When in doubt…blame Brexit

Image result for lord pannick no abuse


Funny thing…guess some people just attract attention.  Gina Miller was quite vocal about the abuse and threats she said she had received due to the court case concerning Article 50.  She told us she has had death threats and we saw her dramatically flanked by over-sized bodyguards as she made her way to court.  What’s odd is that her QC, Lord Pannick, an extremely high profile barrister in this case, told us that he received absolutely no abuse or threats.  Which you might think was odd if Miller is telling the truth.  Or maybe Miller was exaggerating and the bodyguards were more pantomime than due to any genuine threat.  Miller playing to an audience trying invent a storyline that Brexit has created a storm of racism and hate…a storyline that the BBC happily reports as fact?  Never.

No doubt she received some nasty Tweets but the bodyguards were from central casting…there to create an illusion of threat and fear.

Similarly the BBC keeps telling us the fabulously Muslim cake baker Nadiya, has received death threats and constant abuse for being Muslim….I thought her cake for the Queen was a bit naff but not something that you’d do her in for.

Image result for nadiya cake queen

The BBC clearly has a bit of an agenda, whipping up a frenzied atmosphere of fear and loathing as its reporting suggests anyone with an off-white skin tone or wears Muslim garb is living under constant threat of attack or abuse…. A constant barrage of melodramatic reports portraying Whites as racist who are always, always looking to abuse and keep down ethnic minorities…..divisive and dangerous reporting?  Fake news?

Normally it isn’t quite so bothered with Jews, its coverage of Labour’s little problem was slow and grudging as was its coverage of Lutfur Rahman in London and the Trojan Horse scandal which it still presents as a hoax.  Recently though it has turned over a new leaf and has been highlighting a rise in anti-Semitism….the BBC’s reinvigorated interest is not unconnected with Brexit of course and the BBC’s own narrative that Brexit gave licence to racists to vent their hate.

This narrative was loudly aired this morning on the Today show when a new CST report was looked at…the impression given?…Brexit was the main cause of a steep rise in anti-Semitism.  Only…that’s not really true, as you can see from the actual report….

It appears that antisemitic incident totals may have been sustained at this high level by the cumulative effect of a series of events and factors that, taken together, have created an atmosphere in which more antisemitic incidents are occurring, and are also more likely to be reported to CST and the Police.

These factors included the conflict in Gaza and Israel in summer 2014; terrorist attacks on Jewish communities in France and Denmark in 2015, and other terrorism in Europe; and in 2016, high profile allegations of antisemitism in the Labour Party; a perceived increase in racism and xenophobia following the EU referendum, including an increase in recorded racial and religious hate crime; and regular, high-profile discussion of antisemitism, racism and hate crime in mainstream media, politics and on social media during the year.

So, many, many causes…including media coverage of the conflict in Gaza.  No doubt the BBC’s assertion that Jews must expect to be attacked in Europe because of Israeli actions played a part in the rise…no?  The BBC does not mention it.  Note after Brexit there is only a ‘perceived increase’.

Interesting that the most attacks were in high Remain voting areas….

Over three-quarters of the 1,309 antisemitic incidents were recorded in Greater London and Greater Manchester

Also, as I mentioned in a previous post the CST told us that yes, 55% of attacks were by Whites but the rest were by ‘Pakistanis, Arabs and Blacks’…work out the ratios of population [87% white] and you must conclude anti-Semitism must be rife in those communities…and also know that of those Whites a good proportion are from the Left….so the BBC’s narrative that the Far Right are the real problem seems somewhat dubious.

Note the CST report tells us that ‘The charity revealed its highest monthly total for attacks came in May last year, just days after Naz Shah, a Labour MP, was suspended from the party alongside Ken Livingstone the former London mayor.’

So the highest number of attacks came in May…hmm…a month before the Brexit vote…and was directly linked to Labour’s own anti-Semitism…many of the culprits being Muslim.

Not a narrative the BBC wants to push…Labour and Muslims guilty of anti-Semitism.?!!!?…let’s just keep that our ‘dirty little secret’….let’s just blame it on White supremacist Leave voters instead.





Not So Enhanced Interrogation Methods


Torture may or may not work but one crucial part of any interrogation is to actually ask the questions to which you want an answer.  If you don’t ask the question it doesn’t matter whether you waterboard them or treat them with kidgloves, kindness and respect…you won’t get an answer.

This morning we had Nick Robinson, one of the BBC’s most senior and experienced journalists, on one of the BBC’s most prestigious flagship current affairs programmes. [08:10]  He was interviewing John McDonnell in the wake of the Article 50 vote.

You may have, I certainly did, expected to have found out what Labour’s exact position is now on Brexit, you know, the detail, what ‘deal’ do they expect to get from the Brexit negotiations.  Yes they whipped the vote to trigger Article 50 but that is just democratic window-dressing for the public who voted leave [we respect democracy…no really…LOL]…it’s meaningless unless we know how Labour intends to try and fix the actual content of the deal.

Central to the Remainder’s campaign against Brexit is their demand that we remain a member of the Single Market.  Did we find out Labour’s position on that in this interview?  No.  I don’t think the Single Market was mentioned once.  Which is kind of remarkable given it is the crucial issue for Remain.  What we got from McDonnell was a lot of waffle about ‘what’s best for the economy’ and Labour doesn’t want May’s ‘bargain basement tax-haven’.  To that end Labour are seeking amendments to the white paper….what amendments and to what end?  We didn’t find out.

Robinson completely failed to ask the pivotal question, he failed to mention the Single market and he failed to nail down Labour’s actual position on Brexit.

McDonnell gives us the usual cant about ‘respecting democracy and the will of the people’ but if the deal he intends to force on May is membership of the Single Market then that is not Brexit, we will still essentially be in the EU with freedom of movement and the rest.

Robinson didn’t once raise that question, he didn’t once ask if Labour intends to thwart Brexit by the back door as it seems to want to do.  Voting to trigger Article 50 is not the same as voting to leave the EU…it is not Brexit in itself, not what the voters voted for which was to leave the EU….knowing full well it meant not being members of the Single Market.

So on the absolutely central, vital question of what Brexit means to Labour we are still in the dark.  Nick’s worth every penny I’m sure.

Still, at least Evan Davis has admitted that Brexit was about leaving the EU, an EU that can only succeed if it turns itself into a single unified super-state with taxes and politics decided in one place….something Davis admits Britain would never ever vote for.  We know Stiglitz thinks the Euro is a disaster because it can only work under the auspices of such a single super-state and now we have Guy Verhofstadt pushing such a policy…one we always knew was the real end game for the EU but which the BBC refused to discuss in the referendum run-up, preferring instead, as it still does, to concentrate on the economic ‘disasters’ that will follow Brexit.

Davis though still has ‘BBC Liberal’ running through his veins….the opening film clip was Verhofstadt attacking Farage, then Davis asked a leading, pointed question…‘Do you think Britain has any good choices outside the EU?’…in reference to Trump of course...’at a time when America is not a good model’ [for a united state] intimating slyly that of course we don’t…..and then he says the threat to the EU is people voting for Fascists or those flirting with Fascism….no prejudices there then….



Verhofstadt’s answer to people who think the EU and its lack of democratic accountability is the problem is more EU, a unified super-state…just as the BBC et al think the answer to Islamist terrorism is more Islam…let Muslims practice their religion ever-more freely and we must adapt our own lives to suit them.  In other words surrender to the terrorists.

Note that Verhofstadt wants to over-ride national governments…having to get their agreement is inconvenient, making the EU not fit for purpose…always to slow, too little too late….so the stamp of a single authority…so much for Britain having influence and a say in how things are run…even now we are just one in 28 with very little real say….the Remainder’s argument that we will lose all influence is a nonsense…we have little now and will have even less when the EU morphs into a single super-state…as it needs to to succeed at all.  Cameron’s marvellous ‘reform’ negotiations actually gave away our veto and granted the EU what it wanted…majority voting….thus we lose power over our own destiny completely.




Democracy is much over-rated…online petitions on the other hand….


John Humphrys was telling the world that there was huge concern in many quarters about Trump’s policies, Laura Kuenssberg reckoned, rather grandly, that she was speaking on behalf of the British people as she slandered Trump,  and of course this assumption is a common thread throughout BBC coverage…occasionally qualified with a grudging  ‘well there may be some who support Trump of course’.

Well…guess again suckers….In the US Trump has the majority support and in the UK he does too…

Most Britons back Donald Trump’s planned state visit to UK, poll finds

Most Britons back Donald Trump’s planned state visit to Britain, a poll has found.

The survey, conducted by YouGov for The Times, found 49 per cent of the British public supported Mr Trump’s UK visit with 36 per cent opposed.

It is the first poll published on the contentious issue which has provoked widespread protest online and outside Westminster.  

Since Sunday more than 1.7 million people have signed a petition to prevent Mr Trump visiting the UK saying “it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen.” 

So what will be the dominant news story now on the BBC?  Will it be the one that accurately reports the views of the silent majority or the views of a highly politicised and ideological group of activists spurred on by their political masters in Labour, the LibDems and the SNP?

I’m guessing the BBC will almost certainly forget the result of this poll almost instantly and will continue to widely promote the anti-democratic intimidation and bullying of the anti-Trump lynch-mob as the only credible and morally acceptable reaction to Trump….as said before, funny how ‘populism’ is suddenly once again popular with the BBC.

The BBC, a danger to democracy, stability and peace?  Gotta think so.





Just love Hamas, Hezbollah, Mao…whoever next? Trump? OMG Safe place, safe place


I have some advice for the BBC…wait, wait until we can ascertain the good that Trump does…because his legacy maybe that on balance, he does more good than harm.


Trump has set the running dogs of the extremist liberal elite running.  There’s wild panic and headless chickens on the continent of Europe as their comfortable existences are threatened much as the Communist Dacha loving elites saw their easy, privileged living coming to an end as the Berlin Wall fell.  The greedy, liberal elites, those for instance in the BBC who feel entiltled to our money and to then preach to us about our immorality and racism, see the Trump bulldozer shattering the foundations of their utopian dream, a dream bought at the expense of all those ‘populist’ workers that the BBC elite so disdain, mock and denounce as racist Nazis.

Paradoxically those burgeoning populist Trumpian forces are small and insignificant as John Humphrys reminded us today when he averred that there is ‘huge concern in many quarters’ about Trump’s appalling policies [he didn’t actually say appalling…but Nicky Campbell has…so fair game] echoing Laura Kuenssberg’s attack on Trump where she grandly and mistakenly said she spoke for Britain.  Why does the BBC not say that there is huge support in the UK for Trump…just as valid if not more so…and in the US he has the majority for his immigration policy.

The BBC of course doesn’t think Trump is a man who we should do business with but can’t seem to keep the narrative straight.  When Farage got his foot in the door first May was criticised for being too slow to contact the new President.  Then when she won a small diplomatic coup and was the first national leader to meet Trump she was roundly criticised for being too quick and for fawning…and then she was criticised for being too slow to criticise his immigration policy…the BBC has often moaned about Politicians using soundbites and off the cuff remarks to grab the headlines…and now they demand May does just that…instead she took her time to consider what the issues were and then spoke about it…she unfortunately isn’t made of the same stuff Thatcher was and has caved in to pressure and denounced Trump’s policy as ‘divisive and wrong’…not sure in what way it is divisive.

The BBC et al are hounding May for maintaining and developing further a close working relationship with one of our most powerful and closest allies….strange that on the continent, in the ranks of the EU apparatchiks, they too demand a close relationship with the US….

“We cannot surrender to those who want to weaken or invalidate the Transatlantic bond, without which global order and peace cannot survive. We should remind our American friends of their own motto: United we stand, divided we fall.”

So whilst Trump may make them quake in their Italian loafers they want to do business with him.

So what’s the problem?  The BBC tells us…

Donald Trump has professed doubts about Nato, admiration for Russia’s Vladimir Putin and support for Brexit. He has also criticised German Chancellor Angela Merkel, particularly her welcoming policy towards refugees.

In a recent interview with Germany’s Bild newspaper, Mr Trump confirmed his view of the Nato alliance as “obsolete”. He has also dismissed the EU as “basically a vehicle for Germany”.

Interesting that the BBC equates support for Brexit with admiration for Putin.  But as with all BBC ‘news’ you have to take it with a pinch of salt.

For instance whilst he may talk of closer relations with Putin he also said…“Well, I start off trusting both [Merkel as well] — but let’s see how long that lasts,” he said. “It may not last long at all.”

Then there’s that comment about NATO being obsolete…well all is not as the BBC tells us…what he actually said…

“I took such heat when I said NATO was obsolete,” Mr. Trump said. “It’s obsolete because it wasn’t taking care of terror. I took a lot of heat for two days. And then they started saying, ‘Trump is right.’”

As for Trump wanting the EU to break up as a policy that’s not true either…he merely thinks that if countries want independence they should have it…

Mr. Trump also said that Britain’s decision to leave the European Union would “end up being a great thing” and predicted that other countries would follow. “People, countries want their own identity, and the U.K. wanted its own identity,” he said.

Not sure he has said anything detrimental about the EU other than that it is a vehicle for Germany…and even the New York Times agrees with that...

His critique of German dominance over the European Union is hardly a novel thought; many Europeans share the same complaints.

And of course his criticism of Merkel’s immigration policy as catastrophic was hardly controversial.

So when you actually look at what Trump has said he doesn’t seem to have said anything really controversial unless you are a dyed-in-the wool EU supporter who wishes to hide the truth from the voters….

What is startling is how an incoming American president would make such a statement about a key ally and, in doing so, give succor to populist parties seeking to shatter the European political establishment.

So really we must do what the BBC does…censor the truth and shape the news to reflect what you’d like to happen rather than report what has happened.  Can’t have the cosy cartel of the liberal elite shattered by the inconvenient truth can we?




Ein Europa…Europaische Wirtschaftgesellschaft

The 1944 Red House Report

The BBC is happy to propagate a massive and alarmist  falsehood using its new series, SS-GB, as a vehicle to push a message that Brexit is leading back to the 1930s. Less keen I imagine to countenance historical fact…that Hitler was, of course, a fan of a united Europe as a united free market…

Let us begin with a conference in Berlin in 1942, attended by economists and politicians, including Walter Funk, the Nazi economics minister. The matter in hand was how to make use of the subject territories; and it was proposed that there should be a Europaische Wirtschaftgesellschaft. Which means, you guessed it, a European Economic Community.

The war taught Jean Monnet, and Jacques Delors, his much younger heir, how dreadfully France could suffer under untrammelled German economic dominance. But the Speer-Bichelonne deal suggested important institutional ways in which Germany could be tamed.

Oh the irony of that….keep reading.

The BBC readily namechecks Winston Churchill as the ‘father of the EU”, a claim that is patently false but less keen to namecheck Hitler as the ‘father of the EU’.  Why not?  After all, if nothing else, it was his ‘foreign policy’ that united Europe in the end.

The Economist is willing to give Hitler his due…

The idea of a united Europe stretches back thousands of years. The early enthusiasts were seldom as high-minded as their modern successors.

The drive for “European unity”, which will proceed further next year when the EU‘s membership expands to 25 countries, has deep historical origins. Indeed, they do stretch back to the dissolution of the Roman empire.

Ever since the fall of Rome, a strain in European thought has longed for the re-creation of an over-arching political structure for Europe, and used the Roman empire as a model.

Hitler’s loyalists gave the Roman salute and their cry “Heil Hitler!” was modelled on “Hail Caesar!” When the Nazis formed a new SS division for French volunteers they called it the Charlemagne division.

Others have suffered for making any such comparison..however mild….and truthful…

Cabinet Minister Nicholas Ridley was forced to resign after he described proposed Economic and Monetary Union as “a German racket designed to take over the whole of Europe” and said that giving up sovereignty to the European Union was as bad as giving it up to Hitler.

Can’t say Ridley was all that wrong especially as Frau Merkel imports millions of people who have an ideology that has an unfortunate resonance with Hitler’s own…and of course, as the BBC is always telling us, Germany is awash with neo-Nazis who are on the march again….and the Euro has been an economic boon for Germany at the expense of the rest of the EU.

From the Mail:

The Third Reich was defeated militarily, but powerful Nazi-era bankers, industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered in the new West Germany. There they worked for a new cause: European economic and political integration.

‘For many leading industrial figures close to the Nazi regime, Europe became a cover for pursuing German national interests after the defeat of Hitler,’ says historian Dr Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, an adviser to Jewish former slave labourers.

‘The continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europe is striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union.’

There is outrage that Trump thinks Germany has exploited the EU for its own purposes…the BBC tell us…

Europe has been shocked by Donald Trump’s comments about Europe breaking up, about the EU being a “vehicle for Germany”.

I’m sorry but that is the orthodox view, one articulated freely and often by the BBC itself...that Germany has enriched itself at the cost of the other EU countries….

Has Germany, which is the eurozone’s largest economy, actually been a drag on the region more widely?  There is an argument that Germany’s large and persistent pattern of exporting far more than it imports is holding back the whole eurozone.  The context for this is the eurozone financial crisis.  To understand why some regard Germany as a problem we need to start with the countries that were most hit by the financial storms.

From Fortune

Why Germany is the Eurozone’s biggest free rider

From the FT…

Germany is the eurozone’s biggest problem

From Der Spiegel…

Profiting from Pain Europe’s Crisis Is Germany’s Blessing


Germany loves the Euro because:

Germans have benefitted greatly from the euro — it’s given them an artificially weak currency. Normally, one would hate to be paid in a weak currency — among other things, it makes their vacations abroad more expensive. But for Germany, a weak currency has been its ticket to prosperity. If the Germans would leave the euro, they would actually be shooting themselves in the foot.

God forbid we ever have a weak currency and lower wages and use them as a ‘ticket to prosperity’.

From one economic perspective, the Euro may be better off without the strength of the German economy. (why Germany should leave the Euro) It is something of a paradox that German economic success (improved productivity, lower wage costs) can create problems. But, within the structure of the Eurozone, one countries current account surplus, is another current account deficit.


The EU is a German dominated construct whose economic and political direction are driven by the Germans….it was after all Merkel who made the completely unilateral and disastrous decision to open Europe’s borders to the world….a disaster that will unfold painfully in the decades to come.



Mid-Week Open Thread

So Prince Charles thinks we are ‘forgetting to learn the lesson of the Holocaust’ in light of Trump’s immigration policy...this from a man who maintains close ties to Muslim fundamentalists, a major part of whose ideology is anti-Semitic and who fund that ideology across the world, including in the UK.

The same Charles who told us that Muslim  migrants to Europe were like Mary and Joseph and that Muhammed was merely a peace loving migrant himself…never mind he slaughtered the Jews and conquered and colonised so many countries imposing his oppressive ideology upon them.

Seems the only person who forgets the lessons of history is Charles himself.

And the BBC of course.

They maybe need a reminder….all yours on the new open thread…

Muslim Gaydar


Thoughtful in the comments links us to this Daily Mail story…not sure why, as it is obviously very uncontroversial, not a sniff of a petition expressing shock and outrage…

Gulf states to introduce medical testing on travellers to ‘detect’ gay people and stop them from entering the country

A medical test being developed by Kuwait will be used to ‘detect’ homosexuals and prevent them from entering the country – or any of the Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC), according to a Kuwaiti government official.

GCC member countries – Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – already deem homosexual acts unlawful.

‘We will take stricter measures that will help us detect gays who will be then barred from entering Kuwait or any of the GCC member states.’

You may of course remember the outrage about Farage’s comment about HIV positive immigrants…both that, the above story and the now current incandescent fury at Trump’s so-called ‘Muslim Ban’, all tie nicely in to the fact that US immigration policy has always been tough…just the BBC et al prefer not to look too closely because that would undermine their carefully contrived narrative of a racist, Islamophobic and inhumane Trump.

Is it a Muslim ban?  Clearly not as most Muslim countries face no such travel restrictions.  Anyway, if you look at the facts instead of broadcasting half-truths and outright lies, you’ll find the actual criteria, laid out by the Obama administration, as to why those countries were chosen…

(ii) Criteria In making a determination under clause (i), the Secretary shall consider—

(I) whether the presence of an alien in the country or area increases the likelihood that the alien is a credible threat to the national security of the United States;
(II) whether a foreign terrorist organization has a significant presence in the country or area; and

(III) whether the country or area is a safe haven for terrorists.

I’m looking, looking, looking…and yet I can’t find any mention of ‘Muslim’ as a criteria for banning travel. So much for a ‘Muslim Ban’.  Shame even Andrew Neil is peddling the same lie.

The fabrication of such a wilfully misleading narrative, that this is a war on Muslims, is highly dangerous.  It is a narrative that so many apparently sensible people seem to promote unthinkingly as they jump on the anti-Trump bandagon, all reason and thought pushed out so desperate are they to trash Trump.  The Telegraph’s normally reasoned Con Coughlin falls into the trap…

Donald Trump stoking a clash of civilisations only plays into the hands of Islamist terrorists

However it is not Trump who is ‘stoking a clash of civilisations’ it is the likes of the BBC and Coughlin who have invented a massive and dangerous lie that feeds directly into the Muslim radical’s own narrative of an Islam under attack by falsely claiming Trump is targeting Muslims.

Anything else of interest in US immigration policy?

(a) Classes of aliens ineligible for visas or admission Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:

(1) Health-related grounds

(A) In general Any alien—

(i)  who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance; [1]

is inadmissible.

(2) Criminal and related grounds

(A) Conviction of certain crimes

(i) In general Except as provided in clause (ii), any alien convicted of, or who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of—

(I) a crime involving moral turpitude (other than a purely political offense) or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime, or
(II) a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 802 of title 21),
 is inadmissible.

Obama deported 2.5 million immigrants, 90% of whom were criminals judging by 2015 figures….thus backing up Trump’s assertion that uncontrolled mass immigration brings a lot of unwanted and unnecessary crime.

So got a disease and you can’t enter the US….shock and outrage?  No.  No petition to ban Obama from the UK was there?…and never mind that he dropped 30,000 bombs on ‘Muslims’ last year alone.  No clash of civilisations?  Perhaps the BBC thinks Obama is a Muslim so it’s OK…Muslim on Muslim.


Greed is good


What to make of Globalisation?  One moment it is the arch-villain with rapacious, immoral capitalism laying waste to societies and Occupy the favoured anarchist warriors of choice at the BBC, then suddenly not so much, Bankers are in, Big Business is beloved and the unemployed mere whingers, shirkers perhaps, who just don’t get it.  ‘Populist’ scum.

Of course Big Business and the Bankers all supported Remain so no surprise the BBC put aside its decades of anti-Capitalist rhetoric and banged the drum for them…the once evil money launderers of the City now the golden boys.

Those who argued against the millions of cheap workers being ‘on-shored’ to the UK were now on the wrong side of history and the political, moral debate.  Trump, many of whose policies seem more in line with the Left than the Right economically, as he seeks to defend US jobs and businesses, is the enemy.  Globalisation is now good.  Greed is now good.

The BBC’s defence of the EU is in a major part predicated upon the ‘fact’ that the EU will impose swinging tariffs upon the UK…and the BBC seems to have no problem with that…the EU, and the world, will come out of that unscathed.

Different though for Trump who they denounce as protectionist for wanting to impose tariffs…these, the BBC assures us, will start a trade war and destroy global stability.

And then we have a curious BBC ‘defence’ of globalisation…it’s good for us, but we’ll all lose our jobs…we’ve just got to learn to lie back and take it and learn to love it….

Will globalisation take away your job?

Millions around the globe may have taken to the streets in recent years to protest against the impact of globalisation on their jobs and communities – but this backlash is only likely to grow as globalisation itself becomes more disruptive.

The stark warning comes from Richard Baldwin, president of the Centre for Economic Policy Research think-tank, who has been studying global trade for the past 30 years.

The trick is to accept “21st Century reality”, he says, and the fact that many jobs simply aren’t going to come back.

“In essence there was a set of complementary policies that reassured workers that they would have a good chance of taking advantage of globalisation.”

The challenges all this is throwing up for governments are many, but Prof Baldwin says it should be possible to develop policies that embrace globalisation – and give workers displaced by it the support they need.


Liked this…’Millions around the globe may have taken to the streets in recent years to protest against the impact of globalisation on their jobs and communities’….as said once they were the beloved ‘right-on’ lefties, now, as they vote for Brexit or Trump, they are Far-Right scum who are taking us back to the 1930’s.




Media Meddling


The BBC reports…

David Cameron ‘tried to get Mail editor sacked’ over Brexit stance

The proprietor of the Daily Mail told its editor that David Cameron pressed for him to be sacked during the EU referendum, BBC Newsnight has learned.

Lord Rothermere told Paul Dacre the prime minister urged him to rein in his pro-Brexit editor, then suggested he sack him, a source told the BBC.

Perhaps Newsnight could tell us who else Cameron tried to influence in an attempt to ‘persuade’ them to peddle pro-EU propaganda.   Did he contact the BBC for their support or was that unnecessary?



Anti-Semitism…The Facts…Just Not The Facts As You Know Them



Imagine my surprise when I heard 5Live telling us in concerned tones that anti-Semitism was on the rise in universities.  I was surprised because it was not four weeks ago that I was posting about the BBC scrambling to put out a counter to claims that anti-Semitism was rife at universities.  I guess the BBC didn’t want our Christmas to be spoiled with all those claims reminding us that the Jews killed Jesus.

Four weeks on and, well, it’s not really the BBC’s choice of subject, it’s a Jewish guest editor’s choice….the BBC really are getting all diverse and multicultural.  Oh..hold on…she maybe Jewish almost certainly left-leaning and of a BBC persuasion…anyone who uses the words ‘uplifting’ and ‘privileged’ is definitely suspect.  Suspicions unfortunately confirmed by just about every other word.  She’s a guest editor on the BBC for a reason.

So anti-Semitism is rising in universities?  Well not in this alternate universe.  The BBC seems to have found another Jewish student in complete denial or too scared to tell the truth.

Anti-Semitism is rising in universities not because of fellow students, of whatever ideological persuasion, but because of outsiders, neo-Nazis, Fascists, the Far-Right…..and of course Islamophobia is a concern for her.  In fact Jews and Muslim students get along just fine….people who face the same oppression must unite our guest editor tells us.

Image result for hitler was right muslims

She tells us of some graffiti that said ‘Hitler was right’.  Hmmm…Seem to remember that’s something that comes out of the mouths of highly respected moderate Muslim preachers…..

Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.

Still, it’s got to be those neo-Nazis, not a single word about Muslim anti-Semitism nor indeed Labour Party anti-Semitism.

Nihal expressed surprise at the graffiti and said he couldn’t believe that in 2017 this was the world we live in…well, Nihal, it’s the world that the BBC’s reporting  has helped create with its remorseless and maliciously anti-Israel/Jewish ‘reporting.

The CST gave some facts, it put some numbers to the anti-Semitism.  And indeed white boys were responsible for 55%.

But hang on….45% was down to essentially Muslims…or Pakistanis, Arabs and Blacks [how many are converts?] as the man rather coyly called them.  So 45% is due to ethnic minorities, basically Muslims…of which there are under 3 million, what 4-5% of the population?…and how many Whites?  87% or so of the population is White….so 45% of anti-Semitism is due to 4-5% and the rest is due to 87% of the population…telling figures no?

But hang on again, there’s one more wrinkle…not all the white boy anti-Semites are Far-Right neo-Nazi Fascists…many of them are of the Left….reference Labour.

So when the BBC tells us that Britain is getting nastier and more racist due to a rise in the Far-Right due to Brexit one look at the figures tells a completely different tale.

Shame everyone seems to scared to say anything…or are lying through their teeth.