The problem with the NHS? It’s a funding issue, not millions more patients, and ‘some say’ the NHS is being deliberately run-down by the Government. Car sales down? It’s because of ‘uncertainty due to Brexit’. Trump? A sex attacker just like Harvey Weinstein, an allegation made repeatedly on the Today show without a word of dissent. Want to fly to America after Brexit?….not a chance…all flights will be grounded….#duetobrexit [rest assured it’s not the BBC’s job to scaremonger the presenter tells us…however….lol].
Any more BBC bias? List it all here….
Sarah Lancashire stars in new C4, 4 part drama as a beleaguered social worker caught up in a police investigation
What a load of shit.
No reply as yet, but popcorn ordered as the weekend is young.
Mad Al making it tricky for the bbc to keep wheeling him on to crush Brexit, but no doubt J’Obsworth is equal to the task.
The quoted tweet says
\\ Tomorrow at 9am on BBC1 @theresa_may talks to @AndrewMarr9
about Worboys, NHS, Rail, Toby Young, Donald Trump and more. //
I bet she’s looking forward to that lot.
..Bet she doesn’t ask Marr about his groping hands.
Rude not to…. while she has got him there…
Interesting signs and info on this twitters thread
starting with Farage saying he is sick of BBC bias
I wonder if the beeb’s obsessive denunciations of Trump and promotion of The Book might not have the opposite consequence than intended in endearing him to many.
“He likes to lie in bed watching tv, eating Big Macs, drinking Coke and tweeting? Hey, me too, sounds like my kinda guy.”
Of course all the above are anathema to the champagne socialists at the beeb… but to normal people?
Vlad I think that in some ways you have hit the nail on the head.
Many of the people “watching TV , eating big Macs on the bed and drinking coke” have for years been paying the wages of the liberals who tell us we are all ignorant racists and worse have been working behind our backs to replace us with what they think will be a more malleable workforce. In effect stabbing them in the back.
For years because the liberal left have had everything sewn up. The right questions were never asked because the MSM are all fully paid up members of the same elite. like him or loathe him Trump has started to ask the right questions. And whilst in many ways he is no closer to the working man the Clintons were what he has got is an honesty of character (warts and all) which adds credibility to what he is saying and trying to do.
As another post here said. In some ways it could well be the more they throw at him the stronger he will become. Whatever happens over all of this the liberal elite will now find it much more difficult to put the truth genie back in the bottle now that everyone has seen the liberal power grab that is really going on in the US (and in all western democracies)
Yes, Trump loves a fight. In fact, I think he needs a fight to keep him engaged.
And like any good fighter, he instinctively knows his opponents’ weak points.
The weak point of the MSM in particular and the Left in general, is how seriously they take themselves. Trump disdains them, treats them as irrelevant, and it drives them nuts.
“GERMAN GOVERNMENT finally admits that the 92% increase in crime is coming exclusively from the Muslim migrant community”
There’s a headline you won’t see on al beeb till hell freezes over.
“Official German government figures have been revealed that show the huge 92% increase in crime and violence in Germany is the direct result of the massive invasion of Muslim freeloaders, rapists, thugs, and jihadists pretending to be refugees, who were welcomed into the country by Chancellor Angela Merkel starting in 2015.”
‘Whoever makes himself a sheep will soon be devoured by wolves.’
Interestingly just clicked on the link but Plusnet blocked it as the site is classed as hate / intolerance. The German hate speech legislation is seeping it’s way across the Channel then.
I can get it on Virgin. You might want to check whether there’s a default Snowflake setting that you can turn off; failing which I’d be contacting them threatening to move my business if this sort of censorship continues.
Sky block such websites too, namely those that tell the truth about the ROP.
Switch to the Opera browser and go via their VPN. It’s very easy to configure.
I’ve got no problem getting it on BT.
“May to reshuffle cabinet on Monday”
Its about time that Rees-Mogg was considered .
I’d request a new deck…
Taffy – not a cats chance in hell of having the mogster – unless of course he has sold out.
Theresa the Appeaser is well on the way to selling us down the river with a deal which in reality is no deal at all. The fact that many of the mainstream broadsheets have fallen into line over Thresas “deal” tells me that what she has achieved is at the very best an emasculated brexit at worst no better than Call me Daves “Big Deal”
Everthing about her screams “sell out” from the fact that she still cant admit that she agrees with brexit, she still has a cabinet dominated by remainers all the way through to the fact that she wants to go into competition with Labour for the “yoof” vote leading the Tory party lurching another ten steps to the left. She believes in nothing except for maintaining the status quo.
I am afraid as it currently stands brexit wil not happen. At times like this we need a bulldog or a terrier as a PM someone who can stand up for Britain. What we seem to have been saddled with is a whimpering handbag dog which shrinks from everyone and is only brave when it comes to biting the hand that feeds it.
Since asking Mogg’s campaign team J R-Mogg’s position on the growth of islam in the UK some months ago now (and having no response), I notice there’s not even a regular seeking donations email. I wonder why? Run for the hills springs to mind. Mogg’s definitely not the man for me.
So, if your’e looking for a way to discourage pleading letters of financial support, that’s the answer – simply ask their position on islam.
You could be right G .
Lots of people I talk to seem to think that Mogg could be the “great right hope”. My reply is generally similair to yours. Why has he not really spoken out whilst watching his beloved Tory party being turned into some sort of bargain basement social democratic outfit.
Whilst better than most tories, Mogg has also stayed amazingly tight lipped about Theresas current amazing adventures in muzzie land where we are all supposed to show extra respect for a religion that respects no one except its own practitioners. He has also avoided commenting on NHS and Housing crisis where the answers are as plain as the nose on Sharia Mays face yet like most loyal Tories he seems unable to mention the immigration word in case he gets called waycist.
I am afraid any answers to our current problems do not now lie with the mainstream politicians who when asked difficult questions instead prefer to head for the hills leaving long trails of yellow piss in their wake.
Any solutions would probably now lie with the likes of AMW (For Britain) party or similair.
However if the mainstream parties do the same job on For Britain that they did on denying UKIP power – I think we could well be looking at serious street violence instead.
Somebody on GP recently described the current ‘Conservative’ government as ‘Continuity New Labour’.
That put it perfectly.
So colonialism is very bad, cos it means outsiders coming into a nation and changing the local culture.
But uncontrolled immigration is great, cos it means a nation’s local culture is enriched and diversified
..and there can be no limit on this process. * Is that how it works ?
* Isn’t that akin to extreme colonialisation ?
If Aboriginal Australians were all crammed into a tiny island (instead of the a huge largely unoccupied area) it would be OK for 5 times as many white people to come and live on that same tiny island ??
If you bring in a mayor whose religion of choice says religion should run the government, but no one asks this question, what will happen? We are finding out now ….
When Whites move to other countries it’s colonialism, when Blacks & Browns do it’s diversity.
There an interesting liberal argument that … open borders = COLONIALISM
You see instead of whites travelling to countries and taking their resources, we suck in their best graduates
..thus leaving the countries impoverished and without the best teachers/doctors .
Of course we are actually left with higher costs as the open immigrant are often bad people who bring their entire clan in.
‘countries impoverished and without the best teachers/doctors .’ … maybe or maybe not … 21K failing teachers … not a good look and I’m sure Bob Geldof can form a band to sort this out ….
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam { 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ”
To my eternal shame I have only just watched the 2 series of Extras. Filmed in 2006 it’s probably the funniest thing I have ever seen on TV. It lampoons all sectors of the “etertainment” industry without any PC intrusion. The series must have made millions for the BBC worldwide with real “Star” characters appearing in every episode basically making themselves the object of fun and ridicule. So everyone laughing at Homosexuals (including themselves) the “awkward” white / black moments beautifully scripted and all the while a fat (chubby) white English hetrosexual and his straight white side kick female are the central characters ridiculed and belittled throughout. Marvellous marvellous entertainment. So I guess twelve (?) years after initial production my thoughts are “what would be the chances of the BBC producing another EXTRAS” ? Please write your answers using the word “point” instead of . When submitting answer for example .000005 % should be written as point zero etc as a . is difficult to see on my Galaky S6.
I really do despise the BBC for what they stand for today . The way they totally disregard the legacy we have inherited to lampoon all aspects of ourselves our society beliefs and values.
They could not even make the wonderful The Office these days as it is too politically incorrect.
nought point nought nought nought five I’d say.
I was only pointing out the same thing to Mrs 291029realblacktuesday (oh how difficult it is filling in forms at the post office with that name). Extras was ace – as was The Day Today and Brasseye.
Did anyone notice on the documentary about Alan Partridge how they wrote out Chris Morris from the entire back story?
Word on the street is that John Thomson invented the Partridge character initially – for himself to do.
Even Miranda is a vehicle for back-door indoctrination and normalisation of vibrancy in middle-class London. Watch it and count the vibrancy as it happens.
They never give Trump credit for such an astonishing victory. He had to take on: the Democrat and Republican parties; the Clinton machine; the internet giants; the media working all hand on deck, 24 hours a day to bring him down.
They say he is unfit for office? Just yesterday they were saying how Will Young is right to call the Police because someone called him names. Trump endured the most despicable onslaught and won. He played the media masterfully, never backing down and forever tricking and trapping them. His victory was absolutely incredible. Their coverage of him is so unhinged as it still rankles: they threw everything at him and he still beat them. This is one sharp, ultra-resilient, very tough cookie.
What would the Beeboids have done in his shoes? Call the Police at the start of the presidential run because someone hurt their feelings, then hide in a safe space because people kept saying nasty things?
He is also winning the culture war, smashing political correctness and this ridiculous and dangerous idea that language must be policed and censored. He just says what he wants and is often extremely funny. The lib mob made it illegal to make any jokes or say what you think and how I hate them for that.
Beeb Bro
That’s the difference between a man and a confused child.
And, on cue…
Well well well – Lord Hall is a Birkenhead boy just like me – although probably not from the same district – the boy did good….?
He has written a book on the Nuclear Industry,which I’ve been part of on and off since leaving school. Purchased for a penny off Amazon – should be fun!
Despite the current B’head MP Frank Field being a committed Brexiteer – I had to send one of his canvassers packing prior to the GE as I told them I would never vote Labour again – partly due to Blair but very much so because of Corbyn/Abbot/Mcdonell/Thornberry/Starmer/etc/etc.
Had to laugh at some friends who attended Corbyn’s local Youth rallies – you know the types – middle class Costa Communists/Starbucks Socialists.
Couldn’t the same be said of the term “Leaver”? That doesn’t sound all that complimentary either, similar to quitter or loser.
I prefer Remainiac anyway to Remoaner, maybe al Beebus should switch to that.
Does ‘ The Big Questions ‘ go out and round up every ‘Village Idiot’ in the Country every Sunday
Tally Ho
No, not a survey of the number of Afro-Caribbean sex workers.
The Fox Hunting issue; well, I hardly need tell you that the metropolitan BBC News Channel calls on a spokes-bloke from the League Against Cruel Sports to enlighten us. Gosh, that BBC Rolodex sure leans to the Left. Even so our goofy news anchor Ben Brown’s two lines of interrogation consist of: does the current ban go far enough; and aren’t the NHS crisis, housing crisis etc more pressing issues?
Phew, one-way traffic or what? They pulled in a second string Political Reporter (Part-timer head of department La Kuenssberg obviously out of the office (obviously) not taking calls and her passed-over for reasons of masculinity number two the excitable Norman Smith is, I guess, lying low whilst the cat’s away.
You do have to admire the speculation that our liberal Prime Minister (You did notice we’ve had a liberal government since 2010, didn’t you?) has backtracked on a manifesto promise for reasons of public opinion. What a wonderfully amorphous thing pubic opinion seems to be for this billion pound poll tax funded broadcaster. Love the association of the phrase “nasty party” (term used whenever possible) with the fox hunting debate. Seems in BBC eyes it’s no longer a two-sided debate but had been reduced to a bit of nastiness. Plus the revelation that the PM believes in fox hunting herself but is swallowing her principles for the sake of public opinion (as mediated by the BBC). Oh, how stateswoman-like. Can’t help but recall another issue where our Theresa doesn’t agree personally but is reluctantly bowing to public opinion. Funnily enough we don’t see much BBC support for her public stance on Brexit. Personally, I’m not very comfortable with my politicians ditching their personal beliefs along the way as and when it seems to suit.
No mention of the ‘public concern’ over islam.
It was an outrage that our parliament devoted more time to the issue of fox hunting, than whether or not to send troops to risk their lives and bodies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Marr interview with the PM bored me to tears.
NHS winter ‘crisis’? Happens every year. Toby Young? I’d rather talk about Salman Abedi.
Here are some of the questions I would rather Marr had asked:
Why are we suffering so many terrorist attacks?
Have these attacks anything to do with Islam?
Prime Minister, you promised you would be having ‘difficult conversations’. Please elaborate.
Have you read the Koran?
Are you planning to close any mosques?
That’s just for starters. You don’t have to be a rabid right wing nationalist to be interested in the answers to those questions.
But the BBC is not interested in asking them. They don’t want to have the difficult conversation.
In my view, the very future of our country depends on grasping this particular nettle.
I hate how disrespectful Marr was.
If some professional victim like Warsi or Lammy is on – whose ‘communities’ are doing so much harm – the Beeb kiss their feet and treat them with reverential respect. When someone decent is on trying to clear up the mess, they are rude and disrespectful. I am sick of it.
Look on the bright side BB, at least Marr remains true to his style, including yet another appearance of saggy Polly Toynbee scattering stale face-powder along with her perpetual bile all over the sofa.
Beeb – YES!
BB – Edith Mair is one of the worst culprits for behaving like that. If you’ve ever listened to him interview Farage, you can imagine him holding the phone with a pair of forceps whilst he’s doing it.
You can take the girl out of the ‘news’ bubble, but you can never take the bubble brain out of the girl…
O/T, but simpering peroxide sink Charlotte ‘It will happen to you too, Emily’ Hawkins has joined Bill Turnbull at Classic FM.
I tolerate Classic FM as I like the music and can knock out the top of the hour and dire commercials with a remote.
However on her debut outing she managed to get from the theme to “Pirates of the Caribbean” to Johnny Depp to… Nigel Farage. No mean feat.
Others here have observed Treezers ‘mouth’ formations in the past. Body language specialists would have a field day. However, whenever Treezer the Appeaser is on the back-foot, any verbal response/reply causes this rather curious – and this is my description – ‘trumpeting’ (nothing to do with The Donald). The shape of the bell-end of a trumpet. Take a look next opportunity. A very serious flaw in her persona I suggest.
G – Does she not wear a skirt and underwear when doing an interview?
But seriously I do think she is incredibly limited as a politician, I have heard it said that she is almost slightly autistic in that she seems incapable of understanding more than her own viewpoint. This makes her even more dangerous when negotiating brexit on our behalf as I believe that she still hopes that somehow the brexit deal she negotiates will be closer to her true beliefs which are of course Remain.
She’s a devotee to the current fixation with transgenderism whereupon you decide what sex you are or feel like upon rising in the morning. (She obviously watches too much BBC), so, her sartorial emphasis must surely be decided on that basis?
Coeur de Lion – YES!
Ashes: England facing 4-0 defeat against Australia

Technically the headline is accurate but it occurred to me both as an Aussie expat and BBC ‘analyst’ that I would never expect the BBC to lead with the equally accurate Ashes: Australia facing 4-0 victory against England.
could it be that the bbc are populated with marxists who would love nothing better than the downfall of the UK in any shape or form?
Their hatred of England is greater than they have for the UK, whilst English cricket is viewed as too posh; too male and too White.
I was in Stoke for Xmas with my son. I was forced to watch the Xmas edition of ‘the last leg’ ( I won’t justify it with capitals as it doesn’t deserve it) what a croc of liberal bullshit. the show was basically
Trump – hahahahah
May – hahahahaah
(no mention of comrade corbyn) hahahahahahahahahahahahahaah
etc etc
If you only have one leg then fucking well deal with it. Don’t try and pass off a comedy show as funny when it’s not.
Nicky Campbell failing to deliver as usual. I won’t pretend to be an expert on Burma, and I don’t defend violence against any community, but I hate the way ‘Islamophobia’ was bandied about like confetti.
Let me propose some definitions of that word used as a weapon by the left:
A non-Muslim who has taken the trouble to read the Koran.
A person who is troubled by certain parts of that book.
A person who is not prepared to accept that the more troubling aspects of that book are taken ‘out of context’, or are mistranslations.
In short, an Islamophobe is nothing other than a person who dips his toe in the water and challenges Islam. And we mustn’t do that, must we? We are such very nice people, who can’t be seen to be demonising people.
I’ll look forward to the first prosecution of ‘hate speech’ directed at a muslim. Who could not take offence at the recitations they make when in the mosque? All discriminating toward the kuffar and/or disbeliever which they call upon their cult leader to destroy or kill. Time is for the police to employ under cover arabic speaking police officers so the Thought Police can attend the mosques and record the ‘speech/hate crimes’ DAILY recited. Fact is, they despise us, the disbelieving population and they will continue to do so with an intensity which will manifest itself fully when their critical mass is reached. Then the Thought Police will understand why these people who inherently turn to spitting at an opponent or one who simply disagrees with them is common practice. Seen it with my own two eyes.
Isn’t it odd that every reference to raper Worboys is combined with ‘black cab’? You might have thought that the implied negativity, in its multicultural sense, of the term ‘black’ would be anathema to the BBC but then I suppose if they just said ‘taxi driver’ this might have even more unfortunate connotations. Rock and a hard place for Auntie, apparently.
I have been wondering about the use of ‘black cab ‘ in all the reports and you have explained. Taxi driver and rapist in the same sentence would lead to only one conclusion and one the BBC must be careful to avoid.
How many BAME persons would be capable of passing “The Knowledge” I wonder?
#libmob #DoubleStandards #CorbynNasties
Hype calling on Toby Young to be banned from serving on committees cos he sent legal, but sexually charged tweets
Yet ask Sadiq about when he justified pushing trans Amy Lam as his highly paid Night CzarMr Khan told the London Assembly
Rug munching and sodomy skills are certainly seen as an advantage these days. For a little while.
The BBC explains the NHS’s misfortunes in terms of the lying tory scum “cutting services”. (Yes, I know the government puts more money into the NHS with every passing year, that the NHS is now average in the EU for money spent per head of population, and above that of Italy and Spain.)
However, here in Wales the NHS has worse performance figures than in the UK as a whole. We are twice as likely to be left in pain on waiting lists, more likely to die from cancer, ambulances response times are feeble compared to England, (49% of Welsh ambulances responded to life-threatening calls within eight minutes, compared to 68% in England), Wales has less GPs and doctors per head than England, and so it goes on. I think you get the picture. If you break a leg in Wales get someone to give you a lift to England.
Wales has avoided the free market reforms of the Blair government and stuck to centralised command economy structures.
The Only place in the UK where spending on the NHS has actually been cut has been in Wales.
The NHS in wales is run by the wonderful labour party.
Odd, the BBC are so coy about pointing this out.
All true. And yet you still see far Left agitators repeating the BBC and Labour’s lies in the comment sections of newspapers and online forums. It’s possible they know they are lying but judging from the halfwits I have the misfortune to meet professionally, I suspect that they sincerely believe this nonsense. The worst, much as you’d expect, are those who either work in the NHS or have family members who do.
As an erstwhile believer myself I think I can safely say that they do indeed sincerely believe it. It’s a bit like drug addiction I imagine and takes a great deal of soul searching on the part of the afflicted for the cure to kick in
‘the BBC are so coy about pointing this out’
Often to a quite remarkable degree.
“If you break a leg in Wales get someone to give you a lift to England.”
That’s too true to be funny. English hospitals near the Welsh border are under extra strain because Welsh patients are going where they can expect to get treatment.
“The worst, much as you’d expect, are those who either work in the NHS or have family members who do.”
A lot of NHS employees have never worked anywhere else. They have no idea of the realities of working in the private sector. In addition most of them are in a union so much of the information they receive is politicised.
All hell breaking loose all over the world, but what does the Black Biased Corp see fit to inform us is a ‘Must See’ on its pathetic home page?
“How I found out I was black” (I’d have thought a mirror would do the job)
Of course it’s a load of right-on pc nonsense that only the beeb would think worth promoting on their sjw webshite.
Scrap the extortion license NOW!
If you’ve got 2 minutes to waste, here’s the link. Enjoy. (You won’t)
Mixed race Brother David opts to select the black part of his ethnicity and ‘fight for black people’. If he had chosen to select the white part and was ‘fighting for white people’ the BBC would point a finger and chant ‘Racist’. When considering BBC output, 180° gets you to the truth every time.
BBC news at 2pm…Macron commemorates Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack … avoid references to Islamic or motives. The power of omission … but why did they kill over a cartoon…. why?
Cos it wasn’t funny enough?
BBC news … as Rome burns …. new forest planned by Government from liverpool to hull …. then concrete it over next year? £500 million over 25 years.
Driving this morning listened to R4 broadcasting house as long as I could – Jesus. They are banging on about Trump’s book and then get two women in under the guise of book review to basically slag Trump off. One at least pointed out Wolff has a reputation for story telling and the errors in the book. The other just basically said it’s telling us what we have heard (know)…knock wasn’t a bloody book review it was vilification of Trump..
And then to cap it off they had quotes which guests had to say who had said them – voiced by a really bad Trump impersonator..this is not even clever entertainment..fortunately I suspect, having asked about 20 friends, we, here, are the only people outside of those in the pay of the BBC and left liberals that listen to the BBC anymore – I hope.
This used to be a fair programme but the current presenter mimics the queer one who presents the 5 o’clock news so “smug left” results . Not for me any more .
With the amount of pressure ( apparently )?being put on the White House its a wonder anything gets done . The last time it was this bad was Nixon – which landed up with a complete bunker mentality .
Maybe the constant beeboid poison is worse than American broadcasters . Today al beeb has been talking about banning acid – ironic with the amount they squirt about
You know how the beeb love their anniversaries, like On This Day… Rosa Parks got on a bus… Martin Luther King had a dream (after beating up some white prostitutes he’d partied with), Saint Mandela walked on water, etc?
Here’s an anniversary that seems to have escaped their notice:
“On This Day… Jan 07, 2015: Paris, France – Two devotees ‘avenge’ their prophet by gunning down a dozen employees at a magazine office: 12 Killed.”
RIP, brave French journalists and cartoonists. We salute your courage.
He’s a good lad but I wish he’d buy a shirt.
“Man dies in explosion at Stockholm station.”
And surprise, surprise: “A police spokesman said there was no reason to believe it was terrorism-related.”
I would say there’s no reason NOT to believe it was Islamic terror related.
But even supposing there is an innocent explanation – someone accidentally dropped a grenade outside a station, as you do, in what until recently was the most peaceful country on earth – once again it appears the police’s first priority is to trot out the official line, or lie: not terrorism.
How do they know? Just because there wasn’t a signed note by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi doesn’t mean it’s not terrorism. All religionists of peace have been ordered to wage war against the infidels, by any means.
P.S. barely mentioned by beebistan
And they had the cheek to criticise President Trump when he pointed out what was happening in Sweden.
Any one else noticed similarities between James O’Brien and Toby Young? Opinionated, self righteous, big gobs, offensive generalisations, bullet-shaped heads, whiskery stubble etc.
Is this the same Toby Young who would review the Papers on Sky, and who I used to love watching give Ali Baba Brown a run for her money ? Anyone who stands up to the Opinionated, Self Righteous, Big Gob, Offensive Generalisations, (whiskery stubble ?) of Yasmin Ali-Brown is ok with me.
(If its not the same chap, then no doubt someone will enlighten me)
Anyone who can get a word in edgeways when the fulminating, racist Yasmin Alibai Brown gets excited, which is all her waking hours, deserves to be promoted to the highest office in the country.
I accidentally caught a few minutes of Yasmin All-Bla-Bla Clown on one of Sky’s lamentable newspaper reviews last week. The mindless hag was beside herself with rage over Young’s appointment as whatever. I really enjoyed the complete breakdown of rationality as she ranted and raved about Young’s 8 year old tweets. Brexit really seems to have completely unhinged these leftist loons and the slightest challenge to their simplistic worlsview sends them over the edge into an infantile tantrum worthy of Hitler at his “carpet munching” best.
From what you say it becomes clear that Clown was so bittxer and twisted because Young had profoundly humiliated her in the past.
Worth repeating ..a modern comedian doing Bill Hicks routine
Bet you won’t see him on al beeb again.
On another issue – one Peter Sutherland has died aged 71 . There are some effusive obits but I remember his insulting we brexiters for being so dumb. He wanted to do away with nation states .,he was an Irish EU commissioner . I’m not going to say any thing more insensitive as there a few sensitive souls here
Anyway – the next time you hear of remainers wishing for the death of brexiters – remember its a two way street .
Peter Sutherland – the POS who one said that the EU should “do its best to undermine the homogeneity of its member states.” For that remark alone he should’ve received universal condemnation.
Sutherland was (yet another) of Goldman Sachs’ creatures, good riddance to him; hopefully Soros will soon join him in the flames.
Cooper !
I had to look up what POS means and now know it doesn’t mean Point of Sale – very apt.
I had to move to Manchester to discover that when someone painted BNP on a building they didn’t mean Birmingham Nitro Proof.
Last week, Commissar Murray Geiger-Adams of the British Columbia “Human Rights” Tribunal pronounced stand-up comic Guy Earle guilty of the novel “human rights” crime of putting down lesbian hecklers in a homophobic manner. Reacting to the news of his conviction and the accompanying fine of $15,000, Earle writes (scroll down):
What a bloody joke… What did I ever do to Canada, except help promote and educate starting comics for the last 20 years??
NO LAUGHING MATTER {steynonline 26apr2011}
BBC news typically is saying the NHS is not funded enough.
When New Labour gained power, doctors asked for a raise. The first amount they suggested they simply agreed to. No negotiation: they just paid. How much did their incompetence cost us? They could not run a f**king whelk stall.
Posed as a question, but sums up the May administration ‘handling’ of just about anything.
She really has got a touch of the Gordon Brown about her – “British jobs for British workers “ and “enough is enough” .
Amazing how people get over promoted – strong and stable . If only there was a conservative Government for a change
The quoted tweet
So is she going to put a tax on plastic milk bottles too? As usual -badly thought through policy on the hoof – bit like putting fox hunting in the manifesto – someone must have taken a good bung for that one . ( I’m for it as it’s more entertaining for shooting foxes ).
Countryfilee watch “She meets the refugees who are discovering farming in the snow.” Ribble Valley
Wow did some non-towniefile bits
– went out with farm with night lamp hunter, talked to real country people about doctors charging for gun licence signature
– Twitterati are shouting “how dare they call foxes vermin” “How dare they kill male cows”
– Now back to normalwith Anita Rani banging on about organic raw milk farm with wind turbine ..claim it’s self sufficient in energy that’s not true cos wind/sun poor in winter ..long long advert
– Now the compulsory artist bit : textile artist.
Anita celebrated the fact that the refugee children came from Bradford, her home town. The farmer explained that some of the children might have come from Syria and this might be the first time they had seen snow. I thought about the pictures we have been shown of the poor Syrian refugee children living in tents in the snow and icy weather. But as it turned out the children didn’t look very Syrian, more the colour of the inhabitants of deepest Africa. Why cannot the BBC be truthful?
The refugee children played snowballs. But there was only the merest covering of snow so the snow must have come from elsewhere. why can’t the BBC be truthful?
Previously Countryfile had an item about collecting semen from rare breeds. The man they interviewed gave as one of the reasons it was necessary, climate change. Maybe he doesn’t know that horses can live quite a lot further south than the U.K.
Well spotted Deborah
Re snow
Ironic that the Mountain bike guys were shown fixing a track in the snow, in their T-shirts
That’s hardly credible, I’m sure they wait for good weather days.
They misrepresented the gun law complainers, cos most on twitter didn’t understand
“What’s £30 every 5 years ?”
The argument was about the inconsistency : some areas don’t charge , some do, some want a medical signature every year etc.
So you might pay £150-200 over 5 years whenyour mate might not pay hardly anything.
It shouldn’t cost £30 for ticking a box that says “same as last year”
The raw milk they featured is £16.95 for 4 litres
..they forgot to say that.
The townie tweeters keep banging on “How dare they call foxes vermin !!”
May all their rabbits die and their chickens lay hard boiled eggs.
“They misrepresented the gun law complainers”
You have to pay a fee to the police when you apply to renew your Shotgun or Firearms Certificate. They have a national computer system which records any mischief you’ve been up to. It seems that is not enough and they have now decided to ask for information from your doctor. If the individual has to pay that fee and there is no cost to the police there is no reason why the police can’t extend their system and ask for information from others – your bank manager or your employer or anyone else they can think of. If they can invent endless new requirement that the individual has to pay for only the rich will be able to afford certificates.
The way things are going the white Homo Sapiens could soon be on the endangered species list. Stand to attention for duty men!!
The Charity is not really focused on refugees at all, vast majority of their farm visits don’t seem to involve refugees
I guess the BBC wanted guaranteed non-whites on camera
\\ What kind of schools might visit your farm?
The Country Trust works with schools in areas of social and economic disadvantage,
and schools catering for children with Special Educational Needs. //
Stew G – you probably did rather better (?) than me – I didn’t watch Countryfile from the beginning – in fact when Mr D saw that we were missing Robot Wars on BBC2 (no agenda except that they have to have a woman presenter and prefer women to appear in some of the teams) we thought about turning over.
Hooray – Another reason to be proud of our capital = No pants day in London.
Good to know London is able to keep up with the world with something other than acid attacks.
I think the pictures with this article show mainly BBC employees going to work at the television centre. I expect though that there were more than just a few disapointed faces in this particular organisation when some of their more “flamboyant and artistic” employees realised that no pants referred to trousers not male underwear .
What a complete and utter bunch of Jeremy Hunts. If I was the despairing type, I would.
Lefty it beggars belief really.
London really is lost! The trouble is people probably look at this selection of swiss bankers and probably think that everyone in our capital is either a muzzy nut job or one of these arseholes. My heart goes out to any of you normal people trapped in this metropolitan bubble of weirdness.
I guess the London Emir celebrates this sort of thing as diversity when in truth all it is a collection of sad exibitionists who in more enlightened times would have deservedly got a couple of years in bedlam rather than their sad pictures in the papers.
In fairness if you go on the tube any night at the weekend you wouldn’t notice whether people are wearing lower garments . The night tube has made it a proper playground for kidults .
Best avoided
London was once a real place. Now it is a blank space on the map. With the legend.
“here be idiots and thugs ”
Sail on by .it is no longer fit for civilised men and women.
You could quite confidantly label London these days as “Not fit for purpose!”
Is the a UN initiative?
Has Sadiq Khan been told?
Will Sadiq Khan take part in No Trouser Tube Day in London?
Is Iran and Saudi Arabia involved?
Guest – excellent on so many levels – she recently did a couple of stints on Toady and I wandered what a real journo was doing on there
Please god let her dish some proper dirty . Methinks not one for the meeja show .
“BBC China editor Carrie Gracie quits in gender pay row”
What no HYS ?
“In the open letter, Ms Gracie said “the BBC belongs to you, the licence fee payer. ”
You wouldn’t think so?
I wonder if the lady could be the start of something good?
Lefty Wright
Like Nigel Farage and the EU ?
‘Hell hath no fury………………………….’
I have my fingers,eyes and legs crossed.
Who cares. Just another beeboid whining . Rats in a bucket.
Before we get carried away and Gary Lineker steps into the fight for women to have £1.75m each as per his own wage, does she work the same hours etc … equal pay for same job and responsibilities. Show use some time sheets …. it could be that men’s pay needs to be reduced to the same as the ladies?
Senior journalist resigning? Great, one less for us to pay. I wish they’d all just f**k off.
What amuses me is that the BBC is always crowing about the exceotional ability of its journalists.
I remember Bowen doing a blurb pre-Saville on the lines “The BBC, possibly the best investigative journalism in the world” stolen from you know who. However, it seems to have taken years for these brilliant newshounds to have discovered what their pay pecking order is. In reality, of course, we all know that complete lack of curiosity is essential for advancement at the BBC.
I bet she didn’t get paid as much as Sopel or Katy or the other duty beeboids sent to tell the organisation what it wants to hear. For some reason I am actually surprised that a lefty organisation would discriminate on pay based on gender . I wonder how much Ms. Gracie is /was on? Bet cctv would pay her a shed load.
The G is running the story now – apparently this lady is continuing to work for the al Beeb which seems strange let’s hope this leads to a strike at al Beeb .
Yes.It could all turn out to be a red herring. Time will tell.
and “For some reason I am actually surprised that a lefty organisation would discriminate on pay based on gender”
That’s a #FalseNarrative ,cos they would have been in court by now
Different people get different pay, why ? Dunno probably better agents and in the right clique etc.
They’ll be some men who comparatively low paid. And many people appointed due to virtue signalling who are paid way above their abilities.
There is another BBC guy whose been doing China for years
Guy with northern squeaky accent.
and also
John Sudworth :BBC Beijing Correspondent. Formerly in Shanghai and Seoul.
Daft TV-land : C4 : On the Dick Strawbridge model rail challenge, hundreds of volunteers are working all day wearing life-jackets cos they are working in groups 8 feet away from the Caledonian canal which is probably 3 feet deep.
Don’t forget the supermarket trolleys…….. 😀
I nodded off it was so ridiculous. It was actually humiliating to see grown ups dressed like that.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
But…. Don’t forget………… It’s NTDWIslam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a slight modification to that last sentence would probably be nearer the truth.
“It’s hard to admit exactly what is going up and what is changing” – Creased Dick@2:38
Just like the BBC not able to mention who is causing terrorist acts – it’s just terrorism. It’s just grooming. It falls under one word – To Protect the Many (journalists), Not the Few (victims).
I think I can help Cressida (Dick by name, dick by nature).
What’s going up? The number of muslim migrants.
What’s changing? The demographics of our towns.
A truly heart-breaking story on al beeb about a poor Filipina woman forced to work as a slave in atrocious conditions.
Being the slimy beeb, the title manages to convey the impression the slave drivers were from London: “My life as a modern day slave in London.” Not so. It transpires she left the Philippines to work ‘abroad’ years ago, and after some time her employers forced her to move with them to UK. Mmm, where do most Filipina domestic workers go? Why, the vile islamic Gulf States of course (where many are exploited and abused terribly, and many just ‘disappear’ completely.)
Of course the evil beeb make no mention of the ’employers’ nationality or religion.
But we can guess.
I wait for the beeb to do one of their fearless investigative reports into the conditions of foreign domestic workers in the lands of their favourite so-called ‘religion’.
“Do we want a big, strong, capable geezer? Sometimes we do”
Women don’t necessarily want “sensitive” men who are in touch with their emotions, admits the Woman’s Hour presenter Jane Garvey.
Odd, Jane Garvey, Woman’s Hour and the entire BBC have constantly lectured me that there are no differences between men and women, only roles we are forced by society to subsume.
Obviously, Jane doesn’t want a gender fluid guy all the time. I wonder if that will be what tomorrow’s Woman’s Hour will be about.
Tomorrow? How about a Men’s Hour to make all things equal?
Or how about MOWO? – Music of White Origin.
She won’t find any in Beeb Towers.
Maybe that’s why they’re so keen to import some real men from N Africa, the Middle East and S. Asia, who don’t have much time for gender fluidity.
(For some reason I’m reminded of the folk-singer Lurleen in an episode of The Simpsons whose song was called ‘Don’t Look Up My Skirt Unless You Mean It’.)
While libs cry about Trump and Brexit in 2017 The NYT just ran this with Stephen Pinker
Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History
Dead link — try
Following on from my previous post about the exploitation and abuse of foreign domestic workers in islamic countries of the vile Gulf States, I see this on Sky news: “Newborn baby found dead in toilet of Etihad passenger jet.”
It seems the mother was a domestic worker from Indonesia who is thought to have secretly given birth on the flight home from Abu Dhabi where she had been working for some years. I think we can guess the backstory to that little horror story.
Couldn’t find it on al beeb.
“Stockholm station blast: Man dies in hand grenade explosion”
“A 45-year-old woman was injured in the blast, which police said was not believed to be terror-related.”
Or could it be an other ‘Flying gas Main’?
Nothing to see here , move on .
Lesson for Al Beeb’s reporters ………….
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
\\”An assembly spokesman said: “The assembly will continue to represent the people of Wales’ interests, as it has every year since its founding.
“In doing so, Assembly Members will examine the Welsh Government’s policy and legislative initiatives on the issues that are consistently prioritised by their constituents – issues such as healthcare, schools, economic policy, social care and increasingly the impact of Brexit on Welsh communities.” //
Then as the majority of the people of Wales want out of the EU, how about putting words into action?
The Welsh Assembly have never listened to the people of Wales, they are not listening now!
Carrie Gracie resigns her position as China Editor and writes an open letter to Buzzfeed complaining of BBC’s lack of pay equality. Money obviously a greater motivation for complaint than her employer’s constant lefty bias and news manipulation which she has subscribed to for 30 years. The Daily Mail also reports that her ex-husband is a Chinese rock drummer who is living in Richmond, looking after their two teenage children and can speak no English. Go figure as they say !!
I’ll hear more of this story before giving a knee jerk reaction comment, as Gracie is one journalist I’ve always had a lot of time for in the past. Years ago she was a good ‘foil’ for her anchor colleague Simon McCoy in the days before Victoria Derbyshire was foisted on us, she then dealt with cancer ( and without regular press updates), before heading off to China.
If May can have Lord Adonis an ardent remainer as ‘independent advisor’, why doesn’t she now bring in the man who knows the EU inside out and has the ear of the POTUS ?
I.e. Nigel Farage .
Time for a ‘No Deal Brexit’ . If Mrs May is reading this post – Go for it !
Get Farage onboard now.
“Gender pay gap: More than 500 firms reveal their figures”
Pot, kettle, black?
HYS running and it looks like another hammering.
Seems there is competition for popcorn:
There is this one too.
Looking at the newest list on the comments thread to that hys there are an awful lot being referred or removed.
All the top HYSs there are currently hammering the BBC
“Grenfell Tower fire: Police ask for £38m to fund investigation”
Would this money be better spent on the NHS ?
Run this buy me, someone dies in a Northern town and the police can hardly investigate
Yet in London they have 1 event to investigate with 70 victims and and it costs £0.5m per victim
jut in police investigations .
How much have police spent on 1 missing child in Portugal ?
By rights a whole new Grenfell building should cos that much
I reckon in Asia the whole building cost would be $3m.
The media is London Centric and ‘Black Lives Matter’.
There were 1400 English girls prostituted and raped in ONE Yorkshire town and the police didn’t lift a finger for decades: some victims are more equal than others.
“Hi, BBC, this is Greenblob hedge fund PR team here, can we order a 30 min advert about electric cars”
BBC ” yep scheduled Thu & Sun on Radio4 ”
Their blurb begins :
“There is a motoring revolution underway: the fast accelerating switch from petrol and diesel cars, to electric vehicles.”
(FFS that is like an advert)
… It goes on and on,
but they are so wrapped up in it, they fail to spot key facts that the Norway EV Wiki page has
..EV sale’s are not actually growing in Norway , rather it’s hybrids that are way overpowering them
but still cos Norwegians keep cars 18 years , 95% of cars on the road are conventional petrol diesel.
‘“Slave of Allah” planned to funnel crowds onto San Francisco pier with pipe bombs and shoot them dead in Christmas jihad attack.’
Silly beeb, another big terror story seems to have escaped their notice. I guess all their American correspondents are too busy going through Trump’s rubbish bins.
Oh and here’s one closer to home they missed too: “Germany: Muslim 18-year-old and 12-year-old plotted jihad bombing at Christmas market.”
The attacks are constant, as is the beeb’s deception.