Tory MP Victoria Atkins fled Twitter due to the abuse she received and the BBC immediately headlined its bulletins with this breaking news….the same BBC that helped do so much to encourage the abuse of and disrespect for politicians, not only with its satire but with the vicious demonisation of Thatcher and Tories in general….and now it’s Trump in the firing line…literally. Much as the body parts of long departed Saints are paraded around the country the ghost of Jo Cox is resurrected by any politician wanting to impart how serious their own situation is, a bit of Jo Cox martyrdom gives a lovely bit of credence to their claims of living on death row as the looming threat of the Twitter mob darkens their lives. No mention of Stephen Timms being stabbed by a Muslim of course as this would distract from the narrative of a nasty bunch of fascist Brexiteers murdering all who oppose them. No mention that there is absolutely nothing new about death threats and attacks on politicians…not just threats of course….the BBC’s, and Corbyn’s favourite terrorists, tried to kill the whole Tory government in the Grand Hotel as well as many other attacks.
Ah well, let’s just forget history, or rewrite it if it’s too inconvenient for today’s narratives and agendas.
Spot the BBC trying to write the future….list it here…..
Leaked EU document shows Brexit ‘punishment plan’
Top article on Sky’s (biased) website.
EU wants to restrict single market access to UK
Not top article on biased BBC website….if this article does not show their total anti-brexit and pro-EU bias then I am Minnie Mouse.
I would also like to point out the section ‘says the UK would be consulted about fishing quotas…’ Does this mean in UK waters??! Dear me, they really are walking all over us, and taking the piss.
Great news – I wonder if it’s a real leak or a deliberate one? Stuff like this makes a transition period less likely with a provision to instantly brexit if the EU tries it on .
Whatever the negotiators agree the internal debate for the 26 plus the reich will be a nightmare hopefully . The bastards still want to steal our fish
Not much toady action on this .
More about Worboys today. How many stories about him? And do we hear anything about a single ‘Asian’ rapist released who is probably far more likely to reoffend than Worboys, seeing as they showed no remorse and they believe ‘captives of the right hand’ are divinely sanctioned? After Darren Osborne said the BBC drama about Rochdale made him want to murder Muslims I imagine not memory holing any rapes by ‘Asians’ is now a sackable offence.
The ancient skeleton from Cheddar had dark skin! We are all immigrants! That will make you feel so much better when you have acid thrown in your face or someone attacks you with a machete whilst you are having dinner.
The Guardian have their favourite comment under the skeleton story which is clearly what the BBC want us to think.
“There is no such thing as ‘British’ as we all came here from Africa at different times. Once we realise this maybe we can try and start being nice to each other.”
It is hard to be nice to someone when they are stealing your phone via a moped or putting nail bombs on the tube. What patronising crap. The problems are more complex than ‘trying to be nice’, the assumption as always that it is nasty racist white people who are the problem.
somewhat tongue in cheek – Have they considered that some sections of society left Africa because they had problems then and being nice didn’t work..
Typical simplistic thinking by a bunch of left leaning ideologues…and if there isn’t British then I suggest those that believe that leave and go live in wonderful Africa
Beeb Bro………… These sentiments were aired by a reviewer on the press review at Sky last night – one Ayesha Hazarika, who apparently was a one time Labour advisor and one time comedienne !! figures. Telling “all you racists out there…….” dum di dum di dum.
If some moped gang tries to mug me in London, I should just show him the Guardian article about the Cheddar man. They would then give me my phone back and we’d all have a nice cuddle.
Haven’t most of the population tried to be, “nice”? Result: the Islamistists are pissing all over us (will be quite literally soon) along with every other liberal/left nutter.
I did like the introduction here last week of: the ‘Dunning-Kruger Effect’. Look it up, well worth a read. Entirely accurate and nice to have an established label to put on it. I’m glad to be ‘middle of the road’.
Some cultures only respect strength. One especially peaceful religion only respects strength.
“If people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they are going to like the strong horse.” Osama Bin Laden
G, trouble can be, in my experience, that when you are ‘middle of the road’ one keeps being run over by those on right and left as they swerve at each other, shaking their fists.
Beeb Brother
You’re got to hand it to the BBC – Black centurions, Black Cheddar man with blue eyes – they never miss an opportunity to grind the axe.
I found this in the Telegraph:
Dr Yoan Dieckmann, from University College London, who took part in the project, said: “The historical perspective that you get just tells you that things change, things are in flux, and what may seem as a cemented truth that people who feel British should have white skin, through time is not at all something that is an immutable truth.
“It has always changed and will change.”
As usual, with academia ideology has triumphed over logic.
Dr. Dickhead is conflating at least three things. “British” as a description of geography or location, “British” as a descrption of cultural identity and “British” as a descrption of being a citizen of the British state.
Anything living in the British Isles, no matter whether it was human or nonhuman 10,000 years ago can only be British in sense 1. British identity and British citizenship only evolved a few hundred years ago. Cheddar man, no matter what his skin or eye colour may have been, could not have “felt British”. This is just another example of anachronistic thinking so beloved by the BBC.
The same kind of confusion also gives rise to the ridiculous concept of “home-grown” terrorism. The connotation of “home-grown” is Britishness in sense 2. Muslim terrorists are British in sense1 or sense 1 and 3, but definitely not in sense 2 which the term “home-grown” mosty strongly suggests. Anjem Choudry may have British citizenship and may reside in Britain, but he is definitely not British in the cultural sense. Muslim terrorists are not “angry nativists”
ID – excellent dissection of the term “British” and its various senses. If only our academics, journalists and broadcasters were as rigorous in their use of language!
Exactly right, ID.
I seemed to have a strange primary and secondary education that taught about all sorts of interactions in the past history of these isles.
Where did ginger hair come from and why is it slightly more prevalent in Scotland? Why do some kids at school feel more at home learning Latinate languages while others prefer Germanic language study?
Listening to Will Self at lunchtime trying to be divisive on behalf of the BBC with two Scots in East Kilbride.
Bannockburn was mentioned but NOT March 1603.
I wonder why?
It’s bollocks anyway, it has long been known that humanity originated in Africa.
Or the Middle East, WB.
Maybe we should go back?
To both.
And take over?
Ooops! Silly me. Tony Blair tried that.
All the more impressive then that white Europeans managed to have such an impact on the world when you consider what a head start the peoples of Africa and the Middle East actually had.
Got to enjoy the way BBC are ignoring the Clinton / Obamah unravelling that’s suffusing American public space at the moment .
Some effective and amusing coverage to be had at
Could you imagine if Bush had been spying on Obama illegally? It would be Watergate squared.
What is so fake about the MSM is what they choose to ignore. Why on Earth are they talking about this Cheddar Gorge skeleton now and not the FISA story, which has all the plotting and intrigue of a blockbuster movie? It’s because their side was up to no good, of course.
Maybe this ‘dark person’ in cheddar gorge was an immigrant, a slave, a tourist or a captured enemy.
If they found an old white skeleton in Africa does it mean all Africans started out white?
I’m sure he was sending a big chunk of his earnings to his family ‘overseas’.
I expect he was a doctor or an engineer! Did they not mention that?
yup… and so can a lot of Americans
It looks like America is pretty agitated….
Seen this morning on a Miriam Webster Dictionary page
and now…. it seems likely that HRC’s missing emails have been possibly “found” and BHO is in the frame with “Sid Vicious” – looks like one blockbuster that Hollywood will likely swerve….
If it isn’t on the BBC it isn’t happening.
I look forward to one of those “What you need to know” pieces on the web site.
Or ‘Reality Check’
Toady talking about making online trolling a crime, covering the evidence of that renowned legal mind former topless model Katie Price.
God, lighten up. Do they consider how hilarious a lot of trolling is? There was a video about this feminist ‘fight club’ where fat girls roll around in a basement and let out their anger about ‘oppression.’ Someone wrote underneath: ‘I bet that room absolutely stank.’ I am still laughing at that comment! Would comments like that be banned? Just turn off your computer if you do not like it.
It is an attack on men yet again. It is more fun teaching in a boys’ school than a girls’ school because of all the p**s taking; men communicate via ‘trolling’ and some of the best moments of my life have been taking the p**s out of mates. They want to make it illegal? God they really have gone from ‘oppressed’ to oppressor.
Wimmin claiming equal pay for something or other at Tesco’s – that famous ambulance chasing firm – Leigh Day- has found another gravy train .
They calculate Tesco could owe £4 billion in back pay – all that really means is an awful lot of redundancies for check out staff .
Al beeb didn’t really mention that .
Oops. Duplicate; but a worthy one.
“….supermarket chain Tesco could face a bill of £4bn in a case over equal pay for women, writes BBC business editor Kamal Ahmed. Lawyers [well, one at least] say female staff could get up to £20,000 in back pay, having received less money than men for comparable work.
Paula Lee, of Leigh Day solicitors, said the most common rate for women was £8 an hour, whereas for men the hourly rate could be as high as £11 an hour. Up to 200,000 workers could be affected by unequal pay, she added.
Tesco said all its staff could progress equally and were paid fairly, whatever their gender or background. “We are unable to comment on a claim that we have not received,” a spokeswoman said.“
The could, the bad, and BBC editorial integrity.
Noting also, tucked away at the end, that it would appear this legal weasel seems to have sent her press release to the ever happy to cut and paste BBC before submitting the ‘claim’.
Yeah those ‘journalists’ really earned their corn by simply regurgitating exactly what the lawyers had emailed them. They work so incredibly hard at the BBC – no wonder they all demand pay rises.
Odd, I thought Leigh Day had been struck off? Maybe they stopped soliciting for a month and then hopped back on the gravy train?
Lawyers love it as ‘equality’ is so ambiguous. Is it equal work to carry things around rather than just sit on a check out? Why not go and work in the distribution centre if you want to be paid more? The BBC have inspired millions to feel they might be being hard done by – what sterling work.
Beeb, Guest
I wondered who was behind this claim..the BBC keep calling it an unequal pay (gender based) action when in reality it is a made up claim by solicitors – trying to build the concept of Value based jobs – check-out people are the same ‘value’ as distribution workers..absolutely ridiculous concept and nothing to do with gender..are porters the same value as nurses who in turn are same value as medics…and on it goes..
When you apply for a job the rates are are clear and you decid if you are willing to accept it..
As you say, all this will do is push companies to add more machines and lose staff – Well done solicitors and BBC for promoting this as news
‘Value’ is ridiculously subjective. A nurse’s ‘value’ to society is more than a CEO of a marketing company. Should she be paid more then? No – the market decides that. We are not living in Soviet Russia where the market can be torn apart to satisfy utopian ideals.
This argument could go on forever. Is a male model as valuable as a female supermodel? Is a teaching assistant or more value than a school manager – many indeed are. Is a road sweeper more valuable than the entire news staff of the BBC? Unquestionably.
And they’re not even comparing pay with the same job! They’re claiming warehouse staff (mainly men) earn £3/ hour more then shop floor staff (mainly women). I wonder which one requires more muscle?
I agree with all of the above comments, however back in the 1970’s when this Act of Parliament was passed……….
“The Equal Pay Act 1970 is an Act of the United Kingdom Parliament which prohibits any less favourable treatment between men and women in terms of pay and conditions …
During this time I attempted to fight my corner when I was a young estate agent, doing exactly the same job as my male colleague – both single and living at home, valued properties, had company cars, showed clientele around properties and followed a sale through to conclusion. He earned £2,000 pa more. When I queried with my male bosses why ? shoulders were shrugged with no regard to the 1970 Act whatsoever. In fact I had typing skills which should have warranted more, but it was a different time where it was a ‘given’ that men earned more.
I don’t think there are many UK companies which could survive a £4 billion legal judgement against them.
Beckham & Co ?
Lineker Industries ?
Beeb Brother
I saw that video about the feminist fight club and was the troll who described them as the fat slags and earned a few likes for it.
If they are allowed to ‘vent their fury’ at whatever then can’t we let our anger out by taking the piss? It is much healthier than the violence left wingers often think is an appropriate response to ideas they epcnot like.
We like Katie Price here.
She`s played the game for the long term-got Frankie Boyle off the telly for a while, shamelessly gets her books ghosted for her. And is the ultimate user of her limited ability in the cause of her other (more obvious) assets.
The lefty liberals have long sneered at her and her culture-but she`s no muppet and probably sells far more than Will Self and such.
The left also hated and mocked Jade Goody, and she was the ultimate mum in terms of her kids being provided for after her appalling early death. The lefty treatment of her has never been forgotten round here.
Bet she`s our Brexit angel these days. And Jade, Katie P (and yes Katie H) are the REAL feminists as opposed to lefty do gooders like Fawcett and Pankhurts.
BBC London News is anxious to tell us the Met Police ought to be investigating more cases of FGM. Whilst the NHS logged two-and-a-half-thousand cases last year (presumably in London alone) only 200 were considered by the Rozzers and, as we know, none made it as far as the Beak.
The Old Bill plaintively cry ‘most cases happened before people came into the country’
Naturally this situation is framed by the BBC as a failing of the Police.
Common sense would question what kind of barbarians are we letting into this country?
Do you want to be driven in a minicab by a bloke who would happily do this to his daughters? Be served a fried chicken by him? Have him deliver your supermarket shop? Know that his vote counts equal to yours in an election? Have a nice day now, man in search of a better life….
And are you happy to pay tax and national insurance for the NHS to treat the problem?
Is it too much to ask for some border control? Just a little more vetting of immigrants?
Forceful reasoning Asiseeit .
Al police now go for ‘ easy target’ which are ‘right on’ such as FGM- a foreign imported crime along with the third world diverse rubbish which bought it .
Better than going after black boys with knifes where al police are too scared or frightened because of the inevitable racist compensation claim.
I heard on radio Newcastle that there are hundreds of thousands of cases of fgm but, although illegal (for 30 years I think) no prosecutions.
They said this is for several reasons. Family unwilling to testify and suchlike.
You would think that out of a pool of hundreds of thousands (more likely millions) they could find at least 1 case to prosecute.
At least, they could IF THEY WANTED TO.
“The Old Bill plaintively cry ‘most cases happened before people came into the country’”.
This is the problem I became aware of some years ago. It is a fact that most of the abuse did occur outside the UK. However, the ‘do-gooders’ jumped in and started setting up clinics all over the UK to put the problem that occurred elsewhere, right. All down to the NHS i.e. the taxpayer. I doubt very much whether this fact and its cost was included in the Migration Watch report that showed immigration doesn’t pay overall. And that’s not in any way a criticism of Migration Watch.
I bet there are more prosecutions for reporting FGM than for actually carrying out FGM.
Don’t want to damage community relations
Solid post, AISI.
Al Beeb news
Continuing to put the frighteners on joe public to take Blighty in recession by talking Down the stock market – which has Beeb long predicted and may turn out to be a blip – unless al Beeb succeeds in making it worse.
I find Andrew Neil usually the only BBC business or financial commentator worth paying attention to.
Sorry Faisal; you couldn’t analyse your own navel for fluff without running it past the hive overseers.
Andrew Neill is brilliant. Why can’t half their presenters be like him, seeing as half the country is and their charter obliges them to try and be impartial?
The BBC probably realise that keeping AN on would appeal to, their view, the ‘very small’ element who favour his honesty and drive to find a truth. Nice to think that even we critics are cared for.
B.B. In Beebworld, 19,999:1 is ‘balance’.
Mr Neil is looking increasingly fed up with matters these days and I fear he may throw in the towel or head off elsewhere on pay per view .
Never too early for BBC Radio 4 Toady to push the politically correct agenda. Mishal Hussain was positively salivating talking to the scientist who removed the DNA from the bones of the ‘Cheddar Man’ who is thought to have died 10,000 years ago. The scientist declared that these were the remains of a dark brown skinned man with blue eyes. She went on to say that this was the typical appearance of people in continental Europe for the time.
Ah yes, but what about the iceman Otzi (who was not mentioned) an extremely well preserved ice mummy found on the border of France and Austria twenty-five years ago? That didn’t need DNA testing for appearance and skin colour because he still had his skin which was Caucasian, in other words white. Otzi was dated from 3500 years BC, 5500 years ago; that leaves 4000 years for the evolution of Cheddar Man to evolve a white skin, impossible by evolutionary possibilities. This is yet another ‘report’ another report with sweeping generalisations that is allowed to go unchallenged because it promotes the message the BBC is pushing. The BBC and its allies are rewriting British history in order to reinforce the notion that the invaders who are swamping the country are already part of our history.
‘Top stories’. Illustrated.
And they have Diane Abbott on again.
The bbc are on fire Today!
I bet the Cheddar Man was an invader who came to rob the natives.
Good point BB, he could have been an invader or more mundanely a trader or even just a visitor to these shores. So on that basis the scientist and Mishal Hussain suggest that this was the appearance of all of the population of Britain for this time.
They magnify the flimsiest evidence which fits their narrative and ignore everything that does not. It has all the intellectual rigour of a f**cking nursery rhyme.
Twinkle twinkle, Cheddar star!
I am certain who you are!
Cuddly dark-skinned loving man!
Helping us to understand!
Twaddle, twaddle BBC!
Please stop patronising me.
The BBC has learned that the descendents of ‘Cheddar Man’ have played important roles in British and European history…
The BBC/Guardian (The Brauniad??) are incapable of reporting without parsing all known phenomena into an aggressor/victim duality. I expect to see their science section feature things like “planets forced into solar orbits by ‘alt-right’ spacetime regime”.
With complaints by Woman-with-Foreign-Sounding-Name about the lack of galactic equality, and calls for a new gravitational force that’s fairer to particles of all sizes and atomic structures
I was fascinated that from the pictures Cheddar Man obviously had a razor – and achieved a fairly good shave.
Drove a red Tesla Roadster too. Apparently.
“Oh my God. We’re back. We’re in the looney bin. All the time, it was… We finally really did it. You Maniacs! You ‘got it about right’! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!”
and yet when white men go to africa they are colonial invaders and not merely returning home , how odd
Give them independence, as they wanted, and what do they do? Let dictator’s take over and then decide they want to move here anyway.
Chris Stringer (the celebrated paleoanthropologist and author of this research) is one of the leading proponents of the recent African origin hypothesis or ″Out of Africa″ theory. Many argue a more complex human origin.
I’ve read much of Stringers work and I find an undertone in his research fitting a modern political narrative. That is my reading of him generally.
I will examine the scientific methodology and analysis used and draw my own sceptical conclusions.
My preference on this ‘stuff’ would be Stephen Oppenheimer.
I would much rather sit on a till than lug heavy crates around. I am sure if Tesco could have got away with paying the distributors less they would have but the market required distributors to be paid more.
Men get no credit for all the essential work they do which nobody else wants to do. Sitting in the warm, having friendly chats and people watching is much better than gruelling physical labour in dark warehouses, yet apparently the men are the oppressors here. Nothing is stopping women from doing those jobs but THEY CHOOSE NOT TO! Having you cake and eating it yet again.
I don’t remember the BBC banging on about how unfair it was for the likes of Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer, Kate Moss to earn £10K a day to walk up and down a catwalk whilst men never got the same chances.
All this equality bollox only works in one direction – that women should be paid more. You never hear of a campaign to reduce their wages to match men’s wages.
IIRC, the £10k was just by way of nudging them out of bed. Placing one food in front of another comes extra.
If till workers get to be paid the same as warehouse staff then till workers may well get replaced by self-service tills and smart trolleys.
The supermarkets might also revert to the methods that Aldi used when they first started here, pallets of stock going straight onto the sales floors.
No more darts girls, no more grid girls, no more till girls.
I try to listen to Radio 4 with a light hearted attitude these days. I find it’s much better for my blood pressure.
It’s healthier to chuckle than to rant. The latest left wing nonsense they’ve been cooing about is the scientific findings re “Cheddar Man”. Although there was no skin left on the remains we are told he was dark skinned and even more unlikely, had blue eyes! This is stunningly detailed and very fortunate. He ticks all the pc boxes in one bag of bones. So, he’s not so much Cheddar Man more a Chapati and Chips Man. A truly multicultural hybrid / mongrel.
Phew, that was lucky!
I’m anticipating the next archaeological discovery. A 20,000 year old female skeleton, unearthed under a curry house in Rotherham, wearing the full hijab, having undergone FGM and carrying a signed photograph of Jeremy Corbyn.
Come to think of it…
They are like a parody of themselves. I say every day I will give them another chance and always within seconds they are making my blood boil.
I am eagerly awaiting some scientist refuting this sub saharan chedder man, it sounds as authentic to me as the viking allah inscription story
Rebecca Long Bailey on R4, shadow busines secretary – she sounds like she is 12 years old and seems to have nothing to add merely to knock the what the Government are doing – talking about Gig economy.
Why can’t people accept that if you make choices of what you want to do then there are pluses and minuses – “we need true legal status for gig workers…”
I have been self employed for 30 years and I know exactly what it means and struggle to understand why she doesn’t
She does the same with the customs Union discussion – adds nothing talks in generalities – but given all the time she wants – no interruptions.. BBC at it’s best
We are all doomed if this is the best they have..
It is a dark consequence of the push to equal outcomes for every group. Loads of women who are not up to the job will be employed just because of their gender. Obama and Khan were dangerously incompetent but wildly promoted by the MSM due to their skin colour.
Affirmative Action. Good stuff. Problem though if you suddenly need a competent doctor. (And much else besides.)
Got a mate working temporarily for a South African Government Department, who has been tearing his hair out after three false starts to a project; now he has gone back to teaching the very basics first.
I think you’ll find, BB, that Khan, the mini mayor of Stabbington on Thames is STILL dangerously incompetent.
It is magical thinking to believe skin colour/diversity alone will lead to better results, like when primitive tribes would run crocodile teeth on crops to encourage a better harvest. Yet this magical, irrational thinking is endemic and accepted as true right up to the higher levels. God help us.
Diversity over ability every time I say.
Rebecca Long Bailey sounded exactly like the shadow education minister, Angela Rayner. I don’t suppose that they have an IQ of 100 between them. Both have very little original thought, but are obviously capable of being trained to repeat short phrases. As long as the Today interviewer doesn’t interrupt, they are both capable of giving us the Labour line.
Rebecca Long Bailey , Angela Rayner repeaters of dogma, its all they can fit in their tiny heads
Long Waily – only human to fail the Turing test.
to be fair even shes a step up from flabbot
Corbin needed to appoint any one in a skirt to tick the diversity cabinet target so the likes of butler bailey and Abbot and Costello are bound to get a job as they’ll never be a threat to the Corbin McDonald . They always plonk the comically useless dawn butler next to Corbin for the fat black vote
LBC : James O’Brien opened his show
“Well I did believe the Ted Heath accuser before”
.. talking about the same guy called a fantasist who’s just be charged with child image crimes
If only Elon Musk was good at public relations
then the BBC might mention his corps.
5 Live phone in was a plug for his rocket ..and it continued into the news ..Off
is elons rocket solar charged electric battery powered or does it have a bloody long cable
Video : RT Institute of Economic Affairs discusses BBC Brexit bias
Quite rightly, the BBC celebrates Elon Musk’s amazing achievement of putting a rocket into space. Sadly, it didn’t have room for one interesting aspect, this creation of private enterprise is 90% cheaper than the state owned NASA rockets, yet more efficient. Yes, I did say 90%, sorry? You are not surprised? Perhaps that’s why the BBC didn’t mention it in their web story.
They say Google dodges tax, but think of the public service they do: you can instantly learn about anything, see anywhere you are going on Google Earth or Google Maps et cetera. If you have public sector troughers a trillion pounds they would never come up with something that useful.
Scrib, I was surprised by a socialist organisation like al beeb nodding approvingly at private enterprise . They’ll change their tune when they start selling tickets at one million a go and expect a discount if youve got free public transport …
Cheddar Man…? – sounds a bit eggy to me.
But I guess, back in the day, our media were suitably impressed with Piltdown Man.
I’ll grant the scientists this, the outdoor life would tend to colour your skin and crinkle your hair a tad.
Gosh but we are impressed with this super new DNA analysis – does this mean we can now expect equally detailed racial indentikits of criminal suspects? What an exciting development! Time to bring back BBC Crimewatch?
Cheddar Man of Dark Skin complexion used their axe to kill other people … that means … that he … she …. zhe … was errr …. *sigh*
I’m afraid that After being exposed to so much attempted brainwashing over multiculty diversity nonsense I am now sceptical about scientific ‘findings’ believing that even they can be susceptible to pressure from the one worlders. But even if it is true that this chap had dark skin so what, how is that relevant ten millennia later? Of course I know that the BBC et al want to show us white English that this isn’t our land , but they don’t understand why we object to mass migration , loads of diversity and multiculturalism.
We object for three principal reasons.
Firstly no one ever asked us if we wanted it.
Secondly, we agree that a small amount of migration and hence diversity is a good thing but that too much destroys our cherished culture and way of life. We think that we are well beyond the optimum point of diversity and that our way o life is under serious threat.
Thirdly, our small Islands are already far too crowded and that we don’t want any more people whether they be white, black, brown or yellow.
DT – I think the lefty media love this sort news because they like to think of all of us (who object to unrestricted immigration) as right wing skinheads/Alf Garnett types (you know the sort of thing we all sit on a see-saw opposite a mild mannered, little old Hindu granny and shout obscenities at her).
To be honest after hearing this I have spent very little of the day punching walls, punching my wife or kicking the dog.
Smearing their opponents (however subtly) as Nazis is the only way the left can avoid having any sort of sensible debate about the risks to our society and culture of unrestricted immigration. The Cathy Newman/Jordan Peterson debate also followed the same lines with Cathy (our doughty lefty feminist) trying to smear Jordan as some sort of woman hating reactionary – and failing miserably.
The BBC think this piece of news is some sort of “Yah boo ” moment proving that the likes of Soros and Kalgeri were right all along but all it really is, is either good or bad science. They can joyfully parade this “startling ” piece of news as much as they like but in reality it changes nothing – Most of us still dont want our society swamped by masses of people who dont like us and dont respect our rules and standards. Skin colour is immaterial.
I am sure the unsaid implication is that all of us “racists” will be really annoyed by this. Well sorry BBC most of us are not. Maybe forty years ago the left may have possibly have had a point but I am afraid most of us have moved on – interesting that the only organisation that hasnt moved on is the achingly “rIght on ” BBC.
Oh Dear Aunty why oh why dont you just talk to us instead?
“Few facts of history have been so distorted, by highly selective filtering, as has the history of slavery. To many people today slavery means white people holding black people in bondage.” – Thomas Sowell
“Thomas Sowell – Misconceptions About Slavery” {youtube}
Double whammy from the Breakfast sofa. First an extended Mrs Tiggywinkle moment with Ms Minchin holding a real live hedgehog, whose numbers have declined by 50% apparently. This without doubt is due to modern intensive farming, habitat loss through hedge removal, pesticides and, almost an afterthought, badgers.
What was ignored included massive changes in pesticide toxicity, many miles of hedge replacement combined with conservation headlands, shelter belts and mixed woodland plantations, not the sprawling mono-culture blocks so beloved of the Forestry Commission. Most significant of all – not wanting to upset such favourites as Brian May or Mr Packham – has been the immense rise in badger numbers together with the unpalatable fact that dear old Brock is the hedgehog’s one significant and voracious predator. Best not to dwell on that though.
What has been dwelled on, as other contributors have noticed, is the revelation that ‘Cheddar Man’ had a dark skin. Oddly enough, if even those few pallid skins among modern BBC staff were continuously exposed to sun, rain and wind, without the benefits of suncreams, hats and high-rise flatlets, they too would take on a quite dusky hue – but they would still be at heart, very probably, Cro-Magnon or even Anglo-Saxon.
maybe just, maybe the weather was much warmer 10000 years ago
due to all that C02 the Cheddar Man was responsible for creating in his stone age taxi
All most intriguing.
Pondering in a Darwinian sense, if global populations are all descended from Lucy, one supposes the first expats to cross the land bridge from Calais would be designed still on the old template.
However, as the eons unfolded, it appears that certain evolutionary adaptations took hold to cope with the local conditions.
Jumping on the Med express from Libya may have compressed the time frame beyond Gaia’s ability to compensate, and possibly explain why the ‘benefits’ of diversity are outweighed by compromises trying to cope with unsuitable environments.
So what she is saying is likely not what she would want to be said.
Seems Sky has jumped on the Bradley Man bandwagon…
With added racist.
What a load of tosh
Tommy Robinson could be facing a couple of years over his attempt to defend allegations against him during the Osborne trial.
I don’t believe for one minute that Treezer, Amber and the Moslem Council do not have a hand in this.
when they don’t open an HYS
you all know why that is
“A spokeswoman said the office could act on referrals from the police or members of the public, though none had yet been made in respect of the videos posted on Robinson’s accounts.”
but there will be now as this is in effect the shitty little poisonous rag asking their readership to do so!
Well if Tommy Robinson is convicted it means Darren Osbourne s verdict is unsafe .
They’ll probably use the same female Sikh judge who gave me Osborne a lovely 43 year sentence – if you’re gonna break the law rape a 100 women in the back of a taxi as at the going rate rape is probably about a 3 week sentence .
Sick stuff really .
You should read his book. It is beyond shocking what they have put him through to try and shut him up. I wish they treated Islamists with the same severity.
Preamble to all above:
“….the BBC’s, and Corbyn’s favourite terrorists, tried to kill the whole Tory government in the Grand Hotel as well as many other attacks.”
Perhaps Treezer is working up toward Granting a Pardon for the IRA terrorists and putting that as next on the ‘to do’ list after granting the promised pardon on the Suffragettes who were convicted. Why not? I say. Give the voters confirmation that there is no remaining justice in the UK.
I have the morning off so am in a coffee shop. A group of mothers are relaxing, chatting and drinking coffee whilst their children play. Meanwhile, their partners are probably out working in the freezing cold to pay for their coffee.
It takes some chutzpah to spin this highly desirable outcome into ‘oppression’ for women. Obviously if you want to sit in the warm drinking coffee and chatting with your friends you will not earn as much money as if you were out working instead. We hear of ‘unequal earnings’ but they never discuss how awful a lot of jobs are. One woman’s partner works in sewers or something from what I can hear. Now f**k doing that for living – I would rather chat and drink coffee.
Beeb, I wonder how many of the other mothers were single and on benefits ? yet still able to afford a £4 cup of coffee. They certainly appear to inhabit the local Costas and Starbucks near where I live, you cant move for bloody buggies and screaming kids.
Maybe… They also have a day off like you did? Just a thought.
Having worked for 39 years without a break, and having paid enough taxes to buy everyone in Bishops Stortford a cup of coffee (well, at 1990 prices), every day is a day orf for me now !
” Trade barriers unavoidable outside EU customs union… says Mr Barnier.
What might we reasonably expect the state funded ( Licence Tax) operator to come back with to show the impact this would have on the EU also.
* Champagne sales to shrink dramatically
* BMW and Mercedes cars too expensive for British
* Your fish will double in price
* We will source our foodstuffs in USA/Australia/New Z etc………..
Not a word of defence from the bBC
Just doommongering and a free stage for every demented remainer they can lay their hands on
Traitorous operation.
The Italians have already recognised how much wine we drink…and suggested the EU should not punish us..Let’s keep our collective fingers crossed that the Italian elections in March produce a EU sceptic and referendum positive party…and wait for the BBC to announce rise of Right/Populists in Italy
You mean OUR fish will double in price for THEM
Quick link back to last thread page Last night’s comments
… I couldn’t believe that the 11pm News was blatantly disinforming us that the US indexes were down by 4%, when actually they they’d already crossed over into positive territory and finished about 2% UP
..Then this morning they covered the rise in a quick comment
I noted when they reported the ‘biggest one-day drop in history’ it was by using the total points drop. Of course it was a big number because the Dow was at a record high. When you look at the percentage drop it was only the biggest drop since the last biggest drop only six years ago. Talk about stats and damn lies.
Of course, six years ago Obama was in power so it wouldn’t be mentioned.
On Radio 4 yesterday I heard 2 women discussing how Trump took the credit for the rise of the US stock markets, “he must also take the blame for the fall too”.
The BBC offered no proper analysis on why the index should dropped so quickly but getting Trump to take the blame was the most important thing to discuss.
Apparently the Cheddar Man was gay, transgender and Muslim as well! Now we can all join hands and dance together in a glorious multicultural paradise.
Beeb Brother – and of course he would have naturally been a remainer :0)
I suppose the EU loving BBC would have preferred him to have been Brie Man or Gorgonzola Man rather than Cheddar.
Apparently, he had a propensity to hack his rivals to death with an axe so that must make him a Mus…….Brexiteer?
Pmq popcorn hour –
5 minutes spent on saying nice things about Wimmin terrorists who got the vote –
In the pre amble Brillo tried to get answers out of a couple of slippery backbencher from both sides . What a waste of time trying to get any answer out of these expensive expenses claimers .
Celebrating 100 Years of Women Voting
I (Jared O’Mara) am thrilled to be celebrating 100 years of some women’s right to vote. I am supporting UK Parliament’s year-long programme of events. These mark 100 years since the 1918 Representation of the People Act.
The Representation of the People Act 1918 was a vital step towards the rights women have today. The centenary is an important opportunity for us all to think about how far we have come. This progress is thanks to the extreme bravery and sacrifice of the women who fought and died for equality.
We all know there is still more to do. Progress still to be made. I look forward to working with everyone in Hallam to create a more equal society.
. . . .
After joining Parliament, O’Mara became a member of the Women and Equalities Select Committee, but resigned in October 2017 following the publication of offensive comments about women and gay men that he had made in 2009 and earlier.[1][5]
Indignant females still complaining about a perceived injustice which, by their own admission, was in the most part corrected a century ago.
You need to move on now ladies…
4pm Red-io4 Laurie Taylor explores Populism the origins, meaning and rise, across the Left as well as the Right. He’s joined by Mukulika Banerjee
Laurie seemed awful keen to speak of Trump and Brexit as “populist”-less so to talk of Cuba, of Venezuela or the Ayatollah.
He reminded us of Berlusconi, but not of Hitler and his nationalist socialism…as left wing as it is possible to be.
Typical lefty. lazy Laurie-where John Lennons caterwauling covers for any lack of insight or awareness about the Left being by far the grater danget to us than the BNP or UKIP.
Oh, to be an idiot lefty.
8pm Radio 4 : The Objectification of Women : Moral Maze
“That rich men attract beautiful women ..”
Yeh it was OK people raised some of the difficult questions
Like no one has ever said : “Would you let your son work like David Beckham getting paid a $million for modelling underpants ?”
No there was a 5 storey billboard of him at Selfridges
and girls went specially to see it
.. no one cried “oh my god ..that’s terrible , men are being objectified”
I don’t expect to see this man on the BBC anytime soon.
A lefty forum points out that in Yesterday’s BBC Breakfast , virtue sign fest where men were excluded
All 3 main presenters, and the sports, and weather person were “white, blonde, slim”
Also why does the BBC celebrate 100 years
without celebrating it’s 90 year of absolute universal suffrage ?
when under 30’s women got the vote that under 30’s men got 10 years earlier
Cheddar gorgeous…
A couple of observations more…the artist’s impression in my paper shows a dead ringer for Diane Abbott…and I seem to remember that not long ago a body was discovered in Europe somewhere that was supposedly older than that previously found in Africa?
Off now to laugh at the 13.00 BBC News 🙂
Cheddar Man was probably better at Maths than Diane Abbott!
Certainly the sum of his parts – even though long since defunct.
changebritain survey
im sure most of you deplorables have already filled it in
Tesco pay.
Is it also possible that this £4 billion, or whatever the amount is, could be reclaimed from the men and Tesco could say they were paid too much.
Why is it the employer is always liable.
If any warehouse women, doing exactly the same work as warehouse men, were getting less pay then that is wrong but to compare warehousemen’s jobs to till operator is not fair.
A male till operator should be paid the same as a female one.
Anyway, didn’t both warehousemen and till operator women read and accept their job pay and conditions.
Does every till operator in every shop in the U.K. get the same hourly rate?
If not then are the lawyers going to move in on this for another money making scam.
BBC Presenter Pay Gap!
Gender Pay Gap!
Ethnic Pay Gap!
Disability Pay Gap!
What about the LIFE GAP?
What about the Life Gap between men and women?
All across the world, women enjoy longer lifespans. David Robson investigates the reasons why, and whether men can do anything about it.{}
Simply due to the fact that I am male, I can be expected to die around three years earlier than a woman born on the same day.
Suicide gap.
Homelessness gap.
Drug addiction gap.
Gambling addiction gap.
Convict gap.
Workplace fatality gap.
University attendance gap.
Sadiq Khan
Proud feminist whose political party segregates men and women
Pleeeeease, someone, send Khan this picture to remind him.
Send it to the Daily Mail even better .
I hate it when men pronounce themselves a feminist ( especially Mr Khan for all the reasons others here have listed)
…I am an equalitarian – not a gender based bias person – which is what feminist implies
Maybe it’s because I am not a Londoner, but it’s the gap between his ears that seems most worrying.
Leigh day is famous for finding the latest victim with cash to milk, is successful I fear a lot of checkout staff will be at the job centre ….
Worboys/Brexit bad/Equality/Trump bad.
Why not sack the whole news staff and replace it with 24 hour rolling coverage of three or so pre-recorded items covering these topics? Give the money saved to the NHS.
Not heard much of this … #NoHijabDay – Women around the world burn their hijabs in protest against the headscarf as report shows half of Iranians think nobody should be made to wear them {dailymail 05feb2018}
Back to the memo. A few days ago I posted that the memo released in the USA about FBI surveillance of a Trump campaign worker may be the start of the exposure of the liberal left take over of the deep state. Someone posted a reply saying that whilst it could be so , how would the people ever hear the truth in sufficient numbers if the left leaning MSM decided to suppress and rubbish the story as they were very likely to do.
Well the last few days have shown that the person who replied was exactly right. Over in the USA the Liberal left MSM are rubbishing and undermining the memo with what look like even greater lies than those exposed by the memo.
The episode is showing the extreme level of political corruption that exists in almost all US government agencies and the MSM . It seems that Clinton and Obama succeeded in placing their people in every strategically important post in the US government and MSM. This march through the institutions may have been so successful that they are able to survive not just the shocking level of illegality already exposed by the Nunes memo, but that which is almost inevitably going to be exposed in the future months.
The MSM who should be thirsting to expose serious wrongdoing at the highest level of government are in fact complicit not just in the cover up of the wrongdoing but are actually complicit in the wrongdoing in the first place. Trump was wrong when he described Washington as a swamp, it is actually an open sewer and we have no reason to suspect that the situation right across the West is any better.
I wonder how Watergate would have played out had Nixon been a Democrat.
Different times I know.
Woodward and Bernstien would have probably been ‘disappeared’
I suspect that politicisation of the MSM was much less advanced in 1970 and so the Washington Post May have run the story even if Nixon had been Democrat. But I’m not certain . Certainly by the 90s when Clinton was president the Post was fully politicised and if Watetgate had occurred when he was president the story would have been hushed up.
Despair ye not.
It appears the FISA memo was only the first of four, with others lined up behind those, but not being eligible for release on genuine security grounds. Qanon predicted the first some months ago, and it seems to reason for the MSM vitriol is that they are shitting themselves as the others will be so much worse.
Now it may be that I’m just another conspiracy theorist, but some research into Qanon is definitely called for.
Hope that you are right.
PS what does your moniker mean , hope you don’t mind me asking.
Hello DT, yes my moniker: it’s simply a learner of the Welsh Language. I also use it on my infrequent foray into the world of twitter @Dysgwr_Cymraeg
I adopted it some years ago, when I began learning. Well, I’m still learning of course, you never complete learning any language, but quite fluent now. Many thanks for asking sir.
There are other taffs on here of course, notably ‘taffman’ who is far more active and incisive than i am.
😀 !
Some are incognito.
Hope you achieve native speaker level. Good luck.
PS To all Welsh contributors and readers. Whilst we must share many core values to be on this site we are very unlikely to see eye to eye on Rugby. May the best team win on Saturday as long as it’s England .
Blair and Brown did the same here since 1997 too , remember.
Not sure how well they know their Gramscian imperative to begin the long march through the states institutions until you`ve got your critical mass of sleepers and stooges, actors and camp followers in place. But they don`t need to, it`s a reality now.
Marx said that the philosophers choose to interpret the world, whereas the Lefts job is to change it irrevocably.
Paraphrase-but how true it`s all turning out to be.
But do you think that by exposing the corruption and politicisation of the government agencies the POTUS will have the power to rouse the American people against the leftist take over and reverse the process?
9pm : C4 My Millionaire Migrant boss
“The English do 2 week placements in Koukhash’s hotel, mucking out his stables with predictably shambolic results”
our the gangmasters thread
BBC 1 Lunch time news. A story about the pollution plastic drinking straws are causing in the seas around the Western Isles off north west Scotland. The backdrop is the beautiful Arran island coastline and the camera homes in on a small group of school children from Glasgow, who call themselves ‘The Ocean Defenders’.
Immediately the viewer can almost feel the growing panic that is building up in the BBC London trained cameraman as he frantically trains his camera in on each child’s face as if desperately seeking something, something that should be there but on this occasion is not. You can almost feel the cold sweat dripping slowly down the man’s neck and experience the rapid pulse beating like a gallows drum in his neck as he arrives at the horrific but inevitable conclusion.
There are no black or brown faces…the children are all…white!
As the children are explaining how they are going to combat the pollution the discarded straws can cause, you swear that you can almost hear the sound of sobbing as this once proud man realises that he will now be forever limited to filming M25 traffic jam news updates for the remainder of a once promising career!
He should have said they were all probably homo’s and trannies.
Or at least potential ones.
Then, he could say some were identifying as gender fluid.
He could say they were all racist.
That they had mental issues.
He could say they were all white because of Brexit and Trump. That usually works.
Hilarious …
Cass – class
Ha – managers at the Ministry of Truth will be fuming! We all know the BBC rules:
Anyone doing something bad like benefit fraud, speeding, milking NHS et cetera = white person.
Anything good such as celebrating exam passes, helping environment et cetera = BAME.
The corollary is that all bad things are caused by whites and everything positive by non whites. Which is obviously absolutely how it is.
Ariana Grande felt ‘every name’ of the Manchester bombing victims { 07feb2018}
BBC use feely words – no sense of justice or arrests mentioned in article.
But I bet Ariana Grande can`t name any one of them.
Ah well-she is said to “feel the names”-very Orwell.
To my mind, a load of superannuated footy fans in Manchester are reminded annually to recall the names of players and staff who died at Munich 58 aircrash. And they do-boy, how they do.
But they TOO won`t know the names of any of those who died because of a Salford “student” who they were dopey enough to take in from Libya.
Maybe United should regularly wave a big banner over their crowd to name the poor kids who died at the MEN last May. They can do much more about that if they bothered, than fussing over some players. Sad though that was, it WAS sixty years ago, and hardly anybody is around to emote for Football Focus any more are they?
Ditto for Liverpool who mope over their 96-but don`t give the same outrage to a Rhys Jones or a James Bulger-when THESE are by far the more poignant and portentous stories, so I`d have thought.
Olympic Park, Stratford court orders illegally built mosque to be demolished
Have until Feb 16 to launch final appeal.
Oympic Park also on next page Judge orders investigation into University College London rushing through of £1.25bn project without consulting staff
They doubled their student number to 40K and UCL’s current Bloomsbury site is too small so they plan mega campus at Olympic Parkk
Special privilege … there is no end to the requests …
A special plot for Muslims to bury copies of the Koran at a city cemetery has been approved.
{dailymail 23jan2017}
The area is being set aside at Handsworth cemetery in Birmingham to allow people to ‘respectfully dispose of old, worn out and damaged copies’ of their holy book.
Who is going to be the first to get a life sentence for allowing the dog to pee on the spot?
How are they going to guard against defilement?
Marky..I have never read such tosh – self engrandisment..and to say they did a tribute concert so the victims didn’t “die in vain”. WTF
I am pretty sure all of the families would rather have their loved ones alive – they still died in vain….
The whole article is about them…sure they feel much better now..
Do I sound a little cynical..
I may have had some sympathy if they had at least called out terrorism in the name of Islam…
Outcry causes Sri Lankan embassy to suspend its defence attache
After he made throat slashing gesture at Tamil protesters.
September 1988 …
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher criticises the idea of a “United States of Europe”, during a visit to Luxembourg.
Feb 2018 ….
Speaking in December, Mr Schulz called on EU member states to sign up to a “United States of Europe” by 2025 or risk being kicked out of the bloc.
United States of Europe with then be changed to Vereinigte Staaten von Europa.
The army will be Die Europäische Armee
The Navy will be Die Europäische Marine
Die Europäische Luftwaffe or simply Luftwaffe
Policed by Die Europäische Staatspolizei
Led by Der Europäische große Führer
Informed by Das Europäische Propagandaministerium. Previously known as the BBC
Keep the nukes ! The krauts fired enough v1 and v2s at us maybe it’s proper payback time . Yeah max don’t mention the kraut war.
In our upside down world of politics, those who think themselves all knowing, have convinced themselves this Union has brought us unprecedented peaceful times.
The harsh reality, of course, is that the fourth Reich will be the cause of the next war in Europe.
Religion of confusion …
#NoHijabDay VERSES #WorldHijabDay
Women around the world burn their hijabs in protest against the headscarf as report shows half of Iranians think nobody should be made to wear them {dailymail 05feb2018}
wonder how Nicola Sturgeon thinks that will look in, say 10 years time, when hopefully we will be protecting Mulsim women from being forced to wear such babaric clothes.
….Unless by then Nicola Sturgeon is being forced to wear a burkha by then.
Women who supports Hijab does not wear Hijab – thus she does not support Hijab and is just saying she supports the Hijab.
Times : butt grabbing is common at the Haj
Says young women are sharing on Facebook of like it happening, and men getting away with it cos of the large crowds.
The Times might be racist for all I know.
It seems disproportionately easy to find it reporting crimes committed by immigrants orfirst generation s.
– Indian Chef on trial for throwing curry powder in customers face.
– Dr Sudip Darker faked his surgeon experience and in one year had twice death rate of colleagues , they fired him after 1 year ..left with £2m cost of 19 law suits.
Vegetarian and vegan: A quarter of UK dinners have no meat or fish
Anyone outside the BBC actually believe this? Only person I know indulged in leaving out meat through January. One of the few vegans I know gave it up before christmas because she kept passing out.
I heard it tis morning as something like 25% of EVENING meals have no meat
..meaning that some of those were people having a steak at lunchtime , and then a pizza in the evening.
Stew. Yes it was just evening meals and it was only in Jan – when by chance there was Veganidiot month..apparently the sales of meat are down by 0.2%..I can live with that.
The BBC continue with their reports on deepfake porn.
This report give them an opportunity to show something rather unpleasant in a fake video of President Trump.
Be very careful BBC. This can backfire.
There are lots of fairly accurate porn images of Laura K with legs spread wide apart, and even more degrading are those of the lovely Mishel the Moslem taking it up the rear.
Glass houses BBC, glass houses and stones
Is this the user manual on how to remove your clinkers with a Dimble Post?
G where’s the link To deepfake (just kidding )
Your question deserves answering because there isn’t one. It is so widespread you only have to type in the name of a person and add porn to it, then hit images.
For this amazing discovery BBC hacks are paid thousands. But as I said. You can do it to any of them.
Guardian sticks boot into Peterson
: open comments , they are already getting a kicking
“How dangerous is Jordan B Peterson,
the rightwing professor who ‘hit a hornets’ nest’?”
Just read the Guardian article.
So the author is not saying what Petersen says but what other people say Petersen says.
He says that Petersen is attractive to the far right and even Nazis.
So what he is saying is that Treezer should not allow him to enter the UK
Yeah and let’s burn all his books and all of those bought on kindle ( like me ) ,,,errr a flawed plan
Elsewhere the conservative European club – of which JRM is leader – is described as “shadowy ‘ – those democratically elected MPs forming groups with a common interest . Dangerous these days…
Laurie and guest/s sneered at ‘populist’ concern about a ‘EUSSR’.
They should look to Germany. The socialists (SPD) who won 20% of the vote and are currently on 17% in the polls, have virtually taken over the government. That, in turn, will be pushing for Germany to disappear and merge into a greater Europe. Amused, Laurie?
The CDU are left with very little: few significant cabinet posts, no policy distinguishable from socialist redistributive enthusiasm. But then, it was all about keeping Merkel in power. Only the Defence Minister, Ursula van der Leyen, is CDU among the ‘big posts’. And she is a very Merkel-like figure.
Europe 2.0 is coming. And my my, doesn’t it look ever so democratic?
I think Europe is more likely to merge into the greater Reich again . – and no need to come through the Ardennes forest this time