Funny thing…guess some people just attract attention. Gina Miller was quite vocal about the abuse and threats she said she had received due to the court case concerning Article 50. She told us she has had death threats and we saw her dramatically flanked by over-sized bodyguards as she made her way to court. What’s odd is that her QC, Lord Pannick, an extremely high profile barrister in this case, told us that he received absolutely no abuse or threats. Which you might think was odd if Miller is telling the truth. Or maybe Miller was exaggerating and the bodyguards were more pantomime than due to any genuine threat. Miller playing to an audience trying invent a storyline that Brexit has created a storm of racism and hate…a storyline that the BBC happily reports as fact? Never.
No doubt she received some nasty Tweets but the bodyguards were from central casting…there to create an illusion of threat and fear.
Similarly the BBC keeps telling us the fabulously Muslim cake baker Nadiya, has received death threats and constant abuse for being Muslim….I thought her cake for the Queen was a bit naff but not something that you’d do her in for.
The BBC clearly has a bit of an agenda, whipping up a frenzied atmosphere of fear and loathing as its reporting suggests anyone with an off-white skin tone or wears Muslim garb is living under constant threat of attack or abuse…. A constant barrage of melodramatic reports portraying Whites as racist who are always, always looking to abuse and keep down ethnic minorities…..divisive and dangerous reporting? Fake news?
Normally it isn’t quite so bothered with Jews, its coverage of Labour’s little problem was slow and grudging as was its coverage of Lutfur Rahman in London and the Trojan Horse scandal which it still presents as a hoax. Recently though it has turned over a new leaf and has been highlighting a rise in anti-Semitism….the BBC’s reinvigorated interest is not unconnected with Brexit of course and the BBC’s own narrative that Brexit gave licence to racists to vent their hate.
This narrative was loudly aired this morning on the Today show when a new CST report was looked at…the impression given?…Brexit was the main cause of a steep rise in anti-Semitism. Only…that’s not really true, as you can see from the actual report….
It appears that antisemitic incident totals may have been sustained at this high level by the cumulative effect of a series of events and factors that, taken together, have created an atmosphere in which more antisemitic incidents are occurring, and are also more likely to be reported to CST and the Police.
These factors included the conflict in Gaza and Israel in summer 2014; terrorist attacks on Jewish communities in France and Denmark in 2015, and other terrorism in Europe; and in 2016, high profile allegations of antisemitism in the Labour Party; a perceived increase in racism and xenophobia following the EU referendum, including an increase in recorded racial and religious hate crime; and regular, high-profile discussion of antisemitism, racism and hate crime in mainstream media, politics and on social media during the year.
So, many, many causes…including media coverage of the conflict in Gaza. No doubt the BBC’s assertion that Jews must expect to be attacked in Europe because of Israeli actions played a part in the rise…no? The BBC does not mention it. Note after Brexit there is only a ‘perceived increase’.
Interesting that the most attacks were in high Remain voting areas….
Over three-quarters of the 1,309 antisemitic incidents were recorded in Greater London and Greater Manchester
Also, as I mentioned in a previous post the CST told us that yes, 55% of attacks were by Whites but the rest were by ‘Pakistanis, Arabs and Blacks’…work out the ratios of population [87% white] and you must conclude anti-Semitism must be rife in those communities…and also know that of those Whites a good proportion are from the Left….so the BBC’s narrative that the Far Right are the real problem seems somewhat dubious.
Note the CST report tells us that ‘The charity revealed its highest monthly total for attacks came in May last year, just days after Naz Shah, a Labour MP, was suspended from the party alongside Ken Livingstone the former London mayor.’
So the highest number of attacks came in May…hmm…a month before the Brexit vote…and was directly linked to Labour’s own anti-Semitism…many of the culprits being Muslim.
Not a narrative the BBC wants to push…Labour and Muslims guilty of anti-Semitism.?!!!?…let’s just keep that our ‘dirty little secret’….let’s just blame it on White supremacist Leave voters instead.