“Every authoritarian regime has social media campaigns targeting their own populations, while only a few of them target foreign publics. In contrast, almost every democracy has organised social media campaigns that target foreign publics, while political party-supported campaigns target domestic voters.”
The Guardian write about propaganda – with no reference to the BBC, George Orwell, the Guardian, Hate Speech, Richard Branson (I decide what you will read) or Islamophobia. The more people are told to shut up – the more intolerant the discourse becomes in echo chambers. Please note she DOES NOT OFFER HOW TO AVOID IT.
Natalie Nougayrède is a columnist, leader writer and foreign affairs commentator for the Guardian. She was previously executive editor and managing editor of Le Monde
Calling any legitimate questioning of an idea a mental illness is authoritarian. It it like in Soviet Russia when you could get thrown in an asylum for not believing in socialism. All these neologism about ‘phobias’ – having a different opinion is healthy, not a ‘phobia.’
Questioning Islam is not only irrational but a mental illness? Give me a break.
Great Wimmin – since Mrs thatcher would win this hands down albeeb came up with a great alternative – not lady di – but the Queen . Yes the queen will win it despite having achieved …. nothing except the demise of her country into a commonwealth multicultural swamp . Hip hip
Another candidate apparently gave austere dinner parties – I’m sure that’s a good reason to vote and some idiot who got dead throwing herself in front of a horse at the derby – a suicide attacker in another time . I felt sorry for the horse and jockey .
Rapidly losing it with Toady – stale predicatable smug biased and sadly” right on”
I have decided to listen to Jordan Peterson’s podcasts this week instead of Today, which is the same every day. I am fed up with getting angry at their patronising, devious, self-serving crap. I learn more in one of his lectures than in a month of listening to Toady and it is much better for my blood pressure.
I’m coming to the same conclusion. It’s a shame radio is a monopoly . The same really goes for almost all of their biased news output – with the honourable exception of Brillo – who I dear is not long for albeeb – soon to be replaced a former labour politician Or the son or daughter of one.
How very telling that one of the main attackers of the ‘Blighty Cafe’ shouting Fascist slogans and defacing pictures of Winston Churchill, one Ms Hussein has not apparently been troubled by the attentions of the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad, and has been posting pictures of herself on line with a man she describes as ‘her new best friend’ Channel Four News reader Jon Snow!
Along with the slogan on her facebook ‘no Tories on my page’ gives the indication of just where the left see their media allies, such as Snow.
The Sjweeny, the Sjweeny, the Sjweeny !
The SJW police are ready to come to your house and kick down the door for things they see as great crimes , but everyone else sees as minor
like : you sent a tweet that upset a lib
: You organised a job which employs glam people , who get a kick out of showing off their glamour
etc. etc.
Well 3 people like it within 10 mins so they got the point
It’s about outrage buses full of SJWs trying to police our lives by focusing on little thought crimes, whilst playing down actual big crimes.
OK R4Today is the prog you listen to to if you want wall to wall lefties, Remainiacs & Trump haters .
Sensible people switch to Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio, of at least Nick Ferrari on LBC
..but had to turn them both off .
If you notice JHB keeps doing shows with a labour MP sitting in the studio, presumably a gambit to please Ofcom, but today she had that , plus brought on a Trump Hating Democrat to report on the State of the Union speech , then it was Lord Adonis on Brexit ..FFS
..I switched over to LBC but Nick Ferrari had also Trump Hating Democrat to report on the State of the Union speech.
..then they are banging on about a so called “talking whale”
.. then I fell alseep ’til 9am
As I mentioned on the previous page, almost all callers to Nick Ferrari this morning were in favour of the President, as were the emails and tweets read out. The BBC wouldn’t even have managed that.
Slowly, slowly people are realising they’re not the only ones who don’t hate Trump and that empty vessels making noise don’t necessarily constitute the majority.
Why don’t the BBC women who feel hard done by go on strike? No Jane Garvey to abuse men on Women’s Hour. No China editor – how could we survive without one of those? It is not like some technological advice exists which we all have instant access to which enables us all to learn about China, or anything else. And what would be do without Diane Abbot’s brilliant contributions, for which she has been paid over £100k? Or those searingly insightful female sports presenters who seem to have no knowledge or interest in sport
Nobody would care or even notice if they all went on strike. To not hear anything about feminism for a year would probably make me and many others feel a whole lot better.
I missed the response by the democrats who picked yet another Kennedy . I would have thought that well corrupted Brand would be put in a box and buried but they must still have the cash and cashe to plant one in Congress. Did he do any good?
Wow it’s so refreshing to hear President Trump being praised on Talk Radio. You won’t hear that on the BBC.
Mike Graham praising his speech and talking about how we should all emigrate to America and leave Britain to the Corbynistas, snowflakes and people who want to “ban everything and make us all walk around in black jump suits”.
An unelected Lord Adonis trying to usurp democracy feels bullied by a newspaper headline.
‘Is there anything more unsavoury than the unelected Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre bullying MPs and lords and trying to wreck British democracy? No wonder the Mail regarded as the gutter of British journalism’ pic.twitter.com/awRjvo4FCJ
As opposed to the New European eh Andrew? At least Dacre edits a paper that lives or dies by writing for its readers.
The New European is Gina Millers cat litter lining, funded surely by Soros.
Who`s paying for Adonis and Campbell to peddle their unelected bitter agendas if not the EU and Soros?
Complete and utter tosh rolled out by the bbc and security experts this morning
we (mi6 mi5 cchq) need to collaborate with european security services or we will be less safe
well okay im not going to argue that point
but then it continues “without their help” etc etc etc “security threats to europe” “our back door” etc etc etc
so questions the bbc wont ask with the “finest” news service in the world
1 as we are the biggest by far contributor wouldnt they be cutting their nose off to spite their face to not collaborate??
2 why should we run a massive expensive service to help them with european threats when they dont seem to think the threat big enough to want to make the investment themselves .
3 what the fuck is this THREAT surely we have the right to know what the great THREAT is, surely the Beeboid is a little interested
im pretty sure if its was the always imminent neo-nazi uprising or Russia’s clapped out aircraft carrier getting repaired they would have said so.
So just what is this great threat which can not be named??
im intrigued
luckily I was already WOKE to the so called bbc this morning as the previous article was on the presidents speech, to which the so called bbc had one impartial commentator to read between the lines and cast his carfully weighed up judgement
not like the BBC not to tell us about that kind of thing, it must be really scary, after all they’ve been telling us about those naughty National Action fellows for weeks and those buggers were armed …. with some stickers and an amazon book
not like the BBC not to tell us about that kind of thing, it must be really scary, after all they’ve been telling us about those naughty National Action fellows for weeks and those buggers were armed …. with some stickers and an amazon book
New leader’s speech… “The British Parliament has always adjusted. That is why it is the oldest in the World. Because it takes its lead from the British people. We live in difficult times, and face historic challenges. People are rightly concerned about what Brexit will mean for the Country, their jobs and their families. I do not believe winter is coming … ”
Kemi has been on the Beeb. Any Questions. Think she first came to my attention on here though or on Craig’s & Sue’s ITBBCB? w/s. There was a link to some of her talks on YouTube.
She is another courageous one, having taken some stick as a Londoner who is pro-Brexit.
Maybe the Tories could pick her as their next leader and Ruth Davidson as Chancellor, then they would never be accused of being the “nasty party” ever again.
Capita shares plunge 38% on warning, £700m rights issue –
Open HYS, but Labour supporters/BBCstaff must be in there cos the only anti-BBC comment I can find is by looking at Lowest rating comments
This got 18 downvotes
“This is the firm the BBC use to collect the license fee. Another nail in the coffin- lets hope so” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-42885211
Apparently, an EU funded “handbook” for journalists reporting on the EU and migration and race. The EU are so concerned that people now have access to so many news platforms that when said news platforms tell the truth, the EU don’t like it. A bizarre take on, so-called, “Fake News”. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/11814/europe-totalitarianism
The “handbook” –
The “handbook” concerns “….European best practices to highlight positive initiatives in the areas of journalism, culture and integration related to migrants and minorities”.
Skimming through the document, I sense the hidden involvement of the islamic and BAME Broadcasting Corporation.
“Overall, Europe appears to be aspiring to make totalitarianism great again.”
Sneering Emily Thornberry sneered her way through a string of sneering questions about lowering the voting age. In case you didn’t know, 16 year olds are more likely to vote for Labour, so this is important for the labour party.
Emily kept sneering about Women getting the rights to vote by Parliamentary Acts in 1918 and further extended in 1928. Does the fact she has to continuously sneer mean she cannot remember that those two Acts saw many men gain the vote too? Or is she sneeringly ignorant?
I expect the BBC to whitewash history and bring on Lily Allen to educate us about those 2 acts being only about women, but should a prospective leader of the Labour party actually know what actually happened?
Anything more pompous than intoning ‘the BBC is/is not…’ when the BBC gets confronted with evidence that it isn’t/clearly is something, with incontrovertible facts?
Sarah Smith discusses the extent to which the House of Lords can block Brexit – or at least amend the related legidlation – with the leading Brexit campaigner Jacob Rees-Mogg MP and ardent pro-EU peer Lord Adonis.
BBC £3.5bn news service spelling error? ‘legidlation’ = ‘legislation’
From Official F1 source : grid girls banned
..Next SJW target “pretty boy” popstars ?
The SJWeeny squad cars will be pulling up outside your house,
smashing the doors down, rushing into teenage girls bedrooms to tear down posters.
THat would be a sight-Michael Van Gerwan walking into the arena with this exotic hottie.
This is our future I fear, but hopefully the Premiership roastings will be less of a problem if they can all be made to look like this dolly bird for 2018.
As I understand it revulsion against this kind of thing was one of the reasons Mr Hitler was such a success with the German people.
No doubt this crap will continue until history repeats itself. I am concerned for my Grandchildren and those who come after.
Now where’s that bottle opener.
I just watched Emily Thornberry on PMQs: what an odious bitch, just how I imagined Mrs Trunchbull the evil head teacher in Matilda. Why shout when you have a microphone?
So it will be heaven on Earth if half the people in power are women? If many are remotely like her then that is the stuff of nightmares. The power has gone to her head and then some.
‘We’ still seem chary of going near Capita’s unique function in securing those unique funds and sticking poor sections of society in the pokey to acquire them.
“…John Birt arrived in 1987 to run News. He decided that we needed a huge new raft of correspondents”
All market rate; few talented.
“In 1993, John Birt moved up to DG, but within weeks, his sense of entitlement was revealed – he was being paid via a service company, and had been claiming expenses from that company of up to £160k a year.”
“She may well be afforded the privilege of releasing the findings of the Commission’s investigation into the collapse of Kid’s Company, chaired by former BBC chum Alan Yentob.”
Having seen the Churchill 1940 film and sitting through the absurd tube carriage segment with a black man shaking the PMs hand I started looking for other anachronisms like the Londoners walking down the road carrying kraut lidl or Aldi carrier bags as the air raid Sirens were going off.. I ll have to catch the dvd .
It’s an over blown film but of interest to people like me because I am fascinated by that time which seems so long ago.
My understanding of reality was that if Churchill wanted to know what ordinary people thought he’d turn to the copper who was his long term personal protection officer – who was whitewashed out of the film.
In the meantime, if you want to see a WW II film with plenty of anachronisms, try “Allied” starring Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard.
Clearly meant to be a glossy update of classic movies like Casablanca, it’s enjoyable enough if you’re in an undemanding mood but. . . air raids on London in the second half of the war? An openly lesbian couple? Guests at Pitt’s London house partying to loud music? That’s one hell of a gramophone!
Currently bargain-binned on Amazon for four quid. Then again, it’s a 2016 movie so it will probably turn up on Fillum 4 pretty soon.
We’ve reached the point now where Directors are of the age who’ve never been taught history let alone read a history book. They have equally uneducated ‘researchers’ do the work for them dahhhling.
Thanks – from memory Lufthansa – sorry I meant Luftwaffe ( which I understand is now the official name again) did some air raids on London in the final years of WWII out of spite as opposed to any military purpose .
Always to be remembered when people bitch about how we flattened reich cities at the cost of 38 000 dead to Bomber Command – ave age 20. I know it’s not al beeb but not forgotten .,
Last year, the Islamic Republic cancelled its appearance at the Frankfurt Book Fair after Rushdie was announced as a speaker. They (Iran) urged other Muslim nations to boycott the fair.
R4 Tonight
8pm : Brexit prog : Fi Glover talks again to Brixton & Boston voters
I guess she’ll be pushing the BBC’s campaign “Brexit by Fall ” by getting Boston voters to express regrets. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09pmbdm
11pm Tez : Are youse Muslim and that?
featuring an audience of guilt ridden London libs laughing at his every breath
As I 14 year old I object to lady nugee campaigning for 16 year olds to get the vote. I’ve spoken to my 8 year old brother and he’d like the vote too in fact he thinks the vote is so good he’d like three of them – and a bouncy castle. He thinks that lady nugee is a bit of a frightening witch like that Hattie woman and dumbo the Abbotimous who can’t do sums.
I’m going to ask for my money back as PMQ isn’t funny any more – that fat short pompous speaker bloke can be a giggle ( together with his wife I understand ) but PMQ is no funnier than any other al Beeb ‘comedy’ they put on for daytime viewers.
Yes, give 12 years old the vote.
Get them before puberty.
Let Harriet and PIE chums groom and call wendy house to wendy house to get out the vote-or the willy.
Meanwhile-when 30 year old Muslim grooming gangs do their worst as they will-well, they`re unable to be charged because they`re not old enough.
Imagine Labour going the rounds of childrens homes and youth offenders institutions?
Who else but Labour(apart from the Liberals who -of course-will want this too).
Hi NGO’s it’s a dead giveaway that you news stories are PR
when I check on Twitter and find more or less the same story reported on the same date last year.
-12 Jan 2017 Sex-for-rent is the danger faced by more female tenants
– Jan 2018 “1/4 million* women have had a landlord ask for sexual favours in exchange for free or discounted accommodation in the past 5 years according to a YouGov poll of female tenants” Times
* (Not to belittle, but I’m betting that fig isn’t really that robust
actual text says 3% in last year + 3% in last 5 years… )
Amidst all the furore to ensure maximum troughing there had been no talk of how to make the news better.
Could they stop using vox pops? If I wanted to know what some random moron thinks of something I can just ask someone down the high street. Plus they can be edited to create any narrative.
Why not survey all licence fee payers/customers about what they would like ‘news’ to be about? No more lazy virtue signalling and never ending identity politics. Do some actual f**cking work for once.
No di ya so.
Mi harpin that mi Man Trump don gunna be in di Bekk House and e luvva up di Madge as well as all di Royal bludd.
Great banter MarkyMark-mi bi hope that dis catch on ear at Babylon an ting.
(Is this cultural appropriation, and do I need some rubber tyres to warn off the critics?)
Cos it`s not-yi dig?
Mebbi mi doo dis in mi Carkni slang hext…Chas and Dave, Minder DVDS in my larft!
4:30pm Guess the topic on R4 Media show
..clue : they probably won’t talk about how the BBC has been proven to have wasted licence fee payers money.
..ask if overpaid staff will pay it back.
The world of the “one percenters”
Carrie Gracie speaking to parliament told that the BBC wants to give AWAY more money ..cos they feel they should have given her a pay-grade rise in 2015/ 2016/2017
#1 She says she doesn’t want the money
..duh then the BBC were first right not to give it to her
#2 She burst in to tears in parliament
.. to me the type of woman/man that doesn’t burst into tears about such things is worth more.
#3 Why was Carrie Gracie so weak as not to ask for payrise before ?
\\ BBCpay Gracie says that while “in development”, according to the BBC,
her salary was supposed to go from £135K, to £155K; and then in 2017 it was supposed to rise to £180K.
But neither happened//
Then a woman’s officer person (Liz Hurl) came out and gave bit stats claims “We monitored the top 4 main news programme and men were 4 times more likely to appear not just in presenters, but in experts etc”
..Emm that stat seems fishy and cherry picked
..Many jobs like war correspondent are only for people who’ll work any any hours, any place and at short notice
So in a couple the husband is more likely to do such a job than a wife.
But some other jobs which say need a person who’ll put up with not being paid every week might be more chosen by the wife.
One thing is that when you create special minority focussed progs then of course they suck in minority staff
So presenters that work on 3 three simultaneous specialist women’s progs R4 WH, BBC2 Victoria & R5 Emma Barnett
Similarly when their is a Black newspaper : The Voice, then there are less blacks available for mainstream.
Amol Rajan tweeted
BBC Chairman Clementi says to Select Committee
that the BBC Board considers itself hugely lucky
to have on its executive team leaders at a significant “discount” to the commercial sector.
i.e. Tony Hall gets half the salary he would at some commercial broadcaster
The government admits it has spent £5.5m keeping Manston Airport available as a potential lorry park when for Operation Stack is in force.
RH association says it’s in the wrong place, and need smaller car parks on the M2/A2 route
I’ve looked, but I cannot find this story on the bBBC News ‘how can we tell the truth?’ website. There is a story about a killer whale saying hello, though. bBBC gets it priorities ‘just about right’ …..again.
I don’t see this trial covered by bBBC or Sky. Interesting considering a British man died in that terrorist attack. And Sky at least, had live updates on the ‘Finsbury Mosque attack’ yesterday.
Also interesting that William and Kate are visiting Malmo today. Just kidding, they’re visiting an apparently much less diverse part of Sweden http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-42888533
With an apparently undiverse mental health issues class.
Labour MP complained about her Nissan leaf being sold as 125mile range , but it only ever gets 85
and it once ran out on her after 15 miles when the meter said 22 were available link
* Why has the press never printed such stories before ? *
Top Gear had the same problem when Clarkson and May tested electric cars. They ended up stranded in Lincoln, killing time by going round the cathedral and the castle. Their conclusion was that if you buy an electric car you’ll end up learning a lot of medieval history.
Doesn’t matter what your ‘fuel’ is, if you have a lead foot or wish to be the local ‘hot shoe’ then be prepared to pay for it in high consumption, a.k.a. reduced mileage.
How very PC of you. Your application as a Top Gear test driver is guaranteed.
Surprisingly enough, some of us like to be able to drive some 500 miles and then spend 5-10 min. to be able to drive a similar distance.
At our convenience.
I won’t even point out the extra load needed on our wind farm/solar powered national grid. This would need to be completely replaced, up to your personal residence, in order to provide the load needed to power mass use of electric vehicles.
Don’t mention the extra tax placed on your household electricity, in order to replace fuel tax (skewels ‘n ‘ospitals c. Tony Bliar) to power your ‘wondervehicle’.
Except for the bit about more Black Americans being in work than ever before. That the BAME Democrats – bar one – chose not to applaud, that speaks volumes. It reflects very badly on the Democratic Party and it represents a major change in the US from thirty-five, forty and more years ago all the way back to the time of FD Roosevelt. Once upon a time, Republicans and Democrats were identical in wanting the best for all Americans.
Now the Democrats are willing to keep Black Americans unemployed merely to use them as cannon-fodder for the Democrat cause.
That is shameful.
BlackLivesDon’tMatter when you can be kept unemployed as a statistic to beat Republicans with.
It would appear that nobody does cynicism like the Democratic Party of America. For most of my adult life I viewed these people as the saviours of mankind.
To say I am disappointed is a massive understatement. Shame. It’s back to square one.
Isn’t it strange how peoples political allegiances change when they realise the amount of lies they have been fed by both sides (+the msm) and start to make their own opinions.
Actually guys, the general consensus on American politics by those interested in such things was that policy-wise and in the results being sought, you had to work really hard to squeeze a cigarette paper between the Democrats and the Republicans for most of the past ninety years. Of the two, it was British politics that was generally reckoned to be the most divided, with Parties furthest apart.
Until the Clinton and Obama years, especially the latter. What has Obama done to America and the Democratic Party? Left both rotting on a compost heap, it appears.
State of the Onion left by former President Obama?
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier
Priceless isn`t it Fedup2.
A Star Is Born!
Julie Elliot scorching all BBC smoothie-chops being thrown to her.
Do watch-everything that stinks about common cartel governance behind silk screens is on full display. bet this won`t be on iPlayer!
Give Julie her own BBC show-but on minimum wage!
Now THAT would make a fine series and make us all laugh.
The BBC are beyond parody.
This BBC Management Team would not be fit to be school governors at a paint pot nursery-they`re that bad, that stupid. Do they ever think of presentation, of how to handle their own media?
Or do they think stuffing “the talents” mouths with post-dated cheques and an open drugs cabinet gets them off the hook?
My God-like watching cockroaches , running up the wall or back under a stone.
I pine for the media savvy wonders of Mark Thompson and Jay Huny. By comparison, these are Richard and Judy!
I was”time pressured” which means I didn’t have enough time – when translated into English – but the 4? Senior al beeb managers really couldn’t appreciate the horror ordinary punters might feel when they are talking about” a hundred thousand here or there” as though it’s small change . …. to keep the “talent” .
These journos are easily replaced .all those kids doing meeja studies – – is Sopel so good that he couldn’t be replaced by somebody on a fair wage – of tax money ?
Emotional Blackmail and “think of the children” (& not their beards & receding hairlines)
@AlfDubs tweeted
We 5 child refugees of the Kindertransport handed in a letter to Downing St yesterday calling on the government to act now to welcome the child refugees of today.
These children should have the same opportunities in Britain that we were given in 1938-39.”
..Em those children were housed in Britain cos it was the nearest safe country ..in the case of today’s seeker, that is certainly not the UK.
Stew: every effort is being made (Dubs has been at it for a while) to equate the WW2 refugee situation with the present day one. You were right about ‘the nearest safe country’ but it is only when you think of potential numbers, given the flexibility of the terms ‘child’ and ‘refugee’, that you begin to appreciate the nature of the game being played here.
Let’s ask Dubs how many million he has in mind? (Wiki says 669 Czechs were saved by Winton). More to the point, let’s ask May when she gets back from China. Or perhaps Amber would know?
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwynrn0g0lko ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
The BBC sent their reporters into schools to promote, sorry, I mean stop fake news … now the Guardian show us how to stop propaganda …
In this age of propaganda, we must defend ourselves. Here’s how ..{guardian 31jan2018}
– Natalie Nougayrède
“Every authoritarian regime has social media campaigns targeting their own populations, while only a few of them target foreign publics. In contrast, almost every democracy has organised social media campaigns that target foreign publics, while political party-supported campaigns target domestic voters.”
The Guardian write about propaganda – with no reference to the BBC, George Orwell, the Guardian, Hate Speech, Richard Branson (I decide what you will read) or Islamophobia. The more people are told to shut up – the more intolerant the discourse becomes in echo chambers. Please note she DOES NOT OFFER HOW TO AVOID IT.
Natalie Nougayrède is a columnist, leader writer and foreign affairs commentator for the Guardian. She was previously executive editor and managing editor of Le Monde
Calling any legitimate questioning of an idea a mental illness is authoritarian. It it like in Soviet Russia when you could get thrown in an asylum for not believing in socialism. All these neologism about ‘phobias’ – having a different opinion is healthy, not a ‘phobia.’
Questioning Islam is not only irrational but a mental illness? Give me a break.
Toady watch
Great Wimmin – since Mrs thatcher would win this hands down albeeb came up with a great alternative – not lady di – but the Queen . Yes the queen will win it despite having achieved …. nothing except the demise of her country into a commonwealth multicultural swamp . Hip hip
Another candidate apparently gave austere dinner parties – I’m sure that’s a good reason to vote and some idiot who got dead throwing herself in front of a horse at the derby – a suicide attacker in another time . I felt sorry for the horse and jockey .
Rapidly losing it with Toady – stale predicatable smug biased and sadly” right on”
I have decided to listen to Jordan Peterson’s podcasts this week instead of Today, which is the same every day. I am fed up with getting angry at their patronising, devious, self-serving crap. I learn more in one of his lectures than in a month of listening to Toady and it is much better for my blood pressure.
I’m coming to the same conclusion. It’s a shame radio is a monopoly . The same really goes for almost all of their biased news output – with the honourable exception of Brillo – who I dear is not long for albeeb – soon to be replaced a former labour politician Or the son or daughter of one.
How very telling that one of the main attackers of the ‘Blighty Cafe’ shouting Fascist slogans and defacing pictures of Winston Churchill, one Ms Hussein has not apparently been troubled by the attentions of the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad, and has been posting pictures of herself on line with a man she describes as ‘her new best friend’ Channel Four News reader Jon Snow!
Along with the slogan on her facebook ‘no Tories on my page’ gives the indication of just where the left see their media allies, such as Snow.
The Sjweeny, the Sjweeny, the Sjweeny !
The SJW police are ready to come to your house and kick down the door for things they see as great crimes , but everyone else sees as minor
like : you sent a tweet that upset a lib
: You organised a job which employs glam people , who get a kick out of showing off their glamour
etc. etc.
This makes no sense at all and there is no reference to any actual event.
Please modify this so we can make head or tail out of it !
Well 3 people like it within 10 mins so they got the point
It’s about outrage buses full of SJWs trying to police our lives by focusing on little thought crimes, whilst playing down actual big crimes.
15 years of SJWs ..”making Britain Sh!te again”
OK R4Today is the prog you listen to to if you want wall to wall lefties, Remainiacs & Trump haters .
Sensible people switch to Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio, of at least Nick Ferrari on LBC
..but had to turn them both off .
If you notice JHB keeps doing shows with a labour MP sitting in the studio, presumably a gambit to please Ofcom, but today she had that , plus brought on a Trump Hating Democrat to report on the State of the Union speech , then it was Lord Adonis on Brexit ..FFS
..I switched over to LBC but Nick Ferrari had also Trump Hating Democrat to report on the State of the Union speech.
..then they are banging on about a so called “talking whale”
.. then I fell alseep ’til 9am
Actions speak louder than words … For the next State of the Union, I renew the suggestion I first made re the inauguration: hold it at the southern border, deliver the speech, and then ceremonially lay the first brick in the wall. – Mark Steyn
As I mentioned on the previous page, almost all callers to Nick Ferrari this morning were in favour of the President, as were the emails and tweets read out. The BBC wouldn’t even have managed that.
Slowly, slowly people are realising they’re not the only ones who don’t hate Trump and that empty vessels making noise don’t necessarily constitute the majority.
Why don’t the BBC women who feel hard done by go on strike? No Jane Garvey to abuse men on Women’s Hour. No China editor – how could we survive without one of those? It is not like some technological advice exists which we all have instant access to which enables us all to learn about China, or anything else. And what would be do without Diane Abbot’s brilliant contributions, for which she has been paid over £100k? Or those searingly insightful female sports presenters who seem to have no knowledge or interest in sport
Nobody would care or even notice if they all went on strike. To not hear anything about feminism for a year would probably make me and many others feel a whole lot better.
Classic videos Pelosi screws up her face as the hall rises & applauds Trump
Anthony Lurcher and Katty Kay must be throwing poo out of their cage then.
This was funny, and perhaps a metaphor for modern where ‘reporting’ is most happy to find its audience base:
I missed the response by the democrats who picked yet another Kennedy . I would have thought that well corrupted Brand would be put in a box and buried but they must still have the cash and cashe to plant one in Congress. Did he do any good?
Are MEN not allowed to be the news presenters on the BBC TV
Cant afford ’em !
Last I looked, Huw Edwards was a man.
Wow it’s so refreshing to hear President Trump being praised on Talk Radio. You won’t hear that on the BBC.
Mike Graham praising his speech and talking about how we should all emigrate to America and leave Britain to the Corbynistas, snowflakes and people who want to “ban everything and make us all walk around in black jump suits”.
An unelected Lord Adonis trying to usurp democracy feels bullied by a newspaper headline.
Well, I suppose that comment pleases Piers Morgan – long time guttersnipe of British journalism.
There’s some frighteningly deluded people on that thread.
As opposed to the New European eh Andrew? At least Dacre edits a paper that lives or dies by writing for its readers.
The New European is Gina Millers cat litter lining, funded surely by Soros.
Who`s paying for Adonis and Campbell to peddle their unelected bitter agendas if not the EU and Soros?
Complete and utter tosh rolled out by the bbc and security experts this morning
we (mi6 mi5 cchq) need to collaborate with european security services or we will be less safe
well okay im not going to argue that point
but then it continues “without their help” etc etc etc “security threats to europe” “our back door” etc etc etc
so questions the bbc wont ask with the “finest” news service in the world
1 as we are the biggest by far contributor wouldnt they be cutting their nose off to spite their face to not collaborate??
2 why should we run a massive expensive service to help them with european threats when they dont seem to think the threat big enough to want to make the investment themselves .
3 what the fuck is this THREAT surely we have the right to know what the great THREAT is, surely the Beeboid is a little interested
im pretty sure if its was the always imminent neo-nazi uprising or Russia’s clapped out aircraft carrier getting repaired they would have said so.
So just what is this great threat which can not be named??
im intrigued
luckily I was already WOKE to the so called bbc this morning as the previous article was on the presidents speech, to which the so called bbc had one impartial commentator to read between the lines and cast his carfully weighed up judgement
Yep OBUMAS speech writer
The THREAT is the far right. Surely you knew that?
not like the BBC not to tell us about that kind of thing, it must be really scary, after all they’ve been telling us about those naughty National Action fellows for weeks and those buggers were armed …. with some stickers and an amazon book
not like the BBC not to tell us about that kind of thing, it must be really scary, after all they’ve been telling us about those naughty National Action fellows for weeks and those buggers were armed …. with some stickers and an amazon book
phhh stoopid browser one click two posts
Understanding how out elected House Of Lords and MP’s understand hate crime .. can hate be a crime?
“Hate crime is abhorrent and has no place in society. The Government published their plan to tackle hate crime, “Action Against Hate”, in July 2016. This Government believe that the enforcement of criminal legislation has an important role in tackling online hate. We also need deterrence and prevention, which require a broader response, from counter-narrative activity through to effective management from the internet industry.” {theyworkforyou}
Phillip Lee The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice
If you cannot Hate something (feeling) then what do you do instead?
Anti-Muslim hatred is equally unacceptable in our society. Those individuals and organisations who create fear within and towards our Muslim communities are an affront to our society – and their stoking up of hatred and demonising of Islam do not belong in modern Britain. Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, democracy, the rule of law, and equal rights define us as a society. We are determined to promote these values actively, working in partnership with all faith communities to demonstrate what we have in common as the best defence against extremists who would seek to divide us. {pdf}
New leader’s speech… “The British Parliament has always adjusted. That is why it is the oldest in the World. Because it takes its lead from the British people. We live in difficult times, and face historic challenges. People are rightly concerned about what Brexit will mean for the Country, their jobs and their families. I do not believe winter is coming … ”
“Kemi Badenoch’s maiden speech in the Commons”
I’ve never heard of her. She sounds great. Not BBC type.
Kemi has been on the Beeb. Any Questions. Think she first came to my attention on here though or on Craig’s & Sue’s ITBBCB? w/s. There was a link to some of her talks on YouTube.
She is another courageous one, having taken some stick as a Londoner who is pro-Brexit.
Maybe the Tories could pick her as their next leader and Ruth Davidson as Chancellor, then they would never be accused of being the “nasty party” ever again.
“BBC TV is now asking men if they’d take a pay cut to help gender equality. Well, if most of us took a cut the size of John Humphrys’s or Nicky Campbell ‘s, we would have minus pay. Which is why these folk have no right to lecture us all about social solidariy” {twitter – @eamonnbutler – Director, Adam Smith Institute }
Oh dear Capita (TV Licencing’s administration provider) sees a 40% drop in share price!
Capita shares plunge 38% on warning, £700m rights issue –
Open HYS, but Labour supporters/BBCstaff must be in there cos the only anti-BBC comment I can find is by looking at Lowest rating comments
This got 18 downvotes
“This is the firm the BBC use to collect the license fee. Another nail in the coffin- lets hope so”
This is far more important than any single example of al Beeb bias eh?
Let’s pray for all those hard working tv licence personnel wondering if they have a job tomorrow . Tough world innit?
I think I might have to just hold off paying my renewal just now.
“Foreign Office sells Bangkok embassy for £420m”
good move if true
They should have offered the Foreign Office a piece of cloth on loan – seems to be the going rate.
Apparently, an EU funded “handbook” for journalists reporting on the EU and migration and race. The EU are so concerned that people now have access to so many news platforms that when said news platforms tell the truth, the EU don’t like it. A bizarre take on, so-called, “Fake News”.
The “handbook” –
Click to access Reporting-on-Migration-and-Minorities..pdf
The “handbook” concerns “….European best practices to highlight positive initiatives in the areas of journalism, culture and integration related to migrants and minorities”.
Skimming through the document, I sense the hidden involvement of the islamic and BAME Broadcasting Corporation.
“Overall, Europe appears to be aspiring to make totalitarianism great again.”
Have an idea for T-shirt Stay EU make Totalitarism Great again
Leave EU make Demoracy Great again
Anyone see Prime Minister’s question time?
Sneering Emily Thornberry sneered her way through a string of sneering questions about lowering the voting age. In case you didn’t know, 16 year olds are more likely to vote for Labour, so this is important for the labour party.
Emily kept sneering about Women getting the rights to vote by Parliamentary Acts in 1918 and further extended in 1928. Does the fact she has to continuously sneer mean she cannot remember that those two Acts saw many men gain the vote too? Or is she sneeringly ignorant?
I expect the BBC to whitewash history and bring on Lily Allen to educate us about those 2 acts being only about women, but should a prospective leader of the Labour party actually know what actually happened?
12:06:05 Rt Hon Emily Thornberry MP (Islington South and Finsbury, Labour)
Islington – Emily Thornberry – 2017
“Islington, in north London, was rated the worst place for women to live {bbc.co.uk 12sep2017}.”
“Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety. … Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain.”
Voting at 18 … *sigh*
Looks like Tone hit back with some, or are they just the radio only ones?
Keep it up, girls, this seems to be finishing off the golden goose even quicker than Jimmy’s fix.
Hideous, Greg… hideous.
Anything more pompous than intoning ‘the BBC is/is not…’ when the BBC gets confronted with evidence that it isn’t/clearly is something, with incontrovertible facts?
A) Most people in the UK are a bit more interested in the UK than media bubble heads
B) It can be watched at leisure on catch up.
So, dead tree press and your sisters in snipped wire media…
BBC £3.5bn news service spelling error? ‘legidlation’ = ‘legislation’
Brexit: Adonis and Rees-Mogg go head to head
Sarah Smith discusses the extent to which the House of Lords can block Brexit – or at least amend the related legidlation – with the leading Brexit campaigner Jacob Rees-Mogg MP and ardent pro-EU peer Lord Adonis.
BBC £3.5bn news service spelling error? ‘legidlation’ = ‘legislation’
“The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation” – The views of CIVITAS:
Click to access brusselsbroadcastingcorporation.pdf
Surprise, surprise, CIVITAS conclude that the BBC is biased against Brexit. Who would have thought?
From Official F1 source : grid girls banned
..Next SJW target “pretty boy” popstars ?
The SJWeeny squad cars will be pulling up outside your house,
smashing the doors down, rushing into teenage girls bedrooms to tear down posters.
The new F1 Ladies …. but fully clothed of course.
THat would be a sight-Michael Van Gerwan walking into the arena with this exotic hottie.
This is our future I fear, but hopefully the Premiership roastings will be less of a problem if they can all be made to look like this dolly bird for 2018.
As I understand it revulsion against this kind of thing was one of the reasons Mr Hitler was such a success with the German people.
No doubt this crap will continue until history repeats itself. I am concerned for my Grandchildren and those who come after.
Now where’s that bottle opener.
God I hate tattoos !
I just watched Emily Thornberry on PMQs: what an odious bitch, just how I imagined Mrs Trunchbull the evil head teacher in Matilda. Why shout when you have a microphone?
So it will be heaven on Earth if half the people in power are women? If many are remotely like her then that is the stuff of nightmares. The power has gone to her head and then some.
Didn’t Thornberry play an evil teacher character in the Harry Potter school ?
Even your wardrobe is a political statement …. even if it wasn’t …
Her choice of outfit also attracted attention, with some suggesting it was an allusion to the colour of choice of the women’s suffragette movement in the early 20th Century.
“with some suggesting it was an allusion”
Care to ‘speculate’ further, oh trusted organ of impartiality?
‘Some suggesting’ – could they be people within the BBC?
London Mayor Sadiq Khan …
Eid Street Policing – tick
Notting Hill Policing- tick
Al Quds Day Policing- tick
Track 200 terrorists in London – waiting
“London Mayor Khan Picked Apart On TV – Brits Cheer President Trump”
BBC Arts. books, films … 100% women owned … missing 50% of the other side of the population? True representation of soceity?
Maybe time for some other news?
“Gis a flash, Franny!”
Have to love the ‘what I think the report is saying’ volley to and fro, in honour of Cathy Newman.
Along with bitter reality, for any who let the BBC guide them anywhere.
‘We’ still seem chary of going near Capita’s unique function in securing those unique funds and sticking poor sections of society in the pokey to acquire them.
‘..management thought they could get away with it and didn’t care.’
As they do outside the building, with that irritating entity, the British public they are meant to serve.
Greg Dyke please note. And speaking of DGs:
“…John Birt arrived in 1987 to run News. He decided that we needed a huge new raft of correspondents”
All market rate; few talented.
“In 1993, John Birt moved up to DG, but within weeks, his sense of entitlement was revealed – he was being paid via a service company, and had been claiming expenses from that company of up to £160k a year.”
Blimey, what’s that in Gracies?
“Tina once toiled at the BBC…”
Of course she did.
“She may well be afforded the privilege of releasing the findings of the Commission’s investigation into the collapse of Kid’s Company, chaired by former BBC chum Alan Yentob.”
Of course she will.
Having seen the Churchill 1940 film and sitting through the absurd tube carriage segment with a black man shaking the PMs hand I started looking for other anachronisms like the Londoners walking down the road carrying kraut lidl or Aldi carrier bags as the air raid Sirens were going off.. I ll have to catch the dvd .
It’s an over blown film but of interest to people like me because I am fascinated by that time which seems so long ago.
My understanding of reality was that if Churchill wanted to know what ordinary people thought he’d turn to the copper who was his long term personal protection officer – who was whitewashed out of the film.
In the meantime, if you want to see a WW II film with plenty of anachronisms, try “Allied” starring Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard.
Clearly meant to be a glossy update of classic movies like Casablanca, it’s enjoyable enough if you’re in an undemanding mood but. . . air raids on London in the second half of the war? An openly lesbian couple? Guests at Pitt’s London house partying to loud music? That’s one hell of a gramophone!
Currently bargain-binned on Amazon for four quid. Then again, it’s a 2016 movie so it will probably turn up on Fillum 4 pretty soon.
We’ve reached the point now where Directors are of the age who’ve never been taught history let alone read a history book. They have equally uneducated ‘researchers’ do the work for them dahhhling.
Thanks – from memory Lufthansa – sorry I meant Luftwaffe ( which I understand is now the official name again) did some air raids on London in the final years of WWII out of spite as opposed to any military purpose .
Always to be remembered when people bitch about how we flattened reich cities at the cost of 38 000 dead to Bomber Command – ave age 20. I know it’s not al beeb but not forgotten .,
Last year (2017) …. by accident I found this (not via BBC)… this was probably not registered as a HATE CRIME …
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty
“The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989”
Last year, the Islamic Republic cancelled its appearance at the Frankfurt Book Fair after Rushdie was announced as a speaker. They (Iran) urged other Muslim nations to boycott the fair.
R4 Tonight
8pm : Brexit prog : Fi Glover talks again to Brixton & Boston voters
I guess she’ll be pushing the BBC’s campaign “Brexit by Fall ” by getting Boston voters to express regrets.
11pm Tez : Are youse Muslim and that?
featuring an audience of guilt ridden London libs laughing at his every breath
As I 14 year old I object to lady nugee campaigning for 16 year olds to get the vote. I’ve spoken to my 8 year old brother and he’d like the vote too in fact he thinks the vote is so good he’d like three of them – and a bouncy castle. He thinks that lady nugee is a bit of a frightening witch like that Hattie woman and dumbo the Abbotimous who can’t do sums.
I’m going to ask for my money back as PMQ isn’t funny any more – that fat short pompous speaker bloke can be a giggle ( together with his wife I understand ) but PMQ is no funnier than any other al Beeb ‘comedy’ they put on for daytime viewers.
Yes, give 12 years old the vote.
Get them before puberty.
Let Harriet and PIE chums groom and call wendy house to wendy house to get out the vote-or the willy.
Meanwhile-when 30 year old Muslim grooming gangs do their worst as they will-well, they`re unable to be charged because they`re not old enough.
Imagine Labour going the rounds of childrens homes and youth offenders institutions?
Who else but Labour(apart from the Liberals who -of course-will want this too).
LABOUR COUNCIL hired PAEDOPHILE in child protection role.
Another shocking failure in ‘duty of care’ to vulnerable children.
Someone made a poster showing Labour are the nasty party
excellent vid from Lord Matt Ridley You won’t stop Brexit, but you will hurt Britain
+ Telegraph
..Listen to the actual ECONOMY
..not the negative economist renta-gobs
Whilst Theresa May is in China talking about helping the Chinese invade, errr, I mean help replace the World’s population and government … Migrant boat’ off Dungeness sparks Channel rescue bid {bbc.co.uk 21jan2018}
“Nine people have been rescued from an inflatable boat that ran into trouble in the English Channel.”
** Did Theresa May’s promise to take in Calais Camp migrants spur them on? En Marche! Forward!
Hi NGO’s it’s a dead giveaway that you news stories are PR
when I check on Twitter and find more or less the same story reported on the same date last year.
-12 Jan 2017 Sex-for-rent is the danger faced by more female tenants
– Jan 2018 “1/4 million* women have had a landlord ask for sexual favours in exchange for free or discounted accommodation in the past 5 years according to a YouGov poll of female tenants” Times
* (Not to belittle, but I’m betting that fig isn’t really that robust
actual text says 3% in last year + 3% in last 5 years… )
Amidst all the furore to ensure maximum troughing there had been no talk of how to make the news better.
Could they stop using vox pops? If I wanted to know what some random moron thinks of something I can just ask someone down the high street. Plus they can be edited to create any narrative.
Why not survey all licence fee payers/customers about what they would like ‘news’ to be about? No more lazy virtue signalling and never ending identity politics. Do some actual f**cking work for once.
£3.5bn News Service …. Trump no know if dem invite am come Prince Harry wedding
“US President Donald Trump say im no sure whether dem invite am come di Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wedding.”
No di ya so.
Mi harpin that mi Man Trump don gunna be in di Bekk House and e luvva up di Madge as well as all di Royal bludd.
Great banter MarkyMark-mi bi hope that dis catch on ear at Babylon an ting.
(Is this cultural appropriation, and do I need some rubber tyres to warn off the critics?)
Cos it`s not-yi dig?
Mebbi mi doo dis in mi Carkni slang hext…Chas and Dave, Minder DVDS in my larft!
4:30pm Guess the topic on R4 Media show
..clue : they probably won’t talk about how the BBC has been proven to have wasted licence fee payers money.
..ask if overpaid staff will pay it back.
The world of the “one percenters”
Carrie Gracie speaking to parliament told that the BBC wants to give AWAY more money ..cos they feel they should have given her a pay-grade rise in 2015/ 2016/2017
#1 She says she doesn’t want the money
..duh then the BBC were first right not to give it to her
#2 She burst in to tears in parliament
.. to me the type of woman/man that doesn’t burst into tears about such things is worth more.
#3 Why was Carrie Gracie so weak as not to ask for payrise before ?
\\ BBCpay Gracie says that while “in development”, according to the BBC,
her salary was supposed to go from £135K, to £155K; and then in 2017 it was supposed to rise to £180K.
But neither happened//
Then a woman’s officer person (Liz Hurl) came out and gave bit stats claims “We monitored the top 4 main news programme and men were 4 times more likely to appear not just in presenters, but in experts etc”
..Emm that stat seems fishy and cherry picked
..Many jobs like war correspondent are only for people who’ll work any any hours, any place and at short notice
So in a couple the husband is more likely to do such a job than a wife.
But some other jobs which say need a person who’ll put up with not being paid every week might be more chosen by the wife.
Not Liz that was uber-feminist @janemartinson
Partial source for her data
May 2016 article she quotes Nov/Dec 2017 data , but I cannot track this data down ..it concerns me that they keep this secret
One thing is that when you create special minority focussed progs then of course they suck in minority staff
So presenters that work on 3 three simultaneous specialist women’s progs R4 WH, BBC2 Victoria & R5 Emma Barnett
Similarly when their is a Black newspaper : The Voice, then there are less blacks available for mainstream.
Amol Rajan tweeted
BBC Chairman Clementi says to Select Committee
that the BBC Board considers itself hugely lucky
to have on its executive team leaders at a significant “discount” to the commercial sector.
i.e. Tony Hall gets half the salary he would at some commercial broadcaster
The government admits it has spent £5.5m keeping Manston Airport available as a potential lorry park when for Operation Stack is in force.
RH association says it’s in the wrong place, and need smaller car parks on the M2/A2 route
Stockholm ISIS pre-trial data released
“Final act of Brit dad killed in Stockholm ISIS attack was to throw his son, 7, to safety as speeding lorry ploughed into crowds, killing 5 ”
I’ve looked, but I cannot find this story on the bBBC News ‘how can we tell the truth?’ website. There is a story about a killer whale saying hello, though. bBBC gets it priorities ‘just about right’ …..again.
I don’t see this trial covered by bBBC or Sky. Interesting considering a British man died in that terrorist attack. And Sky at least, had live updates on the ‘Finsbury Mosque attack’ yesterday.
Also interesting that William and Kate are visiting Malmo today. Just kidding, they’re visiting an apparently much less diverse part of Sweden
With an apparently undiverse mental health issues class.
Labour MP complained about her Nissan leaf being sold as 125mile range , but it only ever gets 85
and it once ran out on her after 15 miles when the meter said 22 were available link
* Why has the press never printed such stories before ? *
Top Gear had the same problem when Clarkson and May tested electric cars. They ended up stranded in Lincoln, killing time by going round the cathedral and the castle. Their conclusion was that if you buy an electric car you’ll end up learning a lot of medieval history.
Perhaps said MP was driving in Top Gear style?
Doesn’t matter what your ‘fuel’ is, if you have a lead foot or wish to be the local ‘hot shoe’ then be prepared to pay for it in high consumption, a.k.a. reduced mileage.
How very PC of you. Your application as a Top Gear test driver is guaranteed.
Surprisingly enough, some of us like to be able to drive some 500 miles and then spend 5-10 min. to be able to drive a similar distance.
At our convenience.
I won’t even point out the extra load needed on our wind farm/solar powered national grid. This would need to be completely replaced, up to your personal residence, in order to provide the load needed to power mass use of electric vehicles.
Don’t mention the extra tax placed on your household electricity, in order to replace fuel tax (skewels ‘n ‘ospitals c. Tony Bliar) to power your ‘wondervehicle’.
The hissyfit in the states continues
That was a hoot.
Except for the bit about more Black Americans being in work than ever before. That the BAME Democrats – bar one – chose not to applaud, that speaks volumes. It reflects very badly on the Democratic Party and it represents a major change in the US from thirty-five, forty and more years ago all the way back to the time of FD Roosevelt. Once upon a time, Republicans and Democrats were identical in wanting the best for all Americans.
Now the Democrats are willing to keep Black Americans unemployed merely to use them as cannon-fodder for the Democrat cause.
That is shameful.
BlackLivesDon’tMatter when you can be kept unemployed as a statistic to beat Republicans with.
It would appear that nobody does cynicism like the Democratic Party of America. For most of my adult life I viewed these people as the saviours of mankind.
To say I am disappointed is a massive understatement. Shame. It’s back to square one.
Isn’t it strange how peoples political allegiances change when they realise the amount of lies they have been fed by both sides (+the msm) and start to make their own opinions.
No criticism LW. Bin There – Dun That!
Actually guys, the general consensus on American politics by those interested in such things was that policy-wise and in the results being sought, you had to work really hard to squeeze a cigarette paper between the Democrats and the Republicans for most of the past ninety years. Of the two, it was British politics that was generally reckoned to be the most divided, with Parties furthest apart.
Until the Clinton and Obama years, especially the latter. What has Obama done to America and the Democratic Party? Left both rotting on a compost heap, it appears.
State of the Onion left by former President Obama?
5 Minutes of Hate ala Orwell 1984 …
“CHURCHILL WAS A RACIST!” Fifteen of us visited the packed-out Blighty Café on a windy Saturday morning. A silence fell amongst the customers as we recited Churchill’s racist outbursts; people were listening quite intently. Our performance lasted no more than five minutes. There was surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly) little friction; except for one member of the cafe’s staff shouting at us as we left:“Churchill fought for all of our freedom!” I felt such a response rather confusing after we had just quoted Churchill as saying: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” {newstatesman.com 21jan2018}
. . . .
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier
Great quote by C.J.N. Thanks.
Get the pop corn
Al Beeb is being fried in parliament on its own news channel – priceless entertainment
Fans of bullshit bingo will be overwhelmed
Priceless isn`t it Fedup2.
A Star Is Born!
Julie Elliot scorching all BBC smoothie-chops being thrown to her.
Do watch-everything that stinks about common cartel governance behind silk screens is on full display. bet this won`t be on iPlayer!
Give Julie her own BBC show-but on minimum wage!
Now THAT would make a fine series and make us all laugh.
The BBC are beyond parody.
This BBC Management Team would not be fit to be school governors at a paint pot nursery-they`re that bad, that stupid. Do they ever think of presentation, of how to handle their own media?
Or do they think stuffing “the talents” mouths with post-dated cheques and an open drugs cabinet gets them off the hook?
My God-like watching cockroaches , running up the wall or back under a stone.
I pine for the media savvy wonders of Mark Thompson and Jay Huny. By comparison, these are Richard and Judy!
Beyond parody – you are spot on.
I was”time pressured” which means I didn’t have enough time – when translated into English – but the 4? Senior al beeb managers really couldn’t appreciate the horror ordinary punters might feel when they are talking about” a hundred thousand here or there” as though it’s small change . …. to keep the “talent” .
These journos are easily replaced .all those kids doing meeja studies – – is Sopel so good that he couldn’t be replaced by somebody on a fair wage – of tax money ?
Remember fedups golden rule
The effectiveness of an organisation is inversely proportional to the number of managers that infest it.
Al Beeb looks like it will appoint an editors’ editor to make sure they and their deputy editors are following the editorial guidelines …..
Emotional Blackmail and “think of the children” (& not their beards & receding hairlines)
@AlfDubs tweeted
We 5 child refugees of the Kindertransport handed in a letter to Downing St yesterday calling on the government to act now to welcome the child refugees of today.
These children should have the same opportunities in Britain that we were given in 1938-39.”
..Em those children were housed in Britain cos it was the nearest safe country ..in the case of today’s seeker, that is certainly not the UK.
Stew: every effort is being made (Dubs has been at it for a while) to equate the WW2 refugee situation with the present day one. You were right about ‘the nearest safe country’ but it is only when you think of potential numbers, given the flexibility of the terms ‘child’ and ‘refugee’, that you begin to appreciate the nature of the game being played here.
Let’s ask Dubs how many million he has in mind? (Wiki says 669 Czechs were saved by Winton). More to the point, let’s ask May when she gets back from China. Or perhaps Amber would know?