Liked the fact that Woman’s hour couldn’t interview the BBC’s once China Editor due to impartiality rules….so they wheeled in a Guardian reporter instead.
We need to write to Matthew Hancock, as well as to the bbc. All of us. On a regular basis. Ever so politely. Simply stating what we hear and see on the Beeb: the casual racism, as long as whites are the target, the casual sexism against males, the constant ageism. We need to tell them whenever we’re offended. Each time, we need to keep it calm and polite, and demand an answer.
They need to be inundated with mail, electronic and hard copy. Yesterday I complained about Norman Smith. Today it will be about Carrie Gracie. I have been offended by the way in which someone can casually ‘turn down’ &45k, when the average person doesn’t get an entire salary anywhere near that. And it’s OUR MONEY!
I’m working on various letters. One of them takes up the incessant use of the term ‘uneducated’, when referring to whites who voted for Brexit in R4 debates. Another form of offence and discrimination. That has been their narrative. Why am I offended? I have a number of degrees and diplomas. but that is a side issue. They need to know we’re aware of the narrative creation and the insult and offence it creates, and draw attention to their elitism.
and the lack of evidence for such sweeping generalizations.
My advice would be — keep the complaints short and specific. And on a single topic. If you have more than one thing to complain about, send another complaint.
I have seen lots of complaints running to 2 and 3 pages, and they will never get any traction.
Maximum 150 words, make it short, make it clear, make it punchy.
I suggest a campaign on social media, whenever possible post on thier facebook groups pages at a time when UK based BBC moderators are in bed leaving foriegn nationals in charge of license funded online content… When they remove and then attempt to kick/ban you for using a BBC service which you have paid for they immediately put the whole validity of thier online content questionable…. As we all have known for some time now extremely questionable content has been posted by thier overseas `helpers` and tbh if you succeed in getting banned by these non UK nationals who do not pay for the BBC yet apparently have more rights than anyone in the UK…… It escalates the whole scenario and the lack of control shown by some of thier `helpers` on certain topics is easily screen captured… then all you need to do is post everything on your own profiles or wherever you think it will cause the most trouble and also send your evidence to your local MP, OFCOM, the Home Secretary …. and just keep doing it whenever you get discriminated against by any BBC groups….. I always like to post stuff at a time when I know the moderators are likely to be Middle Eastern with a poor command of the English Language and the mentality of a rabid dog… WEe also need to start a campaign to get Farage back into UK politics ASAP… He is the one man who actually has the capacity to put the elites in Westminster in thier place… He knows we are gonna get shafted by the EU and our own self serving MPs and I would sleep better knowing that the man who made BREXIT possible there waiting for the people who voted to leave demand another General Election and let`s face it, Corbyn or May both parties MPs have for the most part not represented the interests of the people they are meant to represent.. That is the whole point of them being an MP!! They represent the electorate and it is not thier job to represent any other interests apart from those of the electorate… Also why has nobody challenged the decision to agree to send forty billion quid to the EU as part of the first stage of the Trade Talks??? Lets not forget the EU has not signed thier accounts for 14 years… Also we own EU assets and also have 87% of the world waiting to trade with us and sign deals right now…. I predict that by the end May 2019 it will be the end of May and UKIP will at long last get some MPs…. The 17.2 million will think twice before voting once it becomes apparent that the mainstream political elites really don`t give a fcuk about the UK and our wishes….
PS… Long winded … but it`s been a while since my last post and after being to everyone over Xmas I needed to vent… heh :=)
Despite that on one of the 3 simultaneous BBC Wimmins hour shows
Emma Barnet has set up the narrative that today we will talk about women being bullied in parliament
This is a nice reply to her.
Re EmmaBarnett and 5Live
You can tell #BiasedBBC staff’s political bias by what they CHOOSE to tweet
Why make a special video tweet about what EmilyThornberry just said about Toby Young , but not her reaction to the Qn about McDonnell ? click to see video tweet and get the link to the second audio Guido posted
(I deferred from posting them directly here inline, cos people reckon Tweet’s overload the page)
Africa: Where black is not really beautiful { 01jan2018}
“South Africa is marketed to the world as Mandela’s rainbow nation, where everyone is proud of their race and heritage. But for some black South Africans there is such a thing as being too black.”
‘”I like white people. Black people are seen as dangerous; that’s why I don’t like being black. People treat me better now because I look like I’m white,” he adds.’
Raises Taxes to highest in UK
Economy on verge of Recession
Real Terms Wages Falling
6,000 Syrian ‘refugees’ housed despite 10k Scots homeless
A & E wait times worst in UK
Educational Standards worst in UK
Business Rates increased
Em, socialist doctrine is not measured in terms of economic success. If they could reduce everyone (apart from the politburo) to the same level , scrimping in the mud for a few grains of rice, they will consider the result a resounding success in societal equality.
The Today programme had a surprising truth filter failure this morning and allowed truth seepage when interviewing some top-brass military type about the shortage of “manpower” and the Army’s new ad campaign to reach “communities” that British patriotism has not yet reached.
Apparently, it’s all to do with “changing demographics”.
He went on to explain that this was due to a 25% shortfall in the supply of white people of military age. This is a shocking statistic. The population of Britain is inceasing by at least a third of a million per annum and the indigenous population will go down by a quarter in the next generation.
The military man was keen to recruit muslims. What a cunning plan. Even the Font of Truth reliably informs us that there are at least 20,000 muslim 5th columnists playing hide and seek with the security forces. This is about a quarter of the strength of the British army. I’m sure these Big Beards would be all too eager to get a good military training to help them realise the Caliphate in Britain. Halal rations, prayer rooms, spiritual support from imams, call to prayer instead of reveille. What’s not to like?
– Current US Chaplin (feb 2017), who is Muslim, in charge of spiritual guidance of 14,000 Christian soldiers says beheading is OK under Islam if you felt (perceived) they were unjustly!
Good post, ID. Funny yet tragically plausible. How will the British Army of the future win any conflicts if it’s full of women, transgenders and closet jihadis? Still, Sadiq Khan will have a ready-made military force to put down white Christian revolts.
I believe that only farriers in the Guards regiments are allowed to wear beards. So how many muslim horse herders are we going to get then; I doubt they’ll be made to be clean-shaven and therefore couldn’t be infantry
Looks like the Senior Service is the only avenue for Big Beards to unleash their patriotic spirit. But if Churchill’s still right “What’s the Navy anyway? Rum, sodomy and the lash”, it’s still only two out of three.
I read a review recently of the new Churchill film and was rather disappointed to hear that the director of the film had said that the film is a rebuke to Trump because Churchill stood up to fascism.
I have to laugh that these entitled liberals never consider that the dehumanisation of anyone with an opinion counter to their own is effectively being fascist. That when public speaking events for right wingers are shut down by baying mobs and when elitist actors are advising ‘punching someone in the face’ if encountering a different opinion, that fascism is being pushed right beneath your nose and you don’t even see it.
But hell, far better to trot out a tiresomely predictable ‘I hate Trump, so watch my film/read my book/buy my album’ to enhance your audience.
I’d like to see the film but I think that agenda promoting is enough to make me wait to for Netflix.
Theresa May “So Jeremy why was Islington voted the worse place to live in Britain by the BBC Women’s hour poll in 2017?”
Jeremy Corbyn “Austerity and immigration I imagine, didn’t you say in 2015 that ‘Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. ‘?”
Theresa May “Yes I did say that, but I also said in 2017 ‘Enough is enough’ after a terrorist attack and did nothing. So what of it?”
Jeremy Corbyn “Nothing really, can’t believe these people listen to our words and actually think we mean them!”
Theresa May “I know, and thanks for sending me a secure WhatsApp request on who should be in the cabinet. Adding soooooo many people was a stroke of genius. Nothing will ever get done.”
Always suspicious of the ‘montage’ interview technique as it is massively open to abuse and distortion. Results have been edited by the films creator Hannah Long-Higgins, herself a fully signed up liberal freelance. I’ll await the BBC highlighting a similar overview from, say Milo or Paul Watson or Katie H.
Terminal Moraine January 10, 2018 at 12:36 pm
— anyone know what I need to do to post an image here? I have it hosted elsewhere but can’t get it to show up in the post — Thanks!
you’ve looked the bottom the page ?
and seen the bit marked “You can add images to your comment by clicking here.”
you paste in the images address URL
and then after you have posted the image should load
Sometimes images don’t load cos their host doesn’t permit use by THIRD PARTY sites
eg images from
don’t load here.
– There is another trick if you go to Twitter and find the image or VIDEO you want to post, you can simply pick up the URL of the tweet (by right clicking over the post date) and then paste that into the comment box here.
Then after posting and reload that tweet will be displayed inline here.
Radio 4, Today Programme. this morning at around 08:35. Sarah Montague being patiently schooled by Chris Grayling (Transport Minister) on the reality of the situation regarding the major cause of disruption of the rail networks in 2017, by far and away as a result of the RMT Union. (e.g. when being accused of not ensuring that there were enough train drivers to cover in the event of then striking – Mr Grayling had to point out that it wouldn’t matter how many drivers were on hand if the drivers were on strike – and also pointing out that it was not ASLEF, the train drivers’ union, which was the problem, but RMT).
A very calm and measured Mr Grayling batted away every attempt by Ms Montague to start a fight with him, answering her ridiculous ‘questions’ and interruptions, by pointing out to her the reality of the situation, to the extent that she lost the plot completely and snapped at him “You don’t need to repeat the reality”….
You couldn’t make this stuff up – the official BBC position is that reality does not matter to its newsreaders (I decline to call these people reporters)…. only their personal views and those of the BBC – Biased Beyond Credibility.
Richard D – I heard this interview too and couldn’t believe it! I sent an email in to the Today programme and had an automatic reply so I doubt it will go any further.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been more made of this interview – shocking!
I thought she sounded unhinged throughout the interview, and the way she closed it was a collector’s item:
“One last question – quickly now – some people have likened Theresa May’s Cabinet to the Court of King Henry VIII. What do you have to say to that?” (I paraphrase)
Not a genuine question then, but a slur disguised as a question.
Grayling played a straight bat and kept his dignity.
Some dubious profiling going on at BBC3, the channel targeted at youth viewers.
On the page ‘Best of Sex and Relationships’, out of 24 articles on the first page (screen grabs below) I count one caucasian heterosexual male in the thumbnails. Not sure he counts though, as he’s a cartoon from a Disney film. Nice try, beeb. The two articles there which *do* appear to be oriented primarily for the male viewer are 1) about cheating, and 2):
“Strapped for ideas for what to do with yourself this Friday? Well, here’s a suggestion: join the global vasectomy-thon. That’s correct. Today marks the start of World Vasectomy Day, the fifth worldwide celebration of men who take responsibility for their role in family planning through what the organisers call, “an act of love,” AKA the cauterisation of their sperm ducts.”
The beeb steering the education of the next generation through the emasculation of boys.
It’s also worth pointing out that BBC3 won Channel of the Year at last year’s Royal Television Society Awards.
WTF! This is our national broadcaster excreting this putrid shite!
No wonder the elite want to bring back religion-in any form-if this is a reflection of our society today.
I’ve just been looking at that bBBC 3 web page and to be quite honest I’m disgusted. I mean, I knew the bBBC were a bunch of perverts but my god I can’t believe the amount of pure filth on there. Mary Whitehouse would be turning in her grave.
Oh and this…the barefaced cheek of it. Japan, one of the few countries not being invaded by Mohammedans and they want to highlight paedophilia!
“Is Japan turning a blind eye to paedophilia?”
Er Hang on a minute what about looking closer to home.
Ongoing trial of Iranian on murder of 80 yr old allotment chairwoman…/Grandmother-80-strangled-death-lawnmower-cord.html
BBC has been compromised … after stopping its own investigators going after Jimmy Savile and failing to report on 1400+ Rotherham girls attacked over 16 years in any depth they have no standing as a news organisation.
Now the BBC feels it cannot comment on the real world and feels it must make the World a better place – repent for its wrong doings.
And again the BBC on social media runs with a sure fire BBC top story…
BBC Radio 4
A city planning professor explains why it’s not just possible but neccessary to maintain the diverse communities that we all love.
How to avoid gentrification
And yet again the BBC, behind its security barrier gets served comments from those who actually live amongst the glory that is ‘diversity’…. that ‘we’ all love.
Did they really say that we all love diversity? This is amazingly delusional or , even worse, a dangerous and deliberate lie. Either way it shows one again that on migration, identity , multiculturalism , the biggest issues of our time , the BBC is massively out of step with feelings of the British people who are forced to pay for the rancid corporation.
“I have this haunting view always, that we’ll feel that we’ve sorted out every aspect of LGBTQI rights … just as China becomes the most important power in the World.” – Douglas Murray @19:28
I discovered Dave Rubin in 2017 and have really enjoyed some of his talks, including this cracking one with Douglas Murray. Other real highlights were Scott Adams, Clay Travis and Stefan Molyneux though I think my favourite two were Larry Elder and Tommy Sotomayor (those two made some epic points).
FYI re the gov letting Branson leave his rail contract early.
Papers say he didn’t just walk away.
Rather the contract bid was based on the gov promise of track improvement..that didn’t happen.
So Branson says he would have won in court
Unbelievable: Iran regime stalwart Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, who has jailed and imposed travel bans on countless dissidents and done utmost to undermine democracy and free speech, recovering from surgery in Germany. As reported by regime media.
“Unbelievable: Iran regime stalwart Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, who has jailed and imposed travel bans on countless dissidents and done utmost to undermine democracy and free speech, recovering from surgery in Germany. As reported by regime media. ”
… According to a German politician from Green Party, shahroudi is responsible for the execution of 2000 people and according to German laws diplomatic immunity does not include him. And at the moment we are studying the complaints brought against him.
Our Air quality activist mates have got a PR coup tonight, a prog on BBC2 Fighting for Air BBC Two, 9.00pm
“Campaigning doctor and inescapable TV face Xand van Tulleken (never heard of him) examines the grim effects of air pollution on the body,
before travelling to Birmingham to bring clean air to one high street using a combination of technological expertise and community goodwill. ”
– The TV co organising the meeting
– Long, long article in the Birmingham Mail
– Drama Queening photo
Their blurb
“Imagine if you could change the quality of the air we breathe – in just one day.
Air pollution in the UK has been declared a ‘public health emergency’
(not really true, the EU limits are so low now that most countries have some streets that break them)
and Dr Xand van Tulleken is seeing what can be done about it.
Enlisting the help of enthusiasts and sceptics (really ? or fake-skeptics ?) from the Kings Heath community in Birmingham,
Xand stages the first ever large-scale experiment of its kind – using people power to try and bring about a quantifiable improvement in air quality for a single day.
(I think you’ll find that experiment happens every Sunday morning and Christmas day)
With the pollution levels on the high street at the cusp of legal limits (cos the EU sets low limits)
, the odds are stacked against Xand and his team. (don’t be daft)
Can they achieve the improbable?
Can the power of communities – with the help of some ingenious tech and some of the best experts in pollution science – succeed where governments have failed?
(Governments have not failed 95% of UK roads would be within the EU limits anyway)
Xand also becomes a case study in his own experiment.
As he carefully tries to rid his body of the effects of pollution,
he measures how his body functions are affected after exposing himself to a typical city street.
The results are shocking. ..”
(that doesn’t very scientific to me ..yes you could probably wear a white dusk mask and see how the inside has some black particles on etc., but that doesn’t mean you are necessarily being harmed…cos your body is “built” to be able to withstand nature like dust and pollen etc.)
Similar vein
Times : Jan 8th : War on diesel is killing sales, says Jaguar
The impact on Jaguar Land Rover has been as stark.
In the last three months of 2017, Jaguar sales in the UK slumped 22 per cent.
The vast majority of its cars for the UK come with a diesel engine manufactured at its state-of the-art Wolverhampton factory built four years ago with taxpayer funding
80% of JLRs are exported.
The boss said “Diesel is saving CO2”
And note he wasn’t pushing the Electric Car dream like other people are.
It’s funny isn’t it? We were told that we should remain in the undemocratic EU to protect our car industry but seemingly no one will be telling us to buy diesel and ignore the Green religion to save our car industry, I wonder why?
Though the whole diesel farce is a great example of EU corruption (had to wait for the US to call out VW’s bullshit) and also the dangers of governments preaching about green issues and promoting diesel to everyone even though the science on it’s green credentials was uncertain.
The parallel being obvious that recommending a course of action for the sake of the planet that is then debunked literally 5-10 years later, highlights how stupid it is to assume that we can see genuine trends in a short period of months and years and how even more foolhardy it is to generate policy based on appeasing the overly vocal green minority.
The BBC was trying to push Brexit as the reason for car sales falling.
Our family is not buying a new car until the UK/EU sort out their mixed messages. And a diesel is off the list for sure even if they change their minds, as once bitten…
I have a diesel car, and because men can transition into women and women can marry themselves I feel my car can turn into a unicorn that runs on rainbows.
Thus I will be able to able avoid car tax and diesel charges …. if they say otherwise I will demand they respect this new car gender and don’t HATE it or hurt its feelings.
BBC Radio Norfolk are lending a hand with the PR for tonight’s prog
\\ Professor Leigh is being recorded to go on our drive time news programme later today.//
EarthSense’s Prof Leigh is currently on @BBCNottingham
\\ prof @RolandJLeigh talking about #FightingforAir @amazingtelly @xandvt @B14KingsHeath A lot of questions that have been coming up frequently about #FightingForAir will be answered //
BBC promo tweet video ..hysterical
but I expect the prog will also use the “Think of the Children” emotional blackmail trick.
It might have helped if the ‘expert’ brought in to exaggerate the claims hadn’t prefaced every answer with the word ‘So…’ It’s always a sure sign that the speaker doesn’t think before he speaks.
Prog is 11 on the propaganda scale
Jesus now at school “I’m hoping to get the kids to use their pester power get people moving on this issue
This black dot is a huge piece of soot from a diesel engine”
..I’m sorry but it is UNETHICAL to exploit kids in such a way for your TV prog
..never mind your gas mask stunt”
..BBC don’t understand ethics
The BBC making a big thing of a woman daytime DJ on the Radio 2 network for the first time in 20 years, the press release also emphasising them being paid the same…’Jo Whiley joins Simon Mayo to jointly present Drivetime’
Thing is Mayo is reportedly paid £400k and Whiley £200k, now I don’t see Mayo taking a pay cut for longer hours, so its going to cost the licence payer circa £200k to prove there is no wage gap and Miss No Personality Whiley gets an undeserved pay rise just cos she is a woman.
So the poor old license payer will pay 50% more for the same goods.
There cannot be a private company anywhere in the land that could legally get away with pulling that kind of stunt.
Shut it down. We know it makes sense. I’m so glad the the BBC unsubscribed me when I reached the age of 75.
I thought more folks would be complaining about this. I quite often think the bBBC are taking the piss. Earlier up the thread I linked an article from the telegraph written by the new culture secretary who commented that the BBC should not be paying journalists more than ambassadors to the same countries – ie they are overpaying, with public money. In response they advertise that they will be spoiling something that has worked well for years, the Simon Mayo show, by introducing a female co-presenter, who will presumably be paid the same over-inflated salary as Mr Mayo. Hurrah!
Well, everything they touch turns to shit, so I’m pretty sure this format won’t work and they will probably and hopefully lose more listeners.
Re BBC salaries
If I went to a house auction and I won all houses , then there’s something wrong with my bidding strategy.
If I just win 10 then I’d know I’d not paid vastly over price and could make a development profit.
The BBC should lose more staff like Carrie Grace.
For women to be paid the same as men there needs to be open and transparent pay scales. Thus ‘talent’ could not negotiate the highest salary they can, but be appointed to a pay scale.
There. How easy was that?
I’m sure the BBC ‘talent’ would sign up to such open-ness and transparecy.
What scale Gary Linekar? Ha ha ha ha ha.
Showed what so many people have known going right back before 9/11. That the Saudis are responsible for the export of extreme Islam and it terrorism and its mosques and its madrassas and it propaganda and its evil fucking culture- Wahhabism .
There’s a new king allegedly trying to fix it . But he ll be dead before we know it.
A decent programme – the first I have seen on al Beeb for a long time . Still won’t pay their tax though. Seems to have gone without much notice….
One of the accepted methods of Wahhabism is to subvert non Muslim states by impersonating the host culture and infiltrate it – such as the civil service , government and the agencies of the state . I’m guessing who ever is inside al Beeb fucked up or was on the haj .
“In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador to the UK said the teachings were not endorsed by the Saudi embassy.” – Saudi Arabia’s response – {guardian nov2010}
“It claims (BBC Panorama) to have found 5,000 Muslim schoolchildren being taught that some Jews are transformed into pigs and apes and that the penalty for gay sex is execution. Some textbooks are said to teach the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves. A spokesman for the programme said the pupils, aged six to 18, attend a network of more than 40 weekend schools across the country which teach the Saudi national curriculum to Muslim children.” – {guardian nov2010}
Many of the issues discussed her are sourced from the effect of Saudi / Arab cash . They are getting scared now as it is biting them in the arse at last. Shame we just can’t take out Iran and Saudi . It’s the least they deserve.
The media and journalism was supposed be our defence or at least early warning against these things. It has failed … what colour would you like the new trans-gender toilet?
Amending this – it’s not panorama – it the House of Saud. I’m surprised it got made yet alone broadcast.
It has not discussed the effect of Wahhabism on Blighty and will be interested if it has the courage. It’s where the money for the mosques and the burkas and perverse propaganda and imams comes from.
I wonder how many ex-BBC Tories with pensions to preserve will pack the benches, and how many MPs keen not to get smeared or cold shouldered don’t turn up?
I imagine it would not occur to the BBC that, day by day, their news reporting reputation becomes more tarnished. I suggest it’s happening pro rata with all the positive employment discrimination they exercise. After all, when you might have been, ‘the Worlds most trusted broadcaster’ that status having perhaps been founded on white, experienced, honest reporters, what can you expect employing any-old ‘Johnnie foreigner’ (to use a historic description used by the BBC) that joins a queue at the front door having come from a corrupt country that exercises dishonesty as the norm: ‘taqiyya’.
Let’s celebrate it’s slow demise as it gets worse.
Despite brexitphobia, Al Beeb and the remoaners talking down the economy since the Great Independence Vote we have this ……………………
“UK manufacturing output at its highest for 10 years”
Ill-led & ill-equipped, fighting against the odds a valient yet doomed battle – the British Army goes back to its historic traditions
Here’s something unusual, BBC News having a chap on to speak to us who is all regimental tie and sensible conservative arguments firmly and moderately put (can’t have been one our present so-called Conservative government). Yes, this morning our national broadcaster actually allowed the case to be put that the military ought not to have its raison d’être the mimicking of the proportions of the identity of our population. But instead their goal should be the proper defence of the realm. Radical thinking these days. I’m afraid our ex-army type is swimming against the tide with all this common sense logic of his. For example, the Football Association and the BBC have this week further succumbed to the odd notion that their workforce ought to be not the best for the job but mirror the census in some identity box-ticking sense. Sound the retreat or the surrender, or something.
AISI – I expect they only allowed this particular bloke onto Toady because they are fully confident of Government backing of the policy to change recruiting emphasis from young caucasian men to going after emotionally incontinent crybabies, non heterosexuals, more women in fighting units and of course lots and lots of effnics.
I have a good idea – why dont they offer to recruit from returning ISIS fighters where the army could benefit from their fighting expertise and humanitarian skills especially when dealing with civvy women.
To enable them to foster a good fighting spirit and so they could pray without effecting the efficiency rest of the army maybe they could have their own Islamic regiment they could call it “The Queens Jihad Regiment” or similair. They could guard Buckingham Palace when the Queens is in.
In the interests of diversity , maybe we could also have a regiment for every single separate minority. We could have a a regiment for leather fetish followers complete with gas masks (they could replace the SAS on embassy sieges)
We could have a transgender regiment with a selection of male and female portaloos for the sexually fluid.
Regarding the disabled We could even have a division for blind sharpshooters (who should not be discriminated against because of poor eye sight) and maybe even a mountain division consisting entirely of wheelchair users.
Whilst I am sure you appreciate that I am being more than a little tongue in cheek. At the current pace of change it is not inconcievable to think that in say 10 years time much of this could well be true.
What it will do to the fighting efficiency of our forces – well I think we all know. Still I expect that has been the point all along . What strange times.
I tend to think the left’s ultimate aim is to turn the armed forces into an entirely non-combatant strictly humanitarian aid organisation. Uniformed overseas social workers.
what is not fully appreciated is that many young men (and women) are attracted to the services not because of any inclusivity angle but because they are elite, the best of the best with high moral standards. Once you remove the high bar, many of the high calibre potentials will take their motivation elsewhere and you will truly be left with a weakened sub standard recruit pool.
We are sailing along with HMS Brexit……………..
\\”UK boating industry buoyed by weak pound”
“These impressive figures demonstrate how the industry has successfully cashed in on the pound’s devaluation since the Brexit referendum in 2016,” said Howard Pridding, chief executive of British Marine.//
Remoaners told me that Lidl and Aldi would up-sticks from the UK when we achieved freedom from the EU. But look at this ……………….
“Lidl supermarket said it had record UK sales in December, with a rise of 16% on the same period in 2016.”
Very big Lidl store opened up a few months ago near us. The large car park is always full and there’s always long queues at all the checkouts so I can believe the record sales report. It must be a goldmine and I don’t think the prospectors are likely to leave any time soon.
And more advice ……………………..
“Global customers key for manufacturing firm”
“Rowan Crozier, chief executive of Birmingham manufacturing company Brandauer, explains that focusing on its largest customers around the world has been the key to the firm’s continuing success. ”
Come on Great Britain, lets talk up the economy and make us the great world traders that we once were !
Cannot remember if I have asked this before: is it just me or do I find it slightly sinister that the BBC puts up items on its web-site to collect information from children?
A nasty nasty woman on the BBC website, and also in other media, but what none are telling is her staunch support for the Labour party and the fact she allowed to perform what is looking very much like illegal anti Semitic race hate, and holocaust denying songs at Glossop Labour club.
In just nine days’ time, I will once again be in court, on this occasion for my long-awaited trial. Of course, there is no guarantee that proceedings will be over there and then: the enemies of freedom and justice have a nasty habit of trying to drag things out for as long as possible, in the hope of extracting a guilty plea from those they take sadistic pleasure in persecuting. As my father would say: they can whistle!
On the Campaign Against Antisemitism’s website, there is a fairly recent article written in typically gloating fashion concerning my prosecution (for singing songs) which states that Alison Chabloz is not ‘an important person’.
MarkyMark are you outing your self as the vile Alison Chabloz? Or have I missed something?
My contempt for you is the same as it is for David Irving in that case.
I certainly did not pick up your true nature from your posts.
I can’t write any more I think I’m going to vomit.
No, he one of the little clique that is destroying this website from within by treating it as their personal Twitter aggregation site.
They just cut and paste anything that fires a synapse in their little brains and post it here, no context and no relevance to the biased output of the BBC. Even Maxicony can manage write about that!
‘destroying this website from within’ please mention where you feel I am breaching the site usage and will review. My General thread is totalitarian thought … like BBC…. as highlighted by Orwell.
Marky. I am very relieved at your reply. Please use quotation marks in future. I never had you picked for any kind of extremist until I read that post and searched in vain for inverted commas.
I’m generally quite good at spotting real fascists but when I read and reread that I thought “Hell I didn’t even suspect that bloke in the slightest and not only is he a nazi but he’s not even a bloke but a bloody sheila! He/She’s taken us all for mugs.”
Phew! I’m glad we sorted that out.
OK folks.. the guy who's served as an excellent PA / researcher for me for over three years has got a proper job, and I now need someone new. It's probably 5 to 10 hours a week. London based. An economics grad student would be great, but not required. Do email if it interests you
“Trump deserves credit for Korea talks, says President Moon”
\\South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in says his US counterpart, Donald Trump, “deserves big credit” for talks between South and North Korea.”//
Hidden away, at last, praise for POTUS Donald Trump !
Thank you for that taffman. I stand corrected. I mistakenly quoted that it was Lee Nak Yeon the South Korean prime minister rather than president moon.
Justin Webb covered similar ground in the Daily Mail and got as close to praise for Trumps contribution that I have heard thus far. He did qualify however that Trumps unpredictability and arbitrary reactions contributed to the misgivings clearly felt by Kim Jong-Un which encouraged him to the table. Duh – isn’t that the whole point?
Wow, shocking standard of article written by Andrew Benson, Chief (!!) F1 writer, on Lewis Hamilton’s withdrawal from social media. Durrr! Anyone surprised??
There is a HYS and he’s getting a kicking.
Hi Loobyloo, Andrew Benson has been commanded from up high to write a story on it – the same story the BBC has been pushing for the past two weeks because it fits their social change agenda:
R4 just now “”poverty is causing ricketts in this country”
said Zoe Williams of the Guardian
… Am I wrong to say that ..Islamic dress is connected to almost all 2017 UK ricketts
..cos it stops vitamin D reaching the skin
Ricketts never has been a poverty thing, cos the sun is free
This series is basically Guardian Voice vs non Guardian voice
today’s topic is “Is equality a good thing in itself?”
Fraser Nelson is rubbish cos he doesn’t think like an American
Inequality is a great thing ..It makes us ALL rich
..cos Mr/Ms innovator gets off their arse and creates Apple/ Microsoft etc. Real Estate projects etc.
so that a £1000 field , becomes some development which sells for £40m which brings lots of jobs/wealth to the local community.
Encouraging innovators solves poverty
And if the workers are mini-innovators then they too move up to a better job.
You have to take steps to make sure the nation is not a few barons who have no competitive market for workers s pay them peanuts …like India was
The BBC reports: “Wise Men statues at Mendlesham church decapitated: Three 70-year-old figurines of the Wise Men have been decapitated as they stood in an outdoor nativity scene. The vandalism at St Mary’s Church in Mendlesham, near Stowmarket, happened sometime between Friday evening and Saturday morning, Suffolk Police said …” Suffolk Police are completely bamboozled as to whom would do such a thing.
So I have done a little investigation. Mendlesham is a small village in Suffolk with a population of about 1400 (2011 census). The nearest major Mosque is under 30 minutes (17 miles) drive away in Ipswich. In the 2011 census of Ipswich 3% declared themselves to be followers of Islam. Friday prayer finishes around 8 pm. The decapitations occurred sometime between Friday evening and Saturday morning. Beheading of Christian figures is a common feature in Islamic history.
I’ve just watched (or endured) “Miriam’s Big American Adventure” and I don’t think there was a period of more than ten minutes which didn’t contain a dig at Donald Trump. What could have been an interesting programme was ruined by their childish obsession – they just can’t help themselves, can they?
I had the misfortune to pick up the last few seconds – the gist being that people who voted for Trump, and Brexit, were thick. Fair play Lobbie – I would have changed channels much earlier.
At least Miriam Margerine referred to ‘Mr’ Trump as opposed to Trump. Isn’t it noticeable that other Presidents have been referred to by the media as President Obama/Clinton/Bush etc, but President Trump is always called ‘Trump’.
The lady must be learning some manners. The last time I heard her refer to Mr Trump she intoned that he was “a piece of shit.”
OK we are all entitled to our opinion but I dread to think what kind of abuse HE would have received from the media had he referred to HER likewise.
“Donald Trump’s medical: What will it reveal?”
Are they scraping the barrel ?
Note the comment – “So, like we said. Good news and bad news. ” All, please note !
He took on the Republican party establishment and defeated it, then the Democrat party establishment and defeated it. Along the way he broke the Bush and Clinton dynasties. Since the election he has survived everything the fake news media could throw at him and has survived attacks by numerous swamp creatures.
We already know that he has balls, we don’t need to know anything else – although if the doctor askes him to cough he need to take care that his fingers don’t get broken.
“Theresa May aims to eradicate plastic litter by 2042”
How about eradicating our membership of the EU by 2019?
That’s what we voted for Mrs May. Its called democracy.
Strong and stable!
Thursday morning TV on C5 @5WrightStuff
\\ you can expect fireworks as @matthew_wright is joined by Nigel Farage.
Got a question for the former @UKIP leader?
Tweet us using #AskFarage //
Beebistan licking its lips at Trump’s forthcoming medical, no doubt hoping he’ll be declared mad and a walking heart attack.
And the picture they chose for the piece? They obviously went through their archives for one of him looking as gross as possible. And I think they doctored it to make him look more sweaty and porcine than the original below.
(Call me weird but the more they throw at him, the more I like the man. Anyone the beeb hate that much can’t be all bad!)
P.S. Notice the doctor they chose to comment on the non-article: a beautiful woman whose picture is larger than Trump’s.
1. Why do we need her picture at all?
2. Isn’t it sexist?
3. Is the sole purpose to make him look even worse by comparison to the flawless babe, sorry doctor?
There is absolutely no doubt whatever as to which of these two people is the most physically attractive to me but I know which one I would rather have as my President. I’m not a doctor but I would gladly give her a medical. I’d leave the President to someone else.
Good spot on the gratuitous presentation of sweaty fast food vs youthful, healthy glow on the rent-a-doc.
One wonders whether similar *trusted and impartial* photo editing was in place when Clinton was in office (being similarly predisposed to a fast food diet).
“What will it reveal?” Doesn’t matter — the verdict’s already in and the man’s clearly a beast!
The BBC promote Islam through different mechanisms. One very large mechanism is through the promotion of the hijab. Other ways it promotes Islam is through its children’s channels – cbeebies and cbbc both in its television and radio programmes – having friendly Islamic characters as well as presenting all the symbolism of Islam, and through its various news (newsround) and activities (quizzes and crafts) sections.
It is very clear what the BBC is and it is just ramping up its pro-Islam stance.
The next question is – how do we keep track of the British Government and British Parliament? They seem to be busy passing diversity enabling positive discrimination legislation and advice and guidance. They are the ones that passed through hate crime legislation etc.
I reckon the results of President Trump’s forthcoming medical will essentially be the same as his last one that he revealed on air to Dr. Oz in September 2016 during the campaign. Don’t remember the breathless anticipation from the Beeb about that one though…
R4 Today news. German edition of Playboy has a transgender on the front cover. Yes folks this is newsworthy. Lets have a guess and see if the next edition gets a mention. And to cap it all Carrie Gracie is presenting again. Now if I criticised my employer in the terms she has I’m pretty confident I wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the establishment. Just shows what a gutless set of people are running that place and how far removed from the real world they all are.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
We need to write to Matthew Hancock, as well as to the bbc. All of us. On a regular basis. Ever so politely. Simply stating what we hear and see on the Beeb: the casual racism, as long as whites are the target, the casual sexism against males, the constant ageism. We need to tell them whenever we’re offended. Each time, we need to keep it calm and polite, and demand an answer.
They need to be inundated with mail, electronic and hard copy. Yesterday I complained about Norman Smith. Today it will be about Carrie Gracie. I have been offended by the way in which someone can casually ‘turn down’ &45k, when the average person doesn’t get an entire salary anywhere near that. And it’s OUR MONEY!
I’m working on various letters. One of them takes up the incessant use of the term ‘uneducated’, when referring to whites who voted for Brexit in R4 debates. Another form of offence and discrimination. That has been their narrative. Why am I offended? I have a number of degrees and diplomas. but that is a side issue. They need to know we’re aware of the narrative creation and the insult and offence it creates, and draw attention to their elitism.
and the lack of evidence for such sweeping generalizations.
My advice would be — keep the complaints short and specific. And on a single topic. If you have more than one thing to complain about, send another complaint.
I have seen lots of complaints running to 2 and 3 pages, and they will never get any traction.
Maximum 150 words, make it short, make it clear, make it punchy.
Where is the best place to send these complaints to via the web?
Don’t know about ‘best’, but the only one is:
Agree with Rick. If one gives them opportunity they will latch onto anything else to avoid answering.
I suggest a campaign on social media, whenever possible post on thier facebook groups pages at a time when UK based BBC moderators are in bed leaving foriegn nationals in charge of license funded online content… When they remove and then attempt to kick/ban you for using a BBC service which you have paid for they immediately put the whole validity of thier online content questionable…. As we all have known for some time now extremely questionable content has been posted by thier overseas `helpers` and tbh if you succeed in getting banned by these non UK nationals who do not pay for the BBC yet apparently have more rights than anyone in the UK…… It escalates the whole scenario and the lack of control shown by some of thier `helpers` on certain topics is easily screen captured… then all you need to do is post everything on your own profiles or wherever you think it will cause the most trouble and also send your evidence to your local MP, OFCOM, the Home Secretary …. and just keep doing it whenever you get discriminated against by any BBC groups….. I always like to post stuff at a time when I know the moderators are likely to be Middle Eastern with a poor command of the English Language and the mentality of a rabid dog… WEe also need to start a campaign to get Farage back into UK politics ASAP… He is the one man who actually has the capacity to put the elites in Westminster in thier place… He knows we are gonna get shafted by the EU and our own self serving MPs and I would sleep better knowing that the man who made BREXIT possible there waiting for the people who voted to leave demand another General Election and let`s face it, Corbyn or May both parties MPs have for the most part not represented the interests of the people they are meant to represent.. That is the whole point of them being an MP!! They represent the electorate and it is not thier job to represent any other interests apart from those of the electorate… Also why has nobody challenged the decision to agree to send forty billion quid to the EU as part of the first stage of the Trade Talks??? Lets not forget the EU has not signed thier accounts for 14 years… Also we own EU assets and also have 87% of the world waiting to trade with us and sign deals right now…. I predict that by the end May 2019 it will be the end of May and UKIP will at long last get some MPs…. The 17.2 million will think twice before voting once it becomes apparent that the mainstream political elites really don`t give a fcuk about the UK and our wishes….
PS… Long winded … but it`s been a while since my last post and after being to everyone over Xmas I needed to vent… heh :=)
100 leading French women, led by Catherine Deneuve call out excesses of #MeToo crusade.
“As women we do not recognise ourselves in this feminism,
which beyond denouncing the abuse of power, takes on a hatred of men and of sexuality.”
Despite that on one of the 3 simultaneous BBC Wimmins hour shows
Emma Barnet has set up the narrative that today we will talk about women being bullied in parliament
This is a nice reply to her.
Re EmmaBarnett and 5Live
You can tell #BiasedBBC staff’s political bias by what they CHOOSE to tweet
Why make a special video tweet about what EmilyThornberry just said about Toby Young , but not her reaction to the Qn about McDonnell ?
click to see video tweet and get the link to the second audio Guido posted
(I deferred from posting them directly here inline, cos people reckon Tweet’s overload the page)
Emma Barnett and the rest of ’em think they speak for all ‘wimmin’ – well, they don’t and I wish some sod would tell them so !
I’m sure they know that they don’t but they’ll bust a gut trying to convince Josephine Public that they do.
The bloke on the right gets his fags out.
The bloke on the left fags his gits out.
The bbbc cherishes their memory.
And the git in the middle gets shafted.
Someone should ask her if there was a culture of bullying in any of the Brothels her Dad owned…. Facile bitch!!!
Catherine Deneuve. As honest as she was beautiful. Well done her.
White is the new Black …
Africa: Where black is not really beautiful { 01jan2018}
“South Africa is marketed to the world as Mandela’s rainbow nation, where everyone is proud of their race and heritage. But for some black South Africans there is such a thing as being too black.”
‘”I like white people. Black people are seen as dangerous; that’s why I don’t like being black. People treat me better now because I look like I’m white,” he adds.’
In Pidgin (where I found the article) Ghana: Girls wey bleach no fit job for Immigration Service, what about ‘K-Leg’ den ‘December head’?
President Trump
Cuts Taxes
Economy Booming
Employees Bonuses
Inward Investment Surging
Immigration Falling
Business Rates Cut
Nicola Sturgeon
Raises Taxes to highest in UK
Economy on verge of Recession
Real Terms Wages Falling
6,000 Syrian ‘refugees’ housed despite 10k Scots homeless
A & E wait times worst in UK
Educational Standards worst in UK
Business Rates increased
Chinese companies moving to the USA … but let’s vote for independence and join the EU (no independence). Logic? Reason?
Yet the bbbc love sturgeon and hate Trump.
Em, socialist doctrine is not measured in terms of economic success. If they could reduce everyone (apart from the politburo) to the same level , scrimping in the mud for a few grains of rice, they will consider the result a resounding success in societal equality.
The Today programme had a surprising truth filter failure this morning and allowed truth seepage when interviewing some top-brass military type about the shortage of “manpower” and the Army’s new ad campaign to reach “communities” that British patriotism has not yet reached.
Apparently, it’s all to do with “changing demographics”.
He went on to explain that this was due to a 25% shortfall in the supply of white people of military age. This is a shocking statistic. The population of Britain is inceasing by at least a third of a million per annum and the indigenous population will go down by a quarter in the next generation.
The military man was keen to recruit muslims. What a cunning plan. Even the Font of Truth reliably informs us that there are at least 20,000 muslim 5th columnists playing hide and seek with the security forces. This is about a quarter of the strength of the British army. I’m sure these Big Beards would be all too eager to get a good military training to help them realise the Caliphate in Britain. Halal rations, prayer rooms, spiritual support from imams, call to prayer instead of reveille. What’s not to like?
What could go wrong …
… find this USA Army Muslim Chaplin,Khallid Shabazz on youtube …
“The Koran says don’t let the hatred of a people move you to deal with people unjustly. The Prophet Mohammed beheaded people who were extremely unjust to him. {youtube mar2015}”
– Army Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz, March 2015
– Current US Chaplin (feb 2017), who is Muslim, in charge of spiritual guidance of 14,000 Christian soldiers says beheading is OK under Islam if you felt (perceived) they were unjustly!
he suddenly stood up, shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and opened fire.
{wiki fort hood 2009}
Good post, ID. Funny yet tragically plausible. How will the British Army of the future win any conflicts if it’s full of women, transgenders and closet jihadis? Still, Sadiq Khan will have a ready-made military force to put down white Christian revolts.
I believe that only farriers in the Guards regiments are allowed to wear beards. So how many muslim horse herders are we going to get then; I doubt they’ll be made to be clean-shaven and therefore couldn’t be infantry
Looks like the Senior Service is the only avenue for Big Beards to unleash their patriotic spirit. But if Churchill’s still right “What’s the Navy anyway? Rum, sodomy and the lash”, it’s still only two out of three.
Will Queen’s Regiment, The Black Watch and other army regiments be re-formed if the manpower increases ?
Halal is Haram.
See how the BBC like to use the words ‘hit on’ … rather than say chat up…
Catherine Deneuve defends men’s ‘right to hit on’ women
“French actress Catherine Deneuve has said that men should be “free to hit on” women.”
– BBC … choose words to push a message … men .. hit …. violence. ..
Trying to find the original letter, to see what she actually said, I found only one other outlet using the phrase “hit on”. Guess who it was?
Catherine Deneuve says men should be ‘free to hit on’ women
They even quote it as though she said it … did you find full speech?
I read a review recently of the new Churchill film and was rather disappointed to hear that the director of the film had said that the film is a rebuke to Trump because Churchill stood up to fascism.
I have to laugh that these entitled liberals never consider that the dehumanisation of anyone with an opinion counter to their own is effectively being fascist. That when public speaking events for right wingers are shut down by baying mobs and when elitist actors are advising ‘punching someone in the face’ if encountering a different opinion, that fascism is being pushed right beneath your nose and you don’t even see it.
But hell, far better to trot out a tiresomely predictable ‘I hate Trump, so watch my film/read my book/buy my album’ to enhance your audience.
I’d like to see the film but I think that agenda promoting is enough to make me wait to for Netflix.
So Mexico should build a wall to stop it’s people leaving Mexico and heading towards the totalitarian USA?
Theresa May “So Jeremy why was Islington voted the worse place to live in Britain by the BBC Women’s hour poll in 2017?”
Jeremy Corbyn “Austerity and immigration I imagine, didn’t you say in 2015 that ‘Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. ‘?”
Theresa May “Yes I did say that, but I also said in 2017 ‘Enough is enough’ after a terrorist attack and did nothing. So what of it?”
Jeremy Corbyn “Nothing really, can’t believe these people listen to our words and actually think we mean them!”
Theresa May “I know, and thanks for sending me a secure WhatsApp request on who should be in the cabinet. Adding soooooo many people was a stroke of genius. Nothing will ever get done.”
Send out the attack dogs … always go to the end … it’s the BBC’s final word … (but there are some positives) …
What the world thinks of Trump’s first year as US president { 10jan2018}
Always suspicious of the ‘montage’ interview technique as it is massively open to abuse and distortion. Results have been edited by the films creator Hannah Long-Higgins, herself a fully signed up liberal freelance. I’ll await the BBC highlighting a similar overview from, say Milo or Paul Watson or Katie H.
— anyone know what I need to do to post an image here? I have it hosted elsewhere but can’t get it to show up in the post — Thanks!
Terminal Moraine January 10, 2018 at 12:36 pm
— anyone know what I need to do to post an image here? I have it hosted elsewhere but can’t get it to show up in the post — Thanks!
you’ve looked the bottom the page ?
and seen the bit marked “You can add images to your comment by clicking here.”
you paste in the images address URL
and then after you have posted the image should load
Sometimes images don’t load cos their host doesn’t permit use by THIRD PARTY sites
eg images from
don’t load here.
– There is another trick if you go to Twitter and find the image or VIDEO you want to post, you can simply pick up the URL of the tweet (by right clicking over the post date) and then paste that into the comment box here.
Then after posting and reload that tweet will be displayed inline here.
Many thanks, all sorted now! (Had to do a bit of chopping of the URL).
Radio 4, Today Programme. this morning at around 08:35. Sarah Montague being patiently schooled by Chris Grayling (Transport Minister) on the reality of the situation regarding the major cause of disruption of the rail networks in 2017, by far and away as a result of the RMT Union. (e.g. when being accused of not ensuring that there were enough train drivers to cover in the event of then striking – Mr Grayling had to point out that it wouldn’t matter how many drivers were on hand if the drivers were on strike – and also pointing out that it was not ASLEF, the train drivers’ union, which was the problem, but RMT).
A very calm and measured Mr Grayling batted away every attempt by Ms Montague to start a fight with him, answering her ridiculous ‘questions’ and interruptions, by pointing out to her the reality of the situation, to the extent that she lost the plot completely and snapped at him “You don’t need to repeat the reality”….
You couldn’t make this stuff up – the official BBC position is that reality does not matter to its newsreaders (I decline to call these people reporters)…. only their personal views and those of the BBC – Biased Beyond Credibility.
Richard D – I heard this interview too and couldn’t believe it! I sent an email in to the Today programme and had an automatic reply so I doubt it will go any further.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been more made of this interview – shocking!
I thought she sounded unhinged throughout the interview, and the way she closed it was a collector’s item:
“One last question – quickly now – some people have likened Theresa May’s Cabinet to the Court of King Henry VIII. What do you have to say to that?” (I paraphrase)
Not a genuine question then, but a slur disguised as a question.
Grayling played a straight bat and kept his dignity.
Some dubious profiling going on at BBC3, the channel targeted at youth viewers.
On the page ‘Best of Sex and Relationships’, out of 24 articles on the first page (screen grabs below) I count one caucasian heterosexual male in the thumbnails. Not sure he counts though, as he’s a cartoon from a Disney film. Nice try, beeb. The two articles there which *do* appear to be oriented primarily for the male viewer are 1) about cheating, and 2):
“Strapped for ideas for what to do with yourself this Friday? Well, here’s a suggestion: join the global vasectomy-thon. That’s correct. Today marks the start of World Vasectomy Day, the fifth worldwide celebration of men who take responsibility for their role in family planning through what the organisers call, “an act of love,” AKA the cauterisation of their sperm ducts.”
The beeb steering the education of the next generation through the emasculation of boys.
It’s also worth pointing out that BBC3 won Channel of the Year at last year’s Royal Television Society Awards.
WTF! This is our national broadcaster excreting this putrid shite!
No wonder the elite want to bring back religion-in any form-if this is a reflection of our society today.
P.S. Sorry for hogging the page with such big images — thought they were worth some analysis but don’t know if that’s against forum etiquette…
To me “content is king”
but I would have put the second photo behind a hyperlink
..using less-than/Greater-than instead of brackets, don’t forget the quotation marks
Terminal – don’t worry about hogging, keep exposing the deranged beebistan lunacy.
I’ve just been looking at that bBBC 3 web page and to be quite honest I’m disgusted. I mean, I knew the bBBC were a bunch of perverts but my god I can’t believe the amount of pure filth on there. Mary Whitehouse would be turning in her grave.
Oh and this…the barefaced cheek of it. Japan, one of the few countries not being invaded by Mohammedans and they want to highlight paedophilia!
“Is Japan turning a blind eye to paedophilia?”
Er Hang on a minute what about looking closer to home.
“How to masturbate” brought to you by the biggest bunch of professional wankers ever!
Honestly the bBBC are nothing but a bunch of depraved perverts.
These people are cancer.
Ongoing trial of Iranian on murder of 80 yr old allotment chairwoman…/Grandmother-80-strangled-death-lawnmower-cord.html
BBC has been compromised … after stopping its own investigators going after Jimmy Savile and failing to report on 1400+ Rotherham girls attacked over 16 years in any depth they have no standing as a news organisation.
Now the BBC feels it cannot comment on the real world and feels it must make the World a better place – repent for its wrong doings.
. . .
The BBC, who blocked her groundbreaking investigation from airing and spent the next few years attempting to destroy her reputation, are reporting that she died of “complications from a stroke.”
And again the BBC on social media runs with a sure fire BBC top story…
BBC Radio 4
A city planning professor explains why it’s not just possible but neccessary to maintain the diverse communities that we all love.
How to avoid gentrification
And yet again the BBC, behind its security barrier gets served comments from those who actually live amongst the glory that is ‘diversity’…. that ‘we’ all love.
Did they really say that we all love diversity? This is amazingly delusional or , even worse, a dangerous and deliberate lie. Either way it shows one again that on migration, identity , multiculturalism , the biggest issues of our time , the BBC is massively out of step with feelings of the British people who are forced to pay for the rancid corporation.
Double: they did, and still do, speak for the nation. Apparently.
What else they presume on our behalves sadly lost to me, as I no longer have Flash, it being yesterday’s format.
“I have this haunting view always, that we’ll feel that we’ve sorted out every aspect of LGBTQI rights … just as China becomes the most important power in the World.” – Douglas Murray @19:28
I discovered Dave Rubin in 2017 and have really enjoyed some of his talks, including this cracking one with Douglas Murray. Other real highlights were Scott Adams, Clay Travis and Stefan Molyneux though I think my favourite two were Larry Elder and Tommy Sotomayor (those two made some epic points).
Marky / Payne: Dave Rubin and Douglas Murray are always excellent. Thanks for vid.
FYI re the gov letting Branson leave his rail contract early.
Papers say he didn’t just walk away.
Rather the contract bid was based on the gov promise of track improvement..that didn’t happen.
So Branson says he would have won in court
I guess Allah (and Iran) doesn’t do healthcare ….
“Unbelievable: Iran regime stalwart Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, who has jailed and imposed travel bans on countless dissidents and done utmost to undermine democracy and free speech, recovering from surgery in Germany. As reported by regime media. ”
… According to a German politician from Green Party, shahroudi is responsible for the execution of 2000 people and according to German laws diplomatic immunity does not include him. And at the moment we are studying the complaints brought against him.
Marky – Allah is more into beheading than healing.
Our Air quality activist mates have got a PR coup tonight, a prog on BBC2

Fighting for Air BBC Two, 9.00pm
“Campaigning doctor and inescapable TV face Xand van Tulleken (never heard of him) examines the grim effects of air pollution on the body,
before travelling to Birmingham to bring clean air to one high street using a combination of technological expertise and community goodwill. ”
– The TV co organising the meeting
– Long, long article in the Birmingham Mail
– Drama Queening photo
Their blurb
“Imagine if you could change the quality of the air we breathe – in just one day.
Air pollution in the UK has been declared a ‘public health emergency’
(not really true, the EU limits are so low now that most countries have some streets that break them)
and Dr Xand van Tulleken is seeing what can be done about it.
Enlisting the help of enthusiasts and sceptics (really ? or fake-skeptics ?) from the Kings Heath community in Birmingham,
Xand stages the first ever large-scale experiment of its kind – using people power to try and bring about a quantifiable improvement in air quality for a single day.
(I think you’ll find that experiment happens every Sunday morning and Christmas day)
With the pollution levels on the high street at the cusp of legal limits (cos the EU sets low limits)
, the odds are stacked against Xand and his team. (don’t be daft)
Can they achieve the improbable?
Can the power of communities – with the help of some ingenious tech and some of the best experts in pollution science – succeed where governments have failed?
(Governments have not failed 95% of UK roads would be within the EU limits anyway)
Xand also becomes a case study in his own experiment.
As he carefully tries to rid his body of the effects of pollution,
he measures how his body functions are affected after exposing himself to a typical city street.
The results are shocking. ..”
(that doesn’t very scientific to me ..yes you could probably wear a white dusk mask and see how the inside has some black particles on etc., but that doesn’t mean you are necessarily being harmed…cos your body is “built” to be able to withstand nature like dust and pollen etc.)
Similar vein
Times : Jan 8th : War on diesel is killing sales, says Jaguar
The impact on Jaguar Land Rover has been as stark.
In the last three months of 2017, Jaguar sales in the UK slumped 22 per cent.
The vast majority of its cars for the UK come with a diesel engine manufactured at its state-of the-art Wolverhampton factory built four years ago with taxpayer funding
80% of JLRs are exported.
The boss said “Diesel is saving CO2”
And note he wasn’t pushing the Electric Car dream like other people are.
It’s funny isn’t it? We were told that we should remain in the undemocratic EU to protect our car industry but seemingly no one will be telling us to buy diesel and ignore the Green religion to save our car industry, I wonder why?
Though the whole diesel farce is a great example of EU corruption (had to wait for the US to call out VW’s bullshit) and also the dangers of governments preaching about green issues and promoting diesel to everyone even though the science on it’s green credentials was uncertain.
The parallel being obvious that recommending a course of action for the sake of the planet that is then debunked literally 5-10 years later, highlights how stupid it is to assume that we can see genuine trends in a short period of months and years and how even more foolhardy it is to generate policy based on appeasing the overly vocal green minority.
The BBC was trying to push Brexit as the reason for car sales falling.
Our family is not buying a new car until the UK/EU sort out their mixed messages. And a diesel is off the list for sure even if they change their minds, as once bitten…
I have a diesel car, and because men can transition into women and women can marry themselves I feel my car can turn into a unicorn that runs on rainbows.
Thus I will be able to able avoid car tax and diesel charges …. if they say otherwise I will demand they respect this new car gender and don’t HATE it or hurt its feelings.
Enough is enough.
What happens if my diesel car identifies as petrol ?
It’ll have to have its diesel bits removed, and some prosthetic petrol ones installed. You’ll then be the proud owner of a Ford Trans-it.
BBC Radio Norfolk are lending a hand with the PR for tonight’s prog
\\ Professor Leigh is being recorded to go on our drive time news programme later today.//
EarthSense’s Prof Leigh is currently on @BBCNottingham
\\ prof @RolandJLeigh talking about #FightingforAir @amazingtelly @xandvt @B14KingsHeath A lot of questions that have been coming up frequently about #FightingForAir will be answered //
BBC promo tweet video ..hysterical
but I expect the prog will also use the “Think of the Children” emotional blackmail trick.
At 5pm Radio4 PM didn’t bother much with actual news , but rather went into a long promo segment for tonight’s air quality BBC2 prog
It might have helped if the ‘expert’ brought in to exaggerate the claims hadn’t prefaced every answer with the word ‘So…’ It’s always a sure sign that the speaker doesn’t think before he speaks.
It’s said that “em” “so” are pause words used to give you thinking time.
It’s never bothered me
Prog is 11 on the propaganda scale
Jesus now at school “I’m hoping to get the kids to use their pester power get people moving on this issue
This black dot is a huge piece of soot from a diesel engine”
..I’m sorry but it is UNETHICAL to exploit kids in such a way for your TV prog
..never mind your gas mask stunt”
..BBC don’t understand ethics
40k early deaths. But if the deaths are 5 minutes early is that a price worth paying? BBC omit data ….
The BBC making a big thing of a woman daytime DJ on the Radio 2 network for the first time in 20 years, the press release also emphasising them being paid the same…’Jo Whiley joins Simon Mayo to jointly present Drivetime’
Thing is Mayo is reportedly paid £400k and Whiley £200k, now I don’t see Mayo taking a pay cut for longer hours, so its going to cost the licence payer circa £200k to prove there is no wage gap and Miss No Personality Whiley gets an undeserved pay rise just cos she is a woman.
Personally I wouldn’t pay either £20k.…
So the poor old license payer will pay 50% more for the same goods.
There cannot be a private company anywhere in the land that could legally get away with pulling that kind of stunt.
Shut it down. We know it makes sense. I’m so glad the the BBC unsubscribed me when I reached the age of 75.
Indeed making a one man job into a two man/woman job just to prove wage parity, but its OK as the licence payer will pay.
Maybe acceptable if the ‘talent’ was worth it, but these two are tedious at the best of times.
I thought more folks would be complaining about this. I quite often think the bBBC are taking the piss. Earlier up the thread I linked an article from the telegraph written by the new culture secretary who commented that the BBC should not be paying journalists more than ambassadors to the same countries – ie they are overpaying, with public money. In response they advertise that they will be spoiling something that has worked well for years, the Simon Mayo show, by introducing a female co-presenter, who will presumably be paid the same over-inflated salary as Mr Mayo. Hurrah!
Well, everything they touch turns to shit, so I’m pretty sure this format won’t work and they will probably and hopefully lose more listeners.
Re BBC salaries
If I went to a house auction and I won all houses , then there’s something wrong with my bidding strategy.
If I just win 10 then I’d know I’d not paid vastly over price and could make a development profit.
The BBC should lose more staff like Carrie Grace.
Seems readers of a certain paper are onside with our Carrie. You’ll never guess…
Stew, they haven’t actually lost her, we are still paying her £135k annual wage just as before.
Wow I don’t like vigilante groups, but I see they caught a 50 year old policeman who was grooming.
JD Brewen if Colchester.
For women to be paid the same as men there needs to be open and transparent pay scales. Thus ‘talent’ could not negotiate the highest salary they can, but be appointed to a pay scale.
There. How easy was that?
I’m sure the BBC ‘talent’ would sign up to such open-ness and transparecy.
What scale Gary Linekar? Ha ha ha ha ha.
Let’s see the BBC timesheets as well…
Credit where it is due
A good al Beeb . programme . Panorama
Not dumbed down . Not left biased
Showed what so many people have known going right back before 9/11. That the Saudis are responsible for the export of extreme Islam and it terrorism and its mosques and its madrassas and it propaganda and its evil fucking culture- Wahhabism .
There’s a new king allegedly trying to fix it . But he ll be dead before we know it.
A decent programme – the first I have seen on al Beeb for a long time . Still won’t pay their tax though. Seems to have gone without much notice….
One of the accepted methods of Wahhabism is to subvert non Muslim states by impersonating the host culture and infiltrate it – such as the civil service , government and the agencies of the state . I’m guessing who ever is inside al Beeb fucked up or was on the haj .
7 years ago …
“In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador to the UK said the teachings were not endorsed by the Saudi embassy.” – Saudi Arabia’s response – {guardian nov2010}
“It claims (BBC Panorama) to have found 5,000 Muslim schoolchildren being taught that some Jews are transformed into pigs and apes and that the penalty for gay sex is execution. Some textbooks are said to teach the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves. A spokesman for the programme said the pupils, aged six to 18, attend a network of more than 40 weekend schools across the country which teach the Saudi national curriculum to Muslim children.” – {guardian nov2010}
Remember when the BBC actually chased the story …
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
“… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13 {youtube}
Marky ,
Many of the issues discussed her are sourced from the effect of Saudi / Arab cash . They are getting scared now as it is biting them in the arse at last. Shame we just can’t take out Iran and Saudi . It’s the least they deserve.
The media and journalism was supposed be our defence or at least early warning against these things. It has failed … what colour would you like the new trans-gender toilet?
[ ] pink.
[ ] rainbow.
** not available in white.
Corrected earlier, I stand ready, en pointe, in my pink tutu, la-di-da Gunner Graham style, GPMG cocked and ready…
Amending this – it’s not panorama – it the House of Saud. I’m surprised it got made yet alone broadcast.
It has not discussed the effect of Wahhabism on Blighty and will be interested if it has the courage. It’s where the money for the mosques and the burkas and perverse propaganda and imams comes from.
Just got this:
Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Leave the EU immediately”.
The debate is scheduled for 22 January 2018.
I wonder how many ex-BBC Tories with pensions to preserve will pack the benches, and how many MPs keen not to get smeared or cold shouldered don’t turn up?
Ignore it. It’s a trap … they have no action.
“What does mass immigration achieve?”
– parody but worth watching the video.
I imagine it would not occur to the BBC that, day by day, their news reporting reputation becomes more tarnished. I suggest it’s happening pro rata with all the positive employment discrimination they exercise. After all, when you might have been, ‘the Worlds most trusted broadcaster’ that status having perhaps been founded on white, experienced, honest reporters, what can you expect employing any-old ‘Johnnie foreigner’ (to use a historic description used by the BBC) that joins a queue at the front door having come from a corrupt country that exercises dishonesty as the norm: ‘taqiyya’.
Let’s celebrate it’s slow demise as it gets worse.
Despite brexitphobia, Al Beeb and the remoaners talking down the economy since the Great Independence Vote we have this ……………………
“UK manufacturing output at its highest for 10 years”
Now Have Your Say!
The BBC have realised that making stuff matters in the real world (as opposed to talking about stuff that doesn’t matter in the BBC world) ….
The ‘making stuff’ boom – here’s why it matters {Kamal Ahmed 10jan2018}
Ill-led & ill-equipped, fighting against the odds a valient yet doomed battle – the British Army goes back to its historic traditions
Here’s something unusual, BBC News having a chap on to speak to us who is all regimental tie and sensible conservative arguments firmly and moderately put (can’t have been one our present so-called Conservative government). Yes, this morning our national broadcaster actually allowed the case to be put that the military ought not to have its raison d’être the mimicking of the proportions of the identity of our population. But instead their goal should be the proper defence of the realm. Radical thinking these days. I’m afraid our ex-army type is swimming against the tide with all this common sense logic of his. For example, the Football Association and the BBC have this week further succumbed to the odd notion that their workforce ought to be not the best for the job but mirror the census in some identity box-ticking sense. Sound the retreat or the surrender, or something.
AISI – I expect they only allowed this particular bloke onto Toady because they are fully confident of Government backing of the policy to change recruiting emphasis from young caucasian men to going after emotionally incontinent crybabies, non heterosexuals, more women in fighting units and of course lots and lots of effnics.
I have a good idea – why dont they offer to recruit from returning ISIS fighters where the army could benefit from their fighting expertise and humanitarian skills especially when dealing with civvy women.
To enable them to foster a good fighting spirit and so they could pray without effecting the efficiency rest of the army maybe they could have their own Islamic regiment they could call it “The Queens Jihad Regiment” or similair. They could guard Buckingham Palace when the Queens is in.
In the interests of diversity , maybe we could also have a regiment for every single separate minority. We could have a a regiment for leather fetish followers complete with gas masks (they could replace the SAS on embassy sieges)
We could have a transgender regiment with a selection of male and female portaloos for the sexually fluid.
Regarding the disabled We could even have a division for blind sharpshooters (who should not be discriminated against because of poor eye sight) and maybe even a mountain division consisting entirely of wheelchair users.
Whilst I am sure you appreciate that I am being more than a little tongue in cheek. At the current pace of change it is not inconcievable to think that in say 10 years time much of this could well be true.
What it will do to the fighting efficiency of our forces – well I think we all know. Still I expect that has been the point all along . What strange times.
I tend to think the left’s ultimate aim is to turn the armed forces into an entirely non-combatant strictly humanitarian aid organisation. Uniformed overseas social workers.
what is not fully appreciated is that many young men (and women) are attracted to the services not because of any inclusivity angle but because they are elite, the best of the best with high moral standards. Once you remove the high bar, many of the high calibre potentials will take their motivation elsewhere and you will truly be left with a weakened sub standard recruit pool.
We are sailing along with HMS Brexit……………..
\\”UK boating industry buoyed by weak pound”
“These impressive figures demonstrate how the industry has successfully cashed in on the pound’s devaluation since the Brexit referendum in 2016,” said Howard Pridding, chief executive of British Marine.//
Remoaners told me that Lidl and Aldi would up-sticks from the UK when we achieved freedom from the EU. But look at this ……………….
“Lidl supermarket said it had record UK sales in December, with a rise of 16% on the same period in 2016.”
Massive new Lidl store and Aldi store opening in a local small market town near me !!
Very big Lidl store opened up a few months ago near us. The large car park is always full and there’s always long queues at all the checkouts so I can believe the record sales report. It must be a goldmine and I don’t think the prospectors are likely to leave any time soon.
And more advice ……………………..
“Global customers key for manufacturing firm”
“Rowan Crozier, chief executive of Birmingham manufacturing company Brandauer, explains that focusing on its largest customers around the world has been the key to the firm’s continuing success. ”
Come on Great Britain, lets talk up the economy and make us the great world traders that we once were !
“In the early years you were a Marxist, then what happened”
“I took a job in the Government. … one summer working in the Government was enough to turn me around.”
Cannot remember if I have asked this before: is it just me or do I find it slightly sinister that the BBC puts up items on its web-site to collect information from children?
Isn’t that how tyranny works.? Get the information you want about the uncooperative adults via the kids.
A nasty nasty woman on the BBC website, and also in other media, but what none are telling is her staunch support for the Labour party and the fact she allowed to perform what is looking very much like illegal anti Semitic race hate, and holocaust denying songs at Glossop Labour club.
In just nine days’ time, I will once again be in court, on this occasion for my long-awaited trial. Of course, there is no guarantee that proceedings will be over there and then: the enemies of freedom and justice have a nasty habit of trying to drag things out for as long as possible, in the hope of extracting a guilty plea from those they take sadistic pleasure in persecuting. As my father would say: they can whistle!
On the Campaign Against Antisemitism’s website, there is a fairly recent article written in typically gloating fashion concerning my prosecution (for singing songs) which states that Alison Chabloz is not ‘an important person’.
MarkyMark are you outing your self as the vile Alison Chabloz? Or have I missed something?
My contempt for you is the same as it is for David Irving in that case.
I certainly did not pick up your true nature from your posts.
I can’t write any more I think I’m going to vomit.
No, he one of the little clique that is destroying this website from within by treating it as their personal Twitter aggregation site.
They just cut and paste anything that fires a synapse in their little brains and post it here, no context and no relevance to the biased output of the BBC. Even Maxicony can manage write about that!
‘destroying this website from within’ please mention where you feel I am breaching the site usage and will review. My General thread is totalitarian thought … like BBC…. as highlighted by Orwell.
Sorry … normally quite it and add link. Was lazy. BBC really need to expose these people ….
Sorry … normally quote it and add link. Was lazy. BBC really need to expose these people ….
Marky. I am very relieved at your reply. Please use quotation marks in future. I never had you picked for any kind of extremist until I read that post and searched in vain for inverted commas.
I’m generally quite good at spotting real fascists but when I read and reread that I thought “Hell I didn’t even suspect that bloke in the slightest and not only is he a nazi but he’s not even a bloke but a bloody sheila! He/She’s taken us all for mugs.”
Phew! I’m glad we sorted that out.
lol had to to laugh at that loons blog, as i actually know one of the anti-zionist zionists mentioned
didnt know Charlesworth and glossop were such a hotbeds of lunacy mind
Crushing workload.
What are the out of hours requirements?
A job for maxincony ?
Here’s a clue.
Evan Davis ‘shopping’ in Holland Park.
Sorry – bad link.
Wow Davies off-duty really tries to look like a stereotypical rough-boy gay

Like he in Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Yuk, creep.
I think this photo is a few years old, roundabout the time he was selected to host Newsnight.
I dread to think what that chain is attached to.
Salary will be excellent though!
P.S. Topless photo essential.
Full nude and the job’s yours.
“Trump deserves credit for Korea talks, says President Moon”
\\South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in says his US counterpart, Donald Trump, “deserves big credit” for talks between South and North Korea.”//
Hidden away, at last, praise for POTUS Donald Trump !
Thank you for that taffman. I stand corrected. I mistakenly quoted that it was Lee Nak Yeon the South Korean prime minister rather than president moon.
Trump mentioned it and bbc showed it in news report. It was good to hear … but would bbc have shown it if Trump had not taken credit?
Justin Webb covered similar ground in the Daily Mail and got as close to praise for Trumps contribution that I have heard thus far. He did qualify however that Trumps unpredictability and arbitrary reactions contributed to the misgivings clearly felt by Kim Jong-Un which encouraged him to the table. Duh – isn’t that the whole point?
Wow, shocking standard of article written by Andrew Benson, Chief (!!) F1 writer, on Lewis Hamilton’s withdrawal from social media. Durrr! Anyone surprised??
There is a HYS and he’s getting a kicking.
Hi Loobyloo, Andrew Benson has been commanded from up high to write a story on it – the same story the BBC has been pushing for the past two weeks because it fits their social change agenda:
26 Dec 2017: “Lewis Hamilton apologises for ‘boys don’t wear dresses’ remark”
31 Dec 2017: “Lewis Hamilton’s Instagram posts removed days after ‘princess’ controversy”
R4 just now “”poverty is causing ricketts in this country”
said Zoe Williams of the Guardian
… Am I wrong to say that ..Islamic dress is connected to almost all 2017 UK ricketts
..cos it stops vitamin D reaching the skin
Ricketts never has been a poverty thing, cos the sun is free
This series is basically Guardian Voice vs non Guardian voice
today’s topic is “Is equality a good thing in itself?”
Fraser Nelson is rubbish cos he doesn’t think like an American
Inequality is a great thing ..It makes us ALL rich
..cos Mr/Ms innovator gets off their arse and creates Apple/ Microsoft etc. Real Estate projects etc.
so that a £1000 field , becomes some development which sells for £40m which brings lots of jobs/wealth to the local community.
Encouraging innovators solves poverty
And if the workers are mini-innovators then they too move up to a better job.
You have to take steps to make sure the nation is not a few barons who have no competitive market for workers s pay them peanuts …like India was
Cross Talk : So what were the hard questions the MSM gave Obama during his 8 years ?
Video at link
The BBC reports: “Wise Men statues at Mendlesham church decapitated: Three 70-year-old figurines of the Wise Men have been decapitated as they stood in an outdoor nativity scene. The vandalism at St Mary’s Church in Mendlesham, near Stowmarket, happened sometime between Friday evening and Saturday morning, Suffolk Police said …” Suffolk Police are completely bamboozled as to whom would do such a thing.
So I have done a little investigation. Mendlesham is a small village in Suffolk with a population of about 1400 (2011 census). The nearest major Mosque is under 30 minutes (17 miles) drive away in Ipswich. In the 2011 census of Ipswich 3% declared themselves to be followers of Islam. Friday prayer finishes around 8 pm. The decapitations occurred sometime between Friday evening and Saturday morning. Beheading of Christian figures is a common feature in Islamic history.
It really is getting to the point where we have to fill in the bbc omissions… bb memory holes ala Orwell.
I’ve just watched (or endured) “Miriam’s Big American Adventure” and I don’t think there was a period of more than ten minutes which didn’t contain a dig at Donald Trump. What could have been an interesting programme was ruined by their childish obsession – they just can’t help themselves, can they?
I had the misfortune to pick up the last few seconds – the gist being that people who voted for Trump, and Brexit, were thick. Fair play Lobbie – I would have changed channels much earlier.
At least Miriam Margerine referred to ‘Mr’ Trump as opposed to Trump. Isn’t it noticeable that other Presidents have been referred to by the media as President Obama/Clinton/Bush etc, but President Trump is always called ‘Trump’.
The lady must be learning some manners. The last time I heard her refer to Mr Trump she intoned that he was “a piece of shit.”
OK we are all entitled to our opinion but I dread to think what kind of abuse HE would have received from the media had he referred to HER likewise.
“Donald Trump’s medical: What will it reveal?”
Are they scraping the barrel ?
Note the comment – “So, like we said. Good news and bad news. ” All, please note !
“Donald Trump’s medical: What will it reveal?”
He took on the Republican party establishment and defeated it, then the Democrat party establishment and defeated it. Along the way he broke the Bush and Clinton dynasties. Since the election he has survived everything the fake news media could throw at him and has survived attacks by numerous swamp creatures.
We already know that he has balls, we don’t need to know anything else – although if the doctor askes him to cough he need to take care that his fingers don’t get broken.
Who knows? He may even have a 50% bonus in the nuts department. VIVA TRUMP!
Classic bbc; popping a question mark on as additional ‘cover’.
“Theresa May aims to eradicate plastic litter by 2042”
How about eradicating our membership of the EU by 2019?
That’s what we voted for Mrs May. Its called democracy.
Strong and stable!
Thursday morning TV on C5 @5WrightStuff
\\ you can expect fireworks as @matthew_wright is joined by Nigel Farage.
Got a question for the former @UKIP leader?
Tweet us using #AskFarage //
Beebistan licking its lips at Trump’s forthcoming medical, no doubt hoping he’ll be declared mad and a walking heart attack.
And the picture they chose for the piece? They obviously went through their archives for one of him looking as gross as possible. And I think they doctored it to make him look more sweaty and porcine than the original below.
(Call me weird but the more they throw at him, the more I like the man. Anyone the beeb hate that much can’t be all bad!)
P.S. Notice the doctor they chose to comment on the non-article: a beautiful woman whose picture is larger than Trump’s.
1. Why do we need her picture at all?
2. Isn’t it sexist?
3. Is the sole purpose to make him look even worse by comparison to the flawless babe, sorry doctor?
Dr Sara Kayat… Phwoar!
Fake eye brows
Fake teeth
Fake Eyelashes
Fake lips
Fake forehead
Receding hairline
Only has 1 ear
Apart from that she’s alright.
Electric Goats
So you think she might actually be Old Mother Riley rinsed in Photoshop?
There is absolutely no doubt whatever as to which of these two people is the most physically attractive to me but I know which one I would rather have as my President. I’m not a doctor but I would gladly give her a medical. I’d leave the President to someone else.
Good spot on the gratuitous presentation of sweaty fast food vs youthful, healthy glow on the rent-a-doc.
One wonders whether similar *trusted and impartial* photo editing was in place when Clinton was in office (being similarly predisposed to a fast food diet).
“What will it reveal?” Doesn’t matter — the verdict’s already in and the man’s clearly a beast!
This is one big promotion for Nike. Fortunately for the bBBC, one of its favourite topics.
Hijab = Islam.
The BBC promote Islam through different mechanisms. One very large mechanism is through the promotion of the hijab. Other ways it promotes Islam is through its children’s channels – cbeebies and cbbc both in its television and radio programmes – having friendly Islamic characters as well as presenting all the symbolism of Islam, and through its various news (newsround) and activities (quizzes and crafts) sections.
It is very clear what the BBC is and it is just ramping up its pro-Islam stance.
The next question is – how do we keep track of the British Government and British Parliament? They seem to be busy passing diversity enabling positive discrimination legislation and advice and guidance. They are the ones that passed through hate crime legislation etc.
I reckon the results of President Trump’s forthcoming medical will essentially be the same as his last one that he revealed on air to Dr. Oz in September 2016 during the campaign. Don’t remember the breathless anticipation from the Beeb about that one though…
R4 Today news. German edition of Playboy has a transgender on the front cover. Yes folks this is newsworthy. Lets have a guess and see if the next edition gets a mention. And to cap it all Carrie Gracie is presenting again. Now if I criticised my employer in the terms she has I’m pretty confident I wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the establishment. Just shows what a gutless set of people are running that place and how far removed from the real world they all are.