From Kate Hoey in the Telegraph today:
For a strong supporter of leaving the European Union like me, who represents a Remain-voting constituency, it is easy to be downhearted amid the Westminster -Establishment bubble, steeped as it is in metropolitan liberal journalism. Most of my Labour colleagues seem to take their opinions only from the Guardian, the Today programme and Newsnight.
The negativity of the reporting on the EU negotiations from these outlets is relentless. Anything good is “despite Brexit” and bad news is always attributed “to Brexit”. Michael Barnier’s words are treated as gospel while UK negotiators are continuously undermined.
A pretty good summation both of the liberal establishment and the ‘news’ sources that feed and reinforce their delusions. ‘Liberal Establishment’ meaning of course the exact opposite…they being elitist, contemptuous of the masses [the ‘ordinary people’ as the unelected Adonis demeans them], fans of democracy only when it goes their way and purely intent only on furthering their own interests and protecting their entrenched privileges and power.
With 451 days to go the propaganda will become even more intense – and if the House of Commons ever finish with it and pass it on to the peers it will tighten even more.
I still think we will land up doing a deal with the reich – which really owns the EU . The timing is tricky of course because of their relative political instability .
I can’t see a50 being extended and unless the Reich sacks the EU mad negotiating team with extended period will be 18 months .
HMG must be ready to exit without an agreement and practical issues such as physical border control must be engaged now.
Al beeb will continue with its denial of democracy even beyond our exit . People will be so entrenched that it will be a waste of air
I`m quite relaxed.
Last year only revealed who the enemy within is, and just how desperate, how nasty and how downright stupid they turned out to be.
Never liked Heseltine or Clegg, Kinnock or Bragg-but ever since we tossed their niceness back into their faces, and said we wanted out?
They`ve been nothing but bitter, underhand and truly wicked.
Do we want to leave their toxic burning asylum more that they presume to seal the exist and pour fuel along the escape routes that we found and then walked towards-despite their feigned injuries, deflections and sheerl lies and misdirections? Or do we REALLY want the likes of Cable, Lammy and Campbell as our overlords, under a portrait of a Xi, but rebranded for our esperanto classes as a Juncker or Schultz?
This is a Political, as opposed to a Religious Reformation-but the EU sociopathic elites have turned it to a religious one. But theirs is no religion, unless Hitler or Stalin were papabilles.
Up to us whether we`d rather be Kate Hoey or Jess Phillips.
Relaxed? Yeah, I’m relaxed, Alicia.
But I won’t go back to Egypt.
Stoikiy muzhik.
What an insult to us all to give a knighthood to someone so unworthy as Nick Clegg-what the hell may I ask has he done other than instigate ruin during his time in the coalition government, to deserve such a reward? Nothing of worthiness I would suggest. In fact I would rather the selection of any reward by this nation might be inclined to give, is only to those NOT in Politcis, Sport, or Entertainment. Where to place any recommendations that we the people may have nominated should fall to those who day after day carry out marvellous work and support to so many people through the functions that keep this nation going. Yes even to those who work in the Council Refuse Dept-on the tips, that do a fantastic job mostly in nasty conditions-not the bloody leader of the council whose salary, certainly in my council exceeds £ 210.000 pa. All arse about face.
Perhaps HM will slip with the sword? She must be getting a bit unsteady on her legs at her age!
Radio Devon were beside themselves this morning interviewing a Polish immigrant who arrived 10 years ago. He has been awarded an MBE – to get this he has set up a far reaching dance group to teach the children of Plymouth ‘hip hop’! Going to the Palace he is going to dress ‘fresh’ (?). The irony being that there is a large Saturday school here where the children of Polish workers born in the UK are taught their culture – language, history, music, dance, etc. It is heavily subscribed and has a waiting list. They appear to see which way the wind is blowing and will return home when the need arises! Assuming of course they can survive the wrath of the EU and maintain their homeland in tact.
Struggling hospitals facing ‘huge tragedy’
Remedy? Begin by cutting ’Health Tourism’, use the money that is annually wasted on Foreign Aid for the NHS, replace the bureaucrats, administrators, accountants and managers with ‘hands on’ nurses and finally open up convalescent homes to relieve so called ‘bed blocking’.
No question asked by Nick Robinson on TODAY this a.m. about how much extra the surgery cancellation will cost the NHS.
Taffman, your remedy is nought but common-sense and logic. Simple to implement one might rightly think? Sadly, as my Staff Nurse wife of 30 years can confirm, our NHS is now so full of Audi driving, pencil pushing, multi-tiered, self serving, Leftard management, intent on ticking every PC box they can invent, the future is far from rosy.
Our once exemplary, sanguine NHS has almost certainly been engineered to be a now unrecognisable, unaccountable, politically motivated weapon of Corbyn and Co.
Over those last 30 years our selfless, world class example to all has been hijacked by said deviants to represent a mere shadow of its former self.
Yes, tech and medicines have of course progressed, however there are simply not enough home-grown, hands-on, old-school nurses available to care for those most in need. Time after time my wife returns home from her shift, utterly exhausted and demoralised having had to cover for either absent or indifferent, incompetent staff. Bank Nurses who have little or no knowledge of the Ward on which they are deployed. Graduates who seem to believe hands on, basic care is somebody else’s job. Managers who have no experience or understanding of patient empathy, the relatives of whom are now conditioned by our Left led media to complain loudly if the menu of the day happens to be missing their preferred restaurant option.
Of the 30 or so ‘Imported’ nurses trickled into my wife’s Ward in the last 10 years or so only one, yes one remains and continues to do a sterling job but this is simply an embarrassing statistic.
Until we can devise a way of retaining and rewarding quality, home grown, empathic, career nurses our NHS is always going to be under threat and inevitably used by Leftards as a political football.
To quote my wife, ‘If I’m ill, I don’t want to be looked after by the new lot!’
Enough said . . .
Magnificent Third Duke.
All of what you say reads across to ALL public sector provision now.
All have been trashed as any kind of genuine public good, all have become media weapons, union sinecures and clubs and staves to beat in the head of the Tory, the whistleblower or the awkward “client” who reasr up at what they`re doing in places where REAL vocational professionals used to hold sway and develop best practice.
Education? Post Office? Civil Service? Third Sector? Social and Childrens Services-all are cultural bredding grounds for the lefts bacillus and virus. And all are now owned and pawned by their gatekeepers and employees who will only use them to bring down a government, make us resentful and desperate for the Labour Consensus. Be warned-Hitler was another totalitarian socialist whose main electoral appeal was that only he and his party could pacify and heal a divided and bitter country.
He got in on this, end of elections.
The left and the BBC need taking on and defanging quickly, so any Lefty is a North Korean sympathiser, a Commie lover and a PIE defender.
After the gulags-how the heck do they get away with their wilful wiping out of millions of citizens. Miliiband, Laski and Hobsbawn require a posthumous show trial and their remains worn around the necks of the lefties until they die.
Nothing less will stem their poisonous and baleful influence. We need to get serious with them, the Tories think it`s all a joke.
Third Duke
Hear hear!
I hope that someone in our ‘so called’ government reads your reply to my post.
They would certainly and truly be the ‘lessons to be learned’.
Thank you for reinforcing my view of the international health service. I have been exposed to it over the last few years and as a result I look forward to its demise. Seeing so many self serving jobs worths was enough for me. Plenty of corruption and people lining their pockets with taxpayers ‘ cash.
Every time I see the bloody air ambulance going off into ego driven glory I think of all the poor punters sitting in out patients waiting for an audience with a god who is also a doctor ( who may be properly qualified or with a bought medical degree from the university of bongo Stan )
Holly Selassie
Sounds like too much commonsense. No hope.
“Anything good is “despite Brexit” and bad news is always attributed “to Brexit”
No need to worry Kate.
I’m certain that the Leave voters notice these devious goings on! Which in turn makes us more determined than ever to send the poor depressed BBC-remoaners a killing blow in 2019!
If anyone deserves to be in the honours list it’s Kate Hoey. Why in heavens name can’t May have the gumption to steal a march on Labour and give her a gong?
Labour won`t do it EE.
She`s a real enemy of theirs is Kate.
Like Anne Marie Waters, she knows where the bodies are buried in her patch of London, and will be loathed for having a mind of her own.
Remember that the Left HATE women deep down-a great unmentionable, but they`re similar to Islam in this.
Hate jews too, believe in forced fascist utopia with the obstacles to this being on their side and in need to “re-education”.
Look at the far Left,then at Islam-and tell me what the difference is to the rest of us.
Iran is the future is we don not wake up.
Definitely agree with you England on Kate Hoey. Not only is she one of the few MPs to show true integrity she has to do it from within the snake pit that the modern Labour party has turned into.
As for giving her a gong – currently there is more chance of the BBC reporting honestly on migration than Hoey getting a honour. Remember Theresa May is a liberal remainer at heart and if she has her way any sort of meaningful brexit – just will not happen. So no gongs for those who dont tow the “approved ” line on this.
Actions certainly speak louder than words and I dont remember Farage getting any sort of gong either unlike Nick Clegg who obviously has made great contributions to the nations democratic life.
I would also expect Sharia to also award the designer who creates her various fashionable. sharia acceptable head scarves. These she loves to wear when popping in for a mosque visit and a quick cuppa with the local learned imman to chat about diets, fashion and far right lashback concerns
I should stop being so bitchy really. As in reality all she is doing is expressing womans freedom to wear a garment that symbolises female submission and defference to Islamic misogyny.
In forty years, there will be no such freedoms – particularly for women.
Whatever the Remoaners would like to do, its too late for Britain to rejoin the EU. This case is well layed out here
You know the BBC’s biggest current project ?
… The Great Brexit Back-Off