Weekend Open Thread


Millions of cheap labourers imported and the BBC wonders about the ‘productivity puzzle’ and why the NHS is ‘in crisis’ as patient use explodes.  Still, it doesn’t pay to look too hard, they might find something they don’t like.

List the bias here……

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350 Responses to Weekend Open Thread

  1. vesnadog says:

    “Surely Marr highlighting the appearance of those two is proof in itself that the BBC is now only broadcasting to a lefty-minded audience”

    Likely dress for future BBC employees:

    1) over 50s,



  2. vesnadog says:

    2) yet to be employed,



  3. vesnadog says:

    3) under 50s and white,



  4. Fedup2 says:

    I found an intelligent programme on al Beeb about Brexit .
    It’s true . It’s buried on the downloads now under “archive on 4” ‘return of the Anglosphere” where Jonathon Powell discusses how we might reattach to other English speaking nations like aus, Canada, New Zealand and others when we leave. It might have echoes of empire but let’s hope it can be done .

    The programme reminds us that when we deserted our friends in joining the eec there were no transition arrangements.


  5. G says:

    Had any request for a donation to help the Yemeni’s? Did you contribute to help perpetuate this barbarism?
    One of the reasons I would never contribute money to the so-called, ‘International Aid Agencies’.


  6. fakenewswatcher says:

    I regrettably caught a piece of Paddy O’ Connell and ‘Broadcasting House’ yesterday morning. I noticed him proudly churning out the ‘pale, male and stale’ insult. I had actually stopped listening to O’ Connell’s crap long ago. His agenda is firmly a Guardian/ anti-white one, and his smug, self-satisfied, ‘aren’t I clever’ tone grates. It has that purring, oily quality Eddy Mair cultivates.
    This little derogatory phrase he used pops up regularly now on the beeb. Many of the presenters reveal their abusive personalities in hurling about insults they wouldn’t dream of using for women or BME groups. But white men? No Problem.
    My question is: does anyone else find ‘pale, male and stale’ has an intention of being offensive in order to virtue signal? Do we take the beeb to task about this, or let it go?


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Just a quiet word in your ear. I would be very dubious about using the word “P—y” as our Rich told me in no uncertain terms when I used it recently that he finds it offensive. Be warned. xx


  7. fakenewswatcher says:

    I regrettably caught a piece of Paddy O’ Connell and ‘Broadcasting House’ yesterday morning. I noticed him proudly churning out the ‘pale, male and stale’ insult. I had actually stopped listening to O’ Connell’s crap on R4 long ago. His agenda is firmly a Guardian/ anti-white one, and his smug, self-satisfied, ‘aren’t I clever’ tone /content grates. It has that purring, oily quality Eddy Mair cultivates.
    This little derogatory phrase he used pops up regularly now on the beeb. Many of the presenters reveal their abusive personalities in hurling about insults they wouldn’t dream of using for women or BME groups. But white men? No Problem. Norman Smith last week used it on the TV1 news. You could see the ‘aren’t I clever?’ in his smile.
    My question is: does anyone else find ‘pale, male and stale’ has an intention of being offensive in order to virtue signal? Do we take the beeb to task about this, or let it go?


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Perhaps Bomber Command could be reconvened. I’m sure those chaps would delight in using it for target practice considering what the arseholes are doing to Britain’s populace.


  8. JamesArthur says:


    Yes I think we should complain to BBC about racism, and sexism every time we hear it used….


  9. Dystopian says:

    I have just tuned into Radio 5 live. I’m not sure who the guest is (edit: Jordan Peterson) but he is arguing a very good case against the notion of hate speech and talking a lot of sense.

    Presenter implies that if there was no recourse in law then what else could one do if not hit someone for offending them! Interviewee rightly says you can challenge me verbally or debate me….