Liked the fact that Woman’s hour couldn’t interview the BBC’s once China Editor due to impartiality rules….so they wheeled in a Guardian reporter instead.
If, as the saying goes, you can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep, so you can about the news sources a broadcaster quotes. Take R4 for example, which this morning led on the Labour Party generated ‘NHS in crisis’ story as proclaimed (with stupefying predictability) by the Mirror and the Grauniad).. Now this story has a lot of angles to it but the only one the BBC is interested in perusing is the nakedly political – the single chance it gives Labour of winning votes,
Then there’s R4’s curious choice of which other newspapers to quote, The Huff Post? Really? That isn’t a newspaper and it never was – it was a vanity project started to promote far Left causes. And who on earth would quote Buzfeed? That’s another bankrupt SJW fantasy publishing project, yet its opinions too are read oiut as if they are the orders for the day having been sent from on high.
Breitbart? well, we all know under what circumstances Brreitbart gets mentioned…
This morning on BBC TV News we have a most instructive vignette of what happens when our supposedly conservative government acts like a liberal parish council and attempts to sing from the BBC hymn sheet. We’re told there will be some plan about plastics but prior to the actual event the BBC have their classic “not going far enough” attack piece – pictures from Blue Planet message from Greenpeace.
Labour spokes-virtuers will be falling over themselves to echo the BBC’s lines.
This is why you shouldn’t pander to the Left just to try to get that David Cameron-cherished but ultimately mythical good write-up from the BBC.
BBC Radio 5 live presently asking listeners to text in (85058) examples of things they consider a rip off in the format of, for example, “ BBC licence fee to fund unjustifiably colossal BBC salaries with threat of prison if not paid- rip off!”
Or “ 40 billion so called divorce fee to EU bureaucrats when there was never a marriage-rip off”
Strangely they haven’t read out either of my suggestions!
Apparently, because I was born after 1968 and despite my paying national insurance for the last 32 years, I will probably not receive anything in return. It was reported that, unless contributions increase to up to 20% from the present 12%, the pension pot will be empty by 2035!
“Meanwhile mass immigration continues. ….” And the benefits continue to be shelled out. I am firmly convinced (having used the DWP hotline) that the Government intentionally shy away from prosecuting EU nationals for benefit fraud. Perhaps they prosecute two or three just to avoid that label because most are on benefits of one sort or another. Registered Social Landlords are into the scam as well. It must all cost the Exchequer billions every year to support the benefit system.
It’s this that gives the lie to the frequent pro-immigration propaganda broadcasts by the BBC and its allies on the far Left. Even were it true (and it clearly isn’t) that there would be a short term gain by throwing the doors open, eventually the demographic problems we face now will only be magnified many times over when all those immigrants (many of whom will never work) want pensions. And what do we do then?
At best the whole thing is a Ponzi scheme and the BBC is complicit in it.
On 5 live they are still banging on about the need for more funding for the nhs due to increased demand.
Nobody can quite join the dots with regard to where that increased demand comes from.
Repeatedly telling us how it is free at the point of use based on medical need not ability to pay.
How about entitlement based on being born here and paying into the system all ones life.
It is staggering that offering a free health service to the rest of the world doesn’t lead those to consider ‘I wonder if this is why there is a never endingly increasing demand on the NHS’.
It really shouldn’t be rocket science. More people creates more demand.
The ‘Big Question’ on today’s ‘Mann in the Morning’ on Radio Cambridge also concerned the NHS and what to do about the crisis etc. Any suggestions from listeners that immigration was a factor were dismissed. What’s the point of inviting comments on these topics if there can’t be an honest discussion?
Today’s media has a pseudoreligious belief that immigrants are a magical panacea for all ills. The usual suspects all fervently believe that immigrants are in fact Mini-Messiahs come to save us. To question this dogma is simply heresy. Mad Ma Merkel referred to those who didn’t want their borders opened to all and sundry as “Dunkeldeutsche” – Germans on the side of darkness.
The Mini-Messiahs are here to minister unto us in the NHS, care for our neglected old people, to do the essential menial tasks we have become to haughty to perform. Hardworking, enterprising they put the slothfull indigenous population to shame. They can also absolve us from the sins of imperialism and colonialisation if we are suitably contrite.
As in primitive societies, we have to be careful what form of words we use to address the godhead. “Coloured people” or “people of colour”. The universe could collapse if the correct words are not used. Christ could walk on water, but today’s Mini-Messiahs must be eternally young and healthy as they are not among those burdening society by refusing to die quickly enough no matter how long ago they arrived in Britain. As divine entities, they do not occupy any physical space and so no matter how great their numbers, they have no impact on the housing market as they can all live in a small hut. Children of Mini-Messiahs appear as if by magic out of thin air and so can never burden the NHS.
Literally the second I turn on radio 4 it is about a transgender model! Do they ever stop?
Why not have a special month where they cannot mention race, gender, Trump being a baddie, ‘diversity’, the environment or something being underfunded? It is the same relentless agenda day in day out. We deserve better.
Beeb Bro, it wouldn’t be so bad if the transgender model news was news. It is at least two days old.
The BBC gave us an unbreakable commitment some years ago to only bring us up-to-date news. They promised, especially, to not recycle old news from other sources.
In the age of the internet who needs it? If I want to know about transgender models I can just google it. I don’t want the worldview of some lunatic leftist pumped into my brain – I want actual important things which are happening. North, East, West, South – is that what news is meant to be? Not Left, Left, Left, Left.
As I become a bit more cognisant about economic cycles you always know there is a resession coming when the msm get interested in the Environment. It’s not discussed when the next set of job losses are announced or the price of gas /oil goes up.
Thinking plastic being taken out of the sea is a nonsense. It’s a bit like stopping polluted rivers pouring into it.
Gove has gone on Toady – I guess it’s for his tiresome ego as I cannot understand why any conservative politician would give the likes of Robinson the time of day. He’d argue it from the liberal angle if he could.
Everyone appears to have overlooked the fact that we already pay heavily, via Council Tax, to have our waste – especially plastic waste – recycled.
It is the people we pay – Government and waste disposal companies – who are not doing what we pay them to do and are allowing plastic into the environment, including the oceans.
It is Government and the waste handlers who are not doing a good job or even not doing it at all. It is they who should be called to account, not the retailer or their customers.
The BBC and Liebour’s daily criticisms of the Tories’ running of the NHS (e.g. lack of funding ad infinitum) is utterly ludicrous in light of their ideoligical support for unfettered immigration, especially migration and health tourism from the turd world. No bloody mention whatsoever of turd world health tourism or open borders on the BBC ‘news’. Why could this be? Simple, the BBC is an ardent supporter of Cultural Marxism and open borders. Despicable that we have to fund their vile far-left lies, bias and politicking. Sick of hearing about leering Nigerian women flying here yo have five children at our expense. The Nigerians are already receiving foreign aid for Christ’s sake; each scrounger’s care should billed to that patient’s country; they should then be named and shamed and deported never being allowed to return.
The BBC and Liebour’s daily criticisms of the Tories’ running of the NHS (e.g. lack of funding ad infinitum) is utterly ludicrous in light of their ideological support for unfettered immigration, especially migration and health tourism from the turd world. No bloody mention whatsoever of turd world health tourism or open borders on the BBC ‘news’. Why could this be? Simple, the BBC is an ardent supporter of Cultural Marxism and open borders. Despicable that we have to fund their vile far-left lies, bias and politicking. Sick of hearing about leering Nigerian women flying here to have five children at our expense. The Nigerians are already receiving foreign aid for Christ’s sake; each scrounger’s care should billed to that patient’s country; they should then be named and shamed and deported never being allowed to return. Now I’m sick of the damage that our treacherous political and media class are inflicting on this country. There are simply too many people in this country and too many scrounging parasites who have paid nothing into the system and yet turn up and demand free care and benefits. The BBC know this and yet say nothing.
On 5 live one of their correspondents was at a recycling plant in Manchester. Now I may have got my wires crossed here but I’m sure I heard it mentioned that China were previously paying £35 a ton but have now become more stringent in their requirements and are only for paying £5 a ton.
If I’m not mistaken, that would explain to me the reason why this has come about-nothing to do with politicians actually giving a shit about the environment but rather a money issue.
Actually Dyst it is about economics. The BBC doesn’t do economics but it likes to beat the UK Government with sticks, especially a Conservative government, because the BBC is right …. er, … correct, always correct because it is Left (Liberal) and speaks for the people and God.
The BBC thinks it is our high priest, mediating between god and man … er, … mankind … umhhh, no that won’t do … , mediating between god and everyperson.
The UK, French, Saudi & other governments have signalled the end of oil. The oil companies will soon be leaving the stuff in the ground.
No doubt just AFTER making their pronouncements, these Governments had someone whisper in their ear that no more oil means no more plastic. And no more lots of other things that we use every day as well. Governments tend not to think of things like that.
We have less than twenty years to find a way of recycling plastics more efficiently, because one day there will be no more raw material to make them, no new plastic.
Economics means that in China there are less people available to deal with waste sorting and recycling. Their workforce is more valuable doing other work. They also don’t want our waste that is left over, or discarded by the delinquent or corrupt contractors, littering their environment. Self-interest is a factor in economics, missed by Paul Seabright from 1.45 – 1.59pm on Radio 4, every day from Monday last week, for example.
It is often, not always, a powerful force.
The BBC also know, from perhaps dimly remembered media history, that crusading media can sometimes cover itself in glory.
The BBC like glory. They would love to be covered in glory. They would like to be seen – just like Gordon Brown – as saviour of the world.
Hence plastic Attenborough plastered all over our TV and radio for a month.
Why doesn’t the bBBC lead an investigation into where all the NHS money goes and how it can be spent more effectively instead of blaming the government for “lack of funding” ?
Dystopian, I think it is because they are used to affluence, high salaries, constant inflation rises in their pay, no fear of redundancy, so that they assume there is plenty of money to be spent on everything as long as it doesn’t involve 65%/70%/75% rates of Income Tax on their high incomes.
They also know that Government, especially under Conservatives 1979-1997 and Labour 1997-2010, were very good at increasing taxation on the mass of the population via indirect, hidden and stealth taxes while giving the high paid and wealthy a relatively easy life.
For the Beeboids, taxation is something that other people pay.
Thanks Up2, I would ask the question as to why then the bBBC on their inflated salaries would cheerlead a Labour/Corbyn victory when their policy is to increase taxes for the higher paid-but I’m guessing it is because they know how to fiddle the system.
Dys, they did but they were very nervous about McDonnell. He was subjected to near Tory-style Inquisitioning. Remember, Part-time (LK) went very cool on Labour (to the point of getting a death threat from one or more Labour Party supporters) and the BBC were expecting Labour to get beat pretty bad anyway. As predicted by the pre-Election Polls.
Secondly, and more importantly, the BBC will be aware that Corbyn & Co were installed, to an extent, by Conservative supporters paying £3. He wasn’t their preferred candidate. They have always been hoping for another Tony Blair to arise within the Labour Party, or for the original to make a comeback. Their life was golden under a Blair-led Labour.
They, no doubt, would be happier with Labour in No.10 anyway, but would probably hope for a quick coup, deposing Corbyn and installing a more BBC favourable, soft-Left leader as PM.
Finally, if faced with high top income tax rates, the Beeboids know that Labour in power would never go against the BBC and the Licence Fee would be increased faster than the rate of inflation and their pay rates would follow ever upward.
If that is not a conflict of interest I don’t know what is.
Perversely, the recent parliamentary inquiry that went nowhere was stuffed with Tory MPs who all happened to be ex-BBC, and driven by their pension conflicts.
I know a couple of GPs both of whom only work part time. The reason is that they make so much money and have such good pension provision ,courtesy of the NHS, that they have no need to work full time. The shortage of NHS doctors , certainly of GPs, is in large part a direct result of this short term working enabled by their outrageously generous remuneration packGe. It would be a very interesting to know how many GPS worked more than 40 hours per week , how many 30 to 40 and how many 20 to 30. And how many less than 20 hours per week. I think the public would soon see that we have plenty of GPs if only they worked full time. Also the public might be shocked when the full extent of the earnings of GPs-from the tax manipulation of their status as private companies wholelyemployed by the NHS. What irony that those who campaign most vigorously against privatisation of the NHS are themselves benefitting enormously by being private companies.
Next time a junior doctor is presented on the bbc banging on about safety, it is worth bearing in mind the apparent tandem wicked, safe skills of the Labour MP for Tooting South.
On today’s front page of the Telegraph there is picture of a crisp packet that was washed up on a beach after twenty years in the sea. The sell by date confirms its age. This packet had been polluting the earths oceans for two decades. What makes the story extra specially tasty is that it is a Walkers Crisp packet. Now who do we know who has taken millions of pounds in fees from the gross polluter? Why no other than that famed SJW Cretinous Lineacker. Surely he must in all conscience donate all of this money to a save the oceans charity.
Next onto Rip Off Britain. Three Beeboids talking from a foreign clime about dodgy insurance. Do they all need a free holiday to tell us this? RIP off indeed!
Sky News bleating about a report commissioned by pipsqueak Khan into the effects for the whole of the UK of a hard brexit. My thoughts are these……..
The last time I looked he was the mayor of London and not mayor of the UK. If I was a London resident / taxpayer I would be a bit upset about this misappropriation of funds for a party-political stunt that is outside his remit as London mayor. The next thing will be him complaining about lack of funds for London. Go do the math.
Maybe Khan could concentrate on his own remit and commission a report to investigate the damage to London’s tourism after it’s elected champion apathetically declared that terrorism was something we had to live with.
Or maybe he could make an effort to talk positively about how great a city London is reminding us that a wealthy banker is not going to want to relocate to some shitty office in boring Frankfurt and hence the financial will not be leaving London in the droves as he keeps pushing.
Many American banks exert influence over Europe without the US being in the EU, so why won’t we?
Not entirely sure why Gove has become a born-again Environmentalist. Although my insider at DEFRA tells me they quite like working for him because he has interesting ideas even if it means they, the civil servants, actually have to work hard, which makes a change from the normal paper-pushing tedium.
However it was good to hear on Toady this morning that he really had the ,measure of Toenails and I like the way he was repeatedly calling Robinson out for his deliberately diviisive questioning.
Seriously, what sort of imbecile would believe any report by Mayor Khan? It cannot be anything other than an assembly of guesses designed by remainiacs to advance their cause and that of the Labour Party. In short it is worthless and yet the BBC tries to pretend it deserves more than a moment’s consideration.
GC, did you notice that Sadiq Khan went a little defensive about his report.
He then stated that it had been compiled by people who do a lot of work for Government and other State bodies (Bank of England, Treasury, etc – I think he mentioned) all, of course, known for their ferocious enthusiasm to get the UK out of the EU.
I laughed out loud.
I did that several times during today’s TODAY Programme.
Is Robinson now presenting Toady alone? He likes to hear his own voice.
I particularly liked the edition last week when he presented with Frank Gardener. At one point Frank’s sole contribution across several items was to announce the time !!!!
Still, he did it so nicely I am sure his ‘talent’ justifies his pay level.
Farage is on Channel 5 now vs Yasmin Alibhai-Brown & Anne Diamond
Presenter Matthew Right is a nasty remainer being aggressive, but Farage can handle them all of course.
Is it PC of Wright to have a dolly dealer woman as his sidekick to read out the tweets ?
Farage turned round and said
I am beginning to think we should have a rerun referendum ..we’ll win and that will shut up people like Blair.
YAB said “I’m so old fashioned, I’m SO out of it”
referring to the way she doesn’t know about women liking porn
..and she’s “SO out of it” about most Brexit
Earlier she protested about Farage using the word “Remoaner”
ironic since last week she herself tried to come up with a counter put down and clumsily used the word “Brexshitters”
\\ How many Brexshitters went or are going skiing in Europe?
How many own second homes there?
What EU wines do they drink? We must be told. //
3,000 people liked her tweet
Her last article ended by saying this about Brexit voters
Those street people, ill-taught, used and betrayed by manipulative scoundrels,
cut us off from our continent.
And they still vapour and fume and brag.
‘Farage turned round and said
I am beginning to think we should have a rerun referendum ..we’ll win and that will shut up people like Blair.’
Stew, best out of three – how about best out of four?
Odd, Khan commissions a report on Brexit that ends up justifying every bit of nonsense spoken by him. What better way for Khan to spend taxpayers and London rate payer’s money?
According to Guido the company behind the report, Cambridge Econometrics, have form in this field. They predicated Brexit would “trigger recession.” They are led by a mindless corbinistya, Richard Murphy, who champions tax and spend and also has written a book called “The Joy of Tax”.
Murphy said, before the Brexit vote, ““I would argue recession is unavoidable. Investment in the UK will go on hold during renegotiation. No big business is going to sink millions or even billions into our economy without knowing what the future terms of UK trade might be. In itself this will be enough to trigger recession”
So, he’s hardly got his finger on the button. How could he be more wrong?
There you go, Khan commissions a report, with our money, from a group who already agree with him and, like him, have been 100% wrong in the past.
No doubt the BBC will be challenging Khan on the veracity of this nonsense …or perhaps they will just listen to him, as if he is Buddha returned to earth offering great truths to the ignorant and witless.
“….…or perhaps they will just listen to him, as if he is Buddha returned to earth offering great truths to the ignorant and witless.” Read, ‘Mohamed’?
Yesterday at work I thought of something funny to say; it was a terrible day and it could have really brightened the mood. I decided it was best to say nothing in case someone got upset then I could be in real trouble.
The way to hell is paved with good intentions. How many thing of something positive but say nothing instead for fear of offending someone? It could make a girl’s day if you told her she looked lovely but it’s too risky so people will just say nothing.
Egregious sexism or offensiveness should be unlawful, but the bar is set so ridiculously low that anything can be deliberately misinterpreted by opportunists. The result it not some leftist utopia where nobody is ever nasty or sexist but a soulless, 1984-style dystopia where nobody can tell jokes or say what they think.
Speaking of losing minds, Nick may live to regret the bbc rule about not engaging, especially personally, and certainly not on that idiotic basis, despite the bbc ‘views my own’ cloak of Teflon.
I notice this post of his is ‘liked’ by a certain Doctor at the BBC, one is sure with all due professional impartiality.
I don’t recall former President Obama’s medical check being of great interest to the BBC. They used to mention that of George W. Bush and occasionally referred to his father’s state of health at the same time usually after it had happened. I don’t recall any mention of former President Clinton’s medial checks until, perhaps, afterwards, a mere retrospective mention.
The BBC appear now to be very great enthusiasts for President Trump, all things Trump, Trump all the time, Trump trumps other news.
As the pointy-eared one would say “Fascinating, Captain.”
Anyone interested in the new BBC series ‘Les Miserables’?
Apparently , Javert is black – sorry I mean a person of colour.
It seems that at the casting stage for every drama production there must be a discussion about which of the characters is going to be the atypically black character in this one.
So then Teezer thinks that George Osbourne’s good friend and acolyte, Matthew Hancock should have access to all cabinet/ministerial papers.
Notwithstanding the fact that as Culture minister, Hancock being a fervent Remainer, was considered to be a better candidate than the personification of British culture Brexiteer Jacob Rees Mogg, Hancock will, with the help of Osborne become a surreptitious thorn in Teezers side.
A more stupid appointment one could not possibly imagine. Typical of her dithering judgement.
Will Radio 5’s Rhod Sharp’s go-to science guy Doctor Karl be banned?
‘Some say’ he has been making ‘racist’ comments.
Last night he remarked that perhaps different peoples need different diets, the Chinese wouldn’t be able to thrive on a Mediterranean diet for instance. It was something in their DNA, bred into them. Crikey! He will be suggesting next that people in northern lattitudes have lighter skins to help make more vitamin D, something in their DNA, something bred into them.
My Chinese dentist had some interesting observations on the subject. Interestingly, the traditional intolerance of Chinese to lactose and other components in milk are being rapidly overcome, much to the surprise and delight of British based cheese makers and exporters. He also had a wide range of ethnicities among his patients and noted what they said about their diets.
Prompted by Chris Hopson bellyaching, yet again, on the Today programme about the ‘crisis’ and lack of sufficient funding in the NHS, I thought I’d investigate the organisation NHS Providers, of which he is C.O. So far, I see a lefty organisation, whose leading members have employment histories in the non-productive sector, who are frequent writers in the Guardian and New Statesman, and habitual invitees on to the BBC. One point of glaring interest, is that their budget appears to be completely concealed. But judging by the number of people they employ (doing what?!), it must run into the many millions. Since it’s a public body, it should be transparent. A letter to an MP might be pending.
It’s not often I doff my cap to the brilliance of Mark Mardell on the World at One, mainly because he usually gives buffoons a bad name.
But the entire program was brilliant. The BBC had to guide the listener into believing that the only people responsible for any problems in the NHS are lying Tory scum.
What the BBC has to do, and this is very challenging, is guide the listener away from asking, “Hey, how come this doesn’t happen in any other country in Western Europe? Isn’t that odd?”
The moment the British public asks that question the gamer is up for the NHS.
Oh, and half way through its attacks on lying tory scum, it had a recorded speech from Jeremy Corbyn, who announced in quietly superior tones, that Labour would put extra money into the NHS” Sadly the BBC never got round to asking him where he was getting this money from.
ss, super line that – “mainly because he usually gives buffoons a bad name.” – first class.
Down to your last para: had I been presenting TWatO, I would have wanted Corbyn on the programme so that I could ask him how many hospitals were closed by Labour when in Government from 1997-2010.
On the daily politics we also had the NHS crisis.
Of course, no one challenged the lie that it is caused by the age-ing population and of courser, nobody mentioned the real reason of which every person reading this will know.
I don’t even have to mention it.
The Liberal Party is the party that says what they think
… Aren’t they Clegg, Farron ?
“We will never raise university fees”
” Gay sex is not a sin”
Remaniacs like to claim none voters as remainders,
But the number of none voters is much smaller than thought.
Cos turnout % has been systematically underestimated cos they only just realised that number of vote registrations is bigger than number of voters cos it includes double registrants like second homers/students etc
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If, as the saying goes, you can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep, so you can about the news sources a broadcaster quotes. Take R4 for example, which this morning led on the Labour Party generated ‘NHS in crisis’ story as proclaimed (with stupefying predictability) by the Mirror and the Grauniad).. Now this story has a lot of angles to it but the only one the BBC is interested in perusing is the nakedly political – the single chance it gives Labour of winning votes,
Then there’s R4’s curious choice of which other newspapers to quote, The Huff Post? Really? That isn’t a newspaper and it never was – it was a vanity project started to promote far Left causes. And who on earth would quote Buzfeed? That’s another bankrupt SJW fantasy publishing project, yet its opinions too are read oiut as if they are the orders for the day having been sent from on high.
Breitbart? well, we all know under what circumstances Brreitbart gets mentioned…
And they say there’s no bias at the BBC!
This morning on BBC TV News we have a most instructive vignette of what happens when our supposedly conservative government acts like a liberal parish council and attempts to sing from the BBC hymn sheet. We’re told there will be some plan about plastics but prior to the actual event the BBC have their classic “not going far enough” attack piece – pictures from Blue Planet message from Greenpeace.
Labour spokes-virtuers will be falling over themselves to echo the BBC’s lines.
This is why you shouldn’t pander to the Left just to try to get that David Cameron-cherished but ultimately mythical good write-up from the BBC.
BBC Radio 5 live presently asking listeners to text in (85058) examples of things they consider a rip off in the format of, for example, “ BBC licence fee to fund unjustifiably colossal BBC salaries with threat of prison if not paid- rip off!”
Or “ 40 billion so called divorce fee to EU bureaucrats when there was never a marriage-rip off”
Strangely they haven’t read out either of my suggestions!
Apparently, because I was born after 1968 and despite my paying national insurance for the last 32 years, I will probably not receive anything in return. It was reported that, unless contributions increase to up to 20% from the present 12%, the pension pot will be empty by 2035!
Meanwhile mass immigration continues. ….
“Meanwhile mass immigration continues. ….” And the benefits continue to be shelled out. I am firmly convinced (having used the DWP hotline) that the Government intentionally shy away from prosecuting EU nationals for benefit fraud. Perhaps they prosecute two or three just to avoid that label because most are on benefits of one sort or another. Registered Social Landlords are into the scam as well. It must all cost the Exchequer billions every year to support the benefit system.
It’s this that gives the lie to the frequent pro-immigration propaganda broadcasts by the BBC and its allies on the far Left. Even were it true (and it clearly isn’t) that there would be a short term gain by throwing the doors open, eventually the demographic problems we face now will only be magnified many times over when all those immigrants (many of whom will never work) want pensions. And what do we do then?
At best the whole thing is a Ponzi scheme and the BBC is complicit in it.
On 5 live they are still banging on about the need for more funding for the nhs due to increased demand.
Nobody can quite join the dots with regard to where that increased demand comes from.
Repeatedly telling us how it is free at the point of use based on medical need not ability to pay.
How about entitlement based on being born here and paying into the system all ones life.
It is staggering that offering a free health service to the rest of the world doesn’t lead those to consider ‘I wonder if this is why there is a never endingly increasing demand on the NHS’.
It really shouldn’t be rocket science. More people creates more demand.
The ‘Big Question’ on today’s ‘Mann in the Morning’ on Radio Cambridge also concerned the NHS and what to do about the crisis etc. Any suggestions from listeners that immigration was a factor were dismissed. What’s the point of inviting comments on these topics if there can’t be an honest discussion?
Today’s media has a pseudoreligious belief that immigrants are a magical panacea for all ills. The usual suspects all fervently believe that immigrants are in fact Mini-Messiahs come to save us. To question this dogma is simply heresy. Mad Ma Merkel referred to those who didn’t want their borders opened to all and sundry as “Dunkeldeutsche” – Germans on the side of darkness.
The Mini-Messiahs are here to minister unto us in the NHS, care for our neglected old people, to do the essential menial tasks we have become to haughty to perform. Hardworking, enterprising they put the slothfull indigenous population to shame. They can also absolve us from the sins of imperialism and colonialisation if we are suitably contrite.
As in primitive societies, we have to be careful what form of words we use to address the godhead. “Coloured people” or “people of colour”. The universe could collapse if the correct words are not used. Christ could walk on water, but today’s Mini-Messiahs must be eternally young and healthy as they are not among those burdening society by refusing to die quickly enough no matter how long ago they arrived in Britain. As divine entities, they do not occupy any physical space and so no matter how great their numbers, they have no impact on the housing market as they can all live in a small hut. Children of Mini-Messiahs appear as if by magic out of thin air and so can never burden the NHS.
Literally the second I turn on radio 4 it is about a transgender model! Do they ever stop?
Why not have a special month where they cannot mention race, gender, Trump being a baddie, ‘diversity’, the environment or something being underfunded? It is the same relentless agenda day in day out. We deserve better.
Because without those hobbyhorses to ride the airwaves would go quiet.
Nice idea, though.
Beeb Bro, it wouldn’t be so bad if the transgender model news was news. It is at least two days old.
The BBC gave us an unbreakable commitment some years ago to only bring us up-to-date news. They promised, especially, to not recycle old news from other sources.
The BBC have not kept their word.
In the age of the internet who needs it? If I want to know about transgender models I can just google it. I don’t want the worldview of some lunatic leftist pumped into my brain – I want actual important things which are happening. North, East, West, South – is that what news is meant to be? Not Left, Left, Left, Left.
Toady watch
As I become a bit more cognisant about economic cycles you always know there is a resession coming when the msm get interested in the Environment. It’s not discussed when the next set of job losses are announced or the price of gas /oil goes up.
Thinking plastic being taken out of the sea is a nonsense. It’s a bit like stopping polluted rivers pouring into it.
Gove has gone on Toady – I guess it’s for his tiresome ego as I cannot understand why any conservative politician would give the likes of Robinson the time of day. He’d argue it from the liberal angle if he could.
Everyone appears to have overlooked the fact that we already pay heavily, via Council Tax, to have our waste – especially plastic waste – recycled.
It is the people we pay – Government and waste disposal companies – who are not doing what we pay them to do and are allowing plastic into the environment, including the oceans.
It is Government and the waste handlers who are not doing a good job or even not doing it at all. It is they who should be called to account, not the retailer or their customers.
The BBC and Liebour’s daily criticisms of the Tories’ running of the NHS (e.g. lack of funding ad infinitum) is utterly ludicrous in light of their ideoligical support for unfettered immigration, especially migration and health tourism from the turd world. No bloody mention whatsoever of turd world health tourism or open borders on the BBC ‘news’. Why could this be? Simple, the BBC is an ardent supporter of Cultural Marxism and open borders. Despicable that we have to fund their vile far-left lies, bias and politicking. Sick of hearing about leering Nigerian women flying here yo have five children at our expense. The Nigerians are already receiving foreign aid for Christ’s sake; each scrounger’s care should billed to that patient’s country; they should then be named and shamed and deported never being allowed to return.
The BBC and Liebour’s daily criticisms of the Tories’ running of the NHS (e.g. lack of funding ad infinitum) is utterly ludicrous in light of their ideological support for unfettered immigration, especially migration and health tourism from the turd world. No bloody mention whatsoever of turd world health tourism or open borders on the BBC ‘news’. Why could this be? Simple, the BBC is an ardent supporter of Cultural Marxism and open borders. Despicable that we have to fund their vile far-left lies, bias and politicking. Sick of hearing about leering Nigerian women flying here to have five children at our expense. The Nigerians are already receiving foreign aid for Christ’s sake; each scrounger’s care should billed to that patient’s country; they should then be named and shamed and deported never being allowed to return. Now I’m sick of the damage that our treacherous political and media class are inflicting on this country. There are simply too many people in this country and too many scrounging parasites who have paid nothing into the system and yet turn up and demand free care and benefits. The BBC know this and yet say nothing.
On 5 live one of their correspondents was at a recycling plant in Manchester. Now I may have got my wires crossed here but I’m sure I heard it mentioned that China were previously paying £35 a ton but have now become more stringent in their requirements and are only for paying £5 a ton.
If I’m not mistaken, that would explain to me the reason why this has come about-nothing to do with politicians actually giving a shit about the environment but rather a money issue.
Actually Dyst it is about economics. The BBC doesn’t do economics but it likes to beat the UK Government with sticks, especially a Conservative government, because the BBC is right …. er, … correct, always correct because it is Left (Liberal) and speaks for the people and God.
The BBC thinks it is our high priest, mediating between god and man … er, … mankind … umhhh, no that won’t do … , mediating between god and everyperson.
The UK, French, Saudi & other governments have signalled the end of oil. The oil companies will soon be leaving the stuff in the ground.
No doubt just AFTER making their pronouncements, these Governments had someone whisper in their ear that no more oil means no more plastic. And no more lots of other things that we use every day as well. Governments tend not to think of things like that.
We have less than twenty years to find a way of recycling plastics more efficiently, because one day there will be no more raw material to make them, no new plastic.
Economics means that in China there are less people available to deal with waste sorting and recycling. Their workforce is more valuable doing other work. They also don’t want our waste that is left over, or discarded by the delinquent or corrupt contractors, littering their environment. Self-interest is a factor in economics, missed by Paul Seabright from 1.45 – 1.59pm on Radio 4, every day from Monday last week, for example.
It is often, not always, a powerful force.
The BBC also know, from perhaps dimly remembered media history, that crusading media can sometimes cover itself in glory.
The BBC like glory. They would love to be covered in glory. They would like to be seen – just like Gordon Brown – as saviour of the world.
Hence plastic Attenborough plastered all over our TV and radio for a month.
Why doesn’t the bBBC lead an investigation into where all the NHS money goes and how it can be spent more effectively instead of blaming the government for “lack of funding” ?
Dystopian, I think it is because they are used to affluence, high salaries, constant inflation rises in their pay, no fear of redundancy, so that they assume there is plenty of money to be spent on everything as long as it doesn’t involve 65%/70%/75% rates of Income Tax on their high incomes.
They also know that Government, especially under Conservatives 1979-1997 and Labour 1997-2010, were very good at increasing taxation on the mass of the population via indirect, hidden and stealth taxes while giving the high paid and wealthy a relatively easy life.
For the Beeboids, taxation is something that other people pay.
Thanks Up2, I would ask the question as to why then the bBBC on their inflated salaries would cheerlead a Labour/Corbyn victory when their policy is to increase taxes for the higher paid-but I’m guessing it is because they know how to fiddle the system.
Dys, they did but they were very nervous about McDonnell. He was subjected to near Tory-style Inquisitioning. Remember, Part-time (LK) went very cool on Labour (to the point of getting a death threat from one or more Labour Party supporters) and the BBC were expecting Labour to get beat pretty bad anyway. As predicted by the pre-Election Polls.
Secondly, and more importantly, the BBC will be aware that Corbyn & Co were installed, to an extent, by Conservative supporters paying £3. He wasn’t their preferred candidate. They have always been hoping for another Tony Blair to arise within the Labour Party, or for the original to make a comeback. Their life was golden under a Blair-led Labour.
They, no doubt, would be happier with Labour in No.10 anyway, but would probably hope for a quick coup, deposing Corbyn and installing a more BBC favourable, soft-Left leader as PM.
Finally, if faced with high top income tax rates, the Beeboids know that Labour in power would never go against the BBC and the Licence Fee would be increased faster than the rate of inflation and their pay rates would follow ever upward.
Jez explicitly stated the bbc is safe under him.
If that is not a conflict of interest I don’t know what is.
Perversely, the recent parliamentary inquiry that went nowhere was stuffed with Tory MPs who all happened to be ex-BBC, and driven by their pension conflicts.
I know a couple of GPs both of whom only work part time. The reason is that they make so much money and have such good pension provision ,courtesy of the NHS, that they have no need to work full time. The shortage of NHS doctors , certainly of GPs, is in large part a direct result of this short term working enabled by their outrageously generous remuneration packGe. It would be a very interesting to know how many GPS worked more than 40 hours per week , how many 30 to 40 and how many 20 to 30. And how many less than 20 hours per week. I think the public would soon see that we have plenty of GPs if only they worked full time. Also the public might be shocked when the full extent of the earnings of GPs-from the tax manipulation of their status as private companies wholelyemployed by the NHS. What irony that those who campaign most vigorously against privatisation of the NHS are themselves benefitting enormously by being private companies.
Next time a junior doctor is presented on the bbc banging on about safety, it is worth bearing in mind the apparent tandem wicked, safe skills of the Labour MP for Tooting South.
On today’s front page of the Telegraph there is picture of a crisp packet that was washed up on a beach after twenty years in the sea. The sell by date confirms its age. This packet had been polluting the earths oceans for two decades. What makes the story extra specially tasty is that it is a Walkers Crisp packet. Now who do we know who has taken millions of pounds in fees from the gross polluter? Why no other than that famed SJW Cretinous Lineacker. Surely he must in all conscience donate all of this money to a save the oceans charity.
Then I switch on BBC one and they are interviewing a woman about writing. Naga pops up with that classic BBC questioning technique:
“A lot of people are saying the NHS in underfunded . . .”
Next onto Rip Off Britain. Three Beeboids talking from a foreign clime about dodgy insurance. Do they all need a free holiday to tell us this? RIP off indeed!
Sky News bleating about a report commissioned by pipsqueak Khan into the effects for the whole of the UK of a hard brexit. My thoughts are these……..
The last time I looked he was the mayor of London and not mayor of the UK. If I was a London resident / taxpayer I would be a bit upset about this misappropriation of funds for a party-political stunt that is outside his remit as London mayor. The next thing will be him complaining about lack of funds for London. Go do the math.
Maybe Khan could concentrate on his own remit and commission a report to investigate the damage to London’s tourism after it’s elected champion apathetically declared that terrorism was something we had to live with.
Or maybe he could make an effort to talk positively about how great a city London is reminding us that a wealthy banker is not going to want to relocate to some shitty office in boring Frankfurt and hence the financial will not be leaving London in the droves as he keeps pushing.
Many American banks exert influence over Europe without the US being in the EU, so why won’t we?
Not entirely sure why Gove has become a born-again Environmentalist. Although my insider at DEFRA tells me they quite like working for him because he has interesting ideas even if it means they, the civil servants, actually have to work hard, which makes a change from the normal paper-pushing tedium.
However it was good to hear on Toady this morning that he really had the ,measure of Toenails and I like the way he was repeatedly calling Robinson out for his deliberately diviisive questioning.
Acid attacks up 65% on Khans watch.
The BBC is uncritically promoting Mr. Khan’s every word of wisdom again this morning.
Selected quotes cropping up across the full BBC social media estate.
Possibly because Sadiq has learned the BBC trick of framing claims with escape clauses.
Seriously, what sort of imbecile would believe any report by Mayor Khan? It cannot be anything other than an assembly of guesses designed by remainiacs to advance their cause and that of the Labour Party. In short it is worthless and yet the BBC tries to pretend it deserves more than a moment’s consideration.
GC, did you notice that Sadiq Khan went a little defensive about his report.
He then stated that it had been compiled by people who do a lot of work for Government and other State bodies (Bank of England, Treasury, etc – I think he mentioned) all, of course, known for their ferocious enthusiasm to get the UK out of the EU.
I laughed out loud.
I did that several times during today’s TODAY Programme.
Khan is BBC catnip: BAME, Labour, Remoaner, London.
Don’t forget trump card – muslim!
Is Robinson now presenting Toady alone? He likes to hear his own voice.
I particularly liked the edition last week when he presented with Frank Gardener. At one point Frank’s sole contribution across several items was to announce the time !!!!
Still, he did it so nicely I am sure his ‘talent’ justifies his pay level.
Farage is on Channel 5 now vs Yasmin Alibhai-Brown & Anne Diamond
Presenter Matthew Right is a nasty remainer being aggressive, but Farage can handle them all of course.
Is it PC of Wright to have a dolly dealer woman as his sidekick to read out the tweets ?
Farage turned round and said
I am beginning to think we should have a rerun referendum ..we’ll win and that will shut up people like Blair.
YAB said “I’m so old fashioned, I’m SO out of it”
referring to the way she doesn’t know about women liking porn
..and she’s “SO out of it” about most Brexit
Earlier she protested about Farage using the word “Remoaner”
ironic since last week she herself tried to come up with a counter put down and clumsily used the word “Brexshitters”
\\ How many Brexshitters went or are going skiing in Europe?
How many own second homes there?
What EU wines do they drink? We must be told. //
3,000 people liked her tweet
Her last article ended by saying this about Brexit voters
‘It’ in this case surely being her mind?
‘Farage turned round and said
I am beginning to think we should have a rerun referendum ..we’ll win and that will shut up people like Blair.’
Stew, best out of three – how about best out of four?
Odd, Khan commissions a report on Brexit that ends up justifying every bit of nonsense spoken by him. What better way for Khan to spend taxpayers and London rate payer’s money?
According to Guido the company behind the report, Cambridge Econometrics, have form in this field. They predicated Brexit would “trigger recession.” They are led by a mindless corbinistya, Richard Murphy, who champions tax and spend and also has written a book called “The Joy of Tax”.
Murphy said, before the Brexit vote, ““I would argue recession is unavoidable. Investment in the UK will go on hold during renegotiation. No big business is going to sink millions or even billions into our economy without knowing what the future terms of UK trade might be. In itself this will be enough to trigger recession”
So, he’s hardly got his finger on the button. How could he be more wrong?
There you go, Khan commissions a report, with our money, from a group who already agree with him and, like him, have been 100% wrong in the past.
No doubt the BBC will be challenging Khan on the veracity of this nonsense …or perhaps they will just listen to him, as if he is Buddha returned to earth offering great truths to the ignorant and witless.
“….…or perhaps they will just listen to him, as if he is Buddha returned to earth offering great truths to the ignorant and witless.” Read, ‘Mohamed’?
Yesterday at work I thought of something funny to say; it was a terrible day and it could have really brightened the mood. I decided it was best to say nothing in case someone got upset then I could be in real trouble.
The way to hell is paved with good intentions. How many thing of something positive but say nothing instead for fear of offending someone? It could make a girl’s day if you told her she looked lovely but it’s too risky so people will just say nothing.
Egregious sexism or offensiveness should be unlawful, but the bar is set so ridiculously low that anything can be deliberately misinterpreted by opportunists. The result it not some leftist utopia where nobody is ever nasty or sexist but a soulless, 1984-style dystopia where nobody can tell jokes or say what they think.
Beeb Bro, did you hear Ed Stourton on Auntie’s War this a.m.?
Ed went completely off-piste and spent the whole time on Eric Blair.
I leave this one out here…
Speaking of losing minds, Nick may live to regret the bbc rule about not engaging, especially personally, and certainly not on that idiotic basis, despite the bbc ‘views my own’ cloak of Teflon.
I notice this post of his is ‘liked’ by a certain Doctor at the BBC, one is sure with all due professional impartiality.
I don’t recall former President Obama’s medical check being of great interest to the BBC. They used to mention that of George W. Bush and occasionally referred to his father’s state of health at the same time usually after it had happened. I don’t recall any mention of former President Clinton’s medial checks until, perhaps, afterwards, a mere retrospective mention.
The BBC appear now to be very great enthusiasts for President Trump, all things Trump, Trump all the time, Trump trumps other news.
As the pointy-eared one would say “Fascinating, Captain.”
So how come this idiot goes to jail
but foreign and muslim polygamists get extra cash from the DWP ??
Bigamy, bigamy, they’ve all got it big for me!
At the foot of the report it stated “No official figures on legal polygamous marriages where weddings took place overseas”
That must be their disclaimer for not mentioning immigrants.
Anyone interested in the new BBC series ‘Les Miserables’?
Apparently , Javert is black – sorry I mean a person of colour.
It seems that at the casting stage for every drama production there must be a discussion about which of the characters is going to be the atypically black character in this one.
Rewriting history – all in a day’s work at the Ministry of Truth.
So then Teezer thinks that George Osbourne’s good friend and acolyte, Matthew Hancock should have access to all cabinet/ministerial papers.
Notwithstanding the fact that as Culture minister, Hancock being a fervent Remainer, was considered to be a better candidate than the personification of British culture Brexiteer Jacob Rees Mogg, Hancock will, with the help of Osborne become a surreptitious thorn in Teezers side.
A more stupid appointment one could not possibly imagine. Typical of her dithering judgement.
Will Radio 5’s Rhod Sharp’s go-to science guy Doctor Karl be banned?
‘Some say’ he has been making ‘racist’ comments.
Last night he remarked that perhaps different peoples need different diets, the Chinese wouldn’t be able to thrive on a Mediterranean diet for instance. It was something in their DNA, bred into them. Crikey! He will be suggesting next that people in northern lattitudes have lighter skins to help make more vitamin D, something in their DNA, something bred into them.
Jim, Dr Karl is correct.
My Chinese dentist had some interesting observations on the subject. Interestingly, the traditional intolerance of Chinese to lactose and other components in milk are being rapidly overcome, much to the surprise and delight of British based cheese makers and exporters. He also had a wide range of ethnicities among his patients and noted what they said about their diets.
He was a good observational scientist.
Prompted by Chris Hopson bellyaching, yet again, on the Today programme about the ‘crisis’ and lack of sufficient funding in the NHS, I thought I’d investigate the organisation NHS Providers, of which he is C.O. So far, I see a lefty organisation, whose leading members have employment histories in the non-productive sector, who are frequent writers in the Guardian and New Statesman, and habitual invitees on to the BBC. One point of glaring interest, is that their budget appears to be completely concealed. But judging by the number of people they employ (doing what?!), it must run into the many millions. Since it’s a public body, it should be transparent. A letter to an MP might be pending.
It’s not often I doff my cap to the brilliance of Mark Mardell on the World at One, mainly because he usually gives buffoons a bad name.
But the entire program was brilliant. The BBC had to guide the listener into believing that the only people responsible for any problems in the NHS are lying Tory scum.
What the BBC has to do, and this is very challenging, is guide the listener away from asking, “Hey, how come this doesn’t happen in any other country in Western Europe? Isn’t that odd?”
The moment the British public asks that question the gamer is up for the NHS.
Oh, and half way through its attacks on lying tory scum, it had a recorded speech from Jeremy Corbyn, who announced in quietly superior tones, that Labour would put extra money into the NHS” Sadly the BBC never got round to asking him where he was getting this money from.
ss, super line that – “mainly because he usually gives buffoons a bad name.” – first class.
Down to your last para: had I been presenting TWatO, I would have wanted Corbyn on the programme so that I could ask him how many hospitals were closed by Labour when in Government from 1997-2010.
No chance of Mark Mardell doing that.
On the daily politics we also had the NHS crisis.
Of course, no one challenged the lie that it is caused by the age-ing population and of courser, nobody mentioned the real reason of which every person reading this will know.
I don’t even have to mention it.
The Liberal Party is the party that says what they think
… Aren’t they Clegg, Farron ?
“We will never raise university fees”
” Gay sex is not a sin”
Bob : “My Virgin Train was an hour late”
Ted : “Why was that ?”
Bob : “Virtue Signal Failure”
…Telegraph letter from Keith MacPherson
Remaniacs like to claim none voters as remainders,
But the number of none voters is much smaller than thought.
Cos turnout % has been systematically underestimated cos they only just realised that number of vote registrations is bigger than number of voters cos it includes double registrants like second homers/students etc
THIS never hit the bbbc…I wonder why!
Well worth reading…It’s outrageous.
Deleted tweet