Midweek Open Thread

Actors are mumbling and muttering their way through SS-GB as the inconceivable consequences of Brexit are brought home to them by the plot-line, and the Luvvies are shocked and angry…so much so that they can hardly speak…no, really.  Badminton has seen its Olympic funding drop from £6 million to zero #becauseofBrexit…the exchange rate you know….no, really.  It was on the BBC so must be true.  Still, the BBC can find £30 million to provide the SNP with their own ‘independent’ state propaganda station.

The BBC, never knowingly ‘free, fair and impartial’…..unlike this new open thread which is all yours…..



Praise Allah and Pass The Compensation



Rather sickening juxtaposition today as the BBC gives Jo Cox’s husband airtime to publicise his street party memorial for his wife, the killer of whom, Thomas Mair, was described as a Far-Right neo-Nazi extremist.  No mention of his well documented mental health problems whilst the BBC’s first reaction for a Muslim terrorist is to loudly blame ‘mental health’, and no interviews with any of his family or friends to inform us of all the terrible problems he suffered in life that may have ‘driven’ him to murder Jo Cox.

In contrast we have a Muslim terrorist who set out to kill as many people as possible and who has done God knows what during his time with the Islamic State, mass murder, rape, torture?, and the BBC are feeding us stories from his family and his lawyers that are intended to help us understand his life, to explain his ‘radicalisation’, to help us sympathise with the poor fellow.  The BBC has always been a backer of these Guantanamo detainees, Begg’s father practically lived at the BBC, no doubt sharing a dressing room with Phil Shiner.  The BBC, always keen to see British troops locked up,  always ready to smooth the way for Jihadi terrorists.

A Far-Right terrorist is an evil bastard.  A Muslim terrorist is a victim of the British State and society…and is in fact someone to be looked up to and admired…like Churchill, Mandela or Gandhi [Mark Easton ©]….and if they kill Jews…well what’s the problem?…look at what Israel is doing in Gaza [Tom Wilcox ©].






Praise The Lord and Pass The Ammunition


If there is a God I think he’s having a laugh as he reminds the BBC of the dangerous vanity and hubris of its ‘moral’ grandstanding.  Just as the BBC broadcasts a sententious piece on a Jihadi ‘bride’ who returns to the UK a former British inmate of Guantanamo, one of those the BBC so loves to celebrate and whose cause it loves to fight, has blown himself, and several others, up in a suicide bomb attack in Iraq….let’s hope he got the chance to spend the £1 million he scammed by working the human right’s system.  That’s one less ‘radical’ voice given airtme on the BBC to spread their lies….of course we still have Moazzam Begg, another BBC favourite…and how can we forget MEND…

Here is what Andrew Gilligan said about Mend and the Islam Channel..

At first glance, it looks admirable: two closely connected campaigns, called YouElect and Mend (Muslim Engagement and Development), to get British Muslims involved and voting in this year’s general election.

Both Mend and YouElect are clever fronts to win political access and influence for Islamists holding extreme and anti-democratic views.

But what of the latest BBC programme about ‘Islam’ and Islamic issues…perhaps the BBC should rename itself the ‘Islam Channel’?

‘A World Elsewhere’ is a two part series that tells the sad tale of a young Muslim girl who is radicalised, heads off to Syria and then returns to to the UK.  The first part supposedly tells of how she is radicalised, the second part tells of her return to the UK.

Having listened to the first part I can perhaps save you 90 really dreary and confused minutes by saying don’t bother yourself, it’s the usual BBC pro-Islam, anti-West fare.

The programme is written by an ex-BBC producer,  Clara Glynn, who some might think hilariously, produced the low kitsch programme back in the 1990’s, ‘Celebrity Mantelpiece’…the really glorious wry twist is that the last one was with Enoch Powell, a clip of which you may be able to listen to here.

Glynn obviously had a bit of atoning to do to make up for tainting herself with Enoch and so has devoted her life to shilling for Allah with programmes such as this… ‘Safe House’.  Produced in 2013 it gives a taste of today’s programme as it portrays the Muslim character as a victim of prejudice and an over-reactive government.  This is an interesting comment from the review...’major powers in the West have alleged that chemical weapons have been used in Syria, providing them with the justification to supply weapons.  It’s the WMD syndrome all over again, with decisions being made on the basis of supposition, implication and conclusions rather than hard evidence.’ ……hmmm…except it is absolutely proven that chemical weapons were used in Syria.  Then there’s this…’What the play vividly dramatized is how anti-Muslim prejudice, held by those who pretend to be otherwise, immediately brands all of those who embrace that faith.  The idea that Islam embraces many different notions, just like Christianity, seemed to elude all of those charged with making the decision or whether or whether or not to clear Akmed’s name’….Again…hmmm….no-one ‘brands all those who embrace that faith’….but Islam is ‘one faith’…that’s the whole point of Islam, the reason for its ‘revelation’…as said in the Koran itself many times…one faith, one God, one mosque.

So that sets the tone for the latest Glynn production which sets out to explain how and why a Muslim girl from Glasgow can become radicalised.  Or that is what we are told is the intention.  What we get is something different…nothing less than a narrative that could come straight out of the mouths of the Jihadi recruiters that the programme is supposedly meant to be making so unattractive.  A narrative it has to be said that the BBC is guilty of peddling itself.  What we get is almost a glorification of the Jihadis…a vision that heading off to Syria is a ‘crusade’ to save Muslims abandoned by the West.  We are presented with a long list of why a Muslim might join up as well as singing the praises of Islam and damning the West….Muslims invented mathematics, the computer, universities and medicine…and oh yes, thank Allah for Zayn Malik for being Muslim and for standing up to the haters…Yep, the haters….that’s a reason for Jihad…racist jokes in the playground and Islamophobia in general…Jihad..it’s your fault.

Yes, you cause Muslims to become radical because you hate all Muslims and Islam and you know what, the Islamic State is just like Britain fighting the Nazis…Assad being the Nazis of course….no doubt channelling Mark Easton who thought the Muslim radicals were indeed just like Churchill, or Mandela or Gandhi.

Sure there was a bit about how horrible the Islamic State might be…but blink and you’d miss it.  The bulk of the narrative was taken up with slick anti-Western jibes and lies…you will say ‘but of course that’s included, how else can you show the process of radicalisation?’…..Except there were no qualifications, there was no challenge to the narrative and the reason why there was no challenge is because the narrative was the exact same one the BBC has been feeding the Muslim community for years now, telling them they are the victims of illegal wars that target Muslims as well as historic ‘wrongs’ such as Sykes-Picot and the Crusades, and that they are also the victims of Islamophobia in the UK.  The BBC feeds the Muslim grievance industry and provides the Jihadi recruiters with an ample supply of angry and discontented potential recruits.

What’s missing from this highly dishonest and misleading programme is the real root cause of radicalisation…being Muslim…a defining characteristic of the ‘Muslim’ terrorist and something that provides the ideological and cultural background necessary to make the link between Muslims here and those in Syria….this is what the self-described ‘Muslim Parliament’ said back in the 1990s…long before the 2003 Iraq war that the BBC blames for radicalisation…

‘Jihad is a basic requirement of Islam and living in Britain or having British nationality by birth or naturalisation does not absolve the Muslim from his or her duty to participate in jihad: this participation can be active service in armed struggle abroad and/or the provision of material and moral support to those engaged in such struggle anywhere in the world.’  Muslim Parliament

Here is a BBC programme from 1993 that shows us that ‘radicalisation’ is rooted in the religion…

Young British Muslim Saqib Qureshi investigates the rise of new forms of Islamic activity in Britain. He looks at how groups who are active in “Dawaah” – calling on people to accept Islam – are growing in strength, fuelled by a sense of grievance at western hostility to their faith.

Note that ‘Dawaah’ was a crucial component of the Islamic State’s recruitment drive…

This blueprint was implemented with astonishing accuracy in the ensuing months. The plan would always begin with the same detail: The group recruited followers under the pretense of opening a Dawah office, an Islamic missionary center. Of those who came to listen to lectures and attend courses on Islamic life, one or two men were selected and instructed to spy on their village and obtain a wide range of information.

When Muslims ask non-Muslims to put on hijabs for a day, or to visit the mosque to see how friendly Muslims are, this is not an innocent action, it is Dawaah, the intent is to recruit you, not for violent Jihad but for Allah, they want converts.

Also we hear nothing on the programme of what is preached in Mosques, nor what are the likely discussions being held in Muslim households up and down the country concerning western foreign policy, Israel, Jews and ‘Islamophobia’…we know well that families have been radicalising their own children…at least one father was showing his daughter beheading videos and was himself shown to be a radical.  Muslims are taught to be angry about how Muslims are treated…even by supposed anti-Radicalisation groups such as the Jan Trust which said the problem was not the anger [mothers in the group being shown ‘radicalisation’ videos said they themselves would become radical having seen them], the only issue was how that anger was expressed…so no attempt to put any issues into proper context in order to lessen the anger…the opposite in fact.

Maryam tells of her son’s anger with the situation in Gaza, where her family come from: “When they see the way things are going, it wasn’t right. It’s double standards.”

‘Grievance about Syria’

As she speaks the others nod their heads in tacit sympathy.

“But now they go for Syria. My son was in a demonstration for Syria because they say something is not right,” says Maryam.

All the women say their teenagers are curious and often angry about events in the countries where their families originated, as well as being keen to do something.

Ms Mughal says of Maryam: “Her son has a grievance about Syria, but he has channelled it positively by attending a demonstration rather than destructively.”


This BBC programme is just another excuse to tell us how wonderful Islam is and how terrible the West is.  It will do absolutely nothing to stem the flow of recruits to the Islamic State [remarkably still ongoing despite the obvious setbacks for them] and indeed might actually persuade some Muslims to join up.

Good old Aunty.  Badly written, badly produced, confusing, misleading and only half the story, and peddles the Jihadist narrative.




Fraud Europe

The BBC is living in hope..it’s all a bad, bad dream soon to be over with ‘Frau Europe’ back in the driving seat….

Many Europeans eye the months ahead with foreboding. They see anti-establishment parties on the ascendancy. Angela Merkel – for so long Frau Europe – may lose power. And the financial markets are skittish over the possibility of a Marine Le Pen victory in France. Every edge up in her poll ratings sends bond yields rising.

And yet an entirely different scenario may play out. It is quite possible that before the end of the year observers will declare that the Brexit-Trump tide has turned and that European integration has found new champions.

The BBC starts off telling us that the ‘anti-Establishment’ movement is one we should view with foreboding, then admits that Trump was right when he said the EU was a vehicle for the Germans, and then cheerleads quietly for a more united Europe.

An interesting article from the fair, free and impartial BBC.




Sympathy for the Devil



This is on today at 14:15 on R4….

A World Elsewhere: The Return

Rida, a Glasgow Asian teenager, was radicalised on the internet and travelled to Syria. Now eighteen months later she has returned and been arrested at Glasgow Airport. This drama explores what happens to Rida next. Will she be charged? Will she receive a custodial sentence? Whatever happens how will she deal with the past and what kind of future can she expect?

Let’s think about our ‘fictional’ terrorist and how this may run in the BBC’s mind…so radicalised on the internet and nothing to do with her being inspired by her Islamic faith, nothing to do with anything taught in the Mosque and nothing to do with what her parents tell her about how Muslims are supposedly treated?  She is a victim.  And when she returns she should be treated with sympathy and understanding never mind that she knew exactly what ISIS stood for and the acts committed in its name…she just didn’t like the conditions out there so came back to the comforts of home…she woud still be out there if she could live a nice life.

More pro-Muslim propaganda from the BBC excusing terror and hiding its roots.

Faustian Pact


Marr and Bragg sell themselves cheap as they allow their programmes to be hijacked to peddle the BBC’s political and cultural agendas.

This week Marr told us that his programme would be about national identity and generational conflict [the BBC seemingly keen to promote that] and that next week’s programme would be about the compulsion to build walls….no surprises there as to the main ‘culprits’…Trump, Israel and Brexit….

On Start the Week Kirsty Wark explores what it means to live either side of a wall, and whether barriers are built to repel or protect. Supporters of the US President urge him to ‘build a great wall’ along the Mexican border but the journalist Ed Vulliamy points out that there is already a wall and border guards, supported and funded by US Presidents for decades. And yet still drugs, guns, money and people continue to move north and south. Israel has been building its own separation barrier since the turn of the century, but Dorit Rabinyan is more interested in psychological barriers that drive Palestinians and Israelis apart. The map-maker Garrett Carr travels Ireland’s border to explore the smugglers, kings, peacemakers and terrorists who’ve criss-crossed this frontier, and asks what it will become when the United Kingdom leaves the EU.

Odd the BBC doesn’t mention the ‘peace walls’ in NI rather than the border which has no ‘wall’ at all….and look how it now admits there is a ‘wall’ already in the US…but only to tell us it doesn’t work.  So how is Trump ‘racist’ for wanting to improve it?

Bragg’s programme frequently has an underlying message, a lesson or warning from history, as we are told the historical events parallel own today…..last weeks was a rehash of the usual line about the glories of the Muslim golden age of science.  What a sell-out.


Inconvenient Post-Truth Truths

The BBC spends its time sugar-coating La-La Land, infantilising its audience and refusing to face up to reality.  A classic case is Sweden and Trump’s comments for which he has been savagely attacked and mocked.

The harsh reality is that Trump will have the last laugh because the concerns he has are about events that have happened, they are all too real as Sweden implodes, and are a future that is coming to all of us, one that is here already in fact but kept out of the news as much as possible by the likes of the BBC….a future not helped by politicians who fail to take the necessary measures to stem the flow of migrants, or in the case of Merkel, actively blow apart any attempt at control.  Even today Michael Fallon was ‘warning’ us that 4 million Afghan males may head towards Europe if we don’t keep troops in Afghanistan…but this is nothing less than an invitation to Afghans to come here….they’ll hear his words and start out en masse on the journey declaring they are under threat from the Taliban and quoting Fallon’s words as their ‘visa’ just as they quoted Merkel’s.  Europe is committing suicide and the BBC cheers it on.

What other inconvenient facts are there?

How about NATO?  Trump says it is obsolete, or so the BBC tells us without qualification in its bulletins…what he in fact said was that it’s main priorities were obsolete and that it should concentrate more on terrorism and Islamic radicalisation. He also said that the countries who benefit from its protection should pay their way and not expect America to fund them and their welfare budgets.  There was great outrage at his comments and a refusal to cough up the money…which is strange…all these countries that are outraged, telling us how vital NATO is, and yet don’t want to pay for it.

Or how about Trump’s ‘racist’ wall?  If he’s a racist then the deplorable Hillary Clinton must be one too…

Why Hillary Clinton voted for the anti-immigrant wall

4 October 2006

Last Friday, however, she did exactly that, joining Senate Republicans and the majority of her Democratic colleagues in voting for an ignominious piece of legislation known as the “Secure Fence Act of 2006.”

I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in,” Clinton said “and I do think that you have to control your borders.”

As president, I will not support driver’s licenses for undocumented people and will press for comprehensive immigration reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration, including border security and fixing our broken system.”


Who actually deported more migrants than any other President?  The racist Obama…from ABC news..

How many people have been deported under Obama?

President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the “Deporter in Chief.”

Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who “self-deported” or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?

According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president’s administration in history.

In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.


What of that ‘Muslim ban’?  The ‘Muslim Ban’ that the BBC continually insists was imposed on ‘Muslim majority countries’  Why do they keep mentioning that when it is irrelevant to the decision making process by Trump…and Obama…the criteria used are clear.

Is it a Muslim ban?  Clearly not as most Muslim countries face no such travel restrictions.  Anyway, if you look at the facts instead of broadcasting half-truths and outright lies, you’ll find the actual criteria, laid out by the Obama administration, as to why those countries were chosen…

(ii) Criteria In making a determination under clause (i), the Secretary shall consider—

(I) whether the presence of an alien in the country or area increases the likelihood that the alien is a credible threat to the national security of the United States;
(II) whether a foreign terrorist organization has a significant presence in the country or area; and

(III) whether the country or area is a safe haven for terrorists.

Not a mention of the crime of being ‘Muslim’…though of course most terrorists are Muslim these days.

What about Trump’s Fascist assault on the Press?  Obama was like-minded…’“To treat a reporter as a criminal for doing his job — seeking out information the government doesn’t want made public — deprives Americans of the First Amendment freedom on which all other constitutional rights are based,” the Washington Post wrote at the time.’

Why It’ll Be Hard for Trump to Surpass Obama’s Record of Chilling Press Freedom

Many in the mainstream media are reacting with righteous indignation over comments from a senior Trump adviser suggesting the administration views the traditional media as an opponent. But if we’re to take these apostles of press freedom seriously, they should first explain why the Trump Administration is worse than the Obama Administration.

After all, the Obama Administration literally tried imprisoning an uncooperative journalist, monitored journalists’ every digital move, and “hammered” at least one challenging reporter with IRS audits.

The Obama Administration began with lofty promises of being “the most transparent administration in history.” Instead it ended up setting a record, by the Associated Press’s count, for denying the most Freedom of Information Act requests.

As the administration’s popularity began tumbling early into its first year, the Obama White House declared war on Fox News. The White House director of communications, Anita Dunn, warned they would henceforth treat Fox News “like an opponent,” insisting, “we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”


Just a few counters to the large scale, industrial lies that the BBC propagates against Trump…never mind the false  ‘isolationist’ tag, Obama was cheered on by the BBC for his isolationsist, non-interventionist policy…and look where that got us in Syria.  The BBC is also happily propagating the idea that Trump is crazy, mentally ill, in need of therapy…hardly a day goes by when someone doesn’t make that claim, either a presenter or a guest who goes unchallenged or is applauded for their wit.  What a quality outfit the BBC.  As much a tabloid as any of the newspapers the BBC so disdainfully dismisses as trash.


Check Hate


The BBC is always keen to press the ‘Brexit what done it‘ button when it comes to finding a cause for hate crime…perhaps they should think again before spreading such politically motivated slurs ….[H/T Guido]…

ESSEX Police has refused to blame the vote to leave the EU for the rise in hate crime despite reporting the biggest rise since comparable records began.

The majority of the nation’s police forces reported the highest number of incidents in the three months following the Brexit vote than in any quarter since 2012.

Essex Police claimed greater awareness and confidence in the police response was the reason why 33 of the country’s 42 forces experienced the highest number of reports on record at the same time.


Northern Delights

What event was Trump referring to when he mentioned Sweden?  We don’t know [Trump has confirmed that he was referring to a report on Fox about the effects of migration on Swedish society…and note he never referred to ‘an attack’, terrorist or otherwise, in his speech…and yet all his critics say he did…just who is providing the fake news as well as burying their heads in the sand about migration?].

My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.

The BBC ignores the rape and crime statistics from these countries just as it ignored Rotherham for so long, just as it ignores the Jewish exodus from Europe and even today it ignores the reports of yet another probable  ‘Trojan Horse’ plot by Muslims to hijack a British school….on the frontpage of the Times this morning and in other papers now.   This remember is the BBC that told us the first Trojan Horse plot was a hoax driven by racism, paranoia and Islamophobia, the BBC that failed to mention that the ringleader was the same man who authored the MCB’s 2007 instruction manual to schools on how to ‘accomodate’ Muslim pupils and make them feel more welcome…this document was described by the official reports into the Trojan Horse plot as a blueprint for the plot.

A counter extremism expert claimed to the Sunday Times there was a “significant problem” of Islamist infiltration in Oldham.

Then again the BBC spends so much time trying to report, parse and discredit every word that comes out of Trump’s mouth that it is no surprise that they have no time for real journalism…and indeed spend much of it on Twitter telling us how clever they are…or, in the case of Jon Sopel insulting Jews….[H/T Craig at is the BBC biased?]…’oh dear’…did Sopel not spot the Jewish man in amongst the journalists before laughing about Hitler salutes?….


And probably no surprise that the banner photo on Sopel’s Twitter page is of him with Obama indicating his bias and a grand conceit.