Midweek Open Thread


The BBC described how the raging, embittered and resentful Remainer Lord [unelected] Adonis explained his ‘reasons in an excoriating letter’ for his resignation.  Trouble is, though the BBC presented his comments as rational and hard-hitting, they were far from that, being nothing less than a furiously frothy-mouthed, eye-swivelling, green-inked screed venting Adonis’s massive arrogance and frustration that he can’t have his way…a bit of a temper tantrum with teddy going in the corner.

How many more Remainers will make the leap from their ivory towers sacrificing themselves for the cause and the headlines?  Headlines the BBC is sure to give them along with a promise of constant referral to the ‘reasons’ they give for their resignation in any futher news reports that paint Brexit and the Government’s approach to, well, everything as a problem ala Alan Milburn.

Spot any more BBC bias….list it all here…..


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470 Responses to Midweek Open Thread

  1. vlad says:

    Viewsnight: ‘The Brexit generation is dying out’

    The Sun: The BBC generation are dying out.

    *Record 3.5million Brits cancel BBC’s licence fee in favour of streaming sites Netflix and Amazon Prime”



    • Richard Pinder says:

      But if we look at a statistical analysis which includes the two referendums on membership, 1975 Brexit Referendum: 33% for Brexit and, 2016 Brexit Referendum: 52% for Brexit.

      As only the young in the 1975 referendum voted in the 2016 referendum, then that’s a death rate for Remainers over a birth rate for Brexiteers of 19 percent every 41 years for Brexiteers.

      So according to the statistics, this means that all the Remain supporters will be dead by 2120.

      This is because the statistics for 1975 show that the young Remain supporters (66% in 1975, 33% in 2016) must have a much lower life expectancy than the young Brexit supporters (33% in 1975, 66% in 2016), dying at four times the rate of Brexit supporters.

      So this means that due to abnormal relationships and lifestyle including drugs and sexual diseases, Remain supporters will die at four times the rate of Brexit supporters over a span of 40 years.

      This would mean that Remain supporters would statistically seem to get younger and younger, until they all die off before they can legally vote. But reducing the voting age could extend Remain support beyond 2120.


      • chrisH says:

        What an excellent longitudinal study RP.
        You need a “More Or Less” programme or blog on this blog, we really could do with some statistical ammo to deal with the Remoaniacs…
        Do like this.
        Remoaners are deviants and pervs who die at four times the rate of we solid brexit types.
        No wonder the left are desperate to drag in more migrants and ever-younger types as well as criminals.


    • thirstypak says:

      BBC Newsnight’s YT Channel appears to have ‘Comments are disabled for this video’ for all vids.
      What are they frightened of ?


  2. Guest Who says:

    The BBC is having kittens about some book. Katty Kay probably needed a lie down.

    This is their latest (of a lot) effort on social media:

    “He has the need for instant gratification. It’s all about him… This man does not read, does not listen.”

    Trump has no credibility – Fire and Fury author Michael Wolff

    AFAIAA, this book is currently all claim.

    Yet the BBC seems ready, willing, and able to let its subs loose despite there being no substantiation.

    ps: One piece was excited that the ‘crowds’ queuing to be video vox-popped numbered in the …dozens.


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Lead story in Irish Times – 2400 patients wait in hospital corridors in A &E . another country where there has been a huge uncontrolled population increase . Won’t hear that on al beeb


  4. Sluff says:

    Meanwhile surely in Labour controlled Wales the NHS is doing welll.

    A situation obviously not worth covering by bBBC news, especially when there is some English anti-Tory mud-slinging on which to focus.
    Interestingly a google search for ‘crisis NHS Wales’ gives a BBC entry as only 9th in the list …..and for a 2017 story !!!

    Proof that our fine impartial state broadcaster is as up to date and impartial as usual.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m led to believe that there were/are 85 possible rape charges against Mr warboys . Since he has done 10 years that works at a punishment of 6 weeks for each rape .

      Outstanding charges are left to “lie on the file “ which I understand is where the state can’t be bothered to prosecute .

      I’ve finally seen the then DPP Rt Hon Kier Starmer bring footstepped outside his home with an expression of “ shitting himself”.


      • chrisH says:

        Good old BBC eh?
        The Warboys case clearly put Keir Starmer and Patricia Scotland, squarely in the dock in the court of public opinion( Harmans Rules). Had they been Boris and Andrea, they`d already be out on their ears and treated vilely by “our Beeb”.
        No mention of either thus far on the BBC-guessing they`re awating that Twitter tipping point before they mention it en passant.
        Corbyn`s in Mexico-hope they search his bags for drugs when he gets home with his stuffed kapok burro!


    • G says:

      ‘Fraid the Welsh Assembly aka Labour makes their approach to governance akin to the ‘Venezuelan approach’.


    • Guest Who says:

      The bbc has a bit of a blind spot on the Welsh NHS and who oversees it. One they try very hard to to keep off the books…



      • taffman says:

        The Welsh Assembly, a waste of time and money. Its about time we had another referendum.
        The last one was a close one.
        Get rid of the bureaucracy.


  5. G says:

    I just left a friends house where I watched the BBC tv news at 1800. There was a very fleeting mention of the death by beating (cue photo) of a black child in Birmingham. Mentioned this was one of five recently (or, maybe this year?)………..
    How like the BBC to part-report news, limiting what’s conveyed on “policy grounds” to what they want the plebs to believe i.e. they just simply want us to become acclimatised gently to different races approach to life “diversity” bit like FGM, honour killings and all the rest. Where am I going with this? You may well ask.

    I’ve found no information on the the particular matter of news on the BBC’s website. I could be wrong but, perhaps the reason is that the Black community from Africa, see “witches” everywhere and they kill any child they believe is a witch and honour bound to do so.

    I’ll be content with my, ‘take’ on this ‘news item’ until I am persuaded to see things differently. Any takers?


    • Beltane says:

      I was out until some time past 6pm and did not watch the BBC News. I feel better already.


      • Beltane says:

        Since the above, one has sunk an unfortunate quantity of Dow’s Reserve Tawny – or Tawny Reserve, feel free to admonish me for inexactitude, the label is not as clear as it once was.
        However, although refreshed and enlivened, will it be enough to prepare me for News at 10 and, one suspects, Jon Sopel? The rest of the bottle might be required…


        • Fedup2 says:

          Beltane ,
          Whilst you were downing your port You missed the hilarious comedy that is “celebrity mastermind” where 3 non entities and Martin bell ( looking lost ) go through the process of humph ( £650 k pa ) asking simple questions to which the answer is “pass” . Martin Bell – of course – couldn’t understand why the questions were so simple and who the othe dumb fucks were . Best laugh of 12th Night.


  6. StewGreen says:

    BBC Look North airs Labour MP Karl Turner moaning about Dad’s Army if Border Forcer helpers to help against illegal immigration and people smugglers.
    “Oh we can’t have this Dads Army thing!”
    Well what happens now with illegals ?
    The “Mugs Army” of volunteers turns up in the NGO charity van and obstructs the Border Force saying the poor 30 year old CHILD economic migrant has human rights.

    These are the volunteer force we already have.

    BTW magistrates are not paid but get expenses if they are off work etc.


    • StewGreen says:

      Later item … Look at the is 90 year old couple in Scunthorpe making dresses for GIRLS in Africa.
      …Oh yeh that’s great for African’s who are trying to do their own business making and selling clothes …NOT
      Bring on world trade so we can BUY from Africans.


  7. StewGreen says:

    Celeb Mastermind
    – Never heard of em black comedian
    – Never heard of em fatty mixed race blogger
    – Never heard of em blonde from Hollyoaks
    + Martin Bell war correspondent


    • Richard Pinder says:

      I am looking forward to a BBC drama about the Race relations industry. As far as I know the BBC has head-hunters hunting for Blacks and Asians for its list of Black and Asian celebrities, while the white contestants are cheaper, because they just volunteer directly or through an agent.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        Richard Pinder
        And the the title will be something like “Black Victims and Rainbow Cars.” Written and produced by Dindu Nuffin and Bumboy Fat. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ———


    • thirstypak says:

      Caught the back end (!) of the ‘fatty mixed race blogger’ general knowledge round.
      Was her specialist subject ‘the word- Pass’ ?


      • Lefty Wright says:

        And it seems the question master bloke (forget his name) can’t even say the word “Correct,” instead using some sort of verbal ejaculation that sounds like “Yep.” Or is my deaf aid buggered again?


      • Fedup2 says:


        Did you notice what’s the first chapter of the fucking Koran question…. they really slot them like a virus.- and then pretend to balance it by asking who was the first pope: answer “was it Beyoncé or doctor who?” . So glad I watched it on fast forward ….


  8. chrisH says:

    How come we get this libtard crap about rape victims “not getting told” when Worboys gets out. James Bulger parents could easily have told them that this is what these secret do-gooding panels and boards do. Hardly let the plebs in now, can we?
    But the BBC seem “shocked” that CPS/DPP old Labour Luvvies in 2009 would even DO such a thing.
    Here`s hoping that Creasey and Harman etc will finish Starmer off for us.
    As if. Labour in need of power are TRULY evil.


  9. chrisH says:

    Anybody hear Vines vehicle (diesel, petrol or hot air?..alll gas). For over twenty minutes,a car hire company in Shoreham got endless free advertising, as he described his forecourt offers to us all, with some thin padding about how eco-worthy they were. Hire from us and save our planet being the jist.( 1pm-1.25).
    Vine took it all in, clueless set ups a la Partridge. Very funny.
    Then it got macabre. Some eco fascist called Nick wanted us all to be made to inhale our exhaust fumes so we`d no longer drive.
    Petrol, diesel-just choke and die, better that you do than the planet suffers.
    Vine let THIS go too-a free incitement to kill drivers with their own gases for Gaias sake? Never heard the likes of this on free-to air compulsory paid media before.
    But no correction, no warnings about threats like this-and I`d imagine nobody who puts these kind of calls on air will ever be held to account. Free Student Ragweek Radio, Stop feeding the trills!


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Well maybe our Nick had fallen off his push bike and hit his head. Concussion apparently can make a bloke talk total horlicks.


  10. Chalkywhite says:

    Reading the front page of the BBC news website causes one to do a double take…Is this a world renowned news organisation, or have I been directed to the Sunday Sport or Viz comic website by accident? Clicking on a couple of articles confirms my initial fears…..lots of sound/video bites for those with a very short attention span (all politically nuanced I may add), articles of no substance (Well articles of one or two sentences at the most). biased prose for those who don’t have an opinion of their own, but are easily open to suggestion…..It MUST be Viz. But hold on! Where is Sid the ‘ethnically diverse, multicultural, non misogynist’ Sexist’? Ahh, it all becomes so, so clear…..It’s the Guardian!


  11. Nibor says:

    Productivity has gone up !
    And so we are told , migrants aren’t coming to our shores from the EU .


  12. taffman says:

    “UK car sales see first drop for six years”
    This story appears to have changed since I last saw it this morning?
    Did I imagine it or have they dropped the Anti Brexit statements? Are they in the habit of changing their stories after they publish?
    Anyway, See the HYS running .


    • StewGreen says:

      @TAff FFS you know the BB releases a story , then spends the day doing stealth edits to refine the narrative
      Newssniffer is your friend
      Edit phase 1 : minor to say that industry produced cars than breach legal limits , adding that’s on the road not in the lab
      Edit phase 2 : Added the bit about new car CO2 increasing
      + added bits about “climate change targets,” + “electric cars
      Edit phase 3 : addition to say increase in CO2 was due to people buying petrol over diesel cars
      HA Ha obvious propaganda ..previously said electric car sales very small, sexed up to say GROWING + quote from PAID Green consultant Tony Juniper “increasing at a rate that’s defying predictions that were being made five or 10 years ago”. TOSH
      + “Partly this is being driven by the kinds of awareness around air pollution, but also climate change,” he added.
      Edit phase 4 : minor for third time changed Leggett’s job title
      Edit phase 5 : added a whole new section quoting government
      A government spokesperson said: “Our ambitious Clean Growth Strategy sets out the UK’s position as a world-leader in cutting carbon emissions to combat climate change while driving economic growth.
      “This includes investing nearly £1.5bn in accelerating the rollout of ultra-low emission vehicles by 2020 – generating business opportunities and leading to cleaner air and lower greenhouse gas emissions.”
      Not been re-edited for 12 hours now

      The point is this is not new news , as it was fully trailed in a couple of articles in Auto Express Dec 23
      It’s just the OFFICIAL release was yesterday


      • taffman says:

        Thanks for that.
        Then It appears that ‘the whole shebang’ is being run by recent ‘grads’ from ‘Youni’ who have an opinion that they are ‘edgeumicated’.
        You could not make it up.
        Mr Hall, get a grip. People are paying their hard money to keep you and your cronies in a job.


      • Guest Who says:

        BBC ‘evolves the story’ more and more the more the BBC realises the story they ran with initially can come back to haunt them.

        As Captain ‘Stain’ Cook and his U-turn subs discovered.


  13. Pounce says:

    I wonder why the rainbow coloured bBC hasn’t reported on this story yet:

    I mean, what kind of sick person living and working in London would throw homophobic abuse in this day and age?


    • Pounce says:

      Meanwhile elsewhere on TFL another story the bBC hasn’t bothered its arse reporting


      • Fedup2 says:

        Pounce -,Highbury and Islington during off peak on the Victoria line – is part of the diverse cultural enrichment which we Londoners enjoy so much . It was off peak because there was room to swing a punch -,


      • Number 88 says:

        ”All part and parcel of living in a big city”


      • StewGreen says:

        So there is a white heavy metal beardy trying to protect a black woman,
        she leaves the train , a black crowd runs at her
        and then she’s on the floor and some guy kicked her head.

        OK white people normally show up well on CCTV
        Is it really true that black people can look so similar CCTV doesn’t work ?


      • vlad says:

        Jungle warfare. Let them get on with it.


    • Guest Who says:

      What is homosphobia? Offence categories now in singulars and plurals? Double the lawyers and judges?


  14. Dover Sentry says:

    Has the BBC produced a pro-Brexit programme to date?

    And why not?

    Last year, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23.

    Lord Hall was unable to do so.

    The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone.

    Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.

    Total anti-Brexit bias by the BBC.

    The ‘Brexit Bashing Corporation’ as Rees-Mogg said recently. And who can blame him?


    • taffman says:

      Does Al Beeb aspire to become ‘The EBC’?
      The European Broadcasting Corporation, alias The Big Brother Corporation.


  15. scribblingscribe says:


    Brutal cold spell sets record lows across the US

    You have to laugh. The BBC having to report that the USA is having its coldest period EVER. So what happened to global warming BBC?


    • Dover Sentry says:

      The BBC’s response would be that cold weather is caused by hot weather and vice-versa.

      It’s logical if you don’t think about it….


  16. scribblingscribe says:


    Apparently, the FBI having been investigating Hillary for months because of abuses of her work as Sec of State, where she is alleged to have used her position to stuff her purse with millions (she paid herself 200 million dollars in just last few years).

    Ah, the bbc has come up with:

    Where they report from Hillary’s supporters and claim there won’t be charges. Odd, how does the BBC know any details about the inquiry.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Whatever happens Hillary is history- watching her do the al gore cardboard impersonation was priceless and allowing mr trump to sell his simple version to the White House was a shocker – with msm trying to kill him at every stage .,

      Joe Biden would have won it and I’m not even a yank or democrat

      I wish Mr Trump will go for a second term but i think he ll just do the current term and genuily get fed up with the bubble- unless he gets hooked on the commander in chief gig


  17. GCooper says:

    Soapy Sopel’s latest ‘report’ on ‘that book’ (R4 The World Tonight) was fantasy worthy of Game Of Thrones (and about as convincing). Asked what he made of Wolff’s credibility as a journalist (zero would be the verdict of any honest professional) while he grudgingly admitted that certain ‘facts’ in the tome didn’t stand up, he still concluded that the book must have it ‘about right’ because what it said about President Trump accorded with what the people he speaks to have been saying for the past year or so.

    Well, yes… no doubt they have – if the only people you speak with are fellow far Left ‘journalists’ engaged in a fanatical conspiracy to bring Trump down, or Hilary/Obama warriors whose goal is exactly the same. Sopel’s name being mud, no real supporter of the President is going to give him the time of day, let alone discuss what is going on in the White House.

    Which means, not for the first time, that Sopel was simply regurgitating the American Left’s hatred of Trump and its refusal to admit that, of two bad choices, the American people chose the lesser of two evils.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Suppose it’s the status quo – democrats will buy and swallow it – normal people will just say – is my pension better ? Is gas the same price? Are we losing soldiers for no reason ? And draw their own conclusions


    • StewGreen says:

      Hey BBC there are some secrets in Hillary’s emails “sorry we are too busy”
      Oh look there is a piece of dust about Trump “OK lets go to town “


  18. Guest Who says:

    And what does ‘power’ do, James?


    • RJ says:

      Unless my eyes have failed me the above document states that they ranked O’Brien above Dale because “O’Brien’s dissembling of Brexit doublethink is something to behold”.

      “Dissembling” is to give a false or misleading appearance to, or to conceal the truth of.

      I have to agree that O’Brien worked very hard to conceal the truth about Brexit and to mislead his audience about the points the Leave campaign were making, but I’m not sure that the piece meant to be such an honest assessment of his integrity – or lack thereof.


      • ID says:

        I can’t work out what the phrase “dissembling of Brexit doublethink” actually means.
        Surely those who worship that mindless cunt ( he’s on our side) would not attribute something as base as truth twisting to him? Could “dissembling” be remoaner illiterate for “disassembling” or some such?


      • StewGreen says:

        Hysterical that

        Although Radio 4’s Today programme is still essential listening, it’s LBC that has been consistently brilliant in presenting the spectrum of Brexit’s raging arguments.
        Two shine out – and we give the irritatingly clever O’Brien top spot over Iain Dale (one place below) purely because he’s on our side.
        O’Brien’s dissembling of Brexit doublethink is something to behold – and his tweets are in a sarcasm league of their own.

        Truth will out
        \\ A Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that is interpreted as occurring due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought.//


        • Guest Who says:

          One can only guess as to what aspect of the master dissembler J’obsworth’s shtick it was, is and always will be that so attracts the utterly partial BBC to field him on their airwaves.


    • StewGreen says:

      remember The New European is the one that incites violence against Brexiteers


      • Guest Who says:

        In one of his many platform announcements, has bbc-favoured, on-call gobshite Ali Campbell ever been tasked with what some critics have been saying that such blatant inflaming to violence could seen as incitement to violence? It’s what James O’Brien would have wanted. Maybe Keir could be asked with his lawyer hat on?


  19. taffman says:

    Frozen Sharks ! Global Warming anyone ?
    Here is one for Al Beeb to cover ……………………………


  20. taffman says:

    Is Michael Wolf Austin Powers in disguise ?


  21. vlad says:

    The lying Beebistan pretending Iran demos are just about economic problems.

    Truth is the protesters hate the murderous medieval Islamo-fascist regime.

    “Iranian resistance urges UN to recognize “legitimate right of people of Iran to overthrow ruling religious fascism”


    Trump tweet: The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their “pockets.” The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!


    • MarkyMark says:

      Media and BBC were silent when Iran renewed the death contract on a UK author of fiction in 2016 …. the bbc is omission by default … freedom of speech is essential … does the bbc believe in Orwell ? To hear what they dont want to hear!