HEALTH WARNING: One source only – Lidington to first sec. Greening to DWP. Perry to BEIS. Grayling party chairman.
— Tim Shipman (@ShippersUnbound) January 8, 2018
Emma Barnett is like a dog with a bone as she continues her relentless narrative of a ‘weak’ Theresa May that she has been pushing for a year, totally ignoring the fact that May is in a very strong position, the only person who could conceivably replace her just now is Corbyn…can’t see the 1922 committee voting for that. Just the usual BBC ploy of totally ignoring the reality and reporting what they want to happen instead…such as Trump is a Russian stooge. Can’t see anything worth getting excited about in the government reshuffle….no ‘chaos’ or ‘weakness’…just the usual usual. The Papers like to make eyecatching headlines about nothing but the BBC should be above all that…but it seems not as it tries its best to turn the reshuffle into something significant. The Today show putting as evidence of ‘chaos’ the tweet from CCHQ about Chris Grayling…but Guido says it was in fact the BBC who made the rumour ‘firm’ taking their cue from the Times despite the fact that the Times’ Tim Shipman had put a ‘health warning’ on the information.
From Guido….
11:04am: Chris Grayling tipped as new party chairman on Twitter.
11:40am: The BBC “confirms” Grayling’s appointment.
11:43am: A CCHQ staffer sees the BBC’s report, assumes it is correct, and tweets its out from the @Conservatives account.
Can’t trust the BBC to get its facts right and then to admit its mistake…blaming the Tories instead and presenting it as chaos…’chaos’ created by…..the BBC.
I put this on the weekend thread at about position 620 or so just before the new thread was started so here it is again if anyone knows the numbers:
Anyone know the remainer / leaver make up of the cabinet.
It was ‘balanced’ before at something like 15 or more remainers to about 5 or 6 leavers.
This reflected the democratic majority vote to leave.
Is it still ‘balanced’
Not sure but heard the BBC chortling about Remain voting Greening now joining the anti-Brexit mutineers as she claims she will now campaign for her Remain voting constituency on Brexit [70% remain].
Hmmm…so if she had kept her job she wouldn’t now be stabbing May and Leave voters in the back. So much for principles, integrity, honour or indeed democracy. Seems self-interest is the number one factor in deciding how to operate…..Greening presumably not just wanting to thwart Brexit but also wanting to suck up to the Remain voters in her constituency so that come an election she will still have that job at least.
May appoints Government to reflect the diversity of the country – if they reflected where l live they’d need translators – Farsi Polish – other various African Eastern European and god knows where. At least they got rid of the queer uneducation Secretary and put a brexiter in place
Not even BBC bias, but a relentless piece of polemical bullying by metropolitan webmasters who probably don’t even notice the article is totally unbalanced.
And I am pro-choice: