Trump says the NHS is in crisis and British politicians, doctors, media types all rushed to its defence saying that it is the best health service in the world doing wonderful work for half the money of the US system….and we thought the NHS was in a crisis…have to stop listening to the BBC….and clearly money doesn’t therefore bring you a better NHS. No?
Also the Mail had Trump with his hair going feral splashed across its frontpage yesterday. Distinct lack of outrage from our moral guardians about the hated Mail abusing people for their looks or for trivialising politics and endangering democracy as the Mail obviously did when it got the scoop on ‘Legs-It’ and got sent to the naughty corner, over to the far right, by Aunty.
Spot any more Trumpophobia [how long have you got?] note it all here…..
We are all equal, except Emmanuel is more equal than most …. and first to post!
Er excuse me, wot’s Emm got that I didn’t ? I never got 1 parcel, let alone TWO !!!
I’m equaller.
Next time BRISSLES, but the present was a double post error.
Damn damn – such silliness ha ha
Maxi wouldn’t approve!
Where is maxincony ?
Has he been banned ?
You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
It has to be handed to the political class at all levels . They all think an increased population is a good thing and use poisonous words like vibrancy and diversity and enrichment – but no bugger made any plan for the impact on services and we poor punters who suffer the consequences of their policies .
It’s not about who you vote for – they have all done this to us . The media surpressed comment for years – dissidents like Farage/ UKIP were are reviled by career politicians of all colours .
And then the increased population is not identified as the problem of public services but underfunding is the cause -according to al beeb.
I am not a customer of their public services any more but I make more than my fair share to pay for them – making the point not to pay for the state broadcaster
Douglas Murray is another shouting in a void and treated with distain by liberal commentators
Like Peterson and the very few sensible others who hold up the flame
Urm….., not sure about that?
We do have a few Welsh sheep we could let em have .
Didn’t take the bBC long did it: in which to promote their leftwing pro Islamic terrorist agenda.

Interviewing the above girl, they wangle it so she comes out with, that she wants to see the above two in court , look them in the eye and let them know they have destroyed a big part of her life and she hopes they feel remorse.
Shame they were taken alive really
I think we should give them a council house,
BBC and indeed the MSM, are completely compromised … the No10 squatters are (as with everything else), utter incompetent failures, this pair of Islamic sh-theads? … is a non story
There is a cogent and important story, but the MSM is ignoring it
In response to a question in the House of Commons by Labour MP John Woodcock, who demanded to know why the Government is refusing to release figures on the number of returned jihadists being prosecuted.
Speaking for Sharia May’s government, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department Victoria Atkins MP confirmed that “we know that more than 850 UK-linked individuals of national security concern travelled to engage with the Syrian conflict” and that “over 15 per cent” are presumed killed, with “just under half” thought to have returned to Britain.
She then admitted that “A significant proportion of those individuals who have already returned are assessed as no longer being of national security concern” — meaning they have not been prosecuted and are at large in the country — possibly not even under active surveillance.
Times : Oxfam exec’s Haiti prostitute parties covered up
2010 4 sacked, boss man admitted but given dignified exit.
Minors possibly involved cos noone knew ages.
Charity commission never received final report.
Well its a good job we know exactly why Brendan Cox suddenly left Save the Children
… On hang on we don’t.
There are grades of ‘holding power to account’.
Actually doing so.
And what the bbc does.
2:extra guys resigned during the investigation.
None of the 6 was British.
In 2012 Oxfam did a “watered down report”
Times : YouTube is funelling viewers towards “Far right” videos in the recommended column.
My guess is if they have the most likes for similar keywords that’s what you get.
Well that’s just nonsense isn’t it? YouTube is doing everything it can do to discourage those righties on YouTube by demonetising their vids and making it a little harder to track them down.
Thank god though that we still have some form of outpouring for the right on the internet because we certainly ain’t getting it from the biased media.
The only time I heard the Oxfam story mentioned on Today was on the review of the papers. So any claims of bias by omission can be refuted but the time considering the story can be measured in seconds. Similarly any suggestion that a Remain campaign is funded by Soros. Today did cover the Telegraph ‘s story about him, but only in the glint of an eye.
Remember Saint Jo was in charge of Oxfam around that time (circa 2009/10). Then her husband is allowed to resign after several accusations of sexual misconduct in his charity. The BBC this morning briefly mentioned the Oxfam sex scandal but compared to the coverage in the MSM and social media of women being paid to act as hostesses to rich , conservative white men these charity workers have got off lightly. Confirmation bias on a massive scale.
Wasn’t there a similar going-on a bit closer to home, in the “Jungle” at Calais? Except there I don’t think the SJW “chariteers” were even paying them.
IIRC it was more the other way round, giving new meaning to ‘comfort women’.
The Americans call it Trump Derangement Syndrome
It effects primarily liberals who suffer from the obvious defect of not being able to think rationally
Quick link back to Thursday night Friday morning posts
Ta stew
I read the guardian to see what the enemy is doing .
There is a surprisingly calm bio on JRM – obviously making the assumption that a person of priviledge can no longer make the grade after Cameron and his failures
compared to a recent rabid report in the Indy last week which even took the piss out of his father in laws’ name I couldn’t but be a bit impressed –
I don’t think they opened the
comments but for the regular lefty loons .
Didn,t have time to comment earlier , but “Beeboids ” post on this previous thread about how the media tries to pretend that the Nazi,s were not actually socialists , made me remember .
The 3rd Reich coinage had “Gemeinnutz Geht vor Eigennutz ” inscribed into it . Which translates as ” For the many , not the Few” .
A good old socialist slogan , but not one they would use nowadays as it would show that they & the Nazi,s were all left wingers .
Or would they ?????????
I don’t think any political party has had the word “Fascist” or “Nazi” in it, or anyone has called themselves a “Fascists” or a “Nazi” since 1945. Nazi was short for National Socialist, so no political party has ever called themselves a “Nazi party” or anyone has ever call themselves a “Nazi“.
However those who called themselves Fascists or National Socialists all regarded themselves as left-wing. The idea that they were right-wing comes from their fellow left-wing enemies, originally the Communists.
Today in Scotland we have a Nationalist political party which is also a Socialist political party. These National Socialists are recognised by the BBC as left-wing.
I have been flying so trying to catch up. Thank you very much ITRW for adding some weight to my original post. You have educated me as i didn’t know that about the coinage. That is an excellent fact you have dug up and more ammo in our battle with the politically deranged.
“Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz” = Common Good before Self Self-Interest
That could translate as “America First”
To me it doesn’t suggest anything about stopping the wealth going going to the few.
The words are around the rim of the coin pic
“Service before Self” is the translation i got. It is still a very socialist phrase, turns people into unthinking machines, ideal for killing. Thanks for the pic Stew
The bBC, and another champion of diversity exposed as a racist bigot
French Muslim singer quits TV show amid row over online posts
A Muslim singer who became an internet sensation following her performance on France’s The Voice has quit the TV show after being criticised for comments she had made on social media. In one post, Mennel Ibtissem, 22, had expressed doubts about the terrorist nature of the 2016 Nice lorry attack. She said the message from the day after the attack was taken out of context.
after men burst into a church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray killing an elderly priest, she said: “The real terrorist is our government.”
The bBC then lets everybody know her side of the story:
After the posts emerged, Ms Ibtissem apologised, saying she “obviously condemned terrorism”. But on Friday, she announced she was leaving the programme. In a video posted on Facebook in English she said: “I’ve never meant to hurt anyone and the idea that I would do it on purpose pains me a lot. “[I’ll] keep spreading my message of peace and tolerance, far from all types of fanaticism.”
Here is what the bBC left out about the poor little ‘french’ girl:
she had also expressed support for the comic Dieudonné, who was convicted several times for anti-Semitic and racist comments in French courts, for the ideologue Tariq Ramadan, who preached “for a Muslim conquest of Europe from within” (and is now under arrest on suspicion of violently raping at least two women). A search of her accounts also revealed that she is close to the controversial Salafist volunteer organization Barkacity, which provides humanitarian relief to weak Muslim populations, mixing in extremist social and religious positions. Its founder and director, Idris Sihamedi, was quoted in the press claiming that “polygamy is a good way to prevent adultery, and working a veil is a sign of modesty.”
Have to laugh at how yet another so called champion for diversity has been found out to be a racist fucking bigot who openly supports terrorism. The irony, 2 white pricks jailed as terrorists and to the bBC its a f-ing plague. Yet after the sacking of numerous non-white racist bigots (Some even have a penis ) nobody on the left has picked up how so many of their own are nasty pieces of work who should be punished for their bigoted views. You know like how the Old bill will arrest you if you tweet you asked a Muslim about a terrorist attack where 35 people were killed and 340 injured.(62 critically)
Times : Tory party covered up Labour party activists charity corruption.
Its in Jewish chronicle
Man who fails to book a seat on a train and complains about it and then fails to pay for 4 coffees , who also after 34 years as MP his constituency is bottom of league table says he can get us into space ….“I legitimately think calling for a new socialist space agency would bump Labour’s polling by 5 points. Convergence of modernity, industrial policy, media cycle and just absurdly good talking point”
Just like Harold Wilson’s – “white heat of technology” speech unfortunately no one told British Rail !
Wilson’s phrase was IIRC “white hot cutting edge of technology” and people remanded him even then of what happens to a cutting edge which gets white hot!
I watched Two Hairy Bikers cooking in Spain last night. The constant refrain was that the delicious flavours were due to the Moorish influences, I kid you not it ran through the whole programme. But last week I saw Nigel Slater in Lebanon drooling over Lebanese cooking and the nice ladies preparing it. Rehabilitation and acceptance of Muslims through their cooking. They were interesting food programmes but why don’t we get cookery from Japan or Korea. It is the constant presentation of Muslims as fluffy bunnies I object to. And probably decent Muslims get fed up by the BBC constantly on about them.
I saw that as well Debs, It may have been the Romans who invented the aqueducts but it took the expertise and foresight of the “moors” according to the hairy, Orville looky likey, to use them for irrigation. I turned it off at this point.
How come they managed to turn North Africa into a desert then?
Don’t forget Monty Don’s recent Paradise Gardens…how much Islamic gardening influenced ours, etc.
Of all the reality shows on the BBC they have taken two people and used them ad nauseum – both female, Asian muslims. All the other winners of bake off have made the occasional. fleeting appearance but not our Nadya. It is time she presented Match of the Day !
I heard a trailer on Radio 4 for some female ‘comedienne’ making a joke about how lots of little bad things add up to big bad things like ‘fat-bergs’ and that old BBC chestnut – ‘Donald Trump’!
I should be glad that they have moved on to two-word guaranteed laugh lines from single-word f*** and s***.
Times : Twitter quantifies Russian Brexit not army.
Total of 942 tweets, retweeted 461 times
originate from 49 account
Not exactly Soris size
Sorry about the typos :
Times : Twitter quantifies Russian-Brexit-bot army.
Total of 942 tweets, retweeted 461 times
originate from 49 accounts
Not exactly Soros size
(There about 1 million non Russian tweets/day at that Time about Brexit)
Hats off to the wimmin who made Canada’s national anthem gender neutral.
With thanks to Trudy Trudeau who will persuade his heroes in the Muslim Brotherhood to adopt a gender neutral title
G.W.F – I see a possible problem, what about those who dont consider themselves either sons or daughters. I really think the other 71 genders should also be given a mention too. When looking at the list I was also alarmed that whilst there is a “bigender” gender why is there no mention of the “little enders” out there!
Good for Canada though at least everyone will recognise their national anthem.
The world really has gone mad – still I suppose that is just as Justin wants it
They are going to rename the country ‘cantada ‘ Trudy must be after a Nobel price or similar as daddy didn’t get one …
Jesus, what is happening in Canada. Sweden, Canada, ourselves…the list goes on. It’s like we are pulling the pin on the grenade and then jumping on it ourselves.
Destroying our culture, warping our history, flooding our shores and all for the prize of back slapping virtue at the next pointless conference where everyone compares how well they are dismantling the fabric of their own countries.
RE: Peterson v Newman.
When Peterson explains, as an expert who had done all the research, that there is no gender pay gap why is Newman not overjoyed? After all she is supposedly all for equality. Why try and twist the facts so it seems there is loads of ‘oppression’ when in reality there is little or none?
It exposes that ‘equality’ campaigners really want dominance, not equality. Any ‘oppression’ must be magnified as much as possible to justify demands for more and more privileges and power. She did not seem to even care about the young men he was helping. This triumphant attitude was writ-large the other morning with a whole Today programme about feminism.
The in-group/out-group preference is hard-wired in us, which is why ‘equality’ is doomed to fail and it is dangerous to give certain groups special rights and powers – they will naturally use them to dominate other groups.
Brexit: Transition period not ‘a given’, says Barnier
Barnier is wobbling.
False threats.
Time to call his bluff. Stand steady.
It’s spine time Teezer. Call him out.
I wanted to do a “So what you are saying………” reply but everyone is probably thinking the same thing.
I’ll let you all fill in your own sentence.
Is she now referred to as Cathy “so what you are saying” Newman?
For life!
It’s hilarious – whatever she tweets about someone asks if she actually saying something else! Serves her right for being such a cry bully.
So many points in that interview but one of the most telling was Cathy’s outrage at having to pay more for a pink helmet. That’s not gender inequality you gormless fool but market forces.
A lesser amount of people are prepared to pay a greater amount of money for an item that is restricted in it’s quantity. Like first class/economy class or a lambo/ford.
But you don’t have to buy the pink helmet if you don’t want to Cathy. Just buy the blue one rather than campaigning for us all to only be able to buy the blue one because you don’t like variety or can’t grasp the concept of paying more for something more selective.
As Peterson was trying to say, making all helmets the same, the same price, the same colour is a few steps away from everyone wearing a national uniform and everyone conforming in druge inducing clothing.
I believe they are there to ‘learn about’ fake news. Apparently.
Been away for three weeks, in sunny South Africa. Where multicultural actually means something tangible, not a job creation scheme for left wing idealogues.
Back in the UK and boy, is it slit your throat time, by contrast.
The biased BBC is just so unutterably awful. The selection of ‘news’ stories. The doom. The gloom. The selective narratives. The head shaking of Fiona Bruce. Public sector good. Private sector bad. The ‘crisis’ reports when a Nurse stubs a toe. The joy they show when they dredge up on a daily basis the ‘problems’ afforded by Brexit. God, it’s awful.
Pass the razor blades.
On the BBC’s channel for children (CBBC) they are now pushing Islam on every single webpage – because every single webpage has the image of a hijabi woman on it and this has been the case for the past week. Having examined the CBBC newsround website for at least half a year I can say they run more pro-Islam stories and pro-Islam symbolism than any other religion COMBINED. In fact in comparison you will barely find any other religion linked stories or any other religious symbolism being mentioned or shown at all.
At the bottom of every CBBC webpage you will find hijabi woman, this is in addition to the various other pro-Islam stories and pro-Islam imagery they run. Here is a link to the CBBC homepage and scroll to the bottom:
And this was the top CBBC sports story all yesterday and into part of today before being replaced later in the day:
That headscarf photo quick link
Not the most obvious headscarf ever.
Did I once hear/read something about the nazis dropping leaflets aimed at kids during the war?
“Courtesy of BBC Get Inspired –” getislamised more like!
Yes — and BBC3 and Newsbeat are real propaganda outlets too. E.g. on the current Newsbeat home page the only thumbnails that show non-transgendered white people relate to: psychopathy, mental health, acne… and going 20 days without pooing.
It’s blatant indoctrination.
‘Moved to Liverpool’ I’d like to see some more details on that.
It’s strange that if the hijab is something of choice that we are told Islamic woman DON’T HAVE TO WEAR if they don’t want to, why it would be used so much to promote Islam.
Why would an item that is apparently so open to the vagaries of womens choice “I might wear it, I might not wear it” would become such an iconic symbol for a religion?
Is there a similar item to distinguish Christian or Jewish women? Of course not because women aren’t singled out for different treatment under those religions.
The top story in the BBC India News Section is: “I Am an Indian Muslim – Not Pakistani” were a BBC reporter investigates how Indian Muslims are victims … part of an endless series of reports on how Muslims in India are victimised:
BBC London News reporting on some parking meters in Fulham only accepting old pound coins, interviewing several witnesses for this crucial story.
Are you f**king kidding me? London turning into a war zone and they report on this? How much to send a film crew over to the meter and interview people? This is the suffocating effect of political correctness: they are afraid to report on actual news that people care about. What a betrayal.
You’re wrong – many beeboids and retired beeboids live in Fulham and have to experience this savage privation in their daily lives – for only three pounds donation you could send these beeboids an old. pound coin and make their lives worth living again ( advert ends with smiling telegenic black kid and an 0800 number ) .
Oh god someone’s clamped my Prius
Not BBC related, and yet you just know this is right up their street.
I met a lady, kindly, well-meaning, not a bad person but a classic LeftMob do-gooder feminist.
She is campaigning for, would you believe it, more women in the security industry.
Her thinking is that women represent a very small % of the employees yet have an intuitive appreciation of body language and giveaways and therefore would be an asset at, for example, border control.
I first pointed out there was liitle campaigning for men who are very under-represented on, for example, medical courses at University. She seemed or feigned surprised
Then I pointed out that she was herself being sexist. If body language recognition is important then this should be in the job spec. And the sex of the applicant should be immaterial.
There was a pregnant pause when she realised that the inherent hypocrisy of her position had been rumbled.
Yet these are the very people that so well fit the BBC ethos and are guaranteed to be given a platform.
Sluff: There is a robotic quality to these people, hard to figure. A mindless obsession with percentages is one feature. (I use the word ‘quality’, but in the obsession with percentage-based ‘representation’, individual quality is EXACTLY what has been eliminated – or is it ‘exterminated’…metallic voice?)
No queues for women on the bins is there?
And of all those firefighters who selflessly gave their lives on 9/11-hard to imagine TOO many women being brave/stupid enough to do that , I`d say.
But if you want some lazy Oxbridge prep school bluestocking who`ll keep schtum to order on the news…well, girl power reigns there.
Cathy Newman-bet IS are scared huh?
I definitely believe in ‘equity’ when it comes to job allocation.
Men currently make up 97% of the people who die while in performance of their jobs.
We need more Cathy Newmans repairing high-voltage lines at altitude, and everyone who works in PR sent down a coal mine (and vice versa). More male nursery nurses and more female garbage collectors.
Also more female: quarrymen; slaughtermen; deep-sea divers; foresters; road workers; scaffolders and break-down recovery personnel.
The One Show. Friday 7.05 pm.
Being interviewed to advertise his latest acting role, John Simm described his character as ‘a good guy, like a Corbynist Labour MP’. FFS !!!!
This provoked absolutely no response whatever from hosts Jeremy Vine or Alex Jones.
Proof positive if it were needed that the BBC is simply the official mass communication arm of the Labour Party.
If that was not enough, he was later given the freedom to enthuse about his daughter’s love for equality issues while the programme then moved on to all things feminist.
Pass the sick bag.
I remember seeing that lefty bitch, Jones, when they had that fat get and ex steward, “Lord” (FFS!) John Prescott on the show. She sat on his knee, slobbered all over the fat bastard and kissed him! I got the impression somehow that she doesn’t vote UKIP!
Saw a clip about some £1 houses on Merseyside.
This will be the legacy of Prescott and his Pathfinder scheme that reduced Liverpool to things like £1 houses. And no questions from Channel 4 about how much THIS is costing those people who once owned them ,and were removed to please Labour.
Very incurious Channel 4 aren`t they?
It would serve her right if he complained about unjustified touching!
Bang on Sluff, watched the million pound sofa lobbing softballs to the luvvie and sitting on the edge of their seats lapping up the prospect or three or four parter by David Hare addressing the state of the nation, immigration, probably Brexit etc ZZZzzzzzzzzz.
And the government stand by and do nowt.
Soros’ bitch – Lord bollock brown given an easy time by the guru Murphy and not challenged about being employed by soros – soros /brown compared ‘leave’ to North Korea – and guru Murphy on c4 news tried the anti Semitic line accusing some brexiters of not liking soros because he is a Jew. Well I don’t like the idea that a bloke who has no voting right in Blighty nor lives here wants to subvert our vote directly .
Bollock brown will obviously sell himself for the nice easy life to which the cunt thinks he is entitled. The c word is the most appropriate in his case.- you could see it was just a game to him
Do I sound angry in my post – damn right
In Iran, woman arrested for removing hijab refuses to repent despite facing 10 years in prison
The BBC however trumpets non-Muslim women – why they decided to don…
Women in America walked in the shoes of Muslim women by wearing a hijab
and … its the Foreign Office prostrating to Allah … as it handed out free headscarves to staff and encouraged them to learn why Muslim women wear the garment as part of its World Hijab Day celebrations. The Government department, headed up by Boris Johnson, offered all employees the chance to wear a hijab for part of their day to mark the worldwide event on February 1.
In an internal memo, the Foreign Office said that the headscarf is worn by some women who see it as representing “liberation, respect and security”. According to reports, an email sent to staff said: “Would you like to try on a hijab or learn why Muslim women wear the headscarf? Come along to our walk-in event.
and in Sharia Mays parallel universe, her reverse Midas touch continues … Now she aims at those fighting IS. The government has long repeated warnings that fighting with any group could lead to legal consequences,as Briton who fought Islamic State group faces terror charge
Maybe if they really wanted to teach moronic individuals why women wear the hijab, they could present them with the free hijab at their diversity workshops and then introduce them to the threat of a beating if they decided they didn’t want to wear it.
The hijab and burkha are flat out examples of female oppression and the excuses that women choose to wear these garments is utterly irrelevant.
If a husband beats his wife and she chooses to remain with him it doesn’t mean that it isn’t domestic abuse.
The bBC has no problem reporting this racist story:
Racist rant at Camden post office staff caught on film
But not this rape of a child by a 33 year old Somalian:
Man who raped teenage girl held sharp piece of wood to her throat and said: ‘You cannot be a virgin because you are white’
Ive deselected the bBBC from my iPhone so why do I keep getting force fed their propaganda on my “news feed”. I’ve already had all I can stomach.
Stark contrast between the way this is reported as “hate crime” whereas getting acid in ones face is just part and parcel…..
Look how determined the POLItically CorrectEnforcementsquad are to catch the horrible waycists! Even hoping to find further victims-well that’s like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey!
Does anybody have any facts and figures re the BBC News output-and a breakdown of how many are actually watching? I only ask because NOBODY I know bothers any more with any of it. If they don`t go to YouTube for clips of Rees Mogg or to spit at Soubry, they get NO BBC influence whatsoever.
Would love to see the truthful graphs of their cliff-edge disintegration as any kind of “news forum”…one of my friends even spotted the 3am Red Button games where they put a dodgy story up for an hour, then say it`s been covered. A total laughing stock.
Try barb – which is the free online list of most popular channels – al Beeb 6 pm news seems to average 5 million but I guess people can’t be bothered to hit the ‘off ‘ switch
I don’t have any statistics but in my experience it’s still quite alarming how many sheeple, including members of my close family, are still under the illusion that everything on the “news”, be it bBBC or otherwise, is to be taken as godspel.
Only last week I was having a discussion about the so called “religion of peace” and I was subjected to the same old “yes but there are good Muslims in this country who just want to live like everybody else blah blah blah…”
One of the younger (12) members of my family pipes up that “Miss so and so at school said its (terrorism) not because they are Muslims it’s because they are sick in the head and Islam is the religion of peace…”
So hang on a minute, Darren Osborne, who clearly has issues, stating that the imaginary “Dave” was driving, cannot of course be given the same consideration as anyone who imagines a bloke flew to the moon on a horse?
Will Beeb be reporting this?
Aw please!
Eastenders BBC 1.
“Asian” man shouting at white couple for arguing in front of the kids on the street.
Says something on the lines of “I’ve spent my life repairing damage done to children by the likes of you”
Then he and his Mrs go on to accept a 2 year old girl for foster care at the end of the show to smiles from the husband.
Oh dear. What damage will need repairing for that small girl I wonder…..
So anybody know why the bBC haven’t mentioned this story which is all the rage in Ireland:
Ireland: Muslim Leader backs female circumcision on Public TV
Thx for posting that. What a load of shite shifty-eyes is spouting. I’d like to see figures for how many females have been referred for circumcision on medical grounds. Very low, I’ll wager. I also disagree with male circumcision on religious grounds.
Maybe he should have thrown around some Nazi, racist, and far rightism too for good measure.
Eastenders started in 1985 when it was probably a realistic portrayal of the population in that part of London. Fast forward 33 years, and really ? whenever I’ve had cause to drive through the Eastern outskirts of London I’ve barely seen a white face.
Coronation Street began in 1960 and was testament to gritty Northern life at the time – lots of humour and scraping by to survive. I’ve heard it now rivals Midsomer Murders for the amount of deaths that are portrayed.
whenever I’ve had cause to drive through the Eastern outskirts of London I’ve barely seen a white face.
Its the same when you drive down the Westway past Whitecity. on the otherside of London.
Pounce – don’t bother asking for directions unless your polish Hungarian Bulgarian a Slav, Nigerian , Somalian Ethiopian and god knows what else in my lovely cess pit. I’m a little englander os I’d give em all a one way ticket home from stansted.
Cut and paste time max
“I’ve heard it now rivals Midsomer Murders for the amount of deaths that are portrayed”
Yes and all the bad men and murderers are hideously white, of course!
It’s like watching Morse and knowing the actor /actress who went to RADA is the killer because they’ve got to do the crazed drama bit at the end …
I don’t like to go all conspiracy mode, but the BBC just edited a 7 month old prog about Trump
Radio 4 Law in Action made a prog about Mueller investigating Trump
The current edition basically sounds like their experts would in Democratic headquarters
.. then at the end of the segment the expect says ‘actually Trump could end Mueller operation if he liked, but that since he doesn’t have many Republican friends that would probably trigger them into impeaching him.
Like why would you re-edit a July 2017 prog in Feb 2018 ?
How many people ever bother to go back and listen to a 6 month old prog on iPlayer.
That’s Historical revisionism.
The bbc refer to it as ‘evolving the story’.
But you are correct.
“So anybody know why the bBC haven’t mentioned this story which is all the rage in Ireland:”
Oh well apparently, according to BBC Newsbeat, it’s (FGM) not allowed in Islam.
Restaurateur Kamrul Islam throws chilli powder in customer’s eyes; is cleared of assault.
Phew… otherwise one fears Mr Islam might have tarnished the tranquil reputation of the otherwise unquestionable serenity of the religion of peaceful peace. For an amuse-bouche, some of the restaurant’s reviews on Trip Advisor get a little… umm…. spicy:
—”the owner does not take constructive criticism well!”
—”Chef has bad attitude: Delivered wrong food and when called to say the meal was wrong he told me I know nothing about food and that it was what I ordered. Took the food back to the store and he got in my face saying his food is the best in the world. When asked for a refund he got very aggressive shouting at me etc.”
— “Never ever again: After what I witnessed last night I will never ever step foot in that place again. My partner, four friends and I went for a meal. Another table were not happy with their food and wouldn’t pay so the owner locked them in! They weren’t allowed to leave until the police came and let them go! There was a child in their party and the owner was shouting at them and the owners wife went crazy when they left.”
—”the people in question were plain and simply not happy with the standard of food and offered to pay for their drinks and starters but in turn the owner decided to lock the door and became very aggressive and very abusive to the family of three, the little girl was terrified and was breaking her heart, I will never ever set foot inside that place again.”
—”The boss is disgusting and treats his staff like dirt as me and my husband over heard in the kitchen! Will never return here.”
—”Ordered a takeaway. Rang up to complain that it didn’t taste nice. Chef told me to shut up and shouted at me. Many phone calls later where they kept hanging up I decided to go to the restaurant for a refund. On arrival the manager/chef got right in my face shouting a pointing at me saying no refund and that a should take him to court. Then another chef started shouting at me. He asked me to leave which I wouldn’t without a refund so he rang the police. While waiting for the police anothe member of staff said I should just leave as i wasn’t going to get a refund and i should just leave it. 4 officers turned up in 2 cars as they had said I was so violent. The police questioned everybody and confirmed the other guests said the chef was violent not me and advised it was a civil matter.”
[Google reviews are much worse, but reliability doubtful as they were written post-attack so probably revenge reviews]
I noticed this review from 2013:
The restaurant is too big to have any atmosphere, especially with the extra large tvs playing bolywood style mtv but with British music playing.
What was really weird was doorbell on the table to call waiting staff and their netbooks to take orders.
Watch out theyve crossed their 5 star rating out on menu….upon investigation on fsa website it was 0!!!!
Moral: never do any business with those people, avoid their restaurants and their groomobiles – sorry, taxis.
Apparently, donkeyburgers are all the rage in places like that.
Mule in a bun is a favourite too!
vlad – spot on. Never financially support any of their businesses.
Given the hygiene problems in most Curry Houses together with the Islamic cultural norm of wiping their bottoms with their hand I do not go to curry houses. Instead I make my own curries – far healthier and I’m not promoting businesses which have bad hygiene and are misogynistic – ever seen a female waitress ?
C4 news murmured on about historic meeting this and that over south and North Korea meeting at the cold olympics . No mention of president trump whatever . Vice President pence was nearlyby when they met. At least president trump has done something positive unlike his useless predecessor whose name I can’t recall thankfully.
I think his name was Mohammed, not sure.
You have to laugh at how these ‘educated’ journalists cannot see the connection between a world leader demonstrating to Rocket Man that he ain’t going to take or listen to his shit anymore and then Rocket Man suddenly becoming amenable.
Almost like the known mantra of the only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him has been completely forgotten.
Spot the odd one out
1. Pet Sounds-The Beach Boys.
2. Talking Book-Stevie Wonder
3. Revolver-The Beatles
4. Exile On Main Street-Rolling Stones
5. Talking to the Taxman about Poetry-Billy Bragg.
Answer-there`s NOT one odd one out.
For all five are featured on Mastertapes-epoch changing LPs that defined a generation, and influenced their peers.
Radio 4 Extra tonight featured Braggs opus and meisterwerk-where were YOU when this record came out to change all our empty lives?
I would LOVE to know how Bragg got himself onto this list-good old BBC eh?
You have a wicked sense of humour – as if William Bragg would ever have a documentary made about his ‘music” ? I can imagine the millions in royalties pouring in each time his many hit songs are played / downloaded.
Wikypiky has his personal wealth at £5 million which should easily enable son jack to go to the best of private schools like any good socialist . The residents of burton bradstock must be proud to have such a legendary lefty in their dorsetshire midst.
As a child of the fifties, huge Beach Boy fan and owner of many Beatles,Stones and Stevie W LP’’s, I am thankful that I’ve never heard any tracks from Bragg’s album. That’s not to say they weren”t epoch changing as we live in pretty strange times now.
I’m surprised that Benny Hill isn’t mentioned too!
Where’s Rolf Harris as well?
Same reason Terry Christian was on Question Time. He speaks their language despite neither of them being relevant since the 1980’s.
Watching Indian NDTV (Indian TV) on 06jun2017
1) Girl aged 14 raped by 2 drivers and conductor
2) Religion man says “God Shiva” will appear if we dig up a hole. Village believe him and dig, police come and take him away after digging 15 feet into ground.
3) India spends 2 years with 185 committees producing new school books which have blank pages and lots of spelling and incorrect answers at the end of the 2 years of improvements.
4) New Dehli – power cuts every day for up to 8 hours
So went to check this and see how books can influence people’s lives…
“A national textbook for 11-year-old students created uproar in 2012 when it was discovered that it said that people who eat meat “easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes” { 2015-09-23}
The bBBC has solved it: The clues right-wing terrorists give away.
The rest of us have also solved it: The clues all the other terrorists give away.
The Koran. Halal. Allahu ackbar. Taxi. Kebab. Under-age white girls. Etc.
A lot of waffle that basically says that Islamic terrorists are part of a ‘community’, i.e. Muslims and the few people that are driven to fight back are ‘loners’.
It is rather like saying that supporters of Arsenal Football Club join together, (to watch matches!), while the few people that absolutely detest football don’t meet up with the like-minded, (the clue might be in the word ‘few’!).
There would appear to be a number of omissions from the BBX “Mastertapes”.
1. Hit me with your best shot – Cathy Newman
2. Walk on by – Jo Brand
3. Paranoid – Adrian Chiles
4. Buddy can you spare a dime – All the destitute female activists/journalists surviving on just £150K a year
5. Cry me a river – BBC poll tax payers
Some more top tunes unaccountably missed off….
2 5 3 7 Motorway – Diane Abbott
Stay just a little bit longer – Michel Barnier
Anarchy in the UK – Corbyn & O’Donnell
If I could turn back time – The Remainers with Status Quo.
Buddy can you spare £400,000 – Lord Malloch-Brown
ND wrote:
Some more top tunes unaccountably missed off….
2 4 6 8 Motorway –
funny you should mention that song, sung by Gay Icon Tom Robinson. Hated by the Rainbow crowd after it came out in the wash he married a woman. (A real woman at that) during the late 80s.
“The Chris Evans Breakfast Show or the Today programme? The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Minister Matt Hancock reveals where his cultural loyalties lie. It’s the Media Show podcast with Amol Rajan BBC.”
Nice one, Matt.
Ah, the constant threat of Right Wing Terrorism in the UK should concern us all, apparently:
Two instances of late, and it’s now a threat to us all, according to the BBC.
So how many people have heard of this’:
The British government reaffirmed on Thursday that it intended to lift a ban on citizens voting in UK elections if they had lived longer than 15 years outside the country. The government statement said that UK citizens would seek a law change that would enable citizens to vote in domestic elections regardless of how long they had been abroad, a rule change which will allow millions of people overseas to be able to register to vote. The 15-year time limit proved to be a constant source of frustration among British expats, particularly during the referendum on EU membership, when long-term expats felt like they were robbed of a voice. “Participation in our democracy is a fundamental part of being British, no matter how far you have travelled from the UK,” said Minister for the Constitution, Chloe Smith. “It is right that we should remove the 15-year time limit on voting rights of British citizens living overseas and allow those who previously lived in the UK the chance to participate in our democracy.”
Makes you wonder doesn’t it if there will be another referendum vote.
It doesn’t stop many Muslims living in Pakistan from voting in the UK elections. Indeed their ballot papers are brought over by the village elder and sold to the highest bidder. It does help that the government still think they live in the UK because they are claiming benefits and social housing.
It’s one of those “ contains upsetting scenes – look away now “ jobs . No journo is ever going to investigate that particular scandal – you can hear the screams of “racism” from any minoret in londonistan
I had not heard that on BBC News: have they mentioned this potentially devastating legislative change at all? If true, then this seems to be the clearest indication yet that the May – Hammond – Rudd cabal is preparing the ground for another referendum in due course.
BBC doesn’t do science
Sir David King spouted a mountain of DISINFORMATION about pollution/diesels 12:20pm Radio 4
largely unchallenged
And that’s the problem
On a complex issue you risk your expert being a PR guy for vested industry/politics
So that the public walk away more DISINFORMED than they were at the start.
The trick is to put 2 counter experts on against each other, so they debunk each other.
King was on to explain why he in 2004 Advised the government to introduce incentives for diesel cars, as this would help with CO2 reduction.
Well he didn’t know what he was talking about in 2004 and he doesn’t know what he is talking about today.
Consequently he made a number false statements.
To me he seems like a PR guy wedded to the #Greenblob
that wants to get diesels out of the way so that they can pick up SUBSIDIES for Electric cars they sell
.. and at a political angle : bash the Tories to the benefit of Sadiq Khan.
…more discussion including how he got caught out trying to rig a Climate conference in Russia. launched
– An intro
He aint going to work on Al Beeb anymore .
Beeb wags finger over Trump, saying he failed to condemn aide accused of domestic violence quickly enough.
“It was seen as especially done deaf given the Metoo movement.”
Obviously Trump thinks domestic violence is fantastic, which he obviously does not. When someone has to leave a job it is just polite to say they did a good job. Plus I do not trust he did not condemn the violence in another statement but that trusty guardian against fake news Al Beeb omitted to mention it. They have Joe Biden on to say he thinks Trump is bad! Wow, Democrat disapproves of Republican, who would have thought it?
I could not believe the BBC used Joe Biden to put forward a counter argument against Trump’s behaviour. Perhaps someone at the BBC should go on YouTube and type in “Creepy Uncle Joe” and watch the video of his behaviour with young women and children when he was VP. Go on I dare you to watch it, if you can stomach such behaviour. Then get angry that no-one on the left cares !
Yes, I’ve seen that video pretty disturbing.
May be Trump didn’t want to prejudice possible legal cases by the 2 ex-wives.
In law they are “complainants ”
They become “victims” when a case is proved.
“Brexit: Transition period not ‘a given’, says Barnier”
We should have got out in June 2016. Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting?
Change the PM and get a Brexiteer in charge.
Just look at the HYS .
Quite right taff.
Both @fishingforleave and @VeteransBritain are rightly suspicious of a ‘transition’ or an ‘implementation’ or whatever they are calling it now.
Check out their respective sites for information on the mealy mouthed machinations and stealth of Whitehall.
As for businesses and their so called ‘cliff edge’ (boo hoo) – I suggest those that can’t cope take a running jump.
When will someone get a grip?
“The women who fought to make Canada’s anthem gender neutral.”
They have a lengthy article about the heroines who fought to have ‘our sons’ changed to ‘us’ and all the discussions politicians had.
Well, it was written over 100 years ago and you do not have to live out every word of your national f**cking anthem. There are many reasons I think the monarchy is immoral but I have more useful things to do with my time than campaign for our national anthem to be changed. Rewriting history is so sinister.
Pick up litter; drive a bus; read with children. Do something useful rather finding things to be offended by – if is not cool or healthy to be offended by everything.
The Guardian today carries its third piece of Jacob RM in 7 days . This one is a typical sneer by sone one called Stewart Lee who apparently was funny in the 80s . Fills the hole left by bill I Bragg and terry the devil northerner . They must socialise with producers and editors to get a gig
Anyhow – mr lee desperately throws mud at JRM based solely on appearance . Bet he wouldn’t do it with a girl or a non whitee.
Al guardian even does a Dracula cartoon of JRM which is intentionally ironic since like me believes in a Christian God unlike the atheists and devil worshippers in al beeb and guardian offices
Permit my preachy bit as it was written on a Sunday and it’s Ash Wednesday one day this week….