Capita, the troubled company that the BBC outsourced its TV licence collection with menaces service to, has expanded too far and invested too little time and money. One, do they never learn? British Leyland should be a classic case study for these companies, and two, ha, the BBC rattles on about the government ‘privatising’ services by outsourcing and the BBC does it itself….not just the licence fee of course but programme making as well…telling us how it spreads the wealth, skills and jobs around. Funny how it then can cheerlead for Corbyn and his Momentum mob of Marxists who want to nationalise everything and stop outsourcing.
Spot the comic, the contradictions, the bias?…list it all here….
Tricky for al beeb to criticise capita – the in house – tax collector versus corrillion which was the evil use of the private sector to do public sector jobs .
Sadly capita looks as though it will survive and will go on with its threatening letters “we know where you live” or “we’ve opened an investigation “
My main complaint about these letters is that the paper they use is a bit harsh- not absorbing or good at the things I use it for in the toilet .
They clearly wipe their arses with the letters of complaint we send them.
NO – letter paper is too rough for their gentle hands and other skin. Actually most complaints are on electronic media so they can use their left hands as usual for ar$e wiping.
The bBC, its editorial guidelines and its biased use of the term ‘Terrorism’
Jeremy Bowen the bBC’s middle Eastern Editor, has decided to knock out an article regards that poor little political religious activist Ahed Tamimi who was caught on camera attacking Israeli soldiers. As is the way of the bBC and Abu Bowen they lead with a question:
Ahed Tamimi: Was Palestinian teenager’s ‘slap’ terrorism?
The video starts with the 16 year old Tamimi attacking Israeli soldiers, Bowen hits the scene and comes out with this statement:
“And the bleakness of a future with no prospect for peace”
He then interviews Israeli politician Oren Hazan who states that he
Would have put the girl in hospital. His crude statements are juxtaposed against the father playing the victim card regards occupation.
The thing is, Oren Hazan is the bad boy of the likud party , who is known for his bad behaviour, in fact only yesterday he was suspended from Parliament for six months (for the second time) for being a sex pest. Why the Knesset (Parliamentary) Ethics committee which handed down his sentence had this to say about him:
“Hazan is a repeat offender, who has become known for his crude language in speaking to other Knesset members, especially women and Arabs.”
Not only that, but he has been banned by his own party from sitting in any committee inside Parliment
Yet the bBC uses a known sexist, bigoted and racist MP from the rightwing Likud party (which is part of the coalition which rules Israel. It currently holds 30 of the 120 seats.) in which to promote the view that all Israelis are hateful bigots. When actually that couldn’t be further from the truth.
But back to the terrorist tag, Bowen asks the above bigot if a 16 year old girl can be a terrorist, the answer he gets is exactly what the bBC desires in which to continue to spread its anti-Semitic (AS) message in the UK if not the world. Funny enough the Guardian reports that AS has reached an all-time high in the UK. (Gee I wonder why that is?)
Yet the bBC which is so adverse to using the terrorist tag as per its own guidelines: Has no problem asking the question:
“Is she a terrorist?”
A tag it uses in its headline, when in fact she has been charged with the following:
“assaulting security forces, incitement and throwing stones.”
Funny how Abu Bowen is happy to use the ‘T’ word when the bBC says he shouldn’t. You know like after every militant attack across the world where the killer just happens to utter “Allah ackba” Then the person is:
A school boy
Misguided criminal
Respected Iman
Taxis Driver
A teacher
A lovely boy
or even a beautiful young man
The bBC speaks, its message reeks.
So why is the bBC so quick and happy to use the ‘T’ word here. Could it be it allows them to paint a picture of Israeli heavy handiness, against a little child, which by default says that adults are treated even worse and thus those who know no better are brainwashed into thinking that all Jews are evil, that they really do oppress Muslims and thus the case for AS is promoted as a just cause by a so called impartial news org.
The bBC , the media arm for Pallywood.
Amazing how a 16 year old is now a child not responsible for her own actions, yet theBBC are also promoting 16 year olds as adults who deserve the vote. Inconsistent, self-contrasdictory or what! Total cognitive dissonance by the left as always.
Exactly Demon.
The only reason all the lefties want children to vote is because they expect them to vote labour or at least not vote Tory.
They can come up with as many reasons as they like but none of them hold water.
I would even say that either 21 or 25 should be the minimum age for voting.
If the children were expected to vote Tory then you can bet your house that all these lefties would be completely against children voting.
When I was 16, I thought communism was a good idea.
Then I grew up.
….I would even say that either 21 or 25 should be the minimum age for voting…
I agree. Yes a lot more teenagers are highly ‘vocal’ because of their upbringing on social media, but their overall intelligence is still childlike because of extended educational years, and will ‘follow the herd -their mates’ when it comes to the ballot paper. An 18 year old back in 1971 when the voting age was lowered from 21, doesn’t bare any resemblance to an 18 year old today. In fact the same can be said for a 21 year old ! Many in that age group were getting married and starting families so the sense of responsibility was instilled at an early age – totally unrecognisable from the 21 year old ‘kids’ of today.
Dead right. In 1944 many 21 year olds were flying in Lancasters over the Third Reich, these days many 21 year olds need a “safe space” because somebody made some sort of “phobic” remark.
Agree with all of the above. No representation without taxation would work for me.
Until they actually PAY tax, and it`s made clear that they`ll get less money if they vote for lefty vacuities-and they`re SEEN to pay the price for it all, then I`m with you re 24/5 idea.
At ages bolow that, they`ll only vote for whoever will lead them by the gonads-whose gang they crave to belong to.
The pay no price for what they vote-they should.
Silverman added: “We believe that Jews are being singled out disproportionately and with increasing violence due to the spread of antisemitic conspiracy myths originating from Islamists, the far-left and far-right, which society is failing to address, as evidenced by the ongoing disgraceful situation in the Labour party, and because the Crown Prosecution Service declines to prosecute so often that antisemites no longer fear any consequences to their actions.”
Antisemitic incidents in UK at all-time high {guardian 01feb2018}
“Charity logs 1,382 hate incidents and 34% rise in violent assaults against Jewish people in 2017”
. . .
“We are very clear in the Labour Party. That if you are known and you are peddling racist, homophobic, anti-semitic abuse, you will face a penalty. The problem with a lot of this abuse though is it’s anonymous. ” – Diane Abbott @1:56
Jezza using BBC QT to outsource its expert guests and vox pops further afield?
thanks Pounce. In the clip the BBC were so pleased to show us about Tamimi, we were told that the piece had been filmed by her mother. The girl was obviously taunting the soldier and physically attacking him, trying to get some sort of response. She got it and was arrested. But why was her mother filming her daughter behaving this way? As a mother, I would be saying to a young woman, ‘come away, leave it be’. The family are described as ‘activists’ – even if not terrorists they are obviously troublemakers. In a land where things are difficult, you cannot leave troublemakers to do what they want – however photogenic they are.
“And the bleakness of a future with no prospect for peace”
The only reason the Palestinians have no prospect for peace is that they are led by violent criminals, who grow very rich on all the foreign aid we send them.
A rational Palestinian leader would look at Israel and see a stable democracy, an economic success story and a major military power. Israel is going nowhere. So that rational Palestinian would make peace with Israel on the best terms possible, and allow his people the freedom to trade and develop economically, without the pressure of waging a low key, unwinnable war against its unbeatable neighbour.
That’s what a rational, decent Palestinian leadership would do. The fact they don’t do it, but prefer to sit pretty on foreign aid, scarificing their people on futile “Days of Rage”, is something a decent BBC correspondent might look into. But not Jeremy Bowen, of course. His driver was killed by an Israeli tank shell in the middle of a war zone. and he is public about his hatred for the Israeli armed forces. It is hard to think of someone less suitable than Bowen to cover this part of the world, but the £4 billion BBC thinks he’s the right man for the job, which tells them everything you need to know about them, and him.
HM diplomatic corps personnel rarely spend more than five years on a posting, I believe – this is to prevent them ‘going native’ and getting too attached to a country to remain impartial. They then have to work for a couple of years in the UK to re-acclimatise before their next posting. Why doesn’t the Beeb do this with its foreign correspondents? They all seem to have been in place for years and years. I suspect some of them have been compromised severely by this.
I agree but I’d add that some of them are compromised from the very start. French Canadians, to name just one group, are not renowned for their sympathetic attitude to the UK and the BBC seems to only too keen to employ them. Its entire stable (as in ‘stable of old nags’) badly needs sorting out.
Israel faces a real and present danger from terrorists, even from children and women.
“18-year-old Ayat Akhras, a friend and neighbor, walked up to a supermarket in Jerusalem and detonated her explosives, killing two Israelis and herself”
Given the absolute carnage and mayhem in Syria and Iraq, why would Bowen concentrate on the mild treatment by Israel of one Palestinian teenager? It just looks like prejudice to me.
If we had faced the same tactics by the IRA I don’t think we could have been more restrained than the Israelis.
One for the ladies – and perverts:
Endometriosis: ‘My vagina tried to kill me’
I’m not a medical doctor, but as far as I know, endometriosis isn’t related to the vagina. Just another pathetic attempt to catch the attention of the yoof.
Just read it , she claims she’s a comedian!!!!! Having had this awful condition and ended up having a hysterectomy, she obviously doesn’t know her womb from her vagina and that’s funny or an indictment on her teachers.
The yoof of today, would think Endometriosis was some pop group they needed to book tickets to see !
(as an aside, I’m currently appearing in Panto, and it was suggested that our 18 year old who is playing Robinson Crusoe, should tie her curly hair back with a ribbon or bow – like young men did during that period. She admitted to never reading a history book – but asked if it was like Poldark !!! several of us were lost for words, but not surprised)
We still allowed gender bending in panto? How long before we get THAT deemed “cultural appropriation”?
Are there enough dwarves with Equity cards ro play all the coming Snow White pantos we`ll need to do, seeing as no others will be wanted.
Might be worth my gettting my thigh higns out again, and beginning on some career like this.
Has anybody written a part for a disabled Jack In the Beanstalk-would she need a ramp?
Such is Monrovia.
“Snow White” – wash your mouth out with non-white soap.
Our first audience is tonight, and we’re already waiting for the first wag to yell out ‘transgender’ to our marvellous Dame ! oh yes we are !!!!
I once had a colleague, a British man in his mid-thirties, who had never heard of the late King George VI. He left to train as a teacher.
Who else remembers Coronation Street when it was good?
If you do, there was one where Ken Barlow had hit rock bottom in the early eighties I think-life fallen apart, out of the gutter and not far off chucking himself and his sorry carcass into the Irwell.
The scriptwriters had HIM go back into teaching at that point!
Funny-as if they`d ever get away with THAT these days.
Well remember some trendy wendy of a student asking Vera Duckworth where the quorn was in her shop.
“Down there at`back with the cranky stuff” she said!
It was a great time, when you could laugh at these lefties-and now they`re running the shop and just look what we`ve become.
…And Len Fairclough sinking several pints, then having to rush back to work to ‘point up a chimney’!
H and S – pah!
Not just the youth, I’m afraid. Years ago when I was based in the Midlands, I popped into town to have a picture famed. The white middle aged lady who received me had something of a Hyacinth Bucket, attitude. So I asked for a passepartout and the lady looked at me as if I had just invented the word. She came out with:
“I went to art college and I have never heard of that”
I replied:
“My (Adopted) mother, (She was a land girl during the war) never went to college and she taught me that.”
She then turned round to her husband and asked if he had ever heard of the term, he said he had. She shouted at him
“Why didn’t you tell me!”
I decided to take my business elsewhere.
Pounce – yes I’ve heard of it, and again it was from my Mum. Never a generation to go to Yuni, but left school at 14, and despite this they could devise brilliant cook books, clean without Mr Muscle, had medical treatments that could teach the NHS a thing or two, had homes cleaner than hospitals today, bring babies into the world, lay out the dead, and all done with common sense.
had medical treatments that could teach the NHS a thing or two,
I picked up a boil as a teenager on my leg. My mum got a milk bottle and pored some boiling water into it. after a shortwhile she stuck the bottle over the boil. Sucked it out a treat.
EXACTLY !!! Onions also came into their own in our household – when colds and flu were rampant, an onion was hung above the bed to ‘catch’ all the bugs. My Dad swore to eating a plate of boiled onions to get rid of his sniffles. You can imagine we never had many visitors ! As a young teen I was prone to blackheads on my nose – my Dad wouldn’t have that, he said “I’ll get rid of those” – did he ever; he put a flannel over a steaming kettle, then slapped it on my nose ! My nose glowed red going to school. Got rid of the blackheads though. The social services would have been up to their neck in paperwork at our house, but abuse ? never. We were loved, and grew up ‘normal’ with no hang ups from childhood.
Loobyloo you got one thing wrong
“endometriosis isn’t related to the vagina”
Sky News website is, at the time of writing, leading with the head of OFSTED, Amanda Spielman’s speech about tackling extremism in schools, it’s a very important speech due to be given today to the CofE Education Conference. The speech is also one of the ITV News headlines but as yet there’s nothing at all about it on the BBC News website. I will be interested to see if the BBC cover this story as it’s very significant especially in regards to the background of the story and the stance which OFSTED have taken.
@CW BBC posted a story at about 10am
Religious extremists ‘trying to pervert education’
By Hannah Richardson
but it’s not on the main page or UK page
It’s in a new top bar section marked “Family & Education”
Some quango called the CST have just put out a report about “the rise in anti-Semitism”.
Especially online, but in criminal incidents and reportings as well.
Oh dear-how will the BBC play THIS one?
It possible has to be mentioned, so the BBC Breakfast team
1. Put it on the dawn chorus at 6.35 am-and give it only a few minutes.
2. Steer both their questions towards-how does it feel, and what should the government be doing to assuage you?
3. Invite in a jolly rabbl who`s so pleased to be in the studio-and is happy to emote and babble to while away these few potentially-awkward minutes. As opposed to somebody with facts, figures and the direction of travel.
AND, of course
4. Do NOT mention Islam or the Labour Party, the anti-Israel liberal postures of the whole media like the BBC.
Well, if this was the plan-well done, worked like a charm.
But no-one will be any the wiser about WHY Anti-Semitism is on the march again-which of course was what the whole smoke blowing exercise was designed to achieve.
Oh-and Charlie DID wonder if the Jews might not be rather over-egging the pudding-is it REALLY worth reporting at times Rabbi, being the drift?
Would he ever ask a black, a Muslim or a jock in a frock THAT? Course not-but they`re only Jews, and that is all the BBC seem to think.
He who cannot be named … maybe JK Rowling was onto something when she talked about people being scared to mention Lord Voldemort’s name in public for fear of violence against them or the wrong person might hear them.
Holly, the CST (Community Security Trust) is not a quango. It is a Jewish charity with most of its costs coming from the Jewish Community although on its web site it did get £2 million from government. It is needed to give advice and training to Jewish communities to enable them to protect themselves from anti-Semitic attacks. (If in doubt of why it is needed think of attacks in Paris, Rome, Toulouse, Malmo etc). It is mainly about having CCTV and a strategy on what to do if an attack happens.
But no, you are correct, heard nothing this morning about it on the Today programme. (To be fair, I didn’t hear it all because my blood pressure wouldn’t stand it).
Why do they call it “Anti-Semitism”-when they REALLY mean anti-Jewish?
If Arabs were so treated, they`d not settle for an “anti-Semitic” label, even though they are Semites as Jews are.
No-it`s anti Jewish, and they`re intent on creating less programmes and more pogroms.
Alicia, you will have to blame 19th century Germans for this. In 1879 German journalist Wilhelm Marr published a pamphlet, Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum. Vom nicht confessionellen Standpunkt aus betrachtet (The Victory of the Jewish Spirit over the Germanic Spirit. Observed from a non-religious perspective) in which he used the word Semitismus interchangeably with the word Judentum to denote both “Jewry” (the Jews as a collective) and “jewishness” (the quality of being Jewish, or the Jewish spirit).
Antisemitism has never meant Arabs. Think about it. If antisemitism included all Semites, Hitler was not an antisemite. He formed alliances with the Arabs against the Jews.
Racial antisemitism (as practised by the Nazis) was an evolution from medieval antisemitism. In the Middle Ages, all the Jews had to do was convert. Conversion is irrelevant to modern antisemites because Jewish ‘evil’ is supposedly in their genes.
In quite recent times the Arabs sometimes claim they can’t be antisemites. All they want to do is kill Jews.
Thanks deegee, fine teaching.
My theology, such as it is depends on Muslims being descended from Abrahams firstborn-Ismall. son of Hagar who was his wifes slave girl. As opposed to Jews who are descended from jacob(Israel) who was a son of Isaac. Isaac being the son of Abrahams wife Sarah, owner of Hagar the slave girl, i`ve noted.
Both Ismail and Isaac are fathers of the Muslim and Jewish peoples and nations( and of course, Islam did not exist for over a thousand years later, but they were Arabs-and so would claim to be the precursors to Islam). My point-that both Jews and Muslims come from the one father, herdman and leader of many who followed. They are both “Semitic” in origin-same tribe and dad, Jews claimed it first-Islam claimed the other path of Ismail to distinguish themselves from the Jews.
Not saying I`m right-but if Jews and Muslims are not very similar in DNA and origin, I`d be surprised-look at Yemen, its Jews and Arabs were once indistinguishable in origin-of course there are no Jews left, like nearly all other places in the Middle East.With Christians at the exit doors as well.
The BBC is not revealing who the perpertrators are. You can therefore conclude that it’s not the “far right extremists” to blame as this would be a 3 day handwringing session on all BBC truth orifices.
Let us look at some other news which says that the BBC is biased towards the Conservatives ….
Headlines for TheCanary {} …
There’s good reason everyone’s talking about the front page of The Times newspaper today – “Ugly Truth of Socialism Laid Bare (research into attractiveness, not the policies)”
Forget PMQs. Here’s the extraordinary debate in parliament that left Laura Pidcock gobsmacked. (regarding PIP allowances)
An arms dealer chose the worst time to brag about what it’s getting up to in our primary schools (BAE school academies mentions Yemen but not Iran)
Police taser an autistic man claiming he assaulted them. The CCTV tells a ‘rather different’ story. [VIDEO]
Thousands of people could receive millions in payouts after being ripped off by local councils
The firefighters who ran into Grenfell Tower are now running the London Marathon for the victims
The Conservative MP on Monday’s Newsnight needs a reality check. So here it is. [VIDEO]
Former BBC chief caught in fake smear on Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise [TWEETS]
Kurdish women occupy Tory HQ as UK-armed ally slaughters more children [TWEETS]
The BBC’s denial of Labour’s ‘Youthquake’ is another example of anti-Corbyn media bias
The Mail’s ‘election guru’ Dan Hodges just got taken apart in public, by facts [TWEETS]
“We are absolutely biased,” said Kerry-Anne Mendoza, editor of The Canary, when asked about its approach to covering the news. “We’re biased in favour of social justice, equal rights – those are non-negotiable things. We’re in this as an issue-driven organisation.”
Unreliable evidence:
Carrie Gracie’s evidence to the House Committee yesterday appeared to be slightly different to that which she gave to TODAY listeners a few weeks ago. It was the story around the £45k that had changed. Who can I trust when the BBC and its people are involved?
Alp Mehmet is a spokesman (Vice-Chair) of Migration Watch. Mr Mehmet talks correctly about hard NET numbers of overall inward migration from whole world into UK in round 100ks, using reliable NI numbers as evidence. Justin obfuscates by bringing in the latest quarter’s inward EU migration numbers without stating whether they are net or gross. Bit like that bus poster, eh Justin?
Lord Thomas was rolled on to talk about failings in our justice system. It needs more (taxpayer) money according to Justin Webb, although Justin always forgets about the (standard rate) taxpayer when calling for more money for everything.
“Oh, while you are here Lord Thomas, will you please undermine Brexit for us.”
Reliable BBC.
Constantly reliable in constantly wanting someone else to give them more money and also in wanting to overturn a democratic decision to leave the EU.
Their website states campaigners against the ‘gender pay gap’ complain companies have been using fake data
Fake data? Heaven forbid! Like: conflating ‘pay’ and earnings; just adding up all earnings irrespective of hours worked, profession or level of qualification; acting like women are desperate to work in IT or be engineers when in fact they are not.
How can they protect us from fake news when they are infected with cultural Marxism, the fake ideology which says all less favourable outcomes are caused by ‘oppression’ from another group rather than the decisions individuals make? Obviously if you want to have children and go on holiday five times a year you cannot expect to earn the same as a man who works 70 hours a week with no time for holidays or caring for children.
There is no oppression here. I would much rather work less and spend more time looking after children, but women want high earning men to provide for them. The key is who spends the money, not who gets paid more. You have a joint bank account when you are married anyway.
I hate this idea of splitting us all into groups of ‘oppressor’ against ‘oppressed.’ It is nonsense – the world does not work like that. The overwhelming majority are decent people who help others and would never oppress anyone.
Sharia May is patently unfit for any office
and Im probably not either,
yet Im not Prime Minister where is MY equality of outcome
When the BBC £3.5bn uses Buzzfeed to backup its stories …
BuzzFeed News has claimed government studies on the economic impact of Brexit say reducing migration from the bloc into the UK would nullify the benefits of any trade deal struck with Washington. { 01feb2018}
In another development, the government’s flagship EU (Withdrawal Bill) cleared its first hurdle in the House of Lords as it passed its second reading and former Labour minister Lord Adonis withdrew an amendment calling for a referendum on the final deal.
Donald Trump:
“As for Buzz Feed, which is a failing pile of garbage, I think they are going to suffer the consequences [of publishing pissgate dossier.]”
And they have – lots of redundancies recently. Were it not for the tv tax the BBC would taken a massive hit as well.
It speaks volumes that the BBC uses BuzzFeed as a ‘credible’ source of news and yet alternately ignores and sneers at Breitbart.
I wonder why?
Buzzfeed, BIJ, Canary
Getting it about rig… left.
Speaking of more money for BBC people, I noticed an almost complete absence of Laura (Part-time) Kuenssberg and Norman (Aggrieved) Smith from my Radio4 ears during January 2018.
Were they busy tarting up their CVs and in meetings with their agents, seeing if they could double their large salaries for doing not a lot of worth by switching to another broadcaster if this BBC pay thing turns sour for them? Or were they working to rule, ie. not a lot?
Or were they merely recovering from Hogmanay before getting busy preparing for Burns Night parties, before heading perhaps to China with our PM?
Great wiimmin of the last century – design
I kid you not – some one who designed motor way signs.
Preceded by 20 minutes of the editor of the London Evening Standard and one of those proudly responsible for getting us the potential to leave the EU – George Osborne . With humph minor asking again and again whether May should go.
Strange that after the top hierarchy of al beeb got fried in Parliament that they didn’t lead with this .
Best bit was when a labour MP asked whether HR was involved in pay negotiations – “no” was the answer from some highly paid beeboid manager who couldn’t understand why this might be a problem. How thick can they be?
Toady 2
Interview with one Ali Musa about being psychotic
Cause is likely to be genetic or drug takers – sure see a lot of these dangerous fruit hoops in east londonistan –
Interview with Somali woman about Genital Mutilation of Wimmin- tip toed about the’ Diverse’
Origins of yet another imported problem .
At that stage the “ off” switch beckoned .
“The government of the day took the unusual step of entrusting the development of the new system to the graphic designer Jock Kinneir (1917-1994) and his assistant Margaret Calvert. ”
nice to know one of the great wimmim of our time was some blokes assistant thanks for the tip beeb
as for Osbum interviewing a PROVEN LIAR and allowing him to spout more LIES
a man who could not predict correctly the budget he was going to inflict in a months time, who can now amazingly predict 15years into the future
as for Osbum interviewing a PROVEN LIAR and allowing him to spout more LIES
a man who could not predict correctly the budget he was going to inflict in a months time, who can now amazingly predict 15years into the future
fuck off Osborne you are a liar and we all know you are
stoopid double posting browser again, anyone else getting this??
Enjoying my first cup of tea of the morning while listening to Radio 4. I’ve just heard the disturbing news that anti Semitic attacks have increased in Britain. As I’ve come to expect there’s absolutely no attempt to dig down to discover who the perpetrators might be. And there’s certainly no desire to find out who the instigators might be.
I think there are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly the BBC and Corbyn’s Momentum led Labour Party are rabidly anti Israeli. They are massive cheerleaders for Palestinian malcontent.
When The Beeb leave this statement of attacks on Jewish people up in the air they are being deliberately disingenuous. There will naturally be the suspicion among the general public, brought up on a diet of gormless soaps and propaganda, that hoards of tattooed racist thugs are out there assaulting minorities.
Sitting here slurping my tea I find I’m reminded of a London story that the BBC were all over like a rash, something a little over a decade ago. A number of Jewish cemeteries had been targeted by vandals. The story went on for a number of weeks and the vandalism was getting worse. I remember an enthusiastic, greenhorn Beeb journalist questioning the investigating police officer. “Do you think,” started the young journo, almost salivating, “that the attacks are my members of the far right?” The policeman’s response was priceless. “It seems very unlikely” he mused, “from the descriptions we have of the attackers.”
And that was it. The BBC had run with this story for weeks but we never heard another word about it.
So we can expect an in depth inquiry as to why the police arnt doing more, are the police anti Semitic , how many Jews are there in the police ? Why not more? Are the police under resourced? Anti Semitic is the Tory’s fault – it’s austerity – and brexit of course . ( see – didn’t mention the evil religion of peace once).
Get Jeremy Bowen to do the inquiry – he s not biased is he?
“…..absolutely no attempt to dig down to discover who the perpetrators might be. And there’s certainly no desire to find out who the instigators might be.”
Simples. All spelt out nicely in the quaran, the handbook of the cult.
It appears the BBC themselves do not know the meaning of the word ‘misogyny’. A bit strange for an organisation where words and their meaning (especially where truth is concerned, eh Carrie?) are common currency and very important. There also appears to be something of a campaign to alter its meaning, anyway, and the BBC appear to be happy to go along with that.
Their grasp of many words errs on the ‘unique’ (that being another). And flies in the face of evidence.
Words like ‘trust’ or ‘transparency’ spring to mind.
Quick link back to previous thread last page with comments from Wednesday evening
Grid Girls vs the Burkha
(Some tweet images are worth posting @JimS)
Interesting follow up story as one media motor type Tiff Needell RTs, gets told to remove it, and meekly says he’ll comply.
Julia had a good discussion finishes at 10am TalkRadio
Now on R5 ???? #5liveYourCall with Nicky.
Grid girls are gone from the F1 – high time or hysteria?
???? 08085 909 693 ???? 85058…
They’ve got a female boxer on
Counter says : the femanazis are “celebrating putting SOME women out of job”
That boxer munter was on the beeb brekkie sofa this morning.When she was finished nagga and stayt were beaming that these girls were out of a job
“Lol, happy to take her children to watch people punch the crap out of each other
… so long as there’s no one there wearing a bikini!”
excellent article by Sarah Vine in mail….
did anyone hear R4 last night when they spoke to an articulate ex pit girl who was still involved..she said she enjoyed it, all the girls did and it was positive experience. The BBC interviewer pushed and pushed and said don’t you feel they are exploited..answer resoundingly NO.
Then they had a feminist ‘writer’ who worked in F1 industry saying it’s about time they went…and when told what the previous woman had said…replied ‘ ah but they just don’t know they are being exploited’ ..a completely pompous self important answer…she obviously knows what is best for other women…read Sarah Vine’s article says it all
‘Some’ as in ‘some say’, i.e. not many!
BBC is right on it.
Girls wearing ad slogans usually not their thing, but if the cause is virtuous…
Today is World Hijab Day (1st Feb) … what would Linda do?
“Linda Sarsour, we are prepared to crowd fund travel expenses for you to go and march for women’s rights in Tehran. This is your time to shine. They need your help. @lsarsour” –
“Happy World Hijab Day! My hijab makes me feel more beautiful and closer to God. #blessed”– Linda Sarsour {twitter 01feb2018}
How the hijab – and H&M – are reshaping mainstream British culture – Remona Aly Remona Aly {guardian 28sep2015}
‘Muslim women in hijabs are becoming increasingly visible in the public domain, whether appearing in EastEnders, Android ads, or The Great British Bake Off. Twenty years ago, when I began wearing my headscarf, “hijabis” were a rare sight, but now this contentious yet innocuous piece of cloth is shaping the face of mainstream pop culture.’
– Article in Guardian does not mention Majority Muslim countries where NOT wearing a hijab is a criminal offence.
Balance? One sided?
@Mark that is an amazing sheer coincidence that I was just about to post about
Yep lib-media promote “hijab girls” at the same time as it demotes “grid girls”
“grid girls” BAD, “hijab girls” GOOD is their thinking
They seemed to promote World Hijab Day
3pm BBC Arabic TV ..I can see them fishing for guests
“I’m from BBC Arabic TV in London, I am looking for an Arabic speaker who can join us on Skype to talk about World Hijab Day on our TV programme today at 15:00 GMT. Are you free? ”
There’s maybe another show as well, someone else tweeted :
“I did a piece with Timeline BBC about #hijab and #askamuslim it was a fun and unique experience. My eyes kept watering because of the wind”
I wonder if she means BBCtimeline a Scotland prog ?
So the BBC are not as joyous for the Hijab this time around? Omission is the power of the BBC. What has changed?
The BBC so like reporting about themselves, maybe they could do a story on why they are not as joyous in 2018 on the Hijab? Is the BBC Bake Off lady available for comment?
And happy Hijab day (are you wearing yours?) as darts walk on ladies lose their jobs for looking sexy and we ignore Iranian women. Silence across the globe as we don’t know how to face freedom greeting totalitarian views on society.
when is world FGM day that should be interesting
When feminism meets Islam … just prior to World Islam Hijab Day (everyone can wear what they want, try a Hijab and you might keep it on and then try Islam as well) …
Prominent Muslim academic Tariq Ramadan is being questioned by French police investigating allegations of rape and sexual assault against him. He was taken into custody in Paris over claims made by two women last year. Mr Ramadan, 55, denies wrongdoing and is suing one of his accusers, Henda Ayari, a former radical Islamist who now heads a secular feminist group.
“Tariq Ramadan: French police question scholar over rape claims” {31jan2018}
Why don’t they have a World Burka Month? Say in July or August and non-Muslim ladies can get the full experience, of what it must be like for Muslimas to wear such a delightful garment; every single day of their lives.
An interesting point raised elsewhere is feminisms attack on femininity.
It seems that the ‘sistas’ really do hate anything beautiful and gravitate to the most ugly imaginable. Soon they will have erased every attractive woman from sight and every attractive feminine quality will have been labelled as a hate issue.
Maybe it’s easier to be ugly and destroy things, harder to be beautiful and build things?
It`s the revenge of the ugly and bitter old women who used to be so regarded.
And who now take delight in scorning todays dollies who are pert where they no longer are-and won`t be neeing Tema pants for some time yet. Ugly and bitter.
So I beileve of course!
In this world you don’t have to be stunning to do stunning things …. Why not promote this story in the schools …
Unreliable evidence 2:
The BBC. Are they incapable of doing anything honest and accurate and true?
What essential is missing here?
The memo might be released today! I hope he just sends it to the world via Twitter.
I am intrigued to see how the BBC spin it. Not only is Trump succeeding but saints Obama and Clinton have been up to no good. I am sure those Houdini slugs will find some way to try and slither out of it.
1. Deflect. Say how irresponsible it is to release the memo.
2. Link to ‘Russia.’
3. Claim there are ‘omissions’ and question its veracity.
4. Key wrongdoers claim they actually knew nothing about it and are appalled. A few prominent heads roll, fall guys who take the blame.
Ignore the contents and quote Democrat and other antagonists endlessly.
The BBC rarely gives you the facts only the negative commentary where a Trump item is concerned.
a slightly different perspective LOL
In a free society you can easily choose to be oppressed.
In an totalitarian society you can choose the hard path to freedom.
“Happy World Hijab Day! My hijab makes me feel more beautiful and closer to God. #blessed”
I just with she was closer to God – much closer !
The manner in which stories are dropped gives rise to suspicion.
Three teenage boys killed by car near Hayes bus stop
Here we go again …. Religious extremists are using schools to narrow children’s horizons and “pervert education”, England’s chief inspector of schools is warning. { 01feb2018}
. . . rollback to 2010 . . . . nothing has changed in 8 years . . . .
– Irony of all this is utter madness “… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
Mike Graham on Talk Radio asking why they don’t just admit that it’s the Muslim schools failing?
The BBC trying to divert attention from this when the only criticism of the Christian school was that they weren’t pushing other religions!
Problem is, the controllers of the muslim schools do not see their behaviour as, ‘failing’ so there will be no Government effort to change it. Not only that, we wouldn’t want to upset the Saudi’s would we?
Muslims need to know what to do with the rest of us in this society that they find themselves in.
The Koran makes it clear what is to be done with us, but if a caste of liberal effete clowns think it`s “peaceful” and “conducive to social cohesion”? well, more fool you if you`ve not checked for yourself.
Bill Warner at Political Islam.
Jihad Watch with Robert Spencer
Acts 17 with David Wood
Gates of Vienna
Gatesrone Institute
Middle East Forum/Quarterly
Sultan Knish…and so it goes.
Get a Koran from any market stall or mosque-always free to give one to you.
And match what Lee Rigbys murderes said on camera as they`d finsihed-Sura 9.27-8 , Tawah, Verses of the Sword.
It`s all there for you-let nobody tell you that this is peaceful, they only succeed when they`re killing or terrorising.
Or else when everybodys given up and looking .for anybody to surrender to.
Does anybody think that OFSTED, a few ECHR posters on the wall, a few colouring posters of a condom or Metro trip in Paris is an education?
or some stuff on STDs, same sex deviance, vaccines, ADHD, drugs and chemsex, Esther hotlines or recycling pencil cases is worth fifteen years in their fcition factories of fizz?
Course not-Muslims take education seriously, and thankfully won`t subject THEIR kids to this shit. Just because WE`VE given up on ours-doesn`t mean tha Muslims give up on theirs. I mean-would YOU back the weak white horse of Nick Clegg or the strong black stallion of Muhhamad Atta?
Not saying it`s right-but it`s our fault, we gave our kids to the schools and left it to Uncle Tony…our bad!
Hilariously stupid virtue signalling by the bloke Foster something on R5Dead early this morning, (couldn’t sleep).
Some lass in the US had a response to his leading assumption that ‘climate change’ was causing the death of the universe, and got her on a story about polar bears.
Apparently the mother feeds her cubs all through the winter without eating or drinking herself. She needs to feed up during the warmer months to get loaded up for them when it’s cold.
Extensive ‘research’ by the lass, who did seem to know what was going on, says – er – yes, there’s no proof that they’re dying, bears just pop off somewhere else and feed up where they want, find another cave and carry on as usual.
The assumption was by Foster something that they were all dying off, and there’s still no real evidence!
Utter tosh from a minor autocue reader as usual. Pathetic.
Emma Barnett is about to shout “April Fool”
She has studio guests whose sexuality is “puppy”
as she talks about grown men dressing as puppies.
Come on Stew, they’re ‘just the same as any person on the High Street’ and who am I to disagree. After all ‘…being a puppy isn’t just a fun mask to try on – it’s how they identify; it’s who they are.’
Now, can you tighten up the straps please nurse …
not on the bbc
just how much the government cares about security
… and a little tighter again please.
“How many of the 400 (Jihadists) are back in London.” – Presenter
“About half.” – Sadiq Khan, London Mayor
“Where are they, you’re the Mayor of London…” – Presenter
Yes, but which half?
These sons of bus drivers are wags aren’t they!
Yet another reason never to go to the shithole known as Londonistan ever again.
Scrobie, both the Mayor and the BBC have forgotten that responsibility for financing the Metropolitan Police lies with …
… the Mayor of London.
The BBC reports the memo has been tampered with! What’s a suprise! An official memo is obviously bogus.
On the other hand, lurid tales of germaphobe Trump paying prostitutes to urinate on mattresses was unquestionably true and warranted blanket coverage for days. Even though the source of the story was a paid Democrat operative and no names of sources were mentioned in the dossier.
What a beauty!
And happy Hijab day (are you wearing yours?) as darts walk on ladies lose their jobs for looking sexy and we ignore Iranian women. Silence across the globe as we don’t know how to face what happens when freedom meets totalitarian views on society.
– Maybe if the F1 Ladies and Darts Walk On Ladies wore a Hijab it would all be OK? Iran would be happy. The Feminists would be happy. Sadiq Khan would be happy. En Marche! Forward!
Advert in today’s local Paper
“50 Shades of Magic Mike ..calling all ladies”
..sounds boring I suppose it’s a knitting workshop
about knitting your own window blinds
Might be useful to send your female partner down to the event in Liverpool tonight.
– Image shows that all that knitting makes your chest muscles strong
Thank god only perverted men go to Gentlemen’s nights
Look East, young beeboid…
Rubbery Jubbly.
Maths at the BBC:
Maybe our schools should go back to teaching times tables by rote?
No mention of the Nutella Riots of 2018 … Nutella ‘riots’ spread across French supermarkets { 26jan2018}
“A discount on Nutella has led to violent scenes in a chain of French supermarkets, as shoppers jostled to grab a bargain on the sweet spread.”
Last night on BBC1 there was a one hour documentary about how the moon affects life on earth. Of that hour, about ten minutes was devoted entirely to some Muslims in Croydon trying to spot the first moon of the month as it was ‘part of their religion’. They made sure we saw that one of the men was white and British looking.
Of course, it would never occur to Beeboids that the moon also plays a part in Christianity, which they probably don’t realise is actually the official religion of these islands. For example, the date of Easter is based on the first full moon after the spring solstice, which is why, unlike Christmas, it is a moveable feast.
They also treated us to a section on a class of entirely black schoolchildren in the USA, with a black teacher, watching an eclipse. Didn’t look very ‘diverse’ to me but what do I know.
The BBC knows full well what it is doing. They will have had an editorial meeting and said ‘we must include Muslims/blacks – how can we work in a Muslim/black angle’? The inclusion of a white Muslim I am positive was not accidental either.
I had taped it so you saved me an hour and a delete option . Should have guessed it was a party political by Islam
Fedup2, it wasn’t overall a bad programme if you like pop-science. It was just those two bits of ghastly Beeb PC that spoilt it for me.
Point of order. Spring equinox, Cranmer.
Spring onions gcooper
Let us compare …
Iran 2018 – Women protesting for Freedom by removing Hijab.
Islam 2018 – Promoting wear a Hijab for the day (no other religion has requested it such an act)
France 2018 – Nutella riots (people hurting each other over discount chocolate spread)
UK 2018 – Darts Walk On ladies banned and Labour moves more Left taking the Conservatives with them.
.. and it’s only 01feb2018 ….
To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. … Hence the contradictions and absurdities I have chronicled above, all finally traceable to a secret belief that one’s political opinions, unlike the weekly budget, will not have to be tested against solid reality.
Very funny swipe at the BBC:
World at one preview
Wimmins genitals
Taking down paintings of girls in galleries
May getting sacked soon ( I made that one up but wish )
Something on hejabbbs in schools
So it’s time to put the washing out – the editors of these news programmes must be from the evil Islam
I’m just waiting breakfast teli to show live burnings of all images of wimmin in case they cause offence . … …
It should be obvious to most that media bias is supported by the state and the police.
Good luck to Tommy Robinson with his legal response to the media. Unfortunately he is up against the media, Home Office, CPS and the courts.
Absolutely disgraceful that this man is receiving death threats for which he has evidence and the police do nothing.
Too busy painting their nails to match their rainbow coloured cars!
It’s a disgrace. Death threats. From the “religion of peace”.
Oh and as for the attack happening “outside a mosque” it was nowhere near the mosque that is plain shit stirring from the media.
Maybe he should convert to Islam and see what happens.
No they are not painting their nails today. They are doing nothing because it would be very convenient for the establishment if Tommy were to be silenced. If threats can do that all well and good if more forceful measures have to be adopted that will be acceptable to them. They will hand out the same treatment to anyone who exposes the official big lie that Islam is OK and not a clear and present danger to us and our way of life. If that person has leadership abilities , which Tommy certainly has, then they become a priority target.
That is a very convincing argument that the media have broke the law ..and that in a just system he would win big time.
And he has to go for it .. will the system show it is just or will it prove itself unjust like we expect ?
some media did add context
Appalling story.
This is the kind of thing that used to happen in North Korea and Russia-yet here it is today on our very shores in 2018.
He needs to force the ACLU ands Amnesty to get going on his behalf-ssure he`s not raped anybody or been dealing sackfuls of drugs. But he IS a Prisoner of Conscience, and in real danger thanks to the Deep Fascist State that wants him gone.
We must shake these monkeys off our back before we`re rendered helpless for Islam-because THAT is the destination at the minute,no question about it.
Will pray forhim and his family-may yet need a national Day Of Prayer at this rate, hope he can count on the fact that thousands will replace him, should they get to him.
Stuff Biko-the new version is here, and no liberal do-gooders give a toss.
I suppose that there are some who accept what Treezer states and believe it but I suggest that most realise it is total lies. Abandonment of the “tens of thousands….”, “enough is enough”, demonstrate conclusively she is a woman who actually believes that people rely upon her worthless utterances eventually contradicted by the facts. Beats me why she is in China, “negotiating” business for the UK. On past record of dealing with Brexit with the EU, those, “negotiations” with China, forgive me, but, will probably amount to, ‘well ok, we allow you to charge 50% import taxes on anything from the UK but we accept that we will not charge any import taxes on Chinese imported goods”. That sounds more like it to me. We’ll see. But, I certainly would not want her and her, ‘team’ negotiating anything on my behalf.
Lord Lawson had it right in relation to Brexit (and still does) – 1. Article 50; 2. do no more and leave without anything 2 years after. 3. then wait until our European “friends” start hammering on the door for a deal.
DisMays chinese negotiations probably mean we are paying them £40bn and they are sending us all their muslims
Why, you might ask, are the islamic & BAME Broadcasting Corp. interviewing mouthpieces from the old Eastern bloc in relation to what happens to the Movement of People during any so-called ‘transition period’? Well, they are poor countries with high unemployment so welcome their citizens working and living in the UK. Reduces whatever benefit they are entitled to ‘back home’ (and gives us the bill) and, yes, the remittances, if they work, keep coming back for family members still domiciled. Doubtless a, “good earner” by ‘Arthurs’ reckoning and by any stretch of the imagination.
It’s not so good though G, when folk like nurses; doctors and other professional folk who’ve been (expensively) trained at the cost of the poorer Eastern countries, move to the UK. They end up with a shortage of such people in their own countries.
Mind you as we start to hit “11” on the Vibrancy-o-meter, in Western Europe and our societies start turning to total s**t between 2030 and 2060; I think many of our people will start moving to the East and we’ll see migration in the opposite direction. The countries of Eastern Europe will be the only ones by then with majority European populations and where land and / or property is still plentiful.
I caught all of a couple of minutes of Bragg’s In Our Time Thursday morning. It could have been an interesting couple of minutes as it turned out to be a programme about cephalopods. But apparently, said the young male guest, there is a problem for their future. Yes, predictably the problem is climate change. Warmer water is causing the seas to become acidic and that is causing shells of shell fish and squid blades(?) to become weaker causing the end of cephalopods. The guest did admit that squid had been on this earth for millions of years. He didn’t say how squid had survived previous changes of temperature or was he saying that for all of those millions of years sea temperatures had remained constant? He could have been called out for the rubbish he was spouting but Mr Bragg is far too polite/not a scientist/too stupid/too far Left to doubt the dogma necessary to appear on his programme in the first place.
This warming?
One suspects that Melvin’s researchers rely on internally generated lists of experts who’ve been vetted for climatological rectitude and all around BBC friendly views coupled to a lack of any disruptive independence of mind.
Melvin has been known to wander off message occasionally – but usually in areas that don’t have a strict policy within the editorial / content guidelines. I’m guessing that climate, CO2, oceans and weather are all words that trigger a referral to the desk / minions of Kommissar Harrabin.
International Hijab day and the ropers can manage to destroy even that by trying to force 8 year old kids to wear Hijabs to school, and calling the head teacher who refused them an ‘Evil Racist’ (former mayor of Bradford)
The BBC news has been reporting the intervention from education chiefs over the issue of primary school children being forced to wear Hijabs and the teaching of intolerant Islamic views, but there’s nothing on the web site.
I watched on Sky movies ” The King’s Choice” A film about the
bravery of King Haakon of Norway to take on the German’s
against the advice of his left wing government in Norway in
April 1940.
I knew a bit about the history especially about how the Norwegians
after the First World War had taken in thousands of German
orphans only to see many of them return 20 tears later as
Nazi oppressors. Of course the name ” Quisling” has been one
of those words which reached dictionary status.
You may ask what’s this all got to do with the BBC? I just wonder
how many Quislings have been embedded at the BBC for many
years and are now emboldened enough to come out of the
The Norwegian’s thank god are not at least under the complete
control of the Germans anymore. BUT there are many still alive
who will never forgive or forget those treacherous German
bastards who invaded their neutral country. Norway is outside
the EEC , but still the EEC have their claws in a lot of what
goes on in Norway.
We must make sure that these claws are not torturing us after
2019. Whatever the Quislings at the BBC use everything at their disposal to achieve their goal. Where is our King Haakon?
Saw something about “Wimmin Of the Year” earlier.
Think I`ve got my top three, but have had to scrape around.
1. Lady Poppy Houston-rich lady who funded R&D on the Spitfire, when the useless men at the MOD refused to see its value-we`d maybe be speaking German if not for her.
2. Jade Goody. The ultimate kid that the lazy and wicked state created.
3. Aung San Siu Kyi. That the right people hate her means she`s GOT to be doing something right.
Isn’t is amazing that in BBC Land, Aung San Siu Kyi instantly went from hero to zero as soon as the Religion of Peace became involved.
I think it is the most influential woman in the 100 years since wimmin got the vote.
I’d cheat and say Queen Victoria because her family started the Great War and has caused every thing which came after it. If I recall the wimmin got the vote as a deal to keep working in munitions – exploiting the British state in 1917 as the Irish republicans did in 1916.
One step forward towards a sharia state in Blighty. Could our ancestors have ever dreamt of such a nightmare.
Al Beeb will be shovelling this crap with a great big spade .
Just in case anyone thinks the Chinese should be allowed with in a million miles of Hinkley Point Nuclear Power station, or any other UK works …
The Chinese built the glittering African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa. Tech geeks were sent in to see why peak server activity occurred midnight and 2 am. Turns out the computers were sending information to Shanghai. The geeks then discovered mics hidden in walls and desks.
“The £141 million HQ was built and paid for by the Chinese in a symbol of the mutually beneficial friendship between the world’s youngest populations and one of its wealthiest nations.”
As no intelligence agency would buy a Chinese Lenovo laptop as they were also connecting back to China, we shouldn’t trust any Chinese involvement anywhere.
Isn’t it a shame the BBC/Greens crushed the brilliant British nuclear project all those years ago.
Why on earth do we need to waste money paying foreigners to build nuclear power stations, when we live on an island made from coal?
Especially when modern coal fired power stations, such as the ones the Germans; Americans; Danes and Chinese are currently building, are both highly efficient and release little pollution into the air.
Elsewhere here mention was made of one David Lammy MP who today has written a comedy piece in The G (where else ? ) saying that the reason knife crime is up 21% year on year is because of …. illegal drugs … so therefore he must be able to prove the victims and killers are linked to the drug trade in some way.
I’m sure a lot of victims’ families will be pretty offended by this slur. The truth is that these kids get a buzz from their own little world of respect and ‘dissing ‘and since they know they stand little chance of being challenged until blood flows and that the legal system won’t hurt them when they do get caught.
And they can always rely on being “poor’ ‘under privileged ‘ ‘special needs ‘ or just having a chip of entitlement.
Guessing 2018 will bring another 20% increase.
Mr Lammy and his al Beeb right on friends will say anything to avoid admitting that the reason knife crime has increased is that Mrs May and other labour politicians think it better for black boys to die than by upsetting the “community’ by controlling the streets, simple .
This is an excellent article about how the attitudes in certain black communities lead inevitably to negative outcomes: thinking it is cool to disrespect teachers and Police and break the law. It is not like this is some arcane mystery – have you ever heard a rapper talk about working hard at school so he can become an IT project manager and marry a teacher?
Radio 4 had any agenda friends on recently ?
9am Global warming global warming , “ocean acidification”
10am Woman’s Hour with Lib Dem deputy party leader Jo Swinson
Maria Miller Chair of the Women and Equalities Select Committee
11am Global warming global warming
13:45 Wilf Self sneering at something no doubt
2:15pm Play by Marcus Brigstock
3pm Connie Huq and her sister visiting Kew Gardens , cos it reminds them of so many things in Bangladesh their parents home
3:30pm Book prog featured Wee Krankie Sturgeon
4pm Film prog : This week Helen Antrobus champions Ellen Wilkinson, the five foot “mighty atom” who led the Jarrow March.
11pm Marcus Brigstock show
World hijab day.
If all religions and cultures are equal then where is world colander day?
Show respect to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster which is a recognised religion in many countries.
Wear your colander with pride.
What an achievement – a totally lefty radio station – even ‘foreign correspondent’ now has the agenda when once it was for grown ups .
They need to work on the shipping and weather forecast though – sea area Mandela- or cold weather caused by global warming .
Times : US aid money is used by our SuperGreen government to send African’sCHEMICALLY impregnated mosquito nets …which they then use for FISHING ..thus putting the chemical in the river.
And not letting any small fish escape cos its mesh is too fine.
Fedup2 replied
Sounds like those stories where they send toilet units to villages with no running water and wonder why they use them to keep the chickens.