into Europe must be foremost in our minds at this time, policymakers in Sweden and other countries should also think of the long-term consequences of an unprecedented alteration in the young adult sex ratios of their societies.



The comedian Rory Bremner was on 5 Live earlier last night being rigorously challenged with tough questioning about his ardently pro-Remain position on Brexit….no, sorry, can’t keep that up….he was given such a softball interview it was embarrassing, the presenter chortling along in happy agreement as Bremner offered us his patronising contempt for the Leave voters whom, he told us, were absolutely right that they’d been left behind but were absolutely wrong about the causes…such as the EU and immigration, they were misled, lied to….and of course, Trump and Farage deviously exploited their concerns… ‘Blair’ says in the video above…if it all goes wrong it’s the stupid people’s fault for voting for the conmen.

Trouble is they weren’t ‘left behind’,  they were cast deliberately and ruthlessly onto the scrapheap by politicians, Big Business and the likes of the BBC who didn’t just sit back and not challenge immigration policies and the rush towards ever-closer union but actively promoted it.  Labour knew full well the implications of what mass immigration of cheap labour would do to the job prospects of British workers but they went ahead anyway…mass immigration for Labour, as for the EU itself, is a political project intended to ‘ethnically cleanse’ nation states of citizens loyal to those nations and turn us all into good little EU citizens….with the additional aim for Labour of  ‘browning’ the hideously white UK.

Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.

The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.

He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”…ministers wouldn’t talk about it. In part they probably realised the conservatism of their core voters: while ministers might have been passionately in favour of a more diverse society, it wasn’t necessarily a debate they wanted to have in working men’s clubs in Sheffield or Sunderland.” 

Blair now reappears on the scene telling us how concerned he is for the good of Britain…this is a man who didn’t give a damn about the good of Britain as he flooded the country with cheap foreign labour and tried to hand us over lock, stock and barrel to the EU Junta.  The BBC of course didn’t question the second coming of Blair, instead giving him lots of airtime and a free pass on his claims about Brexit…yet again the BBC looks away and fails in its job to hold such people to account….would they have done the same if he had supported Brexit?

Bremner and Blair, hard to tell them apart, both media savvy, smooth talking charlattans that the BBC fawns over.


Not Us Guv


‘What’s the role of traditional journalism in a world where crying “fake news” has become a potent political tool and trust in the mainstream media has collapsed? Former editor of The Sunday Times Sir Harry Evans is in London for a discussion tonight organised by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism on how reporters can make a difference in a “post truth” world.’


Yet more abysmal ‘journalism’ from Nick Robinson [08:20]…perhaps he should consider his position…the longer he stays at the BBC the more useless and biased his reports become.

Trump has refused to bow down to the self-selected Media priesthood with their enormous sense of entitlement and belief that they not only hold government to account but are in fact the real government themselves deciding which policies are acceptable and which not.

The BBC just can’t get over Trump’s cheek and lack of respect for their genius…doesn’t he know they have many degrees in English between them and that their dads held high office within its sainted ranks…as do their brothers and sisters…the BBC is Media Royalty after all.   Surely they deserve some respect for their heritage?  No?

Robinson started off as he meant to go on and did so with no sense of self-awareness as he casually claimed Trump was bullying the Media…this from a man employed by the BBC which has spent the last two years shouting abuse at Trump and doing everything it could to stop him being elected.  Robinson also name checks the ‘post-truth era’ as if it were a real thing and not just a very convenient invention of the left-wing media intended to discredit Trump’s election and Brexit.   Note also the BBC’s sudden u-turn on fake news….from using the term itself as a political weapon against Trump they now denounce Trump for using it against them…. ‘crying “fake news” has become a potent political tool.’  LOL…quelle horreur.

Robinson wheeled in Sir Harry Evans to vent his spleen and he did so in full-on bilious mode.

Trump was a liar, a liar, a liar, a madman, a compulsive liar, a man with a personality defect…and he was a liar.

Who was it said this..was it Lord Hall? …Spot on though and describes exactly what the power of the BBC is to distort what people say and misrepresent them and their intentions….

‘What is important is not what the creator of an idea of genius may mean, but what this idea becomes in the mouth of whomever transmits it.’

Where does the BBC keep digging these people up?  Having said that it doesn’t really need to go out of house as its own journalists are quite ready to demonise Trump calling  him crazy, power mad, a dictator, not forgetting of course the endless times they call him a Fascist, racist, sexist, Islamophobe and link him deliberately to Hitler, Stalin and Mao….

Mr Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy have led to comparisons, from some quarters, with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany.

Later changed to the apparently more acceptable...

The US president’s use of “enemies of the people” raises unavoidable echoes of some of history’s most murderous dictators.

Naturally Robinson doesn’t give any weight to the consideration that Trump may actually be right and that the Media is a bunch of lying charlattans who do more to damage democracy than any others bar the politicans themselves [ref.  Nichola Sturgeon].

Undoubtedly Trump will come to some accomodation eventually with the Press which would be a shame…and a shame that more politicians and people under the Media spotlight don’t fight back and hold the Media to account…just about the only thing I can applaud George Galloway for doing.



Radio Free Movement


The BBC really is pushing the boat out for immigration today…which is remarkable as the BBC is renowned for not wanting to talk about immigration, for wanting to suppress debate, so much so that they habitually resort to the very sinister and Stalinist tactic of show-trialling anyone who dares to challenge the orthodoxy that immigration is good and that Islam represents no threat to Western civilisation, denouncing such heretics as the Far-Right, Fascists, Nazis and racists….so much for free, fair and impartial debate.

Of course when the BBC does talk about immigration the discussion is rigorously policed and controlled, held within well defined limits of acceptable ideas….step outside the BBC’s approved comfort zone and you’re toast and of course they control any interviews by selecting the interviewee, choosing one who they know will voice the acceptable ideas with an agreeable tone….such as in this interview on the Today show about Swedish immigration, the BBC trying to undermine Trump’s reference to its downsides.  A very short interview clearly only intended to rapidly rebut the concerns about what is happening in Sweden….we hear that yes there is immigrant crime but it is caused by the socio-economic conditions of immigrant families and it is completely untrue that police officers cannot record the ethnicity of criminals….strange then that police officers say they cannot or that it is frowned upon and discouraged by politicians who seek to hide the truth such as the real problem immigration poses…

This month, a seasoned investigator with the police department in Orebro, Peter Springare, caused a stir with a Facebook posting in which he discussed the case files on his desk.

“What I’ve been handling Monday-Friday this week: Rape, rape, serious rape, assault rape, black mail, black mail, assault in court, threats, attack against police, threats against police, drugs, serious drugs, attempted murder, rape again, black mail again and abuse,” Mr. Springare said. He went on to list the first names of the people he said were suspects, all but one of which were traditionally Middle Eastern.

Why such a short interview with someone who was obviously picked to toe the line?  Why no police officers or others who are concerned?  A very one-sided ‘debate’ from the BBC about a problem that is well known and of ever increasing concern.

Following Today we had ‘Start the Week’, subject: ‘Build That Wall’: Barriers and Crossings.  No guesses which were the main walls of contention…Trump and Israel.  Nothing good comes of them we learn.  They did go to Ireland to check out a ‘barrier’ there…the border with NI….not oddly enough the ‘Peace Walls’ which you’d think would be the first port of call and an obvious subject.

Then we had ‘Book of the Week’:  Border – Tales from the Edge of Europe.  Another dose of ‘aren’t borders bad and murderous’.

Then we had ‘Neither Here Nor There’….with a daily dose of unreality as a black immigrant gives us a very select view of immigration…the first programme…How the Israelis are so-badly treating Ethiopian refugees….’Ethiopian Jews remain the most disadvantaged group within the Jewish population. Many have been victims of racism and tensions have boiled over, resulting in clashes in with the police. ‘

The next episode is about the Guyanese immigrant community in the US…the author of these tracts is Guyanese himself….considering the vast diversity of immigrants to the US you might have thought he could choose a more representative group…Hispanics or Cubans…but no, he chooses his own group.

Next he heads off to Sweden to look at Bosnian Muslims…why them?  Probably because they are more European than the rest of the Muslim immigrants and therefore he hopes to persuade us that Sweden is not ‘under attack’.

Then off to Germany to discover just how essential all those Turkish guest workers were to the German economy….just the usual BBC narrative…which neglects all the downsides…such as Turkey views them as a Turkish enclave, a Trojan Horse within Germany and actively told Turks not to assimilate.

Finally it’s Britain’s turn and we get the blame for not integrating the Asians…and of course the compulsory mention of Brexit and the inevitable false association with ‘hate crimes’…

What measures did the British government take to promote integration? What compromises and sacrifices were Asian women themselves prepared to make? And what more could have been done on both sides to ease the multicultural tensions that have surfaced once again in Brexit-era Britain?

So five very targeted programmes all either of interest only to the author or peddling the usual BBC narratives on Israel, Brexit, the wonders of economic migrants and of course crushing the criticism of Sweden’s immigration policy.

Then we have The Underground Railroad…‘the new novel by Colson Whitehead, abridged for radio across 10 episodes. This brilliant and at times brutal novel about the history of slavery and racism in America won the US National Book Award for Fiction in 2016.’

Not a bad days work for the BBC eh?  I have no doubt that the other scheduled programmes on Radio 4, and throughout the BBC, also slipped in pro-immigration, anti-Trump, anti-Brexit, messages…but the dedicated programmes on immigration/race are a remarkable haul for just one day on just one station…is that what we pay the licence fee for, to be bombarded with propaganda that peddles a very, very one-sided view of immigration and is designed to counter what the BBC sees as the ignorant and prejudiced views of most of the population?

Bloody Sunday



Heard some of Sunday yesterday just as Roy Hatterseley was brought in to plug his book about the persecution of Catholics in Britain…apparently Catholics survived by sticking rigorously to their faith.  In the usual BBC way this was undoubtedly meant to be a ‘lesson from history’ that parallels Muslim experience of ‘suffering’ in Britain today…good that the BBC should be advising them to be even more fundamentalist.  Amused that even here the BBC slotted in a comment about Brexit…Henry VIII’s Reformation was yet another historical parallel apparently…which you may take as good news…Britain soaring to ever greater heights as the Popish shackles were thrown off.

Then we moved onto the ‘securitisation of Islam’ in America….people only look at Muslims through the prism of security…go figure.  Apparently Trump has appointed people who have what were fringe ideas about Islam…such as it is incompatible with the West.  Hmmm…fringe or mainstream, the BBC and Obama aside?  We were told that Muslims feel under siege, both in the US and here in the UK, and that this has united them in a common cause.  Hmmm…no, what unites them is Islam and 9/11….which was Osama Bin Laden’s call to arms to Muslims across the world…as Lawrence of Arabia might have noted…

Such people demanded a war-cry and banner from outside to combine them, and a stranger to lead them, one whose supremacy should be based on an idea: illogical, undeniable, discriminant: which instinct might accept and reason find no rational basis to reject or approve.  This was the binding assumption of the Arab movement; it was this which gave it an effective, if imbecile unanimity.

Ed Stourton managed to bring Brexit into this….naturally Muslims were suffering even more now after the referendum vote just as Muslims are in the Trump era…aren’t they?

An extremely one-sided narrative about Muslims from someone, Dr Peter Mandaville, who is clearly not a fan of the truth.  So why does the BBC, so concerned about facts, truth and accuracy as it is now, give him a platform to peddle his schmutter totally unchallenged by Stourton?





Start The Week Open Thread

Had the joy of watching some of the BBC’s ‘Doctors’ soap…even here the propaganda runs deep as a quote from the Bible was turned into an opportunity to promote the Koran as well….a character stating ‘I read the Bible, and the Koran, it makes me a better person’…or some such waffle along those lines.  I’m sure a working class likely lad would be reading both the Bible and the Koran…but only in the mind of a BBC scriptwriter.

All posts on this open thread must now include copious praise for the Prophet’s blueprint for conquest and colonisation in the interest of celebrating diversity…the open thread is all yours…..