Very clever Piers Morgan. Now explain to us what makes her a racist? She certainly has strong objections to Islam, wants Muslims to leave this country, strongly opposes shariah. But as far as I can see her objections to Islam embrace all Muslims whatever their race or shade of skin. I have not seen her object to any particular ethnic group and would suggest that she and the handful of members of Britain First would welcome on board members of any ethnic group who shared their objections to Sharia.
Perhaps Piers Morgan has been schooled in the Cathy Newman style of argument; known as the SWYAS style ( so what you are saying)
Morgan should never have been allowed to work in journalism again after the disgusting lies he published when editing the Mirror, about British soldiers. In fact, he should have served time for having endangered the lives of British troops.
Jayden-like Tommy-like Enoch and Ray Honeyford before? All are lightning rods for lefty evils.
And all suffer, have suffered and will suffer as long as we refuse to back them and fail to re-educate the lazy susans who only get prechewed bacca from the Guardian website, BBC or their schools or loony yoonies.
Praying for you Jayden babes-only website with a Bible quote on it.
As opposed to the churches who ought to be backing her.
Lefty scum under Mussolini knew that if you “strike one-you educate a hundred”. When will WE on the right side of the road draw the obvious conclusions? God Bless and keep Jayden, Morgan makes up stories re Iraqi dead and British complicity. So he`s Campbell with Blairs pubes where his hair ought to be.
Indeed. And a lot of British Jews were saved from persecution. A shame that more recent, lesser politicians have seen fit to restore that threat.
Every time a film about Churchill is released, the usual suspects pop out of the woodwork, arguing that we were irrelevant etc. Not quite sure how the US and Canada could have invaded France from, say, Bermuda, in 1944 but ….. never mind.
A lot of European Jews were saved from persecution, Ian, too, by being able to flee here. And had we lost and the Germans taken control of the UK then, no doubt those and a lot of others – Christians, especially – would have died in camps & gas chambers for protecting Jews or trying to.
The Germans didn’t want to take control of the UK.
They wanted to take back the territory they’d been forced to give up after their defeat in WW1 and conquer sufficient land in the East so as to be able to feed their entire population without the need to import food.
That had been a hard lesson they’d learnt from WW1, where our naval blockade (which wasn’t lifted for quite some time after the war’s end) had starved to death a few hundred thousand of them.
That led to the realisation that Germany was insufficiently large to agriculturally support its own population; particular so when the German diaspora and various regions populated by Germans, in other countries, were incorporated into the “Reich”.
The Germans were also aware that the Soviet Union was going to invade Europe and so they got their retaliation in first with Operation Barbarossa.
I always wondered why the Germans bombed the crap out of London? Not to mention Coventry, Plymouth,Swansea, Liverpool-with assistance from S.Ireland- just to mention a few.
They were hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most members of my family were hungry during WW2. Something to do with the Battle of the Atlantic.
They “bombed the crap” out of those cities because we’d done the same to theirs, once we were at war with Germany that was going to happen.
You seem to have misunderstood the point I was making about the causes of WW2 and where the original focus of German aggression was aimed, to the East, and why that was.
I hadn’t realized there was a Guernica in the UK too that was bombed in WW2 (apologies) I only knew about the one bombed in Spain, during the Spanish Civil War.
The point I was making was that they “bombed the crap out of those cities” because that’s what they did.
They were not provoked by the people of Guernica, but they bombed them anyway. The implication in The Spectator title that Hitler was not in favour of indiscriminate bombing is absurd. The fact that Guernica is in Spain and was bombed before the outbreak of WW2 makes no difference whatsoever and the suggestion that they were reluctant bombers does not hold water. I’m sure the Poles have their own take on that.
Your silly, prickly, sarcastic response does you no credit.
“Perhaps you should contact Richard Overy about his book and point out where he’s mistaken, so he can correct future editions.”
Ahh – sarcasm once again.
I said “The implication in The Spectator title”.
There’s a book on WW2 to support virtually any opinion so I’m not overly impressed. People write books to sell and make money, not necessarily to inform.
You said “They ‘bombed the crap’ out of those cities because we’d done the same to theirs”…that is totally WRONG! It was impossible because we simply didn’t have the aircraft capable of such an act until about 1943.
Ian Muir’s point of Guernica is a valid one, in that the germans were quite fond of indiscriminate bombing long before any could be aimed at them.
I haven’t read Richard Overy’s book, so I can’t comment on its content but, I assume it’s a personal perspective. Does he say anywhere in his book exactly what you quoted? I can’t believe a historian would 🙁
Alternatively, the Germans could have learned the lesson that if you don’t make war on all your neighbours, they will be perfectly willing to sell food to you, with no need to invade them.
Whether the USSR was seriously planning to invade Germany is a question which divides historians. Obviously they had military plans, but that does not translate into a political intention. In 1941 Stalin was Hitler’s ally, and was more than happy to supply Germany with food, oil and other war materiel, so long as Germany was fighting Britain. That position may well have changed if Germany had negotiated a peace with Britain, securing their western flank, but we will never know for sure.
What we do know that is that the way Hitler chose to make war on the USSR, making it a race war against the Slavs, meant the Russian and other peoples of the USSR had no choice but to fight to the death. If the Germans had been offering an end to Communism, and a peaceful future allied to Germany, things might have been different.
There is an excellent book called “Icebreaker” by Victor Suvorov which covers this in great detail. He was a Soviet military intelligence officer who defected to Britain in 1978.
The Germans and their allies smashed through into the Soviet Union as quickly as they did, because the Red Army was poised to invade westwards; with huge numbers of men and materiel drawn up closely together. The Soviet forces were not in defensive formations and that was why they were unable to defend against the Axis forces.
Funny that. If they didn’t want to control Britain it is strange that they were preparing to invade it, and had detailed plans for whom was to be bumped off afterwards, where the government was to be, and so on.
There were plans drawn up for an invasion of Britain through 1940 but not entertained as a serious proposition, more to try to swing the mood in Britain towards coming to terms with Germany.
The primary goal was always the land grab in the East and the principle enemy the Soviet Union.
The Royal Navy had overwhelming supremacy on the seas and a sea borne invasion might cost 100,000 German lives on the first day alone.
Al, unfortunately the German invasion plans were and are well known. They certainly did want to take over the UK. Their plan was to make the whole of Europe from Ireland to the edge of Japan their territory.
I seem to recall that Goering had to go to Berlin at one point to apologise personally to Hitler for not having overcome the UK fighter defences sufficiently for the invasion to take place when originally scheduled.
Al, suggest you read Winston Churchill’s history of WW2 as a starting point. Then have a look at some of the military maps that are now available in archives.
That graphics opening to Dad’s Army was not a comedy fiction but a constant reality, even into 1944.
I recommend a little cheese before a night’s sleep, but I do mean a little: just a sliver or two.
Was James Corden not presenting the Trump bashing intended with the reading from “Fire & Fury” at the Grammies? Mocking Trump’s “comb over” is somewhat undermined when the reader is plastic faced Cher (shame Katty did not get the gig).
How many of these endless show pony events do we now get? Is the first quarter of any year just an endless parade on nobodies who didn`t quite get enough
a) money
b) fame
c) publicity and lurve?
LAST year?
Guess that the likes of Morecambe and Wise, Cooper, Cagney and Wayne were busy actually MAKING history for us all with their arts? Not spending half the year boasting, crying and bitching about Trump-Weinstein
Which is why a George Martin has a back catalogue that will last another Reich-whereas the poppets like Rita Ora won`t even be legends in their own luchtimes, not even household names in their other designated houses?
Radio4 8:30pm “Women are sexist too.
Even avowed feminists are found to be unconsciously biased against women when they take ‘implicit association’ tests”
8pm There is indeed a Magic Money Tree!! Since the financial crisis, no less than £435billion of new money has been created through the policy of “quantitative easing”, Michael Robinson finds out what happened to this staggering sum of money, and evaluates its effect on the lives of us all.
-many people argue that the returns on QE have been astonishingly small.
– Moreover, the influx of cash has inflated the price of assets, and led to a relative widening of the gap between rich and poor, which now threatens to upset our economic and political order,
Hmmm I wonder if the prog will just be the left/lib view ?
We wouldn’t have wanted to go the route of Greece/Spain
Stew, Mr Robinson has not been paying attention to the BBC, obviously.
Oh! I forgot. The BBC allowed their really good Economics Editor to leave and installed someone in their place who wouldn’t know ‘narrow money’ if it bit them.
OK I listened to a bit of the prog
It claimed that subsconscious anti-female bias shows up not just in individual circumstances, but also on Twitter as well
Claim “During the last election the top 10 political journalists retweeted or liked by influencers* none were women”
Hangon surely one of the most retweeted political person is KTHopkins ?
So I’m betting that survey specifically excluded KTHopkins as libs don’t like her..
The prog maker replied to my tweet
But she’s not a political journalist.
Here we go even though she’s a newspaper columnist, and goes to places to research and write up reports, they try to say ‘she’s no journalist’
* OK spot their double cherrypick
Cherrypick #1 : They get to say who qualifies as a “political journalist”
Cherrypick #2 : They get to say who qualifies as an influencer
How’s KT compare against their people ?
At that time she had a daily show mainly talking about politics
vs Laura Kuenssberg’s 769K
Isabel Hardman, Assistant Editor, The Spectator 127K
Sophy Ridge ex of tabloid newspaper News of the World 101K
(See how KT has more followers than their top 3 female journos)
Who are the male journos in that top 20 ?
Faisal Islam, Michael Crick, Robert Peston, Jon Snow, Fraser Nelson, Paul Waugh, Nick Robinson, Nick Sutton*, AFNeil, Finkelstein, Aaronovitch
* Never heard of him ..he’s Editor of BBC News website
KT actually has more followers than all except Peston
Cherie Blair’s sister is a Muslim convert !
who has just been banned by the Charity Commission from serving as a charity trustee after £90K went missing
I cannot get my head around people like this! Cherie Blair's sister Lauren Booth stripped of Peacetrail trustee status
OK she`s shit.No question. But she is far more of a man than anybody in Torytown-and it`s wise to separate out her gender neutral uselessness with the spite and venom that invariably is aimed at women in high office.
Momentum and Corbyns cabal really HATE women unless they`re dead and threw themselves under the Kings horse, or spouted eugenics way back.
Yes, she`s crap-but if she had some men around her, she`d be probably better.
Maggie had Ridley, Tebbit, Neave and Lawson-among others, admittedly not THAT great. But look at what May has to try to mould a mud pie out of.
The blokes need chin implants, the women need spine transplants-BUPA preferably, won`t work likely as not.
Soubry is awful-but am I the only one who thinks she at least isn`t a doormat for those she hates? Us and her real Tory colleagues?
She`s far more a winner and desperate, nasty(yes, and pissed likely as not)-but compare her to Hunt, Hancock, Hammond etc-and she`s much more of a man that any of them.
Funny how the Trump enemies and haters in the media, didn’t tell us about this tweet
As our Country rapidly grows stronger and smarter, I want to wish all of my friends, supporters, enemies, haters, and even the very dishonest Fake News Media, a Happy and Healthy New Year. 2018 will be a great year for America!
I see a bunch of puerile, spoiled brats playing at being communists stormed a Churchill-themed cafe in Corbyn’s constituency and effectively held the place to ransom. Now personally I would have cleared the customers out, locked the doors and quickly proceeeded to kick the utter living shit out of each of those posh kids, to teach them a hard lesson about what Stalin’s communist ideology was really like. If this is what universities are teaching young people then they should be shut down. But to the point: why was this not reported on the bbc. Answer: Whose constituency was it again…?
These little shits are students at SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies, run by a bunch of lefty academics who earn their money for the yoonie by recruiting wealthy students from Third World Countries and for three years give their darlings a bucket full of false history about the wicked west.
Unsurprisingly there is a strong presence of anti semitism at SOAS.
Some in the UK are unhappy at the idea that the UK will have to follow the rules of the single market and the customs union, including freedom of movement for EU citizens, but will lose its voting rights.
WATCH | Bill Cash MP tears into EU's negotiating position agreed this afternoon which insists Britain remains de facto within the Customs Union and Single Market during the implementation period, rightly asks the government whether it will be rejecting this latest EU "ultimatum".
Will the impartial BBC cover this memo sh*tstorm erupting in the US at all? And if so, how perfunctory will their coverage be? An FBI top brass has just stepped down. Sounds like one for that cavernous memory hole. When we all have access to multiple news sources their refusal to report on key stories becomes ever more farcical.
His wife took money from the Clintons. His “resignation” has been delayed until now so that he’ll be entitked to a full pension when he leaves. The swamp couldn’t preserve his job, but it preserved his income.
Trump says he just ignores much of the abuse he gets. He proves what nonsense the whole ‘hate crime’ narrative is. We are told a single harsh word on social media should have the Police involved, ostensibly to protect the feelings of the victim. Trump has suffered billions of ‘hate incidents’ and he is fine. They are only words – just ignore them.
Of course it is really about suppressing the wrong opinions. In the wake of a terror attack we are warned not to be part of a ‘backlash’, ostensibly to protect ‘communities.’ Really it is to insulate our leaders from criticism and having to do their jobs properly. ‘Don’t dare complain about what we have done to the country or we will crush you.’
Beeb Bro
Did you know that the more melanin your body has the less likely you are to indulge in hate speech. That is why white skinned people are so full of hate and black skinned people are full of love. Funny fing that. Innit?
Did anyone hear the “World at One” today. I listened to a few bits of it before turning it off – But was highly amused to hear a report about a storm in a Labour teacup when a self registered “Trans Woman” was upset because he/she was unable to get onto a wimmins only shortlist. There was talk of “Hate Crime” and refusal to talk to each other , it really was “handbags at dawn!”
The Labour party official tried to say that most “trans wimmin” would not have had the same negative experiences of “real wimmin” which is why the “trans” varieties (is that the correct term?) were excluded and on it went.
What I particularly enjoyed were the never ending circles of contradiction and the Gordian knots of stupidity which formed when political parties jump onto the PC wagon in order to demonstrate their “inclusiveness”
In the real world this bollocks would be treated with the utter contempt it rightfully deserves. But in modern day Britain with political whores such as Corbyn and Sharia at the helm, and all desperate to virtue signal their PC credentials any weird and wacky craziness now has to be treated seriously as a serious complaint.
I am not sure whether it was funny or just very sad that the BBC is even giving time to these oversensitive crybabies – but at least it gave me a good chuckle.
Not enough wimmin won Grammy’s.
Stop complaining. Last year with my dogs I appeared in a recording which was one of those mass things children, workers, etc from all walks of life. We had half a million hits on You Tube with revenue going to a charity teaching music to underserved kids.
We were shortlisted for a Grammy and did not win one.
Looking back I am convinced that it was a case of canineophobia and my dogs were discriminated against.
Perhaps we should expose the entertainment industry for abuse of dogs and wear bones at the next Grammy Awards.
PS Photo from the Mail, not my dog
Coming very soon:
“After they #ReleaseTheMemo you can absolutely count on the Dems embarking on a scorched earth campaign to lie their way through this epic scandal. There’s no lie they won’t tell, no character they won’t assassinate, & no deception they won’t embrace to hide what they did.”
It would be good for them to publicise some Conservative ‘outrage’ for once. This is terrible. Obama using state powers to spy on a presidential candidate? We might have to protest en masse wearing wire tap hats or something. Actually, we won’t as we all have jobs.
Channel 4 news being racist tonight saying 75% of black kids stabbed to death in London last year were killed by blacks of the same gender age as their victim .
On the upside there is now a diverse police force which is just ineffective as a wholly white one.
C4 didnt roll out dame Doreen of Lawrence but did get a community worker and Labour MP to bitch about needing more stop and search – from the channel that campaigned to cut stop and search because it upset the Community .
Better not to do stop and search as it only causes civil actions for low life’s after a tax payout . Liberals get what they deserve.
C4 didn’t blame the interNHS for not turning up on time to stop kids bleeding out from their wounds
But did go for the resources – multiagency – multi blame approach so favoured by buck passer politicians.,
If you want to see the racist stats go to the C4 news website .,
By the way – it’s racist – and sexist since it only mentioned dead males -.because I believe it to be .
It might even be hatist too as it gives the impression that black male youths are more likely to be criminal than non black youths which , as all enlightened people know , could bt be the case .,
How long were we told that if the Police were more diverse then it would earn ‘trust’ from communities and crime would fall? It turned out to be nonsense – what a surprise. Of the myriad factors that motivate criminals, I imagine the colour of the arresting officer’s skin is tiny to non-existent.
Colour of nails, whether they match their heels seems now to be a factor.
And all those lurid wristbands, cheap rubber and made by sweatshops in Honduras and Vietnam…urgh!
Not to be seen dead in them dearie-and until Marie Curie give us daffs that are NOT yellow-well, I m outta here babes!
I’m shocked. Do you mean that young black men have been stabbed to death since Stephen Lawrence? I thought he was the only one, and that young black men were only ever stabbed by white racists.
It seems the real world is stranger than I thought.
7:30pm BBC Inside Out : Any SJW stuff ?
“Tonight on @BBCInsideOutYL, @OwainWynEvans has been investigating why depression & anxiety are disproportionately high among lesbian, gay & transgender people ”
SouthWest edition
: The story of transgender Yve as she seeks ordination in the church.
Re. depressives. In their defense though, I think I would also be more than a little bit pissed off if I suspected that I wasn’t quite normal.
I think it’s probably not that people take the piss out of them that makes them miserable but that normal people just do not give two Friar Tucks. Their victimhood is in their heads.
BBC resolutely ignore the possible reason for his departure, which may be revealed later today. That being the release of a memo about FBI compliance with bugging the Trump campaign. Presumably the BBC are intending to play down the memo.
They have to play it down because they are implicated themselves.
It seem very possible that the Democrats used lies, former MI6 & KGB agents and the apparatus of the state to illegally use surveillance on their political opponents.
This possibility has been in the public domain for months. And yet the BBC chose to ignore it and go with the Democrats narrative.
If the memo proves what many have suspected, then the ramifications for the BBC are massive.
I’ve just read the ‘news’ piece about the McCabe story on the BBC’s website. It bears no resemblance whatsoever to what I understand, from multiple sources, to be the actual facts of the case. What is more, the ‘analysis’ piece which follows it is a twisted fabrication of spin and lies.
Here we see today’s BBC at work. Quite literally, it is about as reliable a source of impartial news as a state broadcaster from a Soviet satellite in the 1960s.
You mean Auntie might be about to experience a “Gotcha moment”? Wouldn’t that be a joy to behold? Be aware though, that these creatures are as slippery as a bucketful of slugs having a gang bang.
Proof that the BBC is so flippin awash with our money that they can now afford the luxury of sending 2 (TWO) different groups of TV Journalist/camera men n women anywhere around the world. The following photos were a report from some small fire in south Africa:
The guy on the left is one of the many BBC science reporters – can’t think of his name just now but he bows down to Sir Cox, space-guy, ex pop star! The one nearest the camera is usually reports from Iraq but he’s popped up here now!
Sneering BBC as always:
LMFHO reading the ‘analysis’ (loose term) from Adam Fleming (or is that Lemming?), whoever he is….No patriotism (dirty word I know) whatsoever…. Immediately knocks down the position of the UK Government. I’m sure he nearly wet himself with glee, recounting everything Barnier said to counter the position of OUR country in the negotiations. Phrases such as; ‘Knocked them down’, ‘Dismissed’, ‘He warned’, ‘And don’t dare’. No effort to even try and counter any of these statements! Obviously, it goes without saying that (in his myopic eyes) The UK is wrong to even suggest anything else, so we may as well ‘roll over and play dead’. Conceited upstart! (Whoever you are?)
In case I’ve not explained myself. The guy in the suit and the guy in the blue shirt are the two culprits that I’m referring to. It seems like the man in the suit has hired his very own local sound engineers or simmink!
I’m depicted as a grey haired granny with a topknot !!! where’s the shawl and knitting ? God Almighty, how many times do we hear that we’re living in the past, yet we see images like this. Me and no doubt Joanna Lumley are definitely not chuffed !!! and refused to be stereotyped (as I pull on my leather trousers)
Having turned 60 three weeks ago I see that they have got my hair nearly right, I’m greying although not as completely as that, but my beard is whiter than that. And I still wear jeans nearly all the time.
Dover Sentry
It’s quite easy to imagine that if all those men were alive today the Lefties at the BBC would regard them as “Far Right.” Not to mention “Too White” Shameful bastards. UGH!
I shudder to think how we would get on should we face such a conflict today. Methinks we’d need as many of our forces facing the rear covering our backs!
I think the Liberals have got any future war covered. Bob Geldolf can stick his fingers up at the enemy navy, Brendan Cox telling us “there is more that unites us than divides us”, Lily Allen apologising for any bombs we throw at the enemy etc.
I don’t think we have anything to worry about these days unless an invading army is invited by the millions by Angela Merkel and then helped on their way to the UK where a brand new house awaits them. Those invaders then have sex with, say 1400 white girls in Rotherham whilst everyone ignores what is going on and make excuses every time they run us over, bomb/stab/shoot us.
Lets be honest, if the gloves were off and they could get away with it the Tories would find a 'final solution' for the disabled and poor who they hold in contempt just as hitler did the Jews.
We`ve just come off the back of Holocaust Day.
How DARE the left and BBC types shanghai that event with what the worthless, spinless and clueless Tories are doing?
Where`s the Church on this? those few brave agencies that still speak up for Jews in Britain 2018? Disgusting.
Why don`t we get this creep dealt with, so this Zinoviev Letter stuff gets finished once and for all.
First they came for the Jews and their friends suddenly looks a lot nearer than it needs to be.
OT, but it is fascinating that this chap thinks these interesting takes on the consequences of democratic votes help:
One of the tragedies of Brexit is that EU citizenship is being taken away from so many against their will. The European Parliament has recognised this fact in two resolutions. I wish others would listen! #IamEuropean???????? #WeAreEurope????????
I’ve always made the point to libs
“You keep saying that it’s the youth that made that impact for Corbyn,
You act as if the number of youth votes was given along side the election results , but no since the vote is private, the idea about the youth vote is just based on a guess from a few exit poles”
A Thai pro-democracy activist said on Sunday she had fled Thailand after learning she would be prosecuted for defaming the monarchy for sharing on Facebook a 2016 BBC article deemed offensive to Thailand’s king.
Chanoknan Ruamsap said in a post on her Facebook account on Sunday that she received a summons earlier this month to hear a royal insult charge under Article 112 for posting a profile of the king from the BBC’s Thai-language service, which some deemed offensive.
Jatupat Boonpattararaksa, an activist who has staged several anti-junta protests, was arrested in 2016 and was sentenced last year to two and a half years in prison for posting the same BBC article.
Massive Green/EU fraud trial in France with 35 people
probably won’t be reported on the BBC
\\ Between 2008 and 2009, 1.6 billion euros were swindled in a huge carbon quota market scam dubbed the “fraud of the century”. On Monday, 36 people suspected of running the scheme’s largest operation went on trial in Paris.
At the head of the Marseille-based gang appearing before the judges this week is Christiane Melgrani
Today, Melgrani stands accused of embezzling 385 million euros between April 2008 and March 2009 using the European Union’s carbon-trading scheme.//
“I worked hard running my scams.
But with the CO2, it wasn’t work at all,” one protagonist told French daily Le Monde.
If the EU say it`s signed off then it is.
Good enough for me.
1. Since 2007, they`ve been signed off-what happened between 1973 and 2007 then guys n gals? And how are the Kinnocks these days after 1999s “little local difficulty”
2, Has the BBC and the EU signed off on the horse meat scandal of 2012/3 too? Long been quiet at THAT abbatoir, so I`m sure it`s all sorted now. Any reality check THERE Beeb?
Is there anything that the BBC would NOT do to slaver round Barniers balls? Paffettic!
taffman, this is a common complaint from Brexiteers: the EU’s accounts have not been audited/they have not been signed off by the auditors/they have not been formally passed for adoption/etc./blah blah/etc. some more.
As I understand it, everything is tickety-boo with the accounts at Brussels level. It is some of the subsidiary accounts of member States dealings with disbursed cash is where the questions and doubts lie.
There was an accounting scandal many years ago where a whistle-blower was badly treated – extremely, very badly treated (pour discourager les autres) – but that was, I think all sorted out in the end. The whistle-blower got themselves elected as an MEP, IIRC, and everything was OK after that.
Take the money off the table, PM, and get us out of the EU and well away, please, on 29th March 2019. The nation will cheer you to the rafters and beyond!
The House Intelligence Committee on Monday evening voted to make public a GOP-crafted memo alleging what some Republicans say are “shocking” surveillance abuses at the Department of Justice (DOJ).
“FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe quits ahead of agency review”
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s deputy director, whom US President Donald Trump repeatedly accused of political bias, has resigned.”
StewGreen, they must have just seen your post?
It will be intriguing to see how they cover it. It was given a perfunctory mention on Five Live but none of its substance was mentioned – and you might think people would be mildly interested in a scandal of this magnitude.
BB, it got covered on TWT on BBC R4 yesterday. McCabe was due to retire/stand down in about three months so he hasn’t really resigned. Shades of Bob Kerslake and Andrew Adonis. But – hey ho – any opportunity to make President Trump look bad suits the BBC.
Am no fan of Donald Trump and swing wildly between wishing the Republicans had chosen someone else to see off Hillary, to a growing appreciation of the angst he’s giving the BBC and others of the alt-Left Brigade.
Last night’s post-6pm News light entertainment was The Museum of Curiosities. Meeting the donors for the week (quite why they are called the Steering Committee I know not – I would have thought Steering Committees are normally rather more permanent) and the first, Rowan Pelling – yes, she of the up-market porn magazine editing and publishing business – took an immediate pop at President Trump.
I switched off and did not bother switching back on until 22.00hrs. Bother! Missed the 8pm economics thingy with Michael Robinson.
Quite what ‘the sinisterhood’ make of Rowan Pelling in the current round of ‘hypopucritanical’ (< new word) witch hunts, I know not. I would have thought she would need a Quaternion bodyguard delivering her in a Securicor van to the studio or have been driven into exile on somewhere remoter than St Helena.
A ‘leaked document’ states Britian’s economy could be worse off out of the EU.
Isn’t it funny how these sexy ‘leaked documents’ only ever support their agenda? By ‘leaked document’ they mean one of their fellow trougher mates has handed them the information.
It ‘could be’ worse of. Well, I could win the lottery tonight but it is unlikely. They told us the world would end with Trump and Brexit. That has not happened. It is like Clegg with his broken tuition fees promise. You could not trust anything he promised after that and his party was rightly decimated in the subsequent election. How can we trust the media again?
Also a sports team has changed its name because it is supposedly racist. Racism used to be treating people less favourable because of their skin colour. Now it seems to be about finding something to be offended by. Martin Luther King did not dream of a day where his children would grow up to search everywhere for minor things to get offended by then stamp their feet about it.
The Russians are going to interfere with the November midterm elections! Great ‘news story’: someone from the notoriously devious CIA says something might happen in 10 months’ time. Can they not come up with a new narrative or are we stuck with the pathetic Russia nonsense for eight years?
Positve feedback in a howling wind of outrage instead of news eh? S`leb slags off Trump
Media report said slur aganist Trump. Other s`lebs rush to Twitter(well, more likely their agents, given that they`re not too smart as a rule). BBC report Twitter trending and the amplification and magnification of Trump howls around their empty minds like a Hendrix guitar left lying on Pete Townshends kiddie stash behind the Marshall.
And hope it`ll burn with their summonsing up of warm winds, incantations to the gods Ariel and Benda. Never does-but they`re our zippos our faggots and firestarters-so they`ll be back in an hours time.
My idea?-make them work only 9-5, shut the buggers down. They`ve too much time on their hands , and what does the devil do with idle hands Giles?
Er-writes articles for the Guardian.
It is not even like Twitter is a special platform only journalists have access to; we all have instant access in our pockets.
Yet they keep moaning about how underpaid they are! I would not pay someone even £2 an hour to just read Twitter feeds; I can do it myself and do it better by excluding the whining voices of libtards they are so partial to.
JHB is discussing this on Talk Radio.
Apparently the “leaked report” is brought to you by the same people who’s crystal ball wasn’t working when they predicted a massive recession should we dare to vote Brexit.
JHB pointed out : “brought to you by the same company that brought you the report that said the economy would fall apart right after the vote”
A Project Fear production
Have you (or anyone else) ever came across a ‘leaked’ pro Brexit document?
I certainly can’t ever recall hearing of one.
They must be as rare as bbc pro Brexit programmes and fairies at the bottom of the garden.
‘Leaked’ is such a devious word, implying bold subterfuge against nefarious agents. All that happened is someone rich and powerful from the BBC met with a rich and powerful friend from the treasury to plot how to best deceive people into believing things that will help them retain that wealth and power.
Over on R5 BBC lib-land have got a sniff at something that might help their grand project “Brexit must Fall” …and they are off like a pack of hunting hounds after the fox.
Made the phone-in about the leaks and Brexit
the BBC producers came up with a wheeze.. “We’ll get some ethnic Indians on , they’ll play the race card”.. “Oh no they are Brexiteers, move on Nicky & keep fishing we’ll get to an angry Renainer and give her loads of time.” “lib-land, llb-land uber alles”
This Fishing-technique is an interesting Campbell trick ..he kept passing along the line of callers until he found the Remainer voice he wanted and then gave them free rein.
One caller pulled on Campbell for always asking Brexit voters about race
“You don’t ask Remain voters about race, only Brexiteers, that’s *you stoking up division*
the main reason was not cos people are ‘racists’ ..
..and all cos of your fake fear projects people have lost faith in you remainers
a few days ago Cameron was caught on mike saying it wasn’t as bad as he thought”
… Yes strange how the BBC didn’t want to do a phone-in about that Cameron comment.
Ta beeb.
Out round the Wetherspoons of Somerset today, just to look around and find out what REAL people are bothered with.
Now you`ve told me what the BBC are banging their cymbals for this morning-no need to even check the red button for my daily snort.
Am I surprised?
Well no-but sometimes the third one on your list gets occluded for the day with an anti-migrant story or some nanny state report on teeth getting obese since 2010. And where`s Hunt with his golden bedpan when we need him?
And it`s been seven long days since Grenfell, even more since Hillsborough-and do I see Orgreave coming down the track?
Maybe if there`s any surprises to what the BBC have lined up for us all today-you could give us all a text, so we could bother our arses with ANYTHING the BBC now says!
“Within six months I was speaking a different language”
Phil Neville, the already embattled England Women’s Football Manager (accused of misogynist speech before he’s even entered the dressing room*) explains how his experience of working at Valencia will suit him for his new job. He’s a bright chap but didn’t mention that in Valencia they actually speak two different languages: Castilian Spanish; and Catalan. Just as the Spanish tend to speak with two tongues so the England Women’s Football Team speak regular Footie plus a refined ever-developing academic dialect of PC. Neville will need to be conversant in both. Mind you, his bollocks and penis will always be a hindrance.
*what’s the exact etiquette for a male coach marching in at half-time to give the hairdryer treatment to a female football team in the dressing room? Does he need to knock twice on the door and wait to be told everyone is decent and is then asked to come in?
There was a time when the Potter’s Wheel filled in dead air on broadcast TV
This morning the lightweights of BBC Breakfast are comparing their Celeb Mastermind war stories. They seemed to be bemoaning the fact they couldn’t all choose Harry Potter as a specialist subject. Did I hear right that their roving reporter Tim Muffett was a Danny Boyle fan? – not that you would ever guess a BBC bod happened to be over-keen on the Lefty theatre director. The bright young woman who does the sport with some unpronoucable name was the scientist of the group boasting a science “A” Level ! She plumped for the Human Body as her favourite subject matter so naturally Fallopian Tubes got yet another mention at breakfast this year with a short clip of her in the famous black chair.
As I see it – as a former regular watcher of mastermind – before it starting doing easy questions for Wimmin in the gen knowledge round – I can’t remember a contestant called “Fallopian tubes”.
Fallopian Smith was ok though .
It’s easy to win now though- do a box set short tv series – get 15 points then give a lot of wrong answers on the tough questions and get 10 ish on the way – on a bad day you’ll win on 25? Points and shake smug Humphs’ hand as a result
Re The Potters Wheel, we’re not going to see those days again….. not enough spin for bBBC. Sleb ‘Mastermind’, an oxymoron surely. Harry Potter my arse, those slebs need a proper educashion.
Al beeb is doing a job on the most influential Wimmin in the last 100 years. Apart from my mum and Carrie Gracie the shallow list is just a badly justified “right on “ list .
Now some might say ( al beeb term) that Margaret Thatcher wins hands down – whether one admired her or not . Let’s see if al beeb can come up with some far more respectable correct – Doreen Lawrence – jo Cox – or some other trivial nobody
Just so long as they are all paid the same. On the Today running order from Facebook:
Good morning. Today’s top stories:
– Any Brexit deal will hit UK economy – leaked government paper. Iain Duncan Smith (0709).
– The BBC is to cap the pay of its news presenters at £320,000 a year (0750).
– The former Lord Chief Justice will be telling us why he’s concerned about the new government powers arising from the Brexit Bill. Lord Judge (0810).
Not sure trumpeting a pay cap at around double that on the leader of the country for reader-outlers is quite soliciting the empathy BBC PR envisaged.
Anyone know who are the judges of the BBC’s 100 women of 2017?
Here are the judges for the BBC 100 women of the last 70 years:
Karen Brady – star of BBC’s The Apprentice
Abi Morgan – writer of feminist drama for, guess who, the BBC
Julia Hobsbawm, daughter of the Marxist historian, Stalinist supporter and denier of the Soviet’s atrocities. I still cant get over the fact his books were used as text books when I was in school.
Emma Barnett (Chair)– BBC broadcaster for Radio 5 live and woman’s hour.
Jill Burridge – former Woman’s Hour editor.
So women with exactly the same views of, and employed by, the BBC.
Fed, I wouldn’t be surprised now if anyone who ever gets a sniff of the TOADY mic – Amol included – doesn’t end up getting paid £325K or whatever. 100%+ pay rises for dozens of them.
Lord Hall Hall will get the begging tin out and go rattle it round the HoCommons and the Licence Fee will go up to £250.
Re leaked Brexit report – WHO GIVES A SHIT!
I voted for democracy to be returned (whether they like it or not) to the elected parliament of this country and to escape the creeping socialism of the all pervading Union. Also to restore a semblance of order to our borders so that we decide, as any sane individual would want, who gets access into our society and on what terms.
I knew that there would be an economic adjustment and I am PERFECTLY HAPPY WITH THIS.
BBC have had a ‘clear the schedules’ moment and are running out of tissue in the mens toilet over this. Good – enjoy the moment as they will become fewer and fewer.
The trouble with Liberals today is if we jumped back in time to 1939 they would all be saying “if we let Hitler invade he will boost the economy by 1.5% and we would be part of a Socialist Europe”.
The idea of being free and keeping you own country’s pride and traditions doesn’t even register with them.
The BBC has increasingly been turning to its allies on the SJW lunatic fringe for commentary. By what right either Buzzfeed or the HuffPo can claim to be reliable sources of news or comment is a beyond me.
It shows how much of a bubble BBC hacks live in that they can do this with a straight face.
Sky have been doing the same by going to the hard left loons at navaro media and sanitising them for the plebs. Sky this morning had head of progress Richard angell on sky papers review. No mention that progress is a labour front and pr outfit. Now this guy is one nasty piece of work
First heard on the BBC (you know, “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster)? No, no, no, wouldn’t want the Brits to think that there was any downside to islam, mass immigration and the lie of “multiculturalism”.
On the other hand, the BBC could just embrace all the Worlds troubles in which islam is involved and state:
‘We, the islamic & BAME broadcasting corporation are so anxious to tell our listeners/viewers about the downside to everything such as the failing health service and the evil Conservatives on a daily basis but we draw the line at telling our followers about problems experienced by our, “neighbours”.
“For the first time since World War II, Sweden is preparing to distribute a civil defense brochure to some 4.7 million households, warning them about the onset of war.”
I read somewhere (and with astonishment) that the Norwegian government is talking with deadly seriousness about the possibility of a complete collapse in Sweden. It is beggars belief that something so grave can be happening in a near neighbour country and yet the BBC ignores it.
More proof positive that the BBC is finished as a source of news.
I don’t think it is really fair to blame ‘women’ given our experience under Margaret Thatcher. Sweden’s downfall has been due to collectivism and socialism, both of which have gone unchallenged for decades. I might accept that women are more prone to these diseases than are men, though I would take some convincing as history tends to suggest otherwise (think of the Spanish Civil war in which women tended to side with Franco).
Sweden’s women didn’t do this alone – they were very ably assisted by self-hating socialist men.
Didn’t “blame ‘women” simply pointed out the fact. Readers can draw their own conclusions. Note that at the end of the Katie Hopkins interview, she discloses that Sweden is aiming to take in another 400,00 “refugees”. All sanctioned by a women dominated Government whether anyone likes it or not and irrespective of political persuasion.
I didn’t say you were blaming women, though that does seem to be quite common position and you go on to draw attention to the ‘women dominated’ government in Sweden. The fact that Sweden currently has a government with women in control doesn’t account for Swedish history of the last 70 years. In fact it might just as easily be a result rather than a cause.
It wasn’t a government dominated by women that opened the flood gates to uncontrolled immigration in this country in 1997 and it won’t be a government dominated by women that finally destroys the economy of this country should the far Left under Corbyn and Momentum win the next election.
Woman Of The Year.
1. Jayden Francis
2. Anne Marie Waters
3. Katie Hopkins
4. Margaret Thatcher
5. Ann Coulter
6. Melanie Phillips
7. Claire Fox
8. Germaine Greer
9. Gisela Stuart
10.Carrie Gracie(who reduced a few blokes salaries-more Carrie,more).
Anyone watch Peston on Sunday? ITV.
I was amazed at the guests.
2 in the studio we’re both leavers, Kate Hoey and the lovely Nadine Dorries.
JRM was a guest as well.
OK, Gina miller was also on as well as a ‘right on’ lefty unfunny comedian who didn’t like it that there was more than 1 leaver on the show.
Emmanuel – maybe they’ve looked at the figures and realised there are better numbers in moving to the ‘right’ as there is no one there.
When I found out peston is the son of a labour peer i put him on the banned list. – as well as his pitiful admission he was out of touch with ‘ordinary people’ cos he lives in a bubble .
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Very clever Piers Morgan. Now explain to us what makes her a racist? She certainly has strong objections to Islam, wants Muslims to leave this country, strongly opposes shariah. But as far as I can see her objections to Islam embrace all Muslims whatever their race or shade of skin. I have not seen her object to any particular ethnic group and would suggest that she and the handful of members of Britain First would welcome on board members of any ethnic group who shared their objections to Sharia.
Perhaps Piers Morgan has been schooled in the Cathy Newman style of argument; known as the SWYAS style ( so what you are saying)
Morgan should never have been allowed to work in journalism again after the disgusting lies he published when editing the Mirror, about British soldiers. In fact, he should have served time for having endangered the lives of British troops.
Jayden-like Tommy-like Enoch and Ray Honeyford before? All are lightning rods for lefty evils.
And all suffer, have suffered and will suffer as long as we refuse to back them and fail to re-educate the lazy susans who only get prechewed bacca from the Guardian website, BBC or their schools or loony yoonies.
Praying for you Jayden babes-only website with a Bible quote on it.
As opposed to the churches who ought to be backing her.
Lefty scum under Mussolini knew that if you “strike one-you educate a hundred”. When will WE on the right side of the road draw the obvious conclusions? God Bless and keep Jayden, Morgan makes up stories re Iraqi dead and British complicity. So he`s Campbell with Blairs pubes where his hair ought to be.
Muslims is a religion. Not a race.
If it wasn’t for this great man all these unwashed would be speaking German
Indeed. And a lot of British Jews were saved from persecution. A shame that more recent, lesser politicians have seen fit to restore that threat.
Every time a film about Churchill is released, the usual suspects pop out of the woodwork, arguing that we were irrelevant etc. Not quite sure how the US and Canada could have invaded France from, say, Bermuda, in 1944 but ….. never mind.
A lot of European Jews were saved from persecution, Ian, too, by being able to flee here. And had we lost and the Germans taken control of the UK then, no doubt those and a lot of others – Christians, especially – would have died in camps & gas chambers for protecting Jews or trying to.
The Germans didn’t want to take control of the UK.
They wanted to take back the territory they’d been forced to give up after their defeat in WW1 and conquer sufficient land in the East so as to be able to feed their entire population without the need to import food.
That had been a hard lesson they’d learnt from WW1, where our naval blockade (which wasn’t lifted for quite some time after the war’s end) had starved to death a few hundred thousand of them.
That led to the realisation that Germany was insufficiently large to agriculturally support its own population; particular so when the German diaspora and various regions populated by Germans, in other countries, were incorporated into the “Reich”.
The Germans were also aware that the Soviet Union was going to invade Europe and so they got their retaliation in first with Operation Barbarossa.
I always wondered why the Germans bombed the crap out of London? Not to mention Coventry, Plymouth,Swansea, Liverpool-with assistance from S.Ireland- just to mention a few.
They were hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most members of my family were hungry during WW2. Something to do with the Battle of the Atlantic.
They “bombed the crap” out of those cities because we’d done the same to theirs, once we were at war with Germany that was going to happen.
You seem to have misunderstood the point I was making about the causes of WW2 and where the original focus of German aggression was aimed, to the East, and why that was.
“They “bombed the crap” out of those cities because we’d done the same to theirs, once we were at war with Germany that was going to happen.”
What had the people of Guernica done?
I hadn’t realized there was a Guernica in the UK too that was bombed in WW2 (apologies) I only knew about the one bombed in Spain, during the Spanish Civil War.
The point I was making was that they “bombed the crap out of those cities” because that’s what they did.
They were not provoked by the people of Guernica, but they bombed them anyway. The implication in The Spectator title that Hitler was not in favour of indiscriminate bombing is absurd. The fact that Guernica is in Spain and was bombed before the outbreak of WW2 makes no difference whatsoever and the suggestion that they were reluctant bombers does not hold water. I’m sure the Poles have their own take on that.
Your silly, prickly, sarcastic response does you no credit.
Perhaps you should contact Richard Overy about his book and point out where he’s mistaken, so he can correct future editions.
“Perhaps you should contact Richard Overy about his book and point out where he’s mistaken, so he can correct future editions.”
Ahh – sarcasm once again.
I said “The implication in The Spectator title”.
There’s a book on WW2 to support virtually any opinion so I’m not overly impressed. People write books to sell and make money, not necessarily to inform.
“There’s a book on WW2 to support virtually any opinion”
Though not, evidently, your own about the article in The Specator or Overy’s book.
Al…they ‘bombed the crap’ out of our cities BEFORE we ‘bombed the crap’ out of their cities 🙁
We retaliated…
No, we didn’t.
Yes, we did.
You said “They ‘bombed the crap’ out of those cities because we’d done the same to theirs”…that is totally WRONG! It was impossible because we simply didn’t have the aircraft capable of such an act until about 1943.
Ian Muir’s point of Guernica is a valid one, in that the germans were quite fond of indiscriminate bombing long before any could be aimed at them.
I haven’t read Richard Overy’s book, so I can’t comment on its content but, I assume it’s a personal perspective. Does he say anywhere in his book exactly what you quoted? I can’t believe a historian would 🙁
Alternatively, the Germans could have learned the lesson that if you don’t make war on all your neighbours, they will be perfectly willing to sell food to you, with no need to invade them.
Whether the USSR was seriously planning to invade Germany is a question which divides historians. Obviously they had military plans, but that does not translate into a political intention. In 1941 Stalin was Hitler’s ally, and was more than happy to supply Germany with food, oil and other war materiel, so long as Germany was fighting Britain. That position may well have changed if Germany had negotiated a peace with Britain, securing their western flank, but we will never know for sure.
What we do know that is that the way Hitler chose to make war on the USSR, making it a race war against the Slavs, meant the Russian and other peoples of the USSR had no choice but to fight to the death. If the Germans had been offering an end to Communism, and a peaceful future allied to Germany, things might have been different.
There is an excellent book called “Icebreaker” by Victor Suvorov which covers this in great detail. He was a Soviet military intelligence officer who defected to Britain in 1978.
The Germans and their allies smashed through into the Soviet Union as quickly as they did, because the Red Army was poised to invade westwards; with huge numbers of men and materiel drawn up closely together. The Soviet forces were not in defensive formations and that was why they were unable to defend against the Axis forces.
Funny that. If they didn’t want to control Britain it is strange that they were preparing to invade it, and had detailed plans for whom was to be bumped off afterwards, where the government was to be, and so on.
There were plans drawn up for an invasion of Britain through 1940 but not entertained as a serious proposition, more to try to swing the mood in Britain towards coming to terms with Germany.
The primary goal was always the land grab in the East and the principle enemy the Soviet Union.
The Royal Navy had overwhelming supremacy on the seas and a sea borne invasion might cost 100,000 German lives on the first day alone.
Al, unfortunately the German invasion plans were and are well known. They certainly did want to take over the UK. Their plan was to make the whole of Europe from Ireland to the edge of Japan their territory.
I seem to recall that Goering had to go to Berlin at one point to apologise personally to Hitler for not having overcome the UK fighter defences sufficiently for the invasion to take place when originally scheduled.
You need to stop eating so much cheese before you go to bed.
Al, suggest you read Winston Churchill’s history of WW2 as a starting point. Then have a look at some of the military maps that are now available in archives.
That graphics opening to Dad’s Army was not a comedy fiction but a constant reality, even into 1944.
I recommend a little cheese before a night’s sleep, but I do mean a little: just a sliver or two.
Was James Corden not presenting the Trump bashing intended with the reading from “Fire & Fury” at the Grammies? Mocking Trump’s “comb over” is somewhat undermined when the reader is plastic faced Cher (shame Katty did not get the gig).
How many of these endless show pony events do we now get? Is the first quarter of any year just an endless parade on nobodies who didn`t quite get enough
a) money
b) fame
c) publicity and lurve?
LAST year?
Guess that the likes of Morecambe and Wise, Cooper, Cagney and Wayne were busy actually MAKING history for us all with their arts? Not spending half the year boasting, crying and bitching about Trump-Weinstein
Which is why a George Martin has a back catalogue that will last another Reich-whereas the poppets like Rita Ora won`t even be legends in their own luchtimes, not even household names in their other designated houses?
If Corden’s serious about raising money for charity, he’d let me pay him £500 to headbutt him.
Yes, I’d like to do that, too – and I could potentially cause some damage…
‘Come now Melbourne, get with the program: the World loves African savages so should you’. It’s all to do with having your share of diversity and multiculturalism. We all need more and more and more. We in the West have suffered weak Governments for decades. Governments who could not tell the UN and Soros to get stuffed (like the Visegrad four telling the EU). So, how do you like it?
Q&A Douglas Murray WRECKS Medi Hassan Over Islam Multiculturalism {youtube}
Radio4 8:30pm “Women are sexist too.
Even avowed feminists are found to be unconsciously biased against women when they take ‘implicit association’ tests”
8pm There is indeed a Magic Money Tree!! Since the financial crisis, no less than £435billion of new money has been created through the policy of “quantitative easing”, Michael Robinson finds out what happened to this staggering sum of money, and evaluates its effect on the lives of us all.
-many people argue that the returns on QE have been astonishingly small.
– Moreover, the influx of cash has inflated the price of assets, and led to a relative widening of the gap between rich and poor, which now threatens to upset our economic and political order,
Hmmm I wonder if the prog will just be the left/lib view ?
We wouldn’t have wanted to go the route of Greece/Spain
Stew, Mr Robinson has not been paying attention to the BBC, obviously.
Oh! I forgot. The BBC allowed their really good Economics Editor to leave and installed someone in their place who wouldn’t know ‘narrow money’ if it bit them.
OK I listened to a bit of the prog
It claimed that subsconscious anti-female bias shows up not just in individual circumstances, but also on Twitter as well
Claim “During the last election the top 10 political journalists retweeted or liked by influencers* none were women”
Hangon surely one of the most retweeted political person is KTHopkins ?
So I’m betting that survey specifically excluded KTHopkins as libs don’t like her..
The prog maker replied to my tweet
Here we go even though she’s a newspaper columnist, and goes to places to research and write up reports, they try to say ‘she’s no journalist’
* OK spot their double cherrypick
Cherrypick #1 : They get to say who qualifies as a “political journalist”
Cherrypick #2 : They get to say who qualifies as an influencer
How’s KT compare against their people ?
Who are the male journos in that top 20 ?
KT actually has more followers than all except Peston
Twitter study references
Blog :
Summary :
BTW implicit bias tests are not robust either
Nick Sutton's Twitter retweets seem quite SJW
(Editor of BBC News website)
The prog made a big deal about Implicit Bias Tests
but it’s come up before that they are flawed
Cherie Blair’s sister is a Muslim convert !
who has just been banned by the Charity Commission from serving as a charity trustee after £90K went missing
She is not the only Muslim convert. Former Chancellor George Osborne’s brother converted to Islam in order to marry his Muslim girlfriend Rahala Noor.
And then there is this …

Treezer looks so happy with her own kind of people.
OK she`s shit.No question. But she is far more of a man than anybody in Torytown-and it`s wise to separate out her gender neutral uselessness with the spite and venom that invariably is aimed at women in high office.
Momentum and Corbyns cabal really HATE women unless they`re dead and threw themselves under the Kings horse, or spouted eugenics way back.
Yes, she`s crap-but if she had some men around her, she`d be probably better.
Maggie had Ridley, Tebbit, Neave and Lawson-among others, admittedly not THAT great. But look at what May has to try to mould a mud pie out of.
The blokes need chin implants, the women need spine transplants-BUPA preferably, won`t work likely as not.
Soubry is awful-but am I the only one who thinks she at least isn`t a doormat for those she hates? Us and her real Tory colleagues?
She`s far more a winner and desperate, nasty(yes, and pissed likely as not)-but compare her to Hunt, Hancock, Hammond etc-and she`s much more of a man that any of them.
US : EPA vs activist scientists who say “we should ban this chemical !”
“oh yeh can we have a look at your raw data ?”
…. EPA webpage explains the data never came
US : EPA vs activist scientists who say “we should ban this chemical !”
“oh yeh can we have a look at your raw data ?”
…. EPA webpage explains the data never came
Funny how the Trump enemies and haters in the media, didn’t tell us about this tweet
I see a bunch of puerile, spoiled brats playing at being communists stormed a Churchill-themed cafe in Corbyn’s constituency and effectively held the place to ransom. Now personally I would have cleared the customers out, locked the doors and quickly proceeeded to kick the utter living shit out of each of those posh kids, to teach them a hard lesson about what Stalin’s communist ideology was really like. If this is what universities are teaching young people then they should be shut down. But to the point: why was this not reported on the bbc. Answer: Whose constituency was it again…?
These little shits are students at SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies, run by a bunch of lefty academics who earn their money for the yoonie by recruiting wealthy students from Third World Countries and for three years give their darlings a bucket full of false history about the wicked west.
Unsurprisingly there is a strong presence of anti semitism at SOAS.
I guess the DIVORCE period is over now that the BBC are using the word EU DEMANDS.
EU sets out Brexit transition demands { 29jan2018}
Some in the UK are unhappy at the idea that the UK will have to follow the rules of the single market and the customs union, including freedom of movement for EU citizens, but will lose its voting rights.
it’s time to walk away from the EU…NOW!!!!
We should have walked away the day after the referendum.
Bill Cash for PM
Will the impartial BBC cover this memo sh*tstorm erupting in the US at all? And if so, how perfunctory will their coverage be? An FBI top brass has just stepped down. Sounds like one for that cavernous memory hole. When we all have access to multiple news sources their refusal to report on key stories becomes ever more farcical.
He resigned because of Trump/Russia! That old grand unifying theory of bullsh*t. Not a single mention of the memo in their article!
His wife took money from the Clintons. His “resignation” has been delayed until now so that he’ll be entitked to a full pension when he leaves. The swamp couldn’t preserve his job, but it preserved his income.
McCabe’s got a snit on about his pension which is possibly disappearing before his eyes and threatening -apparently- to “torch” the FBI.
Nothing to see here move along
Trump says he just ignores much of the abuse he gets. He proves what nonsense the whole ‘hate crime’ narrative is. We are told a single harsh word on social media should have the Police involved, ostensibly to protect the feelings of the victim. Trump has suffered billions of ‘hate incidents’ and he is fine. They are only words – just ignore them.
Of course it is really about suppressing the wrong opinions. In the wake of a terror attack we are warned not to be part of a ‘backlash’, ostensibly to protect ‘communities.’ Really it is to insulate our leaders from criticism and having to do their jobs properly. ‘Don’t dare complain about what we have done to the country or we will crush you.’
Beeb Bro
Did you know that the more melanin your body has the less likely you are to indulge in hate speech. That is why white skinned people are so full of hate and black skinned people are full of love. Funny fing that. Innit?
Did anyone hear the “World at One” today. I listened to a few bits of it before turning it off – But was highly amused to hear a report about a storm in a Labour teacup when a self registered “Trans Woman” was upset because he/she was unable to get onto a wimmins only shortlist. There was talk of “Hate Crime” and refusal to talk to each other , it really was “handbags at dawn!”
The Labour party official tried to say that most “trans wimmin” would not have had the same negative experiences of “real wimmin” which is why the “trans” varieties (is that the correct term?) were excluded and on it went.
What I particularly enjoyed were the never ending circles of contradiction and the Gordian knots of stupidity which formed when political parties jump onto the PC wagon in order to demonstrate their “inclusiveness”
In the real world this bollocks would be treated with the utter contempt it rightfully deserves. But in modern day Britain with political whores such as Corbyn and Sharia at the helm, and all desperate to virtue signal their PC credentials any weird and wacky craziness now has to be treated seriously as a serious complaint.
I am not sure whether it was funny or just very sad that the BBC is even giving time to these oversensitive crybabies – but at least it gave me a good chuckle.
Not enough wimmin won Grammy’s.
Stop complaining. Last year with my dogs I appeared in a recording which was one of those mass things children, workers, etc from all walks of life. We had half a million hits on You Tube with revenue going to a charity teaching music to underserved kids.
We were shortlisted for a Grammy and did not win one.
Looking back I am convinced that it was a case of canineophobia and my dogs were discriminated against.
Perhaps we should expose the entertainment industry for abuse of dogs and wear bones at the next Grammy Awards.
PS Photo from the Mail, not my dog
Well, I’ve heard of a mountain goat but a mounting dog. Cue another persecuted minority group I suppose.
Not seen on the BBC
Coming very soon:
“After they #ReleaseTheMemo you can absolutely count on the Dems embarking on a scorched earth campaign to lie their way through this epic scandal. There’s no lie they won’t tell, no character they won’t assassinate, & no deception they won’t embrace to hide what they did.”
Read more:
The jaws are closing in on the lying cheating anti-democratic, socialist scum in the US; now all we need is someone to drain our own swamp.
It would be good for them to publicise some Conservative ‘outrage’ for once. This is terrible. Obama using state powers to spy on a presidential candidate? We might have to protest en masse wearing wire tap hats or something. Actually, we won’t as we all have jobs.
Channel 4 news being racist tonight saying 75% of black kids stabbed to death in London last year were killed by blacks of the same gender age as their victim .
On the upside there is now a diverse police force which is just ineffective as a wholly white one.
C4 didnt roll out dame Doreen of Lawrence but did get a community worker and Labour MP to bitch about needing more stop and search – from the channel that campaigned to cut stop and search because it upset the Community .
Better not to do stop and search as it only causes civil actions for low life’s after a tax payout . Liberals get what they deserve.
C4 didn’t blame the interNHS for not turning up on time to stop kids bleeding out from their wounds
But did go for the resources – multiagency – multi blame approach so favoured by buck passer politicians.,
If you want to see the racist stats go to the C4 news website .,
By the way – it’s racist – and sexist since it only mentioned dead males -.because I believe it to be .
It might even be hatist too as it gives the impression that black male youths are more likely to be criminal than non black youths which , as all enlightened people know , could bt be the case .,
How long were we told that if the Police were more diverse then it would earn ‘trust’ from communities and crime would fall? It turned out to be nonsense – what a surprise. Of the myriad factors that motivate criminals, I imagine the colour of the arresting officer’s skin is tiny to non-existent.
Colour of nails, whether they match their heels seems now to be a factor.
And all those lurid wristbands, cheap rubber and made by sweatshops in Honduras and Vietnam…urgh!
Not to be seen dead in them dearie-and until Marie Curie give us daffs that are NOT yellow-well, I m outta here babes!
I’m shocked. Do you mean that young black men have been stabbed to death since Stephen Lawrence? I thought he was the only one, and that young black men were only ever stabbed by white racists.
It seems the real world is stranger than I thought.
7:30pm BBC Inside Out : Any SJW stuff ?
“Tonight on @BBCInsideOutYL, @OwainWynEvans has been investigating why depression & anxiety are disproportionately high among lesbian, gay & transgender people ”
SouthWest edition
: The story of transgender Yve as she seeks ordination in the church.
South East Edition :
– The known paedophile from Margate who was left free to abuse others
– And the man from Deal, whose dad changed to his mum.
In Yorkshire edition Owain camp Evans is at a trans talet night, where skimpy costumes are allowed
..unlike at the darts
West Mids – dodgy pakistani builder
Re. depressives. In their defense though, I think I would also be more than a little bit pissed off if I suspected that I wasn’t quite normal.
I think it’s probably not that people take the piss out of them that makes them miserable but that normal people just do not give two Friar Tucks. Their victimhood is in their heads.
@LeftyWright Yes, attention seeking behaviour and anger at people not responding to it.
…could certainly play a part.
Onanation I`d think Stew.
BBC headline on their website:
“Andrew McCabe, FBI deputy director, quits after Trump criticism”
Doesn’t that just tell us everything we already know about the BBC.
BBC resolutely ignore the possible reason for his departure, which may be revealed later today. That being the release of a memo about FBI compliance with bugging the Trump campaign. Presumably the BBC are intending to play down the memo.
They have to play it down because they are implicated themselves.
It seem very possible that the Democrats used lies, former MI6 & KGB agents and the apparatus of the state to illegally use surveillance on their political opponents.
This possibility has been in the public domain for months. And yet the BBC chose to ignore it and go with the Democrats narrative.
If the memo proves what many have suspected, then the ramifications for the BBC are massive.
I’ve just read the ‘news’ piece about the McCabe story on the BBC’s website. It bears no resemblance whatsoever to what I understand, from multiple sources, to be the actual facts of the case. What is more, the ‘analysis’ piece which follows it is a twisted fabrication of spin and lies.
Here we see today’s BBC at work. Quite literally, it is about as reliable a source of impartial news as a state broadcaster from a Soviet satellite in the 1960s.
Burn it down.
The chocolate ration is being increased.
Yes, from 30 grammes to 20 grammes.
You mean Auntie might be about to experience a “Gotcha moment”? Wouldn’t that be a joy to behold? Be aware though, that these creatures are as slippery as a bucketful of slugs having a gang bang.
Yes, I noted that they were keen to point out more than once, that Trump asked McCabe how he voted in the election..
The veteran’s new political party – pro-brexit and pro-Britain. Let’s see where the bBBC are going with it…
Look at these few photos guys n gals!
Proof that the BBC is so flippin awash with our money that they can now afford the luxury of sending 2 (TWO) different groups of TV Journalist/camera men n women anywhere around the world. The following photos were a report from some small fire in south Africa:
The guy on the left is one of the many BBC science reporters – can’t think of his name just now but he bows down to Sir Cox, space-guy, ex pop star! The one nearest the camera is usually reports from Iraq but he’s popped up here now!
Sneering BBC as always:
LMFHO reading the ‘analysis’ (loose term) from Adam Fleming (or is that Lemming?), whoever he is….No patriotism (dirty word I know) whatsoever…. Immediately knocks down the position of the UK Government. I’m sure he nearly wet himself with glee, recounting everything Barnier said to counter the position of OUR country in the negotiations. Phrases such as; ‘Knocked them down’, ‘Dismissed’, ‘He warned’, ‘And don’t dare’. No effort to even try and counter any of these statements! Obviously, it goes without saying that (in his myopic eyes) The UK is wrong to even suggest anything else, so we may as well ‘roll over and play dead’. Conceited upstart! (Whoever you are?)
Bit closer shot!
In case I’ve not explained myself. The guy in the suit and the guy in the blue shirt are the two culprits that I’m referring to. It seems like the man in the suit has hired his very own local sound engineers or simmink!
Not BBC but I had to laugh when I saw this representation of our modern society in this ppi advert
Any way, I am sure this is the BBCs vision…
Maybe that’s the shithole London which has 50% blacks.
Then the advert would be an accurate representation.
I’m depicted as a grey haired granny with a topknot !!! where’s the shawl and knitting ? God Almighty, how many times do we hear that we’re living in the past, yet we see images like this. Me and no doubt Joanna Lumley are definitely not chuffed !!! and refused to be stereotyped (as I pull on my leather trousers)
Having turned 60 three weeks ago I see that they have got my hair nearly right, I’m greying although not as completely as that, but my beard is whiter than that. And I still wear jeans nearly all the time.
This is sacrifice:
“Approximately 700 out of 961 personnel with RAF 166 Squadron were killed during World War 2”.
Read more at:
What do those at the BBC understand? Nothing?
Dover Sentry
It’s quite easy to imagine that if all those men were alive today the Lefties at the BBC would regard them as “Far Right.” Not to mention “Too White” Shameful bastards. UGH!
I shudder to think how we would get on should we face such a conflict today. Methinks we’d need as many of our forces facing the rear covering our backs!
I think the Liberals have got any future war covered. Bob Geldolf can stick his fingers up at the enemy navy, Brendan Cox telling us “there is more that unites us than divides us”, Lily Allen apologising for any bombs we throw at the enemy etc.
I don’t think we have anything to worry about these days unless an invading army is invited by the millions by Angela Merkel and then helped on their way to the UK where a brand new house awaits them. Those invaders then have sex with, say 1400 white girls in Rotherham whilst everyone ignores what is going on and make excuses every time they run us over, bomb/stab/shoot us.
It’s very unlikely to happen isn’t it?
Stumbled across this. Seems to sum up a lot.
Impressed that a town has its own political correspondent.
Interesting selection of images on his bio banner.
It’s in his DNA.
Newsnight knows how to keep its core happy.
We`ve just come off the back of Holocaust Day.
How DARE the left and BBC types shanghai that event with what the worthless, spinless and clueless Tories are doing?
Where`s the Church on this? those few brave agencies that still speak up for Jews in Britain 2018? Disgusting.
Why don`t we get this creep dealt with, so this Zinoviev Letter stuff gets finished once and for all.
First they came for the Jews and their friends suddenly looks a lot nearer than it needs to be.
OT, but it is fascinating that this chap thinks these interesting takes on the consequences of democratic votes help:
Youthquake was FakeNews
I’ve always made the point to libs
“You keep saying that it’s the youth that made that impact for Corbyn,
You act as if the number of youth votes was given along side the election results , but no since the vote is private, the idea about the youth vote is just based on a guess from a few exit poles”
Thai activist flees royal insult charge for posting BBC article – Reuters UK
A Thai pro-democracy activist said on Sunday she had fled Thailand after learning she would be prosecuted for defaming the monarchy for sharing on Facebook a 2016 BBC article deemed offensive to Thailand’s king.
Chanoknan Ruamsap said in a post on her Facebook account on Sunday that she received a summons earlier this month to hear a royal insult charge under Article 112 for posting a profile of the king from the BBC’s Thai-language service, which some deemed offensive.
Jatupat Boonpattararaksa, an activist who has staged several anti-junta protests, was arrested in 2016 and was sentenced last year to two and a half years in prison for posting the same BBC article.
Brexiteers have no fear of a second referendum! That is, if the HYS here is anything to go by?……………………..
It is taking a hammering again.
Adam and his ‘analysis’…
“It’s the sort of amazing coincidence that the Brexit process throws up all the time.”
Just ‘learned’ that, has he?
Hey, Adam…guess what else is an amazing coincidence…
Quick, stop Brexit! “Passports going up in price.”………………..
Does a day go by without any anti-Brexit propaganda ?
Massive Green/EU fraud trial in France with 35 people
probably won’t be reported on the BBC
\\ Between 2008 and 2009, 1.6 billion euros were swindled in a huge carbon quota market scam dubbed the “fraud of the century”. On Monday, 36 people suspected of running the scheme’s largest operation went on trial in Paris.
At the head of the Marseille-based gang appearing before the judges this week is Christiane Melgrani
Today, Melgrani stands accused of embezzling 385 million euros between April 2008 and March 2009 using the European Union’s carbon-trading scheme.//
“I worked hard running my scams.
But with the CO2, it wasn’t work at all,” one protagonist told French daily Le Monde.
By the way, Has the EU had its accounts signed off yet ?
If the EU say it`s signed off then it is.
Good enough for me.
1. Since 2007, they`ve been signed off-what happened between 1973 and 2007 then guys n gals? And how are the Kinnocks these days after 1999s “little local difficulty”
2, Has the BBC and the EU signed off on the horse meat scandal of 2012/3 too? Long been quiet at THAT abbatoir, so I`m sure it`s all sorted now. Any reality check THERE Beeb?
Is there anything that the BBC would NOT do to slaver round Barniers balls? Paffettic!
taffman, this is a common complaint from Brexiteers: the EU’s accounts have not been audited/they have not been signed off by the auditors/they have not been formally passed for adoption/etc./blah blah/etc. some more.
As I understand it, everything is tickety-boo with the accounts at Brussels level. It is some of the subsidiary accounts of member States dealings with disbursed cash is where the questions and doubts lie.
There was an accounting scandal many years ago where a whistle-blower was badly treated – extremely, very badly treated (pour discourager les autres) – but that was, I think all sorted out in the end. The whistle-blower got themselves elected as an MEP, IIRC, and everything was OK after that.
Take the money off the table, PM, and get us out of the EU and well away, please, on 29th March 2019. The nation will cheer you to the rafters and beyond!
The House Intelligence Committee on Monday evening voted to make public a GOP-crafted memo alleging what some Republicans say are “shocking” surveillance abuses at the Department of Justice (DOJ).
At the same time, the committee voted against making public a Democrat-drafted counter-memo.
It’s quite creepy the way the BBC mentions the FBI resignation
but not the connection to the memo and its imminent release
“FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe quits ahead of agency review”
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s deputy director, whom US President Donald Trump repeatedly accused of political bias, has resigned.”
StewGreen, they must have just seen your post?
Maybe he and Gina Miller could hook up?
It will be intriguing to see how they cover it. It was given a perfunctory mention on Five Live but none of its substance was mentioned – and you might think people would be mildly interested in a scandal of this magnitude.
BB, it got covered on TWT on BBC R4 yesterday. McCabe was due to retire/stand down in about three months so he hasn’t really resigned. Shades of Bob Kerslake and Andrew Adonis. But – hey ho – any opportunity to make President Trump look bad suits the BBC.
Am no fan of Donald Trump and swing wildly between wishing the Republicans had chosen someone else to see off Hillary, to a growing appreciation of the angst he’s giving the BBC and others of the alt-Left Brigade.
Last night’s post-6pm News light entertainment was The Museum of Curiosities. Meeting the donors for the week (quite why they are called the Steering Committee I know not – I would have thought Steering Committees are normally rather more permanent) and the first, Rowan Pelling – yes, she of the up-market porn magazine editing and publishing business – took an immediate pop at President Trump.
I switched off and did not bother switching back on until 22.00hrs. Bother! Missed the 8pm economics thingy with Michael Robinson.
Quite what ‘the sinisterhood’ make of Rowan Pelling in the current round of ‘hypopucritanical’ (< new word) witch hunts, I know not. I would have thought she would need a Quaternion bodyguard delivering her in a Securicor van to the studio or have been driven into exile on somewhere remoter than St Helena.
Conservatives’ LGBT group linked with paedophile ring after former chairman Matthew Sephton is jailed for sharing child porn
A ‘leaked document’ states Britian’s economy could be worse off out of the EU.
Isn’t it funny how these sexy ‘leaked documents’ only ever support their agenda? By ‘leaked document’ they mean one of their fellow trougher mates has handed them the information.
It ‘could be’ worse of. Well, I could win the lottery tonight but it is unlikely. They told us the world would end with Trump and Brexit. That has not happened. It is like Clegg with his broken tuition fees promise. You could not trust anything he promised after that and his party was rightly decimated in the subsequent election. How can we trust the media again?
Also a sports team has changed its name because it is supposedly racist. Racism used to be treating people less favourable because of their skin colour. Now it seems to be about finding something to be offended by. Martin Luther King did not dream of a day where his children would grow up to search everywhere for minor things to get offended by then stamp their feet about it.
The Russians are going to interfere with the November midterm elections! Great ‘news story’: someone from the notoriously devious CIA says something might happen in 10 months’ time. Can they not come up with a new narrative or are we stuck with the pathetic Russia nonsense for eight years?
Positve feedback in a howling wind of outrage instead of news eh? S`leb slags off Trump
Media report said slur aganist Trump. Other s`lebs rush to Twitter(well, more likely their agents, given that they`re not too smart as a rule). BBC report Twitter trending and the amplification and magnification of Trump howls around their empty minds like a Hendrix guitar left lying on Pete Townshends kiddie stash behind the Marshall.
And hope it`ll burn with their summonsing up of warm winds, incantations to the gods Ariel and Benda. Never does-but they`re our zippos our faggots and firestarters-so they`ll be back in an hours time.
My idea?-make them work only 9-5, shut the buggers down. They`ve too much time on their hands , and what does the devil do with idle hands Giles?
Er-writes articles for the Guardian.
It is not even like Twitter is a special platform only journalists have access to; we all have instant access in our pockets.
Yet they keep moaning about how underpaid they are! I would not pay someone even £2 an hour to just read Twitter feeds; I can do it myself and do it better by excluding the whining voices of libtards they are so partial to.
Free, fair and impartial?
Lazy, expensive and biased.
It has sent Laura K full Katty. Never go full Katty, even if the peroxide is wearing off.
JHB is discussing this on Talk Radio.
Apparently the “leaked report” is brought to you by the same people who’s crystal ball wasn’t working when they predicted a massive recession should we dare to vote Brexit.
JHB pointed out : “brought to you by the same company that brought you the report that said the economy would fall apart right after the vote”
A Project Fear production
Have you (or anyone else) ever came across a ‘leaked’ pro Brexit document?
I certainly can’t ever recall hearing of one.
They must be as rare as bbc pro Brexit programmes and fairies at the bottom of the garden.
‘Leaked’ is such a devious word, implying bold subterfuge against nefarious agents. All that happened is someone rich and powerful from the BBC met with a rich and powerful friend from the treasury to plot how to best deceive people into believing things that will help them retain that wealth and power.
Over on R5 BBC lib-land have got a sniff at something that might help their grand project “Brexit must Fall” …and they are off like a pack of hunting hounds after the fox.
Made the phone-in about the leaks and Brexit
the BBC producers came up with a wheeze.. “We’ll get some ethnic Indians on , they’ll play the race card”.. “Oh no they are Brexiteers, move on Nicky & keep fishing we’ll get to an angry Renainer and give her loads of time.” “lib-land, llb-land uber alles”
This Fishing-technique is an interesting Campbell trick ..he kept passing along the line of callers until he found the Remainer voice he wanted and then gave them free rein.
One caller pulled on Campbell for always asking Brexit voters about race
“You don’t ask Remain voters about race, only Brexiteers, that’s *you stoking up division*
the main reason was not cos people are ‘racists’ ..
..and all cos of your fake fear projects people have lost faith in you remainers
a few days ago Cameron was caught on mike saying it wasn’t as bad as he thought”
… Yes strange how the BBC didn’t want to do a phone-in about that Cameron comment.
The top three stories on the website are:
1. Brexit bad.
2. Russia and Trump.
3. Women/equality.
The holy trinity from the groundhog broadcasting corporation.
Ta beeb.
Out round the Wetherspoons of Somerset today, just to look around and find out what REAL people are bothered with.
Now you`ve told me what the BBC are banging their cymbals for this morning-no need to even check the red button for my daily snort.
Am I surprised?
Well no-but sometimes the third one on your list gets occluded for the day with an anti-migrant story or some nanny state report on teeth getting obese since 2010. And where`s Hunt with his golden bedpan when we need him?
And it`s been seven long days since Grenfell, even more since Hillsborough-and do I see Orgreave coming down the track?
Maybe if there`s any surprises to what the BBC have lined up for us all today-you could give us all a text, so we could bother our arses with ANYTHING the BBC now says!
Dems say leaking the memo might endanger national security.
They did not consider that when leaking Trump’s private conversations with world leaders. They do not like it up them, do they?
Interesting defensive strategy. With added ‘might’.
There’s leaked stuff that is bad.
And there is leaked stuff that is good.
Lucky they, like the bbc, leave their politics at the door, sources close to the bbc claim.
“Within six months I was speaking a different language”
Phil Neville, the already embattled England Women’s Football Manager (accused of misogynist speech before he’s even entered the dressing room*) explains how his experience of working at Valencia will suit him for his new job. He’s a bright chap but didn’t mention that in Valencia they actually speak two different languages: Castilian Spanish; and Catalan. Just as the Spanish tend to speak with two tongues so the England Women’s Football Team speak regular Footie plus a refined ever-developing academic dialect of PC. Neville will need to be conversant in both. Mind you, his bollocks and penis will always be a hindrance.
*what’s the exact etiquette for a male coach marching in at half-time to give the hairdryer treatment to a female football team in the dressing room? Does he need to knock twice on the door and wait to be told everyone is decent and is then asked to come in?
Even as a city fan I feel for poor old Phil, it was pretty obvious as soon as he was named the shit stirrers would be digging and digging in the slime
‘Critics argue’ is Beeb speak for: ‘This is what we think and you should too.’
A BBC-English dictionary might one day be fun, I have learned.
Yes, we should all start using the word ‘Beebspeak’ on a regular basis, or BS for short.
HA! Good one!
There was a time when the Potter’s Wheel filled in dead air on broadcast TV
This morning the lightweights of BBC Breakfast are comparing their Celeb Mastermind war stories. They seemed to be bemoaning the fact they couldn’t all choose Harry Potter as a specialist subject. Did I hear right that their roving reporter Tim Muffett was a Danny Boyle fan? – not that you would ever guess a BBC bod happened to be over-keen on the Lefty theatre director. The bright young woman who does the sport with some unpronoucable name was the scientist of the group boasting a science “A” Level ! She plumped for the Human Body as her favourite subject matter so naturally Fallopian Tubes got yet another mention at breakfast this year with a short clip of her in the famous black chair.
As I see it – as a former regular watcher of mastermind – before it starting doing easy questions for Wimmin in the gen knowledge round – I can’t remember a contestant called “Fallopian tubes”.
Fallopian Smith was ok though .
It’s easy to win now though- do a box set short tv series – get 15 points then give a lot of wrong answers on the tough questions and get 10 ish on the way – on a bad day you’ll win on 25? Points and shake smug Humphs’ hand as a result
Re The Potters Wheel, we’re not going to see those days again….. not enough spin for bBBC. Sleb ‘Mastermind’, an oxymoron surely. Harry Potter my arse, those slebs need a proper educashion.
Al beeb is doing a job on the most influential Wimmin in the last 100 years. Apart from my mum and Carrie Gracie the shallow list is just a badly justified “right on “ list .
Now some might say ( al beeb term) that Margaret Thatcher wins hands down – whether one admired her or not . Let’s see if al beeb can come up with some far more respectable correct – Doreen Lawrence – jo Cox – or some other trivial nobody
Just so long as they are all paid the same. On the Today running order from Facebook:
Good morning. Today’s top stories:
– Any Brexit deal will hit UK economy – leaked government paper. Iain Duncan Smith (0709).
– The BBC is to cap the pay of its news presenters at £320,000 a year (0750).
– The former Lord Chief Justice will be telling us why he’s concerned about the new government powers arising from the Brexit Bill. Lord Judge (0810).
Not sure trumpeting a pay cap at around double that on the leader of the country for reader-outlers is quite soliciting the empathy BBC PR envisaged.
Anyone know who are the judges of the BBC’s 100 women of 2017?
Here are the judges for the BBC 100 women of the last 70 years:
Karen Brady – star of BBC’s The Apprentice
Abi Morgan – writer of feminist drama for, guess who, the BBC
Julia Hobsbawm, daughter of the Marxist historian, Stalinist supporter and denier of the Soviet’s atrocities. I still cant get over the fact his books were used as text books when I was in school.
Emma Barnett (Chair)– BBC broadcaster for Radio 5 live and woman’s hour.
Jill Burridge – former Woman’s Hour editor.
So women with exactly the same views of, and employed by, the BBC.
Only right and fair that women chose the BBC’s 100 women of the 2017.
Clearly men have no say or entitlement in this decision. Can you imagine the noise if it were Man of 2017 and no ladies were allowed to be a judge.
Of course the major question is: are any of these judges Trans-women?
Meanwhile in America the lunacy continues
BBC w/s Home Page this a.m. – picture of Carrie Gracie looking very smug.
No wonder – they’ll be getting backpay and ramped up pensions courtesy of those poor people paying their tv tax – but never me.
Fed, I wouldn’t be surprised now if anyone who ever gets a sniff of the TOADY mic – Amol included – doesn’t end up getting paid £325K or whatever. 100%+ pay rises for dozens of them.
Lord Hall Hall will get the begging tin out and go rattle it round the HoCommons and the Licence Fee will go up to £250.
Re leaked Brexit report – WHO GIVES A SHIT!
I voted for democracy to be returned (whether they like it or not) to the elected parliament of this country and to escape the creeping socialism of the all pervading Union. Also to restore a semblance of order to our borders so that we decide, as any sane individual would want, who gets access into our society and on what terms.
I knew that there would be an economic adjustment and I am PERFECTLY HAPPY WITH THIS.
BBC have had a ‘clear the schedules’ moment and are running out of tissue in the mens toilet over this. Good – enjoy the moment as they will become fewer and fewer.
The trouble with Liberals today is if we jumped back in time to 1939 they would all be saying “if we let Hitler invade he will boost the economy by 1.5% and we would be part of a Socialist Europe”.
The idea of being free and keeping you own country’s pride and traditions doesn’t even register with them.
Oh, and ES reports yesterday that ‘senior Tories’ are pressing may for a softer Brexit – or else. Note – they include Nicky Morgan – oxymoron surely?
“they include Nicky Morgan – oxymoron surely?”
No need for the “oxy”.
Oh 2 – Buzzfeed now go to political commentator!!!!WTF!
The BBC has increasingly been turning to its allies on the SJW lunatic fringe for commentary. By what right either Buzzfeed or the HuffPo can claim to be reliable sources of news or comment is a beyond me.
It shows how much of a bubble BBC hacks live in that they can do this with a straight face.
Sky have been doing the same by going to the hard left loons at navaro media and sanitising them for the plebs. Sky this morning had head of progress Richard angell on sky papers review. No mention that progress is a labour front and pr outfit. Now this guy is one nasty piece of work
Sky has become unwatchable swill – much like the BBC.
Huff post is way left of’s pile of propaganda..I doubt they employ a single professional journalist
First heard on the BBC (you know, “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster)? No, no, no, wouldn’t want the Brits to think that there was any downside to islam, mass immigration and the lie of “multiculturalism”.
On the other hand, the BBC could just embrace all the Worlds troubles in which islam is involved and state:
‘We, the islamic & BAME broadcasting corporation are so anxious to tell our listeners/viewers about the downside to everything such as the failing health service and the evil Conservatives on a daily basis but we draw the line at telling our followers about problems experienced by our, “neighbours”.
“For the first time since World War II, Sweden is preparing to distribute a civil defense brochure to some 4.7 million households, warning them about the onset of war.”
I read somewhere (and with astonishment) that the Norwegian government is talking with deadly seriousness about the possibility of a complete collapse in Sweden. It is beggars belief that something so grave can be happening in a near neighbour country and yet the BBC ignores it.
More proof positive that the BBC is finished as a source of news.
The first women led government in the World – Sweden.
But see the Tucker Carlson/Katie Hopkins analysis:
I suppose Sweden if for the female equality warriors as Venezuela is for the socialists? Just thinking.
I don’t think it is really fair to blame ‘women’ given our experience under Margaret Thatcher. Sweden’s downfall has been due to collectivism and socialism, both of which have gone unchallenged for decades. I might accept that women are more prone to these diseases than are men, though I would take some convincing as history tends to suggest otherwise (think of the Spanish Civil war in which women tended to side with Franco).
Sweden’s women didn’t do this alone – they were very ably assisted by self-hating socialist men.
Didn’t “blame ‘women” simply pointed out the fact. Readers can draw their own conclusions. Note that at the end of the Katie Hopkins interview, she discloses that Sweden is aiming to take in another 400,00 “refugees”. All sanctioned by a women dominated Government whether anyone likes it or not and irrespective of political persuasion.
I didn’t say you were blaming women, though that does seem to be quite common position and you go on to draw attention to the ‘women dominated’ government in Sweden. The fact that Sweden currently has a government with women in control doesn’t account for Swedish history of the last 70 years. In fact it might just as easily be a result rather than a cause.
It wasn’t a government dominated by women that opened the flood gates to uncontrolled immigration in this country in 1997 and it won’t be a government dominated by women that finally destroys the economy of this country should the far Left under Corbyn and Momentum win the next election.
It is important to correctly identify your enemy.
Woman Of The Year.
1. Jayden Francis
2. Anne Marie Waters
3. Katie Hopkins
4. Margaret Thatcher
5. Ann Coulter
6. Melanie Phillips
7. Claire Fox
8. Germaine Greer
9. Gisela Stuart
10.Carrie Gracie(who reduced a few blokes salaries-more Carrie,more).
They are reporting William & Kate’s tour of Sweden though.
I wonder how many no-go zones they will visit.
Anyone watch Peston on Sunday? ITV.
I was amazed at the guests.
2 in the studio we’re both leavers, Kate Hoey and the lovely Nadine Dorries.
JRM was a guest as well.
OK, Gina miller was also on as well as a ‘right on’ lefty unfunny comedian who didn’t like it that there was more than 1 leaver on the show.
On the whole, quite watchable.
Emmanuel – maybe they’ve looked at the figures and realised there are better numbers in moving to the ‘right’ as there is no one there.
When I found out peston is the son of a labour peer i put him on the banned list. – as well as his pitiful admission he was out of touch with ‘ordinary people’ cos he lives in a bubble .
The myth of the 2017 ‘youthquake’ election { 28jan2018}
… so all those preaching this #FakeNews are going to apologise and correct themselves?