Millions of cheap labourers imported and the BBC wonders about the ‘productivity puzzle’ and why the NHS is ‘in crisis’ as patient use explodes. Still, it doesn’t pay to look too hard, they might find something they don’t like.
List the bias here……
Millions of cheap labourers imported and the BBC wonders about the ‘productivity puzzle’ and why the NHS is ‘in crisis’ as patient use explodes. Still, it doesn’t pay to look too hard, they might find something they don’t like.
List the bias here……
My seven year old nephew just teased his brother by saying he was gay!
I must send him for reprogramming. Does he not know abnormal is normal, difference is sameness and 2 + 2 = 5?
Emily Thornbury on the Andrew Marr show. Typically given an easy ride, an example being when he tackled her about her party’s attitude towards Iran. She kept using the smoke and mirrors technique by banging on about the nuclear deal, implying that we must be nice to them or look out and not answering questions relating to human rights etc. And of course she slipped in the racist word with reference to President Trump and Mr.Marr couldn’t help himself mentioning a second referendum and I quote “if we leave”. I could go on but I’m sure you get the drift.
The bbc does not answer questions either. Especially good ones:
Can’t watch it anymore I am afraid – thanks for the update.
I have now almost completely weened the whole family away from any BBC output whatsoever. I do not watch or listen to any of their output all week (TV and Radio). The Missus still watches Eastenders and listens to Radio 2 in the afternoon and that is it .
Same at Scronker Hall. Never watch BBC (or listen to it) any more. Wife watches Strictly Come Prancing Around. Get my information from this site.
What you can expect when you endeavour to make the Police Force more culturally “diverse” –
Sloppy, dirty, dishonest people.
Apart from Londonistan, coming to a town or City near you soon……
What do you mean “coming”?
It’s been here in Bradford for years.
Oh what a perilous state our once great country is in. We have an utterly useless Prime Minister, who has turned ineptitude into an art form. She’s dithered and placated endlessly over Europe. Due to her utter uselessness we nearly had a terrorist sympathising Marxist in number 10 and she has allowed vile unpleasant lefties a free hand to poison the water with an Anglophile American president. This bloke actually likes us, unlike the last one!.
Theresa Maybe is as much use as an ingrowing arse. Nero fiddled while Rome burned, Theresa dithers while Britain’s future goes up in smoke.
We find ourselves with a deeply obnoxious mayor of London. An appalling jumped up little creature who, when he was a human rights lawyer, fought tooth and nail to bring Louis Farrakhan to our shores. Remember Louis?
He’s the American black separatist who believes white people are devils, hates Jews and has said “Hitler had the right idea.” Lovely chap!
And Runt Khan, the Muzzie mayor lectures us about feminism, while in his own Tooting mosque women are kept separate from men and Ropers regularly perform FGM on their daughters.
He struts about the world stage like a preposterous, undersized peacock irritating our allies.
Since he became mayor street crime, gang violence, terrorism and stabbings have reached epidemic proportions in the capital. But still this ridiculous creature struts and swaggers and blathers.
He loathes the American president, who he refers to as a racist, but wants to bring us a Hitler loving, Jew hating racial separatist who believes white people are devils.
Am I going mad?
Jeff – “Anglophile American president. This bloke actually likes us, unlike the last one!”
Correction: this bloke USED to like us, I suspect he’s cooling towards us very fast, as demonstrated by his cancellation to visit.
“Toronto police investigate ‘scissor attack’ on girl’s hijab”
2 things:
1) This is NEWS? A piece of cloth? But somehow the daily butchering of Christians throughout the muslim world isn’t?
2) The headline is clearly meant to sound like a hateful islamophobic / racist attack by those nasty Canadians.
But hang on, further down the ‘article’ we read: Police describe the attacker as Asian…
So more likely than not a deranged fellow-religionist, or an uncle or cousin whose advances had been rejected, or whatever weirdness the Religion of Darkness throws up.
Well done beebistan, the deception machine is working well.
As far as I know ,I have not heard news of Zambia’s cholera outbreak on the BBC. It should be important to broadcast this news . And see how Israeli specialists are helping Zambia fight cholera from
Israel’s Sheba Medical Center is the first and only international medical team in Zambia combating the current cholera outbreak. They have assembled a team of epidemiologists and water engineers who have already identified the source of the contamination.
Hopefully Mr President will see this pic on 1 of his 3 tv sets as he tucks in to his MacDonalds and Coke: not everyone in UK hates you Mr President, only the beebistan, Sad Dick Khant, a few assorted lefties and il-Liberals, and of course the baying mob.
Nick Robbo ‘analysis’ on twitter is like Lily Allen, only with poorer linguistic skills…
The Carrie Gracie affair really is revolting. They are so good at memory holing news that might upset people, could they not try and hush this up? People off to do jobs they hate for terrible pay hear wall to wall coverage about how a woman is not satisfied with 185k of their money and demands more.
Why is it even news – some well-paid woman wants even more money? So what? This is why Trump calls them fake news; they report on things that do not affect 99% of people and ignore those that do. What about crime soaring in London, literacy rates or a million other more important things? Instead we get wall-to-wall coverage of a non story about a pet issue, just like the ‘outrage’ over Trump’s comments – a complete non-story whipped up by lazy journalists with open contempt for the concerns of those they serve.
I have an uncomfortable feeling that we have been conned by M/s Gracie. Is that what TODAY are paying her now and in future, Beeb Bro?
If so, it serves her right. She was getting £145K for China and was offered another £45K to stay there. She turned it down, ostensibly because accepting it would be ‘taking a bribe’ and ‘lettin’ down tha sistas’.
Jim showing why he is worth the big bucks…
His work balance must be pretty good, as a ‘director of strategy’ – one of countless non-jobs created in the public sector as they need to spend all their money every year rather than keep any excess money for profit. What is the BBC’s strategy beyond continuing to send people to prison if they do not pay their wages? That is the be all and end all. Without that clever stratagem they would be finished.
Jim is really churning out the gems:
Universal condemnation of Henry Bolton’s girlfriend today throughout the mainstream media (MM). Much of it virtue signalling, some of it perhaps genuine.
The stand out point for me today is the universally similar reaction, by MM, to her comments and those of Trump/Young earlier in the week, and the ripples this constant over-reaction to anything wide of ‘acceptable’ on twitter has on wider society over time.
One stray comment on Twitter is like signing your own death warrant. A sentence here or there can now define entire careers and ‘label’ people for crimes against Britain forever.
Where is the wider examination, intellectual interrogation, questioning or reasoned argument to anything anymore? The reaction is universally blunt – Racist, sexist, misogynist somethingist….
The point is nothing is measured, pinched with salt or simply ignored anymore. Any ‘IST’ twitter comment is seized upon by the establishment to make a ‘this is an example of what is not acceptable or tolerated’ point to wider society. The individual is universally condemned, the perpetrator is then hounded by MM, ridiculed publically and ostracised forever. We are being conditioned.
What we say is now more important, it appears than what we do. The crime of thought has never in history been more serious.
The problem is, this meerkat like response closes down debate, breeds resentment, buries honesty, narrowing freedom of speech. “I do not agree with what you say but will defend….” Voltaire …etc.
Are we so intellectually denuded that honesty in any debate is feared? If so, then we are completely lost.
The irony is it’s exactly this deep resentment and ‘push back’ that eventually got a ‘Trump’ elected. For the left, the message is you reap what you sow I suspect!
But never any condemnation of racist comments by the likes of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown:
“either too lazy or too expensive to compete”
“I don’t like them. I want them to be a lost species in a hundred years”
Why wasn’t that a career ending comment?
Carol Thatcher was permanently disappeared for a relatively innocent comment about golliwog toys. I wonder what’s the difference?
And to think the adorable Yasmin is the daughter of Asian refugees who fled racist persecution by the Amin regime in the 70s. (Seem to recall we gave sanctuary to about 40,000 of them, saving many from certain death.)
Now there’s gratitude.
What happens when the safe haven countries no longer exist? Why are n’t the refugees heading towards South Africa or Saudi Arabia?
Venutius, trouble is with this – as with President Trump’s attributed remarks about some countries (NB: not the whole of Africa) – we never know and will never know the truth for sure because while the BBC are happy to complain about FakeNews and FalseNews from newer broadcasters and the new media, they are also quite happy to pass on hearsay and innuendo to us.
They do not appear to be rigorous in despatching journalists to establish facts or adding riders to news items “We have been unable to establish the facts here; it is disputed and maybe hearsay.”
Venutius – Jo Marney for leader of UKIP, I say. She has a better grasp of the real issues than that fool Henry Bolton.
Meghan Markle WILL taint the royal family and for this reason. She is not of our race. Theoretically she could end up being Queen. But a queen must be of the same people that she is sovereign over. She cannot be an alien. One of the ways a people find expression, an awareness and pride in who they are, is through their monarch. Meghan Markle will never be able to fill this role. That sense of kinship is too weak. Even as a minor royal, she will just be an oddity. Though she seems a nice person and might even be very popular, she will call into question the necessity of the royal family just by virtue of her not being one of us.
The virtue signalling over this is excessive, and it’s not all from the usual suspects. Discussing the monarchy is not the same as discussing the ownership of the local newsagent. It goes back centuries, and many of those virtue signallers would see nothing wrong in discussing the acceptance white commoners into the family. It is based on tradition and lineage and, rightly or wrongly, these things matter. If we were designing Britain from scratch in 2018 we wouldn’t have a monarchy, but that’s not the point. I suspect that there are many things that we wouldn’t choose to have.
I find it amusing how many on the Left will happily sneer at the Royal Family’s german ancestry. That is acceptable, apparently, because Germans are white (or used to be). A lot of us are German, if you go back far enough.
The Japanese protect their entire population, not just their royal family. But they’re foreign, alien and exotic, so that’s OK. People of non-European ancestry can’t be racist.
It also makes any irony or light-heartedness impossible when everything is always taken so literally. I do not want to live in a world where I have to be serious all the time.
I do think we will start to see a real kickback against all the cry bullies. The overwhelming majority are sick of it.
Odd, the BBC’s World at One didn’t have time to tell the truth about the Swedish health system.
As we know, the BBC thinks more tax payers money is the only way forward and had a succession of folk who agree with the BBC. Not one dissenting voice to ripple the graceful BBC’s view.
However, the BBC used a health system in Europe as a comparison. Great! The German, French or Dutch health systems, which work and have a mix of state and private health care? Erm no, Sweden.
Sadly for the BBC some of us are aware that the old tax payer funded NHS styled health service is no longer available in Sweden. The Swedes found it didn’t work, (surprise!). Instead doctors charge for an appointment, about £12, and a fee is paid for a hospital examination. All prescriptions are paid for. The private sector provides about 20% of public hospital care and about 30% of public primary care.
Not at all what the BBC were leading its listeners to think.
Sweden spends just under 12% of GDP on health care, the highest in Europe. The UK spends just under 9%, slightly less than France that has the best health system, but more than Spain and Italy. None of these countries follow the finest health system, the NHS!, in the world by having it tax funded and run by amateurs.
When will the World at One be honest with its listeners, who presumably will be aware of the nonsense offered?
Just watched on BBC iPlayer, ‘A House Through Time’ (Series 1, Episode 2). I did find it interesting but did scratch my head at one point.
Question: Was there a “huge wave” of immigration from Scandinavian countries to Britain during the late 19th Century?
I personally hadn’t heard of such a “huge wave” of migration as ‘told’ by, David Olusoga, the series narrator. He said it as though it was a well known fact (see from 14min 50secs).
I could be mistaken but I’m very cautious these days of any claim by the BBC.
Yes it’s true hundreds of thousands of Scandinavians swamped Blighty in the late 19th century – as a result in my neighbourhood of London I am surrounded by thousands of fit blond girls with perfect smiles who like to show pictures of themselves skiing nood . And they keep me up all night playing their damn ABBA tunes. Enough is enough
Haha!!! ‘The perfect answer’ – thank you. Oh if only eh?
DM, depends what you mean by Scandinavia. There was, IIRC, a massive wave of ‘Russian’ ‘migration’ to the UK in the late 19th century and many were no doubt Finns, wishing to escape oppression & the threat of Civil War from Russia in what is now Finland but was then controlled by Russia.
There was also probably continuing migration from Holland and the Low Countries. This had come in waves before, at quite high levels leaving Dutch speaking communities and churches in London, for example. No doubt the level of migration waned when relations between Britain & Holland were at a low or war, recovering later for trade and out of mutual defence & colonial interests.
I’ve just looked at some web info (not having seen the programme, obviously, as a non-TV user) and it refers to a house in Liverpool, I gather. As the location is maritime, and the Scandinavian nations were all seafaring, then it is highly likely that Scandinavian business people and seafarers made a home here. However, IIRC, it was the Chinese who were the largest group both in Liverpool and London.
In addition, the widespread Jewish migration from ‘out East’ meant that the passenger ships docked in Newcastle and Liverpool and Glasgow and Belfast before heading further west to America. No doubt some of the passenger lines were Scandinavian owned, run and manned.
There were no immigration controls into the UK until the turn of the twentieth century.
Thank you, Up2snuff, most informative. Appreciated.
I happened to hear some of this program when the wife watched it. The presenter said that during the American Civil War the Lancashire cotton workers, supported the Confederacy. This is not true, as most, being abolitionists, supported Lincoln. The presenter should have listened to the BBC’s Melvyn Bragg’s In Our Time – “The Lancashire Cotton Famine” then he would have known the truth. In fact Lincoln thanked them for their support, despite the hardship they suffered during the conflict.
Very interesting Twitter thread about people throwing the label RACIST on Trump.
The left/lib mob are the the same as the BNP in the way they throw the label on people to ETERNALLY dismiss people
“them people labelled X they are not like us, they can all be dismissed”
I don’t think throwing labels on people is useful or mature, cos that becomes like racism itself
Isn’t the way that .some political parties think they OWN the votes of certain ethnicities, RACIST ?
They think that ethnicity MUST vote for them and never their opposition.
Diane Abbott, Munroe Bergdorf & other celebrity lib/left have been openly sexist/racist but I can still defeat each of their new arguments one by one without just lazily throwing the label “RACIST” as a magic argument winning trick.
BBC are keeping up with the rest of the MSM on the reporting of the alleged sexual assaults and harassment by Harvey Weinstein and others. So it was with great surprise I came across this on Radio 4 today…
It was presented by that chap the BBC dropped from the One Show for sexual harassment, a certain Hardeep Kohli.
Nice to see he has been rehabilitated.
Best not remind readers of Hardeep and his family being found guilty of being slum landlords in Glasgow.
@Cassandra Fine art of Narrative-construction in Guardian article
It’s about the suspending of Hardeep Kohli for something sexual
but they manage to make the take away line be about Carol Thatcher/”golliwog” does the Telegraph article as if the same BBC press release
He has since gone on record to say he was “hung out to dry”
-“It was a hug around the shoulders after filming had ended and the young woman said something.”
– I was briefed against by my own boss, a woman.
– t’s like when you’re a person of colour you need to be kept in your place. And I was put in my place,” he says.
@Casandra so we have a new BBC show on the topic of Sikh/Hindu/Muslim forced abuse presented by Hardeep, who has previously been suspended for undeclared sexual offence… although I am sympathetic, cos no judicial process took place (tho that might have been a cover up).
Kohli is a real nasty piece of work. Have seen him presenting the wright stuff on 5 and hes a full on corbynista tory hater full of reak venom. Also leches after the ladies on the show as well. Slimy cretin
This may already have been posted on BBBC, but just in case not, I mention this excellent article by an honest Democrat – Alan Dershowitz – on Gatestone Hell will freeze over before the BBC will air this sort of opinion. Unless stopped, they will continue their vilification of Pres. Trump, and continue to damage this country.
Bit late with this but heard Radio 4 pm news on Friday reporting on the Saudi ladies being allowed to go to football matches. I was struck by the warm and positive tone of the newsreader(s).
This is a country where women have suffered what amounts to apartheid forever. Why don’t the social justice warrior, snowflakey, antifa types march and protest against all the real injustice and corrupt and repressive sh*t that’s going on in the world instead of focussing their venom on the President of the United States of America?
Beeb salivating over Spartak Moscow making a poor comment on Twitter about black players, likening them to chocolates.
They must have an actual team trawling social media and elsewhere for things to be offended by. If they are throwing fruit at black people or lynching them I want to know. If someone just makes a flippant comment I do not care, neither does any right-thinking person. It is not healthy or sensible to have a thin skin and get offended by the slightest thing, as life is relentlessly offensive and you need grit to thrive.
There is no ‘outrage’ reported about the spiralling crime in London. That should be front and centre but that involves hurtful conversations, so instead they take offence on others’ behalf over insensitive words. What about the black men getting stabbed to death at epidemic levels?
Problem is, the ‘flippant’ comment could end up in a jail term right now. The greatest concealed attack on democratic free speech the country has seen since the second World War. Most people don’t realise how serious it is. Why does it appear to the Government to be necessary? Short and simple: multiculturalism and diversity which is not going to work. Its not working at present and it will not work in the future.
Today lammy has criticised the mayor because the mayor wants to increase stop and search . Lady thinks this will criminalise more black yoot thus spoiling their “ life chances “{ how American )- so it’s life v life chances .
It is ridiculous that such a stirrer and patent moron is always given a platform; his skin colour makes him immune to criticism, even though his idiocy will cost the lives of those whom he should be protecting.
Mat Hancock says that no al Beeb presenter should earn more than the PM. There are, apparently, 96 of them. I should think there are far more but the accountants fiddle it through production companies (eg the HRH dimbly twins) .
We write and shout and scream about their attitude and output but the real way of hitting them is in the pocket – if we can’t privatise or close al Beeb down that is.
Then perhaps those who pay the licence tax can get a reduction.
I think it was double thinker a while back on this thread who asked why the Tories don’t respond to the constant media hounding by the left, as exemplified by the treatment meted out to Toby Young.
My opinion is that we haven’t had a real Tory leader since Michael Howard and we haven’t had a real Tory leader since Margaret Thatcher.
I mean real PM, obvs
Half of those wearing Tory T-shirts don’t respond, cos they aren’t really Tories
eg Anna Soubry, Gove, Claire Perry (red-Tories)
It’s things like this –
..that make me think you can hardly get a fag paper between Labour and Tory nowadays. Half the people who sit on that committee are Labour. Not that the tories ever had any serious plans to reduce immigration, and I’m not expecting them to improve after Brexit if it ever happens. Look like the EU, big corporations and middle-east money will continue to call the shots about who lives here.
2018 BBC seems less SJW
– We’ve twice had none-lefty on comedy shows
– Nihal was polite last night
But he’s his normal self on Twitter obsessively tweeting against perceived racism
\\Hate to generalise but when you see “anti PC” in someone’s twitter bio
you can smell the fear they have of equality. //
So he says …. anti-PC = Racism
Mc Donnell’ remarks about Esther McVey..
Thanks to BBC Sunday Politcs for pic. Now that was a surprise….
Ironically if he’d called her a bitch he’d get the full Hattie Harmon treatment – or maybe she’s a bit more selective about Wimmins issues .
That look on Barry Gardiner’s face is priceless.
Avidly watching the BBC news so as to pick up the very latest in cultural trends and nuances vis-a-vis racial speech etiquette – as one does…
…I guess I now need to dispose of my Toots & The Maytals single ‘Monkey Man’ (1969). What I mean is I might inadvertantly start signing along which would be cultural appropriation at the very least. Come to think of it, how about the cover done by The Specials or the Amy Winehouse version?
As I see
I try only to dip into al beeb tv but I get the feeling they are using the kind of technique Goebals used in the 1930s to condition ( groom) the krauts into becoming nazis .
In the case of al beeb it’s grooming people into the poisonous multiculturalism which makes white Britush people guilty for being British and punished for the moneyed classes’ British Empire .
After all people over 21 didn’t get the vote until 1918. – please don’t misread me – i am a capitalist and could never vote labour .
Coming at 17:40 on Radio4
Profile of President-almost-elect Oprah
Evening all.
Bit late and apologies if covered elsewhere but wanted to share the delights of Sunday Toady this morning, subtext pro- open door immigration.
First up, the usual casual anti-semitism. Israel (boo, hiss) want to send back Eritraian refugees. And will pay them handsomely.. but why are they in Israel? Because Egypt booted them out- irony, irony. Something I don’t remember the bBBC reporting with quite the same level of enthusiasm.
Next up. Germany (boo, hiss) wants to send some Afghans back their original country of entry, Sweden. But this is bad in the Beeb’s eyes, because Sweden might send them back to Afghanistan.
Two stories, minutes apart, same subtext- open the doors to everyone.
Evening all.
Bit late and apologies if covered elsewhere but wanted to share the delights of Sunday Toady this morning, subtext pro- open door immigration.
First up, the usual casual anti-semitism. Israel (boo, hiss) want to send back Eritraian refugees. And will pay them handsomely.. but why are they in Israel? Because Egypt booted them out- irony, irony. Something I don’t remember the bBBC reporting with quite the same level of enthusiasm.
Next up. Germany (boo, hiss) wants to send some Afghans back their original country of entry, Sweden. But this is bad in the Beeb’s eyes, because Sweden might send them back to Afghanistan.
Two stories, minutes apart, same subtext- open the doors to everyone.
this one is much better than your previous post 😉
Yeah, sometimes ‘Post Comment’ seems to seize up and the choice is between resending and starting again. So you’re right. The second one is better, as less work for lazy Sluff.
The ‘horrific’ sexism blighting the beer world
These horrors include: “groped at events, abused on social media and belittled in their jobs.” “Pictures of scantily-clad women and risqué names have long been used as a ploy by savvy brewers to entice punters to buy their beer.” “ales called Top Totty and Dizzy Blonde.”
Call me insensitive, but ought not the word horrific be used as description for what happened in Rotherham or Tower Hamlets. In fact if we use the word horrific for unpleasantness faced by a woman who had her breast felt, what do we use for what occurred at the Bataclan in Paris?
BBC London reports on a man in a dress being attacked; nice long interview with maximum wallowing in victimhood. How they love a good hate crime! Their programme consists entirely of interviews with favoured victim groups emoting or a heart-warming story of some minority doing something great like playing football.
It’s sad this man was attacked, but despite the Left’s bullying it’s obvious that some are not going to approve of men wearing dresses. If a man thinks he can go out wearing a dress without massively increasing the likelihood of someone wanting to punch him then he is a moron.
Beeb Bro, What?!!!
“Their programme consists entirely of interviews with favoured victim groups emoting or a heart-warming story of some minority doing something great like playing football.”
No leading questions?????
Damn – yesterday I thought that al Beeb would complete the campaign for transsexual and move on to giving freedom who prefer to have sex with animals – I’m wrong – they obviously now prefer that men to wear ladies clothing and – I suppose – visa versa. No doubt the freedom to be beastial will come though.
I have long argued that the next taboo the cultural Marxists will try to overthrow is incest. In fact that campaign has already been tried, in Germany I believe. Expect some ‘heart-rending’ cases (long lost brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and the rest) to soften up the public mood.
If I were you, I would put off that plan to marry your goldfish for a while yet. I shall certainly continue to live in sin with my cats
If the BBC take up the cause of sex with animals they will at last be able to use “grooming” in its proper context.
BBC Midlands Today reported today on a Jamaican woman who came to the UK fifty years ago and was going to be deported. The report was sympathetic to her (the BBC have been reporting her ‘plight’ for months now). Anyway, the story concludes with the woman narrowly avoiding deportation.
What got me was the woman. She was sitting on her sofa saying she couldn’t wait to be a British citizen. She was dressed in a Jamaican army camouflage jacket with the gaudy colours of the Jamaican flag covering the flaps of the pockets.
Her daughter, wearing a similar jacket, was with her. She told the reporter that she were considering suing the Home Office for what it had put her mother through (presumably on legal aid).
I am yet to meet a single transgender person, and I am an extremely sociable person who has met hundreds upon hundreds of people over the years. The way they go on about it you would think every other person questions their gender when in fact it is extremely abnormal.
We just do not want to hear about it – it is of no interest or concern to 99.9% of people. If you ran a business and nobody liked a product you were producing, you would stop selling it or face ruin. As they are a law unto themselves they ignore what we want. I guess it is the perfect subject for them as it is so inoffensive because it affects virtually nobody.
Unfortunately an organisation I am involved was headed by a man who suddenly decided to tell the Board he was a woman. It turned out whilst he was deciding whether he was Martha or Arthur he was taking all sorts of decisions that should have been the Board’s. Has virtually destroyed the business and may lose people jobs. And the new she had to be paid to leave.
I have long argued that the next taboo the cultural Marxists will try to overthrow is incest. In fact that campaign has already been tried, in Germany I believe. Expect some ‘heart-rending’ cases (long lost brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and the rest) to soften up the public mood.
If I were you, I would put off that plan to marry your goldfish for a while yet. I shall certainly continue to live in sin with my cats
Apologies for the double post. The system can be slow to respond at times. Mine too, come to that.
I was convinced it would be peados,
but you could be right, probably after they’ve main-streamed cousin marriage, which seems to have become a taboo subject for criticism at the moment
#Everydaysexim ?
\\ @Edwina_Currie tweeted
@BBCCountryfile Young farmer handling the bull is lovely.
I’d put a ring though his nose any time..
6:53 PM – 14 Jan 2018 //
..the BBC will have to pay for the poor lads therapy
Another woman tweeted
\\ Tempted to buy a cow, just to get the vet appearing now on @BBCCountryfile to visit me #countryfile //
But Townies are going nuts
\\The nose piercing is vile and upsetting! Why are you showing this? //
…idiots cos nature is worse ; wild animal male have a habit of roughing each other up and leaving scarring.
If this wasn’t so serious
I’d be ROFLMAO *
(* I’m not sure I’m young enough to know what this means.)
Up2 – Is there NOTHING the Left (including al Beeb) won’t stick its divisive snout into?
If a Leftist had been put into the Garden of Eden, I swear it would just be complaining about the dog turds!
Al, LOL!*
* I know what that means.
One for the ladies
Lefty Wright
Ha ha, I remember it very well. It should be re-run.
Would they dare ?
😀 !
Peston has Minster talking about BBC..repeat is at 10:15pm
..cos we never hear about BBC salaries these days
Well they do tittle tattle , but we want to hear about proper waste, not just Humphrys
Warning prog also features Corbytn, Adonis & “Miriam Margolyes colourful interview” BUT she supports the French on MeToo caution
Didn’t Hancock once get his @rse (badly) handed to him once on a QT with Farage, or in an interview by Brillo? Or was it both?
Matt Hancock said in Parliament on Jan 9 “Like most Members, I strongly support the BBC, and, like most of the licence fee payers who fund it, I would go so far as to say that I love it. Perhaps now in this digital age more than ever, if the BBC did not exist, we would need to invent it.”
He will probably ask Lord Hall Hall for his autograph when they meet.
Like any mediocre politician our mat only believes in one thing – mat Hancock. He ll go the way the wind blows . Untilbrexit we ll have to swallow a red government but afterward we deserve a proper conservative government with some sane economics .
You have put the problem in a nutshell. If every Tory minister bends over backwards to protest how much they love the BBC there is zero chance of it ever being reformed let alone got rid of. But if Labour is elected I expect that Corbyn’s gangsters will covertly demand more political control which the BBC will readily agree with.
The Tories are now reaping the bitter harvest of neglecting to deal withe corporation throughout the past forty years. Even Lady T baulked at the jump. The BBC has done untold harm to our country. It ,along with the educational establishment , has succeeded in brainwashing large sections of the population into believing the leftist mantra on immigration being a good thing . Give them another couple of decades and our country will be lost forever.
President Trump , although besieged, remains a Beacon of Hope along with Visegrad group , if they can withstand the pressure from the EU to take immigrants, and Austria. If we are to be saved it will come from outside the UK, not inside as no anti third world immigration party stands a chance of establishing itself here.
If this all sounds Biblically apocalyptic it does because it is.
Heres his famous Andrew Neil car crash video
Will the Tories chief Climate/Green-Energy loony Claire Perry Change after seeing this ?
This week, Theresa May pushed her green agenda
but how much do people actually care?
@ITVAllegra takes a look at @yougov’s new data #Peston
Seems they 5% care
On the Sunday politics (I think) I heard that only 3% of our mps were BAME (or BLT or whatever letters they are now) or it might have been the big questions.
Is it true that only 19 of the 650 are not white British?
I’m sure I see loads of them who have gotten into Parliament.
Still, nobody corrected her.
Julia Hartley Brewer was good on the SP as was Angela Epstein and the brilliant Godfrey Bloom on the BQ.
One gripe though, I’ve never heard ANY of them on tv saying good things about Trump, even those on our side, yet in the pub and out with mates we think he’s brilliant.
Currently we have 52 ethnic minority MPs which equals 8% of the total, so presumably the leftards won’t be happy until it’s exactly the same as the BAME percentage of the UK population, namely 14%. But by the time that happens, the latter percentage will be nearer 20 – and on it goes ad infinitum.
So, the 3% was an outright lie. It was the Sunday politics.
As I said, nobody called her out on it but that’s nothing new, immigration is NEVER mentioned when the lefties are whinging on about lack of housing or nobody ever tells the remoaners that we actually haven’t left the eu yet when they forever keep on saying “where’s the 350 million for the nhs”
All par for the course with our MSM.
Not unless the policy of positive discrimination a la mode BBC is adopted…………..
Daily express ( not a normal read ) carries a very positive estimation of the saving our economy will make if we go to RTO rules. The difficulty for remainers is we import more than we export – for the foreseeable future – so will save money through tariffs .
I have not heard anything like this on the al Beeb – even as a possibility .. it’s all just negative and sadly biased .
I suppose if it does turn out for the best in say – 4 years time – the remainers will assume we ll all have forgotten .
Oh, deep joy.
Tomorrow. A whole day of virtue-signalling on al Beeb as Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein reports live from a refugee camp from Bangla Desh.
We can guess thevsubtext.
‘Now, evil Tory minister, what are you doing to allow 100,000 budding doctors snd engineers into the UK. Have you no compassion?’
What value we get for the licence fee.
the question I have that the so called BBC never seems to want to ask is
Earlier on this thread somebody posted a video of the President chairing a meeting of all parties to deal with illegal immigration and immigration generally into the USA.
It was clear that Mr Trump is well able to conduct affairs and to get things done and agreed, We are denied by our media any knowledge of this as they prefer to portray him as an incompetent idiot.
Poor and disreputable as this is it does play into his hands as I now think he has written off this country completely . That although many of us are prepared to give him a fair hearing the poison spread by the media and in particular by the BBC and C4 has made this impossible. Natural fair playing people have been corrupted .
The May led government is so cowed by this same media that it cannot act independently . Not that it seems to want to.
THis apart from being a disaster for us actually seems to be the plan by the US.
The focus of Europe will now shift to the East and the Visegrad countries plus possibly France .
I have noticed that the tweets that so upset our progressives are almost always devoted to foreign matters not domestic. Classic diversion technique which lets the President carry our his domestic agenda without our interference ( not that it would be anything other than an irritant. )
He wants to be successful and recognised as such but only in domestic terms. Like most of his voters he knows that the rest of the West is mostly useless and irrelevant. Spend some time reading the repetitive bile spewed out on the Guardian and CIF. It is of no account at all.
He is a good tactician. Examine his election campaign. First he went for the other Republican candidates and ignored the Democrats and only went for Hilary when he could achieve maximum impact.
His refusal to come to this country is a huge and deliberate snub that will be seen as such by the East Asians in particular. They will draw their own conclusions and for us in Europe the future is going to be a bit bleak.
The BBC does bear much responsibility for allowing endless so called commentators and comedians to denigrate almost universally the President even before he was elected. . As his UN lady said names will be taken .
Good News:
My niece who is in her early 20’s hates the BBC for it’s Left Wing bias.
She lives in London.
Just back from the cinema having watched the Darkest Hour film.
A good film, but unfortunately spoilt by the Pakistani bystander in a street scene, several other blacks in street scenes, and then the ridiculous scene where Churchill took a tube train to canvas the opinions of ordinary 1940 people. His favourite London citizen is a West Indian black, and as Churchill moves about the train carriage, the black actor also moves so he is never out of screen. The scene finishes with Churchill shaking his hand and thanking him.
Utter pc garbage which ruined quite a good film.
you can’t be serious ! You mean there was no transgender person on that train ?
Sorry I forgot , that’s in the next film , where the whole lot of them fly Spitfires and a new meaning is given about the ” few ” .
Clearly done to appease the Academy of Motion Picture, Arts & Sciences, as the awards season is underway, and there cant possibly be a reoccurrence of on stage grievances again at the lack of diversity. So an ethnic minority has to be in camera shot for at least two thirds of the time. Every drama and new one being trailered at the moment has a mixed race couple, and its beginning to be irritating more than anything else.
Sat through another wasted hour of McMafia ! and most of the action took part in what Mr Trump would definitely call a shit-hole – Mumbai. The street scenes, overhead shots and a river full of plastic waste was not conducive to enticing anyone to visit. Certainly not me with my delicate stomach !!
I see the charity that runs the SS Great Britain have found their I K Brunel impersonator. Having presumably failed to find a BAME or transgender for the role they’ve settled on an Aussie who had never even heard of Brunel.
Hopefully on his induction he’ll be informed that Brunel was quite good at bridges and railways too, not just ships. Bonzer top hat mate!
The Beeb has basked in all the virtue to be signalled over the #Metoo movement.
Surely by far the worst threat young women face are the endemic ‘grooming’ gangs. A childhood ruined by gang rape and torture is not on a par with a knee being touched. Oddly, our noble Beeb has not once mentioned the rape gangs throughout their entire coverage of the #Metoo movement.
The news bulletin mentions that black is the most popular colour for cars. Is this a subliminal race relations message? Why else would they mention it?
Prayer for the day quotes Martin Luther King, saying we should be judged by the content of our character and not the colour of our skin. The BBC, with their obsession with ‘diversity’, would do well to heed his words.
‘Net migration’ is such a snide term, meaning the number of people leaving the country deducted from those numbers coming in. Those leaving are generally more desirable such retiring couples who have done well for themselves or my banker friend who has moved to New York, whereas I imagine few rich retirees move to Bradford to see out their twilight years. ‘Net migration’ is another sly sleight of hand to deceive us into underestimating the scale of the immigration crisis.
Morning rant over – off to work! Have a good day everyone.
Toady watch
The leader of UKIP has gone for a full disclosure of his domestic affairs trying to save his political life . A complete fool not worthy of public life – see Toby young . The multiculturals must be laughing their bits off . Farage will have to start a new party if he is to fight for brexit which is due in 439 days .
Humph kept quiet and let him destroy himself
He was on a hiding to nothing whatever he chose: do the interview and embarrass yourself and damage UKIP by your own hand or choose not to and al Beebus will embarrass you and damage UKIP on its own and without any opposing view.
The chap’s girlfriend also only expressed views of Harry’s fiancee, which many people privately hold or sympathise with.
Yes of course plenty of people agree with her view ( idont because I care about important things ) but if he is dumb enough to get loved up with some one stupid enough to put it on line then he needs another job .
Toady 2
You have to hand it to al beeb – they love immersing themselves in human misery . They sent the Asian work experience girl to Bangladesh for snow flakes to cry over the tragedy of Muslim survivors from Burma .
No mention of the leader of that country – whom albeeb treated as another non white saint like Hussain Obama and Mandela . Now that she has beeb tarnished she is ignored
Nor does al beeb try to explain why Burma through these Muslims out – or why their wealthy Islamic bothers like the Arabs arnt looking after them . Is it a different brand of that false religion . Care less.
As an aside they interviewed an nhs a and e doctor who d gone there . I’m sure the people moaning about the lack of doctors in the nhs will appreciate that one .
When a story fits their narrative – which is hard to find, seeing as they are diametrically wrong about most things – they report on it relentlessly. As my dear old mum says, the news has been the same for ten days.
So we have had months on the Rohingya Muslims as here we ostensibly have Muslims who are actually being persecuted rather than persecuting for once; loads on the white rapist taxi driver, whilst the plethora of ‘Asian’ rapist taxi drivers are ignored; and of course a single ‘racist’ comment said in private by Trump – perhaps not even said at all – brings blanket coverage for days, with them bringing out African leaders, Democrats and endless others to try and drag the story on for as long as possible.
I thought after Brexit and Trump they might look themselves in the mirror, consider what they might be doing wrong and perhaps change their ways. Alas, if anything they are getting worse.
The new editor seems to be going full Hugs; never go full Hugs.
Guest – she’s after a seat next to shabi in the house of false expenses . -,she don’t seem like a cross bencher to me .
They take themselves so seriously. If we asked them to ‘shine a light’ on certain problems which are closer to home they would have us arrested. So great to see Trump ridicule them – they have such a ridiculously high opinion of themselves.
But she wasn’t one of ‘them’ until recently. Too much to hope such a self-aggrandising comment would see colleagues ROFL in a proper newsroom?
At 0745 on Toady we had an in-depth long interview with the editor of the Guardian!!!!!
Because (a world level news event) they have moved over to a TABLOID FORMAT!
OMG. Stop the presses.
What followed was the entirely predictable sick-inducing love-in.
And boy did it go on. And on. And on.
Pass the sick bag.
Somehow I just cannot imagine a similar event, in similar chummy terms, with the Telegraph.
I would so love for them to sit down with an editor from Breitbart – actually discussing substantive issues rather than Beeboids calling them names. They would get absolutely destroyed.
I thought this was a high point. I hope it signals that the Guardian really is getting into financially trouble. I pray that the next step will be to go ‘pay wall’ . I read the guardian on line to see what the enemy is up to . And I mean enemy – not just people with contrary views. I used to read the telegraph but will never pay for online content.
A while ago we, here, we discussing how many thousands of copies al Beeb buys each day – compared – say to the Mail . I know it was a lot for the former but few for the latter….
I suppose so rich Russian will come to the rescue with The guardian like those other sad products – standard and independent . Hope not as I d like to see it gone.
“I suppose so rich Russian will come to the rescue with The guardian”
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if RT or Pravda bought it. Then there would be no hiding place for bias. Or perhaps Al Jazeera then they would sink without a trace just like Al Jazeera US after having millions pumped into it.
Was this story covered?
Because women at the Bbc cannot get enough of bbc women.
It was indeed a long in-depth article
unlike this one which was read out , without comment or analysis or special guest to discuss
NHS conned (easily)
It is our 50th Wedding anniversary this year. One of our seven
grand-children mailed the BBC to suggest that we would be
good contestants for ” Pointless.” I would be the first to
give a pointless answer on opera. Mrs Foscari is brilliant
on many subjects at giving a “pointless” answer.She has been
doing this with me for fifty years!
Now I would like your advice when a researcher asks me
questions beforehand on subjects like our ethnicity. I thought
I would tell them that I was a BLT or whatever it is called. Would
wear a sequined dress and Mrs Foscari would try and grow
a moustache. Do you think this would give us a better chance
of getting on the programme?
Just tick all the boxes for ‘other ‘ that’ll do it.
I’m not sure, but maybe a sequined burka adorned with a ‘Jezzer for Prezzer’ badge might do the trick.