Trump says the NHS is in crisis and British politicians, doctors, media types all rushed to its defence saying that it is the best health service in the world doing wonderful work for half the money of the US system….and we thought the NHS was in a crisis…have to stop listening to the BBC….and clearly money doesn’t therefore bring you a better NHS. No?
Also the Mail had Trump with his hair going feral splashed across its frontpage yesterday. Distinct lack of outrage from our moral guardians about the hated Mail abusing people for their looks or for trivialising politics and endangering democracy as the Mail obviously did when it got the scoop on ‘Legs-It’ and got sent to the naughty corner, over to the far right, by Aunty.
Spot any more Trumpophobia [how long have you got?] note it all here…..
Next Sunday night on BBC4 – “Akala’s Odyssey”
Akala, English poet, rapper and political activist explores the world of Homer and the Odyssey, and travels from the ruins of Troy to the high city of Acropolis.
Mr Akala (real name Kingsley James Daley) is a staunch Labour party supporter and fan of Jeremy Corbyn, speaking on his behalf whenever he can.
The BBC want to do a historical program relating to ancient Greece and they decide to choose an extreme left-wing, politically active black rapper and send him, courtesy of license-payers money, on a hugely expensive holiday to Greece………….what a complete joke.
Sadly, BBC Four, the one BBC TV channel that occasionally showed something worth watching seems to have fallen in line with the rest of the Corporation. It’s unwatchable.
‘Lead the audience to greater understanding’ is clearly the new ‘enhance the narrative’.
Of course, some may say 😉 that in the hands of unaccountable, interest-conflicted propagandists like the bbc and its utterly deranged editors, that sounds like a line from a dystopian movie as the dentist drill starts whirring.
Hypnotoad Bowen is beyond parody now.
GW, is this sentence round the right way: ‘Lead the audience to greater understanding’ is clearly the new ‘enhance the narrative’. ?
Should it not be, as far as the BBC is concerned, ‘Lead the audience to a new understanding’ is clearly the greater (way to) ‘enhance the narrative’.’ ?
Have the BBC and the MSM ever been in such a state of denial?
We currently have an almost complete news blackout on the growing evidence that Hilary Clinton and Obama were involved in illegal, not to say treasonous, actions in the last US election.
We have mounting evidence that leading charities are as bent as the proverbial nine bob note. We have the latest revelation about St Brendan Sexpest. We have suffered immigration at insane levels. All of it is ignored. To compound it all, we are told lies to assist the political class as it tries to overturn the referendum result.
It reminds me if the situation in the USSR and in the end that society collapsed under the weight if its own rotten deceit. If this carries on we are going to go the same way.
I am currently watching on Netflix a series called ‘Desginated Survivor’.
It’s a bit like ‘Dave’ meets ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ meets ‘25 Hours’ as scripted by Diane Abbott and the entire bbc drama commissioning department.
It jogs along and I watch it as the production values are high, but…. golly.
The hero is of course white, and liberal. As is his wife. And most of his team. This may become an issue in the post Black Panther era.
Hold that name thought. Only just past the first season, but it seems the real baddies are WASP senators from Montana, billionaire Make America Great Again types, and young upstarts not appreciating the wisdom of dinosaurs.
Black folk do of course feature, and often in key roles. Decent generals who take over from the ones riding nukes down from B-52s. Heads of a Secret Service who, so far, generously, could be a bit better at their jobs, given just about everyone they have been meant to protect has been blown up or shot, even themselves. And an FBI Deputy Director who knows kidnappers hand back their bargaining chips as soon as the threat to their nefarious plans is postponed.
The FBI heroine is Asian. No, sillies, she is Maggie Q, and appears to be Bulletproof Nun, prevailing over ex-SEALs who, along with all other white people, are prepared to die for their cause whilst chanting stuff. Apparently.
Britain does get a look in, and our PM is again a lady and… ‘Asian’. Very posh. Easy on the eye too.
Oh, and Maggie hooks up with a James Bond type from…. Scotland Yard. He too is posh, and buff, and white. Cressida may need to address this. Plus him killing guilty folk.
But I will stick with this as it is a soap, and there are enough ‘will they/won’t theys?’ between the attractive cast to see many coffee coloured babies by Season Nine. And some baddies do eventually appear not to make it to the empathetic mercies of a deranged judicial system.
What else? Oh, yes… there is a Pulitzer-winning journalist who only seeks the truth who puts nation before career and riches because he knows the President is doing his best during difficult times…. for the country. No political agenda at all. Totally impartial. And professional. It’s like Katty Kay and Jeremy Bowen had a love child.
Odd the Mail on Sunday is the only main Sunday newspaper not to be mentioned on Sky’s newspaper roundup on its web page.
Curiously, the Mail’s headline story concerns a man who sexually molested a woman yet the BBC doesn’t run with it.
A lying Tory scum MP puts his hand on the knee of a woman, who apprently doesn’t mind, and the whole sky falls in for the BBC and Sky news services.
They really know how to protect their own.
hashtag metoo
Poor old Lord Reith, he must be getting dizzy. Last night a programme promo voice told us that an exhibition of art collected by Charles I was “very unique” . Today in support of the not to be criticised movie “Black Panther” the BBC tells us The much-anticipated film version of Black Panther, one of the only black Marvel superheroes
The qualification of the word “unique” has irked me all my life…
The bbc has taken it to whole new levels.
I’ve heard items on TV described as ‘extremely unique’ and then had the presenter go on to say ‘yes, there are only three of them in the whole world’. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Goat ,
You’re not alone in being unique in that
@ NSA sorry hit report by mistake, admin please ignore
I’m a charitable kinda guy – that’s why I don’t give to charities any more.
Or rather I don’t contribute to large hard left organisations run by often grossly well paid activists using the charity laws and a veneer of charity work to promote their causes in what they laughingly call the “non-profit” sector.
That’s a great virtue signaler, isn’t. Where do these people think the money comes from in the first place that enables them to “make a difference”? And who pays the enormous salaries and expenses that all the people at the top receive. After all these so-called charities are now large organisations and they must recruit the best – an argument increasingly heard in the seats of unlearning, local authorities and of course the BBC.
Oxfam, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth – all these operations promote an anti-west, anti-capitalism agenda. They lobby their causes constantly with Government. In the case of Greenpeace, it actually receives money from the European Union to lobby that same organization. Isn’t life grand?
Morrison’s law is quite simple. If for instance you return hundreds of thousands of pounds from a charity bash where it transpires men touched women’s knees, then you obviously don’t need the money. Maybe the President’s Club should reform and start its own children’s hospital. I would be tempted to support it – at least it will not set up a brothel in the after care centre.
The German author Goethe wrote that if everyone swept their front door step, the world would be a cleaner place. I do contribute to charity but they tend to be local charities where I can see the money is being used wisely and in a good cause. Local schools for disabled children, blind and deaf facilities, hospices – these charities are everywhere and they all desperately need the mega bucks that have been sucked out by the activists.
I completely agree about the large charities and the wisdom of supporting small local ones instead. As for the non-governmental organisations like FOE, why does the government not just tolerate their extremely questionable activities but actively includes them in its decision making? It is routine now for bodies like FOE to be involved in projects about the countryside, the coast, environmental issues and the like as if they had some right to be consulted. Yet who ever voted for Friends of the Earth? Come to that, how many people actually vote for the Green Party and yet even supermarkets make ritual concessions to ‘Green’ sensibilities, much as the BBC does.
Sometimes ‘concessions’ may err on the milder end of bbc compromise.
I completely agree about the large charities and the wisdom of supporting small local ones instead…….
Yep, at least you know that the money raised from local fund raising events for your local hospice for example, is not going to be ‘rifled’ to keep the CEO in expensive jaunts and high profile dinner parties ! I’m a regular giver to animal charities – but even the RSPCA has come under scrutiny in recent months. My particular charity is the Retired Greyhound Trust – speaks for itself. So yes, its the little known charities that need every ha’penny, not those who can afford the luxury of huge advertising budgets.
Oxfam Haiti sex claims: Charity ‘failed in moral leadership’
Do their CEOs get paid, if so how much?
Chris – I studied charity law once upon a time and was shocked by how the big charities are allowed to ignore the legal principles .
The charity commission is unable or unwilling to regulate the industry at any level and as a result false Muslim charities exploit the tax freedom to fund their scheme of undermining Blighty .
Maybe when we get a conservative Government some one will put this right
“Maybe when we get a conservative Government some one will put this right”
Something the BBC fights night and day to prevent.
I’d be boring and put in a plea for Dementia UK which is a small charity doing a lot of good for those caring for dementia sufferers … so I wont .. put in a plug that is …. ( personal experience job) . I’ll buy stuff in a charitee shop but no free payments to the charity industry .
I am rather surprised that nobody on this site has as yet criticised Andrew Marr’s programme this morning.
The programme clearly demonstrated the pro Remain bias enshrined within the BBC.
Todays guest were Chukka Ummuna and Anna Soubry. Soubry states that we must represent the views of our constituents. -Marr a highly paid interviewer failed to mention the ‘bleedin’ obvious. Soubry’s constituencies voted to Leave the EU. Marr mentions that all roads are leading to a second referendum. No they’re not.
Surely the day is dawning when Marr needs to be sacked.
Where is the government voice in all this. How come they are unable to criticise the BBC for its eternal bias against Leave. Where is the response from the Brexit camp?
I am heartily sick of the BBC. However, I will continue to watch it in order to provide the evidence when I write to my MP… which I seem to be doing now on a weekly basis. I’m not sure he is listening.
Sourby is essentially a tape loop in human form. She never says anything you haven’t heard thousands of times before. Apart from the vacuity of the message, the delivery is like listening to a tape loop of someone scraping their fingernails down a blackboard -oops- a board of colour.
wronged, Mardell was just as bad on TWTW, R4 1-1.30pm. I eventually turned off.
Totally alt-Left propaganda.
It wasn’t a news programme at all, in any sense of the word, beyond the headlines read by somebody else. (Neil Sleat?)
Tubbo does seem ‘sur message’.
Does he not have a Rob Burley to handle any incoming?
Can’t be bothered with Marr and I think these Sunday programmes are just the bubble talking to itself .
Al beeb must empty the booze from the green room when soubry is due on . Chuka is pissed off because he was looking forward to getting onto the reichEU gravy train. When we leave they’ll have to try the UN – another waste of air
Interesting that Marr reflected the last desperate dream of al beeboids in the believe that they’ll get another referendum – best out of three in the 430? Ish days until our freedom – or extend the “transition “ so far that they can get their vote that way .
‘ I think these Sunday programmes are just the bubble talking to itself .’
I completely agree, but the trouble is that they are hugely influential in the way people think.
If we don’t watch it they get away with it and I wouldn’t be writing to my MP to complain.
Head in sand is not the answer.
The answer ?
A Telly Poll Tax strike .
Wronged – funny you should tell me not to put my head in the sand because today I have been sunning myself on a beach far far away and the sun is well up by the time comrade marr fires up his smu remainer lefty rhetoric . I’m afraid I could only view his type on x6 fast forward with subtitles now – isn’t techy great.
I think Anna Soubry is trapped inside Broadcasting House, where she is doomed for eternity to wander from studio to studio.
Oh! I wish. I do so wish. Perhaps Nick Clegg will join her there? (ref. post by wronged , below)
Maybe a Janitor will be kind enough to find them an empty cupboard where they could be locked and left to whistle in the dark?
They could hold hands (after seeking signed permission in writing from each other) in order to keep their spirits up.
I think Anna Soubry is beginning to sound like a spoilt brat who wants her own way despite the fact that the people of this nation voted out.
‘I think Anna Soubry is beginning to sound like a spoilt brat’
Has always been Taffman .
He allegiance stems from her relationship to her strong remainer partner. He is a director of Morrisons, the muslim supporting food outlet.
A desperate ulterior motive?
Like all the other ex-politicians that are ‘banging the gong’ for remaining in an undemocratic European Union.
“Lancashire Police, along with the forces of Greater Manchester, Cheshire, and North Wales on Monday launched a new regional Hate Crime Awareness Week in which officers across the North West of England are holding events urging people to report so-called hate crimes.”
Meanwhile, in the Real World of crime –
Excellent bias by omission in George Osborne London evening news president trump is an admirer of Winston Churchill and loved the film .
The paper says he removed a bust of Martin loofer King which osama had placed there with a bust of Churchill .
What it left out was that osama removed the Churchill bust an act of anti white anti British spite.
I might be wrong but I think it was given to Eisenhower ( spelling apol) or JFK and sat in the Oval Office up until a Muslim dark president .
Knight of the realm Nick Clegg, upon meeting Daniel Hannan in Brussels last week
Hannan ‘Hello Nick what are you doing over here’
‘Sabotage old boy, I want to wreck it’ Clegg
Daily Politics Southern edition, today.
Some Knight of the Realm
Some traitor.
The MLK bust wasn’t removed; it was placed on a table. Time magazine ran the fake news story usinga photograph with someone standing in front of the table, hiding the bust. They had to withdraw the story when the White House published an unobstructed photograph of the table.
Time magazine’s own correction of the original story is here:
Osborne just can’t stop telling lies.
Very much inspired by BBC coverage of Cheddar Man this week I’m thinking our national broadcaster would be keen to hear my lastest discovery.
Browsing old photographs from Yorkshire and South Wales coal pit heads I’m theorising that the original British mining community had dark almost black skin. Obviously they must have come from Africa in the early twentieth century to do all those jobs the British were unwilling to do. Which is so nice to know and really should be widely broadcast through our media (even though admittedly my theory is a bit flimsy) because it will make modern immigrants feel more welcome. And if anyone does think my science is wrong, we know they must be racist.
BBC ‘evolution of the story’ going like a boss…..
‘Drones, what drones?’, from those wonderful folk under Jeremy ‘enhance the narrative’ Bowen, who it seems only yesterday neither saw, heard or caught a whiff of Grads or Katushkas from their hotel balconies.
More that the beebistan won’t tell you:
“Brixton prison’s Christian chaplain is ‘forced out of his role after an Imam at the jail accused him of extremism’ “.
The article also reveals Muslim bullying, forced conversions to Islam, and victimisation of Christians.
And could someone explain to me why the f**k a muslim called Mohammed Yusuf Ahmed is the head chaplain in the first place?

….And could someone explain to me why the f**k a muslim called Mohammed Yusuf Ahmed is the head chaplain in the first place?….
For exactly the same reason that Fatima Salaria became the second Muslim to hold the position after Aaqil Ahmed became the BBC’s head of religion and ethics in 2009. In September 2016, the BBC also appointed Martin Bashir, who once suggested someone should “sh*t” in Sarah Palin’s mouth on American television, as their religious affairs correspondent. Martin Bashir has Pakistani Christian parents.
Its the take-over by stealth of a religion alien to ours, starting with prominent positions in our society, ie high ranking police, newspaper publishing, captains of industries, sport, Mayor of London, politics etc, so religion is now following the same path.
More that the beebistan won’t tell you:
“Brixton prison’s Christian chaplain is ‘forced out of his role after an Imam at the jail accused him of extremism’ “.
The article also reveals Muslim bullying, forced conversions to Islam, and victimisation of Christians.
And could someone explain to me why the f**k a muslim called Mohammed Yusuf Ahmed is the head chaplain in the first place?

Perhaps all the inmates are Muslims. Mustn’t infect them with Christian hatred you know.
Being a bit of a rugby nut, watching Scotland v France on the bBBC.
We are first forced to listen to Flower of Scotland. The lyrics proudly describe the defeat of the English at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. How many other National songs highlight vistory against a specific National enemy?
Thus is legitimised the casual anti-English racism of many Scots.
Yet when France score their second try this is put down to a ‘cruel bounce’.
Why should the BBC assume the audience to be pro-Scottish, given the makeup of the UK, and faced with the anti-English sentiment of the National song?
It’s “Allez les Bleus” from me.
We could always reinstate the fourth verse of God Save the Queen, with a suitable update to the final word.
Lord, grant that Marshal Wade,
May by thy mighty aid,
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush,
and like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush,
God save the King.
Sedition hush, try telling that to the Muslim Council of Britain et al
Who is orchestrating the anti Trump agenda ? it is never ending, every week a new revelation, never have I seen such a snidey and well resourced campaign against a democratically elected leader, and if you look at all the wimmin who protested about some groping, yet the sex crimes of Clinton ? nothing, and his wife attacking the victims ? nothing… and their racist campaign against Obama when they were up against him….. so sinister
I suppose it couldn’t possibly be anything to do with a certain foreign billionaire by the name of George Sorarse? I read that he has dropped a few quid into the Remoaner’s collection tin.
The 11 cities most likely to run out of drinking water – like Cape Town
Given the amount of rainfall we get in GB, it could be a lucrative commodity we could export to these countries that are affected by water shortages when we get out of the EU?
The Treasury would insist on freeze-drying it to save on transport costs.
A few years ago the BBC and their experts predicted that we are running out of water and made several suggestions like drinking sewage
Getting your own back ?
RJ – no no – they’d say dehydrate it
I noted how the bBC listed the following as the biggest reasons why:
climate change,
human action
population growth.
Actually the only main reason for all of them is…population growth.
Which is funny as London doesn’t even come in the top 100 of such cities never mid the top 11. I mean for years the bBC has been telling me that Yeman (As in the whole country) and not just any of its cities is running out of water, Then there’s Gaza, just across the way the biggest problem facing Iran isn’t the US, Israel or even Saudi Arabia, its a lack of water. All 3 have seen huge population growths, In the US, building a city in the middle of the desert isn’t a good idea and so las vegas is running short of water, in South America, Lima is the second direst capital in the world (Cairo is the first) and then there is Venezuela as a whole (not just the capital) which has suffered acute water shortages for years now, the bBC likes to blame CC, but actually that isn’t exactly true, you see Venezuela has plenty of water , its just that 85% of that water is found in the south east of the country which contains just 10% of the population. In the North where the vast majority of the population live, the % of water is 15%. If in the 1990s when Chavas had come to power and he had done something about it, there wouldn’t be a problem. But instead he did nothing. Unlike Peru which has spent billions with its Olmos Irrigation Project
In various UK cities there is the old joke that the water you drink has already been through several other people. Sewage farms recycle water.
The main reason Cape Town is running out of water is that they do not recycle water. They treat it and release it, albeit relatively cleanly, into the sea after a single use. I just happen to know this after being there for a couple of weeks and saving my washing up water to pour occasionally down the (many times used) toilet.
So maybe the cities most likely to run out are those that do not recycle.
Just a thought for the ‘investigative journalists’ at the BBC to look into instead of sitting there monitoring everyone else’s twitter feeds.
Funny you should say that because I can remember many, many years ago reading a prediction by some journo or other that the next war will be fought over water supplies, so your suggestion is maybe not so fanciful as it would appear. A world without oil would be bloody inconvenient but a world without water is –well–dead.
Conspiracy theories about the New World Order and the Illuminati aside, someone seems to be able to motivate the US judiciary, the media (including a British independent news service), the FBI and apparently the Metropolitan Police to allow numerous protests through the streets of London
You might think that but we are all too frightened to comment. I wonder why?
Comment as you will, it is always possible to comment when crossing swords with our new mind control masters (sorry mistresses ?) one just has to be careful, but most importantly consistent and not to fear as we have grown up in a country that is no longer ruled by democracy anymore but a few individuals who are savvy at social media and creating twitter storms. Stuff their twitter storms they do not represent the majority of decent people in this country who work and pay taxes and watch the money disappear down a drain of social services for asylum seekers, foreign aid swallowed up by corrupt African presidents and their cronies.
Any of our so called immigrant population that spends their time campaigning against and attacking those of the Jewish faith should surrender their passports
A really good reason on why we should leave the EU
Too busy sucking off Aid Workers.
I believe I need to report a fault on my tv.
I’ve just been watching hard sun episode 6 and to my amazement a black woman has been arrested.
Obviously, this is impossible so I wonder if my colour controls or something need looking at.
We all know that all black people on tv are saints and the only bad people are white.
Maybe later on in the program it will be explained.
Anyone see the big questions where the awful afua Hirsch was complaining about everything white and British that is terrible and racist etc. The daft bloke next to her also hating the British.
You would think that if they hate us so much they would go somewhere else to live, somewhere they would fit in.
I actually think people like that would never be content anywhere although I would be glad to see the back of them as they just stir up hatred with the decent immigrants who do mix in and who have decent values.
I think it’s probably the decent ,legal immigrant who suffers most from this kind of nonsense. They most likely hate it as much as we do because the danger is that they all get tarred with the same brush which is clearly not justified.
If Afua Hirsh hates us and Britain as much as she professes, why on earth does she continue to live here? It must be hell for her, and it is clearly hell for those who have to listen to her serieal moaning about the British.
A few years ago, 3 of us were tasked to help out behind the lines at the Trooping of the Colour, Once it had finished we walked up the Mall and then cut across the top of Whitehall for the duty driver to pick us up. All of us were in Uniform, 2 SNCOs and 1 Cpl. The other two were both army rubgy players as we cut across Whithall this Asian looking guy started berating the other two for killing his brothers in Afghanistan and Iraq and for supporting Israel. They simply took no notice and ignored him. I wasn’t having any of that (Kind of helps I’m not white) and I gave him what for, I said my friends are dying to help protect his people from religious bigots who prefer the bullet and the bomb to the ballot box. He instead of fighting for his family and country is happy to live here in safety whilst bemoaning the people doing just that. He couldn’t answer and walked away.
Do not let a single one of them get away with their tribalist racist sexist homophobic vicious opinions well done
Scrib – I think she has realised that she can make a living out of slagging off this that and the other in the way Kay perry or Hopkins whoever did at the other end of the spectrum . Plenty in that game so you gotta get a niche for the invite from question time and dessert Ireland dvds
exactly Fedup, I dont think there is a platform on any medium to remind Britain that it ended slavery, and twice prevented the germans over running europe.
Panic over, she was a victim and a jolly decent person.
My tv is running as per normal.
You and your spoiler alert – I’ve dragged myself through it mainly for the comedy element and cliched moody music . I don’t think I’m supposed to find it funny but it is so lazy, laboured and derivative that I sometimes even laugh out loud at it. And there ain’t many al Beeb comedies you can say that for these days ( apart from the continuous Dads Army reruns from 1975 on Saturday nights ) useless boast – I was in the audience for a Dads Army and …. I have a Blue Peter badge …. and a crackerjack pencil. Hard core teenager me.
Holy shit! I hope Jim didn’t fix it for you.
Fortunately I missed out of Jim ll fix it … I nearly got to go to top of the pops ( ah pans people ) but I lost out in the lottery – otherwise you might see me grooving in my tank top and flares…. al Beeb was the BBC back then ..
Be nice if they repeated Jim`ll Fix It. Much more entertaining than nearly anything else on telly these days.
Come on Beeb-listen to your clients!
Fed up,
I have a tip for you and probably most of the rest on this thread.
I’ve just been watching a bbc program called Requiem.
I lasted about half an hour.
The sound effects must have been done by some 15 year old work experience little boy with cloth ears.
Almost half of what I suffered was droning and very loud sounds (supposed to shock or something) going off incessantly. Very loud and bringing nothing to the program but taking everything away from it.
It was SO irritating. I deleted it and cancelled the series record.
It really was so badly mixed.
Do yourselves a favour and miss this Stockhausen racket.
Thank you Emmanuel
And to think the moody stuff all began with “edge of darkness “ – a time when the BBC made drama where you couldn’t guess the plot within 15 minutes of the start of episode 1. I, too deleted requiem but thanks
Interesting that anti semitism is not considered racist can anyone explain that ?
I cant Annunaki – but I think Naz Shah can.
This one you mean ? : Born in Bradford,[6] Shah was abandoned by her father when six years old after he ran off with their neighbour’s sixteen-year-old daughter. At age 12, she was sent to Pakistan by her mother, Zoora Shah.
Zoora Shah fatally poisoned a man she was having an affair with. She served 14 years in prison for four charges including murder, attempted murder, solicitation to murder and forgery.[7][8] While in Pakistan, Naz Shah had an arranged marriage.[6][9]
And still she loves Islam and hates Jews
In August 2017, Shah retweeted and liked a tweet from an Owen Jones parody account. A spokesman for Ms Shah said: “This was a genuine accident eight days ago that was rectified within minutes”.[27][28] The tweet read: “Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity”. Shah deleted the retweet and unliked the tweet.[29] Shah was quoted in the Rotherham Advertiser that she had been working for “over 20 years on the issues of child abuse, violence against women and grooming.”[29]
She was criticised by the Equality and Human Rights Commission chief executive Rebecca Hilsenrath, who said the MP ‘should know better’,[27] and the controversy led to a campaign to have Shah resign or be removed from her job.[28] A survivor of the Rotherham abuse called for Shah to make a public apology and resign.[29]
Yeah thats the one Annunaki – she certainly has been a busy girl.
But it was OK really – cos Mad Uncle Ken said it was. Isnt a girl allowed to be a bit emotional? Well only if they are from the left it would appear.
BBC seems pretty firm about supporting those demanding apologies for “victims” ?
I came home, switched on R4 book programme to catch the tail end. Mariella Fostrup was lambasting someone who had to explain, apologetically, why she had black characters in her books, but still only whites on the cover. She was told to sort it out. The flavour was that this stuff was now so out of date as to verge on the seriously abnormal.
Then went on to poetry programme with Roger McGough. He has had two lady guest presenters, who had some good poems to present. I wondered whether we would have a male guest presenter, with forebodings.
The forebodings were right. It was a Guyanan/ British male, and it was going to be all about race and being ‘the other’ in the UK. I don’t mind black poets. I like Derek Walcott’s poetry, because it is about life and transcendent issues. But this was going to be all about well, we all know by now. It’s not going to be about Keats or even Larkin. Or even Walcott. When it mentioned Hip Hop I switched off.
Been a Roger McGough fan since 1969. That’s it.
The background is two weeks of not being able to switch on TV or radio, or open a paper without the Great Feminist narrative and the great Racial Narrative. Virtually every programme is now dominated by it. Re-education is in full swing.
Thank goodness I’m not in school now that political correctness is taking another quantum leap. They will soon be burning The Famous Five, Swallows and Amazons and rewriting Dickens and Milton etc , cos none of those is going to be sufficiently ‘diverse’ and, as former BBC DG, Dyke, would have put it, too ‘hideously white’.
The BBC has ‘jumped the shark’ on race, I feel sure. The imbeciles who work for it may think they are brave social justice warriors but they have passed the point where the average man or woman in this country is doing anything but laughing at their crazed antics.
Perhaps Mr Mcgough would benefit from a course of medicinal compound. He told us in the 1960s that it was highly efficacious gear.
I don’t know what it did for Lily The Pink though. Perhaps like me she turned blue.
They are naturally fuming over Trump’s Tweet about the need for due process. Didn’t we decide back in the Dark Ages that witch hunts were a bad thing? If a mere accusation now constitutes evidence we have regressed about a thousand years.
The media are like that sketch of the two Nazi soldiers who look at the skulls on their helmets and wonder if they may be the bad guys, then decide of course they are not.
He wants due process? What a monster – he is literally Hitler!
They call him a mad liar when it is his honesty which they hate so much as they prefer politically correct fantasies to reality. Islam causes problems? NEVER!
Us, fake news? Never! We are the definition of fair-minded impartiality. We never omit or twist anything, how dare that fake news monster accuse us!
And, at last, Katty has weighed in.
Oh Katty how simple though art. The state department will have known the form on this stuff. The Koreans have got their own way about them and VP Pence doing what he did has some protocol thing attached to it.
Oh katty – you couldn’t just admit that maybe the actions and words of the current American President might have bought this meeting about.
Admittedly the North Koreans a]have previous for deceit but got to give it a shot – as it were eh?
I pity anyone who watches her program with that other smug shit presenter do a daily sneer.
And she weighed in with a truly dumb quote. Why the S Koreans are playing Kim’s mind game Im not sure but why do we have to go along with it?
Btw when will news readers become just that and leave their opinions at home? Twitter should be banned for them while in post.
What do you know?
Rape attempt on 10-year-old girl in Openshaw
A man attempted to rape a 10-year-old girl when she became separated from her friends, police have said. The girl was approached by the suspect at about 14:00 GMT on Kincraig Close, Openshaw. She managed to escape during the attempted assault and stopped a dog walker for help. A search for the suspect, who Greater Manchester Police described as being of “Asian appearance” and in his 20s, has been launched.
Mmmm in his 20s …. that means it’s one of those children Alf Lord dubs bought in from France on his version of the kinder transport rescueing kids from the dastardly nazis – sorry I mean French and planting them on unsuspecting taxpayers . As long as it made him feel good – the ——
Asian appearance – could he have been Japanese or Chinese?
I’ve just caught a bit of Celebrity Mastermind on BBC1 – perhaps it’s my age, but I seem to remember when “Celebrity” meant someone like Frank Sinatra or Elizabeth Taylor. I hadn’t heard of any of the contestants. But I suppose the biggest shock was that they were all male! Two of the four were black admittedly, but I still think someone is in line for getting their P45 in the morning.
Used to watch mastermind as one of those simple programmes al Beeb couldn’t fuck up. But them the biased questions came in – the multicultural stuff- wimmin contestants getting wimmin questions .
As for the celebrity version – who knows who they are but the black contestants don’t seem to take it seriously – in general ( I did watch quite a few on fast forward before I gave up). I got pissed off in the end because if there are competing for cash for their charity you’d think they’d make an effort – any of them.
And the question master keeps ejaculating the word “yep.” No thanks.
You’re being sexist, ‘genderist/buggermeidon’tknowwhatthefeck’ here Lefters, because you’re excluding injaculators – the ones who take it in not let it out!
Please be more aware of those who are suckers not blowers – the course is free in Islington Tech, price £3,000,00 plus vat.
Diane Abbott is the accountant so like Del Boy says, it’s just a tenner to you and no questions asked!
You know it makes sense…
Thank you for that. I like it when you talk dirty.
Your dead right there. “Celebrity” used to be synonymous with “Talent” but now?—–Oh dear.
Oh come on Lefters, you need to have a medallion and an armful of blue scribble to be a sleb these days!
You can’t expect them to have some brain cells as well can you?
And what about the blokes as well!
What blokes? They either look like Lily Savage or sound like Frank Spencer. Puke.
Its all very well having a platfom for the silent majority but we would be well served by finding practical ways of the majority in this country forcing the BBC we fund to be what it is meant to be : imparitial reporting of the news and not banging on about wimmins rights, black representation in all aspects of life above and beyond their actual statistical population and bleeding muslims on and on and on despite the Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese who just enjoy and contribute nothing but positive impacts
Chinese new year soon, thousands of people all over the country will be descending on London to share and enjoy, just watched a Police programme a British ? muslim policeman stopped chasing 14 year old child because he was fasting. and could not continue ?
He should eat more pork pies. He would be able to run all day.
It should be a national scandal as it would be if it was anyone else but a muslim
I was invited to run a class in a primary school in Luton a little while ago, a competition, they had to be in teams of four and choose a team name, there were at least three white kids in the class, thats Luton for you, the most disappointing aspect though was when they chose team names, they were all arguing who could call themselves Taliban and the teacher did nothing to challenge that, 6 year olds ?where did they get this mindset from ? so called “moderate” muslim families ? hmmmmmmm
Not exactly similar but…I was in an Irish bar in the US where they had a dessert (menu, so printed) called ‘Irish Car Bomb Creme Brulee’. Still can’t believe it.
Noted a bit of a debate from Parliament on Feb 7th. The BBC covered it and it was on earlier.
It was about how beastly the Israelis are being to vulnerable Palestinian “children”-aren`t they all?
Louise Ellmann fought the good fight and tried to give them all a few stats, but all the lefty. Libs and SNP mobs were having none of that-even shouting round her on occasion.
What struck me is that the debate had been called for by Sarah Champion-Rotherham MP who did bugger all about the child SEXUAL ABUSE of underage girls in her own Labour Party fiefdom, whilst Muslims were doing it over a period of YEARS.
So Israel can`t be other than wrong to arrest potential terrorists and thugs that threaten their state and citizens?-and this is argued by the MP who let Muslims rape hundreds of white girls and right under her nose in the local childrens homes as she did nothing?
Who else to put the Israelis right? And not a drop of self-awareness, humility or irony whatsoever. But that`s the BBC and labour for you, anti Semites to their rotten cores.
You are falling for their sick agenda: They dote upon racism and yet what is hating a Jew if not out and out racism ?
I believe King Karl Marx was a Jew which must mean they ain’t all to be commended for their contribution to humankind. There– I’ve gone all PC now. Of course I meant to write mankind but the backlash would be too much and I have a family to consider.
Think his dad forced himto renounce his Judaism, so he`d prosper as a Christian. Thanks for nothing Mr Marx Snr!
@Holly, Sarah Champion wasn’t nominated or elected until November 2012
So rather it was the Rotherham Labour and MP Denis MacShane that failed and was complicit in the horror.
“From January 2011 Andrew Norfolk of The Times pressed the issue, reporting in 2012 that the abuse in the town was widespread, and that the police and council had known about it for over ten years.”
Sarah Champion was censured by her own party for speaking up in the Sun
Oxfam? Save the Children? International Rescue and MSF etc?
Miliband, Brendan Cox, Caroline Thomson(ex BBC topnob)?
Trump and his shithole countries like Yemen and Haiti? What`s underage and when, and where?
Popcorn at the ready, the likes of Malloch Brown, Red Nose and Children In Need ought to be coming through soon.
Splendid-to get their own Weinstein moment as the fusewire is lit and seems to be near the cracker barrels of all that the smug left have been covering up.
Wear a Christmas jumper for save the children when the dosh goes to Sudan whose corrupt regime have stolen billions fron their oil revenues, well done STC
A must see about how and where the Swedish media are going with all their unpleasant issues that need ameliorating before the elections in the autumn.
This is where we`re going surely. And it`ll be an EU/Soros tactic to snuff us out.
Feed their kids while they steal the money and spend it on guns
And they have found some white men using prositutes in Haiti, Papa Doc and 30 000 dead suddenly forgotten
And the truly sick thing about this is : they assume white men should know better which assumes that the corrupt murdering black run regimes around the world do not… that is true racism
Sunday evenings you used to be able to relax with a nice, untaxing dollop of period drama telly. There were loads of them and thoroughly entertaining they were too. Not any more.
I can’t sit back and enjoy the tv these days, I find I’m forever waiting for the ham fisted pc message to come by and wallop me over the head.
I’ve never seen Call the Midwife, but I’ve heard that they’ve introduced a black character and she’s encountered “racism”. So, I thought, I’ll give that one a miss. Endeavour on ITV; what could go possibly go wrong? Plenty, as it’s turned out!
The early tales of younger Morse have taken us into the 1960’s. Poor Asians are fleeing Africa and have come to Blighty and, of course, are encountering vile racists. I’m sitting there listening to two pretend 1960’s policemen discussing how awful Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of blood” speech is. “I thought we’d got rid of them brown shirts” snarled one. “They’ll always be there under their rock” grunted the other.
FFS all I wanted was a little light nostalgic entertainment. I don’t want to be endlessly lectured by trendy left wing pricks who aren’t fit to kiss Enoch Powell’s arse.
I reckon that before the programmes are aired they should have an announcer warning us about the content.
“The following programme was devised by a bunch of pseudo-intellectual liberals. It’s historically illiterate, badly written and incredibly patronising. We apologise for any offence caused.”
And in the meantime…
Bring back Miss Marple!
Try Father Ted on More4.
Jeff, fear ye not…
This gorgeous series was on in the eighties, and now having read the book, and watched it all on YouTube, I feel like I’ve seen a real programme, with everything we need to see that they did things different thirty years ago, and we’re better off for it!
Enjoy a truly marvellous six episodes for free on YouTube – I guarantee you’ll be soaked in nostalgia and good feelings!
Rejoice, a God has looked around the Earth and realised that there is more than one way to dress as a women. The memo was lost around the 7th Century … #ReleaseTheAbayaMemo
Saudi women should not have to wear the abaya, a long loose-fitting robe used to cover their bodies in public, a top religious cleric has said. {}
Saudi women are currently required to wear the garment by law.
As BBC fawn over Dubai as it wants to be the miracle of the technological world … no mention of this wonder of the World being built on modern slavery and mostly men doing the work at low prices with no protection – Gender Work Gap?
Thought the BBC would at least mention the men that have suffered to build the modern Islamic miracle.
@Marky We’ve got someone saying Theresa Villiers claims a lot of expenses
Villiers claimed £140k in 3 years of expenses compared with:
McDonnell’s £162k in one year alone
Corbyn’s £167k in one year alone
Abbott’s £174k in one year alone
In tribute to Emmanuel Goldstein-top Makem!
Such is how this thread was topped and tailed.
Whatever happens to old posts like this?
In any case, like to feel that maybe the “last one to post” may yet get the glory that the first footies do.
Let`s hope SOME of us don`t just go off chasing rabbits on the new thread-these old ones are worth a visit like an old mates grave.
One hundred yellow ribbons around this old oak tree-let it not be forgotten. Dare to dream that this post may well be the “Last Post” tonight
Women will bear brunt of survival tasks as climate warms, warns Hillary Clinton
Indy ran the story 3 days ago .. no one noticed it hardly.
The Mooselims are taking over Canada

Why you should love your ‘saggy boobs’
More utter crap from snowflakes (of the more important ethnicity) from the soft porn dept of the BBC. Well, I always felt bad that my thighs and bum were bigger than a supermodel’s – suck it up, and grow up! And BBC stop giving a platform to these professional whingers. They should take a look at people who have real problems in life.
I think of criminally misdirected billions and one name pops up again and again…