The BBC has been blitzing us with half-truths and lies by omission as it continues its assault on Trump.
Got to laugh at those who whinge about Trump getting a state visit so ‘early’…same people probably applauded Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize as he took office.
The BBC in all its hours of coverage have never, in my hearing, mentioned that Obama also blocked Iraqi refugees for 6 months…even as they tell us how important an ally Iraq is to us and Trump’s ban will wreck the relationship…or that the countries chosen were chosen by Obama’s administration as of concern….ah no…they have finally caught up after days not reporting it….at least it’s on the website if not on news bulletins. Read it though and it tries to blame the Republicans for Obama’s restrictions or tries to muddy the water and confuse you as to whether Obama did ban Iraqi refugees…
Trump referred to an incident in May 2011 when the FBI indicted two Iraqi citizens in Kentucky on federal terrorism charges. Both were accused of providing material support to al-Qaeda and had been involved in attacks against US forces in Iraq.
A hearing before the Subcommittee on Counter-terrorism and Intelligence found that the pair had “exploited special Iraqi refugee programs”. The vetting system came under review and this resulted in fewer Iraqi refugee admissions that year.
The number of refugees from Iraq dropped from 18,016 to 9,388 as a result of the suspension. That number increased to 12,163 the following year.
The BBC does not correct anyone who says it is a ban on Muslims….clearly not as so many other Muslim countries are not so banned and Muslims from non-Muslim countries are not banned. The BBC also insists on referring to the 7 countries as ‘Muslim majority’…when the fact they are Muslim is irrelevant…what they should say perhaps is ‘Terrorist infested’ as a more truthful description and explanation for the bans.
The BBC does not correct, indeed tells us itself, that the British people are alarmed at Trump’s ban…and they reference the petition giving it massive airtime in the hope, no doubt, that more and more people will sign up.
Funny how ‘populism’ is suddenly popular at the BBC….a highly democratic vote to leave the EU is classed by the BBC as a drift towards Fascism and a Britain that is turning nastier and more racist but a very one-sided petition is the voice of the British people being heard?
Let’s look at the petition. Or rather let’s look at the map of where the signatures are coming from.
Curious thing…nearly all the numbers are from Labour areas…or from Nick Clegg’s and SNP cosmopolitan areas….The demonstration in London was led by Owen Jones and Labour’s top draw politicians were there to speak…..let me put forward a thought…that Labour and LibDem activists are signing up in large numbers in order to embarrass Theresa May?
A fairly obvious conclusion when you look at the facts and who is making the most noise here and who benefits the most from doing so. The BBC’s finest political brains for some reason have been unable to see such a possibility.
Here’s another oddity…Corbyn is up in arms about Trump coming here…
The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, said Mr Trump “should not be welcomed to Britain while he abuses our shared values with his shameful Muslim ban and attacks on refugees’ and women’s rights”.
This is the man who said we must invite his friends, the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah into Parliament, and yet he wants to ban the President of our closest and most powerful ally? Again the BBC’s finest don’t notice anything amiss.
“Tomorrow evening it will be my pleasure and my honour to host an event in parliament where our friends from Hezbollah will be speaking. And I’ve also invited friends from Hamas to come and speak as well. Unfortunately the Israelis would not allow them to travel here… The idea that [Hamas] should be labelled as a terrorist organisation by the British government is really a big, big historical mistake and I would invite the government to reconsider its position on this matter and start talking directly to Hamas and Hezbollah.”
What we’re getting from the BBC is not news but a massive propaganda drive designed to portray Trump as racist, deranged and self-obsessed…not to mention reckless and amateur.
Just another day with Lord Hall Hall’s BBC. Goebbel’s secretary might have died but his understudies live on….I think he’d be proud.