Trump says the NHS is in crisis and British politicians, doctors, media types all rushed to its defence saying that it is the best health service in the world doing wonderful work for half the money of the US system….and we thought the NHS was in a crisis…have to stop listening to the BBC….and clearly money doesn’t therefore bring you a better NHS. No?
Also the Mail had Trump with his hair going feral splashed across its frontpage yesterday. Distinct lack of outrage from our moral guardians about the hated Mail abusing people for their looks or for trivialising politics and endangering democracy as the Mail obviously did when it got the scoop on ‘Legs-It’ and got sent to the naughty corner, over to the far right, by Aunty.
Spot any more Trumpophobia [how long have you got?] note it all here…..
They are all over Oxfam staff using prostitutes in Haiti. It is distatesful but it is not the end of the world. None of us are perfect. They just want an excuse to wag their finger and demonstrate their virtue, like with the Presidents’ Club debacle. The Five Live reporter seems on the cusp of orgasm as he expresses his outrage to an Oxfam manager.
Why is there never any ‘outrage’ about all the crime in London, rape gangs et cetera? To mention that would be ‘hate speech.’ It is all infinitely more offensive than the nonsense they get het up about.
I did a little google search and guess what came up?
The headline “Hookers paid to help cast on new BBC thriller”
Hypocrite? Moi?
You are right about it suddenly being selected for operation #BBCbanging on when since it was published in Thursday night’s Times, BBC could have done it all day Friday, but they didn’t.
The big crime is not that workers slept with prostitutes, cos you could argue as long as the woman is an adult and in control then it’s between her and the client.
No, the controversy is over the way Oxfam, thought the event was serious enough to fire the guys, yet covered up the story. Taking the large organisation fallac,y that protecting the organisation is more important than proper judicial process.
There were doubts about age of some of the prostitutes, but no concrete evidence.
Correction the Oxfam rules, bars staff from using prostitutes, so it’s a disciplinary offence straight away.
And it seems it’s 7 staff now.
Now the Haiti head sacked was Belgian guy Roland van Hauwermeiren.. now he’d worked inside Oxfam for years and since Jo Cox was head of the Brussels office until 2009, did she know him personally ?
Oxfam has form in sex coverups, when it’s Nigeria Director complained of assault by her boss at an Oxford conference, she was fired.
Now Charities/media often present an unreal picture of the real world, is there a cultural of sleaze inside charities that encourages groupthink ?
eg Kids Company .. why did no one speak up earlier ?
In Banda Aceh more than 1 year after the Tsunami, locals told me that Save the Children had build houses for staff, but despite UN funding had not yet made a start on housing for the victims.
Conrad McDonnell says he doesn’t trust private corps with former nationalised industries and wants them to become Coops.. What like the charity sector.
I think quite a few of them will have been children too, I think the Oxfam report didn’t examine that aspect of it; probably a case of “don’t even go there”.
Hmm The bloke was 68 so 40 year olds would have been young to him, so 16 years old is certainly out of order.
It’s said some company laptops had video of the parties so that would be evidence.
You can’t stop past abuse, you can only stop future abuse. So Oxfam has a duty of care to possible future victims, so if some if the guys were actual paedophiles it not enough just to mobile be the guys out if the organization
Times Magazine : Sex Parties at Silicon Valley Startups
Emily Chang’s new book Brotopia
Interviewed a female entrepreneur who got invited and found Elon Musk there,
“Common to get invited to a strip club or bondage club in the middle of the day”
Drugs are a heavy presence at sex parties.
There’s 4 pages from the book.
The BBC and all give an amazing amount of positive coverage to Musk and never say anything negative
..are some BBC staff in some kind of grip, cos they’ve been at those kind if parties ?
The Oxfam manager should have said: “Yes, it’s a big incident for us. You could say it’s our equivalent of the Jimmy Savile scandal.”
See what the Beeboid made of that.
All their hatred towards my hero Trump is fine and framed as noble ‘resistance.’
If we express any justified hatred of multiculturalism, the religion of eternal peace et cetera we are ‘hate criminals’ and end up in jail.
Arab Journalist Kaled Abu Toameh gives us an insight into Arab Anti-Israel thinking.
Just confirms the BBC’s absolute anti Israel bias…and why I and so many other’s choose not to listen or watch fake BBC News!
Great post, thanks for posting magicoat.
The Left get awful rattled about their “anti-Semitism” getting called out-which is why we must do it, ceaselessly.
The left, liberals and BBC are riddled with it-and it`s a cancer that we need to point out.
Basically Israel is held to standards that nobody else is. Especially compared to all and any Islamic countries, rotten and corrupt basketcases in Africa as well as China and Venezuela.
The left see Israel as having failed them on socialism in their kibbutzim-and they`ll never be forgiven for it.
Israel is simply the pebble in the Muslims flip flops-if we don`t keep it tended, then the caliphate is coming even faster than it is.
I see the bBC continues to fight the good fight for its terorist mates:

Point to note bBC wankers:
They are not British, they were stripped of citizenship when they buggered off to murder ,death, kill.
Oh. I thought that was Cheddar Man.
Lol! He does! I bet Cheddar Man was up to no good, or maybe the Beeb have also uncovered some note where he declares his love for all races and the transgender movement.
This is a really good article about “Cheddar Man” and the Left in this country.
So if i`m descended from black blokes with blue eyes?
How can I be racist-indeed haven`t the BBC been reverse racist to ME in denying me my inner blackness?
Always knew I belonged in Steel Pulse-but the racists denied my black experience.
Can`t be racist anymore-i`m black I am!
As Black folk, we also didn’t engage in colonialism in Africa, we were merely ‘going home’, with Cecil Rhodes as the pioneer of our noble ‘back to our roots’ endeavour.
Great blog – thanks for that.
All this celebration of ‘diversity’ but nothing beats the dry British sense of humour. We may be no good at rioting or protest movements but nobody can take the piss better than us.
Pounce – I understand ex Green Jackets Officer Tobias Ellwood (who should know better) has also jumped onto the “try them at the Hague” bandwagon. I expect they would like that too. Friendly guards, probably free association, telly and an inexhaustible supply of chocolate sprinkles and probably out in fifteen years after they claim they are now de-radicalised and are sorry for what they did.
True justice would be to let these twisted savages be exported to Guantamino and thence America where hopefully they could experience a little of the same ” justice” they had no problem dealing out to others.
I like to think of them pissing themselves on a gurney as a poorly trained medic clumsily tries to find a vein. Alternatively maybe we should hand them over to what is left of the Yazdis and see what they think is a just punishment.
The good thing about Trump is that he has twigged the undeniable truth that Islam has in effect declared war on all other religions and cultures (as it always has) and the fact that the Koran sanctions any amount of savagery against us Kuffars to gain its ends. Despite what the likes of Cleggy, Call Me Dave and Theresa try to tell us. I am afraid saying “you aint no muslim bruvv” just doesnt wash anymore.
With regard to our own leaders and Islam appeasing media. Its a pity that it is never their own daughters that are raped or their own fathers that have their heads slowly sawn off or are burnt alive. Charlie Hebdo sent the message and they understood it loud and clear. Keep your mouth shut and do nothing and keep taking the money as It is always someone else who “gets it”
If it was their own kith and kin, maybe it might start to concentrate their own minds on what they are surrendering to – on our behalf .
So if these two bestial piles of human excrement ever do get into Trumps hands expect much hand wringing and calls for “civilised treatment” from assorted media, luvvies, labour/ liberal and Tory politicians and probably Theresa May too – who knows she may even manage another “rebuke” for Trump.
After all it seems these days we seem to jealously guard and justify the right of such lowlifes to rape burn and murder rather than the right of friends to help and point out obvious threats which we seem to be blind to. Just when you think it cant get any more ridiculous and self destructive it does. – Strange days indeed.
Funny funny I have just come across this:
Tells me all I need to know about what to do with these people.
Short but powerful film Pounce
Bearing in mind many of these toerags were born in the west I think the bottom line is – when you are are given licence by either your religion, your beliefs or your leaders to undertake the most bestial of acts many people (western educated or not) will do just that. Race is not a factor it is purely down to culture, religion or belief.
The difference between civilised behavior or savagery is only a veneer and what the liberals appear to be doing in their protection and promotion of Islam in our society is enabling that veneer of civilisation to be worn away to an even greater degree.
Saying my commander made me do it – Interesting – I think we have all heard that one before. It is funny that organisations like the BBC never seem too keen to really look at the motives of these bastards. And this particular bloke is about as convincing as a child caught with a handful of stones, standing next to a broken window and saying “It wasnt me”
All the BBC and left wing media want to do, is to talk about on line radicalisation as they think it gives them a weapon to use against the likes of Breitbart or Paul Joseph Watson /Tommy Robinson on U tube (the very people who are warning us of what is going on) providing they can convince the like of Sharia and Rudd to set the bar low enough (not very difficult)
Unfortunately with our current Government and MSM still unable to see any further than vibrancy and diversity it will be unlikely to do anything about this until there truly are “rivers of blood” on our streets. Funnily enough I have heard this phrase before as well and “some people are saying” the river has already started flowing.
I get the idea that this reflex “defence of our boys in Syria” is deliberately engineered by the BBC to give the “come-on” to yet more terrorist attacks.
When these scum chose to burn their passports and swear alliegiance to the Caliphate-and then beheaded , crucified and tortured fellow “former citizens”-then they lost any right to anything other than a slow and painful death.
Thsi crap about the Hague might help Leigh Day or the BBCs hacks, Thornberrys profile on the telly. But it ensures more direct and nasty attacks on the normal people of this country-which, I think is what the State now want. To ban the right, to get us defeated for Islam and to get the State to mediate our decline and surrender to the Left, then the EU and then Islam.
Our favourite – Anna loon soubry is being given free rein again on a “week in Westminster “ today – Saturday . Apparently she is upset by personal abuse because we are all human .
I argue that politicians are politicians first , humans second , race third gender 4th . They sacrifice their humanity to seek power through saying things they do not believe . There A very few who are exceptions to this but people like Soubry deserve every thing they get .
Presumably free white wine too.
I saw her on This Week, an old soak Remainer almost as sodden as that other dishevelled; Nottinghamshire; chancer Fatty Clarke. Brillo had her number though:
“Full of fire and fury signifying nothing.”
We already know it’s he lib mob who are the most vile on Twitter
Here’s another case of a lib laughing about killing Conservatives
Twitter took no action against him, and after a fuss he deleted his tweet.
but people kept screenshots already
They have the judiciary on their side and almost every other official institution.They have no need to watch their tongues the way Conservatives do.They are under the protection of the Mob. Before things can change The Mob needs to be replaced. Drain the swamp.
Farrar: hate-speech and incitement to violence all in one breath; nice.
Another ‘aren’t I SO clever’…
Farrar: hate-speech and incitement to violence all in one breath; nice.
Another ‘aren’t I SO clever’…
Watched a little Irish leprechaun last night called Graham Norton or something. His opening ‘sketch’ ridiculed and insulted Jacob Rees-Mogg, comparing him to Hitler. The guests were from some US sitcom called Will and Grace who got in plenty of Trump bashing. His Red-chair guest got a standing ovation for some petty little anti-man trick she’d played on her husband.
Anti-Tory, anti-Trump, anti-men. Another evening of light ‘entertainment’ at al-beeb.
BBC reds sit in a red chair ?
The trouble is that British Conservatives are far too nice, kind and tolerant of the intolerable.
This bloke might be mad but he has a point.
Wouldn’t waste my electricity watching that twat Norton.
Quite, but I sometimes watch these ‘popular’ programmes to keep abreast of what the sheeple are being fed, and brainwashed.
And a lot of the Great British sheeple (great word !) haven’t the intelligence to change channels, or the energy while they’re stuffing pizzas down their throats when slumped on the sofa.
CTH (Compared To Hitler) is now a badge of honour to be worn with pride.
Everyone who articulately opposes the “progressive” Left’s demands for unchallenged power gets awarded a CTH sooner or later. Rees-Mogg, Geert Wilders, Jordan Peterson, the list is long.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– TV Licensing Own Goal on Evasion Rates
– TV Licensing Scam Email Still in Circulation
R4 10:40 “Everyone is unhappy with the CHANGE of Brexit
..the Brexiteers, cos they don’t like change and want to go back to the way things used to..”
That’s red Tory Matthew Parris misrepresenting Brexiteers
..just after he had a long segment about the Labour Party with his mate Alistair Campbell.
#Metro #lib-establishment
Today’s Daily Mail reports on a lot of issues
I cannot put my finger on it….black bin liners and a muslim ladies?
Anyway she should have argued it was a work of art to draw attention to vitamin D deficiency in the community.
If only there was a stream running past her house, like back home, she would have got away with it.
Moment Rahimo Mahamud, 50, was caught chucking bags of rubbish into an alley behind her house
”She pushes the black bins bags over her back wall and lets them lie in the back alley.
The photos were taken by an angry neighbour who spotted her dumping the waste and reported her to Manchester City Council last June.
An investigation was launched but Mahamud failed to respond to opportunities for interviews.
She later admitted fly-tipping and was fined a total of £685 by Manchester magistrates.”
Either she is eight feet tall or stood on a mound of rubbish
Is this her doing the lawn?
Look, these immigrant persons are all doctors, engineers, mathematicians and other qualified professionals, for which the Former UK is crying out. Whether or not they can grasp the rudiments of mowing a “lawn” should be of no consequence.
Perhaps she’s preparing a bramble and nettle free place to drop a log.
What something like this you mean?
why didn’t she just open the gate ?
The beautiful added bonus of our multi-culti enrichment program…..Turning Britain into a shit-hole, coming to a street near you….very soon.
I’m sorry but who the hell shits on their own door step?
It makes them feel ‘at home’ Pounce.
Pounce – we forget these foreigners are third world peasants but cannot believe the free gifts our sad country gives them . No wonder they quietly pump out hundreds of thousands of little mo s along with their shit
I’m sorry but who the hell shits on their own door step?
They’ll probably claim white racists did it – report the hate crime – and get a better council house to buy and send the cash back to paki land to buy a farm
Perhaps she did not know whether to put it in a green, a brown or a black wheelie bin
I think this fine is disproportionate. This lady has origins in a shithole country where this method of waste disposal is a cultural norm. We should not be fining her but rather welcoming the rich diversity that she and her kind are brining to our hideously white culture.
DT wrote:
“This lady has origins in a shithole country where this method of waste disposal is a cultural norm. “
During the civil war in Bosnia, I was based up at Sector South West in Gornji Vakuf. I saw at first hand how the UN employed the locals to emptied our bins. On patrol with the RMP, i saw at first hand how they simply threw everything in the river.
Week in Westminster
Presented by a woman guardianista – no male voice until 22 minutes in – with the exception of a tape of Robin Day from 50s ago interviewing a girl who wanted to be a grown up . The usual sobbing girls saying how bad men are and then another guardianista – monbier slagging of Gove. Ah that bias
Made even better by the po-faced Graun box ticker leaping to Aunty’s defence…
FE2 – This is well worth a read regarding the current feminist bilge
Thanks -had a listen . For some reason Nurse Rachet reminds me of lady nugee
I’ve all ways found that ladies are naturally groomed to use their sexuality in most matters. I have personal experience of oldies with whom I worked lying on their backs for their bosses – male and female .
Women have learned from non white people how to use personal characteristics as a weapon. Alls far..
Good Lord!
I dread to think of what the fragrant Nugee must be like on her back, or in any other position for that matter.
On this site we have often discussed the growing violence in Sweden and its source. I have just read the Spectator’s take on it:
Paywalled. But we were wrong when we said those overseeing Sweden were not doing anything but hiding the facts. And remember this is Sweden we are talking about, a mere fifteen years ago it was the most peaceful country in Europe.
Examples of actions the Swedes in authority are taking:
Fire crews are allowed in these areas, – with riot police armed with machine guns.
Libraries were closed down.
Isabella Lövin, Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Green party, turned her ire towards those who express alarm over violent crime in Sweden. ‘The truth is that we are a country that gives the rest of the democratic world hope.’
The Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, even raised the prospect of sending in the army – though retracted that because the left squealed and squealed. (So machine gun armed police are ok but not soldiers, not sure what the difference is).
Linda Staaf, a police chief, has pointed out that grenade-throwing is dangerous because those who pull out the pin ‘expose themselves to a huge risk’.
Jan Evensson, Stockholm’s police chief, also makes his case on compassionate grounds: ‘It’s hard to be a criminal. We want to help them get out of it.’
An infant school published a letter: ‘Our children don’t come to pre-school because their parents are afraid. And they are afraid of you. And when children do come to pre-school, their parents beg us to keep the children inside.’ (I bet that note will stop the violence)
So there you are, the Swede’s are taking the necessary action to stamp out the staggering violence found in Sweden.
@SS it’s not actually behind a paywall.
Its just the way their “Please Subscribe “pop up blocks the screen
If you scroll up and down a bit it disappears.
..”Nevertheless, two years later, a hand grenade went off in the apartment next door, killing British boy Yuusuf Warsame.
After his murder, a teacher said: ‘It’s terrible to say, but we’re beginning to get used to it.’
In such neighbourhoods, this is the tragic reality: people are growing acclimatised to violence, in the way that the Swedish middle classes have not (so far) had to. ”
FFS a British Muslim kid died !
Yet the story wasn’t selected for bangingOn about ?
Lets look at the “nothing happens in Sweden timeline”
– August 20 2016 : Eight-year-old Birmingham boy Yuusuf Warsame was killed while visiting relatives in August when a grenade was thrown into a flat in Gothenburg.
– Feb 18th 2017 Trump said ‘You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden,’ . ‘Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden,’ ‘They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought …’
– 2nd March 2017 Police say the chief suspect of the murder died in some kind of gang incident. They don’t name the suspect. (seems that death happened within days of Trumps announcement)
The British boy is ethnic Somali, and it’s reasonable to assume that the murderer was ethnic Somali also.
I’ve been writing about Sweden for a while now:
Sweden is about to become modern Europe’s first failed state. I cannot say i really care too much. They have brought it on themselves.
Yes. See –
Sweden is about to become modern Europe’s first failed state. I cannot say i really care too much. They have brought it on themselves.
I notice the unpleasant Emily Thornberry knows exactly who among Conservatives would be voting for JRM if Treezer were to quit: over 75 year old males, she says. Not so long ago, her problem was with ‘white van man’. She is one of those who can be as offensive as she likes, seldom taken to task.
Oh, and when you look at the footage of her latest proclamation, can’t you just see her silly, beaming face exuding : ‘OOOh, I’m so clever, I’m just bursting…’
Guessing she, Soubry and one the Indy’s sharpest hacks will be doing the paper review on Groper’s Show Sunday morn…
If you want a laugh have a butchers at his twitter feed:
Tweets by FleetwoodTerryO
Their news bulletin reports on the death of a comedian’s son. This is a tragedy but it is not news. Celebrity gossip is anathema to me and it should be beneath the BBC as well. As reality overwhelms the lefties with all its hate facts I imagine they will increasingly report on ‘entertainment’ garbage.
I see that the Mirror newspaper group has bought the Daily Express at a cost of £140 million. Why I wonder has the leftist Mirror bought the right of centre Express and where did the money come from? Will the Mirror group allow the Express to remain in its place on the political spectrum? What about the plurality of news which is such.a big issue in the Sky takeover by Murdoch?
We know that the on line Independent is now owned by Saudi. Not that the Independent was ever anything other than a shadow of the Guardian. But we can never expect anything objective or truthful from it on Islamification.
Is the Express take over just another step to close down any news source that isn’t leftist in outlook. I note that the Mail is constantly targettted by the left, that the Telegraph is moving steadily leftwards . We have no right of centre TV or radio news in the UK. The elites are trying to gain censorship control over the internet. Slowly but surely we are seeing the left gain complete control over news in our country.
You only have to look at the USA to see how powerful such a monopoly is. Over in the States there is growing evidence that Clinton and Obama have successfully politicised all key government agencies but the leftist MSM , far from pushing for full disclosure , are trying to keep the truth from the American people. We know that in Germany and Sweden the press suppresses and lies on behalf of its governments . Remember that in the USA freedom of speech is guaranteed but even that powerful safeguard is insufficient to stop the take over by the left.
Soon in our own country all dissenting voices will be silenced . We may be in the 21st century but 1984 is just around the corner.
I don’t know about the Express keeping it’s Pro-Brexit anti-Labour politics
but Tines says the sports Dept’s will be merged.
Kinda makes sense, but you’d think sports reporting would be aggregated anyway.
Mind you it’s the BBC who have someone at every match.
Really the whole lot could be made into a stand alone aggregator biz like the Press Association , so that instead if having its own sports staff BBC news could just buy in the sports summaries
BBC 4 Modus honours Hillary
See their photo
“The dramatic story arc sees disaster strike during a state visit to Stockholm by US President Helen Tyler, played by Kim Cattrall
Helen Tyler is America’s first female president, a serious politician suffused with gravitas. “
Image looks like Hillary
And didn’t Greg Wise (more out of work than in-work husband of Emma Thomson) over act for all he was worth. No wonder he gets few acting jobs.
What, not unexpectedly blown up in the country of diversity and racial harmony?
Loved the bit where “concerned staffers” were handwringing about the threat of “mysogynistic violence” to the “Madam President”. Subtitles and a feminist subtexts – that’s entertainment!!
‘Hate Crimes’ and ‘Hate Speech’ –
Please sign Government Petition found at end of article.
G: The government reply to this petition is interesting: look at some of the key words, and you can already see political correctness sticking in your face (among other places).
Freedom of speech is not absolute. OK. So now we come to all the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’. That’s where the sticky words come in.
Thirty years ago a reader may have scratched their heads in bewilderment; now we know that Newspeak is already with us.
Also interesting: when I complained to the Beeb about the use of the phrase ‘pale male and stale’, a lady replied and told me this was part of an ‘established idiom’, used in a certain ‘context’.
So, presumably:
1)The beeb doesn’t believe the law applies to them anyway and
2) You can say anything you like, claim it’s part of an established idiom, and make sure you use it in a context of some sort.
I do like the picture. Their Lordship’s wigs look mighty impressive. Pity a lot of them have zilch underneath them. The moths will surely get in there big time.
If we “need” more people, how do we explain the DWP doing their best to kill off the sick and disabled with sanctions, benefit cuts and homelessness?
The bBC and the crap it peddles about white privilege:

Jamaica’s Jazmine Fenlator-Victorian spoke of the importance of being a role model for black children.
The Bobsleigh star welled up as she said, “It’s important for me that little girls and little boys see someone that looks like them, talks like them, has the same culture as them, has crazy curly hair and wears it natural, has brown skin, included in different things in this world”.
Somebody want to point out to the cock suckers at the bBC, non-whites do attend the Olympics and have done for years. Why Mohammed Ali won gold during the 1960 Olympics , now virtually the entire boxing medal winners are non white, as are nearly all the athletics, basketball teams. Why Daley Thompson (black) wore this teeshirt about another Black athlete (lewis) on the podium in 1984

In other words, people are used to seeing non-white faces at the Olympics and in a numbers of fields all you see is non-white faces and from the examples I have posted above, well before Fenlator-Victorian was born.
The bBC, as usual playing the race card, for no reason whatsoever
“It’s important for me that little girls and little boys see someone that looks like them, talks like them, has the same culture as them, has crazy curly hair and wears it natural, has brown skin, included in different things in this world”.
She doesn’t know how priveledged she is to be able to talk about her culture in such a positive way.
She should try talking like that as part of an oppressed, patriotic English white majority in good old Blighty.
Now let me think, why might there not be so many black bobsleigh competitors…
Can’t be anything to do with climate and corresponding skin pigmentation. Nope, it’s gotta be racism.
And while we’re at it, why is snow white? That’s racist, right there.
Good old beeb, any excuse to do a bit of virtue-signalling and white-shaming. It’s the closest they’ve got to a religion, to which all shall be made to kneel. And of course it suits blacks to endlessly play the victim. It’s the perfect symbiosis, ethnics get to feel permanently aggrieved while the beebistan gets to feel permanently sanctimonious. Pass the sick-bucket someone.
On the plus side, Vlad, they are easy to spot after getting caught in an avalanche!
I don’t recall the same bleating about a “lack of diversity” in the Men’s 100m final at the Summer Olympics.
Our “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” tell’s us, “Why Marvel’s Black Panther is no ordinary superhero movie” –
We learn that, “Having a plot based around a black superhero with a predominantly black cast is a first for Marvel, but the film builds on this concept in a massive way.”
One more step toward complete division of the races if I am not very much mistaken. I guess that we will soon learn that someone has suggested a ‘white only film cast’ just for, ‘evens’. What then?
Seems to me what the black cast needs to do is get down to their roots and pressure the African ‘leaders’ to act more democratically and humane. I think it is two African leaders (maybe more?) that currently refuse to stand aside, one, in the most ‘developed’ of all the African nations. The “Basket Case” which is Africa has always needed a ‘Black Panther’ never mind about Hollywood.
You think that is bad, have a butchers at this ‘Racist’ move:
Octavia Spencer just might be the G.O.A.T. or at least for 2018. Having nabbed an Oscar nomination for her performance in The Shape of Water and securing equal pay to co-star Jessica Chastain for her upcoming comedy film, the award-winning actress is giving back to the culture in a big way. In a post uploaded to Instagram, Spencer announced she will buy out a theater in Missouri so young black kids can see Marvel’s Black Panther for free. In the caption, she stressed the value in children of color seeing themselves reflected as superheroes on the big screen.
I read somewhere that something similar is happening in the UK. Can you imagine the outrage uf a white person did likewise for…white children. All I see here is Blacks doing to the West what they did in Africa, ruin it with tribal politics .
“All I see here is Blacks doing to the West what they did in Africa, ruin it with tribal politics .”
Many years ago an American, I don’t recall who, said that (paraphrased) the British didn’t understand the adjustments that would have to be made. That comment makes more sense now than it did back then.
In particular, I seriously resent the abandonment of the double jeopardy rule which I understand had been in existence for 800 years. Shameful.
Comrade McDonnell believes the Cooperative sector can be trusted to run former nationalised industries.
3 words John
* bankrupt * Cooperative * Bank *
…. Are you going to recruit those trusted Cooperative Bank execs ?
Brings back fond memories of all the State owned industries that gave the public strike for pay over and over again. Piles of uncollected rubbish in the streets. Health hazards. Undertakers not doing their work. What was the expression in vogue at the time? ‘beer and sandwiches at Number 10’. The McDonnell favoured few would soon bring what remains relatively stalwart down quickly. Problem is, the children have not seen any of the downsides to the likes of the McDonnell views on life and politics.
“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce” – Karl Marx
Stew – I think the Labour Party do their best to keep him and Corbin in their box because when they speak it becomes obvious what fuck wits they are . And the government in waiting we’re told
It seems Mc Donnel wants to recreate the Soviet Union, although McD probably thinks the “paradise of the peasant and worker” still exists In the Soviet Union, everything was nationalised,
– except for the black market and the peasants selling their surplus produce on the streets – and that turned out really well.
McD seems to think cutting out the shareholder in vital industries will mean better service for the customer, more efficiency and more wages for the workers and peasants. No doubt he will be nationalising Tescos, Aldi, M&S, etc. and recreating collective farms. I remember four of us going to eat in a nationalised restaurant in Kiev in the good old days. It was 9’o clock at night. The dining room was vast but in complete darkness except for a ray of light from the open kitchen door where 5 Stankhovite workers were smoking fags nonchalantly. After about a quarter of and hour one of the staff shuffles up to us still smoking a fag and throws a menu on the table without a word and then shuffles back to the kitchen. Half an hour later the waiter comes back for the order. We would like w,x,y,z. “U nas nyetu” she grunts each time. Nothing on the menu was available. Shto u vas yest? Chicken soup! Greaf!!. Half an hour later another waiter turns up with four bowls of boiling water each with a chicken claw in it. All hail Soviet power!!
The customer was really king in the USSR. If a worker gets the same wage no matter what he does and cannot really be sacked because he would have to be employed somewhere there is no such thing as efficiency or customer service in a state owned, state run industry. God help us all if these mindless ideologues get anywhere near government.
Well its nearly that time of the day when The English will take on the Welsh at Rugby. May the best team win (But as I’m English , my loyalty lies with the white shirts) But the Welsh are bloody good. On that note the bBC has no problem headlining when England get beaten at anything and very rarely do the same when they win. Which is why you have to look bloody hard to see that the Womens Rugby match between the 2 sides has seen the English thrash the Welsh 52-0.
Funny that. Not having a bash at the Welsh, I always support them when they play anybody else (As I do Scotland) . Anyway good luck to both side. May the best team win.
Pounce ,
A balanced post. But if you were older you would have lived through the years of humiliation that the English endured at the hands of the Welsh rugby team. Barry John, Gareth Edwards, JPR, JJ Williams. These men are seared into The memories of Englishmen of a certain age. Only victory today can bring even temporary relief from all those humiliations of thirty or forty years ago.
Somalian Ahmed Abdoule who raped teenage girl held sharp piece of wood to her throat and said: ‘You cannot be a virgin because you are white’.
A big story you’d have thought, involving a migrant, islam, racism, violence to women, child rape… all the beeb’s favourite issues.
Strangely not reported anywhere on al beeb. Wrong sort of racism you see.
However, if a nasty white Brit so much as tweeks a headscarf, they’re all over it.
Or the story of a racist argument in a post office. Unpleasant perhaps (we don’t know the details) but hardly in the same league as the rape of a minor, aggravated by anti-white racism.
Soon the left will have had the Mail closed down, the net censored and then how will we ever know about stuff like this?
Somalian by the looks of it.
I’ve always believed in the use of violence by the state – namely the death penalty . If I remember the surveys over the years were at 70 percent at least approval for executions
The liberals always find reasons to deny its use but I think it should be available
In the future real life sentences will be seen as human torture but the death penalty fair – should be available in cases like this
I am in agreement with you, Fedup2, about the death penalty, a favourite hobby horse of mine. There are very good arguments for capital punishment – to my mind, conclusive arguments – which you NEVER hear propounded on even the most serious discussion programme on Radio 4. C.S. Lewis wrote a very good essay on it, The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment, many years ago. In my opinion though, the greatest advocate for it was Professor Ernest van den Haag. The best book I have ever read on the subject is The Death Penalty: A Debate, in which the arguments for and against are debated by Ernest van den Haag and John P. Conrad.
Big Hull story but not covered by Local BBC Radio nor BBC web
That’s bizarre.
Of course the local paper covers it
“Ahmed Abdoule, 33, of west Hull,
….Hull Crown Court heard ”
But the BBC Humberside breaking news page didn’t cover it nor did their news page
BBC had staff in court on that day, cos they did report on another case
BBC Radio Humberside can report on rapes
As long as the perp is white
– Second example
The bBC was had no problem telling me about the British Armys latest adverts regards being : Islamic, Gay and such. But how many have heard them mention the latest one:
Doesn’t work for me…..Not ‘exclusive enough! ‘….Diversity OVER ability.
Still using the old Lynke I see!
Lynx has been withdrawn from service , now using the Wildcat.
As for the AH64D, that will be replaced by the AH64E
Lord Agnew : Schools that ban hijabs or fasting to receive support
He’s the Education Minister says : help teachers to make difficult & sensitive decisions & criticised those who intimidate & bully
“culture of fear & intimidation must not be allowed to pass through school gates” he’s talking about hard-line Islamic lobby.
The Times
The bBC just don’t know when to stop do they?
Where should the IS ‘Beatles’ be tried?
Its as if the bBC are building a case in which to promote the view that these murdering scum are victims at the hands of the Kurds. I mean think of their inhumane treatment
Yes, it’s the usual exercise in blame shifting. “Home grown terrorism”, “British fighters in Syria” “Beatles”, “staunch supporters of QPR”. The “narrative” being spun is that “it’s nothing to do with Islam”, these good-hearted “London Lads” have been corrupted and so badly treated in British society that they had to grow a Big Beard and volunteer for “charity work” in Syria. Naively, they all got drawn into performing ritual beheadings and the occasional mass murder – as you do.
Even as I write some bimbette on LBC is pointing out that the “Westiminster Bridge attackers” were on steroids. Another “absolvo te” for the death cult from the commemtariat.
Maybe the bbc can swing them a slot at Oxfam?
I hear there are openings.
It is what Jo would have wanted.
They’re have a bit of a debate about where these two should be tried —- quantanamo, haig, old bailey – I guess it depends on which one pays the most legal fees so ambulance chasers like Leigh day can make their money and play the system to get these poor misguided boys off.
Perhaps the Kurds will do us a favour and kill them whilst trying to escape..
Where should they be tried?
They should be tried at dawn.
“Ooh look Britain’s full of new property millionaires”
Yeh caused by all those Property Porn shows that the BBC run in the morning.
The estate agents should be paying the BBC cos its basically a big advert for property development.
…Won’t go on forever and will end in tears ..and people will find they’re not millionairess after all.
Ridiculous that some middle class people do up a house and then earn a fortune from Housing Benefit paid by TAXPAYER to poor people.
Times : The Grenfell documentary #FailedByTheState shared all over social media and labelled GRASSROOTS was actually made by Redfish a subsidiary of RT …Kremlin stirring
Al beeb going after Oxfam because a few employees paid for sex . The new puritism in action . Declaration -I support Oxfam . My choice . But I don’t support giving 13 000 000 000 pounds to nonsense overseas aid of taxpayers borrowed money .
It’s similar to the tv tax – no choice .
By damaging Oxfam al beeb will do real harm in the same way the puritans banning men’s meetings and making pretty girls unemployed as a result .
I really am waiting for some hard face cow like lady nugee or Hattie Harmon call for the end of st Valentine’s Day as the puritans and muzzies don’t like it .
What the beeb ain’t telling you…
“Britain’s Muslim population has doubled in a decade as immigration is soaring, Muslim polygamy is allowed, and welfare-dependant Muslim breeders have a much higher birth-rate than any other group in the UK. Muslim parasites cost British taxpayers a staggering £18+ billion ($29 billion) per year, while Muslim harems and their multi-child litters account for much of that.”
Cartoon + News review for the week:
5 minutes of Loose Ends, Radio 4, Saturday evening. I did try to Google who the female comedienne was – but couldn’t face it. Within 5 minutes we had anti-Trump, anti-Brexit and how we must save the planet. Well she ticked all the boxes.
Personally not a Daily Express fan, but why hasn’t this been mentioned by the BBC web site:
BBC Rugby page currently has a slew of headlines about women’s rugby results. They just don’t give up do they? No doubt all the female sports news presenters will be getting excited too.
Even sky can’t be bothered to buy the Wimmins rights to act as a filler on sky sports 7 so al been is happy to cover Wimmins whatever sport and demonstrate that groups are stronger than the individual in that right on socialist way . has published a cbs 60 minutes interview with George Soros covering his morality or lacy of it in his business dealings . It describes how , as a 14 year old, he avoided the gas chambers by confiscating Jewish property . His entire business code has been based on – “ if i didn’t do it someone else would “ which resonates with “ I was following orders “ . Mr soros has no morality – and the remainers are happy to take his cash to subvert the democratic vote of individual uk voters .
Al beeb won’t look at him and nor will anyone else in the msm .
On the upside mr soros is heading for 88 so if you adopt the brexiters are old and will die soon so will our George – however much money he has.
Looks like the MP for Hackney might have been moonlighting as a book keeper at Best for Britain.
£400K… 3 days…. £700K – it’ll be over £1,000,000 by Monday
The problem with football, rugby and cricket is that men just have too much fun. It’s a world of hard physical contact and competition where men challenge each other for dominance – as they always have – in a relatively safe competitive environment. And at the end of it, they more often than not drink themselves silly in the bar and end up friends for life.
Oh dear, that is not at all to the taste of the modern lady. So they barge in – have you in all your life seen anything more silly than female commentators at men’s rugby matches at Twickenham? All the banter of the mud splattered male at play, just killed stone dead. That wonderful institution of Test Match Special is ruined by countless females, who nobody has ever heard off, adding their two-penny worth. Who cares – bring back Blowers, a cricket man to his very being, drenched in the culture and wearing a blazer even sillier than a member of the MCC.
I have no problem with female sport. It is a wholly good thing. But surely it is separate from male sport. Let it make its own ratings and it sometimes does – female tennis and athletics are good examples. But women’s football, give me strength – funny how these matches are broadcast live on mainstream tv and every effort is made when promoting them to hide the fact that it is the ladies punting the ball aimlessly around like a crazed pin ball machine.
Oh Chris – so right – al beeb every so often thrashes around wondering why big football clubs are like a library . Easy answer – because of family groups . You can’t tell the opposition what you think of them because Mum has got her 5 year old daughter with her . So footy becomes as repressed as anything else.
Al beeb is desperate to make Wimmins ‘ sport lifelike but it just don’t make it . If it did sky would buy it . Simple eh?
As soon as I see the ruddy cheeks and swinging ponytails I switch over.
The women in men’s sport thing got a solid trouncing when the Williams sisters (tennis) figured they could beat the 200th-ranked man, a German called Karsten Braasch. He beat Venus 6-1, and Serena 6-2.
Undeterred, the sisters lowered their sights and reckoned they could beat the man ranked 350th. Owing to a couple of early losses, and a slide down the rankings, that man turned out to be … Karsten Braasch. The sisters turned down the rematch.
Yet when John McEnroe said publicly that Serena would rank about 700 on the men’s tour, he ignited a media firestorm and was asked to apologise.
The full Karsten Braasch story:,,543962,00.html
Darts and snooker, if they are indeed sports, could provide a more even contest for mixed sex competitors. Generally, and its just my own observation, men do seem to possess more obsessive drive and focus than women, which may help in the relentless marathon practice required to excel I do confess to losing a game of barroom pool to the wife once however.
Got it in one Oldspeaker.
While the boys were obsessively practicing whatever sport they were choosing to play at all hours(and instead of being in school or a job)-the rest of us on planet normal were socialising, engaging with real people and fancied the opposite sex and not robots or cars, snooker stats or darts. Which is why the best and luckiest of them achieved their (weird) dreams. And they deserved every penny for what they`d sacrificed for their dotty games.
The current forced equivalence of male and female sports is laughable, but it`s all part of the “Great God Sport” needing more worshippers. It`s been made homogenised and downright boring, overpaid and ridiculous, hypocritical. Sport is dead, but the BBC etc give it endless life support , and yell at us to be interested-we`re not!
The media and the One Love luvvies like the UN and EU depend on it to bind us together under Blatter or Lineker. The Russians ought to do us all a favour and tell the World Cup to go elsewhere. Funny how the Russians are allowed to host THAT, despite being the worlds pariahs in other areas.
In the USA, how successful is wimmins Baseball or Football (their version)?
Fringe at best. Why?
Today, Wimmin’s rugby played England v Wales. England won 52-0. The stadium was about 20% full.
I watched some of it and to be honest it’s absolute crap.
But the BBC love it because it’s wimmin.
I hear the LFL (Lingerie Football League – now ‘Legends’ Football League’ although the dress code has not altered [errr…apparently]) retains some popularity.
On the plus side for Bren, unlikely to come up either in the Marr Show paper review, if only for reasons of awks.
What was it about cheeky Mancunian Tel that first attracted the BBC to his expert insights?
Is there a table of merit for these “tellin `it how it is” tossers from our past like
Terry Christian, Katie Pukrik, Amanda De Cadanet, Magenta De Vine, Billy Bragg, Muriel Gray,Joey Barton and Charlie Mullins for example.
They`ll ALL be Remoaners-and all have done very well out of being “working class chappies and cultured arty/sloaney types”. The BBC plays them for fun-the likes of Christian take the BBC to court for losing their jobs, then go back and work for them. Stockholm Syndrome, battered wife delusions…file under Gambachinni and Blackburn(T) I expect. Aled Jones due soon too?
Bet they pay well.
I’m delirious to hear that Ibris Elba has got engaged. This is what counts now as headline news. I understand he was in something called The Wire, but cant name any film he’s appeared in – oh yes apparently he was in the frame as a possible James Bond., but other than that ?????
He played me in The Dark Tower.
The everyday lives of the non-monogamous
2nd article on polygamy within days. BBC, what is your point? Needless to say the relationships featured are multiracial. IMO they do not look like normal folk.
Do ‘dead’ models live on in fashion magazines?
Oh dear BBC, what a load of utter crap.
Get rid of it!
I wonder how many weeks they can get out of the charity sex scandal? Four days in and still going strong. Rohingya Muslim story still second story in news bulletin, despite there being so substantive change in the first story they reported months ago.
I saw a harrowing trailer for a programme called ‘Young and Gifted’ about pupils of all ages, races and genders beating the odds to excel at school. Eugh, pass the sick bag.
Bet there`ll not be ONE mention of the prior role of grammar schools in “improving social mobility” will there?
Like the Left in the Seventies, the removal of grammar schools in the same era(and before) seems not to be mentioned any more. No need to guess why-we know.
A bit of cultural relativisim in the morning from the BBC. Formula One Pit Girls, as we recently find out, are just too terribly objectifying for women. But what’s this at the Winter Olympics… a squad of female North Korean synchronised cheerleaders “chosen for their beauty, loyalty to the regime…” and, as our simpering jolly BBC presenters acknowledge, strict height regulations, well this is all just fine and dandy and a bit of a laugh to boot. Another issue the BBC fails to mention is the racial conformity imposed by the old-style Stalinist rogue state of North Korea. But, hey, it’s all about holding ourselves here in the west to much higher standards, right? But wait, isn’t their brand of communism basically a European idea colonising the minds of the Koreans… I’m confused.
Its Sunday morning irony time at the biased BBC.
Awake early and caught a little of Farming Today at 0630. The sacrifices we make!
There was an article about a lady who runs a herd of Merino wool sheep. Apparently nearly all Merino wool is imported from…..Australia. And that is where the lady gets semen from to inseminate her herd and keep the gene pool decent.
Imagine that. The BBC waxing lyrical about successful businesses dealing with imports from….errr…….a country outside the EU !
The irony was clearly lost on them, but not on me.
The ‘Sunday’ programme on R4 used to be about religion. But now it seems to be a sort of advertising space where Christian issues are dealt with almost as an afterthought.
Thus we first had a piece about mindfulness. Apparently recent research has cast doubt about its effectiveness. But they had on a guy who clearly makes money out of it. Then theyhad a long piece about a couple who have developed an app to support married people whose marriages may be getting into difficulty. Instead of watching a romcom cuddled up on the sofa with a glass or two of sherbert you simply fill in a diary of all the things you do using your app. How romantic!
Sunday. The Christian topic free zone- unless its about abuse of course.
Long given up on it Sluff.
It`s the catholic Solidarity Project most weeks, then an interfaith schmooze and cover up by the metropolitan, metrosexual elites in dead churches that remind us of what we used to have. But have long thrown away.
Basically a Guardian billboard for social action and the Giles Fraser Godspell wanking group.
Choral Evensong on Radio 3-that`s it folks.
SJWs in a state of perpetual orgasm about black super hero film. Do they ever consider that being super offended by minor things is why many are loath to produce such things? If one of the heroes likes fried chicken or is any way sub-optimal they will demand the director be lynched. Many football clubs do not employ black managers for the fear of the race card being played when results go badly.
Their website has an article which reads like something from The Onion. A diverse chap was so upset by white super heroes he created his own dark-skinned action figures who live in Wakanda, a fictional pan-African paradise free from the painful history of slavery and colonialism.
“It may seem petty to grieve over fictional characters . . . “
It does indeed.
Two of the black women heroes in the new film have been praised by members of the LGBTQ community for being in a Lesbian relationship!
“In the UK every black person I know is either excited about or at the very least aware that the Black Panther film is coming out.”
So patronising the idea that every black person is thrilled about a Marvel film. I imagine many do not give a toss. At least aware? I am aware of my bloody heating not working at the moment, what use is awareness exactly?
Is it actually a good film, though? What Italian watches ‘The Godfather’ and is excited about how it empowers Italians, or complains it depicts them negatively? Only a moron or lunatic would think like that. What matters is that it is a great film with a terrific storyline.
I want enjoyable films free from the poison of ‘social justice’. The Black Panther film will probably be a crock of shit because the writers were too worried of offending idiots to take risks with the story line.
“a fictional pan-African paradise free from the painful history of slavery and colonialism.” Non-colonised countries in Africa are in as bad a mess as ex-colonies, Ethiopia anyone?
And countries which have had decades free of colonialism are in a worse state than in colonial times – Zimbabwe anyone?
Post-colonial South Africa is riddled with crime and corruptuion.
Incidentally the beeb will never tell you that the current water shortages are all about mismanagement and corruption: “South African Water Caucus reveals that national government’s reluctance to release drought relief funding stemmed from spiralling debt, mismanagement and corruption in the national Department of Water and Sanitation.”
I enjoyed Douglas Murray’s comment about how immigration is a one-way street (ie from Africa to Europe) because it brings cultural enrichment.
“I have never heard anyone say that what Eritrea really needs is an injection of Welshmen, bringing Welsh cooking and Welsh singing.”
You will never guess who the bbc have on this morning…
Wot no Anna Soubry?
She clearly cannot be in two studios at once.
A feat an Abbott or Thornbury may be configured to achieve.
Brexit free zone…Alastair? Not if you can help it.
Guess Campbell is used to remind us all about the price of mental illness when Stephen Fry is unwell. And Anna Soubry reminds us to always have a meal along with our wine at this ungodly hour of the day.
Chuck Us Your Money on Marr trying to talk us out or Brexit. All this celebration of the suffragettes getting the vote from the people who in the next breath think it is ok to deny us our democratic rights.
All he does it spout the party line like an identikit robot. What a parasite.
Anna Soubry ‘I’m looking after the interests of my constituents’.
Please remind me Anna, how did your constituents vote in the referendum? Why didn’t Andy Marr ask? I’ll remind you Anna, it was a 6,000 majority for leave! Have you entered the weird numerical world of the Abbotacus?
Re Chucky and Anna, they make a lovely couple.
Andrew Marr
Reviewing the newspaper headlines this morning.
The Mail headline about Brendan Cox, as we have seen in an earlier post.
The only comment Marr came out with were these three words. ‘Sad isn’t it.’ And the review was quickly brushed aside.
Okay. Sad for who?
The victim?
Brendan Cox?
The BBC?
The consensus of opinion was that suspected offenders are named far too soon.
Funny how this opinion is only offered to people that suit the BBC. Wonder how Cliff Richards and many others feel about this……
“The consensus of opinion was that suspected offenders are named far too soon.
Funny how this opinion is only offered to people that suit the BBC”
Given the proven activities of the guy in the chair, not funny or surprising.
A super-dooper injunction for Andy maybe?
This Oxfam beauty shows them all up for what they are-a shithole charity scam. Maybe Trump confused Haiti with the State of Oxfam that existed in Haiti back in 2010
At least we have a new verb “to Oxfam”.
To Weinstein at least has a career advancement in the arts once you`ve partaken.
“To Oxfam a fourteen year old girl” on the rubble where her wendy house used to stand, seems much worse-maybe a Supa-souper-sooper-dopey dooper Injunction might be needed to deal with the fallout.
On the paper review last night on Sky the Mail headline wasn’t even mentioned ! but they did report on a page 8 story.
Thus confirming that Sky is now a fully paid-up member of the Momentum Broadcasting Front, alongside its founder members, the BBC and the The Graudina.